Less harmful sweets. The most dangerous and safest sweets in a New Year's gift. List of dangerous sweets

Walls, partitions 14.07.2020
Walls, partitions

It seems to be good that no one deceives us: you buy, you read and you know what you eat. But on the other hand, these abstruse names hide such a substance as trans fats - this is a substitute for more expensive milk fats. It turns out that if you abuse foods with trans fats, you can earn atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Other components of harmful sweets are sugar substitutes and food colors. The most dangerous synthetic dyes - E102, E104, E110, E122, E124 and E129... If you see such substances in the composition of sweets, refuse to buy them, because they can cause allergies and even cause choking! Sugar substitutes are used in order to reduce the cost of production of sweets, while sugar substitutes are ten times sweeter than natural sugar. The most harmful to the liver are saccharin (E954), aspartame (E951) and cyclamates (E952).

List of dangerous sweets

1. Lollipops of bright colors

Purple, bright green, acid yellow, fiery red ... These colors contain a huge amount of dyes and flavors, so bypass them and, of course, do not buy for children.

2. Popsicles

In fact, the effervescent powder, just like it tickles the cheeks and tongue, is capable of corroding the stomach lining.

3. Chocolate bars

You will be surprised, but there is almost no chocolate in them. The composition contains only palm oil, dyes, flavorings, various chemical fillers and other harmful things.

4. Gum

In general, this is a harmless thing designed to freshen your breath. For these purposes, it is better to choose sugar-free gum and chew it for a short time, because various sweeteners and colors do not work in the best way on teeth.

5. Gummy marmalade

These bright "jellies" contain a sufficient amount of chemical dyes and flavors.

6. Waffles with filling

Waffles are harmless by themselves, but the cream contains flavors, margarine, acid, soy and colors.

Therefore, nutritionists advise buying a waffle iron and making waffles for your family yourself at home.

How to replace harmful sweets?

We've talked about harmful sweets, and now let's talk about what can replace them!

1. Nuts, raisins, prunes, dried apricots in chocolate

Dried fruits and nuts contain many vitamins and microelements - just a vitamin bomb!

2. Marshmallow and marshmallow

They contain pectin (fiber) and other beneficial substances. But before buying, study the composition anyway - to make sure that the marshmallow does not contain unnecessary additives and harmful dyes.

3. Regular marmalade

The lighter the marmalade is, the safer it is. Natural marmalade is made from fruit juice, gelatin and sugar. By the way, marmalade is easy to make at home.

4. Lollipops

Sugar-infused fruit juice is ideal. The composition should not contain flavor enhancers and dyes.

5. Chocolate

A piece of natural dark chocolate will help you to cheer up in the morning and get a dose of endorphins (the higher the percentage of cocoa, the better). But it is better to refuse white chocolate - it is made from cocoa butter and sugar.

Apple pastille recipe

For apple marshmallow, it is better to choose sweet apples with sourness. Sugar and honey are not added for this recipe - the sweetness is regulated only by the taste of the fruit.

The apples should be cut into pieces and cored. Pour 3 tablespoons of water into the bottom of a thick cast-iron saucepan and put the apples. Cook covered for 15 minutes. Then knead thoroughly with a crush and boil over low heat until thick.

Spread the parchment on a baking sheet, put the applesauce on it in a thin layer, turn the oven on at 100 degrees. Open the door slightly and dry the pastille until tender.

The finished dessert should be soft, not break or tear, not stick to your hands. When the candy is ready, it can be cut into strips or rolled up and stored in a glass jar.

Rospotrebnadzor told what sweets to give a child for New Year... "Right" sweets should contain a minimum food additives and preservatives. Do not present sweets with a high content of homogenized fats and oils, as additives in sweets often lead to childhood allergies.

Doctors also remind that a baby can choke on a small candy. You cannot give a child sweets if they contain more than 0.5% alcohol. The safest pastries for children are biscuits, marshmallows and marshmallows. At the same time, doctors say, the consumption of any sweets by a child must be limited.

MIR 24 asked a nutritionist, Elena Solomatina, which sweets to buy for children and which ones to avoid.

- What kind of sweets do you buy for your children?

