How become Buryat Shamans. Where they take the power of the shaman-blacksmiths of Buryatia. Mystic. Need help to study what language themes

Cement 19.03.2021

Another 15 years ago about the dedication to the shamans, it was uncomfortable to even relatives. After all, it was done more so that a person stops haunting "Shaman's disease." And now the real boom on these ministers of the cult. Which of these is a real, who pseudo is already difficult to disassemble.


And indeed, how to believe someone who in life did not really worry, and suddenly, becoming Shaman, hesitated his choirs, who would envy a businessman of the middle hand. Or a classmate, who never believed in God, not in the hell, but declared himself a great Shaman and demanded from the friends of childhood all respect for himself.

You call your homework Baire, we call pseudoshan. In the village, everyone knows that before the seventh knee, they did not have such people in the family. At first he drank a lot, then it turned out to be at Shamans an assistant in the role of "Bringing - Raise". Probably sawing how they earn money, and decided to become one of them. Baira's parents scored a cattle to buy him special clothes, pay for his so-called teachers for keeping the rite of initiation. We asked each other why I became Shaman. And in response: "The spirits are asked to smoke." With that, if it is connected, I do not know, but visitors bring to him, except for milk and sweets, expensive cigarettes. He himself almost does not smoke, so often these cigarettes give us, "said a resident of one of the districts of the Republic of Alexey.

According to him, fellow villagers do not turn to Bira, they do not believe in his gift. But still he has his own clientele - come from other villages.

According to Alexei's story, his classmate did not hurt "Shaman's disease."

Psychiatrian clients

Many believe that the real shaman necessarily passes through the "Shaman's disease".

It manifests itself in different ways. It seems a normal person, but as if he lost a landmark in life. Broke up with his family, washed, fought, received injuries. Sometimes he started to make any nonsense, "says Alexander Drozdov Psychiatrist. - From the outside it seems that he has "roof I went." Psychiatrists for a long time considered the shamans of the madmen, because a condition, conditionally referred to as "Shaman's disease", for external symptoms resembles many unhealthy changes in psyche. Especially in the Soviet years, many of them have become customers of psychiatric hospitals. Now a good shaman can immediately recognize the person's signs of "Shaman's Disease" and instruct it on the path of True.

"I returned for the strength"

It turns out that many candidates in the ministers of the cult have experienced difficulties in the shaman formation.

Recently, on its page on Facebook in the past, famous in Buryatia Publicist Bulat Shagin, a couple of years, settled in America, wrote that he began to receive a reception as a shaman. He told that for him it was a difficult choice to which she was for many years. It turned out that everything began in childhood.

Guessing that they would say people on the radio live, Uncle burned me on the lottery, to win, saw spirits ... There were constant headaches and chronic diseases. At the same time he studied at "excellent." Shamans and shamans said that I would become a big lama or shaman. As a result, I became a programmer, then 1c in Moscow's methodologist in Moscow, he frankly told his friends.

Bulat told that Moscow was successfully engaged in business, but in 27 years he moved to Buryatia and fell ill.

He sounded his head. I could not walk, sleep, it was very bad. You close your eyes and seek you fly away. So it was two weeks. We went to the diagnosis. Watched the brain, nerves. Doctors said that he was healthy, - so describes his condition Bulat.

Everything has passed since him, when he conducted a rite of adoption in Shaman's disciples and, in fact, in shamans.

And then the Bulat refused his gift, because, according to him, he was hard to tell a person what he did not want himself. And for this perfume his spirits. And one strong shaman warned him, which closes for a while, only up to 36 - 37 years.

Today I am glad that the forces returned to me. Maybe because it's time. Maybe because I realized that it was hard to live without a guideline, "he frankly admitted.

Bulat has already opened the yurt, and, as he put it, "exercises" on acquaintances.

"We climb these devils"

"Shaman's disease" can not be ignored, Elena believes, the daughter of Shaman.

Many do not want to become shamans, because it is hard for the psyche - constantly hearing outsider, see some perfume. But the failure can reflect on loved ones. They can close the roads, do not get anything, "she says.

Heself Elena graduated from the university, her son bore, worked. But at one time it began to see the otherworldly world.

It was very scary. Especially when you get up in the toilet at night, and these devils climb to you. Once we arrived home. I got out of the car to open the gate. It was warm and calm. The husband just gathered to drive the car, and one side of the gate closed. This small delicacy closed. Began to the firmware so that he fastened, and the gate opened themselves. The husband was shocked - Elena told.

Vera in ancestors

Ulyana Radnayeva is the author of three books on the basics of shamanism and two shamanic calendars. Only in "VKontakte" she has more than 10 thousand subscribers. Many of them have a light shock, learning that the public and politician is still Ulyana. After all, it heads the youth wing of United Russia in the Ivolginsky district, and in June he participated in the primacy on the choice of candidates from the party of government to candidates for deputies of the Republican Parliament.

