Manturov Denis Valentinovich Manturov Denis Valentinovich: biography, activities and interesting facts. Under the patronage of the father-in-law

Astringent compositions 22.10.2021
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Denis Valentinovich Manturov
Minister of Industry and Trade Russian Federation
since May 21, 2012
Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
September 11, 2007 - May 19, 2008
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
May 19, 2008 - February 2, 2012
Birth: February 23, 1969
Murmansk, RSFSR, USSR
Academic degree: candidate of economic sciences

Denis Valentinovich Manturov(born February 23, 1969, Murmansk) - Russian statesman and manager, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.
Was born Denis Manturov February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. Graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (1994), specialty - "sociology". In 1997 he completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State University, PhD in Economics. In 2006 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence.

Early 90s Denis Manturov worked in a Russian-Indian joint venture engaged in air transportation. Since 1993, he has been engaged in the export of Mi-8 helicopters from the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. In 1998-2000, he served as Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. In 2000-2001, he was the commercial director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil. In 2001-2003 Denis Manturov served as Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation". In 2003-2007, he was General Director of OAO United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom. From September 11, 2007 to May 19, 2008 Denis Manturov- Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. On May 19, 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

From December 1, 2011 Denis Manturov is a professor at the Department of Management Systems for Economic Objects of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Denis Manturov is included in the "first hundred" of the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.
February 2, 2012 Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. Putin Denis Manturov appointed and. about. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
In May 2012, the Rossiyskiye Vesti newspaper published information about lobbying Manturov appointment of Igor Kholmansky to the post of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Urals federal district.
May 21, 2012 Denis Manturov appointed Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Property and income of Denis Manturov

According to RIA Novosti, Manturov in 2012 earned the most among ministers Russian government. According to the Anti-Corruption Declaration-2012, published on the website of the Russian government and cited by RBC daily, Manturov in 2012 earned 103.8 million rubles. He owns a 480 sq. m, guest house, Porshe Cayenne Turbo and Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe cars, four parking spaces; the official also has four land plots leased for 99 years. Wife Natalya, according to Forbes and portal, owns the Lancet Center for Plastic and Endoscopic Surgery, owns a Bentley Continental GT car, owns a house with an area of ​​800 sq. m, land plot. In 2012, she earned 2.7 million rubles.

Family of Denis Manturov

Wife Natalia Manturova, two daughters. Eldest daughter

Denis Valentinovich Manturov- Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (since 2012), is the current state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class. Denis Manturov is the head of the Department of Social Technologies at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. Also Manturov Denis Manturov is one of the leaders in the Russian government in terms of income.

Childhood and education of Denis Manturov

Father of the future minister - Valentin Ivanovich Manturov- graduated from the nautical school, was an active member of the Komsomol, then made a successful career. Manturov Sr. worked as deputy chairman of the city executive committee, graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade.

Mother - Tamara Fedorovna - was a housewife.

When Denis was 7 years old, his father Valentin Manturov was sent to work in India, you can learn about this from the biography of the Minister of Industry and Trade on the Know Everything website.

The family left for Bombay, where Valentin Ivanovich Manturov began working as director of the Soviet cultural center. Denis went to school at the embassy. In the 80s, Manturov Sr. headed the USSR mission to the UN, and in parallel he led the cultural center in Colombo.

After graduating from school, Denis Manturov entered Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1994 with a degree in sociology. His father continued his career overseas, Valentin Manturov worked in the United States, heading the Russian Committee on Tourism. And Manturov continued his education at the graduate school of Moscow State University. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1997. Later, in the biography of Denis Valentinovich, there was a doctoral program at the Moscow Aviation Institute (2002).

Denis Manturov's career

After university, Denis Manturov married, and marriage played a role in the development of his career. The wife of the future minister, Natalya, also grew up in Bombay, and her father, Evgeny Kisel, worked in this Asian country at the Aeroflot representative office. Then Denis Manturov's father-in-law went into business - in partnership with Aeroflot, he created the AeroRepkon company. He appointed Manturov as his deputy. The company was engaged in the export of component parts for Mi-8 helicopters to India.

