What signs await in the year. What will the new year of the Fire Rooster be like? What will be the new year for Roosters

Bathroom 10.07.2020

2017 on the Eastern calendar will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster... The fiery element and the violent temper of the symbol of 2017 will bring many surprises to all zodiac signs.

On January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Monkey will happily wave goodbye to us and transfer the rights to rule to the Red Fire Rooster. We will not immediately notice the change in power, because both the color and the elements of the owners of 2016 and 2017 will be the same. If at the beginning of his year the Cockerel behaves relatively calmly, looking around and tidying up the property after the perky Monkey, then in the spring the owner will disperse, spread his bright wings and start surprising us with his unpredictability and pleasant surprises.

The main thing in the year of the eccentric Rooster is to be philosophical about any changes in life. For people who are not used to being lazy, Cockerel will help in career matters - you will literally be overwhelmed with profitable and very seductive offers. But there is no need to rush in 2017, it is better to carefully choose among all the tempting and bright offers one and the only one that will be reliable and suitable for you.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 for all signs of the zodiac

Since the Rooster loves to shine, and is always in the spotlight, he will expect similar manifestations of independence from you - change your image, experiment, all changes in appearance will only benefit. The rooster loves to improvise, and the owner of the year will certainly help everyone who does not recognize the rules and acts intuitively. If, for example, you are going on vacation and, before the plane, suddenly change your mind about visiting an exotic resort, do not worry - life will surprise you in your hometown. Already at the airport you will receive a message that you have won a million, or a distant aunt from England or Germany will call you, and will delight you with the news that she has decided to bequeath all her capital to you.

In the year of the Fiery Rooster, any intellectual work is welcomed, and if work is associated with creativity, then, as they say, you have cards in your hands. Recognition, success, money - this is all by itself, and if you go your own way and try yourself in a completely new activity, fortune together with the Red Rooster will envelop you with care and patronage. If you have never picked up brushes in your hands, then in 2017 hurry to an art store - who knows, suddenly you surpass Salvador Dali with your creativity and become a genius of surrealism, or bypass Malevich, drawing, for example, a green circle, and you connoisseurs of abstraction will sing praises.

The financial situation in the year of the Fire Rooster will delight you with stability - you will hardly be able to get rich and fly to the moon, but you will always earn money for bread and butter, and perhaps with caviar. After all, Rooster will find a grain or a worm anywhere on the planet, and he will tell you where to find a profitable part-time job. The rooster respects all signs of the zodiac, it makes no sense for him to quarrel, but if you were born in his year, you can completely relax - there will be no cock fights for a place in the sun. You will achieve everything without much effort, and the Rooster will bring you a lot of tasty things in its beak.

It is better not to plan a vacation in 2017 - the owner of the year himself will create the conditions for a full and amazing vacation. Of course, Petushka wants to calmly relax in the village and, waking up to the crowing of his fellows, drink fresh milk and peck on delicious porridge. But if you are given a couple of vouchers to Cyprus, you should not refuse - go and do not hesitate, everyone who reads this horoscope has been waiting there for a long time.

The rooster is a very sensual creature, distinguished by devotion and sincerity, but do not think that he is so predictable - it will be very interesting with him. Personal life in 2017 will be filled with thousands of acquaintances, one of which will certainly turn out to be fateful. So if you are free, you can wait for a gift from a flighty bird - the chosen one is already half way, and you just have to choose the right direction and go towards your happiness.

Those who have a stamp in their passports will not be bored either, in the year of the Rooster, communication with loved ones cannot be called monotonous - your relatives will surprise you every day, especially in this regard, children will succeed. If you have no heirs yet, then hurry up - the children who are born this year will have a bright and amazing life. Many of the babies born in the year of the Rooster will achieve unprecedented success in politics and business life, so consult your soul mate as soon as possible.

If you have been married for years, a second honeymoon awaits you. It is only important to surprise the Rooster with unpredictable actions, and he will do everything so that your soul mate again flames tender feelings for you. And the most important thing that the stars want to tell you is - be sincere and be guided in 2017 by the motto: Rely on the Cockerel, but don't do it yourself! Then you will achieve everything you want and make your life happy and bright, and problems and troubles simply will not have a place, and they will run away from you to hell.

