Why people begin to hurt cancer. Cancer - disease from constancy. Alkashi cancer do not hurt. Where most sick cancer in Russia

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Cancer is a pathological condition, the incidence of which grows every year. In the modern world, terrible disease occurs very often. Especially the incidence increased dramatically after the introduction of new diagnostic methods and screening programs. This is due to the fact that ways to identify pathology in the early stages have improved. Nevertheless, the death rate from cancer processes continues to grow. Therefore, many people are tormented by the question: "How are cancer?" By eliminating the main causes of pathology, the risk of developing oncological ailments can be minimized.

Welcome cancer in the world: statistics

Statistics of sick cancer today leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, the forecasts of doctors are disappointing, despite the development of new methods of diagnosis and treatment. It should be known that oncology is an area of \u200b\u200bmedicine in which there is a large number of statistical data. Among them are 5- and 10-year-old survival rate of patients, mortality from cancer, indicators after surgical treatment and in its absence, etc. In addition, statistical data on tumors of each individual body are calculated. Indicators depend on sexual trait, histological type, stage, countries, etc. According to the World Health Organization, they suffer from cancer in the world more than 15 million people, more than half of them die from malignant tumors. In addition, these indicators grow every day. It is believed that in countries with developed economies and a high standard of living, every fourth people fall into cancer. Most common tumors of light, breast, leather, stomach, intestines and prostate are common. The female population is often diagnosed with oncological diseases of the cervix and endometrial. Despite the fact that the statistical indicators are rather crying, a lot of effort on fighting cancer is aimed. Every year new diagnostic methods appear, as well as methods of treatment. Among them are targeted and immune therapy, modern beam installations. Due to this, the incidence and mortality from certain types of oncological diseases decreased. Among them are tumors of the thyroid gland, stomach.

How to make cancer: causes of pathology

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the exact cause of oncological pathologies. It is believed that cancer is a polyethological disease. That is, arises as a result of the impact of several reasons. Even doctors cannot answer the question of how to get cancer quickly, and most importantly, because of which it happens. There are many theories of the emergence of malignant tumors. Nevertheless, none of them is reliable. For this reason, it is believed that cancer is pathology developing as a result of a combination of a set of adverse factors. But some tumors are formed as a result of concrete reasons. The question is "how the people who are subject to one and the same factors are sick, despite the fact that other subjects remain healthy" remains open. Considering this, great importance is attached to endogenous reasons, as well as hereditary predisposition. In addition, a number of other etiological factors are distinguished. Among them:

  1. Abuse of bad habits and bad ecology.
  2. Chronic virus carriage. This factor applies not to all oncological processes.
  3. Improper nutrition and lifestyle.
  4. Exposure to stressful situations.
  5. Often exacerbating chronic inflammatory diseases.
  6. The effects of ionizing radiation.
  7. Insolation. To the greater this factor affects the occurrence of melanoma and skin cancer.
  8. Hormonal disorders.

In addition to the listed factors for the development of malignant formations, there are many other adverse effects. In some cases, it is impossible to establish why cancer. After all, the pathology occurs without a visible reason.

Communication of smoking with incidence of cancer

One of the factors affecting the development of cancer tumors is considered smoking. Especially often this reason causes an oncological process in lungs. That is why the disease is more common among the male population. Nevertheless, no smoking person develops cancer. First, because several factors affect the development of the oncological process. Another explanation is the individual feature of the body. Thirdly, the lung cancer is more often evolving under the following conditions:

  1. Big smoker experience. In most cases, malignant education arise in people abusing tobacco products for more than 20 years.
  2. Smoking more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day.
  3. The formation of a bad habit in adolescence when the respiratory system is still not fully formed.

It should be known that the discreet substances are mostly contained not in the nicotine itself, but in the resins settling on the pulmonary fabric. Also harmful is to inhalation of tobacco smoke, even if the person himself does not abuse tobacco (passive smoking).

This factor causes not only lung cancer, but also affects the formation of almost all malignant formations. Among them are tumors of the digestive tract, chest, prostate gland, leisure, lips, etc.

Viral theory of cancer

How are cancer people who do not abuse bad habits? It is believed that many oncological pathologies arise due to the effects of viruses. Indeed, large-scale studies confirm this theory. For example, a person's papillomavir virus is found in most women suffering from cervical cancer. Also, this pathogen can cause tumors of vulva, endometrial, oral cavity and throat. The essence of the viral theory of cancer occurs in the change in DNA of normal organism cells as a result of the effects of microorganisms. The pathogens include: Epstein Virus - Barr, herpes, HPV. Oncological diseases arising from the impact of pathogens - Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, skin cancer. It is believed that the cells of the cells cause RNA-containing retroviruses. After changing the genome, cancer is developing independently. That is, the effect of the virus leads to a change in only part of the cells, after that the process of carcinogenesis is started. This theory is not proven to the end, however, antigens to some pathogens are really present in most people suffering from cervical cancer, vulva, lymphomas.

Effect of environmental factors on incidence

The environmental picture of the area, the effects of ionizing radiation, humidity, etc. can be attributed to the harmful environmental factors. They are exogenous causes of cancer. It is known that such factors affect the carcinogenesis of any tumor. The ionizing impact leads to changes in the cellular structure, which leads to atypics. After that, the process of carcinogenesis is launched. As a result, an unmotivated growth of atypical cells begins, of which malignant education is.

Also unfavorable factor are environmental problems. As a result of thinning the ozone layer, the large amount of exhaust gases suffers from the quality of not only air, but also food. This is especially pronounced in urban areas. In areas where metallurgical factories and mines are available, the probability of getting cancer increases at times. Exogenous factors include elevated air humidity, smalleriness, accumulation of some gases in non-refined rooms, etc.

Power supply with cancer morbidity

Incorrectly eat - this is another answer to the question of how to get cancer. Tumors are rapidly developing, forming from the fabrics of the esophagus and stomach. The reasons for the occurrence of malignant formations of the tract are all listed factors. Nevertheless, the main etiological aspect is the wrong diet. It is known that the tumors of the esophagus are more often diagnosed in areas where small fish dwells. This is due to the fact that when using products injured by the wall of the organ, the risk of developing this disease is several times higher. In addition, the tumors of the digestive tract, in particular the intestines, more often arise from people who eat a lot of fatty, sharp, meat products. The risk of oncology is reduced by eating rich in vegetable fiber, vitamins.

In addition, in some products contained substances affecting the rebirth of normal cells. They are called carcinogens. Among them are semi-finished products, recycled flour and vegetable oil, carbonated drinks, refined sugar, etc. It is worth noting that at present many products contain GMOs. Meneno-modified additives significantly increase the risk of cancer tumors, as consist of chemicals. GMOs are used to enhance the growth of vegetables and fruits, giving the "commodity" meat, fish, etc.

Genetic theory of occurrence of tumors

One of the main reasons for the occurrence of malignant cells, specialists call heredity. It is known that in some cases, cancer is transferred from parents to children in each new generation. The fact is that cells that over time can transform into a tumor, have all people. They are called procohnets. However, they are not activated. It depends on the influence of harmful factors. In addition, even the same effects in one case cause cancer, and in the other - no. It is believed that this is due to the genetic predisposition to oncological diseases. This theory has many confirmations.

The probability of getting oncological pathologies in healthy people

Is it possible to get cancer if excluded all the unfavorable factors affecting the body? Unfortunately yes. Despite the precautions, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases, the probability of getting cancer is still available. After all, a person cannot control the environment, as well as endogenous processes occurring at the cellular level. But the fewer provoking factors, the lower the risk of cancer.

Why does carcherophobia arise and how to deal with it?

Carcherofobia is a pathological fear of oncological diseases. It develops in extremely impressionable people and is considered in psychiatry as obsessive states (obsessic syndrome). The fear of getting cancer is currently widespread. To cope with carchaticofobia, it is necessary to undergo a survey of the body. This will help make sure that there is no reasons for anxiety. It is also worth consulted with an oncologist and find out what kind of symptoms are observed during cancer. If fear does not pass, you should contact a psychologist.

The incidence of cancer among the children's population

In case the child fell ill with cancer, it is very difficult to cope with the problem. Despite the fact that cancer pathologies in children are less common, tumors are more aggressive. This is due to the fact that the body's growth occurs, hormonal changes, etc. The congenital forms of cancer are often combined with the anomalies of development that are still formed in the intrauterine period. In most cases, among the children's population there are tumors of a lymphoid and hematopoietic system, soft tissues, bones, nephro-, neuro- and retinoblastoma.

