Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Ministers of Education of Russia. Interesting Facts. Biography of the Minister of Education of Russia Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva

Roof 16.10.2020

With decay Soviet Union, in November 1991 the current Ministry of Education of the RSFSR was transformed. On its basis, by combining several more republican committees, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR was created. And at the end of December, the name of the state changed. And the ministry was renamed the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

All the names of the ministers of education of Russia

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is a body of state power, the direction of which is the implementation of state policy on normative and legal regulation in the field of science, public education, youth policy, guardianship and guardianship, social protection and support for pupils of educational institutions.

For twenty six years of existence new Russia 8 people held the post of the Minister of Education of Russia.

Period of work in the position

E. D. Dneprov

From 07.1990 to 12.1992

E. V. Tkachenko

From 12.1992 to 08.1996

V. G. Kinelev

From 08.1996 to 02.1998

A. N. Tikhonov

From 02.1998 to 09.1998

V. M. Filippov

From 09.1998 to 03.2004

A. A. Fursenko

From 03.2004 to 05.2012

D. V. Livanov

From 05.2012 to 08.2016

O. Yu. Vasilieva

From August 2016 to the present.

All the ministers of education of Russia, each in his own time, made a great contribution to the preservation and development of the education system of the country's population.

First elected Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

Eduard Dmitrievich Dneprov - academician, doctor ped. Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences. He is rightfully considered a reformer of Russian education during the formation of the newly formed state.

The burden of reorganizing the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR into the Ministry of Education of Russia fell on his shoulders. Since December 1992 Yeltsin was B. N. Dneprov E. D. - the author of many works on the history of Russian pedagogy and school.

Second Minister

After Eduard Dneprov, the ministry was headed by E.V. Tkachenko, who had previously worked as the rector of the Sverdlovsk IPI, professor, doctor of chemical sciences. After becoming a minister, he announced a moratorium on the privatization of all property in all structures of the ministry. He was a supporter of the humanization and democratization of education.

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

In August 1996, the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation was abolished. Its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education, at the same time changing the name of the ministry. Since August 14 it has become the Ministry of General and Vocational Education. V.G. Kinelev was appointed minister.

From February to the end of September 1998, the post of minister was held by the former First Deputy Minister of Education of Russia A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician. He is known for his work on materials science in the space and radiation fields. Since October 1998, he began to work on methodological and scientific support for the informatization of schools and colleges in the country, methodology for the use of information technologies in the educational and scientific sphere.

Filippov V.M.

In September 1998, M. was appointed minister. Before that, he was the rector of the famous RUDN University. He joined the government together with E.M. Primakov.

Together with Deputy Prime Minister Matvienko V.I., he began work to stabilize the situation in the field of education and upbringing, paying special attention to reducing the wage arrears of school teachers and kindergarten teachers.

The Ministry of General and Vocational Education in May 1999 was renamed into the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In the same year, the state program for the development and improvement of the system for the period up to 2004 was approved. At the initiative of Filippov, an active renewal of the system and principles of education has begun. At the beginning of 2000, Filippov held a Congress of Teachers and Educators of Russia in Moscow, which the previous ministers did not hold.

Vladimir Mikhailovich carried out an almost complete modernization of the education system. Provided schools with buses, carried out informatization in educational institutions, developed and introduced new standards general education... The gradual introduction of the Unified State Examination began. The system of recruiting students to universities of the country began to work on the basis of university, regional and all-Russian Olympiads. The rules for the targeted quotas for the direction of young people to study in certain higher educational institutions and much more have been approved.

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

In 2004, Prime Minister M. Fradkov transferred A. Fursenko from the Ministry of Industry to the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Minister of Education and Science of Russia (now the Ministry is called that) began his activities with the continuation of the reforms initiated by Filippov. Under him, the Unified State Examination was finally put into effect in all eleventh grades. Higher education has become two-tier: bachelor's and master's degrees. In 2012, when V. Putin again became President, Fursenko moved to work in his apparatus.

The rector of MISiS was appointed to the vacant position. He was a supporter of reducing the number of universities. He proposed to deprive all ineffective higher education institutions of budget financing licenses.

Minister today

Who is the Minister of Education of Russia now? Since August 2016, Olga Vasilieva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, has been holding this position. For a year of work in the entrusted position, she proved herself, like all previous ministers of education of Russia, an official who cares for the prosperity of national science and education.

