Mushmula Germanic: the history of the occurrence, cultivation, beneficial properties. Mushmula German, Caucasian or Crimean Mousse Cake with Musmule

Colorful compositions 28.02.2021
Colorful compositions

Musmula or Chishkovoy tree is valued for the beauty, the beneficial properties of all parts, flavoring qualities of fruits with a high content of vitamins and trace elements. This unpretentious culture is a leaving from Central Asia, but perfectly acclimatized in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. Masslyo occurs on the household sections of the climatic strip of the Middle Urals, Siberia, Moscow region. It resistantly tolerate frost to -35 ° C. Musmula becomes a real dacha decoration, it is good fruits, if you observe the nuances of agrotechnology.

Description Musmula

In natural conditions, the height of the wild deciduous tree reaches 8 m. The trunk is curved, the bark with shallow cracks.

The leaves in Mushamules are large, up to 10 cm long, 6 cm wide. Tight, leathery, slightly wrinkled, slightly concave towards the center. From above smooth, bottom covered with velvety poump.

Blossom abundant. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, they have white or cream color, light almond aroma, honey. The fruits of yellow-orange color or red-brown, from 3 to 8 cm in diameter, are round, flat, oval and pear-shaped. The pulp is tarty, dense, after wrapping and fermentation becomes sweet, soft. Fruits from one to three bones, it happens more, up to eight.

Types and varieties of garden Mushmula

Among the three types of cleansing wood, two were the greatest distribution: Mushmula German (Caucasian) and Japanese (Lokb). They are successfully cultivated under middle strip, there are up to 30 varieties. For the average climatic zone, low-speed, with a crown diameter up to 3 m. It grows well in Russia.

Mushmula Caucasian blooms in the spring, in May-June, the growing season lasts before the onset of cold weather. Annual shoots are often frozen. In the middle strip, curess and seed varieties are cultivated.

Japanese Mushmula blooms in autumn, the fruits remain on the branches in winter, ripen in early summer - in June. Zavazi do not appear in winter only in conditions of southern and moderate latitudes. In other areas, such Mushmula is grown in apartments, greenhouses, winter gardens.

Location Mushulules in the garden

Mushmula is a light-affilome plant, for its cultivation in the garden, the solar place is chosen. Considering the size of the crown, the distance between the landings is up to 1.5 m. For a full-fledged fruit, there are two or three trees. Well tolerate the neighborhood with currant.

Humidity is needed moderate, Mushmula does not like closely locked water, prone to root rot. The distance to the aquifer must be at least 1 m. When the soil is selected, preference is given to neutral and weakly acid, there will be no native crop.

Proper landing and care in open ground is a guarantee of good yield.

Sedna landing

For growing seedlings choose bones of fresh rided fruits, during the storage, the germination is significantly reduced. Only faster seedlings are transferred to the ground, up to 30 cm high.

Landing algorithm:

  • a month before the landing, a landing pit is preparing a depth of 50 cm;
  • the extracted land is well loosened, freed from weeds, then returned to the landing pit;
  • before planting, small wells are digging, in terms of 1/3 exceeding the size of the pot in which the seedlock;
  • a soil mixture is prepared: humid, sand, peat, the compost substrate is taken in equal proportions or acquire a packaged soil for tomatoes;
  • it is plentifully watered, adjusted so that empties are not formed, they set support;
  • the next day, the rhythous circle is flimsy, mulched by humus.

Features of Musmule care in the open soil

Musmula does not endorse drought, needs regular nutrition. Non-lass varieties form a crown.


During the mass gain of the branches, the first 4 years of Mushmulu must regularly water, not allowing the drying of the rolling earth coma. In the hot season, the period of blooming the soil should be constantly wet. For this, the rolling circle is mounted or covered with straw.


For the first time, organic fertilizers are brought one year after landing, root feeding in the growing season is carried out in the phase of active growth every 3 weeks, adult trees feed 2-3 times per season. Use:

  • fresh korovyan is bred 1: 8, insist during the week;
  • phosphate mineral fertilizers contribute according to the instructions;
  • potash tuk of 1 tbsp. a spoon on 10 liters of water;
  • wood ash during the aging period of up to 5 tbsp. l per 1 m2.

In the period of growth, the phosphate uniforms are performed by phosphate smelt, first diluted according to the instructions, it is bred before spraying with water 1: 1.


Sanitary trimming is carried out every spring after the awakening of the kidneys. Clean:

  • frosted shoots;
  • growing perpendicular to the trunk;
  • curved well;
  • growing close to the main fruitful branches.

Pests and Musmula Diseases

Insecticides apply insecticides for apple trees and pears, they are bred according to the instructions. From fungal infections - copper-containing fungicides. During the protracted rains, the phytosporin soil is treated so that the root rot does not develop.

Musmula reproduction

When planting cultured varieties, the best signs are not always inherited by the bone.

The most effective method of breeding is biased. Strong 2-year-old shoots cut by segments of 12 cm long so that there are 2-3 kidneys on each. Grown cuttings in tropical conditions (humidity up to 80%, the temperature is not lower than +30 ° C).

Air chains are obtained by tied to branches of containers with wet ground. At the point of touching the bark is removed. The eyepiece is made by a lead to quince, a pear, hawthorn or rowan.

How to grow Musulu German, and how it is useful

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Important - Let's immediately avoid confusion. Often under Mushamuhu in everyday life understand the sweet yellow fruits - "apples" that you could tear off the tree and commemorate, for example, on vacation in Turkey. And if you gathered to grow in the middle lane, it is this Mushmul - you are waiting for disappointment.

It is an evergreen yellow-colored tree - Mushamula Japan (ErioBotrya Japonica), she is Eryobotry, she is Lokwa, she is a six. There are many cultural varieties of this Musmula, but, alas, to fully grow it in the open ground is possible only in subtropics, where the average temperature of the coldest month exceeds 0 ° C - a gentle plant does not tolerate cooling, it blooms in September-November, and the fruits ripen Late spring! This means that in Russia it is possible to successfully grow exactly such a tree. It is possible for the latitude of Krasnodar and on the skirt or cultivate it as an exclusively indoor pot plant, which is removed on the air only in the summer.

Japanese Mushamul is the only fruit plant of subtropics, which blooms in the fall and matches in the winter-spring period, which makes it the most valuable and actually the only fresh source of vitamins during the spring of avitaminosis.

What then the article then? About a completely different culture - about Masmule Hermann (Mespilus Germanica), she is Caucasian, she is ordinary, she is the Krymskaya, she is Caucasian, she is a cup tree. And still Dolgartli, Sycyr or Ezgil - in Caucasian languages.

