Copper chloride solution 2 formula. Hydrolysis of copper (II) chloride. Copper Chloride Reactions

Tile 22.09.2020

§1. Chemical properties of a simple substance (st. Approx. \u003d 0).

a) Relationship to oxygen.

Unlike its subgroup neighbors - silver and gold - copper reacts directly with oxygen. Copper exhibits insignificant activity towards oxygen, but in humid air it gradually oxidizes and becomes covered with a greenish film, consisting of basic copper carbonates:

In dry air, oxidation proceeds very slowly; a thinnest layer of copper oxide forms on the copper surface:

Externally, copper does not change at the same time, since copper (I) oxide, like copper itself, is pink in color. In addition, the oxide layer is so thin that it transmits light, i.e. shines through. In a different way, copper oxidizes when heated, for example, at 600-800 0 C. In the first seconds, oxidation proceeds to copper (I) oxide, which turns into black copper (II) oxide from the surface. A two-layer oxide coating is formed.

Formation Q (Cu 2 O) \u003d 84935 kJ.

Figure 2. Structure of a copper oxide film.

b) Interaction with water.

Metals of the copper subgroup are at the end of the electrochemical series of voltages, after the hydrogen ion. Therefore, these metals cannot displace hydrogen from water. At the same time, hydrogen and other metals can displace metals of the copper subgroup from solutions of their salts, for example:

This reaction is redox, as the transition of electrons occurs:

Molecular hydrogen displaces metals of the copper subgroup with great difficulty. This is explained by the fact that the bond between hydrogen atoms is strong and a lot of energy is spent on breaking it. The reaction goes only with hydrogen atoms.

In the absence of oxygen, copper practically does not interact with water. In the presence of oxygen, copper slowly reacts with water and becomes covered with a green film of copper hydroxide and basic carbonate:

c) Interaction with acids.

Being in the series of stresses after hydrogen, copper does not displace it from acids. Therefore, hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acid does not affect copper.

However, in the presence of oxygen, copper dissolves in these acids with the formation of the corresponding salts:

The only exception is hydroiodic acid, which reacts with copper to release hydrogen and form a very stable copper (I) complex:

2 Cu + 3 HI → 2 H[ CuI 2 ] + H 2

Copper also reacts with acids - oxidizing agents, for example, with nitric acid:

Cu + 4HNO 3( end .) → Cu (NO 3 ) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

3Cu + 8HNO 3( dilute .) → 3Cu (NO 3 ) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O

And also with concentrated cold sulfuric acid:

Cu + H 2 SO 4 (conc.) → CuO + SO 2 + H 2 O

With hot concentrated sulfuric acid :

Cu + 2H 2 SO 4( end ., hot ) → CuSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

With anhydrous sulfuric acid at a temperature of 200 ° C, copper (I) sulfate is formed:

2Cu + 2H 2 SO 4( waterless .) 200 ° C → Cu 2 SO 4 ↓ + SO 2 + 2H 2 O

d) Relation to halogens and some other non-metals.

Q formation (CuCl) \u003d 134300 kJ

Q formation (CuCl 2) \u003d 111700 kJ

Copper reacts well with halogens, gives two types of halides: CuX and CuX 2 .. Under the action of halogens at room temperature, no visible changes occur, but a layer of adsorbed molecules forms on the surface first, and then a thinnest layer of halides. When heated, the reaction with copper is very violent. We heat a copper wire or foil and lower it hot into a jar with chlorine - brown vapors will appear near copper, consisting of copper (II) chloride CuCl 2 with an admixture of copper (I) chloride CuCl. The reaction occurs spontaneously due to the released heat. Monovalent copper halides are obtained by reacting metallic copper with a solution of a bivalent copper halide, for example:

In this case, the monochloride falls out of solution as a white precipitate on the copper surface.