How sick breast cancer: reasons

Milk tumors are considered to be the most common oncological pathologies in women. The risk factors of breast cancer include:

  1. Harmful effects (smoking, ionizing radiation).
  2. Chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases.
  3. Endocrine disorders, in particular hypothyroidism.
  4. Benign neoplasms in lactic glands, uterine mioma, endometriosis, polyps, etc.
  5. Frequent abortions, lack of pregnancies and childbirth.

Currently, breast tumors are found in the early stages due to screening research. It helps in time to stop the development of the disease and keep the patient life.

Leukosis: Causes of blood cancer

How is blood cancer and why does he occur? The causes of leukemia are the same as with other oncological processes. Blood cancer develops due to the appearance of atypical cells in the bone marrow. Most often, this disease is found among the children's population.

Is it possible to get cancer from a sick person?

Despite the fact that cancer is a difficult and terrible disease, it is not transmitted from a sick person to healthy people. Therefore, you should not be afraid of infected with oncological pathologies. Cancer is not an infectious disease, paths of its transfer does not exist!

Every year, statistical data on the spread of oncological diseases is becoming more worse. Despite the invention of new drugs, the improvements of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, the number of people dying from tumors increases progressively. To answer the question: " Why people sick cancer? ", It is necessary to know the reason for its appearance.

Why do people hurt cancer?

Depending on the localization of malignant focus, the causes and predisposing factors differ.

Stomach cancer

All causes can be divided into several groups according to their origin:

  1. Alimentary - characterized by the features of the diet, which a person holds many years. This group includes:
  • excessive use of oily, fried, sharp dishes and canned products;
  • trans fat (chips, crackers, margarine);
  • vegetables, meat, for the growth of chemical, hormonal or other carcinogenic substances.
  1. Harmful addictions (smoking, alcohol).
  2. Chronic gastric pathology, for example, erosion of the mucous membrane, long-term current atrophic gastritis. Especially often, with tumors, bacterium is detected - "Helicobacter pylory", toxic products of life activity of which damage the protective layer of the stomach, as a result of which hydrochloric acid affects the mucous membrane.
  3. Hereditary predisposition.
  4. Disorders of metabolism due to hormonal imbalance or improper power.

At the initial stage of the disease, clinical symptoms may be absent, so a person appeals to a doctor with complaints of 3-4 stages, when the forecast is already unfavorable.

Lungs' cancer

There are predisposing factors with which a person cannot fight, for example, genetics, age, when immune defense is gradually decreasing, there is a concomitant chronic pathology (bronchitis, pneumonia) or hormonal disorders (menopause in women).

The remaining causes can be alone or at least reduce their influence:

  • smoking (tobacco smoke leads to the death of the protective epithelium of the bronchology system, and carcinogenic substances, sucking into the bloodstream, poison the whole organism);
  • production harm (work with asbestos, metal, pesticides, cotton peeled, mining, rubber industry).

In addition, it is impossible to forget about air pollution by carcinogens emitted by plants or formed as a result of combustion of automotive fuels we breathe every day.

Cancer intestinal

In the first place, the background diseases of the intestine of a hereditary or acquired nature can be attributed. Among them are distinguished:

  • polyposis, which can be reborn in malignant neoplasm;
  • inflammation, ulcerative defects, Crohn's disease;
  • celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Of course, it is impossible to forget about the negative impact of smoking and the wrong nutritional diet (insufficient use of various types of porridge, vegetables, coarse fibers; a large amount of products with dyes, taste additives, growth stimulants, etc.).

Mammary cancer

Most often, the reason is the hormonal imbalance. He is observed:

  • in publity or climax;
  • when receiving hormonal drugs about the accompanying pathology;
  • late pregnancy, childbirth (after 28 years);
  • frequent abortions;
  • the absence of the lactation period;
  • background pathology (mastitis, mastopathy, fibroadenoma, intra-prototype papillomatosis;
  • genetic predisposition.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the radiation effect on the mammary glands during the passage of irradiation about the tumor of lungs or lymph nodes.

Why are women sick uterus cancer?

In the "Oncology" group of the reproductive female system, we will take the bodies of the uterus and ovarian. The causes of the appearance listed below include the entire group:

  • age older than 50 years;
  • violation of metabolism (obesity);
  • endocrine pathology, including polycystic ovarian polyktosis;
  • late first pregnancy (after 28 years);
  • menopause;
  • early sexual activity (12-13 years);
  • indiscriminate sexual relations (venereal infections, genital herpes, papilloma virus);
  • frequent abortions;
  • inflammatory diseases (endometritis, vulvovaginitis, adnexitis);
  • infertility;
  • reception of hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives.

It should be noted that the listed factors are not a 100% cause, but increase the risk of its development.

Skin cancer

One of the most terrible skin diseases -. Several factors that increase the risk of its occurrence:

  • long stay under sunlight during their maximum activity (in summer from 11:00 to 16:00 day);
  • addiction to solarium, which increases the likelihood of skin oncology by 75%;
  • (special attention should be paid when they are traumatized, the color change, the appearance of blood droplets, intensive growth);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • low immunity due to concomitant inflammatory or infectious pathology.

Why are men sick prostate cancer?

The question of the reasons remains discountable. It is not fully clarified that leads to. You can only single out several predisposing factors:

  • age when after 50 years there are changes in the tissues of the prostate gland;
  • hormonal disorders (reducing testosterone);
  • genetic failure;
  • effect of radiation, irradiation;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, when there is a stagnation of venous blood in the organs of the small pelvis, due to which the cells do not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen;
  • harmful habits (smoking, alcohol), improper nutrition;
  • long lack of sexual relationships;
  • infection reproductive system.

Blood cancer

Mostly subject to mutation and malignant reincarnation of fast-fastened cells. These include blood cells (immature, young). Their growth has a negative effect:

  • radiation;
  • harmfulness of production (work with pesticides, paints and varnishes);
  • carcinogens used with foods in food;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • treatment of chemotherapy products about the accompanying malignant pathology;
  • immunodeficiency states (HIV).

Thus, it can be concluded that much depends on the person, especially from the lifestyle and the level of immune protection of the body. Now learning why people sick cancerWe hope that you will try to avoid provoking reasons, and most importantly - regularly pass through professional and contact the doctor in a timely manner!

After the survey of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, scientists found only one case of cancer and several more references to oncological diseases in the literature. This proves that in antiquity, cancer was a very rare disease, but with the beginning of the industrial revolution, a real oncological epidemic began. And this, unfortunately, is not associated with the increased life expectancy, since today the number of children with cancer has increased.

"In industrialized societies, cancer is the second cause of death after cardiovascular diseases, - says Professor of the Faculty of Biology Rosalie David (Rosalie David). - But in ancient times, cancer sick very rarely. In the natural environment, there are practically no factors that can cause cancer. . This is an anthropogenic nature disease, and it is caused primarily with environmental pollution and changes in our diet and lifestyle. We have collected a lot of data on the history of cancer for thousands of years, right up to the dinosaur era. "

Even dinosaurs were sick with cancer, but it happened extremely rarely

The collected data includes the first histological analysis of cancer in the Egyptian mummy - an ordinary person who lived in Egypt VN.E. I acted cancer in the rectum. In ancient society, in the case of cancer, surgical intervention was not practiced, so it is safe to say that the traces of cancer, if he was, preserved in mummified remains, and were not removed by surgeons. The absence of malignant tumors in the mummy is evidence of the small prevalence of cancer in antiquity. The only new factor since then - industrialization.

Cases of cancer detection in the fossils of prehistoric animals, monkeys and early people are very small - only a few dozen. And basically it is very controversial. Despite the fact that the metastatic cancer of unknown origin was found in the fossil remains of the Edmontosaurus, various malignant neoplasms were registered in monkeys, they all are not at all similar to those types of cancer with which modern people suffer.

It is believed that the short life expectancy of ancient people prevented cancer in serious diagnostic diseases. However, people in ancient Egypt and Greece lived quite a long time to obtain severe stages of diseases such as atherosclerosis, peonge disease and osteoporosis.

Some scientists believe that the fossil remains there are no traces of cancer, since tumors are simply not preserved. However, experimental studies of American scientists show that the mummification perfectly retains the features of malignant tumors.

Mentions of cancer in the literature was not until the XVII century, when the first descriptions of the treatment of breast cancer appeared. The first scientific works that distinguish tumors in a separate type of disease appeared only 200 years ago. These are descriptions of scrotum cancer at carvings in 1775, nasopharynx cancer in tobacco nuhatel in 1761 and Hodgkin's diseases in 1832.

