Sarah Bernard. Great actress and the Queen of Podatage. Magnificent Sarah Bernard and her main roles (11 photos) Brief biography Actress Sarah Bernard

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Henrietta Rosin was born on October 23, 1844 in Paris. She was an illegal child - the fruit of love Beauties Jewish Julie Van Hard and Lawyer Eduard Bernard. There were no two months after the birth of the baby, as it fell out of the cradle, setting directly on the coals of the burning fireplace. The unfortunate immediately stuffed into a big bucket with just bothered milk, and then they wrapped with oil compresses for a long time. Fortunately, no traces, if you do not count the too pink skin, there are no terrible burns.

At first nine years she took the challenge of the cousin, saying that he would jump over through ditch. It was not possible to anyone. As a result, a broken face, broken brush hands, in blood encouraged knees. When she was carried home, she stubbornly continued to scream through her sobs:

- Anyway, I will do it by anything!

So that the girl did not interfere with the secular entertainment of the mother, she was given to raising in the Catholic monastery. By eleven years, Henrietta became a zealous Catholic, surprising by his religious zeal of nuns. However, it was very quick-tempered and stubborn from nature, sometimes it was covered by irreparate attacks of anger. For such cases, the nuns kept the bucket of holy water and, creating a prayer, poured him on the head not to the measure of the gathering girls.

Once at the reception in the Salon of Mother, the Fifteen-year-old Henrietta declared his desire to devote himself to God. One of the buddies Julie cruelly ridiculed the girl. The offended in the best feelings, she rushed to him with rage, scratched his face and broke the block of clouded hair. Duke de Morney attended this scene exclaimed: "My God, yes, this girl is a born actress! Her place on stage. "

On the protection of the duke, she was taken to the National Academy of Music and Declamation. She brilliantly passed the exam, to which she was preparing a duma father. The author of "Musketeers" admired the voice of the girl, comparing him with a "crystally pure crucible, murdering and jumping along the Golden Pebbles."

On September 1, 1862, the duke de Morney defeated the "Comedi Francese" building, where the big poster "Debut Mademoiselle Sarah Bernard hung. Since then, this stage name has entered the story.

"When the curtain slowly began to rise, I thought that he had fainted," - recalled Bernard. Regarding its first release, the view of the criticism was such: "The young actress was how beautiful, the same inexpressive ..." The spectators of the debutant were remembered thanks to an extraordinary hoodoo. When she extended his hands to her partner, some glazed out of the hall shouted: "Caution, Monsieur, and not that she passes you with its toothpicks."

And soon the scandal broke out, after which Sarah was kicked out of the "Comedi Frances." Sarah led to the theater younger sister Regina. Randomly the girl came on a long loop of a dress of one of the leading actresses of the Madame Theater Natalie. The angry actress pushed the girl so strongly that she cut his forehead about the edge of the gypsum column. Seeing this, Sarah sewed Madame Natalie such a buckle that she could not stay on her legs ...

Having left the house of Moliere, she played in theaters "Zhimnaz", "Port-Saint-Martin", "Odeon". She remarkably portrayed young heroines in the classic repertoire - Fedra, Androma, Dzentemon, Zaire, and then began to shine in the plays of modern playwrights. One of the best roles of Sarah Bernard is Margarita Gauthier ("Lady with Camellias" Alexander Duma-Son).

Her skate was death scenes. Dozens of times the actress of the skill, like Cleopatra, Adrienne Lecherr or Jeanne D'Ark, and when she died in the "lady with camellias" (and she did it more than 3,000 times!), Skidov's sobshot of the spectators drowned the dialogue.

Connoisseurs of the theater Prince Sergey Volkonsky wrote: "She perfectly owned the polarity of experiences - from joy to grief, from happiness to horror, from caressing to rage - the finest nuunt of human feelings. The last stage of skill is her explosions ... how she knew how to gut up to jump, gather to rush; How she knew how to aim, set up to break out "...

Bernard toured extremely a lot throughout the world. Only in the USA she visited nine times. Language barrier did not exist for her. As American journalists wrote, the public would have broken her performances, even if she played Chinese. Newspaper articles with a description of the touring tour of Sarah Bernard in America and Europe were published on the first lanes. At first Bernard, and then later conflicts, catastrophes and other incidents. When she was told that the noise around her name in New York was much more than an excitement about visiting this city by the ruler of Brazil, Sarah answered calmly: "Ah, it was just one of the emperors."

In Russia, Sarah Bernard visited three times - in 1881, 1898 and 1908.

In her first arrival after the speech in the winter palace, Sarah presented to the emperor. She was going to make a deep venturance, but Alexander III stopped her: "No, Madame, I have to buton in front of you."

In St. Petersburg, a love affair with a Greek diplomat Jacques Damal began in St. Petersburg. They merried. However, Damal was not created for marriage. He cheated Sarah with young actresses, she had to pay for his huge card debts. And most importantly - he was a complete drug addict. Sarah made a maximum of effort to pull her husband from the swamp, once even broke the umbrella about the head of the pharmacist, who supplied him Morphy, but the sack could not be saved. Damal died of drug abuse.

She was not beautiful, her appearance did not correspond to the ideals in those years: the shock of red hair, too big nose, narrow and too pale face, the only decoration of which was shining like sapphires, eyes. And also - the figure of "CHAKHOTHOTOUS Ghost", which gave abundant food by imagination of the numerous army of cartoonists.

Bernard earned a lot. Her fees, especially during foreign tour, were confused, but they always lacked money. Sarah led an extremely extravagant lifestyle. Secular techniques and banquets walked an endless series. She herself ate very little, but demanded that guests were treated with the most sophisticated dishes.

Bernard was generous and generous. During the Franco-Prussian war, being in deposited Paris, she turned the "Odeon" theater to the hospital, which was led by simultaneously performing the functions of the nurse. And in 1904, together with the Great Italian singer, Enrico Caruso organized a number of charitable concerts, the fees from which went to help Russian soldiers, wounded during the Russian-Japanese war.

Her apartment reigned chaos: the carpets, blankets, docks, baubles were scattered everywhere ... Under the legs, dogs, monkeys and other living creatures she adored. The case is known when she spent two thousand francs to buy bread for hungry urban sparrows in one of the cold Paris winters.

"I love very much when I visited me, but I hate to visit," she said about himself. "I love to receive letters, read them, comment, but I do not like to answer them. I hate the place of human walks and especially deserted roads, secluded corners. I love to give advice and I don't like it very much when they give them. "

By the end of the life, she did not think of life without the theater. She was walking the eighth ten, when the doctors made a deadly diagnosis: to save their lives, the leg amputation is necessary.

