Is it possible to drink infusion of rosehip. How many days, how often and in what dosage you can drink a decoction of richness? Recipe for concentrated ragger of rose hip roots for the preparation of therapeutic bath

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Fruits of wild rose, or rosehip - a popular drug. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C, increases resistance to disease, improves appetite, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. In addition, Rosehip strengthens the walls of the vessels and increases blood clotting. In medicine, as a rule, its fruits are used, from which you can make teas, sweet syrups or alcohol tinctures. For external use, ointments and rose-based oils are manufactured.

Indications for receiving rosehip

Rosehip helps well with the following diseases:

  • anemia when its regular reception increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • hypertension - Here Rosehip gently reduces pressure;
  • diseases of the urogenital system and gallbladder, under which it is effective due to the urine and choleretic action;
  • avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • in the external use of rosehip helps to heal wounds, abrasions, burns - for these purposes oil or ointment make it.

The list of disassemblies at which rosehip is useful can continue. But, like any medicine, he has his own contraindications. Overdose this means is also dangerous, which is why cannot drink a lot of rosehip.

Who should not take a rosehip

Fruits of wild rose are contraindicated for people prone to the following diseases:

  • hypotension because it is harmful to lower the already low pressure;
  • heart disease and vessels, such as thrombophlebitis, arterial hypertension, endocarditis, heart failure;
  • constipation;
  • peptic diseases, gastritis - rosehip can irritate the walls of the stomach, as it contains acid and is capable only to aggravate the disease (however, there is an opinion that the rosehip is just strengthening the gastrointestinal tract, but not all doctors agree with this);
  • hypertension, if we are talking about alcohol tincture (rosehip in other forms of hypertensive can be).

Why you can not drink a lot of rosehip, and what it can lead

First, take the punch of the roshovnik inside, especially concentrated, you need carefully. It is advisable to drink it with water, and be sure to rinse the mouth. Since the rosehip contains a lot of acids, it can adversely affect the dental enamel, or the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Secondly, in the overdose of this medication, the liver may seriously suffer. In large quantities, the rosehip is able to even cause the jaundice of non-infectious nature.

Another delicate problem is that this tool is strongly fastened, so if you go through a rosehip, in the end you can get constipation.

It is impossible not to say about an allergic reaction. Like other plants containing vitamin C, the rosehip is an allergen. It can not be drinking babies, and older children can take it only in small doses. But even adults who have not previously used a rosehip must follow their condition, and with a negative reaction of the body immediately stop accepting. Under the overdose of rosehip can cause severe allergies, including rashes on the skin. You must also protect the kidneys - the uncontrolled reception of this medicine can "plant" them, and in rare severe cases - lead to renal failure.

In conclusion, it must be said that a rosehip is an excellent tool donated to people by nature itself, but it must be treated carefully - as, however, with any medicines. The competent reception of the rosehip is possible only after consulting with the doctor. If you perceive this plant is not like a panacea, but as a good help in the fight against various diseases - the result will surely please.


Wild rose, as elsewhere called a rosehip, is popular in medicine, when there were various diseases from her fruits and leaves. Modern fans of getting rid of diseases at home also use rich berries and parts of the stem. It is worth knowing how to treat the plant to learn to benefit from properties.

The benefits of Roshovnika

The healing properties of the rosehip lies in its composition. In the fruits there are many ascorbic acid - natural antioxidant. The bactericidal effect is achieved due to the rich content of vitamins A, E, B, K, R. In addition to the fruits, use roots, fruits, flowers and petals to cure arthritis, anemia. Out of plants make ointment from dermatitis, ulcers, frostbite. Rosehip - useful properties and contraindications: Berries are treated with gall-eyed disease, stimulate the operation of the sex glands, reduce the bleeding of the gums, reduce the fragility of the vessels.

Rosehip action on the body

Before you begin to treat a plant, it is worth find out what is useful than a rosehip for the body, which there are contraindications. Berries remove inflammation, improve the work of the intestine and the stomach. In addition, the more helps the plant:

  • bactericidal property;
  • diuretic, choleretic effect;
  • soluble property in relation to cholesterol reduces the possibility of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • improves the fire of bones during fractures;
  • the oil from fruits heals wounds, ulcers, cracks;
  • ensures harmful malaria, it is beneficial to work intestinal and liver.

