Prince Prince Oleg. Prince Oleg - a brief biography. Legends about the mean Oleg

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Oleg Novgorodsky is usually beginning to deduct the formation of ancient Russian power. The figure is really a sign, because I defined the beginning of a new era, a new era. His life, like death, has many mysteries for historians. But still Prince Oleg Veus short biography which will be discussed below - the personality is quite interesting for researchers and ordinary lovers of antiquity.

Appearance in Russia

The biography of which we are known only briefly, is considered the founder of the ancient Russian state. He was a relative of the legendary Varyag Rurik, that is, the brother Efanda was a commander's wife. There is an opinion that he was an ordinary governor, to whom Viking immensely trusted. Otherwise, would he commit him to take his young son? It should be assumed that Oleg acted under the agreement with Rurik, and maybe he had certain freedom. One way or another, but rather quickly he seized Smolensk and love, and then Kiev. By the way, the Zlatovochiy city was captured by a cunning: Varyag smeared because of the walls (which were also probably wiking) and killed them, declaring himself a prince.

Achievements and successes

Prince Oleg, whose biography is considered in this article, strengthened the power whether the tribes of the Slavs neighboring with Kiev, whether to conquer them. He installed a tribute for them, which is not strongly in humans. But his military successes were really impressive. Hiking vs. Khazar saved Russian lands from the need to pay Kaganat the Foul. The great Tsargrad fell on the gates of which, according to the chronicle, the prince nailed his shield. As a result, Russian merchants could trade without duties with Byzantia, receive all sorts of support from it. Thus, the prince Oleg is prophetic, the brief biography of which is considered above, has more merit to Russia than Rurik. Moreover, there is almost nothing to know about the prince of dynasty.

Hike to Tsargrad.

Prince Oleg, the brief biography of which is covered in the story of the time of age, is an outstanding personality. He organized a famous campaign to Constantinople, after which he got his nickname - prophetic. The chronicle states that he sent a huge army on two thousand rooks to the city. Each boat was placed four tent of the warriors. The emperor ordered to close the gate of the capital, leaving the suburbs and villages on the enemies. But the Kiev prince ordered to attach the wheels to the ships, on which the army came to the gate of Tsargrad. Byzantines were in bewilderment, therefore surrendered, offering Oleg generous tribute and peace.

And was there a goal?

Prince Oleg, whose short biography There is practically in every textbook of history, - the figure is contrary to. Researchers have more questions than answers about his life. For example, the fact of the campaign on Byzantium seems unreliable. All because the authors from Constantinople described in detail all attacks on their country, but they do not mention the campaign. In addition, the return from Tsargrad Oleg and Vladimir the Great is very similar. Perhaps this is a description of the same event. At the same time, after Oleg, Igor went to the southern city, who also won. This is stated by European authors who led the chronicles of those years.

Was a snake?

Oleg, whose biography is also known from the lessons of literature, died just as mysteriously, as appeared in Russia. The same describes that once the welfare predicted him death from his beloved horse. Varyag was superstitious, so I sat on another animal, and the favorite instructed the servants, ordering to take care of him before his death. I remembered the ruler about him during the pyr, but it turned out that the horse had long died. Cooking a pet and angry, which believed the wise, the prince went to the bones. But when he came to the skull, I saw a snake, which immediately stung him in the leg. Oleg died from poison.

Prince Oleg, whose biography has long been studied, he could perish another death. And the tale of the horse and the snake may be borrowed from Saga about Orvard Odde. Although some scientists believe that the hero of the Scandinavian legends and the prophetic Oleg are the same face. But there are several facts that make it possible to think about whether the plot about the death of the prince is true. Among them are the following:

Could the snake contact the leather boot, which was worn in Russia? Most likely, no, or Oleg came to the hill to the bones of the horse bare?

And what if the snake jumped and bites the prince above the shining boot? But on the territory of Ukraine in such viper there is no!

As a rule, the snake before the horrid, hits and is trying to wage. Could this not notice Oleg or his close?

As an option, the prince died from poison, but the snake hit him on purpose or poisoned Oleg in advance. Set where the truth, unfortunately, is impossible.

A few more interesting facts

Russian Prince Oleg, whose biography is already known to the reader, is mentioned not only in the chronicles of Kiev and Novgorod. Al-Masidi (Arabic author) talks about the unsuccessful campaign of Rus (500 ships!) On the chel with Olang and Al-Dir to Persia. Part of the production was given to Khazaras, but the latter betrayed them and killed everyone. About thirty thousandwriters died there, and who retreated for the Caspian, were interrupted by Volzhsky Bulgarians. Thus, the legendary prince died in a campaign, as befells brave Varana.

Here is such a smart and warlike prince Oleg. His biography is full of white spots, because of which a halo of mysteriousness and mysteriousness remains around this figure. Perhaps the time will find answers to all questions.

Memory O. Things Oleg

In dramagia

In literature

Panus O. Yu. "Shields on the gates",

To the cinema



Oleg Vechemy
Odda Orvar Rurik

Great Russian Prince, commander

Great Prince Novgorod 879-912

Grand Prince Kiev 882-912

news and events

A peace treaty of Russia with Byzantium

Prince Oleg after a successful military campaign to Constantinople, September 15, 911 concluded an agreement with Byzantium. The chronicle tells how "the idea of \u200b\u200bOleg on the Greeks", taking with him allies - "Many Varyag, and Slane, and Cheer, and Curvichi, and Measure, and Cutting, and Radmichi, and Polyany, and North, and Vntychi, and Croats, And dulebs, and tivers "- and" come to the Tsarugrad ".

Veusive Oleg was born in 850 in the territory of Western Norway. The boy grew up in a rich family of bonds, and named Odda, then received the nickname Orver: "Arrow". His sister Efanda later married the ruler of Varyagov Rurik. Thanks to this, Oleg became his main commander. Arrived with Rurik in Ladoga and an adhesion between 858 and 862 years.

