Prediction for December Virgo year. Family and love relationships

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The entire month Virgin may be torn between family matters and work responsibilities. And here and there without you - well, just nowhere!

Love, Virgo family in December 2016

In the first and second decades of the month, the Virgo family rating will increase significantly. You are surrounded by attention and care, as you are the main center of the whole family.

The last decade of December will test the strength of both lovers and spouses. The former may come into conflict, and the reason will be frivolous at first, and only then everything will spin like the notorious snowball. The children will begin to upset the spouses, however, here everything can be solved with the help of the right means - money. If you are willing to spend, many problems can be avoided.

To look charming in December​ 2016 horoscopeVirgin recommends cutting and dyeing hair according toLunar calendar of haircuts for December 2016.

Career, Finance Virgo in December 2016

A good month to complete old projects and make adjustments to new affairs. Virgo will have a lot of work, but it will not require sharp jerks, but a scrupulous and detailed analysis of all situations and the careful management of all financial affairs. Things will go well for builders, realtors and everyone who is somehow connected with land and real estate.

The best time for all matters of a professional and financial nature with Virgo is the first and second decades of December. During this period, your team works together, harmoniously and the result will not keep you waiting. New pleasant opportunities will open up, including the opportunity to make good money.

The third decade is a difficult and unproductive period. Try not to lose concentration, although sometimes it won't be easy at all. Mercury, your governing planet, is going backwards, and this will affect your behavior, as well as all activities that suddenly slow down. In addition, at the very end of December there will be disagreements about the financial plan with some of the partners. It is likely that they will be continued in the future.

The financial situation of Virgo is stable, in the first and second decades of the month, money will come in regularly and their amount will noticeably increase. The third decade of December is a truly ruinous period, and in one case it is connected with business, and in the other - with personal life.

In December 2016, Virgos will focus exclusively on business and, to a very minimal extent, on other points. The general excitement caused by the preparations for the New Year's celebrations will pass you by. The reason for this will be your inner experiences. You will not be able to allow yourself to have fun, looking forward to the New Year's miracle, since unfinished business affairs, unresolved financial problems and other tedious events will come first for you. You will not want to plunge into the pre-holiday bustle while these problems "hang" over you, and therefore you will completely and completely concentrate on eliminating them. More than once at the beginning of this winter you will have to hear reproaches from your loved ones “you devote too much time to business, but you are not interested in us at all!”. In response to these comments, you will do as you see fit (that is, systematically eliminate all your current imperfections).

In general, in December you will be able to maintain a stable even mood. The positive atmosphere of the beginning of winter 2016 will give you the strength to keep up with everything and everywhere. In addition to solving financial problems and professional issues, you will often visit your friends, and also be sure to visit your parents. Here, within the walls of your father's house, a very interesting meeting is prepared for you. Seeing a school friend (or girlfriend) after many years, you will experience the greatest surprise. It will be sad for you to realize that this person has almost completely sunk ... And at the same time you will make such a verdict - you are completely right that you have given up most of bad habits and plunged into work.

Lonely Virgos will not be able to find time on this December's busy schedule for active reforms in their personal lives. There will still be a person next to you, relations with whom, by your mutual decision, do not bind you to anything. Spending rare hours of your leisure with him, you will more and more often catch yourself thinking that it is really very pleasant to wake up not alone. Such a decision will flicker in your thoughts more and more often - it's time to think about how to start a stable, lasting relationship. Alas, this plan will not go beyond reflections, because at the beginning of winter you will have neither the time nor the energy to purposefully search for the ideal soul mate.

Family Virgos in December 2016 will try to do everything in their power to spend as much time as possible within the walls of their home. You try to postpone all meetings and all events that are not particularly urgent until later. However, even these impulses will not help you give your family as much attention as it will require from you. Get ready that more than once in December the other half will declare as an ultimatum "since you are not interested in me, I will look for more enthusiastic viewers." Try to fix the situation with a fancy New Year's gift or other proof of your devoted love for your marriage partner.

