Valentin and Denis Manturov. Manturov Denis Valentinovich: biography, activities and interesting facts In the government of the Russian Federation

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Manturov Denis Valentinovich(born February 23, 1969, Murmansk, RSFSR, USSR) - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (since 2012, retained his post in May 2018 in the new government of the Russian Federation), head of the department of social technologies of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 1st class.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in 1994, specialty - "sociology". In 1997 he graduated from the postgraduate course of Moscow State University, candidate of economic sciences. In 2006 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), majoring in jurisprudence.

In the early 1990s, he worked for a Russian-Indian joint venture in air transportation. Since 1993, he has been exporting Mi-8 helicopters from the Ulan-Uda Aviation Plant (his father-in-law, president of the Medical Technology Development Fund, was a major shareholder of this enterprise). In 1998-2000, he served as Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Uda Aviation Plant. In 2000-2001, he was the commercial director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil. In 2001-2003, he served as Deputy Chairman of the State Investment Corporation Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

In 2003-2007, he was General Director of OAO United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom. From September 11, 2007 to May 19, 2008 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. On May 19, 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Since December 1, 2011, he has been a professor at the Department of Management Systems for Economic Objects at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Denis Manturov is included in the "first hundred" of the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. On February 2, 2012, the then Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Denis Manturov acting Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. On May 21, 2012, Manturov was appointed Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Denis Manturov is married to (nee Kisel). The couple has two children: daughter Lionella (born in 1995) and son Eugene (born in 1998). Natalya Manturova is a physician, specializes in plastic surgery and was the owner of the Lancet clinic. According to Forbes magazine, the Manturov couple in 2015 took 4th place among the richest officials of the Russian government - the income of Denis Manturov and his wife Natalia amounted to 149.8 million rubles. In the Krasnodar Territory, firms associated with Natalia Manturova are engaged in winemaking and they own the Primorye boarding house and a four-star SPA hotel Hotel & Wellness "Primorye". According to Russian media, the structures of Natalia Manturova also planned the construction of a center for cosmetology and plastic surgery and a complex of townhouses Fellini in Gelendzhik.

Manturov Denis - Russian statesman, Minister of Industry and Trade. In parallel, he works at the Moscow State University, at the Department of Social Technologies.

Minister's biography

Denis Manturov was born in Murmansk in 1969. After school, he moved with his family to Moscow, where he entered the Moscow State University. He graduated from the university with a degree in sociology. He received his second higher education at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russia. This time in the specialty "jurisprudence".

He began his career in the 90s at an enterprise with the participation of Russian and Indian capital. Worked in trucking. In 1993, he began to oversee the sale of Mi-8 helicopters abroad at an aircraft factory in Ulan-Ude. In 1998, he was promoted to Deputy Head.

Work in commercial companies

In 2000, Denis Valentinovich Manturov returned from Buryatia to Moscow. He is appointed commercial director of the Moscow Helicopter Plant Open Joint Stock Company.

A year later, Manturov was transferred to the federal enterprise State Investment Corporation. to the post of vice chairman. For four years, until 2007, Denis Manturov was the general director of Oboronprom, still in charge of the export of aviation equipment.

In the government of the Russian Federation

In 2007, the head of state appointed Manturov to the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. Six months later, Denis Manturov receives the portfolio of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade.

In these positions, he is responsible for interaction with foreign partners. He has already established connections with foreign companies and representative offices at previous places of work.

In parallel, Manturov continues his scientific and teaching activities. In 2011 he received the title of professor at the Department of Management of Economic Objects at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Ministerial portfolio

In early 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin appoints Manturov as interim Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia. In this post, he replaced Viktor Borisovich Khristenko, who led the ministry for four years.

Denis Manturov is a minister who, in this post, develops not only the industrial sector, but also takes care of the environment. An interesting fact: with his support, the Center for Environmental Industrial Policy was opened in Russia in the year of ecology. Its functions include building relationships between environmentalists and the industrial community.