Below you will find out what the 2017 year of the Rooster is preparing for each zodiac sign.

In 2017, adorable Pisces made friends with the Fire Monkey - it will be difficult to part, and you will be side by side throughout January 2017. But on January 28, the Red Fire Rooster will still be able to convince the Monkey that it is time for her to leave, he will perfectly cope with the role of the owner, and will take care of you no worse. So you can continue to frolic and swim in the ocean of happiness, enjoying life and not thinking about problems.

Aquarians did a good job last year and earned the respect of the hostess of 2017 - she is absolutely delighted. You will have to say goodbye to the Fire Monkey, because on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Rooster will appear to replace it and life will go by its rules. Aquarians have nothing to worry about - Rooster is a conservative bird, but if he really thinks about some changes, then they will all be pleasant.

Capricorns were looking forward to the arrival of 2017, because the Monkey told them in secret that Rooster loves the signs of the earth, and will do everything so that Capricorns do not need anything. On January 28, 2017, the Monkey will dance a farewell waltz with the Fiery Rooster, and will leave his domain for a long time.

With the onset of the year of the Red Fire Rooster, namely January 28, 2017, Sagittarius can hide their quiver away on the mezzanine - there will be no one to fight with. The Red Rooster will take over you patronage for the whole year. But do not forget to say goodbye to the Monkey, arrange for her a cheerful send-off, because in her year she often helped you - she will appreciate the care and whisper with the Rooster while sitting with a glass of champagne by your Christmas tree.

In the year of the Monkey, Scorpios often had to use the sting to cope with their enemies, but with the onset of the year of the Red Fire Rooster, you can forget about it. The owner of 2017 will save you from troubles of any kind, sometimes Scorpios will be so bored of an ideal life that you yourself will start looking for problems for yourself. If at the beginning of the year of the Rooster Scorpions will be somewhat embarrassed by the care of the Firebird, then in the spring you will get used to guardianship and begin to use the position of fortune to its fullest.

Libra will enjoy life in early 2017, and have fun to the fullest, celebrating the winter ball dedicated to farewell to the playful Monkey. The hostess of 2017 will not want to part with the charming Libra, and every day in January she will arrange fun and entertainment for them. But on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Cockerel will timidly knock on the door and hint to the Monkey that it is time and honor to know.

For almost the whole of January 2017, the Virgins will enjoy the company of the cheerful Fire Monkey, but on January 28, the wings of the Red Fire Rooster will flash in the window, the Chinese New Year will come, and the fun will begin here. The rooster will begin his reign with surprises - the original owner of the year has already packed gifts in beautiful boxes, and is waiting for the Virgos to unfold them. In February, Virgos are waiting for surprises in the professional sphere - the boss will change his anger to mercy and become extremely kind, so it is advisable for Virgins to seize the moment and boldly demand an increase in wages. Business trips and various deals will be almost daily, nothing depends on Dev, just manage to agree and sign profitable contracts. The naughty Monkey, running away, whispered to the owner of 2017 that the Virgins dream of something. So in his personal life, the Rooster will also not let you get bored - there are many good news awaits the family wards of Mercury, some will learn about the imminent replenishment of the family.

The lucky Lions will not immediately notice the transition from 2016 to 2017, because the Monkey indulged the whims of the representatives of the fire element all year, and the Red Fire Cockerel decided to take you under his wing. So, dear Lions, please be patient and enduring - fortune will follow you, and sometimes you even want to run away, so everything will be wonderful and rosy.

The upcoming 2019, according to Chinese traditions, will be held under the auspices of the yellow Pig, which will be considered the full-fledged mistress of the year. Astrologers are sure that many joyful events, hard work and, of course, some troubles await people, because it is impossible to imagine the world without them. However, I really want to know about which signs of the zodiac will be the most successful 2019, because the Pig can be full of surprises, so you should not count on the fact that he will distribute his favor to everyone.

