Can clematis be grown in containers? Is Clematis a plant for a balcony? Plants in containers

Wood materials and products 28.02.2021
Wood materials and products

Please tell me how to grow clematis on the balcony? and got the best answer

Answer from ANGELA ***** [guru]
Cultivation of clematis on a balcony or loggia
The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.
To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire length of the bottom of the box, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.
Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on racks. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.
The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on the balcony, the daily growth of a vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that the shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out clematis shoots from the network; often the used net is simply thrown away with the cut shoots.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and undersized varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place several varieties of clematis with flowers of various colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, purple) next to them, then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant such varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located approximately at the same height.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, use the varieties of clematis that have the highest flowering rate - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close as possible to the root system. These are, for example, such varieties:
Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group); Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (group C. viticela); Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group); Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. holmondeley (group C. Florida).
A source:

Answer from Zoya Alexandrovna[guru]
there are varieties that can be grown in containers, for example - Ashva, Blue Angel

Answer from Victoria Tchaikovskaya[guru]
go to my blog and there by tags find "clematis", the topic is "Clematis Jacqueman - pot culture."

Answer from Gena Abonos[guru]
Can. But only those varieties that bloom on the growth of the current year. Since for the winter you will still have to bring it into the room. This is true, of course, for cold winters. If your balcony is warm or relatively warm, then things change for the better for clematis.
Good luck to you.
Try planting green peas. The British are just crazy about him. An incredible variety of varieties have been bred. If yours is not very hot in the summer, then the peas will be great.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Can you please tell me how to grow clematis on the balcony?

All known plants are divided into species. Some can only be kept outdoors. Other species can be kept only at home without a street. There are plants that will bloom well in harsh conditions - even if it's warm or outdoors. Having determined to which variety the flower is determined, it becomes reliable to provide the necessary care. The main components of cultivation consist of adjusting the moisture content of the air, the intensity of irrigation and the control of a safe temperature. Lighting is one of the critical components.

Growing clematis on the balcony (in containers)

Large-flowered varieties of clematis blooming on last year's stems are suitable for growing in open small areas, terraces, as well as on windows and balconies: "Andre Leroy", "Barbara Dibley", "Daniel Deronda", "Joan Picton", "Jeanne D" Ark "," Stone Flower "," Lazurshtern "," Losoniana "," Multi Blue "," President ".

On the balcony (loggia), small-flowered varieties of clematis (Armanda, Tangutika, Manchurian) look great, as well as medium and low-growing varieties (Lanuginoza, Florida, Patens).

For clematis of the Jacqueman, Integrifolia, Viticella groups, more intensive pruning will be required, which will not only reduce the height of the vines, but also increase the number of flowers. For a colorful space design, it is better to plant several different varieties together, differing in contrasting shades: pink, raspberry, lilac, lilac and purple.

The best location is an east, west or south window, or some other area that is well protected from the wind. The best option would be a glazed loggia, where weak air flows are observed, but you can also build a shelter on an open balcony.

Saplings grown for two to three years or obtained by dividing an adult plant should have a well-developed root system (at least three healthy roots).

For planting clematis, wooden boxes measuring 45x30 cm and 65 cm in height are suitable. Two 3x5 cm blocks are nailed along the bottom of such containers (along the entire length). Thus, the boxes will be raised above the floor, and water cannot accumulate at the bottom. The containers are placed along the side and rear walls of the loggia, and pallets must be placed under them. Small containers can be placed on shelves or hung on the wall. But in this case, the sun's rays should not hit the surface of the earth.

Since at the beginning of summer the daily growth of the vine reaches its apogee - up to 10 cm, it is worth taking care of a proper support system in advance. For example, you can use an old fishing net with a mesh size of 10 by 10 cm, or weave a similar canopy yourself, placing it 20 cm from the ceiling. Then, at the very beginning of summer, a real waterfall of flowers will fall from it.

Clematis planted in containers need more frequent watering and feeding (in comparison with garden representatives), careful (and most importantly, timely!) Garter of shoots, obligatory loosening and mulching of the soil. One plant usually needs about 3-5 liters of water. If this amount of liquid does not have time to be absorbed, then you should carefully (using a wooden peg) make holes around the perimeter and in the corners of the container.

If the liana growing along the ceiling reaches the edge of the loggia, then it is advisable to turn it back, tying it up in such a way that the flowers hang from the ceiling or grouped in the upper part of the wall.

