Nervous system calming pills are a strong list. List of effective sedative pills. Sedative combined type

Electric 26.08.2020

The modern rhythm of life leaves a negative imprint on the psycho-emotional state of every person. Endless stress and daily stress provoke nervous breakdowns not only among women, but also among men. This explains the importance of knowing drugs that calm the nervous system, which can be purchased without a prescription from a specialist. Such knowledge can select the most effective remedy that has a small number of side effects. In this article, we'll take a look at a variety of over-the-counter sedatives.

Stress and psychological stress make a person nervous and withdrawn in their inner world.

How sedatives work

Medicines used to reduce the excitement of the nervous system are called sedatives. Medicines from this category are often used as part of the complex therapy of depression, neuroses and anxiety disorders. The composition of such funds enhances the inhibition of nervous processes, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity and elimination of irritation. In addition, the effect of drugs extends to the autonomic system, which manifests itself in the form of normalization of the heartbeat, reduction of sweating and elimination of intestinal spasms.

Strong anti-anxiety tablets can belong to different pharmacological groups. Most often, these drugs belong to the category of hypnotics, antipsychotics, antidepressants and analgesics. Many of the drugs have side effects, which suggests the need for the correct approach to their use.

It is important to note that even the misuse of soothing herbal infusions can negatively affect the nervous system.

The correct approach to the selection of medicines allows you to reduce the severity of symptoms of neurasthenia and neurosis within a short period of time. By using sedatives, insomnia and other sleep disorders can be cured. The selection of such medicines should be handled by a specialist who knows about all the features and nuances in their use. In addition to all of the above, it should be borne in mind that a nervous breakdown can be one of the manifestations of a serious mental disorder.

Over-the-counter sedatives

Sedatives come in many dosage forms. They are made as tablets, drops, tinctures, and injections. It is important to note that preparations made in the form of injection solutions should be used only after a doctor's prescription.

Homeopathic remedies are one of the most common medicinal groups with sedative effects. The advantage of this drug group is the absence of side effects and restrictions on use. Due to this feature, such drugs can be used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system in pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. It is also important to note that the lack of a hypnotic effect allows you to take such drugs in situations where it is important to maintain the maximum level of concentration.

For neuroses and neurasthenia, it is recommended to combine strong psychiatric pills with conventional anti-stress drugs

Below is a list of non-prescription soothing pills:

  • "Tenoten";
  • "Gelarium";
  • "Nervohel";
  • "Neurosed";
  • Leovit.

In this list, one should highlight such a drug as "Nervohel". Its use is prescribed for patients with increased nervous excitability, neuroses, insomnia or menopause. It is possible to use the medicine to treat diseases of the nervous system in children, starting from the age of three. It is possible to take the medicine during pregnancy and during breastfeeding only after the approval of the attending physician. Among the side effects, possible allergic reactions should be highlighted in case of intolerance to individual components.

Also, mention should be made of such a medicine as "Alora". Despite the fact that this drug is not included in the above list, "Alora" is often prescribed to patients with increased sensitivity of the nervous system. Thanks to its calming and anticonvulsant effect, the drug reduces the level of irritation and eliminates anxiety. This remedy is prescribed in the presence of a depressive disorder, insomnia, asthenia and other diseases of the central nervous system. It is not recommended to use this drug for people with hypersensitivity, due to the high risk of side effects.

Solutions containing alcohol

  1. "Sedariston" - this herbal preparation is based on medicinal herbs. Due to its effectiveness, "Sedariston" is often used in the complex therapy of neurotic disorders.
  2. "Valokordin" - a sedative drug endowed with sedative and hypnotic effects. The use of this remedy allows you to reduce nervous excitement, eliminate anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. It should be noted that the duration of treatment with this pharmacological product is determined on the basis of the disease.
  3. "Drops of Zelenin" - This medication is recommended in the presence of diseases such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, renal colic and heart failure. Side effects include a decrease in muscle tone, allergic reactions, bouts of vomiting and dizziness, migraines and dry mouth.
  4. "Corvalol" - this drug contains both herbal and chemical components. Despite the high similarity with Valocordin, Corvalol has a milder effect on the body. This pharmacological product can be used not only as a sedative, but also as a mild sleeping pill. Reception "Corvalol" allows you to normalize cardiac activity and expand the walls of the vascular system. Among the side effects of this medication, one should highlight the occurrence of allergies, a decrease in blood pressure and attacks of dizziness. Prolonged use of the medication can lead to the development of addiction.
  5. "Nervoflux" - a herbal preparation used for insomnia and chronic stress. The medicine is based on medicinal herbs such as valerian, lavender and licorice. Medicinal tea is made on the basis of Nervoflux.

Most sedatives are available without a doctor's prescription.

Combined funds

This drug group includes medicines, whose composition is based on both herbal and chemical components. Due to the mild effect on the nervous system and the absence of stress on the internal organs, this group of medicines is considered one of the harmless ones. Just twenty minutes after taking the drug is enough to achieve a sedative effect. In this category of drugs, it is necessary to highlight such medicines as "Persen", "Notta", "Sedafiton", "Neuroplapnt" and "Novo-Passit".

It is important to pay attention to the fact that combination preparations are also available in the form of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Among this category of medicines should be distinguished "Sedavit" and "Deprivit" normalizing the sleep process and the activity of the central nervous system.
In this drug group, the undoubted leader is Novo-Passit. This drug is made on the basis of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort and other herbs. Thanks to its calming effect, Novo-Passit helps to increase resistance to stress, eliminate insomnia and migraines. This pharmaceutical product is indicated for chronic emotional and anxiety disorders.

Also worth mentioning is the efficiency of Persen, which is one of the analogues of Novo-Passit. Just as in the case of the previous medicine, the composition of "Persen" is based on herbal extracts. It is recommended to use the tablets in case of increased nervous excitement, irritability, problems with sleep and stress.

Synthetic medicines and other drug groups

In the presence of pronounced disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, anxiety disorders and excessive irritability, potent drugs made from synthetic components are prescribed. Among the medicines from this list, one should highlight "Andante", "Tizercin", "Glycine", "Risset" and "Melaxen".

Ideally, any nerve sedative should be prescribed by a doctor.

