Is it possible to grow clematis in a container. Potted clematis: growing secrets. Clematis Lanuginoza for a balcony

Ladders and railings 28.02.2021
Ladders and railings

If anyone was worried that today because of the "vegetable project" I will not have posts about flowers - you are mistaken :-)
Next is a frame from a new video film.

Clematis Ameshisuto

It is better to turn the video sound louder.
There are many sounds of nature in the film: birdsong, sounds of rain and thunderstorms.

In addition to the lianas of cucumbers, I still have two lianas - maiden grapes and clematis Ameshisuto. And both are blooming.
And if the flowers of the grapes are inconspicuous, and the berries are not yet ripe, then clematis blooms in large flowers.
And now there are many more of them.

A bunch of maiden grapes

Who remembers, I have been growing this clematis stalk for the third year already.

Last fall, misfortune befell him. An early surprise frost in October destroyed the entire ground part of the vine.
And I was so happy that clematis, plus to the previous ones, had grown two new meter-long branches, and they had time to ripen by winter. I expected that next summer it will bloom in a lush "bush". But overnight, the temperature on the balcony dropped from + 10 to - 15. All the plants that stood on the balcony froze - turned into ice sculptures.

And even the tree did not get well after winter - a third of the needles fell off in the spring. I had to drop her off for intensive care in the yard.

And then after freezing clematis with a little bit of hope for life, I put it in the refrigerator.
There he spent time until March.

The grapes survived - they are very tenacious.
But how delighted and surprised I was when a sprout also appeared from the root of clematis.
And so he rose to the ceiling.

Clematis grew for distillation with maiden grapes. And since it stands in the very corner of the balcony and inconspicuously clings to everything that comes to hand, it is tightly intertwined with the grapes. Now they are twin brothers :-)
They live together under the ceiling. Clematis bloomed a week ago. And although he still has only one vine, there are more and more flowers.

But the most amazing thing is that this miracle grows only in a two-liter pot, unlike grapes, which still have 10 liters of land for life.
Moreover, clematis has been surviving in such a Spartan way for the third year already - in the same pot! The evil hostess is too lazy to transplant)) I swear, now I will definitely give him a large pot.

Continuation of the topic about clematis here.

Huge flowers of bright colors or many small delicate inflorescences of pastel colors - all varieties of clematis are unusually effective and graceful. Plants are used to create vertical compositions, clematis look especially impressive on decorative arches and pergolas, planted in pairs with climbing roses. In order to admire the amazing flowering perennials for many years, it is necessary to perform all agrotechnical measures when planting and growing crops. This article is all about growing clematis and caring for adorable flowering vines.

Clematis: choosing a landing site

To grow graceful vines with original bright flowers, it is worth choosing the right site, because clematis are recognized capricious, and will not grow and delight with flowering in inappropriate conditions.

  1. Lighting - clematis can be planted in the sun, but in a hot, sultry summer, plants often burn, even the brightest petals burn out almost to a white hue, therefore, in the south, areas in partial shade are distinguished for planting clematis.
  2. Soil - To plant this plant, the soil must be prepared very carefully. For planting crops, areas in a lowland, especially with excessively wet, salty or acidic soil, are not categorically suitable.

The plant develops poorly on clay and dense soils, as well as on peat bogs and sandy areas.

The ideal soil composition for growing original colorful lianas is nutrient-rich loam. The soil is prepared in advance, deep digging is carried out with thorough loosening.

For clematis, good drainage capacity of the soil at the planting site is of great importance. When planting bushes in open ground in spring, soil improvement work is carried out in the fall, with a planned autumn planting, soil preparation begins a month before work is done.

If the mainland soil is not suitable for growing clematis, it is worth improving it:

  1. Peat, sand and nutritious leaf humus are added to clay soil in equal parts.
  2. Peatlands are improved by adding sand and fertile land in equal proportions.
  3. Loam or clay is added to the sandy soil.
  4. Soil with excessive acidity is preliminarily limed, for which lime (chalk, dolomite flour) is added per 1 m2 in an amount of 300 g.

