Infertility is treated and a long-awaited pregnancy occurs. Infertility diagnostics: what to do if you don't get pregnant Pregnancy after husband's treatment for infertility

Equipment and tools 16.08.2020
Equipment and tools

This topic worries many. It is about infertility, which deprived thousands of families of the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. Despite the recent baby boom, Russia is still experiencing a demographic decline.

An increase in childcare benefits and lump-sum payments for the birth of a second child will not solve this problem. Still, there are some things you can do. For a start - to face the truth, having learned that ... Says the candidate of medical sciences, director of the Republican Center for Human Reproduction Mikhail Koryakin.

1. In most cases of a childless union, the man is to blame. True, for a long time it was considered quite the opposite. The picture has changed in recent decades. Poor ecology, social upheavals on a strong half of compatriots had a detrimental effect: in 50% of cases of sterile marriage, men are to blame. Ideally, for normal conception in 1 milliliter of sperm there should be at least 40 million spermatozoa, motile and viable. Today, the indicators required for successful conception have been reduced by half. The results of recent studies conducted by European andrologists lead to sad thoughts: 34% of young men had sperm below the normal range, and 9% of the subjects were generally infertile. The sad percentage grows over the years. And here, and in prosperous "abroad". The statistics are inexorable: in the first two years of marriage, 15-18% of married couples involuntarily remain childless, by the age of 35 - 40, and by the age of 40 - all 50!

2. Are born sterile. Problems with conceiving can be earned even at the most tender age. Varicocele, for example. According to the Center for Human Reproduction, 71.3% of infertile men suffer from this scourge. The essence of the unpleasant disease is in the violation of blood circulation in the testicles, due to which this organ, vital for conception, does not receive oxygen and nutrients and is no longer able to produce full-fledged sperm. Often, because of varicocele in men, so-called secondary infertility occurs, when a few years after the birth of the first child, the father of the family cannot conceive a second. There is no need to talk about finer matters. Even experienced doctors sometimes do not even suspect about such a precursor of infertility as insufficient production of hormones by the pituitary gland or the thyroid gland.

3. The cause of infertility is promiscuous sex. Any sexually transmitted infection (be it a formidable chlamydia or a banal gonorrhea) causes inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, and then one of the main causes of male infertility - obstruction of the vas deferens. Andrologists have long been sounding the alarm: insidious infections have become invisible companions of hundreds, thousands of families.

4. Drink less. The fact that the conception of a child and the consumption of alcohol are incompatible processes is not a secret to anyone: the process of maturation of sperm, which lasts 75 days, is generally very vulnerable. Ionizing radiation, stress, alcohol, eating foods containing preservatives, certain medications (such as furagin, furazolidone, antibiotics, some antihypertensive drugs and sex hormones) have a depressing effect on cells that synthesize the male sex hormone testosterone, which controls the process of spermatogenesis.

5. Sauna blamed! According to the latest medical research, even regular visits to an ordinary ... sauna got into the category of circumstances harmful to future conception. Due to overheating. The temperature favorable for sperm formation should be 2-2.5 ° lower than body temperature.

6. Bad semen can be improved. Leading domestic clinics have accumulated a wealth of experience in healing the seemingly most hopeless forms of male infertility: from unique microsurgical operations to a comprehensive program of hormonal and physiotherapy treatment, thanks to which even those whose sperm do not contain a single (! ) sperm.

If necessary, doctors can activate male spermatozoa and even assist them in penetrating the egg, for which a microscopic puncture is made on its outer shell. True, the unique method does not guarantee one hundred percent success, but it is still better than nothing.

7. Fertility is increased by tomatoes, watermelons and grapes. Fertility can be influenced without resorting to complex and expensive medical technologies. How? Indian scientists consider watermelons, grapes and tomatoes a panacea for infertile men, which contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant that has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system. True, the volunteers who took part in the corresponding study were not fed vegetables and fruits, but were given a concentrated form of the drug in tablets. Nevertheless, the results were convincing. According to the researchers, in 20 men after lycopene therapy, the number of sperm increased, in three cases out of four their activity increased, in 63% of cases the cell shape indicators improved, and in 6% of cases previously infertile men were able to conceive a child.

8. Genetics will help to overcome infertility. Only this, alas, will not happen soon. An experimental method for the treatment of male infertility, proposed by American scientists, has so far been successfully tested on ... mice. American scientists managed to isolate the gene responsible for the normal production of sperm and introduce it to infertile rodents, getting healthy offspring from them. And although it will take years before the method is introduced into clinical practice in the treatment of male infertility, Californian scientists are full of optimism. You look, and the time will come when a simple injection will help to solve the problem of procreation.

