Alexander Glebovich Nevzorov. Biography, career, views. Alexander Nevzorov: biography and personal life of a journalist Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich last

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Alexander Nevzorov is a Soviet and Russian television journalist who, at the turn of the era, became a real idol reporter who, with his broadcasts in the evenings, united the country's television audience. As the “bastard” says about himself, he always needs to fight with someone. This justifies his interest in the military campaigns of the late 90s, as well as his uncompromising struggle against the Russian Orthodox Church.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. The boy's mother was the journalist Galina Georgievna Nevzorova, daughter of MGB General Georgy Vladimirovich, who in the post-war period fought against banditry in Lithuania. According to the journalist, he did not see his father and has no idea about him.

Alexander Nevzorov in his youth

In 1975, the young man entered the literary institute. In order not to get into the army, he feigned mental illness. Subsequently, he studied at the Moscow Seminary for 4 years, but was expelled due to a scandal. In his youth, he began to get involved in equestrian sports, got a job as a horse rider, and then a stuntman. In the early 80s, he changed professions as a literary secretary, screenwriter, museum worker and even a loader.

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander Nevzorov met Natalya, an employee of the scientific department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library. The girl, along with Alexander, was a chorister in the temple. Soon the young people played a wedding, a daughter was born. Due to Alexander's constant business trips, the union did not last long, and soon the journalist left the family, breaking off all relations with his first wife and daughter.

Rumor ascribes to Nevzorov a short marriage in the mid-80s with a popular actress at that time. But the artist herself, who has been living in Kaliningrad for a long time and is engaged in political activities, refuted this information on the air of the program.

Journalism and television

In 1983 he came to television. At first, Alexander served as a correspondent for news programs, in 1987 he became the host of the analytical program "600 seconds", participated in the filming of the program "Vzglyad". In 1989, a photo of a popular TV presenter was placed on the cover of the calendar "The most famous Leningraders in the world."

In the early 90s, Nevzorov was attacked: an unknown person shot the journalist in the heart, but the bullet did not hit vital organs, Alexander survived. In 1991, Nevzorov made the first documentary "Ours" about the events in Lithuania, whose government called on citizens to break away from the USSR. At the same time, under the leadership of Nevzorov, the 600 television company began to work.

In the early 2000s, he took hippology seriously. The journalist created his own horse breeding school Nevzorov Haute École, where he began to teach the science of handling horses.

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Alexander Nevzorov and Ivan Urgant

In 2004, the journalist created the film "Horse Encyclopedia". In 2006, the director released the following film, “The Nevzorov Haute École Method: Basic Principles,” in which he outlined the methods of raising an animal that he developed. In 2008, Channel One aired the premiere of the documentary The Crucified and Resurrected Horse.

Nevzorov Alexander Glebovich - a native of the capital on the Neva, a journalist, TV presenter, deputy. Lives on video blog.

A family.

His date of birth is August 3, 1958. He never spoke with his father, Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov. In all interviews, he says that he does not know who his father really is. The upbringing of the boy was carried out by the women of the family: mother and grandmother. The activities of his mother and grandfather significantly influenced his future career. Mom, Galina Georgievna, was a journalist for the Smena newspaper. Grandfather, Georgy Vladimirovich, worked in the MGB. He rose to the rank of general, fought against criminals in Lithuania. During the period of work, he repeatedly took his grandson for interrogations.

Alexander Glebovich was married three times. In his first marriage with Natalya Yakovleva, he had a daughter, Polina. Currently, he does not communicate with his daughter due to differences of opinion. The second time he married Alexandra Yakovleva, raised her son. His third wife Lydia is younger than him, they have been living together for over 20 years.

Education, hobbies, career.

At school, Alexander Glebovich diligently studied French, sang in the church choir. In 1975 he began studying at the Institute at the Faculty of Literature. In order to avoid the army, he created the appearance of psychological abnormalities, which is why he was placed for treatment in a psychiatric ward. After graduation, he devoted four years to the seminary. From there, he was expelled, in his personal opinion, due to a conflict based on differences in views about sexual orientation.

During this period, he became interested in equestrian sports, which he made his profession and became a stuntman. His career in film studios includes participation in scenes about military battles in which horses are involved. Later, he founded the school of equestrian education "Ecole". The principle of work in it is based on identifying the mental characteristics of horses applicable to their physical abilities. Introduced strict ban for punishment.

In the early 80s, Alexander went to work on television as a journalist.

In 1987, he began to produce an analytical program "600 seconds". She entered the Guinness Book of Records as the highest rated show. His workplace photo was posted on a 1989 calendar. By that time he had become one of the most famous people Leningrad. While preparing one of the plots of the program in 1990, he was wounded by an informant in the region of the heart, but did not suffer much.

