Impact of LPP. Sanitary zone LPP. Influence of electromagnetic fields per person. Effect of LPP on the body

Attic 16.10.2020

The biological effect of electric and magnetic fields on the body of people and animals has been studied quite a lot. The effects observed at the same time, if they occur, are still not clear and difficult to determine, therefore this topic remains still relevant.

Magnetic fields on our planet have a two-way origin - natural and anthropogenic. Natural magnetic fields, so-called magnetic storms, are born in the Earth magnetosphere. Anthropogenic magnetic perturbations cover a smaller territory than natural, but their manifestation is much more intense, and therefore brings more tangible damage. As a result of technical activities, a person creates artificial electromagnetic fields, which is hundreds of times stronger than the natural magnetic field of the Earth. The sources of anthropogenic radiation are: powerful radio transmission devices, electrified vehicles, power lines.

One of the strongest pathogens - currents of industrial frequency (50 Hz). Thus, the electric field strength directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter of the soil, although due to the properties of lowering the soil already when removing from the line 100 m, the tension drops sharply to several dozen volts per meter.

Studies of the biological effects of the electric field found that already at 1 kV / m tension it has an adverse effect on nervous system Human, which in turn leads to violations of the endocrine apparatus and metabolism in the body in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), violates the physiological functions: heart rate rhythm, blood pressure level, brain activity, the course of metabolic processes and immune activity.

Since 1972, publications appeared, in which the impact on people and animals of electric fields with tension values \u200b\u200bof more than 10 kV / m.

Proportional to current and inversely proportional to the distance; The electric field strength is proportional to the voltage (charging) and inversely proportional to the distance. The parameters of these fields depend on the class class, structural features and geometric sizes of high-voltage power supply. The emergence of a powerful and extended source of an electromagnetic field leads to a change in those natural factors under which the ecosystem was formed. Electrical and magnetic fields can induce surface charges and currents in the human body.

Studies have shown that the maximum current in the human body induced by an electric field is much higher than the current caused by the magnetic field. So, the harmful effects of the magnetic field manifests itself only with its tension of about 200 cars, which happens at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from the wires of the line phase and is dangerous only for service personnel during voltage operations. This circumstance made it possible to conclude that there is no biological influence of magnetic fields of industrial frequency on people and animals under LEP in this way, the LEP electric field is the main biologically effective factor in the extended power transmission, which may be a barrier on the way of migrating the movement of various types of water and land fauna.

Based on the design features of the transmission (wire saving), the larger effect of the field is manifested in the middle of the span, where the tension for the lines over - and ultra-high voltage at the level of human growth is 5 - 20 kV / m and above depending on the class of voltage and line design.

Supports where the height of the wire suspension is the greatest and affects the shielding effect of the supports, the field strength is the smallest. Since there may be people, animals, transportation under the wires of the LAM, there is a need to evaluate the possible consequences of a long and short-term stay of living beings in an electric field of different tensions.

The most sensitive to the electric fields of ungulates and man in shoes, insulating it from the ground. Animal hoofs is also a good insulator. The induced potential in this case can reach 10 kV, and the current pulse through the body when touched to the grounded object (bush branch, blade) 100-200 μA. Such current pulses are safe for the body, but the unpleasant feelings make empty animals avoid high-voltage power transmission lines in the summer.

In the action of the electric field on a person, the dominant role is played through his body currents. This is determined by the high conductivity of the human body, where the organs with blood circulating in them and lymph are dominated.

Currently, experiments on animals and people-volunteers found that the current density of 0.1 μA / cm and below does not affect the operation of the brain, since pulsed biotions usually flow into the brain significantly exceed the density of such conductivity.

When the current density, 1 μA / cm conduction in the eyes of a person is observed flashing light circles, higher current densities are already captured by the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the stimulation of sensory receptors, as well as nervous and muscle cells, which leads to the appearance of a fright, involuntary motor reactions.

In the case of a person's touch to objects isolated from the ground in the zone of the electrical field of significant intensity, the current density in the heart zone is highly dependent on the state of the "underlying" conditions (the type of shoes, the state of the soil, etc.), but can already reach these quantities.

