Unknown life of Christ. Nikolay Notovich. Unknown life of Jesus Christ

Cement 19.03.2021


Unknown life of Jesus Christ


"Why always send Issu during the absence of Palestine to Egypt? His young years, of course, passed in training. Traces of teachings, of course, affected the subsequent sermons. What sources do these sermons lead? What is in them Egypt? And really not visible traces of Buddhism, India? It is not clear why so violently denied the flow of scales as a caravan way to India and to the area held by Tibet. "

To publishers

This translation is not a literal copy of the French edition. The inevitable difficulties associated with the publication led to the fact that the first time my book was printed in a big hurry, which caused her considerable damage. I only had five days to sample preface, introduction and conclusion, and almost a few hours for the edit of the banter.

This was the reason for a certain shortage of arguments in support of some of my statements, as well as the appearance of semantic breaks in the narrative and many typos, around which the noise was raised by my opponents who were not noticed that their excessive diligence chopped up a gossip and point to superficial disadvantages they only demonstrated their own The powerlessness, attaching to the trunk of that tree, which I crushed and which stood under the most violent gusts of the wind, trying to sneak it.

In fact, they rendered me a service for which I sincerely gratefully, because I contributed to the revision of this topic, which I myself seemed necessary. I am always happy to take advantage of any information and is not so sophisticated in oriental, so as not to be confident in the need for great knowledge.

Thus, the British readers first benefit from the reasonable criticism that I accepted, and the amendments that I made.

So, I propose an English reader a book cleaned from errors and free from any inaccuracies in the details for which I was joining me so hard and persistently, as, for example, in the case of the Chinese emperor, the reign of which I pointed out correctly, but I was mistaken, Attribute to him belonging to another dynasty.

My goal and sincere desire, - In order for the English public to have a sharp mind, but a wary of any innovations in particular, if we are talking about religion, - could judge my work on its semantic qualities, and not by grammatical or typographical errors , To which, until now, my opponents relied, trying to smuggle the true value of this document. I hope so that after reading the work it becomes clear that I wrote it completely sincerely and honestly.

I am quite aware that a skillful organized criticism has already configured the public against the book. And even generously defended by familiar and unfamiliar friends, "Unknown life of Jesus Christ" was subjected to such evil attacks of fanatics, which apparently imagined, as if I thirst began to start theological distribution (while my sole purpose was put another brick in the building of modern Science) that all this created around the first edition of the book in England an atmosphere of distrust.

Everything was arranged so that the authenticity of my documents was considered doubtful. But the attacks were directed mainly against the author, questioning his honesty, in a bossless hope that such insults can shake his calm and make him send emotions that would restore everyone against the book itself.

I could contempt to take offended accusations: insults are not argued, even if they are expressed in a deliberately restrained manner, such inherent in Mr. Max Muller in his attempt to break me. But nevertheless I will consider those that affect my journey to Tibet, Lech, Ladak and Buddhist monastery in Chemis. For a start, I briefly list the objections that are extended relative to the ways to confirm the authenticity of my documents. That's what caused doubts: why Lama Chemis refused to affirmatively answer the questions asked him about manuscripts? Because the east people accustomed to consider Europeans to robber, which are being introduced in their environment to rob in the name of civilization.

The fact that I succeeded and these narratives were reported to me, is connected with the use of Eastern diplomacy, which I amced during travel. I knew how from afar to get closer to the question of interest to me, while now everyone seeks to go along with.

Lama said to himself: "If they ask about these manuscripts, then only then to steal them," and he naturally kept silence and refused explanation. This suspicion is easy to understand if you trace the acts of those Europeans, who in communicating with the eastern peoples only oppressed and openly robbed them with the help of civilization.

A certain lady wrote to Europe that "I have never seen me" in Tibet] "and no one ever heard of my name. Then the head of the guards of the temple stated that my foot did not go to Tibet, - in other words, I am a fraudster.

Moravian missionary, worthy of Mr. Shaw, repeated this little joke, which I have to call the guys; And then the truth seekers added his testimony to the rest and resumed offensive accusations. It is true that soon after that, Mr. Show officially took them.

I had a lot of work worth protecting myself on this point of charge, but I should not allow Lie to remain unpunished and occupy favorable position. If the mentioned lady and her friends did not meet me, then I can call on the Witnesses of Lieutenant Yanghas-Band, whom I met in Matayan on October 28, 1887 and who was first crossed China, and also climbed to the Mustag's pass at an altitude of 21,500 feet ( English), and many others.

I still have a photograph of the pretty governor of Ladak, Suragbala, with the inscription made by him personally, which I am public in this book.

During my illness in Ladak, I was even visited by a European doctor who was in the English government service, Dr. Carl Marx, whose letter dated November 4, 1887 you have already seen. Why not write directly to him to make sure, was I actually in Tibet or not, if someone so hotly seeks to prove the opposite? True, it will take some time to send a letter and get an answer from Tibet, however, letters are sent there, and the answers from there come.

It was also stated that the original "unknown life of Jesus Christ" never existed in the monastery of chemistry and all this is simply the use of my fantasy. This is really truly the honor of which I do not deserve, since my imagination is not so rich.

If I were even able to invent a fairy tale of this magnitude, I would have been supposed to be just guided by common sense, it would be exalted by the price of this discovery, referring my find to any mysterious or supernatural intervention, and should be avoided to accurately specify the place, time and circumstances of this discoveries. In any case, I hardly bring your role in this case to the simple playback of the old manuscript.

I was also considered the subject of ridicuers of cunning lamas, as happened to Wilorfore and Jacolio, said that, not being thoroughly protected from certain Indian deceivers, which are made on the gullibility of Europeans, I accepted for a clean coin - almost for the gold ingot - then What was a skillful fake.

It was Mr. Max Muller who did not insist on this accusation. So, as Max Muller enjoys fame in the scientific world, I consider myself obligated - before myself and before the public - to pay more attention to the refutation of his arguments than all my other critics.

The main argument of Mr. Muller, apparently, is the statement that the story about the "unknown life of Jesus Christ" as it was outlined by me in this book, it was not found in the "Tanjur" and "Canjur" catalog.

Let me notice yourself here that if it were there, then my discovery would not be surprising, neither valuable, since these catalogs have been available for the European scientists long ago, and the first orientalist could easily do the same As I, - to go to Tibet, stocking the guide and extract fragments, marked in catalogs from scrolls.

According to its own statement of Max Muller, catalogs contain a list of about two thousand volumes. Truly these are very incomplete catalogs., only one of the lass monastery stores more than a hundred thousand volumes of manuscripts, and I sincerely sympathize with my opponent if he believes that these crumbs will supply it with the key to the whole long period of the existence of Eastern Science.

It is indeed true that the parables, the translation of which is presented in this book, cannot be found in any catalog, whether "Tanjur" or "Canjur". They did not have title and were scattered not in one book, therefore, they cannot be found in Chinese and Tibetan catalogs. They exist as reminders of the wonderful events that took place in the first century of the Christian era, which with a greater or lesser accuracy briefly recorded by Lamyan scribes - to the extent that they remember them.

If I had a patience to fold these parables together, give them a semantic sequence and exclude what was brought by my translation, Ra ...

We know little about the life of Jesus Christ, the Bohell, in which the divine and human nature is connected. In Christian books, a lot is referred to about him as a Messiah, Savior, Redeemer and Son God. But the information about Jesus as the human son is fragmentary.

Statue of Issa in India

In the Bible (Gospel of Luke, 2.41-51) is described as the twelve-year-old Junior Jesus, together with his parents, came to Jerusalem for the Easter holiday, where parents then lost him in the crowd, but after three days they found in full health, calmly talking in the temple with priests . The next time the age of Jesus - about thirty years - is mentioned only when describing his baptism in the Jordan River (Gospel from Luke, 3.23). It remains incomprehensible why from the biblical chronology of the life of Christ fell out for almost 18 years.

Unknown Gospel

As you know, besides the four canonical gospels there are many other historical documents (apocrys), which were not recognized as the official church and therefore did not enter the Holy Scripture. So, maybe in them the random lies in them, where and how did Jesus Christ spent almost 18 years of his life?
Our compatriot, journalist Nikolai Notovich, traveled in 1887 in India. He wrote about this journey, which was published in 1894 in Paris. The book was called "the unknown life of Jesus Christ, the best of the sons of human." In Russia, she saw the light in 1910.
The book contains the text of the not a well-known Gospel, who tells about the life of Jesus (Issy-Tibetan) in India, originally written in the language of Pali.
In addition to the disputed book of Notovich, the mention of the Indian period of life of Jesus can still be found in the apocryphal Gospel from Philip, found in 1945 in Egypt. So, the Christian Church has an insignificant number of documents in which the stay of Jesus in India is mentioned? Let's not get ahead.

There is a reasonable question: is it possible to believe the gospel published by nootovich, which miraculously appeared after the Millennium after the events described in it and about which no one had heard before? Let us dwell on Nikolai Notovich's find more.

What do we know about Isse?

During his journey in India in 1887, N. Nototovich found out about the existence of an old Indian manuscript, the so-called "Tibetan Gospel", which was kept in the capital of Tibet Lhasa.
The document narrated about the life of the Great Lama of Issis (Tibetan name of Jesus). Continuing his journey, Notovich discovered in the monastery of the city of Chemis, the transfer of this ancient manuscript to Tibetan. The abbot of the monastery read it out loud to Notovich, and he managed to write down the text over the translator, and then subjected it to literary processing. The result was a book of 14 parts, which describes the life of Jesus in India.
According to the manuscript, Jesus at the age of 13 left the native home in Nazareth and went with a merchant caravan to India, where he studied the ancient Vedas, astrology, magic, and also taught the local population to heal patients. Further, he continued his missionary activity in Nepal and Persia, calling the inhabitants of these countries to abandon the worship of the ancient deities, arguing: "There is only one God, and this is our Heavenly Father," and then returned to Palestine.

Nikolay Roerich: Issa And the head of Velikanova.

Was there a manuscript?

Notovich's book divided the scientific community on supporters of the theory of the stay of Jesus in India and its opponents.
For example, an outstanding Easternist Max Muller rightly pointed out the lack of mentioning the manuscript in the collection of the sacred texts of Buddhists "Gangeshur" and comments.
Indian Professor J. Archibald Douglas took a journey in the footsteps of Notovich, visited the monastery in Chemis, but did not find there a manuscript, nor even traces of the journalist himself.
However, N.K. Roerich in his book "The Heart of Asia" leads the legends of the Isse, which he heard during travel in India and Tibet. He also found out that such Asian nationalities like Kalmyki, milf and traders also know about Isse from the "Tibetan Gospel", the very source, which was a copy of which Notovich found.


Indian scientist Swami Abhahedananda, a student of Sri Ramakrishna, a famous religious leader of India, said that she personally saw a manuscript in the monastery, translated by Notovich, and was convinced of the correctness of her statement by a Russian journalist. He also confirmed that the original manuscript, the translation of which she is, is located in the monastery on Mount Mountain near Lhasa.
In 1939, the American pianist Elizabeth Kaspari, who fonds by Buddhism, visited the monastery in Chemis, after which he also published his confirmation of the authenticity of the document found by Notovich.

Riddles of Indian Christology

In 1889, the Muslim sect of Ahmadiya appeared in India. Her founder of the Mirza Gulyam Ahmad, in particular, believed that Christ did not die on the cross, but plunged into deep meditation, by misleading his executioners, who believed in his death. After that, he came to life and went to Kashmir, where he preached under the name Issa (in Islam - Isa). Hindus perceived it as the embodiment of the Buddha. He was located in India to his death at the age of 120, and then was buried in the Srinagar under the name of Ruhulla (translated from the Arab-"Spirit of God").
It is noteworthy that in the city of Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, is indeed the tomb, which is called Rosa Bol ("the grave of the Prophet"), and is buried in it by Naz Asaf (is it not true, it looks like "Nazarean Isus"?). For a long time, this tomb, focused from the east to the West, according to the Jewish tradition, is under the auspices of the local Jewish community.

Indian Professor Fidid Hassanayin in his book "The Fifth Gospel" went even further, arguing that Jesus was twice in India: the first time in his youth, the second time after the crucifixion and wonderful salvation. He mentions the tomb in the Srinagar, and also leads a detailed list of cities of the Silk Road, in which Jesus stayed on the road to Kashmir.

One of the most interesting publications on this topic is the book of Andreas Faber-Kaiser "Jesus died in Kashmir", where the author leads linguistic parallels between the Indian and biblical names of cities and peoples. In his book, he also leads to the prediction of the ancient Purana (Indian Sacral Book) about the appearance of Isa Putra (the Son of God) in India, who at the age of 13 will come to India to learn wisdom under the leadership of the Rishi wise men and Siddha-Yogov, as well as Attend holy places of Hinduism and Buddhism.

So where is the truth?

So, what do we have in the "dry residue"? Firstly, the fact that biblical canonical texts are silent both about Jesus journey to India and his escape from Palestine after wonderful salvation.
Further, the information in apocryphic Christian sources is very scarce, they can be counted on the fingers. However, there are facts with which, as you know, do not argue. Mention of the stay of Jesus in India is found in the ancient Buddhist and Islamic canonical texts, as well as in the holy books of Persians and Jews.
As you know, Saint Thoma managed to get to India on the roads, focused numerous shopping caravans. This is an indisputable historical fact (it is buried in Madras, and the Cathedral of St. Thomas is erected over his grave). Consequently, such a journey at that time could independently make any resident of Palestine.
In Asia, the descendants of the ancient Jews who settled there after the collapse of the Assyrian Empire, and in the names of these tribes and their settlements, the roots of Ancient Hebrew were preserved. It is also interesting that the word denoting the "Messiah" (anointed), in Hebrew, Sanskrit and in Arabic has the same root.

Nikolai Roerich wrote that on Tibetan icons and ritual items there is often a picture of a fish (Christian symbol), and the circle in Buddhism is a sacral symbol in the same way as in Christianity. N. Nototovich said that he managed to learn about 63 documents brought to the Vatican Christian missionaries from China, Egypt, Arabia and India, in which Jesus is mentioned. But in the Vatican he was clear to him clearly understand that the church was not interested in giving these documents of publicity. It is unlikely that the general public will ever be able to see these "good news".

Sergey Sukhanov
"Secrets of the twentieth century" number 9 2010

"Why always send Issu during the absence of Palestine to Egypt? His young years, of course, passed in training. Traces of teachings, of course, affected the subsequent sermons. What sources do these sermons lead? What is in them Egypt? And really not visible traces of Buddhism, India? It is not clear why so violently denied the flow of scales as a caravan way to India and to the area held by Tibet. "

The life of St. Issy, the best of the sons of human

Chapter I.