Another important task that the center performs is the collection and publication of information about the technologies available today in the industry.

In the leadership of "Rostec"

In parallel, in November 2012, Denis Valentinovich Manturov became chairman of the supervisory board of the state corporation Rostec.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who signed the decree on this appointment, noted that Manturov is a competent specialist who is well acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of this corporation, and also has the necessary experience in this area. Manturov's candidacy was supported by the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov.

The Minister of Industry and Trade himself stressed that he sees priority in the work of the corporation in areas related to the growth of the share of domestic high-tech products in world markets. Manturov promised to support the projects that Rostec is currently implementing in various industries. In particular, it attracts serious investments in industrial enterprises, establishes mutually beneficial relationship with large international companies and their branches operating in Russia. It also contributes funds to the development of the latest technologies and products. All these areas of work will continue to develop.

It should be noted that in the Rostec company, it is the Supervisory Board that is supreme body management. Denis Manturov, whose biography is connected with the development of the industrial sector in Russia, in this position will oversee the activities of the entire state corporation.

In the Russian market, this is a fairly serious representation, because Rostec includes more than 600 medium and large industrial enterprises. They form the basis of twelve holdings that play a key role in the defense industry, as well as in civilian industries.

The so-called subsidiaries of Russian Technologies operate in 60 regions of the country, their products can be seen on the markets of 70 countries in different parts of the world.

The annual net profit of the company is about one and a half billion rubles.

Manturov's income

Like all senior officials Russian government, Denis Valentinovich Manturov, whose biography is well studied by anti-corruption fighters, annually submits declarations with a report on his income.

According to the latest data from open sources, Manturov annually receives about 100 million rubles of net income. The federal official owns an apartment of almost 500 square meters, consisting of 9 rooms, as well as a country house and 2 cars. Four land plots are leased from Manturov for a period of 99 years.

His wife Natalya Manturova runs a business in the provision of medical services. She owns her own clinic for endoscopic surgery and plastic surgery any complexity. She also owns an 800 square meter house and a plot of land. Her earnings are about three million rubles a year.

Personal life

Many means mass media note an interesting fact: it was thanks to family ties that Denis Valentinovich Manturov built his career. Who would have known about this undoubtedly talented graduate of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University if in 1994 he had not married Natalia Kisel, a graduate of the capital's medical university?

Her father Yevgeny Kisel is a well-known businessman. Together with the Aeroflot company, he founded the Aerorepkon company, which was engaged in the sale of air tickets. And soon he switched to another field of activity. He began to export helicopters from Buryatia to China, India and Sri Lanka. In all his affairs right hand was Denis Manturov. At the same time, the employees of the Buryat Aviation Plant and even its leaders have repeatedly noted that many contracts were ultimately unprofitable for them.

The couple has two children. Daughter Leonella followed in her father's footsteps. Now she is studying at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University.

Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom is a Russian transnational energy corporation, the world's largest energy company. The main activities are exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity. The strategic goal is to establish PJSC Gazprom as a leader among global companies by diversifying sales markets, ensuring supply reliability, increasing operational efficiency, and using scientific and technical potential. The state controls more than 50% of the shares. The Company is actively implementing large-scale projects to develop the gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and Far East, as well as a number of projects for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons abroad.

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia is the federal executive body of Russia, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of industrial and military-industrial complex, as well as in the development of aviation technology, technical regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Carries out the functions of an authorized federal body that regulates foreign trade activities.

Government of the Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation is the highest executive body state power Russian Federation. Accountable to the President of the Russian Federation and controlled State Duma. The Government of the Russian Federation carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. The government exercises powers: ensures the conduct of a unified financial and monetary policy; ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of culture, science, education, healthcare, social security, and ecology; manages the property; exercise other powers assigned to him, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

State Corporation "Rostec"

The Russian corporation "Rostec" was created to assist in the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. The corporation includes more than 700 organizations, of which 15 holding companies have been formed. In its activities, Rostec combines the best traditions of domestic engineering, the latest technological developments and in-depth expertise. The corporation successfully establishes links between science and production, develops promising technologies, introduces advanced know-how and promotes effective cooperation between the country's enterprises. Having concentrated unique production facilities, technologies and a significant part of the country's scientific potential in its structure, Rostec managed to become a reliable partner of the state in the innovative development of industry.