He took part in the State Emergency Committee, skirmishes in Latvia, stormed the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Riga. At the same time, he began work on the film "Ours" about the political events in Vilnius and the OMON fighters. After that, his sculpture was installed in the Wax Museum. He is depicted as a paratrooper, but with a microphone in his hands. According to the plot, he interviews Catherine II. The sculpture is located next to the figure of Grigory Rasputin. This is done as an emphasis on the strong character and spirit of the protector of the hero of the sculpture.

In 1993, Alexander Glebovich was in opposition to an attempt to capture the television center of the capital, he defended the White House during the Putsch. In 1995, he published a book about intrigues in the lobby of power, in which the ruling ranks are involved. Until 1997, he made films about the Chechen company "Hell" and "Purgatory", which caused a huge public outcry. His television career continued as the host of the TV programs "Wild Field", "Days", "Nevzorov".

In 1995 he was elected to State Duma. In 1999, he does not pass the vote, but is re-elected in 2000 in the Vsevolzhsky district of the Leningrad region. By his own admission, he was at meetings only 9 times.

Until 2002, Alexander Nevzorov acts as the second leading TV project "Another Time". In 2004 he writes the book "Horse Encyclopedia" about the important role of horses in the field historical events, later making a film with the same title. During this period, the active work in the development of equestrian sports and the education of horses. He makes films about how the method of animal training works in his equestrian school and the film "The Horse Crucified and Resurrected", which is a documentary work.

Later, he publishes a magazine about equestrian sports. Currently, Alexander Nevzorov acts as a confidant of the Head of State. Since 2015, his Panopticon program has been broadcast on the Dozhd TV channel, and since 2016 he has been working in tandem with the General Director of Channel One.

Views of Alexander Nevzorov:

  • Criticism of the Orthodox Church. Positions himself as an atheist. Accuses church ministers of child molestation and non-traditional orientation.
  • Supports the human right to abortion, euthanasia and suicide.
  • I do not agree with the annexation of Crimea to Russian Federation.
  • Supports the army of Ukraine in the fight against the military forces of the East of the country.
  • The action "Immortal Regiment" is considered as a manifestation of sectarian movements.

On December 23, 1987, the information program of the Leningrad television “600 seconds” went on the air and lasted for six years, the chief editor and host of which was Alexander Nevzorov. The program became a cult and entered the Guinness Book of Records as the highest rated television project.

As a reporter and as a soldier, he was a participant in the wars in Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Karabakh, the Baltic States, Iraq and Chechnya, one of the first, together with General Rokhlin, entered Grozny.

About the Chechen war, Nevzorov filmed the documentary "Hell" (1995) and the feature film "Purgatory" (1997).

Nevzorov was one of the organizers of the State Emergency Committee in 1991, stormed Ostankino, and in 1993 defended the White House. Participated in well-known events in Vecmilgravis, in the destruction and burning of the first Baltic customs, in the storming of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Latvia; sheltered the fugitive Riga and Vilnius riot police on the territory of Russia. Created a series of reports "Nashi" about Soviet and Russian soldiers in hot spots (Vilnius, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc.).

He was wounded twice, shell-shocked once.

Three times he became a voluntary hostage of terrorists in exchange for the release of people. Cavalier of the orders "For personal courage", medals "Defender of Transnistria", "For strengthening the military community", "Participant in hostilities in Chechnya", Cossack cross "For the defense of Transnistria", etc.

Four times (since 1993) he was elected to the State Duma as an independent deputy, worked in the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building (due to the abolition of elections in single-mandate districts, he did not participate in the 2007 elections, refusing to join any party).

In 1994-1998 he was a consultant-analyst to B. Berezovsky, a consultant to the government of the Russian Federation. Author of the book "Field of Honor" (1995) about modern Russian politics. He was an adviser to two governors of St. Petersburg: Yakovlev and Matvienko. In the elections, V.V. Putin was his official confidant.

In the early 1990s, he founded the independent television company (NTK) 600. In 1995-1999 was the host of the TV shows of the first channel "Wild Field", "Days" and "Nevzorov". Producer and director of the films “Particular” (1997), “Alexander Nevzorov's Horse Encyclopedia” (ten-episode, 2004), “Alexander Nevzorov's Horse Encyclopedia” (two-episode, 2005), “Methodology. Basic Principles” (2006), “The True Story of the Horse from the Beginning of Time to the Present” (2008), “The Crucified and Resurrected Horse” (2008), “Lectio Equaria Palaestra” (2010) and dozens of author's documentaries.

Author of the books The Horse Encyclopedia (2005), A Treatise on the School Boarding (2008), Equine Sports: The Secrets of Mastery (2008), A Treatise on Working in the Hands (2010), translation and page-by-page commentary on The Instruction to the King in the art of riding, written by sir Antoine de Pluvinel" (2008), The Origin of the Person and the Intellect of Man (2012).

Nevzorov is a member of the Union of Journalists of St. Petersburg, Advisor to the General Director of Channel One, a full member of the St. Petersburg branch of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists.