1. The Earth shuddered and the heavens of Wallowers about the great atrocity, perfect on the Earth of Israel.

2. For there were tormented there, and then betrayed the death of the Great Righouncement of Issu, in which the soul of the Universe was inhabited,

3. What was embodied in a simple mortal, in order to create good people and eradicate their bad thoughts,

4. Return a person disgraced by sin, to the life of peace, love and happiness and remind him of a single and inseparable Creator, whose mercy is infinite and does not know the limits.

5. Listen to the commercial people who traveled to the country of Israel.

Chapter II.

1. The people of Israel, who lived on fertile lands, was given two harvests per year, and owned big herds, initiated his sins of the wrath of God,

2. which imposed on him a terrible punishment, reducing the land, livestock and all the state; Israel was converted into slavery with powerful and rich pharaohs, reigning then in Egypt.

3. They treated the Israelis worse than animals, burdened by their hard work and sharpening in the chain, covering their bodies with their scars and wounds, not giving them food and forbidden to live under the roof,

4. To keep them in constant fear and deprive of any likeness of the human.

5. And in his great distress, the people of Israel remembered their heavenly patron and, turning to him, appealed about mercy and forgiveness.

6. At that time, the famous Pharaoh, famous for numerous victories, accumulated riches and extensive palaces, reigned in Egypt, who erected his hands.

7. This Pharaoh had two sons, the younger of which called Moss. The scholars of the Israelis taught it to different sciences.

8. And Mossa loved in Egypt for his kindness and compassion, koi, he showed all the suffering.

9. Seeing the Israelis did not want, even experiencing unbearable suffering, to renounce their god to worship the human gods of the Egyptian people made by hand,

10. Mossa believed in their invisible God, who did not allow to break their weak forces.

11. Israeli mentors referred to the zeal of Mossy and turned to him, asking him to apply to Pharaoh, his father, to condescension to their uniforms.

12. And then the Prince of Moss went to his father, begging him to alleviate the fate of these unfortunate. But Pharaoh was angry at him, and only increased the severity of the sufferings undergoing his slaves.

13. And it happened so that soon after this, Egypt visited the great misfortune. The plague struck the death of every tenth - small and old, weak and strong: and Pharaoh believed that he had napel his gods.

14. But Prince of Mossa told the Father that this god of his slaves came to the unfortunate and punished Egyptians.

15. Pharaoh ordered his son to take all the slaves of the Jewish tribe, to bring them out of the city and to establish another city at a large distance from the capital, where Moss would live with them.

16. Mossa declared Jews-slaves, which gives them freedom to the name of their God, the God of Israel, and he left with them from the city of Egypt.

17. He led them to that land, which they lost their own sins, gave them the laws and convinced them to constantly pray to the invisible Creator, whose goodness is limitless.

18. After the death of Prince Mosses, the Israelis strictly observed his laws, and for this God rewarded them for all the disasters that they were subjected in Egypt.

19. Their kingdom has become the most powerful throughout the land, their kings were famous for their wealth, and the long world reigned in the people of Israel.

Chapter III

1. The fame of the wealth of Israel was separated throughout the land, and the neighboring peoples began to envy him.

2. But the Most High himself led the victorious army of the Jews, and the pagans did not dare to attack them.

3. Unfortunately, a person is not always faithful to himself, and the dedication of the Israelites has long lasted to his God.

4. They gradually began to forget all the grace, which he fired them, rarely appealed to the name of him and searched for help from magicians and magicians.

5. The kings and leaders replaced with their laws that gave them Moss. The temple of God and worship was abandoned. People betrayed pleasure and lost their original purity.

6. Several centuries passed since their exit from Egypt, when God decided to repeal them again.

7. Inomes began to make raids to the land of Israel, devastating the field, destroying the village and leading the inhabitants.

8. And once the pagans came from Romeyev countries, on the other side of the sea. They conquered the Jews and put military leaders who ruled them on the command of Caesar.

9. Destroying temples, they forced residents not to worship more invisible God, but to bring victims to pagan deities.

10. From noble native, they did warriors, women focused from their husbands, and a simple people facing slavery, thousands sent for the sea.

11. As for children, they were betrayed by a sword. And soon throughout the land of Israel, only sobs and moans were heard.

12. In this great disaster, the people remembered their God. They appeaseed to his mercy, begging to forgive them, and our father, in his inexhaustible goodness heard their Molub.

Chapter IV

1. And the time has come when a premium judgment elected to be embodied in a human being.

2. And the eternal spirit, inhabiting the kingdom of full rest and higher bliss, woke up and separated indefinitely from the eternal existing,

3. To enjoy the human image, specify the means and methods of compound with the divine and achieving perpetual bliss,

4. To show with its example, how to achieve moral purity, separating the soul from its coarse shell, - to achieve the level of perfection, which is necessary to climb into the incredit kingdom of Heaven, where Eternal Bliss reigns.

5. Soon it was born in the earth of Israeli wonderful child, God himself spoke to the mouth of this baby about the poverty of the bodily and grandeur of the soul.

6. The parents of the newborn were poor people, but came from the kind of famous piety, and having betrayed their ancient greatness on Earth to oblivion, they praised the name of the Creator and thanked him for the sorrows sent to him as trials.

7. As a reward for the fact that they were not dismantled from the path of the true, God blessed the firstborn in this family. He appointed him with his chosen one and sent him to the rescue in sin and for the sake of healing the suffering.

8. The Divine Child, who was given the name of the Issa, began to talk about a single and inseparable God from the most young years, calling on the souls lost to repentance and purify from the sins in which they were guilty. 9. People walked to listen to him from everywhere and were divided by his speeches, emanating from children's mouth. All the Israelis agreed that the Eternal Spirit lives in this child.

10. When Issa has reached thirteen years, - and during these years every Israeli must choose his wife -

11. The house of his parents who lived modest labor began to attend people rich and notable, who wanted to see their son-in-law of the young Issu, who had already glorified by the assessed sermons in the name of the Almighty.

12. But Issa secretly left the parental shelter, left Jerusalem and together with merchants went to Hind,

13. To improve in the Divine Word and explore the laws of great buddhas.

Chapter V.

1. For fourteen years, the young Issa, blessed by God, crossed himself on the other side of Indea and settled among Ariyev in the land, beloved by God.

2. The glory about the wonderful tracker spread throughout the Northern Industry, and when he crossed the country of five rivers and Rajputan, the fans of God Jain asked him to settle among them.

3. But he left the defending fans of Jaina and went to Juggernaut in the Lands of Orissa, where the mortal remains of Vonya Krishna are resting and where the White Brahma Priests had a warm welcome.

5. He spent six years in Juggernut, Rajagrich, Benares and other sacred cities. Everyone loved him, as ISssa lived peacefully with Vaisia \u200b\u200band Shudras, who were interpreted by the scriptures.

6. But Brahmins and Kshatriya began to tell him that Great Parabrahman banned them to approach those whom he made from his womb and legs;

7. What the Vaisham is allowed only to listen to the reading of the Vedas and then only on holidays;

8. That the shudras is not only being present when reading the Vedas, but even look at them, because their debt is to work forever, like slaves, on Bramins, Kshatriyiv, and even Vaishiyev.

9. "Only death can save them from slavery," said Parabrahman. Leave them, come and worship with us the gods that are predicted for you for disobedience. "

10. But ISssa did not listen to their speeches and went to the shudras, speaking in his sermons against Bramins and Kshatriys.

11. He rebelled against the fact that a person assigns itself the right to deprive his neighboring human dignity; "For," he said, "God's father does not distinguish between his children; All of them are equal to him. "

12. ISSA denied the divine origin of the Vedas and Puran. "For, he instructed his followers," the law was already given a man to lead them in his affairs;

13. Fear of his God, worship the knee only in front of him one and only to him one brings the victims that you received from their profits. "

14. ISSA denied Trimurti and the incarnation of para-brahman in Vishnu, Shiva and other gods, for he said:

15. "Eternal Judge, the Eternal Spirit created a single and indivisible soul of the Universe, which one creates, concludes in itself and revives everything.

16. He struck one and worked, he alone existed from the century, and his being there is no end. There is no equal in heaven or on earth.

17. The Great Creator did not share his power with any living being, even less with a soulless thing, as you were taught; for he is one omnipotent.

18. He expressed his will, and the world appeared. Divine thought he collected water, separating the terrestrial ball from them. He is the beginning of a wonderful existence of a person in whom he breathed a particle of his being.

19. He subjugated to the man of land, water, animals, and all that created and retains himself in a constant manner, defining each thing its term.

20. The wrath of the Lord will soon hit a person, because he forgot his creator, filled his temples with abomination and worships a variety of creatures, whom God subjugated to him.

21. For, conspicuous stones and metals, people sacrificed human beings in which part of the spirit of the Most High lives.

22. For a person humiliates working in the sweat of the face, imprisoning in front of a slacker, squeezing for a lush table.

23. Those who deprive the brothers of their divine happiness will be deprived of him. Brahmins and Kshatriya will become a shuds, and the eternal shuds will always stay.

24. For on the day of the last court, the shudrs and Vaisiam a lot says for their ignorance; On the contrary, the wrath of God shines those who have assigned his rights. "

25. Vaishi and Shudras were admirable and asked Issu, as they should pray, so as not to lose eternal bliss.

26. "Do not worship idols, for they do not enter you. Do not follow the vedates, for the truth is distorted in them. Never put yourself above others and do not humiliate your neighbor. "

27. "Help the poor, maintain the weak, do not make evil to anyone and do not want to do what you do not have, but what you see from others."

Chapter VI

1. White priests and warriors, having learned what speeches Issa turned to the shudras, they decided to kill him and sent their servants to make track of the young prophet.

2. But the Issa, warned by the covers of danger, left at night the outskirts of Juggernaut, got to the mountains and settled in the country of Gautamidov, where the great Buddha Shakyamuni was born, among the people who won the united and majestic brahm.

3. Perfectly mastered the language of Pali, the righteous Issa brought to the study of the sacred SUTR scriptures.

4. After six years, Issa, whom the Buddha elected to spread his Holy Word, became an excellent interpreter of the scriptures.

5. Then, leaving Nepal and the Himalayan Mountains, he descended into the Rajputan Valley and headed to the West, preaching various people about the highest perfection of man,

6. What to do good to your neighbor is the faithful tool for the speedy merger with the Eternal Spirit: "The one who will find the original purity again," said Issa, "dying, he will receive his abuse of his sins and the right to contemplate the greatness of God."

7. Passing the pagan lands, the divine Issa taught that the worship of visible gods contradicts the law of nature.

8. "For a man, he said," the image of God was not allowed to see, and he still created the Songs of the Degen on the likeness of eternal.

9. Moreover, conscientiously to put the greatness of the divine purity below animals, as well as items made by human hands from stone or metal.

10. Eternal legislator - one; There is no other God except him. He does not divide the world with anyone else and does not notify anyone about his intentions.

11. As a father would do with his children, God will judge the people after their death under the laws of her mercy. He will never humiliate his child, forcing his soul to move, as in purgatory, in the body of the animal. "

12. "The Law of Heaven," said the Creator of the mouth of Issy, - against the bringing of human victims to the Istukan or animals; For I subjugated to the person of all animals and everything that is on earth.

13. Everything is given to a person who is directly and closely connected with me, his father; Because the one who will kidnate my child, will be strictly judged and punished with divine law.

14. Man - nothing before the eternal judgment, like a beast - nothing before a person.

15. Therefore, I tell you: "Leave your idols and do not execute rites that you can tell you with your father, connecting you with priests, from which the heavens turned away.

16. For they turned you away from the true God, and their superstitions and cruelty lead you to corruption of the soul and loss of any morality. "

Chapter VII

1. The words of Issim spread among the pagans in the countries where he passed, and the inhabitants left their idols.

2. Seeing this, the priests demanded that he reconciled the name of the true God, to prove to what he was rejected, and demonstrate the insignificance of their idols.

3. And Issa replied to them: "If your idols and your beasts are powerful and really have a supernatural force, then let them affect me in place."

4. "Then it is a miracle," the priests answered, "and let your God destroy our gods if they are disgusting to him."

5. But ISssa said: "The wonders of our God made from the first day of creating the Universe, they are committed every day and every minute. Whoever sees them is deprived of one of the most beautiful gifts of life.

6. And not against the soulless pieces of stones, metal or wood will be directed by the wrath of God, but he will fall on people, koi, if they crave salvation, must destroy all idols created by them.

7. Like a stone and sandbank, insignificant before a person, are humbly waiting for him to take them and consumes them with benefit,

8. So the person should expect a great grace that God will give him at the last court.

9. But grief to you, the enemies of human, if [Get] not the grace, which is waiting, and the wrath of the Deity, is the grief to you, if you expect miracles to testify about his power.

10. For not idols will destroy it in his anger, but those who have erected them. Their hearts will be betrayed by eternal fire, and their ripped bodies will thorough famine of wild animals.

11. God will drive an unclean of his herds, but will return to himself who were mistaken who did not recognize the spiritual principle. "

12. Seeing the powerlessness of his priests, the pagans even more believed in the words of Issa and, having wisheding the divine anger, smashed their idols to smire. As for the priests, they fled, fleeing from the people's revenge.

13. And then Issa taught the pagans do not try to see the Eternal Spirit [Earth], but to strive to feel His mercy in his heart and the purity of his soul. "

14. "Not only," he said to them, "do not commit human sacrifice, but do not give a single creature for a miscarriage, which life was granted, for all the existence was created for the benefit of a person.

15. Do not steal your neighbor, because what you kidnap, he deserves his face in the sweat.

16. Do not lie in order not to be deceived. Try to justify the last trial, for it will be too late.

17. Do not foresee depravity, for this violation of God's laws.

18. You will achieve the highest happiness, not only cleansing ourselves, but also instructing others on the way, which will allow them to gain initial perfection. "

Chapter VIII

1. Neighboring countries have been full of rumors about the sermons of Issa and, when he came to Persia, the priests were alarmed and forbidden to the residents to listen to him.

2. And seeing that all the villages happily meet him and reverently listen to his speech, ordered to grab it and lead to the Supreme Priest, where he was subject to the following interrogation:

3. "What new god are you talking about? Do not you know, unhappy that Saint Zoroaster is the only righteous, awarded communication with the highest being,

4. He commanded the angels to write down the Word of God for the benefit of his people - the laws that Zoroastra were given to Paradise?

5. Who are you to blame our God and sow doubt in the hearts of believers? "

6. And ISssa responded to him: "I'm not talking about the new God, but about our father, heaven, who existed from the beginning and will be, when everything else will cease to exist.

7. I talked about people who, as innocent children, are not able to comprehend God's simple strength of their mind or penetrate his divine and spiritual elevation.

