Dreams and dreams interpreter of dreams. Online dream book, interpretation of dreams. Free online dream interpretation from an experienced expert that costs you nothing

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What do we understand by the name "Dream" and how to interpret it

Dream Interpretation Online - interpretation of dreams, which we understand as "Dream". Unsolved secrets of our subconscious in a dream excite the minds since ancient times. Night visions give different clues for interpreting dreams in any life situation.

Our Dreams have been studied by many famous mystics, psychologists and scientists.

For example: Sigmunt Freud, collected a dream book, wrote a whole book on the study and interpretation of dreams. He said that under each of our dreams, there may be some problem hidden.

So, let's explain what a dream can dream about for each letter separately in the dream book:

dream book

interpretation of dreams online

Dream interpretation online and interpretation of dreams

  • Since ancient times, humanity has been trying to find the correct interpretation of dreams - events and images that arise in a dream.

  • The dream book, interpreting the meaning of the dream, opens the veil of the future, in order to find out what fate has in store for him: whether a person and his loved ones are threatened with trouble or illness.

  • It is believed that if you correctly interpret your dream, you can get a warning of an impending disaster and try to avoid its onset by turning the course of events for the better. Dream books written by various authors by diviners help to obtain such interpretations.

  • Even in the distant ancient centuries, various dream books were created, their main goal was the task of interpreting dreams. Many authors in the nineteenth century AD strove to look beyond this line. Based on the works of great people, we also built our attempts to cognize prophetic dreams and dreams.
  • If you often have nightmares, do not look for an explanation for this in dream books. Try to understand your fears and feelings first. Then you will not wake up in a cold sweat and take anti-anxiety pills.

  • It was generally accepted that dreams indicate the events of this year, if they dreamed on the first day of the new year. A dream on the second day - will come true within the next 8 months. What I dreamed on the third day is already practically coming true or came true in particular.

    In ancient times, they trusted the dream book compiled on lunar days more. They counted the days, starting from the new moon, made up special treatises, painted on what day a prophetic dream might have.

  • What do the dreamed dreams mean in the interpretation of the dream book of diseases? How to correctly interpret all the elements in a dream?

    The dream book of diseases helps us to answer many questions regarding our visions in a dream and to warn of impending diseases, so that we can correct the situation at the initial stage of the disease.

  • How to get the correct interpretation of your dream. The dream book of love will help you find the most accurate and reliable meanings of events that can predict important key moments in your life. To do this, you need to select from the dream all the images that we managed to remember and find them in our dream book, designating their meaning with one word, for example: "meeting" or "wedding". The dream book of love will determine the possible meanings of the desired event. The dream book of love will help you, because we will still try to open the veil of the mystery of dreams for you.

  • Before interpreting a dream, remember what colors prevailed in it, and then think about what associations or emotions this or that color evokes in you ..

    In the dream book, by colors, you can find out how the interpretation of sleep changes depending on color.

    For example, yellow may remind you ..

Dream interpretation online: Content with the interpretation of dreams

Before you is a dream book made up of the most common dream interpreters that most people trust. Dreams can be interpreted in real time using a convenient search engine that has access to all the presented dream books.

It will be enough to enter a symbol or image from your dream in the search to get extensive and free information from the dream interpreters presented in the Dream Book, such as the dream books developed by Miller, Freud and Meneghetti.

If you trust the predictors more, the prophecies of Vanga and Nostradamus are at your service. The ancient Assyrian dream book, Slavic dream interpreter, Muslim and other dream books are for those who are used to referring to specific dream interpreters associated with religion or race.

  • We present author's dream books that will give us an understanding of our dreams.
  • Each of the dream books describes our dreams, which are ready to explain to us a lot of interesting things from dreams and give the necessary instructions for our well-being.

Dreams are considered a kind of magic, a supernatural gift given to people by someone wiser and older.

Many, perhaps, including you, not in vain believe that absolutely all dreams in some secret way still have a certain, perhaps somewhat strange effect on a person or predict his future.

In the dream book of women, up to 891 interpretations of sleep

The dream book for women is intended for beautiful ladies who had a specific, purely female dream. If in a dream everything is connected only with women's problems and realities, this particular dream book will come to your aid.

Dream interpretation of men

The dream interpreter for men contains up to 718 interpretations of sleep

The name itself says that the interpreter is intended for the male half of humanity. The male dream book contains signs and images that are characteristic only of the stronger sex. The dream book will help to interpret a dream in which there are purely male images and problems.

Ancient dream book

In the ancient dream book there are 846 interpretations of sleep

In another way, this dream interpreter is called Aesop's dream book or allegorical. Dreams that cannot be interpreted according to other dream books will help you to reveal exactly the dream book of Aesop. Sometimes, the subconscious mind plays with us, sends visions that can be deciphered by comparing them with memories from childhood, or with images from a fairy tale, from ancient history. These allegories come to us as the eternal wisdom of the ages, at the same time, helping to decipher the dream of modern man.

Big dream book

In the dream book there are 3682 interpretations of sleep

The author of the dream book, a healer from Siberia with paranormal abilities, Natalia Stepanova. Her observations of many years formed the head of the interpreter. The dream book is in great demand, as it interprets a large number of symbols. In terms of the accuracy of interpreting dreams, it also occupies a leading place among modern dream books.

The online dream book is easy to use, equipped with an alphabetical index that helps you easily find the symbol you need. If you have already found the desired image, it remains to drive it into the search system and wait for the result. He will not keep himself waiting long, you see information related to your sleep. Everything is easy and accessible at any convenient time.

Dream interpreter

In the dream book there are 4078 interpretations of sleep

People have always intuitively knew that dreams are dreamed for a reason. They contain encrypted information that will be useful to a person if interpreted correctly. To do this, we turn to dream books, looking for the most popular among them and complete in terms of information.

