How to embed a lock in a plastic door. How to repair a plastic door lock. Features of locks for PVC doors

Bathroom 22.10.2021

A fundamental element of PVC structures, on the correct installation of which the safety of housing and its inhabitants depends.

How to install a lock on a plastic balcony Door

Many are wondering how embed lock in plastic doors and can it be done without the help of others? Metal-plastic products installed on a balcony are usually not equipped with special locks. This is due to the fact that such doors are considered interior doors that do not require locking systems for locking. But practice has shown that there is a need for this in order to block the entrance or exit to the balcony. Such devices can protect the apartment from intruders.

Need for a castle

The question arises, is there a need to install a lock for a balcony door? Installation of a locking system is needed in such cases:

  • so that small kids cannot go out onto the balcony without the help of others, without the accompaniment of their parents;
  • when the balcony does not have additional equipment with bars or glazing, and the apartment is located on the lower floors;
  • large pets are kept in the apartment, which can open the door themselves.

For the safety of your own relatives and “little brothers”, it makes sense to install a handle with a lock. They differ from latches in that they completely prevent the free opening of the door. Masters can open the balcony in less than 7 minutes. Naturally, if desired, a lock for a balcony door will not stop them, but the acquisition and installation of such a system will not be superfluous.

Construction of locks

For a door installed on a balcony, the most good option there will be a cylinder lock. It has the smallest size than others, which means that the locking device can also be made in small sizes. Such a lock is not hard to stick between reinforced parts or directly into the handle.

The face of the locking system contains special pins. The rule is this: the more of them are inside, the higher the secrecy of the castle itself. Cylinder systems perfectly withstand manipulative break-in, but it is difficult for them to withstand a rough intrusion.

It is painfully easy to replace the mask, and dismantling is similarly simple. It is only necessary to remove the small fastener, which is placed at the end of the web.

All available design options are applicable for installation on metal-plastic balcony sashes. They allow you to change the handle, which has a lock, with your own hands. There are minor differences between them, partly in technical details.

In order to choose the right lock for plastic doors, you should know their features, as well as their distinctive properties.

The design of the plastic door itself is different from products made from other materials. This is due different ways tie-in lock systems.

Features of the lock for PVC doors

It is simply unrealistic to insert a lock, which is designed for iron or timber structures, into a PVC door leaf. In this case, the leaf on the plastic door may be damaged. Therefore, in stores or on the market, it is better to get special locks designed for plastic products. The body of such locks has a certain size, corresponding to the width of the profile. This allows the locking system not to rest against the fillers or the glazing.

Installing a lock on a plastic door

We crash lock in the established plastic door. Vkontakte group for your questions

Do-it-yourself installation of a double-sided handle on a plastic door. Without drive removal

Mortise-type locks are usually installed in a plastic sheet. They help to maintain the aesthetics of the entire structure as a whole. But if additional protection against penetration is needed, expensive locks can be used.

Types of castles

There is a wide range various kinds locking devices. They should be chosen based on where the canvas will be located, how reliable the lock should be, and many other reasons.

On the plastic the design can be installed as a hanging and mortise lock. They can differ in functionality, practicality, as well as design features. The main types of locking devices that are installed in plastic doors are single-lock, also multi-lock.

The 1st type does not provide much protection, because it has only one locking point, because of this, the door does not fit very tightly to the canvas. This is explained by the fact that the product is pressed exclusively at the point where the lock crashed, exactly in the middle of the door. Such a lock has a latch latch, also a crossbar. The subtleties of the selection of locks for plastic structures, see the video below:

The second type is used for more reliable protection against intruders, because it has several locking points. They come into contact in several places with the box from this, the tightness of the fit is good. Locking devices are driven by a special bus. Thanks to this, sound insulation is improved, and heat is firmly retained inside the room. Doors do not sag or loosen.

Locks due to different production materials can be 100% metal, also partly plastic. The first option compared to the other is more widely distributed, has a higher strength, and also improved consumer properties.

Multi-lock mechanisms are divided into two types. One of them It has drive from the cylinder, and the 2nd from the handle. When using the first option, when the key is turned, the eccentrics extend and immediately close the bolt. Using the 2nd option, the handle, making a turn, drives the eccentrics into special strips and presses them tightly against the box. The existing key locks the lock with a retractable bolt.

