Butcher's broom: medicinal properties, photos, use. Butcher's broom: description, habitat, useful properties, use Butcher's broom medicinal properties and contraindications

Heating 27.07.2020

Butcher's broom it is used for disorders of venous and peripheral circulation, circulatory disorders, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, edema, gout, gangrene, thrombosis, jaundice, muscle damage, respiratory disorders, urinary tract obstruction.

Latin name: Ruscus aculeatus.

English name: Butcher's broom.

Family: Butcher's - Ruscaceae.

Popular names: Butcher's broom, butcher's broom, ruscus.

Used parts of butcher's prickly: the rhizome and sometimes seeds are used as medicinal raw materials.

Botanical Description: Butcher's broom is a small relict evergreen shrub 20-60 cm high, which has come down to us since the Ice Age. It is called so because it is covered with needles. This plant has a very interesting appearance. Sometimes the “cushions” of butcher's throat somewhere under the trees resemble a special kind of wire, onto which someone has specially strung orange and red balls. What is usually mistaken for leaves in Butcher's broom is actually flattened branches - cladodia. They are tough, leathery, elliptical in shape, with a spiny point. But real leaves are very small translucent whitish scales, on which small light green flowers with purple stamens bloom. In autumn, red edible fleshy berries ripen on the plants, each of which usually contains 2-3 seeds. Previously, these seeds were used to make a coffee substitute.

Butcher's broom

Habitat: Butcher's broom grows in gorges, among shrubs in light juniper, pistachio, pine and oak forests of mountainous regions of Western Europe and North Africa. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in European countries.

Active ingredients: Butcher's rhizome contains steroid saponins - ruscosides, consisting of aglycone - ruscogenin or its isomer neoruscogenin and a carbohydrate moiety attached to C 1-hydroxyl and containing up to 4 sugar molecules (raminose, glucose, arabinose)

Butcher's broomstick - useful properties and application

Butcher's broom root extract is part of dietary supplements Vary-Gon and Therapeutic anti-varicose foot cream Vari-Gonproduced according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Butcher's broom root extract is a part of Vari-Gon in capsules

The healing properties of butcher's broom were mentioned by Virgil and Pliny, who called it Ruskus (Ruskus). Butchery narrows the venous vessels, strengthens the venous walls, reduces capillary permeability and fragility, and reduces the formation of blood clots. Reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, increases the tone of smooth muscle cells, which is especially pronounced with an initially low venous tone and venous stasis. Butcher's broom also helps to improve cell metabolism and remove toxins from muscle tissues, stimulates blood circulation and water-salt metabolism, prevents inflammation and the formation of blood clots. It has a mild diuretic effect.

Photo of a medicinal plant Butchery spiny

Alcoholic extract of rhizomes of butcher's prickly root, as well as ruscogenin have anti-inflammatory activity, reduce capillary permeability, have a vasoconstrictor effect on peripheral blood vessels and are used in ointments and suppositories. Butcher's broom is widely used to relieve the discomfort of chronic venous insufficiency, such as pain, heaviness and cramps in the legs, as well as itching and swelling. Butcher's broom is used for circulatory disorders, gout, varicose veins and inflammation, hemorrhoids, thrombosis and jaundice. Also in violation of the activity of the kidneys and gallbladder. Effective for hemorrhoids, especially for eliminating burning and itching.

Butcher's broomstick use in medicinal cosmetics

Butcher's broom extract, obtained from the roots of the plant, helps to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. Buttock also increases peripheral circulation, helping to open up cellulite areas.

Contraindications... Not detected.

An evergreen shrub with thorny, scaly leaves and small greenish flowers is a medicinal plant butcher's broom. It is well known for its beneficial properties and is used in traditional medicine recipes. Healers prefer not only cultivated, but also wild-growing plant varieties. The people are also called ruskus or butcher's broom. What does the prickly broomstick look like in the photo, what are its medicinal properties and contraindications, where in human life it has found application in various conditions and diseases - all this in the article on the site "Popular about health".

In the photo, butcher prickly

Healing qualities

Pliny and Virgil spoke about the useful composition of this plant at one time. The parts used - rhizomes and roots - are collected, washed, dried, and then crushed to a powdery state. Subsequently, solutions, ointments are prepared from it, and tablets and capsules are produced in pharmaceuticals.