8. But both the newborn in the darkness finds the mother's breast and your people who misled your false teachings and religious rites, learned on the host of her father in the father, whose prostineer I am.

9. Eternally, he ever announced to your people with my mouth: "Do not worship the Sun, for it is only part of the world created by me for a person.

10. The sun goes back to warming you while working, and comes to give you a rest, as I installed.

11. This is me, and only me, you are obliged to everyone than those who own, all that is around you, above you and under you. "

12. "But," priests objected, - how can the people live according to the laws of justice, if he does not have mentors? "

13. Issa answered this: "So far, people had no priests, the natural law ruled them, and they retained their souls.

14. Their souls were in God and to communicate with the Father, there is no need for the mediation of idols or animals, or fire, how they do here.

15. You argue that you need to worship the sun, the Spirit of Good and Spirit of Evil. Well, I tell you, your teaching is false, the sun is not moving in itself, but according to the will of the invisible Creator, who gave him life

16. And wishing it to be a star, which will light the day, will warm the work and sowing man.

17. The Eternal Spirit is the soul of all living things. You commit a grave sin, sharing it in the spirit of evil and the spirit of good, for he exclusively God's good,

18. Which, as the father of the family, makes only good to his children, who spend all the misconduct if they repent.

19. And the spirit of evil lives on Earth in the hearts of those people who seduce the children of God from the straight path.

20. Therefore I tell you: "Fear the Judgment Day, for God will impose a serious punishment on all who will lead his children from the true path and fill them with superstitions and prejudices;

21. On those who blinded the greedy who handed the infection to healthy and taught to worship that God was subordinated to the person for his good and help him in the writings.

22. Your teaching, therefore, is the fruit of your delusions; For, wishing to bring the true God to yourself, you have created yourself false gods. "

23. After listening to him, the Magi decided not to harm him. But at night, when all the village slept, they brought him over the walls and left on a big road, in the hope that he would soon be made by the prey of wild animals.

24. But, who defeated by the Lord, our God, Saint Issa, unharmed, continued his way.

Chapter IX.

1. Issa, chosen by the Creator to remind mankind, mired in the vice, about the true God, reached the age of twenty nine, when Israel returned to the land.

2. Since his care, the pagans caused even more terrible suffering to the Israelis, and they were deeply desperate.

3. Many of them have already begun to abandon the laws of their God and the laws of Mossa in the hope of improving cruel conquerors.

4. At the sight of such a disaster, ISSS urged his fellow citizens not to despair, because the day of the atonement of sins was approaching, and strengthened them in faith in the god of their fathers.

5. "My children, do not foresee despair," said the Heavenly Father's father's mouth, - for I heard your voice, and your wedding reached me.

6. Do not cry, my beloved! For the grief your head of your father's heart and he forgave you, as forbed the forefathers of yours.

7. Do not learn your families to indulge in ragling, do not lose the nobility of your feelings, do not worship the idols that will be deaf to your voice.

8. Fill my temple with my hope and your patience and do not renew from the Fathers' faith, for I sent them to and showered them by the benefits.

9. You will raise those who fell, you will give food hungry and help the patients so that everyone has been chicted and the righteous on the day of the last court, which I prepared for you. "

10. The Israelis crowds converged to listen to the word of Issa, asking him where they should worship the father of heaven when the enemy erased from the face of their temples and desecrated the sacred vessels.

11. ISSA answered them that God does not mean the temples erected by the hands of a person, but he considers the heart of the human True temple of God.

12. "Enter your temple in your heart. Light with his good thoughts, patience and hope unshakable, which you should have to your father.

13. And your sacred vessels are your hands and eyes. Site and make anything to God, for, making good neighbor, you perform a rite that adorns the temple where the one who gave you life is inhabited.

14. For God created you on the likeness of his own - innocent, pure soul, with a heart performed by good, designed not to fulfill evil, but become a sanctuary of love and justice.

15. And therefore I tell you, do not defile my hearts, for the Most High lives there forever.

16. If you want to make cases marked with love and piety, make them open with your open heart and do not allow yourself to be guided in your actions by calculating or hope for remuneration.

17. For such cases do not bring you to salvation, but bring you to such moral decline when theft, false and murder are considered to be valor. "

Chapter X.

1. Holy Issa went from the city to the city, strengthening the Word of God's courage of the Israelis, ready to fall under the burden of despair, and thousands of people followed him to listen to his sermons.

2. But the elders of the cities were frightened and reported to the head of the ruler, who lived in Jerusalem, which came to the country by the person named Issa, that he initiates his speeches against the authorities that the crowd, diligently attentive to him, neglects public works and claims that soon Get rid of self-pricing rulers.

3. Then the Pilate, the ruler of Jerusalem, ordered to grab the preacher of Issu, deliver it to the city and lead to court. But in order not to initiate the displeascies of the people, Pilate punished the priests and scribes, Jewish elders, judge him in the temple.

4. Meanwhile, ISSA, continuing his sermon, came to Jerusalem, and, having learned about his arrival, all the inhabitants who have already heard about him came to meet.

5. They welcomed him with respect and opened the doors of their temple before him, in order to hear from his mouth what he spoke in other cities of Israel.

6. And Issa told them: "The human race dies from the lack of faith, for the darkness of the darkness and the stupid of the herds and they lost their shepherds.

7. But the storm will not last forever and the darkness will not forever go light. The sky will be clear once, the heavenly light will burst on the ground and herd, now lost, will gather around their shepherd.

8. Do not try to look for direct paths in the darkness, so as not to break into your abyss, but collect the remaining forces, support each other, place hope for God and wait until the light is cut.

9. The one who helps the neighbor is strengthened; And who protects their family, protects the people and the state.

10. Be sure that the day is close when you free from the gloom; Sick in one family, and your enemy, the gracefulness of God, trends in fear. "

11. The high priests and the elders who took herself, filled with his speeches and asked if he was trying to raise the people against the authorities of the country, as Pilate's governor.

12. "Is it possible to raise the uprising of people lost from which the gates and the path of them are hidden by mrak? - Issis answered. "I only warned the unfortunate, like here, in this temple, so that they did not go on the dark path, for the abyss was rejected at the feet.

13. Earth power is not longited and is subject to many changes. What is the benefit of a person to resent against her, seeing that one power always replaces the other? So it will be until the human genus is stopped.

14. Do not you see that the power of the property and rich sow among the sons of Israel is a spiritual spirit against the eternal power of the sky? "

15. Then the elders asked: "Who are you and from which country came to us? We did not hear about you before and did not even know your name. "

16. "I am Israeli," Issa replied. - From the day of my birth, I saw the walls of Jerusalem and heard the moaning of my brothers facing slavery, and screaming my sisters, led by pagans.

17. And my soul was sophisticated when I saw that my brothers had forgotten the true God. I still had a child who left the father's house and left to live among other peoples.

18. But hearing that my brothers are still experiencing big torment, I returned to the country of my fathers, in order to remind my brothers about the faith of ancestors, which teaches us patience on Earth for the sake of gaining the perfect and higher happiness in heaven. "

19. And the wise elders asked him such a question: "They say that you reject the laws of Mossy and teach people to neglect the temple of God?"

20. And ISSA answered: "It is impossible to destroy what is given to our father heaven, as well as what has already been destroyed by sinners; I called for a heart cleaner from every bad, for it is the true temple of God.

21. As for the laws of Moss, I tried to approve them in the hearts of people. And I tell you that you do not understand their true meaning, for they are taught not to revenge, but forgiveness; But the meaning was perverted by them. "


1. After listening to Issu, the high priests and wise elders decided not to judge him among themselves, for he did not cause evil to anyone. And, after appearing before the pilot, which the pagan king from Romeyev from the country appointed a governor in Jerusalem, they told him like this:

2. "We have seen the person you blame in the decline of our people to meer, we listened to him speech and know that he is our compatriot.

3. But urban elders sent you false reports, because it is a righteous person who teaches the people of the Word of God. After questioning, we let him go so that he was with the world. "

4. Then the ruler fell into rage and sent to the Isla of his disguised servants so that they would follow all his actions and reported to the authorities about each word, which he would turn to the people.

5. Meanwhile, Holy Issa continued to attend neighboring cities, preaching about the true paths of the Creator, called the Jews to patience and promised them a quick liberation.

6. And all this time, many people followed him everywhere, wherever he goes, some relentlessly followed him and became his approximate.

7. Issa said: "Do not believe the wonders committed by the man's hand, for only the one who dominates nature, can work supernatural things, while a person is powerless to keep the rain of the wind or shed rain.

8. But there is a miracle that is possible to commit and man. When, fulfilling sincere faith, he decides to pull out of his heart all the bad thoughts, and reaching his goal, does not go more by ways of lawlessness.

9. All things performed without God are only error, temptations and seductions, which only show, to what extent of the soul of someone who is engaged in this craft is full of shamelessness, falseness and vices.

10. Do not believe in progress, one God knows the future; The one who resorts to gadels will defrost the temple of his heart and radiates distrust to his Creator.

11. Vera in Oracles and their obnomen destroys the congenital promptedness of man and his children's purity. Hellic forces master them, encouraging all sorts of crimes and worship idols;

12. But the Lord God God, who has no equal, is one, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. All wisdom and all the world belong to him.

13. To him, you must seek the consolation in the sadness, for help in the works and for healing in the ailments. And whoever addressed him will not be rejected.

14. The Mystery of Nature is in the hands of God, for the world before his appearance was in the depths of the divine thought and became the material and visible in the will of the Most High.

15. When you contact him, become the children again, for you do not know the past, nor a real, no future, and God is the lord of all times. "

Chapter XII.

1. "The righteous person," said the ruler of Jerusalem to him, "tell us whether we will do the will of Caesar or wait for a quick release?"

2. Issa, having learned people who are aligned to follow him, answered: "I did not tell you that you would be liberated from Caesar. This soul, mired in delusion, will receive his liberation.

3. There is no family without chapter, there will be no order in the people without Caesar; He must have a complete obedience, he one will keep the answer for his affairs before the highest court. "

4. Does Caesar have divine right? - still asked to be skewed. - And is it from mortals? "

5. "There is no better between people, but there are always sufferers who should take care of the favorites and appointed to fulfill this mission using the funds provided to them by the Sacred Law of our Heavenly Father.

6. Mercy and justice - the highest quality of Caesar; Its name will be glorified if he sticks to them.

7. But who comes otherwise who passes the borders of the authorities given to him above the subordinates, as far as the danger exposes their lives, insults the great judgment and loses the dignity in the eyes of people. "

8. Meanwhile, one of the Soglyadayev pushed the old woman who approached the rest to better hear Issu, and became before her.

9. And then ISssa said: "Does not fit the Son to remove his mother, occupying her place. Who does not honor their mother, the most sacred creature after God, not worthy to be called the Son.

10. Listen, what I will tell you. Wear a woman, for she is the mother of the universe, and the whole truth of the Divine Creation is enclosed in it.

11. She is the basis of all good and beauty and she is a source of life and death. All the existence of a man depends on it, for it is his natural and moral support.

12. She gives rise to you in flour. She in the sweat of the face brings up you and until his death worries about you. Bless her and honor her, for she is your only friend, your only support on Earth.

13. Remove it, protect it. By doing so, you will gain her love and her heart and will be pleasant to God, and many sins will be waiting for you.

14. Love also and wives of yours and read them, for tomorrow they will become mothers, and later the progenitis of the race.

15. Conquain a woman. Her love enjoys a man, softens his fierce heart, tame the beast and makes it a lamb.

16. Wife and mother are an invaluable treasure given to you by God. They are the best decoration of being, and all who inhabit the world will be called from them.

17. As the God's forces has once separated the light from darkness and land from water, and the woman has a divine gift to separate good intentions from evil intents in a man.

18. Therefore, I tell you, after God, your best thoughts must be given to women and wives, for a woman for you - a temple in which you are easiest to gain perfect happiness.

19. Draw in this temple moral forces. Here you will take care of your sadness and failures and again gain the lost forces necessary for helping neighbor.

20. Do not expose her humiliation, by this you to humiliate yourself and lose your sense of love, without which nothing exists here below.

21. Wander your wife so that she can protect you and your whole family. All you do for your wife, your mother, for a widow or other grieving woman, you will do for God. "


1. Holy Issa thus instructed the people of Israel for three years - in every city, each village, on the roads and in the fields, and all the prediction came true.

2. All this time, the disguised servants of Pilate were closely followed by him and did not hear anything similar to what was in previous years was collected in the reports of urban foreman about Isse.

3. But the ruler of Pilate, alarmed too much fame of St. Issa, who, according to his enemies, wished to outdue the people and declare himself to the king, ordered one of the Sunzladatayev falsely to blame him.

4. Then ordered the soldiers to grab Issu, and they threw it into the underground dungeon, where in every possible way tortured him, hoping to snatch his recognition, which would allow to betray his death.

5. Holy, thinking only about the highest bliss of his brothers, stood all the suffering in the name of his creator.

6. The servants of Pilate continued to express him and brought him to extreme weakness, but God was with him and did not allow him to die.

7. Having learned about the suffering and flour, which has undergone their holy, high priests and wise elders came to begging the ruler to release the Issu on the occasion of the rising big holiday.

8. But the ruler resolutely refused to them in this. Then they asked to allow Isse to appear before the court of elders, so that he was convicted or pardoned before the holiday, and the Pilate had consent to this.

9. The next day, the ruler gathered military leaders, high priests, scribes and law officers to judge Issu.

10. Brought holy from the dungeon and sat in front of the ruler between the two robbers who had to be judged at the same time to show the crowd that he would not be sentenced.

11. And Pilate, referring to Isse, said: "Human! Is it true that you set up the people against the authorities with the intention to become the king of Israel yourself? "

12. "Not made by the king on your own will," Issis answered, - and Lgut those who tell you that I raised the people to the uprising. I always spoke only about Tsar Heaven and worship him, I taught the people.

13. For the sons of Israel have lost their original purity, and if they do not turn to the true God, they will be sacrificed and the temples will lie in the ruins.

14. Earthly power maintains order in the country, and I taught them not to forget about it. I told them: "Live according to your situation and your fate, not to violate the public order." And I urged them to also remember that the mess reigns in their hearts and minds.

15. For which the Heavenly Father punished and plunge into the insignificance of their own kings. I told them: "If you become submissive by your fate, in the award inherit the kingdom of heaven."

16. At that time, they led witnesses, one of which showed this: "You talked to the people that the earthly power is negligible before the king, which soon relieves the Israelis from the pagan yoke."

17. "Be blessed," said Issa, "for the fact that the truth is. The king is heaven more and more powerful things, and the kingdom surpasses all the kingdoms of earthly.

