Pregnancy 11 weeks dirty beige discharge. Brown discharge during early pregnancy: causes and dangers. Screening at the eleventh week

Glass and glass products 12.09.2020
Glass and glass products

Motherhood is one of the main purposes of women. But the implementation of this noble mission is sometimes associated with many difficulties. One of them is brown discharge on early dates pregnancy. Their appearance very often suggests a serious danger to the well-being of the unborn baby. However, this is not always the case. We will talk about the causes and dangers of brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy in this article, considering the cases of women who have personally encountered a similar problem.

Causes of brown discharge during early pregnancy, not dangerous

There are several main reasons for brown discharge early in pregnancy.

Hormonal changes in the body

Olga, 27 years old: “Brown discharge appeared at the 3rd week of pregnancy. Light, but clearly visible that there is an admixture of blood. I was very scared. In private, she underwent an ultrasound scan - everything is within normal limits. The doctor who conducted the examination suggested that a change in hormonal levels might have affected. What is the reason for the appearance of brown discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy? "

Such secretion in the third week of pregnancy is not uncommon. The emergence of a new life entails large-scale changes within the female body, including at the hormonal level. These changes can also manifest themselves in the form of light brown discharge in early pregnancy. Violation of the ratio of hormones is their main cause.

They may appear shortly before the first delay. Such secretion does not have a repulsive odor, does not provoke itching and burning in the external genital area, and eventually disappears by itself.

Violetta, 25: “Pregnancy 4 weeks brown discharge. I went to the doctor and said: “Everything is fine. These are hormones. " But what kind of "excellent" can we talk about if there are traces of blood? Perhaps the doctor is incompetent? I used to visit someone else. "

An admixture of blood in small quantities at four weeks of pregnancy, in the absence of additional signs of trouble, may indeed indicate that the balance of hormones that is natural for a woman in a position has not yet been restored. You can trust the doctor's opinion. If the secretion is short-lived, not abundant, painless, then you should not worry.

Implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus

Irina, 24 years old: “After the delay I made a test - two strips! I was very happy. But just before my period was supposed to start, I had (small), and in them streaks of blood. The next day everything stopped. What does such a scanty brown discharge mean in the first weeks of the term? "

To understand the essence of the phenomenon, it should be remembered that approximately 8-10 days after fertilization, the egg moves along the fallopian tubes, and then becomes fixed in the uterine cavity. In this case, a violation of the integrity of the capillaries is possible, which is manifested by the dissemination of blood streaks in the natural secretion of the female reproductive glands. This phenomenon is short-lived and is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant symptoms. May be brown, light brown or.

Abnormal periods in the first trimester of pregnancy

Svetlana, 20 years old: “Now I am in the twelfth week. The news of the unborn child came as a surprise. The fact is that my periods came on time, only they were not so abundant. In the second month (about 8 weeks) the situation repeated itself. When nausea started in the morning, and I fainted at the institute, I had to go to the doctor. The news amazed me! Can periods go in the first weeks of the term? "

This situation is not so unusual. Normally, a pregnant woman's levels of progesterone, a hormone responsible for preserving the fetus, significantly increase. If, for some reason, its concentration is insufficient, then brown daubs are likely to appear, which can be mistaken for scanty menstruation.

Another reason for abnormal periods in pregnant women is the simultaneous maturation of multiple eggs. When one of them is fertilized, the second remains "free". The situation leads to the fact that simultaneously a large amount of hormones are synthesized, which are responsible for the preservation of a fertilized egg, and hormones that stimulate menstruation. If, for some reason, the latter take advantage, then brown discharge will appear during early pregnancy. At about 8 weeks (sometimes a little later), the situation returns to normal.

Svetlana, 27 years old: “Can your period go on if you are expecting a baby? I got brown discharge at 6 weeks gestation. Is it possible?"

If ovulation occurred closer to the end of the menstrual cycle, then the appearance of discharge, similar to menstruation, is likely at 6 weeks. Brown discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy and later should be alerted - by this time, the balance of hormones characteristic of women in the position should be achieved.

Mechanical damage to the integrity of the mucosa

Gagina, 24 years old: “At week 9 I noticed beige ones. The doctor took the analysis with some kind of brush - maybe that's why? I drank papaverine at night, but the next day there were brown marks on the daily routine again. Today there was an ultrasound scan - there is no threat. Maybe the reason lies in the examination and taking the analysis? "

Most likely, the presence of brown discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is associated with the collection of cytological analysis. Perhaps there was a mechanical damage to the superficial vessels, which caused the appearance of traces of blood. The absence of the threat of interruption only confirms this assumption. During the gestational period, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and the mucous membrane becomes more sensitive to microtrauma.

Pathological causes of brown discharge in the early stages

Risk of miscarriage

Olga, 23 years old: “I recently found out that I am expecting a child. Today, after a walk, I noticed brown discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy. Before that, there was a slight daub on the seventh week, and then on the ninth, but I did not attach any importance to this, since everything went by itself. Now the discharge is brown, similar to menstruation both in appearance and in sensations (stomach aches, sips of the lower back, I feel broken). This is dangerous?"

Irina, 26 years old: “Is brown discharge at week 7 a threat of interruption? I went through a lot of stress - in the fifth week, while walking, a dog attacked me. At first I did not notice any changes, but yesterday I saw traces of brown color on the linen. Tightens the stomach a little. Can a stressful situation cause brown discharge at 7 weeks of gestation? "

Brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is often a sign of a threatened miscarriage. They can be both moderate and fairly abundant, and an inhomogeneous consistency with mucous inclusions. Additional symptoms of spontaneous interruption are: the presence of pain in the lower abdomen and sacral region, general malaise, weakness.

The causes of brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy can be very diverse. This is a lack of progesterone, and an increased production of androgens, and genetic pathology of the fetus, and the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs, including severe fear and stress.

Bubble drift

Anastasia, 25 years old: “I was. Did the test in the fourth week - positive. I didn't go to the clinic right away, I decided to wait for the last weeks of the first trimester so that I could go to doctors less. But brown discharge appeared at 8 weeks of gestation. There were thoughts that it was menstruation, and the test cheated. I made another one - again positively. I thought that at 8 weeks a mistake is hardly possible, and it became scary. I ran to the doctor, got tested, underwent an ultrasound scan and was stunned by the diagnosis - cystic drift. I remember with a shudder about further events: cleaning, analyzes, checks in the oncological dispensary. Well at least the oncology was not confirmed. I dream of having a healthy baby, I'm waiting for the doctor's permission. What symptoms and discharge should alert you? "

Bubble drift is a serious pathology that occurs in 1 in 1000 cases. The essence of the phenomenon lies in the fact that either a "defective" egg that does not contain a set of female chromosomes is fertilized, or a full-fledged egg is fertilized by two sperm at once. As a result, the chorion or villous membrane turns into multiple cysts, similar to a bunch of grapes. In fact, it is a tumor that can be either benign or malignant.

The symptoms of cystic drift are not always pronounced initially. Early toxicosis often develops, which is characterized by the presence of headaches, debilitating nausea and vomiting, and bouts of hypertension. The test is positive. With cystic drift, bleeding occurs in 95% of cases. Fragments that look like foam, mucus, or pus may appear in the blood mass.

Ectopic pregnancy

Maria, 23 years old: “Is it true that the performed fimbrioplasty creates a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy? What symptoms should alert you? "

Olga, 32: “It took a long time to conceive - adhesions in the pipes. She was treated for several years. Now is the sixth day of the delay. The test confirmed the onset of conception. I heard that the adhesion process creates the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. Is it so? How does this pathology manifest itself? "

Ectopic pregnancy is another threat to potential motherhood. The essence of the phenomenon is the abnormal fixation of the ovum, when, instead of the wall of the uterus, it is localized in the ovary, tubes, abdominal cavity or cervix. All danger is associated with a natural increase in the ovum, which can lead to rupture of an organ (more often a tube) with subsequent extensive bleeding.

The reasons for the development of the anomaly can be varied. Most often they are associated either with a malfunction of the egg or sperm cell, or with a violation of the transport capacity of the fallopian tubes. Fibrioplasty, like the presence of an adhesive process, is one of the risk factors for the development of ectopic anchorage.

Initially, an ectopic pregnancy proceeds in a similar way to a normal pregnancy. Symptoms can be expressed by pain in the side where the ovum is implanted, pulling sensations in the sacrum and a dark brown bloody secretion. These first signs may appear around the 6th week of pregnancy. Their intensity can be different - it depends on the time, place of implantation, individual characteristics of the woman's body.

In some cases, the ovum is rejected on its own, which is manifested by dark secretions and moderate pain syndrome. And sometimes there is a rupture of the organ and abdominal bleeding, accompanied by a fall in blood pressure, a deterioration in general condition, acute pain radiating to the hypochondrium and interscapular region. This can happen in the fifth or eighth week of pregnancy.

Brown discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy, accompanied by pain, should already alert, because the ectopic localization of the ovum poses a huge danger to a woman's health.

Inflammation and STDs

Irina, 30 years old: “At 10 weeks of pregnancy I noticed unpleasant symptoms: intolerable itching, urination with pain. At first I thought that it might be cystitis or "thrush", but discharge appeared at 11 weeks of pregnancy - pale brown, mixed with opaque yellow mucus (like pus). Some disgusting smell appeared. It doesn't get any better yet. What could it be?"

Erosion of the cervix is \u200b\u200bdiagnosed in every second woman, and expectant mothers are no exception. In the photo you can see how a neck with erosion can look like. Indeed, during pregnancy, the light brown color of the secret may indicate this disease. Sometimes mucus can be seen in it. This ailment does not provoke painful sensations until the inflammatory process joins it. Erosion can also cause throughout the entire period.

Irina, 32 years old: “Can brown discharge at 10 weeks of gestation appear due to erosion? I noticed that after sex the ichor appears. "

With erosion, sexual contact can provoke the appearance of light brown discharge at 10 weeks of gestation, as, indeed, at any other period. Their cause is mechanical damage to the epithelium of the affected area. In the presence of this ailment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since erosion, which begins to bleed, should not be left without attention and treatment.

Brown discharge in the first trimester: what to do?

During pregnancy, discharge that differs in color and consistency from ordinary leucorrhoea requires mandatory medical attention. The first trimester is the time when all organs and systems of the unborn baby are being laid. Care should be taken to add painful sensations in the abdomen. Together, these symptoms can signal a serious hazard. In no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Only with the help of a specialist can you understand the causes of suspicious secretion and take appropriate measures.

The end of the first trimester in the development of the fetus in the womb is characterized by great changes in the baby. It remains small, but already acquires some independent functions.

Development and size of the fetus

The period is characterized by the intensive growth of the child. The head at this time is even larger (a third of the baby's size), the body remains small, but begins to grow rapidly. The arms grow, against the background of their length, the legs seem to be small, which, moreover, are pressed to the stomach. By the way, you can already see that sometimes the baby begins to suck his thumb.

The week is also distinguished by the first movements of the fetus with a sharp movement of the mother, with a loud conversation. Future child is already able to change the location in the uterus - he does this due to the movements of the legs. The kid may already be stretching; at the same time, it fixes a pose in which the legs and arms are held in one position for a few seconds.

At this stage:

  • fingers "acquire" tactile receptors; thanks to them, he already feels the touch of the umbilical cord, the waters around him;
  • receptors responsible for taste and smell become functioning;
  • muscles grow, bone increases in size; small joints appear;
  • milk teeth (20 pcs.), vocal cords begin to form;
  • reflexes appear: the sucking movements of the lips are already visible, the grasping movements of small fingers;
  • the eyes are finally formed, including their iris, on which the color of his eyes depends; but the eyelids are still fused and will wait 4 months to open;
  • the brain is already fully formed; you can clearly see both hemispheres in it, the presence of the cerebellum;
  • the neck becomes strong enough to raise the head;
  • the diaphragm and sternum ends to form;
  • the rudiments of the genitals appear outside;
  • begin their first kidney work; moreover, they produce urine, which is excreted from the child as usual; in the future, urine ends up in the amniotic fluid - the waste products from it, thanks to the placenta, end up in the mother's blood;
  • the intestine is included in the work, but part of it still remains in the umbilical cord; this ends the formation of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • other internal organs grow: the liver reaches a size of 10% of the weight of the entire fetus; she is engaged in the production of blood, which at this time consists only of erythrocytes;
  • the chin and nose are already slightly noticeable;
  • a tiny heart with four chambers appears; it immediately goes into action.

