Alexander nevzorov biography personal life nationality. Alexander nevzorov - biography, information, personal life. A hobby that became life

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Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov (born August 3, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian journalist, reporter, TV presenter, publicist. Director, screenwriter and producer of documentaries. Politician, deputy of the State Duma of four convocations (1993-2007). Hippologist, founder, “master and mentor” of the “Nevzorov Haute École” school. Advisor to the General Director of Channel One (since May 2016).

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    In 1975 he graduated from high school with in-depth study of the French language. Since 1983 he has worked at the Leningrad television. He was a stuntman. He became famous in the late 1980s as a television journalist, author and host of the 600 Seconds program. For the first time in this capacity, Nevzorov appeared on the air of Leningrad TV in the plot of the program "Look" by E. Yu. Dodolev.

    On December 13, 1990, in a vacant lot, Nevzorov met with an unknown informant, who two days earlier had offered incriminating evidence against an official. At the meeting, an unknown person approached the journalist and shot him in the heart area. In response, the journalist fired a gas pistol, but missed. Nevzorov did not receive significant injuries, since the shooter's bullet passed near the left armpit, without touching the heart and large vessels.

    In January 1991 he shot the film Nashi about the January events in Vilnius, shown on the First Program of the Central Television. The film made heroes of the fighters of the Vilnius OMON, who remained loyal to the USSR at the time when Lithuania declared its independence. In November of the same year, at a rally in St. Petersburg, Nevzorov proclaimed the creation of the Nashi People's Liberation Movement. In the spring of the same year, in the Moscow Theater of Wax Figures, as part of the sculptural group "Time of Troubles", a wax figure of Nevzorov was presented, dressed in a paratrooper suit and holding an assault rifle in one hand, and in the other - a microphone interviewing Catherine II, being next to Gregory Rasputin.

    After the collapse of the USSR

    In 1992 he was elected a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival.

    Nevzorov was a member of the editorial board of Alexander Prokhanov's newspaper Den, a member of the Duma of the Russian National Cathedral, a member of the organizing committee of the National Salvation Front. On September 23, 1993, he came to the besieged White House.

    On September 30, 1993, in his program "600 seconds", Nevzorov, referring to Mikhail Poltoranin, said: "On October 4 there will be events that should be taken very calmly," that is, it was about the upcoming assault on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which later happened ... In 2013, in an interview with the NTV channel, Nevzorov spoke with regret about his support for the defenders of the House of Soviets and called the supporters of the Supreme Soviet "insane and possessed shobla." He believed that he had shown then excessive "sincerity."

    On December 12, 1993, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation from the Central single-mandate electoral district No. 210 (St. Petersburg). Four times (since 1993) he was nominated to the State Duma as an independent deputy from different electoral districts, was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. He claims that in 4 terms he was in the State Duma exactly 4 times. According to the memoirs of Ekaterina Shulman, all four convocations in a row Nevzorov became famous for not signing a single bill and never been to meetings. In 1994-1998 he was a consultant-analyst for Boris Berezovsky.

    Participated in many local armed conflicts. In the early 1990s, he founded the independent television company (NTK) "600". Created a series of reports "Ours" about Soviet and Russian soldiers in hot spots (Vilnius, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc.). Author of the book "Field of Honor" (1995) about contemporary Russian politics. He made two films about the First Chechen War: "Hell" (documentary, 1995) and "Purgatory" (feature, 1997). The demonstration on the First Channel of the television film "Hell" about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops caused a negative reaction from representatives of the liberal community, who accused the creator of the picture of bias towards Chechens. Later he assessed this conflict as unnecessary warin which the government used patriotism in the most shameless and criminal way ... In 1995-1999 he was the host of the television programs "Wild Field", "Days" and "Nevzorov". In December 1995 he was elected to the State Duma in the Pskov single-mandate constituency No. 144.

    In December 1999, he ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency (St. Petersburg), but lost to the representative of the Union of Right Forces, Yulia Rybakov.

    2000 - present

    In March 2000, he re-ran for the State Duma of the third convocation in the Vsevolozhsk single-mandate constituency No. 99 (Leningrad Oblast), since in this constituency in December 1999, the first place was taken by a candidate "against all" and by-elections were appointed. Nevzorov took 1st place. In December 2003, he won the elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation in the 100th Vsevolozhsk district.

    From November 2001 to December 2002, he was one of the co-hosts of Mikhail Leontyev in the analytical program “Another Time” on Channel One.

    From July 2007 to January 2009, he had an author's column in the magazine "Profile", since September 2009 he had the same column (with the simple title "Nevzorov") in the weekly "However": "In the summer of 2007, the editor-in-chief of" Profile "Mikhail Leontyev persuaded Nevzorov to lead a column in the magazine. The editor-in-chief did not think about its name for a long time: the column was called "Nevzorov", because there is nothing to add to the sound of this surname, which became the Name. " The last material of Nevzorov on the website "However" is dated May 13, 2010.

    On February 7, 2012, Alexander Nevzorov was included in the list of Vladimir Putin's confidants, which was perceived with some bewilderment, given that Putin is Orthodox, attends Easter and Christmas services, and also meets with the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. After Nevzorov's anti-Orthodox statements, the chief of Putin's campaign headquarters, Stanislav Govorukhin, said that it would be the right decision to deprive the journalist of his trustee status. However, Nevzorov remained a confidant and even campaigned for Putin, calling him "the only one who can keep the empire crumbling every second from disaster." In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak on the Dozhd TV channel, Nevzorov noted that he easily combines his critical attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church and support for Putin.

    Since November 2015 - one of the hosts of the Panopticon program on the Dozhd TV channel.

    On May 24, 2016, it was reported that Nevzorov is an advisor to the General Director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst. Nevzorov himself the next day on the air of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" confirmed this fact.



