Sudden death for the sins of the bload. Blud - mortal sin. Derivatives of the sins of the prodigal passion

Decoration Materials 19.03.2021
Decoration Materials

A terrible thing is a sudden death. She is the sword of the wrath of God for our sins! We are clearly visible from the parable about rich and Lazar. The rich was korestolobiviv, the slave of flesh and whim. He completely forgot about death, about the soullessness of the soul and God. He was attached by his mind with his own and heart to the good of the earth, to wealth and died not as a person who believes in God, but as an unholy, who lost all faith; not as a person who has a sneakeless soul, but as a soul died; Not as a sensible man, but as an animal intenseless. For all these sins, rich and died, by definition of God, the death of forced - sudden. That he died not naturally, but it was squeeed, on the command of God, a sudden death, - we see from the same parable.

In this death, God himself denounces an unholy sinner and announces a terrible execution of a sudden death: madness, you will be treated with your soul from you (Lux 12, 20). At the same time, the Lord discovered and the reason for such a terrible condemnation, - the vice of the strait, greed, egoism, the neperalness, the urgency, about his soul and the end of earthly life.

Yes, there is a disaster for the soul of our death sudden! For in what condition the moment of death will find us, in such a way we will remain and be eternally. According to death, neither virtuous - does not change from the virtuous in the vicious nor the sinner - from the vicious in virtuous. Confirms this and the divine Ecclesiast, saying: And if the tree falls south, and or north, then in the place where the tree falls, there will remain. This means: what place the person will be worthy in the hour of his death, it is determined and dwells in unreamed eyelids. He lived honestly and good man, according to God's commandments - go to God. I lived wicked, on bad, evil and deceitfully worked - in hell will go!

We, unfortunate, constantly sin, and sin should be constantly on our plays. At one time we are dedicated to multiple and multi; Other - We are doing alone, the neffrality, whims, the rest - sacrifice the embers, inappropriate, murders, permits, oppression and proceedings of breeds! When we do not sin? Decision, slander, condemnation, false, foul language and fertilization do not break out of our mouths. When are we usually pride, Slavolombia, vile vitality and sly imagination? Almost never! Sin always surrounds us, always represents our UDA into slaves of impurity and lawlessness in lawlessness (Rome. 6, 19). When a person sends a cruel sickness to death before death, then she, who appeal, hesitates, whatever Isaiah, saying: Siah verbole!

As a vegal tube - the then grave illness: "Man! Preparation for the future life. Your time has come. " Then the loss of separation of the world feels, sees then that it is useless and not need to be wealth, and glory, and wisdom, and in general any of all earthly goods. Relatives and friends of the patient call on the spiritual father of him so that he can reassure, cry, turn to God, to confess his sins and connect with the Savior Jesus Christ, through the adoption of the precho-body and blood. Without a doubt, then there is hope that such can be saved and not to remain in the place of torment, but on the site of bliss.

But when suddenly, like a hurricane, like a whirlwind, - Death will kidnap life when a person, being in power, is healthy and devoted to sin, in one minute - will die and go to God to the court - shameless and heavily, which then maybe hope to Salvation? Where then repentance? Where is the confession? Where is the appeal? Neither the affinity, nor a friend nor the priest will be able to help then, at least wanted who, tried and diligently wanted. Then suddenly they will come for unhappy soul. In this reason, your soul is treated from you (Luke 12, 20).

Death, without a doubt, is inevitable and terrible, and prevent or disagreeing it in the end is impossible; But we can cook ourselves to her, - to arrange terrestrial things and attach the effort and care about your soul. Freeding from all earth care, we will prepare and relieve your perpetuity, confessing sins, weigh from remorse of conscience and ride from ourselves an excessive fear of torment and in the sacrament of communion to communicate with Christ. As a result, in our heart of our hope for the mercy of God, the hope of an illuminated kingdom, a taking sorry about separation from the world. There will be nothing left of the sorrowful and terrible, except the fit of the soul separation of the soul. The angels are gracious and bright surround us then and far run the shelves demonic. They will lie down the bitterness of death, make it easier for her difficulty, will drive out peaceful fear, and, rejoicing, will take our soul. Blessed is the one who will award such a demise, he quietly and krotko will say with David: in the world, we will taste and so much (Ps. 4, 9)

When - the death of an inappropriate death happens to us, when she finds us among our lawlessness, as she is terrible for us, as destructive! We will see and feel then that she hung over her naked sword her, and we are now, in one second, we will go to eternity. And no matter how much we wanted to all their soul - to avoid it, but the escape is already impossible. We would like to make orders for the houses about our house, but our thoughts will peel and disappear. We would like to repent, confess our sins before the priest, but our language will not obey us, and our feels will come together, and we are bitterly feeling that you die in sins and are prepared by the devil and demons. It will hurt us terrible torment, horror and perfect despair. Demons gloomy and unlightened, exposing the acts of our and hiding our soul, will torment us. Finally, our soul in inexpressible torments can be separated from the body, - abducts forcibly. The grief of that man who thus graduates his life, because it is the same death about which the Holy Prophet David said: The death of sinners Luta (Ps. 33, 22).

Terrible, painful death - waiting for all sinners!

We, people, not only do not know about the time of our death, but do not know about what our cum will be: whether it will come to us, or lute and brutality. Whether she will warn us with any signs or overtakes how to throw in new. Will she give us some time to repentance, or instantly kidnate us in all the lawlessness of ours? Nothing is known to us. What is such an unknown, is that the death of death? But this was so arranged a human-loving God, for the sake of our salvation, because ignorance of the hour of death gives rise to fear, the abstinence, and the abstinence stops the case to sin.

Ignorance about the mortal hour makes attention; And attention is a desire and desire to live - according to God's commandments, which is a reason for virtues. It was left for us in the unknown, - kind or stupid will be our own in order to face to - avoid sin, and pulling away from the vice, more and more succeed in virtue. Therefore, you prepare for eternity and to the transition to eternity, called death, during the earthly life, in this anticipation of eternity.

Earth's life is an unceasing struggle between life and death, and we fluctuate between them, constantly shying to that, then to the other. If we estimate a properly short moment, on which we are delivered here on Earth, comparing it with immeasurable and majestic eternity, we will find that only the right use of earthly life, i.e. preparation for eternity, will be useful for us.

Since 1917, medicine records the sudden death of young and seemingly completely healthy people who never sobbed (in any case, never asked for a doctor with signs of any disease). At the beginning of the XXI century, syndrome of sudden death became even more common than in the XX century. Doctors argue than caused by such an increase in mortal cases and what is it worth it? Some scientists, such as Dr. L. Meyendorf, suggest that such cases are manifested in European countries and the United States with extraordinary speed. And in his book "Stroy, heart attack, a sudden death: the theory of vascular disasters" Professor E.A.Shirokova writes:"The exact statistics of sudden death is not, since there is no generally accepted definition of this concept. However, it is estimated that in the USA every 60-75 seconds 1 person dies from an unexpected heart stop. The problem of sudden cardiac death, which attracted the attention of cardiologists for many decades, again acutely stood in recent years, when the Wide Health Organization, wide population studies have demonstrated the increasing frequency of sudden death among adult, and not only adult, population. It turned out that cases of sudden death are not so rare, and this problem requires a close study. "

What can we say about this. First of all, it is necessary to refer to the description of the death made by St. Tikhon Zadonsky: "Our life is indispensable. Last time to return is impossible. The past and future is not ours, but only the one that we now have. Concent is unknown to us. Consequently, always, in every hour, we must be prepared for the outcome if we want to die blissfully. From here it lies that a Christian must be in the undercessant repentance, a feat of faith and piety. How he wants to be with the outcome, so should try to be and at any time of his life, for it does not know in the morning - whether evening will wait, and in the evening - whether morning».

In the modern world, very few people remember these words. Recently, I personally had to face 3 cases of sudden death.

1) One girl of 24 years old graduated from the institute and settled to work in a large commercial structure, with good prospects and salary exceeding "average", but just a week later after joining the post, having come to work, she suddenly felt bad, strong headache and Standing breathing. Ambulance caused by arriving after 30 minutes, death stated.

2) My good friend with whom I was friendressed for many years, was not susceptible to harmful habits for alcohol and smoking, opposite it was engaged in sports throughout the year, was a good family man and did not suffer from various manifestations of stressful situations as it just just There were no motives. It was a man about which it is customary to say "very successful." But one day there was a sudden death in a dream.

