Are babies born at 8 months of pregnancy? Eighth month of pregnancy: development, sensations, sex, premature birth and other features. What happens to the child

Doors 12.09.2020

The eighth month of pregnancy is a difficult period. The kid has finished forming his body and constantly makes itself felt by jerks and movements. A woman who is tired over the previous seven months wants to give birth as soon as possible and it seems that this will happen from day to day. However, it will be a long time before the mother sees the child. During this period, you need to be patient, wait calmly and prepare.

What has already been done by the eighth month of pregnancy

For 8 months, the development of the child in the womb proceeded according to a clearly established plan. From a single-celled egg, a large complex organism was gradually formed.

Now the embryo already looks like a person, all the main life support systems are developed and working, only the lungs lag behind a little.

The fetus takes the final position in the uterus, according to the norm, its head should be directed downward and come out first (cephalic presentation).

If labor begins at this time for any reason, they are called early. The birth of a child at 8 months of pregnancy in most cases is successful, the baby has every chance of surviving and developing normally. Difficulties sometimes arise from the lungs, which are not yet ready for a full respiratory cycle and can subside on exhalation.

What remains to be done

It will be better if the child waits a little longer before entering the world. The development of the body has not ended, you need to do several important things and bring to mind what has already been done.

Changes in a woman's body

Eight months of pregnancy have left their mark on the expectant mother. Her body has changed, the processes accompanying gestation make themselves felt with various, not always pleasant symptoms:

Childbirth is near

Despite the fact that there is more than a month before childbirth, signs of their approach are already appearing.

Periodically, so-called training contractions can occur, in which the muscles of the uterus contract randomly. In this case, the neck of the organ does not open.

The child moves lessthan before, but more intense. His tremors are very painful, especially if they hit the ribs.

Eighth month examinations

If the gestation proceeds without complications, the expectant mother should come for an examination twice a month during this period. In this case, the doctor measures the weight of the pregnant woman, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat. Be sure to do a urine test.

Important information is given ultrasound examination, which is often performed during this period. An ultrasound scan determines:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • the condition of the uterus and its cervix;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the degree of development of his internal organs;
  • the presence or absence of pathologies;
  • approximate due date.

Possible complications

If the tone of the uterine muscles is increased, there is a threat of premature birth. The main symptoms of this condition are severe drawing pains in the abdomen and blood in the vaginal discharge. It is important to call an ambulance immediately, as the process can develop rapidly.

A serious danger in the eighth month is late toxicosis of pregnant women or gestosis. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, swelling, nausea and vomiting. Unlike the first trimester, when toxicosis was normal, now he is a serious danger for mother and fetus. It is possible to diagnose preeclampsia based on the results of urine analysis, which is why it is so important to regularly conduct an examination.

The most terrible complication of pregnancy in the eighth month can be eclampsia - cerebral edema, accompanied by severe convulsions and loss of consciousness.

To save the mother and baby, if complications arise, doctors can cause premature birth or perform a cesarean section.

Pregnancy is already coming to its logical conclusion, but still far from childbirth. The rest of the time should be spent with maximum benefit.

A woman should pay special attention to her health, because the well-being of her child now depends only on him. You should not overexert yourself, bend over, squeeze your stomach. The expectant mother should not be sick. You need to spend more time outdoors, eat properly and variedly, and monitor hygiene and stool.

It is equally important to prepare mentally, correctly adjust yourself and your future father, cope with the fear of childbirth.

And finally, it's time to prepare everything your baby needs right after birth.

8 month of pregnancy, how many weeks is it? This is the time from 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. It is still a long way from childbirth, but the tiredness from the interesting situation is already felt.

The beginning of the 8th month of pregnancy is the time of the last, third screening examination. You will have a third ultrasound, which will give a lot of information to doctors, but in which the expectant mother will be almost not interested, the baby is already so big that it does not fit on the monitor of the device, and you will not be able to see it completely, as on previous ultrasounds.

Baby at 8 months pregnant

A baby at 8 months of pregnancy is still not ready for birth, but now it is already much easier to endure adaptation in the postpartum period if it is born.

With regard to childbirth at 8 months of pregnancy, there is a myth that they are even more dangerous for the baby than childbirth at 27-28 weeks, but this is not the case. The more weight a premature baby manages to gain before childbirth, the more chances he has of not having problems after birth.

By the 35th week of pregnancy, the babies are simply not mature, but most of the problems of premature babies are bypassed by them, often already on the 10th day they are discharged home with their mother right from the hospital. Let's even say that for twins, childbirth at 34-35 weeks of gestation is common, and the babies then grow strong and healthy.

The fetus at 8 months of pregnancy may still not lie correctly, although with each week the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less. If your baby has a breech presentation, the problem should be taken care of seriously. Special exercises at the 8th month of pregnancy may well help the baby to turn head down in the uterus, so that later the birth would proceed without complications.

The baby at 8 months of pregnancy has already formed a cyclic rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, which he will have after birth. He sleeps most of the day, waking up every hour or two, and these periods of wakefulness are marked by episodes of movement.

Woman 8 months pregnant

By the 8th month of pregnancy, a woman has time to fully experience all the delights of a big tummy and late terms. The time has come, which she completely gives to the unborn child.

All pregnant women during this period are characterized by a change in the perception of the external world. All worries receded, it seems almost unimportant work, career. The miracle of motherhood, the child growing inside, under the heart, becomes the center of the universe. And even if you are forced to work or study, if the outside world does not leave you alone, it becomes something in second place after thoughts about the well-being of the baby.

