Colostrum is breast milk. Breast milk. Colostrum and transitional milk. Participation in the activation of the work of internal organs

Ceilings 27.07.2020

The composition of milk adjusts to the baby, in summer, when the baby has a high need for fluid, breast milk becomes more liquid and less nutritious. It is for this reason that a baby who receives breast on demand does not need to be supplemented with water up to six months. When frozen, the structure of milk changes, and therefore it may look transparent and “skim”. This is normal, its nutritional value has not changed, and such milk can be fed to a child.

Colostrum and transitional milk

In some women, colostrum begins to be released at the end of pregnancy, in others it appears after the first attachment of the baby. This is a secret of the mammary glands, which has a yellowish, white or cream color. It can taste salty-sweet. Colostrum is quite thick and a small amount of it meets the nutritional needs of the newborn. 3-4 days after the start of feeding, mature milk comes ─ colostrum becomes lighter and more liquid, its volume increases. Usually yellow colostrum and transitional milk are noticed by women who use a breast pump. This shade is the norm, and with proper lactation, by the end of the first week, the baby will receive sufficient mature breast milk.

Back and front milk

More often than not, women notice the color of the front milk. It is very liquid, almost transparent, whitish. Foremilk consists of water, vitamins and milk sugar, it replenishes the baby's need for fluid and carbohydrates. As the baby sucks, hind milk begins to flow - white and of a denser structure. This is the most nutritious part of milk ─ the back portion contains proteins and fats. If he squeezes out a drop of milk at the very end of the feed, you can be sure that the milk is really white. Some babies refuse to suck the back portion because it takes a lot of effort ─ the mother hastily offers the second breast and the baby receives only the liquid portion and a large amount of milk sugar. It is with this that intestinal disorders, frothy stools and intestinal colic are associated ─ there are not so many enzymes in the child's body to process milk sugar. The child does not eat up, does not gain weight, often wakes up. Adjustment required breast-feeding, and not to introduce supplementation.

Milk color at the stage of involution

If a woman breastfeeds for a long time, about 1.5 years after the onset of lactation, milk becomes less, it is thicker, in composition and color it resembles colostrum. The main task of breast milk at this stage is to provide the child's body with immune protection, since it can already easily take food on its own. The milk is usually yellow and very thick.

Blood in milk

The appearance of blood in milk may indicate bleeding due to benign and malignant neoplasms in the milk ducts, often during hot flashes, small vessels burst, and blood enters the milk. Cracks and microtrauma of the nipples, tight underwear, prolonged squeezing of the breasts often lead to the appearance of blood in the milk. Such milk can be fed, but it is necessary to consult a doctor, find out and eliminate bleeding.

Pus in milk

With purulent mastitis, pus may be released into the chest ducts. According to the WHO recommendations, it is possible to feed a child with breast milk from the affected gland, but with a high content of pus in milk, children in the first months of life may experience problems with stool. If, for the period of treatment of purulent mastitis, there is no pediatrician or obstetrician-gynecologist next to a nursing woman who have the knowledge and experience of establishing breastfeeding with purulent mastitis, it is better to refuse feeding from the diseased gland. Gentle, frequent pumping will help maintain lactation and prevent damage to other lobes of the gland. A greenish tint of milk can occur if the baby has not been applied to the breast for more than 12 hours. The woman can express it, but it is safe for the baby.

It is possible to increase the consumption of hind milk only by frequent latching of the baby to the breast, long breaks between feedings do not contribute to the accumulation of "fat" milk, but can provoke lactostasis or mastitis.

Raising high-quality replacement heifers and heifers, as well as high zootechnical and economic efficiency in fattening young cattle are unthinkable without knowledge of the physiological effect and nutritional value of the feed used.

Calves are fed with dairy feeds and their substitutes, concentrated and voluminous feeds - hay, silage, haylage, roots - and tubers, green feed, mineral supplements.

In the first 5-7 days of lactation, the mammary gland secretes colostrum. It serves as the first and indispensable food for all newborn mammals. Colostrum is a thick yellowish liquid with a density of 1.04-1.06 g / cm3. Compared to milk, colostrum contains more dry matter, protein, vitamins and mineral salts. In terms of protein composition, it approaches blood, since it contains a lot of albumin and globulin. The latter is the carrier of all antibodies present in the blood of the mother's body. So, with colostrum, passive immunity against the E. coli group is transmitted to a newborn animal from the mother. Due to the high content of albumin, colostrum curdles during boiling. It contains more phosphorus, calcium and magnesium than milk. Thanks to the magnesium salts, colostrum has a laxative effect on the intestines, which helps to cleanse it of original feces (meconium). The composition of colostrum on the 5-6th day after calving is gradually approaching the composition of normal milk (Table 1).