Symptoms of cancer

What is cancer (illness)

Basically, cancer is described depending on its location in the body, if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract - there is a sharp decline in weight, called the cachexia, the anemia appears. If the cancer strikes the liver, a person feels exhaustion, the metabolic slowdown is slowed down. The localization of the malignant tumor demonstrates the clinical picture, if it is located in the ultimate part of the stomach, the symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not flow into the intestine. But if the disease appeared in the initial part of the stomach, the dysphagy will appear - the food will not enter the stomach or will come, but in small quantities.

Why is it important to confirm / disprove the symptoms of cancer?

There are chances of cure from the disease, if you reveal it as soon as possible and immediately begin treatment. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when he did not have time to develop, and the tumor does not have a huge size. This means that cancer did not have time to hit other organs, it does not have a large size and can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe an operation with a complete removal of the cancer, it is this method that can cure cancer at the first stages. Be sure to begin treatment if the skin melanoma is present, it is possible to remove it simple enough if it is not deepened and did not piercing the inner layers of the skin. But very often melanoma develops rapidly and penetrates too deep, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not yet deepened. A person has 5 years for treatment, if Melanoma is not strongly developed.

Five common signs of cancer

It is necessary to understand what the nonspecific symptoms of this disease are manifested. First, a person can suddenly lose weight without any causes, or changes in the skin color and acne will appear. Secondly, the presence of any infection shows a high temperature, cancer is no exception. Of course, there are general symptoms that are taken immediately to all diseases together, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to turn to the doctor in time.

  • A sharp relief of weight is almost all people who have discovered cancer, dropped most of their weight during the disease. If you lose weight at least 5-7 kilograms without explicit about the reasons, you need to check in the hospital for cancer. Perhaps this is due to the cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fever (high temperature) - high temperature indicates the availability of cancer, especially if it affects the entire organ systems. Basically, the fever is associated with the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body struggles with infection and activates its strength, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. But the temperature appears not at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms to the temperature - perhaps it does not apply to cancer.
  • Weakness - increasing weakness gradually when the disease penetrates deep into the body. But fatigue can develop at the very beginning after the body's defeat, for example, if hemorrhage in the stomach or the thick intestine occurs. Due to blood loss, strong fatigue and discomfort inside the body appear.
  • Paints - pain in the initial stages of the disease appears if there are several tumors in the body. Often, pain speaks of the defeat of the whole system of the body.
  • Changes in the epidermis - hypertension occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria, and so on. Tumors may appear on the skin and the hair is stronger, which indicates the availability of cancer.

    Seven symptoms of cancer that require attention

    Above we listed the main nonspecific symptoms, but you need to know the main symptoms, with which you can determine the presence of the disease. Immediately it is worth notify that the symptoms are not found in all cases, besides, they are general and for other diseases. But still you need to immediately turn to the therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he prescribes the tests and complete medical examination of the body.

    • Violations in the urinary system and violation of the chair - often there are chronic constipation or diarrhea, the number of feces and its color may change, which indicates a colon cancer. If there is pain when urinating, and you see blood in the urine, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Often there are too frequent urge to urinate without visible to the reasons, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.
  • Ulcers and wounds do not pass for a long time - very often the tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they are very bleeding. If there is a small sore in the mouth, which constantly does not pass - this is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are ulcers to the vagina or sexual member - you need to immediately pass the survey, as it suggests a serious infection of the body.
  • Strange GNE or Blood Isolation - If the disease has evolved a long time ago, and you did not notice it, we can begin strange bleeding or inserts. For example, if with cough you exhaust pus with blood is lung cancer, and if the blood is detected in feces, then this is a thick bowel cancer. In the presence of cervical cancer, there is a chance of the discharge of blood from the vagina, and if the blood appeared in the urine - it is a bladder cancer, perhaps the kidneys are also infected too. If blood is distinguished from the nipple, it says about breast cancer.
  • Small seals in any part of the body - if the tumor is torn through the skin in the testicles, mammary glands and other soft tissues, this indicates the availability of cancer. And it is impossible to say exactly, the initial form is a form or running, but if you notice a seal - let me know immediately. Over time, it will increase.
  • Difficult swallowing and gastrointestinal problems - very often symptoms talk about the cancer of the stomach or intestines, immediately consult a doctor.
  • The emergence of moles or warts - if there were already moles, and they became more or changed the color, you need to consult a doctor. This is quite possible melanoma, and if you are examined, you can cure it at the initial stage.
  • A hoarse voice or a strong cough - a permanent cough speaks about lung cancer, if a voice disappears - this is a thyroid cancer or throat.

    Ultipical cancer symptoms

    Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:

    • The appearance of ulcers in the language and in the mouth;
  • Changing the color of warts and moles, change their size;
  • Sore throat, strong and painful cough;
  • Thickening and knots in nipples, dense bumps in the testicles, lactic glands and other places;
  • Painful sensations during urination;
  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;
  • Problems with swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in the elderly;
  • Sharp loss of appetite or weight;
  • An increase or decrease in temperature without reason indicates the presence of cancer;
  • Constant infection without explicit reasons;
  • Violation of the monthly cycle;
  • Tumors who are not treatable;
  • Redness of lip and skin, yellow in the eyes and on the skin;
  • Strange swelling that never appeared earlier;
  • Unpleasant smell of mouth.

    But note that these symptoms indicate not only for cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to go through a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

    Symptoms of cancer of different organs

    When cancer, the stomach cannot be said exactly which symptoms prevail the strongest, as they are very much. Very often, doctors state chronic gastritis and other frivolous diseases without making serious surveys. Usually prescribe medicines that do not even cause the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer, the main system for the detection of cancer entered L. I. Savitsky. He picked up a list of weak symptoms and common symptoms for other diseases that can find out if a person has a cancer tumor in the stomach or this is a symptom that does not relate to this disease.

    Basic symptoms: Package of the nipple and its seal, blood and incomprehensible discharge from the nipple. Very often, cancer is accompanied without pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

    There are several forms: infiltrative, nodal and ulcerative. Flake carcury Cancer develops very quickly to reveal the doctors to carry out painless crossing of all nodules having a pink or yellow color. Nodes may have translucent edges of pearl color to form pigmentation. The formation of the tumor gradually progresses, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer, which develop slowly, they can develop years, and a person will not even know about their availability. Next, several nodules are associated with each other and form a dense and painful neoplasm, which is dark. It is at this stage that people appeal to the doctor.

    As in other cases, there are no symptoms of cancer at the initial stage, but the tumor continues to grow and after a while the intestinal lumen is closed. There are painful sensations, as the feces cannot pass freely, it provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, the carte masses are deformed and change their color, in medicine it is called - a tanning chair. The rectal cancer is compared with hemorrotype, but with hemorrhoids it appears at the end of the defecation, and not at the beginning. In the future, frequent urges occur to defecation, frequent discharge of blood-purulent masses having a disgusting smell.

    It all depends on the place where the tumor appeared. It may appear in the lung fabric or in bronch, if a tumor appeared in bronchus, a person begins to cough daily. The cough is dry and painful, after a while, a sputum with blood appears. Periodically appears inflammation of the lungs, for example, pneumonia. Other symptoms appear because of it: the pain in the chest, the temperature is 40 degrees, the pain in the head, weakness and inability to concentrate.

    If the cancer was formed in the tissue of the lungs, the disease will take place without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation, because a person does not undergo a medical examination. If the x-ray - you can reveal the initial tumor.

    Basically, women complain about strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms speak only that the tumor is gradually decaying and cancer is already in the launched form. The initial form of the uterus is not manifested in any way, therefore women are not examined. Also about cancer they say Belly - unpleasant watery or mucous allocations, which are mixed with blood. Often they bleave have a very unpleasant smell, but not in all cases, sometimes they do not smell. If there are strange discharge, consult a doctor, it is quite possible, the cancer has not yet switched to the deep and running stage and there are chances of a cure.

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    Why didn't there be cancer before?

    The bones, on which changes characteristic of cancer are clearly visible in archaeological finds throughout the history of mankind. Now oncology is more common for one simple reason: its probability is the greater, the longer a person lives, and the life expectancy of a person has greatly increased. In addition, as described above, most cases of cancer were simply not diagnosed. Operate the corpses have become relatively recently, and the X-ray examination has become available to doctors only in the twentieth century. Popular in the XIX century "Chakhotka" could be both tuberculosis and lung cancer or any other organ with metastases in the lungs.

