Dmitry neighbors is a music critic. Sergey Sosedov: There are too few naturals in show business! But there are still straight people on the stage

Wooden windows 19.02.2021
Wooden windows

Sergei Sosedov, whose biography and personal life is detailed in our article, is a well-known personality to almost everyone in the post-Soviet space. His vivid statements, unconventional orientation have always evoked some kind of incomprehensible feeling.

He currently lives in Ukraine and is an employee of the STB TV channel. His main project, in which he takes an active part, is the Ukrainian X-factor. Recently, he appeared several times in political shows on the NTV channel, where he represented the interests of Ukraine and spoke impartially about the Russian Federation.

Sergey Sosedov: photo

There is very little information on the Internet about the photo and biography of the family of Sergei Sosedov, which is very important for him.

He always said that he was not on very good terms with his close people. This was due to many factors.

Today Sergey Sosedov is a very interesting person who can give the right criticism at any time or, on the contrary, praise. Working as an editor, journalist, critic, press manager, presenter, director - all this allowed him to find completely new niches of his talent.

For many, it is no secret that Sergei was one of the ardent opponents of the Tatu women's group, which performed at one Eurovision Song Contest. According to him, it was a waste of money and the girls were not worthy to represent the country. After that, the management of Channel One completely banned the broadcasts of TV programs with the participation of Sosedov and added him to the black list. He is also actively involved in journalism, just an extraordinary amount of work in music criticism and show business.


In 1968, Sergei was born in Moscow. Childhood has passed, like any average boy. At the time, he did not have any unconventional inclinations, although he stood out with his voice among many. Already in 1985, he graduated from high school, he also studies at a music school. Sergei graduated from the piano class two years before this event. Of course, he always showed his love for music. He did not hide his addiction.

Sergey Sosedov: photo in his youth

In order to understand the history of musical art, he attended lectures for nine years. All this took place at the Moscow School of Music and the Conservatory, there were also directing courses that did not go unnoticed. His whole life at this stage was built around art, and he did not deny his desire to become a musician in the future. His only drawback was his voice, so he could not sing.

At any period of the career of Sergei Sosedov, his personal life and biography remained hidden. He always found some ways to move away from this topic, but his gay orientation was understandable to many. Currently, you can find many interesting articles about his professionalism about him.

Many teachers of Sergei Sosedov looked at him with great amazement. He had an unusually great talent. He could easily, after reading the work, give each character a clear description. Criticism has always been correct and based only on reliable facts.

His first job was the editorial office of the Gudok newspaper, where he worked as a courier. After that, he began his initial practice as a journalist, with which he easily coped.

The most significant event at that time was an interview with Edita Piekha, which was published in the newspaper in 1989. He was very glad that he was able to communicate with such important people at that time.

Interview with Edita Piekha - a significant event in the life of Sergei Sosedov

Already in 1994 he was transferred to another newspaper, Rossiiskie Vesti. Realizing that development requires education, a few years before employment, he easily enters Moscow State University. In 1996 he received a red diploma and easily got a job as a press manager at the Akademichesky concert hall. This was a rather bright event for him, as he always dreamed of finding a job related to working with people.

In 1994 S. Sosedov was transferred to the newspaper "Rossiiskie Vesti"

The League of Nations newspaper invited Sergei Sosedov to the position of music critic, where he worked for only one year. Here he published his articles on music and art. In 2002, he continues to review various musical innovations. At that time, there was a famous and modern edition of "Hit-Parade" and it was here that Neighbors worked. Most of his career has always been associated with scandalous shows, where he tried to somehow create advertising and PR for himself. Sergei Sosedov did not even try to find a wife, he understood that his personal life and biography should not interfere with his career.

And as it turned out, later he was gay. Everything that was already understandable was revealed to every person who watched his interview.

Already in 1995 he took part in the controversial show "Sharks" and the religious program "Canon". Of course, he was invited because he had a clear idea and could construct his speech correctly.

In 1995, Sosedov takes part in the scandalous show "Sharks"

Sergei Sosedov has always been interesting to the viewer, since there is something unimaginable in his talent. His work on various TV channels was noticeable. At that time, there was such a studio DTV, where he also worked as a presenter on one of the scandalous shows. He was constantly under the gun of video cameras, more than once there were quarrels and showdowns. The family of Sergei Sosedov is completely unknown to anyone; he also hides his childhood biography. All this taken together is of great importance for him, since he is more trying to participate in some projects than to engage in his personal life.

