What kind of people are more like cancer. "Geography" of cancer: where are they sick more often? "In advance survived": why women who have lost breasts say about it

Batteries, radiators 20.06.2021
Batteries, radiators

Cancer is called such a type of disease in which the uncontrolled growth of mutating cells is envisaged. This is not just a dangerous type of disease, but also fatal, as in most cases, with cancer 3-4 degrees do not live for more than 2 years. Know the answer to the question of how to get cancer is necessary with the goal so that all sorts of ways are not subjected to infection with this fatal disease. It is worthwhile, it is worth noting that to prevent the occurrence of this disease is almost unable to man, since the reasons for its appearance are many different factors.

Why people sick cancer

The reasons for the occurrence of cancer are the most diverse, but scientists have conducted a number of various studies, and concluded that malignant tumors are formed by disrupting the interaction of cells among themselves. As a result of the slightest failures, the formation of stickiness occurs, which contributes to new cells abnormally stick to the same place. Over time, there is an increase in the size of the tumor, as well as the accumulation of anomalous cells in other places of human organs and tissues.

The question of why people suffer from cancer is quite common. Cancer diseases occur due to violations of an ordered division of cell death and death. If normal cells in the process of existence are typically updated, then cancer cells in the process of vital activity accumulate and continue to grow. As a result, the accumulation of malignant masses, which become the causes of the death of human bodies.

People who are ill with cancer are subject to mortal danger, especially if timely not diagnose the disease. From how the tumor will be revealed quickly, the effectiveness of the treatment and life expectancy of a person depends. Every year, about 8 million people die from the process of metastasis (distribution of cancer cells in the body). Moreover, these information relates to fatal outcomes provoked by the primary tumor.

How to get cancer

Now consider the main ways to get cancer. These harmful tips in the material are not at all so that the person knows how to shorten his life, but, on the contrary, to exclude the reasons to get cancer. People are sinking cancer as a result of the impact of the factors that are described below.

Sedentary lifestyle

Get a deadly dangerous disease will not be difficult if a person will lie all day on the sofa and do nothing. The less man is moving, the higher the likelihood of congestion processes. With a sedimary lifestyle, the blood circulation is slowed down, as well as a stagnation of lymph.

It's important to know! Lymph consists of lymphocytes, which are the main defenders of the organism on the occurrence of cancer tumors. The slower the movement of lymph in the body, the higher the likelihood of cancer.

To speed up the movement of lymphs in the body, it should be resorted to the performance of physical exercises and conducting an active and moving lifestyle.

Radioactive radiation

If a person set himself a goal to earn cancer, then this can be done by frequent visits to solaries, which have recently become very popular and in demand in winter. The disadvantage of solarium is the fact that they have radiation that can provoke the development of cancer tumors.

In addition to visiting Solariyev, you can earn a tumor and by frequent tanning under the rays of the scorching sun. Of course, a summer tan is very beautiful, but also deadly, especially if you get involved in such a process every day.

It's important to know! Radioactive radiation contributes to the development of skin cancer, heal which is almost impossible.

Accommodation near power lines

Accommodation in places near LEP is a great way to grow tumor. Essentially affects health accommodation near transformers. These devices have a high degree of electromagnetic radiation, which contributes to the development of brain cancer.

It is not useful for health and tanning air, so accommodation on the streets near motorways negatively affects human health. If the work of a person is related to chemicals, then it is also a great way to quickly infect cancer. In this case, cancer develops mainly in the respiratory bodies.

Use microwave devices

Most popularity in the life of a modern man received microwave ovens, which are used to heal food. Supervice-frequency rays are negatively reflected on human health, so if a person has planned to get sick with cancer, then he needs to stand near the microwave when it is turned on.

An analogues of microwave radiation are X-rays, which contribute to the development of cancer tumors in the body. In order to eliminate the negative impact, it is recommended to pass x-ray 1 time in half a year. No less negatively, the waves are influenced by the waves from phones, computers and other modern gadgets, including electrical appliances.

Use only boiled products

Why do you say, you need to eat boiled food products? Boiled vegetables and fruits although do not contain pathogenic bacteria, but at the same time there are also no useful vitamins and minerals. The excess of these substances will definitely lead to the weakening of immunity, and the development of the tumor.

Refuse water

Water, as everyone knows is a source of life. A person of 70% consists of water, so its lack will definitely lead to the formation of tumor processes. However, as practice shows if a person refuses the water, he will soon die of dehydration.