    Probably, after all, the cancer was before, but met not so often. It has already been said that the life expectancy was less. This is true. Many are now sick after 60 years. And also, I think, also the reason why this disease earlier was less common. Cancer is a disease often psychological. Man is in stress for several years and ill. Previously, the depressive state has met the people less often, so there were fewer ones. Although who especially diagnosed them? The man died and died. And what? In the chest (in the stomach, leg, head) something sick.

    It is strange that it makes such an opinion that before cancer did not hurt. This is a deep delusion. Cancer was always. Simple before you could not diagnose this heavy and fatal disease. Now, science stepped far ahead, and modern diagnostic methods allow to diagnose this disease in the early stages, and modern treatments help patients overcome the disease, well, or at least extend the human life. Be healthy!

    Previously, is it when? Cancer was always, just a diagnosis we had what? People died and did not even know what. Just the diagnosis of "cancer" was not so often. Yes, and the life expectancy was less, many simply did not live to "their" cancer.

    10 reasons not to be afraid of cancer

    Evidence-based medicine goes forward with seven-world steps, and access to sites with correct information is almost everyone - but the word "cancer" remains frightening. Many tumors have long ceased to be a death sentence, especially in the case of early diagnosis. Nevertheless, oncological diseases are surrounded by a huge number of myths, speculations and horror stories - and we tried to refute a dozen of them.

    We now have a cancer epidemic

    Indeed, in developed countries, oncological diseases occupy one of the first places among the causes of death of the population, catching only cardiovascular or even ahead of them. At the same time, the cancer is still quite rare disease, the various types of which are diagnosed only in several dozen of 100 thousand people per year. The snag is that the tumor is developing due to a series of genetic mutations in a single cell - these mutations lead to its non-stop division into the circumvention of brake signals.

    Cells become resistant to apoptosis (so called their "programmed" death), begin to attract new blood vessels to feed tumor, and still penetrate other organs and tissues - metastasis. Often, this is the years and decades. According to statistics, 77% of people with malignant tumors, they arise after 55 years. It is not surprising that in countries where the absolute majority of people is experiencing this threshold, oncology is widespread.

    Previously, people did not hurt cancer

    The term "cancer" appeared in the fifth century BC due to hippocratic. Furnaces of malignant tumors at different times were also in the mummies of Ancient Egypt, Peru and Chile, in the bones of the ancient Romans, on medieval cemeteries of England and Portugal. The King of Naples Ferdinand I Five-five years ago died from the launched cancer of the colon, and at a notable Scythian warrior, who was found in the territory of the modern republic of Tyva in 2001 in 2001, was a prostate cancer.

    In other words, cancer with people was long ago, and even our distant ancestors did not avoid him. On the only known remains of the Kanamian man (Homo Kanamensis) and the other not yet called protocol, found signs of a malignant tumor of bone tissue - osteosarcomas. According to the modest calculations, about 200 cases of fossil cancer are described. It is worth the amendment that many remains are saved only partially, and the sighting searches of onco-scabers do not behave even now.

    Previously, people had cancer less

    It is difficult to confirm or refute this item impartially. In addition to the achievements of medicine allowed people to live to cancer, the mass spread of smoking and obesity was also not improved by the situation. But it is impossible to argue that earlier Cancer met extremely rarely. English Paleontologist Tony Waldron studied the death register for 1901-1905 and found out that the probability of detecting cancer signs in bone remains of men is 0-2%, and in women - 4-7%. At the same time, in the bones, it is possible to find only directly primary bone tumors - it is less than 0.2% of all cancer, as well as metastases of some other types of cancer. The tumors of soft tissues in the remains from which only the skeleton is preserved is usually impossible to detect.

    Later, scientists from Munich received the same results: with the help of special equipment, they found five cases of cancer among 905 skeletons in Egyptian necropolis and thirteen cases in 2547 remains on the medieval cemetery in Germany. It suggests an interesting conclusion: although life in ancient Egypt and medieval Europe was different, the cancer people were sick equally.

    Cancer grinding

    From the point of view of statistics, this is true: according to the recent conclusion of the International Agency for the Study of Oncological Diseases, over the past twenty years, their prevalence in children has increased by 13%. But everything is not as simple as it seems - and, fortunately, cancer in children remains an extremely rare disease (about 14 cases per 100 thousand children per year).

    Scientists are inclined to assume that such an increase in prevalence is primarily the effect of more accurate diagnosis and high awareness. Perhaps, in the future, the figures will still increase: today's data covers 100% of North America and Europe and only 5% of Africa and Asia. In poorer countries, cancer in children are most likely not simply diagnosed.

    Wild animals do not get sick

    All animals are sick with cancer: both wild, and homely, and especially laboratory. Most often, the tumor is diagnosed in domestic animals - there are many of them and they pass veterinary control. In addition, it is they who often become victims of nearby crossings that increase the likelihood of transmitting defective genes to descendants. Wild animals have cancer, too. The population of Tasmanian devils - silent mammals from Australia - is on the verge of extinction, because they evolved cancer and is able to spread through bites.

    The myth that animals exist that are not sick of cancer, massively spread twice. The first time - when scientists noticed that the cartilage fabric does not contain vessels, and decided that it contains some substances that they suppress their growth. The most important feature of malignant tumors is the formation of new blood vessels, so scientists decided to explore the corresponding properties of cartilage tissue. True, he was ahead of their charlatans who flooded the market with sharks pills: Skeleton sharks consists exclusively of cartilage.

    The second time the victim of myth was the scientific community. Attention attracted bare farms - small rodents, which are characterized by a phenomenal life expectancy, up to thirty years. In this wave, Russian scientists even received a prestigious reward for the disclosure of the mechanism of sustainability of bare farms to cancer, but after a couple of years, oncological diseases were found in these rodents.

    Cancer can be infected

    Extremely seductive theory that cancer is an infectious disease, in the sixties of the last century, it cost the National Oncology Institute of the United States hundreds of millions of dollars spent almost wasted. In fact, it is now known that there are viruses capable of provoking the development of certain types of cancer: a person's papilloma virus causes cervical cancer, anus, a penis and a pharynx, the hepatitis C - liver cancer, and Epstein Virus - Barr - Lymphoma Berkitta.

    People can be infected with cancer only with the direct transmission of tumor cells from the donor to the recipient - for example, in the process of organ transplantation. True, two thirds of even such cases end in the fact that the immune system of the new owner kills the appropriate tumor.

    The main cause of cancer - chemical carcinogens

    At one time, the bacteriologist Bruce Ames invented the test, which allows to study the effects of chemicals on the genetic apparatus using bacteria, that is, to determine the carcinogenicity of these substances. Talk about chemical carcinogens caused a large public resonance and influenced all industries. True, later Ames partially rehabilitated artificial chemical compounds: it turned out that natural substances could have the same properties. Of the 28 natural substances that contain a cup of coffee, 19 - vegetable carcinogens. True, they can only cause tumor development only in huge quantities, and maybe it is only in laboratory animals.

    Chemical carcinogens justifies the history of American Pripyat - the town of Lav Channel, built on a dump of toxic waste. In the thirty years of retrospective research, there were no outbreaks of cancers from the former residents. The inhabitants and liquidators of Chernobyl did not find anything, excluding more frequent thyroid cancer in children and adolescents: its development was associated with food pollution with radioactive iodine in the first months after the catastrophe.

    In fact, the main carcinogens have long been known - these are ultraviolet radiation, components of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Other important risk factors - obesity and some infections. The chronic effects of cigarette smoke and other lifestyle elements are much more important than any parabens in cosmetics, the carcinogenicity of which was demonstrated only in the laboratory.

    Pharmaceuticals are not profitable to invent a cancer medicine

    Unified medicine from cancer is impossible to find at least because cancer is the common name of a huge group of diseases. Moreover, only the breast cancer is hundreds of different diseases. Cancer is individual as an individual of each individual person, like fingerprints. Today's trend in oncology is the so-called precision medicine that allows you to select a personal medicine or treatment scheme for each patient based on certain biomarkers.

    Billions of dollars are inserted into the development of drugs, and pharmaceuticals it is still beneficial - from the point of view of both finance and reputation. For many malignant tumors, there is already effective treatment - but for the reasons described above, it does not fit everything.