18. And not far the time when, subdued by the Divine War, the people of Israel will clear from their sins, because it is said that the forerunner will declare the deliverance of the people, collecting everyone together. "

19. And the ruler, referring to the judges, said: "Do you hear? Israelis Issa is recognized as a crime in which he is accused. Judge him in his laws and sentence him to the most severe punishment. "

20. "We cannot condemn it, the high priests and elders answered. "You yourself just heard that he meant the king of heaven and did not preach the Sons of Israel, which could be announced by the insult of the law."

21. The ruler of Pilate sent then for the Witness, who prevailed Issu. This man came and appealed to Isse: "Did you not believed to the king of Israel, when he said that the one who rules in heaven sent you to prepare his people?"

22. And Issa, blessing him, said: "You will say goodbye, because you are not talking about yourself!" Then he turned to the ruler: "Why humiliate your dignity and teach the minions to live their lies, you are and without it you have the power to condemn the innocent?"

23. From these words, the ruler fell into a terrible rage, ordered to endure the death sentence and pardon two robberies.

24. Judges, having passed in themselves, said to Pilate: "We will not take our heads of great sin to condemn the innocent and justify the robbers. It would be against the law.

25. Do you want. " Having said it, the high priests and elders came out and washed their hands in the sacred vessel, saying: "We are unacceptable in the death of this righteous."

Chapter XIV

1. On the orders of the ruler, the soldiers grabbed the Issu and two thieves and took to the place of execution, where they nailed to the crosses in the ground.

2. A whole day of the Issa body and two thieves remained crucified to the protection of soldiers, which is a terrible spectacle; The people stood around, the relatives of the sufferers prayed and sobbed.

3. To the Sunset Sunset of Issa ended. He lost the consciousness and soul of the righteous left the body and was adopted by God.

4. So the earthly existence of the eternal spirit of the Eternal Spirit ended in the image of a person who saved the harmonious sinners and made a lot of suffering.

5. Meanwhile, the Pilate was afraid of the His parents who had gone and gave the body of his parents who buried him near the venue of execution. Crowds of the people came to pray to the tomb of Issia and the air was filled with sobbies and moans.

6. Three days later, the ruler, fearing the people's perturbation, sent his soldiers to bring the Body of Isse and bury him elsewhere.

7. The next day, the crowd found the tomb of the open and empty. Immediately, Molva was separated, that the highest court sent his angels to carry the death remains of the saint, in which a particle of the Divine Spirit dwells on Earth.

8. When rumors reached Pilate, he was angry and forbade Slave and death under the fear of slavery and to pronounce the name of Issa or pray for him to the Lord.

9. But people continued to mourn and loudly glorify their teachers, so many were taken into slavery, they were tortured and death were committed.

10. And students of St. Issa left the land of Israel and scattered among other peoples, preaching that it should be abandoned from their delusions, think about the salvation of the soul and about the highest bliss, which expects humanity in the intangible world of light, where in peace and in all its The great Creator is in perfect magnitude.

11. Gentiles, kings and warriors who have listened to preachers left their ridiculous beliefs, left their priests and their idols to glorify the wisdom of the Creator of the Universe, King Kings, whose heart was fulfilled by endless mercy.

Published by the book: N. Notovich. "Unknown life of Jesus Christ". - Simferopol: Publisher A.P.Drugov, 2004. - 104 p.

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In some places, the passage was so joined that from the saddle I could touch the opposite rock, whereas in other death seemed to me intently watched me from the depths of the abyss. However, it was too late to carry. I could only regret the hasty of the step perfect me and continue the way with all possible caution.

This cleft is actually a huge crack formed by some terrible shift of earthly layers, which seemed frantically divided the two gigantic masses of granite rocks. At the bottom I could see the barely distinguishable white strip. It was a rapid flow, whose obscure noise filled the abyss of mysterious sounds. It is necessary for me a narrow blue ribbon - the only part of the celestial arch visible between the cliffs.

Contemplation of this magic nature was in itself great pleasure. At the same time, the dead silence, terrifying the silence of the mountains, only and disturbed by melan with the helical splashes of water downstairs, filled me sad.

For eight miles, I experienced these sensations, pleasant and at the same time overwhelming when after steep turning right left the gorge into the valley, surrounded by rocks, whose vertices were reflected in Ind. On the banks of the river there is a fortress of Halcse, famous since the time of the Muslim invasion of the Citadel, near which the big road passes, leading from Kashmir to Tibet.

Going through the ind to some kind of suspended bridge, leading to the entrance to Create, I crossed the valley and passed the village of Halshi, hurrying for the night in the village of Snowly, which is located in the Indus valley and built on the terraces descending to the river.

The last two days I traveled calmly and without any complications along the regions of Indus on a picturesque area, which led me to Lech, the capital of Ladak.

Turning a small valley of Saspula near the village, which wears the same name, I have found stone mounds for several kilometers in the surrounding area. I also passed two monasters, over one of which was waving the French flag. Later I found out that a french engineer gave it to the monks that I used it as an ornament.

I spent the night in Saspul, without forgetting to visit the monasteries, where the Buddha statues, flags and banners hanging in the corner, horrible masks lying on Earth, books and scrolls of parchment, saw on the covered dust of the Buddha statues, flags and banners, Prayer cylinders.

Lama, apparently, have a definite pleasure, exposing these items. It seems that they demonstrate the treasures of great importance and at the same time they are very indifferent to the extent to which it causes the interest of the audience. The idea of \u200b\u200bthem seems to be: "We have to show everything that we own, in the hope that one view of such many sacred things will force the traveler to believe in the divine ve with a human soul."

As for the Prophet of Issa, I was given an explanation that I was already heard earlier, and the already known was already known - that books that could somehow clarify this question, went to the lass and that only the largest monasteries have copies of these books.

I no longer thought about the transition of the Karakorum, but I thought only about how to find out this story, which could, perhaps shed some more light on the inner life of the best of people and at the same time expand several unclear information that give us about It is the Gospel.

Not far from Lech at the entrance to the valley with the same name, the road passes near Oda Rock, on the top of which the fort with two tower adjacent to it (without garrison) and a small monastery of Pintak were built.

Mountain of 10,500 feet height guarding entrance to Tibet. The road is then cool turns to the north in the direction of Lech, which, being at a distance of six miles from Pintaka, is located at an altitude of 11,500 feet at the foot of the huge granite columns, whose vertices reaching from 18,000 to 19,000 feet are covered with eternal snow.

The city itself, bounded by low-spirited aspen, rises in rows of terraces, over which the old fortress and the palace of the ancient rulers of the Ladak are treated. In the evening, I drove into Lech and settled in the bungalow specially built for Europeans.

Ladak Ladak invoking part of a large Tibet. Frequent raids of conquerors from the arc, which passed this country to conquer Kashmir and fought here, not only brought Ladak to poverty, but as a result, moving from the hands of some conquerors in the hands of others, he lost his political domination of the Lass.

Muslims, who owned in the distant era Kashmir and Ladakh, were not able to resist the population of small Tibet in Islam. The political existence of the Ladak ceased when Sikhi attached this country to Kashmir, which allowed the residents of Ladak to return to their ancient beliefs.

Two thirds of the population took advantage of these circumstances in order to again erect their gondas and return to the previous lifestyle. Only the Balticistant remained Mu Sulmanov-Shiites, to which their conquerors belonged. However, despite this, only the vague resemblance to Islam, which was mainly manifested in the custom of the yach and practice of polygamy. Some Lama told me that they still do not expect you to return once these people to the faith of their ancestors.

In the religious sense, Ladak was subordinate to the Lasse, the capital of Tibet and the residence and Lama Lama. It is in Lasse that the main Hutucht, or Lama-High Priests, as well as chetomy, or administrators is elected. In the political sense, the country is subject to Maharaje Kashmir, who represents the governor.

The population of Ladak belongs to the Sino-Turan race and is divided into Ladaks and TsAMP. Ladaks lead a settling lifestyle, build villages along their narrow valleys, lives in two-storey houses, which are kept in tidy, and cultivate large plots of land.

They are exclusively ugly, small rising, huddles and sutules, with small heads, narrow sloping foreheads, outstanding cheekbones and small black eyes of a Golskaya race, with flat noses, large tickens of mouths, weak rare-chin chins and shoulder cheeks, densely elegable wrinkles. Add to all this shape with which a narrow pigtail hangs, and you will get the main type of not only the inhabitants of the Ladak, but also the entire Tibet.

Women are as small as tall, and they have the same wide cheekbones. But they are a stronger physique, and their faces are covered with pleasant smiles. They have a joyful and calm temper, and they are prone to merry.

The severity of the climate does not allow Ladaks to wear rich or multicolored clothes.

Their dress is stitched from a simple gray linen fabric, which they produce themselves, their Pan Talonov, reaching only before the knees, are sewn from the same material.

Middle-sized people are hung off (cloak species). In winter, fur caps with headphones are worn, whereas in the summer head is protected by a cloth cap, the top of which hangs on one side. The shoes are made of felt and covered with leather, and a whole arsenal of small things - needles, knives, feathers, inks, tales, pipes, and unchanged prayer girouettes are chatted on the belts.

Tibetans, as a rule, such a lazy thing that a pigtail, which, with time, is plenty, is not intertwined, at least for three months, the dress does not argue, while it does not fall from the body by rags. The capes that they wear are so dirty and are usually marked on the back of a big greasy spot left by their braids, which every day are thoroughly lubricated by the lard. They bathe once a year, and not in their own will, and since this is prescribed by law. For this reason, it can be easily understood that their close neighborhood should be avoided.

Women, on the contrary, large connoisseurs of purity and order. They wash daily and in the slightest occasion. Their suit consists of a short snow-white manica, which hides the dazzling white of their skin, and thrown onto the beautiful rounded shoulders, red jacket, the edges of which are filled with red or green cloths.

This last apparel looks like an air to protect from the cold. Also carry red embroidered shoes, confused by fur, and home clothing is complemented by a wide multi-layer skirt.

Hair tight braided in braids, and long pieces of hanging matter are attached to the head with studs, which resembles the fashion of Italian women. Various colored pebbles, as well as coins and pieces of grave metal, are bugged to this head river.

The ears are closed with closed or fur headphones, in the go there are also sheep skins protecting only back. Poor women are content with the usual skins of the vehicle, while women are wealthy put on beautiful capes from Red Mate Rii, baked fur and embroidered with golden border.

Walking through the streets or visiting girlfriends. Women invariably worn behind a spilled peat cones-like baskets, the narrow bottoms of which are turned to the ground, the peat is the main fuel of the country.

Each woman has a certain amount of money that rightfully belongs to her, and she spends her usually on jewelry, buying a laborer big pieces, which adds to different decorations with their hairstyles.

Women Ladak have a social situation that all women of the East envy, as they are not only free, but also enjoy great respect.

With the exception of small field work, they spend most of the time in the campaigns. And here let me noted that idle gossip is the thing to them.

The settled population of the ladical is devoted to agriculture, but has so little land (everyone rarely exceed ten acres) that the income received from it is not sufficient to cover the payment of taxes and elementary vital needs. Physical work is contemptuous. The lowest estate of society is called BEM, and communicating with a person of this class diligently avoid.

In the hours of leisure after work on the fields, the inhabitants indulge in the hunt for Tibetan goats, whose wool is highly appreciated in India. The poorest among the population are those who are not able to afford the purchase of hunting equipment - Kuli work.

This work is performed by women who are very well tolerated fatigue and are better than their best health than their husbands, the tape of which is such that they are able to spend the whole night outdoors, despite the heat and cold, stretching the stones on the pile, only would not do anything.

Multiple, about which I will tell you more - this is a means of preserving the unity of the people. It creates large families that are treated with the Earth with Yakov, ZO and ZOMO (bulls and cows) for a common good. A family member cannot separate from her, and if he dies, his share is returned by the community.

Sowing wheat give some more income, the grains of which are very cradles because of the harsh climate. Also grown barley, which grind before selling.

As soon as all field work ends, men go to collect herbal herbs in the mountains, as well as a large prickly plant lady. Of them make fuel, which is so little in a lady, where you will not see either trees, no gardens, only occasionally can be found on the banks of the river scarce pins of poplar or willow. Near the villages can also meet aspen;

but due to the lack of fertile soil, horticulture is working with difficulty.

The absence of wood is noticeable, in addition, by dwellings, which are sometimes constructed from bricks dried in the sun, but more often from the average size of stones bonded together by the similarity of a lime solution composed of clay and crushed straw.

These are two-story buildings, carefully whiten from the facade, with brightly colored window bindings. Their flat roofs form terraces, usually decorated with wildflowers, and here in the warm season the inhabitants kill time, contemplating nature and echo their prayer wheels.

Every building has several rooms, and among them there is always one for guests, the walls of which are decorated with luxurious fur skins. The rest of the rooms have beds and furniture. Rich people have, to all of them, the chapel, forced by IDOs.

Life here is very measured. As for food, its choice is small. Ladak me nude is very simple. Breakfast consists of a slice of rye bread. At noon, a wooden bowl with flour is put on the table, in which warm water fills. This mixture is whipped with linen sticks until the consistency of thick paste reaches, and then in the form of small balls is used in food with milk.

In the evenings, bread with tea is served. Meat is considered excessive luxury. Only hunting nicknames contribute a small variety in the menu in the form of meat of wild goats, eagles and white ku popotakes, which is replete with a country. Throughout the day, they drink Cang, the likeness of the bright not exhausted beer.

If there is a ladcant, settling the ponies (such privileged individuals are very rare), go on the road to search for work in the district, it is a small amount of food. The dinner time comes, it dismounses near the river or the stream, fills the Ma Lazy Wooden Cup (from which it never breaks) with a small amount of flour, whips it with water, and finally absorbs this food.

Tsampa, nomads, which make up another part of the Ladak population, much troubles and at the same time less civilized than settling lads. For the most part, they are hunters and completely neglected agriculture. Although the TsAMPU and will be confessed by Buddhism, they never visit the monasteries, except in search of food, which is about tortigid to game.

Usually they become the camps on the tops of the mountains, where the terrible cold. While actually, the ladies are scrupulously true, they love to learn, but hopelessly lazy, TsAMPU, on the contrary, very quick-tempered, excessively moving and great lgs, besides, there are arrogant contempt for monasteries.

In addition to them, there is a small folk of Khamba, who came with the outskirts of the Lass and the wandering miserable existence in the devices wandering along large roads. Non-suitable for any work, speaking in a language other than the language of the country, in which they found a refuge, they are the subject of universal ridicule;

they suffer only from pity for their deplorable state, when hunger drives them together to search for the villages.

Polyandria, which prevails in all Tibetan families, strongly opened my any to-mind. It does not at any extent follow from the doctrines of the Buddha, since it existed for a long time before his coming. She accepted tangible dimensions in India and is the treasiest containment factor under certain limits of the incessant growth of the population, which is also achieved with the help of the disgusting custom of suffering from the newborn female infants;

attempts by the British struggling against the destruction of these bundled mothers remained fruitless.

