“Do you want to be advanced - this square-nest. "Do you want to be advanced - this square-nested Be the advanced this square-nested

Wood boards and products 19.02.2021
Wood boards and products

Recently, our modest enterprise was visited by a quivering young couple who are settling into a new home. Among other things, they ordered a large glass shade for the false ceiling. In the shape of an eye. Trough gauge. The girl certainly wanted the drawing on it to be gentle, delicate. Barely noticeable colors, on the verge of disappearing. That is, at first she wanted it to be an eye at all. I had to dissuade. Nooo, well, of course, it's fun for me to draw an eye of this size with all the anatomical details. Gee-gee. But after all, only these kids will not be able to sleep normally afterwards. In discussing the details, I found out that our ideas about tenderness are somewhat different. For the good received an abstract drawing, consisting of intersecting lines and circles of black and orange colors. Somehow so gentle, yes.
And so we went to install this disgrace. We were given the keys to the front door and the apartment. The boys dragged the "eye" into the elevator and we went up to the desired floor. And when we got out of the elevator, the driver's car keys fell out of his pocket. And they fell exactly into the gap between the sliding doors. He bent down to pick them up, the bundle slipping right into the elevator shaft. Pffff ... Hello girls.
It was decided not to panic. First we will go into the apartment, and then we will take a look. Two of us set about installing the plafond, and the driver and I went to see if it was possible to get into the basement. It turned out that it is possible to penetrate, but there is practically no benefit to us. The elevator shaft is tightly filled with concrete and in order to go down there, you need to stop the car on the top floor. The driver flashed his pocket flashlight. We saw the keys peacefully lying on the floor of the mine. Theoretically, you need to hook them up with something long and thin. But what ?!
By this time, the guys had already completed the installation and together we began to solve the enty rebus. The apartment was completely empty. All the thin and sharp things were lying around in the car. And then it dawned on one boy. In the salon hung a pretty designer chandelier - all such wires, wires ending in thin little bulbs. From a distance it looks like a very large shoe brush. The guys carefully unscrewed a small bundle of wires and bent it with some effort. The three of us held the elevator doors while the driver fished with an improvised rod. Finally - hurray, hurray! - the keys were caught. Now it was necessary to replace the parts of the chandelier. It turned out to be easy to screw them on, but to straighten them - fig. Figs.
And we went for broke. With eight hands, they bent the remaining mulion of wires in all conceivable and inconceivable directions, conveying warm greetings to Euclid.
As soon as the mockery of private property was completed, the owners stepped on the threshold. Having admired the plafond, the hostess went into the salon. We pressed our heads into our shoulders. The girl stopped in the doorway and grabbed the doorframe.
-Oh-oh-oh-oh .... - she moaned quietly, - now I understand what a professional installation is!
We said goodbye cordially and walked proudly to the exit. We're professionals, blasphemy. And then!

The elections to the Legislative Assembly are over. The deputies decided on the leadership of the parliament, on the composition of the committees, and so on. What's next? What do you expect from the regional parliament?

I'm not waiting - the whole region is waiting, first of all, and the governor of the region, Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky, is waiting. They are waiting for constructive work - it was important to form a constructive majority in the Legislative Assembly, which would keep pace with the head of the region.

- Constructive majority or obedient?

Constructive. Still, the composition of the parliament has been updated by 50 percent, and I believe that all 60 deputies are individuals, with their own opinions and views on the situation.

- They say that on the contrary, there is more “grayness”.

You know, they say, in Moscow, chickens are milked. Each person, in principle, is not a gift. Only children cause affection, and even then - up to three years, until they begin to show their character. Someone will say that the person is bad, and someone will assure that the opposite is true. So, when I hear about “they say,” I immediately want to find out who they are, what they are “talking about,” what they are “talking about,” and especially why they are “talking”. The answers to this clarify a lot.

I will repeat once again that all our deputies are strong personalities, and how they show themselves in their work - time will tell.