The pig is considered a symbol of the Sun, because it is with its morning singing that every daylight usually begins, and in eastern countries it is generally the personification of sunlight and energy, so it should be assumed that the year that will pass under his leadership will be filled with light, warmth and undoubtedly good luck. It is also worth saying that the Chinese who created the Chinese horoscope see such qualities as courage, kindness and dignity in this animal, therefore the prediction for 2019 for all signs of the zodiac contains information that it is precisely such feelings that need to be cultivated in oneself.

In general, the year will be quite sincere, since his symbol always speaks of what is in his mind, without caring about the feelings of others and how his words may affect them. It is hard to say how bad or good it is, because in some conditions sincerity can be mistaken for tactlessness, because sometimes it is the truth that is perceived by people "with hostility" and causes many suffering (however, you will have to accept this). In this regard, it should be said that the main advice will be to contain emotions as much as possible. Nobody forces you to tell a lie, but sometimes, for the sake of preserving peace and prosperity, you just need to keep silent.

Xinya, who will "command" for years, loves to control everything, so if there is a person in the family born under this sign, then you will have to listen to him, because otherwise he may start to take offense. The proud pig is very fond of being in everyone's sight, and extremely loves to take the first places, so, thinking about which signs of the zodiac will be successful in 2019, you can not be afraid and assume that it is precisely those calves, rams, crayfish and so on further, who were born under his patronage. By the way, experts are sure that next year luck will always accompany those who know how to stand out from the crowd, and for this nothing special needs to be invented. You can dress in an unusual way (red colors will be especially valuable), or you can give preference to unusual music or some kind of creative type of creativity (most likely, a lot of exhibitions of contemporary art will open).

Horoscope for all zodiac signs

To understand what 2019 will be for all zodiac signs, you need to consider each representative zodiac horoscope separately, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain accurate information on this matter.

Aries. In the life of people born under this sign, finally, everything will be relatively calm, although the two previous years they lived in constant struggle. Today they will simply enjoy the fruits of their hard work and the success for which they have fought for so long, but you cannot just lie down and lie down, because as it was said, the owner of the year does not like this. In general, it is better to spend the first half of the year at work, albeit more calmly, and devote the second to rest and to yourself.

Calf. Taurus is also expected to be relatively calm, but due to the fact that their character is not at all simple, it is worth preparing for constant clashes with others, because the Pig will only strengthen this factor. Naturally, it is recommended to restrain your temper, because those around you do not like it, it is better to take up a new business and give all your energy to him.

Twins. Speaking about what awaits the signs of the zodiac in 2019, special attention should be paid to Gemini, because they will receive an impetus for the development of the future. Astrologers advise them to trust their intuition, which will be especially sharpened, but at the same time it is not necessary to make decisions without thinking everything carefully, because the risk of failure is present in any business. By the way, quite a lot of love awaits the representatives of this sign in 2019, although loneliness is predicted for others, so you need to "be friends" with them.

Cancer. People born under the sign of Cancer are waiting for changes, and so far no one can say anything about what they will be. Perhaps life at the beginning will be full of failures, but you should not give up, because persistence and a desire to change something for the better is always rewarded. It is especially worth emphasizing new acquaintances, which can have a direct impact on fate, but it is worth taking into account the fact that, perhaps, one of your friends will have to say goodbye.

A lion. Lviv is waiting for a fight, almost the same that Aries have been waging for the past few years. Astrologers advise to prepare for such a development of events in advance, because they used to get everything relatively easily. At first, some representatives of this sign will not understand why everything happens exactly like this, but then they will “catch the wave” and the rhythm of life will return to normal.

Virgo. Virgos are also waiting for a period of hard work, and when discussing the forecast for 2019 for all signs of the zodiac, astrologers pay special attention to the fact that they should not shirk from her. Success can only be achieved with the help of persistent movement forward, so those who prefer to simply take the current circumstances for granted will have a rather hard time.

Libra. Already just from the name it becomes clear that the main mission of all representatives of this sign is to balance forces, but during the "reign" of the Pig, it is worthwhile to prove yourself a little and try to take fate into your own hands. This period will give Libra the opportunity to change themselves in the better side... You just need to learn how to solve certain problems and that's it.

Scorpio. It is in their lives that the changes will be most destructive, and the meaning of this destruction will not be clear to everyone. They will divide the life of Scorpios into "before" and "after" and it is quite possible that some new person will become the impetus for change.