    Igor Ilyin, who worked in 1992-1993 as the head of the press center of Nevzorov's 600 seconds program, and also led Nevzorov's election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, in 2005 said:

    Published in 2012, the book by A. G. Nevzorov "The Origin of Personality and Human Intellect" was criticized by the authors of the portal in the article "60 mistakes of Alexander Nevzorov: ignorance and contrived arguments are forgivable?" ... It analyzed a number of fragments of the book and revealed factual errors. The authors of the article were the editor-in-chief of the portal Alexander Sokolov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Stanislav Drobyshevsky, Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher Svetlana Burlak, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Genome Analysis Laboratory Svetlana Borinskaya and archeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Paleolithic Archeology Department Leonid Vishnyatsky. Nevzorov responded to criticism in video format on his YouTube channel.

    Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Researcher of the Social Epistemology Sector, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Sociology and Epistemology of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation O. E. Stolyarova in the article "How many coincidences does the Mickey Mouse Law have?" in the magazine "Gefter" criticized the publication of Nevzorov "The Naked Patriarch, or the Law of Mickey Mouse" in the Internet edition "". Stolyarova, relying on a survey of historians of science, refuted Nevzorov's assertion that “scientists who have nothing in common with each other either in education, or in education, or in convictions, who did not know each other in any way, at about the same time came to the same and the same conclusions on the most important issues of the universe ", noting that" upbringing, education, beliefs, general "epistemes", "paradigms", "styles of scientific thinking" and "material-semiotic contexts" - all this made even personally unfamiliar with each other other researchers are members of one team, one communication system - the republic of scientists. " She also criticizes Nevzorov's assertion about the "disconnection of personality and discovery", believing that it is caused by the fact that "is partly explained by the confusion between personality and individuality, which confusion the author we comment on all the time sins" and that he discoveries "indicate that the very necessary nature guides the intellect in its straightforward progress towards a single comprehensive science of the world." According to Stolyarova, this is all refuted by the example of Mowgli and socialization "in the process of which national, everyday, political, religious, material and symbolic features form what is commonly called a person", because if "Mowgli really entered the history of science naked, then it is completely different the situation is with learned men, who appear before us in a lab coat, in a jacket, in a cassock, precisely because clothing is a symbolic indication of culture, one of the aspects of which is the culture of scientific knowledge. "

    Personal life

    Nothing is known exactly about the father of Alexander Nevzorov. A number of sources call him the son of the St. Petersburg artist Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov. However, the encyclopedic reference contains a quote from the magazine: “My father is generally unknown. There are a lot of applicants, but believe me, these are all tales and fairy tales, and people who call themselves that way or even are registered as such in Wikipedia are not. "

    About his father in an interview with the magazine “7 days” Nevzorov said: “It so happened that no one ruled my fate. As for daddy, I have no idea who he is at all. There are a lot of versions. At the “second” time, there were enough applicants for this place - from these very popes a line of about one hundred and fifty lined up. But I did not find a worthy candidate ... "On June 26, 2015, on the radio broadcast" Downed Focus "on the radio station" Echo of Moscow ", Nevzorov said that, according to the most likely version, his father was a representative of the North American Indian people of the Comanche, who was in Leningrad 9 months before his birth during the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. At a creative evening in Moscow in the same year, Nevzorov said that after the Ukrainian events "he wrote a statement about leaving the Russians":

    In August 2016 on the air of Echo of Moscow, Nevzorov said that when he went to look for his father “to Oklahoma, to a reservation near Lawton, there further to the Washita Mountains,” he found out that “he was a drug dealer, died in a shootout with police ”And came from the Comanche tribe.

    Alexander Nevzorov previously positioned himself as a vegetarian, although at the moment he prefers not to talk about it.


    Cavalier of a number of state awards of the unrecognized Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika, as well as the Cossack Cross of the Union of Cossacks of Russia "For the Defense of Pridnestrovie" and a number of awards from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: medals "For strengthening the military community", the badge "Participant of hostilities in Chechnya", etc.

    Awards of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

    In July 2016, in an interview with the Echo of Moscow radio station, A. G. Nevzorov announced his decision to return the Order For Personal Courage, the Medal for the Defender of Pridnestrovie and the Cossack Cross For the Defense of Pridnestrovie, because, in his words, “ Transnistria has become a disgusting banana republic, which passes laws punishing dissent. So I did not fight for this and I do not want to have anything in common, including even some common trinkets with this area. Because there we fought for freedom and the ability to breathe and think. But today's reality, today's Transnistria, judging by the acceptance of this criminal responsibility for dissent, this is something that even has nothing in common with my ideas. "



    • A. G. Nevzorov A field of honor. - SPb. : International Publishing Corporation, 1995 .-- 320 p. - 51,000 copies - ISBN 5-900740-12-9.
    • A. G. Nevzorov Horse encyclopedia. - SPb. : AST, Astrel-SPb, 2005 .-- 358 p. - 5,000 copies. - ISBN 5-17-033457-2.
    • A. G. Nevzorov A Treatise on School Landing. - SPb. : AST, Astrel-SPb, 2008 .-- 128 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-052660-4.
    • Leontiev M.V., Nevzorov A.G. Fortress "Russia". - M.: Eksmo, 2008 .-- 319 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-25740-9.
    • A. G. Nevzorov Selected publications from 2007-2009. - SPb. : Nevzorov Haute École, 2009 .-- 288 p. - ISBN 978-5-7451-0154-7.
    • A. G. Nevzorov Equestrian sport. Secrets of "mastery". - SPb: AST, 2009 .-- 160 p. - 3,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-057820-7.
    • A. G. Nevzorov A treatise on work in hand. - SPb. : AST, Astrel-SPb, 2010 .-- 128 p. - 3,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-068076-4.
    • A. G. Nevzorov A Brief History of Cynicism. - M. :: AST, Astrel-SPb, Nevzorov Haute École, VKT, 2010 .-- 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-069686-4.
    • A. G. Nevzorov L. E. P. Manege horse reading. Screenplay. - SPb. : Nevzorov Haute École, 2010 .-- 144 p. - 3,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-904788-04-9.
    • Nevzorov A.G. Horse encyclopedia. - AST, Astrel-SPb, 2010 .-- 384 pages - 1500 copies. - ISBN 5-17-035523-8, 5-9725-0244-5, 5-17-035523-5;
    • A. G. Nevzorov The origin of human personality and intelligence. Experience in generalizing the data of classical neurophysiology. - SPb. : Anatomy and Physiology, 2012 .-- 544 p. - ISBN 978-5-904788-15-5.
    • Nevzorov A.G. Resignation of Lord God. Why does Russia need Orthodoxy? - M .: Eksmo, 2015 .-- 224 p. - 4,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-77727-3; 3,000 copies - ISBN 978-5-699-78735-7;
    • Nevzorov A.G. Lessons of atheism: book + CD (with the living voice of Alexander Nevzorov) - M .: Eksmo, 2016 .-- 352 p. + CD - 4,000 copies - ISBN 978-5-699-82339-0;
    • Nevzorov A. G. The art of offending. - AST, Astrel-SPb, 2016. - 320 pages - 3,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-097283-8;