Your future baby is still very young. Its weight reaches an average of only 15 g, and its length does not exceed 6.8 cm.

Feelings and changes in a woman's condition at 11 weeks of gestation

1This period brings the end of the manifestations of toxicosis into the life of the expectant mother. She begins to feel much less nausea. Her vomiting practically disappears, her negative reaction to odors decreases.

But not everything is so smooth. Some women may experience heartburn, bloating, and constipation. This is due to the hormone progesterone, which reduces intestinal peristalsis. Possible changes in sensations include: increased sweating, increased urination.


A slightly rounded tummy is already becoming noticeable. Such a change is insignificant and is practically not noticed by others. Although there are women with a special physique, whose tummy is noticeable.

Despite its small size, it brings certain inconveniences for you: it becomes uncomfortable to lie on your stomach; you evaluate the condition of your stomach as after a good meal.


This organ is already becoming large enough. It grows, adjusting to the fetus, and enters the bony pelvic ring, reaching its upper border. Such a uterus already completely occupies the cavity available in the small pelvis, it is easily palpable just above the pubic joint.

The increase in the volume of the uterus leads to squeezing of the intestines in the lower section. This usually leads to more regular constipation in the pregnant woman.


This week can bother women with lower abdominal pain; they can also concentrate in the lower back. This may be the reason for the appointment of an ultrasound by the doctor. This is especially important with simultaneous blood compartments from the vagina, the presence of which indicates the possibility of a threat of miscarriage.

Normally, at this time, the pregnant woman should have no pain. But this is ideally - in practice, women often, in addition to the abdomen, lower back, have pain in their legs and headache. Slight pain on the sides is also not uncommon - they are the result of stretching the ligaments that support the enlarging uterus.


Any pathological changes in the discharge can (but not necessarily) cause a rise in temperature. In general, from this week in a pregnant woman, the basal temperature should decrease. Therefore, if it rises, this should be alarming, since some kind of inflammatory process is possible.

What to do:

  • at temperatures up to 37 ° C ... 38 ° C, you can not take any medication; it is better to drink a lot of warm drink (viburnum, raspberries are prohibited for pregnant women), which will help bring it down;
  • when the temperature exceeds 38 ° C, an antipyretic should be taken; if this is not done, heating amniotic fluid can cause tissue damage in the fetus; the choice of the drug should be done only with the doctor.

Discharge at 11 weeks of gestation

Abundant vaginal discharge is common and should not be intimidated. Especially if they are light, of any density, have no smell or sour aroma. But if colored discharge appears (yellowish, greenish, grayish), and even they smell bad, then we can assume that an infection has made its way into the vagina. With them, a woman's genitals may swell, become covered with redness; usually feels a burning sensation, a desire to scratch.

In addition, the discharge can be cheesy, bubbly, with a pungent and pungent odor. In the first case, the development of candidiasis is possible, in the second - trichomoniasis.

Of all the secretions, the most dangerous are bloody. Their appearance is most often associated with the possibility of miscarriage, therefore an urgent trip to the hospital is needed. If they are not accompanied by pain, then the reason is damage to the vaginal mucosa.


The presence of blood in the discharge is a signal that fetal rejection may begin. This is a very dangerous symptom, after which one should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

A frozen pregnancy can be the cause of blood in the discharge. In such a situation, the fetus inside died and the process of its independent rejection by the uterus begins. However, there is hope - in half of the cases, the embryo still shows signs of life and, if the call for help is timely, with the help of specialists it can be saved.

Blood in the departments may appear for other reasons:

  • in the absence of pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, this may mean the development of fibroids, erosion in the cervix of the uterus;
  • may manifest due to trichomoniasis, sexually transmitted infections;
  • lifting a pregnant weight;
  • sexual intercourse.

In any case, it is necessary, and urgently, to visit a gynecologist.

Nutrition at 11 weeks pregnant

The development of the fetus requires good nutrition for the mother. The diet of a pregnant woman must be rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Naturally, only useful. These can be: lean fresh oils, cereals, fruits, boiled beef, vegetables.

In addition to the quality of food consumed by a woman, it is important both its quantity and regularity of food. It cannot be conveyed, because it provokes heartburn, constipation. Best of all, fractional meals - little by little, but every couple of hours.

A pregnant woman should eat light meals. It is necessary to exclude completely fried, spicy, fatty, unnatural foods. It is good to have nuts, herbs, fruits, cereals, vegetables, and meat based on the latter. But it is better not to limit yourself with drinking. In this case, preference should be given to freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, plain water.


Discussion of bad habits in connection with pregnancy should not even arise in the family. If you want to have healthy offspring, it means not a drop of alcohol not only this week, but for all 9 months, plus the period of breastfeeding at least.

The drunk alcohol always gets to the fetus. And the most interesting (and maybe scary) is that the baby remembers his taste, smell and can love them.

Sex at 11 weeks pregnant

Sex is the best alternative to alcohol during pregnancy. Between spouses, more exciting feelings appear, relations are strengthened more. In addition, the woman's libido becomes higher, which usually leads to great pleasure for both partners.

There are, of course, some caveats. It is necessary to exclude positions in sex that lead to discomfort in a woman in such a period. In particular, hard sex is completely excluded, deep penetration must not be allowed. This can cause problems during pregnancy.

Proximity with the threat of miscarriage is generally contraindicated.

Tests at 11 weeks pregnant

The concentration of hCG is determined by biochemical screening and should be in the range of 20900 ... 291000mIU / ml. If this is confirmed, then the condition of the fetus is good, and the pregnancy itself develops normally. With deviations, pathologies are possible and some kind of corrective treatment is required.

The indicator of the amount of progesterone is not important for diagnosis. The baby's condition, development is judged by the data obtained by ultrasound.


Ultrasound, which is carried out at this time, already allows you to clearly establish where the placenta is located in the uterus. There are two options - walls, bottom. The study is already able to see the activity of the fetus; with its help, even the frequency of the baby's heart is determined.

An ultrasound scan specifies the gestational age. This conclusion is based on the development of the fetus at the time of the examination. By the way, if you do an ultrasound scan later, then you may not get such information content.

Sometimes during this period, the sex of the child is found out based on the ultrasound results. Although this requires a very high qualification of a specialist - the organs for which such an assumption is made are still very poorly developed.


This term refers to a procedure that includes a triple ultrasound scan and a biochemical blood test. The latter is mandatory, as it allows you to determine the correct development of the child and identify pathologies and deviations.

The first screening takes place at 11 weeks. Ultrasound, in addition to establishing the exact duration of pregnancy, helps to assess the course of pregnancy. When it is carried out, multiplicity is detected, the collar space around the fetus is measured.

Dangers at 11 weeks of gestation

This is the time when spontaneous abortion is already unlikely. However, there are complications that can "spoil" your mood and lead to problems. For example, with improper diet, with a calcium deficiency, pregnant women often have varicose veins and the legs are covered with vascular mesh. The lack of vitamin D in food affects the baby - improper bone development can turn into rickets.


The best option for a pregnant woman is not to catch a cold. The placenta is still in the stage of taking over the functions of the corpus luteum, therefore there is a high risk of infection of the fetus.

The most dangerous infection during this period is rubella. It can lead to pathological changes in the fetus. The common cold with high fever, cough, stuffy nose is also bad, which, if drugs are prohibited, can create problems for the baby and mother.

Fetal growth leads to an increased load on the veins in women. Therefore, you need to pay enough attention to the legs:

  • walking, sitting or standing for a long time should end with at least a short rest while lying down;
  • do not neglect to use special anti-varicose stockings, tights;
  • it is necessary to massage the feet; it should be light, with a special cooling gel.

Do not rush to feel your belly and look for the unborn child in it. It will not be possible to do this yet - the fruit is very small.

Be sure to watch your discharge. At the slightest doubt and suspicion, visit the clinic.


The woman is entering the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. From the 11th week of pregnancy, a period of intensive growth of the fetus and placenta begins. At the same time, there is a directly proportional relationship between the growth of the child and the uteroplacental blood flow, as well as the content of nutrients in the mother's body. At 13 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the mass of the placenta continues to increase. This is due to the formation of new villi. What happens when this happens? Every week, the weight of the placenta increases by 10 grams. At the 11th week of pregnancy, special structural units of the placenta begin to form in the form of lobules - cotyledons, or placentons. Cotyledons are separated by septa - septa. Each lobule of the placenta contains capillary vessels.

One of the dangers that awaits a woman in the second trimester is a late spontaneous abortion. Its causes can be chromosomal abnormalities, developed isthmic-cervical (pathology of the cervix) or placental insufficiency.


A woman's feelings during this period require careful analysis. Particular attention should be paid to increased pressure, turbidity of urine or edema, as they may indicate a complication of pregnancy such as gestosis.


Discharge at 11 weeks gestation does not change. Some women have noticed an increase in their number. However, as in previous cases, the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, be purulent or colored. Body temperature is a non-specific indicator. If it keeps at the level of subfebrile numbers (up to 37.5) and at the same time you feel good, then you should not worry. However, if the temperature is higher or there are other symptoms of illness, you should seek medical attention.

Belly at 11 weeks pregnant

The uterus is enlarged and easily felt through the anterior abdominal wall. The abdominal circumference is gradually increasing. However, these indicators are individual for each woman.

Fetus at 11 weeks gestation

At 11 weeks from conception, lipase is formed in the pancreas of the fetus, and differentiated beta cells that can synthesize insulin appear. The fetus at 11 weeks gestation weighs about 20 grams. There is an intense growth of the body with a slowed growth of the head. They are roughly equal in size this week. The size of the fetus reaches 7 cm. However, in the future, the development of the fetus occurs at an individual pace, so the assessment of the coccyx-parietal size loses its diagnostic value. The child's face takes on characteristic features that also distinguish it from the embryo.

Respiratory movements in the child appear right now. During breathing, a small amount of amniotic fluid enters the lungs. This is necessary for their normal development.

Tests at 11 weeks pregnant

HCG partially loses its significance during this period. It is synthesized only by a part of the placental cells. While in the first place comes another hormone of a protein nature - placental lactogen. Its amount almost doubles compared to the previous week, and if you are tested at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the amount of PL will be about 1500 ng / ml. HCG remains unchanged. Placental lactogen is responsible for maternal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, energy metabolism and ossification (bone formation) of fetal bones.

The amount of progesterone at 13-16 obstetric weeks is 130-140 nmol / L. This indicator is also increasing, although not as fast as the PL. If screening has not been performed before this time for any reason, it can be done at 11 weeks of gestation.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 11 weeks of gestation is performed according to indications. For example, if a woman did not undergo an ultrasound scan in the first trimester, or there were suspicions of intrauterine growth retardation, fetal hypoxia, the threat of late abortion, etc. Also, the decoding of certain echo markers allows one to suspect diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards, Patau, etc. However, Ultrasound is not a definitive diagnostic method. Its decoding serves as an indication for a deeper and more comprehensive examination of a woman.

Pain at 11 weeks of gestation

Pain at 11 weeks gestation should be carefully assessed. For example, frequent headaches may indicate hypertension. Cardialgia (pain in the heart) - about lesions of the cardiovascular system, etc. Pregnant women can also have a surgical pathology (acute cholecystitis is especially common), which is also accompanied by pain. Pay attention to the intensity, location, nature of pain, factors that provoke pain. If the pain is accompanied by any other symptomatology (discharge from the genital tract, fever, dyspeptic symptoms, etc.), you should consult your doctor.