Among individual representatives of other drug groups, Tenoten tablets should be distinguished. This drug belongs to the category of nootropic drugs with anxiolytic dynamics. The use of the product allows you to reduce anxiety, relieve nervous tension and reduce the severity of depression. Due to the elimination of depression, "Tenoten" is used as a prophylactic agent for chronic stress. One of the popular nootropic drugs used to reduce nervous tension is Phenibut. This medicine normalizes physical and mental activity, has a beneficial effect on memory functions and eliminates insomnia.

From the category of light tranquilizers, Afobazol tablets should be distinguished. The use of this drug can eliminate the symptoms of anxiety disorder. Taking the drug has a positive effect on the rate of intracellular division, which has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system.

Many people are interested in soothing injections, the name of which will be listed below:

  • "Gemenevrin";
  • Flormidal;
  • Rohypnol;
  • Dormikum.

It is important to note that drugs on this list are sold only with a prescription from a doctor, as there is a high likelihood of side effects.

Baby sedatives

For small children suffering from diseases of the nervous system, "Glycine" is most often recommended. The amino acid in its composition reduces nervous tension, normalizes brain activity and eliminates sleep disturbances. Along with this drug, Citral, Magne B6 and Tenoten can be prescribed.

With pronounced psychomotor agitation, Phenibut, Phenazepam and Sibazon are prescribed. These medications help relieve anxiety, panic attacks, and agitation. It is important to pay attention to the fact that these drugs are addictive, therefore, when taking them, it is not recommended to deviate from the treatment regimen.

During treatment with strong sedatives, as a rule, there is a decrease in alertness, drowsiness, lethargy, muscle weakness

Soothing for pregnant women

During pregnancy, hormonal changes begin in a woman's body, provoking nervousness, frequent mood swings and irritability. In order to eliminate these symptoms, herbal remedies such as Valerian, Persen and Motherwort are used. It is important to note that the above medications can only be used after consulting your doctor.

Throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of any pharmaceutical product is not recommended. During this period of time, many systems and organs of the embryo are formed. The use of potent drugs can cause fetal development disorders and cause various pathologies.

What is the danger of taking sedatives

Each pharmaceutical product, in addition to beneficial effects, is endowed with various side effects. Incorrect use of medications, missed appointments and increased dosage can cause allergies, dizziness, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Special care should be taken when taking medications that negatively affect the functionality of internal organs and blood pressure indicators.

Over-the-counter sedatives can cause drowsiness, decreased concentration, and dizziness. In order to avoid such phenomena, you should consult with a specialist in advance about the appropriateness of their use. The tablets should be used in strict accordance with the treatment regimen.

Stress and anxiety happen to every person. The reason for this may be: a bad environment at work and at home, a personality trait, and much more. Some people use sedatives or antidepressants to combat feelings of anxiety and fear. Below we take a look at the very best sedatives from customer reviews.

What are the sedatives?

The modern pace of life forces people to increasingly resort to the help of drugs. This article will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a sedative.

So, all sedatives sold in the pharmacy are divided into 2 types: vegetable and synthetic origin.

Herbal preparations (herbs, fees, tinctures)

Tinctures, herbs and preparations can be bought at almost any pharmacy, and they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The effect of the application does not occur earlier than after a week of stable intake (1-2 times a day, depending on the remedy).

As a rule, all herbal preparations have less harmful effects on the human body, and the result remains for a long time. The most popular herbal sedatives are valerian, motherwort extract, peony extract, St. John's wort, and so on.

Valerian is one of the first in our rating. According to customer reviews, Valerian does an excellent job of relieving the excitability of the nervous system, has a calming effect on it. It also helps with headaches, reduces spasms in the intestines and much more.

Preparations of synthetic origin and others

Long-term use of synthetic sedatives can cause addictions and numerous side effects. That is why we recommend that you first consult with your doctor before using them!

Synthetic drugs are also divided into 3 types:

  • Tranquilizers - psychotropic medications that relieve anxiety, fear and other similar symptoms in patients.
  • Antipsychotics - psychotropic drugs that effectively affect depression, delusions, hallucinations, and the like.
  • Normotimics - drugs to stabilize mood.

Strong sedatives cause irreversible changes in the body, including the brain, if taken randomly or without medical supervision.

Non-prescription sedatives

Before purchasing medicines, you should always consult with the appropriate doctor. Ignoring going to the doctor can lead to unwanted side effects and addiction.

Some people are used to self-medication, so many sedatives are available over the counter without a prescription. A short description on our website will help you to choose the right drug.

Carefully study the composition, indications for use, method of application and side effects. These points will help you quickly get rid of symptoms and avoid complications.


CategoryNameRating (based on user reviews)Price
Best sedatives for adults 4.9 / 5 270 ₽
4.6 / 5 40 ₽
4.8 / 5 190 ₽
4.6 / 5 220 ₽
4.9 / 5 140 ₽
4.3 / 5 160 ₽
4.2 / 5 350 ₽
4.7 / 5 270 ₽
5 / 5 70 ₽
Best sedatives for children 4.5 / 5 200 ₽
4.7 / 5 490 ₽

Sedatives for adults

Below are the most popular products for men and women according to customer reviews. Description, method of application and side effects taken from official sources.

Afobazol (Aphobazolum)

An effective remedy for dealing with anxiety and stress. It has no effect on memory, attention and muscle activity, does not cause drowsiness in patients and loss of concentration. The dose is assigned to each person individually (on average - 30 mg per day), and the course of treatment ranges from one week to a month. The effect of Afobazol can be seen after 5-7 days of daily use.

Indications for use: anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, after smoking cessation disorder, and the like. The drug is recommended for use by persons over 18 years of age.

pros :

  • Can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.
  • Reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep, improves mood.
  • There is no "withdrawal syndrome" after application.
  • Not addictive.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


The active ingredient is dry valerian extract. This drug is intended for direct effects on the central nervous system. It reduces nervous excitability, effectively fights insomnia, and helps with some disorders of the cardiovascular system. We recommend taking 1-2 Valerian tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is individual in each case, and is prescribed by the attending physician.