She could neither walk nor even stand on stage. Therefore, in its repertoire, only short one-act plays and scenes in which she could play, motionlessly recreation on the elevation. Disability did not measure the artistic, nor everyday actress temperament. In the role of Queen Ataly, Sarah Bernard was carried out on the stage on specially built stretchers. She did not refuse and from her beloved role Margarita Gauthier, played her agony and death, lying in bed.

The playwright Edmond Rostan, irritated by ridiculous non-residents, told about Sara Bernard, once described the working day of the actress, and at the same time the hostesses of the troupe: many hours of rehearsals, then the performance, where she plays "in some kind of mad is a frenzy", further - communication with colleagues All current affairs, receiving visitors, answers to numerous letters and deep at night - reading a new play. "Here is Sarah, which I knew. This is the Sarah that works. And this is the greatest. "

Sarah Bernard died on March 26, 1923 at the 79th year of life. Her last path was literally dressed as Camellia - her favorite flowers.

Once, the President of France, who was sitting in the honorary bed of the theater, threw the actresses of the bouquet and shouted: "Long live Sarah!", - And she, low by bowing, replied: "Vive La France!" ("Long live France!").

Sarah Bernard, a phenomenal actress, the first superstar in history, which for several decades covered the countries and the continents of the whole world, was born in Paris on October 22, 1844. Sarah's mother, Judith's Judith (for other sources, Judit), grew up in the family of Moritz Barch Bernardt and Sarah Girsch. As for the Father of the Great Actress, it is not possible to reliably trace his name and origin.

Sarah Bernard, whose biography contains the pages of the very different sense, grew under the supervision of the governess, as her mother did not have a profession and was forced to exist at the expense of the rich admirers of female beauty. The life of a beautiful content is usually associated with long trips. Woman does not belong to himself, as it is obliged to fulfill the conditions of the unbelled contract. Thus, the little Sarah remained on the care of sloppy nites and grew in the atmosphere of relative well-being, but without

Anxious childhood

Once with the girl happened misfortune. The next nurse did not follow, Sarah approached too close to the burning fireplace, and her dress flashed. The neighbors came running on the cries, and everything cost, although the girl was frightened to death. Judith, having learned about what happened, decided not to leave the daughter anymore. Since then, Sarah lived with his mother. Fortunately, at that time, Judith had a permanent fan, Count de Morney, who was a mental person. He sincerely loved the curtisank and therefore began to take part in the fate of her daughter.

"Comedy Frances"

When Sarah turned 9 years old, she was given to the privately privileged school Grandsamp. De Morney took care that the girl receives education and did not need anything. The life of the future actress began to acquire already quite certain outlines. She finished learning and decided to achieve the fulfillment of his cherished dream - to become an artist. And again she helped in this friend's friend Count de Morney, who took the eighteen-year-old Sarah Bernard to the director of the theater "Comeda Frassez". That was somewhat puzzled: "too thin for the scene" - he said. Nevertheless, Sarah Bernard, whose biography then opened a new page, was accepted into the troupe, and it became a great happiness for a girl.

Theatrical debut

Theatrical debut of Sarah Bernard took place on September 1, 1862 in the play of the playwright of Jean Batista Rasin. Before entering the scene, the actress was passing away. When the curtain began to slowly climb, Sarah almost fainted. The girl was literally shaking from excitement, and it is not surprising that critics unanimously praised the actress for a beautiful appearance and put her "Two" for acting skills. "From now on, the theatrical public of Paris may come to admire the magnificent golden hair of Sarah Bernard, but no more than that," the newspapers wrote.


However, negative reviews are also reviews. In addition, theatrical critics did not take into account the iron character of a beginner actress. After some time, Sarah left the "Comedi Francéz" and began to play the first roles in other theaters. These were "Odeon", "Zhimnaz", "Port Saint-Martin". Each performance in which the actress participated, became a masterpiece of scenic art. Publis Valil on Sarah Bernard, and director of "Comedi Francesz" However, while playing almost all the classic roles, Zaire, Dzentemon, Fedra, Androma and many others, Bernard returned to the Moliere House for Primateonna's Rights, where he was accepted with open arms.

Sarah Bernard and Diamonds

The actress once again shocked theatrical public, playing Margarita Gauthier in the play "Lady with Camellias" Alexander Duma-Son. Writer Victor Hugo, shocked by the sincerity of Sarah Bernard, presented her diamonds in the form of tears on the gold chain. "These are the tears of my soul," he said. Actress for a long time kept necklace as the most expensive gift, as an invaluable confession of her talent. Jewel Sarah Bernard loved the way the true woman loves, she worshiped diamonds. The admirers of the actress knew this and unscruitably used the weakness of Sarah, tasking it with the gifts of the fabulous price.

Bernard never left his jewel at home when she had to go on tour. All diamonds were packaged in a durable case and held everywhere for their mistress. In this case, Sarah Bernard did not feel, she feared attacks and robbery. And to resist the robbers, this weak woman always wore a small ladiesky revolver with him. A little later, in the twentieth century, Sarah Bernard has a sequence. It was world famous and all the favorite Consuela Velasquez, the author of the song "Besame Muco", over which time is not powerful. Consuela took with them all over the world and jewelry, and money, and there were a lot of them.

Male roles

The revolver in the Sarah Bernard road handbag indirectly spoke of her on male solid character. These signs of gender, in good sense, reflected in the work of actresses. She played a lot of male roles, among whom was Hamlet, Eagleok, Wire, Lorenzacho, Zarato.

It must be said that the Hamlet performed by Bernard conquered the Stanislavsky very young man himself, who was still a very young man at that time, but already understood the sense to Konstantin Sergeevich, too, would certainly preny actress diamonds if they had.

Later, Stanislavsky has repeatedly noted Sarah Bernard as a standard of perfection, it is from nature a voice, impeccable diction, internal culture and, most importantly, a deep understanding of the character.

And indeed, the actress owned the widest palette of human feelings, there was no such manifestation of the female soul (and sometimes male), which could not bring Bernard into the image of his character. Organic transitions from grief to joy, from tenderness to rage - this is the genuine artist's skill. Actress Sarah Bernard played that Stanislavsky could only say his famous - "Believe ..."

"Speakers" of this woman, her "whisper", the ability "to gather to rush to rush", "will lie down to break out" - it was not just the talent of the Great Actress, this is the grandiose God's gift. Sarah Bernard, whose photo did not go from the pages of newspapers and magazines, could not step in step, the fans seduced from all sides. Articles in newspapers on touring travel on European countries, and later in America, were similar to messages from the front during the war, the same style, the same terms - "Theater in the Siege", "This is a victory, critics are posted", "Napoleon I did not know such a triumph. " Often, materials about the famous theatrical diva displaced government messages and important economic reports. Sarah Bernard, Actressee, a nationwide favorite, was always surrounded by reporters, in a dense ring of writing brethren, and she could not get used to it.


