Who is a white speleologist. White speleologist is the keeper of Sablin caves. By cave laws

Sealants 19.03.2021
This legend, or rather, is a whole set of legends! - Very similar to the same legend of the "black climber". But, like that, this is true bitter truth ... about the inhuman relationship between people, sometimes happening sometimes today ...
There is no single prototype for the original "white", although the versions are plenty - more precisely, we abreately died under the ground of speleologists. He behaves "White" either is also not the same, and they are afraid - "will lead somewhere in the far shtrek!", And respect - "it is impossible to offend!", And love - "if the light end, he will bring to the exit!". There is an opinion that a white speleologist - the guardian of the cave is jealously protecting the underground world. Overded by noise and swearing bat, left garbage or broken stalactite will provide the pest of the caves a bundled rope or a closed labyrinth galleries.
In different caves there are their own ghosts with already exotic names (two-limit, "black speleologist", "transparent" ...), but "white" is everywhere. But everywhere, adherents of a particular cave system believe that he, "white", before killing and become restless and inaccessible, necessarily walked in their cave and it was here and died.
For example, they say that one day two comrades went to the cave and began to descend on the rope into a deep well. The rope stumbled, and one of them fell on the bottom, breaking his leg. His comrade, promising to bring a profog, broke out and escaped, forgetting about the wounded friend. And since then, on the cave, the lame "white speleologist" wanders, and everyone who at least once betrayed a close friend or girlfriend, he gently takes his hand in the dark and leads the traitor who shook from the horror of the traitor to the protected places, where he pulls it until While the unfortunate does not break the heart from fear.
There was such a story in the famous Kamenets-Podolsky gallery. Three friends are two guys and a girl (both guys loved the girl very much) investigated these 2 km of labyrinths. And here one of the guys climbs into the well, - but there is a misfortune, - the rope breaks down and he falls into a black abyss. The remaining at the top understand that their friend is still alive, - hear moans - but the guy does not rush into the well to save the victim, but takes a shocked girl to the surface ...
It takes a year, or even more ... The guy with a girl returns to the place of death of their friend. On the edge of the well put 3 glasses - to remember the deceased. And suddenly the guy feels in his back, - he turns around and the blood is cold in his veins. Before him is the deceased a year ago a friend. Because of the fact that for a whole year he was held in the dark, he walked all over and blind. The guy flew out of fear back, stumbled on the edge of the well and fell into it. The girl screamed and lost consciousness. She woke up already at the outcome of the gallery.
In the meantime, the white speleologist walks on the gallery and looking for ... looking for ... he is blind and therefore concerns the withered whitish hands of persons in search of his beloved. Almost always, when the spelehip groups spend the night in these gallery, someone with horror shouts wakes up from a cold touch to her face ...
But on one cave in Crimea somehow two groups of speleologists, Moscow and Simferopolskaya met. Moscow descended into the cave, examined it, rises, - but I must say that this cave begins with a vertical barrel, according to which it is necessary to rise on the ropes. And so, the group rises on these ropes, and the closure goes out the low-cost. "Well," the guy thinks, "I will not rise without a pinch. I will stay here, they will now rise, recalculate, will understand that one lacks, descending to five meters, sees the following picture. From the wall drops the figure in white with a non-informative switch. And hoarsely pronounces: "Oh, man. And I was so hung! "
They say that the newcomer overcame, five meters up less than a second. Prior, naturally, saved ...
There is a white speleologist and in the Caucasus: in one of the mountain villages there was a guy. Pass cattle. And once at night, he came down in the mountains on the cave. No one in these places heard of its existence. And he decided to explore it. He took a flashlight, beep, chalk, food, drink and went there. He began to visit the caves every day and soon studied them thoroughly. So passed for several years. Once the metropolitan came to their village and asked Selian, who could not be their conductor in the mountains. The elders were advised and asked for this guy, they say they are on the mountains. For several days they lazali in the surrounding area. Here the metropolitan and ask:
- Is there any cave in these mountains?
Parenyuk thought and said:
- Yes, there is here, indeed, one cave, and tomorrow I can handle you there.
So done. They have already walked underground for a long time: judging by the clock, the day clone in the evening. It's time to exit. But here one of the metropolitan wanted to inspect the well. They secured the rope, and the guy first began to descend. And the protion of the ledge in the wall collapsed, the Toli himself was already tired, but he somehow unsuccessfully sank to the bottom of the well and badly bruised his leg.
- What happened? - shouted the metropolitan on top.
- Yes, something with the foot, I can't get up.
The metropolitans were advised, threw him down a backpack with a margin of food, drinking and candles for several days, and went to the exit. Toli, they wanted to call help, and then for some reason they were afraid, still something, but only the next morning, the trace of them was heated in the village. The first boy scored a boyfriend. Selyan disassembled work and went to search. A few days passed. Everything was in vain. Here is one parenchy, a friend of our hero, and says:
- Listen, but there is a cave nearby here, maybe they are there?
- How many years we live here, did not hear about any cave.
- Yes, there is no, there is - and he told them there.
People stuffed with everything necessary, and searches began. After some time, they discovered in one of the wells of the brewing motok yes untouched backpack. There was no one there.
Since then, a white speleologist has appeared in the caves. He helped lost and desperately, he revived life in them, when it would seem, everything was over, was a guiding light of salvation. But if you are a traitor and reptile, then no one will help you. And you will wait for you to be a little death from hunger and darkness, from fear and loneliness, from the punishing hand of a white speleologist.
Especially famous for the stories about a white speleologist Ghost an artificial cave of Xyan in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region, where there is even a grotto called white with a stone grave, on which it is inscribed "white among us."
Or here's another version ... His steps are rumbling nearby, they freeze in the distance, but he invariably pursues anyone who independently visits any of the ten Sablin caves near Petersburg. White speleologist is by no means an affordable shadow, pursuing the violators of the peace of mind living here in the explorer who died here. The white speleologist suggests order and severely punishes the chalun and hooligan labyrinths included in the underground maze.
Somehow one 16-year-old boy decided to shifted in ten-tone labyrinths of the "pants" cave, where, by the way, there is a grave of a white speleologist. The invisible owner of the cave lured the young man into the farthest corridor and wriggled a mortal cold for him. Only a week later, a large group of rescuers found a semi-dimensional tutor and removed him on the light of God. Barely fade. After this incident, a terrible inscription appeared above the grave of the White Speleologist: "Demacy is waiting for everyone!"
- Do I really really visit the Sabinian caves waiting for a white speleologist's retribution? - Ask the famous connoisseur caves of Russia and the CIS geologist Yuri Sergeyevich Lyakhnitsky. & - and who is this white speleologist?
"Many years ago," says Geologist, "some gentleman decided to explore the caves alone. The case was in winter, when the entrances to underground cavities are covered with a solid outland. Mount-speleologist slipped and drove down at huge speed. Having hit his head about the wall of the catacombs, he broke his neck vertebra and instantly died. Unknown, who buried him in the underground gallery of the "pants" cave and put a cross on the gravestone. Since then, the spirit of the "White Spelologist" is vital for all caves. Does not go and the week so that someone from adolescents is not lost in their endless labyrinths. However, despite the inevitable danger, the caves are constantly visited by far from the best representatives of humanity. Alas, the caves have become a place for the acquisition of drug addicts and toxicomicians, and the wild rites of Satanists and devilists will cope in the old catacombs, hooligans attack speleologists and excursious schoolchildren. But this will soon be put to the end!
- The white speleologist will punish them? - Assist in Lyakhnitsky.