Denis Manturov himself also went into business during this period of his career. He established his own enterprise, which became a Beeline dealer.

The biography of Denis Manturov on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade says that the minister began his career in 1998 as Deputy General Director of Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant OJSC. At the age of 28, Denis Valentinovich became the main shareholder of this plant. Manturov and his father-in-law organized the mass sale of helicopters to China, Sri Lanka, and India.

Manturov quickly moved up the career ladder. In 2000, in the biography of Denis, a prestigious position of commercial director of the already capital helicopter enterprise named after Mikhail Mil, one of the most reputable manufacturers of helicopters.

In 2001, Denis Valentinovich Manturov took the position of deputy chairman of the unitary enterprise Gosinkor, which owns several defense companies. In 2003, Denis Manturov became the head of Oboronprom, created with the aim of organizing a holding for the construction of aircraft.

Denis Manturov joined the management of a number of development companies, including OKB Sukhoi, Kamov, Kurgamashzavod.

2006 was marked by a new diploma - Denis Manturov received a law degree at the Civil Service Academy. Further, successfully walking up the career ladder, in 2007 he became Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy. In 2008, Denis Manturov was appointed to the same position in the Ministry of Industry and Trade. And then he entered the presidential personnel reserve.

Since 2011, Denis Manturov has been teaching at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In 2012 Vladimir Putin (at that time the prime minister) appointed Denis Valentinovich head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

On May 21, 2012, Denis Manturov was approved as a minister. Since November 2012, he has also been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Rostec State Corporation.

Denis Manturov has a number of awards. In 2007 he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, in 2008 he was awarded the Order of Friendship, in 2009 he was awarded the Order of Honor. In 2010, Denis Manturov was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2013, Manturov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Denis Manturov as Minister

In 2014, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov said in Bahrain at a meeting with representatives of the government and business circles of this country that "illegal sanctions from Western countries create additional opportunities."

“As they say, a holy place is never empty. Therefore, we invite you and are ready to discuss the areas that have traditionally existed in our relations with the countries of the West. Therefore, we will now actively develop a dialogue with the countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Latin America, develop contacts that will not be subject to sanctions and political aspects. The economy must be independent of political aspects,” spoke Manturov.

In November 2014, Denis Manturov said that the weakening of the ruble should not lead to an increase in food prices. According to the official, our food importers are actively working on the transition to settlements in national currencies with other countries and abandoning the use of the dollar and the euro. Therefore, our consumers should not sound the alarm.

“We proceed from the fact that the weakening of the ruble should not affect a sharp increase in prices, our companies quite pragmatically proceed from the fact that it is better to pay in local currencies, which actually hedges the risks of using the euro-dollar exchange rate difference,” — declared Manturov, thus surprising many Russians.

In the fall of 2017, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov told on a preliminary agreement on the production of Russian helicopters in Mexico.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is in favor of replacing plastic bags with paper bags in the country's stores. “Currently we are discussing with retailers the issue of expanding the use of paper packaging instead of traditional bags,” — quoted in the news to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

In recent years, Denis Manturov has often commented on the Cortege project. Reported that more than ten cars of the Cortege project will be transferred by the beginning of March to the Federal Security Service. In total, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation expects to supply the FSO with up to 70 vehicles in 2018. The cost of the car of the project "Cortege" in the minimum configuration will be about 6 million rubles.

“I can say that we exactly provide on time, which was agreed with the Federal Security Service in terms of the delivery of those sets of cars that were agreed in advance. As for the moment when our president will drive this car, it is not up to us to make the appropriate decision,” spoke Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov in an interview with Russia 24 TV channel.

Personal life of Denis Manturov

Denis Manturov got married almost immediately after receiving a university degree. He has known his wife since childhood. They went to school together in Bombay at the embassy.