Copper also quite easily steps into reaction with sulfur and selenium when heated (300-400 ° C):

2Cu + S → Cu 2 S

2Cu + Se → Cu 2 Se

But copper does not react with hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen even at high temperatures.

e) Interaction with non-metal oxides

When heated, copper can displace simple substances from some nonmetal oxides (for example, sulfur (IV) oxide and nitrogen oxides (II, IV)), thus forming a thermodynamically more stable copper (II) oxide:

4Cu + SO 2 600-800 ° C → 2CuO + Cu 2 S

4Cu + 2NO 2 500-600 ° C → 4CuO + N 2

2 Cu+2 NO 500-600 ° C →2 CuO + N 2

§2. Chemical properties of cuprous copper (st.ok. \u003d +1)

In aqueous solutions, the Cu + ion is very unstable and disproportionate:

Cu + Cu 0 + Cu 2+

However, copper in the oxidation state (+1) can be stabilized in compounds with very low solubility or by complexation.

a) Copper oxide (I) Cu 2 O

Amphoteric oxide. The crystalline substance is brownish-red. It occurs naturally in the form of the mineral cuprite. It can be artificially obtained by heating a solution of a copper (II) salt with an alkali and some strong reducing agent, for example, formalin or glucose. Copper (I) oxide does not react with water. Copper (I) oxide is transferred into a solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid to form a chloride complex:

Cu 2 O+4 HCl→2 H[ CuCl2]+ H 2 O

We will also dissolve in a concentrated solution of ammonia and ammonium salts:

Cu 2 O + 2NH 4 + →2 +

In dilute sulfuric acid, it disproportionates into divalent copper and metallic copper:

Cu 2 O + H 2 SO 4 (diluted) → CuSO 4 + Cu 0 ↓ + H 2 O

Also, copper (I) oxide enters into the following reactions in aqueous solutions:

1. Slowly oxidized with oxygen to copper (II) hydroxide:

2 Cu 2 O+4 H 2 O+ O 2 →4 Cu(OH) 2

2. Reacts with dilute hydrohalic acids to form the corresponding copper (I) halides:

Cu 2 O+2 HG → 2CuG ↓ +H 2 O (G \u003dCl, Br, J)

3.Reduced to metallic copper by typical reducing agents, for example, sodium hydrosulfite in a concentrated solution:

2 Cu 2 O+2 NaSO 3 →4 Cu↓+ Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 SO 4

Copper (I) oxide is reduced to metallic copper in the following reactions:

1. When heated to 1800 ° C (decomposition):

2 Cu 2 O - 1800 ° C →2 Cu + O 2

2. When heated in a stream of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, with aluminum and other typical reducing agents:

Cu 2 O + H 2 - \u003e 250 ° C → 2Cu + H 2 O

Cu 2 O + CO - 250-300 ° C → 2Cu + CO 2

3 Cu 2 O + 2 Al - 1000 ° C →6 Cu + Al 2 O 3

Also, at high temperatures, copper (I) oxide reacts:

1.With ammonia (copper (I) nitride is formed)

3 Cu 2 O + 2 NH 3 - 250 ° C →2 Cu 3 N + 3 H 2 O

2.With alkali metal oxides:

Cu 2 O + M 2 O- 600-800 ° C →2 MCuO (M \u003d Li, Na, K)

This results in the formation of copper (I) cuprates.

Copper (I) oxide reacts markedly with alkalis:

Cu 2 O+2 NaOH (conc.) + H 2 O↔2 Na[ Cu(OH) 2 ]

b) Copper hydroxide (I) CuOH

Copper (I) hydroxide forms a yellow substance, does not dissolve in water.

Readily decomposes when heated or boiled:

2 CuOHCu 2 O + H 2 O

c) HalidesCuF, CuFROMl, CuBr andCuJ

All these compounds are white crystalline substances, poorly soluble in water, but readily soluble in an excess of NH 3, cyanide ions, thiosulfate ions and other strong complexing agents. Iodine forms only the compound Cu +1 J. In the gaseous state, cycles of the (CuH) 3 type are formed. Reversibly soluble in the corresponding hydrohalic acids:

CuG + HG ↔H[ CuD 2 ] (Г \u003dCl, Br, J)

Chloride and bromide of copper (I) are unstable in humid air and gradually turn into basic copper (II) salts:

4 CuG +2H 2 O + O 2 →4 Cu(OH) Г (Г \u003d Cl, Br)

d) Other copper compounds (I)

1. Copper (I) acetate (СН 3 СООСu) - a copper compound, has the form of colorless crystals. In water, it slowly hydrolyzes to Cu 2 O; in air, it oxidizes to bivalent copper acetate; CH 3 COOCu is obtained by reduction of (CH 3 COO) 2 Cu with hydrogen or copper, by sublimation (CH 3 COO) 2 Cu in vacuum or by the interaction of (NH 3 OH) SO 4 with (CH 3 COO) 2 Cu in solution in the presence of H 3 COONH 3. The substance is toxic.

