How to properly plant garden honeysuckle. How to plant honeysuckle in the fall so that it takes root successfully? What kind of land does honeysuckle love?

Landscape design 28.02.2021
Landscape design

Planting honeysuckle in your garden is a great solution. This magnificent plant will decorate the site with its flowering, and later bear delicious fruits.

Given the intricacies of planting honeysuckle and care in the open field, you can grow a shrub on your site for several years.

It is difficult to describe this plant, since the general characteristics will be very contradictory.

The types of honeysuckle differ depending on the height of the plant, and there are also decorative and edible varieties. More than 200 species of shrubs are known.

Decorative curly

Climbing honeysuckle is used as a decoration for the garden. It has a high decorative effect, grows widely, entwining everything in its path.

Among the most popular varieties are Kaprifol and Brown honeysuckle.

Kaprifol can spread branches up to 6 m wide, and usually grows up to 2.5 m in height. It is perfect for use as a hedge.

Kaprifol also beautifully braids the gazebos, so the variety is often grown just for this.

Honeysuckle leaves form "saucers" where flowers appear later. During fruiting, red berries can be seen on the plant.

Leaves, flowers and fruits of Brown's honeysuckle cultivar

The Brown variety is distinguished by the fact that it tolerates the winter under cover, as it does not tolerate the cold.

During flowering, orange inflorescences are formed. Does not bear fruit in cold regions.

Edible garden

Among edible garden honeysuckle, Tatarskaya is considered the most common.

Its main feature is resistance to harsh conditions.

The edible Tatar honeysuckle shrub grows up to 2.5 m in height.

Flowers can be seen only in the third year of cultivation.

The color of the inflorescences depends on the plant variety. After flowering, red fruits appear on the shrub.

Growing edible honeysuckle of different varieties will diversify the palette. Shrubs can bloom with yellow, white-green inflorescences, and the berries are blue, red.

Planting honeysuckle in your backyard

To understand how to grow honeysuckle in a garden, you need to consider
the fact that not all varieties are suitable for different regions.

Some are frost-resistant, while others, on the contrary, grow only in warm places.

A correctly selected planting material will help to achieve the best result.

The choice of a seedling variety and features of their development

When buying seedlings, consider the following:

  1. It is recommended to give preference to planting material from specialized nurseries.
  2. Adult plants should not be chosen, as they adapt less well to a new place and begin to bear fruit late.
  3. Planting material up to 20 cm high is also not suitable, it has not yet developed enough.
  4. The seedlings must have such qualities that they grow and develop well. That is why the choice of a variety depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region.
  5. The seedling should be about 2 years old.
  6. It is recommended to plant 3 different types on the site. This is because it improves pollination and results in increased yields.
  7. Plants with an open root system adapt faster, but you can also purchase a closed one.

The culture is early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening, among them popular varieties:

  • moraine honeysuckle;
  • Blue bird;
  • Leningrad giant.

Among mid-season:

  • Amphora;
  • Zest;
  • Azure.

A popular variety - Kamchadalka honeysuckle - can be attributed to the late ripening varieties.

Site selection and soil preparation for planting

If it is impossible to find such conditions, the shrub can be identified in a place with a predominance of shade.

Note! When planting shrubs, it is highly discouraged to choose low-lying areas where moisture stagnates. It will grow poorly in areas with overdried soil.

The shrub is not too picky about the soil, but when planted in fertile soil with medium acidity, it will develop rapidly.

If the land is too poor, it is prepared in advance. They introduce nutrients and let it brew for 1.5 months.

Planting honeysuckle seedlings

It is best to transplant honeysuckle to a new location in the fall. It is important to correctly calculate the distance between the bushes when planting.

Too often, the planted plants will grow strongly in the future. It will be difficult to look after them.

In addition, the sun's rays will not penetrate all parts of the shrub, which can provoke the appearance of various pests and the occurrence of diseases.

By the age of 6, the shrub is a plant with a height of 160-180 cm and a width of 120-150 cm.

Thus, the minimum distance between bushes should be 150-200 m.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

There are several ways to grow honeysuckle: from seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

The seed method is the longest, in contrast to it, it is much faster to divide the bush into several small ones or plant cuttings.

In this case, fruiting will begin much faster.

Seed method

The shrub blooms and bears fruit with this method of cultivation only in the fifth year of life. It is rarely used.

Sowing honeysuckle seeds is carried out in October as follows:

  1. Choose a wide but low container.
  2. The containers are filled with sand and watered.
  3. Seeds are spread on the surface of the sand.
  4. Sprinkle a little with sand and cover the containers with foil.
  5. Next, the containers are put into the refrigerator for the whole winter.

Every 2 weeks, the containers are taken out and looked at the moisture content of the sand. If it's dry, water it and put it back in the refrigerator.

To grow shrubs from seeds, with the onset of spring they are transplanted into containers filled with earth. The containers are covered with foil until sprouts appear.

At this time, there are no peculiarities of caring for honeysuckle. The sprouts must be monitored and the soil must be regularly moistened.

This is how the seedlings develop throughout the summer. Honeysuckle is planted in the fall.

Secrets of planting cuttings in the ground

Propagation of honeysuckle by edible cuttings allows you to get a rich harvest.

One of the main points of this growing method is the correct choice and preparation of planting material.

In early spring, before bud break, cuttings 15 cm long are chosen. The diameter of the planting material should be 7-8 mm.

At the chosen place, a hole is dug with a depth of 10-20 cm.

Placed in the fossa so that the 2 upper buds remain on the surface.

For better rooting, watered and covered with foil. After about 3-4 weeks, they will fully take root.

Growing and caring for honeysuckle in the middle lane

Proper planting and caring for honeysuckle in spring significantly increase the chances of getting a good harvest.

The climate in different regions is different, so each has its own distinctive features in terms of growing shrubs.

Planting and caring for honeysuckle in the Moscow region is best done in the fall, not in the spring.

At this stage, the development of the root system slows down, the plant adapts faster. In the spring, a shrub is planted only in cases of extreme necessity.


For culture, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for active growth and development.

The shrub is watered abundantly during the period of fruit formation.

You need to water the plant every day, while at least 1.5 buckets of water are consumed per bush.

With prolonged drought, watering is increased, and during prolonged rains, watering is reduced or stopped for some time.


The yield directly depends on whether fertilizers are applied during its growth, development or not.

Organic fertilizers are used to feed the honeysuckle in the spring before planting. This helps to accelerate the development of the shrub.

If the soil is too acidic, add dolomite flour, lime.

In the first and second year of the shrub's life, fertilization is not necessary, since the necessary substances were introduced before planting. They will be enough for a couple of years. The following dressings are carried out as follows:

  1. In the fall, wood ash, compost, superphosphate are introduced into the soil.
  2. In early spring, fertilize with ammonium nitrate, urea. Dilute 15 g of beneficial substance per 10 liters of water.
  3. In the middle of summer, after fruiting, they feed them with nitrophos, nitroammophos. For 10 liters of water, 25-30 g of fertilizer are consumed.

Diseases and pests

Failure to follow the rules for caring for the plant, insufficient lighting can cause many problems.

The most common diseases of edible honeysuckle:

White spot - a fungal disease often affects the plant. You can find out about its appearance by gray-brown spots with a white center on the leaves.

The situation is aggravated by high humidity. Spraying with Fundazol will help to cope with the problem;

Powdery mildew - represents a fungal disease. Greyish spots form on the leaves. Over time, powdery spots spread throughout the plant.

The disease spreads quickly when the shrub grows in the shade. The plant lacks light, soil drainage;

Drying of branches - fungi are the causative agents of the disease. Already in June, you can see how the branches begin to dry.

The disease can be detected by the reddish tubercles on the branches. For prevention, the plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid in early spring and after flowering.

Among the pests are noted:

  • rose leaf roll - brown butterfly. Its caterpillars eat leaves;
  • aphid - most often attacks shrubs. Aphids suck sap from the plant;
  • gooseberry moth - butterfly of variegated color. Its caterpillars feed on the leaves of the bush.

Important! Processing of edible varieties in the spring is unacceptable. There is a risk of chemicals getting into the ovary. In the fall, all damaged shoots are removed and burned.

Features of working with soil and pruning

Throughout the growth of the shrub, it needs regular weeding and loosening.

The porous soil facilitates the penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It begins to actively develop.

Weeds take useful trace elements from the soil, so it is important to remove them on time.

When is it better to prune in spring or autumn pruning dates

The honeysuckle plant must be pruned. You can increase productivity or decorativeness with the help of timely pruning.

New branches grow faster if old or damaged shoots are removed.

It is best to prune honeysuckle in the fall or early spring. It is recommended to be in time before the onset of cold weather and to do it in November.