- On behalf of the President of the country, Vladimir Putin, a unified educational space is being formed. Could you tell us in more detail what is the essence of this idea?

- Thank you very much for this important question... Education has always, in all periods of our history, worried both the leadership and citizens, because there is not a single person who would not be associated with education. Of course, the issue of a single educational space is directly related - and has always been associated - with a very important problem: national security... Here the question is before the country, whom we train, whom we teach, whom we educate, to whom we will be able to transfer the country tomorrow. That is, today is a student, today is a child, and tomorrow is a citizen, on whose shoulders the responsibility for the country will fall.

The concept of a single educational space includes several areas. But the most important thing is what we invest in our education, what we invest in upbringing. Because education is training and upbringing, it is a dualism that is difficult to break, no matter who says anything. At the simplest level, what is this initiative for? In order to know for sure that a child, having left one school and moved to another, sat down at a desk, opened a textbook, for example, mathematics and started from the place where he finished reading in the previous school.

At the same time, a single educational space involves several steps. The first step is, of course, creating content - what and how we teach. There were standards that we all knew about and by which we lived, which were good for their time. But each time requires a certain adjustment. When we talk about the content of education, we need to know the core of what we will be teaching.

The Minister of Education and Science has unexpectedly changed in Russia. Dmitry Livanov, known as the reformer of the Academy of Sciences, was replaced by an official from the presidential administration Olga Vasilyeva. Who is she - read in our section "Question-Answer":

How old is the new Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva and where did she study?

Women are usually not asked about their age. But since Olga Yuryevna is now a minister, we will tell you. Olga Vasilieva was born in 1960. She received as many as three higher educations. He is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of History. At the same time, it is obvious that she is a creative person, for she received her first higher education at the conductor-choral department of the Moscow state institution culture.

After that, she graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, and also graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Diplomatic Academy.

In the late Soviet period, from 1987 to 1990, Vasilieva was a graduate student at the Institute of Russian History of the Academy of Sciences.

Then she defended her thesis. By the way, the research topic of the current Minister of Education was very interesting for that time - "The Soviet state and the patriotic activity of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War".

She received her doctoral degree after defending a dissertation on the topic "The Russian Orthodox Church in the politics of the Soviet state in 1943-1948".

Where did Olga Vasilyeva work before her appointment as minister?

Good question. I must say that the work of the new Minister of Education is very interesting. After graduate school and until 2002, Olga Vasilieva worked at the Center for the History of Religion and Church of the Institute of Russian History of the Academy of Sciences, taught at the Sretensky Theological Seminary. Then she began to approach the near-government institutions, heading the Department of Religious Studies of the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Until recently, Olga Vasilyeva held the chair of the deputy head of the department for public projects. She is also listed as a professor at the Department of State and Confessional Relations, RANEPA.

What is interesting in the biography of Olga Vasilyeva?

Well, at least her close connection with religious studies. Vasilyeva herself said in one of her interviews that she was born into a religious family. That is why both the candidate and doctoral dissertation, which she defended in the 1990s, are dedicated to the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years.

According to Kommersant, in 2013, Vasilyeva was among the organizers of the "Orthodox Russia. Romanovs" exhibition in the Manezh. The authors of the exhibition said that the Romanovs were able to "defeat internal and external enemies," and the Decembrists planned to plunge Russia into "bloody chaos of turmoil."

Vasilyeva also lectured on patriotism to members of the United Russia party. In particular, according to Kommersant, in one of her lectures, she said that Stalin carried out the most important work to unite the nation, was engaged in the propaganda of the Russian language and literature, which allowed him to win the war with Hitler.

In addition, Vasilyeva - wrote a lot of materials about the church. Among them: "Church Stalinism": legends and facts, "State-church relations of the Khrushchev period", etc.

Also, Mrs. Vasilieva was part of the working group on the development of a standard for teaching history in schools.

What is Olga Vasilyeva going to do as a minister?

The official said that in the new post, the main priorities of her work will be caring for teachers and rethinking the experience of past years. "Learn the best experience, take the best and move forward progressively," said Ms. Vasilieva. Judging by her statements, the new Minister of Education intends to pay close attention to the secondary education system.