- One should not hope for him, "Yuri Sergeevich answers. - Although there is a completely concrete and serious threat from a white speleologist. We do not want any misfortunes and deaths in the dungeons from the hands of their omnipotent host. Therefore, we have been working here for several years now - speleologists from the Mining Institute, St. Petersburg University, All-Russian Geological Institute. In the Sablin area, along the River Tosna, for more than 150 years, a minimum of 10 caves have been known. All of them are artificial origin and formed due to mining on the shores of the most beautiful quartz sand for glass plants. In 1924, he had left the last worker, and after that the Mother's Nature itself began to work on the caves. The walls are formed by white and red sandstone, and the vaults are sometimes consisting of green glauconite limestone, which makes them unusually picturesque. The left bank cave is rich in underground lakes in a depth of three meters and an area of \u200b\u200bmany hundred square meters. Live attraction of Sabinsky caves - the colonies of the volatile mice as much as six species here. Their, discovered and helpless in the winter hibernic, pretty teens grab their hands, throw out, kill ... In addition to the caves, the Sablinka and Tosna rivers have the only waterfalls in the field, deep canyons, the picturesque valleys, the dendropark. These places have long been inhabited by the Slavs, and the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich stood here the camp on the eve of the Nevsky Battle. In total, in 200 hectares - more than 30 natural and historical monuments. They need to save for themselves, and for descendants.
Caves are special, nothing has been comparable. Therefore, today it becomes not in itself and because some organizations, without consulting environmental organizations, carry out work on cave caves. For example, a collector was held to Nikolsky treatment facilities, which were dried by unclean. The collector, as it often happens, dries, and sewer discharges penetrated the cave. There were holes in some way, but even the collapse can happen in the next accident! So, it is necessary to strengthen the track over the cave caves, where the collector passes, although ideally it should be left aside. But it needs a lot of money. It is necessary to find them, for the cave, if they wrap, do not restore any forces.
- What is the white speleologist? - Ask Lyakhnitsky.
"He's not inactive by all," my interlocutor objects. - In many corners of the caves, it raised the concentration of Rodon into two orders of magnitude higher than the permissible norm, which means that the hour of stay in such a zone is fraught with almost fatal disease. But the "white speleologist" controls the caves only inside. Outside, too, there should be a master so that it does not happen to trouble.
There are also a variety of legends and about the separate adventures of the "white speleologist" recorded from the words of eyewitnesses. "White" sometimes slightly frolicked and the fact that in front of surprised systemers included, it comes out of stone walls, blowing burning or setting up non-rigany candles, and terribly cozy for different voices in different shocks. The shruck most liked him in Xyanov is called the Russian Federation: it was in him in December 2000 "the eyewitnesses saw the came out and who went into the stone" guy in white "and heard the female stirring cry from there, where there were no people and in risen ...
And the deceased once speleologist goes through the dungeons in his white overalls. For that, he was given a nick - a white speleologist, or just white. Becoming the guardian of the caves, he helps those who suffer disaster and does not like someone when someone says he saw him. Saved it puts the condition - to be silent about the meeting with him. If the condition does not observe, the person can "sprinkle" anywhere, at least in the underground transition. In general, the White does not like when they thrill the tongue, cruelly punishes the lords and boasts. He does not tolerate drunkenness and sluggishness, which makes it terribly serious. And heave him, means, or get lost, or break something, or at all under the collapse.
And also, as they say, a white speleologist is looking for a wife, since he is lonely in the cave, and a lot of caves in the world, therefore, and there was a whole harem from a speleologist, and constantly replenished ... And where does he look for it, of course, in groups Speleologists? And he always warns his new wife - on the eve of his abduction, so that she would say goodbye to everyone, - he takes one of her things - toothpaste, a mug, panama or something else. Somehow once decided the guys from one spelleological group to swear over the girl. They raised a toothbrush from her ... The girl in a panic, is afraid that she dies, and the guys laugh ... Then they decided to reveal, give her a loss of her ... but it was not there, - the brush did not disappear and them . The guys waved her hand, and damn with her! Probably, somewhere else in the other place is picked up. And in the morning ... Girls no longer ...
All this, naturally folk, fairy tale. But as they say in the people: a fairy tale is a lie, yes her hint! So they talk about white numerous Internet sites, as if warned - to remain all underground and in the mountains with decent people.