Despite this, many expectant mothers, being in a difficult life situation, still manage to work or take exams, this is a reality that cannot be protected from. If it's hard for you now, try not to take these problems to heart, because your baby is now really the most important thing that you have. Your calmness and self-care during these short months of pregnancy form the foundation of his health for the rest of his life, and emotions during pregnancy, anxiety and worries, inevitably reflect on the baby. You will have time for everything, and you shouldn't strain yourself and bother yourself with unnecessary stress during these wonderful weeks.

The belly at 8 months of pregnancy almost reaches its maximum size. By 35 weeks, it will just hit your ribs, and it will become quite difficult for you to breathe. This is not surprising, your baby now weighs almost 2.5 kg, some children are born with such a weight.

The tummy creates more and more problems. You will have to learn to sleep in the correct position, choosing the most comfortable position. Gynecologists recommend sleeping on the left side, as this forms the correct presentation of the fetus and promotes optimal blood circulation in the placenta.

What may bother you

The 8th month of pregnancy is already a very long period, and you may be worried about a lot. Edema at 8 months of pregnancy is most often a manifestation of nephropathy in pregnant women, the onset of late gestosis during pregnancy. Since this condition is threatening for both mom and baby, it requires treatment, especially if you have protein in your urine and high blood pressure. Your doctor may suggest hospitalization in a maternity hospital - don't refuse!

Since the uterus practically fills the entire abdominal cavity, the stomach and intestines simply have nowhere to go. And this becomes the cause of gastroenterological suffering ...

Almost all expectant mothers feel sick at 8 months of pregnancy. At the same time, nausea may not be at all related to the fact that you do not like food. You can dine with great appetite, and suddenly feel severe discomfort. If you do not take action immediately, it can vomit.

Nausea at 8 months of pregnancy decreases if after eating you do not get up right away, but lie down and give yourself a rest for 1-1.5 hours, or, best of all, but not always possible, in a crowded place this cannot be done - take a knee-elbow position ... The meaning of both lying and getting on all fours is to facilitate the transfer of food from the stomach to the intestines, because in such positions it is less compressed by the uterus. Vomiting at 8 months of pregnancy is most often associated with this - you ate more than your stomach can hold.

Even if you manage to cope with the nausea, you can suffer from heartburn in the intervals between meals at 8 months of pregnancy. If all else fails, do not try drinking soda or mocking yourself in any other way. You should try to rethink your eating frequency and diet. If you eat often, but little, and avoid fatty and seasonings, it will be easier for the liver and stomach, and nausea will not bother you.

Discharge at 8 months of pregnancy is normally the same as in the previous months of pregnancy, their change should alert you. It is clear that discharge with a bad smell, green or yellow, can indicate an infection, bloody discharge - about a threat to the life of the fetus. Thrush at 8 months of pregnancy flows as always, sour curd discharge with an unpleasant odor. Whatever worries you, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Dangers of 8 months of pregnancy

Premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy is still one of the main dangers. But childbirth itself is not so dangerous as a high risk of complications during them.

Premature birth is more often than normal, rapid, accompanied by high trauma to the mother and fetus, premature detachment of the normally located placenta, early and premature discharge of amniotic fluid.

A little truth about what the 8 month of pregnancy is dangerous for. It is not true that it is better for a child to be born at 7 months than at 8. The fact is that all the processes of growth and maturation in a baby never go backwards. Every day brings him closer to a healthy birth, to maturity. And when they say that children born at the 7th month of pregnancy survive easier and have fewer problems - at least they are dissembling.

In the wards for premature babies, babies born at 8 months are much less frequent, and usually they easily begin to breathe on their own - the lungs are quite mature. In most cases, they just get overcooled more easily and have less body weight compared to ordinary children, but quickly gain their own and grow up healthy.

Do not believe anyone if you start giving birth now - everything will be fine with you and the baby will definitely be healthy in the future, if there are no other troubles besides prematurity.

A little about the symptoms that require the obligatory attention of the mother and immediate seeking help.

Bleeding at 8 months pregnant is dangerous and can lead to fetal death and life threatening. The most common cause is placenta previa or detachment of a correctly positioned placenta.

The main factors contributing to the detachment are: intercourse with placenta previa, or even with a healthy normal pregnancy, heavy physical activity, especially lifting weights. Remember, while you are pregnant, you cannot lift anything heavier than a handbag, 1-1.5 kg.

Dangerous and colds at 8 months of pregnancy. In any case, infections affect the state of the placenta, and can lead to intrauterine fetal hypoxia. And even treatment is harmful, because, despite the fact that the drugs are allowed for pregnant women, they, in one way or another, affect pregnancy. For example, the temperature at 8 months of pregnancy is usually knocked down by drugs that affect the synthesis of prostaglandins. But these same hormones affect the excitability of the uterus.

Your life

Your life is not changing much yet. No, we will not say that it is easy for you now and you do not feel pregnancy, but for sure now you live very calmly, worried about shopping, unhurried walks, family and watching pleasant films and programs about the development of the child.

Of course, you are left with everyday life, kitchen, washing, ironing, caring for older children, if any, but in general, peace has finally come. You are still not prohibited from long pleasant walks, sex and other joys of life (unless, of course, the pregnancy is proceeding normally).

For many, cases are being resolved that were postponed in the previous months due to lack of time. For example, a wedding at 8 months of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. The last quiet weeks are coming - why not?