E.S .:I try natural, those that contain. It also depends on the age of the child. If the child is small, then milk chocolate. The less cocoa powder in the chocolate, the better. Here cocoa butter should be present, and cocoa powder should be less. But this only applies to children, adults can do any chocolate.

Now let's discuss the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. The first is to strive to ensure that the content of food additives and preservatives in confectionery products is minimal. What sweets are we talking about? What does the department advise against buying?

E.S .:These are cheap sweets, caramels, which contain many dyes. This can be a "healthy" (many people really find it useful) marmalade. It would be beneficial if made without additives or flavors. These are other cheap candies that are also very harmful to children.

1. Toffee, sweets, gummies. Any sticky and sticky sweets are a real killer for your teeth. The harm to the figure from them may not be more than from ordinary candies, but the chances of getting caries are many times greater. By sticking to the teeth and clogging up the gaps between them, soft candy creates an excellent environment for the development and nutrition of bacteria. And they successfully eat your enamel. The same goes for caramel and chocolate with liquid fillings.

2. Cakes and biscuits. Especially if they are sold not in a first-class pastry shop, but in a supermarket, in sealed packaging. For reasons of economy and hygiene, manufacturers abundantly flavored baked goods with margarine and other harmful fats.

3. Chocolate bars. You will be surprised, but chocolate in a bar is really much more harmful than tiled chocolate, despite the fact that a standard bar is almost 2 times larger (a bar weighs 100 g, a bar weighs from 40 to 65). The fact is that the bars as such contain a minimum of chocolate, and the rest is nougat, caramel and other fillers that are harmful to teeth and contain a large amount of fat.

4. Dried fruits. Mostly harmful because of the trust that many dieters somehow have in him. It is believed that if it is a fruit, then it is not harmful. In fact, dried fruits sometimes contain more sugar than chocolate, and we are ready to boldly eat them as much as we like.

What to replace:

1. Sugar-free lollipops. Do not be alarmed, they are still sweet, only the taste is achieved due to components other than sugar. This makes the candy much safer for both your figure and your teeth. It is not difficult to find them: as a rule, manufacturers are suitable for such a product and put the mark "Sugar-free" in the most prominent place of the package.

2. Chewing gum. Naturally also sugar-free. Just chew wisely - no more than 1 pack per day and no longer than 5-7 minutes in a row. Otherwise, you risk getting gastritis and stomach ulcers.

3. Dark slab chocolate. Dark chocolate is generally much lower in fat than milk chocolate. In addition, it is full of antioxidants and is considered a good way to prevent heart disease.

4. Bananas. Banana is one of the sweetest and most satisfying fruits. It will not only quench your thirst for sweets, but also relieve hunger for a long time. But keep in mind, if you suffer from heartburn, you better refuse bananas.

5. Fruit bars. Go to any pharmacy for a huge selection of different muesli and fruit bars. You can find it. For example, a 30 gram bar with only 100 calories and made with honey and natural fruits.

6. Mini chocolates.Many of the chocolates we are used to have "gone" into a different format and are sold in the form of candies, 15-20 g each. Psychologically, it is much less dangerous for your figure. It is much easier to train yourself to eat one candy than to force you to eat only half a bar.

Not all people on the planet are dieting and losing weight. Someone, on the contrary, dreams of gaining a couple of extra pounds, and someone wants to look the way they are now, without losing weight or gaining weight. In the end, after all, even coaches sometimes want to drink a cup of tea for a reason, but with something sweet, but not very harmful at the same time. Therefore, today I decided to tell you about safe sweetsthat can be allowed to people who are not dieting, children, as well as everyone who wants something tasty. So, what sweets can you eat and at the same time know that they are practically harmless?

Now I want to emphasize the word "nearly" (again for your own! At every step bummer, the article normally began \u003d))))! Since today we will talk mainly about industrial sweets, and not about homemade baked goods, it should be understood that the modern food industry today produces less than 5% of ABSOLUTELY safe sweets, the remaining 95% are divided by half either very harmfulor almost harmless sweets.

And we will begin our list with perhaps the safest and even healthiest sweetness - honey.


Honey is not a dietary one, namely safe sweetnessused long before sugar was invented!

A small historical digression.

