Microbiological method for transmuting chemical elements. Modern alchemy: biological transmutation of chemical elements. Legend of the star city

Interior Design 19.03.2021
Interior Design


Gentlemen Competitors! As the author posted here, the articles are convincingly please: stop the hazard of honest scientists V. Kurashov and T. Sakhno - they recently returned to Russia, and intend to work for the benefit of the Motherland. I communicated directly with them, first-hand information.
Their technology is real. In the article, for considerations of volume, I did not mention some additional confirmation of the reality of their development, but they are.
Unfortunately, Karabanov held a conference not in the best way, and did not show all the materials (spectra, diagrams, etc.), which they have.
But this, by and large, does not change anything. The technology remains in Russia, and I really hope that it will be implemented for the benefit of the entire people.
As for trolls ("This is nonsense," "will be asked", "this is not"), who outstanding themselves for scientists, then their kipping activity is unnecessary proof of the significance of the discovery made by Kurashov and Sakhno, the importance of their biotechnology. Anyone, even the most beautiful and great event is accompanied by noise and garbage.
We wish these wonderful scientists, workers and cleverness, success, recognition and gratefulness from the state and society - they fully deserve it!

The original is taken by W. geogen_mir. In the Forbidden Science. Bio-transmutation - the discovery that frightened Rothschilds

On June 21, a global sensation occurred, which after the appearance immediately became forbidden. A group of scientists led by V. Karabanov, who escaped from Russia to Switzerland, announced an epochable opening: the biological transmutation of uranium and thorium.

With this technology, you can get any isotopes. Its applications are already offered:
1. Transformation of nuclear waste from nuclear power plants in harmless substances.
2. Improving the efficiency of nuclear power plants tenfold.
3. Creating portable energy sources (battery size from a flashlight) equal to industrial turbines.
There are other prospects for biological transmutation.
Are scientists really made a breakthrough in science?
Why are the media silent?
Who forbidden to distribute information about this event?

A group consisting of Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashov is headed by Vladislav Karabanov, a publicist and the creator of the "Russian Information Agency". Transmutation - the transformation of some chemical elements to others. Until now, this transformation was possible only in very limited quantities on powerful accelerators, which is very difficult and expensive.

According to the group members, they managed to find a radical easier and cheap way. Transmutation can be carried out in a bioreactor, roughly speaking, in a test tube filled with uranium or thorium ore, as well as the culture of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus on a special nutrient medium. In addition, additives containing elements with valence variable are entered on Wednesday. As a result of vital activity of bacteria isotopes are synthesized elements, heavier than uranium. Some of them have a large commercial value, and are thousands of times more expensive than gold, since they are synthesized in extremely minor quantities (grams), are in great demand, actively used in medicine, equipment for checking baggage at airports, industry, etc.

The possibilities of the new technology are impressive - instead of grams synthesize kilograms and even tons of the most deficient and expensive isotopes, including Molybdenum-99. The volume of the global market of only medical isotopes is already about 8 billion dollars, and the demand for them is consistently growing about 5% per year.

Reality technology biotransmutation.

Of course, the question arises here - how real is biotransmutation technology? It is well known that the very concept of "transmutation" in academic science has a certain, and negative color.

Technology is absolutely real. First of all, the participants of the group obtained Patent of the Russian Federation RU 2563511C2 (microbiological method for transmuting chemical elements and transformation of isotopes of chemical elements, 2015).

As stated in patent, "the invention relates to the field of biotechnology and transmutation of chemical elements. Radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with an aqueous suspension of thiobacillus genus bacteria in the presence of elements with variable valence. Ore or radioactive waste of nuclear cycles use as radioactive raw materials. The way is to receive Polonia, Radon, France, Radia, Actinia, Thorium, Torminia, Uranus, Neptural, Americans, Nickel, Manganese, Bromine, Hafnia, Intrbia, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes. The invention allows to obtain valuable radioactive elements, to inactivate nuclear waste with the transformation of radioactive isotopes of waste elements to stable isotopes. "

The technology is described in sufficient detail, these studies on specific raw materials are also attached (these were uranium and thorium ores from different countries), indicating bacteria strains. In the attached tables indicated the obtained isotopes, their number, with a breakdown of the experiments on the days.

Another argument in favor of reality technology is availability of authoritative predecessors. First of all, it works of our compatriot Vladimir Ivanovich Vysotsky , Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of Theoretical Radio Physics KNU. T. G. Shevchenko, author of the book " Nuclear synthesis and transmutation of isotopes in biological systems"(2003) translated into English. In it, he not only proved the fact of such processes, but also showed a way biotechnological deactivation of dangerous radioactive pollution.

Unfortunately, despite all the relevance and low cost, this technology in Ukraine has not been implemented. All Governments of Ukraine preferred to ask for money from the European Union for the construction of another sarcophagus over the Chernobyl station than to use the development of their compatriot, allowing to clean the territory from dangerous isotopes, removing the problem in principle. This is the more annoying that such technology would allow and recycle nuclear waste, and create an entire biotechnological deactivation industry - and these are revenues to the budget, new jobs, the international authority of the state and many other benefits. Alas, but the Republic of Ukraine has shown this technology no more interest than Russia.

Positive can be seen only that Vladimir Ivanovich and his like-minded people did not have to escape from the country, as a group of Karabanov, and even to make a scientific career. Today, Vladimir Ivanovich Vysotsky is the most authoritative specialist in this area, which has a number of followers (for example, Hideo Kozima from Japan and its work "The Nuclear Transmutations (NTS) in Carbon Graphite, XLPE and Microbial Cultures", 2015).

Thus, biotransmutation technology is completely real. Although Russian scientists cannot claim its "discovery" undoubted merit of Karabanov Group is the development of the synthesis technology "under the order", for the realization of which they ventured the dramatic step - to leave Russia, realizing that their developments do not have a chance to implement.

"What is being done in Russia, no good ends, because it was decided to leave," said Vyacheslav Karabanov. At the same time, he stressed that he still does not fully understand all the possibilities that the new technology opens, but some are ready to name it now.

The history of the opening and the issue of priority.

The theory of biological transmutation has more than a two-year history. In the 20th century, she actively developed by an outstanding French scientist Louis Kervran (Corentin Louis Kervran, 1901-1983), the author of the book "Arguments in transmutation biology at weak energies" ("Preuves en Biologie De Transmutations a Faible Energie"), and a number of others published In 1960-1980. L. Jervran occupied high leadership posts, and possessed the formation unique for his time - at the same time a biologist and a nuclear center. In Wikipedia, there is an article with a bibliography and an indication that "transmutation does not comply with the laws of nature known to us."

The most detailed historical overview of the theory of biotransmutation was prepared by Jean-Paul Biberian, the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science chief, in the work of Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective (2012).

In his opinion, not only the French chemist of the 18th century voclane, but also Albrecht von Herzeele, the German pharmaceutical 19th century, which conducted more than 500 experiments can be applied on the title of transmissor transmutation in biological facilities. Wheels in Gezeres so outraged the scientific community of the time that his books were removed from all libraries, and only in the 1930s in Berlin Dr. Rudolph Hawushka they were found and "rearcated".

Thus, despite the fact that Russian scientists from the Karabanov group have achieved impressive results, and also showed a greater determination, leaving Russia, publicly stating the impossibility of promoting advanced technologies in their homeland, they did not accomplish the discovery. The "fathers" of biotransmutation should be recognized in the vocolate and Albrecht von Gerzel.

Transmutation mechanism and communication withLenr.

Completing its historical review, Jean-Paul Biberian comes to the conclusion that the link between the transmutation of wildlife elements and LENR (cold nuclear synthesis) is quite obvious. Both phenomena are not recognized by academic science, holy borrowers believe in the overwhelmingness of the Barrier, and both directions are developing mainly by the efforts of scientists who are outside scientific mainstream. And although these directions do not require significant investments, and have excellent prospects, science does not recognize them that it is completely unforgivable.

Although there is no generally accepted theory yet, individual scientists put forward their hypotheses.

"We managed to find theoretical explanation for this phenomenon. In the process of growth of biological culture, this growth is in heterogeneously, potential "pits" are formed in certain sections, in which the Coulomb barrier is removed, which prevents the fusion of the nucleus of the atom and proton. This is the same nuclear effect used by Andrea Rossi in its E-SAT apparatus. Only among Russia there is a fusion of the nuclear nickel and hydrogen atom, and here the manganese and deuterium kernels. The framework of the growing biological structure forms such conditions under which nuclear reactions are possible. This is not a mystical, not an alchemical process, but quite real, fixed in our experiments" (V.I.Vysotsky, in an interview "Nuclear reactor in a living cell?" 2014, http: //www.faceplate.net/extreme-science-menu/4398-anatolij-lemysh.html)

Hideo Kozima offers its explanation based on the analysis of the cellular regular structures in the body. "Body of plants or animals consist of cells ... Thermal neutrons, which on earth a lot can linger in living organisms ... Captured neutron interacts with elements, such nuclear transmutation as Na → Mg, P → S, K → Ca And Mn → Fe is easily explained by nuclear reactions, where neutron capture and consistent beta decay occurs. " (www.geocities.jp/hjrfq930/papers/paperf/pperf08.pdf.

