Let you feel. You must feel uncomfortable. Convince you need more

Ventilation 19.03.2021

Methods that will help you feel better, see yourself amazing and extraordinary person - already right now!

Is the way we drive yourself into depression every day? If for each time we felt unnecessary, stupid, unspeculent or unworthy, we were given ten kopecks, most people would have become millionaires.

We enter into this land, full of abundance and miracles, and all that you first need it - a little food, a little bit comfortable and clean diapers. But if you deprive something from this, or if a little later on our life path, someone will tell us that we are in something worse than others, we get used to feel like that. Worst. Unworthy.

And as we get enough negative - it doesn't matter, from the side or from themselves - we get used to see only mistakes and shortcomings. All other either completely dissolves on their background, or if it improves our self-esteem, it is very very, very long.

But if we are accustomed to see in ourselves only bad, can we learn to see in yourself good? Can we refuse to believe all this time and switch attention to your beauty and exclusivity? Yes, and yes again yes!

This is not only possible, it is necessary to maintain our mental and physical health. At the heart of our well-being and happiness lay and lies positive self-esteem.

We are desperately crazy to find a way from the country of contempt to yourself.

Fortunately, our mind and heart are capable of changing, and we can learn to love and take ourselves as we are. Just think about how hard it is to live, guided by illusory expectations and disappointments. But taking into arms a combination of positive thoughts and actions, you are quite capable of getting out of darkness to light.

As with all other new skills or habits, you should start with a small and regularly practicing. First, all this may seem unnatural to you, but after you change your actions and thoughts, followed by the feelings.

Want to feel better? So for this you do not need to wait anything at all! You can start with simple, small daily everyday actions that will help you see yourself as you should - a stunning, extraordinary person.

Throw some ideas? Here are 99 ways to help you change your opinion about yourself for the better - right now:

  1. Call mom. For most of us, Mom is the person who has always loved and love us most, and will certainly try to protect us. Ask her to tell you something apparent. And if this is not an option - call the person who can rely on.
  2. Take a look in the mirror. But instead of looking for shortcomings in your appearance, focus on your best features. Your eyes? Your hair? Your smile? Focus on them for a minute or so and thank the fate for what you have.
  3. Write a love message. Let me know your loved one, what feelings you feel to him. Open in front of it completely. Be frank. Only delivering your love with someone, you can feel your loved one.
  4. List your achievements. Yes Yes, take a piece of paper and write them down. All anything - from the won Town Tennis tournament to the project named on time. Write down everything as you think can be proud of. Take a look at yourself from a positive side!
  5. Make cleaning on the desktop. At the same time it helps to clean and your mind. Helps clearly think and opens the way to creation. A little labor - and you just overflow thirst to create. Well, the table became cleaner.
  6. Arrange yourself a workout for 5 minutes. Yes, just 5 minutes. It will not force you overwhelming, but it is not so little. Even a short warm-up will help you feel cheerful - besides, it may well come into habit.
  7. Pray or mate. Take a look into your soul. Briefly remove your ego. Make a step to the side and forgive for a couple of minutes to evaluate yourself - just be the one you are.
  8. Make a new hairstyle and makeup. Well, if it does not make you feel better - what can do it at all? When you look at all hundred, you feel quite different.
  9. Apologize. If you are badly accepted with someone, apologize. Wines and shame - extremely unhealthy emotions. Take care of this right now.
  10. Get rid of something. If you have something that you do not need or what you do not use, but what could be useful to someone else, give it to him. You do not just feel better, but also pretty to clean your karma.
  11. Make someone to feel better. How is the easiest way to be forgotten about the negative experienced by yourself? Yes, simply send your energy to raise someone else's self-esteem. It is not obvious - but it works!
  12. Change anything. If you truly worry about something in you yourself, try to choose something that can change, and do it - right now. Well, let's. Start at least with small.
  13. Write an affirmative message. Find what makes you think badly ... Found? And now turn it inside out and write down the exact opposite statement. After all, in contrast, there is also truth too. So write it down and repeat it until you can believe it, and after - constantly wear this piece with you.
  14. Dance in front of the mirror. Is it possible to think bad about yourself, dancing in front of the mirror? Yes, you just take a look at yourself!
  15. Call a friend. No wonder they say that friends are our walking and speaking antidepressants. One dose of a friend a day - and you are in perfect order!
  16. Talk to yourself with your own (as if with a friend). Nearby there is no friend? So get yourself with myself. How would a friend responded about your alleged disadvantages? Talk about it with you, and be a truly loving, caring friend.
  17. Perform the promised. If you promised to do something, do it today. Remove it with your conscience. It is very positive - to feel that you can rely on you.
  18. Compare yourself with others. Look around. You are in a much more profitable position than many. You have plenty of good things. But most of the world lives in a terrible poverty and suffering.
  19. Do not compare yourself with someone. But in no case compare ourselves with that 1 percent (or even less) of the population of the Earth, which is more successful, more beautiful or smarter than you. Conteen what you have.
  20. Present your dream. If you hunt well think about yourself every day the remainder of your life, write a plan, how to achieve it. Do you have a dream of all life? So write it down!
  21. Revilize the best memories in mind. Find a wonderful, great memory in our past, and immerse yourself with your head for a few minutes. Reliable all the details in mind and experience the same feelings that then. This will certainly help you to perch over gray everyday life.
  22. Push the birds. Take a piece of bread, find some park and feed the birds in it. They will certainly love you. You will become their personal bird god. They will sing you guarded. Being someone's deity is always nice - even if only a bird.
  23. Take your bed. The fastened bed is beautiful. It makes it better to look better than your room. Are you a neat person? So be proud of it.
  24. Praise children. Sometimes, when we are angry with ourselves, we will use it on our own children. Do not do this. It is better to use them. Tell them what you yourself wanted to hear from our parents in childhood.
  25. Hug someone. The arms is small, but a strong spell, instantly filling us with joy and happiness. If you have time - hug though all day. Well, if not, enough and once.
  26. Smile. A smile is a reliest way to tell our brain that we are happy. True true. Yes, you yourself try.
  27. Imagine loving kindness. This is a Buddhist practice that helps you find sympathy and disinterested kindness - both to yourself and the rest.
  28. Turn off the computer and disconnect the network. It is difficult to experience warm feelings if your only interlocutor is a computer screen. Find a living person and talk to him. How to know - maybe he will tell you something good.
  29. Make today more than yesterday. Try to exit the boundaries you set. Make more expected - home or at work. Give on-mountain more than you are waiting.
