What signs of the zodiac doomed to loneliness. Tattoo loneliness. Causes of loneliness of virgins

Attic 19.03.2021

Tattoo Loneliness can be expressed by hieroglyphs, the image of the God of loneliness, wolf, owls, red poppy, crow, scorpion, stars, wolverines.

Tattoo value loneliness

These tattoos are characterized by beauty, but can bring additional troubles to their owner. But they are great for those who are specifically looking for privacy.

One of the values \u200b\u200bof the red poppy tattoo is loneliness. One flower in the picture talks about the sentimental, proud and lonely man who loves life. Such a person is comfortable to be isolated from noisy companies. A man is trying to show with the help of a tattoo that he is cozy to one.

On women drawing poppy looks very gentle. Beautiful and originally, a poppy twig around the wrist or ankle. Small drawings are stuffed on the neck and foot. Often there are tattoo on the forearm, shoulder, ribs or hips. If the sketch is large-scale - tattoo is applied on the back.

Tattoo is performed in characteristic red color. Additional elements like leaves and stems are also depicted in natural colors.

Since the time of ancient Egypt, the wolf symbolized the god of the kingdom of the Dead - Anubis. Such a tattoo means not only loneliness, but also loyalty, a special purpose, purposefulness, freedom and courage.

Loneliness brightly expresses a tattoo of a wolf going to the moon. It also symbolizes social independence, self-sufficiency and possible betrayal in the past. Such a person has a large inner force and cannot be influenced by society.

White wolf symbolizes fearlessness. People with such a tattoo emphasize that they are not afraid of loneliness and are capable of acting in life on their own.

The tattoo is more suitable for the strong floor, emphasizing their spiritual power, determination, mind and loneliness. Popular pictures for drawing - chest, back, shoulder, hand. The most often applied black and white tattoos, but colors and technicians can be diverse. It all depends on the originality of a person. The wolf tattoo can be applied as an independent drawing and in the composition.

The negative value of the Tattoo of the owl hides in itself a symbol of loneliness, sadness, extension, coldness and inner evil. Majestic owl may designate sadness, mental emptiness, misfortune.

The tattoo is applied both men and women. The most suitable places - chest, back, hand, shoulder, neck. Style, machinery and color gamut can be diverse.

Another tattoo carrying a negative value of loneliness is a raven that sits on the branch. An important role is played by the color of the plumage. If white is present, the tattoo bears a lighter meaning.

Raven can live a long life, but never find yourself a couple. Hence the main importance of loneliness. The tattoo is also a wisdom, loss, connection with the world of dead, pain.

For a tattoo, there are only three popular places: shoulder, back, chest. Rarely stuff on the legs, wrist and neck.

For most people, loneliness is a painful state. But different signs of the zodiac perceive this condition in different ways. How and why, read in this article.


Aries simply can't live without a couple, friends, without a surroundings, because otherwise he feels completely sick. Yes, he never is alone: \u200b\u200beven an abandoned and devotee, this person knows how to find a consolation and support. The zodiac sign of Aries and loneliness is poorly comparable: his representatives never give up and do not lose hope that sometime relative souls will be surely.

This person can experience the periods of doubt, but for him more than many other words are suitable for: "What does not kill us make us stronger." Prevent him to re-build the life of which he dreams about, to look for a couple, partners can only death.

The born under this constellation never remains in one place, and its energy fascinates those surrounding so much that they always rotate in his orbit. therefore loneliness of Aries is experiencing rarelyAnd suffer from him almost never falls.


How do you relate to loneliness Tales? Horoscope assures that this is one of the most big nightmares and fears. And here we are talking, rather, not about the family, relatives, but about the life partner who will be especially close to them. Since the representative of this zodiacal sign is very detrimental and imposes highly high demands, it is difficult for him to find real friends and partners.

Taurus on everything wants to impose his imprint, loves things that are used and who are adapted to it, and the same looking for people, wants long-term relationships, mutual tick.

Although the calves loneliness do not like, they are still not particularly interested in new acquaintances. Rather, such a person wants to establish existing connections, wants to recognize its drawbacks and high assessment of advantages. Durable friendly and love relationships, he becomes deeply unhappy.


People appear in the life of twins and disappear from it in such a rapid pace that sometimes the latter do not even notice this. In a stream of accidental dating, they often miss the chances of happiness or chasing something unattainable, and then it turns out that it is not worth it.

At the same time, the horoscope says that the twins are as a sign of the zodiac do not love solitude. People mostly appreciate their society, and they also always try to be where something happens. The twin does not close at home, therefore the problem of social loneliness most of the representatives of this zodiacal sign is completely unknown. But if we talk about loneliness in the personal life of the twins, it is a somewhat different story. Such people rarely remain alone, but few representatives of this sign can boast stable long-term connections.