Decoration of Ryshovnika

Many are interested in how boiled rose hips is useful. The decoction serves as the most popular way of use, because it raises immunity. Before taking, you should consult with your doctor to determine the contraindications and not to reduce useful properties. To make tea, it is necessary in 20 g of dried leaves or fruits pour 200 ml of boiling water, pour into a thermos and insist a couple of hours. Another recipe is the soaking of raw materials with cool water overnight, in the morning - bringing to a boil and insist.

What is the helpful of the rho rose? Trech atherosclerosis, cold, endocrine system, increases metabolism. Due to the reception of the decoction, cholecystitis, hypovitaminosis with and p, nephritis, hepatitis are treated. The drug with beneficial properties is able to heal asthma, intestines, liver, hollow bleeding. They drink a medicine for 100 ml twice a day, pre-identifying contraindications from the attending physician.

Rogishnik's root

Not only leaves or fruit plants have useful properties. Here, from what a dog drink, using the root:

  • inflammation of the bladder, kidney disease, stones;
  • muscle cramps, weakness;
  • dieseneria, malaria;
  • gout, rheumatism;
  • skin diseases.

For cooking you can buy ready-made raw materials in a pharmacy or dig roots yourself, clearing and drying them. Recipe: take 37 g of raw materials, pour 400 ml of hot water into glass dishes, close the lid, wait a quarter of an hour on the steam bath. Insist, shutting up warm blankets, 5 hours. After the filtering, drinking half a cup of half an hour before eating four times per day. Drug is preparing for a day. Course - 3 weeks.

Shipovnik syrup

If the raw materials are not harvested independently, you can purchase ready-made syrup in the pharmacy. It contains in the composition of fruits and sugar, drinks according to the instructions. What is useful than rosehip syrup:

  • protection against hypovitaminosis;
  • treatment of pneumonia, bronchi;
  • liver cleaning;
  • removes toxins after long-term treatment;
  • enhances immunity;
  • stops bleeding in the uterus, lungs;
  • it is used in post-developing period;
  • prevention of cancer.

Robust syrup has a positive effect on blood clotting, treats jade, restores normal pressure, improves eyesight. Doctors love the plant for beneficial properties in strengthening bones, developing collagen, treatment of stress. The child with a syrup or compote can be cured from worms. You can prepare syrup yourself from equal amounts of berries and sugar. Fruits scroll, pour boiling water, cook a third hour, pour sugar syrup, cook another half an hour.


The benefits and harm of rosehip for the body are in the plant at equal positions. It is worth knowing that rosehip - useful properties and contraindications have equal. Do not use the plant at the following factors:

  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • after applying in the oral cavity it needs to be rinsed with water;
  • heart disease;
  • failures in blood circulation;
  • alcohol tincture cannot be taken hypotonized, and water - hypertensive;
  • long-term use carries contraindications in the form of harm to the liver;
  • dermatological contraindications;
  • constipation.

Application of richness

There are many factors, from which a rosehip helps:

  • colds;
  • pressure in men and women;
  • in the treatment of kidneys, liver;
  • when weight loss;
  • during oncology.

Broth of richness during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the popularity of the plant, the question arises of what is useful for a rosehip for women. The decoction of it is safe during pregnancy, so it can be safely drunk in a position for treating influenza, colds, increasing immunity. Contraindications for receiving a syrup are for pregnant women, so as not to flush useful trace elements from the body of the fetus, do not harm allergies. Nursing mother can take a hip brawl.

An important factor in the application of the plant to strengthen women's health is the disposal of it with the help of it from bleeding in the uterus - they drink a decoction. The fruit oil is used for cosmetic purposes, used for hair, treats inflammation of mucous membranes, dermatitis, cracks on nipples during feeding. Use for a female body canni, leaves, fruits - for general recovery, good well-being.

Rosehip for weight loss

Excellent rose hips for weight loss, because it is actively involved in the withdrawal of toxins from the body. Berries improve the work of the stomach during regular use. Slimming tea is taken: 100 g berries pour boiling water, insist the night. Boiling drug can not not kill vitamins. Drink 5 times a day 100 ml. If you make from the bag of berries kissel with the addition of starch, it turns out a viscous drink that reduces the feeling of hunger.

