Ksenia Yudaeva, husband Pushed ruble Valentin Yudaev Xenia's father

floors 22.10.2021
Central Bank of the Russian Federationfirst vice chairman


In 1992 she graduated from the Moscow State University them. M. V. Lomonosov.
In 1994 - the Russian School of Economics.
Doctor of Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. MIT).

Professional experience

Awarded with the Order of Honor, has the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.
From 1998 to 2000 - Leading Researcher at the Russian-European Center for Economic Reforms (Moscow).
From 1998 to 1999 - an internship at the Stockholm Institute for Economics in Transition (Stockholm, Kingdom of Sweden).
From 1999 to 2006 - Senior Researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow).
From 2000 to 2006 – Leading Researcher, Director for Economic Policy Research at the Center for Economic and Financial Research and Development (Moscow).
From 2003 to 2006, he was a member of the scientific council of the Carnegie Moscow Center.
From 2006 to 2008 - Scientific Director of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation (Moscow).
From 2008 to 2012 - Senior Advisor to the President - Chief Economist, Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank of Russia, (Moscow).
From 2012 to 2013 - Head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, (Moscow).
Since September 2013 - First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (appointed on October 10, 2018).

(12) Russian statesman and economist. First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since September 11, 2013. In the past - Head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation from July 13, 2012 to September 10, 2013. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class


In 1992 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov with a degree in economist-mathematician, in 1994 - the Russian School of Economics, having received a master's degree in economics.


After coming under the control of the Central Bank, FC Otkritie Bank changes the Supervisory Board. As RBC found out, it included representatives of the Moscow Exchange, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the EBRD

The first deputy head of the Central Bank warned of the infinity of low oil prices

Low oil prices can remain almost indefinitely, said Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Head of the Bank of Russia.

Impact of annexation of Crimea to Russia on inflation "close to zero" - Yudaeva

Yudaeva: The Central Bank supports the inclusion of the hryvnia in the gold and foreign exchange reserves of Russia

RBC 05/19/2014, Moscow 15:11:47 The Bank of Russia supports the inclusion of the hryvnia withdrawn from circulation in the Crimea in the gold and foreign exchange reserves (GFR) of Russia. This was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva in response to the proposal of the head of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets Natalia Burykina, ITAR-TASS reports.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20140519151147.shtml#xtor=AL-[ internal_traffic]—-[ lenta_body]-

The Central Bank will not change the inflation target for 2014.

RBC 04/12/2014, Moscow 09:34:55 The Central Bank will not adjust the inflation target for 2014 at 5% due to the increase in the Ministry of Economic Development's forecast for inflation to 6%. This was stated by the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20140412093455.shtml

Central Bank: Ruble is the most protected currency from sanctions

The ruble is the most protected currency from sanctions. This opinion was expressed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva in the State Duma.
link: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 26/03/2014/913695.shtml

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank: The ruble is the most protected currency from sanctions

03/26/2014, Moscow 13:02:50 The ruble is the most protected currency from sanctions. This opinion was expressed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva in the State Duma.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140326130250. shtml

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Yudaeva conservatively evaluates reforms to improve the investment climate in Russia

02/24/2014, Moscow 05:00:57 First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva links the Central Bank's decline in Russia's GDP growth forecast with poor economic results in 2013. and reduced consumption growth.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140224050057. shtml

Yudaeva: the Central Bank will attract investors, reducing inflation

“Our GDP growth forecast for 2014 was about 2%, now - 1.5-1.8%. The deterioration in the forecast is largely due to the poor results of the past year. Nevertheless, we forecast an acceleration in growth rates compared to 2013. for a number of reasons: completion of the destocking cycle, improvement from the external sector. The contribution of consumption, according to our estimates, will decrease. Our forecast for 2-3 years ahead has remained the same as it was: the economy is reaching a growth rate of around 2%, ”explained Yudaev
Read in full: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/24/02/2014/906763.shtml

K. Yudaeva: Raising tariffs for the population will not change the monetary policy targets.

01/15/2014, Moscow 12:53:34 Raising tariffs for the population of Russia by 4.5% will not lead to changes in target indicators monetary policy(DKP). This was reported to journalists on the sidelines of the Gaidar Forum by Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20140115125334.shtml