Since the temperature on glazed loggias can reach a record 30-40 degrees, you should think about proper ventilation of the plants. After all, stagnation of air and high humidity in the closed development of diseases and intensify the activity of pests.

Planting clematis in containers

Clematis are transplanted in the spring (usually in April) every 2-3 years, replacing depleted bushes with fresh ones from the site. For the subsequent residence of the vines, a wooden box (container) or a capacious high pot with a diameter of more than 30 cm is selected. The bottom of the container is lined with gravel and covered with a prepared substrate. It includes 4 parts of sod (garden) land, 2 parts of compost (rotted manure), 1 part of peat, 1 part of sand, half a glass of lime and the same amount of superphosphate. A strong trapezoidal support up to 1.5 m high is also installed here: subsequently, growing shoots will be fixed on it (every 15-20 cm).

Next, the pot with clematis is either dug into the ground to the very edges, or simply put into the garden. Until the end of autumn, the seedling will root properly and form developed shoots. After that, the container with the plant is dug out, the top on which there were flowers is cut off, and the whips themselves, tied to the support, are left intact. In this form, the pot is transferred to a cool cellar with an optimum temperature of about zero degrees.

Garden plants

Plants in containers

We offer clematis and other garden vines in containers P7 (7x7 cm), P9 (9x9 cm), C2 (14 cm) and C10 (10 liters). Plants in 2 liter containers C2 have 2 or more shoots approx. 60 cm attached to bamboo sticks 90 cm long.

We offer some of the plants for sale in March and August, but most of the plants are ready in August and September.

Plants can be packed in wooden crates 40x60x24 cm or wooden pallets 100x120x100 cm and picked up by the client's machine.

The minimum order quantity is 2000 plants in C2 (minimum 25 pieces of one variety in one delivery) or 4000 plants in P7 or P9 (minimum 200 pieces of one variety in one delivery).

If you are interested in detailed information about our activities, please contact us.

Clematis in containers C2

Growing clematis in containers

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Clematis are wonderful plants for an urban garden and for growing on a balcony. They are usually grown in containers - wooden boxes measuring 45x35x65 (height).

It is important to take into account that there must be an air gap between the bottom of the container and the concrete floor of the balcony or loggia, which will provide the plant with the necessary amount of air.

The box is filled with nutrient soil with the addition of sand and humus. Half a glass of superphosphate is also brought there and, if you can get it in flower shops, the same amount of fluffy lime. Lime can also be replaced with a glass of ash or chalk. Quite often, flower growers use nitrogen fertilizers as top dressing.

Only one plant is planted in a container. For planting, you can also use plastic buckets or waste baskets, with 10-15 holes drilled in the bottom to drain water. The results, however, are somewhat worse. They try to place the containers so that the direct rays of the sun do not hit the surface of the earth, since the roots of clematis are very sensitive to overheating.

Immediately after planting, a support is placed next to the root. As soon as the shoot reaches a height of 30-40 cm, it must be tied up. If you weave a net for clematis, you will get a whole shower of flowers. An especially colorful sight happens if several varieties of different colors are planted.

Clematis are planted only in early spring. Do not forget to periodically loosen the soil and feed the plants with mineral and organic fertilizers. With good care, they grow and bloom in the same box for about 7-8 years.

Growing clematis in a container

Florists now have a great interest in growing garden plants in containers for home decoration.

Clematis may well grow on a window, as well as on an open terrace, balcony or loggia as a pot culture.

Growing clematis on the window

For forcing on the window, clematis varieties blooming on the shoots of the previous year that do not give too long shoots are suitable (for example, varieties Jeanne dArc, The President, Mrs. Cholmondeley, etc.). Seedlings with a well-developed root system, obtained either by dividing an adult plant, or specially grown for 2-3 years, are selected for planting in a container.

They start planting clematis in a container in the spring using a tall pot (at least 30 centimeters in diameter) or a wooden box. The container is filled with drainage (for example, gravel) to 1/8 of the height. As a substrate for clematis, it is used: turf or garden soil - 4 parts, compost or humus - 2 parts (humus can be replaced with 1 part of humus from Californian worms), sand - 1 part, peat - 1 part. Add half a glass of superphosphate and a glass of chalk or dolomite flour to this mixture; the neutralizing material can be replaced with 0.5 cups of slaked lime. Simultaneously with planting in a pot for clematis, a support is installed (in the form of a ladder, a trapezoid with a height of 1-1.5 meters), on which it will be necessary to fix the growing shoots every 15-20 centimeters.

