Natalia Vitrenko last performances. Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna: biography and political activity. Assassination attempt on N. Vitrenko

Floors 16.10.2020

Head of the political force "Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine"


Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko was born on December 28, 1951, a native of the country's capital. Since 1959, Natalya Vitrenko, together with her mother, lived in Donbass for six years, and then returned to Kiev again.

She entered the Institute of National Economy named after Demyan Sergeevich Korotchenko. In 1973 she graduated from the university with honors in economics. After that she entered graduate school, where she studied for three years. After completing her studies at the university, Natalya Vitrenko got a job at the Central Statistical Office of the Ukrainian SSR as an economist. She worked for only four months.

Then she worked for two years at the Research Institute of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information of the State Planning Commission. Two years later, Natalya Vitrenko became a senior researcher at the KINH. Natalia Vitrenko became an associate professor in 1989.

After Ukraine became independent, Natalya Vitrenko decided to continue her education and applied for a doctorate at SOPS.

Despite her active political activities, Natalya Vitrenko did not forget to engage in science as well. In 1993, the young politician published her monograph describing the country's social infrastructure. I assessed its level and development prospects. In 1994 Natalia Vitrenko received her Doctor of Science degree.


In the political life of the country, Natalya Vitrenko began to receive in her student years. First she was on the Komsomol committee. Then she became the people's choice of the Council of People's Deputies of Workers of the Radyansky District in the capital. At the same time, Natalia Vitrenko managed to engage in scientific and student activities. She had enough time to participate in republican and international competitions of scientific works among students. Moreover, she also won them.

She was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR. In 1991 Natalia Vitrenko joined the Communist Party of Ukraine. Natalia Vitrenko loved this country. Ukraine is her home! Natalia Vitrenko today does not regret anything despite the fact that the Communist Party of Ukraine is in disgrace with the state. What happened in her life cannot be crossed out!

However, after the Communist Party ceased to be as popular as before, it switched to the Socialist Party. There she was engaged in the development of program documents, headed the theory department. She edited the party's magazine Vybor. Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna covered the last speeches of her colleagues in this edition with special zeal, believing that this is her duty to society.

In 1994, the young and ambitious Natalia Vitrenko herself made an economic program for the country's parliament, which the Council of Ukraine adopted without delay. Since that time, Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko begins to work as an adviser to Alexander Moroz, who at that time served as head of the country's Supreme Council.

In the same year, Natalya Vitrenko became the people's choice from the Sumy region. A year later, the young people's deputy again presented her model of the country's economic development, but Alexander Moroz preferred the program of Leonid Kuchma. During the short period that Natalya Vitrenko was the people's deputy, she drew up more than 74 economic bills, which were considered and taken into account.

However, in February 1996 Natalia Vitrenko was expelled from the Socialist Party. But she was not upset and created her own party together with Vladimir Marchenko. The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine decided to restore Soviet power on the territory of independent Ukraine under the auspices of the rule of the people. And also everything that is included in this concept: the economy, friendly relations with the fraternal countries of Russia and Belarus. Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna's website contained a lot of information about the party's plans.

Natalia Vitrenko turned out to be a very resourceful leader, since in the parliamentary elections in 1998 her party entered the country's Verkhovna Rada. A year later, Natalya Vitrenko ran for president of the country. She was the first woman in Ukraine to decide to become president. In the presidential elections Natalia Vitrenko took 4th place.

In 2002, Natalia Vitrenko tried to get into parliament again. But she could not overcome the 4% barrier.

In 2004, the already strengthened and experienced politician Natalya Vitrenko again ran for the presidency of the country. However, in the first round she took fifth place, and in the second she leaned towards Viktor Yanukovych and asked her voters to vote for him.

In 2006, Natalia Vitrenko again tried to break into the Ukrainian parliament from the People's Opposition bloc. Natalya Vitrenko headed this political force. However, the block did not pass the 3% barrier. Natalya Vitrenko's associates have filed a lawsuit to recount the votes because of suspicions of falsification. However, the court did not allow this.

In 2009 Natalya Vitrenko again wanted to become the head of state. But the Central Selective Committee refused to register the policy. Then she became the leader in the race for a seat in regional elections.

In 2012, Natalya Vitrenko did not take part in the elections because she did not have enough sponsors for the election race.


Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko was named “Woman of the Year” three times in a row (1996, 1997, 1998).

Natalia Vitrenko was an academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine and Economic Cybernetics. She was the head of the All-Ukrainian public women's organization "Gift of Life" in 2000, headed the "Cathedral of Orthodox Women" since 2010.

In 2011, Natalia Vitrenko became a member of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Eurasian People's Union". Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna regularly reviews videos with her participation. She likes to analyze how she behaves in public.

Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna watches the latest performances especially carefully. After all, she has big plans for the future. Natalia Vitrenko today does not leave thoughts of becoming the president of Ukraine. Say, a woman knows better how to save the country from devastation, grief and poverty. After all, if she is a good housewife in her house, she will also take care of the country.

Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna's website tells about her positive personal and professional qualities. People who visit her website periodically think that she really could become an excellent president of Ukraine. However, her popularity does not appeal to her detractors. Not so long ago, they spread rumors that Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna hanged herself. The woman, having heard such news, was very upset.


They say that the political force of Natalya Vitrenko entered parliament in 1998 thanks to Kuchma. He allegedly gave money to Natalya Vitrenko, and she, in turn, simply bribed voters.

In 1999, Natalya Vitrenko became a victim of an attempted murder in Krivoy Rog. After the presidential candidate met with her constituents, two grenades were thrown at her. During this attack, Natalya Vitrenko herself received only wounds from fragments of military grenades. Others were less fortunate. On this day, because of the explosion of grenades, 44 people were injured. According to some sources, Alexander Moroz was the mastermind behind the murder. He allegedly did it through his confidant, Sergei Ivanchenko.