The drug does an excellent job with the task (it normalizes the work of the nervous system). In order for the effect of the drug to become permanent, you need to drink the full course for several weeks.

Benefits :

  • An excellent remedy for insomnia.
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.
  • The effect comes pretty quickly.
  • Vegetable origin.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women.


The main active ingredients in the preparation Valemidin: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint. Valerian and motherwort have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Hawthorn affects the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heartbeat rhythm. Peppermint dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow to the brain.

The drug is excellent for insomnia, stress, anxiety and the like. The herbal components of the preparation are well absorbed by the body. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, often the course is prescribed for 10-15 days.

Advantages :

  • Helps with sleep disorders and insomnia.
  • Retains memory and concentration.
  • Convenient drip dispenser.
  • Vegetable origin.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.
  • Contains diphenhydramine.

Deprim forte

A sedative to improve the condition of the nervous system. The main active ingredient is St. John's wort. Deprim Forte has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces emotional and physical fatigue, improves mood, and improves sleep quality. The drug is also prescribed for people who are hypersensitive to weather changes.

Pros according to customer reviews :

  • Herbal remedy, active ingredient St. John's wort.
  • Helps relieve stress, fatigue.
  • Improves mood and sleep quality.
  • Helps people with weather sensitivity.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


Motherwort tincture is a mild sedative that helps calm nerves and relieve stress. In addition, this drug is recommended for the treatment of a number of other diseases (asthma, shortness of breath, flatulence, and so on). It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids.

Due to its composition, the medicinal plant helps to lower blood pressure, normalize the heart rate, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Advantages :

  • A good sedative for little money.
  • Natural preparation.
  • Effectively helps against a number of diseases.
  • Has a mild sedative effect.

disadvantages :

  • Not found.


The drug is used by patients with an increased sense of anxiety, constant irritability, stress, and the like. This remedy does not have a sedative effect on the body (does not cause drowsiness and fatigue), and it can be used with other medicines.

The drug affects the processes of "excitation-inhibition", which means that it does not inhibit the nervous system. After applying Tenoten, the effect lasts for one month.

Benefits according to user reviews :

  • Does not cause drowsiness and inhibition of reactions.
  • Improves mood, efficiency, improves quality of life.
  • Alcohol free.
  • Not addictive.
  • For children and adolescents, there is Tenoten for children.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.

Persen (Persen)

Persen is a herbal sedative that contains valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. These components help to cope with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and low attention. If you take the pills during the day, then drowsiness will not appear. After the end of the course of treatment, patients do not develop a "withdrawal syndrome".

You should carefully consider taking Persen with other medications, as it enhances the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that affect the central nervous system.

pros :

  • Contains ingredients of natural origin.
  • Well relieves irritability and anxiety.
  • Helps sleep with insomnia (does not cause drowsiness during the day).
  • Suitable for adults and children (from 12 years old).
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


One of the most popular sedatives is Novo-passit. It contains 7 medicinal plants, and a semi-synthetic component, guaifenesin. Due to such a diverse composition, Novo-Passit is successfully used for a wide range of indications. This medication calms and relieves anxiety after the first use. The drug can be used once.

Novo-passit is suitable for adults and children over 12 years old. According to the manufacturer, this drug is prescribed for the following complaints: "manager's syndrome", fear, fatigue, anxiety, stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, some types of insomnia.

Benefits :

  • Effectively combats stress and anxiety.
  • A wide range of indications (insomnia, migraines, gastrointestinal diseases).
  • Begins to act after the first dose.
  • A wide range, you can choose a package of any size.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.

Phytosedan No. 2 and No. 3

Phytosedan is a multicomponent collection that contains only natural herbs (valerian, motherwort, soulwort, thyme). It is used mainly for the treatment of hyperexcitability, sleep disorders and arterial hypertension.

After applying a sedative, drowsiness does not appear, but you need to be careful when engaging in hazardous activities. Despite the combination of various herbs, tea has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Benefits :

  • Has a mild sedative effect.
  • It is 100% natural.
  • Low packaging price.
  • Nice taste and smell.
  • Packaged release form, convenient to brew.

disadvantages :

  • Not found

Sedatives for children

It is very important for children to choose a natural product that will have a mild calming effect. Below we take a look at the best sedatives for children according to customer reviews.


This drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes in nerve cells. The drug helps to reduce tension, anxiety, fear. It is also recommended to use it for insomnia and nightmares. For the treatment of tics, stuttering and bedwetting in children.

Under the influence of the active substance phenibut, attention, memory, and the speed of sensory-motor reactions improve. The absorption of the drug is high. User reviews of the drug are mostly positive.

Benefits :

  • Quickly soothes after ingestion.
  • Relieves insomnia and anxiety.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Relatively low price.
  • Helps with severe excitability in a child.

disadvantages :

  • Not suitable for everyone.


Due to constant exposure to stress and other negative factors, the psycho-emotional background of a person is disturbed. Therefore, it is so important to have on hand a sedative that saves from the nerves. Fortunately for modern people, many drugs are dispensed by pharmacies. All of them differ in composition, speed of action and special indications for admission.

Pros and cons of a sedative

Sedatives that put the emotional environment in order and reduce nervous tension have certain characteristics. Their presence in the body can both bring value and harm.


  • eliminates tearfulness, excessive excitability;
  • fights apathy, causeless anger and irritation;
  • improves sleep;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • relieves stuttering and tremors (tremors) of the hands;
  • reduces sweating;
  • improves cognitive function;
  • relaxes, improves mood;
  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • makes a person immune to extraneous stimuli.


  • causes drowsiness for 6 hours after administration;
  • provokes withdrawal syndrome (not always);
  • sometimes not combined with other medicines;
  • requires dosage compliance.

The sedative, judging by the information above, has more benefits. It is prescribed for nerves in individuals prone to breakdowns, sleep problems, mood swings and apathy.

Most effective sedatives

Since many different medications can be used to calm the nerves, relieve stress and bring the psyche back to normal, we will consider the most in demand. We have compiled a rating that will help you make the right choice with all the variety of sedatives.