The only thing I want to warn you against is long journeys, and of course, flights. All airlines have a flight limit for women starting at 32 weeks of pregnancy. A flight at 8 months of pregnancy is dangerous because it can provoke premature birth.

The lifestyle that you lead is very important now. If smoking in your family is bad, try not to be in a smoky room, since even secondhand smoke at 8 months of pregnancy accelerates the aging of the placenta, nicotine causes a spasm of its vessels. Probably, you yourself noticed that in stuffy rooms the baby becomes more active - he, too, literally "has nothing to breathe."

Now the placenta has already reached its limits in its development, and now it is important to try to preserve its function until delivery. Try to walk more, choosing places with clean and fresh air.

Your food at 8 months of pregnancy should be light enough, avoid fatty, fried and excess carbohydrates, especially in an easily digestible form (sweetness). Dairy products, vegetables and, of course, fruits must be on your table every day. Eat small and frequent meals. Don't drink coffee or strong tea - they contribute to heartburn. Such a diet at 8 months of pregnancy will not only help to cope with nausea, but will also contribute to the correct development of the baby, and the risk of a large fetus will be reduced.

Now is the time to attend childbirth preparation courses. You will be taught how to behave in childbirth, classes give you excellent physical fitness and a lot of valuable knowledge about pregnancy and the postpartum period. In addition, this will give you the opportunity right now to decide for yourself whether you will go to childbirth alone or with your husband, and where you will give birth, in which maternity hospital.

Gymnastics at 8 months of pregnancy not only prepares the body for childbirth, but also helps to relieve back pain, improve overall well-being, and has a positive effect on the development of the baby. And in general, communication with other expectant mothers, moderate physical activity under the supervision of an instructor have a great effect on the general tone and facilitate pregnancy.

Pregnancy 8 months video

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After the first birth, a girl lay with me in the ward, who gave birth to a seven-month baby. I remember how she argued that it was much better than giving birth at 8 months, since the fetus is more ready for birth. To be honest, it confused me a little, because the more time a child spends in the womb, the more developed he is, right?

I share the information that I was able to find on the topic of how dangerous childbirth is at 8 months.

What are the dangers of giving birth at 8 months compared to seven months?

The opinion that seven-month-old babies are more adapted to independent life than those born at 8 months is based on the physiological characteristics of the development of the respiratory system. According to one of the possible reasons, the amount of surfactant in a seven-month-old is greater than during childbirth at 8 months, and therefore the chances that the baby will breathe on its own are higher in babies born two months earlier.

However, in practice, everything turns out to be quite the opposite - the longer the child has been in the womb, the better for his respiratory system.

Why is childbirth at 8 months dangerous for a baby?

Premature birth is dangerous by the development of respiratory distress syndrome in a newborn - impaired respiratory function against the background of immaturity of the lungs.

From 38 weeks, the baby is considered full-term, and the delivery is urgent. Babies born between 32 and 35 weeks of gestation, that is, around 8 months of age, are functionally immature.

First of all, this concerns the readiness of the lungs - not all newborns are able to take an independent breath at this time, therefore they need medical assistance. This is directly related to the production of surfactant - a special substance that covers the alveoli of the lungs from the inside and prevents them from sticking together during breathing. The surfactant begins to be produced as early as 20-24 weeks of gestation, but the respiratory system becomes functionally mature only at 36 weeks of gestation.

IMPORTANT! Premature delivery is considered to be at 34-37 weeks of gestation with a fetal weight of 2000 to 2500 grams. There is also the concept of early birth, when a baby is born at 28-33 weeks, and very early birth, with a gestational age of 22 to 27 weeks. Despite a rather favorable prognosis, children born at 8 months should be under the supervision of medical personnel for the first day.

What is the danger of giving birth at 8 months for a mother?

Premature birth is most often due to the pathological course of pregnancy or the presence of serious problems with the mother's health.

The onset of labor in the eighth month of pregnancy most often occurs against the background:

  • urogenital infection;
  • hormonal disorders
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • having bad habits, malnutrition, etc.

The danger of giving birth ahead of time for a woman is the likelihood of developing many complications that may require prompt delivery as soon as possible. For example, an injury to the abdomen can cause an emergency such as placental abruption with internal bleeding. In the presence of a urogenital infection, there are frequent cases of premature rupture of amniotic fluid against the background of immaturity of the birth canal and the absence of active labor.

Why is childbirth at 8 months dangerous, and why is it worth prolonging the pregnancy?

The opinion that having a child ahead of time does not entail any consequences is erroneous. Undoubtedly, compared to deeply premature babies born before 30 weeks, an eight-month-old baby adapts faster to the outside world and has fewer health problems. However, do not forget about the long-term consequences of premature birth, for example, neurological disorders in the form of poor sleep or increased excitability, as well as respiratory diseases, which most often develop in babies after being on artificial lung ventilation.

The eighth month of pregnancy means that training and rehearsals are over, from now on, the most real preparation for childbirth begins. Before the appearance of the baby, there is very little left, and the mother feels their inexorable approach with more and more frequent periodic, called Braxton Higgs contractions. Normally, uterine contractions at the 8th month of pregnancy are not accompanied by sensations of severe soreness, and the duration and frequency of contractions are not long and not intense. But mom needs to know that if suddenly the contractions become painful and last longer than an hour, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor - perhaps the baby is "tired" of sitting in his mother's tummy, and premature birth.