With Mushamu, Japanese, they, though relatives, but differ quite strongly. And it was Mushmulu Germanic to grow well in medium latitudes, at least in the same suburbs - in decorative, culinary and even medical purposes. We understand together.

Musmula German - what a tree

Mushmula Germanic - leaf falling fruit church of the family of pink. This is the only appearance of the kind of Mushmula - the above-mentioned Japanese variety refers to a completely different botanical genus.

On the left in the photo fruits of Mushmules Japanese, right - German

This plant is also heat-loving, but not as his "named" relative, loves the warm summer and a soft winter - in the wild form of Mushmula Germanic grows in South-West Asia and South-Eastern Europe. And today it can be found "Dichka" on the southern coast of Crimea, in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and in the North Caucasus.

Why then she is "German", and not "Asian" or "Black Sea", for example, you ask? It is believed that in European culture, this tree fell primarily on those lands - whether the ancient Romans were delivered, or the same ancient Greeks.

There is information that in the ancient Roman and medieval epoch, this plant was an essential fruit culture. However, by the XVII-XVIII centuries. The interest in it gradually faded, and it was replaced by other cultures, and now cultivated quite rarely, although you can fully try to "start" in your garden of this exot and try its fruits.

In Europe, Mushmula German - a small village of up to 3 m with a powerful surface root system, although in ideal smuggous conditions can grow up to 8 m high. The crown has a wide, spread, branches are curved (in wild-growing forms of prickly), leaves elliptical dark green, glossy top and slightly pubescent, changing a few days before falling out the color on the brown-red. Flowers single, white, five-pack, appear late in spring.

The reddish brown fruits of the berries up to 5-7 cm in diameter and up to 10 g weighing with deployed cups on the end and dense leather ripen in the middle of autumn, but even in the ripening form they are sour and solid. Unlike the fruit of Japanese Mushamus, they are suitable for eating, they only after frostbite or long-term storage (in the event that the fruits are removed from the tree before the onset of frosts). At the same time, they become sweet and soft, reminiscent of the taste and inner consistency, the tart apple puree, but acquire a wrinkled structure and decrease in volume.

Fruits and leaves are also used in folk medicine, prepare on their basis the means to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs, the normalization of high pressure, etc.

Mushmula German - conditions of cultivation, landing and care

In culture, the adapted species and varieties of German Musmules are grown, which differ from wild-growing larger frods, as well as high content of sugars, vitamins, malic and citric acids in them. The fruits of such musms can be used both in the raw form and in various blanks for the confectionery industry (jam, syrups, jelly, grazing, marmalade, etc.). The most popular varieties - ROYAL, DUTCH, NOTTINGHAM.

How to grow this culture in medium latitudes? Hermann Mushamus prefers solar dry places protected from drafts, and weakly acidic well-drained fertile soil without water stagnation.

When landing, the German Mushali seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 4 m from each other, bone flour and mineral fertilizer are added to the planting hole, the seedloves are tested to the pegs (especially swearing rebuilding forms) and a peat either with a rewinding layer of about 8 cm.

Seedlings begin to bloom for 3-6 years after landing, at the same time give the first harvest.

Also to multiply Mushmulu, the Germans can be seeds, cuttings or vaccine on a hawthorn or a pear.

In the first case, the seeds are better stratified, as they are very tough. They can be planted as immediately in the open soil in October-November to receive germination of the next spring, and grow a sapling in the pot of the house for the spring landing. In this case, everything is done usually - the seeds are pre-pulled out in the growth stimulator, they are sown in pots with universal soil in about February, closed with a film and regularly water. With proper care, the sprouts will appear after 1.5 months and at the end of May-early June you can send them to a permanent place of residence.

The variant of the reproduction of vaccination and inhalation is used for varieties and hybrids. In this case, you usually "work" a hawthorn, less often a pear - so you can get an interesting straak form. Musmula and herself can serve and frost-resistant win for other fruit (apple tree, quince, pear).

The most, perhaps, a complex way of reproduction of Mushmules by the German - stallowing, as the rootingability of its weeds, low enough.

The care of Mushmuhu German is easy. It's rare watering into particularly dry periods (the tree does not like the convergence), timely removal of dry and damaged branches, feeding an adult plant 2-3 times per season (a young seedling - 1 time in 3 weeks), shallow loosening of the rich circles.

Musmula reacts perfectly on trimming and actively produces new shoots, so you can safely deal with the formation of its crown. It makes early spring before the start of the cojoint. In the first 3-4 years, shorten the conductors of the main skeletal branches by a third of the one-year increase in the converted to the outside of the kidney. The subsequent trimming is to remove thickening branches.

Musmula Germanic does not suffer from high summer temperatures and dry air, quite easily tolerates winter to -30 ° C (zone of frost resistance 4b), virtually not damaged by diseases and garden pests (rarely can be attacked by leaf-racing caterpillars, web ticks or shields).

Musmula Germanic is an excellent unpretentious perennial for your garden, which can fit perfectly in various ideas of landscape design, and benefit from bringing insect pollinators before providing fruits for a table or aid kit.

And in addition to Mushmules in its garden, you can settle some more unusual trees and shrubs.

Musmula Germanic: landing, care and cultivation

Botanical name: Mushmule Germanica (Mespilus Germanica). Representative of the kind of Mushmula, the family of rosetic. Rod includes 30 species. The main ones are: Japanese and German.

Motherland Musmules Germanic: Southeast of Europe.

Lighting: Svetigubiv.

The soil: The tree is not demandless to the fertility of the soil, but does not endure excessive humidification and close to finding groundwater.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum height of the tree: 8 m.

Average life expectancy: 50 years.

Landing: Seeds, cuttings, vaccine.

Musmula German is a leaf falling fruit tree, reaching 4-8 m in height. The root system is powerful, superficial, strongly developed. Crown is wide, spread. The barrel is straight, with a gray-drier fractured bark, a diameter of about 20 cm. The branches are curved, which gives the tree a kind of "crying" like IWA. On the branches and trunk of wild representatives of Musmula there are minor spines. Elliptic leaves, light green, up to 15 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. The sheet plate is superfluous, lowered from below. In autumn, the leaves acquire bright red, purple shades. Flowers are white and pinkish, with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm, resemble quince flowers. Form at the ends of the shoots one by one. Disgrace in May-June. The fruits are reddish-brown, rounded, with dense skin, with a diameter of 3-5 cm, a peculiar acidic taste. The shape is similar to rose hips. There are 5 bones containing seeds. Fruits use slightly overwhelmed or frostable when they become soft and sweet.

Photo Mushmules German can be considered in the gallery below:

The birthplace of this plant is southeast of Europe, but in the wild, it is widespread and in the northern part of it. In addition, wild Musmula is found in the Crimea, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the central regions of Ukraine.