Yudaeva: Russia is threatened by stagflation

K. Yudaeva: In order to give the ruble the status of a reserve currency, inflation must be reduced.

RBC January 15, 2014, Moscow 11:52:58 In order to give the Russian ruble the status of a world reserve currency, it is necessary to reduce the inflation rate in the Russian Federation. This opinion was expressed during a speech at the Gaidar Forum by Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20140115115258. shtml

Central Bank: In order for the ruble to become the world's reserve currency, it is necessary to reduce inflation

In order to give the Russian ruble the status of a world reserve currency, it is necessary to reduce the level of inflation in the Russian Federation. This opinion was expressed during a speech at the Gaidar Forum by Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia.
link; http://top.rbc.ru/economics/15/01/2014/899470.shtml

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank: Revocation of licenses does not affect financial stability

“In general, the market situation is relatively normal. Perhaps there are banks with problems. But those banks whose licenses were revoked are not interbank clients. Therefore, this whole situation with the revocation of licenses does not create systemic risks and affects financial stability very limitedly,” K. Yudaeva said.
link: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 24/12/2013/896641.shtml

K. Yudaeva: The revocation of licenses from banks does not create systemic risks.

RBC December 24, 2013, Moscow 15:50:41 Revocation of licenses from banks does not create systemic risks and does not affect the financial stability of Russia. This was announced by the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131224155041.shtml

K. Yudaeva: There is no impact of QE curtailment on monetary policy decisions.

12/24/2013, Moscow 14:54:09 First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva does not see a direct impact of the curtailment of the "quantitative easing" (QE) program on the decisions of the Bank of Russia on monetary policy (MP). She told reporters about this.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20131224145409.shtml

K. Yudaeva: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation may refuse to suspend long-term refinancing operations at fixed rates.

The Central Bank of Russia may refuse to suspend long-term refinancing operations at fixed rates. This was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva
Read in full: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/12/11/34079451.html

The Central Bank expects fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate under the influence of global factors.

11/29/2013, Moscow 13:57:40 The Bank of Russia expects the ruble exchange rate to fluctuate up and down under the influence of global factors, not domestic conditions. This was reported to journalists by the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131129135740.shtml

Central Bank: Allocation of RDIF 300 billion rubles. will not affect the excess of the inflation target.

RBC November 29, 2013, Moscow 14:50:05 Allocation of 300 billion rubles to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). will not affect the excess of the target value of inflation in 2014. at the level of 5%. This was stated to journalists by the first deputy chairman of the board of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131129145005.shtml

The Bank of Russia is waiting for fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate due to global factors

In any case, the ruble will fluctuate up and down, since very serious fluctuations are now taking place on the world market, associated with expectations of what the US and the EU will do, she noted. “As soon as the markets begin to expect tapering to approach (acquisition by the US Federal Reserve of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities. - RBC note), all currencies immediately fluctuate down against the dollar. Once they begin to expect tapering to be delayed, the process is reversed. In my opinion, this will be the main issue that will regulate fluctuations,” added the deputy chairman of the Central Bank.
Read in full: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/29/11/2013/891891.shtml

Central Bank of the Russian Federation: The growth in the value of the dual-currency "basket" is associated with external factors.

RBC November 28, 2013, Moscow 12:30:44 Growth in the value of the dual-currency "basket" (0.55 dollars and 0.45 euros) to a maximum of 2009 The Central Bank connects with external factors. This was reported to journalists by the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131128123044.shtml

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: Inflation at the end of the year may exceed 6%.

November 28, 2013, Moscow 11:52:05 Inflation in Russia in 2013 may exceed 6%, Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, told reporters. “In my opinion, at the end of the year, inflation will already be approximately the same as the figures show. In the area, apparently, six and a half percent,” she said.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131128115205.shtml

K. Yudaeva: Annual inflation will exceed 6% due to “random factors”

Inflation in Russia at the end of the year may exceed 6%, Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, told reporters. “In my opinion, at the end of the year, inflation will already be approximately the same as the figures show. In the area, apparently, six and a half percent,” she said.
Read in full: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/28/11/2013/891584.shtml

K. Yudaeva: The refusal of the Central Bank to accept the securities of Mechel does not threaten the markets

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank (CB) of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva does not see a significant effect for the interbank market from zeroing the adjustment factor for Mechel OAO bonds accepted as collateral for Bank of Russia loans. She expressed this opinion to journalists.
Read in full: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 14/11/2013/888738.shtm

Central Bank: Risks of inflation exceeding the target range in 2013 intensified.