    see also


    1. Gordon D.I. Legendary TV reporter Alexander Nevzorov: “If a Buddhist rises tomorrow at the head of Russia, the bureaucratic fraternity will immediately run to order orange saris, start looking for places for certain signs and will greet each other with tongue-tied words:“ Om mani padme hum ” Part II // Newspaper "Gordon Boulevard", № 16 (364), April 17, 2012
    2. Venediktov A., Ryabtseva L. Lost focus. Away: Alexander Nevzorov (unspecified) ... Official site of "Echo of Moscow" (June 26, 2015). - Audio recording and interview transcript. Retrieved July 15, 2015.
    3. Alexander Nevzorov on the cleansing of the Putin regime, the war with Sobchak and pedophilia in the Russian Orthodox Church // Dozhd TV channel, 02/21/2013
    4. "Stars" of television // Encyclopedic guide "Under one star with" Constellation "(archive)
    5. Publishing House "Novy Vzglyad" THE WAY FROM "SECONDS" TO "DAYS" LAYED THROUGH THE "WILD FIELD"
    6. Nevzorov: And Crimea was sticking out of her purse
    7. Alexander Nevzorov handed over three guns to the police // Interfax, 05.24.2016
    8. Yours personally // Echo of Moscow, 05/25/2016
    9. Krotov N.I. Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich // Information-analytical journal Observer. 1993. No. 21 (25)
    10. Legendary TV reporter Alexander Nevzorov: “The vision of the joy with which Russia devours its children - and not because it is hungry, but simply because they were next to her at the moment when her jaws accidentally move - saved me from any there were no illusions and from any kind of patriotism "
    11. Lessons from atheism. Draining confession (text transcript of the speech)
    12. Dodolev E. Yu. Plot // "Look"
    13. Alexander Nevzorov: Priests should go to work //
    14. Alexander Nevzorov: ROC "framed" the state because of the story with Pussy Riot (unspecified) ... (April 19, 2012). Retrieved May 20, 2012. Archived June 26, 2012.
    15. Oleg Borisov Nevzorov took the bullet to heart // Kommersant newspaper. - No. 229. - 10.12.1999. - S. 12
    16. Nevzorov formed the people's liberation movement "Nashi" // "Kommersant" No. 46 (90) from 02.12.1991
    17. Vladislav Shurygin. Poor Shurik! // Tomorrow. June 18, 2015.
    18. Ivan Ivanov (Marat Musin)Anathema. Chronicle of a coup d'etat (intelligence notes). Book I. September 21 - October 2, 1993. September 23, Thursday. "White House" // Chronos
    19. chronicle of October 1993 - 3/12 see at 1:38
    20. Ivan Ivanov (Marat Musin) Anathema. Chronicle of a coup d'etat (intelligence notes). Book I. September 21 - October 2, 1993. September 30, Thursday. "White House" // Chronos
    21. Andrey Soshenko. "White House - black smoke" // Pravoslavie.Ru
    22. White house, black smoke see at 36:56
    23. Visiting Radio Two Capitals Alexander Nevzorov
    24. “But today's idlers still lag behind those that the Duma saw in the old days. Ekaterina Shulman recalls how TV presenter Alexander Nevzorov worked as a deputy for four convocations in a row (from 1995 to 2007). He became famous for the fact that not only did he not sign a single bill, but in general he never appeared at Okhotny Ryad. “It is noteworthy that Nevzorov was elected from a single-mandate constituency, so voters voted for him personally, and not for the party list,” says Shulman. - The situation looks funny, but if such a representative suited people, then it was their choice. " - Dina Ushakova Sibarites of the Okhotny Ryad //, 28.01.2015
    25. Gordon D.I. Legendary TV reporter Alexander NEVZOROV: "The vision of how joyfully Russia devours its children, and not because it is hungry, but simply ... // Newspaper" Gordon Boulevard ". - No. 15 (363), April 10, 2012
    26. Wiretapping. Berezovsky - Nevzorov (about Sobchak)
    27. Television scandals by Alexander Nevzorov // Kommersant, No. 159 (1803), 03.09.1999.
    28. Roman Popkov... "During the conduct of an unnecessary war, tens of thousands of lives were thrown down the drain" "Open Russia", 08/31/2016
    29. St. Petersburg: Rybakov is in the lead, Nevzorov does not enter the State Duma //, 19.12.1999
    30. Chronicles of the Central Election Commission, September - December 1999 (Duma campaign)
    31. Nevzorov will again try to get into the State Duma //, 01/20/2000

    Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov. Born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Soviet and Russian journalist, TV presenter, publicist, director, screenwriter, producer. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (1993-2007).