# 1. Tenoten

Price - 325 rubles. Relieves nervous tension, controls the stability of the psycho-emotional environment, relaxes and improves mood (stimulates the production of endorphins). A distinctive feature of "Tenoten" is the absence of addiction and withdrawal syndrome. The drug is combined with other medicines, but it is forbidden to take it along with alcohol. A sedative is drunk from the nerves during a meal in the amount of 1-2 tablets. Frequency - twice a day. In the absence of the desired effect, you can increase the frequency of receptions up to 4 times. Treatment lasts at least a month.

# 2. Afobazol

Price - 420 rubles. Good nerve pills to combat severe nervousness, unreasonable anxiety, rapid heart rate and insomnia. Afobazol helps to relieve the symptoms of smoking cessation, but can provoke weakness and headaches. Three times a day, 1 unit of the drug is taken. The treatment lasts at least a month. During this period, the work of the nervous system is normalized, the person becomes immune to extraneous stimuli.

Number 3. Phenibut

Price - 220-450 rubles. A very powerful sedative that is prescribed for nerves and hyperexcitability. Additional indications for use include hand tremors, poor memory, sleep problems and frequent awakenings at night, obsessive thoughts, a tendency to depression, apathy and poor memory. "Phenibut" eliminates emotional disturbances caused by stress and lack of sleep. Reception is carried out three times a day. The treatment lasts a month.

No. 4. Noxiron

Price - 160 rubles. For some, it is the best sedative that is almost impossible to find on the market. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against sleep disorders, overexertion, stress, causeless anxiety, outbursts of aggression and other troubles of this kind. The drug is more aimed at normalizing night rest. A person does not wake up broken, he rests. After agreement with the doctor, the medicine is drunk in 0.5-1 tablets half an hour before going to bed.

Best alcohol-based sedatives

Each of the sedatives listed below relieves nerves. It is suitable for women and men, and refers to a quick-acting sedative.

# 1. Zelenin drops

Price - 100 rubles. The herbal antispasmodic drug acts as a good sedative. The tool enhances the effect of taking sleeping pills and sedatives, which can be considered both a plus and a minus. You need to calculate the dosage strictly according to the instructions. Take the product in the amount of 20-25 drops three times a day, mixing with half a glass of water.

# 2. Valocordin

Price - 130 rubles. A powerful relaxing and sedative drug that does not cause withdrawal. It is taken for difficulty falling asleep, anxiety, inconsistent heart rate, irritability. The dose is calculated strictly individually. As a rule, with three daily use, it is enough to take 15 drops at a time and mix with water.

Number 3. Nervoflux

Price - 290 rubles. A highly effective sedative. He is prescribed to take the nerves and stress caused by extreme fatigue and overstrain. For this reason, the remedy is more suitable for men who work physically or mentally. Treatment is without addiction. The product is dispensed dry. For cooking, you need to mix 1 tsp. with 200 ml. boiling water and use before a night's rest. Sometimes the amount of tea is increased to 3 cups per day.

No. 4. Sedariston

Price - 1000 rubles. The drug is available in capsule form, developed on a plant basis (valerian, St. John's wort). Among the indications for admission, it makes sense to single out sleep problems, increased anxiety, constant exposure to stress, irritability, mental and physical exhaustion. When taking medication, it is forbidden to bask in the sun and visit the solarium. 4 units of funds are allocated per day. Reception is divided into 2-4 times, extreme use should be carried out before bedtime. For the best effect, the sedative is taken from the nerves for 4 weeks.

No. 5. Corvalol

Price - 45 rubles. Antispasmodic and sedative that deeply relaxes and relieves insomnia. Relieves muscle tension, normalizes psycho-emotional background, acts quickly. Available in drip form. The product must be kept under the tongue or drunk by mixing with water. In 30-60 minutes, a person completely relaxes. It is allowed to take "Corvalol" 3 times, 20-30 drops per day.

Effective plant-based sedatives

Developed entirely from natural ingredients, sedatives are ideal for the nervous system. They act softer, therefore they are considered safe and do not need specialist approval.

# 1. Calm down

Price - 90 rubles. The sedative effect is accompanied by muscle relaxation, a slight feeling of drowsiness, and increased mood. Alcohol enhances the effect of the drug, therefore it is better to refuse alcohol during treatment. The product is safe, it is absorbed under the tongue up to 3 times a day in the amount of 0.5-1 tablets. The therapy lasts 3 weeks.

# 2. Neurosed

Price - 180 rubles. A sedative is great for nerves and emotional stress. The drug eliminates sleep disorders, increased excitability, insomnia. It is not recommended to drive after taking the medication. Take 8 capsules three times a day, half an hour before meals. Suck under the tongue until completely dissolved.

Number 3. Alora

Price - 350 rubles. It is recommended to drink the remedy for causeless insomnia, stress, depression, irritability, disturbed sleep. Take 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day. If you have difficulty falling asleep, drink 2 tsp. at night. The active composition is not addictive.

No. 4. Nervohel

Price - 550 rubles. The antidepressant has a hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect. It is often used to treat stuttering and tremors. The positive impact is achieved by improving the functioning of all systems and organs. Suck 1 tablet under the tongue three times a day.

No. 5. Alvogen

Price - 400 rubles. This nerve relief sedative is made from a plant basis. Drugs such as Alvogen are available over the counter. The basis includes natural ingredients with a pronounced calming effect. After meals, take 1 capsule up to 3 times a day.

Combined sedatives

A powerful sedative with a combined composition. Most often, fast-acting drugs are dispensed without a prescription. Medicines do not adversely affect the human body.

# 1. Phytosed

Price - 1000 rubles. The sedative effect occurs after the first dose. The effect lasts up to 4 hours. The drug fights insomnia, neurosis, hypertension, overexcitation. Since the active ingredients relax muscles and inhibit the reaction, the drug is not recommended for drivers. Reception is carried out up to 4 times a day for 1 tsp. The duration of the course should not exceed 1 month.

# 2. Persen Forte

Price - 300 rubles. Since "Persen" helps to calm the nerves and relieve stress, let's get acquainted with the drug in more detail. The medicine is prescribed for increased mental stress, insomnia and severe irritability. It is drunk in the amount of 2 capsules one hour before a meal. The therapy lasts a month.

