What impact does railway transport have on the environment? The impact of the railway on the environment. What is included in these emissions

Lime 16.10.2020

The factors of unfavorable impact of railway transport on the environment include emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, external noise of railway facilities, pollution of soil and water bodies.

Currently, railway transport, which is developing huge volumes of traffic, has a powerful production potential and is one of the largest consumers of energy resources. Annually, about 10 billion kWh of electricity and more than 33 million tons of standard fuel are spent on traction for trains and other production and non-production needs. Fuel combustion is carried out by rolling stock and stationary installations. In this case, the main item of expenses is the cost of traction of trains. Diesel locomotives are known to have diesel engines. These engines emit toxic gases into the atmosphere, consisting of carbon monoxide (up to 10%), nitrogen oxide (up to 0.8%) and hydrocarbons (up to 3%). The combustion products of carburetor engines are the most toxic. In addition to the listed ingredients, these products also contain lead and a small amount of dioxins.

Stationary heat power engineering of the depot, repair factories and civil engineering services consumes up to 49% of the total fuel consumption of the Ministry of Railways. However, these services are in an unsatisfactory condition, low-power, with an efficiency 15-20% lower than modern boilers. All this leads to increased emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, such as carbon monoxide, aldehydes, unburned hydrocarbons, soot, nitrogen and sulfur oxides. Thermal pollution of the environment also occurs due to the increased temperature of flue gases at the outlet of boilers with low efficiency.

The objects of sanitary protection of the soil are the ballast prism of the railway track, the territory of stations, industrial facilities and railway settlements. During the construction and operation of railways, the properties and structure of the soil change, which leads to a violation of the existing equilibrium of the natural environment in the right-of-way. In addition, the soils are constantly contaminated with various substances, which leads to the fact that their content significantly exceeds the corresponding MPC.

At railway transport enterprises, various technological processes of washing equipment, rolling stock and its units during operation and repair are carried out, in which water is used. At the same time, oil products, acids, alkalis, detergents, antiseptics, phenols, salts of heavy metals and many other substances of organic and inorganic origin, including fertilizers and pesticides, enter it in large quantities. The treatment of such effluents is very difficult.

Wastewater consumption at railway transport enterprises ranges from 200 to 4000 m 3 / day, excluding the same amount of atmospheric effluent with pollution inherent in this enterprise.

At repair plants, in locomotive and carriage depots, wastewater is generated during washing of rolling stock, cleaning of units and parts in washing machines and bathrooms, galvanic treatment of parts, washing batteries, regenerating softening filters, washing and blowing out boilers, hydraulic testing of various containers, water from storage facilities for oil products, cleaning floors, inspection ditches, etc. In these processes, water is polluted with oil products, mineral and organic suspensions, alkalis, acids, surfactants (surfactants), metal salts (chromium, nickel, iron, copper and etc.).

Wastewater at the passenger carriages preparation points is formed during the external washing of bodies and running gears and contains oil products, metal corrosion products, dust, various organic impurities, as well as detergents used for washing cars.

At the points of preparation of freight cars, where they are washed from the inside, the residues of transported goods - cement, chalk, bricks, mineral fertilizers, grain, vegetables, animal feed, meat, fish, etc. - get into the wastewater. A characteristic feature of this wastewater is a high content of suspended solids and dissolved salts.

Waste water from flushing and steaming stations is formed during flushing and steaming of tanks for oil, oil products and other bulk cargo, as well as when washing flushing ramps, tracks, trays, washing work clothes, draining bottom water from settling tanks, etc. complex composition and contain floating and emulsified oil products, suspended solids, phenols, tetraethyl lead and other organic impurities. Tanks are rinsed with hot water, so drains usually have elevated temperature (thermal pollution).

At disinfection and washing stations (DPS), where wagons are treated after transporting livestock, poultry, hides, wool, bones, wastewater is contaminated with residues of manure, straw, transported goods, disinfectants (chlorine lime, caustic soda, etc.), as well as may have bacterial contamination, including pathogens of various diseases. At the disinfection and washing stations, other freight cars are often treated, therefore, mineral suspension and dissolved salts may be present in the wastewater.