With a maximum current corresponding to EM ah \u003d\u003d 15 kV / m (6.225 mA), a well-known proportion of this current flowing through the head area (about 1/3), and the head area (about 100 cm) current density

For human health, the problem consists in determining the connection between the density of the current induced in the tissues, and the magnetic induction of the external field, V. Calculating the current density

it is complicated by the fact that its exact path depends on the distribution of conductivity in body tissues.

Thus, the specific conductivity of the brain is determined by y \u003d 0.2 cm / m, and the heart muscle y \u003d 0.25 cm / m. If you take a radius of the head of 7.5 cm, and the hearts of 6 cm, then the product of Yr is the same in both cases. Therefore, you can give one representation for the current density on the periphery of the heart and the brain.

It is determined that safe for health magnetic induction is about 0.4 mT at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. In magnetic fields (from 3 to 10 mT, F \u003d 10 - 60 Hz), there was an occurrence of light flicker, similar to those arising when pressed on the eyeball.

The density of the current induced in the human body with an electric field with the magnitude of tension E is calculated in this way:

with various coefficients to the brain and heart area.

Value K \u003d 3-10 -3 cm / hpm.

According to German scientists, the field strength at which hair vibration is felt by 5% of the men, is 3 kV / m and for 50% of men who have been tested, it is equal to 20 kV / m. Currently, there are no data that the sensations caused by the action of the field create any adverse effect. As for the connection of the current density with biological influence, four areas presented in the table can be distinguished.

The latter area of \u200b\u200bthe current density value refers to the effects of the proceapment of the order of one cardiac cycle, i.e. approximately 1 s for a person for shorter exposures threshold values \u200b\u200babove. To determine the threshold value of the field strength, physiological studies were performed on people in laboratory conditions at 10 to 32 kV / m intensity. It has been established that at 5 kV / m tension, 80% of people do not experience pain in discharges in case of touching grounded items. It was this value that was adopted as a regulatory operation in electrical installations without the use of protective equipment.

The dependence of the permissible time of the human being in an electric field with a more threshold approximated by the equation

The implementation of this condition ensures self-healing the physiological state of the body during the day without residual reactions and functional or pathological changes.

We will get acquainted with the main results of research on the biological effects of electrical and magnetic fields conducted by Soviet and foreign scientists.

Effect of electric field fields

During the studies on the top of the forearm of each worker, an integrating dosimeter was secured. It has been established that the workers in high-voltage lines the average value of the daily exposure was from 1.5 kV / (M-h) to 24 kV / (M-h). Maximum values \u200b\u200bare marked in very rare cases. From the data obtained, research can be concluded that there is no noticeable relationship between exposure in the fields and the general state of human health.

Air power lines and cancer in children

In residential premises can be created by household electrical equipment and electrical wiring, external underground cables, as well as air power transmission lines. The test and control objects were grouped in intervals of 25 m to the air power supply system, and the degree of risk at a distance of more than 100 m from the line was adopted per unit.

The results obtained do not confirm the hypotheses that the magnetic fields of industrial frequency affect the occurrence of cancer in children.

Electrostatic effect on man and animal hair and animals

Studies were carried out in connection with the hypothesis that the effect of the field, a felt surface of the skin, was caused by the effect of electrostatic forces on the hair. As a result, it was obtained that with a field strength of 50 kV / m, the test felt the itchy, associated with hair vibration, which is registered with special devices.

Effect of electric field on plants

The experiments were carried out in a special chamber in an undistorted field with a tension from 0 to 50 kV / m. A small damage to the leaf tissue was revealed during exposure from 20 to 50 kV / m, depending on the configuration of the plant and the initial moisture content in it. The leaning of the fabric was observed in parts of plants with sharp edges. Thick, with a smooth rounded surface of the plant were not damaged at 50 kV / m tensions. Damage is a consequence of the crown on the protruding parts of the plants. The most weak plants damage were observed after 1 - 2 h after the exposure. It is important that wheat seedlings having very sharp ends, crowns and damage were noticeable at a relatively low tension of 20 kV / m. It was the lowest threshold for damage in research.