If you disassemble everything to the components, then for me the main activity is psychology (I am a master's psychology). Of course, the work comes next to the religious and spiritual component - shamanism. They are connected. And there is another component - the socio-political activity, to which it came through the propaganda of the Buryat language, the traditions and culture of their people. So there are no contradictions, on the contrary, one other complements. I do not have students, there are followers and readers. Shamanism for me is faith ancestors, "explains Ulyana.

According to her, she came to shamanism, like most shamans, through the "Shaman's disease", which suffered from childhood.

Business in request

However, many are considered as follows: that neither the family, then his shaman. But more people outrave that on human trouble some shamans make money. Yes, and the dedication itself is considerable expenses, starting with the acquisition of attributes - a tambourine, knife, butt. But someone goes to everything and even passes several initiations.

According to Bulat, the budget, all that is now going on with the advent of a set of shamans, no more as a business.

The effect is from rites, but not in the fact that they became shamans. It is still said that when the skins are made by the skins, bones, the head of the ram, and they themselves eat meat, they drink vodka, give Shaman 30 - 80 thousand, it is called to put the god below the shaman. All this business. There is nothing wrongful in business, but many things can not be done, if it concerns the spiritual, the newly made shaman of Bulat spoke.

Boom on Shamanov

The shamanic gift, as the employees of the cult argue, is inherited. Only in society for some reason more and more questions to those who call themselves shaman. And all due to the fact that they became very much, and the services are expensive.

Those who often appeal to them advise: if you decide to go to the shaman, then you first find out something about him, about the consequences of his activities. And at the same time about the degree of literacy.

Hello, dear readers!

Today in Buryatia, the bright and mysterious republic of Central Asia, mainly preached. However, many there are still adherents of old religions.

For a modern person in the age of computer technologies, it will probably seem strange to worship spirits and dances near the fire. But undoubtedly, there is its own charm that for many centuries the inhabitants of the country do not forget about their roots and ancient traditions.

Today we invite you to visit rituals and amazing rites of majestic shamans.

A little about religion

Shamanism in Buryatia has a very long and interesting story. He is considered one of the oldest religions of the world, which begins his birth along with the advent of people.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bshamanism is the existence of the forces of nature, the souls of ancestors, the plurality of gods and deities. And shamans are earthly people who know how to manage the spirits to gain happiness and take away from themselves and people.

In Transbaikal, Religion originates from the time of Paleolithic when Buryat's ancestors were collecting and hunting. The difference between the religion in Buryatia from shamanism in other regions and sturgee countries and heavy rituals and rites.

The presence of a large number of gods historians explain that before this religion, the cult of many deities preached in the people - Burukhanism.

Altar in Burkunism

The mother of all the gods considered Ehehe Burkhan, who also gave the lives to people. She had two daughters: good gourmet Manzan and the evil Haar Masha. And then the world was divided into three parts: the Upper - Heaven, where bright gods live, the middle - earthly with people and the lower - under the rule of the dark souls and gods.

In the shamanisama of Buryats, the society of the gods develops even more, and there is its hierarchy. The upper world belongs to Zambia Daete, he lives in heaven with his family and another 99 supreme gods - Tangri. In addition, there is a separation on Western - good and eastern - evil deities, which are in the war among themselves.

Interestingly, what is the most revered gods - this is the eastern deity of Asarini Arban Tengri, who is the leader of black shamans.

The lower world rules perfume, which are obeying Erlenhan. In the legends of Buryats, he is considered Eastern Khan, the judge of the underworld of the dead, which eats only food with blood.

They rule the gods over the terrain called Ara and have their influence on all sides of the world. During the ritual, a huge number of deities is called, including:

  • Onalky, the ancestors;
  • Owners of local nature;
  • Mountain hosts;
  • Lords of stars, moon, sun;
  • The rulers of the sky.

Tengri - God of the sky

Who are such shamans in Buryatia

Mythology says that the shaman is destined not to everyone. Such a person must have a natural gift that is transmitted by birth. Perfumes should be the great elected. If a person accepted the gift, then he becomes a lamp, he is emphasized with magical qualities and clairvoyance. This gift is called "UTCE".

The calling to become a "conductor" between people and unearthly creatures in the family can go through several generations. The elected should be different, the marked gods - a wondrous spot on the skin, an extra finger. For several centuries in Buryatia, only men become elected. However, at the beginning of the development of religion, the situation was different.

Shaman men call "Bo", women - "Bute".

Before being chosen to become Bo, he must overcome - ongrol dailed, during which he feels the approach of death. This disease is considered to be a test: a person visits dead souls, which cut his body into pieces, cut off the bones from the body, again put them back and overflow blood. Thus, they devote to Buryat in secret spirit languages.