It is now very important to continue to observe proper nutrition , walk more, breathe fresh air, rest more often. The abdomen at the 8th month of pregnancy has reached enormous dimensions, and by the end of it, the woman's uterus will take its highest position. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, and the baby's tremors fall on the very ribs, which can be quite painful. A large belly makes it difficult to choose a sleeping position. Experts recommend categorically not to sleep on your back during the last stages of pregnancy. In this position, the inferior vena cava is squeezed, which can result in increased heart rate, "seizures" of dizziness, and simply feeling unwell.

It is important to remember that the anatomical features of the body are different for different women, and therefore it is absolutely pointless to compare your belly at 8 months of pregnancy with the size of the belly of “colleagues” in carrying a child. Some women have a very impressive belly at this time, while others have a "compact" and "miniature" until the very birth. But let's discuss the eighth month of pregnancy in more detail.


· Baby development at 8 months of pregnancy

The development of the child at this time already allows him to distinguish between darkness and light. The kid is finally formed and is only improving day by day. By the beginning of the month, its height is approximately 40-43 cm, and the average weight is 1.7 kg. While the eighth month of pregnancy is going on, the baby will gain 200 grams. every week.

During 32-33 weeks of the term, the child in the womb of the mother takes a position in which he will move towards this world. Ideally, this position is with the head down (head - Fig. 1). However, in 4-6%, the baby is positioned with its head up (breech, breech presentation - Fig. 2), or even across the mother's abdomen (transverse presentation - Fig. 3). While the 8th month of pregnancy is going on, you should not worry too much about this - the child still has time, and he may well have time to roll over, taking a cephalic presentation.

The future man is already experiencing emotions, mood swings, pain. He distinguishes smells, tastes, hears, sees and needs attention. The child knows how his mother's heart beats, recognizes the noise of blood moving along the umbilical cord, and the sounds of peristalsis. Among the many sounds reaching him, the baby singles out the voice of his mother and recognizes the voice of his father.

At 8 months, he constantly develops the muscles of the face by sucking on his thumb. This workout will allow a newborn baby to easily get the first and most important food in life - colostrum .

The baby is almost ready for birth - all the main organs and life-supporting systems are developed and functioning, it remains only to finally develop the lungs. And, if a child for some reason "decides" to be born at the 8th month of pregnancy, then it will be a matter of premature birth rather than premature birth.

At this stage, the child is almost no different from the most ordinary person: he sees, hears, knows how to squint, frown, blink. The marigolds reach the ends of the phalanges of the nail plates. The skin color is evened out, the face and shoulders are rounded, due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The embryonic fluff of lanugo gradually disappears from the skin, the first hairs on the head break through, there are eyebrows and eyelashes. At the same time, the layer of primordial lubricant continues to thicken, it will make it easier for the baby to "travel" through the birth canal, allowing it to slide.

Scientists believe that a child in the third trimester is already dreaming - his eyelids move in a rhythm that is characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. His brain becomes more and more complicated and improved - multiple neural connections are formed between cells, and already formed brain cells acquire a protective meilin sheath. And, although the bones of the crumbs are already quite strong, and the cartilages of the ears and nose are hard, the cranial bones remain soft so that the child can pass the birth canal normally, without injuries.

A huge work is done by the child's liver: at this stage of development, it must accumulate iron in the quantities required by the body for independent hematopoiesis during the first year of the baby's life.

The eighth month of pregnancy is significant for an intensive weight gain: by the end of the pregnancy, the fetus will weigh about 2500-2700 grams, and the average growth will increase to 45-46 cm from the crown to the heels.

· Feelings and possible problems of the period

The eighth month of pregnancy is often full of worries and worries about the upcoming birth, the health and well-being of the child, and the intensive preparation of the "dowry". All this happens against the background of absent-mindedness and a woman's feeling of strong fatigue from pregnancy, both emotionally and physically.

The child continues to grow and develop actively, leaving less and less room for movement. The sensations of shocks are now very distinct, especially sharp and indignant blows on my mother's ribs. Be patient a little longer, soon the place will drop closer to the pelvis and it will become much easier. Physical sensations at 8 months can hardly be called pleasant: shortness of breath, problems with movement and sleep, bouts of heartburn, frequent urge to go to the toilet, for sure, the problem of constipation, back pain has worsened. The grown-up toddler squeezes the internal organs, so the eighth month of pregnancy for mom is marked by frequent urination and shortness of breath. Do not be afraid of cases of urinary incontinence - at this stage this is a normal phenomenon, do not tolerate it, go to the toilet more often, preventing urine from stagnating. The pelvic floor begins to expand with the approach of labor. This condition can cause unpleasant painful sensations during pregnancy and other inconveniences for a woman in position.

In gait, the expectant mother is similar to a duck. Light training contractions became more tangible and regular. Colostrum is already excreted from a woman's breast - the very first and most important food for a newborn. Now the pregnant woman gets tired very quickly and is not able to walk for a long time. And therefore, you should not go far from home, as well as walk alone. Despite everything, daily walks on the street should be a truly invincible rule for the mother - oxygen is vital for the baby now! Take care of a few more weeks and do not "urge" the descendant to go out into the world.

At this time, shortness of breath is a completely normal symptom, the uterus having risen to the maximum height, compresses, including the lungs. The main thing is that other symptoms, such as blue lips or fingertips, chest pain, rapid heartbeat and breathing rhythm, do not appear against the background of difficulty breathing. If this is the case, immediately call the ambulance.