Rosehip with a cold

The most useful means is a rose hips with a cold, which can be drinking adults and children. For cooking you need to take 25 g of dry berries, crushing, pour the glass of boiling water. Cooking the medicine for 9 minutes, after which it needs to be insisted in a warm place, strain. Use with honey or sugar. To increase efficiency in decoction, you can add raspberry or black currant.

Rosehip and pressure

It is known that rosehip lowers pressure, so it is used with increased readings. It is necessary for 25 g of dry fruits to pour 400 ml of boiling water, heated on low heat for 9 minutes, cool, strain. Drinking with honey twice a day by 50 ml, stored the mixture is allowed in the refrigerator. To increase the efficiency in the complex with tea, the juice of black and red rowan is drinking 30 ml, if there is no contraindications.

Wild-growing rosehip, a representative of the family of rosetic, is a storeroom of the most valuable useful substances, so necessary for the person to maintain his health. As medicinal raw materials, this plant uses absolutely all of its parts - roots and twigs, leaves, inflorescences and berries. Therapeutic properties of rosehip are recognized as not only folk, but also official modern medicine. There is a lot of botanical varieties of this plant - they are numbered more than 100 itemswhich grow throughout Russia.

To collect a rosehip, or as it is also called - wild Rose, ripens in September-October, only ripe fruits are used when bilking berries, which, as a rule, are suspended.

Rosehip roots digging along autumn, and young shoots and twigs collect early spring.


The most valuable property for the body of a person who possesses a rosehip is that it contains in itself in fairly large quantities vitamin C. In addition, the plant is rich polysaccharides, organic substances and low content Vitamins group A, K, E, B, and R. Apple and citric acid, pectin, lycopene, phytoncides, tanning substances, iron, calcium, magnesium and mass of other trace elements - all this gives us a rosehip. Parts of the plant - berries, roots or branches are used to prepare bravery, infusions, alcohol tinctures, medicinal bravery.

Rosehip-based drinks have a very small caloric content of 100 grams of the product - only 19 kcal, so you can use it without fear for gravity.

Despite the fact that the drink contains a little calorie, it is excellent bodriti and tones, heals even a strongly weakened organism. The drug properties of the wild rose are used to treat internal diseases, when recovering forces after a long cold, to stimulate the protective immune forces of the body and even for hair.

However, take medicines based on wild rose needed with knowledge. So, for example, this plant may ambiguously act on the opening of the intestine - if we take preparations based on berries, then we can say that the rosehip is low. If the root of the plant is used for decoction - its active substances slow down the production of bile, resulting in such a drink on the contrary, fastened.

Benefit and harm

All parts of the plant found their use for restoring and preventing human health. Indications for its application are available in the following cases:

  • restoration of normal physiological liver work after removing the gallbladder or under cholecystitis;
  • stimulating the enzymatic operation of the gastrointestinal tract due to the reduction or with a joy of bile;
  • the beneficial effect on force and endurance of the heart muscle, normalization of blood pressure;
  • stimulation of the production of erythrocytes, increasing the level of hemoglobin, dissolving atherosclerotic formations on the walls of the vessels;
  • reduces pain and reduces salt deposits for gout;
  • normalizes insulin production by pancreas in diabetes;

  • is a means for the prevention of vitamin and mineral failure, stimulates the work of immunity;
  • reduces the risk of incidence of cold, reduces inflammatory processes, has an antobacterial effect;
  • activates the total tone of the body, mental and physical activity;
  • reduces cholesterol levels, improves metabolic processes of the organism;
  • helps to reduce weight and clean slag;
  • normalizes the operation of urinary and sexual systems.

Zavorovnik is universal with many pathological conditions of organs and systems. However, despite the entire spectrum of positive properties and positive feedback, as well as patients, this vegetable raw material has its own side effects. Contraindications for use in his following:

  • due to the large amount of vitamin C is contraindicated in the ulcer of the stomach and gastritis with increased acidity;
  • with thrombophlebitis and increased tendency to thrombosis, rosehip increases the risk of developing these states;
  • endocarditis, pericarditis and other inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle require a cautious approach to the appointment of such medicines;
  • liver diseases can strengthen their current when taking impact doses of vitamin C, noncommunicable jaundice can develop under its action;
  • allergic and the atopic reactions of the body can be provoked by the reception of rose-based preparations;
  • with caution, it is worth approaching the purpose of medicinal bravery and tinctures in the instability of blood pressure;
  • those who damaged enamel on the teeth, it is not recommended to take rosehip preparations, since the acid contained in them contributes to even greater destruction of the protective enamel, which will cause sharp pain.