3) Another case from life, whose person I knew well, was also not susceptible to bad habits. He was an Orthodox Christian, regularly confessed and sainted Holy Tyne. But one day, coming home after work, he suddenly felt bad. Death has come before the arrival of ambulance doctors.

But with what thought and with the heart-repeated whether these people moved to the Lord, although their death was sudden. That is what WVV EUPRENIA tells us: « Loving the earthly more heaven will lose both heaven and earthly. Looking for heaven - Mr. West World. "

Doctors push many reasons for this very sudden death. In his article on this issue, Ivan Fires leads different versions of possible causes of the onset of sudden death:

The preceding heart attack with a large myocardial damage zone (75% of cases of sudden coronary death are associated with myocardial infarction).

In the first six months after the acute myocardial infarction, the risk of developing sudden coronary death is increased.

Ischemic heart disease (80% of cases of sudden coronary death are associated with this disease).

The emission fraction is less than 40% in combination with ventricular tachycardia.

Preceding episodes of sudden heart stop.

Cases of a sudden stop of the heart or sudden coronary death in a family history.

The presence in a personal or family history of heart rate disorders, including syndrome of a shortened or elongated Qt interval, Wolf Parkinson-White syndrome, too low heart rate or heart blockade.

Stomatricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, developed after a heart attack.

Congenital vices of the heart and abnormalities of blood vessels.

Episodes of syncope (loss of consciousness of an indefinite reason).

Heart failure: a condition in which the pump function of the heart is weakened. In patients suffering from heart failure, the likelihood of the development of ventricular arrhythmias, which can lead to a sudden stop of the heart, 6-9 times higher.

Dilatation cardiomyopathy (causes sudden coronary death in 10% of cases), due to the reduction of the pump function of the heart.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: thickening of the heart muscle, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ventricles.

Significant changes in the level of potassium and magnesium blood (for example, when using diuretics), even in the absence of any diseases of the heart.



Drug use.

Reception of antiarrhythmic drugs can increase the risk of developing arrhythmia's life.

Other authors lead even more fantastic explanations of sudden death. Here are theories in our article "Sudden Death Syndrome" Dmitry Kuznetsov. And although much of his theories is definitely untenable, but I bring them specifically for the completeness of the picture according to the problems described by me. Here is what we know from his article: "You can put forward a few hypotheses explaining the emergence of fatal processes in the body:

1. Chemistry

We do not live in iron, not in atomic, but in the chemical age. Stay around him - we surround our artificial materials, ranging from synthetic in clothing, ending with epoxy resin and phenol in chipboard of furniture wide storage. The exception is metals, however, and they increasingly undergo man-made changes and are supplanted with superproof plastic. Such an aggressive unnatural chemical environment may not affect the flow of biochemical processes at the cellular level. In this case, it is not necessary to confuse banal poisoning of the habitat (followed by intoxication of individuals living in this medium) with a subtle change in biochemistry. Simply, in one indefective moment, vital reactions in the body of a little bit (this "slightly" is quite enough) are shifted in one direction or another and the death "hour x" comes.

2. Waves

Approximately the same thing can be said about the electromagnetic setting on the planet. We simply bathe in the ocean of electromagnetic radiation of various ranges - from long-standing waves of long-distance communication with underwater nuclear cruisers to the microwave pulses of the most powerful radars. For a long time, the Earth became the second in the power of radio emission of the body of the solar system (on the first, of course, our shine). Overlooking each other electromagnetic waves create a chaotic interference picture with pronounced energy minima and maxima. A person falls into such extremums and its electro helobiophysiology gives a failure.

3. Exotic

An interesting hypothesis about the causes of sudden infant death syndrome was expressed by a certain Australian scientist. Although some experts call the idea of \u200b\u200bimplausible, he argues that the cause of the death of infants is that they dream of dreaming that they are in the womb. Since before birth, oxygen enters through the umbilical cord, they "forget" breathe and die. With some stretch, such a mechanism can be distributed on an adult human unit.

4. Uphology

The club of Clinton then tried to deposit the incident (by the way, absolutely normal reaction), but left some loophole, allowing strictly dosed leakage of information. As in other such cases, the "civilized community" answered indifferent silence, once again demonstrating the reference sample of the strategic thinking of the lower order. " And at least after reading the section, Ufology should smile, but we still give this version to complete the picture of fear before the sudden death of worrying all humanity.

But every Orthodox Christian knows that the human soul appears before the Lord at the moment when it is closest to salvation. Each person himself chooses his life for himself, every person endowed with free will can either go to Christ or on the contrary to remove from him. Rev. Ephraim Sirin tells us about it: "Mount to you, the soul, which is insensitive in real life, every day indulging in luxury, laughter, scattered and living the absence, - in the future century you will cry, like the rich, tormented in the eternal flame."

"When a sinner is expelled from the face of God, then his scream and cry will not result in the foundation of the universe."

"The evil will look at good and aggravated by the grief of them when they will see the great glory of those who have gained themselves in the legacy of a short-term struggle, while evil, chasing for insignificant, inherited torments."

"Eternal life expects only those who took the deposit, and at the end, on the day of the phenomenon of the Great Tsar, will come to meet him; Such an endless bliss is announced. "

Some relatives of the dead treated me with a request to explain to them, what did the Lord have such a sudden death of their relatives and relatives? And what does such a sustainable cum mean? On this question, how it is impossible to more than seventy years ago, Saint Nikolai Serbsky replied. I think that it is necessary to finish this article by quoting the saint:

"I write that you often have to hear conversations about sudden death. They say that if it is inevitable, then let them come suddenly and suddenly be interrupted life. It is better so to suffer from the disease and force others to suffer. The expected death is terrible sudden. In your town, the car hit a woman to death, her death gave rise to many conversations. Someone claims that this is the best death. Someone so spoke of death: "Let him come, just let him not hesitate!".After all this, you decided to write and ask for an explanation.

It should not be desired a sudden death - you should be ready for her when it comes. So teaches the church. There are many canonical prayers in which we ask the Lord to keep us from all sorts of trouble, to which a sudden death is also ranked.But the one, in whose power and life, and death, acts on his holy fishery to benefit every human soul, whether he takes it from this world suddenly or leaves the time here. Sometimes he overtakes the sudden death of sinners, sometimes - but less often - and righteous. In the Old Testament, we read how the Lord punished the sudden death of the Sons of Aaron for unauthorized ministry (Lev. 10: 1-5), as the renovshchikov punished against Moses (number 13; 14; 16; 17); As anania and sapphire fell to death for the fact that the apostles lied (Acts 5: 1-10). Many persecutes of Christians died with a sudden death; We read about it in the lives of holy martyrs. But sometimes it happened to the righteous to die a sudden death, although very rarely. It happened to Afanasiya Athos: when he built something, fell a wall, and he died with several monks under the stones.

Sending sinners a sudden death, the Lord pursues two goals: the punishment of the sinner and editing others. As it happened after the death of Anania and sapphires: the great fear was the whole church and everyone heard it (Acts 5:11). And when people are unnecessarily rely on the righteous and begin to deify him, as it was with Afanasiy Athos, the Lord takes the soul of the righteous suddenly to remind people that only he is God and there are no gods except him. In all the same cases of sudden death, the lesson who remained alive is simple, namely: it is impossible to prepare his souls to the ambulance with this world - repentance, prayer and alms.

Nikita's famous Valaamsky, Nikita say that he was very afraid of a sudden death and constantly prayed that the Lord would send him a long and serious illness to him, as he said, "the patience of the disease to die the righteous judgment, who, if he wants, will consider my patience instead Good affairs, which I do not have. " Someone, lying on the odds of illness, consoled his friends with the words: " Nine months I suffered to enter this world, shouldn't you suffer the same as to leave him? "

Truly the death disease is very important. Many sinners she brought eternal salvation. And thousands of sinners knew God and their own soul only on odds of illness. And navigating these two great reality, which were neglected all his life, bitterly repentled and mourned their unreasonable life, confessed and triggered and, spoken by tears and blood of Christ, was honored to enter the bright celestial his draws. Consequently, the death disease is given by the grace of God. Do not worry about the fact that our loved ones will suffer because of our grave illness: these sufferings for their good, they will receive a generous reward from the Creator».

Dr. Theology of Archolates Alexander Fedoseev

Information and analytical portal "Creator"

This means that confession should be not only sincere, but also detailed. And for this you need to try to think about everything and remember in advance. You can take help with a good book. It is not necessary for the confession to look into the book and write off the sins from there. The book only helps to see the sins forgotten and unnoticed, without replacing their own efforts.

