Someone survived on the Titanic. Passengers "Titanic" who survived after the crash (28 photos). Operator Harold Thomas Coffin is interrogated in New York

Calculator 19.03.2021

After a half hours after shipwreck ..

There was no chance

The water temperature in the ocean of that fatal night was 2.2 degrees Celsius. Living a man who fell into black abyss, there was only 15 minutes. With the crash "Titanic killed 1517 people, and the highest chance to survive was among the first-class passengers: 63 percent of them were saved.

In the "Titanic" there were 20 rescue boats that could only accommodate 1100 passengers - half of those who were on board that night. Oddly enough, it corresponded to the legal norms of that time, and the number of boats was considered sufficient. Only 700 passengers were able to get into rescue boats; Most of them were half empty, and almost all were free spaces.

But what happened to the bodies?

The truth about it is hidden by secret manuscripts, the authors of which believed that they would never become public. In these notes, it is said that the captain of one of the vehicles who arrived to help, McCain-Bennet, wanted to pull out all the bodies from the sea. But soon he realized that his ship was too small for 334 bodies that managed to detect in water.

Having confused with the team, it was decided to leave the body of poor passengers from the third class, so that there was enough space for the bodies of travelers of the first and second class.

The crew members were judged that the rich passengers "Titanic" had more rights to decent burial. Of the 334 bodies found, more than a hundred were thrown from the ship, and they were not found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The truth about what happened was hidden by long confidential telegrams, which were subsequently extracted from secret archives.

Thus, the bodies of the poorest victims were thrown out, and the remains of the rich - returned to their families.

Creepy sight

Five days after the tragedy "Bremen" joined the "Carpathian" ship, and their task was to collect the remnants of the bodies that could only be found. In the distance, the passengers saw white spots, which were actually the frozen bodies of the dead, some of them were dressed in life jackets.

"We saw a woman in a night shirt with a child tied to his chest," said Joanna Stank, who traveled to Bremen.

"There was also found the body of a woman who fastened a red dog firmly in his hands. Some were dressed in dance and dinner, some died in night shirts and pajamas. One woman had a lifebelt and two children in her arms, "the eyewitnesses were told.

The crew described the rescue process as "cold, wet, unhappy and uncomfortable." By the end of April, the interaction of salt and the sun began to destroy the rescue circles, and the people of people began to disappear in the depths of the ocean. However, in June 1912, the last two corpses were discovered in the ocean. These were the body of the vehicle waiter and the kitchen worker.

Film on real events

The most vivid film release of this terrible historical event was the film shot by James Cameron in 1997.

Journalist Joinfomedia Marina Korneva offers to see the heroes of the cult painting.

On April 14, 1912, a paryboat "Titanic", who came to his first and last flight from Southampton, rushed to New York on all pairs. At 23:39, ahead of Frederick Fleet, Issberg noted right at the rate of the ship. The clash turned out to be inevitable. After 2 hours and 40 minutes, the "Titanic" steamer was considered unspecified under water. Only about 700 out of 2224 who were on board passengers and crew members managed to escape. At the dawn of the surviving passengers "Titanic" picked up the ship "Carpathians", which followed the same course. The wreck of "Titanic" to this day remains the largest disaster in the history of navigation.

The surviving passengers "Titanic" Michel and Edmond Navratil, April 1912.
To get to the steamer, their father called Luis Hoffman, and sons registered under the fictional names Louis and Lola.

Feeling Frederick Fleet (in this picture he was 24 years old) Issberg noticed. Flint participated in the two world wars. In 1965, he did not cope with depression and committed suicide.

Iceberg, who destroyed "Titanic", April 15, 1912.

The boats with the surviving passengers of the Titanic approaching the ship "Carpathians", April 15, 1912.

Boat with surviving passengers "Titanic", April 15, 1912.

The surviving passengers of "Titanic" on board the steamer "Carpathians", April 15, 1912.

The sketches made by the surviving passenger "Titanic" by John Tairen junior on board the rescue boat, and later supplemented by Mr. Skidmor already aboard the steamer "Carpathians", April 1912.