Opportunities Biotransmuta.

The first direction is energy. For example, one of such possibilities is the preparation of Actinium-227, extremely valuable isotope, which makes it possible to increase the return of nuclear power plants in ten times (since modern technologies allow us to obtain only 5-10, a maximum of 20% of the energy that the assembly with nuclear fuel can be distinguished) . As Wikipedia prompts, "due to high specific energy release (14.5 W / d) and the possibility of obtaining significant amounts of thermally stable AC -227 compounds can be used to create thermoelectric longer action generators (including suitable for space purposes). The cost of Actinia-227 is huge, making up millions of dollars per gram.

Because of its exceptional rarity, the acting is not mined, but they are synthesized in microscopic quantities, irradiating the nuclide-226 neutron. The advantages of this Actinia isotope is that it emits relatively little X-ray radiation. In addition, actinides have a huge energy potential: 300 kilograms of actinides contain energy as much as the annual production of human oil and gas. At the same time, the actinium works in centuries, and does not pollute the atmosphere as oil and gas.

Given the commercial prospects of this area, it is not surprising that the participants of the Karabanov group took the name "Aktinids". The biosynthesis of just a few grams of actinium will benefit the cost of organizing the laboratory.

Another opportunity - obtaining isotopes for nuclear batteries. Now they are used only in space technology. For example, miniature batteries in polonium are capable of generating kilowatt energy volumes to decades. Spread them is constrained by extremely high cost, complexity and environmental hazard of the current technologies for obtaining the necessary isotopes. However, if the problem of obtaining isotopes managed to decide, it would allow to implement centralized heating systems that receive energy from the compact nuclear plant.

Second direction - recycling of nuclear waste and deactivation of polluted territories. Waste is flooded with a culture of radiople microorganisms, and after some time, they are transformed into non-hazardous connections. 3-5 million tons of radioactive waste have already accumulated in the world, which will recycle new technology. Deactivation of radioactive waste is the transformation of strontium into zirconium, cesium in barium and so on. This will greatly protect the traditional nuclear power.

Third direction - radiation medicine. Medicine uses about 40 different isotopes, among the most commonly used - quickly disintegrating technetium-99 and strontium-92. These isotopes enjoy in Western with great demand and are extremely expensive, which constrains the development of nuclear medicine, but still can not stop it.

Fourth direction - military. Technology allows you to create powerful, and at the same time portable energy sources capable battle LasersAnd make them much more powerful. Even if the new technology was limited only by this aspect, it would have already been of great interest, because it is capable of changing the balance of strategic forces on the planet. However, it allows not only to create compact and powerful power supplies, but also new Types of Nuclear Weapons.

Fifth direction - biosynthesis of precious metals. Although the organizers of the press conference did not directly declare, this opportunity should be logically, and maybe it may become for the Karabanov group "option b".

Thus, biotransmutation technology that allows you to quickly and very cheap to get different types of isotopes and chemical elements practically "under the order", has many applications and a powerful "closing" (with respect to existing technologies), potential.

Prospects for implementation.

However, it is not necessary to think that new technologies, no matter how promising them, the world is waiting with open arms. Both Russian and international media, not to mention academic circles, met the news by coffin silence. Anglo-language press release "Presentation of Biochemical Method of Elements Transmutation" published only Pr Newswire.

The reasons for such silence are quite explained. The word transmutation reminiscent of alchemy, that is, something "anti-scientific" scares journalists. No major scientific journal of the West takes a publication an article on transmutation, unless it is carried out on the urchor. Private scientists and editor of scientific sites - appreciated by scientific dogmatics, not allowing such things. Finally, this is a sphere at the junction of biochemistry and nuclear physics, and in the world there are very few specialists dismantling in this kind of border areas. "Scientists, in fact, are inquisitors," admitted Vladislav Karabanov. "In official science, the most unfit human material is assembled. And this is a problem not only in Russia, but also the West. "

In addition, energy, nuclear power and medical isotopes are spheres in which powerful groups of special interests are dominated. The global energy market, the volume of which is estimated at 9 trillion dollars, has long been divided. Log in on the 8 billion market of radioisotopes is also not easy - their production is concentrated in the hands of just a few laboratories, which are essentially whole corporations with billions of turns. Most of the procedures of the radiosotinal screening of patients (40 million per year) are held in the United States. And you can not doubt that these laboratories will go to everything to prevent the new manufacturer's entry into the market, especially one that offers goods on dumping prices.

However, the Karabanov group has some chances of success - depending on what is considered "success." It is clear that the group members cannot expect to preserve their independence, to peacefully engage in science, promote the technology and watch it changes the world, in anticipation of the Nobel Prize. The corporate world of cruel and immoral, and methods of encapsulating too advanced technologies have long been worked out: developers get one or two million dollars, signing an obligation more not to work in this direction and not disclose the fact of the transaction.

Even if the group was able to assemble the funds necessary for the organization of the laboratory, and this is $ 3-5 million on one or more crowdfining sites, you need to get permissions from the authorities. The maximum that she can count on is to collect some funds among their compatriots abroad, it is to win time - in order to sell its technology as expensive as possible, and perhaps and emphasize the opportunity to deal with some kind of aspects.

Thus, although they called their Aktinida group, hardly had runaway Russian scientists there are chances of realizing their radioisotope ideas. Moreover, a group that declares possession technology for creating split materials, allowing in a matter of months to create a portable nuclear bomb (in uranium-233 or other isotopes with even lower critical mass), has already attracted attention of special services. The technology is of undoubted interest for the Pentagon, which invests considerable funds in the development of laser weapons. Most likely, it is the military aspects of new technology that have the greatest chances of introduction - but also represent the greatest threat.

However, buying or even physical elimination of scientists is hardly leading to the "closure" of the biotransmutation technology itself, since there is such a player in the world as China, with its ambitions and growing interest in science and technology. Move the biotransmutation technology, given its simplicity and low cost, is easy.

Ginn biotransmutation, after many centuries of imprisonment, came out of the bottle. To good or Khudu - to say it is still difficult. One thing is clear - the world around us is changing, and no matter how much we turn away from these changes, no matter how hard they try to notice them, they lead us to a new, unknown future.

In distant antiquity and even in the Middle Ages, dedicated and wise men knew perfectly on the possibility of transmuting some elements and substances to others. This art was based on such ancient science as alchemy. But then with the beginning of the era of militant materialism, it was translated into the category of "superstitions" and "hoaxes", despite the fact that alchemy lasted the basis of such a well-known science as chemistry.

And now quite unexpectedly - a sensational statement of contemporary scientists about the transmutation of substances and elements is possible and can be justified from a scientific point of view. Such discovery was made by Russian scientists T. Sakhno and V. Kurashov. A few days ago, the head of this scientific project V. Karabanov, at a press conference in Switzerland, announced literally as follows:

"Dear, gentlemen and ladies, here, here, in Geneva, it seems to be a general public discovery and technology that has an explicit value without any exaggeration. The essence of discovery and technology is that an industrially applicable way to convert some chemical elements to other elements and their isotopes has been created. . We present transmutation without nuclear reactors, without heavy water and other similar things that are used today to transmut the elements.

We present transmutation of chemical elements and isotopes by the biochemical method. The economic and civilization significance of this discovery and technology is still to evaluate. In essence, this invention, it will be more accurate to say - the revolution, the new era opens in the technologies of humanity. Despite all the incredibility, this is a faithful fact.

The authors of this discovery and technology are outstanding Russian scientists-chemicals Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashev. These are scientists of theorists and scientists-practitioners, representatives of the researchers dynasty, joint efforts that discovered this method of transformation of chemical elements. Humanity in the face of the authors opened this way of transmuting matter, which will change the appearance of the modern world, maybe it changed its use of electricity, and perhaps deeper.

The results of this revolution will affect energy, medicine, industry and may lead to the creation of new industries. It will have a huge humanitarian effect. The most important thing is the ready-made industrial method, with the help of which in a few months you can get industrial products. "

But how commented this discovery one of his authors - Russian scientist V. Kurashov: "Ladies and gentlemen, since the early 1990s, we began to develop the technology of transmuting chemical elements. The first results we received back in 1998. The main work of the study and hundreds of successful experiments were made by us in the fall of 2013. Next, we were dealing with the patenting of work and An understandable reasons did not publish their results before the publication of the patent. Patent priority was received by us on May 15, 2014. The patent itself was released on August 25, 2015.

We turn to the process. The first component of the process is ore and nuclear waste. The second component of the process is metals of valence variable. This is vanadium, chrome, manganese, iron, nickel, lead, zinc, cobalt. Any of the listed, but usually we use iron as the most inexpensive element. The third component and the process factor is bacteria.

