Poroshenko's new statements in July. Quotes Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko. ATO will last hours

Corrugated board 19.02.2021
Corrugated board

New time picked up 13 statements of the potential president Petro Poroshenko: about money, chess, Russia, gas and his ambitions.

1. As an opponent of media temniks, I would introduce them for high-ranking officials. I mean in in particular, how the scandal around the unauthorized sale of cruise missiles, as well as the incident with the Russian landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov, was commented on. Disagreement in opinions and emotionality in assessments, in my opinion, have damaged both national security and the prestige of the state. The opinion of the authorities should be unified, clear, reasoned and balanced. (Interview to the Mirror of the Week, 2005)

2. I'm not a prude. I just think it's unfair to boast of wealth in a poor country. In the 70 years of Soviet power, we have formed an image of a businessman as a stupid immoral type, wasting money that he undeservedly fell from the sky, and causing contempt and hatred among others. (Interview to Facts, 2007).

3. I am an ambitious person and consider myself a young enough person. I am sure that I still have time to realize my ambitions. (Radio Liberty interview, January 2009)

4. (On the analogy of politics with chess) I am a player, not a piece on the board ... The player sometimes plays white and sometimes black. It all depends on the party. (Interview to the Mirror of the Week, February 2013)

5. In the country today there are a dozen people who declare themselves as a presidential candidate, but I am not one of them. Let's live until 2015 and objectively see what will be the alignment in the list of candidates from the opposition forces and how effective it will be. And third - I do not at all perceive the presidency as a gift. (Interview to a Correspondent, July 2013)

6. I am an accomplished person. In all senses. I created the best company in Ukraine. The most technologically advanced. Which today, unfortunately, is forced to concentrate most of its efforts on foreign markets. And I am responsible only to my voters. (Interview to Zerkalo of the week, 2013)

7. I work in this country as Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko, and I have all the opportunities and leverage to realize myself. (Novaya Gazeta, December 2013)

8. We are ready to make a significant compromise with Russia. But we have very simple preconditions: the occupied part of Ukraine must remain under the sovereignty and an integral part of an independent Ukraine. Russian troops must leave the Crimean peninsula. (statement 1 April 2014 / Euronews)

9. I am convinced that 2015 may be the last year when Ukraine buys gas from Russia. We do not need this gas, we will live without it. (Performance in the city of Berezhany. Ternopil region, April 2014)

10. The world needs a stable and predictable Russia. Negotiations with Russia could help break this scenario. Solidarity with Ukraine, which the whole world is now demonstrating, should help not only us, but also Russia. (Speech at Dragon Capital Investment Conference, April 2014)

11. Boycott of Russian gas would be a real sanction and bring Russia to its knees (April 3, interview with German Bild)

12. Ukrainians have grown up in nine years, and those who are now standing in the squares are not ready to blindly believe in words. And the events of the last days are a vivid confirmation of this! After all, the fall of the Yanukovych regime is a direct merit of the people. (Snob interview, February 2014)

13. Who gave you the right to interpret my constitution? To you ... dear Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], who gave you the right to interpret our constitution? ...Not. I am not interested in your opinion as a citizen of your country regarding who should be my president, just as a citizen of Russia is not interested in the opinion of any citizen of Canada, or a citizen of Australia, or a citizen of Papua New Guinea. This is none of your business. (Interview with Kommersant, May 25, 2014)

Made a selection of epic statements and files of the head of the country.

Mixed up "bandits" with "Banderas"

In one of his speeches, Petro Poroshenko emotionally talking about the murder of Ukrainian special service officer Viktor Manzik near Volnovakha, said that he was killed by "cynical Banderas". True, he immediately recovered and said "bandits". Presumably, the president made a slip, mixing up two approximately identical-sounding words.

Geographic embarrassment

The President also made a reservation during a speech at an economic forum in Lviv, stating that Ivano-Frankivsk region is not Galicia. The leader of the country said that he was accompanied by a resident of the Carpathian region, the Minister of Energy Igor Nasalik. Moreover, as Poroshenko said, Nasalik is not a Galician, since he is from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. From the audience they immediately began to correct the president, saying that this region is still part of Galicia. Poroshenko was surprised, and embarrassed, and hastened to hush up the embarrassment.

« ChildrenDonbass will sit in podval »

In 2014, during a visit to Odessa, addressing an audience, the President, speaking about the situation in Donbass, without thinking, touched upon pensioners and young residents of the region. The phrase turned out to be ambiguous:

« We will have work, they will not. We will have pensions, they will not. We will have provision for children and pensioners, but they will not. Our children will go to school and kindergartens, they will sit in their basements. Because they don't know how to do anything. And so, just like that, we will win this war » , - said Poroshenko.