Craki belong to those zodiac signs that love to cultivate alone with them. However, the ratio of cancer to loneliness is completely different: they are HIS fear. For them, it is very important to maintain family connections even with very far relatives. They are important for them and friends, and they cannot understand people who prefer to do without a company. Cancer wants all lonely friends and acquaintances or driven with each other and climb, or find friends. We can safely say that raks are social people. They want to be accepted into the family, want to be part of the group, but at the same time they crave inner peace and silence.

The perfect pastime for cancer is when a large group of friends or relatives is in the same room, but everyone is busy with his business.

a lion

The lion cannot complain about the absence of a surroundings, but his friends are divided mainly into two categories: those who are looking for the friendship of the lion, and those whom the friendship lion pursues. For the very same lion, such relationships are often either a pursuit or flight.

The zodiac born in this sign, like Aries, is too attractive and attractive to stay alone. Moreover, Lviv touches regardless of which the vital and material situation they are. The person of such a sign often does not even have a concept, as it is not to have friends or a satellite of life, because such situations in his life are rare. Rarely, when the lion remains alone with him, and over the years it starts to appreciate such moments more and more.


To the question of which signs of the zodiac most inclined to loneliness, one of the answers will be Virgo. It is impossible to say that the representatives of the sign are hot and consciously seek him, but they, at least, do not fall into panic, when one remains. First of all, Virgo is interested in having a partner and friends of a certain level. These are very broken and critical people. They can destroy even a long-term love or friendly communication if the second party cannot meet their high standards, or its life position is much lower than the position of the Virgin.

Representatives of this zodiac sign very developed a feeling of what is right, and what is not. Such a kind of code of human relationships is recorded in genes. These people are able to use flattery or apply bribing methods to get such partners or friends that they want to have. From loneliness, the typical maidy suffers only when her status begins to be the subject of conversations of other people. Her thoughts are always very logical, so she knows that it is better to be alone than to surround himself "not by those" people.


Loneliness scales perceive as an exception and very sufferWhen you really remain. Even if they are in a circle of families, acquaintances or relatives, but at the same time believe that they are not suitable for each other, they will not refuse new acquaintances. Stay among other people, in large groups for them is very important.

Knowing how hard it is tolerant of the symbol of the zodiac scale, do not have to be surprised that they (just like Virgo) can conquer flattery and bribery. Just like their neighbors on the zodiac, they love to surround themselves with successful personnel. Representatives of this constellation want everyone to be harmonious and correct in their lives, and loneliness for weights is not correct. It is necessary for happiness that in society they consider the norm: family, friends and work.


Scorpio is very appreciated by loved ones, but does not know how (or does not want) purposefully conquer someone's sympathies. As a result, his environment consists of several categories: people who implan the Scorpio himself; those who believe that it is beneficial to them next to him; Of those who do not cease to count on a romantic relationship and want to win his heart, as well as people who are associated with their professional relationships.

With all this, the representative of the scorpion tribe suffers from the feeling of loneliness, because he always believes that he deserves more, and because it is difficult for him to please. In the same time, this is a zodiac sign, best tolerant loneliness and even prone to him. If such a person comes to the conclusion that no one is able to fill the emptiness in his life, he prefers to be his best partner and friend.


Sagittarius rarely happens one, but this does not mean that he does not suffer from loneliness. It's his biggest fear and fear. He is afraid that all his close and friends will disappear somewhere. And even when the Sagittarius is surrounded by a crowd of fans, relatives, in his imagination, a terrifying ghost of loneliness can appear from time to time.

Sagittarius is satisfied with superficial dating, but still looking for something deeper. He does not want to have many friends and loved ones, but wants to have proven and reliable. He wants to have a safe harbor in which you can sail, counting there on warm welcome and consolation. Sagittarius is very quickly convinced that there are much more superficial connections in the world than real feelings. And with the idealism inherent idealism, it is the last ...


Such a person does not bother about dating and connections, but, as a rule, is not lonely. In Capricorn, people attract his truthfulness and emotional equilibrium. There are no lies and odds in it, he does not seek to acquire friends due to the insincere to flatter. He deceives only those who betrayed him and with whom he absolutely ceased to reckon. And all this is only when this person is not able to exclude them from his life completely. If there is such an opportunity, Capricorn prefers loneliness to communicate with random people.

This is a zodiac sign that may be, and does not like loneliness, but inclined and can tolerate him without turning into the life tragedy.


Opinion about representatives of this sign as freedom-loving creatures that do not recognize any connections and frameworks are greatly exaggerated. Actually Aquarius scares lonelinessAnd he does not tolerate him as good as many would have thought. That is why he agrees to many superficial relations, just not to be alone. When it is so, it seems to him that loneliness is like death during life. Often, to forget, Aquarius rushes into the whirlwind of entertainment and amur adventures, which, however, do not fill emptiness in his life and heart.

Aquarius is constantly looking for friendship, but he does not always manage to find it. A representative of such a zodiacal sign does not understand that real friendship is a very rare phenomenon and that it is necessary to work on it. For Aquarius, this is a finished product that is enough to remove out of the box.