Both home and family for Virgos in December 2016 will be work. Having devoted a lot of hours to fulfilling your official duty, you will receive a worthy reward for this titanic work. If you work for yourself, at the beginning of this winter the profit of your company will increase significantly. This will be very useful, because thanks to the increased income, you will not have to save on preparation for the New Year holidays. If you work in a company, a pleasant surprise awaits you as well. For you, this will be a significant increase in salary or a cash bonus, which your superiors decide to reward your amazing loyalty to the official duty.

Attention, Virgo's horoscope for the month of December 2016 has been published in an abridged form. To have a complete picture of the coming 2016 of the red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Horoscope 2016 Monkey: 2016
Horoscope 2016 Monkey: 2016
Horoscope 2016 Monkey.

Virgo horoscope for December 2016.

In December 2016 Virgos will come in handy with a diary! Because in December 2016 it will be very difficult for you to remember everything and not miss anything. Therefore, as the inscriptions in the elevator constantly remind engineer Petrov about some gaps in the upbringing of his daughter, so reminders to their loved ones will allow Virgos not to forget anything in December 2016. And in the last month of the outgoing year, it will be important, since the month for the representatives of your zodiac sign promises to be dynamic and eventful.

Virgo you know two of the best feelings in the world: when you washed and go to bed in a clean, fresh bed and when, you wake up at night and understand that you can sleep a lot of time. So in December 2016 you will not have either one or the other. Not time to sleep, not even time to wash and wash. Especially in the first half of December. Therefore, try to plan everything in advance in order to have at least something in time.

Also, judging by the horoscope for December, Virgos will think that someone in an incomprehensible way is stealing your brilliant ideas and reading your thoughts. That is why, as the horoscope shows, you will be thrown into one or the other. You will grab onto many things at once, including the old and the new. Either you will want to start a new life right in the morning, or by lunchtime you will want to return something or someone from the past. In such a mess, it is difficult to predict which choice you will make. Although of course it's so nice to say - Hi New Year, Hello new life, but for this Virgo will need to at least wait until December 31st.

In December 2016, Virgos will need to argue and prove a lot. Therefore, do not forget about the simple well-known truth - "So what?" - two words, about which all arguments are broken in any dispute. "And then!" - two words that again save all arguments and evidence. Well, in general, in the first month of Winter, most Virgos are waiting for an excellent month of good mood, which, of course, will attract others and the attention of the opposite sex. And maybe it's not your charisma that is to blame for everyone, but the New Year holidays, because it's so nice to understand that the New Year and New Hopes are still ahead.

True, for some Virgos, December will complicate, or reveal something in personal relationships. If you value them just take a deep breath and take a break. Do not forget that the New Year and the holidays are coming soon. Yes, and December will help you not to slip. In any case, the horoscope advises you to rely more on your head than on your heart and other organs. Moreover, the beginning of Winter is not only a reason to change your shoes for winter boots, but also to change something in your life. So do not forget Happiness is like an apple tree: the fruits go not to the one who has been doing gardening for a long time and diligently, but to the one who stretches out his hands in time. And the horoscope for December 2016 for Virgo just suggests that in the next month some Virgos will need to substitute their hands "in time", especially in the first decade of December, and from December 19 to December 24.

How to celebrate New 2017 for Virgos?

As you know, the Red Fire Rooster, like any rooster, is a well-known fanfaron who loves to show off, everything is beautiful and catchy, therefore, on this New Year's Eve, Virgos can come off in full. But, remember that the Rooster is afraid of all animals of the feline family, therefore there should not be any prints on the festive dress, even remotely resembling mustachioed predators. That is, it is better to postpone leopard and tiger themes.

It seems that the new 2017 does not leave the Rooster Virgo women choice, because this is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which means that red is a priority. But, you must admit, it is difficult to imagine a New Year's celebration, which gathered all the women in red dresses, the color of which will make even dresses of different styles the same.

