What dream of a child is not a pregnant girl. Why dream of a pregnant future child? Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Moving Child

Cement 05.07.2020

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a honest event and sets its definite content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, at the same time does not have real intent to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to the new stage of self-analysis.

One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus.

To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a sleep, an alarms like "and what if", which require comprehension and permission.

A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable.

Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be.

The dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their personality.

Pregnant men give birth not only by children, but also what somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy B. real life It may entail a variety of events in dreams.

In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that are shooting during pregnancy may be related to marital infidelity, partner death, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in a child, twins, triples, etc., as well as Increased fertility, where conception and tooling the fetus happen more often and regardless of protection.

The dreams of the infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to a sense of insecurity due to change in appearance or periodicity and character sexual relations During pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-execution, as well as the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a position.

The dreams of a multitude of birth and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother.

Multiple pregnancies may be a visual display of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loffa Dream

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You are pregnant, and certainly want to learn who will be born, a boy or a girl. Of course have modern method An early diagnosis of the floor of the child is an ultrasound study or, in other words, perinatal diagnosis. But we will talk a little about another foreseen of the floor of the future infant - about dreams future mom.

Yes, in fact, there are dreams of pregnant women, determining the floor of the child. What can dream of a woman in a position speaking about a boy or a girl in her tummy?

Believe sleep and diagnose on them Paul baby - old people's methodtransmitted from generation to generation. Sometimes their future kids shoot pregnant women, and in a dream they see who they were born, a boy or a girl. Such a dream was dreamed of me (though, thanks to the ultrasound, I already knew the floor of my future child). I dreamed of my daughter, as she slept in the crib, in a pink clothes. After a while, after the birth of my crumb, I saw an accurate real picture that I saw in a dream. Being a pregnant, I dreamed of my girl, what she really was, a few months after birth.

It is said that pregnant women often dream that they catch fish. My mom dreamed that she had caught a crucian woman with dad, being a pregnant brother. But, waiting for me under the heart, she dreamed of a dove that flew to her. By the way, I also had a bird, more precisely, the parrot - and my daughter was born!

I somehow somehow told my grandmothers, that if the ring dreams - there will be a girl, the knife will dream - there will be a boy. And then I remember my pregnancy again. It was so that my father died 10 days before the birth, and for the ninth day I had a dream, as he gives me a ring with the words: "Happy Birthday, daughter!" In a dream, I thought that I had a birthday in October ... when I woke up - I understood everything. My late father congratulated me happy birthday to my future daughter, and the ring presented as a sign that his heiress would be born.

I personally very often dreamed of childbirth, the process itself. Although, analyzing this phenomenon from a psychological point of view, this is not such a frequent phenomenon.

It is known that during pregnancy, dreams become brighter, saturated, emotional, colorful. A pregnant woman is more than an intuition ever developed, as a result of which the prophetic dreams are often shot. Often the woman herself feels who she will have a boy or a girl, without any diagnostic. Dreams are a faithful tip in this matter. And if you dream your future child, then a boy or a girl in a dream in 90% of cases coincides with the gender of a child in the future.

Dreams, helping to identify a woman, half of her future child are quite a lot, but they are all individuals in their own way. There is no specific template for everyone. To decipher sleep, you need to know a woman in particular, its character and predisposing factors to sleep. From my own experience, I will say that no one else is better than you ourselves do not distort your dreams. The same intuition comes to help.

If a woman still does not know about her pregnancy, she can dream of her or another woman pregnant, can dream fish, birds, kitten or how she takes on the hands of a baby. All this is explained by the radical changes in the body, which at the subconscious level in dreams reports about the events. Often such dreams see women who have a pregnancy desired and planned.

What really means the child and his floor in a dream? A dreaming baby, first of all, displays expectations or experiences of the future mother. A boy or a girl, the name of the baby, his appearance is a woman sees in a dream as a result of radical physiological, in particular hormonal, restructuring the body. But the fact remains a fact: the developed intuition of a woman during this period of her life gives a practically an accurate prompt about her mysterious and unique "puzbeller". If you are pregnant - listen to your heart, look into your dreams and you probably learn a lot about your future "little miracle", because there is a strong inseparable connection from conception and for life ...

Dreams of the birth of children are natural for pregnant women.

They, as a rule, reflect spiritual excitement, joyful impatience or fear of childbirth.

To interpret the dream in a good or bad side, depending on which feelings are experiencing pregnant after awakening.

What a pregnant woman dreams of a modern dream book

    If pregnant in a dream saw a male baby or a little boy, this is a very favorable sign. Such a dream predicts that the childbirth will be successful, easily, quickly, without suffering and extra pain.

    What is a pregnant boy with whom she is happy, playing with pleasure? Such a dream about enjoying the game with a baby is also very favorable. He means that the life of a pregnant woman will always be full of well-being, family happiness, joy. She is waiting for prosperity and strong marriage.

    A pregnant woman can dreamed how she kisses, hugs, caresses a little boy. She feels tenderness, delight lunizing. The dream predicts that for a long time all the initiatives of the woman will be successful, and it is waiting for her honor and respect from relatives, children, colleagues.

    If a pregnant woman dreams, in which she scolds a boy, shakes and even spacing him, this is a negative dream. Nothing terrible it does not foreshadow. However, a woman should prepare for the fact that there will be a misunderstanding between her and its relatives or colleagues. Woman await troubles and experiences.

    If a pregnant boy loses his boy, looking for him and can not find, then she can be in a risky or dubious situation. She should behave more carefully and carefully.

What is the pregnant boy, whom she does not know and does not want to take? This is an empty dream. It means only the natural excitement that a woman is experiencing on the eve of the birth of the kid.

What a pregnant boy is dreaming of a boy in the dream book Vangi

    According to the dream of the Bulgarian predictor, the boy who has dreaming of a dream symbolizes the success and execution of all wishes. Whatever a pregnant woman dreamed of, her dreams are destined to come true. Wanta believed that it was the appearance of a boy in dreams best predicts the future and directs people by the right path.

    If a pregnant woman sees a little boy in a dream, it also means that a favorable period begins in her life. Family life It will be successful, and pregnancy will not deliver disappointment.

    If in a dream the woman plays with the baby, then she will gain the long-awaited meaning of life. Her destiny is aimed at the right direction, worry and worry about nothing.