2. Copper (I) acetylenide - red-brown, sometimes black crystals. In dry form, crystals detonate upon impact or heating. Stable when wet. During detonation in the absence of oxygen, no gaseous substances are formed. Decomposes under the action of acids. It is formed as a precipitate when acetylene is passed into ammonia solutions of copper (I) salts:

FROM 2 H 2 +2[ Cu(NH 3 ) 2 ](OH) → Cu 2 C 2 ↓ +2 H 2 O+2 NH 3

This reaction is used for the qualitative detection of acetylene.

3. Copper nitride - an inorganic compound with the formula Cu 3 N, dark green crystals.

Decomposes on heating:

2 Cu 3 N - 300 ° C →6 Cu + N 2

Reacts violently with acids:

2 Cu 3 N +6 HCl - 300 ° C →3 Cu↓ +3 CuCl 2 +2 NH 3

§3. Chemical properties of bivalent copper (st.ok. \u003d +2)

The most stable oxidation state for copper and the most characteristic for it.

a) Copper oxide (II) CuO

CuO is the basic bivalent copper oxide. The crystals are black, quite stable under normal conditions, practically insoluble in water. It occurs naturally in the form of black tenorite (melaconite) mineral. Copper (II) oxide reacts with acids to form the corresponding copper (II) and water salts:

CuO + 2 HNO 3 Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + H 2 O

When CuO fusion with alkalis, copper (II) cuprates are formed:

CuO+2 KOH- t ° K 2 CuO 2 + H 2 O

When heated to 1100 ° C decomposes:

4CuO- t ° →2 Cu 2 O + O 2

b) Copper (II) hydroxideCu(OH) 2

Copper (II) hydroxide is a blue amorphous or crystalline substance, practically insoluble in water. When heated to 70-90 ° C, Cu (OH) 2 powder or its aqueous suspensions decomposes to CuO and H 2 O:

Cu(OH) 2 CuO + H 2 O

It is an amphoteric hydroxide. Reacts with acids to form water and the corresponding copper salt:

It does not react with dilute solutions of alkalis, in concentrated solutions it dissolves, forming bright blue tetrahydroxocuprates (II):

Copper (II) hydroxide forms basic salts with weak acids. It dissolves very easily in an excess of ammonia to form copper ammonia:

Cu (OH) 2 + 4NH 4 OH → (OH) 2 + 4H 2 O

Copper ammoniaate has an intense blue-violet color; therefore, it is used in analytical chemistry to determine small amounts of Cu 2+ ions in solution.

c) Copper salts (II)

Simple copper (II) salts are known for most anions, except for cyanide and iodide, which, when interacting with the Cu 2+ cation, form covalent copper (I) compounds, insoluble in water.

Copper salts (+2) are mainly water soluble. The blue color of their solutions is associated with the formation of the 2+ ion. They often crystallize as hydrates. So, from an aqueous solution of copper (II) chloride below 15 ° C, tetrahydrate crystallizes, at 15-26 ° C - trihydrate, above 26 ° C - dihydrate. In aqueous solutions, copper (II) salts are slightly hydrolyzed, and basic salts are often precipitated from them.

1. Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate (copper sulfate)

CuSO 4 * 5H 2 O, called copper sulfate, is of the greatest practical importance. Dry salt has a blue color, however, when heated slightly (200 0 С), it loses crystallization water. Anhydrous white salt. Upon further heating to 700 0 С, it turns into copper oxide, losing sulfur trioxide:

CuSO 4 ­-- t ° CuO+ SO 3

Copper sulfate is prepared by dissolving copper in concentrated sulfuric acid. This reaction is described in the section "Chemical properties of a simple substance". Copper sulfate is used in the electrolytic production of copper, in agriculture to combat pests and diseases of plants, to obtain other copper compounds.