Mushmula German Teplobiva, but unlike Japanese pretty frost resistant. Tolerance to any types of soil provided good drainage.

Growing and care for the German Musmule in the Moscow region

Spank this culture with seeds, cuttings and vaccination on a hawthorn. With a seed method of reproduction, bones of ripened fruit. For better germination, they are placed on 6-8 hours into a solution of rhiza, then planted in small pots (3 pieces in each), pre-filled with soil mixture for colors. The landing depth is 1 cm. After that, the pots are covered with polyethylene film and put in a warm place. Watering is carried out as an earth's coma drying. "Greenhouse" is opened for 2-3 hours during the day. With proper care, the sprouts will appear after 1.5 months. After 2-3 sheets appear on seedlings, they are searched separately.

Seeds can be dried immediately into the open soil in the middle of the autumn. The place of cultivation of Mushmules German should be sunny, but covered, because the strong gusts of the wind will damage the flowers and the leaves of this tree. Seeds at the following spring.

Since the plant is frost-resistant (withstands the temperature to -30 ° C), Mushmule is suitable German and for growing in the suburbs. Seedlings begin to bloom for 4 years of life, at the same time give the first harvest.

Replacing the grown trees for a permanent place, it should be borne in mind that the distance between them should be at least 4 m. The first years they are tied to the stakes, especially crumbling forms, since such Krone needs support. The landing is produced on the seed peeled from weeds. In the soil, complex mineral fertilizer and bone flour are introduced in advance. After planting, the propelled circle is mounted with a layer of overwhelmed manure at the very base of the tree, without touching its barrel. Mulch helps moisture longer linger in the soil.

Observing the rules for planting and care of Musmuhu German, after 4-5 years, the gardener will receive a strong fruit-sized tree with an attractive decorative crown.

Mushmula - Beautiful guest in Russian gardens

I brought me somehow a friend of the bone of Mushmules from Turkey, knowing my love to all sorts of exotam.

Beautiful guest in Russian gardens

Delicious fruits did not take - he herself ate, he said, was afraid that they would ruin on the road. So I got brilliant seed bones, slightly flashed from the barrels.

Seeds Musmula

Something they are reminiscent of the cherry fruits, only larger. And on the threshold Autumn, August ends; I think whether the southern plant lined up in winter takes? I decided to experiment.

The result of the experiment

Gently separated the grains from the shell, withstood their half a day in the corneum solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) and planted into small clay pots, using the soil mixture for flowers. Drew three grains into each (suddenly not everyone goes?), Plunged them literally for 1 cm, watered, covered with polyethylene on top and put in a warm place. As the upper layer of soil dries, he sprayed it from the pulverizer with warm, dilated water.

And what do you think? Sproved my Mushmula literally after a month and a half, released two leafs and stretched to the sun. By the way, it sprouted almost half of the grains, and I had to carefully sear some of the bushes in separate pots. And only later learned that the bones do not germinate, because the plants grow weak (if they grow)), do not bloom and do not fruit. But at that time I did not know that, I wanted to see what kind of Mushmula was this? By the way, she subsequently had never bloomed, however, when he grabbed, it began to look very decorative))

Musmula in a pot

I read on the Internet that Musmules need to shade "babies", so a couple of weeks put a pot with seedlings in the half. And when my rapts were released for another 2 leaf, settled them on the windowsill. Six months later, the fruits of my experiment began to 30 cm. It's time to plant in open ground? But no ... I, it turns out, got the seeds of Mushmules Japanese, who - alas! - Does not survive in the open soil of the central strip of Russia.

What to do? Part of the rags distributed girlfriends - my girls were satisfied. She left 5 bush, transplant them to beautiful outdoor vases and now I put them on the loggia, and in the winter they "return from vacation" to my apartment, where a bright place is equipped for them.

Musmula ... she is so different

It turns out that there are two types of Musmula, in which even botany are confused. One - japanesewhich represents the evergreen church (less often a shrub).

Mushamula Japanese (Locke)

It belongs to the family of pink, subfamily of apple bodies, and its fruits in shape resemble Ranetki. And to taste - something average between pear and sweet cherries, with a small fraction of sourness. The Japanese capricious lives only in the south, blooms in the fall, and the fruit gives the spring, so that for growing in the open ground in most of the Russian regions is not at all suitable. It's a pity…

But there is a way out! It - musmula Germansi (it is also called Caucasian), which is more loyal to the Russian climate and perfectly carries out in the gardens of the southern strip of Russia.


Musmula Germanic is a leaf full fruit tree (or shrub), too, from the family of pink, but the appendage of apple-tree has no relation to the subfamily. Here is such a confusing pedigree. Therefore, I will tell you about growing in the country area of \u200b\u200bMushmules German (Caucasian), as it is more suitable for our conditions.

Mushmula - Beautiful guest in Russian gardens

Musmula Germanic is very beautiful. Its spreader branches are covered with long dark-green leaves, which in the autumn playing a crushing glow, unusually decorating the garden. It blooms in the spring, the release of solitary white (less often - pink) flowers with bright red mid hands, very similar to rosehip flowers.

Flower Musmula

Fruits in adult trees are quite large, as a middle apple.

Fruits in Musmula are quite large

They have a large shiny bone inside, very dense and unusually tasty. Imagine a grated apple, mixed with the pulp of quince, shipped with sugar powder. This is a rough taste of Musmules German. Moreover, its fruits are very healing and are widely used in traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of various dietary supplies.

But the sweet and soft fruits of Musmules only after freezing - defrosting or after keeping 2-3 months in the repository.

Mushmula becomes sweet only after freezing-defrost

Then they soften, pick up a healing bouquet of vitamins and suit both in food and for different blanks (jams, jams, jelly and others), and the smell is just awesome!

Where is it better to plant the German Muschumu?

In favorable natural conditions, Mushmula German may extort up to 8 m. But with an artificial landing, it does not grow above 3 m. Excel from the size of Musmula in adulthood, when it is to land it in your garden. Place Choose well lit, because in a half worth it is not so yield as in the light.

Mushmula in favorable conditions can grow to 8 m

Musmula Germanic prefers neutral or weakly acidic soils and completely does not tolerate stagnation of groundwater in the root system area. Therefore, in those areas where the groundwater level is only 1 m below the soil level, it is not worth it. In any case, pick it up for it.

Growing Mushmules Germanic

Seedlings of Mushmules German can be grown from ordinary bones. For this, they must be previously strategy (to withstand in the cold 3-4 months). In natural conditions, the bones germinate only for the 2-3rd year after they fall into the soil, and their shell is naturally collapsed. But we do not want to wait so much? - Therefore, you will speed up the procedure. Before laying out bones to stratification, place them for 5 hours in a 3% solution of sulfuric acid, and after - rinse well.