    What a pregnant boy dreams? If she continues to work, then this is a very good dream. He predicts that all problems are safely allowed, work will deliver joy, the bosses will be satisfied. It is possible to obtain major remuneration or growth. wages.

    After such sleep in the family, pregnant to get out of mutual understanding, and if there were quarrels, they will end. Defending and peace will be achieved.

    But if in a dream, the pregnant sees several boys who argue, swear, fighting, she needs to be very popular. Sleep predicts that a woman may be in a strange and unpleasant situation, possibly related to violation of the law. In any case, after an unfavorable dream, you need to be on guard.

    If pregnant saw in a dream a desperately crying boy, she is waiting for a great surprise and a strange event. If the child pulls a handle to a woman, grabs fingers, it's good. Birth will be safely, the baby will appear in the family.

    What is the pregnant boy, covered with ulcers or patient? This is a strange dream that requires any dreaming. The dream means that a pregnant woman should think about his life and try to change something in it. Perhaps some person needed in her help.

    If a woman lost in a boy's dream and could not find him, it reflects her experiences: fear, hope, anxiety. Sleep should not be interpreted negatively, but pregnant for the sake own health Need to calm down and take the situation.

To read the boy in the dream of Miller

    According to Miller's dream book, a boy in a dream means great surprise and joy. It is natural for a pregnant woman feeling, so dreams of children should not be emphasized if the feeling in a dream and after the awakening is neutral.

    If the dream is feeling joy, love for a beautiful and healthy baby, then she will be waiting for happiness and well-being. Kissing baby in a dream - it means to achieve success in reality and gain long-awaited happiness.

    Crying boy in a dream - a warning. Perhaps the deterioration of health, the emergence of problems and trouble in life. Pregnant you need to care yourself and avoid dangerous situations.

    What is the pregnant woman dreams satisfied, laughing, cheerful? This is the foresight of the new love. But the dying or sad baby does not mean anything. Such a dream is just a reflection of fears natural for a pregnant woman. But if a woman in a dream hesitates, the babes of the sick baby, trying to calm down, she will have pain, peaceful suffering, strong longing.

    If a pregnant woman dreamed of childbirth, as a result of which she gave birth to a boy or a girl, then in reality the birth of a child will be easily, very quickly and without complications.

    Search and not find the baby in a dream means that the pregnant woman spends his strength. She should not give so much time a non-visual project or spending energy per person, relationships with whom do not deliver joy or completed.

    Miller's dream book predicts a pregnant woman who sees a boy in a dream, the safe birth of a child in reality and fulfill all her desires. If a child behaves aggressively, beats or scolds a pregnant woman, then she can become a victim of betrayal and learn about the hypocrisy of others. To beat the boy - a sign of trouble, small experiences, fuss. It is necessary to keep your feelings under control and philosophically treat problems.

    A dream in which the pregnant breastfeed feed is favorable. She is waiting for material well-being, monetary surprise and family joy.

What a pregnant boy is dreaming of a family dream book

Pregnancy is a special state of a woman. Dreams about babies during this period are natural. For the larger account, they do not differ from dreams, which sees a young woman or a girl of childbearing age. That is why to interpret dreams about the boy for a pregnant woman follows.

    See him in his arms - to the appearance in the life of some new business. As a rule, the notes for this already have in reality. Another option is in the coming days after a dream, a pregnant woman will light up a certain idea and takes it for its implementation.

    Sometimes a pregnant woman's sleep about a baby boy predicts great surprise. If she is concerned about the dream, so that the baby does not fall, it means. In reality, she doubts a prosperous resolution of some business.

    If a pregnant woman sees that she holds on the hands of a cheerful, beautiful, healthy boy, it is a very good dream. Everything in life will be fine, the childbirth will be successful and on time. Pregnant will be throughout the prenatal period happy, she is waiting for prosperity and success.

    If the child in a dream is ugly or sick, you should care, pay attention to the financial situation in the family. Perhaps the spouse will begin problems with finance or health.

    The same unfavorable meaning is to sleep about the boy Naggig, goal, frozen. This is the foresight of misfortune. Another interpretation of sleep is more favorable. Pregnant just worries about how childbirth will be held. She should calm down and not nervous.

    Similarly, a dream about a boy who beats in agony is interpreted. After the dream, you need to pay attention to your health, not to enter into dubious projects, abandon the dangerous events and trips. Otherwise, pregnant is waiting for suffering, loneliness, need, collapse of all hopes.

    What is the pregnant boy in the hands of the cormalists? To the long period of calm and full family well-being.

    Seeing baby wrapped in diaper, extremely unfavorable for pregnant woman sleep. Need to be taken great care, not nervous and generally take care, since such a dream can predict premature birth. Another interpretation of sleep is the disease of the woman itself or her spouse. If there are some unfavorable symptoms, you should urgently visit the doctor.

It is especially worth paying attention to those dreams, which are clearly expressed by your experiences regarding the movement of the kid.

It is interesting to know what the child's movement is dreaming, which you feel yourself. In this case, they say that it is worth it to be more careful with the adoption of proposals about various pastime.

For example, it is possible to accidentally contact people who will spoil you a reputation with their slutty behavior. That this does not happen, you should avoid dubious options.

And for women, such a dream directly says: it's time to become a mother. At least, subconsciously you already try on such a role.

If a child's movement has dreamed, which is accompanied by feelings of sadness or sadness, this may indicate health problems.

It is not necessary after such a sleep to go frost in a light jacket or spend a few hours in a row under the scorching sun without a headdress. A little common sense will help support the body in good shape.

But if during the movement you felt joy and fun, then the dream is a harbinger of mutual love. In addition, such a sign indicates the acquisition of a good friend.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy, what dreams of pregnancy in a dream to see

Dream Meridiana

What dreams of pregnancy in a dream:

Pregnancy and child - if you dream a non-death woman, such events foreshadowed for her. It can be called prophet.

What dreams of pregnancy and child are to wealth, financial prosperity, this dream shows your business green light.

Pregnancy and child - For a man, such a dream also means the implementation of his plans and ideas, happy sign.

What dreams of a child's movement is dream - if in the near future you will receive a proposal to visit some dubious event - do not take part in it, it will only spoil your reputation.