For ornamental species, pruning is necessary to form stems. Edible varieties are pruned when the plant is 8-10 years old.

Features of pruning young and old honeysuckle

This item also has some features. Pruning edible honeysuckle under 5 years of age is the removal of empty branches.

These are branches where there are no shoots. They must be cut off immediately at the base. It is also necessary to get rid of damaged and frozen branches.

You can see the correct anti-aging pruning of honeysuckle in spring in the diagram.

An adult plant needs anti-aging pruning. Remove old branches, stem growth.

Pruning is also necessary to form the edible honeysuckle bush.

Top dressing and care after pruning

Proper care of the shrub promotes rapid development. Young branches develop, fruits appear the next year.

After trimming, all places need to be treated with oil paint or garden varnish. This measure will prevent bacteria from entering exposed areas.

Compost or manure is used as top dressing.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the introduction of fertilizing. It is recommended to fertilize the shrub once every 3 years.

Another important point: you cannot use fertilizers containing nitrogen in the fall.

It promotes the growth of green mass. Thus, before the onset of cold weather, leaves will bloom.

Typical mistakes of care in the fall and preparation for winter

Among the most common mistakes gardeners make:

  • wrong landing site - it is not recommended to choose an area that is constantly in the shade. Honeysuckle will grow worse and yield less. In addition, the lack of sunlight can cause fungal diseases;
  • untimely planting - also affects growth and yield. It is important to have time to plant the shrub before bud break;
  • irregular watering - a lack and excess of moisture is detrimental to the plant. You need to water, focusing on weather conditions;
  • improper fertilization - novice gardeners sometimes choose the wrong fertilizer. For example, nitrogen-containing ones are used only in spring to accelerate leaf growth.

Experienced advice from experienced gardeners will save you from mistakes and help you grow a strong and healthy plant.

As for the care of honeysuckle in the fall, preparation for winter, the edible plant varieties perfectly tolerate cold up to -40 ° C.

To prevent the branches from breaking under the snow, they need to be tied up and bent to the ground.

Ornamental honeysuckle needs shelter for the winter. Vines are carefully removed from the supports. Then they are folded and covered.

For this, spruce branches or other suitable covering material are used. Compared to other plants, honeysuckle does not need special labor-intensive care and preparation for winter.

Photo of honeysuckle in garden design

Culture has many positive aspects. An unpretentious shrub will give an excellent harvest and become a decoration of the garden.

The berries ripen even earlier than the strawberries. They are very healthy and tasty.

Compliance with simple rules will allow you to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

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Plants in the garden should be not only beautiful, but also tasty, and honeysuckle meets these requirements. As a berry crop, it has become a traditional element in landscape design, delighting with magnificent flowers and fragrant fruits. Not all summer residents still manage to cultivate honeysuckle: cultivation and care contain a couple of secrets that are required to get a good harvest.

About 100 species of this plant grow in their natural environment, mainly in Asia. Honeysuckle is a durable shrub no higher than 3 m, curly, creeping or with an erect stem. The flowers are large white, yellowish, pinkish, form a capitate inflorescence at the ends of the branches or are arranged in pairs with the leaves. The berries are also arranged in pairs and are colored red, yellow, orange or blue, depending on the species.

Attention! Only blue and purple berries with a whitish bloom are considered edible! In terms of chemical composition, they surpass the berries of other crops.

In Russian horticulture, no more than 10 plant species are cultivated, which are conventionally divided into shrubby and climbing.

They are mainly decorative, and only two species produce edible fruits. All cultivars are bred from them.

Table 1. Types of honeysuckle with edible fruits.


Tall (about 2-2.5 m) fast-growing, highly branched shrub with a compact crown. Outwardly it is similar to Edible Honeysuckle, but differs in larger berries, which can be considered dessert. The taste of the berries is reminiscent of blueberries, but without the bitterness characteristic of other varieties of the crop.

It is an upright shrub up to 1.5 m high. Its crown is dense, spherical. Young shoots and leaves have pubescence, old branches are covered with yellow-brown, easily peeling bark. The paired flowers are pale yellow, tubular, located in the leaf axils and bloom by early summer. The berries are dark blue with purple pulp, elongated up to one and a half centimeters in length.

Honeysuckle prices


Conditions for good growth of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is considered an unpretentious plant and does not require special care. It tolerates frost well, withstanding temperatures as low as -50 ° C. Even blossoming flowers are not afraid of spring frosts down to -7 ° С, and buds up to -14 ° С. The culture is distinguished by longevity and, in favorable conditions, gives excellent yields. It is grown in all regions of our country, from the south to the northern latitudes.

In general, the shrub can grow on any, it would seem, the most unsuitable poor soils, such as sandy or rocky. However, to get the most out of the edible varieties, it is better to plant the crop on fertile loose soils with deep groundwater. The acidity of the soil does not really matter, the main thing is that there is no waterlogging.

The site should be open, with maximum light during the day. Protection from the prevailing winds is necessary, as the berries are prone to shedding. Honeysuckle can grow in shaded, blown places, but then its development will be slowed down, and the taste of the fruit will leave much to be desired.

Video - comparison of varieties of honeysuckle

Reference! The taste of berries during their ripening period is influenced by the air temperature and the degree of soil moisture. It is noticed that in clear weather the berries are juicy and sweet, while the rainy summer makes them watery and sour.

Time to plant honeysuckle

The culture is planted at any time except May-June, when there is an active growth of shoots and ripening of fruits. In the spring, seedlings are planted after the snow melts, but before the beginning of the growing season of the plant, which begins quite early. This is not always convenient, so it is better to do planting work in the first half of autumn - this is less traumatic for the shrub, which will delight you with the first flowering in the spring.


If the culture was planted with a seedling or cuttings, the first fruits can be expected in a year. In turn, seedlings begin to bear fruit only after 3-4 years, and only for 6-7 years more than 1 kg of berries can be removed from one bush. Yields will increase for another 10 years and then decline. Therefore, 20-year-old bushes are renewed, completely cutting off the shoots. The berries ripen by the end of June.

Growing methods

Honeysuckle is propagated in all possible ways:

  • cuttings;
  • sowing seeds;
  • layering;
  • by dividing the root.

Each method is good in its own way and has pros and cons. Which one to use - every gardener decides independently.

Video - reproduction of honeysuckle

Propagation by cuttings

This method is considered the most successful, since it gives almost 100% rooting and allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the shrub. Green cuttings are harvested after flowering, when the fruits begin to fill with ripeness. At this time, the active process of growing green mass comes to an end.

The twigs should be about 0.5 cm thick. They are cut into cuttings 10-15 cm long so that the lower buds are 1 cm higher than the cut. The cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 °. In addition to the lower buds, two more nodes are left on the cuttings: the leaves are completely removed from the lower ones, and a couple of the upper ones are cut in half.

Green cuttings are not stored, but immediately planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse, preferably under additional cover. At the same time, a humidity of at least 85% and a temperature of about 25 ° C are maintained. Under favorable conditions, the cuttings take root after two weeks, but possibly later. In the spring, after the frost stops, they are transplanted into open ground.

Lignified cuttings are harvested in advance from autumn at the end of the growing season. Their diameter should be about 1 cm, and the length up to 15 cm. Unlike green ones, lignified ones are not planted immediately into the ground, but are tied in bundles and buried in the soil substrate for the winter. Cuttings are planted in the spring under a film, when the earth thaws after frost.

Reference. Honeysuckle is also propagated by combined cuttings. To do this, when cutting a young shoot, they capture a part of a one-year-old branch - future roots will go from it.

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Reproduction by layering

In this way, honeysuckle is propagated after harvest:

  • Around the bush, the soil is loosened and the weeds are pulled out;
  • Choose several strong young shoots that easily lean to the ground;
  • Shoots are pinned to the ground with wire and covered with soil;
  • In this state, they are left until spring, not forgetting to water.

Until spring, the branches will take root, forming small bushes. They are separated by pruning shears from the mother plant and transplanted into permanent places. Sometimes one shoot takes root in several places at once, then it is divided into separate segments and planted.

Root division

This is the most common way of propagating berry bushes, during which several strong seedlings are obtained from one bush at once. The division is carried out in the fall, when the growing season of the plant has come to an end.

To do this, a bush 6-7 years old is dug up and with the help of a pruner or a saw, the rhizome is cut into 2-3 parts so that each part has a pair of shoots. Root cuts are treated with garden pitch, after which each separated part is planted in a prepared hole.

Growing by seeds

The seed method of breeding honeysuckle is most often used by breeders in order to develop new varieties of crops. Therefore, when growing by seeds at home, you need to be prepared for the fact that varietal characteristics will be partially lost, which means that the fruits will change their taste. For sowing, seeds are taken from the best ripe berries.