Manu himself proclaimed a multi-mindedness as a law, and some Buddhist preachs of ki, who renounced brahmanism, suffered this custom in Ceylon, Tibet, Mongolia and Ko Rey. For a long time suppressed in China, Polyandria flourished in Tibet and at Ceylon, and also occurs among Kalmykov, between the southern India and the naires on the shores of Mala Bar. Traces of this eccentric family custom can be found among Tasmansev, and in the North America among the Iroquois.

If you believe Caesar, Polyandria also flourished in Europe, which we can talk about in the "About Gallic War" (Book V): "Wives are divided between ten and twelve men, the advantage between the brothers and between the fathers and sons."

As a result, it is impossible to consider Polyandria exclusively religious tradition. In Tibet, taking into account the insignificance of arable land, which occurred to each resident, this custom is best explained by economic motifs. To preserve 1,500,000 inhabitants, seasured in Tibet on an area 1.200.000 square kilometers, Buddhists were forced to accept Polyandria - how to wait for the family to all of them, must devote one of his members to the ministry to God.

The son-firstborn is always given to a hygon, which is invariably towers at the entrance to the village. As soon as the child reaches the eight-year-old age, he is entrusted by the caravan passing passing by along the way to Lass, where the child delivered there lives seven years a novice in one of the city gondings.

The eldest brother chooses a wife who becomes common to all members of his house. Watching and wedding ceremony are most primitive.

As soon as the wife and her husbands decide to marry one of their sons, the eldest of them is sent at a visit to anyone from the neighbors who have a daughter for issuing.

The first and second visit takes place in more or less banal conversations, accompanied by frequent climbing of the collet, and only at the third visit to the young man declares its intention to take his wife. Then he shows the daughter of a family, which, as a rule, knowing a coma with the fiance, - in the ladace women never close their faces.

The girl is not issued to marry without her consent. If she wants it, then he leaves them with them and becomes his wife and his brothers.

The only son, as a rule, is sent to a woman having two or three husbands, and he offers her herself as another spouse. Such a proposal is rarely rejected, and the young man immediately settles in his new family.

The parents of the newlyweds usually live with them before the birth of the first child. At the next day after the new family member appears on the world, grandfather and grandmother leave all his fortune young couple and go to live in a small house separately from them.

Marriages happen between the essential children who live separately until they reach the age of majority. A woman has the right to an unlimited number of husbands and Lykov. As for the latter, if she meets the young man who she likes Sia, she leads him to the house, gives all his husband to Kong * and lives with her elect, who announced that she started Jing Tuh ("Lover"), news, Which with a perfect composure is made by husbands.

About jealousy here have the most vague ideas. Tibetan is too cooling veins to admit love. Such a feeling would be an anachronism for him, even if he had not cooked in him the blatant violation of the procedure. In a word, Liu Bove in his eyes would appear as unjustified egoism.

In the absence of one of her husbands, his place is offered a bachelor or widow. The pilot is a big rarity in the ladace, the wives usually experience their sickly pops. Sometimes they choose a wandering Buddhist who were detained in this village.

In the same way, the husband who travels in search of work in neighboring areas, at each stop, uses the same hospitality of its units, whose generosity, however, is not always manifested due to hidden motives.

Despite the specifics of its position, women enjoy great respect for it and complete freedom in choosing husbands and lovers. They are always good-natured, interest to all that is happening and free to go there, where only they wish, besides the main states of the Lithuanian halls in the monasteries, access to which they are strictly prohibited.

Children respect only their mothers. They do not have attachments to the fathers for the explicit reason that they are too much.

Without a minute, without a minute, I cannot condemn it in Tibet, because without him the population would have increased monstrously, hunger and poverty would have a nation, leading a series of vice: theft, murder and other crimes, accommodated completely unknown in this country.

Holiday in Gon Leh, the capital of Ladak, this is a small town, which has no more than five thousand fat and consisting of two or three streets with houses painted in white. The price of the city of the city is a bazaar square, where merchants from India, China, Turkestan, Kashmir and different parts of Tibet come to exchange their products on Tibetan gold, supplied by them by local residents who seek to provide their monks not only with clothes, but also the slightest item.

The old empty palace rises on a hill from which the whole city is visible;

according to him there is a spacious two-story residence of my friend, a Vizier of Surajba La, Governor Ladak, a pretty Punjabz, who received philosophical education in London.

In order to diversify my stay in Lehe, he made a polo match on the marketplace on the marketplace, * and in the evening, dancing and games were arranged in front of his terrace.

Many fireworks shed the glittering light on the crowds of people attracted by the presentation. They formed a large circle, in the midst of which a group of performers, disguised in devils, animals and sorcerers, frightened, fluttering, jumping and circling on a friendly dance to the monotonous music of two long pipes accompanied by a drum.

Hellic noise and inappropriate cries of the crowd terribly tired me. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe graceful dancing of Tibetan women, which, circling and swaying from side to the side, reached our windows and made low bows, welcoming us with the thread of copper and bone bracelets on crossed wrists.

At the beginning of the next day, I went to the Great Monastery of Chemis, who in the crowded surroundings was located on the top of the cliff, towering over the valley of Ya yes. This is one of the main monasteries of the country contained on the donations of the locals and subsidies from the Lass. On the way to Him, crossing ind to the bridge, near which numerous villages nest, you can find endless dams covered with stones with inscriptions, and Chorten, who our guides are trying to bypass from the right side. I wanted to turn the horse to the left, but the Ladaks immediately forced me to be leaving, leading my horse to the heads to the right and explaining to me what was the custom of their countries.

I tried to find out the origin of this superstition, but unsuccessfully.

We continued our journey to the Honor, which was crowned with a visible from afar of the tower with gear parapets, and turned out to be in front of the big door painted in bright colors, the entrance to an extensive two-storey majestic building, in which the courtyard was paved in small stones.

On the right, in one of its corners, there was another painted door counted with copper plates. This is the entrance to the main temple, the inner room of which is decorated with drawing of idols and where you can see a huge image of the Buddha, framed by the many smaller deities.

To the left - the veranda on which a huge prayer wheel is installed, and here all Lama of the monastery with their abbot gathered to our arrival. Under the veranda there are several musicians who kept drums and long pipes in the hands. On the right side of the courtyard, a number of doors led into the rooms of the monks who were completely removed by sacred drawings and are decorated with small prayer wheels, topped with tridents with ribbons and painted in red and black colors.

In the middle of the courtyard, two high masts rose, from the tops whose tails of Yakov and long paper ribbons, written by religious commandments. Along all Mo Sanki walls, you could see prayer giruets decorated with ribbons.

Universal silence reigned, everyone was waiting for any religious sacrament with excitement. We took places on the veranda near Lam. Almost immediately, the musicians were made of soft monotonous sounds from their long pipes, which accompanied the strange view of the round drum, attached to the stick fortified in the ground.

With the first sounds of the guaranteed song performed under this bizarre music, the door of the monastery was widely swung open, letting about twenty people, disguised as collisions, birds, devils and monsters of all sorts of species. In the chest they had fantastic images of demons and skulls, embroidered with multi-colored Chinese walked, whereas with their headdresses having the shape of a conical hail, hung long multicolor ribbons covered with inscriptions. On the faces they wore masks with embroidered white silk turtles.

Dressed in this way, they slowly bypassed the mast, from time to time the hands up and throwing some kind of spoon in the air to the air, part of the skin was a piece of human skull framed by hair, removed, I am sure of enemy scalps.

Their procession around the mast soon passed into some continuous jumps. After the dollars, they suddenly stopped, but only then to move again, threateningly waving into the sky with small yellow, decorated ribbons, chopsticks.

In conclusion, having greeted the lamp of the abbot, they approached the entrance to the temple, for them at the same time followed other participants of the masquerade, whose faces were hidden by copper masks. Their costumes were sewn from multi-colored coated with embroidery shelter. In one hand, each kept Tamburin, and in another ringing little bells. From each Tamburin hung the ball, which at the slightest movement hand hit the sonorous skin of the tool.

These new performers went around the courtyard several times, noting every circle stunning a crash, which made all the tambourines sounding in unison. They are the law of Chile, taking off to the door of the temple and grouped on the steps in front of him.

Then followed by universal silence, soon disturbed by the appearance of a third room of disguised men, their huge masks were depicted by various deities, each had a third eye in his forehead. He headed the procession of Thalogan-Pudma-junnas, literally "the one who was born in the lotus flower", accompanied by another mask in rich clothes with a large yellow umbrella covered with patterns.

His retinue consisted of various magnificently dressed gods: Dorje Trolong, Sangspa Kourpo (actually, brahma himself) and others. These actors explained Lama sitting next to us, represented six classes of creatures that could be modified - gods, half of the god, people, animals, spirits and demons.

On both sides of these, powerful characters, other masks in silk robes of amazing colors were performed. They wore gold crowns with the neck with rows of floral patterns, crowned with pointed tops, and each tree stood in the hands of the drum. They went around the masts put three times under the sounds of a sharp, non-stroke music and, finally, sat on the ground around Thalogan-Sday-Junnas, which immediately, with amazing importance, put two fingers in her mouth, erupting a piercing whistle.

In response to this signal from the temple, young people went out, dressed by warriors. They wore terrible green masks, decorated with small triangular flags, short bashki ru and foot bracelets of decorated bubber ribbons. By producing a hellish noise with his tambourines and puments, they circled around the gods sitting on the ground. Two large men who accompany them and dressed in tight clothes, played the role of jokes, performing all sorts of grotesque movements and comical tricks. One of them, dancing all the time, constantly hit his friend in the drum. This caused the enthusiasm of the crowd, which awarded him to crush the explosions of laughter.

A fresh group of actors joined the crowd, representing the greatest strength of God. Their costumes consisted of red miter and yellow pantalon. They carried the same bells and tambourines and occupied places in front of the gods.

Some of the last performers went to the platform in red and brown Mas kakh, three eyes were drawn on the chest. Alone with the previous actors once shared two groups and under the accompaniment of Tamburins and ordinary music performed wild dance - rushing forward, retreating, circling in the dance, and speaking by columns, for the complete pause with low binds.

After a while, this is an amazing idea, terribly tired of us, a little began to calm down. Gods, demigods, kings, people and spirits rose and, accompanied by all the other participants of Masquerade, headed for the entrance to the temple, from where several men came from the extraordinary solemnity in amazing costumes depicting skeletons. All these exits were organized in advance, and each had its particular importance.

The crowd of dancers gave way to these creatures of funeral bleits, which rank but headed for masts. There they froze on the spot, turning through pieces of wood hanging on the sides, so that perfectly imitate the knock of the jaws.

They walked around the courtyard three times, marching the drums in the rhythm of the intermittent battle and, finally, pulled a religious song. Once again, working as artificial jaws, they lower their "teeth" to the ground and, having cropped out a little more unpleasantly, froze in place.

At this moment, the image of the enemy of the human, made from the likeness of the gypsum and the cozy at the foot of one of the mast, was raised and broken into pieces;

the oldest viewers distributed these pieces of skeletons as a sign of their bad readiness to join them soon on the cemetery.

The presentation came to the end and Lama Primeter approached me and asked me to bring it to the main terrace to taste the Tsang, the river on the occasion of the holiday. I gladly accepted his proposal, because my head was buzzing from the protracted performance, whose witness I had just been.

Going through the courtyard and climbing the stairs, decorated with rows of prayers to the forest, we passed two rooms, tired by idols, and went to the terrace, where I sat down on the bench opposite the most accurate Lama, the eyes of which glowed with the mind. Then three monks brought us jugs with beer, filled with small bronze cups, which Vnach Le was brought to their abbot, and then me and my satellites.

"Did you like our little holiday?" Lama asked me.

"I found it very interesting! - I replied. - In fact, I'm still impressed by what he saw. But in truth, I did not even suspect that Buddhism in religious ceremonies can appear in such a bizarre form. "

"No religion, Lama replied, does not have more theatrical ceremonies than ours. But this ritual part does not violate the fundamental principles of Buddhism. We consider them as a practical means to maintain the love of a uniform Creator and submissive to him, quite the same way as Parents with the Power of Dolls conquer attachment and obedience to their child. The people, more precisely, to say in the uneducated masses, we see the children of our Father. "

"But what value," I continued, "have all these masks, costumes, bells and dancing - in a word, the whole idea that is clearly spent on a certain program?"

"We have several similar holidays," Lama replied. - Mysteries are presented, and the actors are invited to take part in them. They are given complete freedom in from carrying movements and gestures, and prescribed to adhere to only certain details and the canvas of the main idea.

Our Mysteries are nothing more than a pantomime designed to show gods that are used by such venerations, which gives a person to the award cleanliness of the soul and faith in the devil.

The actors receive their costumes in the monasteries and play after general instructions, which allow complete freedom of action. The effect of which they produce is impressive, but only one of our people can perceive the meaning of these representations. You also, as I understand it, resort to such actions, which, however, in no way change your principles of monotheism. "

"Sorry me," I said again, "But for sure, many idols, which are the charter of Lena your gondas, are the blatant violation of these principles?"

"As I said," Lama answered, "the person lives and will always stay in his childhood." He understands everything, sees and feels the greatness of nature, but still not capable of towing a great spirit, creating and an animating all.

A person is always looking for what its feelings are available;

he never managed to believe that she slipped from material feelings. He always did everything possible to find direct methods of his communication with the Creator who created so much good and at the same time, as a person mistakenly believes, so much evil.

For this reason, a person admired every manifestation of nature, having a charring effect. A vivid example of this is the ancient Egyptians who idolized the belly, trees and stones, wind and rain.

Other nations, equally mired in ignorance, realizing that the rains are not all gda bring rich yields, and animals may not obey their owners, looking for straight intermediaries among themselves and the great sacraments of the incomprehensible power of the CA. Therefore, they created idols that were considered impartial towards OK to the rushing world and to whose mediation were constantly treated.

From the most distant centuries until this day, I repeat, a person has always stretched to something that is available to sensations. Assyrians in search of a path that could lead them to the footsteps of the Creator, turned their gaze to the stars and looked at them with admiration, although they were out of reach. Gebri * Saved this belief to this day.

Because of his insignificance and blindness, the man has become not able to comprehend the Neva, the Dima and the spiritual thread, which connects it with the Great Divine. This explains the weakening of his divine principle and the cause of his eternal desire to own things tangible.

We see the illustration of this in brahmine, followers of which, indulging in love for external forms, created - not immediately, but gradually - a whole army of the gods and in lubs. At the same time, a person never daring to attribute the divine and eternal existence of visible images created by his own hands.