The movement of a child in his stomach in a dream is an unambiguous reminder for a woman that it is time to become a mother and no longer postpone the conception of the child.

The movement of the child may also mean the disease, if in a dream you were sad and sad.

Pregnancy girlfriend - Sleep points out that your very strongly exposed to someone else's influence. I am very pressing on it public opinion and the opinion of the parents.

Also to see a pregnant girlfriend may mean that you "wear out" with it "some joint plans, ideas that are destined to come into life.

What dreams of a pregnancy girlfriend - if it is really pregnant, then such a dream foreshadows the lungs for her. If not, it may be in an unpleasant situation and feel very awkward. Try to warn her or assist her.

A positive pregnancy test, two stripes on the test- if you wanted to conceive a child, then such a dream only says that your prayers have been heard. A positive pregnancy test for a non-native man means that he leads too erratic sex life And this good for him will not end.

What dreams a positive pregnancy test is a virgin - your reputation is trying to spoil, be careful. Such a dream for the older lady foreshadows good events in the life of her children.

Two strips on the test - positive sign For those who wanted to conceive a child, you still have half.

Own pregnancy - For a pregnant woman, such a dream only means that it is too worried about the progress of her pregnancy and about the child, so it is simply a reflection of events in the present.

What dreams of his own pregnancy is a man - by the Dream of Freud such a dream is interpreted by a complete disorder in relations with the Wife's Council.

Female dream book

What dreams of dream pregnancy is:

If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event would soon happen. If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces. For a man doned pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist A. Malegetti

Symbol of tooling (wearing) of another. Usually, this image is considered negative, denoting the fact that the subject is subject to alien impacts (semantized by others) or indicates organic diseases. When the sleep wants to designate the birth of an expected child, then a person is seen with certain physiognomic features.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

Dream Interpretation: Pregnancy in Dream

Pregnancy - deception (for virgin); Pregnancy - pride, joy (for a woman); Pregnancy - to build plans (for a man); See pregnant - trouble.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Z. Freud.

What dream of pregnancy is:

If a woman dreamed of pregnancy, it means that in real life this event will not slow themselves to wait. For a man, a dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Pregnant - If a woman dreamed that she became pregnant - in real life it promises her acquaintance with a new fan, relations with which will be much more productive, rather than those who tied it with the previous partner. If suddenly such a dream dreamed of a man, he promises troubles with women. Your current union may be complicated by undesirable consequences.

Dream Interpretation White Magian Yu.Ligo

Get pregnant - if a man dreams that his wife is pregnant, it is good sign. Your new idea is not only not hopeless, as you think, but very and very fruitful, and if you attach certain efforts, success and profits are provided to you. One note: If your wife is in fact pregnant, your sleep may not have a symbolic value. If such a dream dreamed of a woman, she expects addition to the family. A young girl who dreamed that she was pregnant, sleep hints that she was biting "in girls", her waking up maternity instinct suggests that it is time to implement it.

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams of pregnancy see:

For a man to see in a dream, pregnant - to change, material well-being, giving birth to difficulties in affairs, upcoming difficulties. With a pregnant woman lying nearby - to pleasant hopes. Being in a dream of pregnant - to the implementation of promising plans, profits, wealth. For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the farm, in the family, to be pregnant - to joy. For a girl to be in a dream of a pregnant woman - to deception, so this dream is interpreted.

Dream Stranger

What dreams of pregnancy in dreams:

For girl pregnancy - deception; For a woman - joy, fulfillment of desire. Men be pregnant - treason; Disease, danger; See pregnant - trouble.

Lunar dream book

Pregnancy in the dream:

For girls pregnancy - deception; For a woman - joy and success

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Milera

By dreams What dream of pregnancy is:

For a woman to see in a dream that she is pregnant, means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and attack. If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces.

Dream dream psychologist D.Luffa

Pregnancy in the dream book:

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways.

The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a silent event and sets the definite content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

  • What dreams a young woman dreaming about pregnancy is dreaming, at the same time having a real intent to get pregnant. Such a dream may indicate your stay in the primary transition to a new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus. To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level.
  • If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle. Due to such a sleep, an alarms of type may arise: and what if, which require comprehension and permission.
  • What dreams of pregnancy is a man - he is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only by children, but also what somehow justifies their mission in this world.
  • What if the pregnancy is dreaming when you are pregnant in real life - this can entail a variety of events in dreams. In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that are shooting during pregnancy may be related to marital infidelity, partner death, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in a child, twins, triples, etc., as well as Increased fertility, where conception and tooling the fetus happen more often and regardless of protection. The dreams of the infidelity or death of the partner often arise as a response to a sense of insecurity due to a change in appearance or the frequency and the nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-execution, as well as the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a position. The dreams of a multitude of birth and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual display of these fears, this dream is so decrypted by the dream.

Modern dream book

What dream of pregnancy is:

See in a dream Pregnant - Around

Pregnant (s) to be pregnant (s) - now favorable timeTo realize the idea, over which you have repeatedly reflected. Do not get away and you will achieve the result

Jewish dream book Azara

Pregnancy - care.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Be pregnant - build courageous plans; See - meet troubles.

Esoteric dream book

What dreams of pregnancy in the dream book:

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

If a pregnancy is dreaming, what is this:

To be pregnant - Build bold plans - see Pregnant - Meet trouble - for a young woman - happiness in love - for an elderly woman - death, so this dream is interpreted.

Ukrainian dream book

What dream of pregnancy is:

Winter Sonnik

If pregnancy dreams:

See pregnant yourself - to health disorder. To see a pregnant woman who is an alien woman. See pregnant your daughter - to a quarrel

Summer Dream

If pregnancy dreams:

Autumn dream book

If a pregnancy is dreaming in a dream:

Sometimes sleep about pregnancy dreams long-awaited pregnancySo this dream is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

What dreams of pregnancy in dream of dreams?

Sleeping about pregnancy reflects the state of a woman while having to wear a child. Often, a dream speaks about the desire to start a new thing, to work in creativity. Emotional color seen allows you to estimate your potential and creative freedom.

Whose pregnancy dreamed?

Who dreamed pregnant?