In addition to elections to the regional parliament, election campaigns were held in a number of municipalities. Including - in Chebarkul, Miass and Zlatoust, which are considered the most "problematic" cities in the region, with complex internal relationships. About the same Miass, two previous governors, by and large, broke their teeth, even sending their representatives to the city did not help. Sometimes the situation in this city resembles Ukraine - the territory is torn apart by small groups of local oligarchs, who are always either at war or at peace with each other. Do you think the situation will change after the current elections?

You know, many territories remind me of Ukraine in this sense. However, these are emotions, and when they recede into the background, a sane approach to business begins. In certain actions of people, one must first of all look for a motive.

When someone "from the region" was sent to the same Miass - what was the interest? In the development of the city, or did some of the regional officials (I certainly do not presume to judge them) had more, nevertheless, let's say, a personal interest in these territories?

I have met many of those who are called the Miass elite. I expressed my emotion to them: “You have a wonderful city, beautiful nature, one of the lowest unemployment rates in the region, many small and medium-sized businesses, people have income. So why do you all the time in g ... live and fight with each other? " They sit, look at me, scratch their turnips ... Probably, they say that is why the conflicts are too attractive territory.

We (Boris Dubrovsky's "team" - editorial note) don't need anything there. No land, no summer cottages on Turgoyak. Personally, I already have a dacha from my “past life” in Bashkiria and at sea, but I haven’t been there for a year (and at sea - three years) - I don’t have time because of employment (laughs). The governor, however, needs only order, tranquility, and the development of Miass.

And groups of influence ... There are territories where, in fact, there is one center of influence. You can come there, agree on everything, resolve all issues with just one person. Here it is necessary to come and talk with several groups. Or they come to Chelyabinsk and try to talk. And since everyone has their own "cockroaches" in their heads ... In general, in every situation there are pluses and minuses.

And more about Miass. You know, there is a saying about a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend because she has acne on her face, and acne on her face because she doesn't have a boyfriend. A vicious circle that needs to be broken somewhere. Here in Miass it's the same. Somewhere it is necessary to break this circle of conflicts. Agree.

We suggested to the Miassians - support the policy of the governor, the region, and they will also support you.

- But then the responsibility for the processes falls on the region, on the regional authorities ...

Of course. The responsibility is always with the authorities. In general, the governor is responsible for the situation in the region.

Do you think Igor Voinov left power altogether, or just hid before another intrigue and return?

I don’t want to rate him. And he, as an experienced politician, hardly needs it. But I can say that partly the conflicts in Miass are personal conflicts. I hope that the situation in the city will slowly begin to calm down. In order for it to calm down, I repeat - it is necessary to negotiate, including with the local elites.

Local elites, like the Ukrainian ones, by the way, are famous for the fact that you can negotiate with them as much as you want, and about anything, but in the end they will be thrown away anyway ...

Of course, no one is immune from this. Although, maybe this is because they were also "thrown"? But for this and the power, to support the sane elite.

- And what are the levers of influence on them? You can negotiate when there is a strong position ...

Believe me, the regional authorities have a very strong position and leverage. But it's always better to negotiate ...

The next election campaign is the State Duma elections. What are the expectations from these elections, and what goals does the regional government set for itself?

The main goal is to carry them out with dignity, without scandals and image losses for the region. The second is the representation of the Chelyabinsk region in the State Duma. In general, it is probably more correct to ask the region's first person what kind of views he has for the next election campaign.

- Now our region is represented in the State Duma by 12 deputies. The task is not to reduce this amount?

I would like to preserve both the quantity and the quality of the deputies. There will be a complex system, Vladimir Viktorovich Myakush (chairman of the Legislative Assembly, leader of the regional branch of United Russia - editor's note) came from Moscow through the party line, brought information, we will sort it out. So far, we understand one thing - how the region looks in single-mandate constituencies. I will not delve into this, but, in my opinion, the interests of the Chelyabinsk region should not be infringed upon.

Remember how before ?:

“Our main task:
Threshing and giving.
Do you want to be advanced -
This one is square-nested "(smiles)

If we sum up the party lists and single-mandate constituencies, it turns out that the maximum number of seats in the State Duma for the Chelyabinsk region is the same 12. And there are much more interested parties, moreover, serious, resourceful ones. And they have complete order with motivation - everyone remembers at least the story of Valery Panov, what happened to him after he ceased to be a State Duma deputy. What to do about it? Are you expecting tough conflicts during the campaign?