As soon as Natalia Vitrenko's party appeared on the political arena, rumors immediately spread that they were the development of the country's president. In addition, Nikolai Melnichenko (a major in state security at that time) claimed that he had a record from Leonid Kuchma's office. He allegedly spoke with Natalia Vitrenko at a secret meeting. It was with his submission that the split in the party of Alexander Moroz occurred. There are rumors that Kuchma paid Vitrenko for this coup. The woman herself denies all this. And it says that she was, is and will be Kuchma's opponent.

Igor Bakai is also credited with the individuals who financed Vitrenko.

In 2002, the media reported that Vitrenko's political force was financed by the oligarch Vadim Rabinovich. However, Natalya Vitrenko said that her political force was never financed and neither the Presidential Administration nor Rabinovich will finance it. Like, Natalya Vitrenko is not for sale. Therefore, no one gave her money in order for her to get into politics.

The head of the PSPU was also suspected of being involved in dealings with Saddam Hussein and his oil quotas. But this information was never confirmed.

Natalya Vitrenko was suspected of being financed by Maxim Kurochkin. He is a businessman in the Russian Federation. It was he who had a hand in ensuring that the PSPU participated in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2006. Natalya Mikhailovna denied these rumors too.

In 2006, Natalia Vitrenko appeared on television with a statement that Yulia Tymoshenko is the main threat to the country.

Natalya Vitrenko is a supporter of the dissolution of NATO, as the North Atlantic Alliance is pursuing a too aggressive policy and provoking wars. Natalia Vitrenko made such a statement in 2008.

In the same year, she came up with a proposal to create an Anti-Orange Block. Also Natalia Vitrenko in 2008 created a shadow opposition cabinet of ministers.

Analysts explain Natalia Vitrenko's rapid rise and her rapid fall into the political Olympus by the fact that she promised her voters too much. But she did too little. In addition, Natalia Vitrenko was extremely illogical in her speeches and actions.


The woman has already been divorced twice. She has three children. Son Yuri and two daughters Olga and Marina. Also Natalia Vitrenko is also a grandmother. She has a grandson Mikhail.

Natalia Vitrenko is called "Ukrainian Zhirinovsky" in a skirt. However, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party is not an idol for Natalia Mikhailovna. She, as she herself admitted, is more impressed by the image of Fidel Castro.

Backstage patrons

  • The PSPU is a political technological development of the presidential administration of Leonid Kuchma, namely, the late first assistant to the head of state Alexander Razumkov, that is, Vitrenko's "promotion" was aimed at destroying the left camp and weakening the SPU's position in the 1998 parliamentary elections.
  • The Day newspaper claims that it was the authorities who helped the progressive socialists overcome the 4% barrier: “They even said that on the last of those three days, when the Central Election Commission was counting the election results, those who counted were urgently delivered ballots with votes in favor of the PSPU "(The Day, June 30, 1999). Natalia Vitrenko herself claims that she had extremely friendly relations with Alexander Razumkov.
  • Ex-major of state security Nikolai Melnichenko notes that the recordings he made in Leonid Kuchma's office contain episodes about the backstage games between the PSPU leader and the president. As a former officer told Ukrainska Pravda, “the then head of the Security Service of Ukraine Leonid Derkach escorted her to Kuchma’s office in“ vegetable gardens ”so that no one could see her, and she behaved here like an obedient pioneer.”

Vadim Rabinovich

On the eve of the 2002 parliamentary elections, rumors were actively circulated in the press about the possible involvement of the famous businessman Vadim Rabinovich in financing the PSPU in exchange for 30% of the party list. However, this information has not been confirmed. Natalia Vitrenko herself says that her party "has never been financed, and will not be financed by either the presidential administration, or Volkov's group, or Rabinovich's group" (Forum, March 20, 2002).

Max Mad

Progressive socialist

  • In January 1996, Natalia Vitrenko left the SPU, and in April was elected leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.
  • In the 1999 presidential elections, Natalia Mikhailovna took fourth place (10.97%). But she says that the victory was stolen from her.
  • During the 2002 parliamentary elections, Natalia Vitrenko's bloc did not overcome the 4% barrier (3.22%). According to the leader of the PSPU, the results of the parliamentary elections were falsified. Several attempts to get a deputy mandate in the majority constituencies in Cherkassy, \u200b\u200bMelitopol, Chernigov in the current composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine were unsuccessful for Natalia Vitrenko.

Forever with Russia

  • On May 1, 2002, Vitrenko announced the creation of the “People's Opposition” in the state.
  • Since February 2004 - Chairman of the People's Movement of Ukraine "Forever with Russia".
  • In 2004, the candidate for the post of head of state Vitrenko received the support of 1.53% of Ukrainians who voted.
  • During the 2006 parliamentary elections, Natalia Vitrenko's People's Opposition bloc received the support of 2.93% of the voters and did not make it to the Ukrainian parliament. Attempts by the PSPU to challenge the election results were unsuccessful.
  • In the early parliamentary elections in 2007, Natalya Vitrenko headed the PSPU list. The party received the support of 1.32% of voters, which was not enough to get into parliament.
  • The leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and the pre-election bloc "People's Opposition" Natalia Vitrenko accused the sponsors of her election campaign of defeating her bloc in the 2006 elections. She stated this in an interview with the DailyUA.