Dreamed pregnant relative

Dream Interpretation treats a pregnant relative as a symbol of major changes in best side. Their quantity depends on the proximity to the pregnant woman. The more relative to you, the more changes will be.

Dream of pregnant bride

Sleep about a pregnant bride foreshadows changes in life. They will have positive Practically in all spheres. Only personal life will suffer. Often this dream is a symbol of an unpleasant marriage or dating, which carries only trouble.

See in a dream of a pregnant guy

To dream of a pregnant guy - a good sign. Soon the person will appear on your way, with whom we want to divide all your sorrows and joy. It is not excluded that in the end it will turn out.

Dreamed pregnant grandmother

Pregnant grandmother dreams of luck in all endeavors. Probably, soon you will light up the idea. Now a favorable time, even for risky projects, you can safely take. The result will be above all expectations.

Slow pregnant snake

What dream of a pregnant snake? In reality, you will have to face your chief enemy face to face. It can be related to it condescendingly, and you can destroy - on your choice.

What dreams of a pregnant cow

Dream interpretation examines a pregnant cow as a warning. Do not deal with the implementation of your plans. It is better to transfer it to a better time.

See a pregnant rival

A dream of a pregnant rival is a sign of your mental experiences. You are nervous the presence of this person in life. Think about, maybe you yourself provoked her appearance in your space?

Dreamed pregnant daughter-in-law

Pregnant daughter-in-law dreams of favorable offers. They will be so much that it will not be possible to take everything. It will be necessary to thoroughly think and choose one or more.

Dream pregnant mother-in-law

Pregnant mother-in-law dreamed of pregnant mother-in-law - a dream is a sign that she is very worried about the appearance of a grandson. Show tolerance in relation to the elder family member.

Who dreamed pregnancy?

What was accompanied by pregnancy in a dream?

Dreamed pregnancy and contractions

There is a dream of pregnant and the struggle started - in the near future it is worth being careful. The dream warns of future problems, anxieties and stress.

What did you do in a dream?

Stroke the belly of pregnant in a dream

I dreamed that it was a pregnant woman's stomach, "soon find out interesting news. Information will be very useful, it is possible that with their help will be able to bypass the impending difficulties.

Get pregnant in a dream

Pregnant in a dream - for a girl means to meet the cavalier, with whom it will be possible to tie a long relationship. Men dream of promoting difficulties, especially in communication with the opposite sex. Current links will be disappointment and will cause far from the most pleasant surprises.

Take the belly of pregnant in a dream

It dreams that you touch the belly of a pregnant woman - something ambiguous will happen in your life. Soon, you can unexpectedly get rich or incur losses - both material and spiritual.

Pregnancy who dreamed?

Dreamed pregnancy twins

He dreamed that he was pregnant with twins, "wait for problems on the love front. Your second half can lead a double life. A pregnant dream is promoting successful childbirth, the appearance of a healthy infant. Married, it promises prosperity, sustainable financial position, strong marriage.

What happened in a dream?

Dreamed of pregnancy news

Your husband learned in a dream about pregnancy - soon come across a rival. She will be very stubborn and will try to achieve his own, no matter what. It is possible that a cunning woman will achieve its goal.

News of pregnancy in a dream is a symbol of news or changes in life. Tested experiences warn of future stress and depressions.

What pregnancy dreamed?

Dreamed pregnancy on a big term

Dream interpretation FELOMNA examines pregnancy on a large term as the occurrence of difficulties. Most likely, they should be expected in work. You are tense because of anxiety, it is worth taking yourself in hand to give the battle circumstances.


A unwanted pregnancy was dreamed of - soon in life there will be steep changes. An evil or irritation in your dream is the harbingers of unpleasant events that will be complete surprise.

What dreams of pregnancy from the former guy

Dream that got pregnant from former guy- There is a lot of trouble, difficult tests. It is possible that they will be associated directly with your former beloved. It is necessary to find the strength to resolve them and start living with a blank sheet.

Dreamed false pregnancy

Sleep about false pregnancy - bad sign. It symbolizes false and mistakes. All tolerated plans are destroyed and will not bring completely no results. Women dream of disappointment. It can be so strong that the usual life will change beyond recognition.

How do other dreams interpret?

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Merchanting Child in Belly Dreamed, what dreams in a dream pregnancy movement of a child in his stomach? To select a sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dreaming in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the pregnancy of a child's movement in the stomach, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Mining fetal

Dream Interpretation - Different Fruits

Profitable and honorable order.

Your tension (stomach) grows from the folding position of things and will soon declare itself more resolutely (starts to move). That is, you think and feel more intense about this (I say everything). Premonition of problems.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy, Moving

The feeling of the demolidity that something is brewing in her life is obvious, but frightening possible options and unknown. Although the outcome of the events is predetermined - the fruit will grow, move and be born, but the dream actually wants to freeze everything, because she does not know what to do with it. Most likely we are talking about a relationship with a man \u003d)

Dream Interpretation - Apartment, Father, Fruits

I remember, t. K. There is information for you. 1. Your new worldview (apartment) is still burdened with old stereotypes, from which it is time to get rid of. 2. What will bring in your life (refrigerator) a lot of new and good (products), new people too. 3. The old will not interfere, if you consider it with respect and gratitude. Good luck.

Goodnight! You decided to do the device for your personal life because it remained for a long time Without attention (abandoned the garden / site you) and stopped while on ordinary life pleasures (ripe cherry, and not green unripe apples - immature feelings). And Malina is old feelings and connections, cut down at the root, update which on your part do not cause any desire. Supply that eating ripe berries wears a purely symbolic and compensative character expressing your desire to get pleasure. All are good to you, with respect to Libya.

Dream Interpretation - Garden, Trees, Fruits

New and well forgotten old, which is not always the same. Feels like sleep, you subconsciously strive for a new one, recognizing the unfortunacy of the old one. Revision of values \u200b\u200band goals, if you can express it.