The medicinal properties of butcher's broom are due to its composition, which includes saponosides - useful substances for the human venous system, which increase its tone. It is noted that the use of compositions based on this plant promotes vasoconstriction of the skin. In this regard, in traditional medicine Butcher's broom is used to treat hemorrhoids, with venous insufficiency in the legs. Women are advised to take it for exacerbation of premenstrual syndrome.

Butcher's broom has the following properties:

Reduces the risk of blood clots and blockages of blood vessels;

Increases the strength of capillaries, preventing their fragility;

Strengthens the venous walls;

Improves intracellular metabolism;

Actively removes slag substances from the muscles;

Normalizes water-salt balance;

Activates the blood circulation process.

In general, preparations based on this plant have a mild diuretic effect and reduce inflammatory activity. Ointments are used to relieve pain and itching during thrombosis, hemorrhoids, gout and jaundice, relieve discomfort and burning well.

When used to combat cellulite, it is possible to activate peripheral circulation, which contributes to the early restoration of smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

The use of butcher's broom in folk medicine

The plant not only blooms, but also produces small fruits. They are recommended to be eaten to improve the blood composition and to activate the work of the hematopoietic organs.

An infusion is prepared at home: add 1 tablespoon of dry powder of butcher's roots to 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours, then strain and drink from morning to evening in small sips. This allows you to relieve premenstrual syndrome in women, relieve pain from cramps. In addition, the infusion helps to remove excess fluid and relieve puffiness due to the diuretic effect. Taking the infusion relieves pain with varicose veins.

Another recipe is to make a decoction. It will take 60 grams of dry collection of rhizomes per 1 liter of clean water. Bring the composition to a boil, leave on low heat for 15-20 minutes. The decoction is used for symptoms of lymphatic congestion and associated leg swelling. Take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach and during periods of exacerbations during menopause in women, as well as for the treatment of night cramps.

In general, when treating with broomstick extracts, the permissible daily intake of ruxogenin, the main active ingredient, must not be exceeded. The maximum dose is up to 10 grams per day. When purchasing drugs in the form of tablets and capsules in pharmacies, you should carefully study the instructions with the indicated dosages.

Gelatin capsules purchased from a pharmacy should be taken with food, with plenty of liquid. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, leg cramps and puffiness, drink 3 capsules per day.

The use of ointments based on butcher's broom helps to treat diseased parts of the body with varicose veins. Using the preparations, apply them once a day, gently rubbing the surface of the legs in the direction from the ankles to the gluteal muscle.

Contraindications for use

You can not take drugs based on butchery for diseases of the genitourinary system, with a tendency to hypertension and expectant mothers.

The beautiful legend of butcher

There is a beautiful myth that tells about this medicinal and valuable plant. A beautiful forest nymph decided to arrange a luxurious ball, inviting all the plants there. At the celebration, everyone had fun and danced, talked and smiled. Only the butcher remained away from everyone with a sad look. When the forest nymph asked why such a beautiful plant was sad, the butcher replied that she considered herself ugly because of the thorny leaves. Then the hostess of the ball decided to decorate it by presenting bright red berries, which, like beads, adorned the bush. In addition, the nymph made the butcher's broom evergreen.

Having refused all gifts, the plant wished only one thing: to remain useful to people. After much deliberation of all the forest dwellers, it was decided: to make the berries presented by the nymph the most useful part. Just about them the historian Pliny spoke, and before him, and Virgil. In ancient times, berries were used to treat humans ...

Butcher is a perennial shrub, found in the wild in pine and forests of Western Europe, in the woodlands of the Crimea and the Caucasus, in North Africa and some Asian states.

Brief description of culture

Butcher's broom or ruscus (Latin Ruscus, English Butcher’s broom) is a plant of the Asparagus family (Latin Asraragaseae), relatively recently it was assigned to its own family of Iglitsevs (Latin Russeae), Liliaceae (Lat.

Did you know? Butchery grew on our planet in the preglacial period and is rightfully considered a relic plant. Today it is not widespread and does not even have a dozen species. Nevertheless, an unusual ruscus is found in the interiors of houses and, in the garden plots of regions with a mild climate.