If there are signs of the zodiac, which are prone to loneliness, then it is clearly not fish. Loneliness they are very afraidTherefore, quickly learn to be attractive to others. Sometimes in this game they relieve and hear people deprived of the "highest" feelings. Fish will make almost everything to be pleasant. As a chameleon, they change not only the color of the hairstyles, but also the features depending on the society in which there are. Fish is forced to function in heavy conditions and in stress conditions can even become vulgar, although their nature is such a trait alien.

After numerous samples and mistakes, fish are able to find the right balance and real loved ones, which appreciate them as they are. But even in a huge desire to end the solitude of the fish, they cannot (or do not want) to eradicate mistrust in relation to other people and thoughts that any union is doomed with them. Just like others, at the beginning of our acquaintance, credit is credible, fish come up to the opposite.


Dictionary of signs on the body

P.P. Globa

Signs of loneliness. Catastrophe signs. Signs of planting with prison. Indicators of power and patronage. Captive. Signs of happy marriage. Children.

Signs of loneliness

Let's talk about the sign of loneliness. A normal person is not alone, he has close people. But there are signs of loneliness on the body. And if they are observed with you, then you will not be almost close, you will be abandoned, you will be alone. There are three signs whose combination gives a reliable indicator on these issues. The first sign is on the stomach above the navel on the left side of men, on the right side - in women. If there is an uneven birthplace, spider-shaped, dark bluish color, then this is one of the signs of sadness, longing, loneliness. In order for you not to be loved ones, you had to freeze the disadvantage, which is connected with the world, with the family, with a benefactor - Sphew Armatiti, and you must freeze the Earth so that you are on this earth alone like Cain , This is Kaino print.

Another such Kaininov seal is superimposed on the neck. It is on the neck behind the ear, below the ear on the unhappy side, but near the lower jaw at the edge of it. There should be 2 moles of small dark color - a sign of sorrow, suffering, paintism, depression, grave losses.

The sign is still on the inner surface of the tibia, closer to the ankle. This is a reddish spot or a reddish mole, holding a very long time, where the output of Calachakra. That's if there is a reddish-brown mole on the negative side, then this is a sign of loss of friends, betrayal of loved ones and lonely death. If this stain you acquire during your life and it does not come down with you, then this is a transcreted sign. If this appears in old age, it already warns that your loved ones will deliver from you to get rid of you and send you to the nursing home. Several times such a sign was exactly accurate. For example, my grandmother-grandfather, which, really, had to be sent to the nursing home, and sent her own daughter. Of course, she is in punishment for the fact that she was released there. No, she did not felt, she slept in the soup a short nails and her hair, then she moved to a new apartment, where she did not find her place and sent her native daughter to the nursing home to occupy her apartment. That's what she finished. Imagine, hair in the soup streaming, broke the Zoroastrian law, because it's all black magic. And we found someone's nails in the soup, in the booster and wondered where they were formed there. Then she climbed it on it. But it was very difficult to cope with her, because Granny, it turns out, before the revolution, or after the revolution was an athlete and she also pushed Giri and dumbbells. She had scary biceps, such a Bodybuchian grandmother, to cope with which it was impossible. And then only when she passed 5 years when she had already weakened, she was sent to the nursing home.

So she had such a sign. She often walked almost in breath, exposing her pale legs. And she had it a speck. Already when I started to study it, I thought: Yeah, it means death she will be lonely. Indeed, she died alone, everything was repaired from her. If you have this sign, especially if he is in old age and does not pass, then keep in mind. This sign is on the border of the Aquarius and fish.

Catastrophe signs

Some of them simply duplicate the signs of violent death. But there are still special signs of disasters, extreme situations.

Above the slightly blades right in the middle of the back, where the 3rd chest vertebrae, just below this vertebra, above the blades should be a black or dark birthday spot (1st decade of lion). And the 7th degree of lion will be slightly lower, just in the middle of the blades, somewhere just the 5th breast vertebra. The 7th degree of lion just falls on anahata, clearly 6th breast vertebra in the royal degree is obtained. This place is near Anahata - this is the 7th degree of lion. By the way, there is a point of joy on acupuncture, there is a point of happiness. If you press it, it will really feel a feeling of bliss. On the spine just there is a place such between the blades, whose massage in humans causes a feeling of bliss.

I do not know how it is called in the Chinese system, I studied a little Chinese system. It must be said that the Chinese and Zoroastrian systems are although they are similar, but still they are very different. Someday we talk about it.
The next sign is a mole with a brown hairstyle on the side where the ribs end, at the end of the ribs, straight side moles. But in this case it should be on the lucky side. This is a mole with a hairstyle or wart.

