Psychomatrix of the child by date of birth. The magic square of Pythagoras by date of birth is the most accurate deciphering of personality. Each cell in the Pythagorean square describes a certain quality of a person

Logs 24.11.2020

Hello. The so-called "psychomatrix", invented by the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, which is called the Pythagorean square by date of birth, is one of the most popular calculations in numerology. It helps to determine the strength of character, energy, health, intelligence and other innate qualities.

Teaching in numerology

The Pythagorean square is a special teaching in numerology that has come down to us from the priests of Egypt. They came up with the idea of \u200b\u200brecognizing the character of a person by numbers. Pythagoras developed his theory based on a square. The psychomatrix or Square will also help to find out the main character traits, compatibility and much more.

The square is the date of birth digits folded according to a certain system. Then these numbers need to be painted over the squares of the matrix from 1 to 9.

After that, the matrix should be parsed with subsequent conclusions. According to the Pythagorean Square, a full characteristic of a person, his unmanifest abilities, is also given with high accuracy.

How to create a matrix

  • Add all the digits of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 35.

This will 1st working day.

  • Add the digits of the 1st working number: 3 + 5 \u003d 8.

Happened 2nd working number.

  • Double the 1st digit of the birthday. In the example, the first zero, we do not count it, but double the number 7, that is, 7 * 2 \u003d 14.
  • The resulting number 14 must be subtracted like this: 35-14 \u003d 21.

Happened 3rd working number.

  • Add the digits of the 3rd working number: 2 + 1 \u003d 3.

it 4th working day.

Then all 12 digits 7.5.1985. must be written in those cells of the Square that correspond to the indicated numbers, for example, in the above line there are two units, we write them in the box "character, will". In the energy level under the number 2, we write only one number two, since there is only one number two in the line.

If one group of numbers turned out to be more than three, then this quality in this person is highly developed. Empty squares do not indicate the absence of qualities, they are simply replaced by others.

After filling in the table, the decoding follows horizontally and vertically.

  1. The first line talks about.
  2. The second is about, and in general, whether this person needs it.
  3. The third line speaks about attachment to habits, about stability.
  4. The first bar indicates self-esteem.
  5. The second is for the desire and ability to make money,
  6. The third talks about talents.
  7. The diagonal along the line - 3.5.7 is a person's temperament, and 1.5.9 is.

Detailed explanation of the Square

In addition to decoding, you can determine the compatibility of life partners.

Number 1

One or two units (1 and 11) indicate a docile but weak character. This individual is waiting for hourly approval, likes to exaggerate his volitional qualities, but does not dare to make difficult decisions. Likes to argue on every occasion.

Three units (111) indicate a balanced character, but in case of violent conflict, it can show its strong will.

1111, that is, 4 units have a person with a very strong character, and an iron will. He loves to command, to subjugate others.

Number 2

A 2 has an individual with weak energy, which ends quickly.

22 is the most suitable energy level for life. A purposeful person can realize himself in all areas of interest to him, she does not know what laziness is. Always sets goals and achieves them. Knows how to work with people. High self-esteem is important to them. But you can't waste and waste your energy.

Three and four deuces 222 and 2222 are unbridled energy. The individual can be psychic.

Number 3

Three marks - 3 and 33 mean diligence, accuracy in all matters. 33 - a person has an analytical mindset, has the ability for technology, exact sciences. Such people can become excellent scientists, mathematicians, physicists. People endowed with memory and logic can repair, design equipment. But with weak 5, 6 and 9, it is not worth doing repairs.

333 - pedantry, diversified development, but there is no clear knowledge of one thing, a little of everything.

3333 - pedant to the bone, criticizes, gets annoyed when his usual order is destroyed. If there are no triplets, then the person has a humanitarian bias, has the ability for creative professions, it is necessary to reveal his talents and aspirations in time.

Number 4

Fours - 4 and 44 - poor health, frequent colds.

444 - excellent, strongest health. I am always ready to go in for sports.

4444 - excellent health, strong, strong body. Such a person wants to always throw out the energy that overwhelmed him. He has to deal with the variety, work hard.

Number 5

Five - 5 - weak intuition, learns from experience.

55 - a person himself understands what he is doing wrong and what is right.

555 - as if he knows everything about his fate, performs only the right, wise actions.

The numbers in the cells indicate the strength of the person

Number 6

Six 6 - a tendency to mental work, does not like to work physically. If he wouldn’t tempt fate, he would go straight to study.

66 - can work hard physically, but not until you drop. May be interested in gardening or rabbit breeding.

666 and 6666 - respects physical labor, and after good work, he loves how to eat.

Number 7

Seven 7 - from birth there is a dull talent. Numerology recommends finding your path by testing yourself in various types of creative activity.

77 - there is talent and it slips in different directions

777 and 7777 are real talent. Talent must be used, otherwise the person will not feel dissatisfaction with life.

Number 8

Eight - 8 - unprincipled, weak sense of duty. An individual is not critical from birth, he can forgive a lot to himself and others.

88 is a person with a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

888 - the strongest sense of duty, not bribed, will not give up principles. People can run a country.

Number 9

Nine 9 - intelligence and memory. With one nine, a person has a bad memory, but is able to create something new. He wants to learn, but learning is difficult.

99 - a person has the ability to learn, he has an excellent memory. He is capable of solving difficult problems. He can do science. In order not to diminish your mental faculties, you should not pay much attention to minor problems and responsibilities. Learn to understand other people so as not to accumulate resentment.

999 and 9999 are very developed, intelligent people, with excellent memory, developed thinking. Fate itself charted the path to science.

System compatibility analysis

Numerology will tell you the compatibility of partners by their date of birth. If the graph family is strongly manifested in both partners, then this is a good sign. The column of money must be strong for at least one of the partners.

If one person from birth has a strong spirit, and the other is very domineering, then it is difficult for them to be together, but here there are exceptions.

Schedule of life according to Pythagoras

According to the life schedule, you can find out how every 12 years of your life will go.

For example: 05/07/1985. Multiply the date: 7 * 5 * 1985 \u003d 69475 and get the main points, draw a graph for them.

The horizontal line represents the years from the birthday. Each subsequent point corresponds to a 12-year cycle of life. The number of points as you wish.

On the vertical line, set aside the numbers from 0 to 9. Zero will be at the zero point.

  • Now take the first digit from the above number. This is 6, place it over the year of birth. These are the years from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life).
  • The next number 9 means another 12 years: from 1997-2009. We do this until the last digit.
  • Having passed the last point, we go to the beginning of the row of numbers 69475 and the life period after 2033 we begin to build from the first number 6 vertically.

Decoding all points

  • 0 - everything that was done before will lead to a dead end, you will have to start all over again, a difficult segment of life. Most likely, karma debts are being worked off. But it also means the beginning of a new period of life. It is necessary to draw conclusions, engage in spiritual growth.
  • 1 - the period when you have to work hard, all the costs will bring good results. If you go this way, you will come to victory. You can be annoyed, unbalanced.
  • 2 - there is a difficult choice of the further path. There will be ups and downs, but you will be philosophical about them.
  • 3 - stable period, confidence in the correctness of choosing your path. You will make your plans come true, but learn to extract the resources that will be required for this period of life. Make friends, learn to communicate with people.
  • 4 - a period of spiritual development, pay attention to the strength of ties with relatives. Avoid sudden changes.
  • 5 is a good period. It will take place in search of love, warmth of loved ones, as well as under the sign of active actions. You will want new impressions, changes, and get involved in adventurous, unpredictable actions.
  • 6 - life will pass under the sign of harmony and happiness. Enjoy, create, create, your good-natured state will help to arrange everything as it should. Take advantage of this period.
  • 7- financial crisis. Be thrifty, careful, do not make adventurous investments. You can study everything otherworldly, secret, intimate.
  • 8 - changes will occur, the birth of a new era, material success will come. We'll have to adapt to a rapidly changing world. But literally in everything, success awaits you.
  • 9 - Higher powers lead you to perform a particularly important task. Success will "haunt" you again. As soon as you finish one thing, immediately take on a new one.