9. Conception requires sacrifice. Until that happens, prepare for sacrifices. One cannot do without them in such a serious and responsible matter as procreation. First, go through a comprehensive examination. At least for the presence of latent sexually transmitted infections that are harmful to both you and the unborn child. It would be nice to supplement DNA diagnostics of "bad" diseases with sperm analysis (analysis of sperm quality), hormonal status, ultrasound dopplerography of the genitals and consultation with a geneticist. At least three months before the expected conception, give up smoking and alcohol for a while. Watch your diet (it should be rich in proteins and vitamins), avoid stress and trauma, as well as fasting, which is fashionable today.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a young, healthy couple to face the problem of infertility. Deyneko Tatyana Sergeevna, a reproductive specialist at the Isida-IVF clinic in Donetsk, will tell us what can be the cause of infertility and how such couples are being helped in modern times.

1. What are the causes of infertility? Can such a terrible diagnosis of infertility for many women and men be treated?

Currently, female (81%) and male (19%) infertility is distinguished.

The main causes of female infertility are:

Disruption of the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary due to hormonal imbalance in the woman's body or anomalies in the development of the ovaries;

Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which the egg cannot meet with the sperm;

Structural changes in the uterine cavity, which can be: congenital, hormonal in origin, acquired as a result of some kind of intrauterine interventions.

In such cases, fertilization occurs, but the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus.

The main causes of male infertility are:

Decrease in the number and mobility of spermatozoa or their complete absence;

Ejaculatory-sexual dysfunction. Separately, the so-called incompatibility factor is highlighted, when sperm either cannot penetrate the cervical canal of the cervix, or cannot fertilize the egg.

Infertility is also divided into primary, when there was no pregnancy at all, and secondary, if there was a pregnancy before.

In most cases, the above factors of infertility can be overcome with the help of modern methods treatment.

2. After how many unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, do you need to go to the clinic?

3. What methods of assisted reproductive technologies are now used in modern medicine?

Now there are different methods of fertility treatment:

- stimulation of ovulation

- intrauterine insemination (introduction of sperm into the uterine cavity)

- in vitro fertilization (what is popularly called "in vitro fertilization")

- intracytoplasmic sperm injection (forced introduction of sperm into the ovum with male factor of infertility)

- egg donation

- sperm donation

- surrogacy.

4. What is IVF? What is the likelihood of having a healthy IVF baby?

IVF is a method of fertilization outside the female body. Its essence is that eggs are obtained from a woman mechanically (puncture of the ovaries), a man donates sperm, and with the help of special equipment, the eggs are fertilized with sperm. As a result, embryos are obtained, which are then transferred into the uterine cavity. Those. the woman becomes actually pregnant, the embryos can only take root in the uterus. Moreover, the probability of birth healthy child almost the same as during pregnancy, which occurred independently in a natural way.

5. When is egg donation used?

Egg donation is used when a woman is unable to obtain her own eggs in sufficient quantity and / or normal quality.

This happens:

In women over 42 years old, in perimenopause;

After ovarian surgery, radio or chemotherapy;

With anomalies in the development of the ovaries;

With the so-called "depletion" of the ovaries (when they do not work even at a young age).

In addition, an indication for donation may be: the risk of transmission of hereditary diseases, as well as unsuccessful repeated IVF attempts (4 or more).

6. Who can be an egg donor?

An egg donor can be a woman aged 20 to 32 years if she has:

There is a healthy child;

There are no negative phenotypic manifestations;

No health problems;

There were no gynecological operations;

No hereditary diseases;

No bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse).

7. What causes male infertility?

Male infertility can be:

1) congenital nature:

Anomalies in the development of the genitourinary organs

- genetic disorders

2) acquired:

With inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of a specific (gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.) and non-specific nature (prostatitis);

With injuries of the genitals;

After suffering childhood infections ("mumps", etc.);

When a man's body is exposed to radiation, harmful chemicals, certain drugs.

Even nicotine with prolonged use leads to a decrease in sperm motility!

8. What are the treatments for male infertility?

There are different treatments for male infertility depending on the cause. Sometimes the result can be achieved simply by prescribing drugs and procedures (this is done by an andrologist).

In other cases, you have to use more radical methods:

With a slight decrease in sperm motility, special processing of sperm can be carried out, aimed at improving its quality, and then insemination;

I want to pay special attention to the technique that is used in the case of a complete absence of sperm in the semen, but their presence in the testicles.

This is the so-called obstructive form of male infertility, which occurs as a result of trauma or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. In this case, sperm in the testicles are produced, but they do not enter the sperm due to an obstacle in the vas deferens. In this case, the man undergoes a testicular puncture (TESA), in which sperm are obtained. Then these spermatozoa fertilize the woman's eggs, previously obtained during the IVF procedure.

9. How effective is the ICSI method?

The ICSI procedure increases the percentage of fertilization, and in some cases, fertilization without this method does not occur at all. As a result of ICSI, we receive embryos in situations where it is not possible to obtain them naturally or during the usual IVF procedure.