If you are afraid to die from dehydration, then 100% provoke a cancer tumor will help modern drinks: Coca-Cola, sprite and the like. Energy drinks, which affect not only the heart, but also on the body as a whole also present a special danger.

It's important to know! Modern drinks have a negative impact on the body by reducing the mobility of lymphocytes to zero.

Disorder sex life

How can you get or is a matter of time. It is enough to lead a messy sex life to become infected with venereal diseases that will eventually help develop tumors.

Viruses entering the body through sexual path are the best cancer satellites. These are viruses such as Papillomavirus, gender herpes, hepatitis with and others. It is important to pay attention to the use of vitamins of category B and C, which in large quantities are dangerous for a person. These vitamins in excessive amounts contribute to active breeding of the tumor, so do not overdo it with them, if you do not want to get sick. Never use the bid if you wish to provoke a cancer tumor.

Reception of various medicines

Sick people very often lead their own treatment, especially resorting to the help of antibiotics. Their frequent and unintentional consumption contributes to the violation of the balance of microorganisms. The imbalance leads to a decrease in the body's protective function, as a result of which a cancer tumor may occur.

Supply of food from supermarkets

After the appearance of food in supermarkets, the number of oncological diseases has increased significantly. Preservatives of the E125, E510, E513 and E527 are particularly dangerous for the human body.

Refuse to eat natural food

If you eat only products that are grown in greenhouses with the use of herbicides and chemical fertilizers, it will entail the active growth of the tumor. Most producers of vegetables and fruits grow them with the use of special fertilizers that contribute to the active growth of fruits. However, these substances are dangerous to humans.

Bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol is the best way to break your life. In addition to the fact that these harmful habits negatively affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems, so they also provoke the development of tumors.

Sugara use

The best fertilizer for rapid growth of the tumor is white sugar. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not use sugar. If a person wants to break his health, then you need to use sugar, instead of honey and fruit sugar.

It's important to know! Studies have shown that tumors feed on glucose contained in white sugar.

Drink coffee

Also infected by the cancer, people who drink 3 and more cups of coffee per day. Especially subject to cancer, the body of women who love to enjoy coffee beverages. Coffee very actively contributes to the development of breast cancer.

Give up breastfeeding children

If a woman after childbirth refuses to teach the baby to breastfeeding, it is harmful not only for the child, but also for her. After all, if the child does not suck the breast, then the accumulation of breast milk will cause serious complications, including the occurrence of the tumor.

Refuse protein food

If you want to cause inflammation in the form of cancer tumors, then refuse protein food. It is useful only for those who want to be always healthy. The protein food is rich in amino acids, which are building material for the formation of lymphocytes.

The following factors also contribute to the development of cancer:

  • Eating vegetable oil in large quantities.
  • Frequent stresses and nervous breakdowns.
  • Lack of massage and relaxation of the body.
  • Use of toothpaste with fluorine.
  • Use of cosmetic drugs.
  • Feed smoked and fried food.
  • The use of cook salt, as well as vinegar, chips and other types of food from fast food.

Bisphenol carcinogenic substance contributes to the development of cancer, so it is not necessary to get involved in meals from disposable dishes. It is especially dangerous to eat hot dishes from disposable dishes.
In conclusion, it should be noted that only the main factors that contribute to the occurrence of cancer are presented. In reality, they are much more. Almost unrealistic to exclude them, so the only way to prevent the development of pathology is to regularly visit the hospital for surveys.

Cancer - mysterious disease. For some reason, some organs are striking more often, others - less often. For example, did you often hear about tumors? But the kidney tumor is a much more common phenomenon ...

Why do people hurt cancer?

The international group of oncologists paid attention to the fact that most often malignant tumors are found in the colon or dairy glasses, but much less often develop in the heart, a small intestine or the uterus - in any case, before the end of the reproductive age ... Of course, the development of tumors also affects Various factors. So, smokers are often sick of the respiratory tract, and those who are wrong feed - digestive organs ... People who have suffered various injuries, risk getting sick of bone cancer ...

And do not forget that cancer diseases are often transmitted by inheritance, genetically.

Thus, Italian scientists discovered a gene contributing to the development of melanoma, and Briton Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge revealed a genetic anomaly (the merger of two genes in one), which was observed in 60 percent of children suffering from one of the varieties of brain tumor. A group of researchers from the University of Washington under the leadership of Richard Wilson came to the conclusion that bone marrow cancer arises due to DNA changes, which gradually occur throughout the human life. Gene mutations and turn healthy cells in malignant ...

