According to exit polls, Vladimir Putin is in the lead. The presidential elections in Russia are over. According to exit polls, Vladimir Putin is in the lead Who is in the lead at the moment

Floors 22.10.2020

You know what. Of course, we and our Western colleagues - politicians and journalists - have said a lot about each other in recent years. And of course, to be honest, sometimes you even regret that publishing in Bild is just incredible nonsense. But, for example, is it possible, being a healthy person, to assume that today's data from VTsIOM about candidates for the presidency of our country - this data was provoked by the work of German bots?

And yet here they are. This data. The only candidate is a self-nominated candidate. Nonetheless. Among the remaining seven party candidates, intrigue remains. Even two intrigues. The second - which of the five contenders - Suraykin, Titov, Baburin, Sobchak, Yavlinsky - who will eventually gain one percent of the vote, and who will overcome this important percentage barrier? And the main one is who will receive the honorable second place: the veteran of the pursuit race Vladimir Zhirinovsky or Zyuganov's newbie companion - billionaire Pavel Grudinin. So to speak, the battle of youth and experience.

LDPR candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky today checked the work of the Pension Fund branch. Pensioner Zhirinovsky was interested in the mechanism for calculating the pension. He asked about the payments due to him and separately dwelt on the issue of indexation. As a presidential candidate, Zhirinovsky promised: if elected, working pensioners will receive all allowances in full. Also, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party spoke on the topic of raising the retirement age.

“We will be categorically against raising the retirement age, because we have difficult living conditions, weather, political conditions, housing. It so happened that after all, people are used to it: women retire at 55, men at 60, and even there is a pension at a younger age. And allowances to be every year: both working and unemployed ", - said Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sergei Baburin met with voters in Rostov-on-Don. The presidential candidate from the "Russian National Union" visited the Museum of the Don Cossacks, opened in one of the city's schools, and not only teachers gave him a tour. Later Baburin met with Cossack activists and also visited Rostselmash. According to the presidential candidate, the development of production should become a priority in the coming years.

“I believe that with all the success of foreign policy, one should not forget about domestic policy. Not all of our companies are such as Rostselmash. Well, not all. We still have many barely surviving. And how much we have, excuse me, of the consumer goods that are of poor quality from abroad. Therefore, we are talking about the need to fundamentally reform the internal socio-economic policy, ”stressed Sergei Baburin.

Pavel Grudinin also visited production today. The presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation inspected the shops of an enterprise near Moscow that produces dozens of types of plumbing. The company has existed for almost 20 years, the client base, and with it the profits, are growing. Everything is like in the state farm named after Lenin, said businessman Grudinin. But even here, at a successful enterprise, the talk was about how the state can help a developing business.

“It is necessary to reduce interest on loans so that the company can develop. We need to make sure that workers earn big money, and for this we need to introduce a progressive scale of income tax. And if a person earns little, then he does not have to pay anything at all, and if he earns a lot, then he must pay an increased tax. But the main thing is what needs to be done so that people can buy our goods that are available to them, ”said Pavel Grudinin.

The candidate from the Communists of Russia party Maxim Suraikin together with his associates laid flowers at the Lenin monument in Veliky Novgorod. He also visited one of the city's multifunctional centers. In general, the Communist Suraikin was satisfied with the work of the MFC, although there were some comments.

“Active voters submit applications in order to be able to vote in those precincts where they will be, but nevertheless, speaking in general, for example, we found that a commission is paid here for services - 40 rubles for each state duty, in our opinion a fairly large amount, because if a person pays three, four or five state fees, this is already 150-200-300 rubles. And when an ordinary pensioner receives 9-10 thousand, this is a significant part of his income, it may be just a few days of money for food, ”said Maxim Suraikin.

Grigory Yavlinsky, the Yabloko candidate, met with military experts today. It was about the state of the Armed Forces, the re-equipment of combat units and, in general, about serious reforms of the Russian army.

“It is necessary to return to the topic of reducing the size of the Russian Armed Forces to 800 thousand people. Second. The transition to a professional army and, within the next two to three years, the refusal to draft, the transition to a contract army. My calculations show the need for and the possibility of increasing the pay, medical care, and improving the quality of medical care, ”said Grigory Yavlinsky.