10. Which of the methods of assisted reproductive technologies would you highlight in particular?

Still, I would like to highlight the technique using testicular puncture (ECO + TESA).

Indeed, in this way we can help those infertile couples who have no other chance to get a child genetically related to their father!

We thank Deineko Tatyana Sergeevna for the answers provided for our portal, and we look forward to further cooperation! (Jcomments on)

Video: "The main causes of infertility"

To get pregnant, you need the following organs:

  • Ovaries
  • Pipes
  • Uterus
  • Man

Pregnancy formula:

Egg(no genetic defects, mature)
+ sperm(no genetic defects, mobile, able to penetrate the egg)
+ oviduct(passable all the way, capable of pushing a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity)
+ uterine cavity(no defects, partitions, etc.)
+ uterine lining(mature, ready to accept the embryo)
+hormonal background(sufficient hormone levels)
+ correct response of the mother's immune system(not rejecting the embryo)
+ calm (not manic) attitude towards pregnancy
\u003d pregnancy.

Infertility and ovaries

A follicle should grow in the ovaries (1-2 pcs.). This occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, on average 14 days from the onset of menstruation with a 28-day menstrual cycle. This follicle should burst (ovulation). An egg cell will come out of the follicle into the abdominal cavity, which will be picked up by the fallopian tube. At the site of the bursting follicle, a corpus luteum (temporary gland) should form, which should work well for at least 10 days.

What happens:

  • The ovary cannot grow follicles:there are many small follicles in the ovaries and none of them grows, while the ovaries are enlarged, sometimes surrounded by a dense capsule. This is often referred to as "polycystic disease". Menses go with long delays, there may be rare ovulations, accidental pregnancies. This condition is treated - pregnancy is possible after treatment. The likelihood of self-pregnancy is high.
  • The corpus luteum works poorly:less than 10 days, stops working early, produces little progesterone (the hubbub that ensures the attachment of a fertilized egg). Menstruation is not regular, often comes early. This condition is treated - pregnancy is possible. The likelihood of self-pregnancy is high.
  • The regulation of follicle maturation is impaired:in one cycle the follicle matures, and ovulation is defective, in another cycle the follicle does not grow, etc. This condition is also called "dysfunction". This is a cure, pregnancy is possible. The likelihood of self-pregnancy is high.
  • There can be only one ovary (the other is removed)- pregnancy is possible, but the probability is reduced - ovulation in this ovary may not occur in every cycle, in addition, the adhesion process after surgery can disrupt the patency of the fallopian tubes (see below) The likelihood of independent pregnancy is high - common.
  • Little ovarian tissue (often after removal of ovarian cysts):less often ovulation occurs, there are few follicles ready to grow, often combined with obstruction of the tubes due to postoperative adhesions. From this state of the ovaries, pregnancy can be obtained. The probability is reduced. The likelihood of self-pregnancy is average.
  • Premature ovarian failure:the ovaries stop working ahead of time. This condition is also called "early menopause". Practically not treated. The probability of pregnancy is absent. It is treated by egg donation.

Checking ovarian function:

  • Ultrasound - the state of the ovaries, the fact of ovulation, the presence of a corpus luteum (2 studies per cycle may be required)
  • Tests for hormones: FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH, T4 - in general, enough - you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the ovaries and assess their reserve
  • Anti-Müllerian hormone - assessment of ovarian reserve (if premature depletion is suspected)
  • The basal temperature graph does not very accurately reflect the moment of onset of ovulation and the quality and duration of the corpus luteum. Can be replaced by ultrasound and progesterone analysis

If you have regular(like a clock) cycle - the presence of a problem with the ovaries and hormonal imbalance is unlikely - look for another cause of infertility.

if you have cycle disturbances- most likely there are problems with the ovaries - the probability of pregnancy is reduced - examination and treatment of this link is required.

Infertility and pipes

There are two of them - right and left. They must be passable and able to push the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

What happens:

  • One pipe is missing (removed, impassable)- the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced. Spontaneous pregnancy is possible even if ovulation is in the ovary on the opposite side. Pregnancy may not come for a long time. Great chance to solve the problem using the method artificial insemination.
  • Both pipes are missing (removed, impassable)- pregnancy only by the method of artificial insemination.
  • Pipes are difficult to pass- the likelihood of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is high, the likelihood of an independent pregnancy is reduced. This condition is treated (the effect is different, read more details here). A great chance to solve the problem by the method of artificial insemination.

Checking the fallopian tubes:

If you never there was no inflammation of the appendages, no operations in the abdomen(appendicitis - considered) - the likelihood that you have obstruction of the fallopian tubes is very small.

If you have there were inflammation of the appendages, operations, many abortions- the fallopian tubes may be obstructed - begin the examination by checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Infertility and uterus

The uterus must be able to bear the fetus. There should be no partitions or other anomalies in it. The uterine cavity should not be deformed, the size of the uterus should be normal. The mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) - must grow to a certain size, be fully functionally active, have the correct structure, no inflammation, polyps and other changes. Respond correctly to hormonal stimuli.