It is worth paying attention to the ups and downs in life that will be visible on the chart. During these periods, you need to be careful. Horizontal segments are considered more favorable in life.

Dear friends. Test your personality, and you will find out in which direction you need to move in life, to which partner will be full compatibility. It's very fun and rewarding!

According to numerology and the theory of Pythagoras, the life of every person has a seven-year cycle of ups and downs of vitality, which depends on the date of birth and is Life Chart (Vitality)... Each year has its own indicator of the 7-year cycle, which is calculated using a special formula.

For calculating the Graph of Life the day, month and year of birth are multiplied among themselves. If the result is a number less than seven-digit, then its first digits are added to it sequentially. For example, a person was born on February 10, 1970. We multiply 10x2x1970 \u003d 39400. The resulting number is less than seven-digit, so we successively add the first two digits to it and get a seven-digit code: 3940039.

To build the Graph of Life Forces on the X axis, they postpone years (7 years), starting from the year of birth. On the Y-axis, above each year, the figure (from 0 to 9) of the seven-digit code is plotted, obtained by multiplying the numbers of the day, month and year of birth (with numbers added if necessary). Above the point of the year of birth - the first digit of the number, above the second year of life - the second digit of the number, etc.). For our example, this will be: 1970 - 3, 1971 - 9, 1972 - 4, 1973 - 0, 1974 - 0, 1975 - 3, 1976 - 9. The resulting points are connected by lines. Since this schedule has a 7-year periodicity, in every next 7 years of life, the schedule will be repeated.

Do not confuse the Life Force Graph with a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of the Life Chart

To build the Chart of Life, enter the date of birth and click "Build a chart", to clear the fields, click "Reset". Below is a decoding of the meanings of the Graph of Life.

Please enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the meanings of the Graph of Life

0 It symbolizes a difficult period in life and the need for support from loved ones. During this period, painful conditions, apathy, frequent bouts of melancholy, failure and loss of strength are possible. This is always a period of life, when there is a streak of failures, pessimistic thoughts are present. Zero means working off karmic debts, in order to avoid its harmful influence, you need to reconsider your life, realize your actions and draw the necessary conclusions.

1 Indicates a period of recovery after a difficult situation, at this time you need to rely mainly on yourself. At this time, dissatisfaction with oneself, irritability and imbalance are manifested. You have to fight for your rights, and also work hard. People whose unit falls in childhood years of life most often grow up in single-parent families or in difficult conditions.

2 He talks about the beginning of a difficult but confident climb. At this time, there is an alternation of ups and downs in activity. However, this period is perceived, as a rule, with philosophical calmness, - a two gives the ability to control and "extinguish" any negative manifestations in advance.

3 The difficult period continues, but you can already see the outlines of a better life. This period is characterized by instability of views and beliefs. The precariousness of the position teaches flexibility in communication and forces you to show maximum ingenuity. As a rule, many new friends appear at this time and business activity increases.

4 Symbolizes constancy in habits and outlook on life. Indicates the period when a person took his place in society and does not want any changes. Stability and strength of position both in personal life and in work. If the four occurs after a larger number (the graph is declining), this indicates self-doubt, loss of faith in oneself, which is why an energy decline occurs.

5 Symbolizes risk. This time is both the happiest and the most unpredictable period. At this time, there may be a desire to take risks, go all-in. You should prepare for the fact that life will resemble a lottery with its winnings and unpredictable losses. If the five appears after the lower numbers (the graph is on the rise), you can expect a gift from fate in the form of true love. At the same time, a five after the big numbers (the graph is declining) speaks of a possible discord in the family and relationships with a partner.

6 Indicates a period of reliability, harmony with nature and yourself. This is an ideal number that combines a harmonious balance of personality traits and movement towards a goal. Life will be characterized by sociability and poise. A person sets goals for himself that do not run counter to his moral principles. If the six is \u200b\u200bthe recession point of the graph, it is worth paying more attention to the financial side of life, but if this number of the rise (comes after the lower numbers), this indicates an increase in well-being.

7 Symbolizes the exploration of the unknown. During this period, passion for spiritual practice, meditation, and research work is possible. If the 7 is a recession point (after it the graph goes down), it is probably necessary to reconsider the views on family relationships. If the 7 becomes a rising point (after it the graph goes up), this indicates a strengthening of relations not only with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 It is the number of material success and means reliability, success in commercial activities. During this period, money seems to go into the hands of a person. If, at the same time, the figure eight is also a lifting point, then you can continue to confidently go towards your goals. If the eight appeared after the nine (the graph is declining), you should not take too much risk and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 The number of complete self-realization and reaching the limits of their dreams. It symbolizes complete success, the greatest achievements. This is the pinnacle of mental and physical abilities of a person in the current 7-year life cycle.


The numerological method "Pythagoras Square" has been in circulation for more than two centuries. Several sources claim that
it was proposed by Pythagoras himself.
Without going into theoretical reasoning about the Pythagorean square, let us show the essence of the method in practice, about how to calculate it.

Calculation of the square of Pythagoras

For example, you were born on July 11, 1953. We write: July 11, 1953.
Add: 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 3 \u003d 27.
This is the first working day.

Add his numbers again: 2 + 7 \u003d 9.
This is the Second Working Number.

From the First working day, subtract the doubled first digit of your birthday:
This is the Third Working Number.

For example, if the date of birth starts with 0 (01) - 0 is discarded, 1 is multiplied.

Add up the digits of the Third Working Number: 2 + 5 \u003d 7.
It turned out the fourth working day.

We write your date of birth and four working numbers in a line: 11.7.1953.. We count the number of digits in date numbers and the number of working numbers (4): 2 + 1 + 4 + 4 \u003d 11. This means that you are living in the world for the eleventh time.

Now refer to the table:


Square 1

1 - a person has an egoist program, the program embedded in him is aimed at the development of the personality itself.
11- selfishness is less pronounced.
111- the character is compliant, there comes a balance in the external and internal use of energy.
1111 - the influence on the outside world already prevails, the person is strong, strong-willed.
11111- purposeful, cruel character. Dictator.
111111- despotic, but capable of anything for the sake of loved ones and friends. It's very difficult with him

Square 2 - indicator of energy strength

The absence of twos or one deuce means the lack of a reserve of your bioenergy. This means that the channel is open for an intense collection of alien or cosmic energy. This is the so-called. "Energy vampires". Note: one of the signs is that you love old things and are highly communicative. Lively in communication, you try to feed on energy from others. Your strength is enough, but try to pay more attention to gymnastics.

22 - a person is able to share energy with others, can become a healer.
222 - indicate good psychic abilities.
2222-22222 - for strong psychics, sometimes inclined to despotism.