You can sow directly into the ground, or you can sow seedlings. In the first case, freshly harvested seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Then they are washed well, dried and laid out, shallowly embedded in the prepared area. The landing site is covered with polyethylene, opening it only for watering and airing. Moistening is done from a spray gun to avoid erosion of the earth. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks, then the polyethylene is removed, and the seedlings are looked after according to the standard scheme. In the fall, seedlings are rejected, they are insulated for the winter, and a year later they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Video - growing honeysuckle from seeds

Forcing seedlings gives good results. To do this, freshly harvested seeds are sown in containers with soil consisting of sand, garden soil and peat in equal proportions, as well as ash. The containers are covered with plastic or glass and placed indoors, such as a greenhouse. When seedlings appear, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are looked after as usual. By winter, if the variety is winter-hardy, the seedlings are taken out into the open air, where they remain until spring. If not, they are left indoors. Culling and picking are carried out in the spring.

When sowing in winter, the containers are immediately left outside, where the seeds undergo natural stratification under the snow. In the spring, to accelerate germination, seedlings are brought into a greenhouse or greenhouse. When the first two true leaves bloom near the seedlings, they are dived into the ground, and a year later they are planted in a permanent place.

Planting honeysuckle outdoors

When planting honeysuckle in the ground, they adhere to a certain scheme - this applies to both adult bushes and young seedlings. But at the beginning they prepare a landing pit up to half a meter in diameter and about the same depth. The pit is filled with a nutrient substrate consisting of 1 bucket of organic fertilizer (for example, humus), 200 g of potassium salt and the same amount of superphosphate (salt can be replaced with ash). Vermiculite improves the moisture capacity of the soil well - it has the property of absorbing and giving up moisture when the root system of the plant needs it. Therefore, you can add 3 liters of such a component.

The prepared substrate is filled with a pit, forming a mound, on which the seedling is placed and its roots are carefully straightened. They cover the top with garden soil, covering the root collar by 4-5 cm. The sapling is watered from a watering can with a splitter, well mulched with sawdust, peat, chopped straw.

Attention! Shrubs are planted in a permanent place so that the distance between them is 2 m, and the row spacing is 2.5 m.With this scheme, the bushes will not be cramped, and summer residents will be comfortable looking after them.

Honeysuckle care

The main crop care is required in the first 2 years from the moment of planting. First of all, watering is needed - the culture does not tolerate drought, especially at the time of active shoot formation. Shoots grow poorly, which affects the future harvest, since the berries are formed on last year's stems. In addition, with a moisture deficit, most of the ovaries fall off, and small bitter fruits ripen from the rest.

In nature, honeysuckle grows on loose soils in the undergrowth, therefore, in culture, it needs loosening. The soil is loosened carefully so as not to damage the close-lying roots of the plant. At the same time, the young bush is spud. If the trunk circle is covered with mulch, then loosening is not required.

In the first year of growth of honeysuckle, feeding is not needed, it is enough for those fertilizers that were introduced into the hole during planting. In the spring of the third year, the crop already needs nitrogen fertilization, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate. Phosphorus and potassium are added in the fall.


The first pruning is carried out in the process of planting a seedling, when all the shoots are cut out, leaving 2-3 of the strongest ones and shortening them by a third of the length. In the future, every year they perform sanitary pruning, during which dry and broken branches are cut out. The right time for sanitary pruning is autumn, after the leaves fall, a month before the onset of stable frosts. If, for any reason, pruning has not been carried out, it is postponed until spring, until the buds have blossomed.

Detailed pruning can be carried out throughout the growing season, as honeysuckle tends to form many thin dry branches with underdeveloped buds. Removing them promotes the growth of young healthy shoots.

Formative pruning is applied to shrubs over 3 years old and is carried out every 2-3 years. Cut out all creeping shoots, shoots with weak growth or growing inside the bush. Remove old thick branches from the central part of the shrub, cutting off just above the growth point of the young shoot.

In shrubs older than 7-8 years, every 3-4 years, a partial rejuvenating pruning is carried out, during which several skeletal branches are left after the rest are completely removed. Radical pruning is required for highly thickened plants at the age of about 20 years - the bush is cut to the ground.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle is a fairly young crop in our gardens and so far it has few pests. Its main enemy is the golden beetle, a golden-green beetle, whose larvae eat away at the bush from the inside. It is useless to fight the pest with the help of insecticides, since the bug flies away during spraying, and the larvae are not available for the drug. As a result, the branches of the culture dry up. The main method of control is cutting the affected shoots under the root and burning them.

There are many beautiful ornamental plant varieties that can nobly decorate absolutely any garden plot. For example, honeysuckle of serotin, tälmann, Japanese, honeysuckle. But among the ornamental plants there is also edible honeysuckle, which has a spicy and pleasant taste. So, if you are one of the summer residents who want to try something new, tasty, interesting, then I advise you to plant edible (blue) honeysuckle on the gardener's plot.

Unfortunately, edible honeysuckle (also called "blue") is a highly underestimated and not very popular shrub. Perhaps, in many gardens you can find bushes of currants, gooseberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, but blue berries of an unusual shape are a rare guest.

The shrub has a developed branched root system, it can grow up to 1.5-2.5 meters in height. The life span of one bush is up to fifty years, the most intense fruiting begins from seven years and lasts up to half of the plant's life span.

Question and answer: when does the bush begin to bear fruit after planting? Fruiting begins in 3-4 years.

The edible plant variety is a northern crop. A distinctive feature is it it is cold-resistant and very poorly tolerates heat and scorching sun... For this reason, it is rare in the South, although breeders have developed zoned varieties. By the way, the plant bears fruit almost before all crops!

Why is it worth planting honeysuckle for every gardener and summer resident? There are a number of good reasons for this:

  • The berry has a pleasant and exquisite taste that even a gourmet will appreciate it!
  • The content of vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients is impressive. Together with pleasant taste sensations, you will endow your body with a beneficial influence.
  • The shrub is resistant to frost, little susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • The edible variety is easy to care for, so it won't be a hassle or time-consuming cultivation.
  • The bush can be used to create a stunning living fence! The bushes will look very organic and interesting.

Important! For fruiting, edible honeysuckle needs cross-pollination. For this reason, it is necessary to plant in the garden not one, but two, three or four bushes of different varieties. The interval between them is two to three meters.

When is it better to plant honeysuckle - in spring or autumn

Any gardener who has never come across this crop will probably take an interest - is it preferable to plant in autumn or spring? So, you can successfully complete the procedure both in autumn and spring. But still it is better to plant in open ground in the fall.

Benefits of autumn planting:

  • The plant takes root better during this period.
  • The bush successfully grows roots and takes root in a comfortable environment.
  • With the autumn procedure, stratification occurs (that is, hardening due to the cold), and the plant becomes stronger and more resilient.

Positive aspects of planting a plant in springis the opportunity to carefully observe the seedling, and if any problems begin, you can solve them by watering, feeding, processing against pests and diseases. A significant disadvantage is the possibility of planting at the wrong time - too early or too late (at the time of bud break), which will have a very negative effect on the shrub.

So, with the question - when is it better to plant honeysuckle, in spring or autumn, each gardener must decide on his own, but still it is better to do it in the fall.

Planting dates for honeysuckle seedlings

The right time for planting honeysuckle in spring is April... This should be done when complete snowmelt occurs, but the kidneys are not yet swollen... For instance, in the Middle lane (including the Moscow region) - can be planted in mid-April, in the South (Krasnodar Territory (Kuban), North Caucasus) - at the end of March, at the beginning of April, In Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region - at the end of April, in the Volga region - the second decade of April.

The optimal timing for planting a seedling in the fall is late September-mid-October.In the South - in mid-October, in Siberia, in the Urals, Leningrad region - in mid-September, In the Moscow region - in late September.

A step-by-step guide to planting honeysuckle

Detailed step-by-step instructions will help you to perform absolutely any business with high quality. And planting edible honeysuckle is no exception. Knowing the basic steps, rules and features of the procedure, you can achieve wonderful results!

Step one - choosing a location

This culture cannot be called capricious. But still, if you want to get a tasty and large harvest, you should provide the shrub with the most comfortable conditions. Where is the best place to plant a plant? When choosing a place for edible honeysuckle, keep in mind that:

  1. The culture loves an abundance of sunshine, but at the same time it also tolerates light partial shade. But in any case, it is desirable that the lower shoots of the plant are in a little shade.
  2. The place should be under reliable protection from cold winds and drafts.
  3. Lowlands, ditches and wetlands should be avoided. Dry places are also highly discouraged.
  4. The site should not have groundwater that is close to the surface of the earth (it should be deeper than one meter).
  5. You should not plant a berry crop next to fruit trees and shrubs, which can (now or in the future) strongly shade the plant. Also, close proximity is dangerous because other crops will take most of the necessary nutrients, and honeysuckle will be in short supply.