RBC November 13, 2013, Moscow 16:08:28 Risks of inflation exceeding the target range (5-6%) in Russia in 2013 intensified. This was reported to journalists by the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva. At the same time, she does not expect a significant excess of the upper limit of the target range. According to her estimates, it will be less than 0.5 percentage points.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20131113160828. shtml

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank: According to the Bank of Russia, inflation in 2013 will be 5.8-5.9%

“In 2013. we are likely to reach the upper limit of the target range for this year - 5.6%," said Ksenia Yudaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, adding that, according to the Bank of Russia, inflation will be 5.8-5.9%, and according to according to the MED - around 6%. In this regard, the Central Bank plans to set an inflation target for 2014. at the level of 5%.
Read in full: http://quote.rbc.ru/person/2013/10/23/34048719.html

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation suspended operations with instruments at the refinancing rate.

10/16/2013, Moscow 14:07:50 The Bank of Russia has suspended operations with instruments at the refinancing rate, said Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes. “We have now suspended all operations at the refinancing rate, this rate is now absolutely reference,” said K. Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20131016140750. shtml

Central Bank: It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the banking sector in the decision to increase dividends.

RBC 01.10.2013, Moscow 14:50:12 The government of the Russian Federation should take into account the specifics of the banking sector when deciding to increase dividends. This opinion was expressed to journalists on the sidelines of the forum "Russia is calling!" First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131001145012.shtml

The Central Bank may adjust the monetary policy parameters for 2014-2016.

RBC 01.10.2013, Moscow 14:14:37 The Bank of Russia may adjust the main parameters of monetary policy for 2014-2016. before entering into State Duma, Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, told reporters.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131001141437.shtml

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not exclude the implementation of monetary measures in the economy in 2014.

10/01/2013, Moscow 14:13:48 The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not rule out the implementation of monetary measures in the economy in 2014, Ksenia Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, told reporters.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20131001141348.shtml

The First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation K. Yudaeva was relieved of her duties as the Sherpa of the Russian Federation in the G20.

09/12/2013, Moscow 18:06:50 First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva has been relieved of her duties as a Sherpa of the Russian Federation in the G20. This is evidenced by the order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/20130912180650. shtml

Former head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation K. Yudaeva was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Former head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva has been appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the message of the Bank of Russia.
Read in full: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/09/11/34022641.html

K. Yudaeva was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

09/11/2013, Moscow 13:47:52 Former head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva has been appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the message of the Bank of Russia.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130911134752.shtml

The former head of the Kremlin experts became the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Former head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva has been appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The message of the Bank of Russia notes that in her new post she will oversee monetary policy issues.
Read in full: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 11/09/2013/875990.shtml

Putin dismissed Yudaeva from the post of head of the expert department

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the release of Ksenia Yudaeva from the post of head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the press service of the head of state. The decree comes into force from the date of its signing.
link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/politics/562949988849942

RF Sherpa in G20: The organization does not need a permanent secretariat.

RBC 09/06/2013, Strelna (Petersburg) 10:30:56 Russian Sherpa in the G20 (G20) Ksenia Yudaeva believes that this organization does not need a permanent secretariat at all, the need for which the former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin spoke the day before. With this opinion, she spoke at a briefing in Strelna, where the G20 summit continues.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130906103056.shtml

The G20 agreed to end trade protectionist measures until 2016.

RBC 09/06/2013, Strelna (Petersburg) 10:17:24 G20 agreed at the working level to abandon protectionist measures in trade until 2016. This was announced at a briefing within the framework of the G20 summit by the head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Sherpa Ksenia Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130906101724.shtml

RF Sherpa: The final documents of the G20 summit are 99.9% agreed.

RBC 09/05/2013, Strelna (St. Petersburg) 10:48:00 The final documents of the G20 summit, which started in Strelna near St. Petersburg, are 99.9% agreed upon. This was announced today by Russia's Sherpa in the G20 Ksenia Yudaeva.
link:" http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130905104800.shtml

Russia taught the G20 what it can't do on its own

“I would like to emphasize the very great progress in the field of financial literacy and the availability of financial instruments. What is especially pleasing is that this is a topic that Russia first raised in the G8, and it has been actively discussed ever since. This year, we can state very interesting results on this issue,” Ms. Yudaeva boasted yesterday, presenting the St. Petersburg report on the fulfillment of G20 commitments in the field of development.
link: http://rbcdaily.ru/economy/ 562949988703190

Russian Sherpa: G20 Development Commitments Almost Half Fulfilled.