In the early 90s, journalists began to appear on television, completely exposing the orders and violations that existed at that time. Thanks to the "hot" reports of Alexander Nevzorov, serious crimes and scams were revealed. The odiousness and determination to go through with his work to the end made him very popular, but at the same time, in the difficult 90s, he risked his life more than once because of this.


A sharp-tongued journalist and publicist Nevzorov was born in Leningrad on August 3, 1958. Alexander's father, Gleb Nevzorov, was a professional artist. He took over his love for journalism from his mother, Galina Georgievna. When Sasha was little, his father left the family and his mother raised her son alone. My maternal grandfather worked in the KGB, headed the department for combating banditry. Apparently it was from him that the whistleblower Nevzorov was given the desire to tell the truth and expose the swindlers.

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Alexander attended the Leningrad school, which had an in-depth study French. He was always noted as a diligent and diligent student, the boy showed abilities in all subjects and was in good standing with teachers. After successfully graduating from school, he entered the Literary Institute. In parallel with his studies, he attended a church choir, expressed a desire to receive additional education at the Theological Academy of Moscow. But in the 4th year he was at the center of a scandal in which Nevzorov was accused of non-traditional sexual orientation. And he was expelled.

In his younger years, the active Alexander Nevzorov tried himself in various professions. He worked as a loader in shops and markets. After he applied his specialty and was a literary secretary, he tried to write scripts. Then, after a chance meeting with stuntmen, he decided to try his hand at this dangerous profession. Everything was going well, but still irrepressible energy demanded independence. And Sasha became a journalist, and he was radically different from his counterparts in the television kitchen. In the late 80s, in step with the times of change and perestroika, the program “600 seconds” from Alexander Nevzorov began to appear on the screens.

It daily reflected "hot" facts from the life of the city of Leningrad. The viewers, tired of boring news and "duty" hosts, were looking forward to the next batch of revelations. But the work was dangerous. Alexander Nevzorov was an implacable fighter against crime, bribery and corruption. Of course, not everyone liked it, and in 1990 an attempt was made on the risky host. The fact is that the editorial office collected information from any sources, and once a person called them, ready to provide compromising information on famous person. So, during the meeting, he shot Alexander. Fortunately, the bullet that hit the region of the heart did not touch the vital organ. After recovering, the journalist continued his work, was a participant in the assault on the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Riga, smashed the Baltic customs along with activists. In the early 90s, Nevzorov reported on the work of riot police in Vilnius and called the cycle "Ours". The events of 1992-1993 could not fail to attract the attention of the seeker of "fried" news, and Alexander was in the thick of the revolution, filming the execution of the White House. The war in Transnistria, Yugoslavia, the Karabakh conflict, Iraq, Chechnya - all this was displayed in the activist's reports. Nevzorov was repeatedly wounded, shell-shocked, and captured by militants. The journalist was awarded the order "For Personal Courage", the medals "Participant in combat operations in Chechnya", "Defender of Transnistria". His documentaries "Hell", "Purgatory" were aired in 1995 and 1997 and vividly reflected the facts about the bloody events in Chechnya. In 1997, Alexander was invited to host the programs "Nevzorov", "Wild Field", "Days". The active position of the journalist became the reason for the invitation of the governor of the Leningrad region Valentina Matvienko as a consultant. In 1994, Boris Berezovsky approached him with a proposal, and Nevzorov became an adviser to the government of the Russian Federation and Berezovsky's personal analyst. On the this moment Alexander Glebovich is a consultant to the General Director of Channel One, a member of the Scientific Society of Anatomists. The journalist is fluent in several languages. Many people know about the reporter's passion for horses. Love for these animals began from the time of stunt work. Now Alexander has his own school, which teaches horseback riding without elements of coercion and violence against animals.

Personal life

The publicist and journalist Nevzorov is now in his third marriage. The first wife was Natalya, an employee of the Russian National Library, whom he met in the church choir. In this union, a daughter, Polina, was born. Hard everyday life, problems with work and earnings brought domestic problems into the life of young people, which later affected relationships. He kept disappearing on part-time jobs, which did not suit Natalya much. Soon the couple divorced, and Alexander Nevzorov continued his journalistic days. The second wife was the well-known Alexandra Yakovleva, an actress who played in the cult "Crew", "The Man from the Capuchin Boulevard." Here two collided strong character. Self-loving Alexandra and ambitious Sasha were constantly in a state of conflict. Young people with difficulty endured several years and decided to leave. In 1991, Alexander met his third wife, with whom he still lives happily ever after. They have a big age difference - 15 years, but this fact does not interfere with the family idyll. Wife Lydia is a hippologist, a professional artist, in 2007 the couple had a son, Sasha. Lydia and her husband worked on the films "Horse Encyclopedia", "Equestrian Sport: Secrets of Mastery", etc. Daughter Polina married the famous Russian actor Alexei Gorobchenko. Now the family lives in a country residence, hosts friends and relatives.

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