    We have not advanced in the treatment of cancer

    Over the past ten to twenty years, total oncological mortality in various age groups decreased by 1% each year - and this trend is celebrated in all over the world. The exception was the lung cancer in women - the result of the fashion seventies for "female" cigarettes, and more liver cancer - the result of the mass distribution of infection with the hepatitis C virus

    Cancer cannot be defeated

    Of course, it is better to warn, and not to win. The prevention of cancer includes a number of simple requirements: it is necessary to eliminate smoking, reduce the consumption of alcohol and red meat, there are enough vegetables and fruits, follow the body weight, be physically active and protect the skin from solar burns.

    In the early stages of cancer, we are truth, and it is difficult to identify it, because he does not show himself. On the website of the Cancer Prevention Foundation, it is possible to test personal risks testing and understand when you need to contact oncologists. Cancer at the later stages is most often causing it impossible, but in many cases the treatment allows you to restrain its progression. Oncological diseases are chronic, and people live with them dozens of years - so in a certain sense we won cancer.

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    Oncologist, genetics and psychotherapist for breast removal and ovarian

    Hidden threat: how to keep track of moles and do you need to remove them

    "In advance survived": why women who have lost breasts say about it

    From all diseases: to whom and why need stem cells

    It is worth knowing: what is cervical cancer and how to prevent it

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    About cancer

    Cancer is one of the varieties of malignant tumors (more than one hundred different species is known). Cancer is a malignant tumor outgoing (growing) from epithelial tissue cells (mucous membranes, leather). The most common option is a glanded cancer - adenocarcinoma. Malignant tumors emanating from connective tissue cells (muscles, cartilage, bone, fatty fiber, etc.) are called sarcoma.

    What is cancer

    You can judge the diversity of malignant tumors, let's say, on the example of the pancreas. In addition to the "traditional" adenocarcinoma, it may develop: insulinoma, gastric, vipoma, pp-ohm, glucagon, somatostatinoma. Also very rarely there are a flat-belling cancer, and sarcoma, and often a carcinoid tumor.

    "The people" adopted all malignant tumors to call "racks". It is incorrect, as well as the use of the term "tumor", which also carries a very greater semantic load. It is more correct to say "Blastoma", if we are talking about a malignant tumor. The same difference is also traced in English-language literature: Kanzer (Cancer) - blastoma, malignant tumor; Carcinoma (Carcinoma) - epithelial, iron blastoma, cancer.

    However, since this section and in general the site is "for all", and not for oncologists, in the future we will use the familiar terms for the majority.

    What is a "malignant tumor"

    Malignant tumor is a special form of growth of tissues, a neoplasm with certain specific properties. Previously (yes, in general, and now many) attributed to the signs of malignancy:

    2. The ability to metastasis.

    3. Invasive, infiltrative, locale growth.

    Why arises cancer

    Who can get cancer

    No wonder the oncologists adheres to the opinion that the cancer must eventually get sick, simply not everyone lives to "his cancer" (it can earlier die from myocardial infarction, stroke, injuries and very, so many other reasons).

    Is it worth grieving about this? Probably not, as it is also illogical, how to grieve at all about the upcoming once in the perspective of death. For the same to feel somewhat quieter, it is necessary to carefully examine the questions of the primary and secondary prevention of cancer.

    How long is cancer

    For each tumor, their growth rates are characteristic. The differences are also by the organs, and by histological species of tumors, the growth rates of the same type of tumor differ in different tumor carriers (age, features of metabolism, etc.). The growth rate of the tumor directly depends on the time of doubling the malignant cell, since the cancer is developing in almost the laws of geometric progression. Despite the greater variability of growth rates, nevertheless there are averaged figures for various localizations.

    Stomach cancer, on average, grows slightly faster. It is believed that from the beginning of the disease of the cancer of the stomach to the clinical manifestation takes place approximately. Sometimes there are lightning forms of growth - within a few months.

    Can cancer are inherited

    As such direct inheritance, there are no tumors. Nevertheless, in some families there is an increased tendency to the onco-scales of a particular type. First of all, it is, of course, such hereditary diseases such as family diffuse polyposes, Petes-Yegers syndrome, Lynch syndrome and some others. In addition, cases of frequent morbidity are detected within one family with stomach cancer, breast cancer and other tumors without inheriting diseases, in fact that are bonded preiodines.

    However, not always detected parallels between the clinic and chromosomal changes. It is possible that not all the variants of genetic changes are studied (and this is true), and it is possible that there are still factors while unknown to us, but also genetically determined (for example, genetically determined by some changes in the immune system, which may not affect the development A specific type of tumor, but in general a general predisposition for atypical development.

    Such patients were repeatedly met in my practice, which managed to undergo treatment over 1, 2, 3, 4 different cancers and continued to live until the next localization, with which they got to the department).

    Practical conclusion - if there are many relatives in your family with cancerous diseases, it should be more wary of their health and periodically resort to any methods of diagnosis, depending on the specific situation and health status. The second conclusion is if no one has been cancer in your family (is it?), Then this does not mean that you will not be able to get sick, therefore it is necessary to treat your health carefully.

    Whether cancer is infected

    Confirmation of cancer contradictions are the research of cancer among the oncologists. This incidence corresponds to the average in its population and terrain.

    Is there immunity from cancer

    As mentioned above, per day in the body can be formed from a thousand to one hundred thousand cancer cells, however, all of them are destroyed by the body as alien. It is impossible to divide the immunity to some "fractions" - antitumor, antiviral, antobacterial, etc.

    Immunity is the most complex one-piece control system and correction of the genetic uniformity of the internal environment. And absolutely no matter where the genetic material is taken from "someone else's" - comes from outside, or is formed inside due to mutational transformations of cells. Found from the outside, apparently, it is much easier to distinguish something, but its own modified cells is harder, too much in common with their own, "relatives".

    Recently, it has been established that existing dendritic cells (probably the ancestor of general bone marrow and blood cells) exist in various organs and tissues, as well as in peripheral blood. They, in contact with the tumor cell, receive all the necessary information about the antigenic composition and should be conveyed to the T-lymphocyte.

    It turned out that in this case there is an opportunity to help the body - by incubating dendritic cells in special conditions and inversely administering them into the body, which is overall by the essence of vaccination during cancer (this is a very complex technological process available when jointlying several research institutes, but In no way at the level of the amateur approach, therefore, the well-known statements about Reshana are absolute absurdity and deception).

    Is the cancer with stress

    But this is a very interesting and discount question. It originated not by chance, but because very often the beginning of the disease is associated with some experience, stress.

    I can assure both on my own experience - almost the fifth of my patients binds the beginning of the disease with one or another experience (death of her husband, wife, son, fire, etc.). Knowing the timing of the tumor growth and the development of the clinical picture, of course, not very believe in the psychogenic nature of cancer.

    Before the "care" in surgery, I was interested in issues of psychophysiology, and here in the three-volume description of the laboratory work by Bykov and Petrova, I met such an experience (or rather, there are a lot of them, of course, but as an example) - in rats produced a conditional reflex: the bell is a blow to the current. The impact of electric current, naturally, there was a sharp jump (lifting) of arterial pressure. After developing and fixing the conditional reflex, the pressure jump was recorded on one call, without confirming the current impact.

    Was there a cancer before

    Cancer existed, as always, there was always the possibility of cellular mutation and transformation. Mention of malignant tumors, private issues of their diagnosis and treatment we find in virtually all medical manuscripts preserved to our time (Hippocrates, Avicenna, etc.).

    Unfortunately, I can not immediately remember that source where I deducted the following interesting information - in the study of one of the Egyptian mummies in the bones of it, bone metastases were found (at least characteristic of them the changes in the structure of bone tissue), which are quite naturally preserved Until our days, along with the skeleton itself. It is fundamentally anything interesting that Cancer was had this poor Egyptian, but there is simply the fact of detection of such an "ancient" disease.

    Why the incidence of cancer is growing

    There are several reasons for increasing incidence. The most important reason is the rapid development of our civilization. As you know, the civilization is our technocratic, its development is associated with the emergence of a huge number of new mechanisms, fields, radiation, chemical compounds, and other things, which it turned out, for the most part it has a harmful, and often precisely carcinogenic effect on the human body.

    Moreover, civilization consistently and inexorably violates the established environmental balance, which allowed the nature of the opportunity to "self-cleaning", thereby pollution of the environment of us has become even more pronounced and powerful. What we breathe that we drink and eat contains a huge number of carcinogens that our ancestors did not see.