Natalya Evgenievna Manturova(nee - Kisel) - a doctor, a specialist in the field of cosmetics, plastic surgeon. Back in 1999, Natalya Manturova registered her first private clinic, Lancet. Then she expanded her business (the center of aesthetic medicine "Russian Beauty", "Delight M and B").

The Manturovs have two children - son Eugene (born 1998) and daughter Lionella (born 1995). Lionela Manturova graduated from high school in Italy, then followed in her father's footsteps and was educated at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University.

The minister's wife gladly spends time not only on professional, but also on social activities. Natalya Manturova is the head of the ethics committee of the Society of Plastic Surgeons of Russia, she is the head of a specialized department at one of the faculties of the National Research Medical University named after N. Pirogova.

Income of Denis Manturov

According to the income statement, in 2012 Denis Manturov earned about 100 million rubles, he owns a 9-room apartment with an area of ​​480 m², a guest house, two Porsche cars, as well as lease rights for 99 years to four land plots. Wife Natalya owns the Lancet plastic and endoscopic surgery clinic, a house with an area of ​​800 m², a land plot, earned 2.7 million rubles in 2012.

Manturov's income is one of the highest among representatives of the federal government. In 2014, he earned 113.5 million rubles and took 5th place (after Khloponin, Abyzov, Trutnev and Prikhodko) in the income ranking of members of the government. According to the submitted declaration, he also owned a residential building of 814 square meters, a 9-room apartment of 481 square meters. m, two cars, five plots of land.

In the Forbes ranking, Manturov's income according to the declaration for 2015 is 120.42 million rubles. Denis Manturov took 72nd place among civil servants. In 2017, his income increased to 213.566,747 million rubles. The wife earned 4,379,540.35 rubles.

It should be noted that by 2017 the Manturovs' fleet had been updated. Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe, Porsche Cayenne Turbo and Bentley Continental GT disappeared from it, the foreign auto world now represents only Land Rover Range Rover in the minister's garage. But the Manturovs immediately have 5 domestic cars: Moskvich 412, VAZ 2103, VAZ Lada Vesta, GAZ 21 and Moskvich 408.

After joining the civil service, Denis Manturov transferred part of his assets to his wife, in particular, the Primorye sanatorium in Gelendzhik, where she sends her patients for a rehabilitation period, according to the biography of the Minister of Industry and Trade on the Know Everything website.

Denis Valentinovich Manturov - since 2012 the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, head of the department at Moscow State University and part-time millionaire.

His income is one of the highest among the representatives of the federal government. In 2014, he earned 113.5 million rubles and took 5th place (after Khloponin, Abyzov, Trutnev and Prikhodko) in the ranking of government members' income. According to the submitted declaration, he also owned a residential building of 814 square meters, a 9-room apartment of 481 square meters, two cars, five plots of land.

Childhood and family of Denis Manturov

The future high-ranking official was born in Murmansk on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 1969. His mother, Tamara Fedorovna, was a housewife, and his father, Valentin Ivanovich, was a former seafarer cadet, Komsomol secretary and deputy chairman of the city executive committee. Soon he graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade and, when his son was 7 years old, he was sent to work abroad.

They left for Bombay, where the head of the family worked as director of the Soviet cultural center. There, for the first time, Denis met his future wife Natasha - they were the same age and studied at the school at the embassy. Her father, Yevgeny Kisel, worked in this South Asian country at the Aeroflot representative office. After the children became friends, the parents began to communicate closer.

In the 1980s, the head of the family of the future minister had already received a promotion to an embassy adviser, headed the representation of our state to the UN and at the same time directed the cultural center in Colombo. At that time, Khloponin, the father of the current Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, also worked on the island as a translator from foreign languages.

Denis Manturov's career

In 1994, the young man graduated from Moscow State University, acquired the profession of a sociologist, got married and entered graduate school.