Friendship with "regionals" to the detriment of ideology

  • At the same time, the degree of "wealth" of a particular regional party cell directly depends on the degree of friendship between "Vitrenkovites" and potential financiers in the regions.
  • The ideology of progressive socialists has been unchanged for many years - all the problems in Ukraine stem from NATO, the Ukrainian language and disunity with Russia. The main slogan used by Vitrenko is also simple: “Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Together we are strong". Vitrenko continues to work with a marginal, not very educated, lumpenized voter who still does not want to understand that the state of Ukraine has taken place.
  • Vitrenko herself positions her party as truly independent and truly oppositional and uncompromising. At the same time, a number of observers consider the PSPU to be a structure with which the leading political players, if common interests are identified, may well agree, even if ideologically there is a gap between them. An example of such cooperation is the joint anti-NATO protests with the "oligarchic" Party of Regions.
  • As for "internal reserves", there is simply no big business at the regional level that is not tied to the Party of Regions. For the "regionals" it would be easiest to introduce several people into the PSPU list and control this faction from within, if it suddenly gets into the future parliament. But so far, even if such attempts have been made, they have not been crowned with success. Natalya Mikhailovna, both in the past elections and today, needs a sponsor who would not require total control, but would like to work piece-by-piece - immediately outlining the range of issues that need to be resolved.
  • The leader of the Crimean branch of the PSPU (Crimea is the second most important region for Vitrenkovites after Donbass) Ivanov, protesting against some decisions of the Simferopol City Council, came to the session with an ax and cut the wires of the voting board. And during last year's picketing of NATO ships in Feodosia, he distinguished himself by chasing an old "Tavria" after a leaving convoy of NATO soldiers and shouting something into a megaphone.
  • Unlike Donetsk, where the "Vitrenkovites" quarreled with the "regionals", in Crimea the relations of these parties are more than warm. The PSPU received two permanent commissions in the ARC Armed Forces, and in addition to the Ministry of Tourism and the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

Clash between Marchenko's loyal ally and Movchan

One of the loudest scandals in the history of the Rada occurred in April 1997. Rukhovets Pavel Movchan from the rostrum hinted at the relationship between the leaders of the PSPU Natalya Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko, saying that the latter "is not able to distinguish his own wife from a party comrade." Movchan refused to publicly apologize, thereby “sentencing” himself to beating. Marchenko, as it turned out, the former boxer laid Movchan down, and Vitrenko finished off with her feet.

Frost grenades

  • During the presidential campaign in the late 1990s, Alexander Moroz was accused by presidential candidate Natalia Vitrenko of organizing an assassination attempt on her. On October 2, 1999, in Krivoy Rog, after Vitrenko's meeting with voters, 2 grenades were thrown at her and those accompanying her. Vitrenko received shrapnel wounds. Ivanchenko, Moroz's confidant in the presidential elections, was accused of organizing the assassination attempt. During the investigation, Ivanchenko pleaded not guilty, but two other defendants admitted that they had thrown grenades.
  • According to the official version, at about 8 pm on October 2, when the meeting with the voters of the Ingulets district of Kryvyi Rih was drawing to a close and Vitrenko was getting into the car, two RGD-5 grenades were thrown into the crowd. More than 30 people were injured by shrapnel and a blast wave, four seriously, one of them had a leg amputated. Vitrenko herself received several minor tangential wounds. President Leonid Kuchma ordered the security forces to strengthen the security of presidential candidates and personally called Vitrenko to express his sympathy.
  • Immediately after the explosion, two bombers were detained. They turned out to be citizens of Russia, residents of the Rostov region. Both are minors. One of them, by the name of Ivanchenko, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, is a close relative of the confidant of Moroz in Krivoy Rog. According to the first testimony of the detainees, it was this relative who handed Ivanchenko the grenades and instructed him.
  • Alexander Moroz was Vitrenko's main rival in the fight for the votes of the left electorate. The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) was created after the split of the Socialist Party, which progressive socialists at one time accused of "opportunism" and of supporting the "anti-popular ruling regime". In 1995 Natalia Vitrenko was an advisor to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Moroz.
reference: In December 1999, as a result of the implementation of joint operational-search activities, the employees of the Security Service of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation detained a citizen of Ukraine Serhiy Ivanchenko. Ivanchenko was detained personally by Vasily Hrytsak.

On June 14, 2001, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Court sentenced Sergei Ivanchenko and his brother Vladimir, accused of attempting to assassinate the presidential candidate of Ukraine, leader of the PSPU Natalia Vitrenko, to 15 years in prison.

43-year-old Sergei Ivanchenko was found guilty of organizing a terrorist attack to assassinate Vitrenko, smuggling weapons from Russia to Ukraine, and illegal possession of weapons. He was sentenced to 5 years in a general regime prison and 10 years in a high security correctional labor colony.

The chairman of the court, Valentina Kuzmenko, who read the verdict, determined the motive for organizing the terrorist attack by Sergei Ivanchenko - a desire to help the presidential candidate, leader of the Socialist Party Alexander Moroz, as well as to establish himself in the eyes of the SPU leader, whose confidant he was.

Private bussiness

  • Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko “was twice married and divorced. Raising three children ”- two daughters and a son. “By her own admission Vitrenko, her marriage broke up due to active political activity. Her ex-husband, Yuri, works at the Ministry of Economy.
  • On February 17, 2010, the Internet publication Vlast.Net described some of Vitrenko's corrupt innovations in such a very “fat” post as the head of the entire state system of public procurement. In particular, he began to demand a previously not obligatory certificate from the State Inspectorate for Price Control. This certificate is not included in the list of documents required for public procurement, but in violation of the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by order of Vitrenko, the customer is denied a tender if this certificate is absent.

“When contacting the State Inspectorate for Price Control, they require 5% of the amount of the proposed purchase for its issuance, otherwise the issuance of a certificate is delayed, which delays the purchase. In some cases, such a delay is very expensive for enterprises, up to disruption of production, ”it was reported.

  • Another way to extort money was to issue a purchase permit from one contractor. If earlier, in order to obtain a procurement permit from one contractor, it was necessary to go through the approval of experts from several departments of the Department, now this permission was personally signed by Yuriy Vitrenko. “And he puts his signature only for a bribe in the amount of 4 - 6 percent of the purchase amount,” the authors of the material reported.
  • According to the general opinion of the heads of a number of industry-forming Ukrainian state-owned enterprises, given the specifics of a number of industrial sectors in Ukraine, from defense production to nuclear power, these actions are becoming not just corruption, but also sabotage against Ukraine.