Russian environmental operator

The Russian environmental operator is a public law company for the formation of an integrated system for the management of municipal solid waste. Created in order to implement the norms of legislation in the field of municipal solid waste management, the formation of an integrated recycling system, ensure the management of this system, prevent harmful effects on human health and environment processing of raw materials, materials, products and transformation into secondary resources for manufacturing products and generating energy, stimulating investment activity in this area, as well as for the purpose of resource conservation and the implementation of the national project "Ecology". The powers of the founder of the company are exercised by the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation.

A lot of things are written about Denis Manturov. Allegedly, he owes his rapid career to a happy biography (after all, the son of a diplomat), a successful marriage and patronage, a close friend. However, it is not enough to get into power, you still have to stay there, and Manturov has already been recorded as a political long-livers.

Childhood and youth

Denis was born on February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. As for the nationality of the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, the media write without much confidence that he is Russian. By the way, his mother, a housewife, published a book in 2017 in which she spoke about her small homeland - the Kholstovsky settlement of the Saratov region. It mentions the ethnic group of the Mordovian people Erzya.

Denis's father work book many entries. Valentin Manturov started as a secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol, was deputy chairman of the city executive committee. Having received an education in the field of foreign trade, he worked in the Soviet consulate and was in charge of the cultural center in Bombay, headed the department of the Union of Societies of Friendship and Culture, and served as Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN.

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Natalya is also successful as a business woman - she owns and manages three centers for plastic and endoscopic surgery, companies selling pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, she was a member of the Board of Directors of PJSC Boarding House Primorye.

There are two children in the family. Daughter Leonela graduated from high school in Italy, received a bachelor's degree in sociology and a master of arts from Moscow State University, created a company for the production of equipment for equestrian sports and a chain of stores, she wants to open a riding club in the Crimea. Online publications, referring to the girl’s Instagram photo, wrote that in 2015 she married a certain Denis Smirnov.

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How things really are is unknown. Also, no one has yet figured out why Leonela's father has such a strange hoarse voice. But on the Web there were reports that Manturov is the owner of Spanish citizenship. Publications are still without comments.

Son Eugene studied at the Griboedov gymnasium, then in Switzerland, entered MGIMO. owns Chinese, is fond of boxing, the youngest member of the Russian practical shooting team, in which he became the European champion in 2019.

Denis Valentinovich is considered one of the richest members of the government. In 2018, the minister declared 443.4 million rubles, which is twice the amount earned a year earlier. The family owns real estate in Moscow and on the Black Sea coast. In addition, the official owns a collection of cars, including Land Rover, Moskvich-412, VAZ 2103, Lada Vesta, GAZ-21, Moskvich-408.

Career and politics

In parallel with his studies, Manturov managed to work at Aerorepkon LLC, established by Aeroflot. In the last position of the representative abroad was held by father-in-law Yevgeny Kisel. Soon the relatives switched to the export of helicopters to the countries of Southeast Asia. Most of the machines were produced by the Ulan-Ude aircraft plant, and Kisel became the largest shareholder of the enterprise, and Denis became the deputy general director.

In the mid-90s, Manturov also had his own business - a Beeline dealer, the Bell Line Center Stolichny company. Attempts to develop a satellite communication network on its basis ended in failure: satellite communications are still more expensive than cellular communications.

Then Denis Valentinovich followed in the footsteps of his father-in-law into the industrial sector: Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Investment Corporation, United Industrial Corporation OJSC, Moscow Helicopter Plant and Sukhoi Design Bureau, joint-stock companies"Kurganmashzavod" and "Kamov", NPO "Saturn" and OJSC "Uralvagonzavod". Everywhere Manturov held not the last posts, was a member of the boards of directors, spoke on their behalf at professional forums.