A lot of time superstars took advertising contracts. Perfume and soap, gloves and powder - on all expensive perfumes stood the name of Sara Bernard. But what is characteristic, she has never been an idol. Her guarded, they read, loved and in every way exalted, but there were no idolatry. People felt the open soul of the actress, her friendship and answered her the same. Unlike his mother, Sarah was distant from wealthy men who would like to get close to it.

Sarah Bernard, a brief biography of which contains several pages dedicated to her homework, behaved like a double existence. Returning from the theater and crossing the threshold of your apartment, the actress left a big art outside and plunged into his personal space.

home furnishings

The actress created his own small world at home. She painted paintings, sculptured sculptures, wrote small stories and funny plays. The house of Sarah Bernard was full of all his living creatures, dogs and cats were confused under his feet, snakes were crawling throughout. Once she acquired a real coffin, upholstered with snow-white silk, and it became almost live in it. Lying in a coffin, taught roles and saw coffee. And, as the actress spoke, she felt perfectly fine in him. Such antics could be called with an appearance, but the fact is that Sarah Bernard did not try to impress the sake of impressions. In the coffin, she was indeed comfortable, but she considered the tail on the tail lying everywhere cats, she considered immoral and tried to bypass them.

Actress About Me.

An actress once realized his tendency to extremely, rising into the sky at a balloon in a company of close friends. The wind was pretty stealing air travelers, many have already become praying for all overlooking, and Sarah Bernard saw champagne and headed the belt overboard. "I love when guests come to me," the actress said, "but I don't like to visit myself. I love to receive letters, but no forces will make me write a response. I love to give advice, but I hate me when I advise me something" . She never thought about what would be tomorrow, and forgot about what was yesterday. If tomorrow is destined to die - so what? Think ...


The time did not spare the famous actress, but in old age she was still similar to the girl Sarah. Critics of modernity admired the brilliant Bernard, there was a joke in the go: "Sarah Bernard - Juliet Kapulenti. If a 70-year-old actress will play a 13-year-old heroine of Shakespeare, the whole theater world will believe and will cry." And this is not a joke, it could well happen and turn out.

Sarah Bernard, quotes from the checkout, roles and interviews of which have been living for many decades, unforgettable. The grave of the actresses in the cemetery of Per Lashez in Paris is always sleeping with flowers. Parisians and admirers of the Great Actress coming from all over the world, in full silence approached the memorial to give a duty of memory.

All the life of the brilliant Sarah Bernard can be called a series of played roles. And it is not only about theatrical layouts. Sarah adored to play the role of seductants, rebarcock, scandalist. The audience is guarding it by taking an actress in any kind. About four main roles in the life of the Great Rejection of the late XIX-early twentieth centuries - further in the review.

ROLE 1st: Kurtizani daughter

Sarah Bernard with Mother Judith Bernard.

The future star of the theater mother at birth called Rosin - as if a cute dog, which is always confused under his feet. But it was about it. Judith Hart did not want to have children. Her daughter was born from the random communication of the Kurtisani with one of the many lovers.

Charming cutie from Rosin Sarah did not work. She delivered a lot of trouble to her nannikov. The girl was constantly sick, why often capricious, expressing his feelings expressively. When the doctors said that Sarah could soon die, then the girl begged her mother to buy her coffin, since it was afraid that she was buried in some ugly drawer. Then the coffin will become a kind of talisman actresses, which she will carry them everywhere, learning the roles in it and posing with photographers.

Sarah Bernard. Marie Desire Bourgoin, 1869 year.

When the girl has grown, mother, wanting to get rid of her, sent Grand-Shan to the boarding room. The nuns loved the shavy and naughty Sarah, but they could not stand her tricks for a long time, fearing that the behavior of the girl would pernicably affect the rest of the pupils.

Upon returning his daughter, Judith decided to marry her. Sarah immediately rolled the hysteria, stating that it was better to go to the monastery. Mother's lover, Duke de Morney, who observed this scene, looked around and suggested sending a girl to act as acting.

Role 2nd: actress

Sarah Bernard after Debut in the theater (1863).

Sarah Bernard dreamed of shone on the stage of the theater "Comedi Frances." Being a graduate of the Paris Conservatory and having good recommendations, she was invited to play one-time roles in the theater. At the agreed time, Sarah appeared to the director to discuss the details of the work. With her, the younger sister of Regina went to the office. Sarah truncated her, having beating about how herself was deprived of maternal love. Somehow a 6-year-old girl began to jump around the room, noise and scatter paper. In attempts to pacify the child, the director of the theater received an unexpected answer: "And about you, sir, if you pester me, I'll tell you everything that you are a master of giving empty promises. This is my aunt says! "

Sarah Bernard in the role of Grismond. Hood Clarin Georg Jules Victor.

Oh "Comedy Frances" Sarah had to forget for a whole year. After a while she appeared on the stage of the theater. Her first speech did not produce Furrora. Then there were full-scale actresses in fashion, and Sarah Bernard did not fit these standards. The audience immediately dubbed her "well-polished skeleton." And only critic Fransisk Sarse wrote that this actress is waiting for a great future.

In "Comedy Frances" Sarah lasted only until the end of the contract. This again "contributed" the younger sister again. Regina, as always, was confused under his feet and stepped on the prelay of the elderly of the theater. She pushed the child, and the girl broke his face. In response to this, Sarah Bernard attacked the actress with fists. To stay after that she was no longer offered.

Sarah Bernard is a famous actress of the late XIX-beginning of the twentieth century.

The following 4 years were complex in the life of the actress. She changed theaters, countries, men. Not wanting to become a curtain, the actress settled in the second most popular Paris Theater "Odeon". It was there that Sarah Bernard became a real star. Famous writers, sculptors, artists adopted in front of it. Wealthy officials showered Sarah with jewels.

After 10 years, the actress returned to "Comedi Frances." Now she played only leading dramatic roles. The audience was delighted. In addition, Sarah Bernard did everything to speak about her. The newspapers constantly appeared the news about the next trick of the shock star, whether the purchase of a panther, a journey in a balloon or an interview in a coffin.

Sarah Bernard - French actress.

From the fame and universal adoration of the behavior of Sarah Bernard became increasingly unpredictable. The public continued to storm the theater, wanting to see the favorite actress, but the Directorate could no longer bear her antics. In the end, Sarah decides to leave the "Comedi Frances" and opens his theater.

ROLE 3rd: Mistress

Portrait of Sarah Bernard. Clarin Georg Jules Victor, 1871.