Even some 100 years ago, people did not know at all what sugar is. So what? Tell me, only fools lived until the twenty-first century? And Archimedes, and Newton, and Mendeleev, and many other scientific minds somehow managed without sugar, and this did not stop them from making grandiose discoveries and inventions. If it was possible to give their brains for examination (sorry for the blasphemy), they would show 100% clarity, in contrast to the “glucose-syrupy brains” of the modern generation, where every second person cannot live a day without sugar.

All this I lead to the fact that before honey was sugar, and candy, and cookies, and chocolate, and everything that you can think of. People cost a maximum of 1 tbsp. honey a day, which served them both as a glucose feed for the brain, and a pleasant bonus to tea. Therefore, answering the question, what sweets can you, the answer is obvious - honey. But in order not to run into a fake and a cheap fake (yes, honey is also faked, don't be surprised), I will give you some practical advice:

  1. Do not buy honey in supermarkets and outbid! "Where can I buy it?" - you ask. Try to find people who hold the belt themselves and are engaged in the production of honey at home, as they say "only for themselves, relatives and friends." This is due to the fact that when making honey on an industrial scale (for delivery to supermarkets, shops and markets), manufacturers resort to various tricks. One of them is product substitution. Very often, caramel starch syrup is sold under the guise of honey. The production of this molasses costs only 18-20 rubles per kilogram, and the cost of natural honey fluctuates around 500-700 rubles per kilogram! Do you feel where the dog is buried?
  2. Don't buy liquid honey in winter! This is due to the fact that honey tends to freeze. Natural honey cannot remain liquid by winter, remember this! Only acacia honey tends to remain liquid for a long time, all other types of honey (buckwheat, sunflower, linden, etc.) begin to sugar in 3-4 months, forming crystals of sucrose and fructose.

If the honey you bought remains for a long time liquid, this could be a sign that it has been exposed to heat. In general, according to GOST, honey can be heated, but be sure to follow these rules:

1) you need to heat ONLY in a water bath;

2) the temperature of the water bath should not be higher than 30 degrees.

Adhering to these conditions, all active enzymes and vitamins will be preserved in honey.


Next regular safe sweetness - this is marmalade. But marmalade is not any, but EXPENSIVE. The following rule applies to marmalade: the more expensive the better! This is due to the fact that the most expensive substance in marmalade is a gelling agent (gelatin, pectin, agar-agar, carrageenan and others). The more of this substance the manufacturer used in the manufacture of marmalade, the more dense and solid consistency it will come out. It is on this basis that you can define in front of you a good and expensive marmalade or "so-so".

Fig. 2 Composition of cheap marmalade

In the composition of a cheap, and therefore not entirely high-quality marmalade, in addition to a small amount of a gelling agent, there will always be some kind of preservative. In this case, it is sorbic acid... A preservative is added to increase the shelf life of the product, making it more competitive in the market.


Continuing the list harmless and safe sweets, one cannot fail to mention marshmallows. A good marshmallow differs from all sweets in that it does not contain a single gram of fat, 80% of it consists of carbohydrates alone.

Marshmallow is made from stabilized foam made from applesauce.

It happens something like this: sugar or fructose, food coloring (if you want to get a colored marshmallow in the output), vanillin or another flavoring additive, stabilizer or a mixture of stabilizers are added to the puree. All this for a very long time gets lost in a thick foam, which is then given the desired shape and dried under certain conditions.

Seemingly PERFECT sweetness, isn't it? Made from natural applesauce, agar agar, well, just think - added a little sugar, that's okay. But not quite so ...

There are two pieces of news, one bad and the other good. The bad news is that all the applesauce that marshmallows are made from is sulfated, that is, treated with the preservative sulfite. And, unfortunately, there is no heat treatment in the production of marshmallows, so this preservative remains in the marshmallows! And the good news, although it would be better to say “calming”, is that sulfite has a very low toxic effect, and if you choose from all the store sweets, then marshmallows can be considered one of the safest and most harmless.

So how do you choose a safe marshmallow?

  1. It is better to choose white marshmallows, since dyes are added to colored marshmallows, and whether they are natural or not, manufacturers do not always write about this on the packaging, so it is better to play it safe and immediately buy the marshmallow as natural as possible.
  2. Don't buy chocolate marshmallows. All chocolate glaze is made with palm oil. You can read about the dangers of palm oil.
  3. The marshmallow should not contain preservatives with the "sorbate" prefix: potassium / calcium / sodium sorbate and sorbic acid.