Provide protection from the wind - planting clematis should be located in places protected from the wind, large numerous flowers are severely damaged by gusts of strong wind, which significantly reduces the decorative effect of flowers.

The distance between individual plants is about 1-1, 3 m.

Planting clematis in open ground

Clematis can be planted in the garden in spring and autumn. When planting in spring, taking into account the previously carried out digging of the site, which was carried out in the autumn, it is necessary to prepare the planting pits. If preliminary preparation was not carried out in the fall, the site is cleared of debris, dug up, renewed the soil, and then proceed to the preparation of the pits.

Depending on the size of the root system of the seedlings, two types of planting pits are prepared:

  1. Light soil - 50x50x50 cm.
  2. Dense soil - 70x70x70 cm.

In wet soil, it is necessary to make drains from broken bricks or pebbles in the planting pits. After laying the drainage, the pits are filled with fertile soil with the addition of superphosphate, ash, rotted manure or matured compost.

Important! It is worthwhile to provide a slope for drainage from near-trunk rainwater circles or take other measures to reduce excessive soil moisture.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is worth examining the root system, removing dried and damaged roots. If necessary, the roots of seedlings are soaked in water or biological products before planting.

Saplings of clematis are planted in calm, windless weather.

Prepared soil is poured into the planting pits, forming a cone. A seedling is placed on the top of the mound, spreading the roots along the sides of the soil cone. Sprinkle the roots with earth, while the root collar should be somewhat deepened:

  1. Saplings up to a year old - deepening by 5-10 cm.
  2. Adult plants - the root collar can be deepened by 10-12 cm.

Simultaneously with the planting of seedlings, a solid support of a small diameter is installed. Plants are watered and mulched, or annual flowers are planted: calendula, undersized phlox, tagetes. For plant growth, it is necessary to provide support in the form of trellises, arches. To distribute the weight of the plant on the supports and prevent tangling of the shoots, clematis must be tied up, guiding the stems along the support, achieving a harmonious plant shape.

Outdoor clematis care

In order for clematis to please with their appearance and bloom magnificently, it is important to correctly follow the care requirements, especially for watering, fertilizing and pruning bushes.

A very important aspect in organizing the care of clematis seedlings planted in open ground is proper watering. After planting, young plants are watered once a week; in hot weather, watering is increased to 2 times a week. It is not recommended to water with a stream under the root of the plant, with inaccurate watering, the roots may be exposed.

Important! Plants require abundant watering, moisture must penetrate to a depth of 70 cm, so it is very convenient to dig in plastic pipes in the trunks at some distance from the plants and fill them with water, observing the established watering schedule.

If, when planting seedlings in open ground, nutrients were laid in the soil, top dressing should be carried out from the summer. In other cases, fertilization is carried out in the following terms:

  1. Spring, the period of regrowth of shoots - the plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, you can use the infusion of chicken manure, mullein or ammonium nitrate.
  2. Budding period - combine fertilizing with mineral and organic compounds.
  3. In the summer - every month it is necessary to carry out foliar dressing by spraying the green mass with a solution of urea in a dilution of 1 tsp. per 10 liters of water, watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (2-3 g per bucket) and boric acid (1-2 g per 10 liters of water) under the root of the plant.
  4. After flowering, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and specialized autumn fertilizer are added to the soil, for example - Kemira autumn. It is helpful to add a handful of ash under each plant.

Ignorance of the group belonging of clematis leads to the fact that after pruning the plants do not bloom. Saplings of a charming vine should be purchased only from specialized companies, where the botanical belonging of the variety to a particular group is clearly indicated. A wide selection of varietal clematis in the online store of the Becker company, where each seedling is provided with a complete characteristic.

