Fortune-telling on Christmastide for the old new year. Fortune-telling for the Old New Year (January 13) Fortune-telling on January 13 for fate

Paint rollers and brushes 23.07.2020
Paint rollers and brushes

On the night from Friday, January 13 to Saturday, January 14, Tyumen will celebrate Old New Year - perhaps the most unusual holiday in January. Many of us, one way or another, celebrate this holiday along with the traditional New Year.

This day is especially loved by those who, for some reason, did not manage to meet the New Year on time - for example, because of duty or being on the road.

Recall that the Old New Year owes its origin to the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It comes 13 days after the usual New Year - on the night of January 13-14.

By January 13, astrologers and psychologists advise to set the festive table and remember those wishes that you could forget to make in the bustle of the holiday on the evening of December 31. On the night of the Old New Year, you can safely carry out all those rituals and practices that you might not have had time on December 31st. New Year's fortune-telling will also be true.

Feel free to make your wishes!

The most famous New Year's ritual for fulfilling a wish is, of course, champagne with ashes. It is believed that if you write your wish on a piece of paper while the clock strikes, and then manage to burn it before the last blow of the Chimes, stir the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink, your dream will certainly come true.

This ritual has another variation. You need to take any round fruit and do all the same while the clock strikes midnight. All this time you need to think about your desire and present it as fulfilled.

The fiery rooster - a symbol of the new year - will willingly repay with its generosity

To attract well-being and prosperity to your home, put a bowl of grains, seeds, cereals or other treats for the patron of the year on the festive table. The Fire Rooster appreciates generosity and will answer you in kind. It is also better to keep candles on the table. Ideal if they are also red, orange, yellow or gold. The symbolism of Fire is very useful this year. But be sure to follow the safety precautions. Do not leave candles burning unattended if there are small children or an overly curious cat at home.

Another good New Year's tradition is to write a wish with a needle on a candle and then let it burn out overnight. Considering that 2017 will be held under the sign of the elements of Fire, such a ritual will certainly bring good luck and happiness. In addition, fire purifies energy and drives away troubles. So a little caution, a little New Year's magic - and you will have a wonderful year ahead of you, full of achievements, discoveries and impressions.

Generous evening

Popularly, the night from 13 to 14 January was also called the Generous Evening (Shchedrets) or Vasilyev's Evening. This holiday was preserved among the Slavs from distant ancestors, existed even before Christianity. It means the richest day of the year. It was on this day that people used to set rich tables, brought out everything that was possible on them, prepared for a long time, read prayers, spells and requests to the bright Gods that the next year be fertile and prosperous.

My betrothed ... disguised

And the girls considered this time the most important and magical, special for fortune telling about the betrothed and love. The night from 13 to 14 January was called the night from Melanka to Basil, because January 13 was celebrated the day of the Monk Melanka, and January 14 was the day of memory of Basil the Great. Later, after 1918, this day began to be called the Old New Year, but the tradition of celebrating it and guessing at the betrothed, fate, family life remained.

Fortune-telling on Vasilyev's Evening was considered significant, since at that time it was the middle of Christmastide, which means that this time was one of the key moments of the year, when all fortune-telling showed the most real truth.

Christmastide is a time of festivities and fun

If you have a desire to use the magic of the Old New Year, we offer several types of the most popular fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on wax

One of the main fortune-telling in Christmastide. Need a wax candle. In a separate metal container, melt 1-2 wax candles on the fire. Pour into another plate cold water or put snow to melt. Carefully pour the liquid from the melted wax candle into the water. In this case, the wax will begin to take on some forms or figures. When the wax hardens, you need to pull out what you got from the water and see it well. What comes to mind in the form of these figures will bring you the future. Many interpretations of wax figures come from folk symbolism: a ring - an imminent betrothal, a bed - health problems, a cross - a blow, a person - a good friend, a heart - a new love, etc.

Subtle fortune-telling

Put a bowl (plate) with water on the table and cover with a thick cloth. Everyone who takes part in fortune-telling must take off some kind of decoration and put it in this cup. Then they begin to sing songs, and during the singing, one object is taken out of the cup at random. Fortune-telling comes down to the fact that the song that sounds at this moment is about who this object belongs to and shows its future.

Fortune telling on a towel

This divination was simple and popular. The girls took new snow-white towels and hung them on the street before going to bed. At the same time, they uttered the words of the conspiracy: "My betrothed, you are my disguised, come sooner, wipe yourself with a towel." Then you had to go to bed, and in the morning before everyone else, go out and touch your towel. If it was wet or damp, it means that the future husband came and this year the girl will get married. And if the towel remains dry and untouched, it means that you will live unmarried for another year.

Divination by burnt paper

My Ural grandmother always burns paper on Christmas time and reads her fortune. For fortune telling, wait for the night. Usually they start no earlier than midnight. Light a candle, find a wall on which a shadow will be clearly visible by candlelight. Paper, best of all, newsprint is taken in hand and crumpled well, while making a wish. Then the paper is placed on a metal baking sheet and set on fire. When the paper lump burns out, the baking sheet is carefully brought up to the wall so that a shadow appears and they guess by its outlines.


Veronica EXTREME

Christmastide has come ... that's a joy!

This date in orthodox calendar also designated as Vasilyev's evening, in honor of Archbishop Vasily. According to the old style, the holiday fell on January 1. As for folk beliefs and customs, their for a long time formed a lot.

To change your life for the better, wear clothes inside out on January 13th.
A new broom is a talisman at home and promises wealth in the coming year.
On this day, you can start your own business.
Better not to say the number 13 aloud.

