Biography Nikolai Klyuev. Brief biography Klyuev Klyuev Biography

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Nikolay Alekseevich Klyuev (1884-1937) was born in the Olonets province in the village on the Vytegra River; Mother taught him "literacy, a song warehouse and any verbal wisdom." He studied at Vytegra in church-parish school, then in the urban school, the Feldsher school did not finish the disease.

Began to be printed since 1904, in 1905, poems appear in Moscow collective collections "surf" and "wave". At the beginning of 1906, he was arrested for "incitement" of peasants and "agitation of illegal ideas". Six months sat in Vytegorskaya, and then Petrozavodsk prisons. The Bunlet ideas of the Klyuev had a religious (close to sectarianism): the revolution was represented by the onset of the kingdom of God, and this topic is the leitmotif of his early creativity.

After liberation, continued illegal activity, got close to the revolutionary populic intelligentsia (including the sister of the poet A. Dobrolyubov - Maria Dobrolyubova, "Madonnaya Smerovoy", and the poet L. D. Semenov). New acquaintances led him to the pages of the capital magazine "Labor Path", soon prohibited for the anti-government orientation.

In the autumn of 1907, Klyuev was called up for military service, but following his religious beliefs, refused to take a weapon in the hands; Under arrest, he is brought to St. Petersburg and put in the hospital, where doctors find it unsuitable for military service, and he leaves for the village. At this time, he binds a correspondence with A. Blok (the problem of the relationship of the intelligentsia and the people - from different poles - occupied both, and this communication was mutually important and significant).

The block contributed to the appearance of Klyuev's poems in the magazine "Golden Fleece", later Klyuev began to cooperate with other publications - "Contemporary", "Nija", "covenants", etc. especially often in 1910-12. The keys are printed in the magazine "New Earth", where he is trying to impose the role of an expressant of the "new popular consciousness", preacher and the prophet, almost no Messiah.

In the fall of 1911 in Moscow, the first collection of poems Klyuev's "Pine Chime" was released, on which almost all influential critics responded, unanimously regarding the book as an event in literary life. At this time, the Klyuev becomes known in the writing (and even bohemian) circles, participates in the meetings of the "poets shop" and in the publications of aqmeist, visits the literary and artistic cafe "Stray Dog"; Around his name is an atmosphere of increased curiosity, attractive interest, and familiarity with him are looking for a variety of people.

After the release of two collections - "fraternal songs", 1912 (religious poems, inspired by authentic "fraternal songs" of whips), and "Forests were" (the stylization of folk songs) Klavs returns to Olonets province. His poems continue to appear in metropolitan magazines and newspapers, it happens in the capital.

In 1915, Klyuev meets Yesenin, and close relations arise between them: For one and a half years, they act together and in the press, and on readings, the keys becomes a spiritual mentor of the young poet, in every way he overtook him. There are a circle of "Novokrestest" writers around them, but attempts to organize the Commonwealth do not lead to the creation of a durable and solid association (the Society "Beauty" and "Strada" existed only a few months).

In 1916, a collection of Klyuev "Mire of Military Duma" is coming out, on topics of which military events imposed their imprint. The Klyuev revolution was welcomed enthusiastically (this was reflected in numerous poems of 1917-1918), regarding everything that happens primarily as a religious and mystical event to lead to the spiritual renewal of Russia.

In 1919 Books "Copper Whale", a two-volume "Ponylov" (Favorites for the previous years and new verses) and in 1922 its best lifetime collection - "Lion bread".

In the lyrics of those years, complex experiences of the poet are reflected - the painful faith in the fact that all the suffering will be redeemed by the onset of the "Brotherhood", "Menietary Paradise", longing for the digestible Rus, crying on the disappearing, killed village.

In 1928, the last collection of Klyuev's "Izba in the field", compiled from the already printed poems, is everything that was written to them in the 30s., It did not fall into the print.

In 1934, Klyuev was arrested in Moscow, sent to Tomsk; In June 1937, it was recently arrested, concluded to the Tomsk prison and shot.