The surviving passengers "Titanic" on the deck of a steamer "Carpathia", April 15, 1912.

People await the news near the office of the shipping company WHITE STAR LINE in New York, April 1912.

Boats, who saved their lives with almost all the surviving passengers of "Titanic", at the berth of White Star Line in New York, April 1912.

People are waiting for the arrival of the steamer "Carpathians" in New York, April 18, 1912.

People await the arrival of the steamer "Carpathians", posed by the surviving passengers of Titanic, in New York, April 18, 1912.

The surviving crew members of the Titanic steamer, April 1912.

People gathered in the port of Devonport to hear the story of the surviving passenger "Titanic", 1912.

Payment of compensation to the surviving passengers of "Titanic", April 1912.

Relatives of the surviving passengers of Titanic at the station in Southampton, April 29, 1912.

Relatives of the surviving passengers of Titanic in Southampton, April 29, 1912.

Relatives are waiting for surviving members of the Titanic crew, which should go ashore in Southampton. On April 29, 1912, the surviving crew members returned to their homes in the south of England. Shipwreck took the lives of 549 out of 724 crew members.

Relatives are waiting for surviving passengers "Titanic" in Southampton, April 29, 1912.

Relatives Meet the surviving passengers of Titanica on returning to Southampton, April 29, 1912.

The surviving member of the Titanic crew kisses his wife on returning to Plymouth, April 29, 1912.

The surviving stewards lined up near the building, where they are caused by the testimony of the shipwreck investigation commission, April 29, 1912.

The surviving passenger "Titanic" leaves a woman autograph, April 29, 1912.

Pasco Brothers, surviving members of the crew of the sunken "Titanic", on returning to Southampton, April 29, 1912.

The surviving passengers of Titanic Michel and Edmond Nesratil after reunion with his mother, 1912.

Nitard with a newborn baby, November 1912. The mother of the baby already being pregnant returned on board "Titanic" with her husband after their honeymoon. The father of the child died, and his mother subsequently married one of the surviving passengers.

Titanic transatlantic liner on April 15, 1912 after a collision with Iceberg sank and took with him in the puchin of 1504 human life.

Scheme of survivors and dead. Among the passengers were selfless heroes, and those who cared only about their salvation, and surviving miracle.

The saddle of the exhibition. Lists are posted on the wall. Only I really came out pictures.

On top of the lists of the dead. By classes.

At the bottom of the lists of survivors. Also in classes.

Let me remind you that at the entrance to the exhibition, each was issued a real person's ticket. Here is my ticket to Titanic. And everything is written in detail about this passenger.

Now you need to find Aubart surname list.

Here are first class passengers who survived.

In the third line found her last name. Hurrah! My heroine survived!

Parisian - the singer Miss Leontin Polin Obar - drove on Titanic, accompanied by his maid. She traveled with her lover, New Yor Millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim. Its luggage consisted of 4 suitcases with 24 dresses, 24 pairs of shoes, underwear, gloves and diamond diary. Benenje was driving accompanied by a chamener. Two of these four were saved. What do you think: who was the second escaped? Mentally tell me the answer, and then read what is lower.

Benjamin Guggenheim - Millionaire. In France, he founded the company that supplied accessories for the elevators of the Eiffel Tower. On April 12, 1912, Guggenhaim climbed the "Titanic" ", accompanied by his mistress, French singer Madame Leontains Opar, his championard Viktor Gilo and Madame Opar Emma Segress. On the night of April 15, during the collision of Titanic with Iceberg Guggenhaim and Giello slept, and were awakened only by Madame Opar and her maid that felt a clash. With the help of the steward, rescue vests were put on and rose to the deck. Guggenhaim sat in the boat Madame Obars and her maid, who reluctantly obeyed him. He convinced them that it was just a repair and they will soon meet. Understanding that the situation is much more serious and he will not be able to escape, Guggenhaim returned to the Cameryman in the cabin, where they changed into the tricks. Together we sat down at the table in the Central Hall, where whiskey slowly, watching the catastrophe. When someone suggested that they try to escape, Guggenhaim replied: "" We are dressed in accordance with our position and are ready to die as gentlemen. "

This is a real hero !!! That night they became one of the many Titanic victims, and after the tragedy of their bodies, they were never identified. After the death of Titanic, the Pedjamin Huggenheim was very famous, and his characters were repeatedly appeared in various films about the death of Titanic.