White speleologist - keeper of Sablin caves

His steps are rumbling nearby, they freeze in the distance, but he invariably pursues anyone who independently visits any of the ten Sablin caves near St. Petersburg. The "white speleologist" is by no means an affordable shadow, pursuing the violators of the peace of mind living here in the explorer who died in the collaborator. The "white speleologist" suggests order and sternly punishes the chalun and hooligans entering underground labyrinths.

A year and a half ago, a 16-year-old boy decided to shifted in ten-meter labyrinths of the "pants" cave, where, by the way, there is a grave of the "White Spelologist". The invisible owner of the cave lured the young man into the farthest corridor and wriggled a mortal cold for him. Only a week later, a large group of rescuers found a semi-dimensional tutor and removed him on the light of God. Barely fade. After this incident over the grave of the "White Spelologist" there was a terrible inscription: "Demacy is waiting for everyone!"

Do you really really visit the Sabinian caves waiting for the retribution of the "White Spelologist"? - I ask the famous connoisseur of the caves of Russia and the CIS geologist Yuri Sergeyevich Lyakhnitsky. - And who is this "white speleologist"?

Many years ago, "says Yuri Sergeevich," some gentleman decided to explore the caves alone. The case was in winter, when the entrances to underground cavities are covered with a solid outland. Mount-speleologist slipped and drove down at huge speed. Having hit his head about the wall of the catacombs, he broke his neck vertebra and instantly died. Unknown, who buried him in the underground gallery of the "pants" cave and put a cross on the gravestone. Since then, the spirit of the "White Spelologist" is vital for all caves. Does not go and the week so that someone from adolescents is not lost in their endless labyrinths. However, despite the inevitable danger, the caves are constantly visited by far from the best representatives of humanity. Sablinsky caves have become a place to accommodate drug addicts and toxicomicians, wild rites of Satanists and devilists, hooligans are attacked by speleologists and schoolchildren and excursors to the vintage catacombs. But this will soon be put to the end!

They will punish "white speleologist"? - I ask Lyakhnitsky.

One should not hope for him, "Yuri Sergeevich answers. - Although there is a completely concrete and serious threat from the "white speleologist". We do not want any misfortunes and deaths in the dungeons from the hands of their omnipotent host. Therefore, our brigade has been working here for several years.

What is the brigade of Yuri Lyakhnitsky? These are speleologists from the University of Mining Institute, St. Petersburg University, All-Russian Geological Institute.

In the Sablin area, along the River Tosna, for more than 150 years, a minimum of 10 caves have been known. All of them are artificial origin and formed due to mining on the shores of the most beautiful quartz sand for glass plants. In 1924, he left the last worker, and after that the Mother Nature itself began to work on the caves. The walls are formed by white and red sandstone, and the vaults are sometimes consisting of green glauconite limestone, which makes them unusually picturesque. The left bank cave is rich in underground lakes in a depth of three meters and an area of \u200b\u200bmany hundred square meters.

Live attraction of Sabinsky caves - the colonies of the volatile mice as much as six species here. Their, discovered and helpless in the winter hibernation, preoccupied teens grab their hands, throw out, kill. This should not be done in any way, for the bats living in the Leningrad Region are the pedestrigers of pathogens of the deadly disease - rabies!

Sablin caves, originating, the will of the Creator became natural unique formations. It is thanks to Sablin caves that the Petersburg School of Spelology was born. Schoolchildren, geologists and geographers are tested here. In addition to the caves, on the rivers Sablinka and Tosna, there are only in the field of waterfalls, deep canyons, the picturesque valleys, the dendropark. These places have long been inhabited by the Slavs, and the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich stood here the camp on the eve of the Nevsky Battle. In total, in 200 hectares - more than 30 natural and historical monuments. They need to save for themselves, and for descendants.

Four years ago, a brigade of speleologists began working on creating a Sablin geoecological reserve. Scientists spent the appropriate research, the caves examined, revealed hidden cavities, installed hydrological regime. Then the project of the reserve was developed, and this is the museum, and strengthening the seigns of the caves, and planning tourist excursions.

Caves are special, nothing has been comparable. Often, even a short-term visit to this world, teenagers causes the desire to better know in them, as a result they begin to treat the teachings more seriously, they read a lot and often become geologists, geographers, historians, archaoists, local historians. Therefore, Sablin caves should be maximized as much as possible for safe cognitive excursions. And today it becomes in itself from the fact that some organizations without consulting environmental organizations conduct work on cave caves. For example, a collector was held to Nikolsky treatment facilities, which were dried by unclean. The collector, as it often happens, dries, and sewer discharges penetrated the cave. There were holes in some way, but even the collapse can happen in the next accident! So, it is necessary to strengthen the track over the cave caves, where the collector passes, although ideally it should be left aside. But it needs a lot of money. It is necessary to find them, for the cave, if they wrap, do not restore any forces.