So, how to prune clematis in the winter. The thing is that these plants are conventionally divided into 3 groups according to the pruning method:

  1. Flowers appear on the shoots of last year - plants of this group bloom in early spring, pruning is contraindicated for them, since otherwise it will not be possible to get full flowering. This group of clematis includes Malysh, AlbinaPlena, Jeanne d "Ark, Rubens, Montana Grandiflora, Pamela Jackman.
  2. Clematis blooming on new and last year's shoots - the bush is covered with flowers from spring to late summer. This group includes the varieties Multi Blue, Joan Picton, Lavsoniana, Madame LeCultre. Shoots of plants of this group are slightly shortened in the fall, removing only the dried ones, and laid for the winter like vines.
  3. Specimens blooming exclusively on new shoots - flowering lasts from mid-summer to September, shoots require an autumn cardinal pruning. This group includes the varieties Rouge Cardinal, Star of India, Duran, Memory of the Heart, Viola, Tangutica.

Important! If you do not know which group your plant belongs to, observe the flowering time of the creeper, so you can with a high degree of probability rank the plant growing in your flower garden into one of three groups.

How to grow clematis in containers

In addition to open ground, you can grow a prince in a container. The original flowering wall will decorate the balcony and patio garden, the plant in the container will delight with bright flowers in the greenhouse.

The container can be made of ceramic, wood, breathable plastic. Dimensions - 60x60 cm, height from 50 cm. Drainage from expanded clay or pebbles is laid at the bottom of the container, then filled with a mixture of leaf earth, humus, peat and sand. The plant is planted in the same way as in open ground. It is important to choose a place for the plant - it should not be in the sun. To prevent overheating of the earth, letniki are sown into the pot, forming a thick carpet: Iberis, Alyssum, Arabis, Lobelia or small-flowered petunia.

Ladders or trellises are installed to support the plant. Shoots are neatly tied to supports. After 2-3 years, the plant needs to be transplanted into open ground. Pruning for the winter is carried out in accordance with the group belonging of the variety.

Plant care is carried out according to the same agricultural technique as for clematis planted in open ground.

Clematis is such a charming flower that even those gardeners who live in areas with a short summer want to have it in their garden. What should they do if summer lasts 2 months and winter comes without warning? There is a way out - clematis in containers. When it gets cold, beautiful plants can be brought into a greenhouse or conservatory without being exposed to frost.

But sometimes you want to admire the clematis bush growing directly in the ground. In this case, pay attention to hybrids created specifically for problematic climates. Do not buy southern varieties of the plant, they are unlikely to adapt to harsh conditions.

The best varieties of prince for growing in conditions of short summer and cold long winter: Comtes de Busho; Joan of Arc; Purpua Plena Elegance; Miss Baiman; Hope; Luther Burbank. Every year, breeders bring out new frost-resistant varieties of clematis - stay tuned for new products from the Becker online store.

- Mr. Evison, many cultivars were bred by you together with the Danish company Poulsen, which is famous for its roses. What is the advantage of such cooperation?

We have been working together since 1992. Combining our knowledge of clematis and their breeding experience creates a synergistic effect. As a result, there are now about 75 registered new varieties. And soon there will be more.

- In how many countries are your clematis sold in?

Our main market is the UK, then the USA and Canada, Europe. And also Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa. A network of distributors licenses our varieties. In our nursery on the island of Guernsey, we produce about 3 million clematis per year, which is approximately 20% of the world market for clematis seedlings. We propagate clematis by cuttings. More than two hectares of high-tech intensive production.

- Will anything interesting and unusual happen in the world of clematis in the next 5-10 years?

For the past 15 years, we have been focusing on breeding clematis that will bloom longer, have more flowers open at the same time, which should be located from the bottom to the top of the shoot. Older cultivars such as Lasurstern or The president, one single large flower at the end of the shoot. Our varieties bloom all over the shoot.

We also want to breed much more terry clematis in the future. However, they are much more difficult to obtain, because most of our terry varieties are sterile sports and cannot be used in breeding. But we have developed a very serious breeding program and are hoping for impressive results. We are also paying more and more attention to flower size, because most of our varieties in recent years are with small to medium sized flowers. We were engaged in the selection of clematis for small gardens that can be grown in the city garden, on the balcony, veranda. I am very interested in the Russian market and would very much like more clematis of our selection to grow in Russian gardens.