The most likely mechanism of damage to plant tissue is thermal. The lesion of the tissue appears when the field strength becomes high enough to cause coronation, and through the tip of the leaf flows a high density crown. The heat released on the resistance of the leaf tissue leads to the death of a narrow cell layer, which relatively quickly lose water, dry and compress. However, this process has the limit and the percentage of the dried surface of the plant is small.

Effect of electric field on animals

Studies were carried out in two directions: study at the level of the biosystem and the study of the thresholds of the detected influences. Among the chickens placed in the field with the tension of 80 kV / m, the weight gain was noted, the viability, low mortality. The field perception threshold was measured on domestic pigeons. It has been shown that pigeons have some mechanism to detect low-tension electric fields. Genetic changes were not observed. It is noted that animals who are in the electric field of high tensions may experience mini-shock due to extraneous factors depending on the experimental conditions that can lead to some concern and initiating experienced.

In some countries there are regulatory documents that limit the limit values \u200b\u200bof the field strength in the zone of the highway routes. The maximum tension of 20 kV / m was recommended in Spain, and the same meaning is considered at present as the utmost in Germany.

Public awareness of the influence of the electromagnetic field on living organisms continues to grow, and some interest and concern about this influence will lead to the continuation of relevant medical research, especially in people living near the air lines.

More information on this topic:

V. I. Chekhov "Environmental Aspects of Electricity Transmission" ( )

In the book Dana. general characteristics Effects of electric power lines on environment. The issues of calculating the maximum electric field strength under the AC line and the methods of its decrease, rejection of the land under the line of the line, the effects of the electromagnetic field on people, the animal and vegetable world of the occurrence of radio and acoustic noise are considered. The features of the environmental impact of DC lines and super high voltage cable lines are considered.

See also on this topic:

In the 60s of the 20th century it was discovered hazardous exposure to electromagnetic fields of LPP on the human body.

The state of the health of people closely in contact with power lines in the conditions of production or living near about the same. People complain about increased fatigue, irritability, memory violations, sleep impairment, depression, migraine, disorientation in space, muscle weakness, problems with cardiovascular system, hypotension, impairment, atrophy of color perception, decrease in immunity, potency, change of blood composition. This list can be continued by a number of physiological disorders and all kinds of diseases.

It is proved that people living nearby LEP have oncological diseases, serious violations of the reproductive function, as well as the so-called electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome. It is quite scary to hear reports on studies of some foreign scientists on the influence of high-voltage power lines for children's health. It was found that children living at a distance of 150 meters from LEP, substations, two times more often ill leukemia, and practically each of them there are disorders of the nervous system.

In some countries there is such a medical term as electromagnetic allergies. People suffering from her have the opportunity to change the place of residence for free, which is as follows from the sources of electromagnetic radiation. All this is officially sponsored by the Government! How can I comment on the energy possible danger emanating from the LAM? First of all, they insist that the electric current voltage in the power lines can be different, and therefore, a safe and dangerous voltage should be distinguished. The range of exposure to the magnetic field created by the LPP is directly proportional to the power of the line itself. Professional determines the voltage class of the power supply on the number of wires in the bundle is not on the support itself:

- 2 wires - 330 kV;

- 3 wires - 500 kV;

- 4 wires - 750 square meters.

The smaller voltage class of the LEP is determined by the number of insulators:
- 3-5 insulators - 35 kV;

- 6-8 insulators - 110 kV;

- 15 insulators - 220 sq. M.

In order to protect the population from the harmful effects of power lines, there are special standards that define a certain sanitary zone, conditionally starting from the extreme wires of the LPP, sprobied to the Earth:

- voltage less than 20 kV - 10 m;

- voltage of less than 35 kV - 15 m;

- voltage less than 110 kV - 20 m;

- voltage less than 150-220 sq. - 25 m;

- voltage less than 330 - 500 kV - 30 m;

- Voltage less than 750 kV - 40 m.