Diseases at the 11th week of pregnancy can affect the woman's respiratory tract (cold), endocrine (gestational diabetes), urinary, immune (gestosis) and other systems. Hypotension of the ureters as a result of high progesterone levels against the background of general immunosuppression often leads to the development of unilateral or bilateral pyelonephritis. In this case, the lower back hurts, there is a fever, a change in the color and consistency of urine (it becomes cloudy). Any diseases require timely detection and treatment.


Sex in the second trimester is contraindicated only in case of poor health of the mother or the threat of abortion (sex can provoke uterine contractions). In all other cases, you can safely have sex.

The intensive growth of the child should be correlated with the woman's nutrition. Mother's nutrition is of great importance in preventing intrauterine growth retardation, so do not be afraid to gain excess weight - eat often and in sufficient portions.

  • Tips & Tricks

Feelings at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Toxicosis, characteristic of most expectant mothers, practically ceases to annoy - morning nausea is less worried, salivation decreases, and sudden mood swings are not so worried. Of course, not everyone gets rid of toxicosis at once, he will make some mothers suffer until 14 weeks and later, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. What else can you expect at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

  • Nausea can be replaced by heartburn and recurrent constipation. Sometimes, to stop them, it will be enough to revise your daily diet.
  • The severe soreness of the breast decreases, but at the same time it slightly increases in size. From the nipples, a meager, light secret can be released. This is normal and is due to increased hormone production.
  • Women may notice an increased inattention and distraction. And this is natural, the expectant mother tries to listen to her growing child, and in general she does not care much about the world around her.
  • Often, it is at 11 weeks that hair begins to fall out and nails become especially fragile, less often, on the contrary, the hairstyle becomes amazingly luxurious. After giving birth, within a few weeks, both negative and positive changes will pass and everything will return to normal.

Changes in the mother's body at 11 weeks of gestation

The 11th week of pregnancy, like all subsequent weeks, is accompanied by the growth of the uterus. For some girls, this will already be noticeable externally - the tummy above the pubis will be rounded, the clothes will become tight. Ongoing hormonal changes lead to:

  • To increased bleeding of the gums. During this period, it is recommended to visit a dentist.
  • An increase in blood volume, which will contribute to increased sweating and increased thirst. At 11 weeks and later, hot flushes are often observed, which is expressed by intermittent fever.
  • The gradually growing uterus already fills the pelvic region and begins to rise above the pubic bone. A growing tummy for some mothers causes discomfort during sleep.
  • Dilated veins are visible on the chest, milk ducts begin to form.
  • In the placenta, the number of blood vessels needed to deliver nutrients to the baby grows.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, there is no longer a clear threat of miscarriage. If Mom ate right, led a healthy lifestyle, then the fetus develops in accordance with all norms.

Baby 11 weeks

By about 11 weeks, the development of the embryo ends, the fetus already looks like an almost full-fledged man, only with the wrong body proportions.

The weight of the fetus reaches 7-10 grams, the size from the coccyx to the parietal region of the head reaches about 5 centimeters.

Fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation

From the 11th week of pregnancy to the very birth, doctors begin to call the embryo a fetus. This period is characterized by rapid growth and formation of most organs and reflexes.

External development of the fetus:

  • The membranes disappear on the arms and legs between the fingers. Tactile sensations develop, a grasping and sucking reflex appears. An individual pattern for each person begins to appear on the pads of the fingers.
  • The fruit still looks disproportionate. The legs are much smaller than the handles, the head is large, and the ears on it are very low.
  • The neck becomes stronger, thanks to which the baby can turn the head.
  • At 11 weeks, the genitals are formed, although it is still definitely not possible to say who will be. In some cases, only boys can show their gender on an ultrasound scan.
  • At 11, the iris of the eyes is laid and it is at this time that its color is determined.

Internal development of the fetus:

  • The heart begins to work at full strength, although it still does not have a hole between the left and right sections. Heart contractions range from 110 to 160 beats per minute.
  • Liver tissues are actively formed, by 11 weeks the organ occupies almost 10% of the entire body.
  • The digestive tract continues to develop, the rectum is formed.
  • By 11 weeks, the brain is fully formed, two hemispheres and the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements, are determined in it.
  • The baby's blood only contains erythrocytes, the leukocytes responsible for the immune system will appear a little later.
  • The baby gradually begins to respond to external stimuli - sharp sounds, bright light, he already knows how to yawn and can taste amniotic fluid. During this period, the fetus is repelled by the legs from the walls of the uterus and can actively roll over, but for a woman this is practically not noticeable.
  • In the oral cavity, the rudiments of milk teeth are formed.

We can say that the 11th week is a turning point for both mom and baby. The laying of the main organs has taken place, the presence of all organs, arms and legs is clearly noticeable, and now it remains only to strengthen both your body and the child's body.

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Weight gain at 11 weeks gestation

From the 11th week of pregnancy, many mothers begin to develop a good appetite. Weight gain is about half a kilogram and a little more per week. Some women notice an increase in the buttocks and breasts, others in the abdomen and upper thighs. How your figure will be formed throughout pregnancy depends on the weight of your baby and on heredity.

You should not allow a large increase in weight, so it must be constantly monitored. Helps get rid of calories balanced diet, daily walks that are good for the baby too.

Sometimes weight can grow due to edema, deterioration of kidney function for 11 weeks is not typical, so a complete examination is necessary.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 11 weeks

Outwardly invisible pregnancy is already felt by a woman and she is almost ready for the role of a future mother. Week 11 is characterized by:

  • Increased flatulence and constipation. The hormones that affect intestinal motility are to blame.
  • Increased fatigue may be felt, but some women, on the contrary, have energy and the ability to redo a lot of things.
  • Unfortunately, frequent headaches are also characteristic of the 11th week of pregnancy. Especially if the migraine was before conception.
  • Girls who are prone to worries have increased anxiety for both the baby and further childbirth.
  • At about 11 weeks, and in some women a little later, the production of sebum decreases - the oily sheen disappears from the skin, acne disappears. It is not so often necessary to wash your hair, as it becomes less dirty.
  • Urination is strained, as the uterus rises higher and ceases to strongly squeeze the bladder.
  • In women prone to varicose veins, signs of hemorrhoids are often recorded.

If your pregnancy is multiple, then all the signs are almost doubled. With twins, a protruding tummy is often clearly visible.

What happens to the belly at 11 weeks of gestation

The tummy begins to grow gradually due to the growth of the uterus. Usually, it is at 11 weeks that thin girls notice a tubercle above the bosom. The growth of the abdomen depends not only on the week of pregnancy, but also on the general physique, and especially on the place of attachment of the embryo.


The uterus adapts to the size of the fetus. It begins to expand, fills the entire space of the pelvic region. The size of the uterus is approximately 10% of the total volume at the time of delivery at 11 weeks. The gynecologist can already feel the uterus from the abdominal wall and determine its size.


In the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a high probability of miscarriage. By 11 weeks, this risk is significantly reduced. But still, you should not rely on chance and for any painful symptoms, you need to see a doctor. The sharp, pulling pains radiating to the lower back should be especially alarming.

Normal pain refers to a pulling sensation on the sides of the abdomen, indicating a stretching of the ligaments. Headaches should not be ignored either; a woman must be examined by a therapist for an increase in blood pressure.

Discharge at 11 weeks of gestation

Normal discharge for 11 weeks is considered light, abundant, often thick. Gradually, they will become liquid and accompany the entire pregnancy until the very birth. It is necessary to consult a doctor if:

  • The discharge is bloody, constant, abundant enough. This condition may indicate a threat of miscarriage.
  • A cheesy or purulent secret with an unpleasant odor is released from the genital tract. Changes in the nature of the discharge often occur with infections and inflammation.

An urgent need to consult a doctor if bloody issues accompanied by sharp pains and an increase in body temperature.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

At 11 weeks of pregnancy, your doctor may issue referrals for many tests. All of them are necessary and will give data about the development of the fetus and the state of your body.

  • Ultrasound at this time allows you to assess the growth and development of the fetus, provides data on cardiac activity and on the correct formation of organs. The study helps to determine multiple pregnancies, the place of attachment of the embryo in the uterus, the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid.
  • Analyzes. For 11 weeks, the condition of the woman's kidneys is monitored, so it is necessary to pass urine for leukocytes and protein. In addition, a woman can get a referral to donate blood for hormones. The level of hCG is determined, its fluctuations in one direction or another indicate possible deviations. Only a doctor can explain the test results, since different laboratories use different indicators.
  • A screening test is prescribed in the interval from 11 weeks to 16. The screening analysis helps to identify a predisposition to the development of Down syndrome, the identified deviations do not mean the exact development of the disease in the baby. Therefore, future parents should definitely consult with a gynecologist and a geneticist.


Intimate relationships for 11 weeks are contraindicated only if there is a threat of miscarriage - bloody discharge, pulling pains. With great health, sex between loving people will continue to be exciting and unforgettable.

It is only necessary to refrain from deep penetration and choose positions in which there is no discomfort.


Your baby continues to develop and his future health directly depends on what you eat. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. For the formation of bones and muscles, protein is needed, which is abundant in meat and fish. You shouldn't give up dairy products - cheese, cottage cheese, natural yoghurts.

At 11 weeks constipation often occurs, therefore, preference should be given to plant foods, kefir. From drinks, they choose rosehip decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, it is worth giving up carbonated drinks. Eat plenty of garlic and onions to avoid colds. Grains and all kinds of nuts are good for the baby, and much less benefit from fried and too fatty foods.

What to do this week

Set yourself up for positive emotions, walk more, this will not only strengthen the immune system, but also provide a sound sleep. 11 week is the time to think about changing your wardrobe, at the same time you can look for information about preparation courses for childbirth, the best maternity hospitals.

Be sure to make a life schedule for the coming months. It may include charging and listening to music, and a certain amount of time to rest. Tell your husband about all your experiences, be sure to share all your emotions with him and you will become even closer, there will be no misunderstandings and fears will recede.

Dangers and complications

Beware of colds for 11 weeks and therefore avoid crowds of people and be sure to be treated immediately with folk methods at the first signs of illness. At 11 weeks, the veins in the legs often dilate, so do not sit with crossed limbs, be sure to change your posture often while working.

Call an ambulance immediately for pain or bleeding. There is a risk of falls in ice, so walk carefully and do not wear stiletto heels.

If you have not yet registered, then 11 weeks is the deadline for the doctor to find out complications and correct them without consequences. The main tips that will help you feel good and allow your child to form correctly include:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Moderate physical activity - walking, daily exercises.
  • Positive emotions.
  • Prevention of colds.

11 week of pregnancy

  • Sex in the eleventh week

Each woman has a unique pregnancy process. Of course, there are well-known signs that all pregnant women have.

Focusing on them, you can avoid unnecessary worries. The 11th week of pregnancy is no exception, during this period the interesting state of a woman can remain a mystery only for strangers.

Common signs of pregnancy

Feelings are unique for every mother

Those who still doubted pregnancy and did not trust the test results will understand that they still live inside small child... Changes and restructuring of the body will be more than eloquent. The following common signs of pregnancy are determined:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated. According to studies, during this period, calories are burned a quarter more than non-pregnant women. Therefore, at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, most pregnant women are slimmer;
  • the volume of blood in the body begins to increase. This is the reason for increased sweating, uncharacteristic thirst;
  • unstable emotional state. Frequent mood swings are especially evident right now. Due to hormonal changes, pregnant women become very impulsive and emotional. For example, in the morning they may have a deep depression, and in the evening their optimism and activity are off scale. This is said about them "from love to hate one step." In one day, they can change their attitude to the same person dozens of times. Tearfulness, aggression, adoration, obsession, curiosity, love - this is not a complete list of the condition of a pregnant woman with which she is able to surprise her loved ones. Sometimes only a specialist can help to understand oneself. Therefore, it would be advisable to consult a psychologist.