What happens

  • No uterus (removed)- if the ovaries are left - there is no possibility of pregnancy. The solution to the issue is surrogacy.
  • The uterus has congenital structural abnormalities- septum, complete / incomplete doubling, etc. - Pregnancy is possible - after surgical correction of the defect (in some conditions - correction is not required, in others - correction is not effective)
  • The uterus is changed by diseases- the most common: uterine fibroids and endometriosis - pregnancy is possible (not in all cases) - the probability of getting pregnant is reduced. Treatment is possible, the effectiveness of treatment is high. You can get pregnant without treatment with certain types of myomatous nodes and variants of endometriosis. More details
  • The mucous membrane of the uterus- does not grow (damaged by abortion, scrapings, inflammation) - is treated extremely poorly, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced. Polyps, hyperplasias - are treated very well, the probability of pregnancy is high. Chronic inflammatory process - it is not always treated effectively, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced. Adhesions in the cavity (synechiae) - treated surgically - average efficiency (frequent relapses) - the probability of pregnancy is reduced, after treatment it is higher, but not by much.

Study of the uterus for infertility

  • Ultrasound, ultrasound with contrast
  • MRI, CT
  • Hysteroscopy
  • HSG (hysterosalpingography)

Diagnostic curettage

If you have heavy periods, intermenstrual bloody issues, spotting after intercourse, on the contrary, scanty menstruation or none at all - the emphasis in the study is on the uterus.

Infertility in a man

A man must be able to perform intercourse. His spermatozoa should be in sufficient quantity, be of normal shape and size, mobile and functionally active. The sperm must have normal genetic material, the sperm must be free of inflammatory elements. Sperm should not stick together.

What happens.

  • No sperm in semen- there is no possibility of pregnancy. Search for spermatozoa in the testes, bladder. There is a chance of pregnancy by artificial insemination. If sperm is not found, sperm donation.
  • Sperm have functional and structural disorders- the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced. Treatment is an attempt to restore the quality of sperm (treatment is carried out by an andrologist). The likelihood of pregnancy after treatment increases. In the absence of effectiveness, artificial insemination.

How men are tested for infertility

  • Spermogram
  • Tests for hormones (FSH, LH, testosterone, prolactin, DHEAS, TSH, T4, etc.)
  • Tests for specific genes
  • Ultrasound, TRUS (testicles, epididymis, vesicles of the prostate)
  • Consultation, examination by an andrologist

If you are infertile, it is easier to start the examination with the husband - to take a spermogram, it is not painful, simple and fast. If there are no changes in it, you can start examining your wife - examining a woman is longer, more unpleasant and more difficult. If changes are found in the spermogram - examination and treatment in parallel (do not waste time)

Understanding compatibility

Exists immunologicaland geneticcompatibility.

Genetic - if in a pair there are violations in the structure of individual genes, then with certain combinations the resulting embryo may stop developing from the very beginning.
(I explain: each parent has one half of the disease, they do not show it. If the halves come together, the embryo has a whole disease)

Immunological compatibility:

  • A woman develops antibodiesthat destroy sperm at the entrance to the cervix. For detection, the "Postcoital test" is used. It is treated by intrauterine insemination (purified sperm is injected into the uterine cavity, bypassing the cervix). The efficiency is good.
  • Immunological characteristics of both partnerswhen combined in the embryo, they cause an aggressive reaction of the maternal immune system - pregnancy does not develop or an interruption occurs. This condition is treated - there are several methods (immunoglobulin, specific sensitization). The likelihood of pregnancy increases.

Psychogenic infertility

Think about when is the most common pregnancy? When a woman least of all thinks that she can get pregnant (if she thought about pregnancy, then she would take measures to prevent it). That is why such a huge number of abortions are performed in the world - an unwanted pregnancy is terminated, that is, which occurred in most cases when a woman did not want it at all.

A woman diagnosed with infertility is expected to become pregnant in each menstrual cycle. Pregnancy is expected from every intercourse, not pleasure. And pregnancy does not occur in such a situation. This is due to the fact that the cerebral cortex (which is responsible for thought processes) suppresses everything below the brain, in particular those responsible for reproductive function.

Treatment for psychogenic infertility - stop thinking about pregnancy!