Step two - soil selection

We can say that the culture is unpretentious to soils. But despite this, she still has small preferences:

  • The soil should be fertile, well warmed up.
  • The culture loves slightly acidic soils (5.5-6.5). But if the acidity is below the permissible level, then liming of the site should be carried out in advance.
  • Loose, drained soils are great.
  • The plant does not like sandy soils.

Step three - choosing a seedling

Before you go shopping for a seedling, check out the characteristics of a quality seedling and some tips to avoid disappointment after planting.

First of all, I would like to advise you to buy honeysuckle seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries that have a good reputation and reviews. But it is better to bypass dubious points of sale, because it is not known what surprises an unscrupulous seller is preparing!

When choosing planting material, check with the seller - which variety is in front of you. It is recommended to buy a zoned variety suitable for growing in your area. And be sure to explain that you are interested in the edible variety!

To choose a high-quality and healthy seedling, the following characteristics will help you:

  1. The most ideal option is a two-year-old seedling with two or three branches. Its height is about 30-40 centimeters.
  2. The branches of the seedling are normal, without traces of damage, drying out, cracks. However, they must be flexible.
  3. The root system should be well developed, roots without damage, not broken, not rotten.
  4. You can find traces of peeling on the planting material. But this does not mean that it is worth immediately discarding such an instance, for this culture this is a normal phenomenon, so pay attention to other signs.
  5. If you see a sluggish, weak, stunted seedling that has damage on the roots or aboveground parts, then it is better to bypass it and not buy.
  6. Overgrown seedlings with a height of more than one and a half meters should be avoided, since rooting will be difficult, and fruiting will take a long time. Too low cuttings less than 25 centimeters tall are not suitable either.
  7. By the way, you can buy a seedling with both an open root system and a closed one (i.e. container type). But it is believed that an instance with an open system takes root more successfully and faster.

Important! And do not forget that you need to purchase two, and preferably three or four seedlings of different varieties for cross-pollination.

Step four - preparing the site and planting pit

In about a week, it is necessary to prepare the site and the planting pit. You should dig up the area on a shovel bayonet, remove debris, stones, rhizomes of weeds.

Now you should dig a hole for planting honeysuckle, the optimal sizes are: depth 40 centimeters, and width - 50... In this case, the upper fertile layer of the earth should be discarded to a separate side. And at the bottom of the pit you need to put drainage layer, 10 centimeters thick. Crushed stone, crushed brick, expanded clay can be used as drainage.

When digging a hole, you need to consider optimal distance between bushes of edible honeysuckle... The gap between low-growing plants - 1.5 or 2 meters, and the distance between tall specimens is 2.5 meters... And between the rows with landings there should be a distance of two meters. If the distance guidelines are neglected, it will be difficult to care for the plant and harvest.

Now you need to fill the planting pit with fertilizers:

  • humus or compost - 10 kilograms (and if the soil is sandy, then three buckets can be added at once);
  • superphosphate - 150 grams;
  • potassium salt - 150 grams;
  • soil from the top fertile layer - one bucket.

Fill the hole 2/3 full of fertilizer, mix well and water.

Advice! Instead of superphosphate and potassium salt, you can use 300 grams of Nitrofosk fertilizer.

Also in sandy soil, which this culture does not like, it is recommended to add clay in a ratio of 4 kilograms per square meter.

Step five - direct landing (scheme and rules of procedure)

Follow the procedure for planting edible honeysuckle according to the correct scheme in spring and autumn, step-by-step instructions will help:

  • Top the fertilizer in the hole with a small earthen mound using fertile soil.
  • Place the seedling on a mound, spread the roots evenly, avoiding creases.
  • Now you need to fill the hole with earth, while you can slightly shake the seedling so that there are no voids between the roots.
  • Gently compact the soil, water (about ten liters per bush) and mulch.
  • If the soil has settled too much, then before mulching, you need to add soil.

Important!As for the planting depth in open ground, then on fertile, light soils possible deepening of the root collar by three centimeters.

If the soil is heavy or the groundwater is high in the garden, then the neck must not be buried in no case!

The main stages of caring for honeysuckle after planting

Caring for edible honeysuckle after planting in open ground is a prerequisite for good, quick survival and normal plant growth. It doesn't matter if you plant in autumn or spring. It is not difficult to take care of a plant in the garden, but it will respond with gratitude and a rich harvest in the future.

After landing, it is necessary mulch area around the plant. The mulch layer is about 10 centimeters. Peat, sawdust, straw can be used as a mulching material.

Watering - the key point of caring for honeysuckle. The quality and quantity of the harvest largely depends on it: if you regularly and correctly water the plant, you can get a generous and tasty harvest. With a lack of moisture, the berries will be bitter, the yield will be smaller and gradually every year it will become smaller, and the taste will deteriorate. But at the same time, it is impossible to swamp the area with watering, everything should be within the normal range! In dry summers it is necessary to water as the top layer of the soil dries up.

After watering, you should loosening, which will prevent the formation of an earth crust and improve moisture and air exchange in the soil. Loosening must be done carefully and superficially to avoid damage to the roots.

It is necessary to regularly produce feeding... For the first three years, honeysuckle especially needs nitrogen fertilization due to the peculiarities of slow growth, even if cultivation takes place on fertile soil. After the leaves have bloomed and before June 15th, fertilize at intervals of two weeks. Then, after the first three years, it is necessary to fertilize with complex fertilizer twice a season - during the leafing period and during flowering.

If you are interested in breeding honeysuckle, then keep in mind that this is possible only in a vegetative way (that is, by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering). If you sow seeds, the varietal characteristics will not be preserved.

Shrub pruning and shaping are also important for quality care. The moment when you need to prune the honeysuckle for the first time after planting comes in five to seven years. In the spring, sanitary pruning of weak, frozen, damaged shoots is carried out. Formative pruning should be done in the fall, after the foliage has fallen off. It is necessary to cut off all the shoots and keep four to five strong shoots (if their number is more than five, then the extra ones must be eliminated). It is necessary to cut off the shoots that thicken the shrub. Berries are formed on annual shoots, so this year's shoots cannot be eliminated. And after ten years of cultivation, you can make anti-aging pruning. For this, dried shoots should be removed to a living place, branches that have stopped growing should be shortened by a third of the soil surface.

Throughout the summer cottage you need weed an area to eliminate weeds.

Before the winter cold, it is imperative to protect the plant from the approaching cold weather. Mulch (mulch layer - about 15 centimeters).

Video: features of the care of edible honeysuckle.

The rules and features of planting a plant are not particularly difficult. But you need to try a little and show diligence to avoid annoying mistakes. If you follow the step-by-step instructions and all the recommendations, you can successfully plant and grow a beautiful honeysuckle bush.

The place for planting honeysuckle must be chosen in such a way that over time the top of the bush is well lit, but the root part is in partial shade. An ideal place would be a draft-free area with fertile soil of neutral acidity.

Avoid areas in the shade and high ground with sandy soil.

Planting pit preparation

The planting hole must be prepared a few days before. Its diameter should be approximately 40 cm and its depth should be between 25 and 40 cm. Apply fertilizer:

  • 10 kg of humus;
  • 200 g;
  • 40 g of potassium salt.

Mix the fertilizers with the soil with a shovel and water the hole. If necessary (if the soil is clayey), add sod land, sand and wood ash. Next, cover the planting hole from above and leave for 4 days.

The choice of planting material

For reproduction of honeysuckle, rooted cuttings not older than 2 years are used. Seedlings that are too tall (more than 1.5 m) may not take root, but it is also better not to take small ones (less than 25 cm), since they have not yet developed.

Planting a honeysuckle seedling

In order for honeysuckle to give a generous and tasty harvest, it should be planted in groups (at least two or three plants), while choosing seedlings of different varieties. This is due to the fact that honeysuckle is self-infertile.

Before planting, the seedlings should be kept in a solution of heteroauxin for a day (50 g of the preparation per 1 liter of water).

Plant a seedling in a prepared planting hole, spread the roots and compact the soil around them well so that there are no voids left. Water the bush and mulch. The root collar should be slightly deepened - no more than 3 cm. In group plantings, the distance between the seedlings should be maintained about a meter, and the row spacing should be 2.5 meters.

Care of young plantings

With the arrival of spring, spud the planted bushes, dig around the soil with a shovel half-bayonet. Mulch the young honeysuckle with humus.
Honeysuckle care includes regular watering, in hot dry summers - daily. After watering, the soil must be loosened and weeded as needed.
Fertilizer is applied only from the third year of the bush's life. It is enough to feed young plantings with compost in spring (1 bucket per bush), and in autumn add ash to the soil (150 g). For the prevention of diseases and pests in summer, shrubs are treated with special means.
As for pruning, during the first five years, young honeysuckle does not need it. At this time, her growth is slow. It is enough to remove dry and diseased branches in the spring.