Sagittarius. Discussing then what will 2019 be like for zodiac signs, one cannot but say that Streltsov is just waiting for a tremendous success, because the stars predict that their life will be filled with some special energy. Many new acquaintances await them, most of which will be useful for the future future, as well as love, which will be distinguished by sincerity (the stars will contribute to everything).

Capricorn. It will be a little difficult for Capricorns, because, according to the predictions, there will be just a huge number of obstacles on the way. You need to correctly formulate your goals and desires, and pay attention to important things, because otherwise you can "fizzle out" without reaching the finish line.

Aquarius. Aquarius is expected to succeed, because for some reason the stars are very fond of this sign. Representatives of the sign are encouraged to take any new job and take on any difficulties, because the hostess of the year will help to cope with them.

Fish. Pisces are very similar in character to Aquarius, so it is likely that they will have a good year too. Their main character trait - silence, will play into the hands of achieving success, because not everyone succeeds in being silent "where necessary", but Pisces can cope with such tasks without any problems. The stars will constantly send them positive energy, you just need to direct it in the right direction.

In the year of the Pig, red and fiery, some revitalization awaits us in work, personal life. This is such a bird - it does not like calmness and dullness. Everything would be bright and cheerful for him, the year he takes care of has passed. What is the prediction for 2019 for all zodiac signs? What will change in life for us? Or is it better without changes, and so that everything goes quietly and smoothly, without any outbursts? But the representatives of the signs are so different! Someone better tolerates a calm measured life, and this, Taurus, Virgo. And someone, on the contrary, does not tolerate any routine (, Leo, Aries,).

And the beginning of the year will be quite calm. Everyone is gradually moving away from the big and small failures of the previous year. How she tried to make everything fun with a twist. Well, yes, for some, life is good. There was a rise in the career ladder, slow but gradual. Conflicts at work flared up very quickly, but also quickly passed. There is less misunderstanding in families, and even then only because some men reconsidered the meaning of life and said goodbye to bad habits. And the most serious of them is alcohol abuse. They began to spend less time on sofas, and rushed to look for more paid work. The Monkey in tandem with a leap year greatly influenced the material security of the population.

I wonder if the forecast for 2019 for all signs of the zodiac adjusts to improve vital signs? Definitely!


Aries. Hardworking and motivated. They see their goal and understand how to reach it painlessly. And so in the year of the Pig will not work. There will be ups and downs. Don't be afraid to get off the wave. Make an effort, do not fold your hands with the thought that everything is lost. Look for an exit and find other entrances. The pig is hardworking and beautiful. It is in the year that she oversees that you will have much more takeoffs than minor troubles. Expect salary increases or business expansion.

Taurus. Your calmness and perseverance will help you move towards your goal. After all, you have never had big material problems. This year will also be no exception. Some difficulties will arise in early spring, but soon you will receive a very advantageous offer. Think carefully about what is more important for you in this choice - family or career.

Twins. Will live a difficult year. Somehow it turns out that your efforts are not appreciated by the leadership. You give a lot of time to work. Stop and think - maybe work is not the main thing and the meaning of life is not at all in it. Do not like calm, do you like the stormy sea of \u200b\u200blife? Try not to leave your old job this year. The transition to another will not bring satisfaction.

Cancers. Stop isolating yourself, step over your modesty - in the year of the Pig, she is not at all in fashion. It's time to get out of the image of a sentimental dreamer and change something in life. With your calm nature, you do not have conflicts at work, but they can appear. The pig loves the hardworking and helps them in everything.

  • An important horoscope for 2018 by zodiac signs and by ...

Lions. Now, if you ask what awaits the signs of the zodiac in 2019, and which sign will most of all experience the positive influence of the Firebird, then the year will definitely be successful for Leo. Hardworking and responsible, but not very critical of themselves. Therefore, there are sycophants in the team that heads. Take a closer look at them, maybe it's time to nominate not them to good positions, but those who are trying to do their job well. Monetary and promising year.

Virgo. You are an excellent performer, so if you are offered a promotion in your career, think carefully. After all, you do not like to command people. Well, this is not your business. Why worry and unnecessary hassle? You are appreciated for your consistency, caution, reliability. The year promises to be monetary.