Colostrum has an acidity of 40-50 ° T. Such high acidity creates an unfavorable environment in the stomach of newborn calves for the development of putrefactive and opportunistic microflora. The brown-yellow color of colostrum is due to its high carotene content. It is 50-100 times more in colostrum than in
I. Change in the composition of colostrum in cows of the red steppe breed (according to I.S.Popov)

natural milk, and vitamin C - 10 times. 1 kg of colostrum of the first milk yield contains 4 mg of vitamin A and 2.1 mg of vitamin E. The complex of vitamins contained in colostrum is vital for a young body, since vitamins are necessary not only for newly formed cells and tissues, but also for intensive metabolism substances, and the young organism does not yet have the ability to synthesize some vitamins. On average, the nutritional value of 1 kg of colostrum is 0.38-0.43 fodder unit, and immediately after calving - 0.78 fodder unit.

Colostrum composition and nutritional value are highly dependent on the length of the dry period and the feeding conditions of the pregnant cow. After a short dry period and nutritional deficiency in protein, minerals and vitamins, colostrum contains less globulin, immune bodies, vitamin A and carotene; its acidity also decreases, and it loses its specific properties faster than usual.

The structure of the diets has the greatest influence on the quality of colostrum and the duration of its preservation of specific properties. In the experiment of V.N. Mikhailova and V.K-Kosmachev, carried out during the pasture season, the task was to find out the influence of feeding conditions of pregnant cows on the quality of milk and their milk productivity. Cows of group I received alfalfa grass when grazing in pens, and cows of group II - grass from a mixture of cereals on a seeded pasture with free grazing. In addition, both groups of cows received a cereal-legume mixture in the form of a green supplement. The difference in feeding significantly influenced the colostrum quality of fresh cows. The acidity of colostrum of cows of group I on the first day was 53 ° T, and in cows of group II - only 44 ° T. Subsequently, the decrease in acidity occurred in the same way in both groups, but on the 10th day in cows of group I this indicator remained higher, in addition, they also had higher fat content of colostrum. In terms of the vitamin A content, the advantage in group I was short-term, and by the third day its content was the same as in cows in group II.

The composition of milk is significantly different from that of colostrum. Milk has a characteristic odor and taste that can be altered to some extent by feeding. Cow's milk contains an average of 87.7% water, 3.36% protein, 3.53% fat, 4.7% milk sugar and 0.71% ash solids, i.e. 12.3% solids - The dry matter of milk contains an average of 27.3% protein, 28.7% fat, 38.2% milk sugar and 5.8% ash. Energy nutritional value of 1 kg of natural milk of average composition ranges from 2850 to 3020 kJ, or 22 333-23 590 kJ per 1 kg of dry matter.

The nutritional value of 1 kg of milk of 3% fat corresponds to 0.31 feed unit, milk with 3.5% fat - 0.34 feed unit, with 4% fat - 0.37 feed unit.

Density of milk ranges from 1.028-1.036 g / cm3 at a temperature of 15 ° C, skim milk - 1.032-1.042 g / cm3. The reaction of the milk of herbivores is close to neutral (pH about 6.6-7). The acidity of fresh milk is 16-18 ° T and is due to the presence of proteins, carbon dioxide and mainly phosphate salts in milk. Milk is the most biologically complete feed for growing calves, because its high nutritional value is due to the favorable ratio and physicochemical state of nutrients and biologically active substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.). Substances included in milk are easily digestible and quickly absorbed by the body.

Within the same animal species, the composition of milk changes. It is influenced by the breed, keeping conditions, lactation period of animals, food, season, air temperature, etc. In table. 2 is given chemical composition milk of some breeds of cattle.

2. Composition of milk in cows of different breeds on average per lactation,% (according to I.S.Popov)

Comparison of the composition of milk and the growth rate of newborn animals shows that the young of those animals whose milk contains the greatest amount of proteins and mineral salts, mainly calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for building a skeleton, have high growth energy. The less proteins, phosphates, calcium and more chloride salts in breast milk, the slower the animal grows (Table 3).

So, the energy nutritional value of 1 kg of milk in cows is on average 2720 kJ, in pigs - 7140 kJ, respectively, a doubling of the live weight of calves occurs 47 days after birth, and in piglets - after 14 days.

Milk contains about 100 different substances, including about 20 vitamins, 30 microelements, 20 amino acids, 23 fatty acids.