In disruption of the work of organs or systems in the body, a thorough examination and advice of the doctor is necessary. Independent use of plant origin can bring not only the benefit, but also to cause unwanted consequences.

With breastfeeding

Women after childbirth, at a time when they have reinforced lactation, boiled tea from Rosehip or its infusion can be used without fears only if it is known that there is no allergic intolerance to this component. If the newborn baby suffers from constipation, the use of a rosehip will contribute to the election of the chair in a child. In addition, the decoction of rosehip will help a woman to restore their body after pregnancy and childbirth - He quickly normalizes the balance of vitamins and trace elements, will raise the total tone of the body, give strength and vigor, will strengthen the immune system.

It is noted that the use of decoction and informations of the fruit of wild rose enhances lactation, improves metabolic processes in the body and restores the hormonal background of the giving birth woman. The use of rosehip helps in the prevention of mastitis and inflammatory processes in the female body.


  • Compote vitamin - 10-15 dry fruits to smoke, add a handful of dried fruits and pour 1500 ml of water, put the container on fire and add three tablespoons of honey to the existing ingredients. From the moment of boiling, remove the container from the fire and give the decoction;
  • Syrup - of 15-20 berries, filled with 500 ml, boiling water prepare decoction, after which it is filtered through a sieve and dissolve in it a glass of sugar sand. The finished syrup is clocked in a bottle or container with a dense cover and stored in a cold dark place.

How does the pressure affect?

The fruits of wild rose, being natural pantry, have a beneficial effect on arterial pressure and the entire blood system of the person. But you need to know how to properly use the Rosehip power to not harm the body. So, the decoction of rosehip with the addition of alcohol increases the indicators in hypotension, and the infusion, boiled on the water, lowers it at high pressure.

To achieve sustainable results, infusion or tincture course, within 2-3 weeks, Taking no more than a quarter of a glass of medication per day before meal, because it contributes to the strengthening of appetite. After a small break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

The most important thing is not to confuse the methods of cooking medication, taking into account that, elevated or reduced arterial pressure to avoid unpleasant consequences.


  • In equal proportions, take the berries of the rosehip, hawthorn, cranberries and black rowan, the resulting composition is poured with boiling water at the rate of 250 ml on three spoons of a mixture of berries. Insist in a warm place for at least an hour, profile and take half a glass per hour before meals;
  • Vitamin tea to strengthen vessels - will need 7 berries of wild rose, 5 leaf leaves or mint leaves, 2 dry prunes, lemon zest. All components are grinding and pour boiling water in the brewing kettle. After 30 minutes we get a fragrant and useful drink.

How to boo?

The collected rosehip fruits is important to dry in the oven - it is necessary to monitor the process in order not to overcover them to the blackened state. The champs are prepared from dried berries, which before use you need to rinse well with water and smash, you can also pierce several times with a needle every berry.

Do not be afraid that needles or seeds can be saturated from fruits - the finished drink before use is always filtered through fine sieve.

The fruits of wild roses are poured with boiling water and give it in heat. It is possible to do this in the thermos, as it retains a sufficiently high temperature of boiling water for a long time. Berodes are not recommended on open fire, because all the vitamins and useful components will be collapsed.

If you decide to cook a decoction of wild rose fruits, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • for every 250 ml of water you need to take no more than 10 berries of the medium size;
  • the water temperature should not reach the boil, it is best if it is brought to 80 degrees, that is, with the appearance of the first bubbles, the water heating is stopped;
  • the end time of the beam should be at least 8 hours, it is best to pour berries from the evening, and in the morning you will have a ready-made decoction that can be used throughout the day;
  • the thermos with a metal flask for cooking is not suitable, since the acids contained in the berries will begin to react with the metal, causing oxidation processes.