The disease continues for several months, or even years. And only after the adoption of the gift, a person recover. If the chosen resists such a gift, it begins to hurt and he himself, and even his relatives. Perfumes can also kill their chosen one if it continues stubborn resistance.

After gaining a gift, the newly picks up a hearing of the Spirit, who helps a person in rituals. In pupils, a man gets or a light, or dark essence. It depends on the identity of the favorites. According to the legends, they go either in white robes that are creating good, or in black clothes that take human energy.

Shaman exercises to the spirits

To feed the spirit, hold a rite with milk, which is poured into the bowl, bottled on the ground and sprinkles in the wind. It is believed that so the shamans feed their servants. Then they grow, and their power also increases. The basis of relations between the Spirit and Shaman lies mutual benefit: the creature performs the wishes of people, and in response it gets food.

For dark perfume sacrifice bring birds, most often a chicken. As long as the invisible servant is growing, grows and his appetite. Therefore, the rams, and pigs and livestocks are presented as a statement. When the dark eats the victim, he is able to master the soul of the person himself and requires more sacrifices, right up to human.

Bright are satisfied with milk, alcohol, smoke.


In life, the shaman must pass 12 levels of initiation, in Buryatov - 9:

  1. Yabagan-Boo;
  2. Duggan-Boo;
  3. Hayalgin-Boo;
  4. Entry-Boo;
  5. Jusete-Boo;
  6. Khortboota-Boo;
  7. Tengenne Orgoshpo Boo;
  8. Bukhoni Boo;
  9. Pshblighta Boo.

The first step is Yabagagar-Boo, while a person just begins to open his real opportunities. This is his acquaintance with her essence. Then the newly created elected is entitled to be an assistant more famous and knowledgeable conductor. He can call for spirits with milk and tea. Training period lasts three years.

The second period of study allows the young student to produce rites with great presentations: milk, butter, Tarasun. His staff appears as the elected attribute.

After another three years, the shaman is at the third stage of learning. Then he has the opportunity to speak with higher deities: its ancestors, the gods of local nature and the surrounding area. He also holds wedding rituals. And in the attribute, the Favorites appears with a handset and a whip.

During the fourth period, the elected strengthens its strength and connection with the highest gods. Bells are added to the accessories, the locker to conserve ritual utensils.

Jusete-Boo is characterized in that during this period, Shaman is allowed to make rituals, sacrificing different cattle. The power of the conductor between the worlds extends already to the gods of the sky.

On the sixth stage, the chosen is without musical accompaniment in order to cause deities. And on the seventh step, the shaman is already entitled to devote newly elected independently. He speaks fluently with the highest deities and has a metal maker.

Shaman crown

The eighth period is marked by the challenge of the patrons of the wind and the rain. Shaman owns science completely, knows how to carry out complex rites and perform many rituals, knows tradition and has all the skills.

At the ninth stage, the shamans act as the strongest, mastered completely with their gift and strength. In this status, they control the weather, move to any places, communicate with any creatures. They have an elder sign - a hat with the image of the moon and the sun.

Rituals and symbols

After the death of the conductor of spirits - Shaman - tied to a tree pillar or buried. Buryats believe that the death of the chosen is accompanied by natural cataclysms: collapsions, hail, flood, thunderstorm, hurricane, wind.

Shaman's soul remains in the middle world of people. Sometimes she is reincarnated to eagle, crow, or be born one of the local deities. Buryat Eagle is of particular importance. According to the legend, this bird was first presented the gift of shamanism. People believe that by killing the eagle, bring the mountain to the family.

Some residents of Buryatia believe that the souls of dead guides can protect their burial sites. And they try to bypass the graves side, not knowing what shaman, light or dark, is buried there.

One example of the assumption that the deceased deceased their death is served by the fact of burial in the Quitun steppe, where there is a huge number of birds of prey, especially Orlov. Scientists believe that this is due to the large presence of rodents in the territory.

Ritals are divided into individual and group, regular and irregular. Group rituals are called "Taigan - Divine Honoring." On this day, gifts are presented in animal gifts. They are satisfied with summer and autumn.

The sacrifice is brought to God, which patronizes some element. There is also not bloody rituals. As previously mentioned, with splashing of milk. Gifts are presented to the gods to bring the fruitful harvest, increased livestock, gave happiness to families.

The most popular Talaban in the population is the rites of closing and opening the sky of the sky. In the spring, when the earth comes to life and nature awakens, shamans help the gates to open, and then all unearth entities go to the world of people. And in the autumn there is a ritual of the closure of the gate.

Often, conductors of the souls ask for help state authorities. For example, a few years ago, forest fires were hampered in the Barguzinsky district, the administration appealed to the Shamanic organization. After their rite with a sacrifice, thunderstorms began on the territory of Buryatia in a few days.

All traditional rituals are performed on sacred places. There are unique baris poles that are tied with multi-colored ribbons. Also, people decorate stones and trees near the sanctuary.