The immediate connection between the state of the nervous system and the development of oncology has not yet been proven, but statistics argue that among people who survived a serious stressful situation, there is a rather large percentage of cancer patients. Some experts even believe that it is stress that are the main cause of cancer ...

The effects of natural selection

But in the absence of explicit risk factors, a completely explicit tendency is viewed. Experts, having studied the data on the frequency of manifestations of a cancer disease, found out that malignant neoplasms are less likely to arise in vital

little organs. In addition, quite often they arise in paired organs - lungs or kidneys, or rather, in one of them ...

Researchers suggested that this is the result of natural selection. If a small organ or one is affected in child or reproductive age, it can seriously reduce the viability of the body, which is unprofitable for evolution - because it sharply reduces the chances of the appearance of offspring ... Therefore, there are mechanisms that promote the sustainability of such bodies to genetic violations. , leading to cancer.

As for large or paired organs, their defeat is not so catastrophic: for example, you can remove the sick organ and its functions will take on the second, or cut part of the tissue with a tumor, leaving a healthy cloth ... Therefore, such organs are less resistant to oncogenic factors and more susceptible to malignant changes.

With age, the frequency of diseases by cancer increases due to accumulation in the body of various mutations, which, in the end, launch the process of uncontrolled cell division. Most people fall into cancer inconsisions after 50-60 years. It can be assumed that since this age is no longer considered a childbearing (in any case, for women, but the men rarely have offspring in old age), then mechanisms that restrain oncogenic mutations are simply disconnected.

At the same time, researchers believe, there may be another explanation for the phenology of oncogenic. So, it is possible that nature specifically made some organs with pairs or large to compensate for the risk of developing cancer.

Is the careless to blame?

It is asked - if the specified authorities are not "vital", then why do people die so often from oncology?

Well, the evolution could not envisage that people would become so careless to treat their health and contact the doctors only at the launched stages of the disease, when medical intervention is often completely useless ... But in the early stages, it is quite possible to survive after the operation or even the course of therapy.

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Cancer - Stress?

gda is talking about the treatment of cancer diseases, then, as a rule, healing the healing of already sick patients. But in order to find an effective means of illness, it is necessary, first of all, to establish its cause. Where does such a terrible disease come from, as a cancer tumor?

1. Genetic causes.The fact that the development of oncological diseases can affect genes, scientists guess a long time ago. After all, often several members of one family are sick with cancer.

Direct evidence that cancer is inherited, do not have physicians yet. There are only the results of individual research. Thus, Italian scientists discovered a gene contributing to the development of melanoma, and the British Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge revealed a genetic anomaly (the merger of two genes in one), which was observed in 60% of children suffering from a brain tumor species.

A group of researchers from the University of Washington under the leadership of Richard Wilson came to the conclusion that bone marrow cancer arises due to DNA changes, which gradually occur throughout the human life. Gene mutations and convert healthy cells in malignant.

2. Lifestyle. According to a study conducted by Dr. Manami Ineu from the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, people leading an active, moving lifestyle, more rack cancer. The scientist sees the reason that exercise allow us to maintain a normal weight, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of developing stomach cancer, colon, liver and pancreas.

3. Incorrect meals. Products that we eat can also provoke cancer. So, if a person uses too much saharaThe liver recycles it in lipids, and a large amount of lipids reduces the production of SHBG protein (globulin, which controls the amount of testosterone and estrogen hormones). If the content of sex hormones in the blood will increase dramatically, it can lead to polycystic ovarian and uterine cancer in women.

Harmful I. red meat - Scientists of the University of California proved that as a result of its consumption in organic tissues, NEU5GC toxic acids are formed, which provokes the production of antibodies by the immune system. As a result, chronic inflammation is developing, which can be reborn into cancer education.

10 misconceptions about malignant tumor

Every year, 11 million people in the world suffer from cancer diseases, approximately 8 million of them die every year from this disease. Malignant tumor - the second most common cause of death after a heart attack. More people die from cancer than from malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis combined.

Regarding malignant tumors or cancer, there are much more delusions than other diseases. This is not surprising, because even for specialists, cancer is a riddle. Too much of the reasons and interrelations here, to realize everything, understand and still try to cure.

A strikingly, but each people have their own legends about cancer. Many people, first of all, overestimate the influence of the environment in industrialized countries. At the same time, they often ignore the simple fact that the disease directly depends on them themselves.