The container with the planted clematis is completely buried in the ground in the open field. During the season, the clematis seedling takes root well in the container and forms developed shoots. In late autumn, a pot with a plant is dug up, the upper part of the shoots is cut off. The scourge, where there were flowers, is left tied to a support. The pot with clematis is placed in a cellar with a temperature of 0. +2 degrees.

In early January, the container with the plant is transferred to a glazed veranda or loggia, set in a bright place. Here, at a temperature of + 8 - + 12 °, clematis budding takes place. If the temperature of the plant is higher, then the buds may not appear. But as soon as the buds are formed, the temperature is raised to 15-18 ° or clematis is transferred to a room with the same temperature. It blooms in late February and early March.

Clematis growing in a container is watered sparingly (from a pallet), systematically fed with mineral and organic fertilizers diluted in water. Lack of light during budding and flowering can change the color of clematis flowers. For example, instead of lilac-pink flowers, white-green or milky-pink flowers will suddenly bloom. Supplementary lighting and feeding the plant with calcium nitrate will correct this deficiency.

The same clematis seedling can be used for distillation no more than two years in a row, after which the plant is severely depleted. Then, at the beginning of summer, he is again moved to the garden, where clematis will grow for several years in natural conditions, with good care. When the plant recovers and begins to bloom intensively again, it can again be used for forcing.

Cultivation of clematis on a balcony or loggia

The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.

To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire length of the bottom of the box, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.

Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on racks. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.

The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on a balcony, the daily growth of a vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that the shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out clematis shoots from the network; often the used net is simply thrown away with the cut shoots.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and undersized varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place several varieties of clematis with flowers of various colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, purple) next to them, then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant such varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located approximately at the same height.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, use the varieties of clematis that have the highest flowering rate - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close as possible to the root system. These are, for example, such varieties:

    , Yubileinyi - 70 (group C. jackmanii);
  • Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (C. viticela group);
  • Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group);
  • Jeanne dArc, Mrs. Cholmondeley (C. Florida group).

Although Rouge Cardinal after dividing the bush requires growing in a large pot for 2-3 years, but it is worth it: its color is extraordinary - velvety, cherry-purple.

Of course, other varieties of clematis can be used for growing in a container.

Small-flowered clematis are also suitable for this. Of particular interest is the very winter-hardy cultivar Fargesioides, which blooms all summer long and does not require special pruning knowledge, as it can be pruned freely. True, over the summer it grows very long shoots. When growing clematis of this variety, a more voluminous box is used to accommodate its root system (it is not the same as that of ordinary clematis, but more resembles the root system of a shrub).

Clematis planted in a container needs moderate, but more frequent (than in the open ground) watering and feeding, careful and timely tie-up of shoots, mandatory mulching and loosening of the soil. The soil in containers with clematis should not dry out. If the soil is dry, water is not absorbed into it - this indicates that clematis watering is too rare. When watering, one plant usually takes 3-5 liters of water. You can dig three small pots into the soil of a container with clematis, fill them 2/3 with gravel - then watering and feeding are carried out through them.

When the clematis vines along the ceiling reach the edge of the loggia, it is advisable to turn them back and tie them up so that the clematis flowers are grouped at the top of the wall or hang from the ceiling.

On the glazed southern loggia, where in early spring the temperature in the sun can reach 30-40 °, ventilation is necessary. Stagnant air, high temperature and humidity in a confined space contribute to the appearance of pests in clematis and the development of diseases.

Already in April, clematis of groups C. lanuginosa, C. patens, C. Florida will bloom on a glazed loggia, and by mid-May - varieties blooming on the shoots of the current year.

Clematis are transplanted every 2-3 years, usually in spring (in April - May), replacing "tired" bushes in pots with new ones dug out of the garden.

Shelter a container with clematis for the winter

If the temperature in the glassed-in loggia is negative in winter, then the clematis shoots are cut off (according to the group to which the variety belongs), removed from the supports and placed on a box, covered with peat or dry sawdust. From above, the box is covered (with an old blanket, coat, newspapers) and the wrapped clematis is placed in a large plastic bag, be sure to remove it from the floor of the loggia and put it on a dais (on a shelf or box). It is important that the soil in the box with clematis roots does not freeze too much in winter. Therefore, this method of wintering is not guaranteed if it is not possible to regulate the temperature of the content; and the wrapped clematis takes up a lot of space.