Of course, divide writers at the place of residence on the "village" and "urban" - terry stupidity. Where, in this case, "trinked" creativity and the personality of V.M. Shukshina, who rushed and burst "between the city and salty"? Unless to marginal, people with a dual social orientation. Nevertheless, it is impossible for us to dismiss the fact that Russia was still in the early last century there was a prairous peasant country. And is it worth surprising that from time to time, the literature included real nuggets, like, for example, N.A. Klovuva.

Biography Nikolai Klyuev

Born 10 (22) October 1884 in Olonetskaya province in the village of Cat. It belongs to those who can be called a mythhustor own Life. On the contemporaries he made an impression of the whiser, then Christ, then the second Gregory Rasputin. Kliyev suffered the own biography so much that it is almost impossible to separate in her the truth from the poetic fiction today.

Being from the Old Believers, the Klyuev refused to army service, for which they were simply arrested and persecuted by the authorities. Traveled a lot in Russia. In the capital appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, quickly acquired fame, spoke on literary salons, rushing under a rustic peasant, sometimes with S. Jenin. Like the latter, perceived the events of the February Revolution and the October coup in the people-ethical, religious veins, dreaming about the peasant paradise.

Highly appreciated the identity of Lenin, finding that there is a "Kerzhensky spirit" and "Igumenskoy". Nevertheless, the criticism looked at Klya first as a suspicious "companion", and then as on the "Kulatsky Podonic". In fact, he was on the periphery of the literary process. I lived the injignment, almost not printed, but did not throw creativity. "Black days" came in the second half of the 30s. In 1934, even before the murder of Kirov and unwinding the flywheel of mass repression Kiyev was arrested and exiled to Siberia. There, in Tomsk, three years later, the poet was shot and rehabilitated posthumously only twenty years later, in 1957.

Creativity Nikolai Klyuev

The poetic debut of the Klyov fell in 1904. Up until 1928, several collections of poems came out. The period of the greatest activity was the 1910s, since then the poet began to "squeeze" from the literature, even despite the initial loyalty to the Bolshevik regime. Next to the Kievoy in terms of poetic originality, it is difficult to put someone from contemporaries - bowing to A. Blok, be friends with V. Bryusov and N. Gumilev, he walked his way and did not imagine anyone. Rather, he was imitated - the same S. Yesenin and younger contemporaries: S. Klychkov, P. Oreshin, A. Shiryaevets. However, without much success. Klyuev managed to connect unsecast: symbolistic aesthetics with the elements of folklore, literary poetic vocabulary with densecticism.

Reading Klyuev's poems is an extremely difficult lesson. It requires intellectual efforts, a certain encyclopedaism, good knowledge of peasant life, as well as the historical past of Russia, when she was also called Rus. When the Klyov came to Klyuev, the Bolsheviks lead to the destruction of the peasantry as a class that Rus Rustic is rapidly going into the past, he responded, perhaps the strongest and shrill work - the poorem "Pogorelshchina", the passage of which is even preserved in the phonographic record. In many ways, this poem has become fatal in the fate of the poet.

  • It is known that homosexuality and lesbianness were the usual phenomenon in the literature of the Silver Age.
  • Nikolai Klyuev also belonged to the adherents of same-sex love. During the last meeting with a friend-enemy Sergei Yesenin, in the exposure of the imaginary religiosity of Klyov, decided to imperceptibly repay the lamp, assuring that the owner would not notice anything. The idea completely succeeded.


Nikolai Alekseevich Klyuv (10 (22) October, Koshugi village, Olonetskaya province - between October 23 and 25, Tomsk) - Russian poet, representative of the so-called Novokrestest direction in Russian poetry of the 20th century.


Father, Alexey Timofeevich Klyuev (1842-1918) - a leakager, a nurse in a wine shop. Mother, Praskovya Dmitrievna (1851-1913), was a teacher and crying. Klyuev studied in urban collections of Vytegra and Petrozavodsk. Among the ancestors were an antifreeze, although his parents and he himself (contrary to many of his stories) did not confess the old estate.