Buryats, passing by sacred ritual places, in respect of respects can leave different items - candy, cigarettes, cereals, matches, coins.

Modern organization in the republic

The Buryat organization Tangäry was registered in 2003. Translated the name means "Sky". She became the chairman of it, Zyrendorzhiev Bair Zhambalovich. The main activity is made on spiritual assistance to Buryats.

Members of the organization are doing everything possible to revive the traditions of religion. They revive the rituals - the cultural heritage of the named religion. Darhan Tangeri has about 200 people, among which about 50 shaman practitioners.

In the country, the most famous shamans from the list are:

  • The Supreme Shaman, he is the main in the organization, Rassendorzhiev Bair Zhambalovich;
  • Tsydypov in.;
  • Tsydorzhiev b;
  • Dashitsyrenova Lyudmila.

For help, people turn to the center of Tangeri. This is the place where shamans are accepted. In the village of New Commube on Barnaul Street will be glad to everyone. Facilities for carrying out rites shamans do not take.

Supreme Shaman Tsyrendorzhiev Bair Zhambalovich

If the ritual is complicated, then asked to bring with you everything necessary for its execution. It can be products, clothes and other things.


On this, dear readers, we will finish today. If you liked the article, do not forget to recommend it to friends on social networks.

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Locals argue that numerous aircraft and car accidents, accidents involving iron objects are associated with a blacksmithing cult. Thus, the ancestors of the blacksmiths are trying to reach their descendants. After all, in ancient times, Blacksmiths were considered a gift of the gods, writes student of the Utatujskaya secondary school of the Zabanskaya district Anna Bazarov.

Host Mountain

About Mount Uranium-Double is a legend. She says that her owners are 77 Heavenly Kuznetsov-Darkhanov under the leadership of the Damdin Dorling Sakhuusan deity. The name of the mountain is translated as "mountain anvil".

It is at the junction of the borders of the Tunkin National Park, Zabanskaya district and Mongolia. This mountain sharply performs over the surrounding area and has a small flat surface. We published on the outline she really resembles anvil. From here, there was a legend that Genghis Khan snorked his horse on this mountain.

According to one of the legends, the owners of this unique mountain - 99 heavenly Darkhanov. Sometimes before dawn, single travelers or romantic travelers cannot take eye from the crimson-red glow around the mountain. It is said that these heavenly Darkhans descend from the transcendent height to the ground and indulge in favorite hobby - for black and jewelry craft. If a person sees this glow, he, by legend, can be happy all his life.

It is believed that the celestials transfer their skills only to the chosen. Only the most worthy masters receive dedication. According to reference, the genus, in which there were Darkhans, stronger and more powerful than Shamansky. The ordinary people call the extraordinary mountain-anvil "heart" of the mountain region and consider to worship their duty to worshiors at this sacred place.

Earth Abode of Heavenly Kuznetsov

Mount Uranus-Dress, or "Mount-Anvil", is a hundred kilometers from the village of Utata, up the river Sahir. In Hoimor, the honorable place, the earthly abode of the Heavenly Kuznetsov, giving Uranus Balig. Heavenly Darkhans go down here to test power in blacksmiths. According to the legend, which came to this day, the hosts of the mountain - 77 heavenly kuznetsov. They are under the auspices of 99 Tangrias-Consistent times on certain days when heavenly gates are opening, go down to Earth and spend rites dedicated to forging craft on this mountain. Only a dedicated person can observe and understand all the sacraments of rituals and legends dedicated to this grief.

Uranium-hearty is considered a sacred heart of a mountain climb. In ancient times with the onset of spring, when the first snowdrops appeared from under the snow, the shamans-blacksmiths of many eminent births, while the valley of the Djida rivers, Sahir, Orion and other places, began to go to the foot of the sacred mountain for the spring rite. And the autumn rite was carried out before the closure of the "Heavenly Gate" in September. Here were the representatives of the male part of the population, and for women, it was superimposed with a strict taboo when carrying out blacksmith rites. In some moments, the so-called incidents occurred when women became the famous Darkhans.

Nevertheless, men always remain the successors of the generic blacksmith branch of Shamans-Kuznetsov, since only the elected blacksmithful spirits can convey their sentences to heaven and get an exceptional gift and the skill of blacksmithing craft in return. Moreover, this gift is not only the wonders of jewelry art, but even treat people and help in getting rid of various kinds of diseases and household problems.

Heavenly glow

My uncle Alexander Bazarov was lucky to see the heavenly glow. He is the Shaman-Kuznets, a member of the local religious organization "HγHE MγHEHE TENGERI". Uncle said that the last rite of worship of heavenly blacksmiths was carried out in the 1930s of the 20th century under the leadership of Danceran, Darkhan Zaarin from the genus Hongodorov. Since then, many techniques and sacraments of shamanism practices were forgotten in the era of red terror and repression, Panmongolism and the fight against Tangarianism. At the beginning of the fall of 2011, at the foot of the Sacred Mount of Shamanov-forgents of the local religious organization "Huha Munha Tengari", under the leadership of Dondok Tsydipov, a new rite of worship of the celestial forces in the ancient traditions and canons of shamanism was held.