Therefore, for the meeting of 2017, it is better to choose slightly different shades. The rooster is colorful, so he will not be offended if the main color of your outfit is not fiery red, but, say, orange or even white. If you have chosen a red dress, then there is no need to additionally decorate yourself with accessories (bracelets, massive earrings, brooches, etc.), because the red dress itself is quite bright. On the other hand, don't confuse Halloween Costumes with New Years. Witches and devils, schoolgirls, nurses and other evil spirits, let them celebrate their holiday.

All of the above applies to the New Year's costume. Virgin men... Choose for yourself some elegant and brutal image. For example, a brutal red jacket from the 90s is already history, and even an era. Why not.

An image of a thug from the 90s with a massive gold chain around his neck, perfect for Virgo men. After all, just as every man is simply obliged to be able to straighten his panties through his pants pocket, so every man is simply obliged to be able to play the role of a bandit.

Where can Virgos celebrate the New Year 2017?

For most Virgos, choosing a venue for the New 2017 will be quite simple - where they will invite you there and go. You yourself will definitely not organize anything, so your task is to collect as many options as possible so that on December 31 you do not call your lost friends and relatives in hysterics. Therefore, try to discuss in advance with your friends and family their plans for the New Year, so as not to spoil your mood or self-esteem. Speaking of self-esteem. Try to choose a New Year's company for yourself, where you are really loved and appreciated, and most importantly in terms of your level. You know, beavers living opposite the hydroelectric power plant have a very low self-esteem, so Virgos often choose not their company, then suffer. Therefore, even a family circle of people close to you is not the worst option for meeting 2017!

Horoscope for December 2016 Virgo auspicious days - 2, 4, 11, 15, 27 and 31.

Horoscope for December 2016 Virgounfavorable days - I like it - I don't like it, but every day in the morning Morning comes and how good that even though this is not discussed!

Horoscope for December 2016 Virgo career, work and business.The Virgo career horoscope for December 2016 is also quite positive. The main thing for Virgos is not to get carried away by the awakened desire to create, since the desire to create usually completely knocks off the desire to just work. Therefore, as the horoscope suggests, it is better to try to maintain peace of mind at work, and pay more attention to practical matters than to vague prospects. Moreover, as we said at the beginning, it will always seem to you that someone in an incomprehensible way is stealing your brilliant ideas and reading your thoughts.

Nevertheless, the horoscope, and especially the horoscope for Virgo businessmen and Virgo leaders, indicates that some of your non-standard decisions or ideas from December 2 to December 19 can be very successful.

And the horoscope of a career for December 2016 for Virgo warns - less adventurism. After all, everyone knows that Virgos are famous for their ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, but sometimes they themselves find an entrance there. And sometimes such that even the "funny people" have a rest. Therefore, Virgo, do not look for adventure in December, if necessary, they will find you themselves.

Horoscope for December 2016 Virgo Finance. It just seems that everyone pays for money. For everything really important, they pay with pieces of the soul. Perhaps this is why a desire for which there is not enough money is called a dream, but some dreams in December 2016 for Virgos can come true. Maybe in the form new year gift, or a trip, or maybe in the form of a cash bonus. So Virgo mentally clarify the list of your dreams.

Virgo, try to control the expression on your face in December 2016. And then many Virgos too often forget that they have it written on their face that everything around is g @ clearly ...

The name horoscope for December 2016 Virgo. Horoscope for December 2016 Virgo Love. The first month of Winter for most Virgos will be a month of good mood, which, of course, will attract others. On the other hand, as we wrote at the beginning of the horoscope, some Virgos may face problematic issues in personal relationships. Maybe because of the fact that representatives of the opposite sex will pay more attention to you, or maybe you just re-evaluate the old relationship. In any case, the horoscope indicates that next month you will simply be overwhelmed with energy and charm. And no matter what you decide, you will succeed.