Again, it all depends on how the negotiation process goes. I think there will be agreements in Moscow and at the governor's level. I would like to reduce the level of conflict to zero.

- Do you think everyone will agree?

I think they will try.

- And if it doesn't work out?

Everything is possible. No one is immune from conflicts.

- What factors, apart from intra-elite agreements, will significantly affect the Duma campaign?

First of all, what will happen to Russia next year. Both external and internal factors - the state of the economy, the standard of living of people. This is no less important than the elite layouts.

- And if we talk about the regions?

Regions, territories, republics are too different, they develop in different ways, and situations - economic, political, social - are different everywhere. You don't need to be an oracle to predict that in those regions where the head will be able to keep the budget balanced, the situation in the economy and protest moods will be noticeably less.

- Tell me, are the themes of Traktor and Tominsky GOK political?

- (after a little thought) Probably yes. You know, from the time of studying the theory of Marxism-Leninism, I remember the winged Leninist phrase: "Politics is a concentrated expression of economics." But the old man said well! You couldn't think of it better. Therefore, it is clear that where there is a lot of money, billions of dollars in budgets, there is also politics.

"Traktor" - too wide audience, too many people love hockey, worried about the team.

- And the GOK? (note: the conversation took place before the rally-concert against its construction)

I will say this: they are trying, of course, to play it politically as well.

- What, in your personal opinion, is simulated, and what are the real fears of people?

Let me cite Magnitogorsk as an example. My whole life has passed in, to put it mildly, not the easiest territory in terms of ecology. And although the total emissions have decreased five times over the past decades, the 12 million tons of rolled metal per year that need to be produced, and the plant itself is a full-cycle enterprise, starting from the sinter plant, coke oven and blast-furnace production, and all this puffs, hisses and works.

But at the same time, why do you think people there have such a degree of trust in Rashnikov? But because he lives in Magnitogorsk the lion's share of his time, goes to hockey in Magnitogorsk, rests in the same place as Magnitogorsk. And his grandchildren go to schools in Magnitogorsk. They breathe the same air as the townspeople. Both literally and figuratively.

It's hard for me to judge environmental assessments and all that - I just express my opinion.

I do not know the scale of the possible disaster. Do you think the element of mistrust among the residents of Chelyabinsk could have shifted to this topic if the leaders of the RMK took an example from the same Magnitogorsk? They would settle here, in Chelyabinsk, live with everyone, build a village for top management. They would ask the governor for land - he is unlikely to refuse, they would cut plots, they would settle 30-40 people next to the “hole”, so that, like “Khutorki” in Magnitogorsk, across the river from the plant, and everyone lives opposite him. Pay your personal taxes here. Like Viktor Filippovich, they would build a conditional water park for children and two ski slopes, the Temple, the most beautiful in the Urals, or something like that, so that people do not leave the city. And in "Traktor" would be poured a billion rubles annually so that it would have a really decent budget. And then for sure ... the clouds will suddenly dance (smile). But seriously, people would probably say: “But the peasants live with us. They litter a little, but they also do good, invest resources in the territory, in the social sphere, in the future. "

And so that just to build an enterprise, and live somewhere there, and you "send money" from here - is probably already difficult. People won't understand. As they say, let's start with ourselves, start breathing the same air as Chelyabinsk residents.

But I repeat - this is my personal opinion, a view from a person who has lived for many years in a city that is not the most prosperous from an environmental point of view. Who knows, maybe for such words and revelations with you Boris Aleksandrovich will also “multiply by zero” (smiles) ...

Our main task is threshing and bread-giving.
Do you want to be advanced - this square-nest!

Over the past weekend, I had neither the strength nor the time to write something in my diary. With work in the field, they completely lagged behind the seething life outside. The Russian march, Black Petrograd, troubles with the coordination council, changes in social capital, reposts, tops, requests for help, proposals for cooperation, etc. - everything was left behind.