At this time, young people began to carol. It was customary to congratulate friends and family.
If you borrowed money before the Old New Year, you should try to return it at least three days before the celebration. You should not leave debts for the last day, then you will spend the Year of the Rat with debts.
It is believed that the more treats are put on it, the more generous the owners of the house are. Luck and money love generosity and strive to fall into the hands of just such people.
Hand out all the accumulated debts, it is better to do this in advance. You cannot give money or take it away on the day of the holiday.
You cannot count money on the night of the Old Year, it is better to postpone it until morning.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2020

On a candle.Melt a piece of candle in another flame. This is done in an ordinary tablespoon. The melted wax is poured into a prepared cup of water. When it hardens, you need to consider the resulting pattern. The main thing is the shape of the figurine. If it is round, this is a good sign. The person will be lucky. If there are many "sharp" elements, it means that he has enemies and envious people.

On the rump.Rice or cereal is poured into the box, rings are put there: gold, silver, with a diamond or jewelry. Closing their eyes, they scoop up the cereal from the box with their palm. Consider what kind of decoration, along with the cereal, was in the hand. Gold, silver and diamonds - to a rich and prosperous life, but if you find a ring of multi-colored plastic in the palm of your hand along with cereals, then the groom will be poor and the family will be in need.

On shoes. At midnight they go out the door and throw a shoe, boot or felt boot over their shoulder. If the shoe points to the opposite side from the door of the house, you will soon get married, if the sock points to the house, you will have to wait a year before marriage.

On a towel. A prophetic dream on the night of the Old New Year will allow you to recognize your betrothed. Prepare a new white towel, a basin of water. Before going to bed, put all the accessories next to the bed. Aloud they say: "My betrothed, come. Wash your face with water, wipe yourself with a towel." Whoever comes in a dream will be a husband.

On the mirror. One of the most famous fortune-telling for the Old New Year. Guessing after midnight, alone in a dark room. Two mirrors are prepared in advance, and one should be larger than the other. Place objects opposite each other. Burning candles are placed on the sides. Sit behind a small mirror and watch the images in the large one. As soon as the appearance of the betrothed appears, cloth is thrown onto the small mirror.

Based on materials from open sources.

From 13 to 14 January, Old Style New Year is celebrated. The tradition of celebrating the old New Year is associated with the Julian calendar, according to which our country lived until 1918. This tradition has not gone away also because the Orthodox Church has not switched to the Gregorian calendar and celebrates its holidays according to the old style.

It is January 14, old style, that January 1, 2016. Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from the change of chronology.

Due to this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles.

Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to "celebrate" their favorite holiday.

Indeed, for many believers, the old New Year is of particular importance, since they can celebrate it only after the end of the Nativity Fast, BelTA writes.

More and more people regard it as a holiday in its own right, which prolongs the charm of the New Year, or allows you to feel this charm for the first time.

After all, this holiday is quieter, it is unusual for it to fuss, which is an inevitable companion of the New Year.

According to popular belief, fortune-telling on the old New Year is considered the most accurate - on the night of January 13-14, although fortune-telling can be made during all Christmas time.

  • When fortune-telling, observe complete silence, do not talk and do not laugh.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs. This will help you, first of all, not to get confused yourself, when during the ceremony you will need to take an object with a certain hand.
  • You need to take off all the things that surround or bind you, be it a ring, bracelet or belt.
  • During fortune-telling, a person should not be under the protection of religion, therefore, they must remove their pectoral crosses from themselves, and hide icons in the room, give advice to

The people believed that on holy evenings ghosts, devil, spirits walk the earth. Therefore, this period was considered the most favorable for predicting fate, in particular, marriage.

The most popular among the village youth was the method fortune telling on different subjects - odd or even... A paired number symbolized a married couple, and an unpaired number symbolized loneliness.

For example, they went out into the yard and collected firewood. Having brought them into the house, they counted, an even or an odd number. For the same purpose, they clasped the boards in the fence. And again, an even number or odd meant either a close wedding, or vice versa. By the same principle, the answer to other questions asked is obtained.

Rice divination. Sprinkle rice on a flat surface. Dampen your palm with water. Make a wish and lower your wet hand in rice. Count how many grains of rice stuck to your palm: an even number promises a wish.

Almost everywhere there was a custom: a pile of grains was poured in the middle of the house and peck a cock, and the remainder was recalculated.

An equally common method of fortune telling was eavesdropping under the windows of neighboring houses... If they talked calmly in the house, it is a good omen, but if they swore or argued, life promised to be restless.

You can get help blank sheet of paper... Each girl (2-3 fortune-tellers are involved) crumples a leaf and sets it on fire on a clean dish. A pile of ash and a residue of burnt paper are formed. Using a candle, you should create a projection of shadows on the wall. Considering the shadows, you can see various pictures, images, symbols, according to which the future is interpreted.

Divination by the betrothed

Fortune telling by threads. Several girls must necessarily guess. The threads of the same length are distributed to everyone. The girls take their threads with their left hand by one end, and set the other end on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out before everyone else, she will marry first. Those who have the thread died out will have to wait for their wedding for a very long time.

Fortune telling by leaflets with names. Another way to find out the name of the future husband is to write men's names on several small pieces of paper and put them under the pillow before going to bed. In the morning, waking up, get the first piece of paper that comes across, what name is written on it - so they will call the betrothed.

Fortune telling by matches. Matches will help to predict whether a girl is destined to be with her lover. Two matches are inserted on the sides of the matchbox and set on fire. If the burnt heads connect, there is no doubt that the couple's love will be eternal. If the burned-out matches remain in their places or bent in different directions, the conceived couple has no joint future.

Can also be placed under the pillow four card kings... At the same time, you need to say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - he will dream in a dream." The betrothed will dream in the image of some king.

Bread and scissors. According to legend, if you put bread and scissors under the pillow before going to bed on the Old New Year, the girl will certainly dream of her betrothed.

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs eat something salty and never drink water. Going to bed, you need to say: "The betrothed, disguised, come to me and give me a drink." According to the legend, whoever comes to drink you, you will marry him.

You need to put under the bed a small bowl of water, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: "The betrothed, come and transfer me across the bridge." Whoever will cross the bridge in a dream will marry him.

Into a tub filled with water, girls put down wooden marked spoons and chatter water. Whose spoon comes from the edge of the tub, that girl will certainly get married this year. They also guess on the name of the future groom.