Hero of Russia Vyacheslav Bocharov met with the volunteers at the Moscow headquarters of Vladimir Putin. On the eve of February 23, young people wrote greeting cards to our military in Syria. A veteran of the special forces group "Vympel" joined the action. Volunteers asked Bocharov what real patriotism is.

“Patriotism is love for the Motherland. But one cannot call to love the Motherland in the abstract, one cannot force one to love something. When you tell a young man about the heroes of our time, tell about specific examples - in their faces, and they can either see this person or bow to his memory, because in our time he sacrificed himself so that they could fulfill their dreams ”, - said Hero of Russia Vyacheslav Bocharov.

This week, the results of polls on the intention of Russians to participate in the upcoming voting appeared.

According to VTsIOM, more than 80% of respondents are going to come to polling stations for sure or most likely. There is a similar picture in a poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation: more than 60% of respondents said they would definitely come to the polls. And almost 22% of those polled are likely to vote.

As for the pre-election layouts, here are generally similar figures. Vladimir Putin is leading by a large margin.

Sociologists draw attention to the maximum closeness of the positions of Pavel Grudinin and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. According to VTsIOM, a month before the elections between them a little more than 2%.

Almost 1.5% - for Grigory Yavlinsky. Ksenia Sobchak is gaining a little less than 1%. Sergei Baburin has 0.4%. Boris Titov is 0.1% behind him. Maxim Suraykin closes the rating.

At the same time, FOM polls show practically equal values \u200b\u200bfor the candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, so it seems that the fight for second place will go on until the last day of campaigning.

It will be possible to cast your vote not only where it is registered, but also at the place of actual stay. On the eve of the reception of applications for inclusion in the electoral lists opened in Rosa Khutor. So that vacationers can vote without making adjustments to their vacation plans. After all, the ski season here ends only in May, which means that on March 18, there will be many potential voters on the snow-covered slopes.

The final voting point is just a couple of minutes. Plots all over Russia have already been completed. But the country is big, and there is still Kaliningrad. The count is actually seconds. However, even after that our citizens in Europe and America will still vote.

But 21 o'clock according to the law is already considered the borderline after which one can say: the elections have taken place and it is time to sum up the results. It is from nine in the evening that it is allowed to report the results of polls carried out at the exits from the polling stations, the so-called exit polls.

The president was elected today across 11 time zones, with an estimated 107 million voters. 97 thousand sites worked. For the first time, it was possible to vote, even while away, without any absentee ballots. It was enough to submit an application in advance to the MFC or on the website of public services. There are almost six million of those who voted at their place of residence.

Voting has become easier and more convenient, and at the same time control over the elections to be fair and transparent is at a completely new level. The number of automatic complexes for processing ballots has been doubled. The vast majority of polling stations and all territorial election commissions are equipped with cameras.

On the final protocols - QR codes, this allows you to speed up data entry and eliminate the possibility of forgery. All attention will be focused on the content of these protocols in the next day. Counting is already underway in some regions. Others are just beginning. Just a minute ago, the plots in the Kaliningrad region were closed. Voting in Russia is over.

So: the first data of exit polls were polls that sociologists conducted at the exit from polling stations. The results, as expected at 21:00, are published by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center.

VTsIOM surveyed 161 thousand people in the 81st region of Russia. So, according to the VTsIOM poll, Vladimir Putin is in the lead with a result of almost 74%. In second place is Pavel Grudinin, with just over 11%. Next in the top three is Vladimir Zhirinovsky, almost 7%. Ksenia Sobchak is in fourth place, with 2.5%. Grigory Yavlinsky has a little over 1.5%. Boris Titov, Sergei Baburin and Maxim Suraikin, according to exit polls, gain about 1%.

And one more research was conducted across the country by the Public Opinion Foundation. His data are as follows: for Vladimir Putin - 77% of those polled. Pavel Grudinin has about 12%, Vladimir Zhirinovsky has about 6%. For Ksenia Sobchak, according to exit polls, about 2% voted. The results of Grigory Yavlinsky, Boris Titov, Sergei Baburin and Maxim Suraikin are within 1%. The results are based on a survey of 112,700 people conducted in 83 regions of Russia.

The page describes the results of the first round of voting, which was published on the website of an independent publication. So who is leading in the election race for the presidency of Russia?