Usually we use iron and gray-oxidizing types of bacteria. The main thing is that their compliance with some criteria. Namely: bacteria operate on metals, withstand radiation, adapted to a strong salinity of the solution ... Next, technology: ore or nuclear waste - without difference, are processed by bacteria in the presence of valence variable elements in any closed container.

The transmutation process begins immediately and fasting goes 2-3 weeks to the elements we need. But it will continue to continue to stable items if it does not stop it on time. We stop the process at a certain stage, simultaneously highlighting the elements we need on the fact of their appearance ... In general, the process is described in our patent. For obvious reasons, some details are omitted ... "

Not admiring the technical subtleties of this discovery, which will be interesting only to those skilled in the art, it can be safely argued that the thesis of materialistic science on the impossibility of transmuting some elements to others turned out to be erroneous. And it was precisely ancient alchemy in this regard, it turned out to be more correct than the votor statements of scientific orthodox.

The same can be said about other esoteric knowledge, which argued that the technologies of the elements transmutation were well known to the ancient highly developed civilizations of the Earth, the very existence of which, despite numerous artifacts and mention in the mythology of many nations, is subject to official history and the rest of the science.

But not for the first time for the latest history, esoteric knowledge proves their truth. What can in this case be said about those who instead of scientific activities are engaged in concealing and discrediting ancient esoteric knowledge in all sorts of false scientific "Commissions to combat Lzhenauka"? Who are they are real false scientists? I think that the answer to this question is becoming increasingly obvious. It is the study of esoteric knowledge. And not the imitation of "fighting windmills" capable of bringing modern science from the fundamental crisis in which it turned out to be due to the false scientific activities of "Fighters with Lzhenauka".

In distant antiquity and even in the Middle Ages, dedicated and wise men knew perfectly on the possibility of transmuting some elements and substances to others. This art was based on such ancient science as alchemy. But then with the beginning of the era of militant materialism, it was translated into the category of "superstitions" and "hoaxes", despite the fact that alchemy lasted the basis of such a well-known science as chemistry.

And now quite unexpectedly - a sensational statement of contemporary scientists about the transmutation of substances and elements is possible and can be justified from a scientific point of view. Such discovery was made by Russian scientists T. Sakhno and V. Kurashov. A few days ago, the head of this scientific project V. Karabanov, at a press conference in Switzerland, announced literally as follows:

"Dear, gentlemen and ladies, here, here, in Geneva, it seems to be a general public discovery and technology that has an explicit value without any exaggeration. The essence of discovery and technology is that an industrially applicable way to convert some chemical elements to other elements and their isotopes has been created. . We present transmutation without nuclear reactors, without heavy water and other similar things that are used today to transmut the elements.

We present transmutation of chemical elements and isotopes by the biochemical method. The economic and civilization significance of this discovery and technology is still to evaluate. In essence, this invention, it will be more accurate to say - the revolution, the new era opens in the technologies of humanity. Despite all the incredibility, this is a faithful fact.

The authors of this discovery and technology are outstanding Russian scientists-chemicals Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashev. These are scientists of theorists and scientists-practitioners, representatives of the researchers dynasty, joint efforts that discovered this method of transformation of chemical elements. Humanity in the face of the authors opened this way of transmuting matter, which will change the appearance of the modern world, maybe it changed its use of electricity, and perhaps deeper.

The results of this revolution will affect energy, medicine, industry and may lead to the creation of new industries. It will have a huge humanitarian effect. The most important thing is the ready-made industrial method, with the help of which in a few months you can get industrial products. "

But how commented this discovery one of his authors - Russian scientist V. Kurashov: "Ladies and gentlemen, since the early 1990s, we began to develop the technology of transmuting chemical elements. The first results we received back in 1998. The main work of the study and hundreds of successful experiments were made by us in the fall of 2013. Next, we were dealing with the patenting of work and An understandable reasons did not publish their results before the publication of the patent. Patent priority was received by us on May 15, 2014. The patent itself was released on August 25, 2015.

We turn to the process. The first component of the process is ore and nuclear waste. The second component of the process is metals of valence variable. This is vanadium, chrome, manganese, iron, nickel, lead, zinc, cobalt. Any of the listed, but usually we use iron as the most inexpensive element. The third component and the process factor is bacteria.

Usually we use iron and gray-oxidizing types of bacteria. The main thing is that their compliance with some criteria. Namely: bacteria operate on metals, withstand radiation, adapted to a strong salinity of the solution ... Next, technology: ore or nuclear waste - without difference, are processed by bacteria in the presence of valence variable elements in any closed container.

The transmutation process begins immediately and fasting goes 2-3 weeks to the elements we need. But it will continue to continue to stable items if it does not stop it on time. We stop the process at a certain stage, simultaneously highlighting the elements we need on the fact of their appearance ... In general, the process is described in our patent. For obvious reasons, some details are omitted ... "

Not admiring the technical subtleties of this discovery, which will be interesting only to those skilled in the art, it can be safely argued that the thesis of materialistic science on the impossibility of transmuting some elements to others turned out to be erroneous. And it was precisely ancient alchemy in this regard, it turned out to be more correct than the votor statements of scientific orthodox.

The same can be said about other esoteric knowledge, which argued that the technologies of the elements transmutation were well known to the ancient highly developed civilizations of the Earth, the very existence of which, despite numerous artifacts and mention in the mythology of many nations, is subject to official history and the rest of the science.

But not for the first time for the latest history, esoteric knowledge proves their truth. What can in this case be said about those who instead of scientific activities are engaged in concealing and discrediting ancient esoteric knowledge in all sorts of false scientific "Commissions to combat Lzhenauka"? Who are they are real false scientists? I think that the answer to this question is becoming increasingly obvious. It is the study of esoteric knowledge. And not the imitation of "fighting windmills" capable of bringing modern science from the fundamental crisis in which it turned out to be due to the false scientific activities of "Fighters with Lzhenauka".

On June 21, 2016, a press conference was held in Switzerland for an epochable discovery of the transmutation of chemical elements by a biochemical way.
The conference was attended by Tamara Sakhno, Viktor Kurashov - scientists who made this opening and Vladislav Karabanov administrator and the head of this project.

Victor and Tamara conducted transmutation experiences, from the initial raw materials - Uranus, Torii. As a result of experiments with starting materials, a technology was obtained that allows 100% deactivation of nuclear waste with the help of bacteria and reagents.
The results are tested by hundreds of analyzes of independent laboratories on the most modern devices, and confirmed by acts signed by authoritative chemical scientists (some of which were seen in the spectrogram for the first time in their lives).
The technology affects many spheres of human activity, medicine, energy. This will further lead to a qualitative change in human livelihoods on the planet Earth. Welcome to a new era.


The invention relates to the field of biotechnology and transmutation of chemical elements. Radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with an aqueous suspension of thiobacillus genus bacteria in the presence of elements with variable valence. Ore or radioactive waste of nuclear cycles use as radioactive raw materials. The way is to receive Polonia, Radon, France, Radia, Actinia, Thorium, Torminia, Uranus, Neptural, Americans, Nickel, Manganese, Bromine, Hafnia, Intrbia, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes. The invention allows to obtain valuable radioactive elements, to inactivate nuclear waste with the transformation of radioactive isotopes of waste elements into stable isotopes. 2 Z.P. F-lies, 18 il., 5 tab., 9 pr.

The invention relates to the field of transmutation of chemical elements and transformation of radioactive isotopes, that is, to the artificial preparation of some chemical elements from other chemical elements. In particular, the method allows to obtain rare and valuable elements: polonium, radon, france, radium and actinides - actinium, thorium, protactinia, uranium, neptune, as well as various isotopes of listed and other elements.

The transformation of chemical elements, the formation of new isotopes of elements and new chemical elements under nuclear decays and synthesis of chemical elements used in traditional atomic rectors, at nuclear power plants (NPP), in scientific nuclear reactors, for example, by irradiation of chemical elements with neutrons, or protons, or alpha particles.

There is a method of obtaining nickel-63 radionuclide in a target reactor, which provides for the production of nickel target enveloped by nickel-62, exposure to the reactor with subsequent enrichment of the irradiated nickel-63 product when removing the nickel-64 isotope extraction (RU 2313149, 2007). The advantage of the method is to obtain a high-quality product, which is intended for use in autonomous sources of electrical energy, in detectors of explosives, etc. Reproducibility of results is confirmed by the analysis of the isotopic composition of elements by mass spectrometry methods.

However, the method is complex and unsafe, requires an industrial degree of security.

There is also a method for transmuting elements - long-lived radioactive nuclides, including those emerging in the irradiated nuclear fuel (RU 2415486, 2011). The method lies in irradiation with a neutron flow of a transmuted material, and irradiation is carried out with neutrons obtained in the reactions of nuclear synthesis in the formed pre-plasma of the neutron source, with a certain placement of the dispersion neutron medium. This method is based on the reactions of nuclear synthesis in a toocomatic, is also complex and requires special equipment.