Being pregnant is not easy, as a woman realizes that not only physical changes are coming, but also changes in her rhythm of life. Therefore, relatives should unobtrusively protect the future mother and take care of her.

Feelings of a future mother

The child looks like a small tadpole

For most, the eleventh obstetric week of pregnancy begins with the realization (namely the realization) that she is really pregnant. Despite the fact that the tummy is still almost invisible.

The uterus is still in the small pelvis, so the maximum that future parents will notice is a slight roundness of the "belly". Many outfits are getting cramped, although the parameters do not seem to have changed. The desire to update your wardrobe is justified. But, do not go shopping alone, because now more than ever impulsive purchases are possible, after considering which at home you will not want to wear them. Invite a friend, mom, husband, or any other person who knows your taste and can shield him from unnecessary purchases.

Physical sensations at 11 weeks of gestation are characterized by the following points:

Constipation, heartburn and toxicosis may be present

  • toxicosis. For some, it is already over, while for others it will last until the fourteenth week. The feeling of nausea can manifest itself not only in relation to food (its smells), but also when the "pregnant woman" hears some kind of perfume, air freshener, exhaust gases;
  • increased vaginal discharge at 11 weeks of gestation. This is again the result of hormonal changes. We must accept, because they will not disappear until the end of pregnancy. Hygiene products can help reduce discomfort. Just before buying, pay attention to the composition, try to avoid overly flavored products;
  • there is anxiety in the chest area. A situation where, when lying on your stomach, you feel chest pain is acceptable. This week, you can see an increase in breasts by at least size. Colostrum discharge is possible. This is how the breast prepares for childbirth. However, you should not forcibly "extract" milk. This can injure the nipples. If your discharge is fairly heavy, get breast pads. Similar products are available at any pharmacy outlet;
  • veins are clearly visible. This is due to an increase in the total blood volume in the circulatory system. The pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases;
  • constipation and heartburn are frequent companions of pregnancy. Hormones are to blame. They are also the cause of drowsiness, inertia of pregnant women and emotional changes.

The general physical condition of the expectant mother is good. If, in addition to toxicosis and the above-mentioned reasons, there are other signs that entail discomfort, then it is better to contact a gynecologist. Self-medication during pregnancy is an unacceptable "luxury". Since not only the health of the pregnant woman is at stake, but also of the child.

Analyzes and examinations of the 11th week

Be sure to go through all the tests and ultrasound

11 weeks of pregnancy from conception should be used to communicate with the obstetrician-gynecologist. You can visit a local health clinic specialist or find a private practicing doctor.

The first task that the doctor will puzzle a pregnant woman is to take tests. They are necessary in order to monitor the progress of the pregnancy. As a rule, the medical specialist also indicates the place of taking the tests. If desired, a pregnant woman can hand them over to any laboratory that has all the permits for this type of activity.

At the next appointment, the doctor is provided with the results of b-hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), PAPP-a (hormonal levels). The originals of the documents are in the medical card of the polyclinic, and the data themselves are entered into the exchange card. From now on, the card should always be with the pregnant woman.

The information obtained will allow us to draw the first conclusions about possible congenital malformations of the fetus. If necessary, an additional examination of future parents is possible, consultation of geneticists.

Ultrasound for 11 weeks

The first date is always an exciting moment, especially if it is a date with your child. And ultrasound will help organize it. Some are quite critical of this type of research. Because they believe that he is harming the child. However, science has not yet known methods that would be as gentle on the fetus as ultrasound.

A couple of decades ago, women with problem pregnancies were generally prescribed x-rays. Today, this method is recognized as unsafe for the health of the mother and baby. It is rarely used.

Ultrasound allows a pregnant woman to admire her baby, look at his movements with arms, legs. And if she is lucky, the child will greet her with a wave of a small hand.

For a doctor, this study is extremely informative. This is a way to make sure that the fetus is developing correctly, detecting multiple pregnancies. Thus, the gestational age is specified, the correct location is assessed internal organs, will study the placenta attachment site, the fetal collar space is measured.

If an ultrasound scan reveals a threat of termination of pregnancy, the latter is hospitalized, taking all measures to save the child. Treatment is carried out only with the consent of the patient.

Fetal development at 11 weeks

The fetus at 11 weeks gestation still looks like a tadpole. More precisely, his head is much larger than the rest of the body. It has handles, legs are actively moving, pushing. But, his mother still does not feel his tremors, because of his small size.

With the help of an ultrasound scan at the 11th week of pregnancy, the doctor can already determine that the growth of a little man is within 6-8 cm, and the baby weighs 10-15 g. Unlike the previous week, as a result of the rapid growth, the fruit is now almost peach-sized. Also, the exact date of delivery will be determined for pregnant women.

Modern technologies make it possible to take a photo of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation during an ultrasound scan. This is especially welcome, except for parents and grandparents, who are very much looking forward to the birth of their grandson (granddaughter).

Achievement of the fetus at the eleventh week

The kid grows up and starts to feel

Seeing a baby at screening is one thing, but living and knowing what is happening at the 11th week of pregnancy with a baby is another. Due to the constant monitoring of the development of the fetus, some pregnant women distinguish its movements (pushes) earlier than others. So, let's see how the baby has changed:

  • the spine straightened, the neck became visible. Thanks to this, the child already raises his head;
  • the handles are even longer than the legs, but the fingers are already formed (each finger is separated from the rest);
  • the palm develops (more precisely, tactile receptors). The child begins to distinguish the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid by touch. The grasping reflex appears;
  • mortars develop, the child can already push off with them from the walls of the uterus;
  • there is a reaction to stimuli. He begins to react to abrupt changes in mom's posture, her cough;
  • this week he wakes up in it a little gourmet. He feels the taste of the food that the pregnant woman eats, and the amniotic fluid trapped in the nose helps to get acquainted with various smells;
  • the development of the gastrointestinal tract continues, the rectum is formed. The intestines are functioning, although part of it is still in the umbilical cord;
  • the liver, the weight of which is a tenth of the total mass of the fetus, is actively involved in the hematopoietic process;
  • the child has learned to swallow amniotic fluid;
  • the ability to yawn appeared;
  • a four-chambered heart is formed. However, the oval window between the right, left ventricle remains. Because of what arterial blood is mixed with venous blood. 129-160 beats is the norm for the heart during this period;
  • so far, only erythrocytes are present in the blood. Leukocytes will be added later;
  • the skin is still too thin, blood vessels are even visible through it;
  • in the eyes, the iris is just beginning to form;
  • the first signs of gender appear;
  • the development of the skeleton, muscles continues;
  • the diaphragm is almost formed. The baby can already hiccup;
  • a sucking reflex is manifested (you can see how smacking lips move);
  • vocal cords develop;
  • in the brain, the division of the hemispheres occurred, the cerebellum was determined.

Pregnant women should not postpone the visit to an ultrasound scan, since already from the 12th week the information content of screenings is significantly reduced.

Walking and proper nutrition are essential

Walks and rest are still highly desirable for pregnant women. You need to pay close attention to your diet. It should be balanced, contain vegetables, fruits, cereals.

It is necessary to avoid carbonated, synthetic drinks, food from fast foods. Beer and stronger aperitifs are prohibited. If mommy smokes, it's time to work out a scheme on how to get rid of the addiction (preferably with a doctor). It is impossible to quit smoking abruptly. This is a great stress on the body, which can lead to self-abortion.

And now tips for those who are directly 11 obstetric week of pregnancy:

Good mood is transmitted to the baby

  • control over vaginal discharge is necessary. Norm - white (transparent) and sour smell. Other manifestations are the reason for consulting a gynecologist. If red, brown discharge appears, you need to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance, informing the dispatcher about your condition;
  • avoiding large gatherings of people. After all, any infection caught by chance can negatively affect the development of the child;
  • an increase in blood volume leads to an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels and can provoke varicose veins. The prevention of the disease is rest and the use of special tights (anti-varicose), which you can take with you to childbirth in the future. The use of cooling gels shows good results. But, before buying, you need to make sure that there are no harmful components in them;
  • in case of a problem with HCT, consult a specialized doctor, he will help to find out the cause of the ailments and tell you how to restore a normal state;
  • anesthesia, anesthesia is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the visit to the dentist should be postponed.

The most important recommendation for pregnant women is to have positive emotions. Walking with your loved one, meeting with friends, drinking tea with friends will help to distract and relax. Photos at the 11th week of pregnancy will help preserve the memory of the happy moments of this period, because it is unique.

The appearance of pregnant women in the eleventh week

Not only the internal state of the pregnant woman changes, but also her appearance. The surrounding people begin to notice that the woman has become prettier. Curvy shapes are rounded off. A riddle appears in her, the answer to which only she and several confidants of the secret know.

In general, each girl's reaction to pregnancy is different: some deteriorate their hair, teeth, nails, and others, vice versa. It's time to start taking care of your skin at this time. As an incentive and fight against laziness, you can use the stories of friends about the terrible stretch marks that appear after childbirth. Having provided the elasticity of the skin with the help of special cosmetic, folk methods, the girl has the right to hope that the stretch marks will remain in scary stories, and will not appear on her body.

It is possible and even necessary to take care of your appearance. You just need to avoid some cosmetic procedures (peeling, lifting, massage) and decorative cosmetics with harmful substances.

Sex in the eleventh week

You can only have sex carefully.

The eleventh week of pregnancy has been reached. Having seen their baby on an ultrasound scan, many married couples refuse sex for fear of harming the child. Studies have shown that moderate, full-fledged sexual relationships will not harm the fetus.

And the spouses themselves will get more pleasure. After all, fears of a possible pregnancy go away, there is no need to use contraception. All this leads to relaxation of spouses and full enjoyment of each other's company.

Intimacy at risk of losing a child is prohibited. But, about this circumstance, future parents will be sure to inform the doctor in charge of pregnancy control. Such reasons may be:

  • constant tone of the uterus;

During pregnancy, a woman's body often presents unpleasant surprises. Is this always a cause for concern?

Discharge at 11 weeks of gestation

Often future mom begins to panic when faced with bloody discharge at 11 weeks, perceiving this as a threat of miscarriage, but this is not the only "type" that discharge may have. The reasons why a woman is faced with this problem are varied, and not all of them are deviations from the norm.

Thus, the natural cause of discharge at 11 weeks gestation is the production of large amounts of the hormone progesterone (known as the "pregnancy hormone"). This hormone helps protect the embryo in the first weeks of its development - so, under the influence of progesterone, a mucous membrane is formed, which protects it from infections. The "by-products" of this process are removed from the woman's body as vaginal discharge.

It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of this phenomenon. At 11 weeks, the discharge should be viscous and thick, odorless. Usually colorless, but sometimes white. In addition, they should not cause discomfort: burning, itching. Over time, the discharge becomes abundant - if there are very few of them in the first weeks, then at 11-13 weeks you cannot do without sanitary napkins.

Warm sitz baths with chamomile decoction will help relieve the itchiness caused by discharge on the skin. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women to take baths, having climbed there entirely.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge at the 11th week of pregnancy is often a cause for concern in the expectant mother. Indeed, at week 11, a dark brown discharge may indicate serious problems. The most terrible, of course, is a frozen pregnancy, in which caked blood is released in the form of a thick mass with a characteristic unpleasant odor. A similar phenomenon is observed with an ectopic pregnancy. Usually brown discharge caused by these reasons is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen, a general not feeling well and dizziness.

Having found these signs, you must immediately seek medical help! Often the 11th week of pregnancy interprets brown discharge as a threat of miscarriage, that is, the fetus can still be saved if urgent measures are taken. If not, at least the measures taken will be able to minimize possible harm woman's health.