With such treatment, the cultivation of Mushmules will not be particular problems, and its seeds planted in the fall in open ground, the spring will already be sprout. Just do not forget to soak them up to the day in warm water before the fallout (it is possible in the risk or epine solution), and after the landing, it is desirable to climb the ground with peat, sawdust or simply to close the polyethylene film. You can also plant seeds to seed out in a closed room, wait until they grow up to 25-30 cm, and only after that put them in a predetermined place in the country.

Landing Musmula

Masmule care

The care of Musmule is no different from the care of ordinary fruit-berry cultures:

  • Moderate watering, without oveurgement of the soil;
  • Removal of dry and damaged twigs;
  • The formation of the crown as you need;
  • Standard with standard mineral and organic fertilizers 2-3 times per season. By the way, Musmuli seedlings should be picked up more often: 1 time in 3 weeks, a solution of a cowboy with organic fertilizers.

Musmula is a rather gentle plant

I want to note: Musmula is a rather gentle plant subject to various diseases. Therefore, twice in the season spray it with insecticides. For these purposes, you can use:

  • "PhyTeerm" (1.5 - 2 ml per 1 liter of water),
  • "LEPIDOCID" (20 - 30 grams of 10 liters of water),
  • "Insegoar" (5 grams of 10 liters of water) or another drug from pests.

So we got acquainted with an amazing exotic plant, which is increasingly found in the country areas of Russians. And Musmula has a huge healing force. Its leaf contains a storehouse of antioxidants, which in the form of decoctions and tinctures are removed from our body harmful slags and toxins. And its vitaminized fruits have excellent energy power.

The fruits of Mushmules Germanic

Have you tried Mushmulu? After all, this is a rather rare fruit, which is infrequently coming on sale.

Mushmula: landing, care and cultivation at home

Musmula - a subtropical fruit-sized tree, which belong to the family of rose colored. There are only about 30 varieties of this plant, but the most famous are Mushmula German (Caucasian) and Japanese. These varieties are very different from each other, but in the meantime they have a pleasant aroma and an unusual taste. It is possible to grow this decorative tree at home, but it will be necessary to care. In itself, Musmula is undemanding, so any soil is suitable for landing. You can grow it from seeds (bones) or reproduction of cuttings.

Varieties and varieties

Having tried the first time the fruit of Mushmules taste, you are unlikely to find a comparison. He does not look like anything. Moderately sweet with pleasant kitchen. Some argue that Mushmula is a taste of pear and sweet cherries, others talk about the combination of apple, apricot and strawberries. But how many people, so many opinions. This fruit is extremely useful. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the intestines, as well as it is recommended to use when urolithiasis.

Mushamules have large leathery leaves having a glossy shine from the outside and velvetyness with the inner. Plant flowers are very fragrant, there are white or cream color.

Two most famous and popular types are distinguished:

16 Excellent Drains for Moscow

  1. M.Germanskaya - winter hardy variety. The growing period lasts until the onset of cold weather. She has a well-developed trunk, and the shoots have spines. Saturated green leaves, large size. Flowers Mushmules Caucasian (German) initially white shade, but later acquire a pinkish color and gentle fragrance. Flowering occurs in May, and the ripening of fruits is only in the fall. The color of fruit brown-red, becomes an edible view only after frosts.

In addition, there are several varieties that are grown in room conditions.

  • "Morozko" - a variety that is perfect for growing at home or in a greenhouse. It has large fragrant fruits of red-brown colors, containing a considerable number of vitamins and trace elements. Fruits are devoid of tart taste.
  • Tanaka is a variety with large orange-yellowish fruits similar in shape with a pear. The average weight of one fetus from 50 to 85 g. Pink shade flesh with sour and sweet notes.

  • "Champagne" - a variety, a distinctive feature of which are pubescent fruits of bright yellow color. The pulp cream with a gentle flavor and captivating aroma.
  • "Premier". Mushmula with juicy pulp and light sourness. Fruits of orange-yellow shade.
  • "Sales" - a variety with pronounced orange fruits, the weight of which can exceed 80 g. According to taste, apricot resembles.

Landing: Houses and Open Ground

If you decide to grow Musulu at home, then know that a good harvest can be obtained only with appropriate care. Sit into the autumn or spring period in a pot or vase. Moreover, its width should be fully accommodated to accommodate the root Musmuli root system. The plant loves weakly acidic or neutral soils and does not take out water stagnation at all.

If the landing site of Musmules will become a garden plot (for example, in the Moscow region), then you know that the tree should not land in places where the soil waters are too close to the ground surface.

  1. Before planting Mushmulu, remove the dend and dig the pit of the desired diameter and depth.
  2. Make fertilizer at the bottom of the pit. Complex fertilizer and bone flour is suitable.
  3. Plant Mushmulu and take a number of support to which the tree will be attached.
  4. Sweep the pit with water, plant a seedling, suck soil.
  5. Water and do not forget to mulch the soil with a good layer of humus or compost.

The first few years after the landing of Musmula, it is necessary to trim the branches half, then on a quarter. The adult tree is cut quite a bit.

Mushmula loves the sun, it favorably affects the flowering of the plant. It can carry frost to -14 degrees, but if the cultivation of the tree is carried out in order to obtain fruits, even a minor minus temperature for it is destructive.

When growing in the apartment conditions, Mushmuul needs to pour and spray and spray with water.

Flower beds design. Top 10 simple and efficient techniques

Attention! In winter, watering should be reduced, but prevent complete soil drying.


The cultivation of mushmules leads to the depletion of the soil, therefore, the plants should be regularly carried out. It is better to do this in summer or winter. Fertilizer is brought one day before watering.


Mushmule reproduction is carried out in several ways.

Seed method. Pre-seeds are soaked in water for a day. In areas with a warm climate, it is permissible to sow directly into the ground. The best time for sowing in the soil is October-November. You can also do this in the spring, but only after stratification.

At home, the culture is grown at a temperature of not more than 10 degrees. This uses a mixture of the breakfast, turf, humid, peat and sand in equal parts. Seeds will germinate soon, only after one year. The care of them is not much different from the cultivation of other plants.

Attention! Plant seedlings are actively growing the first 7 years, then there is a small calm and only after 13 years of life, the tree again begins to develop hard.

Vegetative way. Mushmula Germanic predominantly breeds. All manipulations with a plant are carried out in autumn. Branches are flexing to the ground and fix. Transplanting Musmules and separation from the maternal base is carried out after the exhaustion of foliage.