At midnight the girls come out to the crossroads... Here each asks for the name of the first man they meet - it will be the name of the betrothed. By the way, modern girls are guessing a little differently. At the crossroads, they pick up a mobile phone, dial any number, and if the man picks up the phone, ask his name, which is supposed to be the name of the groom.

Different objects are put in a bowl or saucer, which fortune-telling girls in turn should pull out without looking. The main condition is that objects must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life. For example, sugar is a sweet life, a good flexible character of the groom, a ring is a marriage, a glass is a fun life, a golden ring is wealth.

And here's another way to see your future spouse. Need to clean hair comb at night and put it under your pillow with a fresh pillowcase. Before going to bed, you should present the image of the desired person.

Divination by the betrothed in mirrors. They put two mirrors: one is large, the other is smaller, facing one to the other with the front side; the smaller mirror should be closer to the fortuneteller. Two candles are placed between the mirrors and look through the top of the smaller mirror. It turns out a long corridor, gradually darkening in depth. They look at this deep part and after a while begin to see there various subjects, by which the future is determined.

It is better to guess in a non-residential building or in the attic, with loose hair and no belt. At the beginning of the fortune-telling they say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come and dine with me! " Sooner or later, the betrothed appears in the mirror. Then you need to say: "Chur, me!" The vision will disappear. If you do not have time to do this, the betrothed may jump out of the mirror and then misfortune will occur.


Through the shadows. For the next fortune-telling, you will need a sheet of blank paper and a saucer. It is better to sit near a smooth wall on which shadows would be well reflected. You need to focus on the exciting issue and set fire to the paper sheet you crumpled in the saucer. The shadow of the burning paper displayed on the wall will give the answer.

To see a ring - to a wedding, a flower - to new love and popularity with the opposite sex. The ship heralds a business trip or journey. The cross warns of future illnesses. If a human figure appears, you will soon find a loyal friend, but if you see an animal figure, be careful, most likely you have an enemy.

Different figures and similarities can be interpreted in different ways and imagination is needed. If you are not alone in guessing, then efforts can be combined and interpreted together.

They wondered about the future and with the help books... It is best to take a book of spiritual content. Without opening it, you need to guess the page and line number above or below, open it and read in the specified place. The read is interpreted, as a rule, in accordance with what interests the fortuneteller most of all - wealth, travel, marriage, health, etc.

For the advanced: fortune telling on TV

Those who consider cups, rings and pies to be yesterday can enjoy the fruits of progress with a clear conscience, - writes Everything that is needed for these fortune-telling is always at hand with a modern person. You need to sit in front of the turned off TV, close your eyes and concentrate. After that, formulate some question that worries you. After clearly speaking the question, turn on the TV and listen to the answer. Then draw conclusions.

Fortune telling is a sin

The Belarusian Exarchate called on to abandon Christmas fortune-telling. "Any kind of divination has been considered a grave sin since the Old Testament times," said Sputnik in the exarchate.

The Old New Year's holiday is amazing and not entirely clear for new generations. Celebrated on the night of January 13-14, it is associated with transitions from one calendar, the Julian, to " new style»Gregorian account.

On the Day of Basil the Generous (according to the Slavic tradition), rich tables were laid, they waited for the guests and went home with congratulations and wishes of well-being. The date is important for unmarried girls, since it was from the evening of January 13, when fortune-telling, all the "cards" of fate, predictions about grooms and marriage were revealed. The rituals on this day are the most truthful, so lovely girls are in a hurry to find out what is inscribed in the future.

Preparing for fortune telling

Christmas fortune telling is a serious matter, which does not tolerate doubts and negligence. If we laugh at the predictions, then it is better to leave the administration of the ordinances, not turning everything into jokes.

Girls should prepare carefully:

  • guess only with clean, combed and loose hair;
  • ask questions (if any) clearly and clearly;
  • put on loose clothing (dress, nightie), without buttons, fasteners, ornaments;
  • remove all accessories.

It is advisable to carry out rituals for the betrothed in a strange house, while there should be no men in it. Fortune-telling related to sleep is also allowed at home, most importantly, the right attitude and then everything will work out.

Fortune-telling methods for the Old New Year 2020

It is required in advance to prepare the attributes necessary for fortune-telling. Most often, they used to guess in different ways, gathering in large companies at someone's house. Nowadays, rituals for the Old New Year are carried out in ordinary city apartments, having previously drawn the curtains, turning off the lights, lighting candles.

Fortune telling on rice or cereals

A simple ritual with cereals or rice will allow you to find out what awaits in your future family life. Rice or cereals are poured into the box, the rings are also put there:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • with a diamond;
  • costume jewelry.

Closing their eyes, scoop up the cereal from the box with their palm. Consider what decoration, along with the cereal, was in the hand. Gold, silver and diamonds - to a rich and prosperous life, but if you find a ring of multi-colored plastic in the palm of your hand along with cereals, then the groom will be poor and the family will be in need.

If you want to know the answers to your questions about the future, cereals are also used. They ask a question out loud, scoop up a handful of cereals and carefully count the number of grains. An odd number - the answer to the question is negative, an even number - yes.

Fortune telling on a shoe

At midnight, they go out the door and throw a shoe, boot or felt boot over their shoulder. If the shoe points to the opposite side from the door of the house, you will soon get married, if the sock points to the house, you will have to wait a year before marriage.

Divination on wax with decoding

Among the most favorite fortune-telling for the Old New Year is with candles and wax figures. In the winter evening they sit in a dark room, pour water into a deep plate, light candles.

Once the wax is melted, tilt the candle over the dish and gently slide it over the water. Dripping wax creates figurines in water. They hold it for about half a minute, and then take out the resulting figure and consider what awaits in the future. Often, many small wax droplets form in the water, and the large figure does not fold. The answer is simple - no changes are expected in the near future.

Subtle fortune-telling

The ritual was usually timed to coincide with Vasilyev's Day, the number of participants - the more, the better. Be sure to prepare a large dish, hence the name - subdish fortune-telling. A sieve or a hat was used instead of dishes.

