Michael from time will tell the biography. Michael Bohm: “I often hear from Russians that they feel sorry for me. Career in Russian land

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17 november 2017

Political talk shows on Russian television are incredibly popular today. Verbal skirmishes are followed by millions of people across the country and beyond. Many participants in these programs are very well known to us, but among them there are also those who have recently appeared in the public eye. One of them is Michael Bohm, biography, family, wife, children, a photo of which will be given in this article.


The future journalist was born in 1956 in the American St. Louis. Michael Bohm (biography, family, wife, photos of him are of interest to many people today) received his higher education within the walls of the New York School of International Relations at Columbia University. The specialization of the young man was precisely the Russian Federation.

The American explains his great interest in Russia precisely by the fact that life in America is much more boring and monotonous. According to the journalist, in the United States there are no politicians like Zhirinovsky, no State Duma, no controversial law on insulting the feelings of believers, no political shows like Russian ones.

Career in Russian land

In 2001, Michael Bohm (biography, family, wife - information about this is not fully covered by the media) made the final decision to move to Russia. It is worth noting that at that time the American almost did not know the Russian language and therefore he had to spend a lot of time studying a speech that was unfamiliar to him.

During the first ten years of his life in a new place, Bohm was engaged in the insurance business. However, at a certain point, he decided to leave this activity and plunge headlong into journalism. And this despite the fact that in business the American was lucky and he earned very decent money. But a burning desire to understand Russia more deeply literally forced Michael to change his sphere of activity.

Shark feather

In 2007 Bohm is the editor-in-chief of the Opinions department of the popular newspaper The Moscow Times. This printed publication fully covered the events taking place both in Russia and abroad.

After his dismissal from the newspaper Michael Bohm, biography, family, whose wife had already come under the gun of the public, began to periodically write various articles for the Internet portal of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets". A little later, the American received an invitation to become a teacher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Activities on television

Starting in 2015, the foreigner began to appear on Russian channels with enviable regularity. He could be seen in the programs "Meeting Place", "Special Correspondent", "Process", "Politics".

However, Michael Bohm became most famous (his biography, family, and his wife are worthy of the readers' attention) when he began to frequently attend the filming of the "Time will Show" program.

Personal opinion

In his interviews, Michael notes that he is amazed by the Russians' craze for political shows, while Americans do not delve into this topic at all at home. Bohm also speaks of love for Russia, but at the same time calls himself a US patriot, defending the interests of his homeland.

The journalist claims that he takes part in talk shows with great pleasure, even despite the moments when he is interrupted and not allowed to express his personal opinion.

In various programs, Michael Bohm (biography, family, his wife are in the center of public attention today) very often experiences psychological pressure from his opponents, however, this does not stop him from visiting the studios. The journalist believes that he is able to resist this pressure and continue to convey his thoughts and opinions to viewers. The American calls himself an "unofficial public diplomat." He agrees that to some extent he is a "whipping boy" who, at the same time, is able to say truthful, harsh things, often forcing his opponents to blush.

Family status

Michael is very reluctant to devote his personal life to the public. It is reliably known that in the period from 2013 to 2015. he was married to a Russian woman named Svetlana. The couple had a daughter, who was named Nicole. She currently lives with her mother in the Moscow region. Bohm regularly sees his little heiress. And, like a father, he dreams that Nicole would receive a basic secondary education in Russia, and a higher education in the West.

In 2016, the journalist submitted a package of documents required to obtain Russian citizenship. According to him, he is very tired of working on the basis of a visa that requires periodic renewal.

Bohm assures that he has absolutely no time and desire to watch American television and series. Michael also notes the pragmatism inherent in Americans in his life. It is known from his numerous interviews that he never pinned his hopes on the Russian "maybe". But at the same time, living in Russia, he does not have health insurance.

Our hero learned the Russian language ideally, with sayings and idioms. His most favorite expression is "bullshit". Such an excellent knowledge of the language gave rise to numerous rumors and misinterpretations. Many TV viewers still believe that the American is a decoy duck, but this, of course, is not so.

Michael Bohm is a journalist, biography, family, photo, whose wife is sometimes closed from inquisitive people by himself, is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, tries to consume alcoholic beverages as little as possible. Also, the journalist regularly visits the gym, which is also visited by the famous presenter Vladimir Soloviev, and whenever possible flies overseas to his homeland to visit his parents, his sister, who works as a teacher, and his brother, who provides tax consultant services.