Vitrenko for the secession of Crimea from Ukraine

  • The Crimean Republican Committee of the Progressive Socialist Party of Natalya Vitrenko announced its intention to initiate an all-Ukrainian referendum on the issue of secession of Crimea from Ukraine and its annexation to Russia.
  • Vitrenko herself motivated this as follows: "Article 73 of the Constitution says that the issues of territorial affiliation are decided by an all-Ukrainian referendum."
  • The Vitrenkovtsy called the scandal with the Sevastopol City Council the reason for such an undermining of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We will remind, the Minister of Education Ivan Vakarchuk issued a decree, which obliged schools of national minorities to partially switch to teaching in Ukrainian. The Sevastopol City Council reacted to this with a resolution restoring the status quo in the city's schools, most of which are Russian. With such a decision, the outraged MPs from the Ukrainian People's Party (NUNS faction) submitted to the Rada a resolution on the dissolution of the Sevastopol City Council. Actually, this, as they say in the PSPU, prompted them to take action.


Vitrenko demanded that the UN dissolve NATO. In Simferopol, representatives of the Crimean organizations of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Natalia Vitrenko Bloc and the Russian Bloc tried to forcefully disrupt the NATO seminar. The event was attended by Michel Dure, Director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center in Ukraine, representatives of the authorities of Ukraine and Crimea, as well as the military attaché of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Ukraine, Ivo Gagira. There was also a clash between the participants of the action Ukraine for NATO !, who on June 29 pitched a tent camp near the village of Chernomorskiy in the Kominternovsky district, and activists of the Party of Progressive Socialists of Ukraine who arrived there yesterday.

  • According to a member of the board of the regional organization "Prosvita" Sergei Ivashov, a group of "Vitrenko-anti-NATO members", who also decided to set up a tent camp near the Black Sea, unexpectedly attacked Odessa members of "Prosvita", trying to tear the banners and state flags. However, the attackers were rebuffed by the participants of the action Ukraine for NATO! The clash was stopped by a police detachment on duty near the tent camps of supporters and opponents of Ukraine's entry into the North Atlantic Alliance.
  • The participants in the incident had to explain their actions in writing. The militiamen, in turn, filed reports on the hooligan incident. After the civil action `` Ukraine for NATO '' was held on June 29 in Odessa's Cathedral Square !, which was initiated by the regional organization of the society "Prosvita", the city organization of the Reform and Order Party and the Regional Coordination Council of Ukraine for Euro-Atlantic Integration, about fifty residents of Odessa, mostly younger and middle generations, were defeated a tent camp in support of NATO near the village of Chernomorskiy.
  • After the end of the peaceful anti-NATO rally on the Independence Square in Kiev, held by the PSPU and its allies, special forces and police officers arrested the leader of the PSPU Natalia Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko.

Little Russia

  • For Vitrenko (her sponsors) it is important that in the minds of Ukrainians the myth continues to live that Ukraine simply cannot live without Russia.
  • Vitrenko appealed to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with a demand to impose economic sanctions against the Lviv region, until the Lviv Regional Council cancels its decision to dismantle monuments to Soviet soldiers.
  • “Under the patronage of President Yushchenko, the world community is being challenged to Ukraine: Nazism is being promoted, its accomplices are being rehabilitated, and the SS are becoming heroes of Ukraine. Streets are named after Nazi accomplices, monuments are erected to them. At the same time, monuments, symbols of the victory of the Soviet Army over fascism, are being desecrated and destroyed, ”Vitrenko said, according to the press service of the PSPU. She reminded the leaders of the Russian Federation, the USA, France and Great Britain that the atrocities of the Nazis and their accomplices were convicted by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal for crimes against humanity.

Dossier No. 38/455

Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna Head of the political force "Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine" ...


Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko was born on December 28, 1951, a native of the country's capital. Since 1959, Natalya Vitrenko, together with her mother, lived in Donbass for six years, and then returned to Kiev again.

She entered the Institute of National Economy named after Demyan Sergeevich Korotchenko. In 1973 she graduated from the university with honors in economics. After that she entered graduate school, where she studied for three years. After completing her studies at the university, Natalya Vitrenko got a job at the Central Statistical Office of the Ukrainian SSR as an economist. She worked for only four months.

Then she worked for two years at the Research Institute of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information of the State Planning Commission. Two years later, Natalya Vitrenko became a senior researcher at the KINH. Natalia Vitrenko became an associate professor in 1989.

After Ukraine became independent, Natalya Vitrenko decided to continue her education and applied for a doctorate at SOPS.

Despite her active political activities, Natalya Vitrenko did not forget to engage in science as well. In 1993, the young politician published her monograph describing the country's social infrastructure. I assessed its level and development prospects. In 1994 Natalia Vitrenko received her Doctor of Science degree.


In the political life of the country, Natalya Vitrenko began to receive in her student years. First she was on the Komsomol committee. Then she became the people's choice of the Council of People's Deputies of Workers of the Radyansky District in the capital. At the same time, Natalia Vitrenko managed to engage in scientific and student activities. She had enough time to participate in republican and international competitions of scientific works among students. Moreover, she also won them.

She was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR. In 1991 Natalia Vitrenko joined the Communist Party of Ukraine. Natalia Vitrenko loved this country. Ukraine is her home! Natalia Vitrenko today does not regret anything despite the fact that the Communist Party of Ukraine is in disgrace with the state. What happened in her life cannot be crossed out!

However, after the Communist Party ceased to be as popular as before, it switched to the Socialist Party. There she was engaged in the development of program documents, headed the theory department. She edited the party's magazine Vybor. Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna covered the last speeches of her colleagues in this edition with special zeal, believing that this is her duty to society.

In 1994, the young and ambitious Natalia Vitrenko herself made an economic program for the country's parliament, which the Council of Ukraine adopted without delay. Since that time, Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko begins to work as an adviser to Alexander Moroz, who at that time served as head of the country's Supreme Council.