Why so many people died?

The rescue agents that had been on a liner could accommodate only 1178 people. "Titanic" had 20 rescue boats - to a standard set of 16 boats of two types of capacity (by 65 and 40 people) four folding boats were added for 47 people each.

Responsible for the construction of Titanic was the director of the steamer company "White Star Line" Joseph Bruce Ismie. He is antiger. It was he who decided not to post an extra rescue boats on board the ship for reasons of cash saving. These boats could save 1500 lives - almost everyone who died. This circumstance aggravates what kind of Ismy, despite the order of the captain "Women and Children, first of all," in time, ranked his place in the boat and was able to survive in a catastrophe. On the ship "Karpathia", which raised 706 people, Ismy is located in a separate cabin, while the rest slept on the floor and tables.

However, the crew members did not even succeed in the water to the water all the boats that were on the ship. One boat was shorn overboard, the other swam in an inverted state. It is striking and the fact that most boats were filled not more than two-thirds. This happened for many reasons. At first, the passengers did not want to take places in boats, because it seemed to them that it was safer to stay on the Titanic. Later, when it became obvious that the death of the steamer is inevitable, the boats filled better. In one of the boats, designed for 65 people, was saved only 12.

... hitting into the water, many people died instantly from the tearing of the heart or pain ...

It is very sorry that so many children died, they were saved only 52%.

In the sign of mourning for the dead children, the legendary company "STEIFF" made 500 beds of black color in size of 50 centimeters. They have a red rim around crying glazing.

For the first time, Titanic got on the main pages of newspapers as the largest ship in the history of mankind, and his first flight should have made a long journey through the entire Atlantic in April 1912. As everyone knows, instead of a triumphal swimming, the history of shipping was supplemented by the greatest catastrophe. On his fourth day, traveling 105 years ago, 643 kilometers from the shore of New Scotland, the ship collided with Iceberg and sunk for 2 hours and 40 minutes. In that terrible day, 1,500 passengers died, which mostly died not from injuries or asphyxia, but from supercooling. Few who managed to survive in the ice water of the Atlantic Ocean, the temperature of which in April 1912 fell to - 2 ° C. Do not hurry to be surprised, the water may well remain liquid with such a cold if it takes into account that in the ocean it is a salt solution with other nutrients, and not clean H2O.

But if you explore the history of Titanic deeper, you will also find stories about people who, during an unforeseen catastrophe, were resolutely, avoided death and helped others drowning. Over 700 people experienced disaster, although for some of them it was a matter of happy chance. Before you are 10 stories survivors in the tragic catastrophe of the Atlantic.

10. Frank Pentice - crew member (warehouse assistant)

Right before the Titanic finally plunged under water, the vessel's feed briefly rose into the air perpendicular to the water level. Then the member of the Frank Prentice team (Frank Prentice), one of the last on the ship's ship, together with 2 of his comrades, decided to jump from a sinking liner into cold water. One of his colleagues during the fall hit the Titanic screw propeller, but Prentis was able to fly 30 meters to the water itself, where the idle body was already waiting for him. Fortunately, the franc soon picked up a lifeboat.

In the history of Prentice it is easy to check, especially since his clock stopped at exactly 2:20, and this is the exact time of the final immersion of the Titanic in the water of the Atlantic Ocean. It is noteworthy that in a few years Prentice survived another shipwreck when the Oceanic (Oceanic) served on board the military vessel during the First World War.

9. Eight Chinese passengers from the third grade

It may surprise, but if you read the reports on large-scale evacuation with a sinking Titanic, you will understand that at first it was a very civilized process. All passengers obediently performed the orders of the carriage carriage, and many of them were pleased to give their places in rescue boats to women and children. They did it voluntarily and without coercion. Panic did not deprive people of prudence and honor. At least not all and not immediately.