These norms belong to Moscow and the Moscow region, in accordance with them and allocated areas for development. These standards do not take into account the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, and after all it is sometimes in dozens, and sometimes hundreds of times more is more dangerous for health!

So that the magnetic field does not affect health status, Multiply each of the listed indicators on 10. It turns out that the low-power LP is harmless only at a distance of 100 meters! The wires of the LAP make in themselves tension, the most in contact with the threshold of the corona discharge. In the context, this rank discharges the cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. The electrical field created by them, even at a high distance from the LAM, can be much more permissible harmless values.

The new project of the Moscow Government on the transfer of some sections of high-voltage power lines underground. The liberated area of \u200b\u200bthe mayor's area plans to put up for development. This is where there is a lawsager question - will the underground power transmission lines for those who live on them? Will the developers come to call energy specialists to the area planned for the construction of housing? The electromagnetic radiation of underground power transmission lines and its impact on the human body, unfortunately, is still very important.

The first in the dungeon will leave the power lines located in the districts - Leninsky Avenue, the prospect of the world and the Shchelkovskoye highway. Then it is planned to remove the LPP of the North-Eastern Administrative District under the ground, namely in the North and South Medvedkov, as well as in Bibirevo and Altufyevo. These territories are already exhibited for sale and are waiting for their investors. In total, in the capital there are more than hundreds of LPP and open-type electrical substations. Potential land developers from under the Power Plant, and together with them the Moscow government, argue that modern technologies will allow fully isolating electromagnetic radiation. To do this, it is planned to use coaxial cables deposited in special shielding reservoirs.

Transferring LEP under the ground The procedure is expensive (approximately 1 million euros per 1 km of the cable paved), and therefore there is no guarantee that developers will not "save." Therefore, there is no certainty that the housing erected above the LEP will be secure in all respects.

The most correct solution is to buy housing in a safe area - where there is no harm to health! ♌

We catch a goldfish on the Internet

About the dangers of high-voltage power lines say a lot and most often in the back. What the theories did not put forward on how the LEP affects a person, here and the incidence of cancer of people living in the area with the relatives of the high-voltage line, and the effect of the LAP on the cerebral cells, and even the widespread loss of hair is associated with closely located high-voltage lines. Let's try to figure it out in this matter and justify what they say, but never prove.

So, only two types of radiation may proceed from power lines, as a static field and variable waves. In addition to high-voltage lines, the same radiation also gives electrical wiring, and any of the electrical appliances in our homes and apartments. To compare, take one AC outlet with a voltage of 220-240 volts located in a meter from a person, and a power line with a voltage of about 200 kilovolt, located at a distance of 30 meters. The strength of the static field becomes less in proportion to the square of the distance, therefore, both sources of radiation, and the socket, and the LPP have approximately the same effect.

In the case of variable waves, the attenuation occurs significantly weaker, since their strength is inversely proportional to the distance from the radiation source, and if we take the same distances as in the previous case, the equivalent of a socket located in a meter will be a power transmission with voltage in 6, 5 kilovolt. Pay the same attention to the fact that in our housing there is not one outlet, but also meters of electrical wiring, refrigerator, TV, computer, a bunch of other electrical appliances, and their radiation will be much stronger.

It is impossible to say that high-voltage power lines have any detrimental effect on the human body. The fact is that this issue has never been studied to the end. In the theory, the only thing that can cause a near-locked LEP in the body is resonance internal organs. However, the industrial frequency of the current is equal to 50 Hz, and there is no such frequency in the human body, the influence on us is lower frequencies. However, people who work with high voltage, including with high-voltage power lines, was noted that they are manifested by chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, imminent immunity. It is possible that the listed symptoms are related to the fact that work with high voltages require constant collections and attentiveness in contrast to other works when high attention is required only periodically.

The question of the dangers of power lines will remain unexplored for a very long time, and the matter is not even that there are people for whom it is important that this information would remain for family seals, although it may well be, the fact is that Each person has a very different perception of both electromagnetic fields and static radiation of high-voltage lines. In some countries there is even the concept of "electric allergies".