Perhaps the people of Israel showed more frankly than any other people, human attachment to everything that is specifically. For, despite the whole series of amazing miracles created by their great Creator, which is one for everyone in childbirth, "they were not kept from not creating God from the metal at the very time when their prophet Moses asked for the Most High.

Buddhism has passed through such changes. Our great reformer, Shakyamuni, inspired by the Most High judge, comprehend the true greatness and indivisibility of the Lord.

For this reason, he openly separated from Brahmins and their doctrines of polyterism, the preach blowing the purity and immortality of the Creator and doing everything possible to minor images, POP data, as believed, according to his likeness.

The recognition encountered by him and his students from the people was the cause of serious persecution by Bramins, which contrary to the laws of the Most High treated people very despotic, creating gods only to expand the source of their personal income.

Our first holy prophets that we gave the title of Buddhas - that is, the wise men and saints, as we consider them the embodiment of a single great Creator, - Izstari lived in different countries of the globe. Since their sermons were aimed, first of all, against the tyranny of Brahmins and the vicious transformation of their religion into the usual means for alive, the prophets found a huge number of followers among the lower layers of the population of India and China.

Among these holy prophets of special worship was awarded Buddha Shakyamuni, * which lived three thousand years ago and his exercises brought all China on the path of a single title and indivisible God, as well as - Buddha Gautam, who lived two and a half thousand years ago and turned almost half Hindus in the same faith. ** Buddhism is divided into several directions, differing only by some re ligious rites, the basics of their doctrines are the same everywhere. We, Tibetan Buddi Stoms, are named Lamaistmi *** Since they separated from the foists about fifteen centuries ago. Since then, we comprise part of Fo-Shakyamuni admirers who first collected all the laws established by various Buddhas during the greatest split of brahmanism.

Later, the Mongolian Hutucht translated the book of the Great Buddha, on the reward from the emperor of China, the title "Go-Chi" - Tsar's mentor, - the title, who after his death was assigned to the Dalai Lama Tibet and who since then we have those who have been For nimatting this post.

Our religion is confessed by two monastic orders - red and yellow. Pern, - who recognize the power of Panchen, living in Tashi Lumpp, heads of citizens of the Tibet administration, can marry. And we are yellow monks, who granted vows without Bracia, and our immediate lord - Dalai Lama. In addition to this point, the differences, the river toilet of our two orders the same. "

"And in both have mysteries, similar to what I have seen today?"

"Yes, with very few differences. Previously, these holidays were held with the magnitude of solemnity and magnificity, but since the conquest of the ladian, our monasteries did not once undergo looting and our riches were taken away from us.

Now we are forced to be content with white riza and bronze dishes, while the gold vessels and cloth shied with gold can actually see in Tibet.

"During my recent visit to Guppe, one of the Lam told me about some about the rock, or, as you would say, Buddha, named Issa. Can you tell me anything about his existence? " - I asked, wanting not to miss a favorable opportunity to start a conversation on the topic, such a strongly exciting me. "

"The name of Issa takes great respect from Buddhists," the owner replied. - But not many know about him, with the exception of Lam-rebels who read the scrolls, concerning his life. There is an endless number of Buddhas such as ISSA, and 84,000 existing manuscripts contain details from everyone's life;

but not many read at least a hundredths of them.

By doing according to the established custom, each student or Lama, visiting Las Su, should bring one or more copies of the monastery to which he is prescribed. Our gone, like others, has a large number. Among them, you can find the chronicles about the life and acts of the Buddha Issis, who preached the sacred teachings in India and among the children of Israel and was devoted to the death of pagans, whose descendants have since received the commandments that he preached and who, we believe, you learned.

Great Buddha, the soul of the Universe, is the embodiment of Brahma. He will almost become peacefully in the rest, keeping everything that exists from the beginning of time, and his breath revives the world. By providing a person to rely on its own strength, he still comes out of his inactivity into some epochs, taking the human appearance to save their creations from imminent death.

During his earthly existence, the Buddha creates a new world from broken peoples. And, having completed his task, he leaves the land, again gained his invisible with standing and life in perfect bliss.

Three thousand years ago, the Great Buddha was embodied in the famous prince Shaky Yamuni, thereby continuing the series of his twenty embodiments. Two and a half thousand years ago, the Great Soul of the World again embodied in Gautam, having laid the foundations of the new kingdom in Burma, Siam and on different islands.

Soon after that, Buddhism began to spread in China - thanks to the efforts of the wise men who did everything possible to spread the sacred doctrine.

And on the Board of Ming Ti from the Khan dynasty, a thousand eight hundred and twenty three years ago, * everyone was recognized by the people of Shakyamuni. Simultaneously with the arrival of Bud Disma in China, his commandments spread among the Israelis.

About two thousand years ago, a perfect being, again, coming out of his insecurity Viya, embodied in a newborn baby from the poor family. That was his will, so that the child would like the wrong words in the fact that she concerned eternal life - his own example, returning people to the path of truth, opening them the road, the actual lead to the achievement of moral purity.

When he was still a boy, this holy child led to India, where he studied the laws of the Great Buddha, who always lives in heaven. "

At that moment, my interlocutor began to demonstrate explicit signs of fatigue, attending his prayer cylinder as a sign of what wishes to end the conversation.

Therefore, I hastily asked the following questions:

"What language writes the main scrolls about the life of Issa?"

"Documents about his life brought from India to Nepal, and from Nepal to Tibet, I also write Sanai on the feast and are now in Lasse. But copies in our tongue, that is, on Tibetan, there is also in this monastery. "

"How do they relate to Isse in Tibet? Do it consider him holy? " - I asked.

"People do not know about his existence. Only the Supreme Lama, who studied the documents about his life, know something about him. But since his doctrine does not constitute a nonconal part of Buddhism, because his admirers do not recognize the authority of the Dalai Lama, the Prophet Issa is officially not recognized in Tibet Saints. "

"Do not make sin by told about these copies of an alien?" - I asked the question.

"What belongs to God," Lama replied, - belongs to both a person. The debt obliges us with all the good faith to help spread his sacred word. I do not know exactly where these documents are now;

but if you ever again visit our gampu, I will be glad to show them to you. "

At that moment two monks entered, they uttered a few words that my passage did not be able to disassemble, and immediately retired.

"My name is to sacrifices," Lama said. - I beg the excuse me. "

Following this, he bowed and, heading towards the door, disappeared. I didn't have any better than anything better, how to return to the room granted to me, where, easily had anyway, I spent the night.

The next day I returned to Lech, thinking, under what pretext I could visit the monastery again. Two days later, I sent a gift with the Supreme Lame, consisting of alarm clock, wristwatches and a thermometer, at the same time informing him of my desire, if possible, return to the monastery to my departure from Ladak in the hope that he could allow me to see a book that was one From the subjects of our conversation.

I chained the plan to reach Kashmir and later to go from there to Chemistry, but fate ordered otherwise. When I drove past a hill, on the top of which was a gone Pintaka, my horse stumbled, and I was dropped to the ground so unsuccessful that the layer would slightly leg below the knee.

Thus, it was impossible to continue the journey, and since I did not have any desire to return to Lech or enjoy hospitality in Gona Pintaka (unhealthy place), I ordered me to take me to Chemistry, where it was possible to go to half a day. Slow ride .

At my damaged limb, an improvised bus was superimposed - the operation caused me huge torments - and I was sat in the saddle;

one kouli hold the shaft of my leg, and the other led the horse under the coziness. We crossed the chemistry threshold in the late evening.

Hearing my misfortune, everyone came out to meet me. I was transferred to the best chambers with great Stew and laid onto the soft bed, which was a prayer wheel. All this happened under the tireless supervision of the abbot of the monaster, who sympathically shook his hand, outstretting me in gratitude for his kindness.

The next day, I myself made the best option of the tire for my legs from small and linen wooden sticks interconnected by rope;

staying in Absu Luten immobility turned out to be so favorable that soon I was able to throw a gampon and go to India in search of surgical care.

While the monastic service incessantly twisted the prayer wheel beside my stroke, the Holiness rector entertained me with endless busy stories, standing on the alone, takes away my alarm clock and watch from cases and asking me about their appointment and how they work.

In the end, he gave way to my hot requests, he brought me two big swallowed foliants with the pages yellowed and read me from them in the Beta language, the biography of Issa, which I neatly recorded in my carnet de voyage * after my translator. This interesting document is written in the form of individuals, which are often devoid of sequences.

For a few days my condition improved that I was able to continue to live the way. Therefore, I, having accepted the necessary precautions regarding the semolia leg, again headed to India through Kashmir. This journey, held in slow transitions, lasts twenty days and caused me a lot of suffering.

However, thanks to the stretcher, seemingly sent to me by Mr. Peisho (I use the case to thank him for generous concern about me) and the decree of the Great Vizier of Kashmir Magarazhi, in which the authorities were ordered to provide me with porters, I was able to get to the Srinagar, which almost immediately left Since it was in a hurry to reach India before the appearance of the first snow.

In Murrie, I met one Frenchman, Count Henri de Saint Fal, who made an entertainment trip to the Industan. All the time the path that we did together before Bombay, the young Count showed the most touching attention to my sufferment to the pit, that I hurt me a broken leg and fever, which I was then fired.

I keep the most grateful memories of his kindness and never forget the friendly care of the care of me on arrival in Bombay Marquis de Maures, Viscount de Brown, Monsieur Mono from the National Accounting Bank, MESET MOE, Consulate Director, and other friendly members of the French Colonies.

At the same time, I use the case of adding a few words sincere thanks to numerous English friends who, during my stay in India, honored me with their friendship and hospitality, - among them Colonel and Lady Nadier, Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, Mr. Hume, Mr. E. Kay Robertson from "Sevil End Mile Tari Gazette" and Mr. Reddard Kipling.

For a long time I reflected on the publication of Scriptures about Jesus Christ, who donated in Chemis. However, important things were occupied by all my time, and only now, - after many sleepless nights, which I spent, ordering my records, placing poems according to the sequence of the most narrative and giving all the work of a single character, - I decided to take a curious document, the next Further.

The life of St. Issa, the best of the sons of the human chapter I * 1. The Earth shuddered and the heavens of the Shenails about the great atrocity, perfect on the Earth of Israel.

2. For there were tormented there, and then betrayed the death of the Great Righouncement of Issu, in which the soul of the Universe was inhabited, 3. What was embodied in a simple mortal, in order to create good people and eradicate their bad thoughts, 4. Return a person disgraced by sin, to the life of the world , love and happiness and come to him about a single and inseparable Creator, whose mercy is infinite and does not know the pre-business.

5. Listen to the commercial people who traveled to the country of Israel.

Chapter II 1. The people of Israel, who lived on fertile lands, was given two harvests a year, and the wrath of God wrapped his sins, 2. who imposed a terrible punishment on him, reducing the land, livestock and all the state;

Israel was converted into slavery with powerful and rich pharaohs, reigning her now in Egypt.

3. They apply to the Israelis worse than animals, burdened by their hard work and sharpening in the chain, covering their bodies with their scars and wounds, without giving them food and for willingly live under the roof, 4. To keep them in constant fear and deprive them similarity of human.

5. And in his great distress, the people of Israel remembered their Heavenly Covers of La and, contacting him, appealed about mercy and forgiveness.

6. At that time, the famous Pharaoh reigned in Egypt, famous for numerous victories, accumulated wealth and extensive palaces, who erected the slaves with their own hands.

7. This Pharaoh had two sons, the younger of which called Moss. The scholars of the Israelis taught it to different sciences.

8. And Mossa loved in Egypt for his kindness and compassion, koi, he showed all the suffering.

9. Seeing that the Israelis did not want, even experiencing unbearable suffering, from being taken from their God to worship with the hand of the human gods of Egypt, 10. Moss believed in their invisible God, who did not allow them to break their weak si lies.

11. Israeli mentors referred to the zeal of Mossi and turned to him, about it to apply to Pharaoh, his father, about condescension to their uniforms.

12. And then the Prince of Moss went to his father, begging him to alleviate the fate of these unfortunate.

But Pharaoh was angry at him, and only increased the severity of the sufferings undergoing his slaves.

13. And it happened so that soon after this, Egypt visited the great misfortune. The plague struck the death of every tenth - small and old, weak and strong: and Pharaoh Uweh rolled that he had napel his gods.

14. But the Prince of Mossa told his father that this god of his slaves came to the unfortunate and on the Kazakhs of Egyptians.

15. Pharaoh ordered his son to take all the slaves of the Jewish tribe, to bring them out of the city and to establish another city at a large distance from the capital, where Moss would live with them.

16. Mossa declared Jews-slaves, which gives them freedom to the name of their God, the God of Israel, and he left with them from the city of Egypt.

17. He led them to the land that they lost their own for many sins, gave them a law and convinced them to constantly pray to the invisible Creator, whose goodness is unreasonable.

18. After the death of Prince Mosses, the Israelis strictly observed his laws, and for this God rewarded them for all the disasters that they were subjected in Egypt.

19. Their kingdom has become the most powerful throughout the land, their kings were famous for their wealth, and the long world reigned in the people of Israel.

Chapter III 1. The fame of the wealth of Israel was separated throughout the land, and the neighboring peoples began to investigate him.

2. But the Most High himself led the victorious army of the Jews, and the pagans did not dare to attack them.

3. Unfortunately, a person is not always faithful to himself, and the dedication of the Israelites has long lasted to his God.

4. They gradually began to forget all the grace, which he crushed them, rarely walked to the name of him and searched for help from magicians and magicians.

5. The kings and leaders replaced with their laws that gave them Moss. The temple of God and God's ministry was abandoned. People betrayed pleasure and lost their original purity.

6. Several centuries passed since their exit from Egypt, when God decided to repeal them again.

7. Inomes began to make raids to the land of Israel, devastating the field, destroying the village and leading the inhabitants.

8. And once the pagans came from Romeyev countries, on the other side of the sea. They conquered the Jews and put military leaders who ruled them on the command of Caesar.

9. Destroying temples, they forced residents not to worship more invisible Bo Gu, but to bring victims to pagan deities.

10. From noble native, they did warriors, women focused from their husbands, and a simple people facing slavery, thousands sent for the sea.

11. As for children, they were betrayed by a sword. And soon throughout the land of Israel, only sobs and moans were heard.

12. In this great disaster, the people remembered their God. They appealed to his cute heart, begging forgiveness to forgive them, and our father in his inexhaustible goodness heard their Molub.

Chapter IV 1. And the time has come when a premium judge elected to be embodied in a human being.

2. And the Eternal Spirit, inhabiting the kingdom of full peace and higher bliss, sampled and separated indefinitely from the eternal existing, 3. To enjoy the human image, specify the means and methods of connection with the divine and achieving perpetual bliss, 4. To An example is to show how you can achieve moral purity, I will leaving the soul from its coarse shell, - to achieve the level of perfection, which is necessary to climb into the incredit kingdom of Heaven, where the Eternal Bliss reigns.