Shining. This method is suitable for Japanese Mushamules. The cuttings are rooted by blowing it into a wet primer. We must not forget about drainage and timely watering. Hybrid and garden varieties can be prompted by vaccination on an apple and hawthorn.

Diseases and pests

If you grow a culture at home, then no diseases and pests are terrible. It is important to watch the watering. Excessive moisture or dry ground can lead to the development of spots.

Shields and a sage mushroom are the main enemies of Musmula. But it will not be difficult to deal with them if you use chemicals to combat pests and diseases.

Mushmula is an exotic fruit that conquered many with his unusual taste. This plant is unpretentious in care. It is mainly reduced to a moderate watering and trimming of a tree. The fruits of the plants are used both in fresh form and in the processed. It is impossible not to say about the benefits of fruits: they positively affect the work of the stomach and intestines.

Exotic Mushmula: Video

Growing Musmula: Photo

I recently met this fruit, after moving to the southern edges and tried it for the first time here. 4 years ago, they planted their own trees, and they are already fruit. The fruits resemble apple jumped, take them better after frosts. But they do not lie at all, they need to eat immediately. Now I know that their great variety!

Reading the agronomic literature of different belts of Russia, the gardener will not find a line about Mushmule German. The authors often write about garden plants that have long been acquaintances. I want to tell about Mushul German.

Surprisingly, but the fact: the fruits for use of it ripen not after the occurrence of cold weather, and after frost, winter, frost, snow, Purga - the fruits of Musmuli do not be frightened.
In the people, it is called a shaskha ordinary, but our conversation about a chish garden, cultural. Between them "distance of a huge size." In recent years, Mushmula Germans is actively going beyond the Caucasus, expanding the distribution area. This is a very unpretentious, useful and beautiful plant, fruiting late in winter. It is solely decorative at any time of the year, - with flowers, fruits, but especially in the fall, when the leaves become red and the tree looks like a big flower.
Mushamula Germanic easily tolerates both heat and frost minus 30-35 degrees and more, therefore it does not need it in the cold areas. But still, in such zones, it is impossible to be fascinated by nitrogen fertilizers and irrigated at the end of the summer, so that the branches and all tree are told. In this case, the frost does not suffer.
Agrotechnology Plants is very simple and accessible to all lovers to lovers. Mushmula German tolerant for various soils, but like any culture loves care. It grows well and fruits regularly in areas where the crops are giving a pear, quince, hawthorn, but unlike them with Mushmuly less trouble.
If you want the tree to be more hardy, benign, yield, winter-hardy, then grow it out of the bones. Seed reproduction is the most acceptable option for growing in different climatic conditions. Seedlings from cultural musms repeat the best quality maternal plants. Bones from wild species for breeding are not suitable, as they are underdeveloped. In the fruit there are five bones (called them and seeds).
The plant propagates well and sowing the bones, and vaccinating the hawthorn, quince. At the same tree, at the request of the gardener, you can combine Mushmulu, Quince and hawthorn. They grow very well, because they relate to one family of rustic.
We particularly note that Musmula is the perfect dive to get a low-spirited pear. They have excellent combination. I have all the varieties of pear grafted on the ditch of Musmules, and more than 30 years old, low trees grow and fruit. By the way, two varieties are vaccinated for many pear trees, they are mutually pollinated. Here I have, for example, "Couples": Klapp's favorite - Williams; Bere Bosc - Bere Ardanpon; Williams - Starkrimson, etc.
When growing Musmulus, there is no need for spraying (pests and diseases do not annoy it), the wood is harmful. A method of trimming can be given any desired shape, you can grow it near the windows, balconies, near the walls of the houses.

The Earth is an exciting novel, but the novel who is not tired to read and never fulfill to the end. Each time she opens so much new and unknown for you that after the first communication with her no longer can live without her. The Earth is the only book that I want to read and reread infinitely.
I am submissive. We are friends forever. For my love for her she gives me a feeling of the completeness of life, the feeling of the unity of man and nature, she removes sadness from my heart and sadness, gives joy, makes wise and patient. It is necessary to love it very much.

Mushmula is a very beautiful, leaf fall tree (or shrub) with sweet, edible, but rather hard fruits. Long dark green leaves of Musmula, on the outstretched branches, can decorate any garden. Musmula fruits contain a large number of people needed and, moreover, they are extremely tasty.

Mushmule Germanica (Mespilus Germanica). © dumabyt.

In the systematics of plants, Mushmula refers to the family of pink ( Rosacae.), where it is highlighted in a separate genus Mushmula ( Mespilus.). Rod includes 3 types of Musmules, of which the greatest fame Medlar (Mespilus germanica.) Or ordinary.

Medlar It has a lot of synonyms. So, the Mushmulu German in the Caucasus is called caucasian, real, chishkovy (chashkov) by tree, chishka. In other areas, the name of the cone, Ezgil, and others passed.


Description Mushmules Germanic

Although Mushmula is called the German, real birthplace culture are mountain slopes in Northern Iran, the areas of the Southern and Southeast Asia Minor.

Musmula German - leaf fall tree up to 4-8 m high, whose life expectancy is about 50 years. It attracts in summer an unusual green crown and for its beauty: a group of decorative and deciduous plants used in the panels of the parks, a recreation corners in the country areas.

The root system of Mushmules is a German branchy, but the surface is located in the upper 60-70 cm layer of the soil, well developed. The straight trunk, branches are curved, form a wide spreader crown. Bark of the trunk and skeletal branches of gray-brown. Branches and trunk in wild forms are littered with small spines.

The German Mushali at the ends of the previous year's shoots are formed single flowers that begin to flourish in May-June. Flowers are correct with a white or pinkish whisk, up to 3 cm in diameter. Very similar to quince flowers.

The fruits of Mushumules German have a round applet shape, a diameter of 2-5 cm. In appearance, the fruits of large rosehip often resemble. Peel fruits brown or brown-reddish.

The flesh of the ripe fruit is sweet, slightly acidic, tart with an apple-id's taste. Collect the harvest for eating after the first frost or earlier, laying for long-term storage. The frozen fruits acquire a sweet taste and lose tartness. Fruits on branches are preserved to strong frosts, and in soft winters and spring.

Some gardeners compare the taste of the pulp of matured fruit with an apple puree and call it fragrant jam on the branch.

The cultivation of Mushamus German does not require special techniques when planting seedlings and caring for trees.

The spread of Mushmules Germanic

In the natural conditions of Musmula, Germanian is growing well and develops in countries with hot summer and warm low (even better - smugmer) in winter. At the same time, shrubs and trees of culture have a fairly good frost resistance. In the wild form of Mushmule, Germans are common in the Balkans, in Transcaucasia, in Armenia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan. Decorative Diharos is found in South and Western Ukraine, in amateur gardens of warm regions of Moldova and even in the Baltic States.