After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg became the sole prince of Novgorod Russia. Rurik was not mistaken in his choice when Oleg His Son and Novgorod table bequeathed on the mortal app. Oleg became a real father for the prince, raising Igor by a courageous, hardened, formed by those times a person. Oleg took responsibility and to the title of Prince, complained to him by another. The main goal of the rulers of those times was to increase the richness of the princely and expanding the boundaries of the territory subject to them by joining new lands, the subordination of other tribes and the collection of Dani.

Looking at the head of the Novgorod Principality, Oleg boldly began the seizure of all Dnipro lands. His main goal was to establish full control over the water trading way to the eastern Byzantium and the conquest of the Kiev principality. Many princes wished then to manage this big principality, which became by the end of the 9th century, the center of Russian trade and the main stronghold of Russia in containing the raids of the Pecheneck Horde. It became completely clear that the one who ruled Kiev managed all Russian trade.

Prince Oleg collected a great army of Varyagov and in 882 he captured the city of Smolensk and Lyubek. Further on the Dnieper in the Ladyah went down to Kiev, where two boyari reigned, not the Rüric tribe, but Varyagi Askold and Dir. At the campaign took with me and young Prince Igor. Power in Kiev Oleg captured cunning. The prince asked for meetings at the then rulers of Kiev, Askold and Dira, stopping at the walls of the city allegedly along the way to South. When the princes, I suspect nothing, came to the Novgorod ladies, Oleg, as legend says, showed them to Igor and exclaimed: "You are not a princess, not the kind of prince. Here is the son of Rüric! ". After these words killed Askold and Dira. None of the Kiev residents dared to oppose Oleg and his troops. Moreover, many tribes who lived on the shores of the Dnieper voluntarily obeyed the authorities of the Kiev Prince. Pecheneg raids ruined the Slavs, and they were looking for protection from the rulers, agreeing to pay them for this tribute.

Very soon, the Kiev land closed all the southern borders of the country. But Oleg did not calm down, continuing to obey himself and other tribes, more deleted from the main river path. Act accounted for strength, as Slavs who did not participate in the trade turnover did not see sense in joining the Kiev principality and the more not the wish to pay tribute. Many hard hikes had to make the prince of Oleg with her buddy before he managed to finish the political association of the Eastern Slavs. The location of Kiev seemed to Oleg very comfortable, and soon moved there with a friend.

When combining two unions, the Northern and South, with large principalities in the center, Novgorod and Kiev, a new political form of the Kiev Grand District appeared in Russia, which became essentially the first Russian state.

The next twenty five years Oleg was engaged in the expansion of his power. Subjugated Kiev Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich. If Rurik has already taken a step forward to the south along the Eastern way, going from Ladoga to Novgorod, then his successor Oleg moved much more and reached the end of the way. In the chronicles of that time, the names of the tribes are rarely found, they were replaced by the names of cities and regions. The subordinate city regions of Prince Oleg gave to the management of landans who had their armed squads and were also called princes.

In 907, Prince Oleg made a military campaign to Constantinople, to the capital of Byzantium. His army floated to 2000 late 40 warriors in each, and she also walked on the shore. Byzantine Emperor ordered to close the gate of the city and tan the chains of the harbor, providing Varyags the opportunity to rob and ruin the suburbs of Constantinople.

But not satisfied with the small robbery, Oleg went to the unusual storm in the city: "And Oleg commanded his warriors to make the wheels and put on the wheels of ships. And when there was a passing wind, raised the sails in the field and went to the city. " The Greeks locked in the city, behind the high walls, prayed for a mercy and at the negotiations were offered to conclude the world and agreed to pay tribute to 12 hryvnia silver per person. In the mark of Victory Oleg, on September 2, 907, nodded his shield to the gates of Tsargrad.

As a result, the first peace treaty of Russians with the Greeks about the duty-free trade in Russia in Byzantium, compiled legally competently and reasonably, even judging by today's international law standards. According to Oleg Treaty with the Greeks, Russian merchants did not pay any duties. Upon exchange trading exchange fur, wax, chelye on wine, vegetables, silk fabrics, gold. Upon the expiration of the trade period, marked with the contract, Russia received food on the road, as well as ship gear. In addition to trading, the Greeks hired Russian warriors to their service. Together with merchants from Constantinople, Christian priests and preachers came to Russia. More than Slavs appealed to the Orthodox faith, but the prince himself did not accept Christianity.

The last years of his life was held without military campaigns and battles. Oleg died in old age in 912. There is a legend for which the princess was predicted death from his beloved horse. Oleg was superstitious and no longer sat on her pet. After many years, remembering him, the prince came there, where the bones of his faithful friend were lying. The bite of the snake, cracked from the skull, was fatal. The plot of this legend lay on the basis of the ballads of Alexander Pushkin and Nicholas Langua. Information about the place of its burial is contradictory. There are indirect evidence that Prince's grave is located next to Kiev in one of the Kurgans.

There is no doubt that the main historical merit of this ruler can relate to the union of all Slavic tribes under the unified principle, the basis and strengthening of the first Russian state: the Great Principality of Kiev. From the board of Prince Oleg, history began Kievan Rus, together with this, the history of the Russian state.

Memory of the mean Oleg

In dramagia

Lviva A. D. Dramatic Panorama in 5 actions and 14 paintings "Prince Oleg Probe" (Premiere September 16, 1904 on the stage of Nikolai II Nikolai II), Music N. I. Talvivov with the participation of the Chora of Huslarov O. U. Smolensky.