What is there inactive "white speleologist"? - I ask Lyakhnitsky.

He is not inactive by no means, "my interlocutor objects. - In many corners of the caves, it raised the concentration of Rodon into two orders of magnitude higher than the permissible norm, which means that the hour of stay in such a zone is fraught with almost fatal disease. But the "white speleologist" controls the caves only inside. Outside, too, there should be a master so that it does not happen to trouble.

V. Corobkin

Photo by Y. Lyakhnitsky

White speleologist

In the caves, usually quite far from the entrance, so that they did not come across the chance of a cold autumn bum, the bums of the White Spelologist at night are stumbled upon it. That is exactly a very special voice, as if from a capital letter, uttering every word, respectively call this place experienced speleologists.

The grave of a white speleologist is not a real grave in which someone is buried, but something like a sacred place - a memorial monument, which can make in every cave - the tradition is such.

A white speleologist is not a briefness, but the legendary character - the spirit ever killed in this cave, this is the overall memory of them. On the graves of the holly, there are usually all sorts of things - matches, cigarettes, half burned candles. In no case cannot be touched - they belong to white. Bell speleologists always light up the grave of the candle and shared with white matches. And here you bring things to the dead speleologists - flashlight, hard hat, notebook ...

The destruction of the grave of white is cruelly punishable by cave laws, people, and whites himself. So, if you come to the cave and stumble upon such a place - remember White, and with it and all the dead speleologists and go to wander around the amazing cave world. And leave the candle. Let it burn.


Legend about white speleologist

It was in the Caucasian Mountains. Parenyuk lived in one of the villages. Pass cattle. And once at night, he came down in the mountains on the cave. No one in these places heard of its existence. And he decided to explore it. He took a flashlight, beep, chalk, food, drink and went there. He began to visit the caves every day and soon studied them thoroughly. So passed for several years.

Once the metropolitan people arrived in their village and asked Selian, could anyone become their conductor in the mountains. The elders were advised and asked for this guy, they say they are on the mountains. For several days they lazali in the surrounding area. Here the metropolitan and ask:
- Is there any cave in these mountains?
Parenyuk thought and said:
- Yes, there is here, really, one cave and tomorrow I can handle you there.
So done.

They have already walked underground for a long time: judging by the clock, the day clone in the evening. It's time to exit. But here one of the metropolitan wanted to inspect the deep gap in the semi cave. They secured the rope, and the guy first began to descend. And then the ledge in the wall collapsed, the Toli himself was already tired, but he somehow unsuccessfully sank to the bottom of the gap and badly bruised his leg.
- What happened? - shouted the metropolitan on top.
- Yes, something with the foot, I can't get up.

The metropolitans were advised, threw him down a backpack with a margin of food, drinking and candles for several days, and went to the exit. Whether they wanted to call help, and then for some reason they were frightened, or something else, but only the next morning, the trace of them in the village was heated. The mother of the missing guy's mother of missing guy scored alarm. Selyan disassembled work and went to search. A few days passed. Everything was in vain.

Here is one boy, a friend of our hero, and says:
- Listen, but there is a cave nearby here, maybe he is there?
- How many years we live here, did not hear about any cave.
- Yes, there is no, there is - and he told them there.

Selyan stuck with everything necessary, and searches began. After some time, they discovered in one of the slot motors of the rope and untouched backpack. There was no one there.

Since then, a white speleologist has appeared in the caves. He helped lost and desperately, he revived life in them, when it would seem, everything was over, was a guiding light of salvation. But if you are a coward, a traitor and reptile, then no one will help you. And you will wait for you to be a little death from hunger and darkness, from fear and loneliness, from the punishing hand of a white speleologist.

The natural habitat of a person cannot be imagined without sunlight, but this does not mean that the person refused to master the world of the dungeon.

Here are famous Sablin caves Under St. Petersburg is not empty: they were chosen by speleologists, tourists, amateurs of esoteric and ... Ghosts. The most famous inhabitant of this underground kingdom - White speleologist.