55 Western Tangarins were called on the rite under the leadership of Khan Hurmast Tangeri, 44 Eastern Tangerina, under the leadership of Atay Ulaan Tangeri, 13 Nordic Hatov, under the leadership of Buha Neuon, Perfume and esather locality. Every shaman-blacksmith - a member of the rite - caused his birthday blacksmith spirits - Onannov Tangri.

Causeing perfumes, each shaman-blacksman asked them to bless them in the name of peace on earth, getting rid of diseases and adversity, patronage from earthquakes and natural disasters, mild winters and good harvest for the next year. The next rite of worship of the Heavenly Blacksmiths will be held in the spring after the opening of the Heavenly Gate.

Every year the number of tourists, local schoolchildren, families with children who want to see with their own eyes the majestic Mount Uranus-Hellow, go to the peresh-horse hike, breathe fresh mountain air, pray and get a blessing.

Here you will need knowledge, how to worship and ask the fulfillment of the most intimate dreams, because in our difficult time a lot depends on the patronage of the heavenly burgers.

Patron of Art

Damdin Dorlyig, or Damzhan, - a deity-patron of skillful people: Kuznetsov-Darkhanov, jewelers, cords, carpenters and carpets, tailoring and shvent. And also this deity protects poets and writers, teachers and musicians, fireproofs and fans of fire - Galshan, gadellers on lamb sponsors. Nowadays, he is revered by Aginski Buryats as a spirit - a patron of jewelers.

Dulg Khan, or Damzhan Dorlig Sahuusan, belongs to the category of angry deities, who accepted Buddhist vows from the Badmasamba teacher when he distributed the teaching in Tibet. Therefore, on a par with Damdin Dorlyig, His Guru Badma-Sambava as a teacher of the Divine is honored.


As most of the keeper sauhusanov, this deity has an awesome appearance. The color of his body is dark blue, he himself is three-headed. Therefore, it is depicted with an angry face, in the headdress "Zolber" in the form of an iron hat. In the right hand of the keeper, blacksmith hammer, in the left - blacksmith bellows made of human skin. Damdin Dorlyig rides a brown-brown goat, covered by black fire. Under the legs of the goat dismembered parts of the bodies, which symbolizes the world of Sansary (Shuhhan Dalai).

Rite in the forge

The rite dedicated to the patron saint of the Kuznetsov was carried out in the forge of both the Kuznets himself and a shaman having a blacksmithing origin. During this rite, the oil was splashing on anvil, lily on the fur arch. They roasted the burned, splashed into it the oil, frozen tea, milk, sometimes arch, threw slices of salamate.

Prayer in Dacane

Prayer, dedicated to the worship of Damdin Dorling, is held in the second lunar day of each month in the Cugal Datsan. Offering: White Food (Sagan Tabag), Boiled Milk, Black Tea.

Attention! Damdin Dorlyig does not accept alcohol for offering. Dragged in Darkhans is strictly forbidden to use alcohol.

In the Cugal Dácane, when tweened Damdin Dorland Darkhans, be sure to lay the sacrifices of goat salts for sacrificial fire, thereby enhancing the meaning of the Ritual "Damdin Dulg".

The water level in the deepest planet lake in 2014 reached a critical mark, the situation remains acute. Due to the cropping of the lake, they suffer from a number of town. Shamans consider the cause of the wrath of water wrath and are trying to drag them with rites.

Wrat of Gucks

In 2014, the water level in Baikal decreased by 40 centimeters and reached a critical mark - 456 meters. As a result of this, a sufficient rare phenomenon, and over the past 60 years, it is observed for the first time, the settlements in Buryatia and the Irkutsk region suffer: the wells dried, peatlands are burning, a threat arises for the heat and water supply of cities on the banks of the hangars. The situation with the cropping of the lake and today remains acute. Following Baikal, the reservoirs, created on the hangar during the construction of the Cascade of HPP - Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimskaya and Boguchanskaya.

The state of the fraternal reservoir causes anxiety not only because of the water level reduction, but because of its poor quality. The large-scale flooding of taiga territories during the construction of hydroelectric power plants led to serious environmental issues. At the bottom of the reservoir left to 25 million cubic meters of forest. The rotting wood causes phenolic pollution and provokes intensive reproduction of phytoplankton.

Scientists associate the problems of reservoir and exacerbation of environmental problems with large-scale natural fires, harmful industrial emissions, barbaric cutting of forests, the overload of rivers by hydroelectric power plants, as well as climatic changes - the average annual temperature in Siberia is raised from year to year.