- When will the truly red clematis finally be brought out?

At the moment, our closest to red clematis is Rebecca... And we have good preparations for the near future, even better, even redder. We also select truly blue varieties.

- What is the minimum temperature for clematis planted in a container?

We have a whole series of varieties - The boulevard collection - which can be grown in small containers, 60x60 cm. For Russian gardeners, I would suggest to put them in the ground for the winter or put them in a cold, frost-free room. In England they can also overwinter in a container garden.

- Is it possible to grow clematis in a container for several years?

No problem. Choose compact varieties like Bijou or Filigree - they are in bloom about 30 cm tall. They can even be grown as ampelous plants in large hanging planters.

Am I correct in understanding Viennetta, Peppermint, Pistachio and Cassis clematis for indoor cultivation?

In Russia, it is better to grow them in the summer in containers in the garden, and in the winter to transfer them to a frost-free room or winter garden.

- What perennials are the best partners of clematis?

Perennials are good because they can shade the root zone of clematis. They should have a shallow root system. The list is very long.

- What is the most common mistake of a novice clematis grower?

Planting clematis at the base of the southern wall, where the soil is very dry, and the trunk circle heats up under the scorching rays of the sun. It is very important to shade the ground around the clematis shoots - both perennials and annuals will do. For those who grow clematis in sunny places, I recommend using red, white, deep purple or deep blue varieties - they do not fade at all or only slightly. Pink and pale pink varieties such as Sally or Oh la la more suitable for positions with a sliding shadow, where direct sunlight is 3-4 hours in the morning or in the evening.

- Have you tried to work with herbaceous clematis?

Personally, I like herbaceous and small-flowered clematis more, but the market prefers large-flowered varieties, so the main work is with them. We have launched on sale a very interesting herbaceous clematis about a meter in height, but the demand for it is still very, very low. People want varieties with bright, large flowers. The businessman inside me says: do what sells well, and the gardener loves species and herbaceous clematis with small flowers.

- Clematis and roses are classic partners. What types of clematis are best for this?

- You just need to choose a clematis variety of the third pruning group (strong pruning, leave up to 30 cm shoots). Then there will be absolutely no problem. If you want to put on roses clematis of the second pruning group, such as terry Diamantina or Arctic queen, then this is not a very good idea - they bloom in spring on old shoots, they need to be preserved. Therefore, from the point of view of reducing labor costs and reliability, it is more convenient to choose clematis of the third group, such as Rebecca, Ice Blue, Kingfisher, Amethyst Beauty, Shimmer, semidouble Reflections... They are all really wonderful partners of roses.

Some plants can only grow outdoors, while others are intended for indoor growing. Each species has certain requirements for planting and growth conditions, which must be strictly followed. However, besides them, there are flowers and ornamental plants that can be grown without any problems in the garden or on the windowsill, or on the balcony. Clematis belongs to such plants - a beautiful decorative liana, which is one of the most popular climbing plants, widely used in decorating the site and for creating vertical gardening.

Clematis on a balcony or loggia is not at all a fairy tale and not a transcendental dream, everything is quite real, the main thing is to seriously approach the process of planting and growing and you will get a small garden of clematis without leaving your home.

In this article, we will consider the features of clematis, give a description of the varieties of this plant for growing on the balcony, and also figure out in more detail whether it is possible to grow clematis on the balcony.

Botanical description and features of clematis

Clematis are woody or herbaceous perennials that can be bushy, herbaceous, or climbing. Many gardeners call this plant a flower that can replace an entire garden. Clematis belong to the large Buttercup family. The natural habitat of this culture is considered to be the temperate and subtropical territories of the Northern Hemisphere, where wild clematis grow in undergrowth and forest edges, forests and steppes, on river banks and in gorges. This plant also has popular names, which are most often used - clematis or willow. It is believed that the plant was called clematis because of the sharp unpleasant smell of only dug roots or because of a small hooked growth on the tubers.