2. Copper (II) chloride dihydrate.

These are dark green crystals, readily soluble in water. Concentrated copper chloride solutions are green, and dilute solutions are blue. This is due to the formation of a green chloride complex:

Cu 2+ +4 Cl - →[ CuCl 4 ] 2-

And its further destruction and the formation of a blue aqua complex.

3. Copper (II) nitrate trihydrate.

Crystalline substance of blue color. It is obtained by dissolving copper in nitric acid. When heated, the crystals first lose water, then decompose with the release of oxygen and nitrogen dioxide, turning into copper (II) oxide:

2Cu (NO 3 ) 2 -- t ° → 2CuO + 4NO 2 + O 2

4. Hydroxomed (II) carbonate.

Copper carbonates are unstable and are almost never used in practice. Of some importance for the production of copper is only the basic copper carbonate Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3, which occurs naturally in the form of the mineral malachite. When heated, it easily decomposes with the release of water, carbon monoxide (IV) and copper (II) oxide:

Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3 -- t ° → 2CuO + H 2 O + CO 2

§4. Chemical properties of trivalent copper (st.ok. \u003d +3)

This oxidation state is the least stable for copper, and therefore copper (III) compounds are the exceptions rather than "rules". However, some trivalent copper compounds do exist.

a) Copper (III) oxide Cu 2 O 3

It is a crystalline substance, dark garnet color. Does not dissolve in water.

It is obtained by oxidation of copper (II) hydroxide with potassium peroxodisulfate in an alkaline medium at negative temperatures:

2Cu (OH) 2 + K 2 S 2 O 8 + 2KOH - -20 ° C → Cu 2 O 3 ↓ + 2K 2 SO 4 + 3H 2 O

This substance decomposes at a temperature of 400 0 С:

Cu 2 O 3 -- t ° →2 CuO+ O 2

Copper (III) oxide is a strong oxidizing agent. When interacting with hydrogen chloride, chlorine is reduced to free chlorine:

Cu 2 O 3 +6 HCl-- t ° →2 CuCl 2 + Cl 2 +3 H 2 O

b) Cuprates of copper (III)

These are black or blue substances, unstable in water, diamagnetic, anion - ribbons of squares (dsp 2). Formed by the interaction of copper (II) hydroxide and alkali metal hypochlorite in an alkaline medium:

2 Cu(OH) 2 + MClO + 2 NaOH→ 2MCuO 3 + NaCl +3 H 2 O (M= Na- Cs)

c) Potassium hexafluorocuprate (III)

Green substance, paramagnetic. Octahedral structure sp 3 d 2. Copper fluoride complex CuF 3, which decomposes in a free state at -60 0 С. It is formed by heating a mixture of potassium and copper chlorides in a fluorine atmosphere:

3KCl + CuCl + 3F 2 → K 3 + 2Cl 2

Decomposes water to form free fluorine.

§five. Copper compounds in the oxidation state (+4)

So far, science knows only one substance where copper is in the +4 oxidation state, this is cesium hexafluorocuprate (IV) - Cs 2 Cu +4 F 6 - an orange crystalline substance stable in glass ampoules at 0 0 C. Reacts violently with water. It is obtained by fluorination at high pressure and temperature of a mixture of cesium and copper chlorides:

CuCl 2 + 2CsCl + 3F 2 -- t ° p → Cs 2 CuF 6 + 2Cl 2

The binary substance copper chloride (monochloride), the formula of which is CuCl, is a salt of hydrochloric acid. It is a powder, usually white or green, very poorly soluble in water. The greenish tint of the monochloride crystals is due to the presence of impurities of a divalent substance called copper chloride ii.

This compound was first obtained by the great chemist Robert Boyle. This event happened a long time ago, and for obtaining the scientist used simple metallic copper and bivalent. Then, in 1799, Joseph Proust isolated dichloride crystals from monochloride. This reaction was a process of gradual heating of the solution, as a result of which copper (II) chloride lost some of the chlorine, about half of its presence. Separation of dichloride from monochloride was carried out by conventional washing.

Copper monochloride is a white crystalline substance that changes the shape of the crystal lattice at 408 ° C. Since this compound both melts and boils practically without decomposition, its chemical formula is sometimes written in the form of Cu2Cl2. Monochloride, however, like other copper compounds, is toxic.