In the same year, Natalya Vitrenko became the people's choice from the Sumy region. A year later, the young people's deputy again presented her model of the country's economic development, but Alexander Moroz preferred the program of Leonid Kuchma. During the short period that Natalya Vitrenko was the people's deputy, she drew up more than 74 economic bills, which were considered and taken into account.

However, in February 1996 Natalia Vitrenko was expelled from the Socialist Party. But she was not upset and created her own party together with Vladimir Marchenko. The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine decided to restore Soviet power on the territory of independent Ukraine under the auspices of the rule of the people. And also everything that is included in this concept: the economy, friendly relations with the fraternal countries of Russia and Belarus. Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna's website contained a lot of information about the party's plans.

Natalia Vitrenko turned out to be a very resourceful leader, since in the parliamentary elections in 1998 her party entered the country's Verkhovna Rada. A year later, Natalya Vitrenko ran for president of the country. She was the first woman in Ukraine to decide to become president. In the presidential elections Natalia Vitrenko took 4th place.

In 2002, Natalia Vitrenko tried to get into parliament again. But she could not overcome the 4% barrier.

In 2004, the already strengthened and experienced politician Natalya Vitrenko again ran for the presidency of the country. However, in the first round she took fifth place, and in the second she leaned towards Viktor Yanukovych and asked her voters to vote for him.

In 2006, Natalia Vitrenko again tried to break into the Ukrainian parliament from the People's Opposition bloc. Natalya Vitrenko headed this political force. However, the block did not pass the 3% barrier. Natalya Vitrenko's associates have filed a lawsuit to recount the votes because of suspicions of falsification. However, the court did not allow this.

In 2009 Natalya Vitrenko again wanted to become the head of state. But the Central Selective Committee refused to register the policy. Then she became the leader in the race for a seat in regional elections.

In 2012, Natalya Vitrenko did not take part in the elections because she did not have enough sponsors for the election race.


Natalya Mikhailovna Vitrenko was named “Woman of the Year” three times in a row (1996, 1997, 1998).

Natalia Vitrenko was an academician of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine and Economic Cybernetics. She was the head of the All-Ukrainian public women's organization "Gift of Life" in 2000, headed the "Cathedral of Orthodox Women" since 2010.

In 2011, Natalia Vitrenko became a member of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Eurasian People's Union". Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna regularly reviews videos with her participation. She likes to analyze how she behaves in public.

Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna watches the latest performances especially carefully. After all, she has big plans for the future. Natalia Vitrenko today does not leave thoughts of becoming the president of Ukraine. Say, a woman knows better how to save the country from devastation, grief and poverty. After all, if she is a good housewife in her house, she will also take care of the country.

Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna's website tells about her positive personal and professional qualities. People who visit her website periodically think that she really could become an excellent president of Ukraine. However, her popularity does not appeal to her detractors. Not so long ago, they spread rumors that Vitrenko Natalya Mikhailovna hanged herself. The woman, having heard such news, was very upset.


They say that the political force of Natalya Vitrenko entered parliament in 1998 thanks to Kuchma. He allegedly gave money to Natalya Vitrenko, and she, in turn, simply bribed voters.

In 1999, Natalya Vitrenko became a victim of an attempted murder in Krivoy Rog. After the presidential candidate met with her constituents, two grenades were thrown at her. During this attack, Natalya Vitrenko herself received only wounds from fragments of military grenades. Others were less fortunate. On this day, because of the explosion of grenades, 44 people were injured. According to some sources, Alexander Moroz was the mastermind behind the murder. He allegedly did it through his confidant, Sergei Ivanchenko.

As soon as Natalia Vitrenko's party appeared on the political arena, rumors immediately spread that they were the development of the country's president. In addition, Nikolai Melnichenko (a major in state security at that time) claimed that he had a record from Leonid Kuchma's office. He allegedly spoke with Natalia Vitrenko at a secret meeting. It was with his submission that the split in the party of Alexander Moroz occurred. There are rumors that Kuchma paid Vitrenko for this coup. The woman herself denies all this. And it says that she was, is and will be Kuchma's opponent.

Igor Bakai is also credited with the individuals who financed Vitrenko.

In 2002, the media reported that Vitrenko's political force was financed by the oligarch Vadim Rabinovich. However, Natalya Vitrenko said that her political force was never financed and neither the Presidential Administration nor Rabinovich will finance it. Like, Natalya Vitrenko is not for sale. Therefore, no one gave her money in order for her to get into politics.

The head of the PSPU was also suspected of being involved in dealings with Saddam Hussein and his oil quotas. But this information was never confirmed.

Natalya Vitrenko was suspected of being financed by Maxim Kurochkin. He is a businessman in the Russian Federation. It was he who had a hand in ensuring that the PSPU participated in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2006. Natalya Mikhailovna denied these rumors too.

In 2006, Natalia Vitrenko appeared on television with a statement that Yulia Tymoshenko is the main threat to the country.

Natalya Vitrenko is a supporter of the dissolution of NATO, as the North Atlantic Alliance is pursuing a too aggressive policy and provoking wars. Natalia Vitrenko made such a statement in 2008.

In the same year, she came up with a proposal to create an Anti-Orange Block. Also Natalia Vitrenko in 2008 created a shadow opposition cabinet of ministers.

Analysts explain Natalia Vitrenko's rapid rise and her rapid fall into the political Olympus by the fact that she promised her voters too much. But she did too little. In addition, Natalia Vitrenko was extremely illogical in her speeches and actions.


The woman has already been divorced twice. She has three children. Son Yuri and two daughters Olga and Marina. Also Natalia Vitrenko is also a grandmother. She has a grandson Mikhail.