The very first mention of the cultivation of clematis refers to Japan, where this plant was interested long before other countries. On the territory of Western Europe, decorative lianas began to be grown in the 16th century. It was from European countries that this plant appeared in Russia. This event dates back to around the end of the 19th century. At first, they were very wary of clematis, which is associated with ignorance of the peculiarities of growing this plant and a small number of varieties with excellent qualities. At the beginning, clematis was admired only in greenhouses, and after a while these beautiful vines migrated to gardens and plots.

The very name clematis comes from the Greek word "klema", which means "branch, liana". It was this word that many years ago defined all climbing plants. In total, there are approximately 300 different varieties of clematis, which have completely different characteristics. To date, breeders have bred varieties of low-growing clematis that can be grown indoors at home. All varieties of this plant that are familiar to us, blooming on the shoots of last year, can also be grown on balconies and loggias. Therefore, growing clematis on the balcony will help create a miniature garden, the flowering of which can be admired throughout the summer until autumn.

Description of clematis:

  • Clematis are perennials that come in several forms: woody, herbaceous, and climbing. Liana clematis are most widespread in Russia. Moreover, growing them on the balcony will create a beautiful frame and provide a little shade over time.
  • The root system of clematis is of two types: pivotal and fibrous. When planting these plants on the balcony, it is worth reading that clematis with a tap root system can hardly tolerate a transplant.
  • The shoots of the plant are also different. Herbaceous varieties have a thin and flexible greenish hue, woody varieties have a multifaceted reddish-brown color. In length, the shoots of vines can reach about 1-3.5 m, it all depends on the specific group and variety.
  • Clematis leaves are simple or complex. The latter can consist of three, five, seven small leaves. The foliage is deep green in color.
  • The main difference between clematis is their flowers, which simply amaze the imagination with their splendor. Anyone who has ever seen a flowering clematis vine falls in love with this plant forever.
  • Flowers can be simple and complex, consist of about 4-7 petals or 60-70 for double forms.
  • Flowers can be single or collected in paniculate, corymbose inflorescences.
  • In the center of the flower there are a large number of stamens and pistils, which can have a contrasting color.
  • The shade of flowers is the most extensive: pale pink, bright red, purple, sky blue, bright blue, yellow or white clematis inflorescences are distinguished. It is the variety of shades that allows you to create beautiful compositions on the balcony, since many gardeners recommend simultaneously planting several varieties of this vine with contrasting shades of petals.
  • Each flower will delight with its colors for about 2-3 weeks.
  • All varieties of clematis have a completely different aroma, which can resemble the smell of jasmine, almond.

Clematis varieties for the balcony

All clematis are so diverse that botanists have identified several classifications that allow these flowers to be grouped according to various characteristics. Many people are more accustomed to using the classification by the type of clematis flowering (on the shoots of the current year, on the runs of the last year, on the shoots of the past and this year). However, in addition to this classification, clematis are divided by flower size and color. For growing on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized or low-growing clematis are suitable, which can calmly winter in a room. There are several groups of clematis, the varieties of which are excellent for planting on the balcony. These are clematis of the Jacquemann group, Vititsella, Lanuginoza, Patens, Florida. Consider a description of the most popular varieties suitable for container and pot production.

Clematis Jacqueman for the balcony

These clematis belong to the third group, which bloom on the shoots of the current and last year. The varieties of this clematis were obtained by crossing Clematis Vititsella and Clematis Lanuginosa. They are vines that can reach a height of 2-4 m, but can grow up to 6 m. They have a strong developed root system. The leaves of these clematis are plumose complex, consist of several leaves. Flowers can be single or collected in inflorescences of 3. The flowers are quite large, in diameter they can reach 20 cm. Their color is very diverse.

  • Rouge Cardinal variety. This clematis reaches a height of about 2-2.5 m. The fox is complex-pinnate, consisting of three small leaves. The flowers of this variety are fully open, in diameter they can reach 15 cm. The sepals themselves are dark purple in color with a velvety tint, the stamens have a lighter purple color. Rouge cardinal bloom begins in July and lasts until September. It is one of the most popular varieties of clematis.