The peak of popularity came at a time when he was invited by the leadership of NTV to become a critic of the Superstar program. It happened in 2008, several seasons were filmed with his participation. He always gave constructive criticism, which was perceived by the actors in the correct sense. Today he can only be found on Ukrainian TV channels or radio stations. He works in various entertainment concerts and parties. As a showman, he shows himself pretty well.

S. Sosedov - critic of the Superstar program

His marks and precise statements about the talent and performance of the songs have always been positively received by the audience. He does not say anything superfluous, only to the point. That is why Sergei Sosedov is often invited to the shooting as a critic. In 2010 he was invited to work for the Ukrainian X-factor, where he remains as a music critic ever since. Of course, talent is hard to lose.

In 2010 Sosedov was invited to work for the Ukrainian X-factor

Sergey Sosedov does not know how to lie at all, he always speaks clearly, harshly, so that the performer understands what he needs to add. If the song is performed well, then you will definitely get flattering reviews from him. After watching several shows with the participation of Sosedov, one can understand how professionally he evaluates the performers. Many of his friends mark him as a person who at any difficult moment will be able to support and lend a helping hand.

His statements and criticism of the group "t.A.T.u." was taken very harshly by Channel One. According to him, the girls sang very badly, and they shouldn't have attended this musical show, since there were better performers. He knew that the management of Channel One had invested an incredibly large amount of money in the group. They were promoted in the west, so they did not want to lose this money. And at that moment Sosedov's criticism was completely justified, he was supported by many representatives of the musical direction of Russia.

For many fans, the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov does not matter, the most important is the video in which he takes part. The critic's talent is very good and is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews.

Personal life

It will be very difficult to find information on the personal life, biography of Sergei Sosedov on the Internet, he has no wife or children. In general, this is of secondary importance, and it is better not to touch on this topic. Currently, there are a lot of interesting and worthy statements from other critics who support Sergei Sosedov.

Sergey Sosedov: photo

It is this part of his biography that is banned for many. Everyone knows that Sergei Sosedov is gay, and he himself does not hide it. All this makes him a closed person, and it is simply impossible to find out something about the family. Sergey admitted in many interviews that he had women and men, but still the weaker sex could not convince him. In fact, none of this matters, as his talent and criticism have always been considered the most important for fans.

Does not hesitate to speak openly about his orientation. According to Sergei, many representatives of show business in intimate life adhere to similar views. About when Russian artists will begin to make come-outs, as well as why he himself does not often engage in sex, Sosedov frankly told in an interview.

"On vacation, a husband can sleep with others!"

Sergei, you have repeatedly said that homosexuality is widespread on the stage. Why don't our artists admit to having ties with men, as stars do in the West?

They are afraid because the fans will leave. Why should they talk about their life, on the contrary, people should think that the artists are divorced or single. For every woman to dream of marrying him. This is the game - in the relationship between the artist and the audience. There is no need to disclose such things.

- But there are still straight people on the stage?

Of course there are, but there are not so many of them. In general, everything depends on the situation: everyone can be seduced. I also had such cases when there was sex with married men. They said: the main thing is that the wife and no one else knows. And so everything is fine!

- You did not feel remorse at this moment?

No, absolutely. It's like a novel. Why should a man be attached to his wife? Is he her slave or what? They were interested with me, a new experience. Many natural men enjoy homoerotic sex with pleasure. It is very interesting for them. I have friends, acquaintances who consider relationships with men kind of shameful. But if no one sees or knows, they are interested.

- How do you feel about resort romances?

Very good. A person lives his life. On the one hand, it is long and on the other, short. And nobody is anyone's property. If a husband went to a resort without his wife and starts an affair, this does not mean that he is cheating. This means that he is resting. And he has every right to do so. I think it's bad when a husband and wife spend all their time together. This is wrong: people should give each other some freedom. The wife should not ask her husband upon arrival what he was doing and who he was with. A holiday romance is not treason. But people in general do not understand this. An affair and lustful impulses are mistaken for treason. But this is not the case. And the girl, by the way, can also have an affair in the south. But she must be especially careful, because she can fly in, sorry. By its very nature, more responsibility is imposed on it. She can have fun, but the main thing is not to get carried away. By the way, a girl can sooner change when she sees a new handsome male.