There is another way to determine the state of your bioenergy. Refer to the Second Working Number. If it is small - from 1 to 4, then you are an "energetic vampire" who lives by recharging from others.
If from 5 to 9, then you are the so-called "energy donor", 10 - "white magician", 11 - "black", if the number is more than 11, then add up the numbers that make it up and operate with the resulting number. Consider this discovery of the ancients: at 2222 you are of great interest to the opposite sex. But if three sixes are added (666), beware of temptations.

Square 3 (decency).

The absence of triplets is a very neat or punctual person. Stands out among others with his conversation.

3 - these people are worried about disorder, but relatively (I want to do it, I want to - no), it all depends on the mood.
33 - ability to science (wonderful mathematicians, physicists, chemists).
333 - Science Ability (with a vengeance). Pedantry, accuracy, if there is no implementation in science.
3333 - a reluctance to develop is clearly manifested.
33333 - unwillingness to develop becomes pathological.

Square 4 (health).

Lack of
fours - this person is prone to serious illness (especially when calculating 2).

4 - it will hurt mainly from old age.
44 is a very healthy person or has an increased temperament. With their large number, abnormal manifestations of temperament, including sexual, are possible.

Square 5 (intuition).

No fives - an undiscovered channel at birth. These people are always trying to do something, to do something, always in thought, in experiment, in calculations. Life experience shows that many mistakes will be made by this person. It's hard for these people to live. Everything that is given is pierced by the head.

5 - the channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes.
55 - a person is "led" by higher powers.
555 - the gift of clairvoyance opens.
5555 - a person can be in different dimensions at the same time. There are moments when they are on the other side of time and space.

Square b - "sign of the Earth".

There are no sixes - a person came to this world to get a profession, physical labor is necessary, but he does not love him.
6 - a grounded person, physical labor is necessary, you can think about studying.
66 - very grounded, but physical labor is not needed, and he loves it.
666 is an alarming sign. The person is very attractive, temperamental. His partner must be with a lot of twos. 666 - according to the Bible, the sign of Satan is evidence of a destructive nature.
6666 - this person in his previous earthly transformations gained a lot of grounding and worked very hard. For this person, there is no yoke of physical labor. He is always working. Such a person must definitely go to college, especially if there are also nines.

Square 7

There are no sevens - this person was born to earn sevens in his subsequent transformations. But you can only earn them by compassion. A very hard life. It is not easy to develop.

7 - indicates the beginnings of talents that need to be developed.
77 - about a more obvious manifestation of talents.
77 is a very strong sign, especially if you develop its strength fully. The person is musical, has an artistic taste, can draw. If there are 1 and 2 in the calculation, then his egoism will guide him and his talent, no one needs him. A person walks on the razor's edge, endowed with everything: both good and bad. There will be no closed doors for him.
777 is a special sign. Three sevens are a sign of angelicity and mean that a person came to earth for a short time. These people will face serious difficulties.
7777 is a sign of alarm. The angels have four sevens who descended to earth and die already in infancy. People with this sign should be very careful.

Square 8... Reliability sign.

A person who does not have eights should not be relied on if he is something
take something in no hurry to give.

8 - for punctual.
88 - for those capable of self-sacrifice.
On my own I would like to add that people with one and two 8 are less likely to break the bonds of marriage, although this is not excluded.
888 is a sign of service to the people.
8888 - very rare only in people with parapsychic abilities. 8888 in the current century were only in 1988. Children were born with developed abilities, with a penchant for studying the exact sciences.

Square 9... The level of mental ability.

With one nine they are normal, with two they are shiny. Children with three nines study without interest, with four they have an outstanding mind, but they are also quite demanding of others. 9999 - truth is revealed to man in conjunction with a rare mind, but they are distinguished by rudeness, unmercifulness.

When interpreting the Pythagorean square, the combination of numbers in different cells is of great importance. With three sixes and the absence of twos, a person turns into an energy vampire who recharges from others. The presence of sevens does not yet guarantee an angelic character with a minimum number of ones. In all these cases, you need to work on yourself, to build a child's upbringing program correctly in order to harmoniously combine the qualities inherent in nature.

Numerology has many directions, which differ in the method of calculating the main numbers and in translating simple symbols into a certain forecast. The Pythagorean matrix by date of birth is an additional and very informative technique, thanks to which a person can understand himself and his own destiny.

Psychomatrix will help a person to know himself better

Numerological doctrine

The magic of numbers is based on patterns. The connection between numbers and certain events was noticed long ago, even before the birth of Pythagoras or Einstein, who are engaged in this direction. Numbers surround a person from birth: each has its own unique code that determines the future. Digitology, as an esoteric teaching, involves the analysis and interpretation of such a code. The information received is a unique card of a person's personality. The numerical sequence depends both on each digit and on their combination.

Other esoteric teachings - Tarot, runes - are also based on the numbers. The number of the soul (as the code is called by magicians and healers) helps to see the positive and negative events that are likely to occur. For a person, such a characteristic is both a hint, and advice, and a warning.

The relationship between numerology and psychology

The personality scheme and its main characteristic are useful for any person - in such a characteristic there are good and bad qualities that can and should be worked on. The feeling of the surrounding world, the feeling of one's inner world - all this is inherent in the personality even before its birth. Upbringing can change only certain qualities, but the characteristics of the soul from external factors do not change.

In psychology, numerology is an additional tool. If a person agrees with the description of his nature, he assumes a number of negative qualities that are hidden in his card. If he does not agree with the received description, it also says a lot: everything that he denies, he hides in himself.

Basic tools

For numerology, numbers are important, which depend on a number of factors:

  • from the exact date of birth of a person;
  • from the full name, by letters of which the digital code is also composed;
  • from random events (angelic numerology is based on codes that appear in everyday phenomena).

To compile a digital code, a special matrix, table and scheme are used, according to which calculations are carried out.

Psychomatrix, or the Pythagorean square, allows you to fully explore the personality. It is a structured model in which each quality is described by a set of numbers. If there are no such qualities in a person, then there will be no corresponding numbers in the digital code. This technique is easy to understand, but more difficult to calculate. If in ordinary numerology a (simplified) sum and one code are used, then for the Pythagorean square you will need the date of birth and the full name of the person.

A similar square is built by Natalia Ladini's theory. The clairvoyant technique is based on 22 energies of the senior arcana. In the Tarot, such cards are fundamental, the whole prediction is read from them. The matrix code in Tarot is not often used: each card is assigned its own code, and only after that they are interpreted. This technique is more complicated. By the square, a person can independently compose the shape and structure of his personality.

The Pythagorean technique does not depend on the time of year or the state of a person, unlike other systems. For example, Tarot cards are sensitive to any neuroses or complex psycho-emotional state of the fortuneteller.

The main psychomatrix

The Pythagorean psychomatrix is \u200b\u200bthe sum of certain character traits. This is a psychological picture of nature, a certain proportion of some qualities that are combined with other character traits. Unlike fortune-telling, the psychomatrix assesses the qualities that have developed - it practically does not take into account the inclinations or hidden abilities. The result of the construction of the square is an accurate portrait of the person.

The principle of building a square:

  • nine cells. A certain number is allocated in each cell - how many numbers are in the cell, the qualities of character are so pronounced;
  • eight lines - three rows, three columns, three diagonals;
  • additional numbers calculated after filling the square.

To decipher each cell, it is necessary to fill in the entire square - the portrait of the personality depends on the number of numbers and how they make the transition. The sequence of the day, month and year of birth is taken into account at the very end, and the letters of the full name are translated first.