In literature

Pushkin A. S. "Song about Oleg" (1822)
Ryleev K. F. Duma. Chapter I. Oleg Probe. (1825)
Vysotsky V. S. "Song about the meaning of Oleg" (1967)
Vasilyev B. L. "Veus Oleg" (1996)
Panus O. Yu. "Shields on the gates",

To the cinema

Legend of Princess Olga (1983; USSR) Director Yuri Ilinko, as Oleg Nikolay Oolanin.

Conquest (1996; Hungary), director Gabor Collya, as Oleg Laslo Helley.

Saga about Vikings (2008; Denmark, USA) Director Mikael Mowlyl, as Oleg Simon Brejer (in childhood), Ken Wedsegor (in youth).

Veus Oleg. Founded by the Calee (2015; Russia) - Mikhail Zadornov's documentary about the meaning of Oleg.

In the TV series "Vikings" (2013-2020), in the role of Oleg - Russian actor Danil Kozlovsky.


In 2007, a monument to Oleg in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky was opened, since the city was first mentioned in 907 in Oleg Treaty with Byzantia.

In September 2015, a monument to Rurik and Oleg in Old Ladoga (Russia) was opened.

Prince Oleg - the first ruler of the ancient Russian state. After the death of Rurik, from 879. Missed in North Russia, seized in 882 Kiev and united the land of North and South Rus to a single state - Kievan Rus.

Oleg - Biography (BIBLES)

The political activity of Oleg turned out to be successful: he expanded the territory of the Kiev principality, subordinating many peoples of Eastern Europe, and also made a successful campaign to Constantinople in 907, after which he concluded a profitable trade agreement with the Greeks.

The image of Prince Oleg, noven by the Russian chronicler, became extremely popular in Russian culture - poetry, literature and visual art, but at the same time this historical figure is one of the most controversial and difficult for scientific research. Even those considered the most reliable Russian chronicles compiled at the turn of the XI - XII centuries, some major facts of the biography of Oleg report contradictory. Many chronicle plots associated with this prince reflect historical legends of oral, folklore and even mythoepic nature, having parallels in the culture of other peoples.

Prince or Governor?

As V. Ya. Petrukhin noted, the most fully life of Oleg is covered in the chronicle of the tale of temporary years (beginning of the XII century). In 879, due to death in this chronicle, he was first reported by Prince. The reign has passed to him as the "Riding" Rurik and the guardian of the above-the juvenile son of the Severorussky ruler. The degree of their kinship is more, apparently, it allows you to judge the Ioakimovskaya chronicle (XVII century), on the basis of the information that he believed that Oleg was Shurik, "Urmansky Prince" from Sweden.

In the Novgorod first chronicle, closest to the primary severity of the 190s, which is based on the most ancient Russian chronicles, Oleg is not a prince, but the governor with already quite adult Prince Igor. Accordingly, the seizure of Kiev is a joint event Igor and Oleg.

The chronology of events in which Oleg participates, in the Novgorod chronicle "delays" in relation to the one reflecting the story of the day. So, the famous campaign of Oleg to Constantinople 907 here dates back to 922 g. However, the researchers have long been recognized by the conventionality of early chronicles and their "dependence" from the dates of the Greek chronographs, with which the Old Russian authors have "begins".

First "Capital" of Oleg?

This question is directly related to the status of Oleg and age. Thus, the largest researcher of the Russian chronicles A. A. Chematov believed that Oleg and Igor, independently of each other ruled: one in Kiev, the other - in. Traditions about both connected the author of the initial arch, which and "made" Oleg Voevodoya at the game. The compiler of the story of the time years "returned to him the princely title. In order to explain the simultaneity of two princes, the chronicler and showed Igor Baby on the hands of Oleg.

But where was Oleg before the seizure of Kiev? The chronicles do not speak directly. It is understood that after the death of Rurik, where the latter was located, that is, in Novgorod. But there are sources, for example, the Ipatiev chronicle, which indicate both the first residence. Yes, and "one of the graves" of Oleg in the chronic story is timed to Ladoga.

The famous Polish scientist H. Lovmyynsky suggested that the first residence of Oleg was Ladoga, and then he made the place of his stay, given his role as an important shopping center. True, the same historian pointed to a weak point in his hypothesis: Smolensk was not mentioned by the chronicles on the list of major cities, subject to Kiev (907). Yes, and subordinate to himself Oleg Smolensk shortly before Kiev events.

As Kiev became the "mother of the city of Russian"

According to the Tale of the Weekly, Oleg in 882, collecting warriors from many nations living in the north of Rus, made a trip to the south. "Accepting power" in and "putting his husband in him," the lure studied. Now Oleg's path lay on Kiev. In Kiev, Rules and Dir, former Dwarfs Rüric, released by him in 866 by campaign on Byzantium and those who were arranged here after returning from the campaign. Oleg hid his warriors in the rooks and on the shore, and he himself sent for Varyagami, to convey them to them that they, they say, merchants, go to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor, "come to us, to their rosures." In the Nikonov (Patriarchalches) of the Chronicle (XVI century) for persuasiveness, Oleg has affected the patient and, apparently, so invites the rulers of Kiev.

When the Deer came to the meeting place, Oleg, accused them that they were not eligible for the jurisdiction in Kiev, in contrast, from Him and Igor - Son Rurik. According to his sign, the soldiers climbed from ambush killed Askold and Dira. Further, apparently, Oleg has already confused his power over Kiev.

Oleg's military trick, namely the Western, arranged by the "Plesupsuups", finds analogies in the epic of other peoples (Egyptian, Iranian, antique, Western European parallels), which allowed some researchers to see not historical accuracy, and the folk nature of the corresponding legend about the capture of Kiev Oleg.

Evaluating the favorable strategic position of Kiev and on the way "from the Varyag in the Greeks", and in the center of the new United States, Oleg made this city with the capital. There were a lot of so many cities in Russia, but it was Kiev with the light hand of the prince became the "mother of the city of Russian." As the famous researcher A. V. Nazarenko showed, this chroniclery expression was a cataca from the Greek epithet of Constantinople and its use "indicated the significance of the Tsareghad paradigm for the capital status of Kiev."