"I do not separate sex and intelligence"

- You speak openly about your orientation. Probably, romances in your life happen regularly?

Not. On the contrary, I consider myself an excessively chaste person. I would have more sexual freedom. I miss her: I am a limiter for myself, I put myself in a strict framework. I am a cautious person, I do not indulge in all bad things.

- Why?

I am afraid that I may contract a venereal disease, from which I will then be treated for a long time. And the moral foundations that exist do not allow. Maybe I lack physical strength. You can run into swindlers, hooligans. This is also one of the main reasons why I am strict in my relationship. I need to get to know a person: they can put on shoes, take off shoes and even kill. Anything can happen. I have a friend who was beaten many times in his apartment. The horror that was! I've been looking at a potential man long enough. But if there is a good person, then everything turns out great and exciting. I'm also windy. My relationship ends quickly, I quickly get bored and boring. Or maybe he just didn't find such a person. Probably his own fault.

- What is the longest relationship you've had?

No more than six months. There were also three months. I am very impressionable and easily disappointed. It happens that I see: the person turned out to be more stupid than I thought. And the relationship ends. I do not separate sex and intelligence. They are in one bundle. If he is not intellectual, no matter how good he looks, in bed, he will not be with me for long. Talking about art, literature and music is important to me. And in bed - a maximum of an hour and a half. Although this is overkill.

- But no intelligence can replace high-quality sex!

Of course, everything has to fit together. But if a person with intelligence, he understands that he should be sexually at a good level. It happens that you seem to look at a person and understand: he is not yours. But over time it gets closer to you. This is the best part. And flashes: "Oh, what a handsome man!" - I probably don't need it.

Sergey Sosedov is known in Russia as an extraordinary and interesting personality. Someone adores him for his strength of character, someone treats him with contempt, referring to strange behavior. In any case, the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov is of interest to many.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on May 23, 1968 in Moscow. Mom worked as a technical engineer, and my father served all his life in the police department.

From childhood, Seryozha was a serious boy. Everyone loved and respected him. Respected, for the fact that he could behave freely. He was even allowed to take an extra day of rest, since studying at school was a very difficult task for him, because he wanted to be the best in all subjects. He always came "ironically prepared" for each lesson and went out to the blackboard as if on a stage. He was admired by both teachers and classmates.

Sergey successfully graduated from both a general education and a music school.

He was not a difficult teenager, did not “go through the school of the gateway,” was a dandelion boy at home. He tried to become the best everywhere, was an example and the "face of the school."

Love for art led Sergei to a lecture at the music school. October Revolution and the Conservatory.

He also attended directing courses at the Moscow Regional Institute of Culture.

And in 1996, Sosedov graduated with honors from Moscow State University with a degree in journalist.

Career "print" journalist

After leaving school, Neighbors worked as a courier in the editorial office of the central railway newspaper "Gudok". Journalism attracted him, and he knew for sure that he wanted to continuously develop in this direction.

Sergei's journalistic debut took place in May 1989. And not from something, but from an interview with Edita Piekha herself!

  • In the mid-90s, he worked as a correspondent for Rossiiskiye Vesti.
  • Then he was a press manager in the operation department of the current Academic Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Then there were the newspapers "Evening Moscow" and "League of Nations".
  • Sergey began to immerse himself in the field of music as a print journalist in the early 2000s. He got his first experience in the Hit-Parade magazine.

On the blue screen

Sergei appeared on television in 1995. For three years, he took part in the popular TV show "Pen Sharks".

Then, the journalist, already well-known to the public, was repeatedly invited to the religious television program "Canon" as an expert.

In 2002, Sosedov wrote several scripts for the show "Under the Press" and acted as a presenter.

Even more widespread popularity has brought Sergei participation in the Superstar TV competition as a member of the jury.

Today Sergey is invited to "jury" the participants of many Russian and Ukrainian television projects. He is rightfully considered an honest and impartial judge, having his own point of view on everything.

Also, in the last couple of years, Sergey has been involved in some Internet projects, for example, he records a video summary for a well-known company.

Serhiy also does not refuse to participate in various entertaining shows as a participant (for example, in the Ukrainian "Dancing with the Stars") or an expert, holds parties and events.