Pythagoras square with 9 cells

Filling the Pythagoras square

Having examined the Pythagorean square, you can see a pattern: the first cell is responsible for general characteristics - it goes at number one and includes all units of the received codes. Two personifies energy - it displays all the energy flows that a person can feel. The lower, third, cell of the first row symbolizes accuracy (clarity of performance, adherence to its principles), it goes at number three. The top, first, cell of the second column is a four. She is responsible for the state of health. The five that goes below speaks of the logic that a person is guided by. The six ending in the second column represents labor. Seven describes luck, eight is a sense of duty (karmic debt or obligations to people), and nine speaks of memory.

The combination of the required numbers is written according to the scheme.

  1. The first numerical code is determined by the date of birth. For this, the person's date of birth is recorded. Example: a man was born on May 5, 1988. Its numerical code is as follows - 05051988. Zeros are not taken into account in such numerology, so the code is simplified to numbers: 551988. All these values \u200b\u200bare entered into the table.
  2. Additionally, one more code is calculated, obtained after summing all the values \u200b\u200bof the numerical series. In the example, this code is 36. These numbers, three and six, are entered into the table. After that, the code is simplified to a prime number - 9, and is also entered into the table.
  3. There are numbers in the table that correspond to the person's name. For this, a name is recorded, and each letter is assigned a number according to a universal numerological table. All numbers are squared, then summed up and simplified. The resulting last code is also squared.

With the help of prime numbers, several filled cells and lines are formed. They describe the personality, show its strengths and weaknesses.

Total cell value

The date of birth matrix is \u200b\u200buniversal, but at the same time it gives a unique combination of different qualities. For the matrix to work, it is carefully examined. Those cells in which the most marks are dominant. All qualities cannot prevail in a person: no matter how the personality strives for harmony, it cannot be achieved.

The decoding of the square depends on:

  • age;
  • social status;
  • occupation;
  • mental state (receptivity of the information received).

The numeric matrix is \u200b\u200bnot the final portrait. The personality grows and develops, some qualities are enhanced, the rest are leveled by self-development. You need to start from the Pythagorean square in cases where you need a hint, advice, when a person is confused or confused.

Meaning of numbers

Pythagoras square and the meaning of the numbers depends on the incoming information. If you create a square using only simple codes (date of birth), the information obtained will not be the most accurate. The code will be detailed, which, in addition to the date of birth, includes the name. By date of birth, a square is made up of only 9 digits. The rest of the numbers are simplified - this is an important condition to calculate the correct matrix. According to Pythagoras, every number is important. It maintains harmony, helps a person to develop in all directions.


A unit is responsible for the strength of the spirit, for the endurance of character. This is an important trait for a strong-willed person who knows how to achieve their goals. The more units in the square, the more a person is selfish. Such people think about themselves, about how to do better for themselves - they only care about things that bring clear benefits to them.

Three or more units speaks about the complexity of perception. Such people are stubborn, and whatever happens in their lives, they cannot admit a mistake. These are principled personalities - all their actions, deeds are supported by ingrained moral principles. It is impossible to convince such an interlocutor. He always knows what is best for him and what is best for those around him. With other signs indicating a complex character, a person shows despotism and increased aggression.

One or two units say that a person can succeed, but only in those things that inspire.

The owners of five units are people with a tough character. They don't know how to listen or listen.

According to Pythagoras, six units is a sign of such a complex character that one cannot get along with even with a strong desire for a partner.


The two personifies energy. This is the force that surrounds a person, makes him better or worse. This is his inspiration, his strength to move forward. A two can talk about both positive and negative character traits.

  • One deuce speaks of a person's propensity for energy vampirism. These are people who feed on the anger or regret of those around them. They use any situation to their advantage. From birth, this nature is fed by the forces of relatives, close people.
  • Code 22 in the cell indicates the ability to energize others. These are people who give, share and do not ask for anything in return. They can enjoy being helped and compassionate. Such people are pleasant to talk to, positive and good-natured.
  • Three twos of fate speak of a powerful energy, a certain magnetism. It is a sign of energy that creates, not destroys.
  • The squared code 2222 indicates special abilities. Such people see the world around them differently - they are empaths or people with extrasensory abilities. If used improperly with force, such people can manipulate others.

If there are no twos in the code, the person is devoid of energy. He is weak, exhausted, often ill and does not know what to do in life.


In the troika, all meanings are associated with knowledge and understanding of how the world works.

Neat and scrupulous individuals are born with one triple squared. It's easy to recognize them on the street - they are neat and welcoming. For such people, a system is important: values, beliefs, basic concepts. They love organization and order.

The holders of two triplets find themselves in the exact sciences. They are dominated by logic and analytical mind. They know how to see the world around them with a root cause and consequences.

Three triplets increase the craving for science. They are wise individuals, often with a philosophical vision of the world.

The owners of four triplets are easy to recognize: they are curious and even overly curious, energetic. Everything that happens around them fascinates them and gives them strength for further research. In search of their destiny, the owners of the 3333 code are capable of the most insane acts.

The most negative meaning of the code 33333 - it symbolizes the unwillingness to develop. Such a person does not want to know himself, does not want to grow and know the world. He quickly degrades, and without proper development, he wakes up unreasonable aggression.

Four means health. Code 4 - good health of a long-liver (you will not have to be afraid of diseases up to 70 years). Two fours also speak of good health: a person has a good metabolism, and all internal organs function well while a person is engaged in strengthening his immunity. The more 4s in the cell, the better the health. Absent fours indicate pain: an adult or a child may develop hypochondria.

Four accompanies centenarians


Five by date of birth speaks of logic and special thinking. Whatever a person does, he needs to take care of the structure of the world around him. This is a sign of justice when a person knows his own worth. One five speaks of good logic: a person can convey his point of view to others. They are calm and balanced personalities.

Two fives is logic with intuition. A difficult tandem promises to carry out and follow its destiny. Clairvoyants are gifted with 3 or more fives. This is a sign that the inner vision never fails a man or woman. Powerful magicians, people directly connected with space, are the owners of four fives. Such a sign in the cell of a square according to Pythagoras is rare.

By date of birth and name, the six symbolizes physical labor. It is a sign of an investment that pays off. One six speaks of the need for physical labor. Whatever a person does, she cannot sit idly by. Gardeners, gardeners, farmers are born with this sign.

Two sixes speak of an intention that cannot be carried out. A person wants to work with his own hands, but for a number of reasons that do not depend on the individual, he cannot work. Three sixes fall to those who do not want to work. This is a lazy person, ready to go to any tricks, just not to work, not to invest his energy. Four sixes are the most negative: a person gets used to living at someone else's expense. These are parasites, parasites.

Six - a symbol of manual labor


The numerological symbol of good luck is seven. It shows how much a person achieves without additional effort. The owners of one seven are not gifted with talents: they are ordinary employees, people with whom it is easy to negotiate. They do not harbor strong ambitions and do not achieve their goals at any cost.

Two sevens personify a talented person who can stand up for himself. She is guided by her talents, nourishes them and follows their call. There is no life for her without creativity. Three sevens enhance talents: this is a genius born with certain inclinations.

If three sevens are combined with three ones, success and glory await a man or woman. An alarming sign is four or more sevens. Such people do not live to old age - they die very early.


The calculation leading to eights speaks of kindness. Gullible and frivolous people get only one eight. Code 88 speaks of reliability: you can rely on such a person in a difficult moment. Three eights speak of altruism. If you correctly calculate the square and get four eights at once, such a sign speaks of the ability to heal people with kindness. People with the 8888 code can bring something new and wonderful to the world.