Few plant species differ in size and appearance. Some of them are grown in gardens (such as butcher's broom or Italian (lat.Ruscus hypoglossum), butcher's broom (lat.Ruscus hypophyllum), butcher's broom (lat.Rúscus hyrcanus). (lat.Ruscus aculeatus).
Evergreen shrubs, semi-shrubs or perennial grasses, with characteristic erect or drooping woody stems that extend from the creeping rhizome.

Depending on the species, they can reach lengths from 30 cm to 1 m. Phyllocladia shoots, which acquire the shape of leaves, have a leathery, hard, matte or glossy structure, an ovoid lanceolate shape with rounded or sharp ends, and a rich green color. The length of the shoots can reach 11 cm, and the width is 2-6 cm.

Butcher's leaves are also quite unusual, they look like small translucent, film-covered scales, triangular in shape. Small inconspicuous flowers of a pale blue, white or greenish-violet hue, which form on phylloclades, have a fairly long flowering period.
After flowering, bright, round red-orange fruits with 2-3 seeds are formed, giving the Ruscus a special decorative effect.

Chemical composition and active substances

Butcher's plant has its irreplaceable medicinal properties due to its chemical composition:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • sucrose;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • vitamins C and PP;
  • trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silicon, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, aluminum.

The active substances concentrated mainly in the rhizome are saponosides (such as Ruscogenin) and heterosides (such as rutoside).

Did you know? What names does the miraculous plant carry - Ruscus, mouse thorn, Colchis asparagus, royal broom, butcher's broom. Beautiful bouquets, strong flexible brooms, a coffee drink and even magic beads were made from its fruits.

How is butcher useful?

Saponosides have a healing effect on the vessels of the veins. Ruscus in oral preparations is used to narrow the blood vessels of the skin.
Butcher's broom (prickly) has medicinal properties aimed at eliminating exacerbation of hemorrhoids, venous dysfunctions, manifested in premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives. Preparations containing ruskus are used for:

  • narrowing of the venous vessels;
  • strengthening the venous walls;
  • reducing the fragility and permeability of capillaries and vascular walls;
  • increasing the tone of smooth cell muscles;
  • improving cell metabolism;
  • removing toxins from muscle tissue;
  • stimulation of blood circulation and water-salt metabolism;
  • obstacles to the formation of inflammatory processes;
  • reduce the formation of blood clots.
The extract based on ruskus roots is used as a diuretic, to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and heaviness in the legs with venous insufficiency, in case of impaired kidney and gall bladder function.
The plant in the composition of anti-cellulite products helps to activate peripheral circulation and restore skin elasticity.

Important! Medicinal plant possesses anti-inflammatory, strengthening, antimicrobial, cleansing, stimulating, diaphoretic, vasoconstrictor, diuretic and laxative properties.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, the fruits and roots of the butcher's tree are used. They are used to make ointments, decoctions, tinctures, extracts.

Healers use folk remedies for the treatment of such diseases:

  • jaundice;
  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • headaches;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • gout;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • cramping;
  • swelling;
  • renal failure;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • gangrene;
  • meniere's disease;
  • alzheimer's disease;
  • raynaud's syndrome

Did you know? The plant got its popular name "butcher's broom" due to its use by butchers to clean cutting boards with the tough roots of butcher's broom, which have excellent antibacterial properties.

At home, you can prepare the following medicinal mixtures from rhizus rhizomes:
  • Diuretic infusion, also used for pain relief in PMS and varicose veins: in 1 liter of boiling water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dry root of a butcher, leave for three hours and drain.
  • A decoction for the treatment of cramps, lymphatic congestion, leg swelling and problems during menopause in women: add 60 g of rhizomes to 1 liter of water, boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

One of useful plantsthat can be grown at home will be prickly butternut (thorny). It can also be called butcher's pontic or ruscus. The Latin name is ruscus aculeatus. It belongs to rare and endangered species. It is subjected to mass extermination, as it is often torn off as a base for bouquets in winter and for making brooms.

The habitat of the Ruscus is the Crimea and Transcaucasia. It grows in highlands among rocks. It can be found between stones in places up to 1000 meters above sea level. Also, the plant can grow in undergrowth and in mixed forests.