In the body of the expectant mother, the amount of fluid increases significantly, which is manifested in some swelling of the face and limbs. It is necessary to monitor the "severity" and spread of edema, as well as the blood pressure of a pregnant woman: severe edema and high blood pressure may indicate about.

In order to "calm down" the baby a little and relieve the pain in the ribs, which is characteristic of this period due to the intrauterine "acrobatics" of the child, it is recommended to perform the "cat's back" exercise.

The eighth month of pregnancy, among other things, is annoying and pain in the back, arising from a significantly enlarged abdomen. They often increase after a walk, starting to give in the stomach. In this case, you should lie down and rest, if it's very hard, you can drink half or a whole Nosh-py pill. In case of pain lasting more than half an hour, an ambulance should be called urgently.

Feelings of congestion in the ears and nose, the appearance of spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, leg muscle cramps are possible. Also, you do not need to be afraid if the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina increases somewhat: in the absence of physical discomfort, changes in the color and consistency of the discharge, such an increase in discharge has no reason for excitement.

Changes in hormonal levels can lead to a rather unusual and unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - increased body hair growth. This is temporary, after childbirth, after the stabilization of hormonal processes, the situation will resolve itself.

· Premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy

The third trimester is the period of pregnancy when a miscarriage is no longer a cause for alarm, with its onset they talk about premature birth, and towards the end - about premature birth. Premature birth means that the woman's body cannot bear the baby until the end of the due date. The reasons for this phenomenon are mostly little known or not studied at all, since many factors are capable of provoking the birth of a child ahead of time. Known causes include infections, hypertension, smoking, drug use, problems with the placenta, trauma, anomalies of the cervix or the woman's uterus itself.

Premature birth is more common in the summer months, due to the high level of fluid loss by the pregnant woman. Remember: it is necessary to maintain an optimal fluid regime at any time of the year, and especially in summer. In case of the first signs of premature birth, go to the hospital immediately!

There is a reason to urgently call an ambulance for women who observe the following signs of premature birth:

  1. active uterine contractions began, the frequency of which is five or more times within one hour;
  2. there was a discharge of scarlet blood from the genital tract in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  3. pain when urinating;
  4. swelling or swelling of the face or hands appeared in a short time;
  5. there are acute or prolonged abdominal pain;
  6. continuous or acute vomiting has begun;
  7. there is strong pressure at the bottom of the pelvis;
  8. sudden discharge of water from the genital tract - a clear aqueous liquid.

For a woman in the third trimester, premature birth does not differ much from timely birth, but this cannot be said about an infant. First of all, a child is born without having time to achieve a sufficient degree of physical maturity required for an autonomous existence. Despite the earlier appearance, nursing premature babies today has great chances. Modern medicine is able to save a child's life and prevent most of the developmental pathologies associated with early birth.

However, enough about the difficulties and dangers. You are already at the "finish line", just a little bit separating you from the significant, wonderful meeting with your blood, your child!

· Nutrition during pregnancy 8 months

The eighth, and even the ninth month of pregnancy will also be accompanied by digestive problems, the provocateur of which is the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs of the pregnant woman: heartburn, constipation, bloating. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is compliance with proper nutrition and exclusion from the diet of foods that contribute to digestive disorders.

In the last stages, proper nutrition plays, without exaggeration, a very important role. Its principles are still the same: it is better to eat a little, but more often, avoiding overeating. Heartburn is often associated precisely with a large amount of food consumption: the stomach of a pregnant woman is compressed by the grown uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. Refusal of fatty and fried foods in the diet, smoked meats, sour foods and sweets can help avoid heartburn. It is not recommended to go to bed immediately after a meal - it is preferable to walk for at least half an hour.

In order not to aggravate the manifestations of puffiness, it is recommended to limit salt intake, and besides that, do not drink liquids before going to bed. The same goal can be pursued by preferring lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks as a drink: they have a slight diuretic effect and can improve the excretion of fluid from the "pregnant body".

Meals during pregnancy 8 months should still contain lean meats and fish, however, it is advisable to monitor the amount of their consumption without overusing them in the last months. Meat and fish, however, like cereals, it is preferable to eat in the morning, you can have breakfast and lunch, later it is better to include dairy-vegetable food in the diet.

Considering the colossal intake of calcium from the mother's body by the fetus, fermented milk products and cottage cheese should be included in the daily menu. Beef, liver, spinach, herbs, green apples in the diet of a pregnant woman help to prevent anemia.

In general, the nutritional requirements remain the same: the most natural, familiar, homemade food, the categorical exclusion of semi-finished products and instant products. For a while, it's better to forget about coffee and strong teas. And one more thing: when purchasing cottage cheese or yoghurts in stores, be sure to pay special attention to the expiration date and date of manufacture of the product! Expired fermented milk products are a very favorable environment for the reproduction of E. coli, which can cause very significant damage to the course of pregnancy and the development of a growing child.

· Sex at 8 months pregnant

The last dates are the most relevant period for the question of whether sex is possible and justified now, at the 8th month of pregnancy. Unfortunately, only a doctor leading a pregnancy can give a woman certainty in terms of intimacy. It is with him that you will have to solve this dilemma, and only he will be able to make a "professional" conclusion whether or not sex at 8 months of pregnancy is possible for you, whether or not the presence of physical intimacy is justified for you in the penultimate month of gestation.