With her game Sarah Bernard literally reduced men crazy. They wrote that the actress was able to seduce almost all European monarchs and even Pope. Sarah and herself loved to tell reporters about the next "victory".

A truly Sarah Bernard fell in love with the Belgian Prince Henri de Lin. This feeling was mutual. The prince was even ready to abandon his royal privileges, just to be hung with Sarah. He put it only one condition: his favorite should leave the scene. The actress was already ready to go for this step, but suddenly realized that the Prince refuses much more and in the future he can be disappointed in it. Sarah accepted a difficult decision and sent a prince from himself. A few months after parting with the prince, she gave birth to the son of Maurice. It was he who became the main love of her life.

Sarah Bernard - French actress.

Sarah Bernard had novels constantly, but she did not fall in love, and more kercing her pride, reaping power over men. The star herself recalled the time when Mother Kurtizanka lived: "My mother's house was always full of men, and the more I saw them, the less I liked you."
Role 4th: aging prim

Sara Bernard in Pierrot.

When Sara Bernard shouted for 60 years, she was amputated to the leg. As a child, Sarah jumped out of the window, begging his mother to pick her up from nannies. Then the girl damaged his knee. The second time the actress fell from the scenery without insurance. After that, she suffered painful pain and eventually stirred by doctors to amputate leg. But it did not prevent actress to continue the speeches at all.

In 65, Sara Bernard played a 20-year-old young man in the play "Eagleok". It was already a filling woman with a terrible prosthesis, but the audience continued to handle her. "I will continue to live as I lived. So far I will not stop breathing, "this is how an aging actress said. Even at 78, she managed to play 13-year-old Juliet.

Sara Bernard in a coffin.

Singing your death, Sara Bernard ordered to choose the six most beautiful young actors of France, so that they carry her coffin. When Sarah Bernard was sent to the last way, the whole road was sleeping by Camellia, who loved the actress so much.

Sarah Bernhar (Fr. Sarah Bernhardt; neborn Henriett Rosina Bernard, Fr. Henriette Rosine Bernard; October 22, 1844, Paris, France - March 26, 1923, Ibid) - The French actress, which at the beginning of the 20th century was called "the most famous actress for the whole history. "

Success she achieved on the scenes of Europe in the 1870s, and then toured with the triumph in America. In her role, there were mainly serious dramatic roles, because of which the actress received the nickname "Divine Sarah".

Sarah Bernard was born on October 22, 1844 in Paris. Sarah's mother - Judith (subsequently Julia) Bernard (1821, Amsterdam - 1876, Paris), came from the Jewish family and was a daughter of a community of Moritz Barch Bernardt and Sarah Girsh (1797-1829). From 1835, the Judith, her four sisters and brother were brought up by the Machekh Sarah Kinsbergen (1809-1878). Father remained unknown. Sometimes they consider the Fields of Morel, the officer of the French fleet (this is evidenced by some official documents). According to another version, Father is Eduard Bernard, a young lawyer.

Before arrival in France, the Judith worked as a modist. But in Paris, she chose to become a curtain. Pleasant appearance, the ability to dress with tastefully provided it with a comfortable existence at the expense of wealthy lovers. Born daughter prevented the judith to conduct a carefree life, and therefore Sarah was sent to England, where she lived with a nanny. She could stay there until the age of adulthood, if the accident had not happened: the nanny left Sarah one with a disabled husband, Sarah was able to get out of his chair and approached too close to the fireplace, the dress was caught up. Neighbors saved Sarah. Judith traveled to Europe at this time with another sponsor. She was called to her daughter, she came to England and took Sarah to Paris. However, she soon left her again, leaving another nurse on the care.

Forced to live in a silent place, in a gloomy house, where she brought her nannik, Sarah closed in himself. But fate still connected mother and daughter. Random meeting with aunt, Rosina, who was the same curtain, like the Judith, plunges Sarah to the frenzy. In the seizure she falls from the hands of a nanny and breaks his hand and leg. Mother finally takes her, and several years goes to the one that the lonely girl remembered what maternal love is.

Sarah was not trained or reading, no letter or account. She is given to the school Madame Fresorard, where she spends two years. During his stay at Sarah, the first time takes part in performances. During one of the ideas, she suddenly sees how her mother enters the hall, which decided to visit the daughter. A nervous attack happens to Sarah, she forgets the entire text and the "fear of the scene" since then remains with it until the last days, continuing to pursue it even during the period of its world glory.

In the autumn of 1853, Sarah is given to training in the privileged private school Grandsamp. Protection arranges another fan of Judith, Duke Morney.

A teenager Sarah was very thin, constantly coughed. Watching her doctors predicted her to death from tuberculosis. Sarah becomes obsessed with theme of death. At about this time, her famous photos are made, where she lies in the coffin (the coffin bought her mother after long persuasion). Once the mother arranged a meeting of close relatives and friends, where they decided that Sarah is worthwhile to get married. In the affectation, the girl rushes his eyes to heaven and declares those present that she is given to God and her fate - monastic clothes. Duke Morney appreciates this scene and recommends Mother to give daughter to a conservatory. At the same time, Sarah first falls on the present view in Comedy Francés.

At the age of 13, Sarah entered the dramatic class of the Higher National Conservatory of Dramatic Art, which she graduated in 1862.

Despite the protection, for admission to the conservatory, Sarah was to withstand the exam before the Commission. To prepare for it, it is engaged in diction lessons. Her main teacher at this time is Alexander Duma-Father. The genius of artistic images, he teaches Sarah how to create characters with gestures and voices. On the exam, everything is fascinated by Sarah's voice and she comes to training without any problems. In the final exam, she conquers the second prize.

On September 1, 1862, Sarah Bernard made his debut in the "Comedi Frances" theater in the play of "Iphigenius" Jean Rasina, fulfilling a major role. None of the critics see the future star in a beginner actress, the majority believed that soon the name of this actress would imperceptibly disappear with the poster. Soon because of the conflict, Sarah Bernard ceased to cooperate with Comeda Francsez. Her return took place only ten years.

After leaving the theater for Bernard, difficult times are coming. On the next four years of her life, little is known, with the exception of the fact that during this period she changed several lovers. But to become a curtain, like her mother, Sarah did not want. On December 22, 1864, Sarah's son is born, Maurice, whose father was Henri, Prince de Lin. Forced to look for funds for the existence and education of the Son, Sarah is arranged at the Odeon Theater, the second most important from Paris theaters of that time. After several not too successful roles, criticism notice her in the King Lira, where she plays Cordelia. The next success comes with a role in the play "Kean" Duma Father, who remained very pleased with the game of his protege.