A method is known for obtaining Radionuclides TH-228 and RA-224, which is also implemented under reactor technology. The technology is quite complicated and has security restrictions (RU 2317607, 2008).

Thus, when obtaining chemical elements and their isotopes, mainly nuclear reactions with the use of nuclear reactors and other complex equipment at high energy costs are traditionally used.

Attempts are known to solve the problem of obtaining radioactive isotopes in the process of nuclear transmutation of elements by a safer method using microorganisms. It is known, in particular, the method of transformation of isotopes using microorganisms, which provides for the cultivation of microbiological culture of Deinococcus Radiodurans on a nutrient medium containing the original isotopic components necessary for transmutation, as well as the deficient chemical analogue of the target element. In the composition of the medium, such initial isotopic components are introduced, which are radioactive and in the transmutation process can lead to the formation of the target chemical element in the form of a stable or radioactive isotope, which is absorbed by the microbiological culture, and then remains stable or remains radioactive or disintegrates to the required stable isotope (RU 2002101281 A, 2003). This method does not provide high yield of target isotope, as well as requires the use of ionizing radiation as a starting and supporting factor response.

Also known is a method for obtaining stable isotopes due to nuclear transmutation of the type of low-temperature nuclear synthesis of elements in microbiological cultures (RU 2052223, 1996). The method is that the cells of microorganisms grown in a nutrient medium deficient by target isotope (target isotopam) affect the factors contributing to the destruction of interatomic bonds and leading to an increase in the concentration of free atoms or hydrogen isotop ions. The nutrient medium is prepared on the basis of heavy water and inserted into it deficient for the medium unstable isotopes, disintegrating ultimately with the formation of target stable isotopes. As a factor destroying interatomic links use ionizing radiation. This method is based on the use of ionizing radiation, it is not intended for industrial scaling, requires high energy and financial costs.

All listed chemical elements, their isotopes and side products of the Donyn are obtained by complex and unsafe traditional methods by traditional nuclear reactions in small (sometimes - in micro) quantities are clearly insufficient to ensure the energy, technical, industrial, technical and scientific needs of humanity. The described microbiological method of transmuting chemical elements allows to obtain all of the above chemical elements and their isotopes in almost unlimited quantities, easy to perform, safe for personnel and population, an environmentally friendly way that does not require large expenditures of materials, water, heat, electricity and heating, providing This energy, industrial, technical and scientific problems of civilization. These elements and isotopes carry enormous energy reserves, have extremely high value and selling price in the market.

The microbiological method of transmuting the chemical elements and the transformation of the chemical elements isotopes, characterized in that the radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes is treated with an aqueous suspension of thiobacillus genus bacteria in the presence of any S, P, D, F-elements with valence variable. The selection of elements with variable valence is carried out according to the principle of creating a high oxidation-reducing potential. That is, a key factor in such a selection, or simply orientation on certain elements with a variable valence, introduced into the reaction medium, is the redox potential, the value of which is optimal in the range of 400-800 mV (for example, in examples 1, 2, 3, 4 EH \u003d 635 mV, 798 mV, 753 mV and 717 mV, respectively).

Elements with variable valence, both in restored and oxidized forms, creating standard redox potential, are involved in the implementation of launched and controlling mechanisms of initiation and acceleration of alpha, beta-minus and beta-plus decay of radioactive isotopes of elements of any group of genus bacteria Thiobacillus.

The method leads to obtaining Polonia, Radon, France, Radia, Actinia, Toria, Torminia, Uranus, Neptural, Americans and their isotopes, as well as nickel, manganese, bromine, Gafnia, Intrbia, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes. As a radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements, ores or radioactive waste of nuclear cycles can be used.

According to the claimed method, obtained from raw materials containing natural uranium-238 and thorium-232, the following elements:

1. Protectinia, Actinia, Radii, Polonius and various isotopes of these elements (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4; Schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Figures from 1 to 17).

2. France (Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14).

3. Intrbium, hafnium, gallium, nickel (Table 1; Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), gold (Table 1; Figures 6, 7), mercury (Tables 1, 2; Schemes 9, 10; Figures 4, 5, 11), platinum (Table 1; Schemes 9, 10; Figures 4, 5, 6, 7).

4. The content of iron in the medium is reduced, nickel appears (there was no nickel in the original ore), and the nickel content increases in the dynamics (Table 1), since the iron takes on alpha particles carrying by bacteria from alpha radioactive elements, turning into nickel. The separation of the proton from the iron core leads to an increase in the manganese content in the medium (the conversion of iron to the manganese) and, accordingly, to a decrease in the iron content (Table 1).

5. From polonium, which is a product of the decay of actinides in the microbiological process of transmutation of elements, various isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including stable (Tables 1, 2, circuits 10, 11 are obtained (Tables 1, 2; Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11).

6. Rare isotopes were obtained from Plutonium-239: uranium-235, thorium-231, protactinium-231, Actinium-227 (Scheme 12).

7. From Plutonium-241, which is a side product of the combustion of uranium in the reactor, rare in nature and industry, and deficient isotopes americium and neptune, 241 AM and 237 NP (Scheme 13) were obtained.

Thus, the described microbiological method solves the problem of providing energy and rare deficient materials of various fields of industry, science and technology.

Earlier, all listed elements and their various isotopes were obtained artificially in small and micro-quantities (in grams, milligrams, micrograms and less) with nuclear reactions and processes, in nuclear reactors, as uranium decay products and thorium, as well as plutonium, radium . Artificially, with nuclear reactions, thorium and uranium isotopes were also obtained. The authors obtained by this method of the following elements: Polonius, Radon, France, Radii and Aktinids - Actinia, Torium, Protactinia, Uranium, Neptune, Plutonium, America and various isotopes of listed elements, as well as various isotopes of thorium and uranium - Torium-227, Torium 228, thorium-230, thorium-234; URAN-231, URAN-232, URAN-233, URAN-234, URAN-235, URAN-236, URAN-239, as well as manganese, nickel, gallium, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, tall lities, mercury, gold, platinum ( See Schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and Tables 1, 2, 3, 4).

The inventive method of transmuting the chemical elements allows to obtain all of the above chemical elements and their isotopes in almost unlimited quantities.

The described method of transmuting elements also allows you to inactivate and neutralize nuclear waste, for example, nuclear fuel combustion waste (uranium) with nuclear power plants containing uranium, plutonium, their isotopes and fission and decay products (products of isotope transitions): uranium and plutonium isotopes (see scheme 13), radium and polonium, radioactive isotopes strontium, iodine, cesium, radon, xenon and other alpha product and beta decay products, and spontaneous division of uranium and plutonium.

It should be noted that famous traditional nuclear reactor methods for obtaining and release of polonium, radium, actinium, protactization, neptune, americium, their isotopes and valuable thorium isotopes and uranium are technologically difficult to fulfill, highly cost, require complex expensive equipment and are dangerous to human health and for the surrounding Environments, in contrast to the proposed method. Also known traditional nuclear reactor methods for obtaining and release of polonium, radium, actios, protactinia, neptune, americium, their isotopes and valuable isotopes of thorium and uranium do not provide the needs of energy and other different areas of science and technology in these chemical elements and in their isotopes.

In the claimed method of the Bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus (for example, the types of Thiobacillus Aquaesulis or Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans) in the presence of elements with variable valence, initiate and accelerate the natural natural processes of radioactive decay and isotopic transitions of radioactive elements. At the same time, the time of natural nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions accelerates thousands, millions and billions of times - depending on the natural period of the half-life of the original isotopes of certain chemical elements.

It uses any raw materials and materials containing radioactive elements, namely: 1. Natural uranium and thorium in the form of ores: uranium and / or thorium ores, or sands, such as monazitic sands containing thorium, phosphates / phosphorites; Any ores containing thorium impurities, uranium, plutonium in any quantities and ratios to each other. 2. Plutonium (see schemes 12, 13), uranium, thorium and other radioactive elements obtained in nuclear reactors, including those who are waste of nuclear cycles. 3. Any other industrial components and waste containing any actinides, mainly thorium, uranium, or plutonium, as more common, affordable and cheap on the market, any of these elements in any ratio. 4. Radioactive decay products of rows of plutonium, uranium, thorium: radium, radon, polonium. 5. Polonium, which is a product of the decay of actinides in the microbiological process of transmuting the elements, to obtain various rare isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including their stable isotopes. 6. Radioactive products (fragments) Plutonium and uranium division - radioactive isotopes strontium, yttrium, cesium, iodine and other elements; Their transmutation is suitable for the purpose of transforming them into negative and non-hazardous elements and isotopes for humans, to improve the ecology. 7. All of the listed types of raw materials (elements) for microbiological treatment are used both individually and together, in any relations with each other.