Another wart hanging, i.e., convex, in the groin region should be. Spread the hips. In the inguinal region, there are 2 moles again below the periness. Very often for some reason the sign of 2 moles nearby is a very bad sign. Warts are better than moles. Now, if there are 2 moles, it is a sign of suicide and attraction to extreme situations.
By the way, here in this area there should be a sign of salvation from any disasters, also a magic sign. In men, he happens on a phallus. This is a flat mole of a brown stain type. In women - in the groin area in the center, this is a magic sign. The man is also in the center. It must be below the hair line for 2 fingers. If this is dark color or dark brown (Jupiter's), then this is a sign of the magician, the markedness of the magical forces. But the black mage or white, this is already depending on where you are already sending this power your own. By the way, this is one of the signs that your wishes come true.
White Mountain There's a wart in the groin area in the form of a wart, the Venusian center is a very bad sign. This is a sign of cruelty and the desire to hurt close and hatred to others.

Another sign of attraction of danger is a sign on the heels, a birthday speech on the negative side. It must be on the outside of the heel closer to the edge of it, closer to the sole of the leg, but the outer side. Can you imagine where the outer side? There is an external, there is an internal and there is a back of the heel. By the way, the same sign is a sign of surveillance for you, espionage, blackmail.

Jail signs

Signs of landing in prison should be on the 2nd sides, it does not matter what, on the right or on the left.
The triangle is top down at the bottom of the lower back, on the side of the lower back from the moles there should be a little triangle.

Two moles just below the knee on the negative side on the side inside of the knee. There must be 2 small moles vertical, located on top.
Mountain with a hair on the forearm in the middle of the forearm on the outdoor hand. But this mole must be flat, but convex. Why this mole is a sign of landing in prison and not only landing in prison, but also trials, denunciations, a statement of some kind of, gossip. In several cases, I saw that even if you had just a moleside there, but some kind of hair starts to climb, then this is the indicator of some trials.

Even on the chest just below the nipple on the unfavorable side - also the 2nd moles. This is a sign of litigation, constant courts, consequences, proceedings. But the moles are horizontally, and not vertically should be arranged and have a reddish color or brown.

Power indicators, patronage

On the stomach near the navel triangle from the Moles, if the navel is surrounded by a triangle from the moles - a magnificent sign.
If there is a petty spot inside the navel - even better.
Under the mouse on the lucky side, the birthday of the uneven shape, resembling an oval - is also a very good sign.

The reddish color is a birthmark on the bald in the dark part, consisting of two parts - a sign of the markedness. Here, the novels wrote me a whole denonation about the birthmark of our Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev.

Slightly above the separating groove on the ass is also a sign. By the way, the separating groove on the ass is also very important, as it is divided and where it starts. It happens above the furridge such a vertex in the center, then this is a very good sign - the sign of the secret power. If there is a vertex and if there is still a triangle from the moles next to this smell, if there is a vertex, then even one mole near this smellar over the separating groove, and if there is no one snaps, then you need triangles from the moles, then everything will be fine sign of patronage.

And there are at the bottom of the pits under this furrow, or rather two more two sides. These two signs say that a person often changes his teachers. If the bats below, just in the middle, but at the bottom of the two buttocks - this is talking about dismount to the teacher.
In Zoroastrism, of course, the exposure of the ass in a crowded place was considered an indecent sign. But when you go to the bath, do not lose time, look after.

Another sign in the middle of the knee cup, right in the center of two knee cups, just below, closer already to the lower leg - also two spots, it is already a transverse should be. This is a clear sign indicating power. If you have two signs on 2 knees - this is a sign of chorisms. Color - Jupiter, brown. Then this is a sign of marking. Sometimes it can manifest as power, but more often as a kind of mine as the highest strength, grace that the person opens, Hvern. If you have any sign on your two knees, then this is a sign of Hvar.
If the sign is only on one knee, then this is not quite good, because it is very often a person who takes too much (even if even a happy side), and the exaggeration of power, and very often it is even an illusion of his own victory. Approximately this is connected with the location of Saturn in the 10th house, that is, it is a person who gets too much first, but then all this gigantic mass outrests and it can collapse under this force. That is, Saturn in the 10th house is a critical situation, as well as a person who has only on one knee of a mole or a birthmark in the middle. So that he was not initially given, he is unlikely to keep this power, even if she is given to him. For the completeness of the chorisms, the spot or mole must be on the other knee.


Perevils (when the same signs on both sides) are generally very interesting indicators. These are the signs of the fatality, the signs of rock, from which they do not turn out, what to go right to go to the left - the same thing. This is when there are duplicate signs on two sides. Imagine how scary if you have a duplicate sign on two buttocks?! You will no longer unscrew, you for any mistake will be very bad on the ass. If such signs under the arms, the worse, it's like signs of stars, everything is already solved for you and you can't do anything yourself, everything is decided for you and you are already just like a child, which gives a nipple in the last time. If on the knees, then this is a sign of the chorismable that you want or do not want, but you will get. It is much worse to have red spots, it can only manifest in the war, these are signs of Mars.
Callors are both very favorable and terrible signs, depending on where they are on what parts of the body. Transferred - just a symmetrical sign, the main thing is that they fall on the duplicate degrees, i.e. are close to symmetry.

The answer to the question from the hall: it is not surprising that you have a mole of a nipple and it is after the death of relatives. This means that the soul of this relative is directly connected with you and she will guard you in the astral in order to fill the face.