Number 3. Novo-Passit

Price - 200 rubles. A sedative is prescribed not only for the nerves, but also for headaches, migraines, and stiff joints. The drug is drunk in 1 tsp. up to 3 times throughout the day. It is recommended to take it with food to avoid digestive problems.

No. 4. Dormiplant

Price - 400 rubles. The drug eliminates unreasonable anxiety, irritability, fear. The active composition fights restless sleep and insomnia. The tool is taken 3 times a day, 2 tablets. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

With nervousness and increased emotional stress, sedatives should be chosen carefully. They will help if the problem occurs intermittently. In other cases, it is better to consult a doctor to cope with a chronic ailment.

To suppress internal anxiety, excitement and irritability, doctors prescribe sedatives. And sedative action - what is it? Simply put, these are medications that calm the nervous system. They allow you to overcome neuroses and other disorders that worsen the quality of life and negatively affect mood.

What drugs are sedative?

The action of sedatives is aimed at stimulating the calm activity of the nervous system and weakening the excitation of impulses in the brain.

Such funds perform functions important for a person:

  • Promote early falling asleep and deep continuous healthy sleep.
  • Reduces internal anxiety.
  • They regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • They enhance the properties of some drugs (painkillers and hypnotics).

For the most part, sedatives do not cause side effects, addiction and do not negatively affect the work of internal organs and systems. The advantage of such remedies is that they are well tolerated by almost everyone who takes them. It is with this positive effect, how the sedative acts on a person, that it is often used in therapy for the elderly and pregnant women.

It is forbidden to take drugs with a sedative effect for people who, during their course, continue to work with dangerous goods, mechanisms, are engaged in activities related to driving.

Sedatives may have little effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. For the rest, doctors give preference to these very sedative drugs, even if there are other strong-acting drugs in modern pharmacology.

When should you take sedatives?

Tablets with a sedative effect are currently in a large assortment in pharmacies. When should you seek their help? The nervous system in a healthy person should be in a state of balance. Under the influence of negative internal or external factors, it is disturbed, and a person becomes emotionally hot-tempered, cannot control himself and sometimes even give an account of his actions.

To balance such disorders, sedative substances are prescribed. They allow to improve the quality of life of both the patient himself and his close environment. Various factors can provoke neurosis, stress or feelings similar to these states.

These include:

  1. Problems at work or school.
  2. Passing exams or reports.
  3. Conflict in the family or at work / school.
  4. Overwork and insomnia.

In most cases, a mild sedative can help, which can be obtained over the counter without a prescription. In more complex and serious situations, the appointment of a potent drug with the desired sedative effect is done by a qualified specialist.

Classification of sedative drugs

Besides the fact that sedative drugs are powerful and light, they are also divided by the nature of their origin.

When classifying, the following main groups of funds are distinguished:

  1. Bromides containing potassium and sodium.
  2. Herbal medicines.
  3. Combined phytopreparations.

The active ingredient in the first category of sedatives is the bromine anion. The main form of release of such funds: solutions and potions. This is done in order to reduce their irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The work of bromides is aimed at activating the processes of inhibition of impulses in the cerebral cortex. A large dose of such a sedative can cause seizures, and a toxic one (causing pathological changes in the body) provokes coma. These sedatives are excreted mainly through the kidneys within 12 days, exactly the same amount of time their action lasts.

Herbal sedatives are made on the basis of valerian, peony, motherwort and passionflower. They relax the body, allow you to achieve peace of mind and tranquility. Such drugs are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, alcohol tinctures, dry raw materials in disposable sachets or general packaging. This does not affect the strength of their action.

Combined sedative drugs are those in which there is simultaneously a complex of active active ingredients. Their effect on the body is stronger than other anti-anxiety drugs.

When and how to take bromides?

Bromides are synthetic sedatives that are prescribed at the initial stage of hypertension, for insomnia, for hysteria and neuroses.

The indications for the use of these sedatives can also be a complex therapy carried out in the treatment of epilepsy.

It is necessary to use these drugs with a sedative effect according to the following scheme:

  • Inside and before meals.
  • The dosage is no more than 1 gram at a time.
  • The multiplicity of daily dosages is 3-4 times.

IMPORTANT! To minimize the side effect of taking bromides, regular bowel cleansing, mouth rinsing, and water procedures will allow. To enhance the effect of the properties of the drug, one should limit the consumption of table salt.

The dosage in each case is selected individually for the patient and depends on the reasons for the appointment. After the first intake of such a sedative, the result will not be noticeable. The medicine has a cumulative effect, so you can feel its effect after at least 3-4 days. The total duration of the course with bromine-containing is 2-3 weeks.

Bromides with a potassium compound, which have a sedative effect, can also be produced in powder and tablet form. The liquid form of release with various dosages is used mainly for use in children. The drops are mixed with any fruit syrup and given to the child. To reduce the irritating effect of bromides on the intestines, the doctor may additionally prescribe reparants (substances that stimulate the regeneration of the gastric membrane).

Plant-based sedatics: indications and treatment

Herbal medicines in their properties and effects can be compared with the simultaneous intake of caffeine and bromide.

The main indications for the use of these sedatives are:

  • Insomnia.
  • Hysteria.
  • Neurosis.
  • Arrhythmia in a mild form.
  • Cardioneurosis.

Also, preparations based on a plant with a calming effect are actively used in the complex therapy of angina pectoris or hypertension. The prescribed dosage of sedatives depends on the age of the patient and the severity of his condition. The effect of the sedative effect becomes noticeable within a few minutes after ingestion.

The course of application depends on the plant on the basis of which the medicine is made:

  1. On valerian: the duration of the course does not exceed 10 days. 3-5 receptions are allowed per day.
  2. On motherwort: 3-4 doses per day, 30-50 drops at a time. The medicine should be taken before meals. For brewing dry raw materials, 1 tbsp is enough.
  3. On medicinal peony: the course of treatment is about 20-30 days. A single dosage of 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day.
  4. Passionflower (passionflower): taken no more than 4 times a day. In the form of release in tablets - 1 or 2 pcs., In syrup - 5-10 ml.

If there are contraindications or personal intolerance to any herbal sedative medicine, you should stop taking it.

The choice of sedatives is large enough to find an analogue suitable for sedation. Preparations based on valerian are able to enhance the properties of taken sleeping pills, tranquilizers or antipsychotics.