The raw material containing any of the above radioactive elements is treated with an aqueous solution of bacteria of the genus of Thiobacillus, such as the type of Thiobacillus Aquaesullis or Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans, or their mixture in any proportion in relation to each other, or by any kind of gray-oxidizing bacteria, in the presence of variable valence elements, In the usual conditions of the life of microorganisms.

The method does not require expensive and dangerous for people and ecology of nuclear reactors, is carried out under normal conditions, in conventional containers, at normal ambient temperature (quite acceptable values \u200b\u200bfrom 4 to 60 degrees Celsius), under normal atmospheric pressure, does not require fresh water flow.


In our method, microorganisms are initiated and accelerated by alpha decay (-α), beta-minus (-β), and beta-plus (+ β) decay (electronic grip). Microorganisms are captured in heavy elements (mainly in any F-elements and in heavy s-elements) protons, alpha particles (two protons and two neutrons) and electrons (beta-minus decay), carrying captured protons, alpha -particles and electrons on other elements, mainly on D- and P-elements, for example, arsenic and iron. Also, microorganisms can be transferred protons, alpha particles, electrons and positrons to other elements, for example, on the ITERBY F-element, in the case of its presence in the medium. Bacterial capture and separation of protons, alpha particles and electrons occurs in radioactive elements of the F-group and S-group (according to the classification of the periodic system of elements). Bacteria are also initiated and rejected by beta-plus (+ β) decay (electron capture) in the beta-plus kernels of radioactive isotopes of elements of any group, transferring to the elements of the elements elements obtained during the beta minus (-β) of the decay of other isotopes subjected to Beta-minus decay, or captured in the elements present in the medium elements (non-radioactive) in the process of their bacterial oxidation.

Bacterial transfer of protons (P), alpha particles (α) and electrons (E -) is carried out on the elements of the D-group (for example, on iron and others), on the elements of the P-group (for example, on arsenic and other) and on Elements of the S-group (strontium, cesium, radium and others).

Bacterial capture and separation of protons, alpha particles and electrons occurs in alpha and beta-radioactive isotopes of elements of the F-group, S-group and P-groups, which themselves naturally (naturally) alpha or beta radioactive, while Bacteria are initiated in millions and billions time accelerate the processes of alpha and beta decay.

Bio-alpha decay (-α)

In the process of alpha decay, with the loss of two protons, the elements of F- and S-groups are converted into lighter elements (the transition to two cells forward on the table of the periodic system of elements).

After capturing and separating from F- and S-elements of protons and alpha particles, bacteria transfer these protons and alpha particles to various elements of D-, P- and S-groups, turning them other elements - the following by location in the periodic system of chemical elements (transition to one or two cells forward on the table of the periodic system of elements).

In case of bacterial transfer of alpha particles from F-elements on iron, iron turns into nickel (see Table 1); In the bacterial transfer of protons and alpha particles from the F-elements on arsenic, arsenic turns into a bromine (see Table 1); In case of bacterial transfer of protons and alpha particles from F-elements on Intrbium, Intrbium turns into a hafnium (see Table 1).

Bio-beta decay (-β, + β)

Bacteria provoke and many times accelerate both types of beta decay: beta minus decay and beta-plus decay.

Beta-minus decay (-β) is the emission of the electron core, as a result of which the neutron transformation into a proton with the conversion of an element to the following by location in a periodic system of chemical elements (transition to one cell forward on the table of the periodic system of elements).

The beta-plus decay (+ β) is the capture of the electron core, as a result, the proton transformation into a neutron with the conversion of an element to the previous one by location in a periodic system of chemical elements (the transition to one cell back to the table of the periodic system of elements).

In the process of provoked and accelerated beta decay bacteria, in some cases, the subsequent emission of the so-called delayed neutron is occurring - already spontaneously, naturally, according to the physical laws of isotopic decays and transitions, to obtain easier isotope of this element. The use of a laughing mechanism of a delayed neutron allows you to further expand the list of obtained elements and isotopes, as well as predict and adjust the bio-transmutation process (stop at the right time).

Bacteria are initiated and accelerated by beta decay - the emission of the electron core or the introduction of an electron into the kernel (electronic grip) of beta-radioactive chemical elements. Bacteria are initiated and accelerated by beta decay of isotopes of elements, both primary in the raw material, in the medium and isotopes of elements obtained artificially in the bioprocesssess, after the alpha decay by the bacteria. The last fact - beta decay occurring after a bacterial-induced alpha decay has a great practical significance in order to obtain valuable deficient energy-important elements and isotopes.

Bacteria capture and open the electrons are also lighter, compared with F-elements, nuclei, namely, beta-minus radioactive isotopes - products ("fragments") of uranium and plutonium division, for example, in strontium nuclei-90, Yttria-90 , iodine-129, iodine-130, cesium-133, cesium-137 and some other elements that are transformed in the process of this beta decay in stable elements. At the same time, the neutron transformation into a proton in the core of the chemical element, and the displacement of the sequence number of the element per one or two (depending on the initial isotope) of the cell forward on the table of the periodic system of elements. This process allows radically and environmentally purely to get rid of highly radiant waste of nuclear industries and nuclear power plants, i.e. From the combustion products of nuclear fuel, which contain radioactive elements - "fragments" of the division of uranium, plutonium and other transuran elements - actinides, as well as the products of dividing thorium, in case of its use in the thorium nuclear cycle.

The electron captured by bacteria with beta-minus decay, bacteria is transferred to the kernel of beta-plus radioactive isotopes of elements (if they are presented in the medium). In the process there are also oxidation reactions. For example, with bacterial transfer of electrons to iron (III), the latter turns into iron (II), with a bacterial transfer of electrons on arsenic (V) the latter turns into arsenic (III). The surface charge of the cells of the bacteria is caused by the dissociation of ionic groups of the cell wall, which consists of proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides. In the physiological value of the pH of microbial cells, the bacteria carry on its surface an excess negative charge, which is formed due to the dissociation of ionic, mostly acidic, cell surface groups. The negatively charged surface of microbial cells attracts opposite-charged ions from the environment, which under the influence of electrostatic forces seek to approach ionized cellular membrane groups. As a result, the cell is surrounded by a double electric layer (adsorption and diffusion). Cell charge constantly fluctuates depending on the processes occurring in the environment. When exposed to alpha particles, the negative cell charge drops (by absolute value) and turns into a positive charge, which speeds up the processes of beta decay. Next, when exposed to electrons isolated during beta-decay from radioactive elements, as well as electrons transferred from elements of variable valence in a reduced form into an adsorption layer of microorganisms, a negative charge of microorganisms increases (by absolute value), turns over with a positive to negative, which accelerates The processes of alpha decay, pulling out positive-charged protons and alpha particles from atoms of chemical elements. These accelerating processes occur due to electrical interactions of negatively and positively charged cell surface groups with alpha and beta particles of radioactive elements, respectively. In the logarithmic stage of growth in microorganisms, the negative cell charge reaches the maximum value, which leads to the maximum transformation rate, the transformation of the elements. The transformation processes of chemical elements can occur both within bacterial cells and on the surface of the cell wall in the adsorption layer of the double electric layer.

Thus, microbial cells, shortly by changing their charging characteristics, are an adjusting and accelerating system of several types of radioactive decay and transform one elements to others.

In order to accelerate the processes of transmuting chemical elements by microorganisms, when the charge of microorganisms approached the isoelectric point in the reaction solution, surfactants (surfactants) are used. Polyampholites, ionic superficially active substances such as anionic and cationic surfactants, introduced into the reaction medium, changing cell charges (charge shift from isoelectric point to a negative or positive side), contribute to bacterial initiation and intensification of the processes of transmutation of chemical elements (Example 9).

Industrial and scientific and technical value of the invention

The microbiological method of transmuting the elements, accelerate nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions, allows for unlimited quantities to obtain valuable and scarce radioactive elements that enjoy in high demand in the market, in the art, industry and scientific research. These elements and isotopes carry enormous energy reserves, have extremely high value and selling price in the market. Below is emphasized by small and rare content in the nature of these chemical elements and their isotopes, the complexity of their production in nuclear reactors, as a result of which their world production is negligible, and the market price is very high. Also described areas of application of obtained elements and global demand in them.

Polonium is always present in uranium and thorium minerals, but in such insignificant quantities that obtaining it from ores known traditional methods is inappropriate and unprofitable. The equilibrium content of polonium in the earth's crust is about 2 · 10 -14% by weight. Microcolism polonium is extracted from waste recycling rates. Separate by extraction, ion exchange, chromatography and sublimation.

The main industrial method of obtaining polonium is its artificial synthesis by nuclear reactions, which is expensive and unsafe.

Polonium-210 in alloys with beryllium and borol is used for the manufacture of compact and very powerful neutron sources that practically do not create γ-radiation (but short-lived in view of a small lifetime 210 PO: T 1/2 \u003d 138,376 days) - Alpha particles Polonium-210 Neutrons are born on beryllium or boron kernels in (α, n) -reaction. These are sealed metal ampoules in which a ceramic tablet made of bora carbide or beryllium carbide is enclosed. Such neutron sources are light and portable, completely safe in work and very reliable. For example, the Soviet neutron source of VNI-2 was a brass ampoule with a diameter of two and a height of four centimeters, a monthly emitting up to 90 million neutrons.