    And another tricky moment - after all, not only the primary morbidity, but also the total number of cancer (both for the first time identified and treated) to the entire population, and increases significantly. And, oddly enough, it is with the successes of oncology that an increase in the total number of cancer is connected. It is the extension of the life of the cancer leads to the fact that many of them annually continuing to live, increase these statistical indicators.

    Credit Lee Cancer

    What methods of cancer treatment exist

    To date, the main types of cancer treatments are surgical, radiation therapy, chemotherapy (with private subspecies - chemogorronotherapy). Immunotherapy cancer entered into force. And not far from the corner, and almost "on the threshold" a new type of cancer's gene therapy.

    The surgical method is an operational treatment, direct removal, "cutting" of the tumor, with a number of specific principles of oncorrigge, which are known not to all common practice surgeons, and if known, are far from always performed.

    Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment method, since drugs act on tumor cells anywhere in the body. Taking into account the fact that cancer is a systemic disease, and not just a local disease of some organ, the most appropriate is the chemotherapy.

    Although in cases of early stages of malignant neoplasms, the most acquitted and effective for today operational treatment, which is still the main method of treatment in oncology.

    How to protect yourself from cancer?

    If you have read all the above answers to questions, then probably made sure that the methods of 100% of the "silvering" from cancer are not and cannot be. Nevertheless, epidemiological studies in oncology, the rich experience of practical oncology has made it possible to identify many existing patterns in the emergence and development of cancer. All this experience is used to create a whole camp of recommendations on the most rational lifestyle, allowing to significantly reduce the risk of morbidity.

    Since 2017, Germanklinik has been free of charge to patients with onco-scabing services for the organization of treatment in Germany and.

    Finland occupies a leading position in Europe according to the results of the treatment of a number of oncological diseases, for example: - first.

    Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer, in most cases face the need to acquire various drugs.

    The clinic provides planned specialized, including high-tech, medical care in stationary conditions and in a day hospital for the profile.

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    Why is cancer is considered to be the disease of the 21st century? Are there any people with cancer?

    They always hurt. Another Egyptian mummy describes the signs of cancer (not so often, but the diagnosis of diseases through the millennium is not easy). Why did this problem become more relevant now? Many factors. There is a life expectancy (oncological diseases are more often manifested in old age); the diagnosis has improved; and treatment; occurs, apparently, and the real growth of cancer, although it is quite difficult to assess, but examples from the 20th century show that such a place is (well, a vivid example of the growth of colorectal cancer in Western countries due to changes in the diet).

    No, they did not hurt before. And why? Yes, because before the cancer simply did not live.

    They were sick, but cancer is not the most common diseases of those times. Previously, it was possible to glue the flippers from the cold even. In the 21st century of severe diseases, with difficulty treatable, it became much smaller, and therefore Cancer came out as the most common.

    Cancer disease is incurable?

    The title of the article coincides with the next myth.

    Myth 6. Cancer disease is incurable

    Myth about the fact that cancer disease is incurable finished falling in the heads of people. Returning again by the time this myth arose. The time of his occurrence is not reliably known, but it is quite clear that this has long happened when the level of development of medicine was still low.

    Every year, science can continue to advance in the study of the principles of construction and the basics of biochemical processes in the human body. Not all the riddles are still solved, but a lot has become clear in the last 10-15 years. It is very important, especially for the oncological disease to have a good psychological attitude. As all diseases from nerves say. Cancer diseases this concerns more.

    All the time I am talking about the need for urgent action when diagnosing oncology. Why? Yes, because modern medicine practically guarantees 100% cure in the first stage when most of the types of cancer occur. Those. If the disease cancer is detected at an early stage of development, we can safely say that the treatment will be successful.

    There is a survival rate set by experimentally.

    According to statistics at the beginning of treatment in the first stage, if, for example, a lung cancer is revealed, the established survival rate from 60 to 80%. Here you have real numbers. Keep a combat mood. Do not panic. Fight and get in these percent! Just do not give up. I still will tell the story of such a struggle from which I myself am impressed.

    Another example. The appearance of a malignant tumor in the sexual sphere of women is 24% of all oncological diseases. Experience speaks of a very high percentage of the diagnosis of this disease at an early stage. As a result, almost 100% is heal. Mandatory should be regularly checked.

    Believe that cancer is not a sentence!

    Myth 7. Cancer is better to treat not in Russia (in Ukraine), but abroad

    In fact, it is necessary to clarify this question at the place of residence. Cancer disease is a fairly specific disease, so there is no specialized oncological center in every city. There are practically such centers in all cities of million pictures. It is necessary to count on it. Statistics are such that every year, for example, oncology is diagnosed in Russia in Russia. About 2.5 million people in Russia live with an established diagnosis of cancer.

    Therefore, the conclusion is so. You can treat oncology and in Russia and in Ukraine, and you can treat cancer abroad. The cost of treatment is currently no longer different. Yes, of course, the treatment of oncology in Israel is more expensive, but perhaps psychologically will be better there. And one moment. We have a large enough problem to use painful drugs. The list of available drugs is not very long, but as you remember, there is a addictive. Abroad, such a problem does not exist. From this and it is necessary to come when making a decision.

    Myth 8. There was no cancer before

    The human body consists of cells. Cells can be reborn and mutated under the influence of a variety of factors. This law and he always existed. This is confirmed in the form of a description of oncological diseases in ancient medical treatises.

    If we talk about the number of cancers oncology then and now, you should pay attention to the life expectancy then and now. Even during the times, the people described by Lvom in the war and the world, a person at the age of 50 seemed to be a deep old man. And even earlier, the life expectancy was 35 - 40 years old and people simply did not live to the age for whom the occurrence of oncology due to changes in metabolic processes.

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    "Female" oncomarker CA 125

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    Coffee enema

    Whatever it is strangers for not aware of readers, but the coffee enema is one.

    Copyright © 17 Cancer Credit

  • Incredible facts

    Today, the attention of the relationship between the emotional problems of a person, its unbalanced chakras and the location of tumors is given. It turned out that cancer Usually manifests itself in that part of the body where the most unbalanced chakra.

    In spiritual practice there is so-called"the law of spiritual impact on physics ". This principle states that initially the disease is developing in our energy body. If a person practices a qualitative emotional and spiritual lifestyle, the problem of imbalances can be solved at this level, without moving to physical. A person can remain healthy .

    Intensive negative energy that chakras accumulate, sooner or later proceeds to the physical body of a person, causing the development of various diseases and syndromes. Many believe that it is precisely such a picture of the genesis of most types of cancer.

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    The idea that emotional injury is the main cause of cancer, was originally met with high skepticism from medical science. But everything changed after the medical journals began to be published, in which evidence between the body and consciousness began.

    Not so long ago, a new direction appeared in Medicine "Psychosoimmunology" with its schools, organizations and with their scientific literature. This area is engaged in the study of the interaction of psychological factors, the central nervous system and the immune function that is simulated by the neuroendocrine system. Many studies of this industry explain how emotional imbalances affect the formation of cancer tumors.

    © Tiero.

    One study describes how emotional stress affects the immune system. It says how depression suppresses the formation of T-killer cells in the body, which slows the restoration of damaged DNA and starts the athosis process (cell death). In conclusion, the study said that psychological and behavioral factors affect the disease and progression of cancer through psychosocial impacts on the immune function.

    Emotional causes of cancer

    German doctor Raik Jird Hamer (Ryke Geerd Hamer) was widely discussed by the public (Ryke Geerd Hamer) (Ryke Geerd Hamer) brought the so-called "shock conflict", a causal relationship between psychosomatics and serious diseases, including cancer.

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    He says that cancer appears when, during a certain long-term time, the emotional-mental problems of a person remain unresolved. According to the observations of Dr. Hamera, the body is able to heal itself from most of the types of cancer, if:

    1) The patient receives therapy and support necessary to deprogramming the body and exemption from the harmful effects of a shock conflict.

    2) the patient's body does not interfere with the excessive use of medical drugs. This pretty bold opinion is based on the conviction that many methods of treatment conducted by oncologists prevent the body of self-healing the body and exacerbate the emotional causes of cancer, generating fear and impotence.

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    Dr. Hamer was pursued for his practice, and reading his last statement, it becomes clear why. During the trial, which was held in Vienna, in Austria, the prosecutor was forced to admit that 6,000 of 6,500 patients with a heavy form of cancer 4-5 years after the treatment of the doctor are still alive. This is a 90 percent success, which is unheard of in the traditional method of treating the most advanced technologies.

    According to Hamer, people are very susceptible to creating brain damage and organs as a result of shock or emotional injury. These types of damage create a short circuit in the brain, and if the problem is not solved, cancer tumors are born.