Nataria or air unfortunate guards.

Well helps remember the sins of the story of Nataria. Nataria is something like a pull-out or customs who meet on their souls of the dead people, ascending to the throne of heavenly proud. Each of these Naparactions, the report in special sins is requested ... Each passion, every sin will have their own solaries and tortures ... Thus, the essence of the essence is nothing more than a private court, which are remended and impartially evaluated all of her affairs and After which the fate is determined. This court is called private, unlike the universal, which will be committed over all people at the end of the world, when the Son of Man will come to the ground in the glory of his own ...

1st Naparacy: fellowship and ridiculousness.

The sin of celebrations is a celebrating wasting of words, multi-climb, impostomy in speech, when the gift of words is used for lies, slander and brave. Empty peep conversation. Sin is a word - this is not only a fellowship, but also multicoloring, trim, ridicule, here are evil and immodest jokes.

Riddling someone or ugliness, stupid, missing and excessive laughter, laughter stupid and unfortunate, peres, bobbies, gossip, sharpness at the expense of others, obscene jokes, malicious yabedanic, faded, bad, frivolous words and blasphemous speeches, empty and useless conversations. No need to think that the sin of celebrations is insignificant and not serious. Try to count the empty words spoken for the day ... And for the week, for the month, and how many will they gather for the year? Fold them in an empty bag and try to raise it ... it will not be easy. This is so "insignificant" this sin that all other sins will turn out for their numerous.

2nd Naparacy: lies and oaths.

Involutions of these promises, insincerity, hypocrisy, exaggeration, boasting, false denunciation, the addition of your guilt on innocent, hypocrisy, cunning, cunning, slandering, oath, concealment for the confession of sin or retelling something false, violation of oaths, oaths, vows, perjury . Many elders recognized the sin of lies an unnatural for a person, nasty its very nature. After all, the ancestor and the father of Lies have a devil, the first deceiver and a guide, who brought himself to God and offered to eat Eve and Adam for the Forbidden fruit to "become like gods ..."

3rd Naparacy: condemnation and slander.

The sin of condemnation is a tendency to notice, memorize and call other people's flaws, to make an obvious or inner court over the neighbor. This sin is in close connection with the passion of pride, condemning other disadvantages (real or apparent), the person misses herself better, cleaner, pious, more honest or smarter than the other. The sin of slandering (often growing from the sin of envy) - it means to exalt, lose weight, laugh at other people's vices, humiliation, oblivion of your own sins and deficiencies in disintegration.

Any dual to the neighbor, even small and minor words and actions aimed to submit our neighbor in worst, every condemnation is even indirectly and casually - there is a sin.

4th Naparacy: Greater and Drunkenness.

The passion of the yield and drunkenness is the correctness of the natural desire for food and peetting, which requires a much larger amount and a variety of quality, rather than you need to maintain life and body forces, which is unnecessary powered opposite to its natural purpose, is harmful, relaxing and destroying them. Sin of drunkenness - constant beings of spirits, sniffing of various potions, smoking tobacco, use of other substances, bringing people to intoxication.

In modern society, the sin of drug use, leading the soul in a crazy condition and killing it. To this sin there is also a soldering of wine (or something else), paying for services by vodka, tobacco and other goods, leading to the sin of drunkenness. Pote and fluttering for the Divine Liturgy on holidays and on Sunday. Failure to comply with the post in Wednesday and Friday and four posts established by the Church. Eating fish and wines in those days of fasting, when there are no permissions on them. Violation of any post will be smart.

5th Naparacy: Lenalty.

The sin of tannies is carelessness, laziness and unprincipled in serving God, leaving church and home prayers, tunes, non-fulfillment or unscrupulous fulfillment of their duties. Lacility is an idleness, something, ungratefulness to God, omission by the lantern of church services, despondency and negligence about his soul. Sin ribbon refers to seven mortal sins.

A modern man loves peace and comfort, surrounds itself to the items comfortable and running his flesh. In the life of such a person there is no place for the slightest infringement of the nicens for the soul and the charms for the body. Lenosta leads to egoism and selflessness, striking and paralyzes the will of a man, making it unable to corrected and spiritual feat.

6th Naparacy: Tatba.

Theft (Tatba) is a sin committed against someone else's property, i.e. Theft is rude, explicit, secret, cunning, plaguard, with violence. The types of theft are diverse: robbing, sacredness (assignment of sacred objects or negligent treatment), bribery, tunes, any assignment of someone else's property by deception.

Adoption of stolen (purchase and storage), discrepancies of saline or things received for storage. The violent detention of someone else's property, which was accidentally in your hands. The swelling of the found things, the prominent and hiding the knowledgeable thief. Luxury, wasting, mercy, waste of money for fumes. Many seems insignificant not to pay for the world (they say, the state has a lot of money), not to return the book to the library, but this sin is out of such little things.

7th Naparacy: Srebrobia and Bearing.

This is a sin of extreme importance: there is a simultaneous rejection of faith in God, love for people and addiction to the lower feelings. Pointed benchmark. Evasion from paying the debt, the swelling of the found, deception during the sale, retention of the fee from the employee, the disappointment of alms, the invisions of patients, refusal to help the wanderer. Passion for money, to the adoption of gifts, luxury, addiction to all kinds of things, jewels, decorations and outfits.

The very feeling of contentment from the possession of material benefits is detrimental to the soul. It is possible to admire not only a bunch of money with lust, but the most innocent golden rings. After all, the Gospel says: "For where your treasure is, there will be your heart ..." (Matt. 6:21)

8th Nataria: Lucchimitsy.

The sin of Lucchimita is a sin of the assignment of someone else's and the Mzomphei (giving money to growth, the wrong acquisition, participation in the lottery, game on the stock exchange and so on). The hell of the leaning is always accompanied by misfortune and Srebroluby. Bribery, speculation, short-free travel in public transport. All sorts of shows and games are now very popular, as a result of which a person wins money, practically not working for this. And completely enslaves the will of a person playing slot machines, to roulette, when players spend whole nights in a casino.

9th Naparacy: Incomes.

False is a conscious attempt to deceive, using any form of incorrect. No, perhaps, not a single more common sin than false. False in need, deception is not a joke, bilingualism, secret goats against people, slyness, excuses for others with full consciousness of their guilt, exemption, flattery, or insincere appeal in handling people, bribing, insincere or untrustful review of man, dishonor In words (in a letter or other in any way), the disclosure of foreign vices, the hearing of leadership and for them judgment about people.

Many people enters the habit of slightly take a little, add something to the earlier, come up with a convincing response to the head by changing a little reality, but all this will be a lie.

10th Naparacy: envy.

Sin envy - Zeplenia, gloating. Envy to someone else's success, position in society. The desire of failure, failure, sad outcome for other people's affairs. Joy someone else's misfortune, failure. Envy can bring to any raising of the neighbor. Sin envy refers to seven mortal sins. The contempt of someone and reverence is better, more and righteous of others. The suggestion of an evil council is always more dissatisfied with its condition.

Our society is seriously hurt by this sin and there is no man who would not look in the side of the neighbor - which he acquired a new one: a car, a house or just a fashionable dress, taking no sense for him. Even the conversations about the rich and poor are not careful: they are at the heart of them often feeling envy to someone else's property.

11th Naparacy: Pride.

Vanity, self-addiction, contempt for others, the inappropriate to be due honor to parents, government and bosses set from God, and disobedience. The desire for honors and the requirement for themselves respect from others, the solidity of love for the ranks, arrogance, boasting, spraying, vanity, cvism, noticelessness, arrogance, alienation from other people, in the sense of superiority over others.

Please note, in conversations about the neighbor what do you tell more: good about them or bad? Think how many times a day you say the word "me" is and will be a small indicator of your pride.

12th Naparage: anger.

The sin of anger is quick-tempered, the adoption of angry thoughts, dream of revenge, irritability, outrage of the heart with rage, washing the mind. This is an obscene cry, dispute, faded, cruel, stroke words, emphasis, pushing, murder. Anger is manifested in quarrels with neighbors, in raising children; In behavior - rudeness, rudeness, arrogance, evil mockery, rage. Even in relation to the intentional creature to experience anger, beat animals, and also to annoyes into inanimate objects, to tear anger on them is a sin.

13th Naparacy: Wallmind.

The sin of the evil (monosalobia) is maliciousness, dismissal of the offense, vitality. Memologic people are unnecessarily demanding towards the neighbor, for a long time, remember and keep offense in the heart to appeal evil for evil. This sin is contrary to the spirit and letter of the Gospel of Christ. Not forgiven others, letting them over the insult, containing evil in memory to another, we cannot hope for the forgiveness of our own sins by the father of heaven.