Polonium is sometimes used to ionization of gases, in particular air. First of all, air ionization is needed to combat static electricity (in production, when dealing with particularly sensitive equipment). For example, for precision optics are made of dust removal brushes.

An important area of \u200b\u200bapplication of polonium is its use in the form of alloys with lead, yttrium or independently for the production of powerful and very compact heat sources for autonomous installations, such as cosmic or polar. One cubic centimeter polonium-210 highlights about 1320 W heat. For example, the Soviet self-propelled vehicles of the Space Program "Lunohod" for heating the instrument compartment was used by a polonium heater.

Polonium-210 can serve as a light lithium (6 LI) lithium alloy, which can significantly reduce the critical mass of the nuclear charge and serve as a kind of nuclear detonator.

To date, the industrial and commercial (market) quantities of polonium were milligrams and grams of Polonia.

Currently, radiums are used in compact neutron sources, for this, its small amounts are melted with beryllium. Under the action of alpha radiation from beryllium, neutrons are knocked out: 9 be + 4 he → 12 C + 1 N.

In medicine, radium is used as a source of radon, including for the preparation of radon baths. Radium is used for short-term irradiation in the treatment of malignant diseases of the skin, the mucous membrane of the nose, the urinary tract.

Small use of radium is associated, including with its negligible content in the earth's crust and in ores, and with the high cost and complexity of obtaining artificial means in nuclear reactions.

During the time that has passed since the opening of the radium - more than a century - all over the world managed to produce only 1.5 kg of pure radium. One ton of the uranium fruit, from which Curie's spouses received radium, contained only about 0.0001 grams of radium-226. All natural radium is radiogenic - it occurs during the breakdown of uranium-238, uranium-235 or thorium-232. In equilibrium, the ratio of the content of uranium-238 and radium-226 in ore is equal to the ratio of their half-wave periods: (4,468 · 10 9 years) / (1617) \u003d 2.789 · 10 6. Thus, for every three million uranium atoms in nature there are only one radium atom. The microbiological method of transmuting chemical elements allows to obtain from uranium and thorium radium-226 and other radium isotopes practically in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons) and expand the range of radium and its isotopes.

Currently, France and its salt of practical use do not have, due to the low half-life. Of the most long-lived isotope, France 223 FR has a half-life of 22 minutes. However, obtaining France by the microbiological method of transmuting the chemical elements and fixation on the devices for the presence of France in the treated samples (figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14), in the absence of France in the feedstock, proves the overall course of the transformation of elements. In the future, the use of France in scientific and other purposes is not excluded.

Actinia is one of the most small radioactive elements in the nature. Its general content in the earth's crust does not exceed 2600 tons, whereas, for example, the amount of radium is more than 40 million tons. In nature found 3 Actinia Isotop: 225 AC, 227 AC, 228 AC. Actinia accompanies uranium ores. Obtaining an acting from uranium ores known traditional methods inexpediently in view of its small contents, as well as a large similarity with rare-earth elements present there.

Weighing amounts of the isotope 227 AC are obtained by radium by neutron in the reactor. 226 Ra (n, γ) → 227 Ra (-β) → 227 AC. The output, as a rule, does not exceed 2.15% of the initial amount of radium. The amount of actinium at this synthesis method is calculated in grams. The isotope 228 AC is obtained by irradiation of the isotope 227 AC neutrons.

227 AC in the mixture with beryllium is the source of neutrons.

AC-BE sources are characterized by a small output of gamma quanta, apply in activation analysis when determining Mn, Si, Al in ores.

225 AC is used to obtain 213 Bi, as well as for use in radioimmunotherapy.

227 AC can be used in radioisotope energy sources.

228 ACs are used as a radioactive indicator in chemical studies due to its high-energy β-radiation.

A mixture of isotopes 228 AC-228 RA is used in medicine as an intense source of γ-radiation.

Actinium can serve as a powerful source of energy, which is still not used in view of the high cost of acting and a small amount of actius obtained by known methods, as well as due to the complexity of its production in well-known methods. All traditional methods for obtaining and secretion of actinium are highly cost, are unprofitable and dangerous to human health and environmental. Obtaining an acting by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements allows to obtain an actline and its isotopes cheap at cost and safe way in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, thousands of tons, etc.).


Due to the small content in the earth's crust (the content of the mass of the Earth is 0.1 billion of the percentage), the element to the present has a very narrow use - an additive to a nuclear fuel. From natural sources - remnants from the processing of the uranium fruit - traditional methods can only be obtained by protactinium-231 (231 PA). In addition, 231 PA in the traditional way can be obtained by irradiating thorium-230 (230 TH) slow neutrons:

Isotope 233 PA also get from thorium:

As an additive to a nuclear fuel, protacts is added at the rate of 0.34 grams of protact per 1 ton of uranium, which greatly increases the energy value of uranium and efficiency of the combustion of uranium (uranium and protact mixtures). Obtaining the prostacticization by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements allows to obtain prostacticions cheap at cost and a safe way in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, thousands of tons, etc.). Obtaining the protactization by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements solves the issue of the presence of cheap energy, energy raw materials and a product with high efficiency, and provides needs for the prostacticity in other areas of science and technology.

Various Thorium isotopes (Torium-227, Torium-228, Torium-230, Torium-234 and others), having different periods of the half-life not contained in natural thorium, obtained by the microbiological method of transmuting chemical elements, are of interest to research purposes, and Also are of interest as energy sources and raw materials for obtaining other isotopes and elements.

Uranus and his isotopes

At the moment, there are 23 artificial radioactive isotopes of uranium with mass numbers from 217 to 242. The most important and valuable isotopes of uranium - uranium-233 and uranium-235. Uranium-233 (233 U, T 1/2 \u003d 1.59 · 10 5 years) is obtained by irradiating thorium-232 neutrons and is capable of dividing under the influence of thermal neutrons, which makes it a promising fuel for nuclear reactors:

But this process is extremely difficult, roads and is environmentally dangerous. The content of valuable isotope uranium-235 (235 U) in natural uranium is small (0.72% of natural uranium), and its traditional separation from other uranium isotopes (for example, laser centrifugation) and the allocation is associated with large technical, economic and environmental difficulties, Since it requires high costs, expensive and complex equipment, and unsafe for humans and the environment. Isotope Uranium-233 (233 U) in natural uranium is not contained, and its traditional preparation in nuclear reactors is associated with similar difficulties and hazards.

Uranus is widespread in nature. The content of uranium in the earth's crust is 0.0003% (weight), concentration in sea water 3 μg / l. The amount of uranium in a lithosphere layer with a thickness of 20 km is estimated at 1.3 · 10 14 t. The global production of uranium in 2009 amounted to 50772 tons, worldwide resources for 2009 amounted to 2438100 tons. Thus, the global uranium reserves and the world production of natural uranium are large enough. The problem is that the main share of reserves and production (99.27%) falls on the natural isotope of uranium uranium-238 (according to the percentage of isotopes in natural uranium), i.e. To the least useful and least energy isotope of uranium. In addition, the traditional separation of uranium isotopes from each other (in this case, uranium-235 from uranium-238) is extremely difficult, expensive and environmentally unsafe. According to the OECD, 440 nuclear commercial reactors operate in the world, which consume 67 thousand tons of uranium per year. This means that its production provides only 60% of its consumption (the rest is extracted from old nuclear warheads). The most valuable in this case isotopes uranium - uranium-233 and uranium-235 (nuclear fuel), for which they are used again after processing the exhaust tweeys from nuclear power plants and nuclear warheads removed from combat duty. The nucleus 238 U is divided when capturing only fast neutrons with an energy of at least 1 MeV. The kernel 235 U and 233 U are divided into capture, both slow (thermal) and fast neutrons, and also divide spontaneously, which is particularly important and valuable.

The microbiological method of transmuting chemical elements allows practically in unlimited quantities to receive from natural uranium (from uranium-238 isotope) rare and valuable uranium - uranium-232, uranium-233, uranium-234, uranium-235, uranium-236, as well as other Valuable chemical elements and their isotopes: Neptune-236, Neptune-237, Neptune-238, Plutonium-236, plutonium-238, amerce-241, protactinium-231, protactinium-234, thorium-227, thorium-228, thorium-230 , Actinia-227, Radii-226, Radii-228, Radon-222, Polonium-209, Polonium-210. Industrial, technical and energy value, as well as the selling market value of these items obtained is much higher than the original element - uranium-238.


Neptune occurs on earth only in trace quantities, it was obtained artificially from uranium through nuclear reactions.