We repeat once again, for some Virgos, December will complicate or reveal something in personal relationships. If you value them just take a deep breath and take a break. Do not forget that the New Year and the holidays are coming soon. Yes, and December will help you not to slip. In any case, the horoscope advises you to rely more on your head than on your heart and other organs. Moreover, the beginning of Winter is not only a reason to change your shoes to winter boots, but also to change something in your life. So do not forget Happiness is like an apple tree: the fruits go not to the one who has been doing gardening for a long time and diligently, but to the one who stretches out his hands in time. And the horoscope for December 2016 for Virgo just suggests that in the next month some Virgos will need to substitute their hands "in time", especially in the first decade of December, and from December 19 to December 24.

Nevertheless, as indicated by the horoscope, in December 2016, most Virgos will raise their self-esteem so correctly that it will give you such self-confidence and independence that you will really look happy. Especially in the first half of December. And it will be too noticeable to others, because an orgasm can still be simulated, but happiness - never! All of the above applies to both Virgo men and Virgo women. And even though December is not Spring, even December is not only the last month of the year - it is the same Chance as Spring! And nothing worse! But everyone is waiting for spring, and December, everyone is in a hurry, in anticipation of the New Year.

Especially, everything said will be relevant for lonely Virgins.The main thing when meeting new people is not to look at their past, and in yours too. Most importantly, what kind of person is in the present, and what plans he has for the future, then perhaps you can see this future together. Although, on the other hand, the first impression of a person is the most correct, since he does not yet know what to hide from you, and what role to play.

The main thing for Virgos in December is to look no longer at the New Year's holidays, but at the entire upcoming 2017th year, and then thoughts about the upcoming Spring, about future summer sunny days will help you make the right decisions in your personal life, already in Winter. And try to control the expression on your face in December 2016. And then many Virgos too often forget that they have it written on their face that everything around is g @ clear. Just don't tell me that in grade 3, in reading technique, you read more words per minute. And that's when you learned to look at other people as g @ clearly. In December 2016, it will be important for you to control the expression on your face, this can help you in many situations.

Virgo, if you liked our horoscope for December 2016, click "like" because only "likes" should be used to celebrate the New Year!

For the zodiac sign Virgo, December 2016 may be an extremely successful time, but in this case, not everything will depend on you personally. It is necessary to take into account the fact that Mercury, which, in relation to your sign, simultaneously performs the functions of a ruler and an exaltant, at the current stage will be many times strengthened due to combinations with other celestial objects Solar system... In addition, Venus, normally responsible for the "fall" of your sign, will suddenly change the modality of its emanations, which will be, if not unequivocally positive, then at least neutral. At the same time, in December you will have to try, but to a greater extent - in the sensory-emotional direction, although many rather ambiguous situations will also "hook" the work direction, which is natural given the fact that your main patron is Mercury, who is rightly called the main heavenly "huckster", and if more respectful - the lord of earthly and heavenly trade routes. In the most general terms, at this stage you have to repeatedly overpower yourself, to overcome the simply unreal desire to give up. But even a series of failures is not at all a reason to get upset enough to give up your goals. On the other hand, banging your head against the same wall for the tenth time in a row should be suggestive anyway.

Speaking about the working direction, it is worth noting that in December 2016 Virgo will get a lot, I mean a lot of things that were previously inaccessible to you for one reason or another (or what you were simply afraid to even “touch”). Probably, the motivator will be the successes of your competitors, and maybe friends. But it is important that we are talking about the motivator, and not about envy, which at least sometimes pushes people to do the most amazing things, is inherently destructive. Do not strive to be in time everywhere and everywhere. Despite the simply monstrous reserves of vital energy and the incredible, ebullient dynamics of your current environment, you remain yourself. In addition, no circumstances will cancel one simple fact: you are objectively unable to chase after two birds with one stone, regardless of the scenario. Of course, in your case, we can talk about four, six, ten ... about any number of "birds with one stone", each has its own framework. It is important that you see these frames and know how to use them correctly, that is, navigate along them, moving in a given direction. After all, "beacons" are needed for any ship - both a high-speed pirate frigate and a slow-moving merchant sloop.