The compound copper chloride, the formula of which is written as CuCl2, looks like dark brown wedge-shaped single crystals. When interacting with even a very small amount of water, the crystals of the compound change color: from dark brown, it successively turns into greenish, and then into blue. It is interesting that if you add very little to such an aqueous solution, the crystals will return to one of the intermediate states - they will become greenish.

The melting point of a substance is 537 ° C, and at a temperature of 954 - 1032 ° C, it boils. The compound is soluble in substances such as water, alcohol, ammonia. Its density is 3.054 g / cm3. With a constant dilution of the solution and maintaining the temperature at 25 ° C, the molar conductivity of the substance is 265.9 cm2 / mol.

Copper chloride is obtained by the action of chlorine on copper, as well as by carrying out the reaction of interaction (II) with Industrial production is based on the roasting of mixtures of copper sulfides with sodium chloride. In this case, a temperature of 550-600 ° C should be ensured during the reaction, as a result of which, in addition to the substance under consideration, the presence of such components as HCl, sulfur gases and arsenous compounds in the gaseous state is detected. Manufactures are known where the production of copper chloride is carried out by initiating an exchange reaction between copper sulfate and BaCl2.

At a temperature of 993 ° C, the substance decomposes into CuCl and Cl2, its solubility in aqueous solutions is characterized by:

When dissolved in an aqueous solution of 25-degree temperature, 77.4 grams of copper chloride completely dissolves in 100 grams of water;

When the temperature of the solution reaches 100 ° C, 120 grams of the substance are already dissolved in it. In both cases, it is assumed that the density of CuCl2 was the same.

Copper chloride is widely used as a chemical catalyst, a component of pyrotechnic mixtures, in the production of various mineral dyes. As used as a flue gas analyzer, it helps to calculate their concentration and the level of carbon dioxide. Dichloride is also used as an oxygen carrier at various stages of chemical production, such a technology, for example, is common in the production of organic dyes.

Copper chloride salt, for all its insolubility, is capable of forming a number of crystalline hydrates. At the same time, a concentrated solution of a substance has the ability to attach nitric oxide, which is also widely used in the production of drugs and in the chemical industry.

Basic information:

Pesticide Type Fungicide Chemical Structure Group Inorganic Compounds The nature of the action CAS Registration Number 7447-39-4 CF code (Enzyme Code) 231-210-2 International Collaborative Pesticide Analytical Council (CIPAC) code 44 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) chemical code 108303 Chemical formula CuCl 2 SMILES ClCl International Chemical Identifier (InChI) InChI \u003d 1 / 2ClH.Cu / h2 * 1H; / q ;; + 2 / p-2 / rCl2Cu / c1-3-2 Structural formula Molecular weight (g / mol) 134.45 IUPAC name dichlorocopper CAS title copper II chloride (anhydrous) Other information Severe Marine Pollutant Herbicide resistance by HRAC Not determined IRAC insecticide resistance Not determined Fungicide resistance according to FRAC M1 Physical state
Protective, inhibiting fungal spores and pathogens from the entry of leading tissues
Corona corpus luteum (anhydrous) to blue-green crystals (dihydrate)


copper chloride: behavior in the environment

757000 Q4 High 680000 Q4 - Methanol - 530000 Q4 - Ethanol - - - - - - - - - - - - - P: - - - Log P: - - - 3.39 Q3 - - - - 1.00 X 10 -10 Q1 Non volatile - - - 7.29 X 10 -21 Calculated Not volatile DT50 (typical) - - -DT50DT50 (field): - - -DT90 (laboratory at 20 o C): - - -DT90 (field): - - - Note: Value: - - - Note: Value: - - - Note: - - - - - - - - - Value: - - - Note: - - - - - - Kf: - - 1 / n: - - Note: - - -
Index Value Explanation
Solubility in water at 20 o C (mg / l)
Solubility in organic solvents at 20 o C (mg / l)
Melting point (o C)
Evaporating temperature (o C)
Decomposition temperature (o C)
Flash point (o C)
Partition coefficient in the octanol / water system at pH 7, 20 o C
Specific gravity (g / ml) / Specific gravity
Dissociation constant (pKa) at 25 o C
Vapor pressure at 25 o C (MPa)
Henry's Law Constant at 25 o C (Pa * m 3 / mol)
Henry's Law Constant at 20 o C (dimensionless)
Decay period in soil (days)
DT50 water photolysis (days) at pH 7
Aqueous hydrolysis of DT50 (days) at 20 o C and pH 7
DT50 water deposition (days)
Only water phase DT50 (days)
Potential washout index GUS
SCI concentration growth index in groundwater (μg / l) at an application rate of 1 kg / ha (l / ha)
Potential for particle bound transport index
Koc - distribution coefficient of organic carbon (ml / g)
pH stability:
Freundlich adsorption isotherm -
Maximum UV absorption (l / (mol * cm))