Remember how much offensive words said to your address, you carry in your heart, sometimes remember in all details to remember. Do not comfort yourself by the fact that you are a victim. In such a heart, where there is no place for love and forgiveness, there is no place for the grace of God. He will be able to forgive their neighbors with all my heart.

14th Naparacy: Murder.

The scary sin at all times was considered to be a murder - the deprivation of another greatest gift of the Lord - Life. The same terrible sins are suicide and murder in the womb - abortion. Very close to committing the murder, those who in the anger in the near permiss of the hands-preposition, inflicting his beatings, wounds, injury. Parents are guilty of brutally appealing with their children, those who gledged, assemary and slander caused burglaries in a person against anyone third.

Timely unspokesia of helping the patient, the dying, indifference to someone's suffering - is considered as passive murder (attitude towards the elderly parents from children). Non-turning to help a person who has fallen into trouble (homeless, hungry, drowning on your eyes beating, etc.). We kill the neighbor not only with hands or weapons, but also cruel words, brave, mockery, mockery over a stranger grief. Those who deprive honor, innocence young souls, growing them physically or morally, pushing them into the path of debauchery and sin. Murder of animals without need for feeding, torturing them. Refusal of treatment, intentional failure to fulfill the prescriptions of the doctor, conscious damage to its health excessive use of wine, smoking tobacco. Body punishment of someone in cruelty to death. Delivering asylum killers, delivering to a killer or suicide to the crime, the default about which is either prepared or the most attempted murder. Assistance to the acceleration of whose -libo death, the doctor's refusal to help the sick, deliberately slowing in the treatment of a patient or negligent treatment, under the patient in infamousity, cruelty to poor and urodes, bringing someone to sudden death or suicide. Sale in food of something harmful to health. Condemnation on the court of an innocent or justification of the guilty, knowing about the innocence of the first and guilt of the latter.

15th Naparacy: Magnia.

Vorozhba, the use of liturgical items for this purpose, fortune telling on the maps, participation in any heretic sacraments and rites, consciously unexpected commemoration of living persons, conspiracies, the spread of rumors about the end of peace, false wonders and signs, appeal to sorcerers, fortune telkams, vigories, Classes of theosophy, ocultism, spiritualism, calling demons.

Very close to contact with an invisible demonic world, the so-called modern lzhenauki, such as psychic, the use of mediums for the knowledge of the future, astrology. No wonder for intangible spirits under the rule of the devil, find out the future of man. But the insane carelessness is striking, which is given to a person, communicating with the dark world of perfume. It turns out that a modern person is easier to believe the demon (through some impocated oracle) than the Holy God and the Church, which warns from such communication.

16th Naparacy: Bluda.

Blud - the carnial connection of a single man and unmarried woman before marriage (or violation of chastity with young men or a girl to marriage), every prodigal thought, dream, mental consolidation, ensuring the memories of the former sins, reading literature and watching movies, photographs of causing passionate curiosity and describing debauchery , Sounded Brani, all foul language, the seduction of an innocent person, the publication and distribution of seductive essays or images.

Remember that this sin begins with a small train and quickly takes off, lighting a passionate lust of human flesh. Modern leverage on the so-called "free relationship" is a real bloom in the eyes of God and in the face of the Holy Church.

17th Naparacy: adultery.

Adultery is a violation of a marital allegiance with one of the spouses. Civilian marriage without church weddings, extended and direct obstacle to others to enter into a legitimate marriage, illegal pregnancy, mutual evasion of spouses from each other for free cohabitation with others, self-defense divorce, leaving the wife of her husband and vice versa - during illness or other misfortune, marriage With a living wife or with a living husband. Wildlightened self-government wife, evasion from the pious life, disobedience and irregularity of her husband. Evasion from piety and timely behavior of a husband, jealousy, reproaches between spouses because of infertile.

18th Naparacy: sodomskoe Nataria.

Blood (carnial relationship between close relatives), unnatural sexual relationships (lubrication, lesbianism, Malakia. Light linked), sining by a blud with various faces, composure. Flipping into the fornship in Kummy, with gods, in general in spiritual relationship.

In modern society, they are already calmly looking at same-sex marriages and we are no longer surprised by the open shameless behavior of many people famous in society. Even the appealing to them and understanding "their problems" is sin and complicity in Sodomskogo sin.

19th Naparacy: Yeresy and splits.

The wrong wisers about the faith, the apostasy of the Orthodox confession of faith and its distortion, disbelief, doubt about the faith, the censure of the shrines, the appeal to the heretical and sectarian teachings. Higher and swiss words in relation to the church and its shrines. Open imposition and teacher of materialistic views, atheism, participation in atheistic organizations (pioneers, etc.), professing disbelief in God.

20th Naparacy: Murply.

Mercy - Serdobolie, Comprehensive, Love in the case, willingness to do good every (Dahl). In the Nagorny preaching, which the Lord pronounced on the mountain of bliss, in the Gospel of the Apostle Matthew says: "Blessed are merciful,
For they will be pardoned "(Matthew 5: 7) Further, in the Gospel of the Apostle, Luke says:" Build mercies, like the father of your mercy "(Luke 6:36). Here, the Holy Scripture teaches us to be merciful and puts us as an example of the Father Our Lord God. In general, we must try to approach our qualities to the Lord God.

One of the most important duties of a Christian is to show her good friendly, charity, mercy and love for others; Without thinking about personal gain and career. A Christian should always provide bodily and spiritual assistance to his loved ones. The merciful man has a good compassionate heart and a loving soul.

It is necessary to help in need, sick and weak (dressed, feed and drink). In addition to helping bodily, you need to provide spiritual assistance. If our close difficulty, sadness, grief, then you need to help the case, advice, send or instruct. If we see that our close is mistaken and sinful, then our duty to help, send and explain to him that his deed is sin. But all this needs to be done not with an evil criticism, but as a doctor to advise with love and caress to instruct and save him from sin. (In this case, the Orthodox-Christian doctrine completely disagreeably with the approach adopted in our society does not interfere in other people's affairs). A threshold person has a cruel insulatory heart: he really doesn't like anyone else. Such a person is similar to the Gospel Pharise: he performed all the virtues, except for the last - mercy.

In order not to sin with a lot of challenge, if any opportunity is to do the opposite virtue, that is, you need to provide mercy to the neighbor and every creature. For the cases of mercy, the Lord forgives many of our sins.

2. About the mercy of God.

It may seem that an ordinary person who is not endowed with an extraordinary spiritual and moral force is generally impossible to go through these Naja. And yet, we will ask us not for all the sins perfect before, but only unskilled sins. . If one who is sincerely and in truth, without hiding anything, confesses all the works of their own and with a hearty crushing in all the sins of them, the sins of such a person, for the mercy of God, are invisible, and when the soul goes in solarms, air testers, Having broken down their books, they do not find any handcripts of her sins and cannot make it any evil, so the soul is unhindered and goes back to the throne of grace ...

One devotee belongs to the statement that if our Lord was only a righteous judge, no soul would be saved. But the Lord is also a merciful father who accepts his all the prodigal son in his arms, that is, every sinful, but smoking the soul. The prudent robber slept seven conquer words on the cross for eternity. Hurry up and we shed repentance before God. It is also necessary to remember that all the listed sins we made some way or another against the near, but deeply insult them of God. The Lord from ancient times from ancient times gave the commandments to mankind (that is, laws), according to which a person should live and get pardon and forgiveness at the end of life. The first ancient commandment tells us about sins committed against God himself. Many modern people argue that they live according to the law of conscience and in no such vicious she does not hire them. "I have God in the shower"- As a rule they say. "I didn't commit any mortal sins in my life"- They answer in confession. But there are very scary sins, which are based on the disbelief or distorted worship of God. There are exercises that are so distorting the divine essence that this worship conventions the opposite sense. These are all new-fashioned esoteric teachings that teach the cultivation of the spirit and body through this mysterious energies obtained by allegedly, directly from the space. Such exercises are improving so much that anyone considers himself entitled to be a teacher of other people and honors himself able to heal from any disease and ailment. It should be remembered that on the teachings of the Orthodox Church to teacher and heal only the holy person is capable of healing. Aware of themselves, guided by some unprecedented abilities, obtained incomprehensible for what merits, extremely detrimental to the soul. The fellowship of God and the assimilation he begins only after bringing repentance and corrected life from sins by the opposite sins of virtues.