His father continued his diplomatic activities - he headed the Russian Committee on Tourism in the United States of America. And the father-in-law went into business at home, in Russia. In partnership with Aeroflot, he established the AeroRepkon company and hired his son-in-law as his deputy. They were engaged in exporting components for Mi-8 helicopters to India. At the same time, the young man himself established an enterprise that became a Beeline dealer.

Then Denis Manturov, being a graduate student in sociology, defended his dissertation, received a Ph.D. industrial enterprise with a long history. They organized the mass sale of helicopters to China, Sri Lanka, and India.

The experience gained and supposedly friendly relations father-in-law with Sergey Chemezov, helped the young leader in 2000 to take the chair of the commercial director of the already capital helicopter enterprise named after Mikhail Mil, one of the most reputable manufacturers of helicopter equipment. Having worked at the plant for only one year, he managed to patent his invention for the design of a helicopter blade.

In 2001, the production manager took the position of deputy chairman of the Gosinkor unitary enterprise, which owns several defense companies. In 2004 - the head of "Oboronprom", created with the aim of organizing a holding for the construction of aircraft.

Denis Manturov on the benefits of the sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation

Denis was one of the members of the collective management of a number of development companies, including OKB Sukhoi, Kamov, Kurgamashzavod. In 2006, he received a law degree from the Civil Service Academy. In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy, and in 2008, he was appointed to the same position in the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The official entered the presidential personnel reserve. Since 2011 he has been teaching at the Moscow Aviation Institute. In 2012, Putin, then prime minister, appointed Denis Valentinovich head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The head of the department also became the head of the supervisory board of the Rostec corporation.

Interview with Denis Manturov about economics

Denis Manturov has a number of government awards, including the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Friendship, and Honor.

Personal life of Denis Manturov

Denis got married almost immediately after receiving a university degree. His life partner Natalia is a specialist in cosmetology. Back in 1999, she registered her first private clinic, Lancet. Then she expanded her business (the center of aesthetic medicine "Russian Beauty", "Delight M and B").

After the transition to the civil service (due to the fact that civil servants, by law, do not have the right to do business, with a few exceptions), the husband had to transfer part of his assets to her (in particular, the Primorye sanatorium in Gelendzhik, where she sends her patients for a period rehabilitation).

The wife of an official enjoys spending time not only on professional, but also on social activities. She is the head of the ethics committee of the Society of Plastic Surgeons of Russia. As a doctor-cosmetologist, she heads a specialized department at one of the faculties of the National Research Medical University named after N. Pirogov.

Their family has a daughter, Lionella, born in 1995, and a son, Eugene, born in 1998. In 2013, the scandal about spending half a million dollars to celebrate the birthday of the minister's daughter in the capital's chic Safisa restaurant was actively discussed on social networks. But later it turned out that Lionella, at that time a student at Moscow State University, was actually celebrating the 20th anniversary of her classmate friend. The daughter of the minister graduated from school in Italy, and wanted to live in London.

Denis Manturov now

In 2018, Denis continues his activities as head of the Ministry of Industrial Trade in the government Manturov Denis Valentinovich

Manturov Denis Valentinovich - Russian politician. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation since May 21, 2012. Head of the Department of Social Technologies, Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.


Manturov Denis Valentinovich, born February 23, 1969, born in Murmansk.

Relatives. Father: Manturov Valentin Ivanovich, born on September 25, 1938, director of the Heritage Center of the ANO " national center heritage care. He positions himself as an "international expert". Head of a number of publishing projects.

Mother: Tamara Fedorovna Manturova, born on August 18, 1936, pensioner. Engaged in housekeeping.

Wife: Manturova (dev. Kisel) Natalya Evgenievna, born on February 23, 1969, cosmetologist. Engaged in business in the field of facial surgery. He is the General Director of the clinic for minimally invasive aesthetic surgery and cosmetology "Delight-Lancet" and the owner of the Center for Aesthetic Medicine "Russian Beauty".

Daughter: Manturova Lionela Denisovna, born on March 6, 1995, student of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Leads an active "secular" lifestyle.

Son: Evgeny Denisovich Manturov, born on May 19, 1998.