If at the 11th week of pregnancy, brown discharge is scanty, and the woman feels normal, it is possible that the hormone estrogen is the cause of this trouble. If its amount differs from the norm, the discharge becomes beige or light brown and becomes liquid. A consultation with a specialist will help identify the cause of the discharge and, if necessary, determine the course of treatment.

Yellow discharge

Highlights off-white and yellow color (known as "leucorrhoea") are also common companions to 11 weeks gestation. They are considered an alarm if they are heterogeneous (that is, lumps are visible in the mass) and sticky to the touch. Usually accompanied by itching and discomfort. The reasons why yellow discharge occurs at 11 weeks of gestation may be infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, cystitis).

Cystitis and yellow discharge during pregnancy is a kind of "vicious circle". Normal discharge, typical of a pregnant woman, can cause bacteria to enter the bladder, which provokes cystitis, and cystitis, in turn, causes new discharge.

Also at 11 weeks of gestation, yellow discharge can be caused by sexually transmitted infections. If such discharge has a pungent smell, and going to the toilet is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, you may have to be tested - not only for the woman, but also for her partner.

Bloody issues

Up to 80% of women at least once faced spotting during 11 weeks of pregnancy, and the vast majority were able to give birth to a healthy baby. Often the natural cause of bloody discharge at 11 weeks is the oversaturation of the walls of the uterus with blood vessels. If the walls of the capillaries are not strong enough, they burst, which causes the appearance of blood in the composition of the secretions. Usually the amount of blood is small and the discharge is pinkish.

In addition, you should pay attention to the specific days when the discharge appears. In some women at 11 weeks' gestation, the bleeding is nothing more than the "remnants" of menstruation, so they are noticed on those days of the cycle when a woman would have her period. The reason for this is hormonal disruption in the body, but, as a rule, this does not pose a threat to the child.

Now for more serious problems. Blood can be contained in the discharge at 11 weeks of gestation with an ectopic and frozen pregnancy (if the blood is already baked, the spotting turns brown at 11 weeks). This requires prompt intervention, and nothing can be done about it. The same applies to the overgrown placental tissue - at a period of 11 weeks, the release of blood can be caused by this. It's another matter if spotting at 11 weeks is caused by cervical erosion or fibroids - these diseases are treated, and with a timely visit to a doctor, the child will not suffer.

Despite the fact that spotting accompanying 11 weeks of pregnancy is not always a warning signal, you should not ignore it. In this case, an additional consultation with a doctor is the best way to make sure everything is in order. Noticing unusual discharge, the expectant mother, of course, should be wary, but in no case should she panic!

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time for new sensations associated with the growing uterus. Due to its increase in the small pelvis, the internal organs are displaced, and it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on the stomach. However, the external changes in the body are not yet very pronounced - there may be an increase in breast size and a slightly noticeable increase in the waist while the tummy is not yet visible. In the pubic area, you can feel the slightly protruding fundus of the uterus. During this period, the placenta is actively developing, and it is increasingly involved in work, nourishing the child and protecting him from external influences. The organs of the fetus are improved, and the mother's body increases the metabolism by about 20% to meet the growing needs of the child.

What happens to the body at 11 weeks

The placenta takes over almost all the functions of providing the child with oxygen and nutrients, its vessels increase, it thickens and the umbilical cord lengthens. So far, a woman's pregnancy is practically invisible, although the size of her breasts has increased significantly, but she is no longer so sensitive and tense. It is important now to wear the correct underwear that supports the breast and does not squeeze its tissues.

The belly of the expectant mother may slightly increase as after a hearty meal or when bloated. This is because the enlarged uterus occupies almost all the space in the pelvic cavity, and pushes the internal organs upward. Some things of the expectant mother may become cramped and now is the time to change the wardrobe for a more spacious and comfortable one. Many expectant mothers are already uncomfortable sleeping on their stomachs, especially with a thin build. The fundus of the uterus can be felt through the abdominal wall, above the pubis, it can be felt as a barely noticeable tubercle of dense consistency.

Feelings of a future mother

At 11 weeks of gestation, the sensations of the expectant mother change significantly, the manifestations of toxicosis gradually recede, improves health and mood, and the hormonal background gradually stabilizes. Soon the woman is about to enter the second trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the child in the uterus has grown significantly, can actively move, somersault and quickly swim in the amniotic fluid. But there is still enough space for him in the uterus, and the expectant mother still does not feel his movements. The size of the body gradually increases - the waist is smoothly smoothed and a woman can begin to actively add weight, especially if she has lost several kilograms during toxicosis.

At this time, it is already worth taking care of updating the wardrobe - due to the growth of the waist, many tight trousers can be tight, and tight elastic bands of tights and pants can lead to malaise, dizziness and abdominal pain. Therefore, it is worth taking care of purchasing new wardrobe items - special clothes for expectant mothers with elastic inserts on the belly, allowing the tummy to grow actively. It is especially important to choose the right underwear - the skin of a pregnant woman is especially sensitive, so all underwear (bras and panties) should have soft seams, made of natural fabrics, breathable and well-supportive.

The pregnant woman notes that the toxicosis relieves, the attacks of nausea can be episodic, not so painful, vomiting completely disappears. The manifestations of dizziness and drooling also decrease, the woman becomes more active and less drowsy and distracted. The emotional background also becomes calmer - the woman has already completely got used to her new role, has become more balanced. But gradually new sensations appear - by increasing the basal metabolism by a quarter, the metabolism is activated. Expectant mothers feel increased sweating, internal heat, do not tolerate hot rooms, and feel thirsty.

By week 11, hair, nails and skin condition can change significantly - you need to actively take care of them. For the skin to prevent stretch marks, it is necessary to use special creams or olive oil. Hair should be washed more often, as it gets dirty faster due to the increased fat content. Most often, hair and nails become stronger, but this, unfortunately, is a temporary phenomenon, after childbirth everything will return to its previous state.

Due to the growing uterus, the intestines have difficulty in working and it's time to take care of the prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids. Due to the compression of the intestine, its peristalsis slows down - you need to enrich the diet with fiber and dietary fiber, a sufficient amount of liquid, you cannot push hard in the toilet, and also take laxatives on your own.

Fetal development and size

In the third month, all organs and systems of the unborn child have already passed the stage of laying, but they are still imperfect and are actively forming, gradually becoming involved in work. Now the child is starting to grow actively. At 11 weeks, the fetus weighs about 8 grams, and its CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) is about 5-6 cm. By the second trimester of gestation, the baby is officially called a fetus, not an embryo.

The baby's heart is actively working, all chambers and valves are already functioning in it, all organs and tissues are actively supplied with blood, the frequency of contractions is almost twice the mother's heartbeat. Blood vessels are completing the process of their formation, they are especially active in the placenta. This is necessary to meet the ever-increasing needs of the child for nutrients and oxygen. The size of the placenta increases significantly - it becomes wider and thicker, the tissues of the placenta become denser, it looks like a sponge, and in just three to four weeks it will fully function.

The fetal liver is actively developing, now it takes up to 10% of the baby's entire body, and gradually its tissues mature. The first immune cells, lymphocytes, can be found in the child's blood, which will form the immune defense of the baby after birth, along with maternal antibodies. Endocrine glands develop, they produce the first portions of their hormones. The brain improves and takes over the functions of controlling the child's body.

The organs of fetal excretion are included in the work - the kidneys are actively working, which remove waste products with urine into the bladder, the baby urinates in the amniotic fluid. The intestine of the fetus has not yet taken its final position and is not finalized, but the first training movements and contractions of the walls (peristalsis) are already taking place. The external genitals of the unborn baby are being formed - an experienced doctor on an ultrasound scan will already be able to approximately distinguish the sex of your child, although errors are still possible.

At the end of the first trimester, the color of the iris of the eyes will be determined, it occurs the stage of its bookmark. The olfactory receptors in the nasal region are also formed. By the smell of amniotic fluid, the baby can distinguish what his mother ate and can already form his first food addictions. They say that babies in the future will love those products that their mother actively used during this period. Sensitivity of the child's palms and feet appears, his sense organs are already sufficiently developed.

The fetus still looks disproportionate - it has long arms and relatively short legs, a very large head with low-set ears and large eyes. At the same time, the fetus actively trains its head, strengthening the neck muscles. The kid can stretch the arms and legs, cover the face with the hands, and can react to shocks or harsh sounds. The baby may grab the umbilical cord, roll over or swim in the amniotic fluid, pushing off the walls of the uterus.

Discharge from the genital tract

At 11 weeks, there should be no pathological discharge from the genital tract. Normal discharge from the genital tract is not abundant, transparent or slightly whitish, odorless. Dangerous manifestations will be considered the presence of blood on underwear, brown spotting discharge, bleeding. This may indicate the onset of a miscarriage or placental abruption, especially if the fetus stops developing (frozen pregnancy). With such manifestations, you need to immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a hospital. If the fetus is alive, it is quite possible to preserve the pregnancy with medication, but rest and the active help of doctors are required.

The causes of bloody discharge without pulling, cramping or other abdominal pain, may be the presence of erosion of the cervix. Usually, such bleeding increases after intimacy or visiting a gynecologist. in more rare cases, such spotting brown discharge occurs as a symptom of certain sexually transmitted diseases - for example, trichomoniasis. An immediate medical examination is required and the causes of the discharge are established.

At eleven weeks, pathological discharge with a feeling of itching, burning or discomfort of yellow, gray-yellow or greenish color, with a rotten or fishy odor may occur. There may be a curdled-looking discharge, frothy, crumbly or bubbly. This discharge indicates development various diseases:

  • frothy with an unpleasant odor - trichomoniasis,
  • curdled with a sour smell - candidiasis,
  • gray-yellow with the smell of rotten fish - bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis),
  • greenish - signs of purulent microbial infections.

An immediate visit to the doctor is necessary, a detailed examination of the genitals and the collection of smears with the appointment of active treatment, acceptable at 11 weeks of pregnancy. Infections are dangerous in this period by infection of the membranes and the fetus, the threat of termination of pregnancy, as well as manifestations of severe discomfort. Usually, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment with suppositories or pills.


At 11 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound scan allows you to assess the exact size of the uterus and the condition of its cervix, calculate the exact duration of pregnancy and determine the condition of the fetus. Ultrasound in this period is not performed routinely, it is required to confirm any questions or clarify the condition of the fetus. Carrying out more frequent than it should be, ultrasound examinations do not threaten the health and development of the baby.

What does an ultrasound scan give in this period? First of all, it specifies the duration of pregnancy and the size of the hearth, its condition, activity and heart rate. Also, an ultrasound scan gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of many organs of the fetus, determines the amount of amniotic fluid, the place of attachment of the placenta and its condition. If certain pathologies are suspected, ultrasound at 11 weeks can help identify certain pathologies or abnormalities in the development of the fetus or placenta.

What tests to take

At eleven weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct general blood and urine tests, determine the level of protein and leukocytes in the urine in order to exclude infections of the genitourinary sphere. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or complications from the mother's health, hormonal examinations may be recommended. These analyzes will show the dynamics of fetal development and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. Basically, a blood test is carried out for hCG and progesterone levels. If the hCG level is exceeded, one can think of an incorrectly calculated pregnancy period or multiple pregnancy, a low hCG level may indicate problems during pregnancy. The level of progesterone during pregnancy at 11 weeks does not have a separate diagnostic value; it is assessed only in combination with other indicators.

Screening at the eleventh week

In the period from the eleventh to the fifteenth week of pregnancy, pregnant women undergo a special study - screening for the detection of severe genetic abnormalities and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Today, this screening is a mandatory study for all expectant mothers, you should not be afraid of it, just as you should not refuse it. A screening study is carried out several times during pregnancy, and it can help in identifying abnormalities in the development of a baby, while its results do not give a 100th guarantee of pathology, it only gives a level of risk of pathologies - high risk or low.