It is quite difficult to reliably cover clematis on an open loggia or balcony, so the container with the plant is removed for the winter in the basement (in the underground, unheated greenhouse) or buried in the ground until next spring (they are covered like other clematis in the garden). If a decision is made to bury clematis in the ground, then care must be taken to ensure that the shoots of varieties of groups C. lanuginosa, C. Florida are not eaten by mice. Shelter for the winter clematis requires such that the ground in the container does not freeze.

To protect clematis from frost, an air-dry shelter is used, which allows the plant itself to remain dry and exclude large temperature fluctuations and freezing. To hide clematis, it is best to take dry large leaves, cover with any frame on top, (for example, an inverted box). An indispensable condition for such a shelter is an air gap between the frame and the leaves. To prevent moisture from penetrating into the frame, the frame is covered with undamaged plastic wrap from above. Among the shoots of clematis, you need to decompose any means that repel mice. Compaction of snow in winter on paths around sheltered plants ensures that they are not damaged by mice.

As soon as the severe frosts end, peas with clematis can be taken out of the shelter and placed on a glazed loggia or balcony. This may be at the beginning of March - provided that frost does not penetrate to the place of keeping the plants taken out of the shelter and starting to grow. A short-term drop in temperature (up to -3 degrees below zero) does not harm clematis at the beginning of their growth.

To grow clematis on the balcony, you need a wooden box 60 * 60 * 60cm (dimensions and shape can be slightly changed).

To aerate the roots, it is recommended to make holes in the walls and at the bottom of the container. Drainage is made at the bottom of the box, and the box is filled with a loose fertile mixture (deciduous soil, sand, humus, peat). Ground level is 5cm below the edge of the box. One copy of clematis is planted in the container according to all the rules for planting clematis with a depth of 10 cm.On the balcony, it is better to place the box near the back or side wall. The seedling must have a good root system.

It is preferable to choose clematis blooming on the shoots of the current year, which makes it easier to prepare for wintering, and it is better to plant it in the spring. We mulch the soil. Immediately after planting, before growth begins, make support. It is necessary to regularly guide the vines in the right direction and fix them with a garter to the supports. Neglecting this leads to a deterioration in the decorative effect of the entire composition. To prolong flowering, it is necessary to cut off several branches during budding and flowering on newly grown shoots will be later.

Blooming on balconies and loggias occurs two to three weeks earlier than in the open field.

Caring for vines is no different from caring for them outdoors. As the substrate dries up, the container with the seedling is watered. They are fed with full mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion (1:10). With high agricultural technology, clematis can be cultivated in a container for 5-7 years, after which the decorative effect of the bush decreases. To improve the growth of clematis and improve the structure of the soil, stepping back from the edge of the tub, we make holes, and then fill them with a mixture of humus, black soil and crushed twigs. Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers is also carried out through these holes, which allows you to evenly distribute moisture in the container. In the future, these specimens can be planted in the garden, and a new seedling can be planted in the box.

For the winter, vines are cut 1-2 buds from the surface of the soil.
On the balcony, it is better to put a box with a seedling against the wall under the window, which is a source of additional heat. The container with the seedling must be raised 5-10 cm from the floor, the resulting space should be filled with any insulation so that the soil in the container does not freeze in winter.

The container must be carefully covered with an old blanket or other insulating material on all sides so that the soil does not freeze. To protect against atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, which are dangerous in winter, if the balcony or loggia is not glazed, it is necessary to make a shelter from a plastic film. In winter, a container with clematis can also be stored in the basement, cellar, and in the spring it can be put on the balcony again (March-April). If there is a threat of freezing, then the plant must be covered with insulating material for the night.

In the spring, clematis is gradually uncovered, taking into account the weather conditions.
If the balcony or loggia is glazed, then it is necessary to monitor ventilation, since clematis suffer from overheating and drying out. In a box under the clematis, you can plant one-year-olds, which are traditionally grown on the balcony. They will give the shade necessary for the clematis roots, and the whole composition will look even more attractive.

Florists now have a great interest in growing garden plants in containers for home decoration. Clematis may well grow on a window, as well as on an open terrace, on a balcony or loggia as a pot culture.