In developing countries, most inclined to consider cancer - rock, Fatum or the punishment of heaven. "This erroneous look inspires concerns because it keeps people from being more prudent," consider the specialists of the international union against cancer (UICC).

According to the International Organization of UICC, each second interfere with believes that alcohol is harmless - most importantly, there are more fruits and vegetables, which allegedly can prevent the development of cancer. The legend is particularly popular: the one who is experiencing large is as a result of a malignant tumor.

And now 10 of the most persistent misconceptions according to UICC.

Despite the fact that cancer is a disease that is studied for a long time and carefully, it still pays a lot of mysterious. Why, having the same living conditions, some people get sick with cancer, but others not? Why, if the cancer is not infected, one of the most likely causative agents is viruses? Why do adults suffer from the same types of cancer, and others are children? Why is the immune system designed to deliver the body from the "broken" cells, sometimes atypical cells allowing tumor growth? Why in some districts of cancer are sick more often than in others? Epidemiology of cancer diseases is one of the most interesting and important areas of study, as I find out why people are more susceptible to cancer in some countries than in the neighboring, why are some more vulnerable than others may be able to open more efficient means of preventing this dangerous disease.

Why in different parts of the planet different incidence of cancer

The incidence of cancer in different countries oncologists is associated with the influence of many factors: cultural, climatic, food traditions, the composition of the soil and water, and so on. It is often possible to identify patterns explaining why some kind of cancer in this place are common more than others. For example, it is known that the cancer of the stomach is found in Japan, Korea, Iceland, Great Britain and Russia more often than in other countries, which directly associate with the traditions of nutrition of these countries, which is replete with carcinogens. Colorectal cancer more often amazes US residents, which also associate with improper nutrition, a predominance in the diet of oily and refined food. In countries where many smokers, high percentage of lung cancer, an example of which Russia and the United Kingdom are.

However, not always such patterns can be detected. For example, the highest incidence of cancer and mortality from it is celebrated in Hungary. Every year, 313 people out of every 100,000 are dying here from cancer. At the same time, in Macedonia, a country with a lot of common with Hungary and located relatively close, mortality from cancer on the contrary, one of the lowest in the world is only 6 people per 100,000. Difference In incidence in more than 50 times it is very difficult to explain differences in nutrition, cultural customs and location of these countries.

One more example. Chinese and Japanese men are less susceptible to prostate cancer, which previously connected with their traditional lifestyle. However, with their relocation to other countries, statistics change dramatically, and they suffer from this type of cancer to the same extent as local men. Presumably, the leading role in this mechanism belongs to nutrition, since it is known that the formation of prostate cancer has a direct impact of a diet with a high content of animal fats. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to assume that moving to another country, Japanese and Chinese men change their food habits so sharply, especially considering today's realities, namely the accessibility of choosing a variety of products in different parts of the world.

The incidence of various types of cancer in different countries

The most common type of cancer in women is breast cancer. He is most susceptible to a resident of Misty Albion and the United States, the least - women of those countries where traditional families with a large number of children, namely in Asia and West Africa. This type of cancer directly depends on the number of childbirth and the duration of breastfeeding.

The cervical cancer is developed everywhere, but the incidence is higher in countries with liberal in relation to the sexual activity of the businesses. This is due to the fact that the person's papillomavirus, the causative agent of the cervical cancer is transmitted by sexual path.

Bladder cancer more often others suffer from the Italians, kidney cancer and the oral cavity - the French living in the Rhine Pool, Australian leaders in the incidence of skin cancer, for some reason, in Hong Kong, more often than in other places, the nasopharynx cancer occurs. France is leading on the cacue cancer, and in the tail of the list according to this type of Israel tumors. Colon cancer, as already mentioned, is rampant in North America, while Hindus are subject to him less than everyone else - it is found 30 times less frequently than in the States. The liver cancer is often sick in Thailand, and extremely rare - in Paraguay.

Is there a relationship between the incidence of cancer and the character of man?

This question for a long time remained at the conscience of representatives of all sorts of ceremonic flows, promoting treatment from cancer positive thinking. However, not so long ago, a group of psychologist researchers confirmed what practitioners had already guessed, watching their patients: character is not only fate, character is also illness, or their absence. No one doubts the relationship between a certain way of life and the diseases provoked by them, but after all, the lifestyle chooses the person himself, depending on his preferences. But after all, preferences are associated with a mental warehouse of a person, and therefore the latest discoveries in this area did not cause the latter discoveries in this area.