So, flippers - signs of rock, marks of the markedness, very often the signs of chorisms. But if there is a flipper, this suggests that someone else's strength interfere with the life of a person, and in their hands he is either a toy, or conductor himself, he himself is just not able to do anything, he can just - To be aware.

Perevils - a very rare sign, as a sign of special marking, and in some cases and special giftedness, if they are, for example, on 2 elbows. The signs of the markedness and signs of unusual gifts are read on the 2-meters of the ears, on 2 buttocks (only in the center of 2 buttocks) - which can be desired better, you are already just leading, you are a conductor exercise. But if you turn over the ears, then this is the sign of the Astral Warrior, through which Kara is coming for other people. Moreover, such a person who has flown over the 2nd sides of the ugnes of the ears, even on the inner, even on the outside, but on the inner, the worse, he will even think something, even if some kind of war goes in line, he will think: Oh, you, the cashier, so that you are suppressed, and he will be fed and something will happen to him, car comes through it. If someone offends him, then immediately, immediate car, and very often the punishment of people does not say to their sin. Such a person should be offended by a penny, that person will be punished by a million, causing the car anywhere will be done. And they do nothing for this, it goes through them. It is legitimate. Because for that person who offended him this sin, which he committed is only the last straw, which is full of the bowl. In this case, he appeared for him an angel of messenger. It is like the last cup of reward.

This is exactly on the urine of the ears, then you are an angel of messenger, through you the revenge of other people comes, and for this you do not do anything, you are like a revenge indicator. It's like the 2nd parking lot. A person with such a parking lot as a vendor conductor (from 13 to 26 degrees of Aries). That's if you have such signs on the inside of the ushi, then you can even think and rolled like a snowball from the mountain. If you have the 2nd identical moles on the outside of the Misa, then you need to say the word for this and will be enough. Only relative to others, there is nothing to do with such a person. It is only on the urine, because the glass shows your consciousness, your brain.

Wherever there was no transfer, they carry a sign of karmic marks. They can be on 2-packets, on 2 palms. Interestingly, the palms also belong to the snake. If on the 2nd palms, then this is a person who balances between the 2nd extremes, it is a person who is allowed to separate good and evil, separating the light from Darkness. This is exactly from those people who have a black and white moon in full opposition to each other, it is the Sagittarius-twin, where exaltation of the lunar knots, even the 13th Sagittarius-13th twins. This is the most magic axis. The 13th twins is a destructive degree. Such a person is developer of light and darkness. But if the black and white moon in the compound, like K. Marx, then such a person or he strengthens the evil with his appearance, evil is enhanced in its presence, or on the contrary, light increases. It is an amplifier and as a condenser of light and darkness.

Another sign of the marked - the center of the shoulder is two angles. There may be a sign in the center of the blades of two angles. This means what you want or do not want, but give birth to a child marked. But if on the shoulders, then it is completely different. The shoulders belong to the twins. Calling on the shoulders belongs to the Word, this is a sign of a preacher and a writer sign, this is a divine word. But if you're in the center of the blades, then you want or do not want, do at least 10 abortions, but you will give birth, and you will have the same child, no matter how much abortions you have done. It is impossible to do such a woman in any way of abortion, she must give birth to a marked child, maybe even a villain, but still noted. She is not right, she is a guide of childbirth, she was here and sent it to life, so that she would give birth and raise this child.

If you are fluttered on your nipples, then this is the protection of the kind, it is a sign of Fraven.
Perevils on the heels on the soles of the feet in the middle of dark moles (better dark). This is a secret sign, a sign of secret forces, whose conductor you are.
All shortcuts should be considered as karmic signs.
Moles in the center are of particular importance. Just they are signs of freedom. If somewhere there is a Fatum sign, then somewhere there must be a sign of freedom. All free signs give you the opportunity to get out of the favor. All of them are on the middle line. If such a mole is located in the center of the 4th home, then you can choose yourself any place of residence, any country.

Only moles or the birthmarks of the same color can be called invertes and the same shape. If 2 sides are 2 completely different spots, different colors and different shapes, then they are not inverted. If different sizes, then this is no longer inverted. They can be slightly higher, just below, it does not matter, the main thing is that they are the same form, the same color.

Signs of happy marriage

These signs can be not only on the lower back, but also, as not strange, on the chest where we have the end of the sternum in the center of the brown mole with a hair slightly displaced on a happy side - a sign of a long and happy marriage. On the lower back - also, but not always on the favorable side, here can be anywhere. But the closer this sign to the spine, the better, the more understanding between the spouses and the partner will be. On the lower back can be a good sign black, only a black Saturnian Molenia, and the best thing is a triangle from the moles. Well, so that one spouse has at least one sign, and the other is different. In this case, on any side, but better for happy, of course. The top of the triangle should be up.

If on the ear, on its inner side (not on the urine) in the center there are 2 moles closer to the archer, then this is a sign of help from the spouse. This suggests that your spouse is stronger than you and you are behind him as a stone wall.