This path is very complicated, as the person is more convenient evade the bad thing and with great only difficulty heats up virtue. It's good to be kind to people and create for your neighbor, but it is necessary to remember well that sin is rooted in original sin, when a person went against God and against his divine design. Therefore, sins performed directly against God, against the Holy Church - the keeper of the right, that is, the Orthodox teaching, no less serious than all others. This is a disbelief, the denial of the presence of God in this material visible world, the denial of his divine fishery and its actions. It's a hula that our world is arranged incorrectly and imperfectly and attributing all things to unaware of God, and not the terrible ruinous acts of the person himself. The urgency and ridicule of church canons, traditions and the holy sacraments committed by the Church. Unsuring icons, shrines, holy power, holy festivals of church. Nonage of the church and non-participation in church-host life. Being church to participate in the sacraments: confession and communion of the Holy Taine. (It's good to go to the church and put candles, but it has nothing to do with full and serious intersection, without which the rescue of the human soul will be very difficult.) It is unwinding in prayer, that is, even part of the whole daytime is not dedicated to the conversation directly with God. Ignorance and unwillingness to know prayers, unwillingness to learn several Slavic letters to understand the church-Slavic texts. (Expression that a modern person does not understand what is read in the church is simply ridiculous when many know several foreign languages \u200b\u200band hire teachers for money to master these languages.) Ungiving, indifference and heat and effort in faith and salvation. Failure to their sins and stay in them (invalid), despite the knowledge that it is a great evil. Any sin committed even against your own flesh. There is a sin insulting God. For example, a person who drank is superfluous and delivered anxiety to his loved ones, first of all, should ask for forgiveness from God, because God has conceived him completely different and quite for other things. We only use the body that the Lord gave us and in response in front of him for everything that you do. And one more very important virtue and hope for our salvation is to be able to thank God for everything that happens to us in life, the ability to patiently carry diseases and difficulties, without Ropot - "For what I mean?" And with a grateful heart to the Creator. To acquire these virtues, this earthly life is given. To understand your calling and find the way to God and Eternity.

3. Some feelings without words - this is not repentance.

Feeling and word helps each other for confession, although the first and does not replace the second. I myself, I myself, and kindly of Vladyko, this slave of your word will be solved by the Blagovoli, - it says in one of the prayers before confession. We are allowed from sins with words, not tears and feelings.

Crying about sins was protected by the Lord. Blessed crying, for they are comforting (Matt. 5, 4). But they will be comfortable because some tears are enough for repentance. True crying about sins will certainly teach the word. But if we are crying, but we cannot say anything about sins - this is not confession. Then you need to return home, everything is well thought out and come again, firmly remembering sins or writing them.

It happens, we cry more about that we are very sorry for us. This crying does not lead to bliss -con, he only prevents us from repeating. The stronger the love of God in us - the stronger the desire to part with sins. On the contrary, the more we love ourselves - the less we care about repentance, and its place easily occupies sadness about his own experiences.
In this case, it is important not to give yourself the will to pour your feelings instead of sins. If we were so fascinated that the sins themselves almost and do not remember, they first beat the sins to remember, and after that we will follow.

4. You can remember the sins and with bad memory.

Often you have to hear a serious confession from those who have a rather mediocre. Others, on the contrary, do not remember sins and with much better memory. They remember all their life, but do not remember sins. We hear from them: "I sinned the case, word and thinking, I do not know what else can be said ..."But only those who really died for confession can pass. "Business, Word and Thoughness" is not repentance in concrete sins. The priest is forced to explain to these people, which is not communionable with such confession. What's next? Other go offense, saying that they have no sins, but there are very few such. Most often, we immediately hear ... Normal confession. What happened? Suddenly the memory improved? No, desire arose. They wanted - and immediately remembered a lot of sins. After all, everything that makes an impression on us, we long and distinctly remember, and if we forget our sins, it does not mean that we simply do not give them a serious meaning?

5. The smaller gross sins, the deeper the confession becomes.

If the sins are very hard already professioned and not repeated - this is only one stage of repentance. The total weight of the so-called "small" sins many times more than the sins of mortals. What we do not make sins that allow ourselves others - the essence of the matter does not change from this: everyone will answer for himself. Who is more given, from that more and asked; Whoever does, he knows that he did not do or did wrong.

6. Best preparation - to remember every day gradually.

"Who forbids you yourself," says John's father (peasantkin), - to think carefully in advance about his life, having prepared for confession for several days, to be, what to repent ... at home, before the Lord's Lord, you need to think about your Life and it is our own violations of the will of God. Check yourself: whether all my behavior corresponds to what the Lord requires me, as a Christian. Teach yourself to such an inspection, then such a abyss of sins will open in your soul ... "(Archimandrite John (Peasteankin). Experience in conjunction. M., 1999. P. 30-33.)

Is it possible to do all this for two or three hours or even a day or two before confession? Perhaps, but only if we have already taught yourself to check our conscience every day. If not - no effort spent before the confession itself will not help us remember everything we forgot.

Each of us, if desired, can memorize or write the sins committed by him during the day - whether, in a word or thinking. Well, if we write them somewhat, as a last resort, at least one. The point, of course, is not to write to confession exactly thirty sins to confession. Our task is wider and deeper - remember everything we sinned. And if for a month and more we can remember only one or two sins - it means that we are not ready for confession.

7. The irregular confession can not be complete.

The most informative confession usually happens in those who embark on this sacrament on average at least once a month. The longer we do not confess, the worse I remember the sins. Of course, you can sincerely repent and after large breaks, and the very first confession can have many quite meaningful. But only someone can be able to save this kind mood, if until the next confession goes long.

8. At first, about what is the harder to speak.

She is hiking from me, the sin of Imashi, the sacrament of confession said. "Sugub" means "doubly"; The dated sin after confession becomes even harder. Someone asks - how much confession should be detailed? So that the priest understand the essence of the case.

In a word, if we knew how to sin and want not to be convicted for it, we should call sins to confession as specifically how we would call them in court. As one experienced confessor said, God is glorified by God who has completely desightened himself to priest.

9. We are reckoning before God in sins, and not in the kinds of sin.

We insult God sins, and not how they are called. Some names of sins and passions ("sinned by condemnation, misuse, lie") is the most primitive confession; As far as she is short and convenient, the same and far from reality. Calling sins only by name, we cannot say itself, what we repent. "Condemnation, unrecord, lies" - words are too common and small ones.

We ask God forgiveness to confession for actions, words and bad thoughts. For them, he forgives us, but only when we confess. I forgive and allow you from all your sins, "says permissive prayer. From all the sins professing by us, if, of course, they were told.

10. The smaller words - the better.

And for those who are waiting for your turn, and for the priest, and, of course, for you. We are talking about all the words that the priest do not help better understand what you are playing. They have to hear quite a lot, and the first to lose them in them.

Long speech is not always meaningful. When the confession is tightened, it does not mean that we are better to go. Rather, we are just worse ready or too in love with yourself. The abundance of pauses and retreats carries the seal of egoism, as well as slopeful thinking. Often, long narration, if they pronounce them, could be shorter in short, without any damage to the content.

If you considered you need to write your confession so that the priest himself read her, please remember that you write the confession, and not anything else. No need to write autobiography. Do not under the guise of confession to pour your feelings - these are different things. If there is still no order in your thoughts - we will deal with them, and then write. Do not write a thumbnail with sins of my own essay. Do not write about how you needed to do - write only some sins.

11. The arguments about sins are also unnecessary.

"So, there is such a passion in me"; "So, it also contributes to both", "So, she only intensified in me," and therefore, there is such a sin in me ... "This is also extreme. It happens when we all thought about, but at the same time do not seem, but philosophy. Meanwhile, ask for forgiveness and reason - far from the same thing. If someone offended us and says: "Forgive me, I am guilty," this is one. And completely different if we hear: "Sorry," this passion acted in me, and she acted for such reasons. " It is inappropriate, and most importantly - the persuading of this kind and the truth is the passion: pride. Arguing instead of repeating, we set ourselves somewhat higher than you should put yourself to a person who asks for forgiveness in sins. And the one who comes to confession in the hope of God's mercy and conscious that he himself is nothing, will repent without reasoning and without any "and therefore."

12. In no way to justify.

The self-assessment is the first enemy of confession. It is terrible than the fear before the priest thinks badly about you. It has more delicacy than in the compassion of sins from shame. We will not hide sins for a long time, we are well conscious. Sometime will come to a healthy thought: because if it comes to life and death - what's the difference, how will we look like? It will appear - and will lead us to confession together with the sins were too early.