Dream Interpretation - Past

Well, this dream is not connected with Oleg. Your sleep is yours and about you. What you want to dream from the past, in your case Oleg in sleep symbols means that the situation or person from your past will not give you peace. In your case, this is your husband. As for the very plot of caress, kisses, then in the symbols this dream reversals. That is, to parting in real life. So despite the fact that he has a "grater" with him soon he will disappear from your life.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

See yourself pregnant in a dream - it is not necessary to be a pregnant child (in life). It may be a pregnancy of a certain idea, plan. Moreover, this idea, over the embodiment of which you work for some time and is deep in you. At this stage, the idea goes into a new quality - from the idea to a real embodiment (the movement of the child)

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy in symbols to dream for encumbrance of some kind of problem, question or affair which will be delayed for months, but in the end it will be decided in your favor.

Dream Interpretation - Plum

Going down the street next to the house is a mental balance of the dreams, expressed by the satisfaction with all the spheres of life. To see the trading rows on which some plums sell are a launched (fading) emotional scope of the dreams, because plums in a dream in all sellers of crumpled, and the dreamy wants whole plums - symbolizes that there is dissatisfaction with the emotional sphere (the absence of mental and close relationships). A dream in a dream really wants strong fruits, which turn out to be only in the last seller, yes, and then tasteless - it already symbolizes the absence of mental equilibrium in reality when desires do not coincide with the reality or the predominance of the reality of the material sphere, which suppressed the emotional sphere (mint plums ). The last seller with strong, but tasteless fruits in this case is the critical ratio of the emotional and material sphere, requiring awareness to restore sincere harmonies. With respect, Libya.

Pregnancy The movement of the child

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Moving Child Dreamed what dream of a child's movement in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child's movement in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Moving Child

Dream Dream Interpretation Pregnancy Moving Child Dreamed, what dreams in a dream dream book pregnancy movement of a child? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream. Pregnancy The movement of a child in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a honest event and sets its definite content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, at the same time does not have real intent to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to the new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus. To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level. If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle. In connection with such a sleep, an alarms like "And what if", which require comprehension and permission. A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to the mind of men who see themselves less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of their personality. Pregnant men give birth not only by children, but also what somehow justifies their mission in this world. The fact of pregnancy in real life can entail a variety of events in dreams. In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that are shooting during pregnancy may be related to marital infidelity, partner death, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in a child, twins, triples, etc., as well as Increased fertility, where conception and tooling the fetus happen more often and regardless of protection. The dreams of the infidelity or death of the partner often arise as a response to a sense of insecurity due to a change in appearance or the frequency and the nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative will-execution, as well as the result of the excitement experienced by women in such a position. The dreams of a multitude of birth and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual display of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream of pregnancy foreshadows troublesome things related to new plans. Sleep, in which you will see a beautiful pregnant woman, and surprise, foreshadows you an unexpected profit, which will be quite by the way, although you have a lot to work hard to get it. If a pregnant woman in your dream is unobstructed and you were unpleasantly surprised, you will find a lot of trouble and excitement. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny. Young women have a dream in which they see themselves pregnant, predicts happiness in love, overshadowed with her beloved or spouse; Old women such a dream threatens unhealthy; And the patient is death. If a woman feels a pregnant woman and gives birth to a son, she is waiting for success in all matters. The rest, especially sick, such a dream predicts a lot of troubles, and seriously sick - an ambulance end. People who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief of their position. If you have secrets, then you should fear that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then sleep predicts you that it will be possible to satisfy their curiosity. Girls dream about pregnancy predicts that they are waiting for shame and dishonor. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself a pregnant woman in a dream, then sleep predicts her many troubles and experiences. All the rest of the pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with unrest and bold plans. If in a dream you will see your familiar pregnant, then you are waiting for chagrins and sadness. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and he is unpleasant surprised in a dream, he is waiting for many disappointments and failures. Under certain circumstances, such a dream can be foreshadowed a married man that he will soon lose his wife or she can no longer give birth to children. An idle man is such a dream predicts an ambulance, if he actually thinks about it. Pregnant women see in a dream - the foresight of the trouble, small troubles, chagrins and disappointments. Married man To see in a dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually will soon be pregnant, he will be born a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see himself in a dream of a pregnant woman - to a quarrel with her husband. If she is in fact pregnant, then such a dream predicts prosperous childbirth and the rapid restoration of power. The fact that the pregnancy doned may mean that this event will occur in real life. Or maybe, ahead is familiar with the new fan, the relationship with which will be much more productive than with the previous partner. If such a dream is dreaming a man, then paternal feelings are clearly waking up. However, this dream may also mean that it will have trouble in relations with women - the love warns will be complicated by unwanted consequences. Loff argued that any person can get pregnant in a dream, regardless of age and sexuality. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require an additional interpretation. So if such a dream dreams of a young woman who in real life does not have intent to get pregnant, he may indicate the beginning of a new stage of self-analysis. For example, it can be a transition from the child's stage to an adult level. The pregnancy is often dreaming during a monthly cycle. In this regard, they have anxiety, which require comprehension and permission. What concerns a man who sees themselves in a dream pregnant, then, according to D. Loffe, this is most often happening in a situation when his masculinity is questionable. He himself sees himself less active in sexy, rather than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative directions of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily a child, and something that could justify his mission in this world. The pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life the pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria. There are often disturbing dreams, for example - the infidelity or death of the spouse, health problems, the loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, congenital defects in the future Child, etc. These dreams are associated with a sense of insecurity, a change in the frequency and nature of sexual relations, as well as excitement caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of women's concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of the mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts are crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream, as her pregnancy proceeds, - foreshadowed without complications, after which the woman's body will quickly recover. See a pregnant woman - sleep means changing the material position for the better. Following the prosperity will certainly come and honors. Lying in a dream next to the pregnant - Sleep is a pleasant news that will be unexpected for you. Improve that pregnancy proceeds perfectly, pregnant feels great, you have fun, you and everyone who surrounds you, everyone is satisfied.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnant see - for a man to change, material well-being, giving birth with a pregnant next to lie down - to pleasant hopes. Burning to be - to the realization of promising plans, profits, richness. Breastsed to see - for a woman to success in the farm, in the family, to be pregnant .Beened to be - for a girl to deception.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