State. Anti-corruption declaration 2014 Income RUB 113,482,135.82 Spouse: RUB 6,941,239.01 Real estate Land plot, 60 sq. m Land plot, 320 sq. m Land plot, 5160 sq. m Land plot, 5880 sq. m Apartment, 480.9 sq. m Parking place, 16.3 sq. m Parking place, 16.5 sq. m Parking place, 16.6 sq. m Parking place, 19.9 sq. m Utility building, 205 sq. m Utility building, 208.3 sq. m Guest house, 495.5 sq. m Guest house, 1223.5 sq. m Spouse: Land, 640 sq. m Spouse: Residential building, 814.1 sq. m Spouse: Apartment, 480.9 sq. m (in use) Son: Apartment, 480.9 sq. m (in use) Vehicles Passenger car, Land Rover Range Rover Passenger car, Lada Ellada 181700 According to the anti-corruption declaration of 2012, in 2012 it earned about 100 million rubles. (the largest income among the ministers of the Russian government), he owns a 9-room apartment of 480 m², a guest house, two Porsche cars, as well as lease rights for 99 years on four land plots. His wife Natalya owns the Lancet plastic and endoscopic surgery clinic, a house with an area of ​​800 m², a land plot; in 2012 earned 2.7 million rubles.

Awards. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2013). Order of Honor (2009). Order of Friendship (2008). Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2007) Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010). Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree.


  • Graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (1994), specialty - "sociology".
  • In 1997 he graduated from the postgraduate course of Moscow State University, candidate of economic sciences.
  • In 2006 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence.

Labor activity

  • After graduating from high school, he studied at graduate school. At the same time, he was engaged in business related to air transportation and the export of helicopters from the Ulan-Uda Helicopter Plant.
  • In 1998 he was appointed Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Uda Helicopter Plant.
  • In 2000, he became the commercial director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.V. M. L. Mil.
  • In 2001, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Investment Corporation Federal State Unitary Enterprise.
  • In 2003, Manturov became the general director of OAO United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom.
  • In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy (since 2008 - Industry and Trade) of the Russian Federation.
  • Since May 21, 2012, he has been the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (acting minister since February 2, 2012). By position, he is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Rostec State Corporation. He has the rank in the civil service of the active state adviser of the Russian Federation of the 1st class.


Guryev Andrey Grigorievich Born on March 24, 1960, entrepreneur, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO PhosAgro, owner of the PhosAgro group of companies, former member of the Federation Council from the Murmansk Region. Manturov has been a de facto lobbyist for Guryev's interests since the period when he was deputy minister. Manturov is still conducting lobbying activities in the interests of PhosAgro.

Kisel Evgeniy Korneevich, 05/07/1938, former representative of Aeroflot in India and General Director of CJSC AeroRepkon. Father-in-law of Manturov, who began his career in a joint Russian-Indian venture opened by Kisel. It was Kisel who introduced Manturov to Chemezov.

Reus Andrey Georgievich, 05/10/1960 year of birth, former General Director of OAO Oboronprom. He replaced Manturov in this position. Until recently, they maintained close contacts, but now their relationship has deteriorated.

Kholmanskikh Igor Rurikovich Born June 29, 1969, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District. Manturov met him in 2011 during a trip to Nizhny Tagil to Uralvagonzavod. He recommended him to Chemezov as a "representative of the people" who could be "moved into power." Thus, Manturov became the "catalyst" for the dizzying career of the Kholmanskys.

Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich, 08/20/1952, General Director of the Rostec State Corporation. Familiar through Kisel. At present, Manturov is considered Chemezov's man and is pursuing his line in the industry entrusted to him. At the same time, rumors about alleged family ties between Chemezov and Manturov are not true.