In the autobiographical notes of the Klyuev "Garagary judine" it is mentioned that in his youth he traveled a lot in Russia. Specific stories cannot be confirmed by sources, and such numerous autobiographical myths are part of its literary image.

Klyuev tells how obedient in the monasteries in Solovki; As was "King David ... White Doves - Christ," but escaped when he wanted to be atsking; As in the Caucasus, he met the handsome Ali, who, according to Klyuev, "loved me as she teaches a frame-night, which costs more than thousands of months. This is a secretive oriental learning about marriage with an angel that in Russian White Christ is marked with the words: Acrementing Adam ... ", then Ali has committed suicide from hopeless love for him; As in Casual Polyana, talked with Tolstoy; As met with Rasputin; how three times sat in prison; as became famous poet, and "Literary meetings, evenings, artistic feasts, Moscow chambers No one's two winters in a row Molia Moli Pöstr Fashion Movies, Curiosity and Fold Boredom."

Literary fame

For the first time, the poems of Klyuev appeared in the press in 1904. At the turn of the 1900s and 1910s, the Klyuev acts in the literature, and does not continue the standard for "poets from the people" the tradition of descriptive minor poetry in the spirit of I. Z. Surikov, and boldly uses the techniques of symbolism, saturates poems with religious patterns and dialectic vocabulary . The first compilation - "Pine chime" - came out in 1911. The creative work of Klya was with great interest perceived by Russian modernists, Alexander Block was expressed about him about it (in correspondence with him in 1907; he had a large personal and creative influence on the Klyuevi), Valery Bryusov and Nikolai Gumilyov.

Nikolai Klyuev was associated with complex relationships (sometimes friendly, tense times) with Sergey Yesenin, who considered him his teacher. In 1915-1916, Klyuyev and Yesenin often performed with verses in public, in the future their path (personal and poetic) converged several times and diverged.

Religiousness of Klyuev

As A. I. Mikhailov points out, Alexander block repeatedly mentions the Klyuev in his verses, notebooks and letters and perceives it as a symbol of the mysterious folk faith. In one of the letters, the block even stated: "Christ among us", and S. M. Gorodetsky carried these words to Nikolai Klyuev.

In his record of 1922, Klyuev says:

... For me, Christ is an eternal inexhaustible wield strength, a member, dissection of worlds in the vagina, and in our world a cut-off town - the real sun, the golden seed is continuously fertilizing a cow and a woman, a fir and a bee, the world of air and the hell - fiery.

The seed of Christ is faithful. About this is said: "Press, fly ..." and "who eats my flesh, he will not die ..."

Our theologians did not open up that under the flesh Christ was not a body, and the seed, which and the people called the flesh.

It should be cut into the minds of the human, especially in our times, in the age of shocked heart, and become the new law of morality ...

Klyuev after the revolution

The poems of the closure of the 1910s and 1920s reflect the "Menietic" and "religious" acceptance of revolutionary events, he sent his verses of Lenin (although a few years earlier, together with Yesenin, came to the Empress), became close to the Leftarean literary group "Scythians " In the Berlin Publishing House "Scythians" in 1920-1922, three collections of poems of Klyuev were released.

After several years of hungry wanderings around 1922, Klyuyev appeared again in Petrograd and Moscow, his new books were sharp criticism and seized from circulation.

From 1923, Klyuv lived in Leningrad (in early 1930 he moved to Moscow). The catastrophic position of the Klyuev, including material, did not improve after the release of his collection of poems about Lenin (1924).

Soon Nikolai Klyuev, like many Novokrestest poets, distanced himself from the Soviet reality that destroyed the traditional peasant world; In turn, Soviet critic has rushed him as "ideologue of foolishness." After the death of Yesenin, he wrote "Plach about Yesenin" (1926), which was soon removed from the free sale [ ]. In 1928, the last collection of "Izba and the Field" comes out.