If the moles on the soul directly, then it can be a very bad sign - these are big search, it is eternal dissatisfaction, it is a person who is constantly trying to digest something and he never goes out, that is, he has some kind Notification of information. This is a hard sign on any side.
But when there are 2 moles inside the ear, then it is a good sign. Often testifies to a steady marriage.
One of the signs of widowing is a mole on the neck close to the clavicle on the negative side, right in the clavicle. It should be a mole or wart hanging, not passing, or a reddish mole. Or a similar sign on the inside of the knee (split the legs) is a widowism and an unhappy marriage.


Another sign of happy children should be on the stomach. In the structure of the abdomen, women can be said which children will have. It is clear that during pregnancy in the form of the abdomen, you can say it. But you can say before pregnancy. This can be said in the structure of the abdomen not only in women, but also in men. Not only on the back you can talk about children, but also in the stomach.
In general, according to the structure of the abdomen, as well as on the structure of the ass, it is possible to judge the religion, also on the structure of the abdomen, you can judge love. First of all, they look at the location of the navel, as the navel is located relative to the hips, etc. look at the structure of the abdomen.

The stomach can be an egg shape, a round shape and flattened shape. Each of them can be flat, can be protruded. It can be flat on 2 halves, it can be flat on one, that is, not all over the surface. All these are very interesting things in fact. Convex belly can also be from 2 sides.
For the belly, the navel is very important and divided into the center of the furrows. The belly of each of us has a fence in the middle. 1. Signatures - "Signs of loneliness, catastrophe, landing with prison, happy marriage. Indicators of power and patronage. "

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The loneliness of the signs of the zodiac are perceived in different ways, although for most people, regardless of their "star accessory", this state is painful. But with all the negative attitude towards such a status, there are still nuances.

What signs of the zodiac are most inclined to loneliness, love him and what are it related to him as an universal catastrophe and the end of life? The horoscope "loneliness and signs of the zodiac" will help to find answers to these questions. At the same time, we will consider not only the attitude towards the lack of a couple in personal, love life, but also to the absence of close people, friends in the immediate environment.

Loneliness and Aries

Aries simply can't live without a couple, friends, without a surroundings, because otherwise he feels completely sick. Yes, he never is alone: \u200b\u200beven an abandoned and devotee, this person knows how to find a consolation and support. The zodiac sign of Aries and loneliness is poorly comparable: his representatives never give up and do not lose hope that sometime relative souls will be surely.

This person can experience the periods of doubt, but for him more than many others approach the words "what does not kill us make us stronger." Prevent him to re-build the life of which he dreams about, to look for a couple, partners can only death.

The born under this constellation never remains in one place, and its energy fascinates those surrounding so much that they always rotate in his orbit. Therefore, the loneliness of Aries is rarely experiencing, and suffering from it almost never falls.

Loneliness and Taurus

How do the loneliness of the Tales of men and women? The horoscope assures that this is one of their largest nightmares and fears. And here we are talking, rather, not about the family, relatives, but about the life partner who will be especially close to them. Since the representative of this zodiacal sign is very detrimental and imposes highly high demands, it is difficult for him to find real friends and partners.
Taurus on everything wants to impose his imprint, loves things that are used and who are adapted to it, and the same looking for people, wants long-term relationships, mutual tick.

Although the calves loneliness do not like, they are still not particularly interested in new acquaintances. Rather, such a person wants to establish existing connections, wants to recognize its drawbacks and high assessment of advantages. Durable friendly and love relationships, he becomes deeply unhappy.

Loneliness and twins

People appear in the life of twins and disappear from it in such a rapid pace that sometimes the latter do not even notice this. In a stream of accidental dating, they often miss the chances of happiness or chasing something unattainable, and then it turns out that it is not worth it.

At the same time, the horoscope says that the twins as a sign of the zodiac does not like loneliness and rarely when they can complain about it. People mostly appreciate their society, and they also always try to be where something happens. The twin does not close at home, therefore the problem of social loneliness most of the representatives of this zodiacal sign is completely unknown. But if we talk about loneliness in the personal life of the twins, it is a somewhat different story. Such people rarely remain alone, but few representatives of this sign can boast stable long-term connections.

Loneliness and cancer

Such people relate to the signs of the zodiac who love to cultivate alone with them. However, the ratio of cancers to loneliness is completely different: they are afraid of him. For them, it is very important to maintain family connections even with very far relatives. They are important for them and friends, and they cannot understand people who prefer to do without a company. Cancer wants all lonely friends and acquaintances or driven with each other and climb, or find friends. We can safely say that raks are social people. They want to be accepted into the family, want to be part of the group, but at the same time they crave inner peace and silence.

The perfect pastime for cancer is when a large group of friends or relatives is in the same room, but everyone is busy with his business.

Loneliness and Lev.

The lion cannot complain about the absence of a surroundings, but his friends are divided mainly into two categories: those who are looking for the friendship of the lion, and those whom the friendship lion pursues. For the very same lion, such relationships are often either a pursuit or flight.