By irradiating neutron neutron-237, the weights of the isotopic plutonium-238 are obtained, which is used in small-sized radioisotope energy sources, in ritegas (RTEG - radio isotopic thermoelectric generator), in pacemakers, as a source of heat in radioisotope energy sources and neutron sources . The critical mass of neptune-237 is about 57 kg for pure metal, and thus this isotope can be practically used to produce nuclear weapons.


America-241 is obtained by irradiating Plutonia with neutrons:

Amerity-241 is a valuable rare chemical element and isotope, its traditional receipt in nuclear reactors is associated with usual for the acquisition of actinides and high costs, as a result of America has a large market value, in demand and can be applied in various fields of science, industry and technology.

The microbiological method of transmuting chemical elements allows to obtain almost in unlimited quantities of Neptune-236, Neptune-237, Neptune-238, Plutonium-236, Plutonium-238, America-241 and other isotopes of neptunia, plutonium and americium.

Generally accepted short designations in the following schemes and tables:

Uranium-238, 238 U - here - 238 is a relative atomic mass, that is, the total number of protons and neutrons.

P - Proton.

N or N - neutron.

α - alpha particle, i.e. Two proton and two neutrons.

(-α) - alpha particle emitted from the atom (from the element) in our reactions, while the sequence number (nucleus charge) decreases into two units and the element turns into a loss, located through the cell in the periodic table of Mendeleev elements (shift into two Cells back). The relative atomic mass is reduced by four units.

Beta decay - the transformation in which the sequence number of the element (the charge of the nucleus) changes by one, and the relative atomic mass (the total number of protons and neutrons) remains constant.

(+ β) - emitting a positively charged partial part of the positron, or the capture of a negatively charged electron with a nucleus: in both cases, the sequence number (nucleus charge) decreases by one.

There are phenomena of emission, the so-called "delayed neutron" (more often than one or two) after beta decay. At the same time, the new, formed by the beta-decay, the chemical element, after the emitting of the delayed neutron (neutrons), retains its new place and the cell in the table of the periodic system of elements, as it saves the charge of the nucleus (the number of protons), but loses in the atomic mass, forming new , lighter, isotopes.

(-N) - "delayed neutron", neutron emitted from an atom after beta decay, while the atomic mass of the new element decreases by one.

(-2N) - two "delayed neutrons" emitted from the atom after beta decay, the atomic mass of the new element decreases into two units.

(ă) - "delayed" alpha particle (type of isotopic decay) emitted from an atom (element) after beta decay. In this case, the sequence number (nucleus charge) decreases by two units, and the relative atomic mass of the element decreases by 4 units.

Another transmutation of the chemical element is occurring (shift into two cells ago on the table of the periodic system of chemical elements).

T 1/2 or T - half-life of the element isotope.

The authors conducted a series of successful reproducible experiments with various ores and raw materials. Raw materials containing radioactive elements was treated with an aqueous solution of bacteria of the genus of Thiobacillus in the presence of elements with a variable valence of any S, P, D and F elements creating a standard redox potential (for example, SR 2+, nitrogen N 5+ / N 3-, sulfur S 6+ / S 2- Arsenic AS 5+ / AS 3+, Iron Fe 3+ / Fe 2+, Manganese MN 4+ / Mn 2+, Molybdenum MO 6+ / MO 2+, Cobalt CO 3+ / CO 2+, Vanadium V 5+ / V 4+ and others). Various bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, iron-oxidizing and gray-oxidizing bacteria (thermophilic and others), participating in oxidative and reducing metal processes, have always been a positive effect. The authors held 2536 experiments. The experimental data obtained is statistically processed (see Tables 1, 2, 3, 4) and are reflected in the production schemes of the microbiological method from uranium-238 (238U) and thorium-232 of various valuable isotopes of uranium, prostacticity, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium and Other elements (see Figures from 1 to 17, Schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). The schemes of reactions and isotopic transitions do not contradict, but confirm the existing theory of radioactive decays.

For the transmutation of chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, sulfide ores of Saudi Arabia, containing uranium and thorium (Table 1, Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, were used as raw materials for microbiological treatment. Ruda Saudi Arabia, also contained the elements of phosphorus, arsenic, vanadium mainly in oxidized form (phosphates, arsenates, vanadates), and iron - both in oxidized and in restored form. Therefore, to create a high redox potential in the fermenter, the raw material was treated with thiobacillus acidophilus microorganisms of the DSM-700 strain in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence in the solution in a reduced form: Mn +4, CO +2, Fe +2, N -3, S -2 (in the form of salts), in their total weight of 0.01% of the mass of the medium.

With the cultivation of Thiobacillus Acidophilus microorganisms, the DSM-700 strain was used by standard nutrient media (for example, flying and Vaxman media for Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans, Wednesday 9K and medium for other iron and gray-oxidizing bacteria). In the standard nutrient media added elements of valence - trans-elements (elements carrying electrons, for example, Mg, Mn, Co, Mo, Zn, Cu, FE in the form of salts) in their total weight of 0.01% of the mass medium, organic raw material hydrolysis products , for example, hydrolysis of fishe, meat, or forest processing waste (2% of the mass, on the medium) and raw materials (uranium or thorium containing ores or radioactive waste in the amount of 1.5% of the mass, on the environment). In a fermentation medium, containing 10% of raw materials (ore), a 10% solution of the culture medium was made with optionally autotrophic microorganisms selected in the exponential stage of growth.

The transmutation process was carried out in ten fermentation rocking flasks. Advanced pH of a solution of 10 normal sulfuric acid, the pH of the solution in the process was maintained in the range of 0.8-1.0. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius. The redox potential (EH) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is equal to 635 mV. The speed of mixing 300 revolutions per minute. The ratio of the solid phase to the liquid was 1:10 (100 grams of ore in one liter of aqueous solution). Every day, every 24 hours was measured pH and Eh solution, the concentration of chemical elements and isotopes in solution, and also tracked the activity of microorganisms. The process was carried out for nine days. Methods of analyzing aqueous solutions and ores were used: X-ray-fluorescent method was used to determine the content of elements, the type of devices: CYP-02 Renom FV; S2 Picofox. Also used an atomic adsorption method. The isotopic composition was determined by the mass spectroscopic method. The charging characteristics of microbiological cells were determined by electrophoretic mobility on the automatic microscope Parmoquant-2. According to the instruments, the qualitative and quantitative composition of finite products was determined. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 1. FIG. 1 shows the spectrogram of the initial ore of Saudi Arabia without microbiological processing and without transformation of chemical elements. In Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, spectrograms of analyzes of transmutation of chemical elements in the microbiological treatment of ore of Saudi Arabia, depending on the time of the process after 48 hours (2 days), 72 hours (3 days), 120 hours (5 day), after 120 hours (5 days), after 168 hours (7 days), after 192 hours (8 days), respectively.

Scheme 2. Preparation of protactination-231 (231 PA) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 6. Preparation of radium-226 (226 RA) and radium-228 (228 RA) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) (see 6-1) and from natural thorium-232 (232 th) (see 6 -2) respectively:

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmate the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes as a raw material for microbiological treatment, the uranium ore of North-West Africa, which contains uranium, thorium, sulfur and arsenic in restored form (metals sulfides , arsenides, sulfoarsenids). Therefore, to create a high redox potential, the raw material was treated with thiobacillus Aquaesulis microorganisms strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence in the solution in an oxidized form: n +5, p +5 (in the form of phosphates), as +5, s +6, Fe +3, Mn +7, in their total weight of 0.01% of the mass medium. The redox potential (EH) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 798 mV. The temperature of the process of 30-35 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium 2-2.5. The time of the process is twenty days. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 2. Spectrograms of transmutation of chemical elements during the microbiological treatment of the uranium ore of North-West Africa, depending on the time of the process, after 24 hours (1 day), after 144 hours ( 6 days), after 168 hours (7 days), after 192 hours (8 days), after 480 hours (20 days) are shown in Figures 8, 9, 10, 11, respectively.

Scheme 1. Obtaining microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) of various valuable isotopes of uranium, prostacticity, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium:

Scheme 2. Preparation of uranium-233 (233 U) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 4. Preparation of thorium-230 (230 TH) microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

Next, the process or stops (and 230 TH), if the thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or the process continues until Radium's valuable and rare radioactive radioactive isotopes (226 RA), Radon, Astata, Polonium, Bismuth, Lead:

Scheme 5. Obtaining Actinium-227 (227 AC) Microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 7. Obtaining the most valuable and stable isotopes polonium (210 PO, 209 PO, 208 PO) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmut the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes as a raw material for microbiological treatment, uranium ore of jordan, containing elements of uranium, thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, iron, vanadium as in oxidized form (phosphates, arsenates, vanadates) and in restored form. Therefore, to create a high oxidation and recovery potential, the raw material was treated with Thiobacillus Halophilus microorganisms of the DSM-6132 strain in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence, possessing the redox ability: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / RE +7, AS +3 / AS +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / n +5, p +5, S -2 / s +6 in their total Weight 0.01% of the mass medium. The redox potential (EH) in the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 753 mV. Temperature of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, Ph environments 2.0-2.5. The time of the process is twenty days. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 3. Spectrograms of transmutation of chemical elements during the microbiological treatment of uranium ore of the Jordan, depending on the process time, after 24 hours (1 day), after 120 hours (five days) , after 192 hours (8 days), are shown in Figures 12, 13, 14, respectively.