Denis Manturov and Vladimir Putin

Oboronprom is a subsidiary of Rostec. Acquaintance with the head of the corporation, Sergei Chemezov, "backfired" with the fact that the talent of the young businessman was noticed in the government. Denis moved to the chair of the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Energy. His area of ​​responsibility included chemical-technological, defense complexes, pharmaceuticals, customs and tariff policy.

The official was included in the government commission, which was engaged in preventing the bankruptcy of backbone companies and enterprises. After the transition to the civil service, Manturov had to refuse to participate in commercial structures. Some firms were transferred to the management of the wife, others were sold.

In 2019, Denis's father passed away. The media found out that the new owner of Valentin Ivanovich's shares in the hotel and restaurant business, which he led together with Chemezov's son Stanislav, is listed on the website of the tax authorities as the mother of Deputy Minister Tamara Fedorovna.

The partners also own a development company that builds apartments on the Black Sea coast and owns real estate in Moscow. The interests of Manturov Sr. also extended to the cultivation of grain in the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2012, Denis was made interim head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and a few months later he was introduced as the new Minister of Industry and Trade.

In addition, members of the board of the state corporation Rostec elected Manturov as chairman of the supervisory board. He did a lot in this post: he fought against counterfeit products, punished entrepreneurs who did not produce products in accordance with GOST.

In 2016, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was appointed chairman of the board of directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC. Denis Valentinovich believed that this industry requires close attention.

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Under the leadership of Manturov, civilian diversification began at defense enterprises. The department coordinated the production of Aurus and Cortege cars, which the president drives. To some extent, international sanctions have benefited Russia, as many new enterprises have appeared for the production of food, medicines and other goods. The industry began to increase its capacity.

One of the most prominent Russian high-ranking officials. Since May 21, 2012, he has been the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Included in the top 10 ministers of the Russian Federation in terms of income.

Born February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. Higher education received at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, having graduated from the university with a degree in sociology in 1994. After that, he entered the graduate school of Moscow State University, graduating in 1997. Manturov has a PhD in Economics. He is also the head of the department of social technologies of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University. In 2002, he completed his doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute. In 2006 he received a diploma in the specialty "jurisprudence" in Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

At the start of his career, in the early 90s, Manturov was an employee of a Russian-Indian joint venture that worked in the field of air transportation. Since 1993, he has been engaged in the export of Mi-8 helicopters from an aircraft factory in Ulan-Ude. In 1998, he became the deputy general director of this enterprise.

In 2000, Manturov received the position of commercial director of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil, and also became deputy chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Gosinkor". In 2003, he took the post of General Director of JSC OPK Oboronprom.

Manturov began his career in the government in 2007. His first public position was the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he became the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the country. In 2012, the official was appointed acting head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, then in the same year he was approved as a minister. Since November 2012, Manturov has also been the head of the supervisory board of the state corporation Rostec, which includes the Russian Helicopters holding, which unites most of the domestic helicopter manufacturing enterprises. He is known to be in friendly relations with its leader Sergei Chemezov.

As for his personal life, it is known that the official is married to Natalya Manturova, who is a plastic surgeon and owns the Lancet plastic and endoscopic surgery clinic. The couple has two children, a son and a daughter. The latter studies at the sociological faculty of Moscow State University.

According to the income statement, in 2012 Manturov earned about 100 million rubles. In addition, he owns a 9-room apartment of 480 m², a guest house and 99-year lease rights to four plots of land. His wife, in addition to the clinic, owns a house of 800 m² and land plot. In 2012, she earned 2.7 million rubles. Manturov's income, according to the declaration for 2015, amounted to 120.42 million rubles. In the Forbes ranking, he took 72nd place among civil servants. In 2017, the official's income increased to 213.566,747 million rubles.

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