Wastewater from sleepers impregnating plants is formed during the settling of watered impregnating oil, the operation of vacuum pumps, cooling condensers, discharging condensate from coil steam heaters, discharging wastewater from pre-cylinder sites, traction tracks, finished product warehouses, blowing out boilers, regenerating water softening filters, cleaning equipment and ... The main water pollutants are coal and shale impregnating oils, which contain soluble resins, phenols, pyridine, etc. Organic substances (turpentine, acetone, organic acids, etc.) contained in the impregnated wood also get into the water.

Runoff from sleepers impregnating plants is the greatest danger to water bodies, as it contains substances that, even in small quantities, are toxic to aquatic organisms. These drains often have an elevated temperature (up to 50-60 0 C) due to the ingress of a large amount of condensate.

At crushed stone factories, industrial effluents are formed during wet cleaning of air from dust, washing of crushed stone, wet cleaning of premises, cooling of crushers, etc. The main type of water pollution here are suspended minerals, petroleum products and other impurities may be present in small quantities.

There are many small objects in railway transport (technical inspection points, rail welding trains, repair shops, assembly bases, motor depots, warehouses, fuel, etc.), which are also sources of wastewater. In most cases, the effluent from these facilities contains oil products and suspended solids.

At many enterprises, water from the cooling of compressors, distillers, electric furnaces, smoke exhausters, quenching plants and other equipment, water from liquid load rheostats used in testing diesel locomotives is also supplied to the sewage system. These drains are practically clean and have only a high temperature (up to 40 0 \u200b\u200bС).

Nikolaenko Mikhail

Objectives: to show the relevance of the problem associated with the negative impact of railway transport on environment and consider measures to tackle disruptions to the biosphere due to the effects of rail transport.



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Developer: Student of group 3 TE - 411 Nikolaenko Mikhail Specialty: 190623 Maintenance of rolling stock of railways STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW COLLEGE OF RAILWAY AND URBAN TRANSPORT Presentation on the environment

show the urgency of the problem associated with the negative impact of railway transport on the environment; consider measures to combat disruptions in the biosphere due to the impact on it of rail transport. Work tasks

Environmental problems The continuous intensification and expansion of the scale of the economic activity of society leads to an aggravation of environmental problems, to the direct and side effects of industrial activities on the composition and properties of the atmosphere, the thermal regime of the planet, the background of radioactivity, to the pollution of the World Ocean, reservoirs, land and a decrease in fresh water reserves, non-renewable raw materials and energy resources, the release of non-recyclable biochemical and toxic waste into the biosphere, the environmental impact of anthropogenic landscapes, the impact of environmental factors on the physical and mental health of humans and on the gene pool of human populations.

Transport is an important condition for the functioning of social production and the life of people. Passenger traffic in cities is growing faster than the population of cities. A large share of the total volume of transportation is carried out by industrial transport, in which 30-35% of transportation is performed by railways. Transport in public life

Locomotive and carriage depots are sources of air pollution. The pollution of limited volumes of the environment in which people constantly or periodically work is especially unfavorable in sanitary terms. Thus, railway tunnels are more polluted by exhaust gases of diesel locomotives. Air pollution

The most important measure to combat air pollution with harmful substances is to reduce their emission in sources of education. This is achieved by mechanization and automation of production processes, replacement of solid fuel with gaseous fuel, etc. Air pollution

In rail transport, the greatest danger in relation to pollution of surface sources of drinking is posed by locomotive and car repair plants, depots, sleepers impregnating plants, rail welding trains, and other production facilities. So, in the wastewater of washing areas of locomotive depots, from 3 to 25 g / l of oil products, from I to 2 g / l of surfactants used in washing solutions are found. Water pollution

A lot of work is underway to improve cleaning methods and introduce circulating water supply systems. When re-using wastewater, it is not necessary to deeply treat it; the degree of purification that is achieved at existing treatment facilities is quite sufficient. The introduction of circulating water supply systems can significantly reduce the consumption of fresh water for technical needs. Water pollution

During the construction and operation of railways, the properties and structure of the soil change, which leads to a violation of the existing equilibrium of the natural environment in the right-of-way. The soil is polluted with industrial and household waste, pesticides cause great damage to the soil. Among the measures for soil protection, an important place is occupied by the serviceability of containers. Soil pollution

The increase in the speed of the movement of freight traffic, the mass of trains, the organization of long-set trains create a new technology for sorting freight car flows, increase the traffic intensity on the entire range of railways. At the same time, in connection with housing construction in cities, many marshalling, passenger stations, locomotive and car repair depots turned out to be part of settlements. This leads to a deterioration in the acoustic climate. Acoustic problem