Who will win the elections? (opinions of people before 02/27/2018)
Candidates Number of votes Votes as a percentage
Grigory Yavlinsky 2573 people 1,14%
Vladimir Zhirinovsky 10802 people 4,79%
Maxim Suraykin 667 people 0,30%
Vladimir Putin 62308 people 27,60%
Pavel Grudinin 140184 people 62,10%
Ksenia Sobchak 7177 people 3,18%
Sergey Baburin 822 people 0,36%
Boris Titov 1189 people 0,53%
Total Voted: 235,228 people

The rating of the leaders of the second round of voting for the post of the head of the Russian Federation in an unofficial source

Rating of candidates in an unofficial vote
Candidates Number of votes Votes as a percentage
Grigory Yavlinsky 162 people 0,67%
Vladimir Zhirinovsky 879 people 3,66%
Maxim Suraykin 159 people 0,66%
Vladimir Putin 4624 people 19,26%
Pavel Grudinin 17699 people 73,72%
Ksenia Sobchak 663 people 2,76%
Sergey Baburin 184 people 0,77%
Boris Titov 154 people 0,64%
Total Voted: 24 008 people

We would like to remind you that this is just the own data of an independent information source. The real leaders in the 2018 presidential elections can be observed on the CEC website. By going to the official resource of the Central Election Commission (, you can see the leaders of the pre-election race and get the election result.

You can find out who became the President of Russia in 2018 in the special section (Results).

On March 18, 2018, Russian citizens will come to polling stations and cast their votes to the most worthy contender for supreme power in the country. Although it is still more than two months until this moment, the preliminary results of the 2018 elections can be summed up right now - judging by the ratings, V.V. Putin. The confidence of the people in the incumbent president is so high that there is no doubt about it. However, a significant preponderance of one candidate over all the rest of the list does not at all reduce interest in the presidential race. There are good reasons for this.

Campaign features

The 2018 elections are destined to go down in history for a number of reasons. This company will be the last for the long-term leader of the state V.V. Putin and his eternal opponent V.V. Zhirinovsky. For the first time yet another political heavyweight, G.A. Zyuganov, who soberly assessed his strength and chances of winning.

Never before have Russian voters seen such a thing, who considered themselves worthy to climb the Olympus of power. More than 40 representatives of large and small parties and self-nominated candidates announced their readiness to join the presidential race. The most controversial figures were eliminated at the preliminary stage. The Central Executive Committee of the Russian Federation admitted eight to the decisive battle.

What is the rating of candidates now

* poll started at 13:10 on March 18, 2018 Moscow time

Since the campaign has been going on for more than a month, it makes sense to sum up the interim results of the presidential elections in Russia in 2018.To do this, it is worth analyzing the results of polls of sociologists at the moment. In order to obtain an objective assessment of the candidates' chances, let us compare the data of FOM and VTsIOM working with a significant number of respondents.

The overwhelming majority of Russians do not doubt that Putin will win the 2018 elections. According to polls, up to 70 (VTsIOM) percent of the country's citizens are ready to vote for him. The rest of the candidates had the following rating:

  • V. Zhirinovsky - from 5.7 to 6%;
  • P. Grudinin - from 5.3 to 7.5%;
  • G. Yavlinsky - from 0.5 to 1.4%;
  • K. Sobchak - up to 1%;
  • B. Titov - up to 1%;
  • S. Baburin - up to 1%;
  • M. Suraykin - up to 1%.

The chances of S. Baburin and M. Suraikin to win the presidential elections in the Russian Federation were estimated at the level of statistical error.

Internet audience surveys give slightly different results. For example, the "People's Rating" site, calls Grudinin the favorite in the presidential race (59%). Putin's candidacy was supported by 15% of visitors to the resource, Sobchak by 7%, Zhirinovsky and Suraikin by 6%, Baburin, Yavlinsky and Titov by 2%. The results of such voting cannot cause anything but skepticism. The views of the audience of one Internet resource can be diametrically different from the views of the visitors of another. In addition, cases of cheating and fraudulent voting on the Internet are not uncommon.

The dynamics of the popularity of applicants

It is very interesting to analyze how the attitude of voters towards the participants in the presidential race has changed over the month and a half since the beginning of this year. Comparing the data of the December opinion polls with the February ratings, it is easy to identify certain trends.