Natalia Vitrenko is called "Ukrainian Zhirinovsky" in a skirt. However, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party is not an idol for Natalia Mikhailovna. She, as she herself admitted, is more impressed by the image of Fidel Castro.
Natalia Vitrenko believes in her star. “Although I am not a superstitious person, I believe in the forecast of the famous astrologer Pavel Globa. He believes that Ukraine will be saved by a woman named Oksana or Natalya, ”she says.


Natalia Vitrenko demonstrates her own political ambitions, referring exclusively to the interests of the people.

“I don't need positions in order to work,” says Natalia Mikhailovna and confesses: “I believe that the right and duty of the head of state is to head the executive branch. For example, I am ready to do this ”(“ The Mirror of the Week ”, July 3, 1999).

Vitrenko agitates for himself as follows: “I honestly say that everyone needs to unite around Natalia Vitrenko - mother of many children, doctor of sciences, leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, leader of the women's organization“ Gift of Life ”. How else to say? Female! And all astrologers say that a woman will save Ukraine ”(Radio Liberty, July 31, 2004).

The area in which Natalia Vitrenko gives complete freedom to her ambitions is the economy. Natalia Mikhailovna claims that her plan of economic reforms is being successfully implemented today by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko: “Vitrenko in this case should be assessed as the author of the direction of economic reforms, which is opposite to what is being carried out in Ukraine and which is implemented today in Belarus” (“Mirror of the Week ", November 10, 2001). The PSPU leader admits that for her political activity plays a rather important role in life: “For me, politics is a vocation. And I cannot imagine my life without defending my own opinion ”(“ Viborcha Maysternya ”, February 27, 2002).


She was born on December 28, 1951 in Kiev. In 1973 she graduated from the Kiev Institute of National Economy with a degree in statistics. She was a Lenin scholar. Her classmates are Petr Germanchuk, Mikhail Kaskevich and Vasily Gureev. From 1977 to 1979 she worked as a researcher at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the State Planning Committee of the Ukrainian SSR. After that, for 10 years she held the position of associate professor of the Department of General Theory of Statistics at the Kiev Institute of National Economy. 1989-1991 - Senior Researcher of the Council for the Study of the Productive Forces of the Academy of Sciences. Until January 1995 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Moroz. Since December 1994 - People's Deputy, member of the Socialist Party faction.

In January 1996, Natalia Vitrenko left the SPU, and in April she was elected leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.

In the 1999 presidential elections, Natalia Mikhailovna took fourth place (10.97%). But she says that the victory was stolen from her.

During the 2002 parliamentary elections, Natalia Vitrenko's bloc did not overcome the 4% barrier (3.22%). According to the leader of the PSPU, the results of the parliamentary elections were falsified. Several attempts to get a deputy mandate in the majority constituencies in Cherkassy, \u200b\u200bMelitopol, Chernigov in the current composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine were unsuccessful for Natalia Vitrenko.

Now she is unemployed. As Natalia Vitrenko herself says, her knowledge and experience turned out to be of no use to anyone in the state.

Since February 2004 - Chairman of the People's Movement of Ukraine "Forever with Russia".

In 2004, the candidate for the post of head of state Vitrenko received the support of 1.53% of Ukrainians who voted.

During the 2006 parliamentary elections, Natalia Vitrenko's People's Opposition bloc received the support of 2.93% of the voters and did not make it to the Ukrainian parliament. Attempts by the PSPU to challenge the election results were unsuccessful.
In 2007, Natalia Vitrenko took 88th position in the "Top-100" of the most influential people in Ukraine, who are annually determined by the magazine "Correspondent".

In the early parliamentary elections in 2007, Natalya Vitrenko headed the list of the PSPU. The party received the support of 1.32% of voters, which was not enough to get into parliament.


Natalia Vitrenko for:

  • ensuring the power of the people through the system of sovereignty of the soviets;
  • election of judges by the people;
  • elimination of parliamentary immunity, benefits for people's representatives;
  • securing the right of legislative initiative for trade unions;
  • introduction of state guarantees for employment;
  • creation of an interstate union Ukraine-Belarus-Russia with a single currency for interstate payments;
  • protection of the domestic market of Ukraine from the US dollar;
  • reduction of direct taxes up to 7%;
  • cancellation of VAT;
  • single flat tax for entrepreneurs;
  • reducing the interest rate on loans to 4% per annum and stimulating long-term loans;
  • creation of the State Budget Bank;
  • the fact that women take 50% of places in power structures;
  • maintaining the current strength of the army;
  • introduction of fixed energy prices;
  • restoration of the system of guarantees for citizens;
  • granting the Russian language the state status;
  • withdrawal of Ukraine from the IMF;
  • reprivatization of property;
  • massive construction of solar aerobaric thermal power plants;
  • protection of the rights of the Kurdish leader Ocalan;
  • transformation of Chernigov into the capital of the political union of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Natalia Vitrenko is against:

  • ukraine's accession to NATO;
  • Yulia Tymoshenko, Petr Symonenko, Alexander Moroz, Viktor Yushchenko, Viktor Pynzenik, Sergei Teryokhin;
  • land sales and the Land Code adopted by parliament in October 2001;
  • the war in Iraq;
  • uS interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine.


Previously, the ideal for Natalia Vitrenko was the former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. Because, as the leader of the PSPU said, “she became the mother of the people” (“Viborcha Maysternya”, March 6, 2002). Now Natalia Mikhailovna's ideal is Fidel Castro. “To live the same life, to be as brave and professional is my dream,” the PSPU leader admitted (“Kievsky Telegraph”, January 23, 2004).

Compromising evidence

There is not so much compromising information on the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party. It concerns her connections with the presidential administration and with the oligarchs. So, on the eve of the 2002 parliamentary elections, rumors were actively circulated in the press about the possible involvement of the famous businessman Vadim Rabinovich in financing the PSPU in exchange for 30% of the party list. However, this information has not been confirmed. Natalia Vitrenko herself says that her party "has never been financed, and will not be financed by either the presidential administration, Volkov's group or Rabinovich's group" (Forum, March 20, 2002).