Scheme 3. Preparation of the protactination-231 (231 PA) microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 4. Preparation of thorium-230 (230 TH) microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

Next, the process or stops (and 230 TH), if the thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or the process continues until Radium's valuable and rare radioactive radioactive isotopes (226 RA), Radon, Astata, Polonium, Bismuth, Lead:

Scheme 5. Obtaining Actinium-227 (227 AC) Microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 6-1. Obtaining radium-226 (226 RA) microbiological method from uranium-238:

Scheme 7. Obtaining the most valuable and stable isotopes polonium (210 PO, 209 PO, 208 PO) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmut the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, monazite thorium sand containing sand coast of the Indian Ocean, containing elements of thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, silicon, aluminum, was used as raw materials for microbiological treatment. Also cerium and other lanthanoids are mainly in restored form. Therefore, to create a high oxidation-reducing potential, the raw materials were treated with thiobacillus ferrooxidans microorganisms strain DSM-14882 in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence, which are in the solution in oxidized form: N +5, P +5, AS +5, S +6, FE + 3, Mn +7, in their total weight of 0.01% of the mass of the medium. The redox potential (EH) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 717 mV. Temperature of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, pH medium 1.0-1.5. The time of the process is ten days. The results of conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 4. Spectrograms of testing of the transmutation of chemical elements with microbiological treatment of thorium-containing sand coast of the Indian Ocean, depending on the process time, after 24 hours (1 day), after 120 hours ( Five days), after 240 hours (ten days) are shown in Figures 15, 16, 17, respectively.

Scheme 6-2. Obtaining radium-228 (228 RA) microbiological method from Natural Thorium-232:

Scheme 8. Obtaining various thorium isotopes, actinium, radium, polonium microbiological method from Natural Thorium-232 (232 TH):

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmut the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, polonium-209 was used as a raw material for microbiological treatment, obtained in our process from actinides, turning (decaying) further into mercury isotopes, gold and platinum (scheme 10). The raw material was processed by Thiobacillus Aquaesulis microorganisms strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence, possessing the redox ability: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, as +3 / AS +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / n +5, p +5, S -2 / s +6 in their total weight 0.01% of the mass medium . The redox potential (EH) in the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 698 mV. Temperature of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, Ph environments 2.0-2.5. The time of the process is twenty days.

Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors removed the following scheme:

Scheme 10. Preparation of stable mercury and gold isotopes (197 AU) by microbiological method with initiating and accelerating reactions from polonium-209 (209 PO):


The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmit chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, polonium-208 was used as a raw material for microbiological treatment, obtained in our process from actinides, turning (decaying) further to mercury isotopes, gold and platinum (scheme 11). The raw materials were treated with thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain DSM-14882 strain in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence, possessing a redox ability: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / AS +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / n +5, p +5, S -2 / s +6 in their total weight 0.01% of the mass medium . In the solution of transmutation in the logarithmic stage Eh \u003d 753 mV. Microorganisms used the temperature of the process of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium 1.0-1.5. The time of the process is twenty days. Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors removed the following scheme:

Scheme 11. Preparation of stable mercury isotopes, thallium, platinum (195 pt) and gold (197 AU) by microbiological method with initiating and accelerating reactions from polonium-208:

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmut the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, plutonium samples were used as raw materials for microbiological treatment in order to convert Plutonium-239 in Uranium-235, protactinium-231 and Actinium-227 ( Scheme 12). Thermier was processed by Thiobacillus Thioparus microorganisms of the strain DSM-505 in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence, which have redox reduction capacity: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, AS +3 / AS +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / n +5, p +5, S -2 / s +6 in their total weight 0.01 % of the mass of the medium. Redox potential (EH) in the transmutation process in the logarithmic

stages of the transmutation process Eh \u003d 759 mV. Temperature of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, Ph environments 2.0-2.5. The time of the process is twenty days. Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors removed the following scheme:

Scheme 12. Obtaining uranium-235, thorium-231, protactination-231 and actinium-227 microbiological method with accelerating the decay reactions from Plutonium-239 (may, weapon plutonium, or plutonium - a by-product of nuclear combustion of Fwell NPPs to be disposed of):

You can stop the process at any stage, to give 235 U, or 231 th, or 231 PA, or 227 AC, or mixtures thereof in various ratios. Or it is possible to continue the process of transforming elements and isotopes from Actinium-227 to 210 PO, 209 PO, 208 PO, to obtain intermediate elements, according to Scheme 7-1.

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in Example 1. To transmut the chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, plutonium samples were used as a raw material for microbiological treatment in order to convert Plutonium-241 to America-241 and Neptune-237 (Scheme 13). 241 PU - a by-product of nuclear reactions when combustion of Fwells NPP, subject to recycling, taken as a nuclear waste and a by-product of industrial combustion of uranium. The raw material was treated with thiobacillus Tepidarius strain DSM-3134 strain in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence, possessing redox ability: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, as +3 / AS +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / n +5, p +5, S -2 / s +6 in their total weight 0.01% of the mass medium . EH \u003d 736 mV. Temperature of the process 28-32 degrees Celsius, Ph environments 2.0-2.5.

Scheme 13. Obtaining americium-241 (241 AM) and neptune-237 (237 NP) microbiological method from Plutonium-241 with initiation and acceleration of decay reactions:

The process can be stopped or slowing down at the stage of obtaining americium-241 with the selection of the latter. Example 9.

This example shows the intensification of the process of transmutation of chemical elements when it slows down with limiting factors. The method of carrying out the process and raw materials are the same as in Example 2. Control option: the uranium ore of North-West Africa was also used as raw material, but the difference from Example 2 consisted in a greater content of ore in solution: the ratio of solid phase (ore) to the liquid A phase was 1: 3 (100 grams of ore in 300 ml of aqueous solution). The raw material was treated with thiobacillus aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 strain in an aqueous solution of elements with a variable valence in a solution in oxidized form: N +5, p +5 (in the form of phosphates), as +5, s +6, Fe +3, Mn +7, in their total mass of 0.01% of the mass of the medium, as in Example 2. EH \u003d 410 mV. The temperature of the process of 30-35 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium 2.0-2.5. The time of the process is twenty days. The charge of bacteria is close to zero value. Electrophoretic mobility (EFP) of microbial cells is 0.01 v -1 × cm 2 × s -1. The initial content of uranium-238 in the medium was 280 g / l. On the fifth day of the process, the uranium-238 content fell to 200.52 mg / l, but the protactinium-231, Actinium-227 and isotopes polonium in the medium were not found, while the isotopes of thorium-234, protactinium-234, protactinium-233, uranium -234 (primary transmutation products uranium-238). The processes of uranium-238 transmutation and the formation of new elements and isotopes were slowed over in time compared with example 2, in which the ratio of the solid phase (ore) to the liquid phase was 1:10 (100 grams of ore in 1000 ml of aqueous solution). The slowdown in the process is associated with an increased concentration of metal ions in solution with a small amount of water on the ore. Experienced version: In the same solution, limited by water, in which the ratio of solid phase (ore) to the liquid phase was 1: 3 (100 grams of ore in 300 ml of aqueous solution), additionally introduced 0.001 g / l of polyhapholite - polyacrylic acid with caprolacts ( The ratio of acrylic acid to caprolactam 9: 1). Electrophoretic mobility (EFP) of microbial cells is 0.89 V -1 × cm 2 × s -1, the charge of microorganisms has moved from the isoelectric point, in the negative side. EH \u003d 792 MV on the fifth day The content in the uranium-238 solution was 149.40 mg / l, isotopes appeared - the products of further decay: uranium-232, uranium-233, protactinium-231, actinium-227, radium-226, polonium -210, 209 and 208 - everything is in large quantities. There was an acceleration of the process. Based on the experimental data, a general scheme of various directions and chains of uranium-238 decay was obtained upon receipt of the microbiological method of various valuable isotopes of uranium, protactization, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium and other elements (Figure 18).

The energy of the electronic transition (KEV), according to which the chemical elements of the X-ray-fluorescent method were determined (figures from 1 to 17), are shown in Table 5.

1. Microbiological method for transmuting chemical elements and transformation of isotopes of chemical elements, characterized in that the radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes is treated with an aqueous suspension of thiobacillus genus bacteria in the presence of elements with variable valence.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the way is to receive polonium, radon, france, radium, acting, thorium, prostacticion, uranium, neptural, americium, nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnia, ytterbia, mercury, gold, Platins and their isotopes.

3. The method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that as radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements, ores or radioactive waste of nuclear cycles are used.

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