These days, we have experienced in kind the whole line of emotions and experiences. There was both a catastrophe and a tragedy. Suddenly caught up with big irreparable losses. Oh-ho-ho .... But at the same time we experienced a comedy with a farce. No profit, but, t.s., to compensate for despondency. Plus all sorts of unexpected experiences, strain, and so on, which took all the weekend away. And then, unexpectedly again, in a separate pool "every good thing." Personally, I didn't want to write all these troubles in my diary. Although, according to the logic of the forward movement in describing the formation of self-government in a single village, it seems to be obliged. But the events are so incredible that I’ll better tell you about them sometime later. I just can't write about everything. The journalists will come one of these days, and they will sign.

An interesting thing happened today. Early in the morning, we phoned all sorts of high offices about all their promises and went to our field to fulfill our need. In the current wind and rain, as always, they dug, sowed, covered, hid, cut off, and so on performed their imperceptible feat on the ground. And the wet and dirty telephone in the tractor itself took the usual incoming signals.

The guys didn’t know .... (c)

Much later we heard about the morning maneuvers in the Kremlin. As we were later told that on TV they said, they say, Sergei Shoigu went to the Ministry of Defense, and Ruslan Tsalikov remains on the farm in the region.

As the saying goes, we peasants don't care what honey, what shit, but some time ago, the village of Kolionovo, after lengthy, well-known protests and conflicts with local authorities, adopted a partnership with the new regional government.And they came to us, and we made several return visits. We agreed on many things, signed, first of all, on creative processes in many areas on the basis of self-sufficiency and independence. Self-government, social services, housing and communal services, reforestation, agriculture, landfill in Larinskaya. Moreover, an efficient and versatile movement has begun on our part. In which, I will tell you a secret, it is pleasant to participate, not mean and not unprofitable.

And today - there it is! In the evening they called the same offices. Like, how is it going to develop with Kolionovo? We cannot get rid of the previous agreements ourselves! Do you, the new authorities, need it now?

Today they again have no time for us. This is quite understandable.

Scratching our turnips, how it will turn out tomorrow. Primarily for our village, for the economy, for the people?

The elections to the Legislative Assembly are over. The deputies decided on the leadership of the parliament, on the composition of the committees, and so on. What's next? What do you expect from the regional parliament?

I'm not waiting - the whole region is waiting, first of all, and the governor of the region, Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky, is waiting. They are waiting for constructive work - it was important to form a constructive majority in the Legislative Assembly, which would keep pace with the head of the region.

- Constructive majority or obedient?

Constructive. Still, the composition of the parliament has been updated by 50 percent, and I believe that all 60 deputies are individuals, with their own opinions and views on the situation.

- They say that on the contrary, there is more “grayness”.

You know, they say, in Moscow, chickens are milked. Each person, in principle, is not a gift. Only children cause affection, and even then - up to three years, until they begin to show their character. Someone will say that the person is bad, and someone will assure that the opposite is true. So, when I hear about “they say,” I immediately want to find out who they are, what they are “talking about,” what they are “talking about,” and especially why they are “talking”. The answers to this clarify a lot.

I will repeat once again that all our deputies are strong personalities, and how they show themselves in their work - time will tell.

In addition to elections to the regional parliament, election campaigns were held in a number of municipalities. Including - in Chebarkul, Miass and Zlatoust, which are considered the most "problematic" cities in the region, with complex internal relationships. About the same Miass, two previous governors, by and large, broke their teeth, even sending their representatives to the city did not help. Sometimes the situation in this city resembles Ukraine - the territory is torn apart by small groups of local oligarchs, who are always either at war or at peace with each other. Do you think the situation will change after the current elections?

You know, many territories remind me of Ukraine in this sense. However, these are emotions, and when they recede into the background, a sane approach to business begins. In certain actions of people, one must first of all look for a motive.

When someone "from the region" was sent to the same Miass - what was the interest? In the development of the city, or did some of the regional officials (I certainly do not presume to judge them) had more, nevertheless, let's say, a personal interest in these territories?

I have met many of those who are called the Miass elite. I expressed my emotion to them: “You have a wonderful city, beautiful nature, one of the lowest unemployment rates in the region, many small and medium-sized businesses, people have income. So why do you all the time in g ... live and fight with each other? " They sit, look at me, scratch their turnips ... Probably, they say that is why the conflicts are too attractive territory.