Just 40 kilometers from St. Petersburg in the Moscow highway, and you get into the surprisingly picturesque places of the Sabinsky nature reserve. Here on the area 220 hectares are concentrated unique to flat
Terrain reliefs - canyons and waterfalls. And along the shore of the River Tosna, the entrances to the famous Sablian caves are gamble.

All of them are artificial origin and formed due to mining on the shores of the Tosna of quartz sand. Another 150 years ago, in the times of Catherine II, the glass industry began to develop in Russia, and intensive development of quartz sand mining from 1860 was conducted in Sablin.

It was a hard work when the sand was worn in baskets to the mouth of the production and sent along the Tosna River to glass plants. Later the trolley appeared, and the sand was sent to the railway station. On the day, three sand cars were mined, workers paid 80 kopecks per day.

So the Sablin caves appeared - the vintage mining, resembling gallery. The method of extraction of sand here was a special - chamber-pillars when the pillars were left as the fasteners, which were alternating with cameras, where the main production was carried out.

The sand was revealed by excellent quality, and the famous imperial crystal was cooked from it, which received the highest marks at international exhibitions. One of the most respected clients was the courtyard of his imperial majesty. In 1924, the cave left the last minister, and the Mother of Nature began to work on them.

Underground pearl

Currently, there are four large caves in Sablino - Left Bank ("Lumping"), "Pearl", "Pants", "Rope", as well as several caves smaller: "Triplack", "Beach", "Dream", "Santa Maria "," Graft grotto "," foxes ". All caves look very colorful due to the fact that the walls are posted from white and red sandstone, and the vaults consist of green glauconite limestone.

The so-called "garbage" is rich in underground lakes in a depth of three meters and an area of \u200b\u200bmany hundred square meters. These lakes are unique in their own, and all due to anomalies associated with water filtration. For example, the pearl lake is worth the years, it disappears per day. There are floods here, and they begin so dramatically that if it happens, then you need to quickly carry legs, otherwise the trouble.

In general, Sablin caves are famous for their unpredictability. For example, sometimes there is a spontaneous change in the configuration of underground rooms, the passages appear or disappear, the collaps occur. But these are flowers. After several hours of stay in the caves, hallucinations can easily begin: some people "lucky" to hear distant women's voices, different melodies wonder.

One of the speleologists claimed that I heard a male choir performed the song "Varyag". Experienced speleologists say: visual hallucinations are better not to wait if they come, they can no longer leave. But this is far from the only danger that seesing neophytes into the dungeon.


The most famous underground character of Sabinsky caves is the so-called White speleologist. They say this is not at all a distinct shadow like others, often harmless, ghosts. A white speleologist follows the order in the caves and ruthlessly straightens with those who violates their calm, comes here "with his charter." Once a teenager alone decided to walk along the labyrinths of the "Pants" cave, where, according to legend, there is a grave of a white speleologist.

The invisible Lord of the cave lured the guy into the most distant corridor and confused him. As a result, the boy got lost and could not get out of the trap. Only after a few days a group of rescuers found a barely-life teenager and helped him get out. What was the young explorer dungeon? They say he decided to smoke there, and this did not like the cave spirit.

The story about a white speleologist over the years has hooked by nonfires and legends, it is difficult to figure it out. It all started with the fact that a certain amateur of the dungeon decided to descend into a single cave. The case was in winter, when the entrances to underground cavities are covered with a solid outland.

Mount-speleologist slipped and drove down at huge speed. Having hit my head about the wall of the catacombs, he broke his neck vertebra and instantly died.

Unknown, who buried him in the underground gallery "Pants" cave and put a metal cross on the gravestone, but since then, speleologists are watching the helmet on the grave, and on the Holloch itself - matches, lighters, cigarettes, money and even a flask with water. Troat these things can not be, because they belong to a white speleologist.

Despite the restless spirit of Sabinsky caves, they are very popular. On their base, the St. Petersburg school of speleology was even opened. Schoolchildren, geologists and geographers are tested here. But inexperienced neophytes and step do not step into the dungeon unattended by experienced adult comrades. From the mouth of the mouth here transfer one story.