13. Without real effort, everything will be inactually.

Until now, we talked about the confession itself. Nevertheless, honest, collected and detailed confession is just part of repentance. Another part lies in the desire to correct and the thing.
If things are already incorrigible - in any case, the inner dispensation should be located, which led to them. It does not fix it without confession, but also not to fix it with the confession: repentance - a change - whether you, the soul or heart, should affect the affairs of a person - it should become a change in life.

There are no such soul states when it is impossible to repent. True, it happens that we do not want to repent, but we do not want and cannot - two different phenomena. The disbelief in God is always voluntarily, as well as the unwillingness to contact him. We have not taught us? But is it just enough? Or all that we know, we can and love was someone specifically crazy? The reluctance to remember and see sins, unwillingness to live in harmony with the truth - all this, of course, prevents us from repeating. Only here it is not in the impossibility, but in our deep, strong and tender self-love - and she is voluntary.

There is no such sin that will not be forgiven if we turn in it. We have a key from the kingdom of heaven in our hands: whether we will be able, or rather - would we want to use it?

The merciful Lord will encourage us to bring him repentance sincere and non-estate.


"Daily confession of sins with a brief interpretation."
Protein and Vasily Mikhailovsky "Full Confession"

Adults are a phenomenon that is being introduced into the daily life of a modern person. He meets more and more often. But no one can not say that the deceased seriously sick. That is, actually death comes suddenly. There are a number of reasons and risk groups that are able to influence this phenomenon. What do you need to know the population about sudden death? Why does she arise? Is it possible to somehow avoid it? All features will be presented below. Only if you know about the phenomenon all the information known at the moment, you can try to somehow avoid a collision with a similar situation. In fact, everything is much more complicated than it seems.


The syndrome of the sudden death of adults is a phenomenon that has received its distribution in 1917. It was at that moment that the term sounded for the first time.

It is characterized by a phenomenon of death, and an unrexious, man with good health. This citizen, as already mentioned, there were no serious diseases. In any case, the person himself did not complain about those or other symptoms, and also did not take treatment with a doctor.

There is no accurate definition of this phenomenon. Strong account as a real mortality statistics. Many doctors argue about the reasons why this phenomenon appears. The syndrome of the sudden death of an adult is a mystery, which is still undisclosed. There are many theories according to which they die. About them - Next.

Risk group

First of all, it is worth dealing with who is most often exposed to the studied phenomenon. The thing is that the syndrome of the sudden death of the adult generation quite often arises from Asians. Therefore, these people are in the risk group.

Also often SVNS (syndrome of sudden inexplicable death) is observed in people who work a lot. That is, workaholics. In any case, such an assumption make some doctors.

The risk group can be attributed in the principle of all people who:

  • unhealthy furnishings in the family;
  • hard work;
  • constant stress;
  • there are serious diseases (but then the death is not sudden usually).

Accordingly, the majority of the world's population is subjected to a studied phenomenon. Nobody is insured against him. As doctors assure, during the autopsy, it is impossible to establish the cause of the death of a person. That is why death is called sudden.

Nevertheless, as already mentioned, there are several assumptions, according to which the mentioned phenomenon arises. Sudden death syndrome in an adult can be explained by several methods. What are the assumptions about this topic?

Man against chemistry

The first theory is the impact of chemistry on the human body. Modern people are surrounded by a variety of chemicals. They are everywhere: in furniture, medicines, water, food. Literally at every step. Especially in food.

Natural food is very small. Daily organism gets huge doses of chemicals. All this can not pass without a trace. And therefore, there is a syndrome of sudden death of adults. The body is simply not withstanding the next charge of chemistry, which surrounds a modern person. As a result, life is stopped. And death comes.

The theory is supported by many. After all, as practice has shown, in the last century, inexplicable deaths began to occur. It is during this period that the progress of human development is observed. Therefore, it can be considered an impact of surrounding chemistry on the body first and most likely cause.


The following theory can also be scientifically explained. We are talking about electromagnetic waves. It is not a secret for anyone that a person is under the influence of magnetism. Pressure jumps with some people are very well felt - they begin to feel bad. This proves the negative effect of electromagnetic waves per person.

At the moment, scientists have proven that the Earth is the second power of the planet produced by the planet in the solar system. The body, being constantly in a similar setting, gives a failure. Especially in combination with the impact of chemicals. And hence the syndrome of sudden death of adults arises. In fact, electromagnetic waves force the body to stop performing functions to ensure human life.

Everything in breathing

But the next theory may seem somewhat non-standard and even absurd. But it is still actively promoted worldwide. Quite often arises sudden death syndrome in a dream in an adult. Regarding this phenomenon, some put forward incredible assumptions.

The point is that during sleep, the human body functions, but in "economical" mode. And the man in such periods of rest sees dreams. Horror can make the body refuse to function. Or rather, breathing is disturbed. It stops because of what seen. In other words, from fear.

That is, a person does not realize in a dream that everything that is happening is not a reality. As a result, in life he dies. As already mentioned, a somewhat incredible theory. But it takes place. By the way, the syndrome of sudden death in babies in a dream is explained in a similar way. Scientists say that if during the rest, the child will dreamed that he is in the womb, the breath will stop. And the baby "forgets" to breathe, as oxygen should come through the umbilical. But all this is only assumptions.


What else can I hear? What is the sudden death syndrome of an adult cause? The following assumption is generally similar to a fairy tale. But sometimes they express it.

As already mentioned, incredible, fabulous theory. You don't need to believe in this assumption. Rather, a similar story is the usual "bulk", which is invented for the purpose of at least somehow explain the syndrome of the sudden death of adults.


Now a little information that is more like the truth. The thing is that, as already mentioned, Asians are in the risk of people susceptible to sudden death syndrome. Why?

Scientists have put forward a kind of assumption. Asians are people who are constantly working. They work a lot. And therefore, the body begins to be exhausted at one fine moment. It "blows" and "turns off". As a result, death comes.

That is, in fact, the sudden death of an adult arises due to the fact that the body is overwhelmed. This is often the guilty of work. As statistics show if you pay attention to Asians, many die right in the workplace. Therefore, one should not work on wear. This pace of life negatively affects health. A person, except fatigue, does not have any other signs.


Also among the most common theories regarding death without reasons, stress are distinguished. Another assumption that can be believed. As already mentioned, people who are constantly in the nervous setting have not only a high risk of disease and cancer, they are still attributed to the risk group of the population who may face a sudden death syndrome.

The theory is explained by almost the same way as in the case of constant work and voltage - the body is "wearing" from stress, then "turns off" or "bit". As a result, death comes without any visible reasons. The effect of stress cannot be revealed at an autopsy. Just as the negative impact of intense systematic and incessant work.


What conclusions follow from the foregoing? Sudden night death syndrome, as well as daily adults and children - is an inexplicable phenomenon. There is a huge number of diverse theories that allow one or another group of people to the risk category. Doctors and scientists to this day cannot find an accurate explanation to the named phenomenon. Just like to put forward a clear definition of sudden death syndrome.

It is clear only one thing - so that there is no high risk to die without any visible reasons, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, less nervous and more rest. In the conditions of modernity, embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife is very problematic. In any case, doctors recommend at least minimizing the voltage and the number of stress. Workaholics need to understand that they should also relax. Otherwise, such people can suddenly die.

If you keep the most healthy lifestyle, then the probability of sudden death is minimized. Everyone should remember this. Nobody is insured against the phenomena mentioned. Scientists try to study it as much as possible and find the exact reason for the appearance of this phenomenon. So far, as has already been emphasized, this was not done. It remains only to believe numerous theories.

The material submitted below is the author's work of the priest Maxim Casque (Moscow Region), published on the Internet in the format of video deck. The author of this project "Ierei063" with the aim of a more concise filing of information optimized its lectures in such a way that without losing the main thought to significantly reduce the amount of material, providing the opportunity to the reader quickly and accurately catch the main idea.

The father did a serious, deserving work, from various sources, including the works of the Holy Fathers, collected information on the topic, clearly systematized and revealed it. By the development of this material, he was engaged in a very long time, and I do not pretend to authorship, but in order to save my own time, seeing this worthy work, I dare to place a "abbreviated version" on my site. Those who wish to appeal to the original material I ask to go to the Internet project of the Ierie Maxim Casque, which also needs supporting its works.

Passion is a perversion by man of its natural ability. But, in addition to passionateness, a man in Bluda sins and the sin of death.