We (Boris Dubrovsky's "team" - editorial note) don't need anything there. No land, no summer cottages on Turgoyak. Personally, I already have a dacha from my “past life” in Bashkiria and at sea, but I haven’t been there for a year (and at sea - three years) - I don’t have time because of employment (laughs). The governor, however, needs only order, tranquility, and the development of Miass.

And groups of influence ... There are territories where, in fact, there is one center of influence. You can come there, agree on everything, resolve all issues with just one person. Here it is necessary to come and talk with several groups. Or they come to Chelyabinsk and try to talk. And since everyone has their own "cockroaches" in their heads ... In general, in every situation there are pluses and minuses.

And more about Miass. You know, there is a saying about a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend because she has acne on her face, and acne on her face because she doesn't have a boyfriend. A vicious circle that needs to be broken somewhere. Here in Miass it's the same. Somewhere it is necessary to break this circle of conflicts. Agree.

We suggested to the Miassians - support the policy of the governor, the region, and they will also support you.

- But then the responsibility for the processes falls on the region, on the regional authorities ...

Of course. The responsibility is always with the authorities. In general, the governor is responsible for the situation in the region.

Do you think Igor Voinov left power altogether, or just hid before another intrigue and return?

I don’t want to rate him. And he, as an experienced politician, hardly needs it. But I can say that partly the conflicts in Miass are personal conflicts. I hope that the situation in the city will slowly begin to calm down. In order for it to calm down, I repeat - it is necessary to negotiate, including with the local elites.

Local elites, like the Ukrainian ones, by the way, are famous for the fact that you can negotiate with them as much as you want, and about anything, but in the end they will be thrown away anyway ...

Of course, no one is immune from this. Although, maybe this is because they were also "thrown"? But for this and the power, to support the sane elite.

- And what are the levers of influence on them? You can negotiate when there is a strong position ...

Believe me, the regional authorities have a very strong position and leverage. But it's always better to negotiate ...

The next election campaign is the State Duma elections. What are the expectations from these elections, and what goals does the regional government set for itself?

The main goal is to carry them out with dignity, without scandals and image losses for the region. The second is the representation of the Chelyabinsk region in the State Duma. In general, it is probably more correct to ask the region's first person what kind of views he has for the next election campaign.

- Now our region is represented in the State Duma by 12 deputies. The task is not to reduce this amount?

I would like to preserve both the quantity and the quality of the deputies. There will be a complex system, Vladimir Viktorovich Myakush (chairman of the Legislative Assembly, leader of the regional branch of United Russia - editor's note) came from Moscow through the party line, brought information, we will sort it out. So far, we understand one thing - how the region looks in single-mandate constituencies. I will not delve into this, but, in my opinion, the interests of the Chelyabinsk region should not be infringed upon.

Remember how before ?:

“Our main task:
Threshing and giving.
Do you want to be advanced -
This one is square-nested "(smiles)

If we sum up the party lists and single-mandate constituencies, it turns out that the maximum number of seats in the State Duma for the Chelyabinsk region is the same 12. And there are much more interested parties, moreover, serious, resourceful ones. And they have complete order with motivation - everyone remembers at least the story of Valery Panov, what happened to him after he ceased to be a State Duma deputy. What to do about it? Are you expecting tough conflicts during the campaign?

Again, it all depends on how the negotiation process goes. I think there will be agreements in Moscow and at the governor's level. I would like to reduce the level of conflict to zero.

- Do you think everyone will agree?

I think they will try.

- And if it doesn't work out?

Everything is possible. No one is immune from conflicts.

- What factors, apart from intra-elite agreements, will significantly affect the Duma campaign?

First of all, what will happen to Russia next year. Both external and internal factors - the state of the economy, the standard of living of people. This is no less important than the elite layouts.

- And if we talk about the regions?

Regions, territories, republics are too different, they develop in different ways, and situations - economic, political, social - are different everywhere. You don't need to be an oracle to predict that in those regions where the head will be able to keep the budget balanced, the situation in the economy and protest moods will be noticeably less.

- Tell me, are the themes of Traktor and Tominsky GOK political?