Description of the plant

Butcher's broom is a relict shrub. It grows in natural conditions on average up to 50 centimeters, but it happens even higher. It got its original name because of its appearance, as it is covered with needles.

Ruscus leaves are lanceolate scales that are hardly noticeable. What everyone takes for leaves - cladodes, are not. These are flat twigs or just leaflets. They have a pointed end in the form of a thorn. On their lower part, buds of a greenish hue with purple stamens are formed. Bloom lasts from February to April.

Butcher's broom (ruscus aculeatus) has both male and female flowers on the bush, which can be pollinated in rain or with dew. After that, fruits appear - red balls with two or three seeds inside. Ripening of berries occurs from August to September. They are edible. Previously, a surrogate coffee was prepared from them. Ruscus is used to treat various diseases.

Care features

Butcher's broom grows well indoors if climatic conditions do not allow it to take root in garden plots. In order for her to feel good in the room, it is necessary to provide her with good care at home. The most important thing is the correct selection of the place for growth. In the summer, the plant is taken out onto a balcony or a personal plot, and with a cold snap it is brought into the room and protected from direct sunlight. Better if it is diffused light. It will also feel good in a shaded place.

The bush grows well at normal room temperature, but it should not drop below 13 degrees.

In the warm season, butcher's broom loves good watering, which is done up to three times a week. In winter, it is reduced to once a week, to a maximum of two. In order for the bush to pollinate in a timely manner, it should be periodically sprayed using settled water for this purpose. This procedure will also scare away pests from it.

But be careful! Excessive watering will threaten ruscus aculeatus with root rot, but its lack will lead to drying out of the bush.

Ruscus pruning is carried out as needed. In general, the bush grown in a pot is compact. Dried shoots should be removed from the plant in time, as they will spoil decorative view... If you want to form a bush as you wish, then it is important not to overdo it. It is not recommended to remove more than 30% of the branches from the bush.

An annual broomstick transplant is unnecessary only if there is a need for it. The procedure is usually performed during the spring months. During it, soil is used, which includes sand, humus, peat and turf. It is possible to purchase a special soil for lemons. The pot must contain a drainage layer and have holes, since the butcher's moisture is not needed, it does not like it and may suffer.

Among the possible pests that can attack the Ruscus will be the scale insect and spider mite. Treatment of the plant with insecticide solutions will help to cope with them. Repeated spraying will give a lasting result and protect the bush.


Butcher's broom can be propagated using seeds. This method will be the most difficult and time consuming. Before sowing, the seeds are kept in the freezer for up to 7 days. Then 8 centimeters of soil is poured into the planting container and the seeds are spread. They are sprinkled with sand up to one centimeter. The container is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 20-21 degrees. At times, airing and spraying the seeds are carried out. Seedling germination is very slow. This can sometimes take up to 12 months. After the sprouts appear, which have reached eight centimeters, they dive into separate pots.

But the best way reproduction will always be the division of the bush. For this purpose, adult shrubs are used that have grown. The division process is carried out in the spring during transplantation.

Beneficial features

Butcher's broomstick has medicinal properties. But you should not use it yourself without consulting a doctor. Especially pregnant and lactating mothers.

Mainly buttock is used to treat the inflammatory process in the joints, it restores metabolism and strengthens blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Butcher's broom extract has an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect, improves blood circulation and skin metabolic processes.

With the help of butcher's, they improve cell metabolism and remove toxins from muscle tissues.

Butcher of Pontic, or I prickly glider, Ruscus, Mousethorn, Butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus)

Evergreen perennial semi-shrub of the Asparagaceae family. Tertiary relic.

The plant is 60 cm high, but can reach 1 m, bluish-green.

Stems are erect, finely distributed, finely rough along the edges.

Shoots are transformed into phylloclades, which look like leathery sessile non-falling plates with small narrow filmy subulate leaves in the axils of phylloclades.

Phylloclades are strong, leathery, lanceolate, drawn into a long spiny point, the middle vein stands out well.

The flowers are small, located on the underside of the phyllocladium, in the axils of the small lanceolate bracts.

Stem berries, large, red, 8-10 mm in diameter, two-seeded.

Blooms in February-April.

Fruits are fleshy, red, ripen in November-December.