28.08.2013, Moscow 14:50:50 G20 Development Commitments 2010-2013 almost half completed. A total of 67 commitments were assessed, of which 33 have been fulfilled, 33 are in progress and one commitment has been suspended, Ksenia Yudaeva, head of the Russian presidential expert department, a Russian Sherpa in the G20, told reporters.
link; http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130828145050.shtml

Russian Sherpa: It is not yet planned to discuss the Syrian issue at the G20 summit.

RBC 28.08.2013, Moscow 15:07:10 It is not yet planned to discuss the Syrian conflict within the framework of the official program of the G20 summit. This was reported to journalists by the head of the expert department, a Russian Sherpa in the G20, Ksenia Yudaeva.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130828150710.shtml

Let's blow offshore bubbles

Head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation Ksenia Yudaeva on the main risks of 2013
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/video/51_2051

Ksenia Yudaeva headed the presidential expert department

V. Putin appointed K. Yudaeva as head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

RBC 07/13/2012, Moscow 13:13:50 Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Ksenia Yudaeva as the head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation by his decree, the Kremlin press service reports.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20120713131350.shtml

Presidential Expert Department to be headed by Ksenia Yudaeva from Sberbank

The expert department of the Kremlin administration will be headed by the former deputy president of Sberbank

The expert department in the Kremlin administration is expected to be headed by the former deputy president of Sberbank, Ksenia Yudaeva, said Sergei Ivanov, head of the presidential administration.
link: http://www.vedomosti.ru/career/news

Sberbank informs Gazprom about the impending danger.

According to the chief economist of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva and her colleagues, Gazprom may lose a significant share of the European market in 2016, and export prices for its products may be reduced almost several times. The threat comes from the same place as the oil companies - from the shale rocks of several US states, Finmarket reports.
link: http://kompromat.tomsk.ru/ business

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva assessed the impact of the crisis in the global economy on Russia

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva held a briefing on the topic “The Impact of Crisis Phenomena in the Global Economy on the Russian Money and Financial Market”.
link: http://www.sbrf.ru/moscow/ru/press_center/news/index.php? id114=11016034

Ksenia Yudaeva presented the latest reviews of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank

Ksenia Yudaeva, Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research (CMR) of Sberbank of Russia, presented two CMR reviews: “Eurozone Prospects and Implications for Russia” and “Natural Gas: A Brief Overview of the Global Industry and an Analysis of the Shale Boom”.
link: http://bankir.ru/novosti/s/kseniya-yudaeva

Sberbank warns Gazprom

According to unconfirmed reports, the chief economist of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva received an offer to join the new government of Dmitry Medvedev, but refused
link: http://www.km.ru/biznes-i-finansy/2012/05/23/gazprom/ sberbank-preduprezhdaet- gazprom

Members of the "open government" can get posts in the new cabinet

Ksenia Yudaeva, director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank, may be appointed deputy minister of economic development. Olga Dergunova, a member of the board of VTB, may become the head of the Federal Property Management Agency. It is assumed that Yuri Lyubimov will take the chair of the Minister of Justice. The post of Minister of Education, for which the rector was recently predicted high school of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, will be occupied by the former Deputy Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, who now heads the Institute of Steel and Alloys. According to a senior Kremlin official, the division of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Sports and Tourism into different departments is possible, but will depend on the availability of personnel who are able to occupy a high position.
link: http://www.rusnovosti.ru/news/202445/

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva made a presentation at the Gaidar Readings

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva made a presentation at the Gaidar Readings. Topic of the report: "The financial system in the post-crisis economy."
link: http://www.sbrf.ru/moscow/ru/press_center/all/index.php? id114=11006598