The first and last character in the table is the most accurate. They demonstrate the basis of personality, its most important aspects. Nine symbolizes memory. These are some kind of memories that allow you to master experience, atone for a karmic debt.

The total value of nine in the square of Pythagoras:

  • one nine speaks of normal abilities - this is not a genius, but a person capable of achieving set goals;
  • two nines speak of good learning ability - such people manage to quickly learn new knowledge;
  • learning is easy for people with three nines;
  • genius number - 9999.

If the first symbol speaks of strength of character, of self-confidence, then nines personify real grounds for such self-esteem. The abilities inherent in a person are determined by the number of nines in the cell.

The meaning of the lines in the psychomatrix

There are 8 lines in the psychomatrix in total. Each of them is an additional source of information. The more characters in a cell, the more important the meaning of each line. With their help, you can build a graph - a reflection of the capabilities of an adult or a child. So hard work reinforces innate abilities, and luck helps in the development of talents. If the first criterion is poorly developed, the second is of little importance for personality development. The reduced table of lines allows you to see which way of development a man or woman will go.

Numerology is the science of numbers. There are many theories in it. Using the Pythagorean square, the degree of certain abilities is assessed. To build a square, you need a date of birth and a name. The square consists of nine equal cells, each of which describes a certain quality of character. Comparison of each cell gives complete information about the person's personality.

Pythagorean numerology

Pythagorean numerology - the only one that has survived to our times almost in full and is still used to predict the future, determine the path of life and much more. Its calculations are the most accessible and adapted to the Russian language, in contrast to Chinese or Kabbalistic numerology, where calculations must be carried out according to ancient alphabets and calendars.

Ancient numerology is based on the teachings of Pythagoras and his followers, who believed that number is the essence of all things, and not just its manifestation. Through the numbers, the musical vibrations of the Universe are manifested on the earth, which come with a certain frequency and affect both our planet as a whole and each person in particular. The great scientist argued that numbers rule the world and only with their help a person can change his life for the better.

The birth of numerology

The foundations of numerology were laid in ancient times, the exact date is very difficult to say, since in the ancient states numbers were studied in two opposite sciences: philosophy and mathematics. Most of these teachings were developed in Babylon, India, Egypt and Greece.

It was in Ancient Hellas that the basic principles of numerology were developed. In the 6th century BC. ancient greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras took up a serious study of the influence of numbers on our planet. He revised the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians and related them to human nature, thereby laying the foundations of modern Western numerology.

Pythagoras and his students had to endure a lot of repressions and persecutions, since the activities of the Pythagorean school aroused great suspicion among the official authorities, and the isolation of society and the strictest veil of secrecy only confirmed their suspicions. The mystical meaning of the teachings about numbers was not disclosed for a huge amount of time and was transmitted only from teacher to student. The laws of numerology have not come down to the present day in full, but nevertheless their meaning is quite reliable.

Biography of Pythagoras

Pythagoras is known as a great scientist - philosopher, mathematician, outstanding orator and subtle psychologist. Many of his theories have survived to this day, and have found application in many areas of activity. However, very little reliable information about his life has survived.

It is known that Pythagoras was born around 580 BC. on the island of Samos in the Asia Minor part of Eurasia. The future great mathematician and philosopher, already in childhood, showed great aptitude for science. From his first teacher, Hermodamas, Pythagoras received the basics of music and painting.

In his youth he traveled a lot, to gain new knowledge he traveled to a number of countries, including India, Babylon and Egypt. At the age of 50, Pythagoras settled in the city of Croton, in southern Italy, which was a Greek colony.

There he organized a philosophical community known as the Pythagorean School. Its participants were engaged in the study of various sciences, but mostly arithmetic, geometry and astronomy. The distinctive symbol of this school was the pentagram - a pentagonal figure attributed to mystical properties.

Pythagoras promoted among his students the ideals of the strength of the body and spirit, sports activities, as well as music that can have a beneficial effect on inner harmony.

Despite the large amount of circumstantial evidence about the activities of this outstanding scientist, modern researchers fail to find conclusive written evidence of his activities and discoveries. Most likely, this is due to the fact that Pythagoras did not express all his ideas and reasoning on paper, but only passed it on to his students orally, to preserve the secret.

Information about the death of Pythagoras also did not survive to this day, but there are suggestions that as a result of another antipythagorean rebellion, he fled to Metapont, where he died, probably in 490 BC.

Even ancient people were convinced that numbers tend to influence their lives. Pythagoras was one of the first to study the theory of numbers and to develop this doctrine. Based on the knowledge of ancient magicians and priests and on his own theories, Pythagoras argued that it was the numbers that rule the world. He believed that everything that exists has an abstract magnitude, so all things (material and spiritual concepts) can be compared with numbers. Number, according to the Pythagoreans, is the fundamental principle of things. During the 2,500 years since the death of Pythagoras, philosophers have been trying to unravel the mystery of Pythagorean mathematics. Today there is a key to the simplest components of the philosophy of Pythagoras.

Pythagoras believed that arithmetic was the mother of mathematical sciences, because it was on the basis of arithmetic that music, geometry and astronomy arose. Mathematics, according to the teachings of Pythagoras, consists of two main parts. The first part of mathematics is the plurality and constituents of things, the second is the magnitude and density of things. Plurality is also divided into two parts - related to itself and related to others. The same is with a quantity that can be constant and changing (non-constant). The science of arithmetic, according to Pythagoras, is based on the plurality, which refers to itself, and music - on the plurality, which refers to other things. Astronomy is the science of a variable, geometry is a constant. The result of the number was the atomistic theory.

The basic concept of the numerical theory of Pythagoras, in addition to number, is monad. Monad (from the Greek. e dinitsa, single) is multifaceted - it is the unity of everything, and considered as a whole, the sum of combinations of numbers. The monad has been compared to the seeds of a tree with many branches. Branches are like numbers - they refer to the seed of the tree in the same way as numbers to the monad. The Universe is viewed as a Monad.

So what is the basis of the Pythagorean number system? Numbers can be odd or even; if an odd number is divided into two parts, one will be even and the other odd (7 \u003d 4 + 3). When dividing an even number, both parts obtained will be either even or odd (8 \u003d 4 + 4, 8 \u003d 5 + 3). A special mathematical procedure divides odd numbers into three classes: composite, non-composite, non-composite.

TO compositenumbers include those that are divisible by themselves, by one, and by some other numbers. These are 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, etc.

Non-compositenumbers are those numbers that are divisible only by themselves or by one. These are 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, etc. Divisible numbers that do not have a common divisor refer to non-composite ... It's 9, 25.

Even numbers are also divided into three classes: even-odd, even-even, and odd-even. There is one more division of even numbers - into perfect ones, superperfect and imperfect. In order to determine which of these classes the number belongs to, it must be divided into parts from the first ten and into the whole itself. The result should be not fractional numbers, but whole numbers. If the sum of the parts of a number turns out to be equal to a whole, then we can say that the number is perfect.

For example, a six. Half of it is a three, a third is a two. Dividing six by itself gives one. Adding these parts together, we get the whole number six. Therefore, the six - perfectnumber.

Super perfect numbers are those whose sum of parts exceeds the whole. For example, the number 18. Half of it is 9, one third is 6, one sixth is 3, one ninth is 2, one eighteenth is 1. The sum is 21, ie. more than the whole. Therefore, the number 18 is superperfect.