  30. Change your expectations. You are not obliged to be perfection - or even something close. You can afford to make mistakes - but even after them everything will be fine.
  31. Let me decide to someone else. From time to time shift responsibility for making decisions on other people's shoulders. Let someone else take the right decision or will be mistaken - let him do it. Take a look.
  32. Save your place. Isn't it not nice to see someone inferior to his place in the transport of an elderly person or a pregnant woman? Doesn't it seem to be a noble and good act? So do it if you have a chance.
  33. Seit world, not aware. Find a way to sow around the world and calm. Life and so full of negative - season it with something else.
  34. Hold the language. Just do not say it. Perhaps you really want this. Maybe you even have it right. But better silent and smile.
  35. Start differently talk about yourself. Try listening to what you say about yourself, in the role of an impartial observer, and after - change your words so that the benevolent kindness filled.
  36. Pretend. Low opinion about yourself? Do look as if it is not. Watch yourself as if it is not. And quite soon the content will come in line with the form.
  37. Arrange a party. Parties are fun. People they like. And they also like those who are satisfied. And at all it is not necessary to arrange a noisy festival. Just collect some fun people together.
  38. Put your budget. Yes, I know - bog. But important, so the faster you will handle it, the faster you will raise your self-esteem.
  39. Choose health. If you have a choice between something healthy and unhealthy, choose healthy. It certainly leads to a positive.
  40. Determine what integrity means for you. And really - what? Write it down. Do you meet this definition?
  41. Do something unusual. Arrange your life in shake. Change your routine. Try something new. It will help you feel like an innovator and the strip of the basics.
  42. Appreciate beauty. She is here around you. You just need to reveal the eyes and try to see it. And when you notice it outside, it will not be so difficult to feel it and inside. In some sense, the beauty of inference.
  43. Be modest. Just know about your talents and greatness much more pleasant than shouting about them on every corner.
  44. Share wisdom. Life taught you a lot. So share it with others - so that it helped them.
  45. Read something inspirational. Take away from negative. Find a good book that can inspire and inspire you.
  46. Surprise someone. Do something cheerful and unexpected for someone who is not indifferent to you. One preparation for this pretty will raise you mood.
  47. Share other people's feelings. Try to go further sympathy. Put yourself on someone's place and take a look at the situation with his eyes. Separated feelings lead to empathy, and it sows love and healing in the soul.
  48. Change your habits. Do something additionally - even if you do not really want this or you are not in the mood. It will help you feel better.
  49. Be easier. Sophisticated, loaded by affairs, things and tasks life will not make you happier and will not increase your self-esteem. Find in your life without going on with your values, time to just live.
  50. Zarrow ax war. If you are with someone on the knives, come to him with a white flag - even if you are guilty in the conflict you are not. Take the first step to healing and calmness.
  51. Find a mentor. Find someone whose life or achievement you would like to repeat. See and learn, and after - act.
  52. Become a mentor. Become them for someone who could learn something under your leadership and on your example.
  53. First of all, take care of the family. After all, if you figure it out - what could be more important? Try not to forget about her, every day giving her time, love and attention.
  54. Do not forget about yourself. An important part of the care of the family is the right attitude towards yourself. Treat yourself with the same love and kindness as to households. After all, the better you will treat yourself, the more you will have strength and energy on the family.
  55. Learn to say no. Do not allow anyone to make you do something, intimidating or playing your feelings of guilt or shame. If you do not want to do something, just say "no".
  56. Tell me "Yes." Tell me "yes" of life, new adventure, new friends, wish to create, spontaneity. Do not say no, when you want to say "yes."
  57. Get a new habit. Select a useful habit that you would like to get. Start with small. Make a clear schedule for yourself, but do not look far ahead.
  58. Inhale deeper. Learn to the right respiratory techniques. They are extremely beneficial for both the body and reason.
  59. Ask you the shoulders. A gentle touch from a caring person reminds us that we are not alone that we are connected with each other, and that our bodily well-being is also important.
  60. Live hereby. Swove your head from the clouds. Stop living past or worry about the future. The present, what is happening here and now is the only thing that we really have. So switch all your attention to it.
  61. Be kind to the satellite of your life. Just be kind. The kindness is beneficial to any relationship, and similar - especially.
  62. Cheese your clothes. Drop your home. Take care of yourself and your environment. Respect time and money spent on the purchase of what you wear.
  63. Pay, finally accounts. If you have long-standing unpaid bills, try to do everything possible to pay them. Negative energy and stress caused by the fact that they hang over your head, sooner or later they will give you to the ground in the ears.