Proteins occupy a special place among the constituent parts of milk. Milk proteins contain casein, albumin and globulin. Casein accounts for about 85% of all milk proteins. In milk, it is found in compounds with calcium (caseinates). The main difference between casein and other milk proteins is the ability to form a dense clot (ferment) under the influence of acids and rennet. This property is used in the production of cheese, cottage cheese, lactic acid products, etc.

Albumin makes up about 15% of milk proteins. They are soluble and therefore remain after precipitation of casein in the whey in an amount of about 0.5-0.7%. Globulins in milk are contained in insignificant amounts (about 0.1%). Albumin and globulins do not clot when exposed to acids and rennet. Partial coagulation of albumin is observed when milk is heated to 60 ... 65 ° C.

Since proteins in the body of animals are formed from the amino acids of the feed and partly from the amino acids synthesized by the symbiotic rumen microflora, it is important that the diets are biologically complete. According to the table. 4 it can be concluded that the amino acid ratios in milk protein and in the body of calves are quite close.

Milk protein is absorbed by the calf by 91-95%. In its composition, a significant place is occupied by essential amino acids, the amount of which in proteins of summer milk is 73 more than in spring milk, and the content of lysine, aspartic acid, serine, glycine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine and leucine increases especially.

Milk protein is the most readily available and indispensable nutrient for calves in the pre-ruminant period.
4. Amino acid composition of protein in cow's milk and calf body,% (according to I. S. Popov)

Along with protein important part of milk are carbohydrates. Experimental studies have established that of the carbohydrates, young animals absorb only glucose and galactose (lactose). This is explained by the fact that the activity of the lactase enzyme required for the digestion of milk sugar during this period is very high, and the amount and activity of the amylase and maltase enzymes required for the use of other types of carbohydrates are insignificant. Thus, in the first weeks of life, calves satisfy their need only due to lactose, which is contained in colostrum, milk and skim. Starch, which is the main carbohydrate of plant feed, or the products of its breakdown - dextrins and maltose - are hardly absorbed by calves until they are one month old.

An essential component of milk is f and r. It is an ester composed of glycerol and fatty acids. Specific gravity milk fat 0.93. The predominance of unsaturated fatty acids in it - oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic - determines its low melting point (25 ... 30 ° C).

Milk fat, which is a concentrated form of available energy, is especially necessary in the first days of the young life, when the body

not yet able to digest polysaccharides. Each gram of fat, when burned or oxidized in the body, releases 39 kJ of energy, while 1 g of protein - 23.9 kJ, and carbohydrates - 17.6 kJ.

Milk contains small amounts of phosphatides (lecithin, cephalin) and cholesterol. Lecithin contained in milk (0.1%), being broken down in the intestines, forms choline (vitamin B4), which is necessary to prevent fatty liver. In addition, phosphatides promote the formation of phospholipids in the intestinal wall, which stimulate fat absorption. Cholesterol, the content of which in milk is not more than 0.1%, is a structural component of the nervous tissue.

Neutral fats and fat-like substances of milk are easily absorbed by the young body. The important role of fats containing unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) in the prevention of certain disorders of cholesterol metabolism, in ensuring the normal function of the skin and the growth of animals has been established.

Most expectant mothers expecting their first child believe that they will have milk immediately after giving birth. As a result, when they are faced with the fact that there is no milk, they panic. Various homeopathic substances, herbs enter, and as a result, some come to the conclusion that they will not be able to breastfeed, starting already in the family home they prepare a mixture for the child.

In fact, everything is not so simple, and certainly not as critical as it seems to inexperienced women in labor. How lactation is improving in the first days after childbirth, as well as what colostrum and high-grade breast milk are, will be discussed in the article.

So, the first thing that future mothers need to know is that in the first days of the very milk that we imagine, and with which we will feed our baby later, it does not exist. It comes only on the third, fourth day, and sometimes even later. The first days after childbirth, a woman has only colostrum in her breast, and sometimes you can see colostrum during pregnancy - this is quite normal.

What is colostrum

If not during pregnancy, colostrum appears almost immediately after delivery. What color is colostrum? This parameter is very individual. It can be pure white, or with a yellow tint, or transparent.

What are the benefits of colostrum?

Colostrum, firstly, is very nutritious, secondly, it is very fatty, and thirdly, it carries elements of immunological protection, which the mother passes with her breast milk to the baby in order for him to become immune. And the clear immunity, which the baby himself will develop to protect against all kinds of microbes, appears only by six months. Therefore, if a mother starts feeding colostrum from the first minutes of a baby's life and continues until milk comes, she thereby lays the ideal immune base for the child's future health. Colostrum is so beneficial that it should never be expressed.