See yourself in a dream in a state of pregnancy: the poor foreshadows wealth, rich - ruin. Gentle man - a sign that he will lose his wife. Him - that he will have a wife. For girls such a dream - deception, shame . For an elderly woman - death. Clear dreams about their own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberate from debts, worries and seals, as well as to become clear many secret cases. There is a pregnant woman in a dream - a sign of unexpected profits. The birth of a son is an ambulance. Duty - new events on the way to happiness. If a woman dream of a dream about pregnancy, in fact pregnant, this dream means for her prosperous childbirth. If a man sees his wife or his mistress in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dreams about pregnancy everyone promise the best future. For a young woman is a game of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares it for real pregnancy and childbirth. But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about the problem. For men, such a dream foreshadows novelty in work, acquisitions, acquaintances. Burning in a dream symbolizes to enter some plans. But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been made, you can only grow a child. To give your actions to a logical completion. Such phenomena like marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death, natural for people. In dreams, these events happen incomparably more often than in life. They are particularly significant for a dream, if in real life is impracticable or unlikely. For example, pregnancy and childbirth in men Or an elderly woman, death healthy man, the wedding with the celebrity and the subservoir with a symbol of pregnancy and childbirth is, it would seem that their antipode is a symbol of death. Death in a dream is not equivalent to real death. Summary in a dream - it means only getting rid of some kind of aspect of his life, which went into the past. Therefore, death in a dream is also a revival to a new life. And although death can dream of patients, Concerned about his life, she almost never foreshadows the end of life. Incanion of real death, people see for rarity optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flight into space and so similarly, such exotic travels do not always foreshadow death. The only significant changes follow them or unusual circumstances of life.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future. If you dreamed that the baby bit the beast, then this dream indicates that in the future there will be a large number of vampires on Earth, which will first of all be a serious danger for children. The dream of such a dream will give a meeting with Antichrist, who will want to make it his student. To see in a dream of a pregnant man - a sign that in the future it will still happen, what they have already been said for many years, that is, a man gets pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will happen not without interference with dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world. If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all humanity about the danger that our contaminated atmosphere represents. Divide This dream will give a meeting with a person who will very much to need his help. To dream in a dream of a dirty child on the hands of a fallen woman - a dream says that the Earth is in very big danger. In the future, the joint venture will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the distress will not change anything, a person will appear, which invenues the medicine from this terrible disease will appear. If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Because of environment It is very polluted, very many children with various physical disabilities will be born, as well as mental disabilities. To dream of a healthy smiling child - happy sign. On earth will finally come a happy time when the world will rule love. People will stop afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore people are touched a lot of healthy beautiful kids. To see in a dream of a child running around the ground - means the update and symbolizes new humanity. A dream in which the child squeezes the snake or kills it prevents that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of a nuclear war. If in a dream you saw yourself a child - this is a sign that you approached that life feature when you need to reconsider and change your life. See a crying child - to endanger your future. Search in a dream of your child - try to find lost hope. To dream of a child, tearing flowers, means spiritual enlightenment. Hold in a dream on the hands of a baby - trying to find a way out of a predicament.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also "Woman") - in a dream to see pregnant - trouble; Be pregnant - build courageous plans. Pregnancy for a girl - deception, for a woman - joy, for old - death by shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child - will dream: a child to crumble - wealth. How to dream of a child is completely concerned about good; Slender, placing care for bad. Child little see in a dream - big troubles. Child is a dispute, scuffing. If a woman dreams that pregnant or feeds a newborn, "will be profit. The same dream will see an old one - he is heaving a heavy ride and death. If it dreams that the baby piles sucks, then there will be poverty that do not come together. The child is to attack, quarrel, trouble. A child on the table, comes to life - the death of this child. Many children are anxiety. A child on the shoulders (on the crockers) in a man - a pregnant woman will be born a boy, on the shoulders of a woman - a girl will be born.

The movement of the child's stomach

Dream Interpretation Sadness Baby Belly Dreamed what dream of a child's movement in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the chain of a child's stomach, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Sleep about belly Calls on to think about your life and well-being. Belly in the wounds to see in a dream - to losses and losses. If you dream that your belly has become more and more common, your condition will increase in proportion to the size of the abdomen in a dream. And vice versa: if you see that the belly drawn up and oped, then such a dream predicts that your state will be lost due to some accident. If you dreamed that your stomach is a whole, but empty inside, then the wealth will be melted as smoke. And your acquaintances will consider you rich, not knowing that your condition is depleted. The more stomach swollen, the poorest you become. If you dreamed that your belly will be grouped from hunger, then you will have a lot to work hard to own a state corresponding to the size of the abdomen. Stomach pain is a sign of trouble. For other versions, such a dream foreshadows the health and growth of well-being, which will correspond to the power of pain, which you feel in a dream. To see his stomach in a dream, and with twisted insides, it means that you are waiting for shame, ruin and the ambulance is yours or your loved ones. Naked belly see in a dream - a sign of losses and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too trusting. See interpretation: yes.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

To see a naked belly foreshadows fleeting alarms. Overweight belly speaks about the possibility of getting a big profit. Lucky, drawn belly - to a shortage of time, a variety of affairs and constant unrest. To dream of a navel on the stomach foreshadows a new life enterprise or a love romance. Pain in the navel - to the losses associated with parents or their homeland. In a dream, your stomach is beautiful, flat and tanned - such a dream promises you fulfillment of plans, for which, however, it will be necessary to mobilize all the strength and configure yourself for serious work. Seeing his stomach ugly swollen, as if pregnant, prevents unhappy confluence of circumstances throughout the coming day. If your belly in a dream seems to be accusing you or incredibly thin - Introduces you will be waiting for bitter disappointments about tapping with friends who will avoid close communication with you . To see your belly for which the disgusting insects crawls, "the humiliating and ungrateful work awaits you in reality. If you see your belly with an eyebound and blood flows from it - it foreshadows sad events and diseases of loved ones. To see his stomach and other internal stomachs in the snatch - to the disorder of health, feel unbearable pain - to well-being in all matters and love. Industion of the stomach in a dream warns from the commission in the near future any travel and trips.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