Honeysuckle is a plant that was cultivated by Russian scientists in just a few decades. Today in garden plots, it is not yet considered a familiar culture. But many summer residents are already seriously interested in planting, leaving, breeding edible honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle varieties

There are decorative and edible varieties of honeysuckle. Among them there are early and late varieties. Unlike other crops, the ripening time of berries differs only by 7-14 days. The exact dates depend on the weather conditions.

Edible varieties - photo

Interesting. The variety with the largest blue berries is the Bakcharsky Giant.

Decorative varieties with photos

Decorative honeysuckle is used only for landscaping the site: decorating gazebos, fences. It grows in the form of a climbing liana. The flowers are large, fragrant. The berries are orange in color, not edible. The plant is unpretentious. It takes root easily. Can be planted in autumn and spring. Closer to winter, the vine must be removed from the trellis.

Besides honeysuckle, there are other varieties of decorative curly honeysuckle. But not all varieties are able to winter safely in the climatic conditions of Russia.

Planting a plant

Planting honeysuckle is easy.

Site selection, soil preparation

It is better to choose soil with the following characteristics:

  • rich in organic matter,
  • loose,
  • moisture-absorbing,
  • with neutral acidity - loam, sandstone.

How to plant honeysuckle so that the berries are sweet? The bush must be planted in a bright, sunny place.

Sapling selection

It is better to buy seedlings in garden centers. Necessarily with a closed root system. It is recommended to choose 2-3 year old specimens. The branches should bend well. The bark may be slightly cracked. You need to plant at least 3 varieties at the same time - cross-pollinated honeysuckle crop.

Planting scheme and stages

Honeysuckle planting scheme - 2.5-3 × 1.5 m.

A hole for planting bushes is dug out depending on the branching of the roots. For a 3-year-old seedling, a 40 × 40 cm hole is enough.

  1. put small branches in the pit (preferably dried ones);
  2. cover the branches with earth;
  3. put organic residues on top of the ground - food waste, plant residues, paper;
  4. add bokashi to activate the decomposition process;
  5. fill organic matter with fertile soil.

This layer should be half of the dug hole. Until the roots of the shrub reach this depth, organic matter will have time to decompose.

Then it is recommended to water the pits with 2 buckets of water with the addition of phytosporin. Plant the plant without deepening the trunk. Drizzle. Cover the surface of the earth with a small amount of bakashi, mulch. For the first 5 years, honeysuckle grows slowly.

Important. The reason for the poor survival rate of the bushes may be damage to the roots during planting.

Growing and care

Growing honeysuckle does not require anxious care. However, you need to know the basic points of how to care for the honeysuckle bush correctly. One bush can bear fruit for up to 25 years. In central Russia, flowering begins in early May. Plants are not afraid of frost, they can stand up to -7 0 С.

Honeysuckle care in the suburbs and other regions of the country does not differ and includes:

  • pruning;
  • weed removal;
  • top dressing;
  • watering.


During the formation of berries, the plant needs watering. In loams, watering is needed once every 7 days. The liquid should not get on the leaves, flowers. Insufficient moisture during this period makes the berries bitter.

Pruning, shaping

It is believed that honeysuckle does not need pruning. But this is not true. Bushes require pruning:

  1. sanitary (removal of dried, broken branches);
  2. formative pruning (crown lightening).

If the branches do not grow densely, pruning can be omitted until 5 years from the date of planting.

In the first year of growth, for better rooting, all flowers of the plant must be removed completely, in the second - partially.

3-5 years after planting, you need to remove dried, damaged branches. You should try to form such an arrangement of the branches to ensure good ventilation, lighting, and ease of picking berries.

Important. For a 4-year-old bush, it is enough to leave 5-7 strong branches.

The plant is mainly cut in the fall. But spring pruning is also possible. Fall care involves pruning after shedding foliage.

In the spring, honeysuckle wakes up early. The first buds may appear in the last days of March. The plant requires pruning in the first place, along with currants, gooseberries. Later pruning can affect growth and fruiting.

  1. Remove broken branches.
  2. Remove dry branches (no swollen buds, bark).
  3. Cut the branches that shade the crown (go inside the bush).
  4. Remove weak parts (thin, old).

The shrinking of honeysuckle branches is a natural process.

Weed removal, mulching

Care for honeysuckle in the open field, weed removal is carried out taking into account that the roots of the bush lie close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, it is impossible to dig, deeply loosen the soil under the bush.

The roots of the plant can be mulched with straw, hay, fallen leaves, peat, coconut substrate. Such a "pillow" will nourish the bushes, retain moisture, and resist the growth of weeds.


When growing a crop, caring for it includes picking berries. Fruiting of honeysuckle begins a month earlier than the earliest raspberry varieties. An adult bush bears fruit annually. One bush gives 1.5-2.5 kg of berries. Honeysuckle is not considered a highly fertile crop.

In central Russia, the first harvest of honeysuckle is harvested in late spring, early summer. In the Urals, fruiting ends towards the end of June. Some varieties are harvested by shaking off.

How to feed honeysuckle?

When growing honeysuckle in the country, it must be fed with complex mineral or organic fertilizers. Experienced summer residents recommend using organics. Fertilizers are mainly applied at the beginning of the season. Like other crops, the plant needs nitrogen in the spring.

How to grow a honeysuckle seedling so that there is a big harvest of berries in the country?

Hello, my dear.

Today we will talk about honeysuckle, a beautiful plant. I love honeysuckle and enjoy its berry every year.

From this article you will learn how to grow honeysuckle in your garden, how to choose the right seedling for planting, the scheme for planting a bush in the country.

What you need to harvest a large crop, all the rules of care and preparation of the bush for winter. How to grow honeysuckle from a cutting, how to harvest and why to cut the branches of a bush.

And many more useful tips.

Honeysuckle is a plant from the Honeysuckle family; in total, there are about 200 different species of upright, climbing and creeping shrubs in the world. Several centuries ago, they were cultivated in the gardens of Europe, people used them as a natural decoration for parks and home gardens.

It is not possible to meet a neat bush with bluish fruits in every area, since summer residents grow such a crop less often than strawberries and raspberries.

But the peculiar berries are very useful for the cardiovascular system and stomach, and gardeners will like the appearance of honeysuckle.

Shrub purchase

Before you grow honeysuckle in your garden, take care of buying quality planting material. Of course, you can get a plant from seeds, but this process is too troublesome and time-consuming, which is why summer residents prefer to look for a seedling.

It is important to know that not all varieties of crops will delight you with edible berries; some shrubs in the garden area act as decoration and are used to create compositions. Choose the variety of honeysuckle that suits your needs.

How to choose a seedling

In order to get a good berry, consider the tips for choosing planting material and purchase a seedling that meets the following requirements:

  • age from 2 to 3 years;
  • overgrown root system;
  • flexible twigs and young buds.

There should be no mechanical damage or suspicious spots on the plant, but peeling of the trunk bark is a normal phenomenon for honeysuckle and in this case you should not refuse to buy.

Not all beginners know how to grow edible honeysuckle. The first varieties of this berry appeared at the end of the last century, and today the most popular are groups of varieties bred by Siberian specialists engaged in the cultivation of amazing shrubs.

Such varieties are rich in useful components and are ideal for preparing blanks, fresh consumption.

There are also varieties in the world:

  • ural,
  • petersburg selection,
  • but seaside plants ripen early and quickly crumble, they are not suitable for central Russia.

In order to get a harvest, plant at least 2 different varieties of honeysuckle in your country house, which will bloom at the same time.

This is due to the fact that many varieties of culture are unable to pollinate themselves with their own pollen.

Planting a seedling

Before planting honeysuckle, walk around your area and look for a good spot for the plant. It loves sunlight, but strong gusts of wind can ruin the bush, so it is optimal to organize planting along the fence or near other bushes.

Honeysuckle grows on fertile soil, which is why the fruits in the photo are so large and appetizing. Sour garden soil is improved with lime, and organic matter is introduced into the pit.

  1. At the dacha, dig a hole about 50 cm deep, its width will be slightly less than this indicator.
  2. It is important to observe the distance between shrubs, it should be at least 1.5 meters for short specimens and more than 2 meters for tall plants, so consider this point.
  3. Experienced summer residents who know how to plant honeysuckle are advised to add 2 buckets of compost, 800 g of wood ash and water to moisten the soil into the pit.
  4. In the center of the hole, make a mound and place the seedling there, its root system should be straightened.
  5. At the end of the work, mulch the ground around the bush with sawdust.