Natalia Mikhailovna claims that she has never been sold to anyone: “I was surprised: Rabinovich never gave us money, how did this rumor appear? .. And I want everyone to remember that Vitrenko is not for sale. Therefore, I had no agreements with Vadim Rabinovich or with others. In addition, the last time I saw Rabinovich was two or three years ago at the Russian embassy ”(“ Capital News ”, November 25, 2001).

Three years ago, information also appeared in the press about the possible involvement of Natalia Vitrenko and her party in the oil quotas that Saddam Hussein's regime provided to its adherents. However, this information was never officially confirmed.

Leonid Kuchma

For quite a long time, information has been circulated on the sidelines that the PSPU is a political technological development of the presidential administration of Leonid Kuchma, namely, the late first assistant to the head of state, Alexander Razumkov. They say that at one time Vitrenko's "promotion" was aimed at destroying the left camp and weakening the SPU's positions in the 1998 parliamentary elections. The Day newspaper claims that it was the authorities who helped the progressive socialists overcome the 4% barrier: “They even said that on the last of those three days, when the Central Election Commission was struggling to count the election results, those who counted were urgently delivered ballots with votes.” for "PSPU" ("Day", June 30, 1999). Although, as Natalia Vitrenko herself says, she had extremely friendly relations with Alexander Razumkov.

The ex-major of state security Nikolai Melnichenko claims that the recordings he made in Leonid Kuchma's office contain episodes about the backstage games between the PSPU leader and the president. As a former officer told Ukrainskaya Pravda, “the then head of the Security Service of Ukraine Leonid Derkach escorted her to Kuchma’s office in“ vegetable gardens ”so that no one could see her, and she behaved at these rendezvous like an obedient pioneer.” Natalia Vitrenko refutes this information: “I did not have any secret meetings with Kuchma. This is absolutely certain ”(Ukrainska Pravda, March 5, 2002).

Natalia Mikhailovna says that she was and remains a consistent opponent of Kuchma: “On Bankova, the characters and scenery have changed a great many times, and our line - mine and my comrades-in-arms - has remained unchanged since 1991” (“The Mirror of the Week”, July 3, 1999 .).

When asked by a Vremya novostei correspondent how she views the rumors about the presidential administration's involvement in the PSPU, Natalia Mikhailovna answered rather harshly: “How would you appreciate it if you were told that you are a prostitute? Vile, dirty people are circulating rumors in order to humiliate me, to take away votes from the party. It is beneficial for them to compare Natalia Vitrenko, doctor of sciences and academician of two academies, with some kind of mongrel who was hired for money. Excuse me, I see no equal in the presidential administration ”(“ Vremya novostei ”, February 15, 2002).

By the way, the Shevchenko District Court of Kiev found that the information about Natalia Vitrenko, disseminated by Major Mykola Melnichenko regarding cooperation with the presidential administration, does not correspond to reality.

Max Mad

In 2006, Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko stated that Russian businessman Maxim Kurochkin (“Max Mad”) was involved in financing the PSPU and had serious claims against Natalia Vitrenko after the failure of her bloc in the parliamentary elections. The PSPU leader denied these allegations. Although Kurochkin himself publicly stated that he sympathized with the PSPU.

Financial situation

According to the declaration, in 2003 Vitrenko made a profit of UAH 15 thousand. This is the salary. The leader of the PSPU has an apartment of 55 sq. m.

The science

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor. Academician of the Academy of Civil Engineering and Economic Cybernetics of Ukraine.

Ph.D. thesis - "Statistical and economic analysis of the efficiency of animal husbandry (on the example of collective farms in the Kiev region.)" (1977).

Doctoral dissertation - "Regional problems of social infrastructure development" (1994).


Faithful party member, ally and "squire" - Vladimir Marchenko. By the way, he sometimes plays the role of a driver. If it is necessary to defend the honor of Natalia Mikhailovna, then Vladimir Romanovich can hit the jaw, as it was in the situation with the people's deputy Pavel Movchan. The latter somehow inadvertently asked Marchenko at a parliamentary session not to confuse his own wife with a party comrade. Even Mike Tyson could have envied Vladimir Romanovich's reaction - the head of Prosvita found himself in a deep knockdown, having received a concussion.

Natalia Mikhailovna confessed that not only Pavel Movchan, but even Vladimir Romanovich's wife is suspicious of her relationship with Vladimir Marchenko: “There is a certain difficulty - his wife is worried, since we work all the time together” (The Day, May 1998 g.).


According to the results of surveys of the population of Ukraine conducted by the Sotsis-Gelap service in 1996, 1997 and 1998, Vitrenko was recognized as the “Woman of the Year”.



The eldest daughter is Olga (born 1972), a sociologist by education.

The youngest daughter - Marina (born in 1983), graduated from the Institute of International Relations of the Kiev State University.

Son Yuri (born 1976) is a civil servant.

Has a grandson Mikhail (born in 2000).

“For me, breaking free to my grandson is like taking a breath of freedom for a prisoner ... His first word is“ baba ”. He is a very energetic boy. They always say that they love grandchildren more than children, but until you feel it, you will not believe it, ”says Natalia Vitrenko (“ Capital News ”, November 27, 2001).

Third force

“We will show that we are the third force in Ukraine that will help the people figure out who to follow,” says the PSPU leader (Segodnya, September 10, 2002).


More recently, Natalia Mikhailovna called Alexander Moroz her student. True, ungrateful. Vitrenko says that during the time she was his advisor, she tried to arrange an economic educational program for the leader of the socialists. However, she believes, these efforts were in vain.