    Father is unknown. In a number of sources it was argued that the father could be the St. Petersburg artist Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov. But Nevzorov himself said that "there are a lot of applicants, but believe me, these are all tales and fairy tales." In one and an interview, he stated that, according to the most likely version, his father is a representative of the North American Indian people of the Comanche, who was in Leningrad 9 months before his birth during the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. "If I have any nationality, it is a Comanche," said Alexander Nevzorov. He said that he once even went to look for his father in Oklahoma, on a reservation near Lawton - "there further to the Ouashita Mountains", where he found out that he "was a drug dealer, died in a shootout with the police."

    Mother - Galina Georgievna Nevzorova (1936-2001), journalist, worked for the Smena newspaper.

    Maternal grandfather - Georgy Vladimirovich Nevzorov, general of the MGB-KGB, in 1946-1955 he headed the Department of the MGB of the USSR for combating banditry in the Lithuanian SSR, fought against the "forest brothers".

    He was raised by his mother and grandmother.

    In 1975 he graduated from high school with in-depth study of the French language.

    He did not serve in the army: from February 22 to March 15, 1975, in the direction of the medical commission of the regional military registration and enlistment office, he was examined at the Skvortsov-Stepanov psychiatric hospital No. 3.

    For some time he was a stuntman.

    Since 1983 he has worked at the Leningrad television. Gained fame in the late 1980s as a television journalist, author and host of a program "600 seconds"... For the first time in this capacity, Nevzorov appeared on the air of Leningrad TV in the plot of the program "Vzglyad" E.Yu. Dodolev.

    Since 1984 he has been a chorister in the church choir. According to him, he sang in the choir, because "they paid a lot." He studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, but was expelled from the fourth year. Later, declaring himself an atheist, he claimed that he did not make a church career due to the fact that he had a "normal sexual orientation."

    On December 13, 1990, an attempt was made on his life. Nevzorov in the vacant lot met with an unknown informant, who two days earlier had offered incriminating evidence against the official. At the meeting, an unknown person approached the journalist and shot him in the heart area. In response, the journalist fired a gas pistol, but missed. Nevzorov did not receive significant injuries, since the shooter's bullet passed near the left armpit, without touching the heart and large vessels.

    In January 1991 he shot the film Nashi about the January events in Vilnius, shown on the First Channel of the Central Television. The film made heroes of the fighters of the Vilnius OMON, who remained loyal to the USSR at the time when Lithuania declared its independence. In November of the same year, at a rally in St. Petersburg, Nevzorov proclaimed the creation of the Nashi People's Liberation Movement.

    In 1992 he was elected a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival.

    He was a member of the editorial board of Alexander Prokhanov's newspaper Den, a member of the Duma of the Russian National Cathedral, a member of the organizing committee of the National Salvation Front.

    On September 23, 1993, he came to the besieged White House. On September 30, 1993, in his program "600 seconds", Nevzorov, referring to Mikhail Poltoranin, said: "On October 4 there will be events that should be taken very calmly." It was about the upcoming assault on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which later happened. In 2013, in an interview with the NTV television channel, Nevzorov spoke with regret about his support for the defenders of the House of Soviets and called the supporters of the Supreme Council "insane and demoniac shobla."

    Participated in many local armed conflicts.

    In the early 1990s, he founded the independent television company (NTK) "600". Created a series of reports "Ours" about Soviet and Russian soldiers in hot spots (Vilnius, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc.).

    He shot two films about the First Chechen War: "Hell" (documentary, 1995) and "Purgatory" (1997). The demonstration on the First Channel of the TV movie "Hell" about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops caused a negative reaction from representatives of the liberal community, who accused the creator of the picture of bias towards Chechens. In the future, he assessed this conflict as an unnecessary war, in which the government used patriotism in the most shameless and criminal way.

    In 1995-1999 he was the host of the television programs "Wild Field", "Days" and "Nevzorov".

    From November 2001 to December 2002, he was one of the co-hosts of Mikhail Leontyev in the analytical program “Another Time” on Channel One.

    In 2004 he made a film "Horse Encyclopedia", and a year later a book with the same title was published. In them, Nevzorov talks about the role of the horse in history, about its use in different historical epochs and about the relationship of man to this animal. The main attention is paid to the contradictions between the biological nature of the horse and the way of life of horses, formed by man.

    Alexander Nevzorov in the film "Horse Encyclopedia"

    The film "Nevzorov Haute École Methodology: Basic Principles", completed in 2006, presents the viewers with the main conceptual moments of horse education according to the methodology of the "Nevzorov Haute École" School, not being a teaching aid, but only an introductory one.

    In addition, Alexander Nevzorov shot a feature-documentary film "The Crucified and Risen Horse", which was shown on Channel One in early June 2008.

    In 2010 he released the film "L.E.P." ("Lectio Equaria Palaestra", "Manege Horse Reading"), which caused a lot of controversy and extremely diverse responses even before being shown on television.

    In 2007-2010, Nevzorov published the Nevzorov Haute École magazine. After losing a lawsuit over illegal placement of photographs in the magazine, the magazine ceased to be published.

    Protests against equestrian sport as a phenomenon. He is the founder, head and master of the Nevzorov Haute École School.

    Since November 2015 - one of the hosts of the Panopticon program on the Dozhd TV channel.

    He is an advisor to the General Director of Channel One.

    Social and political activities of Alexander Nevzorov

    On December 12, 1993 he was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation in the Central single-mandate electoral district No. 210 (St. Petersburg).

    In 1994-1998 he was a consultant-analyst for Boris Berezovsky.

    In December 1995 he was elected to the State Duma in the Pskov single-mandate constituency No. 144.

    In December 1999, he ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency (St. Petersburg), but lost to the representative of the Union of Right Forces, Yulia Rybakov.

    In March 2000, he re-ran for the State Duma of the third convocation in the Vsevolozhsk single-mandate constituency No. 99 (Leningrad Oblast), since in this constituency in December 1999, the first place was taken by a candidate "against all" and by-elections were appointed. Nevzorov took 1st place.

    In December 2003, he won the elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation in the 100th Vsevolozhsk district. The well-known crime boss Vladimir Barsukov worked as an assistant to the deputy Nevzorov.