To information

After graduating from one of the elite Moscow special schools, Denis easily entered Moscow State University. When the USSR collapsed, Denis Valentinovich was a student of the Faculty of Sociology, which did not prevent him from doing business, and not simple, but related to the export of spare parts for helicopters. CJSC AeroRepkon, where he was Deputy General Director, was engaged in the supply of helicopter components for the Mi-8 to India. At the same time, an old friend of his father at work in Sri Lanka, a former representative of Aeroflot in this country, helped him in this business. Evgeny Kisel, who had a beautiful daughter, Natalya, before whose charms Denis Valentinovich could not resist.

After Manturov became related to Kisel, his affairs, already not too bad, went uphill. A simple sociologist graduate student became, no less, the deputy general director of the Ulan-Uda Helicopter Plant OJSC, which before that had come under the actual control of his father-in-law. At this enterprise, shortly before the arrival of Denis Valentinovich, the production of the Mi-117 helicopter (export version of the Mi-8) was launched, which was sold outside the Russian Federation, in particular, to India and China, for very good money. Since Manturov became the main shareholder of the plant, these considerable cash began to settle in his pockets.

Having become proficient in the sale of helicopters, Denis Valentinovich returned to Moscow, where he became the commercial director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant. M. L. Mil ”, but he stayed in this position for only a year. In 2001, Manturov was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation", and in 2003 - the General Director of Oboronprom OJSC. These appointments were largely due to Yevgeny Kisel's good acquaintance with Sergei Chemezov, which gradually crushed the Russian military-industrial complex.

Interestingly, in the same 2003, when Denis Valentinovich headed Oboronprom, the Financial Systems company was registered in Moscow at the address of Oboronprom on Vereiskaya Street. The founder of this company was a Cypriot offshore, and a certain Evgeny Maksimov, who worked simultaneously with Manturov at the Ulan-Uda Aviation Plant as Deputy General Director, and then was the head of the Moscow representative office of this plant. LLC "Financial Systems" began to receive shares in defense enterprises. So, it became a co-owner of JSC "Ulan-Uda Aviation Plant", JSC "Elektroavtomat" and JSC "Electromashinostroitelny Zavod im. Lepse. In the period from 2007 to 2011, Financial Systems also owned OAO Saturn in Rybinsk, which was engaged in the production of aircraft engines and turbines.

Thus, Manturov tested the scheme invented by Chemezov for the return of assets with the help of some intermediate structure, on the accounts of which there was a difference between the cost of repurchasing shares from the previous owners and the final cost of repurchasing the asset by the management of Oboronprom. Well, Denis Valentinovich himself became a real virtuoso in converting administrative resources into "live" money. For which Chemezov appreciated him.

In 2007, Manturov was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy, in charge of industry issues. His appointment was perceived unequivocally: as an attempt by Sergei Chemezov to strengthen his control over the department. Moreover, the minister Viktor Khristenko relations with Chemezov did not work out, and Sergei Viktorovich so wanted to have his man there in a key position.

In this post, Denis Valentinovich continued his hard work for the good of the Fatherland. So, in 2010, he became chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Apatit, which is part of the Phosagro holding, owned by Andrey Guryev. Thanks to Manturov's support, Apatit became a monopoly in the production of nepheline concentrate, which is used in the production of alumina. In addition, Denis Valentinovich turned into a lobbyist for Guryev's interests, often to the detriment of the interests of the state.

Of course, such an "effective manager" as Manturov could not "vegetate" in the deputy ministers. In 2012, he decorated the Government of the Russian Federation with his person, becoming the Minister of Industry and Trade in it. Having settled in the ministerial chair, Denis Valentinovich first of all began to strengthen his own vertical, “pulling” the right people to high positions.

In particular, the Deputy Minister in charge of the aviation and radio-electronic industry became Yuri Slyusar, son of the General Director of OJSC Rosvertol Boris Slyusar. By the time of his appointment to this high post, Yuri Borisovich, out of thirty-eight years of his life, spent only two and a half years in the public service (and starting immediately from the post of assistant to the minister), and began to deal with aviation industry issues only in 2003, when he became commercial director Rosvertol. Prior to this, Slyusar Jr. was engaged in producing musical groups, that is, his field of activity was very far from the aircraft industry. Soon, at the suggestion of Manturov, leading positions in the ministry were filled with similar incompetent "majors".