Growing clematis on the window

For forcing on the window, clematis varieties blooming on the shoots of the previous year, which do not give too long shoots, are suitable (for example, Jeanne d'Arc, The President, Mrs. Cholmondeley, etc.). Seedlings with a well-developed root system, obtained either by dividing an adult plant, or specially grown for 2-3 years, are selected for planting in a container.

They start planting clematis in a container in the spring using a tall pot (at least 30 centimeters in diameter) or a wooden box. The container is filled with drainage (for example, gravel) to 1/8 of the height. As a substrate for clematis, it is used: turf or garden soil - 4 parts, compost or humus - 2 parts (humus can be replaced with 1 part of humus from Californian worms), sand - 1 part, peat - 1 part. Add half a glass of superphosphate and a glass of chalk or dolomite flour to this mixture; the neutralizing material can be replaced with 0.5 cups of slaked lime. Simultaneously with planting in a pot for clematis, a support is installed (in the form of a ladder, a trapezoid with a height of 1-1.5 meters), on which it will be necessary to fix the growing shoots every 15-20 centimeters.

The container with the planted clematis is completely buried in the ground in the open field. During the season, the clematis seedling takes root well in the container and forms developed shoots. In late autumn, a pot with a plant is dug out, the upper part of the shoots is cut off. The scourge, where there were flowers, is left tied to the support. The pot with clematis is placed in a cellar with a temperature of 0 ... + 2 degrees.

In early January, the container with the plant is transferred to a glazed veranda or loggia, set in a bright place. Here, at a temperature of + 8 - + 12 °, clematis budding takes place. If the temperature of the plant is higher, then the buds may not appear. But as soon as the buds are formed, the temperature is raised to 15-18 ° or clematis is transferred to a room with the same temperature. It blooms in late February and early March.

Clematis growing in a container is watered sparingly (from a pallet), systematically fed with mineral and organic fertilizers diluted in water. Lack of light during budding and flowering can change the color of clematis flowers. For example, instead of lilac-pink flowers, white-green or milky-pink flowers will suddenly bloom. Supplementary lighting and feeding the plant with calcium nitrate will correct this deficiency.

The same clematis seedling can be used for distillation no more than two years in a row, after which the plant is severely depleted. Then, at the beginning of summer, he is again moved to the garden, where clematis will grow for several years in natural conditions, with good care. When the plant recovers and begins to bloom intensively again, it can again be used for forcing.

Cultivation of clematis on a balcony or loggia

The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.

To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire length of the bottom of the box, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.

Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on racks. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.

The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on a balcony, the daily growth of a vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that the shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out clematis shoots from the network; often the used net is simply thrown away with the cut shoots.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and undersized varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place several varieties of clematis with flowers of various colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, purple) next to them, then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant such varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located approximately at the same height.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, use the varieties of clematis that have the highest flowering rate - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close as possible to the root system. These are, for example, such varieties:

Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group);
Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (group C. viticela);
Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group);
Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. Cholmondeley (group C. Florida).
Although the Rouge Cardinal variety after dividing the bush requires growing in a large pot for 2-3 years, but it is worth it: its color is extraordinary - velvety, cherry-purple.

Of course, other varieties of clematis can be used for growing in a container.

Small-flowered clematis are also suitable for this. Of particular interest is the very winter-hardy cultivar Fargesioides, which blooms all summer long and does not require special pruning knowledge, as it can be pruned freely. True, over the summer it grows very long shoots. When growing clematis of this variety, a more voluminous box is used to accommodate its root system (it is not the same as that of ordinary clematis, but more resembles the root system of a shrub).

Clematis planted in a container needs moderate, but more frequent (than in the open ground) watering and feeding, careful and timely tie-up of shoots, mandatory mulching and loosening of the soil. The soil in containers with clematis should not dry out. If the soil is dry, water is not absorbed into it - this indicates that clematis watering is too rare. When watering, one plant usually takes 3-5 liters of water. You can dig three small pots into the soil of a container with clematis, fill them 2/3 with gravel - then watering and feeding are carried out through them.

When the clematis vines along the ceiling reach the edge of the loggia, it is advisable to turn them back and tie them up so that the clematis flowers are grouped at the top of the wall or hang from the ceiling.

On the glazed southern loggia, where in early spring the temperature in the sun can reach 30-40 °, ventilation is necessary. Stagnant air, high temperature and humidity in a confined space contribute to the appearance of pests in clematis and the development of diseases.