From the third or fourth day, a young mother begins to feel a rush of milk. This is manifested in swelling of the mammary glands, painful sensations in the nipples, and not infrequently an increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees. During this period, it is very important to carefully monitor your breasts and your condition. Too high temperature, fever, or vice versa - a feeling of coldness, too hard breasts - all this suggests that you need to express milk. In addition, with the advent of milk, breastfeeding becomes the mother's main task. Of course, a newborn baby is not able to cope with the straining of his mother's breast on his own - he does not need a lot of milk. That is why doctors recommend expressing milk by hand or with a breast pump after each feeding.

How to express breast milk

Most women are faced with the problem of small nipples. And only some, more fortunate mothers, by nature get large enough nipples, convenient for a baby to grip. In this case, as a rule, there are no problems with the capture. What do you have to deal with when you have small nipples? Basically, this is an incorrect grip, as a result of which the child not only cannot eat enough, but also brings great discomfort to the mother. It is not uncommon for breastfeeding to cause damage to the breast - cracks in the nipples.

In addition, if a child cannot breastfeed well, he does not drink the amount of milk that he needs for proper and good development... Again, mom's breasts remain undistorted, which leads to milk stagnation, and can even cause consequences such as mastitis.

In the event that mom's nipple is large enough, you can use a breast pump, the choice of which is very large today in stores and pharmacies. However, breastfeeding experts do not recommend using a breast pump when the nipples are small. In such cases, hand expression is best.

How to properly express breast milk by hand? There is nothing difficult in this process, but you have to be patient. In order to express milk, you need to slightly raise the breast with your left hand, and slightly press on the halo with your right hand and slightly higher, push the milk towards the nipple. There should be no twisting or jerky movements. Everything is very smooth and gentle. When asked how much milk you can express, it should be noted that until a feeling of relief appears. At first, pumping your breasts can be uncomfortable, but you should not neglect the procedure. Many mothers pour expressed milk into small containers and store them in the refrigerator. Feeding with expressed milk is very convenient in those cases when the mother is sick, or she needs to go away on business, and the baby stays with relatives. Read about how to store expressed breast milk properly.

Motherhood, from the point of view of psychological readiness, is laid from the very moment when the girl begins to realize her femininity. From that moment on, she begins to show interest in the relationship between mother and child. This interest is often manifested unconsciously, through play, for example, in a daughter-mother. Thus, the girl experiences a model that is forming in her mind family relations, gets to know her future role as a mother. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about motherhood as well as a skill, and not only as an instinct inherent in nature.

As a girl throughout her adult life prepares for motherhood, so the entire period of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother learns to produce milk for the baby according to an individual recipe. With special trepidation, the expectant young mother awaits the moment of pregnancy, when colostrum appears. The discharge from the breast of this unique, in its composition, fluid during pregnancy signals the preparation of the mother's body for breastfeeding. What is colostrum and why is breast milk so necessary for a newborn?

Colostrum is a thick, high-calorie, sticky liquid of white, orange or yellow hue, which begins to be produced in the body from the first weeks of pregnancy. An inexperienced mother who does not know what color the colostrum should be, such unusual tones can alert. However, this phenomenon is quite natural. Carotene, a pigment that is a precursor of vitamin A and is found in large quantities, gives this nourishing liquid warm shades.

Mother's primary milk tastes salty. This is due to the significant sodium chloride content. Salted colostrum is well absorbed, since it is close to blood serum in terms of the qualitative composition of proteins and salts.

Colostrum is excreted in rather small portions. The volume of the first doses of colostrum is only 10–40 ml, but due to its nutritional value and value, it fully satisfies the needs of the baby. This small amount of food is also associated with the very small stomach size of newborn babies.

Colostrum, as a precursor to transitional and mature milk, also differs in terms of its composition. Colostrum and mature breast milk are often referred to as “white gold” or “elixir of life”. The healing liquid is endowed with these epithets for its amazing properties.

  • Colostrum is very high in calories, but at the same time it does not pose a serious burden for organs gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • "Elixir of Life" is rich in immunoglobulins, macrophages, leukocytes that protect the intestines and the entire body of the baby from the effects of infections. The highest concentration of these protective substances is observed in the first hours of the formation of lactation. It is these substances that provide the strongest immune defense of the body and create favorable conditions for full development.
  • Colostrum contains more protein, carotene, vitamins A, B 12, E, K, and mineral salts than mature milk. The proportion of fat and milk sugar, on the contrary, is slightly lower.
  • Growth factors contained in the healing mother's fluid prevent the appearance of allergies in infants.
  • Colostrum has a laxative effect, which is very important when removing the original stool (meconium). This factor reduces the likelihood of developing physiological jaundice in breastfed babies.