The fight against noise in railway transport is carried out systematically: equipping locomotives with low-volume whistles, reducing the power of loudspeakers at stations, limited use of park communications, laying a continuous track on railway sections, using noise screens Acoustic problem

The railway bed is systematically contaminated with untreated sewage from passenger cars. Every day, more than 200 m 3 of untreated waste water is poured for each kilometer of the track, more than I2 tons of dry waste are thrown out. Currently, this problem is being solved by installing dry closets in wagons that utilize waste and waste by incineration. Path pollution

The president Russian Federation V.V. In 2003, Putin paid serious attention to the state of the environment in his message to the Federation Council. In the adopted law "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation", environmental safety is named among the main functions of the industry. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2012 N 1157, 2013 in the Russian Federation shall be considered the Year of Environmental Protection. Russian Railways carries out environmental protection activities in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. Ecology, government and railway transport

E.N. Budreiko, V.A. Zaitsev "Introduction to Industrial Ecology", All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center vocational education Youth, Moscow, 2000. Edited by V.S. Krutyakova "Fundamentals of ecology in railway transport and in transport construction", Moscow, "Transport", 1993. http://www.newecologist.ru/ecolog-1585.html References

THANKS FOR ATTENTION! He who does not love nature does not love man, he is not a citizen! Dostoevsky F.M.

The evolution of human development and the creation of industrial methods of management have led to the formation of a global technosphere, one of the elements of which is railway transport. The natural environment during the functioning of the elements of the technosphere is a source of raw materials and energy resources and a space for placing its infrastructure.

In terms of the volume of freight traffic, railway transport ranks first among other types of transport, in terms of passenger traffic, it ranks second after road transport.

The successful functioning and development of railway transport depends on the state of natural complexes and the availability of natural resources, the development of the infrastructure of the built environment, the socio-economic environment of society.

The state of the environment when interacting with railway transport facilities depends on the infrastructure for the construction of railways, the production of rolling stock, production equipment and other devices, the intensity of the use of rolling stock and other facilities on the railways, the results of scientific research and their implementation at enterprises and facilities of the industry.

Each element of the system has direct and feedback connections with each other.

In the development and functioning of railway transport facilities, one should take into account the properties of natural complexes - multi-connectivity, stability, commutativity, additivity, invariance, multifactor correlation. The multi-connectivity is expressed in the diverse impact of transport on nature, which can cause changes that are difficult to take into account in it.

Additivity is the possibility of multi-parameter addition of various sources of technogenic and anthropogenic impact on nature, which can lead to unpredictable changes in nature.

Invariance is a property of ecosystems to maintain stability within the boundaries of regulated technogenic and anthropogenic impacts.

Sustainability is the ability of ecosystems to maintain initial parameters under natural, technogenic and anthropogenic impacts.

Multivariate correlation characterizes ecosystems from the standpoint of their predetermination to random and non-random events with analytical connections between them.

Rail transport constantly impacts on the natural environment.

The impact level can lie within the acceptable equilibrium and crisis boundaries.

The nature of the impact of transport on the environment is determined by the composition of man-made factors, the intensity of their impact, the ecological weight of the impact on the elements of nature. Technogenic impact can be local from a single factor or complex - from a group of various factors characterized by coefficients of ecological weight, which depend on the type of impact, their nature, object of impact.

The impact of railway transport facilities on nature is due to the construction of roads, production and economic activities of enterprises, the operation of railways and rolling stock, the burning of large amounts of fuel, the use of pesticides in forest belts, etc.

The construction and operation of railways is associated with the pollution of natural complexes with emissions, sewage, waste, which should not disturb the balance in ecological systems. The equilibrium of an ecosystem is characterized by the property of maintaining a stable state within the limits of regulated anthropogenic changes in the natural complexes surrounding the transport enterprise. The self-cleaning ability of the natural environment is reduced due to the destruction and depletion of natural complexes. Railroad lines laid on the established migration routes of living organisms disrupt their development and even lead to the death of entire communities and species.

The factors of the impact of railway transport facilities on the environment can be classified according to the following criteria: mechanical (solid waste, mechanical impact on the soil of construction, road, track and other machines); physical (thermal radiation, electric fields, electromagnetic fields, noise, infrasound, ultrasound, vibration, radiation, etc.); chemical substances and compounds (acids, alkalis, metal salts, aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons, paints and solvents, organic acids and compounds, etc.), which are subdivided into not extremely hazardous, highly hazardous, hazardous and low hazard; biological (macro and microorganisms, bacteria, viruses).