Ksenia Yudaeva spoke about the economic situation and the situation in the financial markets of Europe and the USA

link: http://www.sbrf.ru/moscow/ru/press_center/news/index.php? id114=11012357

Ksenia Yudaeva became the chief economist of Sberbank

Ksenia Yudaeva, scientific director of the Center for Strategic Research, has become a senior adviser to the president and chief economist at Sberbank. This was announced yesterday by the press service credit institution. Ms. Yudaeva will head Sberbank's newly established Center for Macroeconomic Research.
link: http://bankir.ru/novosti/s/kseniya-udaeva-stala-glavnim-ekonomistom-sberbanka-1059698/

Sberbank: Current pre-election processes have already affected the situation in the Russian economy

The observed pre-election processes in Russia reflect the demand for the liberalization of the system, and they have already affected the situation in the economy, Ksenia Yudaeva, director of the Sberbank Center for Macroeconomic Research, told reporters at a press briefing on February 1, 2012.
link: http://www.finam.ru/analysis/newsitem637FB/default.asp

Ksenia Yudaeva may go to work in the presidential administration

Currently, the issue of appointing the chief economist of Sberbank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva to the position of head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation is being discussed. Mrs. Yudaeva herself, in a conversation with, did not confirm or deny this. The post of head of the expert department has been vacant for more than a year, after Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev left it in March 2011.
link: http://www.rbc.ru/digest/index.shtml?commersant/2012/06/05/33670713

Researchers from Sberbank believe that the new financial crisis in Russia will be short-lived

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva explained that under the "collapse of the eurozone" in this case there was only a way out of it for Greece. However, Greece is not the only country that could leave the union. The Greek scenario, at least, can be repeated by debtors from the PIIGS bloc and some countries of the former socialist bloc.
link: http://www.dp.ru/a/2012/05/24/Issledovateli_iz_Sberbank/

Sberbank of Russia took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

A number of top managers of Sberbank took an active part in the panel discussions, debates and round tables of the Forum: Senior Vice President Denis Bugrov, Senior Vice President Viktor Orlovsky, Vice President for Small Business Development Sergey Borisov, Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva .
link: http://sberbank.ua/news/2509/

Sberbank of Russia: Ksenia Yudaeva spoke about the economic situation and the situation in the financial markets of Europe and the USA

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of the Sberbank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva held a briefing on the topic “On the debt problems of developed countries. Influence on Russia.
link: http://bankinform.ru/news/SingleNews.aspx?newsid=42914

Sberbank: there will be no devaluation

Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank Ksenia Yudaeva told DP about why there will be no devaluation in Russia after the elections.
link: http://www.dp.ru/a/2012/03/05/Devalvacii_ne_budet/

Ksenia Yudaeva, Chief Economist of Sberbank of Russia: “Crisis… From a multiplication strategy to a preservation strategy”

Chief Economist of Sberbank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva at the first large-scale selector press conference told almost two thousand journalists from all regions of the country about the root causes of global financial crisis and its impact on the Russian economy. Leading financial analyst, macroeconomist gave her description of the current events in the country and in the world. Also, Mrs. Yudaeva tried to answer the current questions: what will happen to the ruble, how to save savings, and when will this crisis, which has affected most of us, end.

(Illustration: Bank of Russia)

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in economics and mathematics in 1992 with a red diploma. After, in 1994, the Russian School of Economics. Since 1999 he has been teaching at the Russian School of Economics.

In 1998, Yudaeva received her PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.

From 1998 to 1999 she worked as a leading researcher at the Stockholm Institute for the Economy in Transition.

In 1999–2000, she held the position of Leading Economist at the Russian-European Center for Economic Policy.

In 2000, she was appointed director of applied programs at the Center for Economic and Financial Research.

In 2006, he became scientific director of the Center for Strategic Research, as well as a member of the scientific council of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

In 2008, a center for macroeconomic research was created at Sberbank of Russia, where Yudaeva was appointed head. In addition, she took the post of senior adviser to the president and chief economist of Sberbank.

Then, in 2008, she was appointed deputy chairman of the expert council under the government commission to improve the efficiency of the Russian economy.

In February 2009, Yudaeva was included in the first hundred reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

In July 2012, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, she was appointed head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation.

From August 2012 to September 12, 2013, she served as Sherpa - the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the affairs of a group of leading industrial states and relations with representatives of the leaders of the G20 countries.

On September 10, 2013, Ksenia Yudaeva was dismissed from the post of head of the expert department of the President of the Russian Federation.

On September 11, 2013, she was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia for Monetary Policy.

She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (appointed on October 18, 2013).