Natalia Mikhailovna is an implacable opponent of Alexander Moroz. After the attempt on her life in October 1999 in Krivoy Rog, the gap between the leader of the PSPU and Alexander Alexandrovich widened. Moroz's confidant, Sergei Ivanchenko, was blamed for the incident. Even despite the fact that Major Melnichenko's notes say that the assassination attempt on the leader of the progressive socialists was inspired by the secret services, Natalia Vitrenko continues to accuse Alexander Moroz: “Talk about 'provocation against Frost' is talk, and thrown grenades are a terrible reality ... I don't have a cassette (with recordings by Major Melnichenko. - S.R.), neither Alexander Moroz's statements evoke any confidence. I don’t believe him at all as a politician. In general, I know the price of him well ... The fact is that Alexander Moroz has never been an independent politician, he has always depended on someone ”(“ Facts ”, January 27, 2000). Later the leader of the PSPU added: “We have not yet cleared the question of the assassination attempt. The thing is that Sergei Ivanchenko is the head of Moroz's headquarters, his confidant ... The court proved that the assassination attempt was organized by Sergei Ivanchenko, that Vladimir Ivanchenko, his brother and Andrey Samoilov threw a grenade. The charges have already been brought forward, but it remains behind the scenes - who ordered? And what kind of relationship can I have with Moroz after that? " ("Capital News", November 27, 2001).

“They often try to ascribe to me a desire to find out some kind of relationship with Moroz. He's not interesting to me for a hundred years! But Moroz is on the list of those key figures who caused colossal losses to Ukraine. And I will never absolve him of his guilt. Never! ”- this is how Natalia Vitrenko explains her“ interest ”in Alexander Moroz (“ The Mirror of the Week ”, November 10, 2001).

"Petro Symonenko must thank me every day for the fact that the PSPU nominated my candidacy ... if this had not happened, then the circle of Alexander Moroz would have organized an attempt on the life of the leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine," Natalia Vitrenko believes ("Kievsky Telegraph", July 13 2004).

The SPU leader answers Vitrenko with the same “coin”: “To be honest, she doesn't bother me. What will he say (during the presidential campaign. - S.R.), I know approximately, but I think people also know ”(UNIAN, July 7, 2004).


Natalia Mikhailovna devotes all her free time to work. Except maybe shopping at the bazaar. “The majority of the wardrobe was bought at the Obolon bazaar,” Vitrenko confessed (Mirror of the Week, November 7, 1998).

The pronoun "I" in Natalia Vitrenko's speeches is not the last. The PSPU leader likes to speak on his own behalf. She has no interest in modesty. Vitrenko's “I” is a kind of indicator of her political culture and ambitions that are seething.

“I am a serious scientist, I have the best practices, I have knowledge, I have the ability and desire to work. I am an academician, the author of an alternative economic program. The main thing for me is not to interfere with my work. "

“I want to tell you that many people's deputies come up to me and confess:“ We respect you for the fact that you can say what we ourselves are afraid to say ”.

"I am sure that society cannot endlessly sell itself to oligarchs and be afraid of administrative resources."

“I am deeply convinced that if they don’t listen to me today and don’t even listen to me tomorrow, life will still force me to return to my proposals.”

"I am the most uncomfortable person in the country."

"I know that if I suddenly find myself in a foreign city without a penny, the local party members will feed me, put me to sleep, and help me get to Kiev."

"I think that even a very well-to-do person can wake up conscience, and he will understand that our party is fighting for justice."

“I am an adherent of the planned economy, and I am proud of it. There can never be a pure market economy !!! "

“I was the only woman who created a party that won the 1998 parliamentary elections. I received 11% of the votes in the presidential elections without having the status of an ex-speaker of parliament, like Moroz, and without leading the Communist Party, which is voted for thanks to the merits of former generations. "

“I affirm that Symonenko did not want to defeat Kuchma in the second round of the presidential elections. He surrendered the victory to him. "

"I am in politics, as on the front line, and Symonenko and others are somewhere in the trenches."

“I will never work with a woman (about Tymoshenko. - S.R.), which, like a vulture, wants to tear only itself. "

“Today I receive a lot of offers. Just a lot. I do not have enough time to accept all these proposals. Appear on the air. "

“I will use everyone. For that purpose - to save Ukraine. "

“I have always been active in public life and since school I have had the title of“ ringleader ”.

“I want everything from her (Tymoshenko. - S.R.) to ask, it's a pity, it didn't work out on TV debates: here she is, an oligarch, the richest woman in Ukraine, how did she earn her first million ?! "

"I believe in the law."

“I have never been in the corridors of power, in their nomenclature. I have never played with anyone - neither with Kravchuk, nor with Moroz, nor with Petya, all the more so ... ".

“I don’t understand those who think that if you change Kuchma to Yushchenko, then Ukraine will get better. It won't! "

“I didn’t come to politics to hone some political technologies. I knew that a mortal threat hung over my state and, like a mother with many children, made my choice. "

"I see how the tragic history for humanity is being repeated: the communists are uniting with the fascists."

"I believe that the salary of a people's deputy should be the same as the industry average."

"... I just urge all women in Ukraine to immediately throw rotten eggs, whoever is from the presidential candidates, if only there is a dirty word to talk about me."

"I clearly know that I need to go my own way and go to victory."

"I ... probably would not have run if at least someone offered real ways to save Ukraine."

“... I am convinced that 12 million pensioners in Ukraine should vote for me. For me, because when I was in parliament, I fought for a fair pension law and defended my law in the first reading. "

“I am convinced that I should go to the second round (meaning - the second round of presidential elections in 2004 - S.R.)».

“I want to say that I came to parliament when I lived in a two-room apartment in Obolon, and left parliament, and I live in a two-room apartment in Obolon. I didn't have any shares, restaurants, enterprises, airfields, and I don't have anything, that is, I worked in parliament only for the sake of people.

"... I want to see Ukraine happy, flourishing, all my activities are aimed at this."

“I stand for freedom of conscience. I believe that the state has no right to interfere with the faith of every person. Everyone has the right to be an atheist in general or to choose his own religion. "

(ProUA, August 2004).

Sergey Rudenko

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