These factors can act on the natural environment for a long-term, relatively short-term, short-term and instantaneous.

The duration of the factors does not always determine the amount of damage to nature. In terms of the scale of action, harmful factors are subdivided into those acting on small areas, acting on separate areas of the terrain, and global ones.

Chemicals and compounds can migrate and disperse in air, water, soil, causing reversible, partially reversible and irreversible damage to nature. Transport plays an important role in the migration of chemicals and infectious microorganisms.

The main directions for reducing the magnitude of environmental pollution are: rational choice of technological processes for production finished products and its transportation; using environmental protection means and keeping them in good condition.

An integral criterion for the environmental efficiency of the production activities of railway transport facilities is the degree of disruption of the natural balance in the region. The danger of disrupting the natural balance is quantitatively associated with anthropogenic factors in the production and economic activities of people in the region.

If the natural environment is not able to cope with the impact of railway transport, it is necessary to provide for treatment facilities or carry out restoration work. Equilibrium in the natural environment is ensured by the maintenance of energy, water, biological, biogeochemical balances and their change in a certain period of time. The quantitative characteristics of the listed balances depend on the geographic location of the regions, climatic conditions, the amount of resource use, natural phenomena and the degree of environmental pollution.

The main types of pollution

The railway mode of transport includes public railways, industrial railways (mainly access roads of various large enterprises and organizations), as well as urban railways (metro and tram lines).

Although, in general, the adverse effect of railway transport on the environment is less than that of automobile transport, diesel locomotives with diesel power plants have a negative effect on the atmosphere, since the exhaust gases contain hydrocarbons, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and various solid pollutants.

At the same time, the alienation of significant territories for railway transport, close to the degree of influence of highways, affects the natural environment. The factor of elimination of animals is still less pronounced, since the density of the railway network is less, but it is present. In addition, rail transport causes severe noise pollution of the environment and serves as a source of alien vibrations. They pollute the biosphere and the industries that serve this transport (metallurgy, chemical industry).

Impact of rail transport on ecosystems

For any natural ecological system, the railway is an alien element. For their construction, railways require the alienation of significant territories, where natural communities are completely destroyed. Vast areas along the railways are directly influenced by them; here natural communities are formed only from species that are sufficiently tolerant to pollution and disturbance.

Remark 1

In our country, the share of railway transport is 80% of freight turnover and 40% of passenger traffic in public transport. Such large volumes of work are directly related to the significant consumption of natural resources, and large-scale emissions of pollutants into the biosphere.

Rail transport pollutes the air, water and land.

Air pollution

From stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere associated with railway transport, boiler houses bring the greatest harm to nature: when solid fuel is burned, oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, fly ash, soot are emitted, when fuel oil is burned - sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, solid products of incomplete combustion of vanadium.

Motors of track equipment, diesel locomotives, when burning fuel in the composition of exhaust gases, emit oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, aldehydes.

Water pollution

After being used in technological processes at railway facilities, the water is contaminated with harmful impurities. Wastewater is toxic to the environment in many respects; it pollutes it with suspended particles, oil products, bacterial contamination, acids, alkalis, surfactants.

Contamination of the territories of enterprises

Railway stations with locomotive and carriage depots are a source of solid waste generation and accumulation, which leads to littering of large areas in the roadside right-of-way or beyond. The list of pollutants is dominated by oil and oil products, fuel residues, lubricants.

Any railway is a strip alienated from the natural environment, artificially adapted to the movement of trains with given technical and environmental indicators. For the ecological system, for the natural landscape, the railway is an alien element.

The denser the road network, the higher the traffic intensity on them, the more concern the society shows with respect to their impact on human conditions. Railway transport accounts for 80% of the freight turnover and 40% of the passenger turnover of public transport in the Russian Federation. Such volumes of work are associated with a large consumption of natural resources, and, accordingly, the release of pollutants into the biosphere. However, in absolute terms, the pollution in the railway transport is less than that of the automobile. The decrease in the scale of the impact of railway transport on the environment is explained by the following reasons:

  • low specific fuel consumption per unit of transport work;
  • widespread use of electric traction (in this case, there are no emissions of pollutants from the rolling stock);
  • less alienation of land for railways compared to highways.