    Four times (since 1993) he was nominated to the State Duma as an independent deputy from different electoral districts, was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Nevzorov became famous for not signing a single bill and never being at a meeting. Nevzorov himself claimed that he had been in the State Duma exactly 4 times in 4 terms.

    On February 7, 2012, Alexander Nevzorov became a confidant in the presidential elections. After Nevzorov's anti-Orthodox statements, the head of Putin's campaign headquarters said that it would be the right decision to deprive the journalist of the status of a confidant. However, Nevzorov remained a confidant and even campaigned for Putin, calling him "the only one who can keep the empire crumbling every second from disaster." In early 2018, in an interview with Yuri Dudyu, he said that he supported Putin in the elections as a token of gratitude for dissuading his boss, the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, in the 1990s, from ordering the murder of Nevzorov.

    According to Nevzorov, he has a "normal" attitude towards euthanasia, abortion and believes that everyone has the right to commit suicide.

    Assessed the inclusion of Crimea in the Russian Federation as "looting". At the same time, he noted that he did not consider himself a moralist and did not see "nothing wrong with looting." He supported the Ukrainian army in the fight against the unrecognized DPR and LPR.

    He is critical of the Immortal Regiment action, believing that the Russian Federation is turning into a Victory sect.

    He announced his intention to return the Order "For Personal Courage", the Medal "Defender of Transnistria" and the Cossack Cross "For the Defense of Transnistria", because, according to him, "Transnistria has turned into a disgusting banana republic, which adopts laws punishing dissent. I didn’t fight for this, and I don’t want to have anything in common, including even some common trinkets with this area. Because there we fought for freedom and the ability to breathe and think. But today's reality, today's Transnistria, judging by the acceptance of this criminal responsibility for dissent, this is something that even has nothing in common with my ideas. "

    Alexander Nevzorov's height: 177 centimeters.

    Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov:

    He was married three times.

    First wife - Natalya Nikolaevna Nevzorova, employee of the Scientific Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library. We met when we were singers together in the temple.

    In the late 1980s, they parted. After the divorce, Alexander stopped communicating with his ex-wife and daughter.

    Second wife - (née Ivanes), Soviet and Russian actress. They were married in the late 1980s. For a long time, Yakovleva denied this marriage, but in 2017 she admitted that she was married to Alexander Nevzorov: "Now, at 60, you can tell the truth. Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov is an amazing, gentlest, smartest, most beautiful man and friend. Our official marriage lasted a little over a year.Already being married to Kalia (the second husband of Alexandra Yakovleva - website), I fell in love, divorced and married Nevzorov. And then, when I parted with him, Kalju and I lived together again for some time. "

    In 2007, the couple had a son, Alexander.

    Alexander Nevzorov is a vegetarian.

    Filmography of Alexander Nevzorov:

    1990 - You can't live like that (documentary)
    1990 - About Nevzorov, who ... (documentary)
    1991 - Nevzorov (documentary)
    1995 - Criminal Russia. The Great Confrontation (documentary)
    - presenter

    Director's works by Alexander Nevzorov:

    1997 - Purgatory
    2005 - Horse Encyclopedia (documentary)
    2008 - Horse crucified and resurrected (documentary)
    2010 - L.E.P. (Lectio Equaria Palaestra) (documentary)

    Scripts by Alexander Nevzorov:

    1984 - Music by Mravinsky (documentary)
    1985 - The Legend of the Musketeers (film-play)
    1997 - Purgatory
    2005 - Horse Encyclopedia (documentary)
    2008 - Horse crucified and resurrected (documentary)

    Producer works of Alexander Nevzorov:

    1997 Purgatory

    Bibliography of Alexander Nevzorov:

    1995 - Field of Honor
    2005 - Horse Encyclopedia
    2008 - Treatise on School Landing
    2008 - Fortress "Russia"
    2009 - Equestrian sport. Secrets of "mastery"
    2010 - Treatise on work "in hand"
    2010 - A Brief History of Cynicism
    2010 - Manege horse reading. Screenplay
    2012 - The origin of personality and human intelligence. Experience in generalizing the data of classical neurophysiology
    2015 - Resignation of Lord God. Why does Russia need Orthodoxy?
    2016 - Lessons of Atheism
    2016 - The art of insulting

    The former host of one of the most rated programs of the late 1980s, "600 seconds", Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov, is well known to viewers of the older generation. A well-known publicist and stage director, talented journalist, hippologist and video blogger, State Duma deputy, participant in military conflicts in hot spots, is known for his harsh and ambiguous judgments on various issues of the political life of the country and the world.

    Childhood and youth

    Alexander Nevzorov was born in Leningrad on August 3, 1958. His mother, Galina Georgievna, is a journalist by profession. She had to bring up her son alone. Father - Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov - a professional artist. Alexander does not remember him and never talks - he simply does not remember him. His maternal grandfather was a KGB officer who headed the anti-bandit department in Lithuania until 1955.

    Alexander graduated from school, where he studied French in depth, and entered the Literary Institute of his native city. The biography of Alexander Nevzorov is full of unexpected turns: he sang in the church choir, studied theology at the Moscow Theological Academy ...

    Television career

    In 1983, Alexander began working on television as a correspondent for proms. 4 years later, Alexander Nevzorov becomes the host of the program "600 seconds", which brought him unprecedented popularity. His photos began to adorn the covers of Soviet magazines.

    But popularity also has negative consequences. In the 90s, the journalist was attacked and wounded by a gunshot. Around the same time, he was a member of the jury at the Festival de Cannes. Was elected to the State Duma.

    Documentary film

    In 1991, Alexander Nevzorov shot his first documentary, Ours, which told about the Lithuanian government, which sought to secede from the Soviet Union. In 1995, the country's screens saw the premiere of the documentary Criminal Russia, and a little later the films Hell and Purgatory were released, telling about the horrors of the Chechen war.