Each of those present at the ritual requires any one object - a comb, buttons, a ring, a brooch, a key. The dish is covered with a handkerchief, gently shaken, and then taken out one item at a time, while calling the name of one of those present. What will fall out - this is how life will be for the next year.

Received a ring - soon the wedding, pulled out a key - housewarming, a coin - an increase in wages. The ring is allowed to roll on the floor, if to the center of the room - to be at home, if to the threshold - to go on the road soon.

Fortune telling on cups for the future

Fortune telling is suggested using cups. You will need:

  • a piece of sugar;
  • coin;
  • crust of bread;
  • onion;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ring.

Seven cups are prepared, the six items listed are placed in each. The seventh cup is filled with water. They close their eyes and choose any of the cups, finding out their future:

  • salt - wait for unpleasant news;
  • onion - sad news;
  • sugar - a happy future;
  • bread is a rich abundant life;
  • coin - wealth;
  • ring - marriage.

If the choice falls on a cup of water, life will go on as usual, there will be no special changes.

Divination with a mirror

This ritual is known to many. Guessing after midnight, alone in a dark room. Two mirrors are prepared in advance, and one should be larger than the other. Set objects opposite each other. Burning candles are placed on the sides.

Sit behind a small mirror and watch the images in the large one. As soon as the appearance of the betrothed appears, cloth is thrown onto the small mirror.

Fortune telling on a towel

Seeing your future husband in a dream is every dream unmarried girl... A prophetic dream on the night of the Old New Year will allow you to recognize your betrothed.

Prepare a new white towel, a basin of water. Before going to bed, all accessories are placed next to the bed. Aloud they say: “My betrothed, come. Wash your face with water, wipe yourself off with a towel.

Whoever comes in a dream will be a husband.

Fortune telling on matches

Two matches are taken out of the new box. Strengthen them vertically on the table using plasticine, wax or dough.

Two matches are a symbol of two people in a pair, one is a girl, the other is a potential spouse. Gently set fire to the tip and observe the flame and combustion of the wood.

The position of the matches determines the relationship within the pair:

  • a woman's match bowed to a man's - do not expect equality in the family;
  • The “man” burned out without bending to the side - stubborn, proud, at any moment he could leave the family;
  • matches burned out, leaning towards each other - respectful relationship in a couple, sincere love, complete reciprocity;
  • the matches, burnt out and turned into twisted sticks, bent in different directions - there is no respect in the pair, love and consent should not be expected.

The left palm is placed on a closed book. They ask a question out loud, then open the pages at random and read 1-2 lines under the palm of your hand. Proposals are interpreted in accordance with the question. Sometimes the answer is mysterious and not entirely clear, so you need to dream up, break your head.

Fortune telling

Among the Slavs, the thread was considered a strong amulet, so it was often used in various rituals. Christmas divination is no exception.

The girls cut the threads of equal length and set them on fire at the same time from one end. Whose thread burns out faster, that one will go down the aisle first.

The flame went out almost immediately - celibacy, if the thread burned out less than half and the fire went out, then later marriage awaits.

Fortune-telling with eavesdropping

On Christmastide it was customary to walk around the village, to listen to conversations in other people's houses under the windows. They heard abuse - such a life awaits in marriage, but if there was a cheerful conversation, then life will be bright, not boring.

Fortune telling by dogs

To find out what disposition the future spouse will have, fortune-telling with a dog will help. The girl sat down alone in the room, the dog was sent to her. As the animal behaves, such a husband will be. If the four-legged pet does not approach the girl for a long time, listens, be careful - the spouse will be strict. The dog who ran up immediately began to caress his hands and lick, the husband will be kind.

Divination with a ring, bread and a hook

You will need to prepare a wire hook, bread, a ring. Items are placed in a large bowl, and any other things are added there (jewelry, pebbles, trinkets of various shapes). Cover the container with a towel or cloth.

They close their eyes and pull out the thing that has fallen into their hand. Only three items are important, but if other things are in the palm of your hand, no changes are expected ahead.

They pulled out the hook - the groom will be sick, he got bread - rich, wealthy. The ring means that you will marry a handsome man.

Fortune telling with a glass of water and a ring

On a winter evening, a golden ring is dipped into a glass of water and exposed to frost. In the morning they examine the frozen ice and find out their future.

If the water froze evenly, there will be no children in marriage. The pits and depressions on the ice are for daughters, but the bumps will have to wait for the boys. If, on the surface of the water, the ice has frozen in bumps and pits, it means that the family will have children of different sexes.

Divination with a chain

In this ritual, it is advisable to ask questions alone, without witnesses. They only take their own jewelry, you cannot use other people's chains.

The chain is carefully removed, clamped in the palms and slowly rubbed between them. Then they throw the decoration on the table or on the floor and carefully examine the established pattern:

  • any geometric figure - a declaration of love awaits you;
  • a straight line - to good luck;
  • the chain lay in a wavy line - treason, betrayal;
  • the decoration formed a figure in the form of a bow - an imminent marriage;
  • a chain around - expect trouble;
  • a nodule is a disease.

Only gold jewelry is used for fortune telling.

Fortune telling on dumplings

On the evening before the Old New Year, tables are set generously and plentifully. Often they make dumplings, and then guess with the help of treats for the future.

Various small items are added to the traditional filling (potatoes, cottage cheese), and at the table, family members and guests determine what the new year promises for them.

If you come across a coin - to wealth, a piece of roll or rye bread - a satisfying life, prosperity in the house. A bean or a cherry stone - a replenishment in the family is expected, a ring - to be a wedding, but a slice of pickled cucumber - to trouble and tears.

Salty filling - for quarrels, raisins or dried apricots - there will be a new love story, a bay leaf predicts luck and movement up the career ladder.

Fortune telling on the egg

Usually they take a warm egg from under the chicken. But it is unlikely that there is such a thing in the city, so they just look to make sure the product is fresh.