Examples of the effectiveness of treatment:

  • Woman signs up for IVF(artificial insemination) - learns that it is necessary to wait 6 months - postpones thoughts about pregnancy for this period - natural pregnancy occurs almost immediately.
  • The doctor informs the woman that all research has been done- she can never get pregnant. A woman accepts this thought and no longer expects pregnancy, and then she comes. (Doctor, in her eyes, of course, "burdock")
  • Treatment for infertility is being carried out - there is no effect for a long time. The doctor suggests taking a break and going to rest to the sea, and then continue. A woman understands that it is not worth thinking about pregnancy for a while - the sea, the beach, romance, champagne, sex for pleasure - pregnancy upon arrival.
  • Woman gives birth to a baby by artificial insemination(since it is recognized as infertile), understands that she herself cannot become pregnant, after a while pregnancy arises on her own
  • A couple adopts a childsince the doctors' verdict is sterile. Stops counting on pregnancy - time passes - pregnancy.

Of course, psychogenic infertility is infertility when there are no obvious reasons that prevent the onset of pregnancy (for example, the fallopian tubes are absent or impassable)

Fertility treatment is a "project" with a child as its goal. Any project should have one leader who leads it from start to finish.

Therefore…For the treatment of infertility you have to choose one doctor(do not run from one doctor to another) who will become the leader of the "project". He must develop a strategy for examination and treatment, but since you are participants in this "project", you must be constantly aware of what is being done, why and for what, how the project is progressing and understand how close you have come to its completion. If there is distrust of a doctor, this manager's “project” should be closed and a new one should be started with a new one, the one to whom you fully trust.

Infertility test for yourself

If you have infertility, check that you have completed all the tests and answered all the questions.

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs:
    • You have established that you have ovulation
    • Your corpus luteum function has been checked (analysis for progesterone in the second phase, basal temperature graph, ultrasound imaging)
    • The absence of polyps, hyperplasia, synechiae, myomatous nodes, chronic endometritis in the endometrium was found, the thickness of the endometrium in the second phase of the cycle is sufficient.
    • You have not identified many myomatous nodes growing into the uterine cavity and there is no pronounced adenomyosis
  • Hysterosalpingography (image of the fallopian tubes)
    • The pipes are found to be completely passable
  • Tests for hormones (FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH, T4)
    • It was found that there are no significant deviations from the norm
  • Spermogram
    • It was found that there are no significant abnormalities in the semen
  • Hysteroscopy
    • It was found that there are no violations in the uterine cavity
  • Bacteriological culture from the uterine cavity
    • Found that the uterine cavity is sterile
  • HLA typing carried out
    • It has been established that there will be no immunological conflict
  • Postcoital test
    • It was found that there is no immunological conflict

Infertility is when pregnancy does not occur after a year of regular sexual intercourse without the use of protective contraception. In case of miscarriage, such a diagnosis is also made.

Infertility is not an independent disease, it is caused by disorders in the reproductive system in women or men. Diagnostic examination and treatment is required for both spouses.

The problem of conceiving a child worries many married couples, it is a serious trauma for the family. To fix the problem, it is important to establish the reason why pregnancy does not occur.

In women, there are a number of factors that interfere with getting pregnant:

  1. Problems with ovulation when the egg cannot fertilize. At the same time, menstrual irregularities and a delay in menstruation are often observed.
  2. Inflammation in the genitals is a common cause that prevents pregnancy. These processes are often caused by infectious diseases, which affect the functionality of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. The infection causes vaginal dysbiosis and affects the reproductive organs.
  3. Hormonal disturbances affect ovulation. Disruptions in the hormonal sphere give in effective treatmentafter completing a course of drug therapy, a woman can become pregnant.
  4. Adhesions, scars are formed after surgery, abortion, poor-quality diagnostic curettage, cauterization of erosion.
  5. The obstruction of the fallopian tubes causes an ectopic pregnancy or even prevents the onset of conception. If one tube is clogged, the woman will be able to conceive and bear a healthy baby. But complete obstruction does not allow the egg to meet with the sperm. This pathology is caused by various gynecological diseases and requires surgical intervention.
  6. Congenital pathology of the uterus.
  7. Other diseases and pathologies in the genitals.
  8. An immune cause is when a woman develops antibodies that reject sperm and interfere with their mobility.
  9. There are also unclear reasons for infertility, of unknown genesis.

Having established the cause of infertility, a woman will be able to cure a pathological abnormality in the body and become pregnant.

There is also male infertility, the main cause of which is poor sperm activity, defects in their structure, and poor sperm quality. To determine the problem, a man is recommended to make a smermogram. An accurate diagnosis will help prescribe the correct treatment and help conceive a baby.

To cure infertility, both partners must be examined.

Depending on the factors that interfere with natural conception, various forms of the problem are distinguished:

  • endocrine or hormonal;
  • pipe;
  • uterine;
  • immune infertility;
  • a problem due to endometriosis disease;
  • an indefinite form of the disease.

With a hormonal imbalance, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, there are problems with ovulation or its absence. Endocrine infertility occurs after organ injury, when the level of progesterone in the blood decreases, with inflammation of the appendages.

A tuboperitoneal problem is diagnosed when the egg cannot move through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. Obstruction of the tubes occurs with adhesions and scarring.