  64. Assign a meeting. If you need to visit the doctors, psychotherapist, a lawyer, an account, and someone else is enough to pull the rubber, appoint a meeting. Today.
  65. Do not give up. In any situation, whatever happens, hold on to the last. Find the strength, emotional or mental reserve. And if you need help, ask for it.
  66. Release steam. If you feel that stress accumulates in you, like steam in an overheated boiler, stop doing what you do and tend it gently. Get out the exercises, spoite, shout, yes, even choose a pillow if you become easier from this. Release pairs in a safe way until you have time to do anything like that you can arrest.
  67. Bake the cookie. Fresh-eyed homemade cookies helps from anything. Try, and you will understand what I'm talking about.
  68. Do not forget to remind yourself that everything will be fine. As a rule, it comes out. Despite all your concerns and anxiety, the output can be found almost from any situation.
  69. Allow the universe does not give you to fall. Just stop tremble and let the events go to your cat. Surrend your free fall and allow the universe to pick you up.
  70. Accept fragility. When you feel weak, frightened, lonely and prone to mistakes, remember - all this is part of human nature. We sometimes attend our fragility of the mind and spirit. Take it to get the opportunity to overcome it. Now, and next time, and then ...
  71. Enough to reflect, act. The action promotes you forward, fully plunging into meditation, you are just going on the spot.
  72. Look a funny video. It is unlikely that you will get at the same time laugh and unflatter to think about yourself. Look at something funny.
  73. Turn off from your work. Sometimes you have enough to take a break in the work - at least 10-15 minutes, in order to recover seemingly lost forces and remember that life is not only the work and related to it.
  74. Drink moderate. Alcohol rises only stronger into depression. If you are dissatisfied with you, from excessive libations you will be only worse.
  75. Eat healthy food. Sometimes you are not good because you lack the necessary nutrients or lacking energy. Fit products that help keep healthy your body and mind.
  76. Drink water. More. Even more. After having herself drinking more water, you will gain an extremely useful habit. And useful habits increase self-esteem.
  77. Start moving forward. Spread the way to the goal into small steps. Start with the first one, even if it is small. And ... Make it. That's all.
  78. Hire coaches. The coach will help you go further, to put it harder, to a greater degree to reveal your own potential.
  79. Dead appetites. Sleep less. Copy money. Try to do without unnecessary things. Make your life easier.
  80. Get paper diary. Throw thoughts and anxieties into it, locked inside - and you will be surprised how freely you will feel.
  81. Drink a cup of tea. Just sneeze in a quiet place and drink tea. Enjoy this simple, but such a pleasant and soothing time.
  82. Play with a pet. Your pets love you without any conditions. So plunge into this love and attention.
  83. Enchant. If you look outwardly, as a collected, attractive person, sooner or later you will feel right for them.
  84. Plan your day. Determine for yourself 2-3 things you would like to achieve. It is better to do this in the morning of this or in the evening of the previous day. You do not need a long list - 2-3 things are quite enough. It is possible that you will achieve and more, but if more and scheduled, believe me - you will feel much better.
  85. Open the world. Do not hide your fear or expectations that are not destined to come true. Be a real person - with all its weaknesses and shortcomings. A real man is more attractive than fake.
  86. Make compliments. Just say something pleasant. Make someone's day a little better - and you make your best.
  87. Hand Golden Stars. It is incredibly nice - to award himself with a golden star for the work done or the acquired habit.
  88. Learn, some new word. It does not matter whether you study a foreign language or write a scientific dissertation - it can be useful and fun! For example, the lower jaw on Latin is Mandibul.
  89. Work on your flexibility. Body flexibility helps reduce pain, improves blood circulation, posture and protects against injuries.
  90. Eat another portion of vegetables. You almost certainly eat too few vegetables, so you will not hurt another extra plate. Choose something rich in trace elements, like spinach, ordinary or Beijing cabbage.
  91. Get yourself a jar for daily savings. Every day, throw some money there - large, small, how much is not a pity - and make sure that the amount is growing in it.
  92. Surround yourself with light. Imagine the white, peaceful, loving light.
  93. Plan an adventure. Plan for yourself an exciting trip, holidays on the weekend - in a word, something that will become new and exciting for you. Believe me, even just plunging into planning, you will already feel better.
  94. Send a funny SMS. Make someone laugh at funny SMS.
  95. Take a look at your intentions. We look closely for the reasons for which you enter anyway. Are they going with your principles? If not, give up the like.
  96. Learn a new word. Expand your dictionary and hit yourself and surrounding our encyclopedic knowledge!
  97. Create a home altar for yourself. Highlight a special place in your home where you could dock, pray, read or think.
  98. Relax ten minutes. Just relax. Do not do anything. Stay alone with your own.
  99. Know what you love. After all, it is true ... and sometimes it's all you need to remember how extraordinary people are you.