It is with these features that the huge benefits of feeding a newborn with breast milk are associated.

When colostrum starts to flow

The expectant mother can notice the secretion of colostrum on the mammary glands from the 13th week of pregnancy. Bright droplets of the substance can appear on a woman's nipples after taking a shower, during intense physical activity or in summer on hot days. In this case, the most common appearance of colostrum on the nipples or underwear, the expectant mother notices in the third trimester, when the liquid begins to be released most intensively.

For some women, colostrum does not appear on the breast surface throughout pregnancy. This is due only to the peculiarities of the glandular tissue of the breast. Most likely, the fluid has enough space for the lobes and branching of the ducts in the mammary glands.

It should be noted that the process of excretion of colostrum during pregnancy is not a factor confirming the appearance of the required volume of milk at the birth of a child. Just like the lack of milk during pregnancy does not mean that a woman will not be able to breastfeed her baby.

Transitional milk

From 4-5 days after delivery, transitional milk begins to be produced in the female breast. This substance, no less useful than colostrum, is rich in fats and in its composition and appearance is close to mature milk.

  • Transitional milk changes color to white or light blue. The concentration of sodium, carotene, vitamins and other useful substances in this liquid gradually decreases, but at the same time the proportion of carbohydrates and B vitamins increases. The volume of milk in a nursing mother also increases noticeably.
  • Salted colostrum is gradually being replaced by lactose-rich sweet transitional milk. Lactose is involved in development nervous system baby, functions as the main energetic component. This disaccharide influences the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • Transitional milk contains the most important complex of components that protect the child's body from tumor cells, causing them to self-destruct. Scientists have named these unique compounds the HAMLET complex, which are widely studied for the manufacture of anticancer drugs.

Mom's transitional milk will be produced until the baby is two weeks old. Then it will be replaced by mature milk, which the baby will feed on until the end of the breastfeeding period.

Mature milk

How long should mature milk arrive and when should colostrum appear? 2–3 weeks after delivery, transitional milk is replaced by mature milk. It should be noted that the composition of all described breastfeeding products is not fully understood. To date, about 500 useful components have been identified that contain mother's milk.

How is breast milk useful for a baby and what is the secret of its uniqueness? Directly in the unique composition is the amazing phenomenon and tremendous value of human breast milk.

  • A breastfeeding woman's milk contains a significant amount of water (up to 87%). This property makes it possible to refute the fact that the baby definitely needs to be supplemented. In addition, breast milk is significantly superior in useful properties water itself best quality... Mom's milk is a biologically active liquid, enriched with salts, vitamins and many other elements necessary for the child.
  • Mature milk is full of carbohydrates, including lactose. This disaccharide improves the absorption of calcium and iron, saturates the brain and promotes the development of the baby's nervous system. Human milk contains much more milk sugar than other mammals. For example, female dolphins, one of the most intelligent animals, ranked second in milk lactose.
  • Mature milk, like colostrum, is rich in proteins. Their special value for a child is due to the fact that each of these unique proteins is specially produced by the mother's body based on the specific needs of her child.
  • The benefit of breast milk is that it is easy to digest and absorb. digestive system child. This feature is associated with the content of special enzymes in the "miracle elixir", which accelerate the digestion process.
  • The properties of breast milk and its vitamin composition associated with mother's nutrition. But, this does not mean that if the mother's diet is not diverse, then the baby will not receive any components. The female body produces certain reserves of nutrients already at the stage of pregnancy. Therefore, often with a deficiency of certain substances, the mother's body uses these reserves. Consequently, mature milk is always balanced and contains the required composition.
  • The temperature of breast milk is optimal for feeding and maintaining the integrity of all the components that provide the benefits of breast milk.
  • Mom's milk is also a source of beneficial bacteria, which are so necessary for the intestines of the newborn. The flora of the baby contains up to 99% of the necessary probiotics, which play a huge role in the development of the baby's immune system.
  • Surprising is the fact that with an infectious disease of a nursing mother, her milk changes its composition, enriched with antibodies that will help the baby not to become infected or to transfer it more easily. Thus, breastfeeding is also an amazing unique protection for the baby.
  • Despite numerous misconceptions, the benefits of breast milk do not diminish after a year. During this period, its function gradually changes. By the year the baby gets acquainted with many food products, from which the baby receives the necessary nutrients. Therefore, the role of milk as a nutrient gradually decreases, although the concentration of fats in it also increases. At the same time, the importance of milk as a natural antioxidant remains.