Very often marshmallow is equated with marshmallow, but this is a big mistake. The marshmallow always contains vegetable fat (palm, coconut oil or industrial margarine), but marshmallows do not contain it (except for the marshmallow covered with chocolate glaze, where vegetable fat is just contained in this glaze).
And another sweetness that is confused with marshmallows is marshmallows. In this sweetness there is no, there was not and cannot be applesauce. This product is completely synthetic, which is made from either starch molasses or corn / sugar syrup.

Therefore, if your child in the supermarket comes up to you and presents you with a fact, what sweets he can amongall those present on the shelves of the confectionery department , you can safely buy him a white marshmallow, which contains no preservatives.


Drying is considered sufficient safe sweetnessif they do not contain hydrogenated fat, namely:

- margarine;

- palm oil;

- coconut oil;

- hydrogenated vegetable oil / fat;

- special purpose fat;

- oils in a solidified form.

When choosing drying, be sure to look at the composition! This should be the first thing you do when you pick up a pack of dryers. You can buy only those dryers that include the usual vegetable oil... Be very careful: not VEGETABLE FAT, but VEGETABLE OIL!

But, if you cannot find such dryers, then at least buy those in which fat is less than 2 g per 100 g of product.


This cookie is far from being dietary, since its calorie content is more than 400 kcal per 100 g, but it is absolutely non-toxic. It contains only flour, sugar and eggs, nothing else, so if you choose between it and chocolates based on palm fat, then it is better to choose these crunches. At the very least, it will be the least "evil" of the majority on the market.

Figure: 3 The composition of the cookies "Crunchy babies"


One of the safest and most delicious sweets is chocolate, but not all chocolate, but only the one that does not contain sugar, or that contains a safe sweetener.

Examples of quality dark chocolate:

- handmade chocolate "Chocolate farm" (producer Ukraine)

- SHOUD'E handmade chocolate "Picant" (Ukraine)

- SHOUD'E 99% CACAO (Ukraine)

- LINDT ECXELLENCE 99% cacao (France)

- natural dark chocolate without sugar based on stevia "KORISNA KONDITERSKA" (made in Ukraine)

- chocolate "Spartak" bitter (Republic of Belarus)

- "MELANIE" elite 90% cocoa (Republic of Belarus)

- bitter chocolate "APRIORI" 99% sugar-free (Russia)

- bitter chocolate "GOLDEN MARK" 70% cocoa (Russia)

- bitter chocolate "Pobeda" 72% cocoa without sugar (Russia)


Quest Bars & Protein Bars

Protein bars are considered safe enough sweets, which are so loved by all pitching, but even here it is not so simple. When choosing protein bars, you need to carefully study their composition again (ugh, again twenty-five). Yes, yes, yes, I will never get tired of repeating this, even if you throw stones at me at the meeting \u003d)

Make sure that your protein bar contains 3-4 times more protein than carbohydrates. That is, if there are 20 g of proteins per serving, then there should be no more than 5 g of carbohydrates (this is ideal). If you see that there are more carbs per serving than protein, then it is best to look for another bar. This one will of course be edible, but since you already prefer PROTEIN sweets, it is foolish to pay money for carbohydrates, with such success it is better to go and eat up "Crunchy Babies" cookies - the result will be the same.

And of course, make sure that there are no harmful food additives in the composition in the form of synthetic colors, sweeteners, preservatives and palm fat. Although you will find palm fat in almost 99% of all protein bars, since all industrial chocolate icing is made precisely on the basis of palm oil, since natural cocoa powder costs dozens of times more, and this is unprofitable for the manufacturer.

Well, with this I will end the list safe sweets, I tried to remember all the more or less harmless industrial sweets that you can sometimes indulge yourself with. And remember that these sweets are far from DIETARY, if you are at the stage of losing weight and decide: “once the coach has allowed it, then you can,” then the consequences in the form of extra pounds will inevitably overtake you anyway. But if you want, on the contrary, to pick up a little or by nature you don't really care how much and what to eat, since you will still remain the same (they) what (oh) is, then these sweets will serve you as an excellent alternative to harmful chocolate bars and margarine cookies.