How do you raise your mood and increase self-esteem? Leave your ideas in the comments.

You must feel uncomfortable

Big difference, right? My approach will not allow you to feel comfortable. And I know how important it is to you. But the feeling of comfort has never helped you achieve something. If you listen to a speaker who helps you feel comfortable, then I doubt you do anything. If you listen to who causes you a feeling of discomfort, then you will begin to act.

For example, about seventy percent of Americans suffer from overweight. If you do not believe me, take a look at your stomach. If it does not help, then look around, and you will not need a lot of time to make sure that I am right. There was a time in my life when I had twenty-five pounds of excess weight. When I gained weight, I understood the main focus: you just need to buy larger clothes and give preference to black. In such an outfit, you can look at yourself in the mirror and say: "What? I look good!" As long as you are convincing yourself what looks good, you will never lose weight. Only when, running in the bath at three o'clock in the morning, you will see your reflection in the mirror, your huge stomach and knacked back, you will think: "Damn, what kind of fat I am!" And then you will do something. Why? Because you are uncomfortable with yourself. And what about this situation: you leave the bathroom, and someone you love and who trust, tells you: "Damn, what kind of fat you are!" (And this is not pronounced as a compliment!). Then, I guarantee you, you will do something. Because it is motivation!

Perceive me as someone who you love and who trust, who just saw you coming out of the bathroom and told you: "You are fat!" My goal in this book is to make you feel discomfort. Only when you feel discomfort, you will start changing.

Good attitude towards yourself does not help change. Only the feeling of discomfort pushes to change. Why do you change your pose sitting on a chair? Because you have become inconvenient, and you decided to change the pose to feel comfort again. If you were not uncomfortable, you would not move. You would stay to sit like sitting.

I want my words to make you feel discomfort. What for? I want you to change. I want you to discover your best part and sought her. I want you to believe that they are able to act, create, bring the case to the end and achieve the goal.

I want to give focus and direction, inspire you to do something. I want you to act. But this action should be directed to what you really want. This is not the action that the chicken comes, which is worn when she was cut off her head.

From the book, enough to whine, above the head! by the author Winget Larry

You must feel uncomfortable big difference, right? My approach will not allow you to feel comfortable. And I know how important it is to you. But the feeling of comfort has never helped you achieve something. If you listen to a speaker who helps you

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How to feel the hidden emotion below I described five steps that make up the search process for hidden emotions. Such a search can take from a few minutes to several months and require an unequal amount of time in the intervals between the steps, and you move

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How to safely feel "Dangerous" Emotion Please note that the word "dangerous" in the title is taken in quotes. I mean that there are no truly dangerous emotions, but some of them are experienced by us. Still speech in the book went about hidden feelings

Live from the book without problems: the secret of light life author Manhan James.

How to feel hidden emotion Step 1. Recognize an inadequate reaction. You notice that they react in a particular situation with the emotion that your mind recognizes as inappropriate: "Why is it so insulting to me? I know that he does not want to hurt me. " Because any emotion

From the book, I no longer obey you [how to get rid of negative emotions and experiences, entering new relationships] author Jacobsen Olaf.

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Can shepherd feel water before than his herd? Most dogs are much earlier than their owners, feeling the approach of thunderstorms. Then they hide under the bed. The herd usually feels the proximity of the water before the shepherd. But if the shepherd could act

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3.2. Give your interlocutor to feel your own significance! Once I was asked to spend a seminar on the topic of the ability to listen to in one company. To demonstrate the importance of this skill, I asked people to break into a couple and talk about something.

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Lies to feel power human relations and civilization depend on shared fair information. A person who owns Bo? By the number of information (knowledge), usually has boas. Leather power in monitoring atmosphere and people. The purpose of education

From the book of what men want and how they give it author Shchedrov Julia

Rule number 43 Relax to feel better to feel if a confident person should relax? Will he lose their scored points of confidence? The possibility of relaxation for self-confident man is as important as for all others. However, relaxing, he is not

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Step 3. Let him feel the head of the previous step was for your boss quite painful, so return him again the feeling that he is a boss. For this, you ask: - I realized you that ... - and repeat his words. How the rule is briefly of this

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Rule 11 Let him feel important! - Girls have a special profession - architect-ophthalmologist! - What is it like? - "Eye to build"! The need for recognition is one of the basic needs of a person. In order to feel significant, people conquer Everest,

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Lesson 2. Give a person to feel your importance you instantly win the location of the one who sincerely admire the ability to sincerely admire the advantages of other people work wonders! Rough flattering, the podhalimage does not deceive anyone - so you do not deserve trust

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Give a person to feel a significant person all want to feel more significant and prefer to be treated as VIP - "very important person." But too often the manager manages the department in a despotic manner. Karl was one of these

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Questions for self-reflection should ask yourself at least in two cases: when everything is fine and when everything is bad. Often it happens that the second in our life is becoming more and more. Therefore, we have collected for you several dozen questions that need to be asked in the case when it seems that happiness is far and unattainable, and the meaning of life is lost. If you want to know more about your personality, go through who will make thinking about important things and help me understand motivation, and also understand what you want from life.