The zodiac born in this sign, like Aries, is too attractive and attractive to stay alone. Moreover, Lviv touches regardless of which the vital and material situation they are. The person of such a sign often does not even have a concept, as it is not to have friends or a satellite of life, because such situations in his life are rare.

Since, as the horoscope says, the lion and loneliness are not familiar with each other, the first one is completely not afraid. Rarely when he remains alone with him, and over the years it starts to appreciate such moments.

Loneliness and Deva.

To the question of what signs of the zodiac are most inclined to loneliness, Virgo will be one of the answers. It is impossible to say that the representatives of the sign are hot and consciously seek him, but they, at least, do not fall into panic, when one remains. First of all, Virgo is interested in having a partner and friends of a certain level. These are very broken and critical people. They can destroy even a long-term love or friendly communication if the second party cannot meet their high standards, or its life position is much lower than the position of the Virgin.

Representatives of this zodiac sign very developed a feeling of what is right, and what is not. Such a kind of code of human relationships is recorded in genes. These people are able to use flattery or apply bribing methods to get such partners or friends that they want to have. From loneliness, the typical maidy suffers only when her status begins to be the subject of conversations of other people. Her thoughts are always very logical, so she knows that it is better to be alone than to surround himself "not by those" people.

Loneliness and scales

Loneliness scales perceive as an exception and are very suffering when some are really - in fact or only in the shower. Even if they are in a circle of families, acquaintances or relatives, but at the same time they believe that each other is not suitable, they will not give up new acquaintances. Stay among other people, in large groups for them is very important.

Knowing how hard it is tolerant of the symbol of the zodiac scale, do not have to be surprised that they (just like Virgo) can conquer flattery and bribery. Just like their neighbors on the zodiac, they love to surround themselves with successful personnel.

Representatives of this constellation want everyone to be harmonious and correct in their lives, and loneliness for weights is not correct. It is necessary for happiness that in society they consider the norm: family, friends and work.

Loneliness and scorpion

Scorpio is very appreciated by loved ones, but does not know how (or does not want) purposefully conquer someone's sympathies. As a result, his environment consists of several categories: people who implasize Scorpio himself who believe that it is profitable for them to be near him, from those who do not cease to count on romantic relationships and want to win his heart, as well as people who do not know Its good, but at the same time connected with him professional relationships.

With all this, the representative of the scorpion tribe suffers from the feeling of loneliness, because he always believes that he deserves more, and because it is difficult for him to please. At the same time, this zodiac sign is best carrying loneliness and even prone to it. If such a person comes to the conclusion that no one is able to fill the emptiness in his life, he prefers to be his best partner and friend.

Loneliness and Sagittarius

How belongs to solitude zodiac sign Sagittarius? Such a person is rarely alone, but this does not mean that he does not suffer from loneliness. This is his biggest fear and fear. He is afraid that all his close and friends will disappear somewhere. And even when the Sagittarius is surrounded by a crowd of fans, relatives, in his imagination, a terrifying ghost of loneliness can appear from time to time.

Sagittarius is satisfied with superficial dating, but still looking for something deeper. He does not want to have many friends and loved ones, but wants to have proven and reliable. He wants to have a safe harbor in which you can sail, counting there on warm welcome and consolation. Sagittarius is very quickly convinced that there are much more superficial connections in the world than real feelings. And with the idealism inherent idealism, it is the last ...

Loneliness and Capricorn

Such a person does not bother about dating and connections, but, as a rule, is not lonely. In Capricorn, people attract his truthfulness and emotional equilibrium. There are no lies and odds in it, he does not seek to acquire friends due to the insincere to flatter. However, this does not mean that it cannot in general to be insincere. However, he is lying and deceiving only those who betrayed him and with whom he absolutely ceased to reckon. And all this is only when this person is not able to exclude them from his life completely. If there is such an opportunity, Capricorn prefers loneliness to communicate with random people.

This is a sign of the zodiac who can be, and does not like loneliness, but inclined and can tolerate him without turning into the life tragedy.

Loneliness and Aquarius

Opinion about representatives of this sign as freedom-loving creatures that do not recognize any connections and frameworks are greatly exaggerated. In fact, as a sign of Zodiac Aquarius scares loneliness, and he does not tolerate it as well as many would have thought. That is why he agrees to many superficial relations, just not to be alone. When it is so, it seems to him that loneliness is like death during life. Often, to forget, Aquarius rushes into the whirlwind of entertainment and amur adventures, which, however, do not fill emptiness in his life and heart.

For any remarks about his loneliness, Aquarius can react aggression. It can, for example, break contacts with friends and loved ones, if they remind him that he still has no companion of life.

Aquarius is constantly looking for friendship, but he does not always manage to find it. A representative of such a zodiacal sign does not understand that real friendship is a very rare phenomenon and that it is necessary to work on it. For Aquarius, this is a finished product that is enough to remove out of the box.