Other mechanisms

There is also a lever lock containing plates made of steel. They move with the help of protrusions on the key. Locking systems of this type are very reliable. But as needed to change, you have to take one hundred percent of the entire mechanism.

The cylinder mechanism works on a completely different principle. It has a rod inside, in which there are pins. When the key is turned, a certain composition is created and the lock can be opened.

It is easier and cheaper to change such a system, since only the rod will need to be updated.

Electric locks are capable of transmitting important information to a computer

Electric, also electric locks, are distinguished by mechanisms that open the structure. For operation, electrical impulses are required to turn off the magnet. During operation, the mechanisms do not wear out and, moreover, provide long-term and high-quality work.

Such locks for doors made of plastic have one feature. They are able to transfer important information to the computer, how many times and who used the keys to enter the premises. For this, there are special programmed keys, the use of which is monitored by the system.

Lock installation

Installing the handle on plastic structures does not take much time, and it does not differ in complexity. For installation, you should first choose a handle that has a cylinder system, and keys or an ordinary latch of good quality. It is important that the handles and other parts of the fittings have one manufacturer. How to install a lock on a plastic balcony door, see the following video:

Then you need to first dismantle the handle without a locking system using a Phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the screws, pull out the handle with the pin, and put a new mechanism in its place. You can fasten with the same screws or use the new ones that come with the kit. Close them with decorative caps. The main thing is that the diameter of the holes fits the fasteners.

Installing locks on balcony doors increases comfort, prevents unauthorized entry and accidental opening of the sash. In addition to this, the appearance and functionality of the system is improved.

Reading 8 min.

The latch is an indispensable element of PVC profile balcony door fittings. For the home master will be useful information about its purpose, classification and principle of operation of each type. Tips from the practice of operating balcony latches will also be useful.

Purpose of the latch

Plastic door latch is a very useful, convenient and functional part of modern door fittings. A simple principle of operation, similar to the work of latches on the doors of kitchen cabinets, allows you not to be distracted by controlling the position of the door. The latch mechanism is designed for the free opening of the door by a person (if necessary) without applying any serious effort. But at the same time, strong gusts of wind do not disturb the closed position of the door leaf. To keep the plastic door from swinging open while the door lock mechanism is in the open position is the main task of the latch to be installed.

Another, household, name of the mechanism is the smoker's latch. The explanation for this is simple: it is enough to slam the door on the latch and the smoke will no longer be drawn into the living room; tight closing of the balcony door with a lock is not required for a short visit to the balcony or loggia. When using a one-way lock (its handle is located on the side of the room) and the absence of a latch, the door cannot be closed when exiting to the balcony. So, the usefulness and necessity of installing a latch on a balcony door is obvious.

Types of door latches

The main difference between the used latches is in the locking mechanism. On this basis, the following types are distinguished:

Sagging of the door leaf, its distortion, change in the geometry of the frame structure can disrupt or make it impossible for the roller and latch to function correctly. The working latch (in the form of a roller or a beveled tongue) must exactly fall into the catch of the striker mounted on the frame. The emergency setting consists in adjusting the door leaf with the hardware screws. During the adjustment process, the position of the door relative to the frame opening is adjusted. In this case, the canvas can be raised, lowered, shifted to the right or left of its top or bottom, adjust the pressing force of the opened sash to the frame. If this adjustment does not help correct work latches (in general, this is a very rare thing) - you will have to dismantle and reinstall one of the parts of the mechanism. Usually they shift in the right direction and fasten the bar with a groove.

The magnetic latch in this regard does not create problems. With a verified initial installation, its correct and reliable operation will not be affected by a slight distortion or sagging of the door.

Installing the magnetic latch takes a few minutes

Another characteristic difference between latches. If the file and roller close with a characteristic click, then the magnetic ones almost do not disturb others.

Due to the fact that the functional elements of the latches are attached to the end part of the frame and door profile, they are not visible from any side of the view. This feature helps to preserve the strict classical aesthetics of not only the door, but the entire structure installed in the opening.

Caring for all types of latches is very simple. Periodically, their mechanisms are wiped from dust, dirt, debris and lubricated (except for the magnetic latch plates) with a special tool for window fittings. Any silicone grease or regular machine oil (spindle) will also work. The main thing is to be sure that resins, acids and other aggressive substances are not included in the lubricant used.