List of sedatives

To relieve psychomotor agitation, the patient can be prescribed sedatives, the action of which is much more effective and faster. This mechanism of operation became possible due to the content of several plant sedates in their composition at once.

The list of such sedative drugs includes:

Corvalol based on valerian and mint. It also contains alcohol and phenobarbital.



Valocormid based on valerian, lily of the valley, sodium bromide, menthol and belladonna.

This is an incomplete list of the names of such drugs. They differ in their composition, price and potency. These sedative medications are widely used in modern medicine.

What is glycine and how to use it?

Glycine refers to amino acids that are actively involved in many processes in the human body. It belongs to drugs with sedative action. Its advantage lies in the ease of penetration into almost all tissues and body fluids; it reaches the brain without any problems.

This medicine has the following effects:

  1. Improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system.
  2. Eliminates depressive moods.
  3. Relieves irritability.
  4. Promotes fast sleep.
  5. Improves blood flow to the brain.

The sedation of this drug has been tested for years. He is actively prescribed to suppress hyperactive actions, with neuroses, psychoemotional overexertion, sleep problems and decreased mental activity. It is used in complex therapy for recovery from craniocerebral trauma, encephalopathy and ischemic stroke. These sedatives affect the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

IMPORTANT! It is prohibited to take glycine in case of personal intolerance to the medicinal component.

Glycine release form - tablets. The maximum daily dosage of sedative is 0.3 grams. It should be divided in equal parts into 2-3 daily intake. The duration of the course is no more than 1 month. To be effective, the tablets should be dissolved under the tongue until they disappear completely.

Side effects of sedatives

Drugs that have a sedative effect on the human body can sometimes cause side effects when taken. Their list for this kind of drugs is quite wide, but not fully understood.

Therefore, when prescribing sedatives, their use should be taken seriously. You should be in constant contact with your doctor in order to identify developing pathologies in time. In each case, their effect can be completely different.

Common side effects are:

  • Decreased concentration and attention.
  • Increased lethargy and apathy.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Decreased speed of mental activity.
  • Slowing down of motor reactions.
  • Constipation or upset stomach.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Headaches.

In most cases, the use of sedatives does not distract a person from the everyday routine of life, allows him to fully control himself, give an account of his actions and go to work. They take medicine at night, which practically does not affect daytime activity.

The simultaneous use of anti-sedatives and sedatives is not allowed.

Who Prescribes Sedatives?

Having figured out what kind of sedative effect it is, you should know who to contact for the appointment of such drugs. You can get a prescription for strong sedatives that are otherwise not available in pharmacies when you contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Their specificity is work with mental diseases, nervous disorders and disorders. It is within the competence of these health professionals to determine the severity of the symptoms of the disease and to prescribe sedative drugs to treat it.

For mild disorders, you can seek help from a psychologist. In addition to psychological help, he can advise drugs with a mild sedative effect. This specialist does not make appointments, since he does not belong to medical workers. This means that his appointments are advisory in nature.

The price of sedatives

The price for sedative bromides varies from 20 rubles to 300. The cost depends on the volume of the purchased package and the strength of the drug.

In conclusion on sedatives

Drugs capable of sedating the nervous system have recently found widespread use. This is due to a rather "nervous situation" in modern society, as well as safety and practically no contraindications for sedatives. They rarely cause side effects, which means that they are well tolerated by almost all patients, including children.

The most popular when prescribed are herbal sedatives, as well as glycine. Their action is rather mild, therefore, as an independent method of treatment for serious disorders, they are not used, but they are an important component of complex therapy.

Important!Self-medication with sedatives is not allowed. Appointments must be made by a specialist.

Non-prescription sedatives, even those with strong sedative effects, can be found at almost any pharmacy. Doctors recommend having them always on hand in case of stress or anxiety.

Sedatives are medicinal preparations of herbal, synthetic or combined origin that have a positive effect on the central nervous system, reducing its response to external and internal stimuli.

Effects of sedatives:

  • decrease in emotional stress;
  • improved sleep;
  • regulation of irritability of the central nervous system;
  • tranquilizing effect;
  • anti-neurotic action.

Most sedatives have an analgesic effect - they relieve spasms and raise the pain threshold. Sedatives are especially helpful for abdominal pain and premenstrual syndrome.

Strong sedatives are available without a prescription in every pharmacy. They have a positive effect not only on sleep and the work of the central nervous system, but also on the physical state: efficiency improves, blood pressure normalizes, and fatigue decreases.

The Dangers of Taking Sedatives

Even mild herbal preparations with a sedative effect can lead to negative consequences and health problems.

The main dangers of taking sedatives are:

Over-the-counter sedatives for adults: overview and prices

There is a wide range of sedatives for adults, from mild sedatives that improve sleep and help with anxiety and irritability, to powerful neuroleptics that can help cope with severe nervous system diseases and brain damage.

Homeopathic remedies

Herbal elements are the basis of homeopathic remedies. The drugs are available in the form of tinctures, drops, tablets, and even syrups. Even with the use of such drugs, you need to be careful - most are prohibited for children under 12 years old and people with low blood pressure.

NegrustinThe basis is St. John's wort extract. Quite a strong herbal remedy. With constant use, a high antidepressant effect appears. Not addictiveForbidden for children, people with high sensitivity to ultraviolet lightRUB 250
Pustula extractOne of the safest sedatives. Improves well-being during stress and increased emotional stress. Allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers.Forbidden for stomach ulcers and low blood pressureRUB 10

Alcohol solutions

The basis of solutions and drops is alcohol, so they are prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women and minors. They should be used with caution by people with chronic diseases of internal organs, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and during the period of treatment for alcoholism. Before taking the prescribed dosage of the tincture, dilute with water.

Peony solutionIt is a sedative used for sleep disorders, VSD, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Can be prescribed prophylactically for a wide range of diseasesIt is forbidden with high blood pressure, increased acidity of the stomach, and diabetes. Forbidden for pregnant and lactating women.RUB 20
Hawthorn tinctureAn inexpensive sedative. Recommended for use in case of lesions of the cardiovascular system, stress. General tonicForbidden for pregnant and lactating women. Not recommended for head injuries, low blood pressureFrom 10 rubles.