In the wild rose, healing all parts of the plant, but you need to be able to prepare them correctly. The preparation procedure is simple, if you know some features:

  • Decoration from Kornvishism - Clean, dry and shredded to the state of the powder roots of rosehip take in the amount of one tablespoon with a slide and poured half liters of boiling water. Tightly closed the capacitance with a lid, insisting the composition of 20 minutes, after which they are filled through finely sieve. The resulting means is effective in the urolithic disease of the kidneys and the urinary system, chronic cystitis is treated, the means is shown to use in heart disease and vascular circulatory disorders;
  • Broth of young twigs - Fresh young shoots and sprigs of rosehip are assembled, dried and crushed. On one tablespoon of raw materials there are 500 milliliters of boiling water, the twigs need to boil 5-10 minutes on slow heat, after which it is to give the brave for at least an hour. The decoction is filtering and take half a glass per day, dividing it into three receptions. The remedy has proven itself in arthritis, arthosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, and also has a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • Decoration from petals - Two tablespoons of dried wild rose petals pour half liters boiling water and insist in warm place for about 30 minutes, and even better - 12 hours. It is necessary to take such a decoction at 100 ml three times a day to improve digestion and enhance immunity. The decoction removes nausea with toxicosis in pregnant women.

You can prepare medicines from the rosehip, combining it with other components to enhance the useful properties:

  • Rosehip and hawthorn.For the preparation of the drink you need to take two tablespoons of the fruit of wild rose and one tablespoon of the fruit of a hawthorn. Berries poured three glasses of boiling water. It is best to do it for the night in the thermos. Ingredients insist all night, and in the morning the effect of infusion is taken by half a cup of twice a day. The drink helps well with pain in the heart, increased arterial pressure, well soothes the nervous system before bedtime;
  • Fruits of wild rose and pine needles. The composition is used with elevated arterial pressure. Take the berries of the wild rose, the onion shoulder husks and the pine needle in proportion 2: 2: 5. All ingredients are folded into the enameled container and pour cold water in the amount of one liter. In slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Then remove from the fire and put the brave under the lid for two hours. Drink Profile and take a quarter cup before eating three times a day. The course of treatment is at least 4 months. But you need to drink a decoction according to the scheme - to take two days, to refrain from reception for two days;

  • Rosehip and Oats.used to remove from the liver of intoxication products after diseases or poisoning. For cooking, tamper take two tablespoons of oats and four tablespoons of a rose hips. All this is crushed in a coffee grinder and poured a liter of boiling water, boiling on a water bath for 20 minutes, after which they give the composition under the lid until it cooled. The fluid decoction takes the glass three times a day in the morning and evening before meals. The reception rate is designed for two weeks;
  • Uzber from Ryovnika They are taken both in heat and cold, from which its properties will not change the body's immune forces. They prepare it as follows: 15-20 berries rinse and pour water for an hour, after which the wake-up fruits put in the pan and pour half liters of water into the pan. I bring to a boil and immediately remove from the fire. Uzvar insist for a day, after which they filter, heating a little and add honey to make a fragrant vitamin drink.

Modern medicine today combines folk and traditional methods of treatment, so brazers and vintage rosehip are often combined with the main course of therapy.

On how to brew a rosehip, see the next video.

How to use?

In order for the use of wild rose fruits to be with a tangible benefit for the body, you need to know how to take medicines prepared with their use:

  • decorations and rose hips take a course from two to four weeks;
  • there is advisable between the receptions of the courses during the month;
  • wild rose-based drugs can be drunk on a day three times, sometimes - only in the morning and in the evening;
  • reception of medicines is best to do before eating, as the rosehip is able to light appetite, for this reason, after eating it is undesirable;
  • on an empty stomach, any drugs are not recommended, since because of the elevated content of acids, it is possible to obtain irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach walls;
  • during pregnancy, drinks should be drinking with caution, since 10-15 berries contain a daily rate of vitamin C, so it is important not to overdo it with a dosage and not to increase the liver load.

As you can see, the ways of using this plant are not so complex. The most important thing is to ensure that the decoctions and infusions are prepared with the use of high-quality and fresh raw materials whose shelf life is no longer than two years.

How much can you keep a decoction?

Fresh decoction of any part of a wild rose plant is recommended to store no more than a day in a cool, protected from direct sunlight location. You can not use spoiled or old drinks, you will not be able to use in them, and they will completely apply harm the digestion. In addition, drinks need to protect the oxygen from accessing them, as it leads to the oxidative processes of all components.