The critic considers directness and impartiality to be his "core". He says that he is not criticizing because he wants to offend the person. On the contrary, he wants to help him find the best qualities somewhere within himself.

Sosedov's statements are always harsh and harsh, he does not pay attention to the status of the one he criticizes, always speaks without lies and hypocrisy.

For an impartial statement about the Tatu group, Sergei was tacitly banned on Channel One. Now Sosedov regrets that at some point he could not restrain himself and expressed his position on the air of Andrey Malakhov's program regarding the girls' performance at Eurovision. The critic noted on that program that the 3rd place is not a shame, but even an advance to the group, because they were singing something indistinct.

Public loneliness

The personal life and biography of Sergei Sosedov have always been covered with a veil of secrecy. He preferred not to dwell on this topic and only recently began to give fairly frank interviews.

Sergei admitted that he was always alone. In childhood, the children avoided him, he can hardly call anyone close friends. Even after all-Russian glory, the feeling of "public loneliness", as Sosedov says, did not leave him.

No matter how sad the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov may seem, he is not at all saddened by the fact of loneliness and believes that being alone with himself allows you to reflect on the eternal.


From childhood, Seryozha understood that he was not like everyone else. At the music school he liked to study more than at the general education school, because there people feel sensitively and subtly. Perhaps it was there that he felt his first crush. And the object of his secret adoration was not the girl.

It was clear to many that the famous music critic has a gay orientation, but finally all the i's were dotted in the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov with a photo from one of the Kiev parties, where he came in an embrace with the singer Pyotr Dmitrichenko. Sergei, when asked by journalists about their relationship, answered that they were just friends. Nevertheless, he left the party with Peter in an unknown direction.

And in 2012, young people were vacationing in Sitges, which is considered the European gay capital. And then they again hit the camera lenses. Strong and gentle, clearly not friendly, hugs finally made it clear that Sergei is "special".

Neighbors argues that most of all in people he values \u200b\u200bintelligence, therefore, for him, first of all, spiritual, and not physical, closeness with a person is important.

About women

There were few representatives of the weaker sex in the biography and personal life of music critic Sergei Sosedov. Of course, he has female friends, for example, Lolita. But close relations with the ladies were limited to three or four fleeting romances. Neighbors never mentioned their names to the press.

The only person who always waits for Sergey at home with a delicious dinner is his mother. She is the family for him.

Neighbors do not strive for stable family relations. He noted in many interviews that one of his negative qualities is instability. He quickly gets bored with one person, he wants to switch to someone else. A fast flash is replaced by an equally fast fade.

“I love loneliness,” Sergei Sosedov often repeats when speaking about his personal life. The wife cannot fit into the biography of a loner. Although there is a type of women who are trying to reorient "non-traditional" men and are ready to even become their faithful companions for this.

About children

The star will soon be in her sixties, and he still has no children, although he claims that he would very much like to have a child. Moreover, some of his girlfriends would be happy to give birth to children, but for some reason Sergey was always not ready.

Sometimes Neighbors sadly notes that life is given not only to leave offspring. He believes that he is walking his path correctly, that he will have time to complete everything that is for him. And children in the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov will appear when the "command from above" is given

Relationship with brother

Another not very happy fact from the biography and personal life of Sergei Sosedov is his relationship with his brother.

Not everyone knows that Sergei has an older brother, Vladimir. The star characterizes the relationship with him as "calm". A close friendship between the brothers did not develop due to the age difference, Sergey is 8 years younger.

The music critic would like to feel more warmth from his brother's family, but the relatives seem to shy away from him.

Sergei says that Volodya often sends him greetings from his former neighbors with rave reviews about the programs in which he takes part. When asked whether a brother or his family liked the episodes, the answer is always the same: “I don’t know. We didn't look. "

Having no children of their own, Neighbors hardly communicates with his nephews. There are no quarrels and conflicts between them, but nephews do not strive to communicate with their uncle, limiting themselves only to the words "hello" and "goodbye."

Biography, personal life, wife and children of Sergei Sosedov are of interest to many admirers of his talent. We will think that the thoughts of fans that his wife and children will still appear will send a certain signal into space, and Sergey will finally find family happiness.