  • Variety Comtes de Bouchot. It is a moderately growing and abundantly flowering variety of clematis. Shoots reach 3-4 m in length. Flowers are medium in size, composed of pink petals and creamy stamens. Flowering begins in June and lasts until September. Ideal for container growing on balconies and loggias.
  • Hegley Hybrid variety . This is a slow-growing variety of clematis, which can reach a height of about 2-3 m. The flowering of the liana begins in June-July and lasts until September. Flowers of a light pink shade with spectacular chocolate-colored stamens. The flower can reach about 12-18 cm in diameter. It grows well in pots and containers, therefore it is ideal for growing on the balcony.

  • Nelly Moser variety. It is a clematis with a moderate growth rate. It stands out for its beautiful two-tone flowers, the petals of which are painted in a light pink lilac shade with a pink flat one. In the center are red stamens. Flowering begins in May and lasts a little over a month, and may begin to bloom again.

Clematis Viticella for the balcony

This group of clematis includes varieties with a purple color of flowers. They are distinguished by simple flowers, sometimes drooping, which can reach 10-20 cm in diameter. Lianas can reach 2.5-3.5 m in length. They are distinguished by very fast growth.

  • Ville de Lyon variety. It is a shrub vine, which can reach a height of 3.5 m. Leaves are compound, consisting of 3-5 small leaves. flowers are about 10-15 cm in diameter. The shade of flowers is carmine red, which fades in the sun. Stamens are yellow. Up to 15 flowers can bloom on one shoot.
  • Aleksandrit variety. This is a shrub form of a liana up to 3 m in height. Single flowers up to 14 cm, consist of 6-8 petals with a velvety surface. The color of the flowers is crimson, which fade over time. Flowering begins in May, up to 10 inflorescences can bloom on one shoot.
  • Huldine variety. It is an abundantly flowering variety that can reach a height of about 3-5 m. Flowers are medium-sized pearly white with yellow stamens. Flowering begins in June and lasts until September.

Clematis Lanuginoza for a balcony

These clematis represent a malfunctioning shrub vines, which can reach a height of about 2.5 m. The flowers are large and solitary, they can reach 20 cm in diameter. The flowers are blue or pink. It blooms twice on last year's shoots and on young ones.

  • Madame Van Houtte variety. This vine reaches a height of about 2.5-3 m. Leaves can be simple or complex. Flowers are large, up to 14-20 cm in diameter. The flowers are white and begin to bloom in July.
  • Variety Ball of flowers. Shrub vine, reaching a height of 2 m. Flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter, slightly rounded. They consist of petals with a wavy edge of a bluish-lilac shade with a purple stripe in the center.

Clematis Florida for balcony

They are woody lianas, which can reach a height of 3 m. These plants bloom in large single flowers, mainly of light shades. They have a pleasant aroma.

  • Jeanne d'Arc variety. Liana in height can reach 2 meters, during flowering is decorated with medium-sized double-shaped flowers. The flower can reach 10 cm in diameter, the color is white. The flowering of clematis of this variety can be repeated.
  • Mrs. Cholmondeley. Liana with abundant and long flowering, which can reach a height of 3 m. Flowers are large lavender-blue, sometimes semi-double. Flowering begins in May or July and lasts until September.

Reproduction of clematis for a balcony: common methods

For breeding clematis on the balcony, planting material can be obtained independently. To do this, you just need to understand the most common breeding methods. Several methods are suitable for reproduction of flowering lianas at home: seed propagation, dividing the bush and propagation by layering.