They guess at exactly midnight, having prepared warm water in a glass or cup in advance. Split the shell, carefully separate the yolk and white, pour only the white into the container. Observe:

  • the protein turned out to be mostly at the top of the glass - to good news;
  • blossomed into a spider web - expect trouble from ill-wishers;
  • completely "went" to the bottom - no changes are expected;
  • in the water blurred in vertical stripes - changes and important events in life await.

Divination on the bow

Several bulbs of the same size are selected. Each is given the name of the candidates for the hand and heart, placed in glasses or a container with water. The ritual is done in the evening or at night on January 14. Observe over the next several days. They are waiting for the onion to give the first roots, on behalf of that one they expect an offer to marry.

Fortune telling with a scarf for a wedding

The favorite topic of fortune-telling for girls at this time is future marriage. In the old days, such a ritual was carried out: in a small trough, knotted scarves from each girl were folded.

Then the trough was rocked until several scarves fell out of it over the edges onto the floor. Whose scarves fell, that in the coming year to get married.

Fortune telling with pieces of paper to fulfill desires

Nowadays, they often carry out a ritual with pieces of paper, finding out whether innermost desires will come true or not. They take 12 pieces of paper, write down their desires on them, roll them up into tubes. Papers are laid under the pillow before going to bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, they pull out three tubes, unfold and find out which wishes will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with cards on the character of the future husband

A famous Russian proverb says: "Women repent, and girls are going to get married." Moreover, every girl wants to know the character of the future spouse.

A card deck will help. Only kings are chosen, because they are guessing at the betrothed. Before going to bed in the night, they put four cards under the pillow, and in the morning, when they wake up, they take out one. The king of hearts is caught - the husband will be rich, young, the card of clubs prophesies to marry a widower, spades promise a jealous and old spouse. If the drawn card is the king of diamonds, then the husband will be loved.

Divination Yes-No

An interesting ritual with a pendulum will allow you to answer questions of interest about the future. A stone of their zodiac sign, a ring or a needle is tied to a strong thread or thin chain.

Carefully take a thread or chain so that the object hangs freely. They say the word "no" and swing the pendulum right and left. They wait until they come to a complete stop and say the word again, but this time yes, swinging the pendulum back and forth.

Now it remains only to wait for the complete stop of the subject and proceed to the questions. The vibrations of the ring or needle on the suspension will answer the question.

Divination by the shadows

A fascinating ritual for which a plate, paper and candles are prepared. The dishes should be white, without decorations, shiny rims. Exactly the same should be the paper - no font, pictures.

Divination is a business that does not tolerate vanity and negligence. Therefore, candles are chosen correctly: white or pinkish, without decor. To observe the shadow, use a white flat wall or hang a plain light fabric (sheet, large towel) in advance.

The paper in the plate is set on fire with the flame of a candle, they wait until it completely burns out and turns into a black ash heap. The near future is determined by the shadow from the burnt paper, interpreting the images. Pale shadows are not considered, only clear shapes and images are needed.

After any fortune-telling, thank heaven and higher powers for help, tips. Whatever the result, remember that the person himself is still destined to create his own destiny, and let the ancient rituals set him in a positive mood and good mood.

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Old New Year falls on the Christmas Eve period, which begins in the interval from Christmas Eve and ends at Epiphany. The time on the night of January 13-14 is considered the best time for fortune-telling, and not only free girls, but also married ladies can take advantage of this opportunity. Orthodox Christians can also guess on this magical night, the church is more radical about the possibilities of carrying out rituals on religious holidays, and the Old New Year is not.

There are many ways to help you find out what the future has in store for a person. You can guess on New Year's Eve for the future, for marriage and even for pregnancy. For the ritual, special conspiracies are used, and the attributes are candles, cards, paper, wax and even the fortuneteller's own dreams. Not only women can conduct a kind of ceremony. Men can also open the veil of secrecy, they guess at their betrothed.

Let's try to consider the best ancient and modern rituals. The recommended fortune-telling options are true, which is confirmed by the reviews of the people resorting to them. The ceremonies are carried out alone or in company, there are no prohibitions on this score. When conducting a ritual, you need to be aware that this is a full-fledged session of appeal to higher forces with unknown power, therefore you should follow all the rules for its implementation.

Truthful fortune-telling at home for the Old New Year on January 13, 2020

What are people waiting for in the New Year? Updates, pleasant experiences and the embodiment of cherished desires into reality. But, to wait all year, whether dreams will come true, no one wants, because many people spend Christmas time profitably, resorting to the help of mystical forces and magic. Fortune telling on the Old New Year is a traditional Russian custom. For rituals, candles, shadows, cards and even dumplings are used. With the help of these everyday objects, a ritual is provided and a person finds out what awaits him in the future.

Attention! For the result to be true, fortune-telling on the Old New Year must be at night, namely at midnight from 13 to 14.

With a comb or comb

One of the most simple ways to see the betrothed in a dream. Previously, a wooden comb was used for this, today you can take a regular comb.

Five minutes before midnight, you need to loose your hair and start combing your hair, saying: "Come to me in a dream, betrothed, comb my hair." At midnight, go to bed with a comb under your pillow.

Hair is considered a kind of mediator between otherworldly forces and space, so many people manage to see a guy in a dream.

Divination by the betrothed

It is very simple to tell fortunes on the betrothed on New Year's Eve, there are rituals that help to see fate in a dream. For the ritual, matches or thin wood sticks are used. At the head of the bed, the girl puts a stool or a small table, and on it from the sticks she lays out an even square - a well. Going to bed, you must say the following phrase: "My betrothed, my mummer, come to a well of water to drink." We must try to fall asleep as quickly as possible, not paying attention to the design.

If the groom did not dream, attention is paid to the state of the sticks. If one of them is shifted, you can expect an acquaintance soon. If the guy in the dream still came, but the well is unharmed, it means that the marriage may fail. The shifted sticks promise a quick wedding, possibly in the coming year.