"Today we have children, tomorrow we have people," said Vasilyeva. According to her, you need to take care of the financial situation of teachers. At the same time, she noted that in Russia it is necessary to improve the system of professional development of teachers. Olga Yurievna did not speak about possible personnel changes in the ministry.

On May 18, 2018, a new composition of the Government began its work in Russia. Most of the ministers continued their activities in the posts that they held in the previous government, however, there are certain changes in the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers.

For example, the former Ministry of Education and Science was reformatted, as a result of which two departments were formed at once - the Ministry of Education, which was headed by the former Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to which a new person who had not previously worked in the government came. ... The new Minister of Education of Russia in 2018, who is this person, why exactly he headed the newly formed ministry.

With the start of the new government, it became clear that there would no longer be a single Ministry of Education. Instead, two new structures were established - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This division was approved by President Vladimir Putin at the suggestion of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, thus dividing the responsibilities of the departments. The first will be responsible for schools and secondary education, the second - for the science of innovation and the activities of higher education institutions.

According to Medvedev, the reorganization will make it possible to better concentrate the state's capabilities for the development of both education systems.

According to experts, the idea of ​​uniting all levels of the educational system under the wing of one department of management turned out to be erroneous. The result of these actions was a serious decline in the level of educational attainment in colleges and the widespread orientation of all students to receive an exclusively higher education. Thus, changes in the management of the education system are long overdue.

At first glance, the separation of a single department responsible for education looks like a return to the experience of the Soviet Union, when there were also several educational departments. However, in reality, the reorganization could be required not at all because of the need to save Russian education and science, but banally in order to equally divide power among all lobbyists.

Practice clearly demonstrates that in Russia all sorts of changes in the Government do not have a fundamental impact on the policy pursued by the state. According to the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn, in the case of the division of the Ministry of Education, there is a struggle between various groups of influence wishing to gain control over certain spheres of public administration and cash flows. A serious apparatus struggle is under way, which involves a large number of interests and purely political motives.

Thus, in order to respect the interests of all groups of influence, it was decided that Olga Vasilieva, against whom a serious campaign has been waged recently, head the new Ministry of Education, since she really did better work with the “school” block of secondary education. but the representatives of the liberal bloc of influence were at the mercy of higher education and science. The head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was Mikhail Kotyukov, who previously worked as the head Federal agency scientific organizations.

Mikhail Kotyukov, who headed the newly formed Ministry of Science and Higher Education, was born in 1976 in Krasnoyarsk. He received his primary and secondary education in an ordinary general education school # 68. Then he entered Krasnoyarsk State University, who graduated with a degree in Finance and Credit.

It is believed that Valery Zubov, the former dean of the Krasnoyarsk State University, who became the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region and invited Mikhail to work in the regional administration before graduating from the university, wrote Kotyukov's ticket to bureaucratic life. After graduating from higher education, Mikhail Kotyukov received a promotion, becoming the head of the control and auditing department of the Main Financial Directorate of the Territory Administration.

In 2001, Mikhail Kotyukov changed his civil service to private business, becoming the head of the financial department at OJSC Krasnoyarskagropromdorstroy. However, a year later he returned to the regional administration under the leadership of the new governor of the region, Alexander Khloponin. Kotyukov was received by the chief specialist of the resource analysis and budgetary policy department of the Main Directorate of Economics and Planning. After another 2 years, Mikhail Mikhailovich sat down in the chair of the deputy head of the Main Financial Directorate.

In 2007, after the scandalous poisoning of students at a ball for honors, Kotyukov was included in the list of officials who had left their posts. This version was discussed by the Krasnoyarsk media, however, there was no evidence to confirm the connection of the events. Another event that could be the reason for Kotyukov's departure is the audit of the financial activities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the Accounts Chamber. As a result of the investigation, unjustified expenses and debts to employees were found.

In March of the same year, Mikhail Kotyukov briefly worked in the Siberian federal university, in order to soon return to civil service in the regional administration.

In 2010, Kotyukov, a loyal member of Alexander Khloponin's team, moved with his boss to the capital, becoming the head of the department of budgetary policy in the social sphere and science of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, Kotyukov became Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, overseeing the financing of the social sector, including science, according to the Ros-Register portal. since 2013, Mikhail Kotyukov has become the head of the newly formed Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO).