Culture care

Caring for the bush is very important and includes several important activities: watering, feeding, pruning old branches, preparing for wintering.


Honeysuckle is a moisture-loving plant; in dry summers it suffers without water, so abundant watering cannot be dispensed with.

After irrigation, the land around the bush should be loosened and cleaned of weeds, but very carefully - the root system is developed superficially and it is easy to damage it.

Top dressing

Since it is correct to grow honeysuckle in fertile soil, fertilization must not be forgotten.

The next year after disembarkation:

  1. feed the bush with nitrogen in the spring,
  2. and in the fall, use potassium and phosphorus.

During the flowering period, spill the honeysuckle with an infusion of ash (500 g of the product per 5 liters of water).


Do not forget about how to care for honeysuckle. Good pruning will make the shrub attractive and productive.

Start this procedure as early as 2 weeks after planting the seedling, removing weak shoots and leaving 4 to 5 developed branches. So, the bush forms side shoots and becomes more lush.

And after 7 years, all the old processes are cut off.


If you know how to grow honeysuckle with health benefits, then the shrub will yield the harvest several times per season. The berry harvest can be large, and if you have several bushes, it can be huge.

But while picking berries, lay a piece of cloth under the plant, otherwise overripe berries will fall to the ground.

Autumn care

Because every summer resident can grow a seedling, you should also know about the protection of the bush from adverse environmental conditions.

  1. Prune diseased and dry branches in the fall.
  2. Move garden debris and mulch away from plants.
  3. And bend the branches themselves to the ground and secure.

In winter, the enemies of honeysuckle are wild birds that eat fruit buds, which is why it is recommended to cover the shrub with burlap or a special net.

Reproduction of honeysuckle in spring

In May, when the flowering time is over, and the berries begin to appear, start harvesting material for propagation.

Growing by cuttings

For this purpose, strong and healthy growths that have appeared in the current year are suitable - they have a delicate and light bark.

  1. Cut the twig obliquely with a pruner; a cloudy day is best for work. To prevent moisture from leaving the branch, the leaves are removed.
  2. Cuttings for a day are placed in settled water or a solution of a growth stimulator.
  3. And then they are planted in boxes for rooting.

The soil should be loose and breathable, so it is recommended to use several parts of fertile land and some river sand, the components are mixed.

Twig care

  1. The twigs are planted at an angle so that one bud remains on the surface.
  2. Don't forget to water your plants.
  3. And cover the box with a film and put it in a cool and dark room.

When the leaves come out of the cuttings, it will be possible to plant the honeysuckle in the garden, usually this happens the next year.

Now you know how to grow honeysuckle in the country, how to plant it, how to propagate it by cuttings, and how to care for and prepare for wintering.

It is an ideal plant for Siberia, as well as irga. Follow my tips for caring for this wonderful plant. And a good harvest.

Honeysuckle: growing and care

Plants in the garden should be not only beautiful, but also tasty, and honeysuckle meets these requirements. As a berry crop, it has become a traditional element in landscape design, delighting with magnificent flowers and fragrant fruits. Not all summer residents still manage to cultivate honeysuckle: cultivation and care contain a couple of secrets that are required to get a good harvest.

Description of honeysuckle and its types

About 100 species of this plant grow in their natural environment, mainly in Asia. Honeysuckle is a durable shrub no higher than 3 m, curly, creeping or with an erect stem. The flowers are large white, yellowish, pinkish, form a capitate inflorescence at the ends of the branches or are arranged in pairs with the leaves. The berries are also arranged in pairs and are colored red, yellow, orange or blue, depending on the species.

Attention! Only blue and purple berries with a whitish bloom are considered edible! In terms of chemical composition, they surpass the berries of other crops.

In Russian horticulture, no more than 10 plant species are cultivated, which are conventionally divided into shrubby and climbing.

They are mainly decorative, and only two species produce edible fruits. All cultivars are bred from them.

Table 1. Types of honeysuckle with edible fruits.

Kamchatka Honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea)

Honeysuckle Edible (Lonicera edulis)

Honeysuckle prices

Conditions for good growth of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is considered an unpretentious plant and does not require special care. It tolerates frost well, withstanding temperatures as low as -50 ° C. Even blossoming flowers are not afraid of spring frosts down to -7 ° С, and buds up to -14 ° С. The culture is distinguished by longevity and, in favorable conditions, gives excellent yields. It is grown in all regions of our country, from the south to the northern latitudes.

In general, the shrub can grow on any, it would seem, the most unsuitable poor soils, such as sandy or rocky. However, to get the most out of the edible varieties, it is better to plant the crop on fertile loose soils with deep groundwater. The acidity of the soil does not really matter, the main thing is that there is no waterlogging.

The site should be open, with maximum light during the day. Protection from the prevailing winds is necessary, as the berries are prone to shedding. Honeysuckle can grow in shaded, blown places, but then its development will be slowed down, and the taste of the fruit will leave much to be desired.

Video - comparison of varieties of honeysuckle

Reference! The taste of berries during their ripening period is influenced by the air temperature and the degree of soil moisture. It is noticed that in clear weather the berries are juicy and sweet, while the rainy summer makes them watery and sour.

Time to plant honeysuckle

The culture is planted at any time except May-June, when there is an active growth of shoots and ripening of fruits. In the spring, seedlings are planted after the snow melts, but before the beginning of the growing season of the plant, which begins quite early. This is not always convenient, so it is better to do planting work in the first half of autumn - this is less traumatic for the shrub, which will delight you with the first flowering in the spring.


If the culture was planted with a seedling or cuttings, the first fruits can be expected in a year. In turn, seedlings begin to bear fruit only after 3-4 years, and only for 6-7 years more than 1 kg of berries can be removed from one bush. Yields will increase for another 10 years and then decline. Therefore, 20-year-old bushes are renewed, completely cutting off the shoots. The berries ripen by the end of June.

Growing methods

Honeysuckle is propagated in all possible ways:

  • cuttings;
  • sowing seeds;
  • layering;
  • by dividing the root.

Each method is good in its own way and has pros and cons. Which one to use - every gardener decides independently.

Video - reproduction of honeysuckle

Propagation by cuttings

This method is considered the most successful, since it gives almost 100% rooting and allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the shrub. Green cuttings are harvested after flowering, when the fruits begin to fill with ripeness. At this time, the active process of growing green mass comes to an end.

The twigs should be about 0.5 cm thick. They are cut into cuttings 10-15 cm long so that the lower buds are 1 cm higher than the cut. The cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 °. In addition to the lower buds, two more nodes are left on the cuttings: the leaves are completely removed from the lower ones, and a couple of the upper ones are cut in half.

Green cuttings are not stored, but immediately planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse, preferably under additional cover. At the same time, a humidity of at least 85% and a temperature of about 25 ° C are maintained. Under favorable conditions, the cuttings take root after two weeks, but possibly later. In the spring, after the frost stops, they are transplanted into open ground.

Lignified cuttings are harvested in advance from autumn at the end of the growing season. Their diameter should be about 1 cm, and the length up to 15 cm. Unlike green ones, lignified ones are not planted immediately into the ground, but are tied in bundles and buried in the soil substrate for the winter. Cuttings are planted in the spring under a film, when the earth thaws after frost.

Reference. Honeysuckle is also propagated by combined cuttings. To do this, when cutting a young shoot, they capture a part of a one-year-old branch - future roots will go from it.

Prices for Kornevin

Reproduction by layering

In this way, honeysuckle is propagated after harvest:

  • Around the bush, the soil is loosened and the weeds are pulled out;
  • Choose several strong young shoots that easily lean to the ground;
  • Shoots are pinned to the ground with wire and covered with soil;
  • In this state, they are left until spring, not forgetting to water.

Until spring, the branches will take root, forming small bushes. They are separated by pruning shears from the mother plant and transplanted into permanent places. Sometimes one shoot takes root in several places at once, then it is divided into separate segments and planted.

Root division

This is the most common way of propagating berry bushes, during which several strong seedlings are obtained from one bush at once. The division is carried out in the fall, when the growing season of the plant has come to an end.

To do this, a bush 6-7 years old is dug up and with the help of a pruner or a saw, the rhizome is cut into 2-3 parts so that each part has a pair of shoots. Root cuts are treated with garden pitch, after which each separated part is planted in a prepared hole.

Growing by seeds

The seed method of breeding honeysuckle is most often used by breeders in order to develop new varieties of crops. Therefore, when growing by seeds at home, you need to be prepared for the fact that varietal characteristics will be partially lost, which means that the fruits will change their taste. For sowing, seeds are taken from the best ripe berries.