    Political activity

    Alexander Nevzorov has always actively participated in the political life of the country, in the crises of modern history - in shootings in Latvia, the State Emergency Committee (1991), the storming of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Riga. He did not stand aside and in 1993, when trying to seize a television center in Moscow, spoke in the ranks of the defenders of the White House. He managed to hide in Russia members of the Black Berets unit of the Riga and Vilnius OMON.

    Alexander Nevzorov, whose photo is presented in the article, took part in the wars in Transnistria and Yugoslavia, Karabakh and Iraq, Chechnya. He was wounded and shell-shocked, was a volunteer hostage with the terrorists.

    Passion for horses

    Despite a busy life, a successful political career, an obvious literary talent, Alexander Glebovich has for some time now considered his main purpose to be working with horses. His passion for these animals began with equestrian sports on the set of stunts at film studios.

    Today, the journalist demonstrates his love for these intelligent animals in his work with them in his own higher school for raising horses "Ekol". It tries to open up the physical and mental capabilities of horses for athletes, helps to establish "contact" with them, completely excluding the use of coercive means. Great attention is paid to the state of health of the animal, communication with him, the study of his abilities.

    Personal life

    The first real romantic relationship of Alexander gripped the journalist in the eighties. His chosen one Natalya caused the journalist, as it seemed to him, very strong feelings, and he offered her his hand and heart. Young people met in the church choir. Natalia worked at the Russian National Library as a research assistant in the department of manuscripts. Mutual sympathy arose almost at first sight.

    In the mid-80s, they played a wedding, and two years later the first-born, daughter Polina, appeared in the family. However, the marriage did not work out. Many family friends believed that he was initially not strong enough. Very soon after the birth of her daughter, the marriage broke up.

    With his second wife, actress Alexandra Yakovleva, Alexander lived for several years. Both were actively pursuing their careers, often on business trips, which could not but affect the relationship - the spouses gradually moved away and cooled to each other. There were no joint children in this marriage, and the family quietly broke up. Alexandra Yakovleva mentions this fact of her biography in her memoirs in passing, which cannot be said about her son Kondrat (from his first marriage), who believes that Nevzorov was a caring and good father for him.

    The journalist's third darling is called Lydia. She is 16 years younger than her husband, but this does not in the least interfere with harmonious family relations. Before marriage, Lydia was fond of horses and painting. It is only natural that common interests brought young people closer together, and as they both claim, love arose at first sight.

    After a while, they formalized their relationship and are still happy. The Nevzorov family continues to engage in hippology and runs a joint business.

    Children of A. Nevzorov: daughter Polina

    The first-born of journalist Nevzorov, daughter Polina, was born in her first marriage. But after the divorce from his wife, Alexander broke off all relations not only with his ex-wife, but also with his daughter. Today, the Actress Polina Nevzorova is in her second marriage. Her husband is the famous Russian actor Sergei Gorobchenko.

    The wedding ceremony took place in 2007. However, the father was not present. He was not familiar with Polina's first husband. Alexander does not maintain any relationship with his daughter. About replenishment in her family, that is, about the birth of his grandchildren, he can only learn from the press.

    Today Polina and Sergey are raising five children and are happy in a relationship. With her younger brother Alexander, born in her father's marriage to Lydia, Polina does not support relations.

    Alexander junior

    The son of Alexander Nevzorov - Alexander was born in a marriage with Lydia in 2007. Today the spouses pay a lot of attention to 11-year-old Sasha.

    Friends of the family are already wondering whether the family will influence the choice of the young man's future profession. The parents themselves claim that they will support the choice of their son, whatever he may be. The son of the couple receives a good education, along the way he began to study foreign languages.

    Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov - production director, publicist, video blogger and scientist-hippologist, former reporter and TV presenter of the famous Leningrad TV program of the late 80s "600 seconds", included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most popular television project, participant in military conflicts , State Duma deputy of the first four convocations.

    A novice in a monastery during Soviet times, Nevzorov later became known as the author of harsh statements about religion, a critic of the Kremlin's policy in Crimea and Donbass. He is recognized as a model non-conformist, opposing the prevailing norms of the rule of law.

    Having changed many fields of activity, Nevzorov invariably achieved very significant success in each. He considers horses to be his true vocation, being one of the most famous hippologist in the Russian Federation, the author of hundreds of articles and books on the history, anatomy, physiology and psychology of these noble animals.

    Childhood and family

    Alexander was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. Mother - Galina Georgievna Nevzorova - journalist, raised her son alone. Father - Bogomolov Gleb Sergeevich - artist. The maternal grandfather was a state security officer, head of the anti-bandit service in Lithuania from 1946 to 1955. He graduated from a school with in-depth study of the French language and the Literary Institute. He sang in a church choir, and later received a theological education at the Moscow Theological Academy. He was expelled from the fourth year of this university of the Russian Orthodox Church due to the traditional nature of his sexual orientation (according to Nevzorov himself).

    Multilateral activity of Nevzorov: journalism and politics

    During his youth rich in risky adventures, he managed to visit a stuntman, a loader, a museum employee, a literary secretary, a screenwriter.

    He became famous nationwide in the late 1980s as a TV journalist, creator and host of the highly social program "600 Seconds". The viewer saw the host of the now cult program of Leningrad TV for the first time in the program "Vzglyad".

    In 1990, an attempt was made on Nevzorov. An unknown informant offered him interesting compromising evidence, and upon meeting he shot Alexander in the heart area. The bullet, fortunately, did not cause significant harm to health - it did not hurt the heart.

    Nevzorov took an active part in political confrontations and crises in our modern history - in the State Emergency Committee (1991), in the shootings in Latvia in Vecmilgravis, the storming of the Riga Ministry of Internal Affairs building, pogroms of the Baltic customs. In 1991, the Central Television showed a film from Nevzorov's series of reports "Nashi" about the riot policemen of Vilnius.

    In 1993, he did not stand aside in attempts to seize a television center in Moscow with the demand for broadcasting, protection from the shooting of the White House. He harbored fugitive members of the “Black Berets” of the Vilnius and Riga OMON units in Russia.