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    The doctor was able to show the exact location and shape of these damage using the brain computed tomography of one of its patients. In the picture, the damage looks like a concentric ripple, like this that appears after throwing pebbles in the pond.

    Scanning also showed that with the appearance of Ryabi in the brain, it simultaneously appears in the associated body, in which, as a rule, develops cancer. This confirms the physical basis of the communication of consciousness with the body.

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    Iron "cancer" Homer rules say:

    1. Each type of cancer and related diseases begin as serious, acute and insulating conflict shock of some emotional shock. It is manifested simultaneously on three levels: psyche, brain and organ.

    2. The theme of the psychic conflict is the location of the focus in the brain, and cancer in the body.

    3. The course of the mental conflict is associated with the development of focus in the brain and the development of cancer in the body.

    Hammer's observations are very valuable and they should be taken note, because a huge number of patients with launched forms of cancer were saved to them or they were the maximum extended life.

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    Another important part of the Homer's work concerns the recovery phase after cancer. He observed in thousands of patients numerous painful inflammatory symptoms and development of tumors. By driving these symptoms and helping patients to transform their emotional and psychological experiences, Hamer together with them reached very high results.

    Below we will talk about the specific emotional problems associated with one type of cancer, according to the observations of Dr. Hamera.

    Psychological reasons for cancer development

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    Thyroid cancer - revolution in life;

    Light cancer - fear of death or suffocation;

    Lymphatic system cancer - loss of identity;

    Breast cancer - separation conflict;

    Stomach cancer - accumulated anger, "swallowed" too much negative;

    Pancreatic cancer - family conflicts, including inheritance, constant anxiety, anger;

    Liver cancer - fear of hungry death;

    Intestinal cancer - terrible, "untarable" conflict;

    Uterine cancer - sexual conflict;

    Cervical cancer - strongest disappointment;

    Bone cancer - complex of inferiority;

    Melanoma / skin cancer is a feeling of a dirty man, loss of integrity of his personality.

    After the patients of Hamer passed psychotherapy and allowed their specific internal conflicts that led to cancer, on conducting computer tomography of the brain and organs, he saw significant changes. Characteristic defeats disappeared and an insignificant edema appeared in their place. Hamer considered it a sign of healing.

    Ultimately, your own therapeutic mechanisms are able to save your body from cancer, assimilating and ousting it. After that, normal healthy tissue begins to grow.

    Cancer and chakras

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    Now you agree that the basis of cancer is common emotional problems, and psychotherapy can play an important role in solving the problem?

    Chakras are energy transformers that convert high-frequency energy into several other energy types of lower frequency. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that various body systems need different energy frequencies.

    The highest vibration energy that maintains the function of the brain will not effectively help the work of the intestine or reproductive organs. Therefore, the chakra system reduces universal energy to a level, a convenient organ.

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    The healthy chakra system also embodies the mandala - a circle that is a symbol of integrity. You can see it yourself, asking a friend to lie down on the table face up. Keep the pendulum over the center of each chakra, and you will see that the pendulum begins to move in a circle clockwise above healthy and balanced chakras.

    Causes of cancer

    In the event that a person is sick with cancer or other serious diseases, the pendulum will move completely differently (back and forth, counterclockwise, diagonally or selecting some kind of pattern). Each movement can be learned to interpret to see emotional patterns that cause the disease.

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    If after that, also to perform color testing, then you can determine which therapeutic color can fix the distorted pattern and will return the integrity of the movement clockwise. For each color there is a key quality, and you can find out a lot, seeing which of the colors (and therefore what quality) returns the integrity chart.

    Multimodal therapy and cancer

    Multimodal therapy is a complex of methods comprising electrical pumping, light therapy, therapy with essential oils, sound therapy and acupuncture. Each of these methods and separately has a lot of power, and in the complex the positive effects are multiplied.

    © bananaastock / photo images

    The advantages of multimodal therapy for patients with cancer include:

    The weakening of pain (this is done with the help of a combination of electrical pumping methods and auricular therapy).

    Determination of the energy state of the body and the chakras system balancing with color light. Such systemic therapy may strengthen the immune response to the fight against the disease.

    Emotional communication and release therapy. Most patients with cancer are not fully connected with their deep emotions, which, most likely, led them to cancer. They are more aware of their current emotional reactions, such as fear, doubt, depression.

    © agsandrew / Getty Images

    Although they reflect their basic vital problems, but it does not coincide with deep difficulties, therefore focusing on today's experiences rarely leads to good therapeutic results.

    Why cancer arises

    Communication through the chakras clearly indicates what is happening inside a person. With the help of a practical method, a person can look inside and come to a new understanding of himself. This method includes the practice of forgiveness, an internal children's dialogue, a violation of old non-working truths, healing statements, sound, light and microcurrent therapy. They directly affect the body and open access to the emotional control panel.

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    Let's look a little deeper and see how these depth and insoluble problems come to the person. Almost for each person, self-identification and life status is of great importance. This is especially important at middle age.

    A person understands that life does not end yet, but it is already starting to move to completion, so at this time it is very important for us to understand who we are, what we have achieved, and whether it is possible to identify the word "famous" (Famous journalist, doctor, architect etc.). This word is important for very many, although people are hiding, they want to measure their influence meant that word.

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    Any existential problem can be expressed by a metaphor. In this context, the words of Jesus are appropriate that "you are the salt of the Earth." So oncology comes to the man who ceases to feel the salt of the Earth.

    We all know that the salt gives food taste. However, before the appearance of refrigerators, salt helped the products are stored, because another way to keep them simply did not exist. For this reason, in each culture, salt was taking care. When exchanging salt, people designated their proximity and the ability to store each other.

    Causes of cancer

    © Sergey Novikov.

    Therefore, when a person understands that the fruits of his work, his work is no longer needed anyone and that he is more than stored, he often begins to grow a tumor. In order to feel like a salt of the Earth, it is not necessary to be a well-known and popular person, it is enough to be known in the circle of your family. Such "fame" is needed to all.

    Why people get sick cancer. In recent years, it accumulates enough evidence from scientists and psychologists that cancer is based on psychosomatic reasons. And now we will learn about them.
    I found a magnificent material on the Internet. I want to introduce you to him. Read and draw conclusions.

    Very often oncological diseases preceded the feeling that you do not need anyone, I have not been in demand at work, nor in the family. And people who are struggling with this sensation during the disease and put specific goals outside their disease, often, overcoming the disease, live in saturated and long enough, says Alexander Danilin, psychotherapist PND number 23, leading program "Silver thread" on "Radio Russia " He spoke about the psychosomatic reasons for oncology and the ability to overcome the disease.

    It all starts with the feeling that you stopped to be a salt of the earth?

    I as a psychotherapist I can speak exactly about psychosomatic problems, that is, how spiritual experience can cause a somatic response. Of course, any disease, even an elementary cold, changes our life plans, sometimes substantially, sometimes no, and some kind of alarm is experiencing. But these are already the consequences, and psychosomatics all forms of cancer considers how the primary manifestation of a person's reluctance to live. The unwillingness of the internal, hidden, unconscious.
    It is clear that cancer is not suicide, but there are many forms of human behavior, which, in fact, there is a slow suicide. For example, a winding drunkenness or tobacco. Teenagers who begin to suture may not know, but any adult smoker knows that it is with a lot of probability can lead to a tumor, however, many continue to smoke.

    Maybe now something has changed, but 10 years ago, when I regularly visited the oncocenter, the oncologists smoked a lot. Come to the center - from all the doors of the pulmonary separation smoke walked clubs.

    - I am also a smoker, although I understand that I risk. How to explain smoking doctors who face every day with the consequences of this habit? In this, I think there are also ambitions of the doctor. Like, I am a doctor, I can overcome this disease in myself, you can not everyone, but I can. And in my smoking, undoubtedly, there is an element of such ambitions. On the other hand, smoking - pseuding, the opportunity to get into yourself. This is a separate topic, now I would like to talk about mental experiences.

    With oncology, I closely encountered in the nineties of the last century, when almost all our parents died from various types of tumors. As you remember, then life has changed sharply in the country. I noticed that many people then experienced fear (not despair, namely, fear), and began to understand that my father, the father-in-law, the mother-in-law somewhere in the depths of the soul did not want to live in the new world, which they were offered.