These include another Deputy Minister, Viktor Evtukhov, on the first education of an economist, and on the second - a lawyer. This former St. Petersburg "dark" businessman, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and a member of the Federation Council, before joining the Ministry of Industry and Trade, managed to visit the Deputy Minister of Justice. However, there he showed such dense incompetence that after a year and a half they hurried to get rid of him by transferring him to a similar position in Manturov's department. Evtukhov, literally immediately after his new appointment, began to “cut” the budget funds allocated for the project of the “Made in Russia” quality mark initiated by the minister.

In general, Denis Aleksandrovich has the ability to accumulate various dark personalities around him. One of them is the deputy State Duma from the Communist Party Sergei Gavrilov, a former adviser to the general director of the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Building Company (VASO) and a lobbyist for the now disgraced oligarch Alexandra Lebedeva. In 2013, Gavrilov did not get out of Manturov's office, thanks to which VASO received a large state order for 59 An-148 aircraft.

As for the achievements of the industries supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, they cannot boast of such achievements. Under Denis Valentinovich, the collapse of the aircraft industry continues, which he gave to the head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Mikhail Poghosyan. At the suggestion of Poghosyan, the civilian sector is degrading, issuing only an unsuccessful Superjet “on the mountain” and blocking, in particular, all the initiatives of the design bureau. Tupolev. As a result, domestic civil aviation has ceased to be competitive in the world market, and the fleet of Russian airlines consists mainly of ancient "Boeings", flights on which are dangerous for the lives of passengers. Even in such a super-successful industry for Russia as helicopter construction, Manturov managed to "push" the screwdriver assembly of helicopters of foreign models.

But the family business of Denis Valentinovich is flourishing. His wife Natalya Evgenievna, a medical doctor, literally immediately after completing her residency opened (with the help of her father, of course) the Lancet plastic surgery clinic, and not just anywhere, but on the basis of Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. The equipment in this clinic was, of course, world-class.

Currently, Natalya Evgenievna not only owns several clinics in which she personally performs operations, but also manages a four-star hotel in Gelendzhik "Primorye", opened in 2010. On the territory of this hotel there is a restaurant "Trofey", previously owned by the Gelendzhik company "Primorye-maestro", a share of 85% of the authorized capital of which belonged to Manturov, and the remaining 15% - to the Boarding House with Treatment Primorye of the Oboronprom trade union. It is interesting that the address of this boarding house is the Primorye Cosmetology company, owned by Natalya Manturova.

Daughter Manturova Lionela, despite her young age, has already managed to become famous. Philip Kirkorov, Alsu, Nikolai Baskov, Grigory Leps, rapper Timati and other pop stars were invited to the celebration in honor of her eighteenth birthday, which took place in one of the fashionable banquet halls, who charge tens of thousands of euros for their performance. On ordinary days, Lionela Denisovna comes to classes at the university in a Rolls-Royce with a driver, leads an active “social life” and dreams of “getting out” of “this country” somewhere.

Denis Valentinovich Manturov, despite the high posts he holds, is not an independent political figure. He has always been a "zits-chairman", fulfilling the will of the people who put him in these positions: first his own father-in-law, then Sergei Chemezov. However, he did not offend himself and his loved ones. As for the results of the management activities of Denis Valentinovich, the adjective “deplorable” is more suitable for them.

No matter how dependent he is, Manturov himself bears the responsibility for the most severe crisis in the industries entrusted to him in the first place. If only because he did not have the courage to refuse leadership in an area in which he is not an expert. But, alas, it is not customary for “effective managers” to refuse positions. Therefore, almost all branches of our life are in a state of permanent collapse, and such “effective” Manturovs jump like goats from one post to another. Only if you look at what they leave behind, they are more like not cute goats, but rather insatiable locusts.

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