Libra. The soul of the team. Problems are solved deliberately, a compromise is found. This trait will come in handy in the Year of the Pig. Your diligence and responsiveness have already been noticed. Expect a new social burden.

Scorpions. A very stubborn sign. Uncontrolled expressions of anger can often be observed. In conversations, he can allow sarcasm or irony. Therefore, in the Year of the Pig, the management will give another applicant the newly created position. Restrain your emotions. Scorpio women are very good or doctors. Get ready for the fact that parents will enroll more children in your first grade than in parallel. People are very fond of competent and child-loving professionals.

Great leaders. Workaholics who put work first, and then family. In the team entrusted to him, some extraordinary ideas are always hovering. Pedantry is unusual for them. We respect the team, but the position remains the same.

Capricorn. Consistent and hardworking. Do not go about your character - do not be pessimistic. If we consider the year as the goal of finding out for which signs of the zodiac 2019 will be successful, then, of course, Capricorns will be very lucky. But why are you lucky? Very intelligent, consistent, moderately harsh. Aren't these traits of a good leader? You are an excellent teacher and organizer. At school, you will not be promoted to the position of head teacher. But if you work in housing and communal services, an agricultural complex, expect an increase.

So what if you had to fight for a place in the sun for a whole year. You only strengthened yourself, you realized who is a friend and who is an enemy. Calm down and keep working. It's a good year for you. Calm, without any hassle at work. Relax, and then forward to new labor achievements.

Fish. The year of the Monkey is boring. But who is to blame? The next one will be the same, gray-dull, if you don't put in your best effort. Try to be noticed and distinguished in the team. Then you will reap the results of your efforts in the Year of the Pig. Just starting to work well this year, you will receive a consolation prize next year. Which one? There will be no surprise.

Personal life of zodiac signs

We figured out a little about the career and move on to personal life. The question immediately arises, for which signs of the zodiac will 2018 be the most successful year in love and friendship?

The fiery bird will try to establish family life couples, find the halves lonely. It's a very loving symbol of the year! But don't expect happiness to knock on your door. No. It happens, but this year it takes a little effort to find a true friend or love of your life. A very successful year for building relationships with Cancers. Stop backing away in front of obstacles! Take a look around. Don't look for someone far away. Your love is very close just reach out. Hardworking Capricorns, this year is also very lucky for you. Acquaintance will develop into a strong personal relationship.

About health

Both career and personal relationships are highly dependent on health status. If something hurts a person, then he doesn't want anything. Therefore, consider the prediction 2019 for all zodiac signs regarding health.

Not a bad year for all signs. But the time has come to strengthen our health, improve our well-being. And this is very easy to do. The bird itself tells you how to live a long time, bypassing all sorts of diseases.

First of all, it is healthy sleep. No matter how much you want to sit in front of the TV, try to go to bed no later than twenty-three hours. This is especially true for women. It's just that wrinkles appear later if you go to bed early. Lie in bed longer if the long-awaited day off has come, but on weekdays, still wake up early, take a contrast shower and have breakfast not with a sausage sandwich, but with oatmeal with honey and nuts. Include such porridge in your menu. And also vegetables, red caviar, fruits. Healthy food and sound sleep will give you a good mood for a certain period. And the year is made up of just such segments.

Thus, what will be 2019 for the zodiac signs, in the field of health, depends on themselves. Some exacerbations of chronic diseases can be observed in Gemini, Taurus and Lions. Therefore, Gemini needs to undergo regular examinations of the gastrointestinal tract, Taurus - the state of the cardiovascular system. Lions take care of your back. Don't overload it. The work can always be done later.


The next question that interests many: what will 2019 be financially for all zodiac signs?

The pig loves beautiful surroundings. Smart clothes, expensive cosmetics, a fancy phone, a comfortable and prestigious car cost a lot of money. If you decide to buy something, try to measure your income against spending. Better not to take out a loan this year. Do not lend even to close people. It is highly likely that they will simply not give it to you. With the arrival of autumn, financial issues of most signs will be settled. That is, the beginning of the year will seem a bit difficult continuation of the previous year. Therefore, you need to make an effort to strengthen your financial condition. Lions, Scorpions, Aries will have a good financial situation throughout the year. Gemini and Cancer expect material improvements in the second half of spring.