Seed propagation of clematis for the balcony

  • This method reproduces species clematis with small flowers. It is not used for varietal plants, since the young liana will not retain decorative characteristics.
  • All varieties of clematis have seeds of different sizes, which, accordingly, germinate at different rates.
  • It is best to use freshly harvested seeds, as they lose their qualities over time.
  • All ornamental varieties have large seeds, smaller-flowered plants have small seeds. From this, the dates of sowing planting material also vary. If your seeds are large, they are sown immediately after harvest in the fall, medium seeds are sown in January, and small ones in March.
  • Previously, clematis seeds must be soaked in water and kept for 10 days, regularly changing the water several times a day.
  • After that, the seeds are dried and are preparing a container with a soil mixture.
  • Fill containers with sand, peat and soil, compact and moisten the mixture. Next, spread the seeds on the surface and sprinkle with a thin layer of sand.
  • The containers should be covered with glass or foil.
  • The optimum temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees.
  • Maintenance should consist of regular watering, aeration, and weed removal.
  • When the seedlings have a couple of strong leaves, they must be dived into small pots and left to grow in the room.
  • When the last frost has passed, the resulting strong seedlings can be planted in larger containers and displayed on the balcony.
  • Within 2-3 years, the seedlings need to be grown and pinched, after which they are placed in a permanent container.

Reproduction of clematis for the balcony by dividing the bush

  • This method is best for breeding clematis in conditions of growing on a balcony, since clematis are grown in such a closed space for 3 years, after which they need to be outdoors.
  • Clematis bushes can be divided until they reach the age of 6 years. After this period, it is very difficult to divide the vine root system.
  • Remove the clematis bush from the container and gently shake the soil off the roots.
  • Then place the plant on a litter and use a sharp pruner or knife.
  • It is necessary to divide the root in such a way that each division has at least one bud on the root collar.
  • After this, the cuts must be treated with wood ash.
  • Delenki are planted in separate pots, they are grown like ordinary seedlings.

Reproduction of clematis for a balcony by layering

  • This breeding method can also be implemented in a balcony.
  • To do this, you will need an adult plant and additional containers of soil.
  • In the fall, select one or more shoots on your clematis and tear off all the leaves from it, then cut the shoots to the first bud and weave them together.
  • In the prepared container, dig a groove and place the cuttings in it.
  • From above, the shoots are sprinkled with soil and compacted well.
  • Before the onset of winter, the container with cuttings can be covered with spruce branches or taken to a cool, dry room.
  • In the spring, the box with soil must be watered abundantly until the shoots appear.
  • Only by autumn can young seedlings be transplanted to a permanent place.

Preparation before planting clematis on the balcony

Clematis are beautiful and spectacular lianas that are ideal for decorating the site and for creating a cozy little garden on your balcony. Planting clematis in a container is not difficult; you do not need to have additional skills to carry out this process. However, the full growth and development of your clematis will depend on the correctness and thoroughness of the preparation. First of all, it is important to purchase high-quality and healthy seedlings of the type of clematis you need for the balcony, as well as find a suitable pot or container.

Stage 1. Choosing a variety and seedling of clematis for the balcony

  • For planting clematis on the balcony, it is important to choose only undersized or medium-sized varieties. the varieties you choose should have a long flowering period and be resistant to disease and pests. It is important to buy clematis varieties that are not overgrowing.
  • Today, many varieties of clematis have been bred for planting in indoor pots or containers.
  • Many gardeners recommend purchasing several varieties of clematis with different colors of flowers, so you get a beautiful and unusual composition.
  • It is also important to purchase high-quality and healthy clematis seedlings. You can choose delenki from an adult bush or buy ready-made seedlings, germinated within 2-3 years.
  • For a purchase, it is best to choose specialized garden centers or nurseries that are professionally engaged in plant breeding. So you will be sure of buying really high-quality planting material.
  • You need to buy seedlings with a well-developed root system; a young plant should have at least three roots.

Stage 2. Choosing a place and container for planting clematis on the balcony

  • If your balcony faces the north side, then it is better not to think about growing clematis, as you will get a very weak plant with nondescript flowers.
  • For the full growth of clematis, it is important that the balcony windows face south, southwest or southeast. These plants love to be in a sunny place for a long time.
  • Next, it's important to buy the right container or pot. Its height should be at least 65 cm high, the side should be approximately 30 cm.
  • The containers can be made of wood or other material.
  • It is important that the container has a tray for easy watering.
  • You can purchase small pots to end up hanging on the walls of a balcony or loggia.
  • It is recommended to place containers near the side or back wall of a balcony or loggia so that the sun does not fall on the ground.