Already in April, clematis of groups C. lanuginosa, C. patens, C. Florida will bloom on a glazed loggia, and by mid-May - varieties blooming on the shoots of the current year.

Clematis are transplanted every 2-3 years, usually in spring (in April - May), replacing "tired" bushes in pots with new ones dug out of the garden.

Shelter a container with clematis for the winter

If the temperature in the glassed-in loggia is negative in winter, then the clematis shoots are cut off (according to the group to which the variety belongs), removed from the supports and placed on a box, covered with peat or dry sawdust. From above, the box is covered (with an old blanket, coat, newspapers) and the wrapped clematis is placed in a large plastic bag, be sure to remove it from the floor of the loggia and put it on a dais (on a shelf or box). It is important that the soil in the box with clematis roots does not freeze too much in winter. Therefore, this method of wintering is not guaranteed if it is not possible to regulate the temperature of the content; and the wrapped clematis takes up a lot of space.

It is quite difficult to reliably cover clematis on an open loggia or balcony, so the container with the plant is removed for the winter in the basement (in the underground, unheated greenhouse) or buried in the ground until next spring (they are covered like other clematis in the garden). If a decision is made to bury clematis in the ground, then care must be taken to ensure that the shoots of varieties of groups C. lanuginosa, C. Florida are not eaten by mice. Shelter for the winter clematis requires such that the ground in the container does not freeze.

To protect clematis from frost, an air-dry shelter is used, which allows the plant itself to be left dry and to exclude large temperature fluctuations and freezing. To hide clematis, it is best to take dry large leaves, cover with any frame on top, (for example, an inverted box). An indispensable condition for such a shelter is an air gap between the frame and the leaves. To prevent moisture from penetrating into the frame, the frame is covered with undamaged plastic wrap from above. Among the shoots of clematis, you need to decompose any means that repel mice. Compaction of snow in winter on paths around sheltered plants ensures that they are not damaged by mice.

As soon as the severe frosts end, peas with clematis can be taken out of the shelter and placed on a glassed-in loggia or balcony. This may be at the beginning of March, provided that frost does not penetrate to the place of keeping the plants taken out of the shelter and starting to grow. A short-term drop in temperature (down to –3 degrees of frost) does not harm clematis at the beginning of their growth.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Belarus)

The perennial liana Clematis, also known as Lomonos and Lozinka, is one of the most beautiful flower crops that adorn gazebos, walls of houses, and hedges.

Due to the extraordinary variety of flower colors, their different sizes and the long flowering period from late March to early October in temperate climates, clematis attract the attention of not only land owners, but also those who like to grow plants on balconies. We want to devote this article to clematis, planting and caring for the balcony and some features related to plant physiology.

Origin of the species

Clematis is a perennial semi-shrub vine that is widespread in nature in the temperate and subtropical climatic zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Clematis grow in forests, along river banks, on the slopes of hills in the steppes and in bushes using as a support either a vertical surface (rock, cliff, wall of a house) or other plants that densely entwine their shoots.

Clematis were supposedly introduced into the culture in Japan, earlier than the 15th century, in Europe they began to be cultivated as garden and greenhouse plants from the 16th century. In Russia, clematis appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in greenhouses, since they were constantly looked after.

Currently, there are from 240 to 260 varieties bred by selection. They differ in color of flowers, size, method of forming flowers on shoots of the previous or current year and a number of other features of care.

For growing on balconies or loggias, clematis are most suitable, having a liana (stem) length of 2.5 to 4 meters.

It is easier to place them on a trellis or other support and take care of the rapidly growing shoots.

Growing site requirements

Clematis are thermophilic. They do not tolerate frost and drafts. Therefore, the balcony on which it is planned to grow clematis should be oriented to the south, southeast, or southwest. Shading and lack of sunlight lead to discoloration of flowers, shredding of buds and a general extinction of the plant.

Clematis is a long vine with a well-developed root system. It requires a significant amount of land to grow it.

The minimum height of the container must be at least 70 cm and the length of the side of the container must be at least 50 cm.

The containers can be made of both plastic (cut polyethylene barrels) and wood. In this case, the instability of the tree upon contact with the ground is not terrible, since clematis requires renewal every three years, during which time the wooden container will not have time to rot.