But despite the listed positive moments, the impact of railway transport on the environmental situation is very noticeable. It manifests itself primarily by air, water and land pollution during the construction and operation of railways.

The main task of the designers is not to overcome the opposition of the blind forces of nature, as was previously thought, but to find ways to harmonize technical solutions with natural factors. It is necessary that the construction of the road does not degrade the quality of the habitat by affecting it.

Sources and types of environmental pollution by rail

The length of the railways is 158 thousand kilometers. Despite the fact that rail transport has the least impact, especially in comparison with road transport, its share in the pollution of the environment remains high. This occurs as a result of the emission of harmful substances, both rolling stock and numerous production and auxiliary enterprises serving the transportation process. At the same time, there is a significant pollution of atmospheric air, water and soil. In addition, railway transport creates noise, heat pollution, and the presence of radiation from the human environment.

Sources of air pollution

In the railway transport, the sources of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are the objects of industrial enterprises and rolling stock. They are subdivided into stationary and mobile. From stationary sources the greatest harm to the environment is caused by boiler houses, depending on the fuel used, various amounts of harmful substances are emitted during its combustion. When solid fuel is burned, oxides of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, fly ash, and soot are emitted into the atmosphere. Fuel oil during combustion in boiler units emit with flue gases, sulfur oxides, nitrogen dioxide, solid products of incomplete combustion of vanadium.

The preparation of dry sand for locomotives in the depot, its transportation and loading into diesel locomotives is accompanied by the release of an air of dust and gaseous substances. The application of paint and varnish coatings is accompanied by the release of solvent vapors and paint aerosols into the atmosphere. When using solvents, putties, primers, varnishes, enamels, vapors entering the air contain acetone, benzene, xylene, butyl alcohol, toluene, white spirit, formaldehyde in a concentration of 10 to 150 mg / m3,

When washing rolling stock, dust up to 1.5-20 mg / m3, sodium carbonate up to 1.0-5.0 mg / m3 will be released into the air.

Track equipment, diesel locomotives, when burning fuel with exhaust gases, emit (oxide of sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, aldehydes).

Sources of water pollution

Water is used in many technological processes of the railway industry. In order to save this valuable natural resource standards for water consumption and disposal have been developed. After being used in factories, the water is contaminated with various impurities and goes into the category of industrial wastewater. Many substances that pollute industrial effluents are toxic to the environment. The qualitative and quantitative composition of effluents, as well as their consumption, depend on the nature of the technological processes of the enterprise.

Industrial waste water of the locomotive depot is formed in the process of external washing of the rolling stock, during the washing of component parts, batteries, washing inspection ditches, washing work clothes. Wastewater mainly contains suspended particles, oil products, bacterial contaminants, acids, alkalis, surfactants.

Sources of pollution of territories of enterprises

The most common pollutants of the territories of the enterprises of the railway industry are oil, oil products, fuel oil, fuel, lubricants. The reason for the pollution of railway tracks with oil products is their leakage from tanks, faulty boilers, when filling wheel axle boxes. The amount of pollution varies from 5 to 20 g per 1 kg of soil. Railway transport enterprises occupy territories from 2 to 50 hectares (locomotive and carriage depots - 4-5 hectares, territories of washing stations, railway stations, preparation points for passenger cars, slag impregnating plants - 12 hectares). Contamination of territories has a negative impact on the state of the environment.

Sources of noise and vibration

The main sources of noise in railway transport are moving trains, track machines, production equipment.

Intense train traffic near the lines of residential buildings, within the city, the village significantly worsens the acoustic climate settlements and living quarters. A common source of noise is the locomotive. The total noise of a diesel locomotive at a distance of 0.5 m from the body and aerodynamic noise of the exhaust at a distance of 1 m from the outlet of the branch pipe reaches 120 dB.

Locomotive and carriage depots are sources of intense noise.

Process equipment noises can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • moderately noisy with a total sound level of no more than 75 dB;
  • noisy 75-100dB;
  • especially noisy with a level of more than 100 dB.

The sources of vibration in railway transport are such technological processes as the laying of concrete mixtures, the production of large-panel structures. And also moving trains, the mechanical vibrations that they excite. So when a train travels through a bridge, vibrations are transmitted through its base, river and nearby objects.