Imperfect are those numbers whose sum of parts is less than a whole. This is, for example, the number 8.

It was the science of numbers that was the basis of the philosophy of the Pythagoreans. Perfect numbers were a symbol of virtue, which is a cross between lack and excess. Virtues are rare, and so are perfect numbers. Imperfect numbers are a pattern of vices.

Each of the ten numbers (from 1 to 10), underlying the philosophy of the Pythagoreans, has its own metaphysical nature. Pythagoras developed a system for translating words into numbers. He argued that it is the numbers that rule the world. Numbers, according to Pythagoras, are a material reflection of the spiritual, and therefore can predetermine fate. Based on the numbers, Pythagoras developed a system for predicting a future event or process. Despite the fact that the exact decoding of the "secret of Pythagoras" is unknown, many of his followers tried to interpret it in their own way. This gave rise to the emergence of several numerological systems, but they all rely on the Pythagorean number theory.

Pythagorean theory of numbers

“If there are laws in the world to which everything in the world obeys, both people and gods, then these are, first of all, mathematical laws. Who knows mathematics, he knows what is above e gods ".


Pythagoras developed and disseminated among his students his own mathematical and philosophical idea, which, with the help of numbers, made it possible to understand the extent to which the real existence of each person corresponds to hispurpose in life. This idea formed the basis numerological theory. Subsequently, Pythagoras himself admitted that this system is his most important discovery in his entire life.

The essence of this idea is that the most important numbers are from 1 to 4, adding up to 10, and this is a sacred number that symbolizes the unity of the Universe in its material and metaphysical embodiment.

Pythagoras' reasoning about numbers is an attempt to reduce all phenomena to numerical ratios and to consider numbers as the enduring essence of things. Just as all numbers are composed of odd and even, so all things combine opposites in themselves, just as each thing was considered as a reconciliation of opposites. The Pythagoreans considered even numbers to be feminine and odd numbers as masculine. An odd number is fertilizing and, if combined with an even number, it will prevail. The symbol of marriage among the Pythagoreans consisted of the sum of the male, odd number three and female, even number two. Marriage is a five, equal to three plus two.

According to the theory of Pythagoras, all numbers greater than 10 can be abbreviated to digits from 1 to 9 inclusive, since they are the original numbers from which all others can be derived.

The four numbers that make up the tetrad - one, two, three, four - are directly related to music: they set all known consonant intervals - octave (1: 2), fifth (2: 3) and fourth (3: 4).

To reduce a large number into elementary ones, Pythagoras used the method of adding all the digits that make up the number, if 10 or more are formed, these numbers are added. This process continues until the result is an elementary number from 1 to 9, each of which has its own meaning and strength.

The meaning of numbers

In the Pythagorean theory of numbers, the most important are the numbers from one to four. These are peculiar symbols that denote a connection with the Universe and carry a certain meaning.

Number 1 - represents the Supreme Being, God. It is a certain point that has no parameters.

Number 2 - denotes matter, which is literally embodied by a certain straight line of a certain length connecting two points, but having no concept of width.

Number 3 - triad. Its material embodiment is represented by three straight lines of a certain length, connecting equally spaced points. The formed triangle is long and wide.

Number 4 - forms a tetrahedron - an elementary figure formed by connecting four points with straight lines of finite length and having a volume.

According to the Pythagorean system, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 show the mathematical drawing of the Cosmos, through the figure of Tetraktis -

Pythagoras square

This method of calculating the characteristics of a person was invented by Pythagoras himself more than 2000 years ago, it has passed through the centuries and has survived to this day practically unchanged. The essence of the magic square is easiest to explain with an example.

Let's say you were born on 08/13/88. Let's add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth: 1 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 8 \u003d 28. This is the first working day.

Add up the numbers that make it up:

2 + 8 \u003d 10. This is the second working number.

After that, subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday from the first working number:

28 - (1 * 2) \u003d 26. This is the third working number.

The fourth working number is the sum of the third digits:

2+6 = 8

Now, having lined up all the numbers in a row, we make a magic square, entering all the ones in the first column of the table, all the twos in the second, etc.

We get: 08/13/88 and 4 more numbers: 28, 10, 26, 8.

The square looks like this:

Now let's start decoding the square:

Square 1. Character.

Lack of units is a sign of generosity and a desire to help people.

1 - refined egoist;

11 - selfishness is less pronounced.

111 - the character is compliant, a balance comes in the external and internal use of energy.

11111 - dictator, tyrant;

11111 - purposeful, cruel character.

111111 - (very, very rare) a tough person, but at the same time, if he wants to, he can do the impossible. It's very hard with such a person.

Square 2. Bioenergy.

the absence of twos - the bioenergy channel is open for an intensive collection of energy from outside. These people love old things, treat others well, thereby trying to profit from others.

2 - bioenergy is enough for life, but now, at this stage, it is not enough, therefore sports are required. Very sensitive to changes in weather.

22 - a person is able to share energy with others, can become a healer.

222 - indicate good psychic abilities.

2222 - 22222 - strong psychics, sometimes prone to despotism.

There is another way to determine the state of your bioenergy. Refer to Second working day. If it is small - from 1 to 4, then you are an "energetic vampire" who lives by recharging from others. If from 5 to 9, then you are the so-called "energy donor", 10 - "white magician", 11 - "black", if the number is more than 11, then add up its constituent numbers and operate with the resulting number.

Square 3 Decency.

The absence of triplets is a very neat or punctual person. It stands out among others for its special point of view.

3 - The motto of these people in life is "I want - I do, I want - no", it all depends on the mood.

33 - ability to exact sciences.

333 - Pedantry, accuracy.

Square 4. Health.

Lack of fours is very poor health.

4 - it will hurt mainly in old age;

44 - a healthy person or has an increased temperament;

444 - the same thing, only with renewed vigor.

Square 5. Intuition.

The absence of fives - these people are always trying to do something, Life experience shows that this person will make many mistakes. It's hard for these people to live. Everything that is given is pierced by the head.

5 - the channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes.

55 - a person is "led" by higher powers.

555 - the gift of clairvoyance opens.

5555 - clairvoyants. There are moments when they are on the other side of time and space.

Square 6. Grounding.

There are no sixes - the calling of this person is physical labor. He needs it for self-realization.

6 - a grounded person, you must not forget to think about studying.

66 - very grounded, loves to work in the garden and with plants.

666 is an alarming sign. The person is very attractive, temperamental. According to the Bible, the sign of Satan is evidence of a destructive nature.

6666 - this person is always working. If nines are added to this, then this person clearly has many achievements ahead.

Square 7. Talent.

There are no sevens - this person was born to earn sevens in his subsequent transformations. A very hard life. It is not easy to develop.

7 - talents need to be developed, working a lot on yourself.

77 - a person is musical, has an artistic taste, can draw. There will be no closed doors for him if he is not an egoist who thinks only of himself.

777 is a special sign. Three sevens is an angelic sign and means that a person came to earth for a short time. These people will face serious difficulties.

7777 is a sign of alarm. The angels have four sevens who descended to earth and die already in infancy. People with this sign should be very careful.

Box 8. Responsibility.

You should not rely on a person who does not have eights; if he takes something, he is in no hurry to give it back.

8 - punctuality.

88 - a tendency to self-sacrifice.

888 is a sign of service to the people.

8888 - very rare only in people with parapsychic abilities. An inclination to study the exact sciences.