In 1869, the actress fulfills the role of Menestel Zaneto in the "Personal" Francois Copp, after which success came to her. Triumbal became the role of Queen in Ryui Blaze, Viktor Hugo, which she played in 1872.

He worked in the theaters of "Comedi Frances", "Zhimnis", "Port Saint-Martin", "Odeon". In 1893, the Renaissance Theater was acquired, in 1898 the "Nazon" theater on Shatle Square, which was called the Sarah Bernard Theater (now FR. Théâtre de la Ville). Many outstanding theater figures, such as K. S. Stanislavsky, considered the art of Bernard with a model of technical perfection. However, virtuoso skill, sophisticated technique, artistic taste combined by Bernard with deliberate effects, some artificiality of the game.

Many outstanding contemporaries, in particular, A. P. Chekhov, I. S. Turgenev, A. S. Suvorin, and T. L. Shchepkin-Kupeknik, denied the presence of a talent in the actress, which was replaced by the extremely honed and mechanistic equipment of the game. Such a major success was explained by the phenomenal publicity rendered by Bernard Press, and more relating to her personal life than the actual theater, as well as an unusually inflated hype, preceding the very presentation.

Among the best roles: Dona Salt ("Ernani" Hugo), Margarita Gauthier ("Lady with Camellia" Duma-Son), Theodore (Sardy Sardy Sardina), Princess Garza, Duke Reikhstadt (in the eponymous play and "Orlynka (Fr.)" Rostan), Hamlet (Shakespeare's Simulated Tragedy), Lorenzachho (Siens Mussy Silence). From the 1880s. Bernard toured in many European countries and America. Speaking in Russia (1881, 1892, 1908-1909) in the walls of the Mikhailovsky Theater, in Moscow, as well as Kiev, Odessa and Kharkov.

During the tour of 1905 in Rio de Janeiro Sarah Bernard damaged the right foot, which in 1915 had to amputate. But, despite injury, Sarah Bernard did not leave scenic activities. During the First World War, performed at the front. In 1914, he was awarded the Order of the Honor Legion. In 1922 he left scenic activities.

The actress died on March 26, 1923 in Paris aged 78 years from Uremia after the renal failure. She is buried in the Cemetery of Per Lashez.

The most famous roles on the theaters scene:

1862 - Rasin, Iphigenment
1862 - Eugene Skrib, Valérie
1862 - Moliere, Scientists Women
1864 - Eugene Labish & Della, Un Mari Qui Lance SA Femme
1866 - T & M Konar, La Biche Aux Bois
1866 - Rasin, Fedra (as Aricie)
1866 - Marivo, the game of love and case (as Silvia)
1867 - Moliere, scientists (in the role of Armanda)
1867 - George Sand, Marquis de Viller
1867 - George Sand, Francois - Found (as Mareettes)
1868 - Duma Father, Kin, Genius and Purprise (in the role of Anna Damby)
1869 - Copp, passer-by (as a Trubadura Zareto); first big successful role
1870 - Georges Sand, L'autre
1871 - Andre Teres, Zhanna-Mary
1871 - Coppe, Fais Ce Que Dois
1871 - Fussia and Edmond, Baroness
1872 - Buy, Mademoiselle Aïssé
1872 - Victor Hugo, Ryui Blaz (as Doni Mary of the Neurburg, Queen of Spain)
1872 - Duma Father, Mademoiselle De Belle-Isle (as Gabrielle)
1872 - Rasin, Britanik (as Junie)
1872 - Boualers, marriage Figaro
1872 - Sando, Mademoiselle De La Seiglière
1873 - Faye, Dalila (as a princess Falkoniery)
1873 - Ferry, at a lawyer
1873 - Rasin, Andromaha
1873 - Rasin, Fedra (as Aricie)
1873 - Faye, Sphinx
1874 - Voltaire, Zaire
1874 - Rasin, Fedra (as Fedry)
1875 - Born, La Fille de Roland Duma Son, L "Étrangère (as MRS. Clarkson)
1877 - Victor Hugo, Ernani (as Doni Salt)
1879 - Rasin, Fedra (as Fedry)
1880 - Rising, adventure
1880 - Legue & Eugene Skrib, Adriana Lekeur
1880 - Melchy & Galevy, Frufra
1880 - Duma Son, lady with camellias (as Maardi)
1882 - Sarda, Feodor Sarda, Feodora (as a feodora)
1887 - Sarda, Tosca Duma Son, Princess Georges
1890 - Sarda, Cleopatra, in the role of Cleopatra
1893 - Lemeter, Kings
1894 - Sarda, Zhismond
1895 - Moliere, Amphitrion
1895 - Magda (per. With him. Zuderman Heimat)
1896 - lady with camellias
1896 - Mussy, Lorentzachio (as Lorenzino de "Medici)
1897 - Sarda, Spiritism
1897 - Rostan Samarita
1897 - Mirbo, Les Mauvais Bergers
1898 - Katul Mendez Menia
1898 - lady with camellias (as Maardi)
1898 - Auguste Barbier, Zhanna d'Ark (as Zhanna d'Ark)
1898 - Moran & Sylvester, Izéïl (in the role of Iziel)
1898 - Shakespeare, King Lear (as Kiddelii)
1899 - Shakespeare, Hamlet (as Hamlet)
1899 - Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra (in the role of Cleopatra)
1899 - Shakespeare, Macbeth (as Lady Macbeth)
1899 - Rishpen, Pierrot Assassin (as Pierro)
1900 - Rostan, Orlock (as Orlinka)
1903 - Sarda, La Sorcière
1904 - Meterlink, Peleas and Melisanda (as Peleasa)
1906 - ibsen, woman from the sea
1906 - K. Mendez, La Vierge d'Avila (as Sv Teresa)
1911 - Moro, Les Amours De La Reine Élisabeth (as Queen Elizabeth)
1913 - Tristan Bernard, Jeanne Doré (as Zhanna Dore).

Bernard Sara.

(born in 1844 - mind. In 1923)

Great French actress, who said: "I was one of the greatest mistresses of my age."

A little girl was only nine years old when she, having received the challenge of the cousin, tried to jump over the moat, to overcome which from the children did not succeed. She broke her face, broke his hand, hurt himself, but, overcoming painful pain, screamed: "I'll do it all right, you will see it, by all means, even if you try to tease me! And I will do all my life all that I want! " This tirade said was the basis of her life and mad success, and the motto "by all means" is her saving circle and a lighthouse. Maybe, it was thanks to this tragic event that the world received "Divine Sarah", about which V. Gyu said: "This is more than an actress, this is a woman ..." Bernard became a legend of the theater, a sign of the whole era. And like each legend, she had their origins and roots.