In general, the prediction for all zodiac signs in 2019 is rather positive, but subject to an active life position in all areas of activity. ... He loves hardworking and active people. Therefore, this year they are the most fortunate.

Dear dreamers who dream of not working and winning money in the lottery. Do not wait for this desire to come true this year.

I have prepared a wide range of new opportunities for Aries - and in various fields. An enterprising Mercury will help you easily establish the necessary contacts and start successful projects without unnecessary difficulties and long preparations. You will be surprised: fresh ideas will appear as if by themselves, and after them there will be simple solutions. Trust your intuition: your sensitivity will help you make the best choice.

Taurus (april 21 - may 20)

What Will Bring You Good Luck: A Decisive Offensive

The powerful union of the Sun and Mars in 2017 prepares a very dynamic development of events for your sign. Do not think that you will be able to sit quietly somewhere in the corner - the stars directly push you towards a decisive offensive on all fronts and give you the necessary opportunities for this. Your efforts will certainly bear fruit: you can finally get rid of long-standing obligations that prevented you from living joyfully, with a light heart. Feel free to attack - and having won, enjoy dolce vita.

Gemini (may 21 - june 21)

What will bring you good luck: communication and creativity

Scorpio (october 24 - november 22)

What will bring you good luck: old dreams

Capricorn (december 22 - january 20)

What Will Bring You Good Luck: Hidden Potential

For the coming year, the stars have prepared for you a visual presentation of your talents and hitherto hidden opportunities. New doors will open for you one after another - you just need to devote a little time to assess each chance and take it. Such analysis will help you discover new resources in yourself - often very unexpected for others. Set the bar as high as possible and you will surprise yourself and others.

Aquarius (january 21 - february 20)

What will bring you good luck: the principle of acceleration

2017 will energize what is happening in all areas of your life. Communication, relationships with people or practical tasks - everything will be solved much faster and more efficiently than before. Respected teachers like Neptune and Saturn have taught you several lessons in patience over the past months - and now your persistence is beginning to bear fruit. You can be confident in yourself and those around you - and boldly increase your speed.

Pisces (February 21 - March 20)

What Will Bring You Good Luck: Breaking Up With Your Past

The coming year promises to dispel many clouds and clarify horizons. Resolute Mars fills you with the inner energy that is necessary to resolve the accumulated questions and thereby unblock many "hanging" life situations... Your creativity grows, you are able to find a way out of any impasse and you are not afraid to act contrary to what is "the way". Feel free to share your feelings with other people: others will really like your new, open image.


Is coming new Year and everyone, without exception, wants to know what awaits the signs of the zodiac in the first half of 2017. What to expect for each of the astrological signs and what to prepare for, Joinfo.ua writes.

Read our forecast and you will know what awaits you in the first half of 2017.


The year will be very successful for the representatives of the zodiac sign Aries. The greatest achievements await you in the professional field, and the greatest happiness is in love. Get recognized at work in February. However, if you are not happy with your job, it is in this month that you should look for alternatives.

In March, you will face challenges that will teach you valuable lessons, and in April, you must be careful with your finances. At the beginning of summer, enjoyable family celebrations and entertainment await you. In the middle of summer, you will meet someone who will offer you a fabulous career opportunity.


If you are a member of this zodiac sign, an exciting and dizzying year awaits you that will completely change you. At the beginning of the year, you will meet interesting people, some of them will help you professionally, others will become close friends to you. In February, these acquaintances will involve you in some interesting projects. If a project seems interesting to you, do not hesitate to try it - you will be successful.

In the spring, you may have disagreements with friends, in addition, the possibility of love adventures will appear on the horizon, but you do not need to participate in a love triangle - you should not. At the beginning of summer, you will be unexpectedly lucky, you will feel carefree and free, but this will only be temporary - at the end of June your work will require a lot of effort from you - sometimes more than what you are capable of. Use all your strength and stay alert because your efforts will be rewarded.