You can sow directly into the ground, or you can sow seedlings. In the first case, freshly harvested seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. Then they are washed well, dried and laid out, shallowly embedded in the prepared area. The landing site is covered with polyethylene, opening it only for watering and airing. Moistening is done from a spray gun to avoid erosion of the earth. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks, then the polyethylene is removed, and the seedlings are looked after according to the standard scheme. In the fall, seedlings are rejected, they are insulated for the winter, and a year later they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Video - growing honeysuckle from seeds

Forcing seedlings gives good results. To do this, freshly harvested seeds are sown in containers with soil consisting of sand, garden soil and peat in equal proportions, as well as ash. The containers are covered with plastic or glass and placed indoors, such as a greenhouse. When seedlings appear, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are looked after as usual. By winter, if the variety is winter-hardy, the seedlings are taken out into the open air, where they remain until spring. If not, they are left indoors. Culling and picking are carried out in the spring.

When sowing in winter, the containers are immediately left outside, where the seeds undergo natural stratification under the snow. In the spring, to accelerate germination, seedlings are brought into a greenhouse or greenhouse. When the first two true leaves bloom near the seedlings, they are dived into the ground, and a year later they are planted in a permanent place.

Planting honeysuckle outdoors

When planting honeysuckle in the ground, they adhere to a certain scheme - this applies to both adult bushes and young seedlings. But at the beginning they prepare a landing pit up to half a meter in diameter and about the same depth. The pit is filled with a nutrient substrate consisting of 1 bucket of organic fertilizer (for example, humus), 200 g of potassium salt and the same amount of superphosphate (salt can be replaced with ash). Vermiculite improves the moisture capacity of the soil well - it has the property of absorbing and giving up moisture when the root system of the plant needs it. Therefore, you can add 3 liters of such a component.

The prepared substrate is filled with a pit, forming a mound, on which the seedling is placed and its roots are carefully straightened. They cover the top with garden soil, covering the root collar by 4-5 cm. The sapling is watered from a watering can with a splitter, well mulched with sawdust, peat, chopped straw.

Attention! Shrubs are planted in a permanent place so that the distance between them is 2 m, and the row spacing is 2.5 m.With this scheme, the bushes will not be cramped, and summer residents will be convenient to take care of them.

Honeysuckle care

The main crop care is required in the first 2 years from the moment of planting. First of all, watering is needed - the culture does not tolerate drought, especially at the time of active shoot formation. Shoots grow poorly, which affects the future harvest, since the berries are formed on last year's stems. In addition, with a moisture deficit, most of the ovaries fall off, and small bitter fruits ripen from the rest.

In nature, honeysuckle grows on loose soils in the undergrowth, therefore, in culture, it needs loosening. The soil is loosened carefully so as not to damage the close-lying roots of the plant. At the same time, the young bush is spud. If the trunk circle is covered with mulch, then loosening is not required.

In the first year of growth of honeysuckle, feeding is not needed, it is enough for those fertilizers that were introduced into the hole during planting. In the spring of the third year, the crop already needs nitrogen fertilization, for example, urea or ammonium nitrate. Phosphorus and potassium are added in the fall.


The first pruning is carried out in the process of planting a seedling, when all the shoots are cut out, leaving 2-3 of the strongest ones and shortening them by a third of the length. In the future, every year they perform sanitary pruning, during which dry and broken branches are cut out. The right time for sanitary pruning is autumn, after the leaves fall, a month before the onset of stable frosts. If, for any reason, pruning has not been carried out, it is postponed until spring, until the buds have blossomed.

Detailed pruning can be carried out throughout the growing season, as honeysuckle tends to form many thin dry branches with underdeveloped buds. Removing them promotes the growth of young healthy shoots.

Formative pruning is applied to shrubs over 3 years old and is carried out every 2-3 years. Cut out all creeping shoots, shoots with weak growth or growing inside the bush. Remove old thick branches from the central part of the shrub, cutting off just above the growth point of the young shoot.

In shrubs older than 7-8 years, every 3-4 years, a partial rejuvenating pruning is carried out, during which several skeletal branches are left after the rest are completely removed. Radical pruning is required for highly thickened plants at the age of about 20 years - the bush is cut to the ground.

Diseases and pests

Honeysuckle is a fairly young crop in our gardens and so far it has few pests. Its main enemy is the golden beetle, a golden-green beetle, the larvae of which eat up the bush from the inside. It is useless to fight the pest with the help of insecticides, since the bug flies away during spraying, and the larvae are not available for the drug. As a result, the branches of the culture dry up. The main method of struggle is cutting the affected shoots under the root and burning them.

In addition to goldfish, in some cases, the shrub can infect aphids, caterpillars, mites, fingerwings. Among the diseases are mottling of leaves, mosaic-rezuha, as well as fungal infections like powdery mildew. During the fruiting period, it is impossible to use insecticides and fungicides, since the fruits will absorb the poison. It is better to replace them with folk recipes. Chemistry is used for prevention in early spring, before the beginning of the growing season, or after harvest.

A few secrets of a good harvest

Fruiting of honeysuckle is ensured not only by regular pruning. Several secrets will help ensure a stable, high-quality crop:

    There should be a wide variety of crop varieties in the garden. Honeysuckle is cross-pollinated, and therefore shrubs of the same variety will not be harvested. At least 3-4 varieties should grow in one place, but more is better than less;

Video - choosing the best varieties

Honeysuckle is a wonderful plant with very healthy tasty berries. Its fruits ripen earlier than other berry crops, giving a person everything he needs during the period of spring beriberi. Any gardener with several acres of land at his disposal can grow a culture.


My Womens Day

Honeysuckle is a very healthy berry. How to grow in a garden

Sweetish, with a slight bitterness, honeysuckle berries are becoming more and more popular in our country. The berries are juicy, tasty, and most importantly, they contain a large amount of vitamins. And this is very important for the human body in the spring, after a long winter, when it is so lacking in nutrients.

In temperate latitudes, honeysuckle berries ripen half a month earlier than garden strawberries. It is with honeysuckle that the berry season opens, and honeysuckle becomes a useful component in the menu of Russians. Honeysuckle berries contain a complex of vitamins and biologically active substances. Just two or three tablespoons of fresh berries in a short time will relieve vitamin deficiency, fill the body with health and energy. In terms of the amount of magnesium and sodium, honeysuckle berries rank first among other berry crops, and in terms of potassium content they are in the leading group, after lingonberries. Berries are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a general tonic.

Features of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle has high adaptive properties and can grow both on sandy loam and clay soils, filled with organic fertilizers. However, for successful growth, the most important thing is not the amount of nutrients in the soil, but a loose and moisture-absorbing structure. The acidity of the soil is preferable at the level of slightly acidic and neutral, but the shrub can grow on acidic soil with a pH of 4.5-5.5. At rest, honeysuckle is very winter-hardy (it can withstand temperatures down to -45 ° C). For cultivation, sunny warm areas with good lighting throughout the day are most suitable. Under natural conditions, honeysuckle grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, and in culture it needs good water supply.

Planting honeysuckle seedlings

Planting is carried out mainly in the autumn, which is associated with a very early beginning of the growing season in this plant, buds bloom in March and after 1.5-2 weeks flowering begins (flowers tolerate frosts up to -7). To obtain a harvest, it is necessary to provide for the planting of several different varieties. Honeysuckle is a strictly cross-pollinated plant. Even with perfect care, there will be no harvest if there is only one variety of bushes on the site.

It is recommended to plant young plants at a sufficient distance - not less than 1.2-1.5 meters from each other. Choose a windless spot in the area where you will plant your seedlings. It is best to plant the bushes near the fence, or surround them with other bushes. Just make sure the seedlings get enough sunlight. Honeysuckle takes root and grows well on moist soils. But in the elevated areas of the garden, the shrubs do not bear fruit very well. Many gardeners talk about this. Before planting, be sure to weed, remove weeds, especially perennial plants. It is very important. If the soil is poor, apply organic fertilizer before planting. If the soil is acidic, it will be good to add lime or chalk to it. You can add dolomite flour. In any case, before planting the cuttings, put the ripe compost in the holes, add mineral fertilizers, and then mix everything well with the soil. Now place the seedling in the hole, deepen the root collar of the seedling on light soils by 3-5 cm, on heavy soils - without deepening. After planting, compact the soil well. And around the planted plant, form a kind of side from the soil. Now water the planting site abundantly. After absorbing water, the soil with the seedling must be mulched.