For the same reason for oxidation Cannot be prepared and keep brave risks in metal containers - You should use a glass or clay container. If you have cooked syrup or jam from fruits or wild rose petals - store the finished product in a dark and cool place with a lid tightly adjacent to the dishes.

Use it preferably during the year, and even better - for six months. Only under the condition of proper storage products from Rosehip will be able to give you all the beneficial properties of this plant and improve your body.

Rosehip is a wild bush with healthy fruits. As a decorative plant, it is grown very rarely. For the fact that there is a ride hips, many people know: it strengthens immunity, makes the body resistant to different diseases, treats chronic and acute inflammatory processes. For treatment, to prepare tincture and decoctions, the root and rose berries are used.

Useful properties of richness

Robber berries contain more than lemons and. This is a good natural antioxidant. In Rosehip, a large number of vitamins such as a, r, e, k, b2. Among its useful properties is a bactericidal effect.

By the way, not all rosehip varieties are equally useful. For example, a dog rosehip does not carry anything useful in itself.

When creating drugs, they use roots, fruits and even rosehip flowers. The funds obtained from these berries are used to treat arthritis, anemia, diseases of the genitourinary system and others. Mazi makes out of the rosehip, the outdoor use of which helps to treat dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite and psoriasis.

The beneficial properties of rosehip berries are used in the treatment of gallstone disease. Also, the rosehip is able to stimulate the functions of the genital glands, stop bleeding, reduce the fragility of the vessels.

Rosehip oil is used to heal abrasion and shallow cracks, as well as treasure trophic ulcers and clutches of nipples in women who are breastfeeding.

Rosehip tea drinks in preventive purposes during the flu epidemic. Mixing with honey, it is drinking and patients with respiratory and viral infections. This speeds up recovery and facilitates the manifestation of symptoms and complications.

Contraindications for the use of rosehip

It is necessary to be very careful using a rosehip, the contraindications have these, at first glance, harmless and, as shown by the item earlier, very useful berries. Especially neat should be people with gastritis or ulcers, as well as in cases of increased acidity.

Very concentrated in the infusion of roses badly affects the health of the teeth. Because of this, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with clean water after each use of infusion.

Rosehip is contraindicated and cores, and people with a tendency to form thrombov. People with elevated arterial pressure cannot be used alcohol tinnistant tinctures (in general, it is not necessary to use alcohol tinctures - alcohol is harmful and dangerous, no rosehip cannot fix it), and the hypotoniks are water tincture.

If you have long to take drugs from the rosehip, it can badly affect the health of the liver, up to the appearance of non-infectious jaundice.

People who are prone to constituents should also be very careful to use a rose hips. From this plant, their condition can only worsen.

Rosehip and pregnancy

Pregnant women need to be especially careful to use rosehip, benefits and harm from it can be equally large. But if there are no special contraindications, this plant will become a real find for future mothers. To maintain your body in good shape, you need to take tea with a rosehip every day. It will have a well-fastened effect on the body of pregnant.

But, as they say, is good what is in moderation. If you overdo and drink brazers too much, then there may be a disorder of the work of many internal organs.

Slimming with a rosehip

Lovers of various wonderful means that think that by using tea from the rosehip, easily get rid of excess weight, mistaken (as, however, lovers of other "wonderful" techniques, such as). It will not be able to completely remove extra kilograms, but in this process actively participates. Fruits from rosehip are able to improve the operation of the stomach, remove toxins and slags, as well as other substances that poison the body.

As a result, if you regularly take a tinnitus tincture, you can get rid of extra kilograms and remove slags from the body. But hope for one tea will be very optimistic.

To get the maximum effect in terms of discharge of extra kilograms, you need to make a rose rose. How to brew it for these purposes? As one of the options, we can offer such a recipe: you need to fill three tablespoons of berries liter boiling water and insist all night. It is impossible to boil in no case, it will kill all useful properties. Take tincture 5 times a day by half a cup.

Collecting Robing

Rosehip can be bought, and you can collect yourself. If you are not looking for easy ways or trust only yourself, then the information is on - for you.

Collect the fruits of the rosehip is necessary after full ripening. During this period, the berries contain the most healing substances. It should be borne in mind that different varieties of this plant ripen at different times, so we will restrict ourselves to the indication of a rather wide range: this happens in August-October.