So, according to researchers, cancer more often amazes people lonely, closed and hostile to the world, as well as those who love to cherish their offenses. It turned out that aggressive, evil women are more susceptible to breast cancer, and men whose character surrounding is characterized as "heavy" or "bad" are in the risk group on colorectal cancer.

Reliability of incidence indicators

Of course, everything written above has a statistical confirmation, each of these statements was checked by scientists who collected and treated a large amount of data. However, these values, in contrast to absolute, show trends. This means that cancer can be and is atypical, and not always the occurrence of its explanation with the existing level of knowledge. None in any region of the world has a complete absence of any kind of cancer, there are only indicators that are lower than in other regions. It happens that there are also funny people with cancer, and those who are moving and active - however, in this case, the risk of the disease is not equal to zero, but still significantly lower.

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For everything good, sooner or later, you have to pay attention - here you will not argue. Maybe therefore, a quarter of the population of civilized and progressive countries suffer from cancer in one form or another? Over the past 25 years, oncology has significantly increased the number of its real and potential victims. It goes on the planet with seven-world steps: by whom the party is bypass, and where and where it is delayed for a long time - here as whom is lucky.

"Rakovaya" statistics of Russia

The percentage of Russians annually with a cunning disease is growing rapidly. So, at all not yet distant 1998, more than 440 thousand oncoboles became registered for all the country, and after 15 years there were already completely different terrifying numbers - more than 2.5 million cases of the disease. Statistics argue that the disease is "gaining momentum" by an average of 11.3% every 10 years. But these data should not be perceived as the most accurate information, since the rate with which the malignant tumor devouring the country increases in geometric progression.

The large territorial sizes of the state give oncology the electoral nature - the incidence rate in one region can differ significantly from the level of neighboring. The Krasnodar Territory leads in this sad rating (per 100,000 people - almost 2500 cases of cancer annually). It follows the Moscow and Novgorod region (2330 and 2320, respectively). Troika closes the Leningrad region (2309 cases of the disease). The smallest percentage of morbidity in the Tver region, the Chechen Republic, Ingushetia and Chukotka (from 450 to 850 cases for every 100,000 population). By cities, the density of cancer patients is also different. For example, residents of the large industrial city of Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) argue that they live in the dirtiest place on Earth. And they are partly right: the townspeople live on average for 10 years less residents of the cities of other Russian regions, and the indicators of people dying from oncology and cardiovascular diseases are extremely high. Although the state of the environment, which is in anticipation of the environmental catastrophe, fully explains why Norilsk is often sick of cancer.

Why people began to hurt cancer more often

Scientists call many factors that to some extent provoke a surge of an oncological epidemic in the conditions of the modern world. Here are the most weighty of them:

  1. Bad ecology of large cities.
  2. Stress.
  3. Food with the addition of synthetic dyes.
  4. Genetically modified foods.
  5. Electromagnetic radiation.
  6. Smoking.
  7. UV irradiation.

Where and what kind of cancer is sick more often

To understand why people are so often sick of cancer of this or that kind, it is necessary to take into account that the spread of oncology in different countries is based on cultural and climatic conditions, food traditions, the composition of soil, water, air and many other factors.

The highest percentage of patients and deaths from terrible disease in Hungary (313 deaths per 100,000 each year), and the lowest in Asia and West Africa. If we consider certain types of illness in the context of different countries, the picture is drawn as follows.

Lungs' cancer

Beach of large industrial countries. The disease "prefers" the black inhabitants of the United States, as well as the Germans, British and New Zealandsev. But in Mali, Puerto Rico and India, they face extremely rarely.

Pancreas cancer

This is the problem of excessive use of animal and meat proteins. Most often the inhabitants of Denmark, New Zealand, America and Canada suffer. In the daily diet of the resident of New Zealand, for comparison, more than 200 g of fatty meat products, while the Japanese and Italians do not reach this indicator until 70 g.

Stomach cancer

The first place is occupied by East Asia. The disease in Japan and China is very common, where about 40% of all malignant tumors. Not inferior in the number of patients and Russia. This is due to the food preferences of these countries: a lot of starch, few animal proteins, milk, natural fiber.

Cervical cancer

There is a direct connection between the disease and sexual life: the formation of the tumor in the body "is launched" by the human papilloma virus (HPV) transmitted by sexual path. In a resident of Japan, India and Brazil, about 80% of gynecological problems are associated with this type of oncology.