Buryat shamans see the problem in another - in their opinion, water leaves behind the wrath of perfume. So that the perfumes become more favorable, shamans are set them with rites.

Horses on the shore of the brotherly reservoir

Guardians of the generic tradition

Translated from Buryat, the name of the regional center means "water". Estimation of the centuries The locals treated the water with respect and spring when ice was opened on the rivers, they asked the spirits to give plenty of rain, but prevent floods. This year, the Shamans of the Religious Association "BURGED" of the Osinsky district decided to appeal to the patron spirits of water not only in the spring, but in the fall "before closing the heavenly gates" when the street rites are still allowed. In winter, shamans are allowed to be embedded - task spirits - only in homes.

How they explained the shamans themselves, initiated the rite - Oleg Sheobokhonov, Ilya Amaakhanov and Maria Badagueva - People pollute the shores, cut down the forest, dump waste into the water, so the spirits turn away from them. "Therefore, we gather together before the onset of cold weather, we decided to once again ask our gods not to be angry, become kinder," says Shamanka Maria Badaguyev.

Buryats believe that the world is controlled by natural phenomena and the spirits of ancestors, and the shaman is a mediator between the world of deities and people. The whole life of a person who worships spirits is related to the conduct of rites that accompany him from birth to death.

The development of scientific technologies does not affect the centuries-old experience of the Buryat community. Here, as hundreds of years ago, the principle of survival of the genus is dominated. The fellow man calls for not only a doctor, but also Shaman, who often acts as a hell. For example, Maria Badaguyev is a healer. She says that he treats a fright, removes damage and can be returned to man a soul.

"There were such cases that the guys were returned from the army service, from the" hot spots ", and the soul remained in those places where they fought. They hurt, suffered, looking for help, and I returned to them the soul with the help of a special rite," says Maria.

Her ancestors were shamans in 18 generations. "Grandmother had a shaman and healer. I grew up with her, I saw how she spends rites, as helps people. Then grandmothers did not become, and I began to root. I remember, I was still young, I will come from studying Not. The aunt then lived in Irkutsk. She brought me to the idea that it was necessary to continue the case of ancestors, "the healer explains.

Breasting for a shirt

In the Osinsky district, one of the six municipalities of the Ust-Orda Buryat district, shamanism is the primary religious belief. There are quite a few Orthodox, Muslims and Buddhists, but among them a lot of adherents of shamanism. For example, the director of the Bilchirsk Psychoneurological Board Natalia Petrovhe considers himself an Orthodox, celebrates Christian holidays, goes to church, but her husband is Shaman, and Shaman's rites in the house are not uncommon.

"My husband is a shaman. He had the ancestors in the family before the ninth knee were shamans. He didn't immediately come to his calling, he had a long time. We definitely hold home-based rites at home. And here many families live like that," says Natalia.

The shaman is not rebored to anyone. Even mayor of the Osinsky district Victor MantikovAccording to his own admission, holds rites for their households. Talking about the peculiarities of local mentality, the mayor noted that Osinsky Buryat had previously agitated to be Orthodox, and Lamaists. "For those who were baptized, the shirt was given. Many of course were baptized two, three times, but still remained faithful to their tradition," the head of the district explained.

It is said that a person who fate is destined to communicate with spirits, before becoming a shaman, she usually sick for a long time, and doctors in such cases can help themselves, no matter how they try.

Black and white

According to Maria Badaguyev, Shamans at Buryat are divided into black and white. White make rites only on the arriving phase of the moon, and the black is allowed to communicate with spirits regardless of the phase. Maria - White Shamananka. On her chest, she was wanted from silver, all the white shamans are worn. Another "from negative energy" white shamans are allowed to wear an overlap from jade, and black can also use dark metal metals. At the same time, shamans do not wear gold, believing that it attracts evil.

"All shamans, and black, and white, can not be created evil, you can not make rites that can harm someone. For this, angry perfume can shove the whole way," explains Maria.

It is important that the shaman is recognized as his family, since his gift is in demand primarily by numerous relatives, and its main calling is to protect the genus and take care of his prosperity.

Real shamans of money for their work are not taken. But everyone who calls Shaman, leaves him as a sign of gratitude. According to the recognition of local residents, one rite costs them in 3 thousand rubles. There is a lot of scammers.

In order to preserve the purity of their rows in the Osinsky district of the Shamans, they were united and created a religious organization "Burghad", which translated from Buryat means "Eagle". Here are organized with tourists, among which there are many foreigners, conduct rites of dedication, round tables on religious topics, transmit the traditions of young people.

Shaman Ilya Amakhanov on the shore of the brotherly reservoir next to the village of Bilchir. October 29, 2017.

Worship of water

Almost all the Buryat rites are accompanied by burning fire, even when it comes to worshiping water. Through the fire, the spirits are offered the usual for the jacket of food - milk, salamat, pellets. Often there are vodka and cigarettes. All this under monotonous reading prayers is placed in the fire. Food of perfume offers all shamans in turn. It is believed that the more shamans are involved in worship, the stronger the effect.