    Nevzorov took part in the wars in Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Iraq, Karabakh, Chechnya. Received concussion and wounds, was a volunteer hostage of terrorists. Has many awards, in particular, the order "For personal courage", medals "Defender of Transnistria", "Participant of hostilities in Chechnya", "For strengthening the military community."

    In addition to the film "Ours" about the events in Lithuania, Transnistria, Karabakh, Nevzorov presented the book "Field of Honor" in 1995, and also shot films about the Chechen armed conflict - "Hell" (1995) and "Purgatory" (1997). Was a TV presenter of the programs "Days", "Wild Field", "Nevzorov". The showing of the film "Hell" about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops on TV caused negative reviews from the public, who accused the author of bias.

    Today he notes that he managed to get off such a powerful ideological drug, which he considers imperial nationalism. The evolution of his views occurred when he realized how much this empire is costing people. The Russian idea, according to Nevzorov, is beautifully packaged in words about kindness and spirituality, but it always leads to a meaningless gray result and "the need to wind other people's guts on the tracks of our tanks."

    Nevzorov was an adviser to the governors of St. Petersburg (Vladimir Yakovlev and Valentina Matvienko), editor-in-chief at St. Petersburg TV, and was elected to the State Duma four times. In the period from 1994 to 1998 he was an analyst at Boris Berezovsky, a consultant to the Russian government.

    Alexander Glebovich is an academician of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of his native city, an advisor to the General Director of Channel One, a full member of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists. He speaks three foreign languages \u200b\u200b- French, Lakota, Latin.

    Nevzorov's work with horses

    Despite a life full of incredible events, a successful career as a politician and an undoubted literary talent, Nevzorov considers his real destiny to be a field of activity related to horses. His passion for these animals began with equestrian sports and tricks at film studios, and continued with the founding of his own higher school of horse education, Nevzorov Haute Ecole (Ecole School). At the Nevzorov School, they strive to establish a dialogue with a horse and reveal its physical and mental capabilities, based on the principle of working with an animal without the use of coercive means. Much attention is paid to the health of the horse, communication, and the study of its abilities.

    Alexander also hosts “Lessons of Atheism” on the Internet, being sure that there is strict Orthodox censorship on television, and there is only room left for free discussion about religion on the Internet.

    Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov

    Nevzorov is married. His wife Lydia is a hippologist, writer, and school book editor. The couple have a son, Alexander. Nevzorov together with his wife made a revolution in the minds of many people, who absolutely changed the attitude towards horses as a meat product or a vehicle into a true understanding of their exclusivity, the presence of reason and kindness in them.

    Alexander has created a number of films about horses - "Horse Encyclopedia", "Horse Crucified and Risen", "Lectio Equaria Palaestra" and others, as well as books, among which - "Treatise on School Landing", "Horse Sports: Secrets of Mastery".

    Nevzorov supports the fight of Ukraine against the "militias of the south-east of the country", considers the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation "looting". According to the journalist, the Kremlin and the TV-zombified majority, and not the real Russia of Tsiolkovsky, Dobrolyubov and Pavlov, does not want to recognize the fact that Ukraine is a country with the right to self-determination.

    Alexander Nevzorov
    Occupation: reporter, journalist, TV presenter, publicist
    Date of birth: 3 August 1958
    Place of birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
    Citizenship: USSR → Russia

    Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov (born August 3, 1958, Leningrad, USSR) - formerly Soviet and Russian reporter, TV presenter, deputy of the State Duma of four convocations. Now he is a publicist, founder, “master and mentor” of the “Nevzorov Haute Ecole” School. He hosts the Internet show "Lessons of Atheism" on YouTube.
    Was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. Raised by his mother. Grandfather - Georgy Vladimirovich Nevzorov - MGB officer - in 1946-1955 he headed the department for combating banditry on the territory of the Lithuanian SSR. Nevzorov's mother Galina Georgievna, journalist. In youth Alexander Nevzorov was a chorister in a church choir. Since 1983 he has worked at the Leningrad television. Was Alexander Nevzorov stuntman. He studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, but was expelled from the 4th year. Claims that he did not make a church career due to the fact that he has a normal sexual orientation.

    Became famous in the late 1980s Alexander Nevzorov as a television journalist, author and host of the 600 Seconds program. For the first time, the All-Union viewer saw the host of the cult program of Leningrad TV in the plot of the legendary program "Vzglyad", filmed by journalist Yevgeny Dodolev.
    December 13, 1990 Alexander Nevzorov in a vacant lot he met with an unknown informant, who two days earlier had offered incriminating evidence against an official. At the meeting, an unknown person approached the journalist and shot him in the heart area. In response, the journalist fired a gas pistol, but missed. Alexander Nevzorov did not receive significant injuries, since the shooter's bullet passed near the left armpit without touching the heart and large vessels.

    In January 1991 Alexander Nevzorov made a film "Ours" about the January events in Vilnius, shown on the First Program of the Central Television. The film made heroes of the fighters of the Vilnius OMON, who remained loyal to the USSR at the time when Lithuania declared its independence. In November of the same year, at a rally in St. Petersburg Nevzorov proclaimed the creation of the People's Liberation Movement "Nashi". Four times (since 1993) he was nominated to the State Duma as an independent deputy from different electoral districts, was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Alexander Nevzorov claims that for 4 terms in the State Duma he was exactly 4 times.
    In 1993 he defended the White House, participated in the events at the Ostankino television center. In 1994-1998 he was a consultant-analyst for Boris Berezovsky. Participated in many local armed conflicts. In the early 1990s, he founded the independent television company (NTK) "600". Created a series of reports "Ours" about Soviet and Russian soldiers in hot spots (Vilnius, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc.).
    Author of the book "Field of Honor" (1995) about contemporary Russian politics. He shot two films about the First Chechen War: "Hell" (documentary, 1995) and "Purgatory" (feature, 1997). The demonstration on the First Channel of the television film "Hell" about the storming of Grozny by Russian troops caused a negative reaction from representatives of the liberal community, who accused the creator of the picture of bias towards Chechens. In 1995-1999 he was the host of the television programs "Wild Field", "Days" and " Nevzorov».