Loneliness and fish

If there are signs of the zodiac, which are prone to loneliness, then it is clearly not fish. They are very afraid of loneliness, so quickly learn to be attractive to others. Sometimes in this game they relieve and hear people deprived of the "highest" feelings. Fish will make almost everything to be pleasant. As a chameleon, they change not only the color of the hairstyles, but also the features depending on the society in which there are. Fish is forced to function in heavy conditions and in stress conditions can even become vulgar, although their nature is such a trait alien.

After numerous samples and mistakes, fish are able to find the right balance and real loved ones, which appreciate them as they are. But even in a huge desire to end the solitude of the fish, they cannot (or do not want) to eradicate mistrust in relation to other people and thoughts that any union is doomed with them. Just like others, at the beginning of our acquaintance, credit is credible, fish come up to the opposite.

Knowing how the zodiac signs are postponed by the horoscope, it is self-administrative to think that you can manipulate the most sensitive of them, playing on their fear to get the status "free". Each person is individual and challenge to surround or not surround himself with certain people, no matter how in his soul he referred to loneliness - was afraid of him or considered it quite acceptable.

It's hard to find a woman who does not dream to meet his soul mate. But often it turns out that half of life live, and no one is married. The causes of loneliness are often lying in the horoscope. Find out what exactly the same zodiac signs be happy in love!

Causes of solitude Ovsov

Beautiful Aries are famous for their combat character. These are real Amazons, which everywhere seek to be the first - at work, in a circle of friends, at home. Not all men are such an attitude to taste, because most of them do not perceive the bed as a boxing ring. Aries patronize the element of fire, which instead of passionate relations gives one only burns. Solitude of the calves
Taurus is an excellent sign, but too mercantile. The representatives of the beautiful sex, born in this sign, will never be happy with a cute in a halate. They give a successful and influential, from one species on which goosebumps on the skin run. Nothing if the calves did not want to make a man with their property, which the latter, as you know, do not like.

Causes of loneliness twins

Loneliness of beautiful twins can be explained by the fact that representatives of this sign do not like restrictions. They are impossible to claim in the bonds of marriage, to limit social attitudes and marriage contracts. Air element require change, change of partners and impressions, and not boring family days. Compromise, on which twins are willing to agree - marriage at a distance.

Causes of solitude of cancer

Craks are so seriously suitable for relations that literally dismissed all their fans. Maybe a man would talk about something serious, but he is simply afraid to be "on the chains." And the raks are very touchy, they are easy to upset and bring to tears. They need a partner for which they will be like a stone wall, and one plasterboard falls.

Causes of loneliness of Lviv

Lviv immense self-conceit. From any relationship, they are ready to play drama, they require admiration and admiration, do not tolerate rivals. This attitude truly tires the opposite sex. Lions will marry only if they are able to pacify their pride or find a person, ready to sacrifice themselves.

Causes of loneliness of virgins

Lonely virgins do not happen. Just in some cases, a man replaces a career and business. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are pedantic, love perfect order in everything, see the slightest disadvantages of the partner and constantly reproach. Men who are ready to live in conditions of sterility, pedantry and perfectionism, little, so that the devies have to sit in girls because of this.

Causes of loneliness of weights

Scales have a unique ability to weigh and evaluate. Representatives of this sign are sweet enough, so the steam-triple of faithful fans always affects them. It is the presence of a choice of a candidate for "hand and heart" and is the problem of weights that are afraid to say "Yes!" And miss other opportunities.

Causes of loneliness of scorpions

The signs of the sign can love, so that they disappear all their fans. Their love is deep, they boil passion and hatred, jealousy and desire to possess. Scorpions see a person through, and in matters of jealousy, they have no longest statute. They are difficult to love, but even more difficult to fight with them.

Causes of Solitude of Streltsov

The Archers themselves avoid marriage, because they feel in monogamous relations "not in their plate." And they also have overestimated expectations, so, "sewing" fans of one after another, they can remain with anything. Lovely Paul, born in the sign of Sagittarius, can wait for her prince on a white horse for years, as a result, waitingly for a pension.

Causes of loneliness of Capricorn

The representative of the sign or build a career, or try to command at home. In the first case, they simply not to men, they are shipped to reports, boardwalk and negotiations. In the second case, the men themselves run away from the Capricors, preferring less ambitious ladies. The same who decides to conquer the heart of Capricorn, have to come to terms with the emotional coldness of the partner.

Causes of loneliness of aquulev

Aquarius have rebellious nature, which becomes the cause of their loneliness. They soul beautiful, light novels, deprived of obligations and routine. Beautiful sex born in this sign does not have the practicality for family life. The man will have to come to terms with the fact that he will be the main home.

Causes of solitude fish

Loneliness for fish is the freedom that they choose at the subconscious level. They do not want to let anyone in their heart, violate the idyll constructed by them. There is no more mysterious sign in the zodiac, which lives according to him by the famous rules. Fishes Classic marriage is easier and more convenient to replace with some illusory world. Have you found your plants in the sign of the zodiac, interfering with a personal life?

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