copper chloride: ecotoxicity

BCF: - - CT50 (days): - - - - - 140 V3 Rat Moderate (mg / kg): - - (ppm food): - - - - - - - - 0.24 F4 Rainbow trout Moderately - - - - - - - - - 0.134 F3 Shrimp-mysida Moderately 0.043 F4 Chironomus mosquito Tall - - - - - - - - - 0.55 H1 Unknown species Moderate - - - - - - - - - 15 A4 Earthworm, as Cu, 8 week Moderate Other soil macro-organisms, for example Legs LR50 / EC50 / NOEC / Action (%) 813 A5 Tropical white springtail (Folsomia candida), 28day EC50 Mortality mg / kg - LR50 (g / ha): - - - Action (%): - - - LR50 (g / ha): - - - Action (%): - - - - - - NOEAEC mg / l: - - - NOEAEC mg / l: - - -
Index Value Source / Qualitative indicators / Other information Explanation
Bioconcentration factor -
Bioaccumulation potential
LD50 (mg / kg)
Mammals - Short-period food NOEL -
Birds - Acute LD50 (mg / kg)
Birds - Acute toxicity (CK50 / LD50)
Fish - Acute 96 hours CK50 (mg / l)
Fish - Chronic 21 days NOEC (mg / L)
Aquatic invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg / l)
Aquatic invertebrates - Chronic 21 days NOEC (mg / L)
Aquatic Crustaceans - Acute 96 Hour CK50 (mg / L)
Bottom microorganisms - Acute 96 hours CK50 (mg / l)
NOEC, static, Water (mg / l)
Bottom microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC, Sedimentary rock (mg / kg)
Aquatic plants - Acute 7 days EC50, biomass (mg / l)
Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50, growth (mg / l)
Algae - Chronic 96 hour NOEC growth (mg / l)
Bees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (μg / specimen)
Soil Worms - Acute 14-day CK50 (mg / kg)
Soil worms - Chronic 14-day maximum inactive concentration of the substance, reproduction (mg / kg)
Other Arthropods (1)
Other Arthropods (2)
Soil microorganisms
Available data on the mesoworld (mesocosm)

copper chloride: human health

Basic indicators:

140 V3 Rat Moderate - - -
Index Value Source / Qualitative indicators / Other information Explanation
Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg / kg)
Mammals - Dermal LD50 (mg / kg bw)
Mammals - Inhalation

Copper chloride 2

Chemical properties

The tool is a binary inorganic thing, belongs to the class salts and halides ... It can be thought of as the salt formed hydrochloric acid and copper .

Racemic formula of Copper Chloride: CuCl2.

The molecular weight of this compound is 134.5 grams per mole. The substance melts at 498 degrees Celsius. The product forms crystalline hydrates of the form CuCl2 nH2O .

In medicine they use copper chloride dihydrate.

Solid form - yellow-brown crystals. Composition crystal hydrates depends on the temperature at which crystallization occurs. The substance is highly soluble in ethyl alcohol, water, acetone and methanol .

Copper Chloride Reactions

The substance interacts with alkali this generally forms an insoluble base and a soluble salt. Copper Chloride reacts with metals that are located to the left of the metal in the electrochemical series Cu ... Also, the compound has reactions ion exchange with other salts, as a result, an insoluble substance is formed and gas is released.

On an industrial scale, the agent is obtained by reaction Copper oxide 2 with hydrochloric acid or by exchange reaction Barium chloride from Copper sulfate .