Bohm does not have his own car and either takes a taxi or the subway to film programs. The growth of the journalist is only 168 centimeters, but he does not in any way complex about this.

Michael Bohm, about his biography, family, wife, whose children were told in the article, also notes that, despite the various criminal stereotypes that have developed in the United States about Russia, in Moscow he was never attacked on the street, while in New York City, he was robbed a few years ago.

Political talk shows on Russian television are incredibly popular today. Verbal skirmishes are followed by millions of people across the country and beyond. Many participants in these programs are very well known to us, but among them there are also those who have recently appeared in the public eye. One of them is Michael Bohm, biography, family, wife, children, a photo of which will be given in this article.


The future journalist was born in 1956 in the American St. Louis. Michael Bohm (biography, family, wife, his photos are interesting to many people today) received higher education within the walls of the New York School of International Relations. The specialization of the young man was precisely the Russian Federation.

The American explains his great interest in Russia precisely by the fact that life in America is much more boring and monotonous. According to the journalist, in the United States there are no politicians like Zhirinovsky, no State Duma, no controversial law on insulting the feelings of believers, no political shows like Russian ones.

Career in Russian land

In 2001, Michael Bohm (biography, family, wife - information about this is not fully covered by the media) made the final decision to move to Russia. It is worth noting that at that time the American almost did not know the Russian language and therefore he had to spend a lot of time studying a speech that was unfamiliar to him.

During the first ten years of his life in a new place, Bohm was engaged in the insurance business. However, at a certain point, he decided to leave this activity and plunge headlong into journalism. And this despite the fact that in business the American was lucky and he earned very decent money. But a burning desire to understand Russia more deeply literally forced Michael to change his sphere of activity.

Shark feather

In 2007 Bohm is the editor-in-chief of the Opinions department of the popular newspaper The Moscow Times. This printed publication fully covered the events taking place both in Russia and abroad.

After his dismissal from the newspaper Michael Bohm, biography, family, whose wife had already come under the gun of the public, began to periodically write various articles for the Internet portal of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets". A little later, the American received an invitation to become a teacher at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Activities on television

Starting in 2015, the foreigner began to appear on Russian channels with enviable regularity. He could be seen in the programs "Meeting Place", "Special Correspondent", "Process", "Politics".

However, Michael Bohm became most famous (his biography, family, and his wife are worthy of the readers' attention) when he began to frequently attend the filming of the "Time will Show" program.

Personal opinion

In his interviews, Michael notes that he is amazed by the Russians' craze for political shows, while Americans do not delve into this topic at all at home. Bohm also speaks of love for Russia, but at the same time calls himself a US patriot, defending the interests of his homeland.

The journalist claims that he takes part in talk shows with great pleasure, even despite the moments when he is interrupted and not allowed to express his personal opinion.

In various programs, Michael Bohm (biography, family, his wife are in the center of public attention today) very often experiences psychological pressure from his opponents, however, this does not stop him from visiting the studios. The journalist believes that he is able to resist this pressure and continue to convey his thoughts and opinions to viewers. The American calls himself an "unofficial public diplomat." He agrees that to some extent he is a "whipping boy" who, at the same time, is able to say truthful, harsh things, often forcing his opponents to blush.

Family status

Michael is very reluctant to devote his personal life to the public. It is reliably known that in the period from 2013 to 2015. he was married to a Russian woman named Svetlana. The couple had a daughter, who was named Nicole. She currently lives with her mother in the Moscow region. Bohm regularly sees his little heiress. And, like a father, he dreams that Nicole would receive a basic secondary education in Russia, and a higher education in the West.

In 2016, the journalist submitted a package of documents required to obtain Russian citizenship. According to him, he is very tired of working on the basis of a visa that requires periodic renewal.

Bohm assures that he has absolutely no time and desire to watch serials. Michael also notes the pragmatism inherent in Americans in his life. It is known from his numerous interviews that he never pinned his hopes on the Russian "maybe". But at the same time, living in Russia, he does not have health insurance.

Our hero learned the Russian language ideally, with sayings and idioms. His most favorite expression is "bullshit". Such an excellent knowledge of the language gave rise to numerous rumors and misinterpretations. Many TV viewers still believe that the American is a decoy duck, but this, of course, is not so.