Subsequent years (883-885) Oleg devoted to the conquest of the Slavic peoples neighboring with Kiev on the right and left banks of the Dnieper - Polyan, Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich, taking them from under Dani "Unwise to Khazar" and including the composition of the ancient Russian state. But for the ambitious Russian ruler, the main rival and the most desirable prey, of course, was Constantinople.

Shield on the gates of Tsargrad

In 907, reports were reportedly by the Tale of the Day for Oleg, collecting a huge, 80,000, the army of the Varyagov and the warriors of the provisions of the Slavic and non-Slavic peoples, on the ships, the number of which reached 2000, moved to Kinggrad.

Greeks blocked with chain access to enemy ships in the harbor of Constantinople. Then the inventive Oleg ordered the waters on the wheels. The passing wind drove the innumerable Armadd to the walls of the Byzantine capital on land. The Greeks were frightened and requested the world. Cunning Raleus carried out Oleg treats - wine and disassembly, but the Russian prince refused them, suspecting that they were poisoned. He demanded a greater tribute - 12 hryvnia for each warrior and in Victory hung his shield on the gates of Tsargrad. After that, the campaign was called Oleg.

But was the campaign of Oleg?

In historiography, they have long established the cardinal opposite opinions on whether Oleg's campaign took place in Constantinople. Adherents of the idea that the campaign took place, as evidence refer to the accuracy of the Russian-Byzantine agreement concluded after him, 911, but there are serious arguments in favor of the opinion on the legendar of the campaign:

  • Only Russian sources speak about the campaign of 907, but Greek silent. But the Byzantine authors often described the numerous enemy sieges and attacks, which were subjected to Constantinople over the centuries, including the attacks of Russia in 860 and 941.
  • But the Russian sources describing the campaign of Oleg contain contradictions. These are different dates of the event, and the distinguished composition of the participants of Oleg's troops.
  • A description of the campaign of 907 in many details and style is reminded of the description of the Russian chronicle in the campaign of Prince Igor in the Greeks in 941, and they both discover the "dependence" from the text of the Greek Chronicle of Amartol, talking about the attack of Russians 941 on Byzantium.
  • In the statement of the Russian chronicler on the campaign of Oleg in 907, elements recognized by a number of researchers folk-epic are contained. For example, the winner's shield on the gates of the Byzantine capital is an episode contained in the ancient epic of other peoples, but not more than in Russian sources. Large "suspicions" of scientists in artificiality descriptions of the campaign causes the plot of ships on wheels, and it is necessary to say about it.

Wheels on wheels: metaphor or means of movement?

Already on the most ancient monuments of art - Egyptian, Babylonian, antique, Far Eastern, can be found images of ships on chariots. They are present in the epic of many nations. The closest analogy of the plot about the ships on the wheels of Oleg is found in the work of Saxon's grammar "GESTA Danorum" (XII century), telling about the legendary Danish conken Ragnar Labok. Many researchers bring two of these legends.

But Saxon instead of ships mentioned copper horses on wheels. The fact that the author metaphorically meant ships, researchers say. In the statement of Saxon, the entire episode looks vaguely and foggy, unlike the clear and understandable story of the Russian chronicler.

Of course, the rights of E. A. Rydzevskaya in the fact that the legend about the campaign of Oleg developed in Russia, and not in the Scandinavian world, he was used by the chronicler for a spectacular story about the attack of Oleg on the Tsargrad. Another thing is that the legend could be entered by Varyags to Scandinavia and reflected in the appropriate episode with Ragnar from Saxon Grammar. But the same researcher belongs to the idea that the appearance of ships on wheels in the chronicle of the plot is not tribute to the epic cult tradition, but the reflection of a completely real practice in the described era. Both Vikings and Slavs could consider ships on wheels as an improved way of movement of ships with wolves.

Veus, because Oleg?

Among the mysteries given by Russian annals against Oleg, one of the main is his nickname. Web - foreseeing future events! But if the Tale of Bygone Years gives some reason to believe that Oleg is so named, because she hacked the deadly threat to the treats of the Greeks, the Novgorod chronicle does not even indicate this motive. The reader of the chronicle can not not be asked: how it happened that Oleg, being prophet, his death from his horse, besides the predicted by wrappers, did not prevent? What is behind the word prophetic? Abilities? So he, it turns out, did not show them. Or maybe a name?

The Old Egybian etymology named Oleg - Helgi is no doubt among the majority of modern researchers. It goes back to the word general value which is "sacred, sacral" and which reflected in the pagan era sacrality of the supreme power. In the ancient Germanic nameslors, it occurs infrequently, because only representatives of noble childbirth were given. The semantic core of the root * Hail was the concepts of bodily integrity and personal good luck. That is, the qualities that the conken should have, ruler.

Once in the Slavic Language Wednesday, the Scandinavian name is inevitably rethought. In the conditions of the Slavic pagan worldview, for which ideas about personal luck and fate are not characteristic, the witchcraft abilities of the ruler, the ability to spend, predict. Thus, according to E. A. Melnikova, the Scandinavian name of Prince Helgi in the East Slavic world acquired a double reflection: both as phonetic - in the form of Olg / Oleg, and as a semantic - in the form of nickname "prophetic".

The interpretation of the nickname prophetic inevitably led scientists to the study of the circumstances of the death of Prince Oleg.


Perhaps the story of the death of the thing Oleg is the most intriguing part of the chronicle biography of the Russian prince and compared with the rest of the information is most of a mythoepic.