Liver cancer

85% of all cases are celebrated in the territory of developing countries. Most often, residents of Southeast Asia and Central Africa suffer. Science has been proven that the source of the disease becomes aflatoxin - a poison that penetrates the body with infected with mold with cereals and nuts.

Prostate cancer

In the US, only cancer tumor of the lung is found in the USA. But the inhabitants of Japan and China practically do not face a similar problem. But what is interesting: when men of these countries move to another state, the percentage of incidence is increasing among them. Probably the reason lies in changing the living conditions and habits.

Mammary cancer

The risk of disease increases late childbirth. If a woman gave birth to the first child not at 20, and after 33 years old, then her "chances" get sick precisely by this form of pathology. Rate exactly 3 times. Oncological diseases of the chest is rather rare for residents of Central Asia, the Middle East, China and Japan - it is customary to give birth early. A large number of cases among women in Great Britain.

Urinary bubble cancer

The main problem of smokers of industrialized countries. In terms of the number of cases, the USA, Italy, Canada and England leading.

Egg cancer

Pretty rare disease. Mostly amazes men of Norway, Denmark and Switzerland, and in Asia and Africa almost do not know anything about him.

Active increase in incidence of cancer has long been a public problem. How much time should the scholars finally find weapons against a terrible epidemic? Perhaps, while you need to rely only on your own strength: minimizing all the factors that can cause the formation of malignant cells. Take care of yourself!

One day, psychology and medicine were united, and psychosomatics was born - science, which studies the influence of psychological factors on the emergence and course of diseases. Clutch collected some of their most characteristic causes of illness.

Psychological causes of illness

  • loss of contact with parents, no confidence, or on the contrary - too close relationships;
  • experience loss (important emotional communication);
  • feeling of helplessness and refusal to overcome difficulties in life;
  • the state of despair, when a person does not see the exit from the current situation;
  • hidden resentment;
  • pessimism.

The location of the malication of the malignant tumor depends on the experienced patients with emotions and rooted thoughts. Here is the reflection of some devastating installations:

  • psychosomatics breast cancer sees the cause of the disease in the fact that women with a tumor in the breast put themselves at the last place, do not take care of others, and they themselves are not attentive to themselves;
  • psychosomatics of lung cancer fixes frequent diseases by this type of oncology in people experiencing mental coldness and the involvement of people meaningful for them;
  • skin cancer - the state of inferiority due to a feeling of childhood, vulnerability and uncertainty, the inability to express their anger;
  • thyroid cancer more often occurs with good-natured and wounded people who are not able to realize themselves because of the fear of imaginary condemnation and failures.
  • pancreas cancer It arises due to the non-recognition of the child with parents, especially by the Father, because of the conflict with the nearest relatives, due to the greed and non-harmonious consumption of goods.

Alexander Danilin, psychotherapist PND № 23, the leading program "Silver Nights" on Radio Russia spoke about another serious psychosomatic cause of oncology.

Psychotherapist told that oncological diseases preceded the feeling that you were not needed by anyone, I did not in demand at work, nor in the family. And people who are struggling with this feeling during illness and put specific goals outside their disease, often, overcoming the disease, live in saturated and long enough:

"Any existential problem can be expressed only by a metaphor. For this situation, it seems to me the most suitable words of Christ: "You are the salt of the earth." They sowed to me from the first reading of the Gospel. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer a salt of the earth.

Cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer a salt of the earth.

When a person feels that his work, the fruits of his work is not needed by anyone or that he is more like to store, very often his tumor appears. To feel like a salt of the Earth, broad fame or demand, but at least at the family level, the closest people - parents, husband, wives, children, grandchildren or friends are needed by everyone. And I do not think it is appropriate to talk about Gordin. Cancer overtakes and proud, and humble, humble people. I am closer to the metaphor of the "salt of the earth".

And the person of the creative profession is a writer, an artist, the composer - it is very important to understand (even if he pretends that he does not care) that he will read it, watch, listen long. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in it often and live long, but those who hoped that the written book, picture, the music will immediately bring fame, often sick and die relatively early.

I think if there was a real Dorian Gray, who was sacheling his life in a portrait, he would have died of cancer. Because such creativity is fruitless. Creativity to the harm to people, for example, the creation of a bomb, other instruments of mass destruction, also often addicted to health. At least among our, and among the American creators, many died from cancer, and I think they were ill not only because of irradiation.

The more awareness, the less pain

The more in the human life of awareness (in any language you are closer - psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less soreness and the easier the death. The disease is always a certain metaphor of what we tried to hide from ourselves. "

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