Combined drugs

Combined preparations contain both herbal and synthetic components. Most are available without a doctor's prescription.

CorvalolThe composition includes natural ingredients (peppermint) and synthetic (phenobarbital and ethyl bromisovalerianate). The drug quickly soothes, has a mild hypnotic effect. It is used for tachycardia due to its vasodilating properties.Cannot be used continuously for a long time. It is used with caution by lactating and pregnant women. Forbidden for people with kidney and liver diseaseRUB 30
Adonis bromineIt is used for severe irritability, which is combined with heart diseaseHas a wide range of side effects and contraindications. In case of overdose, a negative response from the cardiovascular system is possibleRUB 57

Herbal preparations, pharmacy tinctures

Sedative tinctures and charges are herbal sedatives. A wide selection of them is presented in pharmacies specialized in traditional medicine. Here you can purchase not only a ready-made collection, but also ask a specialist to make a tincture or medicinal tea, depending on the symptoms of the disorder.

DormiplantRelaxing sedative, the main action of which is aimed at relaxing the nervous system and combating insomniaForbidden for severe liver diseaseRUB 400
Leuzea extractIt is a tonic. It is used for chronic fatigue and nervous astheniaIt is forbidden to combine with sedatives. Due to the presence of ethanol, it is contraindicated for people with diseases of internal organs, children, pregnant and lactating womenRUB 60

Synthetic drugs

Synthetic sedatives are drugs whose active ingredient is created under laboratory conditions. The majority of antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers belong to synthetic drugs.

Synthetic drugs have a stronger effect on the body than herbal ones, so the range of contraindications and side effects to them is wide. Most of these medicines can only be used with a doctor's permission.

MiazepamMild antidepressant. Appointed for recurring episodes of panic and anxiety. It can be used for epilepsy. It is used to calm patients with itchy skin conditions, before surgery and dressingsIt is forbidden to combine with alcohol, take the drug for alcohol poisoning, glaucoma. Cannot be used in therapy for children and pregnant womenRUB 620
AzafenIt is indicated in the treatment of all types of depression, including senile and depression in diseases of internal organs, in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Can be used as a substitute after antipsychotic treatmentIt is prohibited for severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, during an exacerbation of infectious diseases, with diabetes mellitus and during pregnancy.RUB 200


Antidepressants are drugs that are used to treat any type of depression, nervous exhaustion, or the effects of a strong emotional remedy. They can also be prescribed for the treatment of the consequences of neuro-emotional disorders: bulimia, anorexia, panic attacks, etc.

The latest generation of strong sedative antidepressants are available over the counter. They have minimal side effects and do not cause a dangerous withdrawal syndrome.

ProzacOne of the most popular antidepressants in the world. It is used to treat depression of any nature, bulimia, which develops on a nervous basis, helps to cope with obsessive thoughts, panic conditionsForbidden for pregnant and lactating women. At the beginning of treatment, side effects may occur: headaches, drowsiness, nausea465 RUB
DeprimIt is used for mild forms of depression, nervous exhaustion and emotional overload. If indicated, it can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating womenMay adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Forbidden to preschool children236 r


Antipsychotics are drugs that are used to treat nervous, psychological, and mental illnesses. Medicines have a sedative effect, reduce neuralgia, improve sleep and thinking. Antipsychotics have another name - antipsychotics. They help relieve signs of schizophrenia, delusions and hallucinations, depending on their cause.

AminosineIt is prescribed for overexcitation in schizophrenics, violent behavior, manic-depressive psychosis. For severe attacks of anxiety and depressionCannot be taken by children and pregnant women, people with chronic diseases of internal organs. There are many side effectsRUB 150
HaloperidolIt is prescribed for attacks of manic behavior, paranoia, which are accompanied by episodes of delirium and hallucinationsBanned for people with indigestible lactose and a depressed nervous system. May cause bouts of euphoria, vomiting, headaches10 - 225 rubles.

Sedative tranquilizers

Tranquilizers are powerful sedatives that can help a person release feelings of fear and anxiety. The main task of such medicines is to improve the emotional background without affecting the cognitive functions of the brain: memory and thought processes.

The advantages of tranquilizers include their positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. The disadvantages are the strong "withdrawal syndrome" that occurs when you stop taking drugs. That is why doctors recommend the use of tranquilizers only as a last resort.

Strong over-the-counter sedatives with tranquilizing properties are not recommended prior to consulting a specialist. Any tranquilizers are prohibited to combine with alcohol.

Antipsychotics and tranquilizers are powerful sedatives that are often not available over the counter.
RudotelIt is prescribed for severe PMS, VSD, psychosomatic disorders, which are accompanied by anxiety, sleep disturbanceNot to be taken by children and pregnant women, people with chronic kidney and liver diseases, alcohol addiction and respiratory problems. Causes many side effects, including addictionRUB 200
StresamIt is prescribed for emotional instability, anger, personality disorderProhibited for myasthenia gravis, liver disease, children and pregnant women. May cause drowsinessRUB 350

Sedatives for children

Strong sedatives without prescriptions in children are used for severe irritability and tearfulness, hyperactivity. Pediatricians advise parents to use sedatives in the event of a move, a change in the home environment, when entering a kindergarten or school, or when a child's team changes.

Strong sedatives without a prescription are prohibited for children under 12.

The following sedative medications can be used for children:

Sedative medicines for pregnant women and during lactation

Many pregnant women suffer from sleep disturbances, and hormonal imbalances can cause fatigue, irritability, and severe emotional swings. When breastfeeding, it is necessary to be careful even with herbal preparations - they easily penetrate the child's body through milk and affect his behavior and health.

For pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, it is better to refuse any medications, including phytopreparations. The only exception can be the extract of valerian and motherwort, Persen and Novo-Passit (the last 2 drugs only with the permission of a doctor). It is important to remember that during pregnancy, the use of herbal infusions with alcohol is prohibited.

The same drugs can be used for nursing mothers. In some cases, doctors recommend using Glycine. This amino acid is safe for newborns. It must be remembered that any sedative acts on the child: he may become drowsy, lethargic in movement. It is not recommended to use teas and mint preparations. It can negatively affect lactation.