In 1929, Klyuev met the young artist Anatoly Kravchenko, to which his love poems and letters of this time (there are 42 letters of Klyuev). The predominance of male beauty charm over the female in the poetry of the key of all periods is studied in detail by the philologist A. I. Mikhailov.

On this top of a human feeling, like the clouds, hiding a double Ararat, heavenly Cuts Over Gallery, Earth. And this law is inevitable. Only now, in the Gods days, he, more than ever, becomes clear for me with tangible. That is why it is harmful and mistaken to tell you that you live in me only as half And that the Love is out of the floor and friendship is destroyed. An irresistible proof that the Angelic side of your creature always flashed the floor, are my poems - those spilled to your feet. Look at them - is there a lot of floor there? Are all the feelings of these extraordinary and never repeatable runes are related - with you as with a snowdrop, a seagull or a beam, who has become a young man?

Arrests, link and execution

On February 2, 1934, Klyuev was arrested on charges of "compiling and disseminating counter-revolutionary literary works" (Article 58, part 10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR). The investigation of the case was conducted by N. Kh. Sivarov. On March 5, after the court of a special meeting, sent to the Narymsky region, in Kolpashevo. In the fall of the same year, at the request of the artist N. A. Obukhova, S. A. Klychkov and, perhaps, Gorky translated into Tomsk.

On June 5, 1937, in Tomsk, Klyuev was again arrested and on October 13 of the same year at a meeting of the Troika Office of the NKVD of the Novosibirsk Region, he was sentenced to shooting in the case of a never existing "Cadet-Monarchic rebel organization" Union of Saving Russia ". At the end of October was shot. As stated in the certificate of the posthumous rehabilitation of Klyuev, he was shot in Tomsk on October 23-25, 1937. The blurred date of execution may be explained by the fact that from 01:00 on October 23 to 08:00 on October 25 in Tomsk there was no light due to the repair of the local CHP. In such cases, the NKVD employees who made sentences for two nights (October 23 and 24) with the use of a lantern " bat", I could issue documents for the entire party only after electric light appeared in the city (October 25). Probably, the place of execution and the fraternal grave, where the poet was stubbered, was one of the wasterees in the ravine (the so-called terrible RVE) between the rolling mountain, and a forward prison (now - SIZO-1 on Pushkin Street, 48) (see Cache).

The investigator in the key of Klyuev was the Opera Compact 3rd Department of the Tomsk Gorottoman NKVD Jr. Lieutenant State Security Georgy Ivanovich Gorbenko).

Posthumous rehabilitation

Nikolay Klyuev was rehabilitated in 1957, but the first posthumant book in the USSR was released only in 1977.

Rarely large literary talent of the Klyuev, which is often put higher than Esenin, grew up from the national peasant creativity and the centuries-old religiosity of the Russian people. Life, fed by the origin of the peasantry and searched for a poetic expression, joined him at first with instinctive, and later - with a politically informed denial of the city civilization and the Bolshevik technocracy. At the same time, the shape of his verses developed from the proximity to the people - through the influence of symbolism - to more conscious independent structures.<…> Poems in the spirit of people's crying are mixed with verses, consonant biblical psalms, style is very often ornamental. In the richness of images, the fullness of the inner, sometimes a privile look at the world.

Addresses of accommodation

Petrograd - Leningrad

  • 1915-1923 - Apartment K. A. Dzoscina in a profits - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 149, apt. nine;
  • 1923-1932 - Yard Flygel - Herzen Street, 45, square meters. 7.


In Tomsk, two houses have been preserved - per. Red Fireman, 12 and Mariinsky Lane, 38 (now 40), in which a poet lived at different times.

The last refuge of the poet - d. 13 on the street. Achinskaya. The poet himself described his housing (after the release of arrest on July 5, 1936) so:

They brought and carried on hand from the cart to my coneer. I'm lying ... lying. [...] Behind the oblique end of my room - gray Siberian shower with a whistling wind. Here already autumn, cold, dirt on the claw, the guys are roared behind the boarding fear, the redhead baba blossoms them, from the terrible general Lohani under the Russian manner carries a sickered smolder ...