Forgot "ridnu mov "

In 2016, during one of his speeches, Poroshenko suddenly forgot the Ukrainian language. The leader of the country could not remember the word « hamanets "and asked « help of a friend » .

Toilet and democracy

In his official speeches, Poroshenko does not hesitate to use "strong words". So, in 2016, during a speech on the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom, the President said that the authorities of the Russian Federation « soaked in the toilet » democracy in your own country.

Poroshenko's doghouse

Sometimes the statements and comparisons of the current President are surprising. This year, Poroshenko sharply criticized those who call on the country to destabilize, noting that we are not on our way with those who have not even built a doghouse.

« Someone really wants to shake the boat. Someone really wants to walk along the avenue with flags, shouting « get out ». Why - because they do not know how to work, nothing, not even a doghouse, has been built in life, and they call for destabilization in the state. We will not allow this, we are not on the road with such » , - stressed the President.

Russia and the crocodile

Speaking to an audience at the Royal Institute of International Relations in London, President Poroshenko even compared Russia to the crocodile from Winston Churchill's statement.

« Everyone hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him later than others. » , - Poroshenko quoted the words of the former British Prime Minister, said by him in 1942. Poroshenko then explained to the audience: « There is one place where these words are especially relevant - this is Ukraine. And this crocodile, which many would like to feed so that he does not eat them today, is Russia » .

On the role of Viktor Medvedchuk in negotiations with the Kremlin, scandals around Sergei Semochko and Roman Nasirov, and ultimatums to Vadim Novinsky

From Sofia Square - to the Mystetsky Arsenal. After a successful cathedral and the creation of a single Orthodox Church in Ukraine, the President went to a press conference to talk about the difficulties in obtaining the Tomos and sum up the results of 2018. To most of the questions, including about Russia's aggression in Ukraine, about the role in negotiations with the Kremlin and scandals around Sergei Semochko, and he was ready or neatly bypassed the answers. I did not speak about the elections at all.

"I am ashamed that I gave unfounded hopes about the timing of the end of the war. I believe that then very few people could predict the scale of the operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. You can find thousands of explanations and hundreds of excuses, but this is a mistake. I apologize to the Ukrainian people," - President Poroshenko said at the end of the press conference.

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Today, April 19, the whole country froze in anticipation of the main conversation of the year. In the center of Kiev at the stadium NSC Olympicthere is a discussion between candidates for the post of President of Ukraine and Petro Poroshenko. Both candidates prepared for the upcoming event for a long time, exchanged videos in which they communicated with each other, donated blood for tests, and also waged guerrilla warfare with each other on the Internet. Earlier we wrote that the updated rating of candidates became known - you can see it

So, the stadium began to be allowed around four in the evening. Two scenes were made for two candidates on different edges Olympic... The rules according to which the public discussion takes place is as follows: Presidential candidates answer three questions each. The debate begins with 5-minute speeches of each of the candidates, after which each one answers three questions from the moderators, has 1 minute to put his own, and 5 minutes to answer the opponent's question.

The brightest quotes of Petro Poroshenko at the 2019 debates:

Petro Poroshenko's quotes from the debate

  • Yakbi vi knew in which country I took the state in 2014, without gold and foreign exchange reserves, without an army .. Wie b, maybe they said.
  • We, Ukrainians, saved the power, made a hole in the European Union. And I am naked, but it was okay for me to state that the leaders of the people have known, that from my capital the country has made a hole.
  • Pane Volodymyr, why would you be fooled?
  • Vee is not Goloborodko. We did not come here by trolleybuses, nor by bicycles.
  • It’s not a whale in a bear, it’s a cut.
  • Not on the knees of the need to go to Putin in order to seize the dejava. We need to build an army, to keep it going. We need to be a power and a foundation of power. We need to take care of MOV, we need to take care of and harrow Ukraine.

Watch the video with Petro Poroshenko:

We will remind, earlier we wrote about that. The competition this year will be held in the capital of Israel, Tel Aviv. Each year, for the competition, the host country together with the organizing committee comes up with a new motto and logo. Tagline Eurovisionthis year - Dare to Dream (Dare to dream). The logo was designed by an Israeli branding agency.