In the Russian Federation, it grows in vivo in the bright forests of the South Crimea, the Caucasus region, in the Caspian districts. Given the beneficial properties of Mushulules German, more and more gardeners began to grow in dachas and cottages cultural varieties of Mushmules German.

The fruits of Mushmules German. © Takkk.

Why love Mushmulu?

The benefits of Mushmules for the body is proved by millennial use in food and for treating from a variety of diseases. Mushmul is a fairly high content of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, RR and others), trace elements, including iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese responsible for human immunity and The work of the thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands.

The fruits of Mushmules German in the production of jam, jams, pastes, jams, marmalade, juices, compotes, wines are used. Low-calorie mushmule fruits and are used in weight loss diets.

At the same time, it is necessary to introduce into the diet, especially children's, Mushmulu. It is irritating the gastric mucosa and is contraindicated in the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity, with inflammatory pancreas processes.

Mushmulu can not be used in food with allergic reactions to elevated amounts of vitamins and other substances in the fruits of Mushmules German.

Flower Mushmules German. © Rasbak.

How to grow Muschum Hermann in the open soil?

As a decorative plant of Mushmula, Germans, grows in the southern regions everywhere. In recent years, garden forms have been obtained by breeders that can form fruit crops in sufficiently cold growing conditions.

Environmental relationship

Mushmule German is growing and fruits in open ground in all southern and nearby areas, the climate of which meets the requirements of culture. It forms edible fruits, characterized by high taste. Trees have high frost resistance, withstand frosts up to -30 ºС. Some varieties grow in the middle strip.

Mushamula German big suslavub, in shady places feels oppressed and poorly developing.

Considering the surface root system, trees need watering. They do not endure the relative location of the groundwater, so watering should be moderate.

The landing of Mushmules Germans is carried out in late autumn in October-November.

Tree Mushalu German. © High Contrast.

Soil preparation and landing in open ground

The optimal type of soil for the German Mushalla is weakly acidic (pH \u003d 5-6), fertile, loose, air and water-permeable soils (samp black soils, turf, humus and others).

For planting seedlings, Mushmules prepare a pre-landing pit 40-50x40-50 cm. A depth of 70-80 cm. The final size of the landing pit should exceed the root seedling system by 1/3. The top layer of the soil is postponed to prepare soil mixture. At the bottom of the landing pit, lay the drainage height of 20-25 cm from the crumple, rubble, broken bricks, small pebbles, so that with long-term heavy rains, the water is not stored in the root system zone.

To the separated top layer of the soil (if it is severe in physical indicators) add in the ratio 1: 1 humid or ripe compost and sand. Mix well, add nitroposku (70-80 g / yum) or other full mineral fertilizer at the calculation of phosphorus and potassium, respectively, 40 and 30 g / pit.

The planting technology of seedlings is no different from other fruit crops. During the landing, you must follow the location of the root cervix of Musmules German. Her rehabilitation in the soil negatively affects the growth and development of the tree. It is necessary that the root neck is at the soil level.

In the landing point, it is necessary to drive a stake to it across the eight soft ribbon or a wide twine to suspend the Musmula seedlings so that the barrel is not curved. After irrigation, the soil around the seedling is mulched by humus, the rigorous peat, compost.

Mushmula Germanic refers to self-polished cultures, but it is better to plant several seedlings (2-3) a separate kurtic. When landing in a mixed garden, the seedlings are immediately placed in a reserved place. Culture does not tolerate transfers.

Considering the form of the crown (it is quite scattered) between the trees they leave the interval of 3-4 m. When selecting the place, it is necessary to take into account that Mushmula does not endure the neighborhood of nut and apricot. The rest of the cultures are tolerant, especially an apple tree, a pear, Hywe.

Masmule care in open ground

Fingering Musmula

The long growing season of the German Mushamian leads to the depletion of the soil, so the culture needs feeding, which are starting literally from the second year of the life of plants in a permanent place. Young plants feed in 3-4 weeks, adults (with start of fruiting) 2-3 times over the growing season.

Feed the mushmul organic fertilizers in spring or autumn. Fresh korovyan is diluted with water in a 1: 8 ratio. If the soil fertility is low, then additionally during flowering period is fed by phosphoric fertilizers, and in the period of active growth and development of fruits with potash tuks.

Mushmule is positively responding to stealing ashes and microelements, solutions of which can be made into the soil or an extraordinated way through spraying. Since the Sheet plate of Mushmules is a German smooth, soap or special adhesive is added to the nutrient solution. Solid fertilizers contribute under watering. After irrigation, the soil is melted.

The fruits of Mushmules Germanian on the tree. © permaforet.

Trimming Musmula

Inside the crown, thickening branches are cut and requiring sanitary trim (dry, patients growing inside, curves). In the first 2 years after planting a 2-3 year-old Mushmule seedling, the skeletal branches of the first order are cut into 1/2, the next 2 years by 1/4. The side shoots of the 2nd order during this period are shortened to 20-25 cm. In the future, they are mainly performed by sanitary trimming and trimming of branches that are beyond the limits of the main volume of the crown.

Methods of breeding Mushmules German

Hermann Mushmulu will determine the seeds and vegetatively - cuttings, drains, root pig and vaccinate.

The reproduction of Mushmules Seeds

With seed reproduction of Mushmules, the varietal signs of the parent plant in the culture are preserved.

Condition: bones should be fresh, taken out of the fetus before sowing into the soil. The dried bones reduce the germination several times. The bones of Mushmules German autumn in late October - early November planted in the soil. For the winter, they pass natural stratification and the next year we spare.

You can grow mushmules seedlings at home (pot or other capacity), having stratified bones in the refrigerator and spring to fall into the open soil 20-30 cm plant. Further care for seedlings and adult fruiting trees Mushmules Germanic is the same as for other cultures.

Collected for storage fruits Musmules German. © cooetteria

The reproduction of Mushmules by chamber

Mushmula Germanic breeding well. In the fall, the annual branch is pinned to the soil by a V-shaped crochet in a proofled groove. The soils are made in several places of cuts on the crust, which contributes to a more rapid rooting. The gangs are watered with a solution of corneeling, rushing the ground, mulched.

The soil, with the proof moshmulus jam, should be constantly wet, but it is not worth it to pour it. Rooting lasts up to 2 years. Mushmuly groans forms a well-developed root system and several shoots. After rooting, it is separated from the parent plant and planted on a permanent place that does not require transplants. The transplant of the separated plant is carried out in the autumn period after the leaves' appeal.