But if you want to know how in the shipwreck of the beginning of the 20th century, it was possible to survive passengers with a more practical approach to testing, it would be interesting for you to listen to 8 Chinese immigrants, which went on board the legendary vessel all at one ticket. It was a group of immigrants from Guangzhou, lost work due to the coal crisis, and sailing home to Hong Kong.

In different immigration reports, their names changed, but today it is no longer important. When a collision has occurred with Iceberg, the seven of them squeezed into rescue boats before these boats were directed to the landing grounds. The Chinese disappeared in boats under the blankets, and remained unnoticed for a long time. Five of them survived. The eighth Chinese, too, moved shipwreck - his rescue boat №14 (saving and Harold Phillimor, which we will tell a little later). Salvation 6 people from group 8 comrades - good statistics, but their heroic behavior is difficult to call.

8. Olaus Yorgensen Abelzet - second-class passenger

Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth (Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth) was a Norwegian shepherd worked on a livestock farm in South Dakota (South Dakota). He returned from the trip home after visiting relatives, and in April 1912 he sat down on Titanic with five members of his family.

During evacuation from the Titanic, people were seated on rescue boats for certain considerations. An adult man could hit the rescue boat, only if he had a good experience in shipping, which would come in handy to control the swimming agent in the waters of the open ocean. Rescue boats were only 20, and at least one experienced sailor had to be present on each of them.

Abelset had six years of seaware experience, in the past he was a fisherman, and he was offered a place in the next boat, but a man refused. And all because some of his relatives did not know how to swim, and Olaus Jorgensen decided to stay with them to take care of the survival of his family. When the Titanic completely sank, and the relatives of Olaus still washed away into the water, the man remained afloat in the cold ocean as much as 20 minutes while he was not saved. When Abelset was in the boat, he actively helped save other victims of the shipwreck, puming out moving in ice water.

7. Hugh Volner and Maurice Biornstrem-Shteofanszon - First Class Passengers

Hugh Volner and Mauritz Biornström-Steffanszon (Hugh Woolner, Mauritz Björnström-Steffansson) were sitting in a smoking salon when heard about a collision with iceberg. Gentlemen accompanied her girlfriend to life boats and helped the Titanic crew in organizing planting women and children in the boat. Hugh and Maurits were on the bottom deck, when they decided to jump into the last boat until she descended on. Their jump was committed 15 minutes before the final flooding of the Titanic, so it was an attempt from the category "now or never."

Biornstrem-Steffanson successfully jumped into the boat, but Wolner turned out to be less successful and missed. However, a man managed to grasp the edge of the boat, and his friend managed to delay Hugh, while he hung over the ocean. Ultimately, Vulnera helped climb the boat. It was salvation, complete drama.

6. Charles Join - crew member (Main Baker)

Most of the victims of the Titanic crash died from hypothermia (hypothermia) within 15 - 30 minutes in ice water, but Charles Joughin is true proof that each rule has its exceptions. Join was drunk when the steamer collided with Iceberg. Despite the extraordinary conditions and his drunken state, the Baker helped with another sinking, throwing over the side of the Titanic lounge chairs and chairs, so that people were for what to grab, and not drown. After the liner finally plunged into the water, Charles drifted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crash site for more than two hours while he did not come to one of the rescue ships.

Survival experts associate the success of the joine so that alcohol raised the temperature of his body, as well as the fact that, as the baker himself argued, he tried not to immerse his head into the icy water. Some critics doubt that a man stayed in water for so long, but the fact remains a fact, and Joine has witnesses from a rescue boat.

5. Richard Norris Williams - First Class Passenger

Richard Norris Williams traveled with his father first class, and together they sailed to the tennis tournament. After the collision of Aisberg occurred, both of them retained calmness, demanding to open the bar, and spent some time in the gym. Williams even managed to help one passenger, when they realized that it was not time to cool.