People are particularly sensitive to emissions of electrical appliances and high-voltage lines have the right to move to a longer distance from passing power transmission. By the way, all costs and housing search takes on the government. In our country, the maximum that money was spent was spent, it is for the development of the rules on which high-voltage lines are installed. Residential buildings should be located no closer than 10 meters for the line at 35 kilovolts, 50 meters for 110-220 kilovolts and 100 meters for 330 kilovolts and above. The distance is considered from the extreme wire to the wall of the residential building.

Another interesting fact, Living in the neighborhood in the same house, two people of the same age may experience a different impact from the passing LEP. One she will act in oppressing, the other will be the other way around to feel the tide of vigor and strength.

It turns out that truly high-voltage power lines affect people in different ways. Maybe it is precisely this inhibits the study of this area? Although it is possible that in reality some powerful impact is not at all, but in the first and in the second case it is simply self-use.

On the this moment There is no evidence of the damage to the power supply line for a person, however, and nothing is written about their harmlessness. Indeed, it is known for certain, this is that they have a certain impact on the human body, but as far as it adversely affects us remains a mystery.

Nevertheless, supporters of the opinion that high-voltage lines destroy the human body, annually publish dry figures of mortality statistics in areas where powerful power transmission lines are held. Sanitary services in turn argue that high-voltage power lines are harmless and physical calculations lead. If watching on this problem Head, without giving preference to any, nor the other side, then certain conclusions can be made. For example, a drop of water can not kill a person, but if it is methodically dripped into his head, it is very soon a man goes crazy.

If the whole life is under the support of the LPP of 330 kilovolt, it will naturally be a very significant effect of its radiation on your body, if you are constantly deleted from power lines and only periodically contact with emitted emissions, then no changes in your body you are not Notice.

That is why it is possible, try to get out of the city, at least occasionally, because our cities have long become a kind of energy cloacons, where electromagnetic, static and many other types of energy fields are intertwined. Somewhere affecting each other, they weaken, somewhere overlapping, are repeatedly enhanced and no longer correspond to sanitary standards. It is virtually impossible to protect against them, but to give your body a breather from their exposure to almost everyone.

For the first time, the dangerous effects of electromagnetic fields of the LAM on the human body was found in the 60s of the last century. After careful studies of the state of the health of people closely in contact with power lines in the conditions of production, scientists discovered alarming facts. Almost all examined faces complained about increased fatigue, irritability, memory and sleep disorders.

To all of the above symptoms arising from a person after frequent communication with electromagnetic waves of industrial frequency, you can safely add depression, migraine, disorientation in space, muscle weakness, problems with cardiovascular system, hypotension, visual impairment, color perception, reduction of immunity, potency, Change of blood composition, etc. etc. The list can be continued by another number of physiological disorders and all kinds of diseases.

Very often, people living nearby LEP have oncological diseases, serious disorders of the reproductive function, as well as the so-called electromagnetic symbol syndrome. It is quite scary to hear reports on studies of some foreign scientists for the influence of high-voltage power lines on the health of our children. For example, the Swedish and Danish researchers found the fact that children living at a distance of 150 meters from LEP, substations and metro (!), Two times more often ill leukemia, and almost each of them have disorders of the nervous system.

In some countries there is such a medical term as electromagnetic allergies. People, she suffer, have the opportunity to change the place of residence to another, which are as far as possible from the sources of electromagnetic radiation. And all this is officially sponsored by the Government! How can I comment on the energy possible danger emanating from the LAM? First of all, they insist that the electric current voltage in the power lines can be different, and therefore, a safe and dangerous voltage should be distinguished. The range of exposure to the magnetic field created by the LPP is directly proportional to the power of the line itself. Professional Nishdka determines the voltage class of the LAM. You can enjoy these knowledge. Everything is quite simple - you need to pay attention to the number of wires in the bundle (not on the support itself). So: 2 wires - 330 kV 3 wires - 500 kV 4 wires - 750 kV smaller class of voltage LEP is determined by the number of insulators: 3-5 insulators - 35 kV 6-8 insulators - 110 kV 15 insulators - 220 kV.