The reproduction of Mushmules vaccinated

The selected variety or hybrid of Mushmules Germanian can be instilled in a pear, quince, apple tree, hawthorn. Method of vaccination: for Corra, in splitting.

You can try to instill Mashmulya Germanic on the plum, the fruits acquire an unusual, very nice taste. In turn, the Frost-resistant Mushmula Germanic is used as a diving for a pear.

Protection of Mushmules from pests and diseases

Mushmula Germanic is extremely rarely amazed by pests and diseases. Gardeners note that the pests of Mushmula are damaged to a floss, a shield. From diseases - fungal diseases, including a sage mushroom, brown rust. Damage to other pests and diseases are manifested in some cases and practically do not harm the plants.

For the prevention of trees and shrubs, the German Mushali handle 3% of the Bordeaux liquid after discharge of the leaves in the fall and spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. Other chemical treatments are better not to use, but to apply if there is a need for, biopreparations:

  • bioinsecticides - actor, boverin, lepyocide, batchibacillin and others.
  • biofungicides - Mikosan, Triphodermin, Phytolavin, Phytosporin, Glocladin and others.

Mushmule Germanica (Mespilus Germanica). © rwimmer.

Mushmules Hermann for growing in the country

In accordance with the appropriate climatic conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation, the following varieties of Mushmules German: Sweet Dracheva, Karadagskaya, Goytkhovskaya, Senthests, Chohy, are most acceptable and distributed and distributed. All the fruits of varietal forms of Mushmules Germanic are large from 3 to 5 cm in diameter.

From others, gardeners are recommended from other protrotation of Mushamules with many years of grades with large-fruits 'Dutsh', rectuous trees with small fruits 'NOTTINGHAM' and 'ROYAL'. All varieties are distinguished by fragrant, fruits with an unusually pleasant taste.

The height of the adult instance can reach five to ten meters. Crown lush stretched, tree foliage green with wax rim. The back side of the leaf is covered with white green.

In our time, more than thirty types of musms are derived by breeders, but the most common types of this plant are Japanese and German Mushmula.

Caucasian Musmula is another name of the German variety, she received his spread in a colder climate, with cold winter and short in summer. It grows such a tree throughout the Caucasus.

Our article will be told about the Germanic variety of fruit tree. The history of origin will be described in detail and answers to the question "Where does the tree grow?" It is also given a description of the benefits of the fruits of German Musmulus for a person.

The first mentions on the territory of modern Germany have been found about Musmule more than one thousand years ago to our era. Presumably, even then, people were aware of the benefits of large-scale bright orange fruits. Also, the thermo-loving plant was successfully grown not only in ancient Germany, but also Babylon, Mesopotamia and the territory of the modern Caucasus.

The merchants really liked her taste that they traded Mushamuly around the world. It is from Mesopotamia and lands of Babylon Traders on their ships and caravans exported sweet fruits of orange in ancient Greece and Rome. It was from ancient Rome and Greece that this fruit got into Germany and European parts of the lands.

Despite the fact that Motherland Musmules is China, some of its varieties perfectly fit in a cooler climate. For example, a successful tree is cultivated at the warm parts of European lands, such as Germany, Israel and Spain.

German Musmula is a pretty picky plant. The tree requires special conditions of landing: dry weakness soil, solar landing place. Poor tolerates darkened places and no ventilation. Also for the plant may be destructive sharp drops of temperature and protracted rains.

Why did the German and Caucasian grade of this tree loved the residents of the European part of the continent so much? The thing is that it successfully transfers the cooler than in the tropics climate. Thanks to this property, the cultivation at home is becoming available. In addition, these spreading fruit trees are fruit with the onset of autumn, you can cook jam and compotes on the winter.

Fruit resembles a small apple shaped, has a sweet taste and a gentle aroma. Musmula grows not only in Germany. This variety of wood can be found on the Black Sea coast, in Crimea, Armenia, in the territories of the Caucasus and Kyrgyzstan. The variety of ancient German Musmula in Algeria, Iran and Greece is also widespread.

German Mushmula: Description

How to distinguish the German variety of Musmula? Make it very easy. It is enough to look at the fruits - their external features will let you know that in front of you is frosty-resistant variety of fruit plants.

The fruit fruit of the Caucasian variety differs from the other varieties of its round form. The fruit itself is a small size, the sides are slightly closed on top and bottom. Middle weight usually does not exceed thirty-fifty grams.

These small fruits have a diameter of no more than two or three centimeters, we grow a piece of bunch. The color of ripe fruit is bright orange or brownish, with a red tint. There are also brighter varieties - more peach shade.

The tree grows on the fifth sixth year after landing. Previously, it is not possible to get fruits and a rich harvest. Due to the fact that the tree grows in a cool climate, flowering and subsequent pollination occurs not in winter, like in thermal-loving varieties, but with the onset of the first warming, in the spring.

Flowers Mushmula for a month, flowers are white, yellowish tint or cream. The aroma during the periods of the floweron is extraordinary! Fragrant trees are a real decoration of embankments and fruit gardens.

German Musmula refers to cross-polling plants. In natural conditions, the growing problems with fruit breaks usually does not occur. Many experienced gardeners understand that summer is rather short and cold. In order to improve the index of pollinability, they practice trick. Spray spring plants with sweet nectar or sugar solution.

Fruit collection and storage

After the flowering period ends and the first crushes of fruits are formed, Mushmula ripens throughout the summer. The faster and dry climate, the more sweet and delicious Musmula fruits will be. Sometimes these fruits are even called the "leg jam", they are so tasty and fragrant.

Ripen fruits by autumn. Create a crop locals start in late August, early September, depending on the territory of the growth of trees. Meet this fruit tree can be found everywhere - in parisades, greenhouses, parks and squares.

The fruits collected from the tree are not immediately eaten. It is better to give them to fly away. So that they retain their freshness longer and did not rot, each fruit wraps into paper. It should be stored in this form in a dark cool place for a week. After that, they become even more viscous and sweet, in this form you can be prepared or consuming fresh.

Mushmula Recipes

From the fruits of this exotic plant, marmalade and marshmallow are prepared. They can be preserved, the fragrant fruit jams and jam are boiled. Fruit juices and wines are prepared on the basis of Musmules. Drinking their pleasure - the aroma and the benefits of fruit drinks are huge. Also, fruits serve as the basis for the preparation of air paste, fruit liqueurs.

Nevertheless, the most Mushmula is useful in reserve. That is how it retains all its useful properties. However, it should be borne in mind that the fruit is very quickly cleaned, so it is worth it to harm it in the quality of jams and compotes.