External handle

Handle - petal made of plastic

To close, or rather pull, the door from the side of the street, it is necessary to provide a special external handle. Made of metal, more often of durable plastic, the handle visually resembles a shell or petal in shape. The plastic shell is much more pleasant to the touch, especially in the cold season. But it is easier to break with careless use, and the material itself has a tendency to break down with prolonged exposure. sun rays, negative temperatures and other external factors. The main advantages of a more expensive metal handle are resistance to mechanical stress and a long service life. Typically, the outer pull handle of the door is located at the same height as the rotary handle of the lock. This position for closing the door is very convenient.

You can do without an external shell handle only if the door lock mechanism is bilateral, that is, the internal and external rotary handles of the lock are required.

Double-sided plastic door handle

The choice of external handles in specialized companies and building supermarkets allows you to choose a copy with a convenient ergonomic shape and the right color.

For self-assembly, replacement of latches, it is advisable to use screws: no shorter than 30-35 mm- for fastening the roller cylinder with a margin of safety; not longer than 19 mm- when installing an external handle (this ensures that the screw does not reach and damage the double-glazed window during installation or further operation of the handle).

Latch Installation

Getting started, you need to be sure that in the near future its position relative to the frame opening will not change. If necessary, you will have to independently set the position of the door leaf and the clamping force to the frame when closing with the rotary handle. The door hinge screws will help with this. Now we proceed to the main installation. A screwdriver or a more convenient screwdriver will suffice from the tool; take a pencil for marking.

The easiest way to install a magnetic latch. No special setup or precise installation is required. Both strips are simply fixed at the same level - on the end of the door and the frame profile. Small offset relative position does not interfere with the correct operation of the latch.

Opposite the heck, make a mark with a pencil and fasten the reciprocal bar in the center of the groove

Another thing is with the mechanism of roller and latch latch. In both cases, the exact position of the slotted bar relative to the latch is required. Without doubts and measurements, we fasten the latch itself into the seat of the balcony sash. Opposite its center, we make a risk with a pencil and draw this line outward so that it is visible when the door is closed. Having closed the door, we note a similar risk at the same level, but on the frame. At this height, the striker center of the striker should be located. Now we fix the bar with a latch at the mark with one screw and check the correct operation of the mating elements. If the result is negative, the bar is shifted and the performance is checked again. If further adjustment is not required, the bar is also fastened with a second screw.

The VashZamok company sells mortise locks for plastic doors.

We offer our customers the best models, with the choice of which you will be helped by experienced sales consultants. Purchased products can be quickly delivered to the buyer using courier services and transport companies. The geography of delivery covers all regions of the Russian Federation.

Features of locks for plastic doors

All locks on plastic doors differ from conventional locking systems in the following characteristics:

  • one locking point;
  • small overhang of the crossbar;
  • minimum possible body dimensions;
  • recommendation for installation in narrow profile doors.

As a rule, all locks of this type can be used to equip wooden doors. In most cases, mortise locks for plastic doors are models with a cylinder secrecy mechanism. "Larva" for the castle is purchased separately.

Advantages of realized locks

  • certified reliability;
  • simple installation;
  • various distances from the butt to the key hole (from 20 mm to 40 mm);
  • no need for maintenance;
  • long-term operation with active use.

When deciding to buy a lock for a plastic door in our company, you trust a responsible seller who has been operating in this market since 1999. We are fully responsible for the quality of the products sold. The range of locks for plastic doors is regularly expanded with new interesting positions. The store has a discount system that allows you to save the budget when buying in bulk.

The entrance balcony door is quite rarely equipped with a lock - in the apartment it plays the role of an interior door that separates the living space from the loggia or remote balcony. The doors to the balcony are not designed to perform the function of protecting the home from penetration, therefore they are structurally made of lighter and less durable materials than the entrance ones.

A balcony door lock may be needed to prevent small children or overly intelligent pets from entering the premises. Sometimes a small living room, workshop or study is made from a loggia, and its owner wants to avoid access of unauthorized persons to his personal space.

A lock for a balcony wooden or plastic door can serve as additional protection against penetration if the housing is located on the first floor of the building, and the balcony or loggia is not glazed.

As a rule, entrance doors to the balcony are not distinguished by high strength and wear resistance, therefore the locks installed in them differ from the types intended for entrance door panels.