Michael Bohm is a journalist, biography, family, photo, whose wife is to some extent sometimes closed from inquisitive people by himself, is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, tries to consume alcoholic beverages as little as possible. Also, the journalist regularly visits which the well-known presenter Vladimir Solovyov also walks, and whenever possible flies overseas to his homeland to visit his parents, his sister, who works as a teacher, and his brother, who provides the services of a tax consultant.

Bohm does not have his own car and either takes a taxi or the subway to film programs. The growth of the journalist is only 168 centimeters, but he does not in any way complex about this.

Michael Bohm, about his biography, family, wife, whose children were told in the article, also notes that, despite the various criminal stereotypes that have developed in the United States about Russia, in Moscow he was never attacked on the street, while in New York City, he was robbed a few years ago.

After graduating from the School of International Relations at Columbia University in New York, American journalist Michael Bohm chose Russia as the country of his interests and has been living in it for about 20 years. During this time, he managed to perfectly master the Russian language and says that he now thinks in Russian too. Be that as it may, but in Russian, Michael speaks really excellent, with an almost imperceptible accent and perfectly copes with all idiomatic turns, slang and jargon. According to rumors, Michael Bohm's wife is Russian and they got married on March 15, 2013.

The conversation about Bohm's wife took place on the Russian TV talk show Vremya Pokazhet, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov. On TV shows, an American journalist is quite often and is almost always the person to whom other participants in the event make their "anti-American" claims. He usually reacts to such criticism quite good-naturedly and calls himself an "independent" journalist who publishes articles on the "Russian question". After talking about Michael's life in our country and its living conditions, Solovyov asked a question about his marriage and received an answer "" ... And divorced. With a Russian girl. "

There was no other evidence of Michael Bohm's family life on the air. True, curious and meticulous Internet subscribers, with the next mention of this issue, gave out a few more information about this story. On his Facebook account, the journalist, it turns out, indicated the date of his wedding - March 15, 2013 and posted a photo of his wife. This is the only image of Michael's chosen one to date and the name of the girl on it is Lana (presumably from "Svetlana"). Later, information obtained somewhere else in the depths of the Network appeared that Michael is now married and has a daughter named Nicole. The girl is almost 3 years old.

It is no secret that journalists often do not like to talk about their personal lives, perhaps considering it dangerous. It may well be that such a decision is relevant for Bohm, especially since he, in December 2016, announced that he had applied for Russian citizenship. However, there are also people who have a different, very specific opinion about the life of an American reporter in the Russian state. They consider the former editor of the opinion page at The Moscow Times, and now the “free journalist”, not who he claims to be.

The impetus for this was the opinion of one American woman on YouTube, who heard Bohm's speech. She expressed extreme surprise that a person born and raised in the United States speaks their native English with a pronounced Russian accent. This doubt about the authenticity of Michael's American origin, gave rise to a lot of suspicions and assumptions that he is simply a "sent Cossack", performing certain functions in the "staged Kremlin performance". How correct these guesses are is difficult to say: some of Bohm's actions, indeed, look strange, and the lack of information about Michael Bohm's wife fits well into this scheme. And yet, do not rush to conclusions: time will put everything in its place.

Michael Bohm is a freelance American journalist and writer, political commentator, participant in well-known Russian political talk shows: Vremya Pokazhet, Trial, Duel, First Studio, Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. We will try to tell about the reasons for the popularity of this American in Russia in his detailed biography.

early years

Michael Robert Bohm was born in 1965 in St. Louis, USA. He was educated at the New York School of International Relations, Columbia University. His specialty was Russia.

Michael Bohm explained his interest in Russia by the fact that "Russians are a very entertaining nation." He argued that life in the States is incredibly boring: there is neither Zhirinovsky, nor the State Duma, nor a law on insulting the feelings of believers, nor political programs of a similar format, so beloved by the journalist.

Career in Russia

In 2001, Bohm decided to move from his native St. Louis to Russia. By this time, Michael practically did not speak Russian, so he had to spend more than one hour studying the language.

Michael Bohm: Is Russia a Leader or a Hegemon?

For the first 10 years of his life in Russia, Michael worked in the insurance business. However, a passion for journalism at one point made Bohm sacrifice his financial condition. And although Michael was making good money in the insurance business, he decided to do what he was really interested in.

So in 2007 Bohm became editor of the Opinions section of The Moscow Times, a weekly newspaper in English. The newspaper covered events in political life in Russia and abroad, as well as news in the field of business and culture.