In order to protect the population from the harmful effects of power lines, there are special standards that define a certain sanitary zone, conditionally starting from the extreme wires of the LAP, sprobied to the Earth. So: voltage is less than 20 kV - 10 m, 35 kV - 15 m, 110 kV - 20 m, 150-220 kV - 25 m, 330 - 500 kV - 30 m, 750 kV - 40 m. The above mentioned norms relate for some reason It is to Moscow and the Moscow region. Naturally, in accordance with them and distinguished areas are also allocated. The most interesting thing is that these standards do not take into account the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, and after all it is sometimes in dozens, and sometimes hundreds of times more dangerous to health!

And now attention! So that the magnetic field does not affect the state of your health, multiply each of the listed indicators by 10 ... It turns out that the most low-power LAP is harmless only at a distance of 100 meters! The wires of the LAP make in themselves tension, the most in contact with the threshold of the corona discharge. In the context, this rank discharges the cloud of oppositely charged ions into the atmosphere. The electrical field created by them, even at a high distance from the LAM, can be much more permissible harmless values.

Most recently received the "green light" a new project of the Moscow Government on the transfer of some sections of high-voltage power lines under the Earth. The liberated area of \u200b\u200bthe mayor's area plans to put up for development. This is where there is a lawsager question - will the underground power transmission lines for those who live on them? Will the developers come to call energy specialists to the area planned for the construction of housing? Electromagnetic radiation of underground power transmission and its impact on the human body, unfortunately, is still in-depth ...

The first in the dungeon will leave the power lines located in the areas - Leninsky Avenue, the prospect of the world and Schelkovskoye highway. Then it is planned to remove the LPP of the North-Eastern Administrative District under the ground, namely in the North and South Medvedkov, as well as in Bibirevo and Altufyevo. These territories are already exhibited for sale and are waiting for their investors. In total, in the capital there are more than hundreds of LPP and open-type electrical substations. Potential developers of "LEPO" lands, and together with them and the Moscow government, argue that modern technologies will allow fully isolate electromagnetic radiation. To do this, it is planned to use coaxial cables deposited in special shielding reservoirs.

Unfortunately, the transfer of the LEP underground the procedure is expensive (worth about 1 million euros per 1 km of the cable laid), and therefore there is no guarantee that developers will not "save." So no one knows whether housing will be erected over the LAM, securely in all respects. Remember, if your house is located very closely from the LEP (permissible sanitary standards, see above), the most correct solution will still be the purchase of new housing, which is in a safer zone!

Osipenko Julia Vyacheslavovna

It is impossible to see the electromagnetic radiation, and it is not for everyone under power, and therefore the normal person is almost no fear of it. Meanwhile, if we summarize the effect of electromagnetic radiation of all devices on the planet, the level of the natural geomagnetic field of the Earth will turn out to be exceeded in millions of times. The scale of electromagnetic pollution of the habitat of people was so significant that the World Health Organization included this problem in the number of the most relevant for



v Regional Scientific and Practical Conference

"My country is mine: from nature ecology to life ecology"

Scientific - ResearchWork on the topic: "Influence ElectromagneticFields of LPP on human health "

Obzh section

A student has been performed

11 "A" class

Criminal Code "Gymnasium-College"

Osipenko Julia Vyacheslavovna

Scientific adviser:

obzh teacher,

Yurina Svetlana Yurevna



Introduction .......................................... ... 2

Objectives of the study ............................... 2

Methods ............................................. ..3

Biological effect of LPP ............... .... 3

Principles of protection of the population ............... ..... 3

Experimental data .................. ... 4

Conclusions ............................................. ..5

Bibliographic list ..................... 6

Appendix ....................................... ..7.

Introduction this work devoted to the study of the influence of the power line on the human body, consideration sanitary norms To ensure the safety of the population. The results of the experiment on identifying deviations from the rules of the LEP near the educational building "Gymnasium-College Choice" of the city of Vladivostok are also described.