October 23, 1844, when Sarah was born, her mother Julie Van Hard (Judifie von Hard) was only sixteen. She was an unimaginable beautiful Dutch Jewish woman with golden long hair. This woman was created for love. And soon after arrival in Paris, gave birth to a bitter girl. Who was her father, not defined. Some biographers call the Morel of Bernard - the officer of the French sea fleet, others say that he was called Edward and he was not a lawyer who was a lawyer, not the engineer. Sarah saw the Father just a few times in childhood, he died early with unexplained circumstances. And Julie Van Hard turned into one of the most fashionable and highly paid contents of Paris, "Lady of Polusveta". She had no time to engage in the child, she traveled with lovers in Europe and shone on the balas. Sarah lived in the crumbles in Brittany. This glorious woman had no children, and she gave all the unaffected tenderness to "his foam". Mom, "similar to Madonna," appeared, only when a weak health daughter seriously ill. But Sarah only dreamed to be close to her. At the age of five, she jumped out of the window, broke his hand in two places and badly damaged the knee cup to tie a mother to himself. She succeeded: As many as two years Madame Bernard and her lovers guarded the girl.

At seven years, Sarah gave Ms. Fressar to the Pension, who became for her, in her own expression, a "comfortable children's prison." Then the house for her was a privileged Catholic Monastery Grand-Shan, located in Versaille. Sarah did not love to learn, did not differ, it was not distinguished, she was sickly from the mild tuberculosis. Fever and fainting, accompanied by abundant hemoptysis, weakened the already weak organism, but they arose more often not from colds, but due to the outbreaks of the "wild anger" that could not be relieved. Nuns to bring a girl in feeling, splashing to her head with holy water bucket. However, Sarah was very late and quickly calmed down. In her behavior, some observation was always felt, unconscious desire to stand out, readiness for heroic actions. During ten years, she bravely pulled a four-year-old girl from the overgrown trunk pond. About the consequences she never thought. Living imagination and acute Sarah sensitivity, stuffed Christian legends, led her to the thoughts to become a nun. Mother believed that she was still two of her extramarital daughters (the regime died young, Jeanne became an actress) a pleasant life of highly paid curtisanoks was prepared. But Duke de Morney, one of Madame Bernard lovers, shocked by the Grace of the Wild Cat and some external theatricalness of the actions of 15-year-old Sarah, recommended to give it to a conservatory - acting school and first taking the girl to the theater.

"When the curtain slowly began to rise, I thought that he had fainted. After all, it was raised the curtain over my life, "Bernard recorded in his memoirs. It is not clear that there was an absolutely unprepared Sarah to pass the selection to the conservatory - the protection of mother friends or still a hidden talent was wondering. Its external data did not comply with the standard of stage beauty of that time: thin as a sinner, angular, small sprout. But she had a living face, the wonderful eyes of the color of the sea wave - the mood and feelings were played in them, and their hands and fingers emit them. It turned out that her fragile body could sound like music, and her voice Duma-Father compared with the "crystally pure stream, murdering and jumping in golden pebbles." But all this it was necessary to consider, and the first thing that rushed into the eyes is the golden mass of fluffy hair and the incontinence of emotions. However, now Sarah studied diligently, did not miss a single lesson. Soon the teachers seriously spoke about her tragedy and comedy gift. The only disadvantage of Sarah throughout the theatrical career remained fear before going to the scene. Even with laurels, she often went out to the stage in such a breeding state, which was almost subconsciously, and after the performance fell into fainting.

Conservatory Bernard finished successfully. On the protection of Duma-Father and the Duke de Morney was adopted in the famous troupe "Comedi Francesome". The first performance of a 18-year-old debutant in the role of infidation in the same performance was unnoticed. It, of course, it was upset, she hoped for triumph, but for himself Sarah "irrevocably decided to become a person by anything", as to stay in this theater forever. The last desire could not be fulfilled. The observerness of feelings and the ability to create their troubles on the basis of her nature. At the ceremony on the occasion of the celebration of the birthday of Moliere Bernard, defending his sister, hesitated a few voiced slabs in Tolstoy Primateonna. The debutanta refused to apologize and left the theater.

Sarah worked a little in other troupes. Glory did not hurry to her, but lovers began to appear, who, in contrast to the mother, was never on the content. There were many of them, and with all his fans, Bernard remained in excellent relations even after parting. The first (which is known) by a man in her life became a graph de Katri - young, beautiful, elegant lieutenant, subsequently occupied high posts in the government.

The first love found Sarah in 1864. The patronized actress Duma gave her recommendation letters to travel to Belgium. At one of the costume balls, she met the Duke of Henri De Linja. The handsome-prince was so fascinated by the actress, which declared his readiness to marry her, but provided that she would leave the theater. Sarah was in love and agree on everything. But how could the root actress in one of the most famous families of Brussels! Her persuaded not to destroy the life of his beloved person. Son born a few months after the trip, she called Maurice. It was the only representative of the male sex she loved unless and was sacred true to him. Returning after the tour, Sarah always thought only about one thing: "There I am waiting for my happiness! My joy! My life! All-all and even more! " Years, Henri De Lin offered her son to recognize him and give his name. Maurice refused. His loving mother bestowed His loud name of the century - Bernard.

For a long time, sad Sarah could not ... Now there was one goal in front of her - a career. And again on the protection, she was taken in less prestigious, but the theater famous for his traditions, which she then recalled: "Ah," Odeon "! I loved this theater more than the rest. Yes, I could live there. Moreover, only there I was truly good. Life seemed to me endless happiness. "

Bernard worked hard on himself. On the stage "Beautifully polished skeleton," "Wand with a sponge at the end," with hands, similar to "toothpicks", turned into a crazy baroness in the "Marquise de Wilher", then in the MESTELLA Zavero in the "Persezh" F. Copp. She was enthusiastic students, she was given bouquets and devoted long poems, but the wonderful climbing on Olympus was interrupted by the war with Germany. After sending the whole family away from hostilities, Sarah decided to stay in deposited Paris. The empty "Odeon" she turned into a hospital, where Mercy sister courageously performed. Production and firewood production for wounded in the cold winter 1870-1871. It became for her test for the Fortress of Character. Bernard kept herself in his hands, did not fall into fainting - the lives of other people depended on its resistance. She became a real patriot. Later, the retrieving with tourists of Polmir, Sarah was thoroughly enveloped Germany.