5. Soon it was born in the earth of Israeli wonderful child, God himself spoke to the mouth of this baby about the poverty of the bodily and grandeur of the soul.

6. The parents of the newborn were poor people, but came from the kind of famous piety, and having betrayed their ancient greatness on Earth to oblivion, they praised the name of the Creator and thanked him for the sorrows sent to him as trials.

7. As a reward for the fact that they did not disappear from the path of the true, God blessed the pen of the crown in this family. He appointed him with his chosen one and sent him to the rescue in sin and for the sake of healing the suffering.

8. The Divine Child, who was given the name of the Issa, began to talk about a single and inseparable God from the most young years, calling the souls lost to repentance and purifying from the GIOs, in which they were guilty.

9. People walked to listen to him from everywhere and were divided by his speeches, emanating from children's mouth.

All the Israelis agreed that the Eternal Spirit lives in this child.

10. When Issa has reached thirteen years old, - and during these years every Israelis must choose a wife, 11. The house of his parents who lived modest labor began to visit people rich and notable, who wanted to see their son-in-law, who had already glorified by the sudentive preachs in The name of the Almighty.

12. But Issa secretly left the parental parent, left Jerusalem and, together with the merchant, went to India, 13. To improve in the divine Word and explore the laws of great buddhas.

CHAPTER V 1. Fourteen Youth Issa, blessed by God, crossed on another Reg Indus and settled among Arievs in the ground, beloved by God.

2. The glory about the wonderful tracker spread throughout the Northern Industry, and when he crossed the country of five rivers and Rajputan, the fans of God Jain asked him to settle among them.

3. But he left the defending fans of Jaina and went to Juggernaut in the Lands of Orissa, where the mortal remains of Vonya Krishna are resting and where the White Brahma Priests had a warm welcome.

5. He spent six years in Juggernut, Rajagrich, Benares and other sacred cities. Everyone loved him, as ISssa lived peacefully with the wises and shuds, which were sacred by the Scripture.

6. But Brahmins and Kshatriya began to tell him that Great Parabrahman banned them to approach those whom he made from his womb and legs;

7. What the Vaisham is allowed only to listen to the reading of the Vedas and then only on holidays;

8. That the shudrs are not only being considered when reading the Vedas, but even look at them, because their debt is always to work, like the slaves, on Bramins, Kshatriiv, and even Vaishiyev.

9. "Only death can save them from slavery," said Parabrahman. Leave them, come and worship with us the gods that are predicted for you for disobedience. "

10. But ISssa did not listen to their speeches and went to the shudras, speaking in his sermons against Bramins and Kshatriys.

11. He rebelled against the fact that a person assigns itself the right to deprive his neighboring human dignity;

"For," he said, "God's father does not distinguish between his children;

all of them are equal to him. "

12. ISSA denied the divine origin of the Vedas and Puran. "For, he instructed his followers," the law was already given a man to lead them in his affairs;

13. Fear of your God, worship the knee only in front of him one and only him to bring the victims that you received from their profits. "

14. ISSA denied Trimurti and the incarnation of para-brahman in Vishnu, Shiva and other gods, for he said:

15. "Eternal judgment, the Eternal Spirit created a single and indivisible soul of the Universe, which paradise one creates, concludes in himself and revives everything.

16. He one rule and worked, he alone existed from the century, and there is no consence of him. There is no equal in heaven or on earth.

17. The Great Creator did not share his authority with any living being, still I am with a soulless thing, as you were taught;

for he is one omnipotent.

18. He expressed his will, and the world appeared. Divine thought he collected water, separating the terrestrial ball from them. He is the beginning of a wonderful existence of a person in whom he breathed a particle of his being.

19. He also subjugated to the man of land, water, animals and all that created and keeps himself in a consistent manner, defining each thing its term.

20. The wrath of the Lord will soon hit a person, because he forgot his Creator, the Nile of His temples with abomination and worships a variety of creatures, whom God subjugated to him.

21. For, conspicuous stones and metals, people sacrificed human beings in which part of the spirit of the Most High lives.

22. For a person humiliates working in the sweat of the face, imprisoning in front of a slacker, squeezing for a lush table.

23. Those who deprive the brothers of their divine happiness will be deprived of him.

Brahmins and Kshatriya will become a shuds, and the eternal shuds will always stay.

24. For on the day of the last court, the shudrs and Vaisiam a lot says for their ignorance;

on the contrary, the wrath of God shines those who have assigned his rights. "

25. Vaishi and Shudras were admirable and asked Issu, as they should be melt, so as not to lose eternal bliss.

26. "Do not worship idols, for they do not enter you. Do not follow the Vedas, for Osti on them is distorted. Never put yourself above others and do not humiliate your neighbor. "

27. "Help the poor, maintain the weak, do not make evil to anyone and do not want to do what you do not have, but what you see from others."

Chapter VI 1. White Priests and Warriors, having learned what speeches Issa turned to the shudrs, they wondered to kill him and sent their servants to make track of the young prophet.

2. But the Issa, warned by the covers of danger, left at night the outskirts of Juggernaut, got to the mountains and settled in the country of Gautamidov, where the great Buddha Shakyamuni was born, among the people who won the united and majestic brahm.

3. Perfectly mastered the tongue of Pali, the righteous Issa brought to the study of the Sutr's sacred scriptures.

4. After six years, Issa, whom the Buddha elected to spread his Holy Word, became an excellent interpreter of the scriptures.

5. Then, leaving Nepal and the Himalayan Mountains, he descended into the Rajputan Valley and headed to the West, preaching various peoples about the highest perfection of a person, 6. What to do good to his neighbor is the faithful means for the speedy merger with the eternal spirit: "That Who will once again gain the original purity, "said Issa, dying, he will receive his abuse of his sins and the right to contemplate the greatness of God."

7. Passing the pagan lands, the divine Issa taught that the worship of the visible bo gam contradicts the law of nature.

8. "For a man, he said," the image of God was not allowed to see, and he still created the Songs of the Degen on the likeness of eternal.

9. Moreover, it is conscientious to man to put the greatness of divine purity below the vehicle, as well as items made by human hands from stone or metal.

10. Eternal legislator - one;

there is no other God except him. He does not divide the world with anyone else and does not notify anyone about his intentions.

11. As a father would do with his children, God will judge the people after their death under the laws of her mercy. He will never humiliate his child, forcing his soul to move, as in purgatory, in the body of the animal. "

12. "The Law of Heaven," said the Creator of the mouth of Issa, - against the bringing of human victims of the Istukan or animals;

for I subjugated to the person of all animals and everything that is on earth.

13. Everything is given to a person who is directly and closely connected with me, His from Com;

because the one who will kidnap my child, will be strictly judged and punished by the Divine law.

14. Man - nothing before the eternal judgment, like a beast - nothing before a person.

15. Therefore, I tell you: "Leave your idols and do not execute rituals that you get you out with your father, connecting you with the priests, from which the heavens turned away.

16. For they turned you away from the true God, and their superstitions and cruelty lead you to corruption of the soul and loss of any morality. "

Chapter VII 1. The words of Issim spread among the pagans in the countries where he passed, and the inhabitants left their idols.

2. Seeing this, the priests demanded that he reconciled the name of the true God, it was not native to prove what he was rejected, and demonstrate the insignificance of their idols.

3. And Issa replied to them: "If your idols and your animals are powerful and really felt supernatural strength, then let them affect me in place."

4. "Then it is a miracle," the priests answered, "and let your God destroy our gods if they are disgusting to him."

5. But ISssa said: "The wonders of our God made it from the first day of creating universal, they are committed every day and every minute. Whoever sees them is deprived of one of the most beautiful gifts of life.

6. And not against the soulless pieces of stones, metal or wood will be directed by the wrath of God, but he will fall on people, koi, if they crave salvation, should destroy all COPs of these idols.

7. Like a stone and sandbank, insignificant before a person, are humbly waiting for it when he met them and consumes with benefit, 8. So and a person should expect a great mercy that God will give him at the last court.

9. But the grief to you, the enemies of human, if [Get] not the grace, whom they live, and the anger of the Divine, is the grief to you, if you expect miracles to testify about his power.

10. For not idols will destroy it in his anger, but those who have erected them. Their hearts will be devoted to eternal fire, and their confused bodies will thorough wild animals.

11. God will drive an unclean of his herds, but will return to himself who were mistaken, not with those who knew the spiritual principle. "

12. Seeing the powerlessness of his priests, the pagans even more believed in the words of Issa and, having wisheding the divine anger, smashed their idols to smire. As for the priests, they fled, fleeing from the people's revenge.

13. And then Issa taught the pagans do not try to see the Eternal Spirit [Earth], but to strive to feel His mercy in his heart and the purity of his soul. "

14. "Not only," he said to them, "do not commit human sacrifice, but do not give a single creature for a miscarriage, which life was granted, for all the existence was created for the benefit of a person.

15. Do not steal your neighbor, for what you kidname, he deserves his own.

16. Do not lie in order not to be deceived. Try to justify the last trial, for it will be too late.

17. Do not foresee depravity, for this violation of God's laws.

18. You will achieve the highest happiness, not only cleansing ourselves, but also instructing others on the way, which will allow them to gain initial perfection. "

Chapter VIII 1. Neighboring countries have been full of rumors about the sermons of Issa and, when he came to the Pen, the priests were alarmed and forbidden to the residents to listen to him.

2. And seeing that all villages happily meet him and reverently listen to him, ordered him to grab it and lead to the Supreme Priest, where he was subjected to the following interrogation:

3. "What new god are you talking about? Do not you know, unhappy that the Holy Zo Roaster is the only righteous, awarded communication with the highest being, 4. He commanded the angels to write down the Word of God for the benefit of his people - the laws that Zoroastra were given to Paradise?

5. Who are you to blame our God and sow doubt in the hearts of believers? "

6. And Issa answered him: "I'm not talking about the new God, but about our father, who existed from the beginning and will be, when everything else will stop exist.

7. I talked about people who, as innocent children, are not able to comprehend God's simple strength of their mind or penetrate his divine and spiritual elevation.

8. But as a newborn in the darkness, the mother's breasts finds the mother's chest and your people, misleading your false teaching and religious rites, learned on the host of his father in the father, whose prostineer I am.

9. Eternally, he ever announced to your people with my mouth: "Do not worship the Sun, for it is only part of the world created by me for a person.

10. The sun goes back to warming you while working, and comes to give you a rest, as I installed.

11. This is me, and only me, you are obliged to everyone than those who own, all that is around you, above you and under you. "

12. "But," priests objected, - how can the people live according to the laws of justice, if he does not have mentors? "

13. Issa answered this: "So far, people did not have priests, the natural law of the government was lying, and they retained the purity of their souls.

14. Their souls were in God and to communicate with the Father, there is no need for an intermediary of idols or animals, or fire, how they do here.

15. You argue that you need to worship the sun, the Spirit of Good and Spirit of Evil. Well, I tell you, your teaching is false, the sun is not moving in itself, but according to the will of the invisible Creator, who gave him life 16. And wishing it to be a star, which will highlight the day, will warm up the work of man.

17. The Eternal Spirit is the soul of all living things. You make a grave sin, sharing it in the spirit of evil and spirit of goodness, for he is exclusively God's God, 18. Which, as the father of the family, makes only good to his children, who is talking to them all misconduct if they repent.

19. And the Spirit of evil lives on Earth in the hearts of those people who seduce the children of God from a straight path.

20. Therefore I tell you: "Fear the Judgment Day, for God will impose a serious punishment on all who will lead his children from the true path and fill them with superstitions and prejudices;

21. On those who blinded the greedy who handed the infection to healthy and taught to worship that God was subordinated to the person for his good and help him in the writings.

22. Your teaching, therefore, is the fruit of your delusions;

for, wanted to raise a true God to yourself, you have created yourself false gods. "

23. After listening to him, the Magi decided not to harm him. But at night, when all the village slept, they brought him out of the walls and left on a big road, in the hope that he would soon be done by the prey of wild animals.

24. But, who defeated by the Lord, our God, Saint Issa, unharmed, continued his way.

Chapter IX 1. Issa, chosen by the Creator to remind mankind, mired in the vice, about the true God, reached the age of twenty nine, when Israel returned to the land.

2. Since his care, the pagans caused an even more terrible suffering of Israel Tianam, and they were in deep despair.

3. Many of them have already begun to abandon the laws of their God and the laws of Mossa in the hope of improving cruel conquerors.

4. At the sight of such a disaster, ISssa convinced his fellow citizens not to despair, because the day of the redemption of sins, and strengthened them in faith in the god of their fathers.

5. "My children, do not foresee despair," said the Heavenly Father's Father's mouth, for I heard my voice, and your wedding reached me.

6. Do not cry, my beloved! For the grief your head of your father's heart and he forgave you, as forbed the forefathers of yours.

7. Do not throw your families to indulge in rags, do not lose my nobility of your feelings, do not worship the idols that will be deaf to your voice.

8. Fill my temple with my hope and your patience and do not renew from the Fathers' faith, for I sent them to and showered them by the benefits.

9. You will raise those who fell, you will give food hungry and help the painfulness so that everyone has chicted and righteous on the day of the last court, which I prepared for you. "

10. The Israelis crowds converged to listen to the word of Issa, asking him, where they blend to worship the father of heaven, when the enemy erased from the face of their temples and desecrated the sacred vessels.

11. ISSA answered them that God does not mean the temples erected by the hands of a person, but he considers the heart of the human True temple of God.

12. "Enter your temple in your heart. Light with his good thoughts, patience and hope unshakable, which you should have to your father.

13. And your sacred vessels are your hands and eyes. Site and make anything to God, for, making good neighbor, you perform a rite that adorns the temple where the one who gave you life is inhabited.

14. For God created you on the likeness of his own - innocent, pure soul, with a heart performed by good, designed not to fulfill evil, but become a sanctuary of love and justice.

15. And therefore I tell you, do not defile my hearts, for the Most High lives there forever.

16. If you want to make cases marked with love and piety, make them open with your open heart and do not allow yourself to be guided in your actions calculated or hope for reward.

17. For such cases will not bring you to salvation, but will bring you to such a moral decline when theft, lies and murder are considered to be valor. "

Chapter X 1. Holy Issa went from the city to the city, strengthening the Word of God's courage Israel Tian, \u200b\u200bready to fall under the burden of despair, and thousands of people followed him, so that he was serving.

2. But the elders of the cities were frightened and reported to the head of the ruler, who lived in Jerusalem, which arrived in the country a man named Issa, that he was waiting for his speeches by the people against the authorities, that the crowd, diligently attentive to him, neglects social work and claims that soon get rid of the self-coiled rulers.