For fortune-telling to be accurate, it must be carried out in a separate room, behind a closed door. No one should enter it until the girl wakes up and inspects the well. It is also necessary to exclude pets that can accidentally damage the structure. There is no need to tell anyone about the ritual itself, otherwise it may lose its credibility.

Divination on the ring

Use a ring with or without a stone. The place for the ceremony should be a central room, for example, a living room or hall.

At midnight, the ring needs to be tossed and watched as it falls or rolls. In the direction of the kitchen - life will be well-fed, and the groom rich, in the direction of the exit from the apartment - a quick marriage, in the direction of the bedroom - life will be calm and happy.

Fortune telling

A ritual performed using rice or other cereals, such as buckwheat, will help you find out what the future has in store. The grains are poured into a deep box and the rings are placed in it. One of them should be precious, preferably gold, the second - with a natural stone, the third - silver, and the last fourth - jewelry.

  1. Cover or blindfold with a bandage.
  2. Dip your hands into the rump and scoop it up.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a separate saucer and take a close look at what you got with the rice.

Any precious jewelry: gold, silver or diamonds, promises a "well-fed" and rich life, it is possible to move up the career ladder, win the lottery, receive an unexpected inheritance. If you come across jewelry, you can not expect good, the whole year will pass in need.
Interesting! With the help of cereals, you can get an answer to a question, only it must be designed so that you can clearly say "yes" or "no". Scoop up the groats with your hands and count the grains. If the number is even, the answer is positive, an odd number is negative.

On a towel

For fortune telling, girls gather in the same house, where they stay overnight. Each one brings a new cotton towel with her. In the evening they are hung on a rope in the yard. The girls say the following words: "Come, betrothed, wash yourself with well water and rub yourself with my towel." Those of them whose towel turns out to be wet in the morning will get married this year.

Divination in a dream

You can peep into the future, find out who the same mummer-betrothed is through a dream. A simple yet precise ritual will require a thimble, salt, and water. The loose component is transferred into a thimble, filled with liquid and consumed before bedtime. Going to bed, read the following words: "Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, bring me a drink, fulfill my request, give me water." In a dream, the chosen one should come and serve a glass filled with water.

Card reading

This fortune-telling is often called the "witch's hand". It helps you quickly predict the future using a single deck of 36 cards. To increase the veracity, fortune telling is recommended during the Christmas time. The ritual is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the deck is well mixed and laid out on the table one card at a time;
  • at the same time, the names of the cards are pronounced, from 6 to ace without indicating the suit;
  • if the meaning coincided with the pronounced one, the card is put aside;
  • the deck is turned over 1 time, you should get 2 pairs of cards;
  • if there are fewer of them, the ritual is not repeated, the amount received is considered.

To interpret the alignment, you can use the following table:

Map Card number 1 Card number 2 Card number 3 Card number 4
6 Own serious illness or loss of a close relative. Any suffering. Girlfriends spread gossip about you, expose what should be secret to the public. Anxiety and doubts about an important event lie ahead.
7 Long distance is expensive, a business trip or moving is possible. There is an ill-wisher in the environment, he has planned a deception and is trying to harm you. Get ready for your own marriage or the wedding of a close relative. Expect to be promoted.
8 The death of a familiar person. Expect a holiday or other pleasant surprises. Someone will try to offend, humiliate or insult you. The addition to the family is not excluded.
9 Serious cash expenses that will not be able to be replenished soon. Soon you will be disappointed (the reason is your partner or close friend). Expect a surprise from a friend. Unexpected profits are possible.
10 Obstacles are formed on the path of life. Wait for the news. Give up excess and control your health. Changes in the quality of life in the better side, provided that other cards in the layout have a positive interpretation.
Jack There is a man in the environment who spreads gossip. To matchmaking. Ahead is the acquaintance with an interesting person who can change your life. You will be annoyed and nervous over trifles.
Lady A serious rival (in love) on the way. Scandal with a familiar older woman (mother, mother-in-law, boss). Luck is on your heels. Do not try to harm anyone, otherwise evil will work against you.
King Real love. Beware of deception, enemies are up to something. Expect good news. There is a meeting with an old acquaintance.
Ace Spiritual or material loss. Relationships that are important to your life will end soon. Wealth is near, look carefully. Fast wedding.

It is quite simple to interpret the alignment according to this description, the main thing is to follow the basic recommendations. Remember that fortune-telling will only be true when using new cards. It is forbidden to use a deck if it has been played on.

Fortune telling on wax

This ritual requires serious preparation. Many fortune-telling can be carried out in a playful manner, but this is not at all, because it involves working with wax from church candles. The principle of the method is that it is necessary to melt a piece of wax with the flame of another candle, and then pour it into a prepared container with water. When the wax hardens, pay attention to the resulting pattern, the main thing that is evaluated is the shape of the figure. A round one is a good sign, a "white" stripe begins. The pointed shape suggests that not everything will be smooth in life, there are envious and ill-wishers in the environment.

The ingot must be examined carefully, perhaps there are clear patterns on its surface. They can be deciphered as follows:

  • arrow - expect a new novel;
  • mountains are likely obstacles in various endeavors;
  • hollows are enemies, by their number you can determine the number of ill-wishers;
  • the key is a promising proposal;
  • clouds - measured, calm and happy life;
  • tree - well-being and prosperity;
  • a piece of wax has separated from the bulk - pregnancy will soon come;
  • castle - soon you will find out, and you will keep an important secret;
  • cuts in wax are obstacles that can really be overcome;
  • stars - personify desires and guarantee their fulfillment;
  • rose - there is a secret admirer with perspectives;
  • dog - don't forget about friends;
  • a cat or several of its guises - you have enemies;
  • house - change of residence, quick move;
  • human face - changes in life.

Attention! The wax cast should be viewed when it has completely hardened. Until then, the interpretation will not be correct.