Square 9. The level of mental abilities.

The absence of nines is an indicator that a person will have to make a lot of effort to master the material.

9 - mental abilities are quite normal.

99 - shiny.

999 - children with three nines study without interest.

9999 - have an outstanding mind, but they are also quite demanding of others.

99999 - the truth is revealed to man in conjunction with a rare mind, but they are distinguished by rudeness.

Entity number

Many numerical codes of a person change throughout life, for example, the address of residence or surname, but everyone's date of birth remains the same. The number, month and year of birth are the main numbers in a person's life. The number of the entity is calculated using this data. For example, you were born on 08/13/1988, therefore, we write the entity number as:

1 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 38 = 3 + 8 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2

The greatest impact of this number is experienced by the average age of 30 to 56 years. The essence number determines the physical side of life, to a lesser extent the state of mind and finances. It is believed that the Essence Number is determined by the karmas of past lives. This number directs a person to a certain path, is responsible for hidden abilities and talents.

Number 1.

Essence number - 1 endows its owner with such qualities as activity, striving for leadership, patience. This person will not get down to business until he weighs the pros and cons and makes a clear plan of action. He clearly understands that everything in life depends only on him and nothing can simply fall from the sky, therefore hard work and perseverance are always present in the character of these people. A man of number should be wary of selfishness and excessive pride, these qualities negatively affect his realization in life.

Number 2.

A person with an Essence number of 2 is characterized by softness, tactfulness, and conflict-freeness.

His life flows in a measured, cyclical manner, all situations are repeated sooner or later, at certain intervals. Such a person knows how to find a common language with almost everyone around him, avoiding disputes and sharp corners. People of this number accept life as it is, trying to look for good sides in everything. The main thing in life for them is the family, taking care of which, they often forget about themselves. They need to learn to love themselves, and not only those around them, close people.

Number 3.

These people manage to achieve a lot faster than others. People with the Essence number 3 have very great potential. They will never miss their own, live for today, take on only those things that will bring great benefit, without wasting their strength on trifles. Such people very easily acquire new knowledge, are competent in work.

The problem of the number 3 person is that he strives for easy prey, in the future this may prevent him from moving to a higher level.

Number 4.

The Essence number 4 promises its owners a stable, disciplined life, the main mission of which, they consider, to develop a sense of justice and the accumulation of experience. These people are very honest and reliable, it is pleasant to deal with them, since they will never let you down or set up. A person with an Essence number of 4 is simply physically incapable of cheating or meanness, therefore he tries to achieve his goal only by conscientious work.

Number 5.

The distinctive features of such people are creativity, originality, enthusiasm and mobility. A person with an essence number of 5 easily adapts to any circumstances and conditions, spontaneously lights up with new ideas or activities. They approach any business with cheerfulness, resourcefulness and imagination. They live with a smile on their face, trying not to pay attention to minor problems. Such people live for the future, which sometimes prevents them from appreciating the present.

Number 6.

People born with the Essence number 6 are very ambitious, they strive to make themselves, to prove their importance to others. The life of people of this number is fruitful, full of hobbies and different people who are simply obliged to be useful, in another case a person with the Essence number 6 simply loses interest in them. These are very tough people, they can only be broken by non-constructive criticism, but it is better not to do this, because revenge will follow immediately.

Number 7.

The Essence Number 7 endows a person with creativity, an easy attitude to life and a strong intuition, which gives them the opportunity not to think about many things, but simply follow the call of their heart. There are many speakers, artists, designers among them. The complete lack of discipline and seriousness does not allow them to deal with finance, commerce, economics. These are very understanding people who are not able to refuse to help a person in need. They will not only do their best, but they will also give you valuable advice and optimism.

Number 8.

The lives of these people are filled with anxiety and spontaneity. They have a strong character and violent willpower, for them the word "impossible" does not exist. Thanks to this, they can make all their plans come true. Various obstacles and resistances only increase their desire to carry out their plans. Such people can realize themselves in something grandiose, if necessary, they can even become the head of the country.

Number 9.

The main mission in the life of people with the Essence Number 9 is salvation and help to other people. Only in this way can they be realized in life and find harmony with themselves. A person with the number 9 is endowed with good intelligence, but he needs a profession related to spiritual values, economics or finance are contraindicated for these people. Such people will always find the strength to complete the work begun to the end, despite all the failures that have befallen them.

What does the birthday number carry?

Birthday number according to the laws of numerology is an additional characteristic. This numerical code is responsible for the character and inclinations of a person, and also directs them to certain ways of achieving life goals. This number manifests its essence more in everyday life and when solving any everyday problems, in a more global sense, it has a decisive effect Essence Number.

Number 1. (Birthday 1, 10, 19, 28)

These people are very selfish, individualism is pronounced in them. They are characterized by a stubborn and decisive character and leadership qualities that begin to manifest themselves from early childhood. This is most pronounced in people born on the 1st. In addition, they are distinguished by a non-standard approach to any business, originality and independence from the opinions of others.

People whose birthday falls on the 10th day of the month are distinguished by their creativity, love of planning and forecasting, they tend to strive for their ideal by any means, which often turn out to be unjustified.

People born on the 19th and 28th have a calmer and softer character, but, nevertheless, their willpower can be envied. They are often called dreamers or idealists, but, nevertheless, these qualities do not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Number 2. (Birthday 2, 11, 20, 29)

A person whose date of birth coincides with one of these numbers is a great romantic with a rich imagination, this prevents the embodiment of his ideas and desires in reality. They are not confident in their abilities, so they often give up halfway through. These people are created to work in a team, they need unity and support.

People born on the 2nd are characterized by increased sensitivity and even hysteria, they are very vulnerable and do not tolerate criticism. These people need a leader who can guide and protect them.

The 11th of the month endows people born on this day with inspiration and rich imagination. In numerology, the number 11 is generally considered special, its connection with the Universe is much stronger than all other numbers, therefore, these people have highly developed intuition, and sometimes psychic abilities.

People born on the 20th are very diplomatic and restrained in their emotions, it is extremely difficult for them to anger or unbalance. Calmness and tolerance allow them to almost always avoid conflicts and move towards the goal with measured steps.

People born on the 29th have a strong sense of justice, they love to impose their point of view, as they always consider themselves to be right. Their daydreaming does not always allow them to soberly assess the situation and see their mistakes.

Number 3. (Birthday 3, 12, 21, 30)

People whose birthday falls on the 3rd or 30th of the month are endowed with a good sense of humor and artistry, they are characterized by excessive ambition, which does not allow them to be in a subordinate position. But, thanks to the ability to go for a break, they quickly get high positions and leading positions.

People born on the 12th have a rare discipline and practicality. At the same time, they are very emotional and friendly, so people are happy to make contact with them. This helps them to make the necessary acquaintances that they know how to use with good benefits for themselves.

People born on the 21st need constant communication with people, daily activities and events. They are very dynamic, sometimes nervously excitable. These are very versatile personalities who, if desired, can realize themselves in any field.

Number 4. (Birthday 4, 13, 22,31)

These people are very dependent on the opinions of others, which often even overshadow their own. There are many pessimists and melancholic people among these people. Not having achieved at least some results in a short time, they lose heart, they stop believing in themselves and give up all undertakings.

People born on the 4th are very accurate and punctual, overly stubborn, but, surprisingly, susceptible to other people's influence. For them, little things are very important, to which they pay too much attention, forgetting about the final result.