I hope this article was useful for you, and I will be very grateful if you share it with your friends) Let more people learn how you can sweeten your life without harm to your health.

Yours sincerely, Yanelia Skripnik!

Sweets are not only loved by children. Adults don't mind eating sweets themselves. And there is nothing wrong with that - if, of course, we eat it in reasonable amounts. Of great importance is the kind of sweets we consume. Because despite the fact that they all contain harmful sugar, some of the sweets are much worse than others. You should know about them and eat as little as possible in order to preserve not only your figure, but also your health! So, today our site presents to your attention the TOP 6 of the most harmful sweets!

Why do candy harm us? It's simple: an excess of sugar in the diet increases the risk of developing many diseases - from obesity and related ailments to mental problems, tooth decay, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even tumors. And if it takes many years to cure many of these diseases, tooth decay or excess weight appears very quickly. Eliminating or at least limiting the most harmful sweets from the diet is the best way take care of both health and shape.

TOP 6 most harmful sweets

Toffee and Velcro. Toffee, candy bars and other "toffee", all sticky caramels, sweets are especially dangerous. Not only because they are very sweet: fruit toffee is no less harmful. All of these sweets often contain many artificial additives, although there is nothing extraordinary about this, because most sweets have a similar composition. But they are not only deposited in the body as unnecessary deposits, but also create excellent conditions for the development of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Sugar is an ideal breeding ground for them. All toffee, sweets and other toffee "stick" to the teeth and remain on them long after we have eaten them. Therefore, microorganisms have enough time to process sugar into an acid that destroys enamel. If you have eaten such candies, you need to brush your teeth after them.

Corn sticks, flakes and waffles. It might seem that cornflakes or waffles, including ice cream, are a completely innocent sweetness. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Pieces of waffles and popular corn sticks very easily fall into the gaps between the teeth and get stuck there for a long time - usually for several hours. And this means that the bacteria that are responsible for the development of tooth decay have a lot of time. But tooth decay is not the only danger: 100 grams of regular ice cream waffles is more than 400 kilocalories! And if one waffle is not a problem, since it weighs only about 5 g, then waffles in the form of filled bars or corn sticks are even more nutritious, and even though we eat a lot more of them!

Lollipops, icicles, hard candies. They contain a lot of sugar and artificial colors, but this is not what distinguishes lollipops from other sweets, but their harmful hardness. First, they slowly dissolve, giving bacteria time to convert sugar into acids.
But that's not all: lollipops are a big risk of mechanical damage to teeth or gums. Chewing on a lollipop, for example, is very easy to break a tooth.

Jelly candies.We mistakenly think that the worst of all are the sweets. Meanwhile, sour jellies also contain a lot of sugar, although we do not feel it, because it is masked by other aromatic additives, which, by the way, are also often not indifferent to our health.
For example, citric acid - it is often added to sour jelly, and in fact it dissolves enamel, teeth become weaker and more vulnerable. It should also be remembered that sweets that we chew for a long time usually get stuck in our teeth for a long time.

Chewing gum. Some say that it is harmful, others argue that it helps. Dentists recommend chewing gum, but only without sugar, while other types, including instant ones, are on the list of undesirable products. It's easy to guess why. We chew the gum for a long time, and again provide the bacteria with a large temporary supply of food. Soluble gum, which theoretically does not chew as long as others, stick to the teeth, so it is best to skip them.

This is not the case with sugarless gum. First of all, they regulate the pH level in the mouth. They also have one more great advantage: thanks to them, saliva production increases, which, in turn, washes and dissolves food residues in the oral cavity. Therefore, if we do not have the opportunity to use a toothbrush after eating other sweets, then we should at least chew gum.

Crisps. No wonder chips have become a symbol of unhealthy food. Although they are savory, they also have a place on our list - because they also contain sugar and are high in calories, and because many people perceive them as a less harmful alternative to sweets. There is nothing further from the truth! 100 grams is approximately 500 kilocalories. And such a small portion is usually not enough because this product is so tempting. Most chip lovers consume their favorite delicacy until they empty the entire package. And besides a huge dose of calories and sugar, chips supply the body with a lot of other harmful substances - salt and artificial flavor enhancers. Just like sweet toffee, chips stay in the mouth for a long time and thus increase the risk of tooth decay.

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