Uterine infertility is said to be in congenital or acquired anomalies in the organ. Acquired pathology occurs after surgery, abortion, and the use of an intrauterine device.

Endometriosis in many women interferes with pregnancy.

The immune problem is associated with the production of antibodies by the female body that reject sperm.

An unclear genesis is observed in 15% of married couples, more often modern technologies make it possible to determine the cause, which interferes with the onset of pregnancy.

Experts distinguish between the forms of male infertility:

  1. Secretory is when the sperm are inactive or have an irregular shape.
  2. An obstructive problem occurs due to blockage of the channels, which blocks the advancement of sperm.
  3. Immunological infertility occurs when the spouses are incompatible.

Depending on the form, doctors prescribe a treatment that will help you get pregnant.

If you suspect infertility, it is important to promptly seek help from specialists. This is especially necessary for married couples after thirty years. With age, appear various diseases, the quality of the sperm decreases, the ability of the maturation of eggs.

Before planning pregnancy, you must give up bad habits: abuse of coffee, alcohol, smoking. All this negatively affects nervous system, disrupts the endocrine system, which leads to hormonal imbalance.

Lead an active lifestyle, play sports, monitor weight, eat right. Vitamin intake - vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Men need to give up beer, substances that are included in its composition reduce the quality of sperm. You also need to stop going to saunas and baths, wear loose underwear.

When planning pregnancy, a woman needs a full diet, not to exhaust the body with diets.

It is also necessary to undergo a full diagnostic examination for both spouses. It is important to exclude infectious diseases, various abnormalities in the reproductive system. This will avoid problems when carrying a baby and help give birth to a healthy baby.

To determine the cause that interferes with the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory and diagnostic tests. This can be time consuming and expensive. But an accurate diagnosis will help get rid of the disease and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

It is also necessary to pass tests for hormones, to determine tubal permeability. Additional research reveals signs of various gynecological diseases - erosion, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and other anomalies.

The treatment method is aimed at:

  1. Restoration of the reproductive system by medication or surgery.
  2. The use of artificial insemination if conception does not occur naturally.

If conservative therapy is not effective, the patient is recommended surgical intervention. In modern medicine, there are different ways to get rid of a pathological deviation without complications and harm to health.

Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are used more often. This technique will help diagnose diseases and immediately get rid of the pathology without disturbing the woman's reproductive function.

If the surgical intervention does not bring results, it is not possible to become pregnant naturally, the spouses are recommended artificial insemination.

Common ways are:

  1. Intrauterine insemination is in vitro fertilization with the sperm of a spouse or donor.
  2. Injection of a sperm intracellularly into an egg.
  3. Surrogate mother.
  4. There is also always the opportunity to adopt a baby from an orphanage, often after such an act a woman manages to become pregnant and give birth to her own child.

The indications for artificial insemination are the following deviations:

  • obstruction or complete absence of fallopian tubes;
  • there is no way to cure the endocrine form of infertility;
  • congenital pathologies that interfere with getting pregnant;
  • uterine diseases that do not respond to treatment;
  • impotence;
  • wasting of the ovaries.

If a woman cannot get pregnant with regular intercourse, it is necessary to visit a specialist. It is easier to cure the disease by early stages, therefore, it is necessary to timely identify the cause of the problem and take up treatment. It is also important to remember that getting pregnant becomes more difficult after thirty-five years. Therefore, there is no need to postpone visits to doctors because of career growth, fear of losing a job and other reasons.

You should not lose hope and positive attitude, good specialists will always help to cope with the problem and the long-awaited pregnancy will come.

ethnoscience entered the life of modern women under the slogan "natural and safe." According to healers, with the help of herbs you can get rid of any ailment, including infertility. The claim is controversial. Many plants do have powerful effects on the body. However, this is precisely why their uncontrolled and incorrect reception may not help, but harm a woman who dreams of an early pregnancy.

In our article you will find the opinions of herbalists and experienced doctors on the use of medicinal plants for gynecological problems that interfere with conception. And also learn how to get pregnant folk waysif you can't do it naturally.

How to get pregnant quickly: folk ways

There are many reasons why the long-awaited conception does not occur. This fateful event can be hindered by both banal factors of non-compliance with the daily regimen and malnutrition, as well as serious problems in the reproductive system of future parents.

Doctors believe that if conception does not occur within 12 months of active sex life without contraception, then this may indicate serious problems with the reproductive health of one of the spouses or both at once. In fact, we are talking about infertility. Some of these problems are easy to fix. Some require long and painstaking treatment.

Therefore, if you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time and unsuccessfully, then before looking for folk methods for a quick conception, you need to undergo a detailed examination by a gynecologist.

When a gynecological disease is detected, spells and conspiracies will not help a woman: it must be treated with serious medications under the constant supervision of a doctor. In this case, traditional medicine can only serve as an additional tool. Moreover, you can use decoctions, lotions and tinctures only after consulting a gynecologist. If your couple is trying to conceive a child for a short time, you can use folk advice.