He penned several dozen articles, including "Why don't Russians smile?" “Looking for agents of the West in the wrong place”, “Russia is turning into Iran”, “Putin's pride is not for sale”, “Homophobia as a career enhancer”. Bohm's latest article for The Moscow Times was titled How Russian Journalists Serve the Fatherland.

After leaving the newspaper, Bohm became a freelance journalist. From time to time he wrote articles for a blog on the Internet portal of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets". Bohm also accepted an invitation to become a teacher at the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO.

Since 2015, Bohm began to appear frequently on political talk shows on Russian channels. Among them - "Meeting Place" on NTV, "Special Correspondent" (Russia-1), "Politics" (First), "Trial" (Star) and many others. Most of the TV viewers met Bohm after his repeated participation as an expert on the social and political talk show Vremya Pokazhet on Channel One.

In his interviews, Bohm admits that he is surprised by the large number of political programs in Russia and the readiness of the audience to watch all these shows. According to the journalist, there is no demand for political programs of this genre in the United States. Michael described his role in Russian shows as "an unofficial public diplomat." “I defend the interests of the United States, but I love Russia!” The journalist admitted.

Michael Bohm on the events in Syria

Michael says that he participates in these shows because they give him the opportunity to speak out. “I understand that everyone is against me. I understand that they are interrupting me. But when they don't interrupt, I can say what I want. They give me this opportunity, and I want to use this opportunity while it is there. And staying at home and complaining that everything is bad is not the case, ”says Bohm.

Michael Bohm's personal life

Little is known about the journalist's personal life. Based on Bohm's Facebook page, Michael was married to a Russian woman named Svetlana. The wedding took place in March 2013. The couple have a daughter, Nicole. In 2015, the couple divorced.

In the winter of 2016, Bohm applied for Russian citizenship. According to the journalist, he is tired of working on a visa.

Michael said that he did not have time to watch American TV shows, as well as popular American TV shows. According to Bohm, the only thing left of the American is the pragmatism inherent in this nation. He even mastered the Russian language ideally: with all the subtleties and idioms (his favorite is "bullshit"). Excellent knowledge of the language even caused some viewers to doubt its origin. “A sent Cossack girl in a staged Kremlin performance,” some viewers said about him. However, these rumors are nothing more than a yellow duck.

Bohm leads a healthy lifestyle, almost does not drink alcohol, and regularly works out in the gym. From time to time Bohm visits the States, where his parents, brother and sister live.

Michael Bohm now

Bohm continues to appear on political talk shows several times a week and publish his articles on the Ekho Moskvy blog and the MK newspaper.

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A regular on Russian talk shows told why he plays the role of a "whipping boy"

Evening Bells - Bom Bom! "Evening Bells" is our dear political talk shows for night owls, and "Bom" is him, Michael Bohm. Who is a constant habitué of this hell, this galimic propaganda, these spiritual bonds.

I understood why everyone is on friendly terms with him. Well, such a good guy (though the guy turned 50 the other day!). Just wonderful. He came to my office, and we went to our restaurant ... But still I wanted to look into his American soul ...

This is not a standard interview. Better - just a conversation. As in an anecdote: a Russian and an American met, here they sit, took 200 each and talk about life. True, alcohol has long been banned in our buffet. But I was just intoxicated with this guy. And he? No, he was absolutely sober. Like a true American.

- Michael, who sent you?(Immediately after this question, we switched to "you".)

What kind of wind did it blow, huh? ..

- Are you sprinkling with Russian proverbs again?

Well, are you interrogating? What is it called - attendance ...

- Yes, passwords, names, appearances ...

No, no one sent me, I on my own initiative, honestly, I swear. I am a "Russian scholar" by education in Russia too, because I really want to work in my specialty.

Jews? You don't know anything about Jews. Yes, for a sweet soul! At least reread Dovlatov. Who lives in America with you?

Parents, brother, sister. Two days later, I'm leaving for my mother's birthday. Anniversary, 75.

- Have you been stopped here in Moscow in a dark alley to have a heart-to-heart talk?

Hard? No, there was not a single case. Even with the drunks, there was nothing like an attack. As long as I live here - not once. Only in New York I was robbed. I feel safe in Moscow. In the evening I go to fitness, come home late. And - pah-pah, nothing happened to me. It's not evening yet, really.

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