- (after a little thought) Probably yes. You know, from the time of studying the theory of Marxism-Leninism, I remember the winged Leninist phrase: "Politics is a concentrated expression of economics." But the old man said well! You couldn't think of it better. Therefore, it is clear that where there is a lot of money, billions of dollars in budgets, there is also politics.

"Traktor" - too wide audience, too many people love hockey, worried about the team.

- And the GOK? (note: the conversation took place before the rally-concert against its construction)

I will say this: they are trying, of course, to play it politically as well.

- What, in your personal opinion, is simulated, and what are the real fears of people?

Let me cite Magnitogorsk as an example. My whole life has passed in, to put it mildly, not the easiest territory in terms of ecology. And although the total emissions have decreased five times over the past decades, the 12 million tons of rolled metal per year that need to be produced, and the plant itself is a full-cycle enterprise, starting from the sinter plant, coke oven and blast-furnace production, and all this puffs, hisses and works.

But at the same time, why do you think people there have such a degree of trust in Rashnikov? But because he lives in Magnitogorsk the lion's share of his time, goes to hockey in Magnitogorsk, rests in the same place as Magnitogorsk. And his grandchildren go to schools in Magnitogorsk. They breathe the same air as the townspeople. Both literally and figuratively.

It's hard for me to judge environmental assessments and all that - I just express my opinion.

I do not know the scale of the possible disaster. Do you think the element of mistrust among the residents of Chelyabinsk could have shifted to this topic if the leaders of the RMK took an example from the same Magnitogorsk? They would settle here, in Chelyabinsk, live with everyone, build a village for top management. They would ask the governor for land - he is unlikely to refuse, they would cut plots, they would settle 30-40 people next to the “hole”, so that, like “Khutorki” in Magnitogorsk, across the river from the plant, and everyone lives opposite him. Pay your personal taxes here. Like Viktor Filippovich, they would build a conditional water park for children and two ski slopes, the Temple, the most beautiful in the Urals, or something like that, so that people do not leave the city. And in "Traktor" would be poured a billion rubles annually so that it would have a really decent budget. And then for sure ... the clouds will suddenly dance (smile). But seriously, people would probably say: “But the peasants live with us. They litter a little, but they also do good, invest resources in the territory, in the social sphere, in the future. "

And so that just to build an enterprise, and live somewhere there, and you "send money" from here - is probably already difficult. People won't understand. As they say, let's start with ourselves, start breathing the same air as Chelyabinsk residents.

But I repeat - this is my personal opinion, a view from a person who has lived for many years in a city that is not the most prosperous from an environmental point of view. Who knows, maybe for such words and revelations with you Boris Aleksandrovich will also “multiply by zero” (smiles) ...

The emergence of a square-nested method of planting potatoes is a consequence of the mechanization of vegetable growing. For the first time on the territory of Russia, this method was applied in 1943, on the Stalin collective farm in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region. Because of the war, there were not enough workers to weed the huge potato plantations, and the chairman of the collective farm, P. G. Anufriev, tried to mechanize all operations as much as possible.

In the experimental plot, the potatoes were planted in such a way that a tractor with a cultivator could freely cross the plantation in the longitudinal and transverse directions, cultivating potato bushes from all sides. In the fall, it turned out that, although the plantings were sparse and less planting material was used, the yield on the experimental plot is 10-15% higher than on the usual ones, and the tubers are larger.

The method became widely known, subsequently they began to plant corn, eggplants, tomatoes and other vegetables in this way. Even the slogan was born: "If you want to be advanced - this square-nest".

But, as usual, the technology began to be used in those regions for which it was completely unsuitable, which is why the yield decreased. The method itself was blamed for this, and over time it has lost its popularity.

Nowadays, new technologies have appeared that make it possible to improve the square-nest method and make it more efficient.

The classic square-nest method of planting potatoes

To mark the site for planting potatoes in a square-nesting way, you will need two pegs with a rope attached to them and a marker. The row spacing should be equal to the distance between the holes on the bed (squares are formed on the site, see Fig. 1). With mechanized planting and processing, the side length of the square is 70–90 cm, depending on the parameters of the technique. When manually planting, for early varieties, it is enough for this value to be 60 cm, for mid-ripening - 70 cm, for late - 75-90 cm.