Plant care

Since honeysuckle bushes grow and bear fruit very well on neutral or slightly alkaline soil, experienced gardeners recommend deoxidizing the soil every year, in summer. To do this, place 2 cups of wood ash under each honeysuckle bush. Shrubs need to be watered regularly, abundantly. This is especially important in early summer, before fruiting begins. If you need a transplant, then during this period you can do it. Honeysuckle tolerates this procedure relatively calmly. With the onset of the last month of autumn, the shrubs need to be fed. For feeding, a mixture of double superphosphate (40 g), wood ash (100 g) and compost (5 kg) is used. Only such feeding should be carried out 1 time in 2-3 years. This is quite enough. With the onset of spring, when the buds begin to bloom, the shrubs need to be fed with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 15 g of nitrate per 1 sq. meter. This should be done every year. Top dressing is especially important during the period of full fruiting, starting from 7 years. Loosening of near-trunk circles to a depth of no more than 8 cm has a positive effect on the water-air regime of the soil. In conditions of a lack of water, the mass of berries decreases, and varieties with a dessert taste develop bitterness.

Pruning honeysuckle

Honeysuckle pruning is carried out in the fall. Sanitary annually, rejuvenating, starting from 6 years of age, while removing the oldest branches before branching, since it is there that dormant buds are concentrated. Shortening is not carried out, since it is on the one-year increments that generative buds are laid and the crop is formed the next year.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

The greatest effect is given by cuttings (green and lignified cuttings), horizontal and vertical layering, dividing the bush.

Honeysuckle - planting, care and popular varieties for growing on the site

Usually, strawberries, currants, raspberries, gooseberries are considered standard berry plants in garden plots. But recently, honeysuckle has also begun to gain popularity. It is presented in numerous varieties. It has a bright taste and is very useful. To get a rich harvest of high-quality berries, you need to understand how honeysuckle is planted: its care and reproduction - the article will tell about this.

Characteristics of the plant honeysuckle

Before the question of how to plant honeysuckle is considered, it makes sense to characterize the plant. It is an erect shrub reaching a meter in height. Its shoots are thin, green, slightly pubescent. In some places, the branches are purple. Older shoots are up to 3 centimeters thick. They are naked and covered with yellow-brown bark. The crown is dense and spherical. The foliage is oblong-lanceolate, about 7 centimeters long. Young leaves are pubescent, but with age they partially or completely lose their pubescence.

The flowers are funnel-shaped, yellowish. They are located in the leaf axils in pairs. The buds begin to open at the beginning of June. Fruits are dark blue with a bluish bloom. Their length varies from 9 to 12 millimeters. The shape is different, depending on the variety of edible honeysuckle, there are cylindrical, round and elliptical berries. The pulp is red-purple in color. The seeds are small, dark brown, their size does not exceed 2 millimeters. We advise you to look at the article: Golden currant: features of the cultivation of berry bush.

Classification of garden honeysuckle

The first type is used more often for landscaping and includes the climbing varieties. They bloom at the turn of the vein-summer. Assumes the care of curly honeysuckle, timely pruning, shaping of the bush. Among summer residents, the varieties Kaprifol and Brown are most in demand.

Honeysuckle is capable of spreading its branches up to 6 meters. However, one can climb up the support only up to the level of 2.5 meters. Such honeysuckle entwines everything that comes across on its way. The foliage forms saucers in which pink-orange flowers are formed. The fruits are red in color. This decorative look is ideal for decorating the gazebo, creating a romantic corner. Allows the planting of Honeysuckle Caprifoli to create a beautiful hedge. The plant is thermophilic. Therefore, in the northern part of the country, it is rarely planted. They usually cover for the winter. The most striking varieties are Dropmore Scarlet and Fuchsioides.

Shrub honeysuckle is represented by the Tatar variety. Reaches a height of 2.5 meters. It begins to bloom three years after planting. By the end of spring, the bush is completely covered in pink. The berries are colored red, the intensity of which varies depending on the variety. The plant adapts remarkably to the harsh winter climate. Therefore, caring for Tatar honeysuckle does not imply the creation of a shelter for the winter in the southern regions.

If the soil on the site is characterized by poor fertility, it is recommended to plant several bushes of the Zabelli variety in a sunny area. After all, this plant is unpretentious to the conditions of detention. Grows up to 1.5 meters in height. During the flowering period, it is covered with crimson buds. To dilute the garden palette, experts advise planting an Alpine type of honeysuckle. It reaches a meter in height, gives red juicy fruits. It blooms with yellow and white-green buds, which turn into blue fruits by mid-summer.

Which variety for planting to choose?

There are many varieties of honeysuckle. Some are highly decorative, others are more appreciated for edible tasty fruits. Therefore, in order for the planting of honeysuckle to justify all hopes, it makes sense to figure out which varieties, in which case, should be planted in the backyard.

Below are the varieties that are in greatest demand among summer residents:

The long-fruited species is recognized as edible. The taste of berries is dessert, sweet and sour, devoid of bitterness. Tasters highly appreciate this plant. So, when choosing sweet varieties of honeysuckle, you should pay attention to Long-fruited. The fruits have a universal purpose: they are eaten fresh and processed into jams, compotes, preserves and juices. The variety is considered fast-growing and high-yielding. One shrub is usually harvested from 1.4 to 3 kilograms. The species is infertile, so it is propagated vegetatively.

  • Nymph. Consider honeysuckle Nymph: a description of the variety and its purpose. The berries of this plant are allowed to be eaten. Ripening period is average. The shrub has a small crown, it is slightly spreading. The height reaches 2 meters. The fruits are large, their diameter is 3 centimeters. They are painted blue with a blue tint. The surface is shiny, attractive in appearance. The taste is sweet, with a pronounced sourness. The variety has good resistance to weather changes. One bush gives about 2 kilograms of berries.

For novice gardeners, planting the edible honeysuckle Nymph is the best solution. After all, the shrub is unpretentious to the conditions of detention, is resistant to the invasion of pests and is not susceptible to diseases, pleases with abundant fruiting for about 50 years. An interesting fact is that the fruits ripen not simultaneously, but in stages. And this makes it possible to harvest for 2 months.

The Morena honeysuckle is a shrub of medium growth: its height and diameter are 1.7 meters. The crown is neat, oval, not prone to thickening. The foliage is lanceolate, large, its base is wedge-shaped. It is painted in a bright light green color. The leaf blade is quite dense, slightly folded along the midrib. The branches are slightly curved, thin, brownish-green in color, not pubescent. Outwardly, the plant looks attractive. Therefore, it is often grown not only for delicious fruits, but also for decorative purposes.

It is important to decide where to plant honeysuckle in a summer cottage. This plant prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Any soil is suitable, but best of all drained and loose, slightly acidic substrates. Closed basins and areas that are too dry are not suitable.

Preparing the soil for the crop

Honeysuckle can grow up to 30 years old. Before planting honeysuckle in the spring, you should fill the soil well. For this, about 12 kilograms of compost or humus, 200 grams of potassium salt and double superphosphate are introduced into the planting pit. It is also allowed to use complex mineral mixtures. For example, Ammophos or nitrophoska. If potassium is not included in the set of nutrients, its absence is compensated by the introduction of wood ash.

Planting a honeysuckle seedling in the ground

The size of the pit for planting a seedling depends on the degree of development of the root zone. Usually the diameter of the hole is made at least 50 centimeters, and the depth is about 40 centimeters. Honeysuckle is planted in the autumn. In the spring, it is also allowed to carry out a similar procedure, but the survival rate in this case will be lower and will be only 80%. A distance of one meter should be observed between shrubs, and an interval of 2 meters should be maintained between rows. The planting algorithm is as follows: a small embankment is made in the pit, the plant is placed, the root zone is gently straightened and sprinkled with earth. Then it is abundantly irrigated and mulched with peat.

Outdoor crop care

It involves caring for honeysuckle in the open field, regular watering, periodic introduction of nutrient mixtures, removal of all dried and diseased branches in the fall. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen. And during flowering and formation of berries, they are irrigated with an ash solution. It is also useful to weed and loosen the soil.

In order for honeysuckle planting and caring for it to bring good results, it is important not only to make every effort, to follow all the rules of cultivation, but also to buy high-quality planting material in specialized nurseries.

It is required to purchase varieties that are recommended for a specific zone. It is better to choose young plants. Overgrown options, the height of which is more than 1.5 meters, are not suitable. Since they take root badly, and begin to bear fruit after a while. However, plants that are too small are also not suitable. If the height is less than 20 centimeters, the stalk will not have time to develop. A 2-year-old seedling is considered optimal.

If you plan to plant decorative honeysuckle, use several varieties that differ in color. This makes it possible to create interesting compositions. If the main goal is to obtain a high yield, it is recommended to plant at least 3 different types of berries that have different ripening periods. There are planting material with an open and closed root zone. The first option is preferable.

Conclusions on growing honeysuckle

Thus, honeysuckle is often found in garden plots. It is planted for decorative purposes or for harvesting. There are many different varieties that differ in size, timing and volume of fruiting, and the taste of berries. Knowing how to care for honeysuckle, there is every chance of getting a healthy and productive plant. Also read the article: Strawberry care in spring - preparatory work before the start of the berry season.

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