We list the safest folk remedies to get pregnant quickly.

No stress

Life is full of stress and surprises, and you cannot completely eliminate them. However, in order to get pregnant, you need to keep them to a minimum. Experiencing constant nervous tension, the body "protects itself", excluding conception. After all, stress signals that the world full of dangers and negativity, which means that a woman will not be able to safely carry a child.

Leave bad habits in the past

Representatives of the stronger sex who abuse bad habits often cannot have children, because toxic substances destroy the activity of the seminal fluid: the sperm move slowly and quickly die, never waiting for a meeting with the egg. In women, the situation is even more complicated: the ovaries may stop producing eggs altogether.

Therefore, in order to create optimal conditions for conceiving a child, you should relieve stress by walking in the fresh air and active physical exercises.

Calculate the optimal days for pregnancy

Fertilization can occur within just a few days, when a mature egg leaves the follicle and moves to the uterine cavity. These "special" days are called ovulation. If attempts at pregnancy were undertaken at another time, it becomes clear why they were unsuccessful. You can calculate ovulation days using indicators, special ovulation tests or ultrasound diagnostics.

Change your position during intercourse

Don't rush to wash

Everyone knows that soap is alkaline in nature, which has a detrimental effect on sperm. Therefore, after intercourse, it is better to spend about half an hour in a position with legs raised upward, and then only start hygiene procedures.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role in the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to balance it by eliminating fatty, smoked and fried foods. Eat more fresh vegetables, and bake or steam meat or fish. A woman cannot go on a fat-free diet: such a diet disrupts the hormonal balance.

How to treat infertility with folk remedies

Recall that starting infertility treatment with folk remedies is possible only after a preliminary examination. After all, infertility in women can be caused by many reasons. Therefore, a remedy that helped one woman will be useless and sometimes dangerous for another. For example, if infertility is caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and you drink herbs that stimulate ovulation, this can lead to a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.

Alternative treatment of infertility is reduced to the use of decoctions and tinctures, which are prepared from medicinal herbs. The leading position among medicinal plants is occupied by the upland uterus - a panacea, according to herbalists, for all female ailments.

To prepare the broth, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the dried plant with a liter of water heated to 70 degrees. Then put the resulting mixture on fire and wait until the water boils. It remains to darken the broth over low heat for 8-10 minutes, wrap the saucepan in a warm towel and wait about an hour. Take 1 tablespoon of the finished drink before meals.

However, according to serious doctors, the benefits of the boron uterus are greatly exaggerated. And sometimes this plant can even harm. Read the detailed article about.

Another leader among folk remedies for treating infertility in women is sage. Its leaves contain a unique natural hormone, which is similar in composition to the female hormone. Its deficiency is often the reason for childlessness. Traditional medicine believes that taking such a decoction helps sperm to quickly "get" to the uterine cavity, making their way easier. However, with low progesterone, it is contraindicated: it is believed that it can lower the content of this important female hormone.

Many healers recommend using mummy as a cure for infertility. It is believed that "tears of the mountains" cope with inflammatory processes, increase the body's immune defense and overall tone. However, it is not recommended to take it together with drugs. This is the main danger of the mummy. After abandoning traditional medicines, it is easy to "launch" a medical problem and postpone its solution indefinitely.

How to cure and build up the endometrium with folk remedies

In a healthy woman, during the period of ovulation, the endometrium begins to thicken, reaching its maximum values \u200b\u200bat the time of attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity. The thin endometrium cannot "hold" it, so conception does not work.

With endometriosis, drug treatment is indicated, however, alternative methods can also be used in complex therapy.

Sage, upland womb, knotweed and even raspberry leaves are used as medicinal plants. Their action is aimed at improving blood flow in the pelvic organs, as well as normalizing the mucous membrane of the inner uterine layer.

It is possible to build up the endometrium with folk remedies without herbs. For example, acupuncture has worked well. Also, blood flow can be increased through normal physical activity. Move more, visit the pool, go dancing! Such procedures will at least give a charge of good mood, which will have the most positive effect on the possibility of conception.

How to treat polycystic disease with folk remedies

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex disease caused by hormonal imbalances in the female body. Treatment options for PCOS are still controversial among gynecologists. However, all methods of drug therapy are based on the use of drugs containing hormones.

Many women want to use folk remedies, such as herbs, to treat polycystic ovary instead of hormones. But self-medication in this case can be extremely dangerous! Consult a specialist!

The red brush is considered an effective herb in the fight against polycystic disease. There are several recipes for eliminating ailment based on a red brush.

Alcohol tincture: 80 g of herbs are poured with alcohol (half a liter). Insist a week in a dark place and start taking half a spoon three times a day.