Planting clematis on the balcony - instructions

  • Planting of clematis seedlings is carried out in the spring.
  • A layer of gravel or broken brick must be poured into the bottom of the container or pot to remove excess moisture.
  • Next, prepare a soil mixture, which should consist of turf, humus, peat, sand, a small amount of lime and superphosphate.
  • At this stage, it is important to establish a good support for clematis, since these vines grow very quickly and they must be suspended every 10-20 cm. As a support, you can use special frames of various shapes, you can adapt a fishing net or make a support from ordinary wire.
  • Next, the seedling is planted in a container and the soil is carefully compacted. After that, the plant is abundantly watered and mulched.

Caring for clematis on the balcony

Caring for clematis on the balcony is practically the same for plants that are grown in the open field. All actions are as simple as possible, the only thing is that you need to pay attention to it a little more often.

  • Watering. Clematis are moisture-loving plants that need regular and abundant watering. When growing this plant on the balcony, watering should be more frequent. For one seedling, you need to use about 3-5 liters of water. In this case, the irrigation regime can be determined by focusing on the state of the soil surface - it should always be slightly moist. Watering clematis on the balcony must be strictly at the root; for this, small pots of gravel can be deepened into the container and watered in them.
  • Loosening and mulching. Clematis do not like to grow in compacted soil, this will harm the full growth of the plant and its abundant flowering. Therefore, regularly, about once a week, the soil in the container should be gently loosened with a small spatula. It is also recommended to add mulch to the pot to reduce moisture evaporation.
  • Top dressing. Clematis growing on the balcony need more frequent feeding. They are used before and after flowering, you can pick up a complete complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Tying and trimming. Every 20 cm of overgrown shoots must be tied to a support. When the vine reaches the edge of the balcony, the shoots must be gathered together and rotated so that all the flowers hang in a large group. Pruning clematis on the balcony is needed only before the onset of cold weather. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the shoots in accordance with the group to which these plants belong.

  • Preparing for winter. Before the onset of winter, the container with clematis must be insulated. To do this, cut off the shoots, remove the remaining stems from the support and lay on top of the box. After that, the container is sprinkled with peat and sawdust, covered with old blankets and wrapped in a bag. You need to put the container on a small hill. This is an option for a glazed balcony. If the balcony is open, then for the period of winter frosts, it is better to transfer the container to the basement or greenhouse.

Photo of clematis on the balcony

Clematis are one of the most beloved ornamental plants among many gardeners, which is no coincidence, since these plants simply amaze with their beauty and grandeur. Once you see a blooming clematis, and you will never want to grow other flowers.

Please tell me how to grow clematis on the balcony? and got the best answer

Answer from ANGELA ***** [guru]
Cultivation of clematis on a balcony or loggia
The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.
To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire length of the bottom of the box, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.
Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on racks. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.
The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on the balcony, the daily growth of a vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that the shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out clematis shoots from the network; the often used net is simply thrown away along with the cut shoots.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and undersized varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place several varieties of clematis with flowers of various colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, purple) next to them, then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant such varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located approximately at the same height.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, use the varieties of clematis that have the highest flowering rate - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close as possible to the root system. These are, for example, such varieties:
Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group); Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (C. viticela group); Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group); Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. holmondeley (group C. Florida).
A source:

Answer from Zoya Alexandrovna[guru]
there are varieties that can be grown in containers, for example - Ashva, Blue Angel

Answer from Victoria Tchaikovskaya[guru]
go to my blog and there by tags find "clematis", the topic is "Clematis Jacqueman pot culture."

Answer from Gena Abonos[guru]
Can. But only those varieties that bloom on the growth of the current year. Since for the winter you will still have to bring it into the room. This is true, of course, for cold winters. If your balcony is warm or relatively warm, then things change for the better for clematis.
Good luck to you.
Try planting green peas. The British are just crazy about him. An incredible variety of varieties have been bred. If yours is not very hot in the summer, then the peas will be great.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

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