To refer to literature of this kind, even exclusively medical, is essentially meaningless - different sources "dictate" opposite postulates. Some say that sex at 8 months of pregnancy has every right to exist, provided that there are no contraindications and situations when mom is carrying twins. According to other sources, the eighth month is not the time for intimacy, it is strongly recommended to refuse sex, referring to the fact that it is possible to “disturb” the child who has taken the correct position in the uterus for childbirth, that is, the head presentation.

One way or another, and the priority for giving a final answer to the acceptability of sex in each individual case, remains with the doctor, who is aware of all the nuances of your "interesting situation". As for the unequivocal contraindications for "sessions" of intimacy, they include: bleeding of unexplained origin, placenta previa, separation of the child's place, damage to the membranes, risk of premature birth.

· Analyzes, examinations, ultrasound for 8 months

Visits to the doctor at this stage will become more frequent, however, a two-time examination of a pregnant woman within one month should have been prescribed a month earlier. In general, from now on, it is necessary to "visit" the doctor at least twice.

As usual, the doctor of the antenatal clinic measures the weight of the pregnant woman and blood pressure, and will listen to the child's heart. Among the mandatory procedures: examination of the mother's hands and feet in order to assess the degree of swelling; traditional urinalysis to detect maternal protein and sugar levels.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 8 months. Actually, the eighth month quite often becomes the time of the last scheduled ultrasound scan. The tasks of ultrasound during pregnancy on the eve of childbirth are as follows:

  1. in order to exclude the possibility of premature aging of the placenta, the degree of maturity is determined by ultrasound;
  2. determination of the real size of the uterus, assessment of the state of the cervix, its readiness for labor;
  3. determination of the state and amount of amniotic fluid;
  4. assessment of the state of the child's internal organs to exclude possible defects in its development;
  5. exclusion of intrauterine malnutrition and determination of the size of the fetus;
  6. determination of the location of the umbilical cord and presentation of the fetus.

Yana Lagidna, specially for MyMom . ru

8 month of pregnancy, video:


The eighth month of pregnancy is the period from 31 to 36 weeks of pregnancy, and there is still a whole month ahead of the birth, although already now you feel tired and all the "charms" of your interesting position. At the beginning of this month, you will have a final pre-birth screening to help doctors navigate how your pregnancy is progressing and whether everything is okay with your baby. The preliminary tactics of childbirth will also be determined, and you will have a third planned ultrasound scan, in which it is already difficult to see the whole baby, it is very large, but it is quite possible to clarify the gender and many nuances of its development.

What happens to the body in the 8th month

In the eighth month of pregnancy, just a few weeks remain before childbirth, and the imminent approach of childbirth is increasingly foreshadowed by special training contractions (Braxton-Higgs, false contractions). These are irregular contractions of the uterus that do not lead to the opening of the cervix, which prepare it for active work in childbirth. If during contractions of the uterus there are no pronounced uncomfortable and painful sensations, the frequency of their occurrence has no regularity, they occur in periods, not for long, then there is no need to worry about this. This is a completely physiological phenomenon that prepares the body for early childbirth. If contractions become painful, they last more than an hour in a row, it is worth consulting a doctor, it is necessary to exclude the onset of premature birth.

At the eighth month, the woman's belly became very large, and by the end of this month, the uterus will take its highest position, it will become almost its maximum size. That is why a woman will begin to notice that it has become difficult for her to breathe, climb stairs or carry out her usual physical activity. Thrusts and movements of the child, which pass right in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs, will be not only uncomfortable, but even painful. Now it is more important than ever to eat right, walk a lot in the fresh air and get enough rest so that there is no overwork and malaise. Due to the large size of the abdomen, it becomes extremely difficult to choose comfortable sleeping positions - it is impossible to sleep on your back, the large uterus literally squeezes the inferior vena cava and gives you severe dizziness, a sharp increase in heart rate, shortness of breath and even loss of consciousness. Sleep is on the left side, with pillows under the legs and lower back for convenience. The shape of the abdomen now can be different - it can be both strongly protruding forward and quite compact, it does not depend on the sex of the child, more on the position in the uterus and on the size, amount of amniotic fluid and the constitution of the mother. Until the end of pregnancy, the belly will still lower and can change its shape, grow a little more in size. With an active lifestyle of a pregnant woman, a bandage is used to relieve the load.

Fetal development: weight, size and sex (add a photo of the embryo)

At this time, the child is not yet completely ready for birth, and he is supposed to stay in his mother's stomach for a few more weeks, but now it will be much easier for him to adapt to the outside world, if suddenly labor begins this month and the baby is born prematurely. His organs and systems have become much more mature than last month, and the myth that it is better for a baby to be born at seven months, at eight weeks - has no real basis. Each week spent by a child in the womb gives him strength and body weight, adds growth and maturity. Therefore, it is important that the baby is not born as long as possible, often doctors do everything to delay the onset of labor and prolong the intrauterine life of the baby. This is especially necessary for the ripening of the lung surfactant and the possibility of spontaneous breathing.

After 35 weeks, babies will still be considered immature, but they have already formed all the main organs and systems, and they can completely avoid most of the problems of previously born premature babies. Usually, with stable weight gain and sucking, they are discharged from the hospital quickly enough and without a nursing stage. If you carry twins, it is quite possible that labor may begin as early as the end of the eighth month, at 35-36 weeks. At the same time, children are born quite strong and viable, grow and develop quite normally.