Over-the-counter sedatives for the elderly

In older people, with age, there is a deterioration in the work of cognitive functions of the brain, sleep and memory impairment. Many drugs, especially those with synthetic components, are not recommended or prohibited, therefore it is recommended to use herbal medicines.

The most popular sedatives in the elderly are Valocordin and Corvalol. They not only improve sleep, but also have a positive effect on the work of the heart, normalize blood pressure.

Antipsychotics and tranquilizers can only be used according to indications, at the first signs of senile dementia. Strong, non-prescription plant-based sedatives are recommended for use after strokes and any head injuries.

Strong, fast-acting, over-the-counter sedatives.

OTC sedative drugs of rapid action do not contain heavy "elements" that can negatively affect the internal organs and the nervous system, but at the same time quickly calm down, reduce pressure and stabilize the heart rate.

The duration of such a remedy is up to 6 hours. The sedative effect occurs a few minutes after ingestion. These include complex preparations that combine synthetic and plant elements: Valokardin, Afobazol, Corvalol, Novo-Passit. OTC drugs are not addictive.

Top 10 best sedatives for the nervous system: review, prices

There are a number of drugs that have high ratings among the anti-anxiety over-the-counter drugs. They can be found at any pharmacy.

Phytosedan (Soothing collection No. 2)

Herbal medicine. It is used to treat mild nervous disorders and sleep disorders. Useful for mild pressures. Antispasmodic properties allow Fitosedan to be used for stomach pains.

Composition of the preparation:

Do not use Fitosedan if you are allergic to any component. In some cases, the drug causes drowsiness and decreased performance. The price of the drug is from 60 rubles.


Herbal medicine is used to improve the condition with persistent neuroses, severe emotional fatigue. With complex treatment Persen can be a substitute for a stronger drug. Can be used with VSD.

The medicine contains extracts of valerian, peppermint and lemon balm in different concentrations. The selected concentration of the drug helps to quickly calm the patient, normalize sleep and relieve spasmodic pain. You can not use the medicine for pregnant women and children, people with low blood pressure and impaired lactose digestion. The price of the drug is 200 - 400 rubles.


A non-herbal remedy. The active substance is antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. They do an excellent job of treating a variety of autonomic disorders, but have minimal side effects when compared to other synthetic sedatives.

Tenoten helps to "pacify" the unstable emotional background, reduce the symptoms of organic brain damage, and improve the patient's condition in neurotic conditions. The drug is prohibited for use in children. The price of the drug is from 210 rubles.


Refers to herbal antidepressants. Safer than synthetic analogue. The main component is St. John's wort extract. Its flavonoids have a positive effect on the central and autonomic nervous system.

The medicine is recommended for use in mild forms of depression, decreased mood, menopause. You can not use Deprim for severe depression, children and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity to ultraviolet light. When taking the drug, it is recommended not to sunbathe, give up sunbathing and visit a solarium. The price of the drug is 250 rubles.


The active ingredient is fabomotizole dihydrochloride. The medicine simultaneously performs 2 functions: it relieves the symptoms of anxiety and emotional stress, but at the same time has a positive effect on the thought processes.

Afobazole can be prescribed for impaired cognitive functions of the brain and autonomic disorders, which are accompanied by dry mouth and dizziness. The drug is used for diseases associated with somatic disorders of the body.

The medicine is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people who have poor lactose absorption.

Price - from 350 rubles.


Herbal medicine, produced in the form of drops for oral administration. Herbion is prescribed to eliminate anxiety and high agitation, insomnia. The preparation contains valerian, hop extract, and peppermint and lemon balm oils.

The medicine is prohibited for pregnant women and children, as well as people with epilepsy and brain damage. In case of an overdose, intoxication is possible. The price of the drug is from 30 rubles.


A multicomponent drug in drops or tablets for the treatment of anxiety, constant stress, gastrointestinal disorders and skin conditions that are accompanied by severe itching and irritation.

The preparation contains:

  • guaifenesin;
  • st. John's wort;
  • hop;
  • valerian;
  • melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • passionflower;
  • elder.

Due to the large amount of herbal components, Novo-Passit can cause nausea, so it is recommended to drink it with juice or tea. Cannot be consumed simultaneously with alcohol. Pregnant women and children are allowed to use only with the permission of a doctor. Price - from 200 to 600 rubles.


Medicinal product in tablets. It is used to stimulate cognitive activity in the brain. Adults can be prescribed for various speech disorders, including stuttering and disruption of the vestibular apparatus. The basis of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride.

The downside of Phenibut is the risk of a "withdrawal syndrome" when the drug is suddenly stopped. It is prohibited when using any other drugs of a similar effect and alcohol. Price - from 60 to 300 rubles.


The drug is used in the treatment of many diseases of the brain and nervous systems in adults and children. Supplied in tablets and syrup. The main substance is calcium hopantenate. It is a synthetic substitute for neurotransmitters in the human nervous system. Pantogam is a nootropic - a substance that improves communication between the brain and the human body.

It is used in the treatment of mental retardation, cerebral palsy, hyperactivity, mental retardation and physical development in children. For mentally healthy children, Pantogam can be prescribed to treat stuttering, phobias, and problems with urination.

For adults, the medicine allows you to cope with epilepsy, accelerate the treatment of brain damage caused by various factors and other mental and nervous pathologies.

The drug is prohibited in early pregnancy and for people with kidney disease.

Price - 400 - 650 rubles.


It is a synthetic analogue of a natural amino acid - aminoacetic acid. It is one of the safest drugs to improve brain function and support the cardiovascular system.

Helps to cope with strong psychological and emotional stress, improves sleep and mood, helps to reduce pressure and cravings for sweets. Improves condition in case of alcohol poisoning.

The drug is prescribed for young children with phobias, sleep disturbances and hyperactivity. Newborns can be prescribed for birth injuries and developmental disorders of the brain.

The drug is approved for pregnant and lactating women.

Price - 40-100 rubles.

Strong, over-the-counter herbal sedatives can be used for stomach pain, headaches, and discomfort during menstruation.

Article design: Mila Friedan

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