In October 1871, Odeon opened a new theatrical season. Bernard "galloped duplicate" and expected the phenomena of the Messiah. For her, V. Hugo and his play "Ryui Blaz" became. On January 26, 1872, Sarah Bernard from the role of Queen stepped to the title "Star". Before her talent kneel the great playwright. Success was deafening. "Foggy curtain, Dotola who covers the future from me, slept, and I felt that was born for glory. Until now, I was only a favorite of students, from now on I became the chosen to the public ... I can argue about me, but it is impossible to neglect me. "

Bernard has never had a penny from fans, but now Her Guytal Dore, Victor Hugo, Edmond Rostan, Emil Zol. How far stretched their relationship, the story is silent. Sarah did not leave indifferent talented men. She was a passionate mistress, but never walked her end. Bernard possessed a mixture of erotic and spiritual power over men and at the same time did not allow the slightest encroachment to their freedom. It was a rattling mixture, exciting a strong floor. Contemporaries argued that she had thousands of lovers. In one of the books, a bold statement was made that Bernard seduced all the heads of European states, including Pope. Sarah confirmed anything and did not reject. She really had a "special relationship" with Prince Wales, who later became the king of England Edward VII, and with Napoleon's nephew I. It is possible that the Emperor Austria Franz Joseph, the King of Spain, Alphons and the King of Italy, and the King of Spain. Monarch Denmark Christian IX gave it to her own yacht, and Duke Frederick gave his generic castle.

In the memoirs "My Double Life" Sarah bypassed his personal life to not offend any of the fans. But human molna is Messenger. Contemporaries attributed Bernard into lovers of all theater partners. Each such a novel lasted while the performance did not go from the stage, and then the beloved sweating his friends humbly into the discharge. Most often mentioned the names of the beautiful actors Philip Garnier and Pierre Berton. He wrote about Sarah and Pierre that they were so charged with their passion that "Could London's streets" during the triumphant tour "Comedi Franquez". Yes, in ten years Bernard returned to the theater from which he began. Only now she was a star with whims, and the director were forced to reckon with them.

Sarah was not only an passionate woman and a talented actress, but also constantly went on their impulsive and unbridled ideas. Next to her, even the air was electrified. "Whenever unforeseen circumstances invaded my life, I unwittingly receding back ... And then the sowing head rushing to the unknown ... In the absence of an eye, a momentary becomes for me, causing a feeling of touching tenderness as the deadly deceased. But I also adore what will happen. The future entails me with his mysterious unknown. " Madmoiselle Buntovshchitsa (so called the actress of contemporaries) In the height of the rehearsals of the new performance could be carried by sculpture and nights, not to go out of his workshop, wing with her silent one sculpture after another. The famous Roden found her works by a few archaic, but in talent did not refuse. The sculptural group "After the Storm" received an award at the exhibition in 1878 and was bought by Tsarka from Nice for 10 thousand francs. By the way, a handsome secretor who served the model for the "eternal spring", one time was Sarah's lover. She was then fascinated by painting and instead of the prescribed treatment of Malokrovia in a gracious Menton went to Brittany, without tiredly climbed the mountains and did not leave the clock with an easel from the sea.

Curiousness and pursuit of sharp sensations led her once in a basket of a balloon. Sarah flew at an altitude of 2600 m, completely forgetting that the audience is waiting for her. Drawing into work clothes, together with builders and artists ran through the forests of the mansion in the center of Paris under the forests. She descended to the underground cave during the tour in the USA to see undelled fish. And from the famous Niagara Falls, I moved on ice on my own coat, fascinating the entire troupe.

Did that woman could not attract men! The critic Sarsay called it "miraculously from miracles." Therefore, probably, Bernard forgred all the eccentrics. True, one of the lovers turned out to be very passionate and too deeply entered the role of ... Magnificent Sarah and brilliant tragedy, Jean Muna-Slely, were long partners on stage and bed. They were called simply "pair", not mentioning names. Jean was also one of the most beautiful artists of that time. Gentle and romantic, energetic and passionate, proud and independent - a man to the bone's brain. Behind their novel, with delight, the entire "Paris-gossip" watched. Jean was sincere in his feelings, and Sarah, as always, is inconvenient. Her treason hurts to hurt along the pride of the actor, and in the final stage "Othello" he squeezed her throat so much to his desmon that Sarah felt how the world floats. A concerned director was forced to lower the curtain a few minutes earlier that the tragic ending of Shakespeare Drama did not turn into reality.

All in the personal life of Bernard and in her work was struck by eccentricity, but the actress itself never deliberately worked for the public. Even the little height and thinness of Sarah, the waist of which was 43 cm, did not leave anyone indifferent. This became the topic for countless cartoons and jokes. One of them sounded like this: "Yesterday, an empty carriage arrived on the Elysees fields. Sara Bernard came out of it. And her love adventures were given special food for the perekov. The actress confessed: "I am terribly amused by this cattle. I didn't hit my finger to attract attention, but my bizarre tastes, thinness and pallor, as well as only me inherent in the manner of dressing, contempt for fashion and complete neglect of all the rules of decency made me the essence of exceptional. "

And the actress Bernard was exceptional. The premiere of "Fedry" has become a genuine triumph for her. Each of her gesture, intonation was honed and unique. Awesome success accompanied Sarah in the play "Foreigner" Duma-Son. In the "defeated Rome", the Parodi 32-year-old actress refused the role of the young Vestnika and won the image of a 70-year-old post, the old blind and noble Romans. Finally, Bernard won the hearts of the spectators in 1877, playing Den Salt to Ernani V. Hugo. The author after the triumphal premiere wrote: "You were adorable in our greatst ... When the touched and fascinated viewers applauded you, I cried. I give you these tears that you settled from my chest, and bow to you. " The letter was attached a chain-bracelet with a diamond suspension in the form of a drop.

Bernard has long been closely as part of the same theater. After an unsuccessful statement of "adventurers", she wrote to the director: "This is my first failure in the" comedy ", he will become the last." She was trying to keep, but, paying 100 thousand francs of the penalty, in 1880 she left the theater, immediately swaying a long-term contract for the tour in the United States and Canada. Before leaving, Sarah experienced her strength with a troupe, in which her sister Zhanna, having completed the tour in England, Belgium and Denmark. Tours dubbed "28 days Sarah Bernard." Success accompanied her in America. With nine performances, she visited 50 cities and gave 156 views. Its performance and endurance seemed limitless.