This list contains only a small fraction healing properties miraculous maternal elixir. This is why breast milk is so essential for a newborn. These factors cannot reflect the full benefits of breastfeeding, since many of its phenomena are not fully understood. Every year, scientists discover new beneficial compounds in human milk.

About composition variability

Milk in lactating women has an amazing ability to transform. Moreover, the composition of nutrients can vary depending on the needs of the baby. The color and content of colostrum changes throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, and how colostrum or mature breast milk looks like from the breast depends on many factors, including the age of the baby. The composition of milk is different at different times of the day, at the beginning and at the end of feeding. It will change its properties if the baby is born prematurely or gets sick, if the baby is scared or has painful gums and in many other situations when the baby's body needs support.

Front and rear milk

Mature human milk is usually divided into early and later, it is also called front and back milk. At the beginning of feeding, fore milk is released from the breast, at the end - back milk. The difference between these nutrient fluids is not only noticeable visually. What is fore and hind milk is well known to a nursing woman who resorted to expressing. Front milk has a bluish tint, is rich in water, lactose, mineral salts, vitamins. The rich white hind milk is high in fat. The density of front breast milk is higher due to the lactose and minerals it contains. Therefore, hind milk, when expressed, accumulates on the surface, forming a less dense and lighter component. In capacity, these substances will differ significantly, a kind of line will form between them. In order for the baby to develop correctly, the baby must empty the mother's breast completely during feeding in order to receive the most nutritious later milk.

Imbalance in front and back milk

A lot of controversy among modern doctors is caused by such a concept as an imbalance of front and rear milk. This condition can occur in women with hypergalactia, when the glands produce more milk than the baby needs. This is possible if the baby, having poorly sucked one breast, receives the second. At the same time, at the feeding stage, the child does not receive the full high-calorie hind milk. In addition, the baby may develop, since the front milk saturated with lactose enters the baby's intestines too quickly without having time to interact with the lactase enzymes. Not fully broken down lactose can cause loose, frothy stools, increased gas formation, and low weight gain in infants.

How breast milk is renewed

The amount of milk depends on how efficiently it is removed from the breast. It is updated constantly. The more actively the baby breastfeeds, the more milk is produced and the sooner the gland is filled with a new portion of milk. At the same time, the concentration of certain substances, including alcohol, antibiotics, allergens, also depends on their half-life, blood concentration and many other factors. The ability to renew itself every minute is also due to the fact that nutrients are designed to meet the urgent needs of the baby. Therefore, breast milk is renewed continuously and most intensively immediately after feeding.

How to improve the quality of breast milk

Sometimes, observing the clear fluid coming out of the breast, a woman may mistakenly conclude that her breast milk is of low quality. Many loving mothers try to improve the quality of breast milk with the help of certain means and diets, supposedly improving the properties and fat content of milk. Scientists have proven that the composition of breast milk meets the needs of the baby, even if the nursing mother does not receive certain nutrients. At the same time, the reserves laid down during pregnancy are used, and malnutrition can lead to disturbances in the body of only the lactating woman herself. Mom can only accept and correctly use the gift that nature has bestowed on her baby.

To understand how to improve the quality of breast milk, it is also necessary to know that many components of medicines, alcohol, nicatin enter the blood of a nursing woman, and, accordingly, into the baby's body when milk comes. Nicotine and alcohol cause toxic effects on the child. A young mother should avoid consuming excessive amounts of spices, extractives, garlic, horseradish, which can give her nutritious liquid an unpleasant taste.

Formulas for nursing mothers

Manufacturers of special powdered milk formulas for nursing mothers know how to improve the quality of breast milk. These supplements contain whole complexes of substances necessary for the development of the child. However, these funds are recommended rather to adjust the nutrition of the woman herself and to replenish her body with the necessary substances.

Some formulas are indicated for women whose children are at risk of developing allergies. They use proteins of plant origin ("Amalthea", "Madonna"). A certain group of nutrition for nursing is aimed at increasing lactation. Such mixtures and specialized teas contain lactogonic additives - nettle, anise, cumin (Lactamil, Milky Way).

Sometimes an inexperienced mother is worried about the questions: "Can breast milk not be suitable for a baby?" It should be noted that this formulation may be relevant only in some cases with lactase deficiency in a baby or in the presence of serious diseases in the mother.