So that the fruits of Rosehip only benefited, collect berries better with bushes that grow in environmentally friendly places. It is impossible to use the fruits of plants that grow near the road or in populated areas. Turning berries is better with cups and frozen. And clean them from these residues is better after drying, then it is much easier to do.

How to dry the fruits of a rosehip?

For a start, the harvest must be sorted out and throwing sick berries. Wash the fruits do not need anyway. You can dry whole berries, or cut them on halves.

You can dry the fruit in different ways. The easiest to use the oven. To do this, it must be warm up to 40 o C, approximately an hour to put a baking sheet with one layer of rosehip, and then increase the temperature for another 20 o C and dry 8-10 hours. But there is another option: make a temperature of 100 ° C for 5-10 minutes, after which it is reduced to 70-75 about C and to dry.

To dry high quality fruits, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of lags from the oven and constant movement of air. To do this, you can leave the oven door open or constantly stir fruit.

If you plan to dry a rosehip in a Russian oven, then lay the fruits in it no earlier than two or three hours after it was drunk. Although we suspect that if you have a Russian oven in working condition, then you are most likely not the Internet and you can not read this article, but suddenly ...

To dry the rose hips, you can also use a aircraft or electric power plant.

If the rose rose is properly dried, then the skin on the berries does not occur during squeezing, and spring. But the overwhelmed fruits will crumble.

Storage of richness fruit

When dry fruits, remove the sewers. Then place the rose robber in a wooden box, a bag of paper, fabric or in a cardboard box. For two or three days, humidity levels at room temperature. After that, the fruits should be shifted to tin or glass jars for further storage. Cover cans do not need to close, it is better to tie gauze so that the air is circulated, and the fruits are not mold. So you can store a richness, therapeutic properties, at the same time, it will not lose about three years.

We use rosehip: how to brew fruit correctly?

As mentioned earlier, to save the beneficial properties of the rosehip, it is necessary to dry it correctly. Therefore, do not try to dry it in the sun - useful substances are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet. You also need to be able to brew it correctly.

To prepare a drink from a rosehip, you need to wash 1 tablespoon of dried berries, crush them and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Peel 8-10 minutes, then leave for some place in a warm place, later - strain. In such a decoction you can add honey or sugar.

From the rosehip you can cook kissel. To do this, it is necessary to chop 100 g of dry berries, pour 2 liters of boiling water and cook on low heat for 15 minutes, after - strain. To the resulting decoction add 200 g of sugar, 0.5 g of citric acid or pieces of fresh lemon. Dilute 50 g of starch in cold water and pour into the decoction. The resulting mixture to bring to a boil.

Rosehip contains many useful people of substances. In therapeutic and preventive purposes, orange-red fruits are more often used - a meatful blossom with small nuts inside. What is the benefit of a rosehip for the body, how much can you drink on the day of infusions or vitamine fruits to improve the overall state, increase the resistance of the body, accelerate the recovery process with ailment? These questions most often occur during the period of colds (in autumn, in winter). Now we'll figure it out with this, as well as clarify how to make the infusion and decoction of rose hips from dry fruits .

Rosehip, chemical composition of fruits

Nutritional value of 100 g of ripe fruits:

  • Calorie - 109 kcal (dry calorie - 284 kcal)
  • Water - 60 g
  • Carbohydrates - 22.4 g
  • Food fibers - 10.8 g
  • Proteins - 1.6 g
  • Fats - 0.7 g

Rosehip fruits are the pantry beneficial substances of the human body. They contain a whole complex of vitamins:

  • Ascorbic acid (helps to increase the organism resistance to viruses, infections, decrease in cholesterol, strengthening vessels). The fruits of some species contain it 10 times more than black currant, 100 times more than apples. Only 5 - 7 berries contain the daily need of this vitamin for an adult.
  • Carotine (Provitamin A). It helps maintain eye health, visual sharpness, reduces the risk of "chicken blindness".
  • Vitamins of group B (normalize the work of the nervous system, improve the condition of the hair, leather).
  • Vitamins: P (helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, in the rosehip the largest number among all berries, fruits); K (prevents the development of osteoporosis); E (improves skin condition).