Subsequently, the house was demolished. Installed in 1999 at the House of the Memorial Board was transferred to the Literary Museum of the House of Shishkova (st. Shishkova, d. 10), there are also copies of documents in the key of the key, lifetime publications, articles from periodicals about his life and work. October 21, 2016 on the building built on the site of the house on the street. Achinskaya, d. 13 Installed a memorial label of the project "Last address" in memory of the repressed poet.


Lifting publications

  • Fraternal songs. (Songs of Calval Christians). - M.: To New Earth, 1912. 16 p.
  • Fraternal songs. (Book the second) / entry. Art. V. Svencitsky. - M.: New Earth, 1912. XIV, 61 p.
  • Forests were. - M.: 1912.
  • Forests were. (Poem. KN. 3rd). - M.: 1913. 76 p.
  • Pines chime. / Prepared. V. Brysov. - M.: 1912. 79 p.; 2nd ed. - M.: Ed. Nekrasova, 1913. 72 p.
  • Moor Duma. - GH.: Ed. Averyanova, 1916. 71 p.
  • Pedosov. Kn. 1-2. - GH.: 1919.
  • Copper whale. (Poems). - GH.: Ed. Petrosova, 1919. 116 p.; Reprinted reprint: M.: Capital, 1990.
  • Failure color: Songbook. - Vytetem: 1920. 63 p.
  • Estimated songs. - Berlin: Scythians, 1920. 30 s.
  • Song of the Salt. Earth and iron. - Berlin: Scythians, 1920. 20 s.
  • Lion bread. - M.: 1922. 102 p.
  • Mother Saturday. (Poem). - GHG: Polar Star, 1922. 36 p.
  • Fourth Rome. - GH.: Epoch, 1922. 23 p.
  • Lenin. Poems. - M.-GG: 1924. 49 p. (3 publications)
  • Klyuev N. A., Medvedev P. N. Sergey Yesenin. (Poems about him and essay of his creativity). - L.: Surbo, 1927. 85 p. (Included Klyuev's poem "Plach about Sergei Yesenin").
  • Izba and field. Selected poems. - L.: Surbo, 1928. 107 p.

Main posthumous editions

  • Klyuev N. A. Poehmiva and Poem / Sost., Text Preparation and Notes L. K. Schvetova. Hitch Art. V. G. Bazanov. - L.: Soviet writer, 1977. - 560 p. 2nd: L.: Soviet Writer, 1982.
  • Klyuev N. A. Unicorn heart: poems and poems / preface. N. N. Skhatova, entry Art. A. I. Mikhailova; Cost., Text preparation and notes V. P. Garnina. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house Rhgi, 1999. - 1072 p. - ISBN 5-88812-079-0.
  • Klyuev N. A. Wondered tree: prose / entry Art. A. I. Mikhailova; Cost., Text preparation and notes V. P. Garnina. - St. Petersburg. : Rostock, 2003. - 688 p. - ISBN 5-94668-012-9.
  • Nikolai Klyuev. Letters to Alexander block: 1907-1915 / Publ., Enter. Art. and comm. K. M. Azadovsky. - M.: Progress Pleiad, 2003. - 368 p.

Klyuev Nikolai Alekseevich (1887-1937), poet.

Born on October 22, 1887 in the village of Kathug Vytegorsky County Olonets Gubernia (now in Karelia) in the peasant family.

In 1893-1895 He studied at church-parish school in the city of Vytegra (now in the Vologda region), then in the city school and in the Feldshera school in Petrozavodsk (now the capital of Karelia).

At the beginning of the XX century. With countrymen, selling fish and fur in the capital, went to work in St. Petersburg.

At the same time, the Klyuev began writing poems in the traditions of "Novokrestest poetry": the mournful, indignant Muse of the poet complains of the suffering of the landpasher and walks the curse of his enslavers (published in the collective collection "New Poets", 1904).