What is mortal sin? The Apostle John Theologian says that "there is a sin to death, but there is a sin not to death." So the sin of death is the one that, first of all, kills the soul of man. Secondly, this sin gives the right to demons to scream to God, so he deprived this man of life for such a crime. To this sin, first of all, belongs to the Blud.

If a person does not show and not change his life, then, as a rule, he dies unnatural death, that is, not his death: a violent or sudden, without being prepared, without repentance and forgiveness.

The term "crop" translates as sexual breakdown or debauchery. But in Russian transliteration the word "Blud" means - to wander, mistaken. What shows that such a person has complete ignorance or error, in itself, that is, this is a person who has no spiritual path. This is expressed in such a concept as "spiritual forbody".

Blud Torch - under it implies sexual relations before marriage, that is, civil marriage and so on that today is very common among young people. Young people argue this by what they want to know each other better, live together, and suddenly they will not fit or, on the contrary, will be killed, which will come. But how much I noticed, even from Soviet times, such pairs before registration in the registry office lived very well and friendly, children were given birth and the like. But it was worth it to arrange their marriage officially, as he did not continue and five years. The civil marriage itself can not give a person all the completeness of the senses of a legitimate marriage when you want to check if you are crazy - it is simply impossible. It's like to check yourself if you can be a priest. Without the sacrament of this, it is impossible to find out. So marriage is also a sacrament, this is God's blessing to your joint life, and without him it is just forn, mortal sin and nothing more. As for the official position of the Church of the Civil Marriage, she recognizes it, but as not perfect, since there is no God's blessing. However, under a civil marriage, the Church implies no cohabitation, but a registered marriage in the registry office. And such a marriage is no longer a bloom, and one who calls him sin, sin himself, because no priest has the right to make the mystery of the wedding, if the pair did not register in the registry office.

Adultery is when one of the spouses changes the other. These include the so-called "Swedish Families" - when two men live together and one woman, or vice versa, or when two families converge for mutual betrayal - this is all adultery.

The next manifestation of the prodigal passion - the night or there is no expiration of the seed. Problems are familiar to those who abstain for a long time and therefore are susceptible to demonic attacks.

Haroblude or Malacia - Very common type of prodigal passion. In Soviet times, doctors began to recommend men to make such practices for tension, stress or depression, arguing that it is useful for the body. All this we hear now, and after all, trying at least once, it is already very difficult to stop, especially for young people, in the period of growth, both physical and emotional.

The most cunning kind of prodigal passion in humans is manifested in imposing to its sex or sodomy and among women. Also to this item, I would also be a pedophilia - this is an adult attraction for young children or minor adolescents. These phenomena were very widespread, I would even say widespread. People do not understand what they do, they are so blinded by their low-albele desires and instincts.

Light lobby is the extreme degree of prodigal passion.

How the sin of fornicated is born.

First of all, it is the will of the person himself. Without our consent, without our will is impossible.

The continuation of the kind is our natural desire, but when we make a source of pleasure from this, this is a sin and lust. This sin did not give this sin only adults, it is often possible to hear that the prodigal or even perverted thoughts attended a person when he was 5-10 years old, that is, before puberty. Sin is a mystery and a personal choice of every person. We can only pray for their children and raise them in morality, but it does not give us 100% guarantees of their righteousness in the future. Here the mystery, here is the fishery of God.

And it is necessary to remember the history of Noah and his son Hama, who saw the nudity of his father. And what is happening now! For example, many take children to wash with them to bath, "they say, and that tutu is such, they are still small. And no one understands that we ourselves disseminate their children.

"This tends to such and the flesh wants the flesh," says PRP. John Distrownger. In sin, internal consent is needed, after which a desire appears, which is expressed in lusting, which pushes us to action, be it violence or a crime.

The reasons for which a fornication occurs in man

The corruption of human nature after the sin - she rebelled against a person, and we are doomed to lead a permanent war with it. And we get this body from our parents and convey it to your children. Our nature is prone to sin and makes sure to the pork, that is, we understand the mind, but the body requires, rebellious against the will. And who will win?

Patterns of education. You know, there is a famous saying: "Apple from the apple tree does not fall far." Our personal example, how we live, our behavior - all this is imprinted in the child's soul, and then he imitates his parents.

The temptations of this world is a whole vice river.

Spiritual reasons for prodigal sin

Cleverness - after all, it is the main reason for sin. And this also applies to those who live in church life. Diverse so in us was rooted, which became a habit, we already not notice it. We will post, we come, pray, go to the service - and where is faith? After all, we live worldly dreams, fun, sins.

Next reason - gluttony. The fornication is based on the womb, when the womb is satisfied, the person gets unnecessary juices, as Svt says. Feofan Reasancer, and extra juices excite the nature of man.

Indestineral hands and eyes. A person must follow his eyesight and not be viewed on people of the opposite sex. When we just look at a person - it's okay, but as soon as we have made our judgment about its attractiveness or beauty, then a wide road for sin already opens. People who are married is easier in this regard, as they found their companions on the life path, and they are already working to preserve their marriage and increase love. And idle people who are still in search of their elects, those are forced to watch, evaluate, search. Here, the main thing is not to get used to this, the Lord before the creation of everything we visible elected for each of us employees on this life path. If we let God, if we believe in his fishery, his love for us, then we will not miss our half, as they are created for each other. Unfortunately, very often we do not allow God to do this, and we do everything in your own way, for which often and mourn.

Many holy fathers forbade walk, especially idle, in public baths.

It is best to refrain from unnecessary temptations. Remember the life of the PRP. Anthony Great, when he together with his student passed the river, they were divided so that no one could consider the naked body of the other, and when they switched, they dressed and again joined for further journey. Since it is impossible to look at the naked body of another person and do not harm your soul.

As for the hands, there are many dangers here. Many holy fathers, such as PRP. John Dravering and PRP. Ephraim Sirin, especially noted the fact that when a person washes, he should not consider his body, to concern his intimate places, stretch this process. Since the people who behave the chaste lifestyle can be very easy to arouse their own touch, and then sin cannot be avoided.

For married, this is not so relevant, but idle people are very important.

In the people who choose the path of monasticism and asceticism, there is a very vulnerable place, through which a prodigal passion can penetrate their soul, is the love of sweet, tasty food or Gunding. It happens at the beginning of the night, and when the ink has already gained some spiritual experience, then the fornication is looking for another way - it is high.

If the monk did not find humility, then the Lord sends him the prodigal temptations in order to humble. The third cause of prodigal temptations from the devotees is if they condemn their neighbors. Avva Evagry and other holy fathers write that, condemning the neighbors, fall into this sin. Condemnation kills love in man. Each of us loves her child, despite everything, even if he is doing something, they will fit or something else. We still love him, we protect, burn out, forgive. And if something does someone else's child, we immediately indulge, condemn and his parents will touch on how they poorly raise their child, etc. The condemnation in man kills not only love, but also prayer, reverence, is a very cunning passion and you have to be alert.

Signs of Bludud.

The federated womb is the first sign that a person is waiting for a prodigal temptation.

Dreamy Son., Long sleep or on the contrary, insomnia (when a person lies and dreams) - all this is a consequence of sizing.

Lack of sleep - when a person does not fall out, there will also be a fight of passion.

Explacing - a person who often places a prodigal passion, loses its strength, both physical and spiritual.

Anti-prayer. Sadness, despondency, hopeless darkness is a state of extreme despair, because the soul in humans dies. Dies from the depletion of spiritual forces, God's grace. Blud destroys us from the inside, and after that comes a demon of despair and fills it with himself, a pushing person for suicide.

Free handling of neighbor (especially with the opposite sex) - when a person is unleashed to behave with his people around him. Avva Dorofey advised not to look at his interlocutor at all, but to look into the ground, because He taught his disciples that, talking to another person, you are talking to God's image, that is, with God. Therefore, he taught awe in communicating between people. In modern society, both respectfully you will rarely hear in a voice, not that reverence.

Frequent night desecrations - That is, if more than once a month with a person, it happens like this, then with confidence it can be said that the prodigal passion in it progresses. And you need to urgently take on the fight against it.

Family Family - That is, not observance of posts.

Sin degree:

    Suppression or perversion of conscience is a prerequisite for the initial stage of prodigal passion. At the beginning, she needs to be expelled by the Holy Spirit from the soul of man, so that nothing bothered her roots;

    Depravation of thoughts and affairs is the practical side of the prodigal passion. When a person from the theory proceeds to practice;

    And the last, the extreme degree of fornicated is when a person alone can bring himself to the expiration of the seed.