Do not miss any of the following questions, whenever possible, arm yourself notepad and handle and write down the answers.


  1. Answer one offer: "Who are you?".
  2. What do you have from what all people want?
  3. What is missing in your life?
  4. What thoughts did you have lately?
  5. Happiness is…
  6. What is worth between you and happiness?
  7. What do you need right now?
  8. What does a child want inside you?
  9. Is there a single thing in which you are firmly confident? What is it?
  10. What worried and bothered you lately?
  11. What exactly are you afraid of?
  12. How well do you know how?
  13. What fears do you keep you from achieving big goals?
  14. What will you never refuse?
  15. What do you want to remember forever?
  16. What allows you to feel safe?
  17. What activity leaves a feeling of the underwent time?
  18. What was your most difficult solution in life?
  19. Why are you most grateful?
  20. What does pain deserve?
  21. Position in order of importance as follows: happiness, money, love, health, fame.
  22. What did you always want, but never got?
  23. What was the most defining moment for you last year?
  24. What will be the main change in your personality this year?
  25. What do you want to achieve over the next five years?
  26. What is your most important motivator at the moment?
  27. What will you never do and why?
  28. What did you promise yourself no longer do, but still do it?
  29. What new have you learned about yourself recently?
  30. Do you know what you know something you don't know? What is it?
  31. One sentence: "What future do you want for yourself?"
  32. What bothers you most about the future?
  33. When do you think about the past, what is all the most sorry?
  34. What about the past you do not really regret?
  35. Was something recently, which reminded you of how time flies quickly?
  36. What big problem are you encountered now?
  37. How would you describe your identity?
  38. What will never bring you out of themselves?
  39. How would your friends and relatives describe you?
  40. What is the biggest misconception people relative to you?
  41. What do people make out of what you disagree with?
  42. What kind of beliefs are not according to the majority?
  43. What is given to you with great difficulty than the rest of the people?
  44. What are the three qualities you wait from the person with whom are made friends in the future?
  45. If you meet a very similar person in character, what will be your reaction?
  46. When do you think about your home, what feelings do you have it?
  47. What is the most valuable thing you possess?
  48. If you needed to move to another country, why would you miss the most?
  49. What makes you smile?
  50. How do you react to the state when you feel unhappy?
  51. Is there anything in your life what would you like?
  52. What do you need to avoid to develop as a person?
  53. What do you need to do every day to be happy?
  54. List your past delusions.
  55. What did you have more stronger and did not harm?
  56. What no one will ever steal you?
  57. What could you endure a couple of years ago, and now loved?
  58. Was something that you stopped doing and feel that this was the right decision?
  59. What do you spend the most time?
  60. What are you good from nature?
  61. What things should be taken seriously?
  62. What things should not be taken seriously?
  63. What three things you do not get enough?
  64. What fascinates you? Make a detailed list.
  65. What is the difference between living and exist?
  66. What would you do every day if they could?
  67. What makes you feel non-harmonic?
  68. How do you learn that it's time to move on?
  69. What do you value most about the situation in which you are?
  70. What proposals need to answer "no" and why?
  71. What allows you to feel comfortable?
  72. In what moments you act, and in what impulsive?

Some questions require careful reflection, others are not. Try to figure out which one. A qualitatively worked question will allow you to understand yourself, finding sense in activities and approach happiness. More often think about such things and sob save your mind with questions and answers.

We wish you good luck!