The first screening is carried out in terms of 11-12 weeks, although it can be carried out up to 16 weeks. During this period, the ultrasound examination clearly shows the collar zone of the fetus, where the TVP (the thickness of the collar space) is determined. In the presence of certain malformations or chromosomal syndromes, this indicator changes significantly. There is usually an increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome, Edwards or Patau syndrome. According to the results obtained, the degree of risk is assessed in comparison with the norms, and the obtained poor research results are a reason for consulting a geneticist and conducting more serious, invasive diagnostic methods. Screening is carried out in two ways - ultrasound and biochemical tests. At 11 weeks, a special "double test" is performed to determine the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and a special plasma protein-A (PAPP-a). Based on the data of all types of screening, a conclusion is made, and further recommendations for the examination are given.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the woman's well-being should be relatively normal and the occurrence of any painful sensations should immediately alert. Particularly disturbing can be lower back and abdominal pain or pulling sensations, accompanied by bloody discharge or smears. This is a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor and at least an ultrasound examination, and possibly hospitalization in order to preserve the pregnancy. Such pains indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy.

At the end of the day, especially if you have been on your feet for a long time, you may feel slight pain on the sides of the abdomen - this is the tension of the uterine ligaments. They are fickle, quickly pass when resting and lying down, changing body position.

Mom's diseases:

Cold and runny nose

The immunity of a pregnant woman is reduced, and therefore she is more prone to colds. By the time of 11 weeks, the placenta is already working quite actively, almost completely replacing the corpus luteum. Therefore, she already actively protects the baby from viruses and microbes, but the risk of their negative influence is still great. Therefore, you should beware of all sorts of diseases, especially rubella and chickenpox, but banal ARVI with a runny nose and cough are also dangerous.

A runny nose due to nasal congestion and respiratory failure can lead to fetal hypoxia, and coughing can increase intra-abdominal pressure and affect the tone of the uterus. Medicines used to treat colds are no less dangerous. Many of the drugs are prohibited during pregnancy due to their negative effects on the fetus or uterus.

It is worth using traditional methods of treatment for the most part, usually drinking plenty of fluids, gargling and rinsing the nose, inhalation, if there is no high temperature. Useful warm milk with butter or honey, drinks with vitamin C - tea with lemon, cranberry juice, rosehip broth. Remember - thermal procedures or visiting a bathhouse for a cold are prohibited for pregnant women, you cannot soar your legs, put mustard plasters and cans.


An increase in body temperature during pregnancy usually indicates the development of inflammatory processes or infectious diseases. Usually cystitis, pyelonephritis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. occur with fever. Pathological discharge from the genital tract in combination with fever will be no less dangerous. This requires a non-bleached examination with blood and urine tests. Pregnant women must bring down the temperature above 38.0 degrees and immediately call a doctor at home or an ambulance. You can take only children's antipyretics in suppositories or syrups, tablets - paracetamol or nurofen. Analgin aspirin and combination drugs with these components are prohibited.

Due to the decrease in the influence of the corpus luteum, there may be a very small subfebrile temperature not higher than 37.0-37.2 degrees, but by the second trimester it should return to normal.


During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to nutrition so that the baby gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. The menu must contain protein, fats and carbohydrates in the form of a variety of products. These should be:

  • vegetable oils direct extraction,
  • meat and fish,
  • cottage cheese and other dairy products,
  • fresh and thermally processed vegetables and fruits,
  • cereals and cereals.

It is important to have a complete and correct point of view of the diet, you need to eat in small portions, but often - at least four to five times a day, while the diet should include first and second courses, enough liquid and foods with dietary fiber and fiber. The last meal should be no later than 7 pm, later on, snacks with fruits or dairy products are allowed.

Do not limit yourself to drinking - it is proven that fluid deficiency increases ailments and toxicosis, forms edema and provokes kidney and bladder diseases. it is necessary to drink pure water, juices, compotes, weak or herbal tea.

It is important to include foods rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine in your diet.


As with any period, alcohol is strictly prohibited during 11 weeks. There is no minimum safe dose of alcohol for pregnant women, so any alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, are prohibited. Alcohol gets to the child unchanged and even before birth has an extremely negative effect on the liver and nervous tissue of the fetus, causing him alcohol intoxication and subsequent intoxication.


With a normal pregnancy, sex is perfectly acceptable and useful as a means of relaxation and strengthening of intimacy between expectant parents. During this period, the woman's sensuality may be increased due to the blood filling of the pelvic organs. Within 11 weeks, toxicosis recedes and the emotional state stabilizes, which allows the spouses to devote more time to each other.

The belly is not yet growing and this allows you to choose almost any position in sex, but you should avoid deep penetration and sharp jerks. An intimate life will be contraindicated only with the threat of termination of pregnancy or the presence of abdominal pain or bloody discharge.

11 obstetric week of pregnancy Is the most exciting part of the first trimester. The embryonic stage has come to an end and an active period of fetal growth has begun.

The expectant mother will see her future baby for the first time during an ultrasound examination, find out the date of birth and pass.

Mom's health is gradually improving. The most favorable period - the second trimester is very close. Now you can start enjoying life!

Fetal size and development at 11 weeks gestation

The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time of active preparation of the baby for a future full life. During this period, an increasing amount of oxygen and nutrients is supplied to the fetus through the umbilical cord.

Height, weight and appearance of the fetus

Measured from the crown of the head to the sacrum, fruit size is 3.8-4.3 cm, the length of his femur is about 7 mm, and the size of his head is 18 mm. The weight of the crumbs is approximately 7-8 g, in size it can be compared with a small lemon.

Despite the miniature size, outwardly it is practically formed little man, albeit somewhat resembling an alien.

An unusual look is given to him, first of all, by the head enlarged in relation to the size of the body. This head size is due to the need for intensive formation of the nerve endings of the brain. By developing and strengthening the neck, the chin is separated from the chest and the baby can already raise his head.

The second interesting feature of the fetus is the arms, which are longer than the legs. At 11 weeks fingers and toes are finally formed and divided among themselves. Small toes already have marigolds. The palms are actively developing, and grasping reflexes begin to appear in the baby. The legs and arms will continue to grow, but already during this period the baby can actively move and bend the limbs.

Organ and body shaping

Leather the baby is still transparent, all the vessels are visible through it. The circulatory system is entering the stage of final formation. During this period, in addition to erythrocytes, appear in the blood and thereby begin to build the fetal immune system.

Child's heart works like an adult, making 130-160 beats per minute. The photo shows that the body of an embryo at 11 weeks of gestation is already very similar to a child.

The skeletal system continues to develop, the internal organs are actively growing, the umbilical cord and intestines are temporarily connected. Although the fetus is nourished through the umbilical cord, the intestines begin to contract, and the kidneys remove waste products from the body.

At this time, all organs begin to perform the functions assigned to them: the liver, the thyroid gland work, and the stomach muscles contract. In the crumbs, milk teeth are laid in the gums, the iris of the eyes is built, hair follicles appear and the endocrine system is formed. First time baby makes swallowing and sucking movements.

From this week on, the distinctive features begin to emerge fetal sex, although none is able to reliably determine the sex due to the miniature size.

Baby behavior

A strengthened skeletal system contributes greater fetal activity... Now the baby, touching the edge of the placenta, can rest on the limbs and push against the walls. However, the expectant mother will not yet feel these movements, the fetus is still too small.

During this period, the little man already reacts to external stimuli... For example, he may feel coughing or abrupt movements of the mother.

What happens to mom at 11 weeks pregnant

The growth of the fetus is accompanied by changes in the body of the expectant mother. Changes are manifested individually, although there are common characteristics.

Mom's belly growth

The uterus, adjusting to the size of the fetus, expands, filling the space in the pelvic region. The gynecologist, probing the peritoneum, can already determine the size of the uterus.

Belly growth not necessarily visible during this period, for some, the tummy is rounded earlier, for some later. This is due to the peculiarities of the physique and attachment of the placenta. Women of tall stature with a deep pelvis will hardly notice any changes in their figure, while women of short stature with a narrow pelvis will enjoy a rounded tummy. Above you can see a photo of the tummies of mothers at 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Mom's weight gain

The active formation of fetal organs and systems contributes to an increase in the mother's metabolism by 25%. These enhanced metabolic processes lead to rapid burning of calories consumed and an increase in appetite.

If a bloody, curdled or purulent secretion with an unpleasant odor is released from the vagina, it is necessary without delay see a doctor.

Psychological condition

Typical for the first trimester of pregnancy is general emotional instability, similar to mood swings during the premenstrual period.

Due to hormonal changes, a woman's mood changes very quickly from irritability to unmotivated joy. Emotions change suddenly. Anxiety, anxiety and tearfulness are frequent guests in a pregnant woman's home.

Family help and support plays an important role in the emotional state of the expectant mother.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound in the 11th week of pregnancy

When registering every pregnant woman, an obstetrician-gynecologist, in addition to studying general parameters (height, weight, blood pressure, body temperature, general analysis blood and urine, coagulogram, smear cytology), prescribes additional research... These include:

Double test (prenatal screening and biochemical screening).This test is aimed at identifying possible pathologies in the development of the child. For the study, a blood test from a vein is required. The pathological marker is the level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-a) and (b-hCG) in the blood.

This analysis suggests congenital chromosomal abnormality - Down's disease, but the final diagnosis is confirmed by additional research.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus.It is at 11 weeks that a specialist can get the necessary information about the course of pregnancy, fetal development, exclude, as well as clarify the duration of pregnancy (above you can see a photo of an ultrasound of the fetus at 11 weeks).

Necessary study parameters are:

  • fetal motor activity;
  • palpitations;
  • correct organ development;
  • fruit size;
  • fetal attachment point;
  • location of the placenta;
  • the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid;
  • condition of the uterus.

Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor in the early stages can diagnose abnormalities or pathologies in the development of the fetus. We offer you to watch a video of an ultrasound of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation.

Possible deviations from the norm, the threat of miscarriage

Although the concept of the norm is still relative, there are certain conditions and processes that threaten the normal course of pregnancy.

  • Pain. Any pulling and cutting pain in the lower back and lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In the normal course of pregnancy, there should be no pain symptoms. Learn more about such a threat.
  • Bleeding. At the end of the first trimester, it signals that a miscarriage has begun. The reason may be that the uterus is rejecting. If you see a doctor quickly, your child can be saved.
  • Some sexually transmitted and general diseases of the genital organs can provoke the appearance of bloody discharge. In this situation, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist.
  • Allocations. In the penultimate week of the first trimester, white or transparent discharge without an unpleasant odor is considered normal. If a secret of gray, green or yellow color with a characteristic unpleasant odor is released from the genitals, accompanied by itching, swelling of tissues or redness, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist. Bubbling, purulent, mucous and cheesy discharge is especially dangerous for the fetus.
  • Heat. Normal body temperature for this week of pregnancy is slightly increased to 37-38 C. In the future, already from the 12th week of the prenatal period, the temperature should drop. If this does not happen, it is necessary to seek medical advice and take antipyretic drugs.
  • Enlarged belly. Usually in these stages of pregnancy, the mother's belly is small, since the fetus is still very small. If the expectant mother has a large belly, an ultrasound examination should be done. The likely reason for this size of the abdomen may be swelling or errors in determining the length of pregnancy.

Mom's diet and exercise at 11 weeks pregnant

The health of any person directly depends on and physical exercise... A pregnant woman is no exception.

Correctly formulated diet will allow you to meet the needs of the mother and child's body for all the necessary, especially important in this trimester are iron, iodine and calcium.

In this period food should be natural and varied, necessarily the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The most useful products for a young mother are lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, cereals, nuts, raw-pressed vegetable oils, herbs, fruits and vegetables. It is important to drink more liquid: clean water, juices and fruit drinks.

Fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods should be avoided. The amount of food consumed should not cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to eat often and in small portions.

Physical exercise, if there is no threat of disruption of pregnancy and other contraindications, are useful for a woman's health. Doctors recommend: regular walks, exercises or special exercises for pregnant women. Mothers who systematically engage in gymnastics carry a child more easily and cope with labor.

Sexual relationships at 11 weeks

Provided that the expectant mother feels well, there is no pulling pain in the lower abdomen or bloody discharge, with a partner are not contraindicated. Doctors recommend during this period not to choose positions with deep penetration, which can cause discomfort for a woman.

During sex, a woman's body produces hormones of happiness - endorphins, which are passed on to the child through the blood. Sexual intercourse helps maintain vaginal muscle tone, preparing the body for childbirth.

  • spend as much time as possible in the fresh air;
  • avoid crowded places;
  • include moderate physical activity in your daily routine;
  • take time to rest;
  • make a balanced diet;
  • avoid emotional stress and stress;
  • monitor your health (discharge, body temperature, discomfort);
  • pay attention to the condition of the skin and blood vessels;
  • do not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • accept medications only after agreement with the attending physician.

Remember, only positive emotions and attention to your own health will help you safely go through all the stages of pregnancy and childbirth.

Video about 11 weeks pregnant

We suggest you watch a video that tells about the peculiarities of fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation. The certified specialist explains in detail, what are the important studies and tests it is necessary for the expectant mother to go through so that the doctor makes sure that there are no fetal pathologies.

Week 11 is an important stage in pregnancy, all mothers are worried about the results of a double test. Someone lost toxicosis and had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, someone is constantly sleepy and crying for any reason.

How did this period go or is it going? Did you feel sick at 11 weeks? Were you worried before the ultrasound and blood tests? Share your experience, it is very useful for moms who have yet to go through this.

The placenta is strengthened: the number of blood vessels increases, and the child receives much more nutrients. The child's body is strengthened, the internal organs, the brain, and the conductivity of the nervous system increase. The umbilical cord and intestines come together, but this is temporary.

Despite the fact that the child does not eat food, his gastrointestinal tract is actively working and preparing for the final stages of pregnancy to get rid of the amniotic fluid. The child's liver and kidneys increase significantly, urine is excreted, which mixes with amniotic fluid.

In a woman's body, the metabolism is accelerated by about 20%. Because of this, blood circulation accelerates, calories are burned, sweating and body temperature increase. To get rid of fever and ailments - drink plenty of clean water. The activity of the central nervous system deteriorates, mood swings appear, emotions become even more intense. Be sure to consult a psychologist to restore the emotional background. Explain to your husband that there is a change going on inside you and you need his support.

Development and size of the fetus

At this time, the baby weighs only 7-8 grams and its coccygeal-parietal size is about 5 centimeters. From that moment on, the fetus will grow very quickly, despite the fact that the laying and development of organs is still ongoing, and very soon, after a couple of weeks, its length will double.

At 11 weeks, the fetus's heart works like an adult, supplying the organs with blood. The formation of blood vessels ends. The placenta supplies an increasing amount of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, as its needs are constantly increasing, while the number of blood vessels in the placenta itself increases. It becomes denser, because by the end of week 15 it will work independently. At 11 weeks of age, the embryo is considered a fetus.

The first lymphocytes, appearing in the blood, help to develop immunity in the baby. The child's brain begins to work and the endocrine glands develop.

The liver of the fetus at this time is growing very actively and occupies 10% of the entire body. With the help of the kidneys, waste products are excreted through the mother's body. At 11 weeks, a small intestine, not yet fully formed, begins to contract and move, resembling peristalsis.

There is a process of formation of the genital organs of the fetus. The iris is laid, the color of the baby's eyes is determined. The fruit looks very funny: the legs are much smaller than the handles, the ears are very low, and the head is very large. But the neck is getting stronger, as the baby is already trying to raise his head.

At 11 weeks, the baby begins to smell the food that the mother eats, at this time he has a sense of smell. He responds to his mother's sudden movements and covers his face with his hands, stretches and tries to communicate with his mother. With the advent of sensitivity in the pens, he tries to grab them, turns over and spins very actively.

Photo of ultrasound at 11 weeks


Although the mother does not yet feel the baby's strong activity, he can turn over in a matter of seconds with a rotation of 360 degrees. The size of the expectant mother is gradually growing, and it is time to replenish her wardrobe with looser styles, tailored specifically for pregnant women. Be sure to choose the right bra that can support your heavier breasts well.

During this period, the breasts become less painful and less sensitive. Signs of pregnancy such as dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, increased salivation and toxicosis also disappear. It will become a little easier for your loved ones, as your reaction to events will become calmer, and sudden mood swings will disappear.

These signs will be replaced by others: due to the increase in blood volume, a feeling of thirst will appear, you will be thrown into a fever, sweating will increase. This is facilitated by an increase in metabolism by 25%.

Now is the time to start preventing the various consequences of pregnancy. on the skin, you can prevent it if you moisturize it well with olive oil, or use special cosmetics. Eating well can help prevent constipation.

At this time, it is useless to fight hair loss and brittle nails, after pregnancy everything will fall into place. True, sometimes the condition of the hair improves, but this will also pass.


Your tummy will gradually round out. And although your pregnancy is still invisible to those around you, you already feel it well, sleeping on your stomach is no longer comfortable, and he himself appears as after a good meal.

By the way, it happens that at 11 weeks some women already clearly notice pregnancy. This may be due to the physique of the pregnant woman and the place of attachment of the fetus.

Photo of tummies at 11 weeks


Due to the rapidly growing uterus, the stomach begins to protrude at 11 weeks. The uterus is greatly enlarged, adapting to the size of the fetus. It almost completely fills the pelvic area. In the lower abdomen, where the pubic joint is located, a small tubercle can be felt. The growth of the abdomen does not start the same for everyone, 11 weeks is the average. For some, the enlarged uterus begins to be felt earlier than this time, and for others - later.

Ultrasound at 11 weeks

Do not worry if your doctor directs you for an ultrasound examination. At 11 weeks, ultrasound can already show the exact size and condition of the uterus. Although some undergo an ultrasound scan at the ninth and even at the sixth week of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at this time already gives a lot of necessary information:

  • makes a conclusion about the development and growth of the fetus, evaluating its parameters, cardiac activity and physical activity;
  • accurately determine the duration of pregnancy;
  • establish the place of fetal attachment;
  • see the amount of amniotic fluid and their condition;
  • recognize multiple pregnancies.

In other words, ultrasound at 11 weeks helps to identify various abnormalities in the pathology of the fetus and placenta, or, in their absence, to confirm the normal course of pregnancy.

Pain at 11 weeks of gestation

In the event of a pulling aching pain sensation in the lower abdomen and lower back, the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound scan. Pain accompanied by bloody discharge can be a threat of miscarriage. In this case, an ultrasound will assess the condition of the fetus and its heartbeat, thereby refuting or confirming suspicions.

There is no need to ignore suspicious pain in this period. Of course, in the normal course of pregnancy, there should be no pain, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. If you feel slight pain in the sides, do not be afraid, most likely there is a tension in the ligaments to support the enlarging uterus. But if blood appears, then such a situation cannot be left uncontrolled.


At 11 weeks of gestation, bleeding is considered to have begun a miscarriage. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital or lie down and call an ambulance. If the cause of bleeding is a frozen fetus, then the uterus begins to reject it. But in almost half of the cases, when the fetus is still alive, the miscarriage that has begun can be stopped and the pregnancy saved, so there is no time to hesitate.

At 11 weeks, there are other causes of bleeding. With erosion of the cervix or myoma, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are not felt, but bleeding increases after intercourse. Also, brown discharge at 11 weeks of gestation can be caused by sexually transmitted infections. But in any case, the cause of such discharge should be determined only by a doctor and as soon as possible.

Discharge at 11 weeks of gestation

At this stage of pregnancy, other pathological discharge may appear: yellow, gray and greenish colors, which are accompanied by swelling, redness, itching and burning. Cheesy and bubbling discharge should be especially alarming. This is the first sign of candidiasis and trichomoniasis, which is also accompanied by a pungent unpleasant odor.

White or clear discharge at week 11 is fine. They should be odorless and uncomfortable. The density of these secretions depends on the level of progesterone in the woman's blood. Later in the second trimester, as estrogen levels rise, the secretions will become thinner.

Temperature at 11 weeks gestation

At 11 weeks of gestation, the body temperature of a pregnant woman may increase. It happens that this increase is associated with pathological discharge, but it can occur independently of this. Up to 11 weeks, an increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees was considered the norm. But after the temperature begins to decrease, at this time it should not exceed 37-37.2 degrees.

It is advisable not to knock the temperature down to 38 degrees, but to lower it with the help of an abundant warm drink (pregnant women should not eat raspberries and viburnum). In the case of a prolonged increase in temperature, it is better to take an antipyretic agent, since an increase in the temperature of the environment around the fetus can damage its tissues. Check with your doctor when choosing an antipyretic agent. Usually, doctors advise knocking down a high temperature at 11 weeks with paracetamol.


By the beginning of the 11th week, the placenta looms became stronger, and in a week it will take on the role of the corpus luteum. Despite this, there remains a very high risk of infections entering the fetus. Pregnant women at 11 weeks should be most afraid of rubella, as it can cause fetal pathology.

Common colds during this period are also undesirable, because medications cannot be taken, and elevated temperature, cough and runny nose badly affect both the mother and the baby. But if you do get sick, try to be treated folk remedies, do inhalation, rinsing, rinsing the nose. However, be careful with folk methods, many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy. Drink warm milk with butter or figs, take in more vitamin C - citrus fruits, cranberries, rose hips.

Meals at 11 weeks

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of mom's health and good development baby. Food during this period should be very high in calories and high in protein. It must fully satisfy the body's need for calcium, iron, iodine. The menu should be very varied, and must include fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Especially useful: beef, cottage cheese, vegetable oils, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Do not overeat in any way, otherwise you will provoke the appearance of heartburn and constipation. It is better to eat in small portions, but often. Eat healthy and light food, give up fried, spicy and fatty foods. At 11 weeks of gestation, the main components of the menu should be vegetables, fruits, lean meat, cereals, herbs, nuts.

Drink plenty of fluids, especially clean water, fruit drinks, juices, lack of fluid can lead to edema.


If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, then even during pregnancy planning, you must give up bad habits. If your pregnancy is unplanned, then you need to quit them as soon as you find out about it. During pregnancy and lactation, nicotine and alcohol are categorically contraindicated.

Now you can find many examples in which pregnant women are sometimes allowed to drink a glass of good wine or a glass of beer, but the debate on this topic has already subsided. You must decide for yourself whether to take alcohol at 11 weeks of pregnancy or not.

Mom must remember that any amount of alcohol, no matter what she takes, will definitely go to the child. The baby remembers the taste and smell of the products you have taken and begins to get used to them. Moreover, the worst thing is that the effect of alcohol on the fetus can be completely unpredictable.

Sex at week 11

Instead of drinking alcoholic drinks, it is better to make love to the future dad. Sex during pregnancy strengthens the relationship between husband and wife, they feel like a real family, who will have a common child. In addition, pregnant women have increased libido, which will please both spouses.

However, some postures at this time can cause not only discomfort, but also show little danger. Choose more comfortable positions, without deep penetration, which can disrupt the successful course of pregnancy.

With the existing threat of miscarriage, sex at 11 weeks of gestation is contraindicated, especially since the aching pains in the lower abdomen and specific discharge should stop you.


Today it is a mandatory analysis. It is carried out in each trimester of pregnancy, its purpose is to identify various abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Screening only shows the possibility of the development of pathologies, it can be high or low. Starting as early as 11 weeks, you may be given a referral for this analysis.