Fig. 1. The scheme of planting potatoes in a square-nested way

As with a conventional planting, fertilizers (mineral or organic) are first put into the holes, then potatoes sprouted and treated with fungicides. The tubers should be 6–8 cm below the soil level. Then the potatoes are covered with earth.

You can put two tubers in each hole, but the distance between them should be at least 10-15 cm. If the site is processed manually, then to save space and improve the soil structure, experienced vegetable growers plant bush beans or onions in the row spacing.

The essence of the method is that plants do not interfere with each other, do not compete for sunlight, oxygen, water and nutrients. Under favorable conditions, tubers grow larger. However, the tops of bushes located at a considerable distance from each other do not close, which is why moisture evaporates from the soil much faster than when planting in ridges. Therefore, experiments with the square-nesting method failed in southern, arid regions.

Potatoes planted in a square-nesting way must be especially carefully hilled and watered. The first hilling is carried out when the seedlings reach a height of 15–20 cm. The shoots are pushed apart in different directions, carefully bent down and sprinkled with earth mixed with compost, so that only leaves remain on the surface.

The second hilling is carried out as usual, 2-3 weeks after the first. The bush is spud from four sides. It is good if a drip irrigation system is organized on the site. In its absence, the beds must be watered when the soil at a depth of 6–8 cm dries up. Top dressing and processing of plantings from diseases and pests is carried out at the same time as when planting in the ridges.

The advantage of the method is its high yield.


  • the need for weeding;
  • high water consumption for irrigation.

Planting with humus

A variant of the method is planting potatoes in a square-nested way using humus. In this case, the holes are dug so deep that half a bucket of humus fits inside (it is possible - mixed with soil in a 1: 1 ratio), and the tubers laid on fertilizer were 6 cm below the soil surface. Since there is a lot of fertilizers, it is recommended to plant two potatoes in the hole (at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other). On top of the hole, pour another half a bucket of humus.

When the seedlings reach a height of 15–20 cm, as in the previous case, they are pushed apart and covered with humus (about a bucket per bush). Plants need increased watering. The feeding and pest control regime is standard.

The advantage of the method is that no hilling is required.


  • laboriousness when landing;
  • the need for weeding;
  • significant water consumption for irrigation;
  • the risk of pest infestation (due to the large amount of humus).

Square-nest method of planting potatoes under mulch

Modern vegetable growers have found a way to combine two effective technologies. If you plant potatoes in a square-nesting way, but do not sprinkle it with earth, but cover it with mulch, then much less water will be needed for irrigation, and weeding and hilling will not be needed at all.

Hay or straw is used as mulch. Due to the temperature difference, moisture condenses under the mulch layer, which is absorbed into the ground, and does not evaporate. Therefore, potatoes under mulch need watering only in case of severe drought. Instead of hilling, the bushes are sprinkled with an additional layer of straw

Advantages of the method:

  • weeding and hilling are not required;
  • saving water.

Disadvantage: Needs a lot of hay or straw.

Planting potatoes with eyes or sprouts

With a lack of planting material or the need to quickly propagate a particularly valuable variety, vegetable growers plant potatoes with eyes or sprouts. This method is convenient for growing early potatoes.

The eyes or sprouts are pre-planted in containers for seedlings, so that by the time they are planted in open ground, seedlings with a developed root system and even tuber rudiments are formed from them. If potatoes are planted with seedlings, then the holes are made 15 x 15 cm. In each corner of the hole, one plant is planted (4 pieces per hole).

Seedlings from eyes or sprouts do not have a maternal tuber, therefore, when planting, it must be watered at the rate of 0.5-1 liters of warm water per well. Water can be replaced with infusion of rotten nettle. After 10-14 days, if there is no rain, the beds are watered. Hilling, feeding and processing from pests is carried out at the usual time. In order not to huddle, not to weed and water less, the seedlings can be covered with mulch.

Advantages of the method:

  • large tubers are formed, there are almost no small ones;
  • yield - no less than when planting whole potatoes.

The disadvantage is a great need for moisture, especially in the first month after planting.

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