As a result, Richard had a chance to observe how his father covered with a flue pipe and took place in the sea one of the waves, flushing into the ocean, the collapsible A. model was one of the 2nd boats on board a sinking Titanic, and the crew did not physically prepare both These rescue means for planting people in them and the correct descent on the water.

Later, on board the British steamer Carpathia (Carpathia), the first to help the victims of the Titanic, doctors advised the surviving Norris amputate both frostbed legs. The athlete responded to the recommendations of the doctors, and contrary to the initial forecasts of the physicians not only did not lose their legs, but also restored their functionality. Moreover, a man returned to tennis sport and won the Gold Medal at the 1924 Olympics. In addition, he was awarded for impeccable service in the First World War.

4. The genus "Rose" Abbott - Passenger of the Third Class

Everyone knows the seasick rule "first women and children", but not everyone knows how hard it was. If the boy was over 13 years old, he was no longer considered a child. This did not suit the Passenger of the Third Class of the Rhoda Abbott, which was not going to abandon the two sons of 13 and 16 years old. Abbott gave a place in the boat to stay with their children to the end. She was a woman of solid beliefs, a member of the Christian Humanitarian Mission Army of Salvation and Mother Single. The genus grabbed every child by the hand, and together they jumped over the board of a sinking vessel.

Unfortunately, both of her son drowned, and to the surface of the water, the mother heroine surfaced without them. Like Richard Norris Williams, Rosa grasped on board the overgrown folding boat Collapsible A. Her legs suffered from supercooling almost as strong as tennis player's feet. Abbott spent 2 weeks in the hospital, but it does not cancel the fact that it turned out to be the only woman who survived after swimming in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean on the night of the Titanic Circle.

3. Harold Charles Phillarmore - Crew Member (Steward)

Kate Winslete (Rose Decatur, James Cameron, Kate Winslet) played the famous rose rose character, was a fictional, but the prototype of this romantic history could be an example of Steward Charles Phillimore.

The man was found clinging behind floating fragments in the middle of the corpses, when the last rescue boat arrived at the place of crash in search of survivors. Phillymore shared part of the drifting wooden beam with another passenger, which in the plot of Cameron did not make a rose of the December, allowing the love of her whole life to die from supercooling. After the tragic shipwreck, Harold Phillymore continued his maritime career, achieved outstanding success and earned a medal for the service in the Navy during World War II.

2. Harold Bryd - representative of Marconi Wireless

Harold Bride (Harold Bride) was one of two telegraph operators of the British company Marconi Wireless, whose task was to ensure the connection between the passengers of the vessel and the mainland. Bryde also answered navigation messages and warnings from other ships. During the crash of Harroud and his colleague, James Phillips (James Phillips) was allowed to leave his post to save as soon as possible, but both of them supported the connection of the Titanic with the rest of the world until the last minutes of the legendary steamer.

The telegraphists worked as long as the water began to fill them with the cabin. Then they realized that it was time to leave the ship. Colleagues sat on the last rescue boat, known as Collapsible B. Unfortunately, during the descent on the water, she turned upside down, and all her passengers were in ice water. Harold Bride so hardly hung his legs, which hardly climbed on the rescue staircase on board the British steamer of Carpaution, when he arrived at the crash site to help surviving victims.

On the way to his salvation, Harold sailed past a dead body, which was his comrade James Phillips, who deceased with this terrible night from supercooling. Subsequently, Bride did not like to speak in the public about what happened, because he was "deeply struck by all these experiences, especially the loss of his colleague and a friend Jack Phillis."

1. Charles Lightoller - Captain of the Second Rank

Charles Lightoller (Charles Lightoller) began his maritime career from 13 years ago, and by the time of service on Titanic as a captain of the second rank, he managed to see much. Before concluding a contract with the British shipping company White Star, which belonged to a gigantic steamer, Lightoller already experienced a shipwreck in Australia, Cyclone in the Indian Ocean, and travel hitchhiking from Western Canada to England itself after participating in unsuccessful exploration of gold-bearing seats in Yukon (Yukon) .