In this position, Kotyukov was engaged in the development of principles for assessing the effectiveness of scientific institutions in Russia, as well as inventory of property, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Such interference in the affairs of the academy provoked a huge stream of negative criticism against Kotyukov. He was accused by the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences of excessive bureaucracy and interference in scientific affairs.

In addition to his activities as head of FANO, Kotyukov was also involved in reforming the pension system and the work of the Olympstroy corporation, which was engaged in the construction of facilities for the Sochi Olympics.

Thus, by the age of 41, Mikhail Kotyukov has a very extensive work list, which is replete with departures and returns of the new Minister of Education of Russia in 2018 to public service. Good or bad, only time will tell. As the experience of the previous government shows, Kotyukov has every chance of staying in the civil service for another 6 years.

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Olga Vasilyeva was born on January 13, 1960 in the city of Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan. The girl was brought up in a religious family, so it is no coincidence that her further scientific activity is always closely intertwined with religion. In early childhood, she was raised by her grandmother.

Olga graduated from high school at the age of fourteen, having the reputation of a young child prodigy. Since childhood, the girl differed from her peers with her mental abilities and an inexorable thirst for knowledge. In 1979 she graduated from the conductor-choral department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

For the next three years she worked as a singing teacher at schools No. 578 and No. 91 in Moscow. In 1982 she entered the evening department of the history faculty of the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute, from which she graduated in 1987. Then she taught Russian history in the senior grades of school number 91.

From 1987 to 1990 she studied at the graduate school of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Upon graduation, she defended her dissertation on the topic "The Soviet state and the patriotic activities of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War", receiving the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Then, for fourteen years, Vasilieva worked at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She rose from a junior researcher to a leading researcher and head of the Center for the History of Religion and Church of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1999 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences, after successfully defending a dissertation on the topic: "The Russian Orthodox Church in the policy of the Soviet state in 1943-1948."

In 2002 Olga Yuryevna heads the Department of Religious Studies of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2003 he has been teaching at the Sretensky Theological Seminary. Two years later, Vasilyeva was awarded the academic title of professor. Under her skillful leadership, three doctoral and over twenty-five master's theses were prepared and defended. In 2007, her number of diplomas about higher education replenished: Olga Yurievna graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia with a degree in International Relations.

Vasilyeva is the author of over one hundred and sixty scientific papers. He is interested in issues from the field of politics and religion, in particular, the influence of the Church of the USSR on the state and on the course of the Great Patriotic War, the problems of religious extremism, the relationship between the church institution of Russia and foreign policy.

Olga Yurievna has repeatedly lectured on patriotism for members of the United Russia party, and was one of the organizers of an exhibition dedicated to the Romanov dynasty. The authors of the exhibition tried to convey to the public that the Romanovs were able to “strangle” the uprisings of their enemies, and the Decembrists tried to plunge the country into “bloody turmoil”. Olga's attitude to Stalin is interesting. In her lectures, the doctor of history said that the secretary general carried out the most important work for the unity of the nation, promoting language and literature, which, albeit indirectly, contributed to the victory over Nazi Germany.

In February 2012, Vasilieva was appointed Deputy Director of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Russian Federation. In early 2013, she became Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects, where she oversaw issues related to the implementation of public projects in the field of education, interacted with public associations and other structures of civil society.

Vasilyeva was also a member of the Commission on Religious Associations under the Government of Russia and the working group of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for Disabled People on the creation of conditions for the participation of disabled people in the cultural life of society.

In 2014, Olga Yurievna was awarded the class rank of the acting state adviser of the Russian Federation, II class. In the same year, she became a member of the working group on the preparation of the concept of a new educational and methodological complex for national history... Having proved herself as an experienced and competent leader, Vasilieva was appointed to the post of Minister of Education and Science by the decree of President Vladimir Putin of August 19, 2016, becoming the first woman in the history of Russia to hold this post.

Olga Vasilyeva is an Honorary Professor of the Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics. Member of the International Association for the History of Religions. He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Science and Religion, State, Religion, Church in Russia and Abroad, Historical and Religious Studies. She was a member of the Council for the Coverage of Religious Issues in Electronic Media under the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, TV and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Media.

As head of the ministry, the official said that her main task will be to take care of the teaching staff, as well as rethink the experience of previous years. Olga Vasilieva is going to take the best from the previous education system and supplement it with some necessary modern innovations.

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