Regarding the sphere of personal relationships, it is worth saying this: in December 2016 you will have every chance to achieve what you want. And even if someone's goals are quite mundane, to put it more roughly - purely carnal, this does not negate the high probability of success. Another question is what you then intend to do with this success, because the consequences in any case largely depend on the motivation. Of course, we don't think about this often, but isn't the end of the year a reason to think about the future? Evaluating our achievements, in any case, our thoughts “catch” the perspectives, which is logical. Be philosophical about life, now it will be the best possible approach. In a relationship with a passion, try to create a minimum of conflict situations. If you do not have the initiative, everything actually becomes simpler - step back, give your vis-a-vis a real opportunity to fully "steer" the relationship. It will be very interesting for both of you to see the results of such an experiment. But more importantly, you both will learn a lot.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our fate is woven. However, such astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when determining the general trends for the typical representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign. More exact horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for Virgo: Personal horoscopes for Virgo:

The first half of the month will be a romantic time for the Virgo sign. On December 3, 2016, Mercury enters the house of Virgo's love, creating favorable conditions for expressing feelings. The influence of Mercury will positively affect your communication skills, you will have the gift of seduction with words, both in writing and orally. Your words can act as an aphrodisiac on the opposite sex.

The planet of beauty and harmony Venus remains in your house of love until December 7, 2016, offering many opportunities to have a good time. it good time for entertainment, love adventures, flirting, to strengthen old ties and for new acquaintances. Subsequently, when Venus moves to your work home, workplace hobbies or even the inception of an office romance are possible.

In the second half of the month, a contradictory period begins for Virgo, when both positive and negative influences operate. At this time, Mercury draws closer to Pluto in your house of love, the intensity of emotions increases, as a result, undesirable effects are not excluded.

On December 19, 2016, passionate Mars enters the Virgo partner sector, foreshadowing the refreshing of the love atmosphere. Maybe you want to discover something unknown in love. However, the energy of Mars sometimes finds a disharmonious expression: it inclines to conflicts, pushes to rash actions. The stars advise you to stay calm and not provoke fights.

December 19, 2016 Mercury, the heavenly patron of the sign Virgo, begins a cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement. The last decade of the month is unlikely to give you happy moments in love. Rather, this time is suitable for analyzing the existing problems in the relationship and finding ways to solve them. Moving in the opposite direction, the planet often brings back the circumstances of the past, offering to look at them with a fresh eye. There is a chance that a meeting with a former lover will occur, or even the previous relationship will resume.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for December 2016

There is a noticeable revival in the business sphere, because the work of Virgo passes through the house of Venus and Mars. With Venus by your side, you can improve your relationships with bosses, business partners, and coworkers. The influence of Mars gives you energy, enterprise, and performance. Moreover, these planets form friendly relationships with Jupiter in the house of Virgo's money, so for your work you will receive a generous material reward. It is possible to receive a bonus, a gift, additional amounts of money.

A busy time awaits you, the volume of work will increase, but you will do an excellent job of your duties. Some of you will be helped by ingenuity, others will have access to valuable information, and some will just be lucky. The period promises to be especially fruitful for intellectual work, study, trade.

In the last decade of the month, obstacles and delays are possible, because Mercury stops direct movement and turns back. Issues that you considered resolved may arise again, or it may become necessary to correct previously made mistakes. However, this period will allow adjusting career plans and laying the foundation for further achievements.

Finances will be among your priorities and there is a good chance of success. Maybe you will find an additional source of income or a part-time job.


This is a good time for cosmetic procedures and those related to body care. The beginning of the course of treatment, the passage of diagnostics, medical examinations are favorable. The first and second decades of December 2016 do not bode well for you serious health problems. However, you shouldn't forget that it is winter time, so you need to take care of yourself. Organize your life so that you don't overwork and waste energy. In the last decade, it is recommended to pay more attention to health.

Meet new people, communicate, exchange experiences and information! All this will benefit you.

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