    For most people, their life status, self-identification is very important. This is especially important at our age, on average. We understand that life does not erect yet, but begins to move to the sunset, and at this time a person is especially important to understand who he has reached whether it can designate his status with the words: "I am a famous doctor" or "I am a well-known journalist" and t .. The word "famous" here is of great importance for many - even if they hide it, you want people so that such an adjective meaning to the measure of their influence existed.

    Any existential problem can be expressed only by a metaphor. For this situation, it seems to me the most suitable words of Christ: "You are the salt of the earth." They sowed to me from the first reading of the Gospel. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer a salt of the earth.

    We all know that salt gives food taste. But before the era of refrigerators, she also helped food to preserve - another way of saving products was simply not. Therefore, in all cultures, salt was a symbol of care. Exchange, salt, people emphasized their proximity and ability to keep each other. So, when a person feels that his work, the fruits of his work is not needed by anyone or that he has more than some kind of storing, very often his tumor appears.

    For example, my grandmother was a keeper of a big family - I am with a secondary, and with the four satelli brothers, supported the connection. She always felt like a keeper, and indeed after her death, the family broke up, with many long-range relatives, the connection was lost. That is, to feel like a salt of the Earth, broadly fame or demand, but at least at the family level, the closest people - parents, husband, wives, children, grandchildren or friends are needed by everyone. And I do not think it is appropriate to talk about Gordin. Cancer overtakes and proud, and humble, humble people. I am closer to the metaphor of the "salt of the earth."

    And the person of the creative profession is a writer, an artist, the composer - it is very important to understand (even if he pretends that he does not care) that he will read it, watch, listen long. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in it often and live long, but those who hoped that the written book, picture, the music will immediately bring fame, often sick and die relatively early.

    Of course, some kind of good feedback is needed at least from someone: from wife, husband, children, from those with whom there are connections. But often in reality, especially today, everyone is so absorbed by their affairs that they even "have no time" to tell another good word that even though he retired, we remember and appreciate his "role in history" - contribution to science or Art or care about the family.

    Not everyone can change with life

    The feeling that you stopped to be salt appear in different situations: someone is connected with retirement, someone has a working recession, creative crisis. In the 1990s, when Yeltsin actually closed the KGB - there were large abbreviations, some controls were eliminated, - outside the system, outside the office turned out to be a huge number of "black colonels" (they could both lieutenant colonels, and even by majors, but the essence is not in this ). They cared for them, offered to open firms or took into the already opening deputies, in general, arranged them, as far as I know, quite well.

    But there is a huge difference between the life of a colonel or lieutenant colonel in the engineering management of the KGB and the life of the director or deputy director of the company. The life of the director or deputy director of the company is a constant vanity, running, organization, sales-resale, in general, all charming our so-called business. And not all this can. In principle, not all. I do not know if I can. And these people suddenly began to decay on narcological and oncological patients - or they spied, or they appeared tumors.

    Of course, not everyone got sick, but very many - the outbreak was, my oncologists themselves talked about it. The situation is understandable. These people, almost the only in the country, lived if not under communism, then exactly at socialism. From the very beginning of the service, they had a completely predicted career, relatively short-lasting line on the apartment, the car, vouchers in good sanatoriums - in general, understandable and pretty favorable rules of the game. They received a slightly more simple Soviet employees, but thanks to the preferential supply system were delighted from the everyday bustle, which we all spend a significant part of the time.

    And suddenly they did not return to this bustle in their will. For many it turned out to be intolerable. It's not in pride, not in painful proud. I communicated with many of them, someone, of course, was pride, but not everyone. The problem is not in mad pride, but in the fact that they did not suit this world, could not understand the relationship in it. It was necessary to change something in themselves to become a new person - a member of the consumer society. Few could cope with this task.

    This is one of the examples. My dad was a real believing Soviet man. Engineer, non-partisan, he had no benefits, lived only for salary, but sincerely believed that the Soviet power is the best in the world. Bessrebralik, completely devoid of pride, always received the conscience and I told me.

    And in the mid-1980s, when I already lived separately, he had just been reading in the "friendship of peoples" "Children of Arbat" Rybakov, called me at night and asked me - 25-year-old Son: "Sasha, this was true ? True what he writes? ".

    He died of cancer. The world, where truth turned over 180 degrees, demanded a completely different person, a person some other faith. What is Christianity, Dad, unlike me, did not know, and belonged to this with humor. Such a healthy Soviet engineer. By the way, non-partisan, but who believed in communism, in Soviet power. I think he also got up before the need to become quite different, because his scheme of life was 120 rubles - at the end of the 1980s did not give live and, as you understand, did not let her live honestly, in Lada with conscience.

    With all the difference of destinies and from "black colonels", and from Pope has been required some rebirth. For example, I have been doing a lot - oncopsychology, narcology, psychotherapy, but in all these areas my education is applicable, my experience. Never have the need to change everything radically, to become different.

    Most of those who came to me in the Oncopsychology Group (now we are planning to continue this practice in Moscow PND number 23), for various reasons turned out to be an existential need to literally become different in order to get in this world (not in the material sense, and in spiritual or psychological), but did not find for this strength. And for me, as for a psychotherapist (I am not an oncologist), the main thing in the treatment of cancer is the goals that the person puts himself for the future outside of his illness.

    It is clear that we are all mortal, moreover, it is necessary for our development, creativity. If we learned that we were immortal (I'm talking about earthly life), I would immediately stop. Where to hurry, if we have an unlimited reserve of time? The book or symphony then will write, someday, and now it is better to lie on the sofa.

    Death is needed so that we act. We have an indefinite, but exactly a brief period of time so that we have time to become a salt of the earth. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of oncology is to establish some kind of task.

    Initially, two goals may be: concern for other people either creativity, which inevitably inevitably includes this care. Any creativity makes sense when a person creates for others to give them beauty, to open something new about the world around them.

    I think if there was a real Dorian Gray, who was sacheling his life in a portrait, he would have died of cancer. Because such creativity is fruitless. Creativity to the harm to people, for example, the creation of a bomb, other instruments of mass destruction, also often addicted to health. At least among our, and among the American creators, many died from cancer, and I think they were ill not only because of irradiation.

    The more awareness, the less pain

    Surely many things that I say will seem heresy. Although everyone believes that the brain, soul, the body is a single structure, and the nervous system leads the whole body. Life confirms the psychosomatic "heresy" - I have repeatedly seen how people who found the goal and the strength to fight with the feeling of total unnecessaryness, rose.

    For example, a 58-year-old woman, philologist, grandmother of three grandchildren. She had a traditional female tumor, she sat down at home, stopped doing something. I managed to convince her that, firstly, it is not necessary to wait until the children call - they work in the morning to night, maybe to dial the number, talk, learn how they are doing. Secondly, not only they, but she is responsible for ensuring that her grandchildren rose worthy people.

    If you have no strength and time from the morning to night, you have to drive her grandchildren on museums, it all the more should use the remaining time with her to get around with them as many museums as possible, to tell about how much of your favorite paintings, explain why he loves It is these paintings. She listened to my advice, took 10 years, now she has already raised her great-grandfather.

    I also had a girl who had an inoperable tumor at 14 years old. Parents planted her at home, surrounded care, everyone was jumping around her, and I began to speak the things disgusting for the parents: "You kill themselves yourself. Did you dream of being an artist? So do not sit at home, but go to the circle. "

    Naturally, due to illness, her figure changed, but I was inexorable: "Dream about love? Still in spite of everything look like to like boys. " Thank God, her parents supported me, and she lived long enough, died in 28 years. I lived a full-fledged life, I just don't want to go into details so that it was not so recognizable.

    Young men, I very often forced me to write memoirs. He said: "You have your own attitude to life, to today's events. Now it is not interesting for children, but for years to 30 they want to find out who they come from. " Man wrote memoirs, published at his own expense.

    Of course, sooner or later we all die. The question is, to live life in full helplessness, disappointment in everything or until the last minute to live interesting, feel your need for someone.

    There is no such age and such a disease when a person cannot take a smart book or the New Testament and think about the meaning of life, about specific employment, about concrete creativity at a given life stage. If I think and find the meaning, I tend to live longer. If I do not want to think my head, soul or spirit, the body begins for me.

    All that a person did not think, was afraid and did not overcome, he wanted to express, but did not express, will be expressed in muscle clamps, pains and diseases. Also in dreams. We have no habit of analyzing your own dreams, think about what they tell us about what troubles that we do not want to realize.

    The more in the human life of awareness (in any language you are closer - psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less soreness and the easier the death. The disease is always a certain metaphor of what we tried to hide from ourselves.

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