A bright personality of modern show business, an unsurpassed orator, the most extravagant music critic is Sergei Sosedov. His biography is very rich and extraordinary. At one time he appeared in the project "X-factor", "Superstar" and "Pen Sharks".

He is the most shocking showman, unpredictable, unique and a little strange. He has a very peculiar demeanor. In one interview, he admitted: "I have always been a black sheep, a person not of this world. I was created this way. I was born that way."

Childhood and youth

Music critic Sergei Sosedov was born in Moscow. The future star was born on May 23, 1968. His father was an employee of the Moscow metro, and his mother was an engineer by training, his brother works in a hardware store. Along with the general education school, he also attended a music school, where he learned to play the piano.

Seryozha studied well. At parent-teacher meetings, the mother and father were only proud of their son. But relations with classmates did not work out. Sergei noticed that they openly taunt him, because he is not like everyone else.

In one interview, Sosedov told how teachers at school set him up as an example. A talented boy was allowed a lot, because he worked hard. Sometimes I took an extra day to rest, because I didn't have the strength from the crazy volume of tasks. Coming to class, Neighbors was always prepared. He was interested in acquiring new knowledge.

After graduation, he immediately began to earn money as a courier in a newspaper. Young Seryozha wrote excellent essays, which determined his future path and led to journalism. It was in "Gudok" that he got his first experience.

Dream of becoming an announcer and first success in the newspaper

But Sergei Sosedov dreamed of becoming an announcer. He still enthusiastically talks about Soviet television, admires the "polish" of the material that was broadcast. But it was not destined. His personality is too flamboyant for a news anchor who has to be discreet. After the announcement did not work out, the aspiring journalist goes to work as a courier for a newspaper.

Later, the future music critic Sergei Sosedov begins to attend classes on the history of the musical genre. Thanks to these two interests, he publishes an interview with Edita Piekha in the newspaper. The singer, having read it, expressed her delight in the form of personal gratitude.

Start of journalistic activity

Sergey Vasilyevich became a professional journalist after graduating from Moscow University. During his studies, he trained at the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", which provided knowledge about the intricacies of this craft. The result was not long in coming, in 1996 he received a red diploma.

Sergei Vasilievich Sosedov managed to work in many Russian publications: "Relax", "AiF", "Seven Days", "Artist" and others. He mainly wrote articles on the topic of medicine, aviation, travel, show business, but considered music criticism the most important.

Neighbors in Ukraine

In 2010, music critic Sergei Sosedov sits in the jury chair of the Ukrainian vocal show. His extraordinary personality immediately attracted the attention of many viewers. The public fell in love with the judge, because the endless competence in the music field cannot but fascinate. "X-factor" and Sergei Sosedov have become synonyms for the Ukrainian audience.

The phenomenon of his nature is that positive comments are taken seriously and become an elixir for the participants, while negative ones do not hurt. How does he do it? Probably because he looks at everything through the prism of art.

Subtle nature

Despite his popularity, he is friends with everyone who is friends with him. One of his friends is a concierge who works in one of the Kiev houses where Sosedov lived for some time. He even had a ritual: wherever he went, he went to Galina Ivanovna to report back. A simple woman was flattered by such an attitude of a star person. But she, too, did not remain in debt, sometimes spoiling him with pies and other goodies. This man became the second family of Sergei Sosedov.

He says that one day he calls him and asks: "How are you being fed on the set? It seems to me that you are malnourished. Maybe I will come to you and cook for two days? How is your apartment? Is it clean?" Such words moved Sergei to tears.

After all, the famous journalist admitted that his own mother is the only person who is waiting for him. Sergei's father died several years ago. Dad was very proud of his son's achievements and supported in all endeavors. His departure was a great loss, because mom and brother are reserved about the success of a music critic.

The origins of the loneliness of a talented journalist

Sergei understood that he was not interested in peers. While they walked, he preferred books. Only the family could perceive the guy as he is. Sergei Sosedov was sacred to his parents, he was a house boy, from the fifth grade he practically did not walk on the street. Apparently he found a huge exciting world inside himself, and life around him ceased to interest him.

Then the talented young man did not think that he was putting his own happiness on the line. Personal life did not work out either. Sergei Sosedov admits that loneliness is a difficult state, but he is used to it.