Fig.1 Locks for plastic balcony doors - appearance

It does not make sense to install a lock with mounting in the canvas in the balcony door - usually the lock mechanism is placed in the handle. In addition to its small size, it should be lightweight, and its design should have a simple locking mechanical system - balcony doors belong to interior types.

Types of balcony locks

For installation in door handles, small-sized locking mechanisms of the following types are used:

  • Cylinder. They have a small larva for placement, the degree of their secrecy is determined by the number of locking pins - it is more practical to use the simplest designs for balcony handles.
  • Handles with fixation. Most doors have simple handles with a key to prevent them from turning.

Rice. 2 Cylinder lock mechanism - device

The following types of locking mechanisms can be installed directly in the door leaf:

Mortise. They are inserted into the end of the leaf, the locking tongue is fixed in the recess of the door frame.

Magnetic latches. In this case, a strong magnet serves as a lock, preventing small children or animals from opening the sash.

Locks for sliding systems. These devices are specially designed for structures with parallel movement of the door leaf relative to the frame.

By design, locking locking handles can be divided into several types:

Bilateral with a rotary lamb. The design can be used to lock windows and balcony shutters, while the handle with a locking mechanism is installed inside the room, and the lamb is outside.

Steam room. During installation, the locking mechanism is placed inside the room, and the outer handle serves to close the door from the outside.

Steam room with a button. Such types are usually installed in sanitary facilities to prevent external access, sometimes they can be used for similar purposes in PVC balcony sheets.

Single. They are installed indoors, a separate handle is used for external opening.

Rice. 3 Types of door handles: bilateral with a lamb; steam room; steam room with a button; single

Locks for sliding pvc balcony doors

Sometimes in large apartments or country cottages, accordion-type balcony doors or sliding structures are used. The door leaf in the latter case, when opened, moves parallel to the box - this design requires the use of a special mechanism for closing, which is different from analogues for swing structures.

Mechanical locks

The easiest to install and use mechanical locks, consisting of a retractable latch and a metal lining that locks the tongue in the closed position.

Rice. 4 Locks for sliding doors: surface and mortise

There are two types of locking mechanisms installed on the front plastic door and the way they are placed to close the sliding balcony doors:

  • Overhead. The lock is installed on the door frame, and an overlay is fixed on the front side of the canvas and a recess is made for the retractable tongue. This design is easy to install and low cost.
  • Mortise. The locking mechanism cuts into the door leaf, an overlay with a slot is attached to the box and a recess is made for the retractable tongue. The installation of this type of lock is similar to conventional mortise locks, it differs only in the design of the tongue, which has a cap hook at the end to prevent the flaps from opening to the side.

Electromechanical (magnetic) locks

The door is closed by an electromagnet that holds the sash in the closed position due to a powerful magnetic field. The devices are expensive, inoperable in the absence of electricity, so they are rarely used in everyday life.

Fig 5 Device and external electromagnetic lock

Do-it-yourself installation of a manual locking mechanism

Before you install a handle with a lock on the door, you should purchase accessories from the same manufacturer - it will optimally fit the canvas in terms of parameters and will not violate the aesthetic appearance.

To install a lock on a plastic balcony door instead of the old handle, no special tool is required, except for a Phillips screwdriver, the work consists of several simple operations:

  1. Take off the old pen. To do this, turn the plastic decorative trim 90 degrees and unscrew the screws securing the old handle and remove it.
  2. We install a new handle and fix it with screws.
  3. We check its performance with the key turned in the keyhole.

Rice. 6 Balcony lock installation

If in front door standard handles are installed on the balcony, the following should be taken into account - it is easier to make a rework by replacing a conventional rotary handle with a model from the same manufacturer with a built-in lock. In the presence of sliding balcony doors, it is more aesthetically pleasing to embed the locking mechanism with a hook into the canvas than to use cheaper overhead models.

Many are interested in how to embed a lock in plastic doors and is it possible to do it yourself? Metal-plastic products installed on a balcony are traditionally not equipped with special locks. This is due to the fact that such doors are considered interior doors that do not require locking systems. But practice has shown that there is a need for this in order to block the entrance or exit to the balcony. Such devices can protect the apartment from intruders.