The relevance of this topic: Currently in the means mass media Many talk about the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation per person, so it was decided to investigate the effect of this field on the people in the zone of the LPP.

The purpose of the study It is the study of the influence of high-voltage power lines for human health.

Based on the purpose, the followingtasks:

1. Consideration of the impact of LPP for living organisms;

2. Determination of requirements and norms of imposed on them to ensure the safety of the population;
3. Consideration of the functioning of the LEP on the example of the Educational Corporation "Gymnasium-College" and nearby objects in the city of Vladivostok.


  1. Study of scientific literature.
  2. Determination of the voltage level of the power supply.
  3. Interview local residents and students of the Criminal Gymnasium-College

Electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic waves excited by various radiating objects - charged particles, atoms, molecules, antennas, etc. Depending on the wavelength, the gamma radiation, X-ray, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, radio waves and low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations are distinguished.

It is impossible to see the electromagnetic radiation, and it is not for everyone under power, and therefore the normal person is almost no fear of it. Meanwhile, if we summarize the effect of electromagnetic radiation of all devices on the planet, the level of the natural geomagnetic field of the Earth will turn out to be exceeded in millions of times. The scale of electromagnetic pollution of the habitat of people was so significant that the World Health Organization included this problem in the number of the most relevant for

humanity, and many scientists refer her to potent environmental factors with catastrophic consequences for all living on Earth.

The wires of the working power line (hereinafter referred to as the power supply) are created in the adjacent space electrical and magnetic field of industrial frequency.

Biological effect of LPP.
Electrical and magnetic fields are very strong factors of influence on the state of all biological objects entering the zone of their impact. For example, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe electrical field of the LEP in insects, changes are manifested in behavior: so the bees is fixed with an increased aggressiveness, anxiety, a decrease in working capacity and productivity, a tendency to loss of the module.
In plants, developmental anomalies are common - the forms and sizes of flowers, leaves, stems are often changed, extra petals appear.
Healthy person He suffers from relatively long stay in the LEP field. Short-term irradiation (minutes) can lead to a negative reaction only in hypersensitive people or in patients with some types of allergies. Studies have shown that the prolonged effect of electromagnetic radiation, even a relatively weak level, can cause cancer disease, loss of memory, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer, impotence and even increase the tendency to suicide. Particularly dangerous fields for children and pregnant women.

In recent years, cancellation diseases are often referred to be among remote consequences.Some people have increased sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, and doctors called it a special term "electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome".

Sanitary standards and principles for ensuring the safety of the population.
For the population, tight standards were introduced and to the present one are among the toughest in the world. They are set out in the sanitary standards and rules "the protection of the population from the effects of the electric field created by the AC power lines of the industrial frequency transmission" No. 2971-84 (Appendix No. 1). In accordance with these norms, all electrical supply objects are designed and built.
Principles of protection of the population.
The basic principle of the protection of public health from the electromagnetic field of the LEP consists in establishing sanitary protection zones for power lines and a decrease in the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places of possible long stay of people by applying protective screens. In such zoneselectrical stress networks

over 1000 volts, the rules prohibit the construction, repairs, carry out earthworks without the written permission of special organizations.
How to determine the voltage class LPP? It is best to contact the local energy enterprise, but you can try visually, although it is not a specialist it's difficult: 330 kV - 2 wires, 500 kV - 3 wires, 750 kV - 4 wires. Below 330 kV one wire per phase, it is possible to determine only approximately by the number of insulators in the garland: 220 kV 10 -15 pcs., 110 kV 6-8 pcs., 35 kV 3-5 pcs., 10 kV and below - 1 pcs .

At one time to determine the presence and force of the influence of the magnetic field from electrical appliances, people used an ordinary compass. So, for example, working the TV, delayed the compass arrow at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from it withside screen.

Within the sanitary protection zone of the high-voltage line, it is prohibited: place residential and public buildings and structures; Arrange the platforms for parking and stopping all types of transport.