When planting a seedling grown by sowing from seeds, or from a cuttings, you should pay attention to good drainage of the soil, for this, lay a layer of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom with a thickness of at least 8 cm.The soil should be well fertilized, preferably of the same composition in which it was grown the escape. Clematis tolerates fairly wide fluctuations in soil pH: from slightly alkaline to slightly acidic. To neutralize a large amount of organic matter or peat laid in the planting soil, it is recommended to apply increased doses of chalk, slaked lime or dolomite flour, as well as mineral fertilizers.

Since clematis seedlings are usually 2-3 years old and before planting them in a container on the balcony they grew in open ground on a backyard, there is no need to thoroughly disinfect the soil. But if they were grown at home by sowing seeds, then it is better to cultivate the soil.

Plant care

After planting clematis in a container, care consists in regular and abundant watering, applying mineral and organic fertilizers every 2-3 weeks, as well as tying the growing branches of the vine to the frame (trellis, trellis, mesh) and forming the crown in the desired directions of growth.

Often a large-mesh fishing net is used for the plant, stretched on support posts, clematis shoots independently and very intensively entangle it during the growing season, and in the fall, when growth and flowering cease, the plant is cut off for the winter 60-70 cm from the base, and the net, together with the branches entangling it, is thrown away.

In addition to watering, soil care is needed.

So that the soil is not too compacted, periodically loosen it. It is especially important that direct sunlight does not fall on the surface of the soil, and it does not dry out.

Pruning plants

Clematis are divided into groups according to which shoots they form inflorescences.

  1. The first group includes plants that form flowers on the shoots of the previous year. Therefore, pruning should be done in the fall, after flowering ends. First of all, the shoots that have formed flowers this year are cut in order to stimulate the growth of new ones that will bloom next year. Since clematis of the first group not suitable for growing on the balcony, since their shoots need shelter for the winter with snow in order to prevent them from freezing, then you will hardly have to face the problem of identifying young and last year's shoots.
  2. The second group includes plants that give flowers, both on last year's and on young shoots that have grown this year. Flowering in such plants occurs in two stages: first, flowers are formed on last year's shoots (March-June), and then (July-October) on young ones. Unfortunately, this group is also not suitable for growing on the balcony.
  3. The third group forms flowers only on young shoots that have grown in the current season. It is the varieties of this group that are grown on the balconies. After the end of the season, the plants are completely cut off for the winter, leaving a piece of the stem 60-70 cm.

Wintering plants

Clematis does not tolerate severe frosts and even more complete freezing of the soil. Therefore, the container with plant roots should either be well insulated for the winter and left on the balcony if it is glazed and the air temperature on it does not drop below 0 ° C.

Either moved for the winter to a basement, cellar, cold greenhouse, or dug in the garden at a depth that does not allow freezing, and from above it is additionally covered with an inverted wooden box and a layer of leaves or grass. In the case of storing clematis in the garden, it is necessary to place agents that repel mice under the box so that they do not gnaw the shoots during the winter.

Clematis should be moved to the balcony after wintering in early January, when the air temperature on the glazed balcony reaches + 8-12 ° C.

At this temperature, the plant buds. At higher temperatures, the plant will not be able to "rest" during the winter and flowers may not set. As soon as traces of bud formation become visible on the shoot left after pruning, the air temperature is raised to 18-20 ° C. At this temperature, clematis begins to bloom in late February or early March.

When choosing plants for planting on the balcony, be sure to ask which group, according to the timing of flower formation, the variety you have chosen belongs to. Sowing clematis seeds is only advisable if you want to grow small-flowered plants. Germination after sowing seeds of large-flowered clematis occurs in 1-15 years and is very uneven. Sowing wild non-selective species allows you to get a large number of rootstocks for grafting more thermophilic breeding varieties. Sowing is carried out before winter, immediately after harvesting or before sowing, the seeds are stratified at 0-5 ° C for 2-3 months and planted in the spring.

Clematis transplanted from a garden plot are suitable for forcing on the balcony for 2-3 years.

After that, the flowers begin to shrink, the plant grows poorly and must be transplanted into open ground again and allowed to rest for 3-5 years. On average, clematis bushes live for about 20 years.

Summing up

Lush greenery and flowers of amazing beauty and variety of colors make clematis a favorite among perennial flowers grown on balconies. Truth and care, he requires a lot. But if this does not frighten you, then blooming clematis will delight not only you, but everyone who can contemplate your balcony from spring to autumn.

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