Who should manage what is happening in your life? In fact, there is only one correct answer: you yourself. As a child, we are all dependent on parents and families, but after the achievement of the majority should make their own decisions. You must learn to reduce the negative impact that surround you, if they do not want anything good to you, and even protect yourself from him, so as not to allow other people to invade your life. But how to learn to control your life? Where to begin? Only you can identify borders to communicate with other people and decide how you can afford to behave in relation to you. We want to give you some useful tips. So, what do not allow other people?

1. Make you get involved in useless debate

It is not worth spending your time wasted, trying to prove anything to a person who has already decided and is not going to change it. Yes, there are people who are trying to understand you, although they don't always succeed, but there are also those that do not want to hear anything. Should I spend your time and strength on them?

The same can be said about people who misunderstand you or do not want to understand. This is not your problem, so leave everything as it was. Several disputes won are not a reason for pride. Much more important than the moments when you manage to restrain yourself and let go of the situation.

2. Make you be ashamed of your past

Some people are always ready to remind others about their mistakes and failures. But your past belongs only to you, and everything that happened is part of your life experience, so you should not allow anyone to make you be ashamed. No matter what happened before, remember that nothing can be changed.

If you are opening in front of a person, and he uses it to drive you into the angle and asserting at your expense, it means that it came to say goodbye to him. Such a person will only harm your happiness. Everyone has its own secrets and history. Do not be afraid that you will condemn you for it.

3. Cheat you

The more you try not to notice the fact that the person lies you, the faster it will change your reality. Therefore, if you caught a person on lies, you should not put up with it. Your patience will only worsen the situation and will allow the liar to feel that his deception works. And then he will deceive you constantly. Do not tolerate false and do not let other people manipulate you.

4. convince you that changes are bad

Some people are afraid of change. They do not want to move on and get acquainted with something new. But you must remain faithful to your opinion and do not allow others to influence you. Remember that these people control uncertainty and fear.

Changes in life often lead to many advantages. It is important to feel alive and move forward. In addition, sometimes even the most difficult events will bring you to what you need and where you want to be.

5. Convince to refuse your favorite hobby

Only what is really important for you will allow you to feel happy. If your hobby makes you smile and makes you happy, it means you definitely move in the right direction. Do not let others stand between you and your happiness. If some person does not share your passion, it is definitely its problem, and you should not worry about anything.

Your ideas and thoughts belong only to you. Continue to develop your skills if they help you achieve your goals, and embody dreams to reality.

6. To convince you need more

It is very important to feel gratitude for everything you have. If you set out of illegible tasks and allow other people to do the same, thereby drive yourself into the angle. Appreciate what you already have. This will allow you to feel happy.

A constant desire for what at this stage of life you cannot achieve, will only shoot down from the right path.

7. Convince you to risk

It is impossible to achieve something, not spending time and strength. Yes, there are people who easily manage to achieve their goals. But it is rather an exception to the rule. All people have different approaches to life situations, and therefore they act as they want and consider it necessary. At the same time, your views on these questions may not coincide, which is completely normal. Believe in yourself and your future is the beginning of your path to success.

8. Make you doubt yourself

Very often, when we are practically able to achieve our goals, there are certain difficulties that can knock out of the rut. But in fact it is a good moment to check who you can consider your friend. The person who takes care of you, understands that at a difficult moment you need it most in support, and therefore he will try to raise your mood or even help. But there will be those people who try to make you doubt themselves and will undermine your faith in success.

Be persistent. Difficult times will help you become stronger. Remember your goals and follow them. Having achieved success, you will understand how important this experience was. Do not let the opinion of other people affect your future. Remember that the most difficult to start, but it is at this stage that the most important things happen.

9. Disgrave you from your dreams.

As already mentioned, the most valuable things are not easy. The path to success lies through many problems, such as criticism, disapproval and poor opinion of others. And these problems can defeat you, especially when you do not believe friends, nor relatives. At the beginning of its path to success, every person faces criticism and other difficulties. But it is they who make you stronger. If you are really sure what you want, then follow your dream and do not pay attention to what others say.

10. Choose friends instead of you

Very often people who do not want anything good to you try to influence your relationship with friends. Do not let them divide you with people who really appreciate your friendship. Stay with those who make your life better. Refuse to communicate with people who harm you, and you will not regret. It is important to do, because only those who wish you happiness will remain with you.

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