Fortune telling for men

Surprisingly, men are also curious and try to peep into the future as often as women. But, they will not carry out complex rituals, everything should be extremely simple and understandable. The easiest way of fortune-telling for men is from a book. It is enough to take any work, guess the page number and line, then ask a question and read the answer. The interpretation can be confusing. If the conclusion did not work out correctly the first time, you can repeat it from the beginning. You can guess using this method repeatedly, the main thing is to ask different questions so that there is no confusion.

Fortune telling on paper

Another simple method suitable for fortune telling for men and women. They write the names of the opposite sex on paper, fold up the received notes and put them in a hat or deep box. This must be done in the evening, after going to bed. In the morning, January 14, take notes and choose one of them - the one that will go into your hands. The name written on paper will be with the chosen one.

Fortune telling

The easiest way to guess for money is using ordinary stones. A festive evening and night is best suited for this. The ceremony is simple and carried out without tricks. The only thing is that you have to believe in its strength and effectiveness. A large container must be filled with water, several pebbles must be prepared in advance - as many questions as you want to ask about material welfare with the answer "yes" or "no". Then voice your desire, throw a stone into the water and watch how many circles are formed from it. An even number indicates that it will come true, an odd number does not.

Divination by children

Fortune telling by this method is recommended for married women. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a glass filled with water and a wedding ring (always smooth). You need to throw jewelry into the vessel and send it to the frost, at night, and in the morning to evaluate the ice surface. The formed bumps tell how many boys there will be in the family, the depressions show girls. If the ice is smooth, then the couple will not have children.

Attention! Is the weather outside frosty? Do you think this method is impossible to apply? In vain, because the house has a freezer. The container can be placed there, because the main thing in the ritual is not the source of cold, but the magical time that falls on the Old New Year.

Divination for love

What worries girls the most is, naturally, love, because fortune telling is especially popular. Let's consider a simple option. For the ceremony, you will need a gold chain worn by a woman and a few minutes of free time. It is necessary to conduct fortune-telling in silence, preferably with dim light. The chain must be removed from the body, open the lock on it, so that it is unbuttoned, hold in your palms and throw it on the floor. Next, evaluate the result:

  • the resulting vicious circle symbolizes serious difficulties;
  • strip - personifies the onset of the "light" stage;
  • knot - acts as a symbol of difficulties, illnesses and even losses;
  • triangle - promises love success, but the girl will have to decide which of the "corners" is superfluous;
  • bow - hints at a possible wedding in the coming year;
  • snake - a sign warning of unexpected betrayal;
  • heart - love awaits the girl in front.

The method is very simple, but the reviews of the girls who have experienced it on themselves confirm that the answers are true. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations so that the ritual goes by all the rules.

Divination by desire

To carry out the ritual, you will need a regular deck of cards, preferably one that was not used for gambling. It is carefully shuffled and tuned into the ceremony. It is better to write in advance all the questions that need to be answered. Then they shuffle the deck again and say the question out loud. They pull out one of the cards and look at the suit: red - the answer is positive, black - negative.

Fortune-telling for pregnancy

To carry out this ceremony, you need to take a small mirror from a lady's cosmetic bag and go out with it. Previously, its surface must be poured with water, saying: "I water it, I want to know the truth." Go out with the ritual object into the courtyard and put it on the ground for 10-15 minutes, after which you can read the answer. It is necessary to consider the pattern on the surface:

  • multiple dashes indicate that the girl will have more than one child;
  • circles on the surface are a symbol that long-awaited pregnancy will come this year;
  • square - an heir is born;
  • triangle - wait for the girl.

Wavy and zigzag patterns can also be interpreted. He says that a fateful meeting is not far off, soon the girl will meet her companion, tie her life in marriage, give birth to a child from him and become a happy mother.

Divination by the betrothed in a dream

For this method, 4 kings must be removed from the deck of playing cards - if the girl is free and expects a fateful meeting. Put them under the pillow and simply, in your own words, ask the higher powers to show her the betrothed in the upcoming dream. According to reviews, the king will dream, but in his image there will be a real person, possibly with familiar facial features. If you have a guy in mind for whom there are feelings, they put only the king of diamonds in bed and paraphrase the question in relation to a specific guy.

Divination by the betrothed

The easiest method to find out the name of the betrothed is to interview passers-by on the street. A young man should turn to the first lady he meets and find out her name. According to legend, this is what his new lover will be called, and possibly his wife. To carry out the second ritual, helping to clarify what exactly awaits in the new year, you need to go home. For fortune-telling, you will need sheets painted in different colors, you can take one-sided colored paper. Cut it into pieces of equal size and turn it white side up. They close their eyes, shuffle and pull out the first ticket that comes to hand, examine its shade.

The interpretation is as follows:

  • red - a passionate romance awaits, a wave of feelings will overtake you;
  • orange - you will fall in love, but the partner will only consider you as a reliable friend;
  • yellow - there will be a romance, but a rival can interfere with its development;
  • green - an older girl will fall in love with you;
  • blue - existing relationships will deteriorate, it will be difficult to restore them;
  • blue - probably parting;
  • purple - promises a quick wedding.

Attention! All the listed shades must be laid out in front of you, otherwise the fortune-telling will be inaccurate.

Divination by the groom

This method of fortune telling is serious and even dangerous, so you should prepare for the ritual. The principle of the method is to create a corridor from mirrors with additional illumination from wax candles. Mirrors are marked opposite each other, and a candle is placed between them and set on fire. There should be no one in the room at this moment, it is better if the girl is left alone, but if she is afraid and she is afraid to perform the ritual herself, it is permissible to invite a friend, but she should sit quietly aside.

Everything needs to be prepared by midnight January 13-14. When everything is ready, you need to carefully look into the corridor resulting from the reflection of candles. It is worth concentrating on one of the mirrors, but at the same time try not to block the second. You need to peer into the flame, it will show the image of the betrothed or his face. Be careful, in the light you can see not only a loved one, but also evil spirits. If something goes wrong, extinguish the flame and say, "mind me."