Somehow, the supervisor responded to the persistent requests of students to arrange a meeting with unknown. On the bottom of the gallery, a man put a tipped bucket, and on him a lit candle.

Observers sat down aside and from half an hour looked at the fire. Suddenly the bucket was tamed, confident quick steps were heard, and the candle suddenly floated through the air. Tester each other, everyone who was underground, jumped out the traffic jams. Since then, there is no such thing to disturb the spirit of Sabinsky caves of desire.

By cave laws

Sablin caves in the foreseeable future will be the place of unique scientific experiments. One of the remote underground galleries will be isolated from the outside world, which will allow scientists to conduct observations of the natural course of natural processes occurring underground.

Why did Sablin caves be chosen by the place of scientific experience? The location of the Sablin caves is unique in itself. 500 million years ago there was a shore of the ocean, and therefore, in natural limestone plates, animal fossils often find. Scientists hope to open here many interesting things unknown.

Special temperature regime also reigns in Sablian caves: all year round air temperature is at 7-8 degrees of heat. This circumstance largely explains the special love that representatives of the animal world feed on these caves: bats and butterflies are going to wintering here.

The atmospheric regime in the cave is such that the spelleologists put on the last new year the tree retains its kind for almost a year. Perhaps monitoring processes occurring in Sablin caves will allow scientists to open new horizons in science and technology.

Sergey Shapovalov

An ordinary person who never wandered underground, and if he was in the cave, then only under a sensitive supervision of some guide, never understand and not feel what we feel. Let us name our hobby extreme difficult, but we get impressions and emotions no less than for example climbers.

That day I received a confirmation to the rule that I was so imprudently nearing. "Nadya for the best and get ready for the worst." This story, as you probably managed to guess, happened to me in the caves, the avid visitor, whom I am.

Bravely walking on a friend known to me, I didn't think that I could get into some unpleasant, and even more so in a dangerous situation, but by coincidence, she happened to me. I got the batteries on the only lantern. Can you imagine what it means to stay without light underground? All my chances of getting out on the surface at times decreased, but they still were not zero, because my lighter was lying in my pocket.

It must be said that this lighter was simple and rather came to cigarette the cigarette than to pass the multi-kilometer route under the ground, but I did not have a choice and I began my slow journey to the surface.

I walked in complete darkness, only sometimes highlighting his way with a lighter and thought in parallel how I could get into this situation. I remembered exactly that inserted completely new batteries into the lantern, but they still let me down at the most inopportune moment.

I can not say how much my "walk" definitely lasted, because underground there is no concept of "time," but to say what I was not in my own, I can with full confidence. I immediately began to remember various: ghosts, perfume and demons, about which speleologists repeatedly told me and even my skepticism could not drive the fears from me.

What I just did not see and did not hear during this time. I tried to assure myself that it was all in only my imagination in a pair with fear draw these pictures. I tried to overpower myself and stop afraid, but where. I was unable to curb my fear.

When I saw a tiny point of light ahead, I was already on the verge of panic and you probably can imagine my joy. No longer thinking about what I went there, where my salvation was.

Near the wall was sitting in a white overalls and with a white caisan on her head. He was busy the fact that the drift is a new passage, and around him stood a lot of candles.
"Good," I greeted a man in white.

For a moment, I cut off my business, but without saying the words, he pulled a lantern from his pocket and handed me. I took it, turned on and went ahead, lighting my way with a lantern. Having passed from a dozen steps, I turned around and looked at the place where my Savior was just sitting. There was nothing: neither the blades, not candles, nor the person himself. I smiled and went on.

Now I knew for sure that I would come out of the system. A man who gave me a lantern, was probably known to everyone who at least once turned out to be downstairs. The legends told about him, but with their own eyes saw him. He was called a white speleologist and he was a spirit that helped all those who were in danger. He was loved and worshiped. His honor always raised a glass.

I safely got out of the caves and after I came home, I decided to write this miniature. I decided to write it in honor of the White, who saved my life.

Perhaps you ask you not to drop my desire to wander around the caves after that case? No, now I knew for sure that I had a friend and assistant and if I suddenly get into trouble underground, he would always help me.

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