Derivatives of the sins of the prodigal passion

Many of us are familiar with them, as they are taken from the PRP. John the Districant, so I'll just remind you: treating passion and peace in everything, relaxation, condemnation, hula and gully thoughts, pride, ridiculousness (knocker and untimely laughter) and so on.

The effect of prodigal passion on the human body

"First of all, - as SVT says. Feofan The replacement is the loss of the body's forces, and its exhaustion, and its weakness. " In antiquity, no warrior or athlete shared her bed with his wife, nor with a woman before the battle or competition. Since already then knew that a person weakens after that by about 25%. And now we, that is shown in modern historical films - they drink all night, eat, walk, and in the morning in battle. So only suicides behave. And there the victory, fanfare and a happy ending!

The debit of body - a person becomes less able to control his body, as it becomes naughty.

Develop the habit of sin and dependence on it, when a person can no longer live without it. This is especially manifested in those who accepted the monastic stop. Well, if a person came to the monastery with a virgin, and those who have known sin, tormented memories and dreams.

Blud produces gloomy and spiritual SMAD in the human body - and this is a real truth. Besses of Bluda Glovonnye, and seduced by them a man takes up this stench, and his body becomes silent, unclean.

Human soul influence

Debeliness and insension of the soul, and, as a result, torment and death. After the prodigal sin, the soul is very much suffering and suffered. She is hard, she is empty, she is wounded, and a prodigal sin he very much defiles the soul and the soul of the mind. Having sinned by Blud is a completely demoralized person, inclined to despair, since the mind cannot comprehend the whole depth of his fall. It is falling exactly, since only for prodigal sins this word is used and anyone. Even if a person sinned for a blud only in his mind, he still fell, that as a fornication immediately feels all the spiritual building of man to the ground. In his creations of the PSP. John the Dravelier reports more than once: when a repeated heretic is taken to church, he is taken through repentance and even in the silent of San (if he is Ieri) and all, no doctimia. And for the Blud, they took from the communion to 10 years. That is, as far as the sin of the flaw compared to heresy!

Passion soul resting - a person can finally lose control of himself and become just an animal, a slave of his passions.

The paralysis of all spiritual movements in a person - after sin, a person cannot find the strength and will pray, to ask sincerely, with all souls.

Disorder, anxiety, throwing and tenting the soul - this is when the soul cannot find peace. She trembles like a flag in the wind, not finding his heads.

Suppression of joy about God in the soul of a person is happening when a person begins to enjoy the prodigal thoughts, sin. Such a person can no longer be happy: he jokes, smiles, he is friendly and friendly, he is the soul of the company, but inside the longing and despondency, and there is no place of joy in his soul - everything destroyed passion.

Influence on man's mind

Immersion of the mind in darkness and overshadowing it - he becomes not susceptible to everything spiritual.

Deghelity and mind disorder - When a person thinks and is worried only in the worldly, the spiritual component is no longer. This happens when a person is completely enslaved by vice. He can not imagine himself without it. He says, thinks, joking and lives only by this. Look at modern television - and there you will find only fornication and the womb. And nothing more.

Influence on the Spirit of Man

Landing the Spirit. After the prayer of the Spirit of a man burns to God, he burns his grapple, love, joy, but when a prodigal passion owns a man, she does not give the spirit to God, but Returns him to earthly affairs and joy.

Blud drives the Holy Spirit, and the person loses his bold before God.

A person's settlement is what a man is obsessed with the passion of Bluda. He is likened to Satan, since this sin is one of them most loved ones.

The overall influence of the prodigal passion per person

"The Blud is a carnal passion, it is the denial of Christianity inside us" (Svet. Feofan Navitnik). When a person commits a prodigal sin - he rents himself from Christ and drives him, becoming a pagan and a female female. Blud is one of the most terrible passions.

All human challenge to sin takes place through a blud. And also he destroys everything good, which is in man. He destroys and plunders everything that a person created in his soul, not leaving the stone on the stone.

Punishment of man for sin of fornic

Departure of God's blessing in life.

Sorrow. Trouble. Sharpen. Diseases. And even death.

Church punishments follow in the following order:

    ramoblude and Blud - a ban on the communion for 7 years;

    adultery, sodomy, lobby - excommunication from SWV. Secrets for 15 years;

    night defense - if a person did not break himself before that, and this happened simply for physiological reasons, he may come.

This is stated in the rules of SVTT. Athanasius the Great, Dionysius of Alexandria and Timothy Alexandria.

Fighting with passion. General methods

First of all, the fight against the vigoria, the post, abstinence. In the fight against them it is very important to pay attention to the quality of food - it is removing meat, fatty products, sharp. Get used to get up from the table a little hungry, there is not often that there was no permanent state of satiety.

Body work to exhaustion and fatigue. You know, when you get tired, only before the bed, what is there for a blud.

Jealousy about the feat. Faith in God. Prayer - all these assistants in the fight against passion.

Humility. Obedience. Mercy - Bluda from man drives.

Modesty in clothing and behavior. The scope must be excluded completely. Because the one who is flawed - it searches not only herself, but also others. It provokes to look at yourself and feel feelings. It was so affected by our nature that even some older women cannot refuse perfumery and cosmetics. And when they tell them about it - offended, do not understand the true nature of their habit.

Evasion from the spectacle of someone else's body is movies, television, magazines, etc. All these images are then pop up in our memory and displeasure passion in us. Again, I remind you about the bathroom - in no case, children should not see their parents naked. Want to go to the sauna with my son, please put on smelting and go.

Creating a family. According to AP. Paul, "But, in order to avoid Bluda, every His wife" (1 Cor.7: 2). This helps in the fight against passion, in achieving chastity through family life, as she is blessed by God - this is the law. No one is condemned for this because everyone is love, by law, by grace.

Private methods.

During temptations, it is necessary to cut off the thoughts for the root, That is, as soon as an image or inspiration appears in the shower, you need to resort to prayer, so that it is thoroughly from the soul or replace this thoughts for good - so recommends SVT. Feofan Reasanizer. Calling the name of God, the prayer of Jesus, or what other, because without the help of God, no one will never be able to defeat this passion. According to the holy fathers, before defeating it, a person must recognize his tolerance and his inability to fight this sin on its own. Up to this point, God cannot help us without destroying our soul, but as soon as we recognize our tolerance, from now on our true struggle with the sin of Bluda begins.

Memories of shame after the sin. Memo on punishment for sin in this life will be the future. Many holy fathers resorted to this method - permanent monument on death.

Reading St. Scriptures and Life Saints. It helps to expel the prodigal thoughts, and then the place of Satan in our soul occupies grace of St. Spirit. Alternatively, you can take yourself to your loved one or a hobby, which will also help distract yourself from sin.

Blud and family relationships.

Can Blud attend family life? The impurity of the prodigal can, but for a blud! Because the fornication is the illegal use of each other, and in marriage everything is in law. When a family man cannot refrain during the post - it shows that he is unreleased and sick by Blud.

The impurity of the prodigal in family life is expressed in perversions, unnatural use of the other sex. This is all a mortal sin, and he must be eradicated. I will not talk about them in detail, but I will note one of them, since many may not know that this is a sin - this is a mutual manoblude. Some think that this is not a sin, but it is not. Such practice came to us from family psychology. Many have read similar benefits to revive family life and began to practice this, not knowing that it is defiled.

Of course, you need to remember the decency, about natural shame. Once I walked with a dog and decided to go to my acquaintances, newlyweds. Opens the door to me his wife - dressed in one shirt and everything! I have and Oboml. They invited me on tea, but I, citing business, hurried to leave. I come to the father, I say so, they say, and so, and he answers me: "Yes, that you are the same room." It's one thing when they are in the house alone, but to meet guests in a similar form - this is at least disrespect and temptation.

Such little things so firmly entered our life that we began to perceive them as a norm. We began to forget that the Lord constantly calls us to clean, to holiness, to prayer. We must seek to this with all their souls. No one says that we are saints, but the desire for holiness should be our need, as in the air. It is necessary to remind people about their sleep, wake them, and not shout from sin everyday wisdom.

Relations before marriage should be without sin. There is such a proverb: "As you start, you end." That is, he began his family life from sin, well, and a sin and continue. Who can, let it be better to refrain from the Blud.

Demons, nothing likes like this for a fornication, because by means of a fucking, they are faster than our death with you. Therefore, every Christian must be afraid of him, fight him and not to indulge sin, and call white - white, and black - black.

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