Butchery grew on our planet in the preglacial period and is rightfully considered a relic plant. Today it is not widespread and does not even have a dozen species. Nevertheless, an unusual ruscus is found in the interiors of houses and offices, in the garden plots of regions with a mild climate.

What names does the miraculous plant carry - Ruscus, mouse thorn, Colchis asparagus, royal broom, butcher's broom. Beautiful bouquets, strong flexible brooms, a coffee drink and even magic beads were made from its fruits.

The plant got its popular name "butcher's broom" due to its use by butchers to clean cutting boards with the tough roots of butcher's broom, which have excellent antibacterial properties.

Butcher's berries (fruits) are very decorative and are a real decoration of the plant.

Unfortunately, berries rarely appear at home: butcher's is a dioecious plant, which means that male and female specimens are needed for the ovaries. However, in some cases, one plant can bear fruit.

Not demanding on soils, grows on humus-calcareous soils.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Medicinal properties: Butchery has its own irreplaceable medicinal properties due to its chemical composition: proteins; fats; sucrose; vegetable fibers; vitamins C and PP; trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silicon, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, aluminum.

The active substances concentrated mainly in the rhizome are saponosides (such as ruscogenin) and heterosides (such as rutoside).

Saponosides have a healing effect on the vessels of the veins. Ruscus in oral preparations is used to narrow the blood vessels of the skin.

Butcher's broom (prickly) has medicinal properties aimed at eliminating the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, venous dysfunctions, manifested in premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives.

In folk medicine, the fruits and roots of the butcher's tree are used. Ointments, decoctions, tinctures, and extracts are made from them.

Butchers are used to create evergreen borders in warm-climate gardens and parks.

Young shoots of butchers are edible, and the local population uses the fruits of some butterflies for food, they serve as a substitute for coffee, and sometimes beads are made from them.

Butcher at home. Feels good both in diffused light and in the shade.

In the cold season, when the duration of daylight hours decreases, it is better to place it on the windowsills of the southern windows.

In summer, it is necessary to move the shrub to a shaded area, as direct sunlight can damage the foliage.

At home, butcher's throat can grow in the following temperature range:

♦ in spring and summer - 18–20ºC; ♦ in autumn, the temperature should be gradually reduced; ♦ in winter - 13-15ºC.

Resistant to drafts and short-term temperature fluctuations below 0ºC.

Indoor humidity does not play a big role in this case, because Ruscus normally tolerates dry air. During active growth, it must be sprayed with water or wipe the foliage with a wet woven material.

Butcher's broom is undemanding to the type of soil; in nature it grows even in mountain valleys and slopes. However, it should be borne in mind that the substrate should not be too dense so that water does not accumulate. Shrubs are planted in a mixture consisting of sand, sod and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

The legend of the butcher's

Once a forest nymph invited plants living in the forest to her ball.

On it, the guests communicated with each other, danced, showing their best sides, only the butcher stood aside, all alone.

The hospitable hostess of the holiday came to find out why she was sad. Iglitsa said that her outfit is not as beautiful as that of others and she has nothing to brag about.

At that moment, the nymph decided to help - she presented her with red berry beads and made her leaves green throughout the year. Iglitsa refused this gift and said that she wanted to benefit people.

All the plants sat down with the nymph and began to think about which of her parts to make medicinal and decided - those same bright red beads.

It is worth noting that Virgil, who was born 100 years BC, and later the famous historian Pliny, who was born in the 1st century AD, mentioned in his works the medicinal properties of butcher's berries.

So the nymph kept her promise and made the fruits healing!

Landing.Seeds are planted in containers with moistened soil, covered with glass and set in a bright place. The first shoots are formed in 2-3 months, and the fruits - after about one year.

The second variant of reproduction is possible. The seeds are embedded in a prepared mixture (perlite and peat) and transferred to a room with an air temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

The duration of the growing season is at least a year. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to do cold stratification.

When they reach a height of 8 cm, you should pick the seedlings and plant them in separate pots.

The division of the bush is done in the spring season before the beginning of the growing season.

First, you need to wash off the soil from the root system, remove old shoots, and then cut it with a sharp knife into a number of pieces.

After that, plant each root in a separate container with new soil, water it, and then take care of it like an adult plant.

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