People whose birthday falls on the 13th are too ambitious, they are very vulnerable and sensitive, although they stubbornly hide it. They do not tolerate criticism in any of its manifestations. Lack of self-confidence does not allow them to find the strength to take on a difficult task. There are many pessimists among these people.

The number 22, like the number 11, occupies a special place in astrology, and endows people born on this day with almost supernatural powers. Some of them have such developed psychic abilities that they are able to read the thoughts of other people and predict the future, of course, provided that the person himself develops these qualities.

People born on the 31st are simply made for business. They have excellent organizational skills that allow them to manage a large team. Neatness and patience also contribute to the achievement of their goals.

Number 5. (Birthday 5, 14, 23)

These people strive for easy prey, make decisions quickly, do not tolerate slowness. They are very impulsive, so they need constant movement. Increased emotionality and high speed of thinking allow them to achieve good results in a short time.

The main distinguishing feature of people born on the 5th is their flexible nature, because of which they can fall under the influence of other people. Therefore, when starting to communicate with a new person, they should be very careful.

People born on the 14th are characterized by versatility of nature and versatility of interests. High intellectual abilities and analytical mindset give them great value in scientific fields of activity.

People whose birthday falls on the 23rd are very mercantile, but they are quite competent in many issues, so people around them rarely notice this quality.

Number 6. (Birthday 6, 15, 24)

People born in these numbers are very balanced, and in absolutely everything. Both in work and in relationships with friends and family. They love their home very much, are dedicated to their work, love to take care of others. All these qualities, of course, cannot leave others indifferent, therefore they have a lot of friends, patrons and well-wishers.

Especially, here you can express people born on the 15th. They are stubborn and ambitious leaders who are always confident in themselves. However, due to their gullibility, they often fall under the influence of others or deception.

The 6th and 24th numbers endow people born on this day with good musical abilities and acting skills. But weak willpower often prevents you from being realized in this area, and in your career in general. Therefore, they devote themselves to family and home.

Number 7. (Birthday 7, 16, 25)

These are real lucky ones who are always lucky in life. The mysterious attraction of these people greatly influences others.

People born on the 7th are characterized by pronounced selfishness, excessive stubbornness and love for arguments, from which he most often comes out the winner. A person born on the 16th is very sociable and diplomatic. He easily establishes contacts with people of different circles, charming everyone with his attractiveness.

People born on the 25th are prone to constant changes, they quickly get bored with everything, so they often change partners, place of work and even their own principles.

Number 8. (Birthday 8, 17, 26)

People born on the 8th are able to make money literally out of nothing, they quickly assess any situation and draw conclusions. They are characterized by a duality of nature and the ability to adapt to others for their own good.

The number 17 endowed people born on this day with a real "entrepreneurial streak", a talent to feel profit. They make good businessmen and private business leaders. These people tend to be somewhat sloppy, but this rarely prevents them from achieving their goals.

People born on the 26th have good organizational skills. But they do not need power, they only need a deputy position. Due to excessive emotionality, such people are drawn to art, to creativity.

The number 8 endows people with great strength, personality, ardent nature and a warm heart. But they need constant support and understanding, otherwise, such a person closes in himself and constantly feels lonely.

Number 9. (Birthday 9, 18, 27)

The vocation of these people is compassion for others. They have absolutely no selfishness, which allows them to establish contacts with all the people around them. They are characterized by generosity and generosity, the desire to patronize the weak and needy. Excessive emotionality and some intolerance makes it easy to unbalance them. With age, they gain great vitality, which they try to use for the benefit of others.

1 - a refined egoist (only I have to live, I, I, I,).
11 - close to selfishness (he praises himself all the time, as if for sale, he is afraid to overestimate).
111 - good character (flexible).
1111 - very strong-willed, strong.
11111 - dictator, tyrant.
111111 - (very rarely) a tough person, at the same time, for a loved one he can do the impossible, it is very difficult with him.
Square 2 (bioenergy).
- there is no bioenergy, the bioenergy channel is open for an intensive recruitment, these people love old things, treat others well, trying to feed themselves from others, brought up by nature.
2 - bioenergy is enough for life, but now, at this stage, it is not enough. Sport is obligatory, sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.
22 - bioenergy is enough (it can already heal others).
222 is a good psychic.
222 - these people are loved by the opposite sex and very much loved with a sign.
666 - satan - they are fed.
Square 3 (decency).
- no triplets - very clean or punctual, something sets them apart from the environment with their language (they clean them all the time).
3 - these people are not worried about order, but relatively (I want to do it, I want not), it all depends on the mood.
33 - a penchant for science (good mathematicians, physicists, chemists, scientists).
333 - a penchant for science (with increased strength, impossible pedantry, is not realized in science).
Square 4 (health).
- this person will be very sick (especially if there are a lot of twos in the calculation).
4 - it will hurt, but not much, towards old age, like everyone else.
44 - a very strong person or increased temperament (sexual inclinations).
444 - the same thing, but with renewed vigor.
Square 5 (intuition).
- about an open channel at birth, so this person is always trying to do something, to prove something, always the head is in thought, he himself is in the experiment, in the calculation. Life experience shows that it is difficult to live with this person. Everything gets (punches) with his head.
5 - the channel is open, these people make less mistakes in life and in general.
55 - highly developed intuition - investigator and lawyer.
555 - almost clairvoyant, they do not make mistakes, they know exactly what they are doing.
5555 - clairvoyants, everything that happens around them is clear. There are times when they are outside of space and outside of space time.
Square 6 (grounding).
- a person came to acquire a craft, physical labor is necessary, but he does not like it.
6 - grounded, physical labor is necessary, you can think about studying.
66 - very grounded, no physical labor is needed, but they love it.
666 - a sign of Satan, very obligatory, the temperament is increased, the partner to whom he is married must be with a large number of twos, because he feeds on his partner and often, pumping energy, goes to another partner.
6666 - this person in his previous incarnations gained a lot of grounding, he works very hard. For him, the severity of labor (physical) does not exist, he always works. An institute is definitely needed if there are 9s in the calculation.
Square 7 (divine spark, talent).
- this person was born to earn 7s, and you can only earn them through efforts. A very hard life. Will almost always lead to religion.
7 - divine spark. The human lives much easier than without a 3-ki, there is a talent, but not clearly expressed.
77 is a very strong sign of angelic likeness when fully developed. The person is musical, has an artistic taste, will be able to draw. If there are 1 or two in the calculation, then his egoism can guide him and his talent. Nobody needs him. A man walks on a razor's edge, he succeeds in everything, good and bad. There are no closed doors for him. If he sues, then they will definitely help him win the process or get him out of the hole. From childhood you need to learn altruism.
777 is a special sign. These people, as a rule, came to earth for a short time, and if with life deficienciesparalysis awaits them in old age.
7777 is an angel sign. People with this sign die in infancy, if they stay alive, then their lives are in mortal danger.
Square 8 (sense of duty).
- the person will take something, but is in no hurry to give it back.
8 - a person with a developed sense of duty.
88 - a very developed sense of duty. Always willing to help.
888 - as a service to the people, a great sign.
8888 - the sign will only be in 88. Children are born with parapsychological abilities, with knowledge of the exact sciences.
Square of 9 (mind)
9 - a person must definitely develop a second 9-ku.
99 - a person has a smart head from birth. It is necessary to learn.
999 - a person is intelligent by nature, learns poorly (everything is given).
9999 - the truth is hidden, with a state of harsh mind (rude, unmerciful).

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