If you have seen your stomach in a dream, I will have great prospects in reality. Cancel your dust and double-widen energy. Recreation and entertainment will now bring you only harm. In a dream, your stomach shoved in a dream, show caution: you will be chased by the slander of hypocritical friends. Illumina will dream of trouble. True, you will successfully overcome them and you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work. If you dreamed that the blood wakes up from your abdomen, then some misfortune in the family can happen. A dream in which the belly hurts in a child, foreshadows that the infectious diseases will be pursued. If you dreamed you that you have a stomach hurts, then the enterprise's conceived can fail. The belly without a navel dream of a shock, from which it will be difficult to recover. This woman can foreshadow a serious illness. Self with a very big belly dream of children-related troubles. If a pregnant woman sees himself in a dream without belly, it foreshadows her normal course of pregnancy and prosperous childbirth.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

To see a naked and big belly in a man - wealth, profit. Women are children. Together, the abdomen have - all good: merit, income, etc. Iim a very big belly - stomach disorder, illness, annoyance, many worries / sometimes unexpected Profit.Vife, as your belly grows in your eyes - For a man - honor, for a woman - Heavy Duma. The belly is ironing - everything is good. Herb - big expenses. They have a thin belly - everything is bad: disadvantage, poverty, discontent, unloved to be , Effective people to survive. Cut the belly to have - Property losses. The hotel in the cut-down belly impose something - the return of wealth, unexpected wealth. Sourney hurts - an accident / trouble because of the impermanence. There is a stomach disease. Having a fantastic huge, incredible belly - to dive into sensual life, to marry it. You have a transparent belly - home secrets will be the subject of the Obiden, you are unnecessarily concentrating your attention on money.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

See your belly - great prospects, but you have to temper your dust and with double energy to take up work, as entertainment and calm bring you harm; see him wrinkled - slander hypocritical friends; The swollen belly - the troubles that you successfully overcome and will be satisfied with the fruits of your work; Blood is worse from the belly - misfortune, tragedy in your family; The child hurts infectious diseases; You have a stomach hurts - the company's conceived can fail; see it without a navel - a shock, from which you will not be able to recover for a long time; For a woman - a severe illness or death of a spouse; see a person with a very big belly - cotton houses associated with children; For a pregnant woman - to see himself without belly - the normal course of pregnancy and prosperous childbirth. Also, see Blood.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

If anyone dreamed that his belly became more and more common, it means that his farm will flourish depending on the completeness of the belly seemed in a dream. If someone sees in a dream that his belly lost and opal, he will get rid of unpleasant things . Wishes in a dream your stomach swollen, but not feel filled, foreshadows that a person who saw a dream, believing the rich will be poor. When someone dreamed that he feels some concern about hunger, he will persistently try to acquire a fortune will be enterprising, hardworking and subsequently get rich to the degree of hunger, respectively, will feel in a dream that he has a stomach hurts, this threatens the disease or domestic trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Attention! Very typical and most characteristic features of the black magician and explicit demonic effects of periodic sensations, cutting, overvoltage and cramps in the stomach both in the very dream and when waking. Sometimes the cause of demonic transformation is becoming serious sessions of eastern martial arts. In the author's collection there is even one wonderful dream, behaved in one karate. He said that one night his belly was very crowned painful convulsion. And he, not knowing what to do in this case, made his belly massage, after which he fell asleep with great difficulty. But waking up in the morning, I discovered with great surprise that some kind of unknown strength (without his participation) touched his stomach with a still, leaving hard knots in different places. He himself swear to do this could not. After this incident, Karate's family belongs to him with carat, t. K. It was obvious such a pronounced demonic effect on him.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

You are waiting for large cash prospects. Naked - love connections with a man of great wealth. Thick big - recent attachments will bring good profits. Lucky - a shift of hungry time is a prosperity and prosperity. Own belly - your efforts and invested efforts in the common cause will lead to success. Hurt belly - solving the problem next to you. The belly grows in front of the eyes - all the debts will be returned to you. We will assign how you state your belly, the skin on it is soft, gentle, healthy.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

The stomach indicates the vulnerability of your position. In particular, the naked belly - failures in love. The full big belly - you should be patient and then you will achieve success. How much stomach - warns about hungry time.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

To see the belly is big - to wealth. The woman sees a big belly - towards childbirth. Easeless girl sees his belly big - to marriage at a rich man. Vdova sees a big belly - to trouble.

Pregnancy The movement of the child in the stomach

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes creativity, gender maturity or wealth. Sometimes dreams of pregnancy can be interpreted as your unfulfilled hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For girl deception; For a woman, joy, fulfillment of desire. Men be pregnant treason; Disease, danger; See a pregnant trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Child, Baby, Boy

if this breast child, in a dream, he points out anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flakes of ignorance. And the boy who has achieved maturity is a joyful news. See in a dream of a healthy baby-to getting rid of life problems And to happy love. See a sick baby-to trouble. Who will see what keeps the child on the hands of the child, will acquire property. If a child was born in a dream a child was born, then his hassle and care would appear. If in a dream you teach the child to the Qur'an or something good, then you strongly fuss in your sins.

Dream Interpretation - Child

If you are worrying and anxious for your own child: Introduces your family happiness, nothing serious is not threatened. In the same time, if your child seems to you hopelessly sick or dead: This means that you are prefiguring a real threat, and you should be alert. Dreams usually urge you to take some urgent measures. To play with children and experience pleasure: a sign that all your plans are able to bring you to success. The surrounding children in your dream: foreshadow some bustle and not very serious troubles. Perhaps something will distract you, interfering with the main classes. Breaking children in a dream: foreshadow the troubles and annoying obstacles in affairs. Wide yourself with a small child: a sign of the problem with which you will not be able to cope. Like such dreams warn you on In order not to take on any cases in which you do not understand anything. The little child of any of your friends: foreshadows you will have to correct other people's mistakes or solve other people's problems.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnant woman - unexpected profit, advantageous offer. In a dream of pregnant - you are waiting for new interesting things and happy love.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Little child is a great surprise - the joy of naked and dirty - the courts, unexpected care. If the mother had a dream that her child had a lot of ill, she would not threaten serious illnesses, but small trouble could take place with him. If his child had a very patient or He died - in reality there are serious reasons for anxiety. If you just dreamed of a dead child - in a short time, anxiety and disappointment awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Child

As an object of your dreams, a child is something that requires care and attention. It is important to determine here - whether the sense of responsibility is coming from you or it is imposed from the outside. Sleeping with the participation of a child can dream of children of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing laid in them. In men, such dreams sign up to a certain proportion of concern, especially for sexually active menwhich apparently is associated with fear of paternity obligations.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Child (unfamiliar) - attitude to you someone from others. Crying, displeased - you call negative emotions with your behavior. Plays, jumps - the attitude towards you business, serious. Laughs, rejoices - you are treated with love, you call positive emotions. The patient, ugly - a negative attitude towards you threatens to paint into an open war. Beautiful, strong - you can rely on others and count on their disinterested participation and support. If a person familiar to you next to your child, then this is a relationship to you and those who are at the same time.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Extramarital p. - It is not excluded in reality. Suspension points to your predisposition to have an extramarital child. Having a child - material profits, weakness. The child: to a secret criminal wisdom. The birth of a child is a lowest passion.