  • The preliminary results of the 2018 elections as of the end of December would have witnessed a victory for the incumbent with a score of 68 to 83.8%. Some decline in V. Putin's popularity is due to the ambivalent attitude of society towards the participation of Russian athletes in the Pyeongchang Olympics under a neutral flag. The possible increase in the sanctions pressure on the country, provided for by the secret annex to.
  • V. Zhirinovsky remained at the same positions. The views of a permanent participant in the presidential elections have long been known in society. The party has its own established electorate, always voting for the leader.
  • The Communist Party candidate started the year with 7.6% of support, but has already lost about 0.7% of the votes of potential voters. You shouldn't be surprised at this. The traditional communist electorate experiences cognitive dissonance because the interests of the proletariat at the highest level will be represented by a billionaire capitalist. Scandals surrounding P. Grudinin's undeclared funds in foreign bank accounts also do not contribute to the growth of popularity.
  • K. Sobchak, considering participation in the presidential elections as self-promotion for the future, lost about 0.5% of the rating. This is quite logical, because the main thing in the company of the odious "liberal" is shocking. Hence the statements about Crimea, Donbass, same-sex marriages, and other things that do not find support in society. In a negative light, Ksenia Anatolyevna is also presented with constant attempts to please the West.
  • G. Yavlinsky, resurrected from relative political oblivion, is still unable to enlist the support of even a part of the electorate that Yabloko once possessed. In February, as in December, no more than 1% of voters would vote for him.
  • Business Ombudsman B. Titov and the Party of Growth, from which he goes to the elections, represent the interests of a very small part of society. The number of his supporters practically did not increase.
  • M. Suraykin and S. Baburin in December were outsiders of the presidential race. Over the past period, their position in the table of ranks has not changed.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the current dynamics of the survey results below. For clarity, you can turn off unnecessary answers by clicking on them below the graph.

What is the most likely outcome of the 2018 presidential election? What places will the campaigners eventually take?

Final forecast: Putin and everyone else

Now the most interesting stage of the struggle for the Kremlin starts. Candidates for victory in the 2018 elections in Russia will begin face-to-face and correspondence debates, advertise their election programs in every possible way, and actively meet with the electorate. It is clear that the election to the post of head of state V. Putin is a given. However, the intrigue regarding the distribution of places from 2 to 8 will persist for a long time. It remains to do a thankless job - predictions.

V. Putin will definitely win the elections. A huge number of his supporters will come to the polling stations, who do not consider it necessary to fill out the questionnaires of sociologists. Most citizens pin their hopes for a prosperous future with the name of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Many believe that the victorious president, who this time deliberately abstracted himself from political parties and movements, will devote the next six years to fighting corruption, reforming legislation, and strengthening the economic and political might of the Russian Federation. From 60 to 80% of Russians will vote for him.

The main intrigue of these elections is whether Pavel Grudinin will be able to bypass Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky can get 8-12% of the vote. Zhirinovsky's second will be a remarkable result of his undoubtedly brilliant political career. After the next elections, most likely, the LDPR will lead new leaders.

The Communist Party is facing difficult times. Perhaps the promotion of P. Grudinin was a tactical mistake of the patriarch, who was almost ready to transfer the steering wheel of the communist ship to other hands. A traditionally disciplined electorate will vote for the party's candidacy. Considering its reduction due to natural and introduced reasons, the support of 7-10% of voters will be a successful outcome. However, Grudinin himself states that he expects to receive at least 15%.

For the rest of the applicants, reaching a 2% rating will be a huge success. Ms. Sobchak will have to make sure that the presidential election is not a TV show, but G. Yavlinsky in a deep crisis of Russian liberalism. B Titov and Co. are terribly far from the people, S. Baburin and M. Suraikin simply do not have the necessary political weight, serious electoral support.

It will be possible to verify the accuracy of the forecasts made very soon. Perhaps one of the candidates will make an impressive leap forward and disprove analysts' assumptions. Well, it will be all the more interesting to observe the ups and downs of the political struggle.

“The turnout will be regularly updated online, the results will be displayed on the screen of the Information Center of the CEC of Russia,” said Chairwoman Ella Pamfilova.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the CEC of Russia Nikolai Bulaev, the turnout in the voting in the Russian Federation at 17:00 Moscow time was 51.9 percent.

Now everyone can watch the turnout figure in real time at

Russian presidential elections in 2018. Intermediate results of candidates, what is known

The page contains the results of the first round of voting, which was published on the website of an independent publication. So who is in the lead in the presidential race in Russia?