From 1905, under the impression of revolutionary events, Klyuevi included in the active political activities - distributed the proclamation of the All-Russian Peasant Union in Moscow and Olonetskaya province. The works of Klyuev were born at the junction of two poems of cultures - oral folk art and avant-garde poetry. It predetermined the success of his first books "Soseln Chime" and "fraternal songs" (both 1912) in the camp of symbolists, and then acmeists.

The keys wandered a lot in the Russian north, visited the monasteries, I remembered and recorded folk tales, songs, legends, legends.

Collection "Brotherly Songs" - in many ways the poetic transformation of "overheard" and talented reproduced sectarian chants. In addition, in the poetry of Klyov, there are clearly present their own topics: the conflict of nature and civilization (Menietary "Iply Paradise" suffers under the onsry of the machine "iron" culture) and an attempt to "behave religious with revolutionary" ("Fourth Rome", 1921) .

From the mid-20s. The position of the poet is rapidly worsening. He lives alternately in Vyborg and Leningrad, trying to establish contacts with the local and central government.

Creates a poem about V. I. Lenin, joins the ranks of the Bolsheviks, from where it is soon excluded for religious views.

In 1934, Klyuev was arrested and exiled to Siberia for five years.


    ... the charges (in the "anti-Soviet agitation" and "drawing up and disseminating counter-revolutionary literary works") were brought by Karavoy and in connection with his works - "Song of Gamayun" and "If the demons of the plague, leprosy and cholera ...", included in the unfinished cycle " Destroy. " In the last poem, for example, the White Sergey Baltic Channel, built with participation, is mentioned. big number Spliced \u200b\u200band prisoners:
    Then the White Sea Channel Death,
    His akimushka dug,
    From the winds of the prov. Focla's aunt.
    Velikovsia Promkokla
    Under red shower to bones
    And tears hid from people
    From the eyes of others in the deaf tops ...
    On June 5, 1937, he was arrested again and at the end of October shot on the rose mountain Nikolai Klavov was rehabilitated in 1957, but the first posthumous book in the USSR was released only in 1977.

    Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich - Nikolai Alekseevich Klyuev. Klyuev Nikolai Alekseevich (1887 1937), Russian poet. Poetry of the peasant patriarchalness, the desire to open an ancient spiritual culture in an essence of Russia, opposing the West, mystico romantic interpretation of Russian ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Poet. Born in the peasant family; The literary activity began in 1912. K. is one of the most prominent representatives of the Kulatsky style in Russian literature, which aroused in front of the war 1914 on the basis of a forced allocation ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Klyuev, Nikolai Alekseevich Russian Poet Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich General Lieutenant, commander of the XIII Army Corps in Samsonov's Army ... Wikipedia

    - (1887, Olonetskaya Province, - August 1937, Siberian railway), Russian Soviet poet. Born in the peasant family. Received home education. The first collections are "pine chime" (1912, with preface V. Brysov), "fraternal songs" ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1887 1937) Russian poet. The poetry of the peasant patriarchalness, opposing the industrial west, the desire to open up an ancient spiritual culture, mystical romantic interpretation of the Russian national nature, people ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich - Klavi Nikolai Alekseevich (1884-1937; repressed), the prophet of peasant poetry, went through St. Petersburg salons in boots and spots, decorated his room for Olonets and Host; on behalf of the non-evil people threatened A. block; pressed poems ... Russian poets of the silver century

    - (1887 1937), Russian poet. The poetry of the peasant patriarchalness, opposing the industrial west, the desire to open in the "Haisted Rus" ancient spiritual culture, mystico romantic interpretation of the Russian national nature, ... ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Klyuev Nikolay Alekseevich - (1884-1937), Russian Soviet poet. Kn. Pochov "Pines Chime" (preface ), "Iply songs" (1920), "Lenin" ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Klyuev, Nikolai Alekseevich: Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich (general) Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with such a surname, see Klyuev. Nikolai Alekseevich Klyuev Birthday Date May 5, 1859 (1859 05 05) Place of birth St. Petersburg, Russian empire Date of death ... Wikipedia


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