Shelling during pregnancy

You are waiting for some events with any events .. or .. wear some important ideas .. barefoot - without a pair, but in harmony with you, the external and inner world

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and Blessing

On the threshold of decision making (idea is pregnant) - scary. I want a blessing. The unconscious says: you do not need it. Do what you want, how to make a heart. Then you will not regret that I left something without trying that it was frightened. Looking for - Yes, it snaps \u003d)

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and Blessing

Hello. Pregnancy is to wear some plans, ideas .... So something new will think .... Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and Blessing

It is possible that you have a period of new plans and ideas, maybe a new period of life. Without any blessing, you will succeed!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant Girl

Goodnight! You decided to do a thoroughly new for myself, I do not advertise anyone while about it, you have experience in the future lessons of a small (year 4th), but it is very much like you. And better now, than ever, you decided for yourself, it's time. That's all your dream. With respect for you Libya.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

You did not break the connection between you and the embryo. Go to church and put a candle.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Such a dream foreshadows you an indispensable marriage with this person. From your words "... I reached him and we took up the handles and went somewhere next ..." - Images can be expanded only as something that ever, after some time lapse (pregnancy - waiting) - you will live together .

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dreams about pregnancy at this stage of your life speak only your desire to have a child and only. Do not plan, please, with the help of the mind, the timing of that wonderful event. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

No dream book gives a complete and comprehensive interpretation of the feeling of pregnancy in a dream! In your case, the subconsciousness tells you that you are widely open with eyes, see what is cheating, but at the same time do nothing to realize and reject deception. You want to be deceived. Interpretation of sleep changes if you dream of pregnancy, then you can interpret how inspired by ...

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Absolutely, I can tell you that your dream will come true and more than once. Believe my experience, I am engaged in magic from 95 years old and I have three sons. Successes!

New Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

  • To see a pregnant woman in a dream - a favorable sleep that foreshadows wealth, good luck, fulfillment of desire;
  • Pregnant daughter dreamed - you are expected extremely pleasant and happy days of life;
  • For a woman, a dream pregnancy may mean that she really will get pregnant soon;
  • To see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream - she will give you an invaluable service;
  • If a girl sees pregnant woman in a dream, it will promote deception and shame;
  • Pregnant mother see - to family reunion;
  • Pregnant sister dreamed - to a rival;
  • If in a dream you feel pregnant and are going to make an abortion - to the loss of life, disappointment in your beloved person;

Online dream book MLADY

  • If a man dreamed that he became pregnant - to a big surprise;
  • For married ladies, pregnancy means a quick replenishment of the family;
  • If a woman already carries a child in himself and sees himself in a dream of a pregnant woman - to light and successful childbirth;
  • If you know in a dream, who will be born, a boy or a girl, then it will be in life.

  • Sleep see yourself pregnant - to great wealth;
  • Ukrainian dream book - what a pregnancy is dreaming;
  • Dreamed pregnant woman - trouble;
  • Pregnancy for a girl - deception, for a woman - joy, for old - death by shoulders.

Slavic Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Psychoanalytic Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

  • If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, while at the same time having a real intention to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of self-analysis;
  • See yourself in this position - it means to observe your way out of the child's stage and the transition to an adult level;
  • If you are active in a sexual sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream may be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle;
  • A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to mind men who see themselves less active in this regard, rather than they would like to be;
  • The fact of pregnancy in real life can entail a variety of events in dreams. In its nature, these events can be any: from the most cruel to ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy serves as a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Dream Sigmund Freud.

  • If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not slow down to wait;
  • For a man dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Pregnancy - Miller's dream book

  • For a woman to see in a dream that she is pregnant, means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive;
  • For a virgin, such a dream is a shame and attack;
  • If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces.

Chinese dream book

It dreams that the wife is pregnant - such a dream speaks of the wrongness of the spouse.

English Dream

  • To marry to see in a dream, that she is pregnant, it foreshadows the birth of twins;
  • And if such a dream sees a young unmarried woman, it means that the motives of her beloved is dishonest and he is unwonded with her.

Denzy Lynn dream book

  • Pregnancy in a dream is a sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new world vision or establish new relationships. It can also symbolize the rapid birth of a new creative project;
  • It can also mean your desire to get pregnant or the fact of your pregnancy.

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

  • For a girl sleep pregnancy - you are waiting for a deception;
  • What dreams of being pregnant for a woman - pride, joy;
  • For a man - build plans;
  • In a dream to see pregnant - trouble.

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

  • Be pregnant - build courageous plans;
  • Pregnant see in a dream - to meet troubles.

Russian dream book

  • See a pregnant woman - a harbinger of failures in family life;
  • See a pregnant woman in a dream - to the gossip that await you.

Modern dream book - pregnancy

  • For a man see a pregnant woman in a dream - change in the family;
  • Giving birth - great difficulties at the end of the case;
  • With a pregnant woman lying - pleasant changes;
  • To see - conquer an ardent woman;
  • Men yourself Pregnant See - Wear a courageous plan / very strong desire to experience / start a new period in life;
  • A woman itself is pregnant to see - fear of pregnancy or desire to become pregnant;
  • The girl himself is pregnant see - treason;
  • Old woman - danger to life;
  • A woman's other woman to see a pregnant woman - success in the economy, an increase in wealth;
  • Give birth in a dream - something bad; Love happiness will deceive;
  • Generic contractions feel - danger to life.

Dream lovers

  • Pregnancy in a dream promises the same position and reality. If such a dream is dreaming a man, then he wants a child from his current mistress.

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