At eight months, the position of the fetus may still be incorrect, although from the 32nd-32nd week the fetus should take its final position for childbirth. In breech presentation, special exercises and postures will be recommended to stimulate the baby to turn his head down. This will avoid complications in the future and childbirth will take place naturally. During your term, your baby already has a fairly clearly formed sleep and wakefulness regime, and often it does not coincide with yours at all. He sleeps most of the day, rocked by your movements, and usually wakes up when you are at rest and makes itself felt with clear kicks and movements.

Now, by the end of the month, he will be practically ready for birth, all of his most basic organs and systems that ensure his vital activity are fully developed and working, although still imperfectly. But the respiratory system, and especially the baby's lungs, are still undeveloped, a special substance accumulates in them - a surfactant, which will not allow them to subside when the baby breathes spontaneously. If birth begins at the end of the eighth month, the baby will be able to breathe on its own, albeit under the supervision of doctors.

An eight-month-old baby is practically no different from a newborn, except perhaps only in height and in weight, he sees and hears well, can blink, frown, squint, sucks a finger, his marigolds have grown to the edges of the nail phalanges, although still thin and delicate. The skin color becomes pink and even due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and a decrease in translucent vessels. Due to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, the cheeks and face, shoulders and buttocks are rounded. Gradually, fluff (lanugo) comes off the body, hairs grow on the head, cilia and eyebrows are clearly visible. The entire body of the baby with an even layer of original lubricant, and it will help him during childbirth easier to pass the birth canal, protects the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid.

This month, the baby's cerebral cortex is being improved, more and more nerve connections are gradually formed in it, which will help the baby in an independent life, and around the fibers protective sheaths of myelin are formed, a kind of isolation of nerves.

Now the child's skeleton is relatively stronger, the areas of the cartilage of the nose and ears are solid, but the bones of the skull have stitches between them, which will allow the baby's head to safely bypass the birth canal, without causing injury to itself and the mother. Now the important white will be occupied by the child's liver, its role is to accumulate in the last weeks a sufficient amount of iron, which will be consumed in the first months before the introduction of food other than milk to the child. Iron is needed to build new blood cells in the fetus and baby, to prevent anemia.

At eight months, the fetus occupies almost the entire space of the uterus and its movements are limited, it took an embryonic position with legs and arms pulled up to the chest. And now his movements are very distinct and confident, mom can feel under the ribs and over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, even distinguishing the outlines of heels and pens. Now the fetus weighs up to 30 g per day, and by the end of the month it can weigh about 2500-2800 g with growth up to 46 cm.

Feelings and problems of the expectant mother (use the word wiggle, pulls the lower abdomen, abdominal pain)

In this period, the woman is already beginning to get tired of her position and her belly, which has become literally huge. He interferes with putting on clothes and shoes, it is difficult to walk with him and it is uncomfortable to sleep. But now the time has come to fully devote their time to the future baby, especially since in this period most women are already on maternity leave. Now the feeling of life in your stomach changes your outlook and attitude to life, career problems, work problems and household trifles are relegated to the background, everything is aimed at wearing out and the early birth of a baby. This is the work of the dominant of pregnancy in the brain - it adjusts the physical body of the wife, her psyche, so as to bring the pregnancy in maximum comfort and convenience and safely give life to a new person. Hence the tears of affection, and mood changes, and the special sensitivity of expectant mothers. This is normal, and you should not completely close yourself off from external life and go headlong into motherhood - lead your usual life and enjoy your position. If this does not cause you any inconvenience or feeling unwell, there is practically no need to change your life - you can walk, travel (only close and strictly with an exchange card in hand), buy things as a dowry and attend courses for expectant mothers and fathers. The most important thing for you now is your peace of mind and your confidence that everything is fine and there are no problems during pregnancy and your baby's health. Protect yourself from stress and negative emotions, they can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and even to the development of premature birth.

The abdomen in this period reaches almost its maximum size, the height of the fundus of the uterus reaches its maximum by the 36th week. After 35 weeks, the uterus can literally press against your ribs, which leads to difficulty breathing. The child weighs almost a kilogram and needs a place to stay, so the internal organs will be squeezed out due to the growth of the uterus. The abdomen can create enough problems with the sleeping position, walking and household issues, but the most important sensations from it are fetal movements. Now it should make itself felt at least 10 times in 12 hours, and it is better that you feel the fetal movement every 15-20 minutes. The kid can almost freeze for several hours, slightly stretching in a dream, or can actively push and move. It is worth worrying if the child is overly active and his movements are sharply painful, or if he is very lethargic and barely felt by you. This may indicate intrauterine suffering or hypoxia, it is worth changing position, walking or stretching. If this continues for a long time, it is worth informing the doctor about it and undergoing additional examination. For greater comfort, it is recommended to sleep on the left side - this is the most optimal position for the fetus and blood circulation of the placenta and uterus, and quite comfortable for the mother.

If you are worried about abdominal pain, especially persistent or cramping, periodically pulling the lower abdomen, do not think that this is normal, especially in combination with uterine tone, painful training contractions and vaginal discharge. You need to immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital, this may be the onset of premature birth or problems with the placenta. The situation is especially serious in the presence of smearing, bloody discharge from the vagina, and in the presence of dark cherry or scarlet blood, you need to immediately go to the hospital - placental abruption begins, a fatal complication if you do not immediately help.

In addition, many uncomfortable manifestations can be disturbing - many of them require a change in regimen, nutrition or consultation with a doctor, or even inpatient treatment. One of the common complications is edema, which is mainly formed on the extremities and can be the onset of nephropathy in pregnant women or gestosis. Particularly dangerous are severe edema right in the morning, spreading to the face and body, and combined with protein in the urine and increased pressure. Immediately in the hospital for preservation and decision on the further management of pregnancy.