Unfortunately, popularity, recognition and even the love of fans cannot help in this quivering issue. With his brother Vladimir, they were also not close. Even after growing up, native people do not often communicate. Mom is surprised how different her children are. The elder has always been the soul of the court, he loved to play football. Once Vladimir forced Sergey to play hockey. After 10 minutes, he broke his lip, and the sports activity of the younger Sosedov ended.

The main topic for discussion by journalists and the public is undoubtedly personal life. Sergei Sosedov is used to the fact that others can interpret all his actions and inaction in their own way. Many are trying to ascribe to him novels with every man who was cast with an enthusiastic look of an extraordinary showman. The journalist himself reduces all guesses to nothing.

He did not hide his sympathy for the X-factor participants and Roman Veremeychik, because there is nothing shameful about that. He was credited with novels with some representatives of show business, to which he replied: "I have many friends, men and boys. Yes, why not ?!" However, the famous journalist does not deny that he does not see himself in marriage with a woman, because it is routine, and he is a bird of free flight, a loner.

His admiration for Roman Veremeychik at one time made the country sit with open mouth. He expressed a lot of wonderful words about this participant, openly admitted that he was breathing unevenly towards him. Everyone got the idea that Roma is his boyfriend. Sergey Sosedov himself provoked these rumors, because he is not ashamed of his homosexuality, unlike Roma, who was clearly shocked by this situation.

Sergey Sosedov in 2017

Now music critic Sergei Sosedov appears as an expert on the TV programs "Live", "Stars converged" and "Meeting place".

Unfortunately, the showman does not blog, he does not have accounts on social networks, so you can only learn about the news from the life of a star from interviews.

One thing is clear that the personality of Sergei Vasilyevich Sosedov cannot leave anyone indifferent. They either hate him fiercely, or love him to the point of madness and are ready to give everything to him.

He does not seek luxury. Sergei admits that he would like to buy a music center, but the area of \u200b\u200bhousing does not allow. His apartment in Moscow is very small. The journalist had to turn in an archive of newspapers with personal publications for waste paper.

He laughs at questions about his image. After all, he did not hone any nuances, all this is given by nature, he was born that way. Sergei Vasilyevich's neighbors paid a lot of attention to his journalistic style, and the unique timbre of his voice and modulation only complemented this image and became a visiting card.

Many people admire Sergei Sosedov. The biography of this person cannot leave you indifferent, it is non-trivial. But there are viewers who don't take him seriously. This is due to the excessive femininity, manner of speaking and extravagance of the famous showman. He is not shy about extraordinary and considers it to be his zest. They make fun of him, but in their hearts they agree with every word.

Journalist and music critic Sergei Sosedov unexpectedly spoke sharply about Russian pop stars, who are among the most popular performers. He said that Baskov and Allegrova spoiled the taste of the audience, and now the audience is ready to be content with second-rate shows. But the critic considers Alla Pugacheva to be his main disappointment.

Nikolay Baskov is accused by Neighbors mainly of poorly staged performances. In his opinion, the theatrical action taking place on the stage does not in any way coincide with the meaning of the hits performed by the singer. “There were some knights on the stage, Shakespearean passions were unfolding, someone was stabbed, carried away in his arms ... And Nikolai at that time sang:“ You are my only one, ”“ I give you all the flowers ”... Nonsense!" Neighbors.

According to the music critic, Irina Allegrova is absolutely devoid of vocal data. “She is rude and unfeminine. Her voice is not musical. I understand that her ligaments are not closed. She sings badly even on the phonogram, all smoked. What kind of singer is she? From her comes a rough roar of some kind, like a man's. It's impossible to listen to it, ”Sergei told reporters.

But most of all, Sosedov is upset by the fact that Alla Pugacheva, in his opinion, has lost her talent. Before this singer was an idol for millions of viewers, but now she has nothing to say to her audience. Neighbors believes that the jubilee concert in honor of the 70th anniversary of Alla Borisovna will not bring new discoveries. And the reason for this will not be at all the respectable age of the Prima Donna and not her shaky health, which she increasingly mentions, but the irretrievably lost timbre of her magical voice.

“All this talk about old age smells like a clown, honestly. I don't understand why she says this. At 36, she also claimed to be an old and sick woman. Probably joking like now. Alla ended as a singer. Unfortunately, she is one of the main disappointments in my life. This singer has lost both her voice and her talent, ”Sosedov is quoted by the“ Interlocutor ”publication.

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