Residents of Vladivostok do sanitary standards and rules from the exposure to the electric field of the PPP?
Consider on the example of our city, how compliance with the sanitary standards and the rules from the effects of the electromagnetic field of the LPP are observed. As an object of the experiment, we have chosen the educational building "Gymnasium-College Choice" of the city of Vladivostok and nearby a hostel, because it is in this area that we have to spend several hours every day.

Experimental data.

When conducting an experiment, we produced the following measurements:
1. Determination of the voltage class of the power supply.

2. Measurement of sanitary and protective zones of the LEP of various stresses;
3. Measurement of the distance from LEP to the training building, hostel buildings.

Also produced a survey of students of the gymnasium and residents of the house of Nevelsky 1.

When determining the LAP class, it was revealed that the voltage class of this design of 110 kV.

When measuring the distance between the LAP residential houses, the Gymnasium-College Case, the following data were obtained by hostel in Vladivostok:

1) The distance from the LAM to the hostel is 200m, according to sanitary standards complies with the requirements.

2) Near our training case, there is also a power lamp, with not one. And the location is close, just 20 meters, but on sanitary requirements this is the norm

3) Also next to our case there is a residential building to which LEP is located even closer, 8 meters, by sanitary standards this violation of the requirements.

4) After school, children are often walking on a platform to which from LEP only 3 meters, by sanitary standards is a violation of the requirements. Violation of the norm is 15 meters.

The measurement of the borders of sanitary and safety zones showed that within the location of the Gymnasium-College body, the dormitory, the sanitary standards needed to ensure the safety of the population meet the requirements, and the location of the platform for recreation next to the Nevelsky house revealed violations of sanitary standards. This is due to the unauthorized development of this territory by residents.

This LED line is a danger to the residents of the House of Nevelsky 1, especially those living in the entrance No. 11, and for vacationers on the site next to this entrance, which is located even closer to the LAP more than the entrance number 11.

When surveying local residents and students (Appendix No. 2), it was revealed:


Based on the data obtained, you can draw the following conclusions: that people who live near the LAP have health problems, sometimes very serious. Children often sick, get tired, because of this, often a bad mood, everyone becomes evil and irritable, may decrease performance in school.

1. Volumetric materials (synthetic films, wax, felt, paper)

2. Remaining materials (metallic foil from synthetic material)

3.Lone devices (metal devices in insulators)

Basic protection measures against electromagnetic emissions:

1.Ving the distance between the directional source and the workplace

2. The power of the generator radiation

3. The most simple I. effective method Protection against electromagnetic fields is "distance protection".

4. To protect against electromagnetic radiation on the roof of the building with non-metallic roof, almost any metal mesh is placed, grounded at least in two points, in buildings with a metal roof, it is enough to ground the roof in no less than two points. In the household sections or other places of people stay, the tension of the industrial frequency field can be reduced by establishing protective screens, for example, it is reinforced concrete, metal fences, cable screens, trees or shrubs with a height of at least 2 m.

Bibliographic list
1. It is dangerous to be a person next to the high-voltage power lines [Electronic resource] - access mode: http //
2. Influence of the electromagnetic field on human health [Electronic resource] - Access: HTTP //


Appendix #1.

Table №1.Ranctuisa of sanitary protection zones for LEP according to CH No. 2971-84
Voltage LEP 330 kV 500 kV 750 kV 1150 kV
Size sanitary protection (security) zone 20 m 30 m 40 m 55 m

Annex number 2 Polls results.

The survey took part 100 students from 6-11 grads.

Specifying questions with students in Gymnasium - College of FarFU, we asked:

"Are they in close proximity to your LEP home?"

Students who live in the area where the LAP is asked about their well-being:

1) How often do they hurt?

2) Also asked if they often have headaches?

3) How often do they feel fatigue?

They asked 14 seniors, from the house of Nevelsky 1, which walk in areas of close proximity to the location of the LAP, how do they feel?

1) How often do they hurt?

2) How often do they have headaches?

3) Also asked if they often feel fatigue?

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