Who will win the elections? (opinions of people before 02/27/2018)
Candidates Number of votes Votes as a percentage
Grigory Yavlinsky 2573 people 1,14%
Vladimir Zhirinovsky 10802 people 4,79%
Maxim Suraykin 667 people 0,30%
Vladimir Putin 62308 people 27,60%
Pavel Grudinin 140184 people 62,10%
Ksenia Sobchak 7177 people 3,18%
Sergey Baburin 822 people 0,36%
Boris Titov 1189 people 0,53%
Total Voted: 235,228 people

The rating of the leaders of the second round of voting for the post of the head of the Russian Federation in an unofficial source

Rating of candidates in an unofficial vote
Candidates Number of votes Votes as a percentage
Grigory Yavlinsky 162 people 0,67%
Vladimir Zhirinovsky 879 people 3,66%
Maxim Suraykin 159 people 0,66%
Vladimir Putin 4624 people 19,26%
Pavel Grudinin 17699 people 73,72%
Ksenia Sobchak 663 people 2,76%
Sergey Baburin 184 people 0,77%
Boris Titov 154 people 0,64%
Total Voted: 24 008 people

We would like to remind you that this is just the own data of an independent information source. The real leaders in the 2018 presidential elections can be observed on the CEC website. By going to the official resource of the Central Election Commission (, you can see the leaders of the pre-election race and get the election result.

Preliminary results and turnout of the 2018 elections

Voter turnout

Voter turnout in the presidential elections in Russia as of 19:00 Moscow time was 59.5%. This was stated in the press service of the CEC.

“The average turnout in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation is 51.9%. Now on the screens of the information center the turnout data will be updated every three minutes, ”the press service said in Telegram.

Earlier, the Central Election Commission said that the presidential elections are held at the highest level of openness.

In the course of polls conducted before election day, about 74% of the participants promised that they would definitely come to the elections, 9% were undecided about the answer. The overall turnout confirmed the predictions of sociologists - 64% -67% of the population in all regions of the country attended the elections.

The CEC approved a budget of 17.6 billion rubles for the elections, most of which was spent on organizing the work of precinct commissions and informing citizens about voting.

It is interesting!

Oldest Russian citizen, 122 years old, voted in elections

Six villages in Chukotka noted a 100% voter turnout. In addition, 16 settlements in Chukotka showed a turnout of over 90%.

Voter turnout for ISS reached 100 percent

Preliminary results of presidential elections

On the eve of the elections, experts from the Social Research Institute conducted polls, during which the following voter preferences were revealed:

  • for Putin - 69%;
  • for Grudinin - 7%;
  • for Baburin - 1%;
  • for Zhirinovsky - 5%;
  • Sobchak - 2%;
  • Suraykin - less than 1%;
  • Titov - less than 1%;
  • Yavlinsky - 1%.

The poll was completed in early March this year. The study involved 4,000 adult Russians. Possible statistical error - no more than 1.6%.

Electoral violations

Most of the incoming reports of voting irregularities in the presidential elections in Russia are fake; at the moment, only one message has been confirmed, Alena Bulgakova, head of the executive committee of the Observer Corps for Clean Elections, told RIA Novosti.

According to her, so far only the information about the ballot stuffing in the city of Artyom in the Primorsky Territory has been confirmed, where the group has already left together with the secretary of the regional election commission.

The stuffing of ballots was recorded at one of the polling stations in Lyubertsy, the ballot box was sealed, said Irina Konovalova, chairman of the Moscow Regional Electoral Commission.

“Our federal coordinator is also in place to keep us informed,” she said.

During the online marathon "Election Night", the federal coordinator of the "National Public Monitoring" Roman Kolomoitsev said that representatives of his organization also went to the site in Artem.

Note that earlier there was a video showing the ballot stuffing in Lyubertsy.

Recall that eight people are running for the post of President of Russia, who is elected on March 18: Vladimir Putin (self-nominated candidate), Sergei Baburin (the Russian National Union party), Pavel Grudinin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR), Ksenia Sobchak (Civil initiative "), Maxim Suraykin (" Communists of Russia "), Boris Titov (Party of Growth), Grigory Yavlinsky (" Yabloko ").

Who is leading the 2018 elections? Information from VTsIOM

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