In the Tale of Bygone Years under 912, a lengthy story was placed on the fact that even before the Byzantine campaign, the Magi predicted the death of the prince from his own beloved horse. Oleg believed the waxed, ordered the horse to feed, but he did not let me up. Returning out of the campaign, the prince learns that his horse died and ordered himself to the place of his burial. Oleg pushed the horse skull to his foot, the snake crawled out of him and the prince was deadly.

In the Novgorod first chronicle, Oleg also dies from the bite of the snake (without mentioning the horse), but this is happening in 922 and not in Kiev, and in. The same chronicle, for the reconstruction of A. A. Shamatov, reports that Oleg "left for the sea" and died there. These chronicles confirm the reference to the burials of Oleg - respectively, in Kiev and Ladoga. A similar plot (death from the snake, hiding among the remains of the beloved horse) exists in the Scandinavian saga about the Norwegian Oman Odde. E. A. Rydzyevskaya showed that the Russian chronicle narration of Oleg's death is primary in relation to the story of Sagi.

Curiously deprived of epic "layers" about the death of Russian prince Oleg in the Bulgarian chronicle of Gazi-Baraj (1229-1246), placed in the arch "Jagfar Tarich" Bakhshi Iman (XVII century). Salahby (so transfers the Eastern source name Oleg) bought a combat "Turkmen horse named Jelen". When buying, he dropped a coypet under his feet and thoughtlessly bent over her. Akhalteinets, trained in the fighting of the battle, immediately hit him with hoof and killed.

In recent years, a promising tendency to consider its mythopic origins through the prism of the distribution of power functions of the first Russian princes has emerged in recent years.

Revenge of Veles and Volkhvov

The appearance of Varyagov in Eastern Europe made major changes in the religious life of the local East Slavic population. Scandinavian society in this period confessed the cult of military force and strong secular power. The priesthood was weak, and the functions of the priests, sorcerers and even Sadharians often took over military leaders who did not want to share their power with anyone. It is known that the larger the success of the military leader, the more he seeks to usurp the functions of the "spiritual" class. In the sagas there are often motives of witchcraft and signhards of Konong.

Varana Princes in Russia also began to take on the functions of the "Witchcraft" class. Judging by the nickname, the first for the role of Prince-priest claimed Oleg. It is possible that he, like Prince Vladimir, seven decades later, led the sacrifices of pagan idols. After all, about Vladimir "Tale of Bygone Years" tells under 983, that he "went to Kiev, bringing victims to the cumiram with his people."

Having come to the Slavs, where the influence of Magi, the Varanas "princes-sorcerers" was strong, the Varya-Klotuna, should inevitably enter the last conflict. But, in need of attracting local Slovenia, Curvich and Cuchi as a military force to solve the foreign policy tasks of collecting new lands, Oleg, as D. A. Machinsky writes, "took the local Slavic-Russian religion, based on the cult of Rus Perun and Veles. " And Russia's oaths in the Russian-Byzantine contracts and other numerous sources indicate that the elite of ancient Russian society - the prince and his environment, squad, boyars, preferred the "thumbs up" Perun, the patron of secular military authorities.

At the same time, the "rest of Russia", the Slavs were more influenced by the "Slow of God" Veles (Volos). The cult of Veles, the god of the underworld, the patron saint of the sacred power, which had a snipe-like type was carried out in Russia's Rus.

The answer to the question why in the epic legend of the death of Oleg, the latter dies from the bite of the snake, and the death itself foreshadows the Russian prince of Magi, is contained in the illustrated Radzivilovsky chronicle. The miniatures of the latter are copied with a miniature of the Vladimirsky arch of 1212. The presence of a snake on a miniature, when she crashes a horse's skull and staming the prince, if desired, it is possible to understand only literally. But the presence of a snake on the miniature, on which Oleg's husband's oath was reproduced, suggests that the snake on both miniatures symbolizes the snipe-like Veles (Volos).

"Undoubtedly, the chronicler and the artist began the XIII century. We were confident in the anthropomorphism of the idol of Perun and the serpentity of the Volos, - writes D.A. Machinsky, "Probably, a miniature also believed that hair-snakes, a patron of livestock and especially horses, and a snake, who lived in a horse skull and a horrible Oleg, are identical or related". Apparently the right was ingenious

Oleg - Prince Novgorod since 879 and grand Duke Kiev since 882. Having received power over the Novgorod lands after Rüric's death, like the regent of his young son Igor, Oleg seized Kiev and moved the capital there, uniting, thereby, two main centers of the Eastern Slavs. Therefore, it is often precisely he, and not Rurik is considered as the founder of the ancient Russian state. In the chronicles "Tale of Bygone Years", his nickname prophetic (knowing the future, foreseeing future). Named so immediately after returning from the campaign of 907 to Byzantium.


The Russian pronunciation of Oleg originated, probably from the Scandinavian name Helge, which meant initially (on the Prostoshver - Hailaga) "Holy", "possessing the gift of healing." Multiple Helgi Names are known from Sag, whose lifetime is dated VI-IX centuries. In the sagas there are also relatives for the sound name Ole, Oleif, ofeig. Sakson Grammar calls OLEIF names, Oleif, ofeig, but their ethnicity remains unclear.

Among historians who do not support the Norman theory, attempts were made to challenge the Scandinavian etymology named after Oleg and tie it with invoking Slavic, Turkic or Iranian forms. Some researchers also point out that, given the fact of writing the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the XI century Christian monks, the nickname "prophetic" can not be considered authentic. Modern historians see Christian motives or even Christian propaganda in it. So, in particular, the Russian historian and the archaeologist V. Ya. Petrukhin believes that the nickname "prophetic" and the legend of the death of Prince Oleg was made by monks to the chronicle to show the impossibility of the pagan foresight of the future.