Environmental activity of the West Siberian Railway

The enterprises have established a functioning environmental structure:

  • in road management - as an independent department, road and mobile environmental laboratories;
  • on the road sections - by nature protection sectors and industrial environmental laboratories;
  • at enterprises - by environmental engineers;

This structure allows you to prevent non-production financial costs for environmental offenses and monitor the natural environment. The monitoring is based on the results of the study of emissions into the air, discharges into water bodies, soils.

Environmental laboratories:

  • carry out measurements and analyzes in the field of industrial emissions into the atmosphere, wastewater discharges;
  • calculating the dispersion of pollutants of maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere;
  • carry out an inventory of sources of harmful emissions.

In 2005, the efforts of employees of environmental laboratories and nature protection sectors completed 224 volumes of maximum permissible emissions and inventory, where calculations of pollutants in the atmosphere from 2460 sources were made, waste disposal limits for 127 structural divisions of the road were fulfilled (1002 types of waste). The economic effect of the calculations is 4416.2 thousand rubles.

Environmental laboratories are equipped with instruments, chemical equipment, office equipment, premises. Modern design, cozy rooms for psychological relief and food intake increase the efficiency of laboratory specialists, improve their health and mood. For successful work there is methodological literature, reference, informational.

Methods for purifying atmospheric air

Air emissions must be treated. Purification is understood to mean the separation of emissions of harmful substances. Currently, mechanical, physical, physicochemical methods are used to remove harmful impurities from the air. Gas cleaning plants are cleaned of solid, liquid impurities and aerosols, gaseous substances.

Wastewater treatment of railway transport enterprises

Industrial waste water of railway enterprises is a complex system containing organic and mineral substances, the composition of which is determined by the nature of man-made processes.

Wastewater treatment of railway transport enterprises is carried out by mechanical, chemical, physicochemical, biological and other methods. For preliminary treatment, wastewater is passed through grates, then sedimentation tanks for precipitation of impurities from wastewater in sand traps, sedimentation tanks, hydrocyclones and illuminators. Sand traps are used for preliminary separation of mineral and organic contaminants. The settling efficiency reaches 60%. Oil traps are used to purify wastewater from the bulk of oil products. The emerging oil is collected by swivel pipes and the solids are removed through the bottom valve. For the separation of liquid substances from wastewater, filtration with mesh elements is used. Hydrocyclones and centrifuges are used for mechanical purification of wastewater from oil products. Hydrocyclones are used instead of sand traps or settling tanks when there is a lack of their placement area. The essence of biological treatment is the oxidation of organic pollutants by microorganisms.

The locomotive depot has local clearing flotation devices, the main task of which is:

  • reduction of capital costs for wastewater treatment;
  • organization of closed water supply systems;
  • secondary use of recovered waste.

Wastewater flows into a common sewer well, and then to a treatment plant.

Closed systems in railway transport solve issues rational use water resources and protecting the environment and water bodies from pollution. The introduction of technological processes for the reuse and reuse of water can reduce its consumption by 20%. In addition, the quality of water in circulating systems is lower than when discharged into water bodies.


Utilization (from Lat. Utilis - useful) - the use of waste with benefit. This process is a set of technological operations, as a result of which one or more types of products are produced from waste or used to generate heat and energy.

In railway transport, a significant part of the waste generated contains oil products. They can be flammable and non-combustible, liquid, pasty, solid.

The most effective is the pyrolysis process. In this case, about 50% of a powdery product is obtained, practically free of petroleum products. The yield of gaseous products reaches 10%, which allows them to be used as fuel, solid condensate is also used as fuel. Slag and ash have the largest specific gravity among industrial waste. Slag waste is a valuable raw material for industrial and road construction.

Bush slag is used as a filler for concrete, artificial aggregates, and additives in brick production.

Noise and vibration protection

During the performance of their duties, railway workers are constantly exposed to intense noise, which, in addition to the harmful effect, masks information sound signals. This makes it difficult to perceive signals and dispatcher messages given by the rolling stock and increases the danger of the production process. Therefore, noise reduction is one of the tasks of occupational safety and the environment.

The source of noise on the locomotive is the wheel-rail system, fans, cooling system, compressor. The most effective remedy is the use of mufflers. For these purposes, fire-resistant and sound-absorbing materials are used. When noise spreads in the city, special urban planning measures should be envisaged: in the area adjacent to the railway, buildings, structures with an abnormal noise regime should be located - garages, parking lots, warehouses, protective greening strips, then household inspection institutions, sites in an area remote from the railway the roads are located hospitals, places of rest.

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