Guessing the guy

For magic ritual an item is required - these are ordinary matches. You will need the box itself and a couple of matches. The box should be opened slightly by pulling out the central part, and matches should be installed on its sides, pointing them at each other. One of the matches represents a girl, and the other represents her boyfriend. You need to try to set them on fire at the same time, and then look at the burning, if in the process they lean towards one another - the pair will add up and a family is formed. Fall apart - this year there will be parting.

Divination by candle

This option implies collective fortune telling. Unmarried girls gather together. Whether they are in love relationship... Each of the fortunetellers ties their hair to a small church or ritual candle. Then he waxes it to the shell walnut, you need to make sure that the structure is fixed.

Clean water is collected in a large and wide basin, candles are lit and peculiar boats are put on the water. Whoever's candle burns out first will get married. If two "boats" collided, the relationship is likely to be complicated, the appearance of a rival is possible. If the flame goes out, the marriage will not come soon, it will be late. For the purity of the experiment, the candles must have the same diameter and height.

Divination by the betrothed at night

Using the method of fortune telling in a dream at night, it is really possible to find out not only the image, but also the character of the future husband. The ritual will require playing cards, or rather, only kings should be taken from the deck.

Put them under your pillow, without getting out of bed in the morning, without looking to get one of them. According to the suit of the image, an interpretation is provided:

  • peaks - an aged man will become a suitor, quarrelsome, petty and jealous, you will not have to wait for happiness with him;
  • cross - a middle-aged guy in rank, serves in law enforcement or a doctor, enjoys authority;
  • heart - guarantees true love, the woman will connect her life with the desired man and be happy;
  • diamonds is a rich and young guy.

Attention! It is not necessary to take the result of fortune-telling to heart. Man decides his destiny and it is on him that its outcome depends.

Fortune telling on dumplings

The ritual involves not only girls, but also men, and most often all family members. Gathered for festive table... Such predictions are a kind of game that helps to predict fate and find out what awaits in the coming year. Dumplings are made by classic recipe, but different fillers are used as a filling to help interpret the prediction:

  • millet - a good harvest or material well-being;
  • buckwheat - no health problems;
  • coin - sudden enrichment;
  • peas - good luck in many endeavors;
  • beans - pregnancy;
  • ring - marriage;
  • peanuts or other nuts - matchmaking;
  • a piece of dough - the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • greens - good health;
  • raisins - masculine strength, for a woman - beauty and youth;
  • olive - travel;
  • match - buying real estate;
  • bay leaf - career advancement;
  • cheese change of occupation;
  • garlic is a disease;
  • black thread - death or serious loss is possible;
  • pepper - to wars and disasters, disasters.

Ready-made dumplings were put into a common dish, several ordinary ones were added to them: with potatoes or cabbage and sent to the table. In turn, all guests took 1 dumpling from the dish and watched the prediction. At the festive table, it is customary to report only good news.

Divination for marriage

This fortune-telling for the betrothed is considered simple; a new comb is required to carry it out. In the evening, on the night of January 14, the girl combes her hair before going to bed so that her hair remains on the comb. He puts it under the pillow and says: "My betrothed, my disguised, come and comb my hair in my sleep." Immediately after that, you need to go to bed and not talk to anyone until morning. If in a dream a young beauty sees a guy doing her hair, he will become her husband. Nobody showed up - no need to be upset, perhaps the fate has not yet been determined. It is a bad sign if the image that came took the comb and hurt it - the marriage will be difficult, the spouse can use force.

Divination by the betrothed, will I marry

In the old interpretation, the answer to the question of whether a girl would marry was obtained as follows. The girlfriends went out into the yard and in turn blindfolded each other with a handkerchief. Then they circled, and on the count of 3 they let the girl go and watched where she would go - if they were waiting for the wedding in the direction of the gate, return to the threshold - she would stay in her father's house. Guessing so can girls in a relationship and absolutely free.

How to guess correctly for the Old New Year at home

In order for predictions and answers to questions to be true, you need to properly prepare for the rituals. First, you need to realize that this is a sacrament, because it is better to guess in a quiet environment, alone or in a small company of friends.

Before you know your fate, you need to prepare:

  • find a quiet place in the room, retire there and prepare for the ritual, no one should distract or disturb;
  • adjust the dim light, it is better to use candles, they will create an atmosphere;
  • remove the cross and remove the icons, according to Orthodox traditions, it is impossible to disturb fate;
  • loosen your hair and not cross your legs and arms during the ceremony, otherwise the higher powers will not be able to get close to the fortuneteller and tell him the answer;
  • remove pets from the room, because they are able to see entities and it is not known how to react;
  • for card fortune telling, you need to use a new deck, which no one took in hand.

Attention! Answers to questions can be unexpected and even bad, you need to be prepared for this. It is better to “let go” of such results and not take it to heart.

On dumplings

The dish is prepared as usual, with any filling. A "surprise" is added to several dumplings. Depending on what is caught in the dumpling, they find out the future: Coin. Wealth, comfortable life. Man will not need anything. A ring. For an unmarried girl, a quick marriage. For a guy - marriage. For married and married people - a happy life in marriage. Beans. Soon addition to the family. Olive. Towards longevity. Garlic. Major family quarrels, you need to think about mutual concessions... For single people - the upcoming marriage will not be happy. Raisins. Disputes and squabbles at work. Buckwheat. Unexpected money: salary increases, winnings, bonuses, etc.

Christmas divination

Evening and night from 13 to 14 January is a Slavic holiday called "Generous evening", or "Rich Vasilyev's evening", in honor of St. Basil the Great. It is still popular in many countries today.

There are many signs associated with these days, and methods of divination for the future.

Young girls got together and performed special ceremonies to learn about their future. Each village had its own. Married couples wanted to know about the birth of children, the relationship between spouses and the further fate of the household. Many of the rites have survived to this day and are successfully used today. The most popular topics are still:

  • marriage;
  • gender of the unborn child;
  • family fortress;
  • fulfillment of desire;
  • love and money;
  • wealth and well-being.

And finally, one more fortune-telling can be seen in the video. As the author declares it is very strong for attracting money into his life.

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