Language barriers for Bernard did not exist. Her would understand, even if she spoke in Chinese. The best actress of France had to be protected from an enthusiastic public. Sarah visited Tourgers in Australia, South America, nine times in the United States and three times in Russia (1881, 1892, 1908). Theatrical criticism took her exquisite player of the game wary, and the audience was shocked by the depth of splashing feelings. In St. Petersburg in 1881 Sarah met with a diplomat of Greek origin Aristidis (Jacques) Damal. This conqueror of female hearts, according to the expression of his acquaintances, was a cross between Casanova and Marquis de Garden. Sarah was captured by his charm. Damal was younger than nine her, very good, Capricient, self-dedicated and too corrupted by the attention of women. Bernard was so in love that even married him (1882). Aristidis "For the sake of her" left the service and joined the troupe of his wife. Scenic data, except for external, he had zero, but Sarah believed in his genius. Husband changed her lucky with young actresses to her, made huge card debts, which she had paid me badly, and then addicted to drugs. Sarah stubbornly tried to save the beloved and somehow in a rummy anger even broke the umbrella about the head of an insatiable pharmacist who sold it a potion. Everything was to no avail. After a few months in marriage, Bernard cared causing the former spouse until the end of his days - he died from Cocaine and Morphia in 1889. This unfortunate marital margin made an actress such a mental disorder that she could only normalize his condition and, of course, new fans.

Now the playwrights wrote plays under Bernard. The first was A. Duma-Son with his famous "lady with camellias." V. Sarda created for her "Fedor", "Toscan", "Witch", "Cleopatra"; Rostan - "Princess Grezu", "Orlenka", "Samarita". Sarah willingly appeared on the stage and in men's roles: Zavero in "Persezh", Lorenzacho in the eponymous play by Mussse. With her inherent chic and elegance, she played Shakespeare's Hamlet, and 56 years old came to the stage as a twenty-year-old Prince, Napoleon's son in Olenka.

During foreign tour guards, the actress earned the fabulous fees, but an extremely extravagant lifestyle and a responsive heart reduced her income on no. Secular techniques, gorgeous outfits (including scenic), banquets with the most exquisite dishes for guests (she herself elaborated is extremely small) alternated with friendly help of the distortion artists. In 1904, Sarah, together with Enrico Caruso, gave a number of charitable concerts to help Russian soldiers, wounded during the war with Japan. During the First World War, Bernard appeared at the front of Bernard after amputation, and on the trip it was accompanied by the famous French general Ferdinand Foc. Her mercy was distributed to our smaller brothers. In one of the cold winters, Sarah bought bread for two thousand francs to feed the hungry Paris Sparrow.

Bernard loved the animals immensely, in the house and in the garden was a real zoo. Duma-son recalled how one day instead of the hostess he met the Puma and burned a straw hat, and then flew in a large parrot Kakada, sat down on the shoulder and began to peck buttons. From his first tour in England, Sarah returned with a "very funny cheetah", a snow-white wolfhound, six lizards and chameleon. She really wanted for money received from the sale of their sculptures and paintings, buy two lion. But I had to be satisfied with the cheetah. If we consider that four dogs lived in the house, the boa, falcons and a monkey, in this animal you could successfully sell tickets. But Sarah was not mercantile - friends and neighbors received this pleasure for free.

Energy from a fragile body Actress Bila Key. She had little her own troupe, she dreamed of his own theater. In 1898, the Sarah Bernard Theater opened on Satle Square, which she headed until 1922 could not pacify the young passion and thirst for life. During one tour of America, 66-year-old Sarah met the American Dutch origin Lu Telleghene. He was younger than the Beloved for 35 years. Their connection lasted four years, and Tellegin admitted that these were the "best years" in his life.

Bernard, despite the age, remained all the same flirttiable, confident in his charm woman. In one play, her heroine was 38 years old, and her brother for 40. Having learned that the playful artist was turned 50, she exclaimed in horror: "My God, he will be taken for my father." Sarah herself already shouted any little - 76 years old. The Great Bernard was young and believed that he looked accordingly. She so often sick that doctors said that the girl would not live for a long time. Hearing the sentence, Sarah persuaded the mother to buy her coffin so that she was not put "in some loyal." This famous mahogany coffin accompanied her even on tour. In it, she taught the role, photographed, slept, and sometimes he offered her fans in this narrow nest to make love. True, not everyone managed to prove his male strength in such an environment.

And Bernard had enough forces on everything. After the flight in the balloon, she wrote a charming novel "among the clouds", then two novel-benefits for artists - "Little idol" and "Red Double" and four plays for theater ("Andrienne Lekewer", "Recognition", "Men's Heart" , "Theater is on the field of honor"). In 54, Bernard became the first great actress, who ventured to appear on the screens of Paris in the Duel Hamlet's Scene. She did not like how it looks on the screen. It was even skillfully imposed make-on make-up during the close-up of the years (it was not so visible from the scene), and the synchronous sound was unrecognizable to distort it by the last voice. The next attempt is the film "Tosca" play - was so terrible that Sarah together with the playwright

V. Sarda has achieved from the film studio "Film D'Art" so that the film does not demonstrate. After the first failures, Bernard did not want to film. But it was forced to do it to pay for the card debts of your beloved son. Lenders held it in the most severe vice until the end of life. And she starred in the "lady with camellias" and in Queen Elizabeth (both in 1912). After the World Success of these films with her participation on the screens, "Andrienne Lekurren", "French Mothers" (1915) and "his best deal" (1916) were released.

The courage of this actress and women adequately admiration. During the tour in 1905, it damaged the knee-injured in childhood. The pain wondered her. In 1915, she begs his doctor to amputate the leg: "... if you refuse, I am a shine of my knee and then make you do it." The operation was severe. The leg was taken significantly above the knee. From crutches Sarah refused, the prosthesis burned in the fireplace. On the stage she was taken out in elegant stretchers. Bernard played sitting, and the viewer saw that there was no limit to her talent and life forces ... the still body replaced their hands and expressive, as always, carefully grated fingers. The voice pulled, fascinating with his timbre and rhythm. Sarah subconsciously loss, then slowed down the pace. It seemed that the audience breathe in the beat with her speech. This little, fragile heroic woman was more than any man worthy of the Order of the Honorary Legion (1914). She became the national pride of France and her symbol as the Eiffel Tower and the Triumphal Arch.

In 1923, Sarah gave consent to play in the film "Providitsa", but the heavy attack of Uremia interrupted the rehearsal. It seemed that all Paris crowded at her house. And unpredictable Bernard, the presentation of the death approach, which the doctors tend to her almost from birth, in their last hours on earth was engaged in the selection of six young beautiful artists. They had to accompany this eternally young, passionate and uniquely talented woman on the last path. She furnished his face from life with eccentric and chic. On March 26, 1923, at 8 pm, the doctor dissolved the window and announced: "Madame Sarah Bernard rehears ..."

Shortly before the First World War, the writer Oktave Moble asked the actress when she stop illuminating his life with a flame of love. Sarah, without thinking, replied that when it stops breathing. And what else could a woman say, who called himself "one of the greatest mistresses of his century"?

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