There is also a connection Copper chloride 1 , in which copper is monovalent. Monochloride this metal is a fairly toxic compound.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Copper is essential for the body. For example, it takes part in a number of chemical reactions in the liver tissues. After entering the body, the substance is almost completely metabolized.

Indications for use

A solution of Copper Chloride is included in the composition of solutions used in parenteral nutrition , and satisfies the body's need for trace elements .


Preparations that contain a solution cannot be used if the patient has substances in the composition, for children under 10 years of age. Caution should be observed in renal or hepatic impairment.

Side effects

Usually the medicine is well tolerated by patients. Rarely, during the infusion, nausea and soreness occurs at the injection site.

Copper chloride, application instruction (Way and dosage)

The agent is administered intravenously.

If the drug is initially in powder form, it is diluted in solutions glucose or .

The resulting solution must be used within 24 hours.

The dosage regimen and treatment regimen depend on the drug and the disease.


Drug overdose is rare. Most often it is used under the supervision of honey. staff and in the hospital.

If the drug is administered too quickly, it may develop: vomiting, sweating, hyperemia skin. Reactions take place after reducing the rate of drug administration.


You can mix a substance in one syringe or bag only with r-mi glucose or amino acids , the concentration of which does not exceed 50%.

During pregnancy and lactation

The remedy can be administered to pregnant women.

There is insufficient data on the use of this component during breastfeeding.

Preparations that contain (Analogues)

Matching ATX level 4 code:

Copper Chloride is included in the form of a dihydrate in the concentrate for the preparation of solutions for infusion Addamel N.

General information on the hydrolysis of copper (II) chloride


Copper (II) chloride - a medium salt formed by a weak base - copper (II) hydroxide (Cu (OH) 2) and a strong acid - hydrochloric (hydrochloric) (HCl). Formula - CuCl 2.

Represents crystals of yellow-brown (dark brown) color; in the form of crystalline hydrates - green. The molar mass is 134 g / mol.

Figure: 1. Chloride of copper (II). Appearance.

Hydrolysis of copper (II) chloride

Hydrolyzed by cation. The nature of the environment is sour. A second stage is theoretically possible. The hydrolysis equation is as follows:

First stage:

CuCl 2 ↔ Cu 2+ + 2Cl - (salt dissociation);

Cu 2+ + HOH ↔ CuOH + + H + (cation hydrolysis);

Cu 2+ + 2Cl - + HOH ↔ CuOH + + 2Cl - + H + (ionic equation);

CuCl 2 + H 2 O ↔ Cu (OH) Cl + HCl (molecular equation).

Second stage:

Cu (OH) Cl ↔ CuOH + + Cl - (salt dissociation);

CuOH + + HOH ↔ Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + H + (cation hydrolysis);

CuOH + + Cl - + HOH ↔ Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + Cl - + H + (ionic equation);

Cu (OH) Cl + H 2 O ↔ Cu (OH) 2 ↓ + HCl (molecular equation).

Examples of problem solving



The task Write down the electrolysis equation for copper (II) chloride solution. What mass of the substance on the cathode will be released if 5 g of copper (II) chloride is subjected to electrolysis?
Decision Let us write the equation for the dissociation of copper (II) chloride in an aqueous solution:

CuCl 2 ↔ Cu 2+ + 2Cl -.

Let's conditionally write down the electrolysis scheme:

(-) Cathode: Cu 2+, H 2 O.

(+) Anode: Cl -, H 2 O.

Cu 2+ + 2e → Cu o;

2Cl - -2e → Cl 2.

Then, the equation of electrolysis of an aqueous solution of copper (II) chloride will look like this:

CuCl 2 \u003d Cu + Cl 2.

We calculate the amount of copper (II) chloride substance using the data specified in the problem statement (molar mass - 134 g / mol):

υ (CuCl 2) \u003d m (CuCl 2) / M (CuCl 2) \u003d 5/134 \u003d 0.04 mol.

According to the reaction equation

υ (CuCl 2) \u003d υ (Cu) \u003d 0.04 mol.

Then we calculate the mass of copper released at the cathode (molar mass - 64 g / mol):

m (Cu) \u003d υ (Cu) × M (Cu) \u003d 0.04 × 64 \u003d 2.56g.

Answer The mass of copper released at the cathode is 2.56 g.

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