3. Then the Pilate, the ruler of Jerusalem, ordered to grab the preacher of Issu, suggested him to the city and lead to court. But in order not to initiate the displeascies of the people, Pilate punished the priests and scribes, Jewish elders, judge him in the temple.

4. Meanwhile, ISSA, continuing his sermon, came to Jerusalem, and, having learned about his arrival, all the inhabitants who have already heard about him came to meet.

5. They welcomed him with respect and opened the doors of their temple before him, in order to hear from his mouth what he spoke in other cities of Israel.

6. And Issa told them: "The human race dies from the lack of faith, for the darkness of the darkness and the stupid of the herds and they lost their shepherds.

7. But the storm will not last forever and the darkness will not forever go light. The sky will turn out once, the heavenly light will be broken down on the ground and herd, now lost, will gather in the circle of their shepherd.

8. Do not try to look for direct paths in the darkness, so as not to break into your abyss, but collect the remaining forces, support each other, place hope for God and wait until the light is cut.

9. The one who helps the neighbor is strengthened;

and who protects their family, protects the people and the state.

10. Be sure that the day is close when you free from the gloom;

sick in one family, and your enemy, the gracefulness of God, trends in fear. "

11. The High Priests and the elders who did not listen to him were filled with admiration for him and asked if he was trying to raise the people against the authorities of the country, as Pilate's governor.

12. "Is it possible to raise the uprising of people lost from which the gates and the path of them are hidden by mrak? - Issis answered. "I only warned the unfortunate, like here, in this temple, so that they did not go on the dark path, for the abyss was rejected at the feet.

13. Earth power is not longited and is subject to many changes. What is the benefit of the Chela Age to resent against her, seeing that one power always replaces the other? So it will be until the human genus is stopped.

14. Do not you see that the power of the property and rich sow among the sons of Israel is a spiritual spirit against the eternal power of the sky? "

15. Then the elders asked: "Who are you and from which country came to us? We did not hear about you before and did not even know your name. "

16. "I am Israeli," Issa replied. - From the day of my birth, I saw the walls of Jerus Lima and heard the moaning of my brothers, turned into slavery, and screaming my sisters, uve-bottom pagans.

17. And my soul was sophisticated when I saw that my brothers had forgotten the true God. I still had a child who left the father's house and left to live among other peoples.

18. But hearing that my brothers are still experiencing more torment, I returned to the country of my fathers, in order to remind my brothers about the faith of ancestors, which teaches us ter singing on Earth for the sake of finding perfect and higher happiness in heaven. "

19. And the wise elders asked him such a question: "They say that you reject the laws of Mossy and teach people to neglect the temple of God?"

20. And ISSA answered: "It is impossible to destroy what is given to our father heaven, as well as what has already been destroyed by sinners;

i called for a heart cleaner from every bad, for it is the true temple of God.

21. As for the laws of Moss, I tried to approve them in the hearts of people. And I tell you that you do not understand their true meaning, for they are taught not to revenge, but forgiveness;

but the meaning was perverted by them. "

Chapter XI 1. After hearing the Issu, the high priests and wise elders decided not to judge him among themselves, for he did not cause an evil to anyone. And, after appearing before the Pilate, whom the Sky King Square from Romeev appointed a governor in Jerusalem, they told him like this:

2. "We saw the man you blame in the decline of our people to Mint Zhu, we listened to his speech and know that he is our compatriot.

3. But urban elders sent you false reports, because it is a righteous person who teaches the people of the Word of God. After questioning, we let him go so that he was with the world. "

4. Then the ruler fell into rage and sent to the Isla of his disguised servants so that they would follow all his actions and reported to the authorities about each word, which he ratts the people.

5. Meanwhile, Holy Issa continued to attend neighboring cities, preaching about the true paths of the Creator, called the Jews to patience and promised them a quick liberation.

6. And all this time, a lot of people followed him everywhere, wherever he goes, who were not relentlessly followed him and became close to him.

7. Issa said: "Do not believe the wonders committed by the man's hand, for only the one who dominates nature, can work supernatural things, while a person is powerless to keep the rain of the wind or shed rain.

8. But there is a miracle that is possible to commit and man. When, I am fulfilling with her faith, he decides to snatch all the bad thoughts from his heart, and having achieved His Quiet, does not go along the ways of lawlessness.

9. All things performed without God are only error, temptations and seductions, which only show, to what extent of the soul of someone who is engaged in this craft is full of shamelessness, falseness and vices.

10. Do not believe in progress, one God knows the future;

the one who resorts to gadels will defrost the temple of his heart and radiates distrust to his Creator.

11. Vera in Oracles and their obnomen destroys the congenital promptedness of man and his children's purity. Hellic forces master them, prompting to make any kind of extremes and worship idols;

12. But the Lord God God, who has no equal, is one, omnipotent, ourselves and drove. All wisdom and all the world belong to him.

13. To him, you must seek the consolation in the sadness, for help in the works and for healing in the ailments. And whoever addressed him will not be rejected.

14. The Mystery of Nature is in the hands of God, for the world before his appearance was in the depths of the divine thought and became the material and visible in the will of the Most High.

15. When you contact him, become the children again, for you do not know anything, neither a real, no future, and God has the lord of all times. "

Chapter XII 1. "The righteous person," said him the gloom of the ruler of Jerusalem, "tell us, will we do the will of Caesar or wait for a quick liberation?"

2. Issa, having learned people who are aligned to follow him, answered: "I did not tell you that you would be liberated from Caesar. This soul, mired in delusion, will receive his liberation.

3. There is no family without chapter, there will be no order in the people without Caesar;

he must have a complete obedience, he one will keep the answer for his affairs before the highest court. "

4. Does Caesar have divine right? - still asked to be skewed. - And whether he is from mortals? "

5. "No better between people, but there are always sufferers, which should be called favorites and appointed to fulfill this mission using the funds providing them with the Sacred Law of our Heavenly Father.

6. Mercy and justice - the highest quality of Caesar;

its name will be about the famous if he sticks to them.

7. But who comes out otherwise who passes the borders of the authorities given to him above the subordinates, going so far that he exposes their life to the danger, insults the great Su Dia and loses the dignity in the eyes of people. "

8. Meanwhile, one of the Soglyadayev pushed the old woman who approached the rest to better hear Issu, and became before her.

9. And then ISssa said: "Does not fit the Son to remove his mother, occupying her place.

Who does not honor their mother, the most sacred creature after God, not worthy to be called the Son.

10. Listen, what I will tell you. Wear a woman, for she is the mother of the universe, and the whole truth of the Divine Creation is enclosed in it.

11. She is the basis of all good and beauty and she is a source of life and death. From it, the entire existence of a man will sit, for it is his natural and moral support.

12. She gives rise to you in flour. She in the sweat of the face brings up you and the most worried about you. Bless her and honor her, for she is your only friend, your only support on Earth.

13. Remove it, protect it. By doing so, you will gain her love and her heart and will be pleasant to God, and many sins will be waiting for you.

14. Love also and wives of yours and read them, for tomorrow they will become mothers, and later the progenitis of the race.

15. Conquain a woman. Her love enlisters a man, softens his burned her heart, tame a beast and makes him a lamb.

16. Wife and mother are an invaluable treasure given to you by God. They are the best decoration of being, and all who inhabit the world will be called from them.

17. As the God's forces has once separated the light from darkness and land from water, and the woman has a divine gift to separate good intentions from evil intents in a man.

18. Therefore, I tell you, after God, your best thoughts should be given to wives and wives, for a woman for you - the temple in which you are the easiest of all will gain their happiness.

19. Draw in this temple moral forces. Here you will take care of your sadness and do not good luck and again gain the lost forces necessary for helping neighbor.

20. Do not expose her humiliation, by this you to humiliate yourself and lose your sense of love, without which nothing exists here below.

21. Wander your wife so that she can protect you and your whole family. Everything you do for your wife, your mother, for a widow or another mournful woman, you will do for God. "

Chapter XIII 1. Holy Issa thus instructed the people of Israel for three years - in every city, each village, on the roads and in the fields, and all prediction came true.

2. All this time, the disguised servants of Pilate intently followed him and did not hear anything like that in previous years it was collected in the reports of urban old tires about Isse.


Unknown life of Jesus Christ

To publishers

This translation is not a literal copy of the French edition. The inevitable difficulties associated with the publication led to the fact that the first time my book was printed in a big hurry, which caused her considerable damage. I only had five days to sample preface, introduction and conclusion, and almost a few hours for the edit of the banter.

This was the reason for a certain shortage of arguments in support of some of my statements, as well as the appearance of semantic breaks in the narrative and many typos, around which the noise was raised by my opponents who were not noticed that their excessive diligence chopped up a gossip and point to superficial disadvantages they only demonstrated their own The powerlessness, attaching to the trunk of that tree, which I crushed and which stood under the most violent gusts of the wind, trying to sneak it.

In fact, they rendered me a service for which I sincerely gratefully, because I contributed to the revision of this topic, which I myself seemed necessary. I am always happy to take advantage of any information and is not so sophisticated in oriental, so as not to be confident in the need for great knowledge.

Thus, the British readers first benefit from the reasonable criticism that I accepted, and the amendments that I made.

So, I propose an English reader a book cleaned from errors and free from any inaccuracies in the details for which I was joining me so hard and persistently, as, for example, in the case of the Chinese emperor, the reign of which I pointed out correctly, but I was mistaken, Attribute to him belonging to another dynasty.

My goal and sincere desire, - In order for the English public to have a sharp mind, but a wary of any innovations in particular, if we are talking about religion, - could judge my work on its semantic qualities, and not by grammatical or typographical errors , To which, until now, my opponents relied, trying to smuggle the true value of this document. I hope so that after reading the work it becomes clear that I wrote it completely sincerely and honestly.

I am quite aware that a skillful organized criticism has already configured the public against the book. And even generously defended by familiar and unfamiliar friends, "Unknown life of Jesus Christ" was subjected to such evil attacks of fanatics, which apparently imagined, as if I thirst began to start theological distribution (while my sole purpose was put another brick in the building of modern Science) that all this created around the first edition of the book in England an atmosphere of distrust.

Everything was arranged so that the authenticity of my documents was considered doubtful. But the attacks were directed mainly against the author, questioning his honesty, in a bossless hope that such insults can shake his calm and make him send emotions that would restore everyone against the book itself.

I could contempt to take offended accusations: insults are not argued, even if they are expressed in a deliberately restrained manner, such inherent in Mr. Max Muller in his attempt to break me. But nevertheless I will consider those that affect my journey to Tibet, Lech, Ladak and Buddhist monastery in Chemis. For a start, I briefly list the objections that are extended relative to the ways to confirm the authenticity of my documents. That's what caused doubts: why Lama Chemis refused to affirmatively answer the questions asked him about manuscripts? Because the east people accustomed to consider Europeans to robber, which are being introduced in their environment to rob in the name of civilization.

The fact that I succeeded and these narratives were reported to me, is connected with the use of Eastern diplomacy, which I amced during travel. I knew how from afar to get closer to the question of interest to me, while now everyone seeks to go along with.

Lama said to himself: "If they ask about these manuscripts, then only then to steal them," and he naturally kept silence and refused explanation. This suspicion is easy to understand if you trace the acts of those Europeans, who in communicating with the eastern peoples only oppressed and openly robbed them with the help of civilization.

A certain lady wrote to Europe that "I have never seen me" in Tibet] "and no one ever heard of my name. Then the head of the guards of the temple stated that my foot did not go to Tibet, - in other words, I am a fraudster.

Moravian missionary, worthy of Mr. Shaw, repeated this little joke, which I have to call the guys; And then the truth seekers added his testimony to the rest and resumed offensive accusations. It is true that soon after that, Mr. Show officially took them.

I had a lot of work worth protecting myself on this point of charge, but I should not allow Lie to remain unpunished and occupy favorable position. If the mentioned lady and her friends did not meet me, then I can call on the Witnesses of Lieutenant Yanghas-Band, whom I met in Matayan on October 28, 1887 and who was first crossed China, and also climbed to the Mustag's pass at an altitude of 21,500 feet ( English), and many others.

I still have a photograph of the pretty governor of Ladak, Suragbala, with the inscription made by him personally, which I am public in this book.

During my illness in Ladak, I was even visited by a European doctor who was in the English government service, Dr. Carl Marx, whose letter dated November 4, 1887 you have already seen. Why not write directly to him to make sure, was I actually in Tibet or not, if someone so hotly seeks to prove the opposite? True, it will take some time to send a letter and get an answer from Tibet, however, letters are sent there, and the answers from there come.

It was also stated that the original "unknown life of Jesus Christ" never existed in the monastery of chemistry and all this is simply the use of my fantasy. This is really truly the honor of which I do not deserve, since my imagination is not so rich.

If I were even able to invent a fairy tale of this magnitude, I would have been supposed to be just guided by common sense, it would be exalted by the price of this discovery, referring my find to any mysterious or supernatural intervention, and should be avoided to accurately specify the place, time and circumstances of this discoveries. In any case, I hardly bring your role in this case to the simple playback of the old manuscript.

I was also considered the subject of ridicuers of cunning lamas, as happened to Wilorfore and Jacolio, said that, not being thoroughly protected from certain Indian deceivers, which are made on the gullibility of Europeans, I accepted for a clean coin - almost for the gold ingot - then What was a skillful fake.

It was Mr. Max Muller who did not insist on this accusation. So, as Max Muller enjoys fame in the scientific world, I consider myself obligated - before myself and before the public - to pay more attention to the refutation of his arguments than all my other critics.

The main argument of Mr. Muller, apparently, is the statement that the story about the "unknown life of Jesus Christ" as it was outlined by me in this book, it was not found in the "Tanjur" and "Canjur" catalog.

Let me notice yourself here that if it were there, then my discovery would not be surprising, neither valuable, since these catalogs have been available for the European scientists long ago, and the first orientalist could easily do the same As I, - to go to Tibet, stocking the guide and extract fragments, marked in catalogs from scrolls.

According to its own statement of Max Muller, catalogs contain a list of about two thousand volumes. Truly these are very incomplete catalogs., only one of the lass monastery stores more than a hundred thousand volumes of manuscripts, and I sincerely sympathize with my opponent if he believes that these crumbs will supply it with the key to the whole long period of the existence of Eastern Science.

It is indeed true that the parables, the translation of which is presented in this book, cannot be found in any catalog, whether "Tanjur" or "Canjur". They did not have title and were scattered not in one book, therefore, they cannot be found in Chinese and Tibetan catalogs. They exist as reminders of the wonderful events that took place in the first century of the Christian era, which with a greater or lesser accuracy briefly recorded by Lamyan scribes - to the extent that they remember them.

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