In custody

Thanks to this article, the young mother learned when colostrum should appear, why milk is prone to transformation, how quickly “white gold” changes, how breast milk is useful for a baby, how to improve its quality and what a woman should do if there is an imbalance in milk.

In conclusion, I would like to tune mommy to long-term breastfeeding. This process has been overgrown with myths and fears over the years. Therefore, it is very important to abandon the many outdated misconceptions. For the development of lactation, it is necessary to be convinced of the benefits of breastfeeding, to ensure the baby is optimal. Perhaps the most important criterion is that none of the most advanced formula can replace the close emotional connection and the feeling of happiness and peace that breastfeeding gives mom and baby.

Colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon that almost all expectant mothers face. Doctors agree on when it occurs and what character it is, largely depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Colostrum usually appears early, but sometimes at other stages of pregnancy. It is important for every woman to understand when there is cause for concern and when not, and to know what hygiene procedures can be applied.

Colostrum is a clear liquid that is secreted from the nipples of a pregnant woman. It has a sweetish taste and a characteristic, not pungent smell. Simultaneously with the beginning of the production of this substance by the mammary glands, there is an increase and an increase in sensitivity.

The chemical composition of colostrum includes many components that are beneficial for the unborn baby. The main ones are:

  • food enzymes
  • lactobacillus
  • bifidumbacteria
  • lactose
  • vitamins of several groups
  • iron
  • fats and carbohydrates
  • immunoglobulin
  • others.

Because of such a rich composition, colostrum is considered a high-calorie product, 100 ml contains about 150 kcal. How is colostrum different from milk? Simply put, its richness and the number of components. Colostrum is unripe milk, which indicates that the body of the expectant mother is preparing for the upcoming lactation. That is, this is a sign that everything is normal.

Colostrum color and consistency

What color is colostrum in a pregnant woman? Outwardly, this liquid is very similar to serum, that is, it is translucent, has a light white and / or yellow tint. These characteristics are present in colostrum produced during the first trimester.

At 21 weeks and later, the color and consistency of the discharge from the mammary glands changes. They become thicker and more difficult to squeeze out. The discharge contains a large amount of vitamin A, which gives it a light orange hue. The color of colostrum before delivery becomes milk-like - bright white.

Colostrum formation during pregnancy

After the process of fertilization of the sperm, many changes occur in the female body, and some of them affect the mammary glands. Colostrum formation occurs throughout the entire period of gestation. Some experts believe that it is normal to appear during the first trimester, while others - at a later date. There is no exact answer to this question. There are differences depending on whether a woman gives birth for the first time or the second.

In primiparous women

Before the first birth, preparation for lactation begins a little later than before the next. The hormonal background of the expectant mother begins to change dramatically, and these changes occur for the first time, so they do not go smoothly. The course of pregnancy for the first time always has a risk of complications.

At the same time, the released fluid is formed under the influence of many processes and changes inside the woman's body. Therefore, the presence of the first or subsequent pregnancies is not a decisive factor.

In women who give birth again

The body of women who have already given birth knows what to prepare for and how to behave. The hormonal background becomes more flexible, accepts any changes faster. The consistency of colostrum before childbirth usually becomes immediately thicker, especially if a little time has passed since the birth of the previous baby.

Colostrum can appear at different times during pregnancy. Factors such as the following can affect the acceleration of its production:

  • food for the future mother
  • frequent visits to baths, saunas, hot baths
  • having sex
  • transferred infectious and other serious diseases
  • frequent stress
  • too intense a change in the emotional background (both positive and negative emotions)
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear.

As for the specific time, it is impossible to predict when colostrum will be released and whether it will happen at all.

First trimester

In some cases, breast discharge is the first sign of pregnancy. Even if the test is negative, there is no confirmation of conception, the body begins to rebuild the hormonal background. Therefore, colostrum can be excreted from the first weeks and even days of pregnancy.

As a rule, during the first trimester, the amount of discharge is small, so this does not cause any particular inconvenience. If the liquid comes out in small droplets, then the woman may not feel it at all.

Second trimester

Starting from the thirteenth week, the process of producing colostrum becomes more intense, so that it cannot go unnoticed. The released substance looks like whey and becomes sticky. Yellow stains remain on the clothes.

The amount of discharge can vary, from a few drops to a few milliliters. Usually their appearance is not associated with the time of day. They can be released daily or periodically.

Third trimester

During this period, the amount of colostrum is individual. Most often, there are no special differences from the second trimester, but in some it may be more intense, while in others it may stop altogether. The liquid may look like milk, but you can still distinguish it.