Origin of Oleg

In the chronicles set out two versions of Oleg's biography: traditional (in the "Tale of Bygone Years") and in the Novgorod first chronicle. The Novgorod chronicle has kept fragments of an earlier chronicle (on which the "Tale of Bygone Years" is based), but it contains inaccuracies in chronology on the events of the X century. According to the "Tale of Bygone Years," Oleg was a rhodium (tribesman) Rurik. V.N. Tatishchev, with reference to the Ioamikovskaya chronicle, considers him a shurrician-brother of Rurik's wife, which Efanda calls. The exact origin of Oleg in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is not specified. Traditions associated with his personality preserved also in the half-phyphic Scandinavian saga about Odde Orvar (Arhele), which indicates a broad fame of Prince in Scandinavia. After the founder of the founder of the Prince of Dynasty, Rurik in 879, Oleg began to prince in Novgorod as the guardian of the young son of Rurik Igor.

Schedule in Kiev

In 882, Prince Oleg Probe captured Kiev, the custody of killing his princes of Askold and Dira. Immediately after entering Kiev, he uttered his famous words that he was now destined to be the mother of Russian cities. Prince Oleg proved these words not by chance. He was very pleased with how well the place was chosen for the construction of the city. The shores of the Dnieper were almost indepressive, which made it hoped that the city would be a reliable protection for its inhabitants.

The presence of an obstacle from the water border of the city was very relevant, since it was for this part of the Dnieper that the famous trading path from Varyag in the Greeks was held. This path also imagined himself a trip through large Russian rivers. He took his beginning in the Finnish bay of the Baikal Sea, which at that time was called Varana. Then the path went through the River Neva to the Ladaja Lake. The path of the rank in the Greeks continued to the mouth of the Volkhov River to Lake Ilney. From there, he traveled with small rivers to the sources of the Dnieper, and from there he was already held until the Black Sea. In this way, starting in the Vorajan Sea and ending in the Black Sea, and the well-known trading path has passed.

Oleg's foreign policy

Prince Oleg Oleg, after the seizure of Kiev, decided to continue the expansion of the territory of the state, due to the inclusion of new territories in it, which were populated by the peoples, sincecorably paid tribute to Khazara. As a result, tribes entered the Kiev Rus:

  • radmichi
  • polyana
  • slovenia
  • northener
  • krivichi
  • doodle.

In addition, Prince Oleg imposed his influence and other neighboring tribes: Dregovichi, streets and tivers. At the same time, the Uralsky tribes displaced from the territory of the Urals were approached Kiev. In the chronicles, it was not preserved that these tribes were held with the world on Kievan Rus, or were knocked out of it. But it can be said that in Russia, it was still put up with their stay near Kiev. This place is near Kiev and to this day calls Ugric. These tribes later switched across the Dnieper River, captured nearby lands (Moldova and Bessarabia) and went deep into Europe, where the standards of Hungarian.

Hike on Byzantium

A separate mention deserves the famous camoy of Oleg to Constantinople, after which he received his historical nickname - "prophetic." According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the prince handled the army in 2000 Ladi, 40 warriors in each. Byzantine Emperor Lev VI Philosopher, in fear of the numerous enemy ordered to close the gate of the city, leaving the ruin of the suburbs of Tsargrad. However, Oleg went to the trick: "He ordered his warriors to make the wheels and put the ships on the wheels. And when there was a passing wind, they raised in the sail field and went to the city. " After that, supposedly to death, the frightened Greeks proposed the world and tribute to conquerors. According to a peace treaty of 907, Russian merchants received the right of duty-free trade and other privileges. Despite the fact that the mention of this campaign can be found in any guide on the history of medieval Russia, many historians consider it a legend. Not a single mention of Byzantine authors is not found about him, which described in detail similar raids in the 860th and 941th years. Doubts also causes the contract itself from 907 years, which, according to researchers, is a compilation of similar agreements from the 911st, when Oleg sent the embassy to confirm the world. Moreover, a description of the return of rules with rich prey: Even sails on their lands were made of gold silk, compared with the return from Tsargrad Voevoda Vladimir, and after the Norwegian king - Olaf Triuggwason, described in the Norwegian Saga XII century: "They say after one great victory he turned home to Garda (Rus); They then sailed with such a big pomp and the magnificence that they had sails on their ships from precious materials, and their tents were the same. "

Meeting with a sage and death

The circumstances of the death of the thing Oleg is contradictory. "The Tale of Bygone Years" reports that the death of Oleg preceded the heavenly sign - the appearance of the "star Great in the West with a penny way." According to the Kiev version, reflected in the "Tale of Bygone Years", his grave is located in Kiev on the mountains of Schikovice. The Novgorod first chronicle places his grave in Ladoga, but at the same time says that he gone "for the sea."

In both options there is a legend of death from the serpentine bite. According to legend, the magic predicted the prince that he would die from his beloved horse. Oleg ordered to lead the horse and remembered the prediction only four years later, when the horse had long died. Oleg laughed at the wrappers and wanted to look at the bone of the horse, got up his foot on the skull and said: "Is I afraid of him?" However, in the skull of the horse lived a poisonous snake, a deadly tasty prince.

This legend finds parallels in Icelandic Saga about Viking Orwar Odde, who was also deadly on the grave of his beloved horse. It is not known whether Saga has become a reason for creating an ancient Russian legend about Oleg or, on the contrary, the circumstances of the death of Oleg served the material for the saga. However, if Oleg is a historical personality, then ORVAR ODD - hero of the adventure saga, created on the basis of oral legends not earlier than the XIII century. The sorceress predicted a 12-year-old death death from his horse. In order not to let the prediction, ODD with a friend killed the horse, threw into a hole, and the corpse was poured by stones.