The first screening is carried out from 11 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. Although it is best to go through it before the beginning of 12 weeks, since it is during this period that the collar zone of the fetus is clearly visible, the risk of developing Down syndrome is established by the thickness of this collar space (TVP).

The results obtained during the study are compared with the required norms and determine the degree of risk. It is important to understand that indicators that go beyond the admitted norms may not necessarily mean the presence of abnormalities and pathologies in the fetus, they only show the possibility of their presence. If you receive disappointing results, you should consult a geneticist. But no one can compel you to any kind of action. A woman should make all decisions on her own.

Screening can be ultrasonic and biochemical. At this stage of pregnancy, a "double test" is performed, which includes determining the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A). If necessary, the pregnant woman may be assigned additional studies.

Analyzes (hCG, progesterone)

The level of protein and leukocytes in the urine is important at 11 weeks of gestation. This indicator is determined by a special analysis. Also, hormone tests may be recommended for pregnant women at this time. They help to see the condition of the fetus, assess the overall course of pregnancy and give a forecast for the future. For 11 weeks of pregnancy, there are norms for the level of hCG, the norms of each laboratory differ from each other. If the hCG level at 11 weeks of gestation is higher or lower than the required norm, then this indicates the presence of pathologies and abnormalities.

Also, the determination of the level of hCG is included in the mandatory biochemical screening. This type of screening detects substances in a person's blood that indicate the presence of possible pathologies.

But the level of progesterone at this stage of pregnancy does not play a special role for diagnostic value. The results of an ultrasound study at 11 weeks are enough to draw conclusions about the normal development of the fetus.

Ask loved ones more often to support you with warm words, to help cope with emotions. If necessary, speak more to your relatives.

Dangers in Week 11

  • The condition of nails and hair changes for the worse.
  • Excessive sweating, tearfulness and other nervous disorders.
  • Stomach pains at week 11 require immediate medical attention!

The eleventh obstetric week of pregnancy is the ninth week from conception, the end of the third obstetric month (each of them is equal to four weeks), or the middle of the third calendar month of pregnancy, which is the first trimester of pregnancy.

What happens at 11 weeks of gestation

Despite the fact that the expectant mother has gained a couple of extra centimeters in the waist area, outwardly pregnancy is still hardly noticeable to the people around her, especially if they are not "aware" of the current events.

By the eleventh week, most of the internal organs are formed, placental blood circulation is gradually established, which we paid active attention to in articles about and weeks of pregnancy.

Starting this week, your baby will officially enter early fetal development and can safely be called a fruit, i.e. a human body developing in the womb. This issue will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on fetal development.

The main characteristics of this period are:

  • intensive fetal growth process, changing its proportions;
  • histogenesis (development of tissues with specific features and properties for each individual organ);
  • further differentiation (the emergence of differences, changes in the course of development, leading to specialization) organs and systems, the formation of their differentiated, different functions;
  • the beginning of the formation of immunity.

Well-being of a woman at 11 weeks

You feel pregnant, but outwardly it is not very noticeable. As for the possible physical sensations of a woman this week, they can be expressed in one word - discomfort caused by manifestations of early toxicosis in varying degrees of severity.

You may still be bothered by various manifestations of digestive upset: heartburn, constipation, nausea, excessive salivation, and so on. You need to be patient.

According to statistics, the bulk of women this week should already feel a certain relief and improving your physical well-being. For those who, for some reason, have not yet fallen into this category, you will have to wait roughly until.

At the moment, the metabolism of the future mother is being restructured, it is accelerating by about twenty-five percent, calories are now being burned faster than before. The volume of circulating blood increases. It is with this that the possible appearance of sensations of internal heat, feelings of thirst, dry mouth, increased sweating, dizziness is associated, and this is also due to the noticeable protrusion of veins in the chest and legs.

As for possible dizziness, they can be aggravated by low blood sugar, fever, stuffiness, feeling of hunger. Should consult a doctorif your dizziness is accompanied by headache, palpitations, darkness in the eyes to exclude the possibility of anemia (anemia), characterized as a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Read more about anemia in pregnancy.

The uterus continues to grow in its size, like the child in it. At this time, it is almost impossible to still feel the movement of the child, since it is extremely small in size, and very often the process of gas formation is confused with the possibility of fetal movement. Read more about baby's movements

At this stage, increased vaginal discharge, who will now be your companion until the end of your pregnancy. Remember that normal discharge does not have a strong odor and is not accompanied by pain, itching, or other discomfort. Read more about the nature of discharge during pregnancy.

Your chest remains as sensitive as in earlier stages of pregnancy, in theory it has increased by almost size. A blue venous mesh may appear on it, the nipples (areola) darken.

Nasal congestion or as they say in the common people - "nose stuffed up" - a fairly frequent occurrence in pregnant women at various times. Frequent complaints of expectant mothers about shortness of breath, thickening or change in the shape of the nasal mucosa, and in some cases bleeding.

You should not worry if this is just a consequence of hormonal changes in your body and will stop literally after childbirth. A consultation with a specialist will clarify the cause of this phenomenon, suggest the most effective and gentle ways of solving this issue in such a delicate position.

You may still be bothered by various sleep disturbances, rapid fatigue, loss of concentration or confusion. I hope that by the eleventh week you have already realized that you cannot get away from these consequences of hormonal changes in your body, and have learned, thanks to our recommendations from the previous weeks of pregnancy, to cope with them as successfully as possible.

Your emotional state is also unstable, and mood swings will be a "heavy burden" on the shoulders of those around you, colleagues, friends and relatives, and especially on your soul mate.

Try not to keep emotions in yourself. Close people should be sympathetic to your condition.

After all, you must agree that sometimes you just need to speak out or cry if necessary.

However, don't go overboard. If you alone or with your spouse cannot overcome the psychological difficulties associated with pregnancy, and not only, as an option, you can resort to the help of an experienced qualified specialist in the field of psychology.

During pregnancy, there is an active restructuring of the whole organism in connection with the emergence of a new life. No wonder. Now the expectant mother must take care not only of herself, but also of her baby. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor all the signals that the body sends.

Pregnancy - a special period. She does not always present pleasant surprises. Pregnancy can exacerbate chronic diseases or allergies. Discharge also does not always pass favorably. They change their composition throughout pregnancy. The first thing worth noting is that discharge is the norm if a woman does not experience itching, burning and pain. In all other cases, you should follow the advice that will be given in this article.

First, it is worth starting with a brief description of the development of processes at 11 weeks of gestation. The organs of the future baby are still forming, but now it will begin to develop much faster than in previous periods. Another feature is that now the embryo can be confidently called a fetus, since part of the body's system is already fully functioning. For example, the heart. It actively supplies the organs with blood. The baby's brain is also involved in work. In addition, already at 11 weeks, it is quite possible to determine further developing immunity. The baby himself is active: he can roll over, stretch and wiggle his arms.

It is worth remembering that the needs of the fetus will be higher with each term, since the new body needs not only to gain a foothold, but also to maintain its growth and life.

Progesterone (pregnancy hormone) secretes mucus. This is typical of the female half since ancient times. First of all, they perform a protective function: mucus form a cork that protects the baby from the outside world. Subsequently, during childbirth, she comes out. In addition, all harmful microorganisms are also cleaned and removed along with the secretions. There is no pronounced discharge in this period in a woman.

All changes will take place a little later. Some pregnant women may notice an increase in the amount of mucus. They should also be viscous and thick. Body temperature can also become a rather significant sign. If it is slightly increased (37.5) while there are no symptoms of lethargy, then this should be considered normal. Otherwise, you should take action.

The main thing to remember is the color and consistency of the discharge. So, usually they should be white (or gray), maybe slightly yellowish and transparent. Everything is pretty individual. Only the symptoms in the body remain unchanged (fever, weakness, sharp cramping abdominal pains, dizziness, etc.). In this case, the discharge is:

  • White curdled
  • Greenish
  • Yellow with pus
  • Brownish (blood)

White (cheesy) discharge:

A woman should be afraid of this discharge. One of the clear signs is the presence of candidiasis. The fact that something is wrong in development is also evidenced by a sharp and even putrid smell. He shows the disease mentioned above.

Also, thrush can be the cause. This is one of the most common diseases. However, drug treatment at such an early stage is not prescribed, since the immunity of both the mother and the child is extremely sensitive. Therefore, the doctor can only review the mother's diet and activity in order to reduce the level of itching and other uncomfortable signs.


The symptoms of such discharge are the same as those of others. This is the main symptom of an incipient infection, and if started, then the beginning of a subsequent disease. The main ones are:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomonas

The biological environment of the vagina changes and provokes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In normal cases, such diseases are actively treated and can be completely eradicated. In the case of pregnancy, everything happens next to the embryo, therefore it can also negatively affect it. It is worth remembering the susceptibility of the child's body. Any inflammation can cause premature termination of pregnancy. And this is already very serious. If at least one of the signs is found, you should immediately visit a doctor who will help to weaken the processes.


As with other types of secretions, this indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Especially if accompanied by unpleasant sensations: burning sensation, pain. The situation becomes more dangerous if such discharge turns into pus. If a woman does not like to visit doctors, here she should neglect her principles and put the health of her baby as a priority. And such signs can easily provoke a miscarriage.

If this happens, it requires an immediate gynecological examination. Spouses planning a pregnancy must pass a number of tests and, in case of deviations, eliminate. Then the chance to give birth to a healthy and strong baby will be many times higher.

You should also pay attention to the yellowish discharge. Sometimes urine can stain mucus. This is not particularly dangerous, you should visit the restroom more often so as not to cause unnecessary discomfort to yourself.

Brownish discharge:

The worst thing that such a color can show is a frozen pregnancy. Mom may not even know that her child is already dead. It also manifests itself in an ectopic pregnancy. Clotted blood comes out with an unpleasant odor. They are accompanied by general poor health and cramping pains.

Also at the eleventh week, light brown discharge may appear, but the woman does not feel any other symptoms. Here the hormone estrogen matters. However, it is not recommended to take measures on your own without consulting a specialist.

Blood discharge:

More dangerous than brown discharge is just the beginning of bleeding. This is the beginning of the termination of pregnancy. This case requires urgent intervention of doctors and it is no longer possible to do something to save the child.

Ectopic pregnancy can be determined with tests and ultrasound. If ultrasound indicates the presence of this, an operation is performed to remove the ovum. If not removed in time, the fetus will grow and rupture tissue, which will turn into life-threatening bleeding.

Of course, some women have experienced this and later gave birth. healthy child... It can be caused by a large number of blood vessels. The fragile walls of the capillaries can burst and appear along with the secretions, staining everything pinkish. A similar color can also be one of the reasons for the development of cervical erosion. The woman does not feel pain, and the treatment itself is not prescribed. Moreover, for some, the formed scar disappears by itself.

It may happen that the bloody discharge is just the remnants of menstrual blood. They are usually noticeable on the days when menstruation actually occurred. The reason lies in the malfunction of hormones, but this can be corrected with the help of a certain diet and the appointment of vitamins for subsequent periods. There is no danger to the development of the fetus.

Even if there are some safe signs, this phenomenon should not be ignored. Women who have this pregnancy for the first time, bleeding can seriously frighten, and also unknowingly, they can miss some alarm signals. That is why it is necessary

appear at the gynecologist on time and follow all his recommendations in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Is the absence of discharge the norm?

Discharge from pregnant and non-pregnant women in one or another amount should always be. Therefore, if no mucus is observed, it is worth thinking about some deviation. This issue often remains without much influence, which is in vain.

As noted earlier, discharge is part of a protective function that creates a shield against bacteria and cleanses the biological environment of the vagina. Such an important function must be present.

Of course, you need to be tested for hormones. Their preponderance or deficiency can significantly affect the formation of the fetus. There are no particularly dangerous consequences here, but in order to restore balance, it is worth increasing the amount of nutrients. To do this, you just need to include in your diet more healthy foods and a moderate active load. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

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