Need for a castle

The question arises, is there a need to install a lock for a balcony door? Installation of the locking system is necessary in such cases:

  • so that small children cannot go out onto the balcony on their own without the accompaniment of their parents;
  • when the balcony does not have additional equipment with bars or glazing, and the apartment is located on the lower floors;
  • large pets are kept in the apartment, which can open the door themselves.

For the safety of your relatives and "little brothers" it makes sense to install a handle with a lock. They differ from latches in that they completely prevent the door from opening freely. Professionals can open a balcony in no more than 7 minutes. Of course, if desired, a lock for a balcony door will not stop them, but the acquisition and installation of such a system will not be superfluous.

Construction of locks

All existing design options are applicable for mounting on metal-plastic balcony sashes

For a door installed on a balcony, a cylinder lock would be the best option. It has a smaller size than others, which means that the locking device can also be made in small sizes. Such a lock is not difficult to insert between reinforced parts or directly into the handle.

The face of the locking system contains special pins. The rule is this: the more of them are inside, the higher the secrecy of the castle itself. Cylinder systems withstand manipulative burglary well, but it is difficult for them to withstand brute intrusion.

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Replacing the mask is very simple, dismantling is similarly easy. It is only necessary to remove a small fastener, which is located at the end of the web.

All existing design options are applicable for installation on metal-plastic balcony sashes. They allow you to change the handle, which has a lock, with your own hands. There are minor differences between them, partly in technical details.

In order to choose the right lock for plastic doors, you should know their features well, as well as their distinctive characteristics.

The design of the plastic door itself is different from products made from other materials. This is due different methods tie-in lock systems.

Features of the lock for PVC doors

It is simply impossible to insert a lock, which is designed for metal or wood structures, into a PVC door leaf. In this case, the canvas may be damaged on the plastic door. Therefore, in stores or on the market, it is better to purchase special locks designed for plastic products. The body of such locks has a certain size corresponding to the width of the profile. This allows the locking system not to rest against the fillers or the glazing.

As a rule, mortise-type locks are mounted in a plastic sheet. They help to maintain the aesthetics of the entire structure as a whole. But if additional protection against penetration is needed, overhead locks can be used.

Types of castles

There is a wide range of different types of locking mechanisms. They should be chosen based on where the canvas will be placed, how reliable the lock should be, and many other factors.

On a plastic structure, you can install both a padlock and a mortise lock. They can differ in functionality, practicality, as well as design features. The main types of locking mechanisms that are mounted in plastic doors are single-lock, as well as multi-lock.

The first type does not provide much protection, as it has only one locking point, because of this, the door does not fit too tightly to the canvas. This is due to the fact that the product is pressed only at the point where the lock crashed, exactly in the middle of the door. Such a lock has a latch latch, as well as a deadbolt. The subtleties of the selection of locks for plastic structures, see the video below:

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The second type is used for more reliable protection against intruders, as it has several locking points. They come into contact in several places with the box from this, the tightness of the fit is excellent. Locking devices are driven by a special bus. Thanks to this, sound insulation is improved, and heat is reliably stored indoors. Doors do not sag or loosen.

castles from behind different materials manufactures can be completely made of metal, as well as partially made of plastic. The first option is more widespread than the other, has high strength, as well as improved consumer qualities.

Multi-lock mechanisms are divided into two types. One of them is driven by a cylinder, and the second by a handle. When using the first option, when the key is turned, the eccentrics extend and at the same time close the bolt. Using the second option, the handle, turning, drives the eccentrics into special strips and presses them tightly against the box. The existing key locks the lock with a retractable bolt.

Other mechanisms

There is also a lever lock containing plates made of steel. They move with the help of protrusions on the key. Locking systems of this type are very reliable. But if you need to replace it, you will have to buy the entire mechanism.

The cylinder mechanism works on a completely different principle. It has a rod inside which has pins. When the key is turned, a certain combination is created and the lock can be opened.

It is easier and cheaper to replace such a system, because only the rod will need to be updated.

Electronic locks are capable of transmitting important information to a computer

Electromagnetic, as well as electronic locks, differ in mechanisms that open the structure. For operation, the supply of electromagnetic pulses is required, which turn off the magnet. During operation, the mechanisms do not wear out and, moreover, provide long-term and high-quality work.

Such locks for doors made of plastic have one feature. They are able to transfer important information to the computer, how many times and who used the keys to enter the premises. For this, there are special programmed keys, the use of which is monitored by the system.

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