Broth: a tablespoon of herbs is poured with a glass of freshly boiled herbs. Insist for about an hour and drink before meals daily.

However, doctors do not support this choice, believing that PCOS does not respond to herbal medicine.

Treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes with folk remedies

The adhesion process in the fallopian tubes does not allow conception to occur, because the entrance to the uterine cavity is closed for the ovum and sperm. Even with partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes, pregnancy will not occur, because the pathology is often complicated by infectious processes, due to which the concentration of the mucous membrane is disturbed.

Therefore, the egg cannot reach the uterus, attaching itself to the tube itself, causing an ectopic pregnancy.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes can be cured only with the help of an operation! If adhesions have already formed, they will not "dissolve", and no, even the most powerful grass is able to remove them. But at the stage of recovery after surgery, you can use folk methods, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of adhesions with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions and infusions. Sage, St. John's wort, flax seeds, upland uterus will help to remove them. For the preparation of medicinal drinks 1 tsp. herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted a little and drunk three times a day.

You can also treat adhesions in the small pelvis with the help of aloe. For these purposes, a plant that has reached three years is suitable. Before use, the flower is not watered for 7 days, then the leaves are cut off, washed and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Then they are crushed and combined with honey and ghee in proportions 1: 6: 6. Take the remedy together with hot milk in a tablespoon 2 times a day.

It is believed that hirudotherapy helps from adhesions in the fallopian tubes. This is what leech treatment is called. Such procedures relieve inflammation, eliminate edema, and normalize hormonal levels. This technique should not be used by women with low blood pressure and hemophilia.

Stimulating ovulation with folk remedies

Inadequate ovarian function is another common cause of infertility in women. Therefore, their stimulation is a paramount task when planning a long-term pregnancy.

Ovarian stimulation is done with hormonal medications, but traditional medicine can contribute to treatment. Vitamins and their complexes are an irreplaceable part of any treatment. The leader among useful pills in gynecological issues is vitamin E, which is prescribed to many women planning a pregnancy. As for medicinal herbs, their set remains the same: borax uterus and sage, possessing a whole set of natural hormones, will help to stimulate the ovaries.

Signs of an imminent pregnancy

We list the most popular folk signs for conception.


Pregnant girlfriend

Communication with a pregnant woman sets you in a positive mood. Pat her growing tummy, sit in her chair. And if she sneezes on you, be sure that the conception will take place soon. In any case, healers say so.

Homeless animals

Give shelter to an unfortunate animal that needs your help. It is believed that disinterested goodness to a living being is always paid for by the birth of a child.

Bring pregnancy closer folk signs can. However, it is most effective to stop worrying, start enjoying life, and then soon you will definitely become a mother!

The opinion of doctors about traditional medicine in the treatment of infertility

Now attention! Obstetricians-gynecologists are wary of folk remedies from infertility, in particular to medicinal herbs before conception. Some doctors agree on their effectiveness, others consider them useless. However, to dispute the presence in these medicinal herbs useful properties nobody can. Therefore, they can be used as methods of treating infertility, but not for everyone, and only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

Indeed, the powerful effect of plants, if taken incorrectly, can cause uterine bleeding, problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, lead to hormonal disruption, provoke a miscarriage and cause other serious consequences.

The famous obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Berezovskaya, for example, makes the following argument.

According to the results of the study, among women who used herbal remedies for infertility, there were even fewer pregnancies than among those who did not take herbs!

The fact is that many medicinal plants suppress ovulation, and many have an abortive effect. That is, they do not allow a fertilized egg to attach or cause a miscarriage on the very early term... Also, many plants are toxic to the embryo, and as a result, they again provoke early miscarriage.

Moreover, the same herb in the correct dose will help to become pregnant, and in an increased dose, it will cause a spontaneous abortion. Women who believe in the power of herbs believe that they are safe in any dose because they are natural. But this is not at all the case.

In general, herbal medicine is an area that is only now being seriously studied. If conventional drugs undergo multi-stage long-term clinical trials (possible "side effects" additional properties, optimal doses are determined), then herbs are terra incognita (uncharted land).

Those recipes and cases of miraculous healings that are passed by word of mouth (including on Internet forums) are not proof. The effect of drugs is being studied in tens of thousands of patients. Folk remedies were not seriously studied by anyone. Therefore, herbal medicine is walking on thin ice... Someone is lucky and conception occurs. And someone will remain alone with their sterility and naive belief in the miracle herb.

Our consultant obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, a doctor with 30 years of experience, believes that herbal medicine can really be part of a comprehensive therapy in the treatment of infertility. But she almost never helps on her own, without serious pharmacy drugs. And you certainly can't prescribe herbs yourself, without consulting a doctor. Traditional medicine, alas, will not replace the official one. Such a choice can lead to advanced cases of the disease. Time will be lost and it will be much more difficult to get pregnant.

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