These fruits are orange color record holders in the content of beta-carotene. Finding into the human body, they disintegrate on double vitamin "A" and are fully absorbed by the body. Also in Mushmul a lot of potassium and magnesium. These trace elements are needed to maintain the work of the muscular and cardiovascular system.

Ripe berries also contain vitamins of the group "C", "B", "A", "D", citric acid. It is known that mature fruits of musms contain phytoncides and tanning substances. It is they who give ripe berries that the viscosity properties.

These properties have a positive impact on the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Scientists have proven that if at least once a day to use the fresh fruits of this fruit, then the work of the intestinal peristalsis will be improved. Also, substances in berry makes gastric pain and spasms, have a pronounced diuretic effect.

Not only ripe fruits of mushmula, but also leaves, immature fruits have therapeutic properties. The unstucking fruit helps perfectly in the removal of inflammation and stops bleeding well.

The leaves of the plant are dried, crushed and on their basis are preparing herbal phyto of tea or tincture. The champs are perfectly strengthened by immunity and help in the treatment of colds. Tea from the leaves of the plant has an expectorant effect and helps with sore throat.

Alcohol tinctures help alleviate the symptoms of patients with diabetes. Also, exhaust leaves are widely used in cosmetology. Masks and cream based on the leaves of the German Musmulus help to fight signs of aging, soften and return the skin smoothness.

Touched it and the genus Musmula (Mespilus L.), The only representative of whom Mishmula Germans received its name on the basis of the long tradition of growing in Europe.

In fact, the birthplace of the plant - Northern Iran (Elbrus), South and Southeast Small Asia, Gyuek Gorge, overlooking the Chandra River (Kopet-Dag), Kolkhida, Girkan, Forests of the North Caucasus.

From Iran and Malaya Asia, a tree, together with other fruit crops, penetrated first to Greece, from there on the Appeenssic Peninsula, then to France and Germany, later - to England.

Thus, the irony of fate, the Germans, in whose honor the tree is called, began to grow the plant almost the last of Europeans.


Mushmula is a shadowless, very drought-resistant, winter-hardy plant. In young age (up to 7 years), it is characterized by an active growth, which is then reduced, but jumps out after 13 years.

In nature, Mushmulu can now be found in the mountains of the Caucasus from the foothill belt to 1800 m of absolute height, and on Elbrus - up to 2050 m.

It grows on the slopes of various exposures and soil. It has a wide environmental range, which makes it possible to grow it in moderate latitudes.

The leaves of the Mushmules of the German (ordinary, or Caucasian) begin to bloom at the end of April, and by the end of May she dresses in a dark green outfit. Each sheet is thickly sowed on both sides, matte from above, light green bottom, fine-eyed on sides, up to 10 cm long, elliptical, reverseless or oblong lanceal form. On the branches with a gray smooth crust they are located alternately. Short fruitful shoots end with spines.

At the end of May, single flowers appear on the tops of the shoots, 3-4 cm in diameter. Five snow-white petals over time are repressed, acquiring the color of Flamingo feathers. In the middle of the flower there are numerous (up to 30) stamens, ending with bright pink dots of anthers. Each flower lives 3-5 days. The maximum flowering duration is up to 19 days.

The growing season in Musmula is stretched, it continues to the first autumn frosts. Because of this, young plants in harsh winters can freeze young shoots.

When can I collect a harvest?

To the late autumn, the fruits of the apple, ferry, cube, pear, or ellipseed shape are noticeable in Krone, very reminiscent of the rosehip fruits, but much larger (2-3 cm in diameter). Dirty green in summer, as they ripen, they will boast, acquiring a chocolate tint.

Our advice:

Fruits remain on the branches all winter. With the first frost brown pulp becomes soft. If you collect the fruits at this time, the peel is cracking and the outside acts the most present jumped, sweet, a little astringent, very tasty.

Useful properties and the use of Mishmules German

The fruits are still hard. Used after lying or marking and natural fermentation.

Musmuli's ridden fruits contain 10% sugars, 1.1% apple acid, as well as carotene (3 g in the peel, 1.2 g per pulp), vitamin C (6.8-19.3 mg% in the peel, 1.6 -15.8 mg% in meakty).

In places of breeding, Mushmules from fruits prepare a variety of drinks, jumped, eating them fresh and pickled. Four from Musmula was made once popular with our cider.

The young fruits, the bark, the leaves contain tuning substances used in the selection of leather.

In the people, tincture of leaves is used to treat colds of the throat.

Love animals and birds to be fruitful by the fruits of Mushamules.

Mishmules Hermann varieties and hybrids

Plants, fruiting for the first time, give a small amount of adhesive fruit. This phenomenon is called parthenocarpia, that is, the cropping of fruits without fertilization. This served as the basis for creating appropriate varieties.

Of particular value are the varieties of Caucasian folk selection. They give large (up to 7 cm in diameter) fruits of excellent taste.

A number of hybrids between Musmule and various types of hawthorn are known. Of these, the most decorative interspecific hybrid with a hawthorn is ordinary, the so-called Mushmula large. By hybridization of rowan with Mushmule I. V. Michurin, high-quality rowan grade was obtained - Michurinskaya dessert.

Mishmuly German reproduction methods

Seed fashion

She seeds is very solid, therefore, as in most rustling, they germinate a year after sowing.

The best sowing time is the end of October-November. If the seeds have passed long stratification, then they can be seized in the spring.

Reproduction with chains

For reproduction, the autumn period is also favorable. The success of rooting depends on the degree of humidifier of the soil, in which they are cheered.

The chains are rooted for two years, after the leaffall they can be resettled.

During this time, they have a well-developed root system and several shoots.

Reproduction of vaccination and eyepling

Hybrids and varieties are multiplied with vaccination and eyepiece. We have a hawthorn or pear. In this case, you can grow a great straak form.

Decorative application of Mishmules German

Hermann Mushmula perfectly tolerates a haircut, so you can create a wonderful green hedge from it.

However, you will have to work hard, systematically cutting it, because the plant is characterized by an active growth of escapes.

After cutting down, it forms a numerous piglery and is rapidly restored.

In a free single landing with good solar lighting, Mushmula is growing with a spreader high bush, there is a long time, it blooms abundantly and fruits, without suffering from the dryness of air or from high summer temperatures.

Autumn golden coloring of the leaves appears 3-10 days before the leaf fall. In this season, the plant is unusually decorative and attractive. Dark beads of fruits are successfully combined with bright foliage.

Are there pests from Mishmules German?

The leaves are sometimes amazed by a spider tower, and old copies - a shield.

In case of destruction of the tree, these pests will have to use the appropriate means of plant protection.

Elena Austina, Dendrologist
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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