The death date of Oleg, as well as all the chronicles of Russian history until the end of the X century, is conditional. Historian A. A. Chematov noted that 912 is also the year of the death of the Byzantine emperor Lion VI - Antagonist Oleg. Perhaps the chronicler who knew that Oleg and Lev were contemporaries, timed the end of their boards to the same date. A similar suspicious coincidence - 945 - and between the dates of the death of Igor and overthrow from the throne of his contemporary, the Byzantine Emperor Roman I. Given the same that the Novgorod tradition refers the death of Oleg by 922, the date 912 becomes even more dubious. The duration of the reign of Oleg and Igor is 33 years old, which is suspicious in the epic source of this information.

Polish historian of the XVIII century H. F. Frize advanced the version that Oleg had a son, Oleg Moravian, who, after the death of his father, was forced to leave Russia as a result of the fight against Prince Igor. Rurikovich Oleg Moravsky's relative became the last prince of Moravia in 940, according to the compositions of the Polish and Czech writers of the XVI-XVII century, but his relative connection with Oleg is only an assumption of fries.

The image of the Oleg

To the above brief reference Oleg, who became a generally accepted tradition, add several scientific comments.

  1. First, according to archaeological data in the IX century. Novgorod as such has not yet existed. There were three separate settlements on the site of Novgorod. The children, the fortress built at the end of the city, tied them into a single city. It was the fortress in those days called the "city". So Rurik, and Oleg sat in Novgorod, but in some "Stargorod". They could be either Ladoga, or Rurikovo fortification near Novgorod. Ladoga, a fortified city on Volkhov, located near Volhow's sign in Lake Lake, was in VII - the first half of the IX century. The largest shopping center of the northeastern Baltic. In archaeological data, the city founded people from Scandinavia, but in the future there was a mixed population - Normans adjacent to the Slavs and Finno-Ugrons. By the middle of the IX century. There is a terrible pogrom and a fire that destroyed Ladoga. This may well be coordinated with the chronicles of the big war of 862, when Ilmenie Slovenia, Curvichi, the whole, Merry and Chud "were driven for the Varyagi Sea", which were collected from them tribute in 859-862, and then began to fight with each other ( "And there was a genus on the genus ..."). After the destruction of the middle of the IX century. Ladoga rebuilt, but never has already acquired the same meaning. Upon nonzero memory of the already magnitude of the Ladoga or the significance of Rurikov, the settlement was no longer, he wrote two centuries after the time of the vanity of Varyagov. But the glory of Novgorod, as a major political center, reached a peak, which forced the chronicler to believe in his antiquity and it is in Novgorod to place the first rules of Russia.
  2. The second reservation will concern the origin, activities and death of the thing Oleg. The first Novgorod chronicle, which, in the opinion of a number of researchers, even older than PVL, calls Oleg not to the prince, but the governor when the son of Rurik. Oleg accompanies Igor in his campaigns. It was the prince of Igor to spread with Askold, and then go to the Romean (Byzantine) empire and besieged Tsargrad. Oleg, according to the first Novgorod chronicle, finds his end when it leaves from Kiev to the north in Ladoga, where he is waiting for a legendary snake. I bite, he dies, but not in 912, and in 922, the Novgorod chronicle reports and another version of the death of Oleg: some say that Oleg left "for the sea" and died there.
  3. The third comment will be associated with the possible participation of Oleg in the eastern campaigns. The Russian chronicles say that he successfully fought with Khazars, and the eastern sources also talk about the Caspian, directed against Persia, the campaigns of the rules that are coming at Oleg. Some historians believe that the vague and fragmental messages of the Eastern documents on this account can be hypothetically associated not only with time, but also with different historical figures.

The will of the chronicler who created the "Tale of Bygone Years", his successors of the XIII-XVII centuries, the first Russian historians and, of course, A.S. Pushkin, who poetically retold the legend of PVL about the meaning of Oleg, the legendary Oleg became part of the entire subsequent Russian history. His image of Prince-Warrior, the defender of the Russian Earth and the Creator of the Russian State became part of the self-identification of the Russian people throughout his subsequent history of the story.

Oleg Vechemy

First Grand Duke Kiev. The reign years of approximately: 869-912. The chronicle legend binds the appearance of Oleg in Russia with the calling of Varyagov, calls him a prince Umansky (i.e. Normannsky), Shurin of Prince Igor, and sometimes Rüric's nephew. The "Regency" of Oleg (869) The chronicle explains his relationship with Rurik, who, dying, presented his principality behind the youngster of the Son Igor Oleg. However, there are cases where Oleg is called Voivoda Igor. The reign of his Oleg began in Novgorod and soon became famous for the "Device of the Earth", conquering and diplomatic activities: he built the city and established the Podachi, conquered the neighboring nations and entered them with tribute, tried to make diplomatic intercourse with Byzantia, quite understanding the importance of them for the people who lived in Great path "From Varyag in Greeks." This period of his jurisdiction, the Novgorod chronicler calls "those times and summer of Olgov." In Novgorod, Oleg rejected three years (until 872), and then began his movement to the south, seeking to spread and consolidate his princely power on it. First of all, he mastered the city of Dniprovsky Crvic - Smolensky, then Lisher in Northern Last. Both cities he secured, putting in them the governors with a sufficient garrison. Moving to the south down the Dnieper, Oleg reached Kiev, in which, in the chronicle legend, the men who separated from the squad of Rüric's men - Askold and Dir. Oleg lured them with cunning from the city and, killing, took possession of Kiev. He made his ultimate city and called the "Mother of the Russian cities". With the accession of land, Oleg convinced by the Kiev princes convinced all the great water, and to secure him from nomadic raids, decided to approve his power in the steppes. To this end, they were built a number of towns and butterpasses. Provided by their southeastern borders, Oleg spread its conquering movement to the east and west of Dnieper. So, in 883, he put the Trees to pay him a tribute to the black cunita with smoke. In 885, Oleg went to the northerners who paid tribute to Hozaras and, conquering, laid them with a light tribute, referring to show the advantages of Russian power before Khaozar Igog. Apparently, thanks to this form of action of Oleg, Radmichi in 885 agreed to give him the tribute, which they paid before Hozaras. After many years of struggle (by the annals of 20 years), Oleg conquered dlebov, Croats and Tivers. The streets did not succeed at all. Persistent resistance is explained by the fact that these tribes with a small and weak trading class did not see sense in conjunction with Rus. In 907, Oleg, collecting the numerous army from Varyagov, Novgorod Slavs, Polyan, Cugh, Krivichi, Mary, Northerners, Drevlyan, Radmich, Croatians, Dulebov, and Tiversev, Susha and Morce, moved to the Tsargrad. This kind of enterprise enjoyed sympathy of the surrounding tribes associated with trading interests with Rus and Byzantium. This campaign of Oleg, who had important for the further development of the Kiev principality, crashed into a popular memory. Traditions decorate its fabulous details indicating that the people considered it a large military enterprise other than random predatory raids. The chronicle story about the siege and the capture of Tsargrad is bloomed by fiction, towering courage, and the main thing is the trick of the prince, surpassed by the Greeks. The Greek emperors frightened by Oleg, not allowing the Russian prince to storm their capital, offered him through negotiations to come to a peace agreement. Oleg accepted this proposal and the ambassadors concluded with the Greeks the conditions for which the Greeks were to give 12 hryvnias on the ship and stacked on those Russian cities where Oleg's men were sitting. Based on these conditions, the world was concluded by the oath of both parties. Russians spore themselves right within six months to take the edible supplies from the Greeks (monthly) and wash in the baths as much as you like. To trade them was allowed everywhere duty free. When sending Russians, the Greeks in the return route were obliged to supply them to provisions and ship's gears. Byzantine emperors made an article in a contract, according to which Russians could enter the city only accompanied by Greek officials, through a pre-specified gate, without weapons, and no more than 50 people right away, and settle in the place indicated by the government. This first agreement of Oleg has not been preserved in its full composition, but only in the chronicle retelling.