The fetus is:

  • Sugar (glucose, sucrose, fructose, xylose).
  • Organic acids (linoleic, linolen, oleic, lemon, apple, palmitic, stearinovaya).
  • Pectines, carotenoids, flavonoids (Kempferol, Quercetin).
  • Tubils, fatty oil (in seeds).
  • Macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium).
  • Microelements (selenium, copper, zinc, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, manganese).

The benefits of a hips for the human body

Thanks to this richest chemical composition, the fruits of barbed shrub have many useful properties. With their help, the reserves of vitamins are replenished, increase the body's resistance to harmful environmental factors. As a healing agent, supporting health, rosehip berries help:

  • Strengthen the whole organism, raise the tone, increase immunity.
  • Get rid of colds, influenza, cough.
  • Reduce cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the walls of the vessels, treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  • Strengthen the nervous system. Clear the body from toxins, slags, carcinogens.
  • Improve appetite, digestion, suppress inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach, treat diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulceration, 12 pans.
  • Eliminate menstrual, head, dental, articular pain.
  • Get rid of problems with the liver, kidneys, bull, bladder.
  • Stop bleeding, increase the speed of tightening various wounds, steepness of bones during fractures.
  • Prevent the development of many colds, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, urogenital system.

Rosehip Fruits - Contraindications

Given the composition and properties of the rosehip in some cases, it is better to refrain from use. Contraindications such:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • The acute phase of gastritis and peptic ulcer (especially if acidity is increased).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Increased blood coagulation, thrombophlebitis, heart failure, endocarditis.

If pressure disorders are observed, it is necessary to consider such a nuance:

  • At elevated pressure, it is recommended to take the infusion of a rosehip, and the alcohol tincture is contraindicated.
  • Under reduced pressure - the other way around. You can alcoholic tincture, and the water infusion is harmful.

Rosehip fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, so long-term use of large quantities can disrupt carbohydrate metabolism, cause the formation of the formation of the pancreas of insulin, disrupt the liver. The benefits of a rosehip for the body is indisputable, but it is important not to overdo in order not to cause harm instead of good the body. How much can you drink a rosehip in time? Even absolutely healthy people do not recommend consuming infusions and decoctions. Drink healing drinks needed courses.

How much can i drink rosehip per day

Fully matured bright red rosehip fruits

Remember, the benefit of our health brings only drinks made from high-quality raw materials.

Mostly, the fruits are used in the form of infusion, the decoction is also prepared syrup, alcohol tincture. How to make boarants and vintage rosehips correctly, how many of them can be drunk every day, not fearing to harm the body? General rules for cooking and use such:

  • Decorations and infusions are made in closed enamel, glass or porcelain dishes made of crushed fruits.
  • Before use, the drinks are carefully filled with several layers of gauze to eliminate the ingress of small porcelines from fruits that can irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Store ready-made drinks you can not more than 2 days in the refrigerator.
  • Drinking the infusions are better through the tube or after each reception rinse the oral cavity with clean water so as not to damage the dental enamel.
  • Drink recommended by a course daily within 1 month (except individual appointments). Break between reception courses at least 2 weeks.

Infusion of rosehip - how to make and drink

For general strengthening of the body, assistance with most health problems are recommended to use infusion of berries. How to make the infusion from the rosehip, so that the healing substances are preserved? How much useful to drink? Cooking in different ways.

Drink infusion 2 - 3 times a day at half a glass before meals, you can add or sugar - this will not reduce the benefit.

How to make a decoction of rose hips from dry fruit

Make a decoction is also not difficult:

  1. 100 g of dry berries (4 s. L.) Frost, pour 1 l. Water boil 5 - 7 minutes.
  2. Insist 2 - 3 hours, pre-hooking, strain.

You can cook a decoction of whole dry fruits. In this case, boil 10 minutes and leave in the thermos for 8 to 10 hours. I like to use exactly the whole berries.

How much can you drink a rose rose per day? Just as the above is indicated for the use of infusion. In addition to consuming inside, it is used for baths in articular pains, rheumatism, lower limb paralysis. Silver from the decoction healing wounds, relieve skin inflammation.

Now, dear readers, you know how to make a decoction or infusion of dry rose hips, how much to eat drinks from healing berries every day to have the maximum benefit. Drink on health!

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