When the Titanic collided with Iceberg, Lytoller was one of the first to start the rescue boats on the water. At about 2:00 (20 minutes before full flooding liner), the bosses ordered him to sit into the boat and to escape himself, to which Charles was bravely answered about the following: "No, damn it is unlikely that I will do it" (Not Damn Likely).

As a result, he found himself in the water, swam to the tipped folding COLLAPSIBLE B boat, which we have already mentioned above, and helped support the order and moral spirit among the survivors. The officer traced the boat to turn over again with all passengers on board, and seeded people so that no one was cleaned into the Ice Ocean.

The captain of the second rank Charles Litoller was the most recent rescued person who jumped from Titanic to the Atlantic Ocean, and on board the Carpathians he was raised almost four hours after the appearance of rescuers from other steamats. In addition, he was the oldest office among all the surviving crew members, and according to the Charter participated in the hearings of the US Congress in the case of the tragic collapse of Titanic.

April 9, 1912. "Titanic" in the port of Southampton the day before sailing to America.

April 14 turned 105 years since the legendary catastrophe. "Titanic" - the British steamer of the company "White Star Line", the second of the three steamers of twins type Olimpik. The largest passenger liner of the world at the time of his construction. During the first flight, on April 14, 1912, I collided with Iceberg and sank after 2 hours and 40 minutes.

On board there were 1316 passengers and 908 crew members, only 2224 people. Of these, 711 people were saved, 1513 died.

Here, as they told about this tragedy, the magazine "Spark" and the magazine "New Analogy":

Dining room at Titanic, 1912.

The room for second-class passengers on board "Titanic", 1912.

Parade staircase "Titanic", 1912.

Passengers on the deck of "Titanic". April, 1912.

The Titanic Orchestra had two formulations. Quintet was headed by the 33-year-old British violinist Wallas Hartley, it included another violinist, a double bassist and two cellists. An additional trio of musicians from Belgian violinist, French cellist and a pianist was hired for "Titanic" to give CAF? Parisien Continental notch. The trio also played in the hall of the restaurant liner. Many passengers considered Titanic's ship orchestra as the best of those that they ever heard on ships. Usually, the two compositions of the Titanic orchestra worked independently of each other - in different parts of the liner and at different times, but on the night of the death of the ship, all eight musicians played together for the first time. They played the best and fun music to the last minutes of liner's life. In the photo: Titanic ship orchestra musicians.

Hartley's body was found two weeks after the death of Titanic and sent to England. A violin was tied to his breast - a gift of the bride.
Among other participants of the orchestra of the survivors did not turn out ... One of the saved passengers "Titanic" will write later: "That night a lot of heroic actions were committed, but none of them could compare with the feat of these several musicians who played an hour for an hour, although the ship was immersed Deeper and deeper, and the sea was selected to the place where they stood. The music they performed, gave them the right to be included in the list of heroes of eternal glory. " In the photo: The funeral of the conductor and the violinist of the Titanic orchestra of Wallas Hartley. April 1912.

Iceberg, with whom, supposedly collided by the Passenger Liner "Titanic". The photo was made from the side of the cable ship "Mackay Bennett", which was ruled by Captain Decartet. Mackay Bennett vessel is one of the first to arrive at the Titanic Catastrophe place. According to Captain Decartet, it was the only iceberg near the wreck of the ocean liner.

Lifeboat "Titanic", shot by one of the passengers of the steamer "Carpathia". April, 1912.

The rescue ship "Carpathians" picked up 712 surviving passengers of Titanic. On the photo taken by the Carpathians passenger Louis M. Odden, there are no rescue boats that are approaching the "Carpathians".

April 22, 1912. Brothers Michel (4 years) and Edmond (2 years). They were considered "orphans of Titanic" until their mother was found in France. Father died during a liner crash.

Michelle died in 2001, the last of the male survivors on the "Titanic".

A group of saved passengers "Titanic" on board "Carpathians".

Another group of saved passengers "Titanic".

Captain Edward John Smith (second right) with a ship's team.

Drawing of a sinking "Titanic" after a catastrophe.

Passenger ticket for Titanic. April 1912.

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