In January 2015, Ksenia Yudaeva at the Gaidar Forum announced her return to the post of First Deputy Chairman for Credit Policy of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin. She herself will remain in her position, but will deal with issues of financial stability.

Ksenia Yudaeva is not married.

He has been awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (December 24, 2013) for his contribution to the preparation and maintenance of the Russian G20 Presidency and the Order of Honor (April 25, 2012) for his contribution to the development of Russia's socio-economic strategy for period up to 2020.

Ksenia Yudaeva is the co-leader of expert group No. 3 "Reform of the pension system" on updating the "Strategy-2020", scientific secretary of expert group No. 10 "Development of the financial and banking sector".

Fluent in English.

All information for the article is taken from open sources.


In 1992 she graduated with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University, and in 1994 from the Russian School of Economics, where she received a master's degree in economics.

In 1996, she received her Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph. D. MIT).

Fluent in English.

Labor activity

In 1998 she became a leading researcher at the Russian-European Center for Economic Reforms and worked there until 2000.

Since 1999 she has taught at the Russian School of Economics.

From 1998 to 1999 she was an intern at the Stockholm Institute for Economics in Transition in Sweden.

Since 1999, for seven years she was the senior researcher Central Economics and Mathematics Institute Russian Academy Sciences (RAS).

In parallel, from 2000 to 2006, she was a leading researcher, director of economic policy research at the Center for Economic and Financial Research and Development.

From 2003 to 2006 she was a member of the scientific council of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

Then, until 2008, she was the scientific director of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation.

In February 2009, she was included in the first hundred reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

He is the co-leader of expert group No. 3 "Pension system reform" on updating the "Strategy-2020", scientific secretary of expert group No. 10 "Development of the financial and banking sector".

From 2008 to 2012, she was Senior Advisor to the President - Chief Economist, Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research of Sberbank of Russia. Being the chief economist of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation, she was one of the close intellectuals of the first persons of the state, participated in informal meetings with Vladimir Putin while working on the "Strategy-2020", with Dmitry Medvedev - during the launch of the "open government". She regularly participated in RBC-TV analytical TV programs.

In 2012-2013, she served as head of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

From August 2012 to September 12, 2013, she acted as a "Sherpa" - the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the affairs of a group of leading industrial states and relations with representatives of the leaders of the G20 member countries.

On September 10, 2013, she was dismissed from the post of head of the Expert Department of the President of the Russian Federation, at the same time she became the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (appointed on October 18, 2013). Supervises monetary policy issues.

After the dismissal of Alexei Ulyukaev from the post of Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on November 15, 2016, information appeared in the media that Yudaeva was one of the contenders for the vacant post.

On September 3, 2019, she took the post of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Bank for Non-core Assets (BNA), created as part of the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to improve the banking system on the basis of Trust Bank.


Has many awards. So, in her piggy bank, the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (December 24, 2013) - for her great contribution to the preparation and provision of the Russian chairmanship of the G20 and the events of the meeting of the heads of state and government of the G20 in St. Petersburg in 2013, as well as the Order of Honor (April 25, 2012) - for his great contribution to the development of Russia's socio-economic strategy for the period up to 2020.


Has a personal Facebook page. By his own admission, he is fond of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Viktor Tsoi, the DDT group and the American singer Prince.

Family status

Last year, Ksenia Yudaeva became the first deputy head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, and before taking this high position, she managed to work as the head of the expert department of the presidential administration and was the representative of the head of state in the G20. Almost nothing is known about Yudaeva's personal life - only that husband of Ksenia Yudaeva not officially listed yet.

In the photo - Ksenia Yudaeva

Ksenia Valentinovna Yudaeva, at the age of forty-four, has made a brilliant career, and this is entirely her merit. In 1992, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov with a degree in economics and mathematics, and two years later received a master's degree in economics from the Russian School of Economics. But the education of Ksenia Yudaeva has not yet ended. Entering the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she successfully graduated four years later with a Ph.D.

Ksenia Yudaeva applied her deep knowledge in the field of economics while working as a leading economist at the Russian-European Center for Economic Policy, and then as director of applied programs at the Center for Economic and Financial Research. In 2008, Ksenia Valentinovna became chief economist and director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research at Sberbank. In the same year, she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council under the Government Commission for Improving the Efficiency of the Russian Economy.

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