Oleg Sheobokhonov and Ilya Amakhanov did not receive a dedication not so long ago. But the more experienced and recognized shaman Maria Badaguyev offers spirits to eat the latter. By tradition, the Buryat Shamans are the first to always make a rite of a man. There are even holidays sacrifices - Tyologan, where women are not allowed at all.

After you bring to the spirits and reading prayers, everyone is sent to the water and, standing at its edge, throw a silver or pebble coin reservoir. Horses run past along the shore, seagulls fly over water, and because of the distant clouds make their way the rays of the sun. Maria notes that these are good signs. Any changes in the surrounding nature, occurring during the rite, symbolize something. Shamans read them as a book. A special sign of the favor of spirits is the appearance of an eagle in the sky. This bird and its habitat of Buryat is sacred.

Finally, everyone returns back to the burning fire. Each participant of the rite eats a piece of cakes, the remains of food are given to the fire.

After completing the rite, Oleg Shobokhonov notes that people of various nationalities live in the Osinsky district. "We have a different faith, but ultimately we all dream of a world where you can breathe clean air, drink water from the stream, enjoy the beauty of the native land. For this, a person must be abide by the customs of the ancestors and not violate the order established in nature," says is he.

Shamans Oleg Shobokhonov and Ilya Amakhanov on the shore of the brotherly reservoir next to the village of Bilchir. October 29, 2017.

Shamanism in recent decades has ceased to be the theme of only anthropological research and gradually moved into the scope of the practical interests of a wide range of people interested in spiritual growth and healing. On the legends, rites and condition of modern shamanism - in our material.

The popularity of shamanism in the world is very high today. In the West, the lift of shamanism began in the 1960s, but the USSR was then a closed state, because of this, the shamanism of the Siberian peoples was unavailable to foreigners. In recent years, religious denominations, including shamanism, have begun to revive the democratization of the Company. Buryat - Mongols, shamanism never interrupted and existed thanks to grandfathers and grandparents - they did in their homes to offer during the holidays, weddings, at the birth of children. They preserved traditions, and now, in many ways, thanks to them, shamanism is experiencing a kind of revival.

In Buryatia, the local religious organization of Shamanov (Mrosh) "Tangeri" was established in 2002. Chairman of its Board - Zyrendorzhiev Bair Zhambalovich, and the main task of the organization is to provide spiritual assistance to the indigenous population, the revival of shamanic traditions, exercises and customs, as the foundations of the initial religion of the indigenous peoples of Transbaikalia. Conservation of peace, health, well-being of all living in the Baikal region, the provision of spiritual assistance to the population. Over the years of work, Tangeri shamans were assisted by many of the serious diseases in the treatment of serious diseases, in resolving life situations. The initial places of shamanic worships are revived. Tangeri is an open organization that takes into its ranks of people recognizing her goals and objectives, and ready to actively participate in the revival of shamanism as a primary religious teaching. At the moment, the organization has more than 200 people in its ranks, of which 50 are practicing shamans and healers.

In Buryatia, shamanism for a long time was considered a tribal religion, and such a unifying movement among the shamans, which was observed today, was not, - the head of the East-Tengari Religious Community of Shamans "Tengeri" Bair Zyrendorzhiev said in an interview. - We have four official Shaman organizations in the republic. With the creation of religious organizations, the reunification of the people, state-owned. This is a very good trend. How ever has grown in the western countries to the ceremony of Kamlany. Our religious organization works closely with the Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology Miklukho-Maclay Russian Academy of Sciences - the Center for the Study of Shamanism and other religious traditions from nations.

Specialists of the Center come to the republic, studying shamanism from a scientific point of view, its aspects - energy, traditional, folklore. The special interest of Western countries, which grew in North American, African, Australian Shamisanis, causes the shamanism of the peoples of Siberia. Entry into trance, communication with spirits - all this attracts scientists and ordinary people.

Shamansky rituals

The exact data on the number of shamans in the world is unlikely to provide, but the shamans themselves and their supporters around the world are quite a lot. Everywhere there is a category of people interested in shamanism. Abroad there is such a shaman movement "Path to the Sun", which annually participates in the Big Shaman Meeting in San Francisco. This movement is led by the Big Shamanovograd Nikola Harner. Separately there is East, African, Siberian, American Shamanism. As Zyrendorzhiev says, shamans do not become and not learned, they are rather born.

People show the hereditary gift, which has certain signs - he explains. - Everyone - its time: some may manifest themselves at an early age, in 12 - 13 years old, in some - late, over the age of 60 years. People endowed with nothing, begin to hurt, the life road is closed in front of them. Certain transformation occurs. It is difficult to become a shaman - this happens through pain, adversity, suffering.