A large uterus presses on the abdominal organs and causes a host of unpleasant symptoms and sensations such as nausea, especially with heavy meals, infrequent meals, or for no reason. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the walls of the stomach. That is why heartburn can also occur, with the throwing of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus. It is possible to reduce such sensations if you eat often and in small portions, immediately after eating, stay in an upright or semi-recumbent position, rest after eating for at least an hour, without bending over. If you are at home, taking the knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes and relieving the pressure of the uterus on the intestines will help alleviate the condition. In this position, the internal organs receive more blood, and food is easier for the stomach and goes into the intestines. With an abundant intake of food, vomiting may also occur, if it is single and without fever and diarrhea, you can not worry much and revise your diet, and if you have the described symptoms, immediately see a doctor, food poisoning in pregnant women is extremely dangerous.

It is worth monitoring the discharge in this period. Due to a change in the hormonal background, there may be some increase in secretions - they are transparent or slightly whitish, odorless and pathological impurities. An increase in secretions that are clear as water with constant wetting of the laundry is a sign of a possible leakage of amniotic fluid. It is worth purchasing a leakage test pad at the pharmacy or visiting a doctor. In the presence of water leakage, hospitalization is immediately needed and a decision on the management of pregnancy further is needed. Everything with bloody discharge is no less serious, this is an occasion for immediate consultation with a doctor. Also dangerous are discharge with a smell, green, gray, yellowish or any other color, with admixtures of mucus, pus or bubbles. These are signs of genital tract infections that can threaten the baby and pregnancy and require immediate treatment.

Due to the pressure of the uterus, there is an increase in urination, which requires frequent trips to the toilet, as well as an increase in such a delicate problem as constipation. It is important to monitor the amount of fluid and fiber in the diet, move more, so that the intestines can work easier. Also, dyspnea may be painful when climbing stairs or active walking due to the contraction of the diaphragm by the uterus and increased breathing rate, which has become superficial. Bleeding of the gums, severe sweating, sensations of heat and stuffiness in the room, congestion of the ears and nose, numbness of the limbs, especially fingers, increased hair growth on the body are possible.

Dangers of 8 months of pregnancy

The most dangerous now is the onset of premature birth or placental abruption, these conditions can threaten the well-being of the mother and baby, since both are not yet ready for childbirth and there may well be serious complications. Therefore, any discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain is a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor or an emergency call. It is immediately necessary in the family when the amniotic fluid flows or leaks from drops or a trickle, if the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, the fetus may become infected.

Colds are no less dangerous in this period - with an increase in temperature and coughing, the tone of the uterus increases, and a runny nose leads to a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the mother and fetus. Contact with colds should be avoided and less crowded places during the cold season.

Analyzes and examinations

During this period of pregnancy, you will have to visit the doctor twice for routine examinations and have passed two urine tests before them. When visiting a doctor, the weight and abdominal circumference are measured, the fetal heartbeat is monitored, and the presence of edema is checked. In the analysis of urine, the amount of protein, glucose and leukocytes, microbes is examined. In the same period, the third planned screening ultrasound is performed. On it, the condition of the fetus is checked - its weight and height, the state of internal organs and the absence of malformations, as well as the state of the placenta, uterus and cervix is \u200b\u200bchecked, the duration of the PDD and many nuances necessary for childbirth are specified. Also, according to indications, dopplerometry of the fetus and placenta can be prescribed, as well as CTG of the fetus to determine the state of the uterus and fetal blood circulation, oxygen sufficiency.

Mom's diet and weight

In this period, nutrition does not differ much from that in previous months, you need a sufficient amount of protein and vitamins with minerals, fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. Through proper nutrition, you can maintain a stable weight, avoiding the accumulation of excess fat reserves. It is worth giving up the use of such products as fast food, a large amount of sweets and light carbohydrates, fatty, spicy and salty, semi-finished products and much more. You need to eat quite a bit, in small portions, but often. When a large amount of food is consumed, heartburn and belching, nausea and even vomiting may immediately occur, it is worth eating fractionally and not overeating at night, refusing to eat two to three hours before bedtime. If you want to eat, light snacks with fruits or vegetables, fermented milk drinks and dishes are permissible. Immediately after eating, it is not recommended to go to bed, it is worth walking or sitting so that the contents of the stomach are not thrown into the esophagus, and heartburn does not develop. It is important to limit the diet of sugar, salt, it has the specificity of retaining water in the body. For drinking, it is worth using non-carbonated drinking or mineral water, herbal teas or infusions, fruit drinks. It is worth drinking because of thirst, without much restricting yourself in drinking, since edema is almost not associated with the amount of fluid you drink, but is associated with hormones and metabolism.

In this period, sex is permissible with the agreement of a doctor, there is no unequivocal prohibition or permission - everything should proceed from the state of pregnancy and her well-being and desire. If there is no threat of premature birth and the placenta is located normally, if there is a desire, there are no prohibitions. But it is worth limiting the intensity of intimacy, choosing optimal positions and abandoning harsh forms of sex. In case of intimacy, it is worth using a condom so as not to infect the cervix, as well as to monitor your health after intercourse. Orgasm with intimacy does not affect the child in any way, and positive emotions from sex will only benefit the baby.

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Eighth month of pregnancy

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