In addition, we talked about that. A few years later, after the tragic suicide of the former lover of the artist Katarina White, Kerry led a reclusive life and practically did not appear in public. And recently, at the award ceremony Golden Globe 2019 he appeared in public with his co-star Just kidding... By the way, for her role in this TV show, Kerry was nominated for an award.

Quotes Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko

Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko (Ukrainian Petro Oleksiyovich Poroshenko; September 26, 1965, Bolgrad) - Ukrainian statesman and politician, 5th President of Ukraine (since June 7, 2014); elected on May 25, 2014.

We must prove to Russia: the first factor is that we will never recognize the annexation of Crimea. For this we will use international solidarity, judicial mechanisms of the International Court of Justice, mechanisms of the European Court of Human Rights, positions of sanctions, positions of the negotiation process. We must firmly prove that Crimea will be Ukrainian. - TV performance 03/30/2014

Should Crimea be taken by force? Not. Crimea must be taken with the mind. - TV performance 03/30/2014

Ukraine's second choice is the European choice. Ukraine intends not only to implement the Association Agreement, but also to become a full-fledged member of the EU. - TV performance 03/30/2014

I have no doubt that in ten to eleven years, say, in 2025, Ukraine can become a member of the European Union. Today in Europe they admire the courage of Ukrainian heroes, and there is even a feeling that Europe owes Ukraine a debt. This should definitely be used. This window of opportunity will not be open for long. In this short period of time, it is necessary to demonstrate a decisive attitude in carrying out reforms in order to obtain the prospect of membership. - TV performance 03/30/2014

So, excuse me, the position that if someone tries to justify their actions by the fact that the state of Ukraine does not exist is cheating. When someone tries to justify their actions by the fact that the introduction of troops of a foreign state into the territory of another state is called a violation of international law, this is called an act of aggression. And this is neither good nor bad. I speak without emotion. There is simply a position. - TV performance 03/30/2014

The separatist fever that has swept the east of the country and Odessa can only be calmed down by swift and decisive action by law enforcement agencies. - in an interview on 8.04.2014

The Russian language, of course, should receive the status when any person who communicates in Russian should not feel any restrictions. If an official works in places of compact residence of one or another national minority, he must learn its language. - during the debate on 05/10/2014

I am interested in Yanukovych’s opinion only from the standpoint of his return to the dock. And I think he should only comment on the timing of his return. - On the reaction of Viktor Yanukovych to the presidential elections in Ukraine

The Ukrainian soldier will no longer be naked, barefoot and hungry.

Today, neither the United States of America nor the Russian Federation, with all my absolutely sincere respect for them, should be the world's gendarme who will establish what is legal and what is not.

I do not want war and revenge, I want peace and unity and I ask everyone to lay down their arms! - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine 06/07/2014

Russia occupied Crimea, which was, is and will be Ukrainian. And yesterday I firmly stated this to the Russian leadership in Normandy. - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine 06/07/2014

Any aggressor on the border of Ukraine must remember the Gospel wisdom: whoever comes with a sword will die by the sword - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine 06/07/2014

The presidential elections put a bold cross on the myth of the alleged illegitimacy of the Kiev authorities. This myth was planted and nurtured by Russian propaganda and the Yanukovych clan, which betrayed the Donbass. In the Donetsk region, he ruled unchallenged for 17 years, and now he finances terrorists. - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine 06/07/2014

I am happy that there are more Ukrainians today. Today I became a grandfather. - at the gala reception after the inauguration at the "Mystetsky Arsenal" 06/07/2014

The Ukrainian people are the greatest and most beautiful people in the world, I am happy to serve the Ukrainian people. - at the reception after the inauguration at the "Mystetsky Arsenal" 07.06.2014

We will advance and we will liberate our land. Not extending the ceasefire is our response to terrorists, militants, looters, all those who mock the civilian population, who paralyze the work of the region's economy, who disrupt the payment of salaries, pensions, scholarships, who undermine the railroad, destroy water pipes, who have deprived people normal peaceful life. - In an appeal to the Ukrainian people in connection with the failure to extend the unilateral ceasefire in eastern Ukraine on June 30, 2014

Just as the country needs the protection of our Armed Forces, the National Guard, border guards, the Security Service, so the army needs your protection. Do not leave her with those who are trying to undermine faith in our army, trying to revile it, singing from the voices of Russian propaganda. - In response to the statement of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Elena Bondarenko that the Ukrainian army is killing children in the conflict in eastern Ukraine 07/03/2014

Ukraine today is fighting for its independence and knows its value. - During telephone conversations with US Vice President Joseph Biden 07/03/2014

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