In Buryatia, about two dozen rites are held annually - Tyologan. Talagan is a traditional public holiday Buryat, perficing shamans. This is a family or collective prayer. The word "Talegan" means "Honoring the Gods". From a long time, the date of the Talegan has changed every year and its choice depended on the set of factors: the cycle of agricultural work, the time of nomads, certain "signs" of nature, and, consequently, the higher forces. The main objectives of the tilengan were requested from the highest forces of a prosperous year, good crop and herbal, increase in livestock, happiness in families, avoiding troubles and misfortunes for the kind. All ritual events are designed to awaken in believers confidence in harmonious and debt coexistence with the forces of nature, to promote the prosperity of the people, the increase in the wealth and the continuation of the genus.

Among the most popular Tyaganov - the opening and closure of celestial gates, which are carried out, respectively, in spring and autumn. The rite of opening the gates is carried out in the spring, during the period of awakening nature, at the time when the deities descend to Earth. Shamans meet the deities, treat, ask for a patronage over us for the summer, about peace and harmony in the region and well-being of the people. With the help of a prayer, the gods of a kind and other deities are called in trans. Believers to get the blessing of deities, bring treats with them: sweets, cheese and milk.

There are many other Taiganov - for well-being, in honor of the spirits of water and the owners of the terrain. Often such rituals are held in response to some external factors. So, in the summer, when forest fires were gone in Buryatia and there were no rains, the shamans held a large rite in the Barguzinsky district. Then the 15 best shamans, calling for generic onagons (the perfumes of the ancestors) and the entire Pantheon of the Deities, asked for the cessation of drought and forest fires, and the traditions were sacrificed by the Baran. The rite was carried out on the ancient traditions of Tangerianism.

With a request to spend Taolenne, residents and administration of the district turned to us, "explained to Tingeri," we held it two days ago, and since then several small thunderstorms and small rains have already passed. Although on forecasts of weather forecasters, as you know, precipitation was not expected.

Shamanism as brand

Shamanism may well become one of the brands of Buryatia, the fact that will bring to the republic of tourists. By themselves are very spectacular by themselves, and all over the world collect hundreds of tourists, but not in Buryatia.

We have a very interesting republic in this regard, "says Zyrendorgiev. - In the Constitution of Buryatia, black in white is written that basic and leading religions are Buddhism, Christianity and shamanism. But at the same time, our republic does not want to turn face to shamanic organizations. We see and hear: the republic wants to develop a tourist - recreational zone. And the main attention is given to Nature, Baikal and Shamans. About shamanisama is mentioned a lot, but in fact ... We often appeal to the authorities with various letters, please render material assistance to the construction of a shamanic center, but there are no support. We did the land on our own under the center, built it by themselves. We usually say: according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state and religion are separated from each other, and then at the end of the year in their reports they suggest that the Buddhist temples were assisted, Orthodox churches. And the shaman question, unfortunately, remains aside.

Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa argued that it would be able to make the Bogdo (Bogdo, Bogdokhan - His Holiness - Khany Titul) lift and say hello to him with all the people.

He prepared the mattress and went to Bogdo. Many friends are presented to Holiness. Sits Bogdo on his seat and takes the people. Sixteen-year-old Budamshu Daa took the mattress and comes to Bogdo.

"I ask you a little raise, I want to put this mattress to you," says.

As soon as Bogo slightly raised, Budamshu Daa put the mattress and greeted him.

- Good health!

So he won the argument from his friends.

Again, Budamshu Daa argued with his comrades, that he will receive from Bogdo his cap. He sewed a hat from the skins of Wolverine, came to Bogdo and stood in front of him.

- Guy, what is your beautiful hat! From whose skins are stitched? - asks Bogdo.

- She is sewn from the skins of Wolverine, "answers Budamzha Daa.

- Change the caps? - says Bogdo.

- Where is your hat?

Bogo shows on her old hat.

- I agree, let it be so. Although your hat is yours and old, but on the top of the wand and all is decorated. My cap, besides beauty, there is nothing, "said Budamsh, Daa, gave him his hat from the Skura Wolverine, put on the head of Bogdo and came home.

So he managed to take His cap and win a dispute.

Again, he argued that would make Bogo bark in doggy.

"We do not understand," friends argue with him.

Together with arguing friends, Budamshu Daa went to Bogdo.

- You will stand near the door and listen. I will go to Bogdo and make him bark in a doggy, "said Budamshu Daa.

Then he went to Bogdo and began to tell him about different beasts and animals of the whole Earth, - in every valley of the dog in different ways? - He asks Bogdo. "And everywhere where I was, the dogs are nailed for one way:" Ha-Hu-Huu. " And how do they get differently?

- They nailed the same only where you were. In some dog valleys, the dogs are like this: "HUU-HUP". Therefore, they say that in different valleys, the dogs are naked in different ways, "Bogo said.

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