This year you will be constantly in the clouds, and you will be looking for love at every step. Although you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, it will be very difficult at the beginning of the year, you may have to take out a loan (nevertheless, optimism will make you spend money easily). In March, the situation will improve significantly, because unexpected financial receipts - it is possible that your salary will be raised or you will be offered a higher paid position.

Spring is the perfect time to reflect on your priorities, to take time for yourself - to focus on a hobby or to sign up for a course that will help you grow professionally. Late spring will be full of flirting, and in summer you will wander between several love alternatives, but the first half of the year will not be favorable for starting a serious relationship.

At the beginning of the year, you will be willing to do anything to achieve your goals, including hurting some of the people close to you. Be careful what you say and do because the end cannot justify the means. You will achieve much better results if you stick to your delicate nature.

In the spring, joyful moments in love await you, perhaps your relationship will become deeper, and if you are still free, you will find a suitable partner. The most important thing at this time of year is to give love a chance. The beginning of summer is a time for big changes! A career development awaits you, a family surprise, and a friendship that can grow into something much more ...

The whole year will be favorable for serious relationships and new beginnings, but in the first half you will be mostly busy with your personal life and personal development. Pay special attention to your relationships with those around you in January. You expect a special attitude towards yourself, but you should not exalt your own importance so much. If you treat someone unfairly, bad karma will overtake you. Be more positive and luck will smile at you.

If in January you were kind and helpful with those around you, in February this dedication will pay off. In the spring, you may have health problems, pay attention to them, do not ignore them. Take better care of yourself - you deserve a rest. During May, this is the perfect time to change a little - change your hairstyle, home décor or renew your wardrobe.


This year, Virgos should be well organized to cope with all the challenges and problems that fate presented to you. At the beginning of the year, you will be overwhelmed with work, but laziness will prevent you from solving all the problems. Projects will pile up one after another, finally, you will feel guilty and even depressed, because you did not complete everything on time. Make a list of tasks to get done and stay focused. The main thing is to move forward, even in small steps.

In March, a person from the past will reappear, probably your former friend. Remember why your relationship ended and do not return to him. In April, your efforts at work will be appreciated and you can look forward to a promotion, or at least generous praise. Take on new projects in the summer. Be creative and daring because you need fun after a tough few months.


A wonderful year awaits you in which anything is possible. Be confident and you will achieve a lot. In February, there are many happy moments with family and friends. Take time for them, help them in trouble and good deeds to return to you in abundance, care and love multiply tenfold. May is the perfect time to do something nice for someone.

In early summer, married Libra will think about children, and those who have already started a family will look for more time for themselves. The most important thing is that all Libras find a balance between family and personal time. The first six months of the year will be favorable for new professional endeavors, but most likely you will not be able to use the opportunities presented to you, because your mind will be constantly busy with your family.


An amazing year ahead of you. Love excitement, travel and new acquaintances will help streamline 2017. In February, think about your priorities, you will realize that what you have believed in until now is no longer working. This month you can get rid of all negative emotions ... anger, sadness and insecurity. They will be left behind and you will feel calm.

In the spring, all lonely Scorpios will smile from ear to ear, but will try to hide their feelings ... and in vain! Everything will be written on your face, so just admit it and say the cherished “I love you” to the one who deserves it. Summer will be the time to take stock. Then you have to eliminate everything that is stopping you. Clean up your home, get rid of fears and stop communicating with people who only steal your energy.


In the first half of the year, big changes and unexpected meetings await you. During the winter months, you need to be flexible because you will face several challenges. In April, your loved ones will turn to you for help or advice. You will try to solve problems, but you cannot do it. Don't worry because you don't know the correct answer to every question. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are in order to gain the required experience. Several trips await in early summer. The most successful trip will be to the water.


Hardworking Capricorns in January will only think about rest. You will have time to indulge in well-deserved relaxation. You just need to learn how to enjoy your vacation, because the world will not fall apart if you are not in control. Plus, after this short rest, you will feel happier and everyone will benefit.

In February, you will have financial problems, but they can be overcome with a well thought out plan. In spring, you will be energized, you want to rediscover yourself and do something productive. If you're single, there will be a relationship opportunity in April, but you have to be a little more daring to take advantage of the opportunity. Don't wait for invitations, take the first step.

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