Oleg returned to his homeland with rich prey and glory about his successful campaign was separated everywhere. The people called the Prince, which won the cunning Greeks, - wept. In 911, Oleg, on behalf of His and "Like the essence of his light Boyar," sent - "from the genus of Russian," to the Tsargrad ambassadors, who concluded the well-known Russian treaty with the Greeks of 911. He was concluded in September 911. Emperors Leve, Alexander and Konstantine. It can be seen from the text that in Russia of that time there were many princes, part of the native, Slavic origin, part of the ingenic nodes who managed the whole "parish".

The content of the contract determines the grounds for the accusation of Russian or Greek in a crime. Then, in the contract, Russian and Greeks were obliged to help mutually shopping ships of those and others who fell in misfortune. The contract also obliged to buy Russian and Greek slaves and prisoners of war of those countries where merchants of Contracting Parties will ride. According to the contract, the Russians were allowed, by the way, to serve the Greek emperors. According to the conclusion of the contract, the emperors richly gave ambassadors and gave an order to drive them at churches and acquaint themselves with the Christian faith. In 912, the ambassadors returned to Kiev. There is a legend that in the autumn of the same year, Oleg went north to Novgorod and Ladoga, where he died. There is a poetic legend known in Pushkin's poetic processing. The personality and activity of Oleg generally served the subjects of literary processing.

"Complete Assembly of Russian Chronicles" (under 6367, 6387, 6390-92, 6411, 6412, 6420 Tom I, II, IV, V, VII); Works: Solovyov, Bestumev-Ryumin, Ilovaiski. "Oleg's campaign is really a fairy tale" (Question D. Ilovai N. Lambina "Zhurn. M. N. Enlightenment", 1873, No. 7). D. Meichik: "The system of crimes and punishments under Oleg, Igor and Pravda Yaroslavova". ("Legal Bulletin", 1875 No. 1-3). Sergeevich: "Russian treaties with the Greeks" (magazine M. N. Enlightenment, 1882, January). M. Vladimir Budanov; "Readings on the history of Russian law", Issue. I, edition 3, Kiev 1893; (The critical text of the agreement 981 is placed here, in the notes of the 907 contract). Comparative table of articles of the agreement Oleg and Igor and literature concerning Oleg agreements. - Oleg Tale Review is made in the article: "To the history of poetic legends on Oleg's items." ("Journal. M. N. PR.", 1902, August; 1903 - November).

V. Fursenko.


Oleg Vechemy

prince-ruler of Kiev from 882, guardian in. to. Igor, kinship. Rurik; † 912.


Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

Watch what is "Oleg Probe" in other dictionaries:

    Art. Slav Olg Vychi ... Wikipedia

    - (i.e. knowing the future) (912 died), ancient Russian prince. According to chronicle reports, a relative of the legendary Rurik (see Rurik (Prince)), who became after his death the Novgorod Prince (879). In 882, Oleg made a campaign to the land of Krivich and captured ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (i.e. knowing the future) (912 died), the Old Russian Prince. According to chronicle reports, a relative of a hemalendar Rüric (see Rurik Sineus Trurvor), who has become a Novgorod Prince after his death. In 882 O. made a campaign to the land of curvice and captured them ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (SC. 912 or 922), Great Russian Prince. Most chronicles calls him Rurik's relative, Voskresenskaya and some other chronicles of Rüric's nephew, Joacimovskaya Shurik, "Prince Umansky", Wise and Brave, Novgorod ... ... Russian history

    Oleg Vechemy - Oleg, according to Nintelіji, led. Prince Kievskiy. The mistakes of the temporary LѣT diversion that Rurik, dying (879), passed the KNYUZHIA in Novgorod to his ko O., defeating his custody of his naughty. Son Igor. Military, ... ... Military encyclopedia

    Oleg prophetic farewell of a thing of Oleg with a horse. V. Vasnetsov, 1899 ... Wikipedia

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