The discharge of fluid from the breast is accompanied by a number of inconveniences, especially if it is intense. Therefore, some pregnant women start expressing colostrum. Doctors advise against doing this for two reasons:

  1. Colostrum discharge is usually accompanied by a slight itching, sometimes painful sensations. When pressing on the chest, they will only intensify, which will affect the general condition of the expectant mother.
  2. When pressing on the chest, the uterus is stimulated. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, this can provoke either premature birth, or an involuntary miscarriage.

If there is a lot of discharge and there is an urgent need to get rid of them, the doctor may allow expressing. But he will definitely teach you how to do it correctly. For example, you don't need to squeeze the nipple, but the breast itself. Colostrum after childbirth is usually allowed, especially if the baby is unable to feed on its own. By this time, it has already turned into milk.

Deviations from the norm

Normally, the fluid released has the following characteristics:

  • lack of smell
  • yellow tint
  • viscosity
  • no impurities
  • painlessness during discharge (slight itching and tingling is allowed).

Any deviations from these factors are an alarming signal in which a woman needs to see a doctor. Colostrum without pregnancy is also considered dangerous, its causes can be diseases of the mammary glands, strong inflammatory processes in the body and other factors.

A small amount of blood impurities is not a serious abnormality if it occurs in late pregnancy. If this happens constantly, while painful sensations appear, this is already an alarming sign. Also, there is always cause for concern if a lot of blood comes out.

More often, colostrum with blood is a sign of an inflammatory process. Its focus can be both in the mammary glands and in other internal organs. It is important to pay attention to the woman's well-being, which in such cases deteriorates sharply.

Also, blood in colostrum can be a sign of breast growth. Most often, it first flows from one mammary gland, and over time from the second. The lesion can be both benign and malignant. The sooner the expectant mother consults the doctor, the sooner he will diagnose and take action. Usually, if blood is a symptom of neoplasms, there is also a change in the shape of the breast, the appearance of bumps or depressions, and redness of the skin.

Lack of colostrum during pregnancy

Lack of colostrum is not a deviation; in some women, it does not appear at all during pregnancy. This does not mean that normal lactation is at risk. Usually, in the first days after giving birth, milk begins to flow, and feeding takes place in the usual way.

According to statistics, there are about 5% of women in the world who cannot breastfeed. This is usually associated with concomitant pathologies and diseases of the reproductive and / or endocrine system of the body. In such cases, the lack of colostrum is one of the signs that milk will not start to be produced. In modern clinics, this problem can be detected almost immediately after conception.

Sometimes women have a desire to massage their breasts, especially if they are swollen and itchy. This cannot be done, since the mammary glands become so sensitive after conception that any wrong movement can affect the state of the expectant mother and baby.

Your breasts need special care. Compliance simple rules hygiene, such as wearing special underwear and pads, performing strengthening procedures and using cosmetics, will help not only monitor colostrum, but also the general condition of the glands.

Underwear and pads

Regular bras worn by a woman prior to conception should be hidden throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is allowed to wear only underwear made from natural materials, it should not contain bones. You will have to change bras as your breasts augment, so that there is no discomfort. You can also buy underwear with adjustable sizes.

Bra pads are designed to protect your clothing from nipple discharge, including colostrum. They are disposable and must be changed regularly. It is necessary to change at least three pads per day, and if the discharge was intense, then more. This is important to prevent the growth of bacteria and infection.

Firming procedures

  1. Wash your breasts several times a day warm water without using any means. It is important to do this after each gasket change.
  2. Take a contrast shower. With the help of this procedure, you can strengthen the entire body, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the work of the circulatory system. You need to take a shower gently, without strong temperature changes.
  3. To do exercises. Your gynecologist may recommend certain exercises that will strengthen your breasts and prepare your body for the coming birth. They are especially useful in late pregnancy.

Care cosmetics

Cosmetics for pregnant women are different from the usual ones, they should contain minimal amount chemical substances. It is recommended to lubricate the breast with moisturizers, paying special attention to the nipples. You can use a baby nourishing cream, the movements when applying it should be smooth.

If cracks or other signs of skin irritation appear, the gynecologist prescribes the use of ointments with antiseptic properties, but their use should be strictly as intended.

Colostrum during pregnancy is a common occurrence that should not be feared, but for which it is important to be prepared. Each expectant mother has its formation and selection individually. It may appear at different times, have a different volume, or may not appear at all. It is only important to know what consistency, color and smell the liquid should be in order to immediately consult a doctor if there are deviations.

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