    In December 1999, he ran for the State Duma in the 206th electoral district of St. Petersburg, but lost to the representative of the Union of Right Forces, Yulia Rybakov. In March 2000, he re-ran for the State Duma of the 3rd convocation in the 99th Vsevolozhsky constituency of the Leningrad region, since in this constituency in December 1999, the first place was taken by the candidate "against all" and by-elections were appointed. Alexander Nevzorov took 1st place. In December 2003, he won the elections to the State Duma of the 4th convocation in the 100th Vsevolozhsk district.

    Author of the TV movie "Horse Encyclopedia" and the book "Horse Encyclopedia". In these works, Alexander Nevzorov talks about the role of the horse in history, about its use in different historical epochs and about the relationship of man to this animal. The main attention is paid to the contradictions between the biological nature of the horse and the way of life of horses, formed by man. The film "Nevzorov Haute Ecole Methodology: Basic Principles", completed in 2006, presents the viewers with the main conceptual moments of horse upbringing according to the "Nevzorov Haute Ecole" School methodology, not being a textbook, but only an introductory one. Besides, Alexander Nevzorov made a feature-documentary film “The Crucified and Risen Horse”, which was shown on Channel One in early June 2008. In 2010, the work on the new film "L.E.P." ("Lectio Equaria Palaestra", "Manege Horse Reading"), which caused a lot of controversy and extremely diverse reviews even before being shown on television. 2007-2010 Alexander Nevzorov published the magazine "Nevzorov Haute École". After losing a lawsuit over illegal placement of photographs in the magazine, the magazine ceased to be published. Protests against equestrian sport as a phenomenon. He is the founder, head and master of the Nevzorov Haute Ecole School.

    July 2007 to January 2009 Alexander Nevzorov led an author's column in the magazine "Profile", since September 2009 has been leading the same column (with the simple title "Nevzorov") in the weekly "However":
    In the summer of 2007, the editor-in-chief of Profil Mikhail Leontyev persuaded Nevzorova keep a column in the journal. The editor-in-chief did not think about its name for a long time: the column was called "Nevzorov", because there is nothing to add to the sound of this surname, which became the Name.

    Alexander Nevzorov hosts the Internet show "Lessons of Atheism", consisting of episodes with an average duration of 9 minutes. Criticizes the introduction of the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" to schools. In the 1990s, he considered himself an Orthodox Christian, but later became an atheist and began to sharply criticize the Russian Orthodox Church. Claims to have a "kind of dialogue" with the church. Indicates the involvement of many clergymen in homosexuality and pedophilia. As evidence, he cites lists of those against whom a criminal case was initiated in connection with illegal acts of a sexual nature. In the program "Lessons of Atheism" of his YouTube channel, in response to the accusation of lying by Vsevolod Chaplin, he promised to release a book entitled "Pedophilia in the Russian Orthodox Church", ironically emphasizing that "naturally, on the title page there will be a dedication to Chaplin as the inspirer of this work." ...

    Criticism of Alexander Nevzorov

    The program "600 seconds" was sharply criticized for the fact that more and more stories began to appear in it with unprecedentedly frank naturalistic scenes of violence and destruction - fires, dead children, nudity, swearing - for which the program himself Nevzorov have been criticized many times. The program has repeatedly shown rotting food - both vegetables and animals - and these shots, during a time of widespread food shortages, caused both disgust and outrage against the authorities who allowed it. Besides Nevzorov began to openly promote political views in the transmission, mainly of the Russian nationalist persuasion: the program often touched upon Orthodox religious topics, the movements for the independence of the Baltic Soviet republics were covered extremely negatively, and the riot police fighting against separatism were exclusively positive heroes; in response to a question from viewers "How to vote in a referendum on the preservation of the USSR?" was shown in slow motion how to vote against the collapse of the Union, and before the presidential elections in the RSFSR in 1991, Nevzorov expressed support for Albert Makashov in the transfer.

    7 February 2012 Alexander Nevzorovwas included in the list of Putin's confidants, which generated criticism from some representatives of the ROC in connection with the well-known anticlerical position of the publicist. After Nevzorov's anti-Orthodox statements, the chief of Putin's campaign headquarters, Stanislav Govorukhin, said that it would be the right decision to deprive the journalist of his trustee status.

    Criticism of Alexander Nevzorov

    Personal life of Alexander Nevzorov
    Alexander Nevzorov Married. Wife - Lydia Nevzorova, is also a hippologist. In 2007, the couple had a son, who, according to Alexander, will also train horses in the future. Alexander Nevzorov is a vegetarian.

    Alexander Nevzorov's programs

    Alexander Nevzorov's 600 seconds program
    Politics. Petersburg style

    Films by Alexander Nevzorov

    Alexandra Nevzorova
    1995 - Cook (about the cannibal Kuzikov)
    1995 - Hell (about the Chechen war)
    1997 - Purgatory - director, screenwriter, film producer
    2005 - Horse Encyclopedia - director, screenwriter
    2006 - Nevzorov Haute Ecole methodology: basic principles - production of "NEVZOROV HAUTE ECOLE"
    2008 - The horse crucified and resurrected - play, documentary (Russia) director, screenwriter
    2010 - Lectio Equaria Palaestra (Manege horse reading) - Russia, director

    Bibliography of Alexander Nevzorov

    A. G. Nevzorov A field of honor. - SPb .: International Publishing Corporation, 1995 .-- 320 p. - ISBN 5900740129
    Nevzorov A.G. Horse encyclopedia. - SPb .: AST, Astrel-SPb, 2005 .-- 358 p. - ISBN 5-17-033457-2
    A. G. Nevzorov A Treatise on School Landing. - SPb .: AST, Astrel-SPb, 2008 .-- 128 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-052660-4
    M. V. Leontiev,

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