In the old days, people trusted priests who could solve a dream or look into the future. Today, people interested in this problem are engaged in dream books, some devote their whole lives to this. By combining images that come to different people in a dream, they create collections-interpreters of dreams.

The dream book interpreter of dreams gives the most complete picture of your dream. Interpreting your dream is not only curious, but also useful. Sometimes, in a dream, those solutions come that have been looking for years in real life. Sleep can change your destiny if you correctly understand the message of the subconscious.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

In the dream book 3705 interpretations of sleep

Dreams and the events occurring in them have interested a person since time immemorial. Mediums, people with paranormal abilities, were then engaged in the interpretation of dreams. In the modern world, interest in dreams does not disappear, on the contrary, even pundits turn their attention to the interpretation of dreams. Many modern interpreters are developed by specialists in the field of human psychology. And these dream interpreters are in demand, as they carry reliable information.

At the center of any interpretation is the person who is dreaming. This is the conclusion reached by modern scientists interested in dreams. The same symbol will be interpreted differently if it is seen by different people. For a woman and a man, images in a dream sometimes carry the opposite meaning. It is also important to know the age of the sleeping person, because the life principles and capabilities of older people and very young representatives of humanity are sometimes radically different.

In the dream book, the interpretation of dreams, you can find generalized concepts that are found in other different interpreters. To better understand your dream, the dream book advises you to decompose it into various small details. This will help you better understand what your subconscious mind wanted to tell you in a dream, what it hinted at or called for.

For a more complete interpretation of sleep, you can refer to several dream books presented on our website online and completely free of charge.

Dream book alphabetically

The dream interpretation contains 2240 interpretations of sleep

Dream book alphabetically (Melnikov's dream book) interprets dreams and images from the letter A to the letter I.

Together with the symbols that dream books usually interpret, emotions accompany a person in a dream, he can also experience, suffer and rejoice in a dream, as in life. Dream Interpretation of Melnikov interprets the dream, linking it with the emotional component.

The alphabetical dream book makes us understand that the key to unraveling sleep is the person himself, his condition, position in life, and emotional mood. Therefore, the dream book is not limited to interpretation only in a single way, it considers sleep in conjunction with the events happening around the person and his mood.

Modern dream book

In the dream book there are 1787 interpretations of sleep

The modern dream book is a tribute to the new time and modernity that surrounds us. The dream books that have come down to us from past centuries are wise and in demand. But they have one drawback - they do not cover objects, phenomena and events of modern life. Much that surrounds us today appeared quite recently, progress does not stand still. The person himself, his interests, environment and lifestyle are changing. The modern dream book reflects the time in which we live, it gives an interpretation to those phenomena and symbols that are familiar to our time.

Different dream books sometimes interpret the same event in completely different ways. In one, the event that you dreamed will surely happen in life in the same form as in a dream. Another dream book interprets the same event in the opposite way. Which dream book to believe? Dream Interpretations are all right in their own way, the truth can be found out by analyzing the dream into the smallest events. To get into the essence of the dream, you must try to understand the meaning of the symbols and images that you dreamed. In the same way, one must try to understand the dreams that the modern dream book interprets.

A modern dream book will help you interpret the dream more deeply, since events in a dream are always associated with the time in which we live.

Islamic dream book

There are more than 960 interpretations of dreams in the Islamic dream book

Any Muslim can turn to the Islamic dream book to interpret their dreams. It contains the postulates taken from the holy book of all Muslims, the Koran. The Muslim interpreter of dreams, scientist, expert on the Koran, Ibn Sirin, also had a hand in this dream book. Its other author is Imam Muhammad, an orientalist and a great scholar of his time, a faithful follower of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic dream book contains examples that tell about dreams that have come true. He teaches you to properly analyze your dreams, reveals symbols for the interpretation of sleep.

Dream interpretation of Azar.
The art of dream interpretation is rooted in the biblical era, and the impetus for the development of the interpretation of dreams was essentially given by Joseph, having correctly deciphered the symbols of the pharaoh's dream, giving him a not very joyful, but very correct forecast.

Assyrian dream book.
It is based on the most ancient dream book of the Assyrian people, written on clay tablets before our era. Ancient texts have come down to us in poor condition, so this dream book is partly composed of A. Oppenheim's translation, and partly based on the book "Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of Dreams from Artemidor to Miller".

Dream interpretation of Wangi.
The famous blind seer Vanga did many of her prophecies precisely on the basis of visions and dreams, in which she saw pictures of the present and future. The dream book does not contain a large number of definitions, however, it is very detailed and examines the symbols in the context of the general plot of the dream.

Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky.
Vladislav Kopalinsky has devoted many years to studying the symbolism of various spheres of our life. In 1990, his book "Dictionary of Symbols" was published, on the basis of which the unusual and ambiguous "Kopalinsky's Dream Book" was compiled.

Culinary dream book.
Perhaps one of the most extraordinary dream books, all concepts in which are borrowed from cooking.

Dream interpretation of Yuri Longo.
One of the few dream books where the esoteric component is combined with the position of official psychology. The author of the dream book, Yuri Andreevich Longo, is a white magician, healer and psychologist, widely known in Russia and abroad.

Dream book by David Loff.
It differs from others in an exclusively individual approach to the interpretation of dreams, relies upon interpretation on life circumstances, past, gender and even a person's character.

Lunar dream book.
A unique dream book that offers to interpret dreams and calculate the percentage of their fulfillment based on the lunar phases.

Love dream book.
If you are worried about a relationship with a loved one and you want to know what awaits both of you in the future, then "Love Dream Book" is the book that will help you with this. All definitions from this dream book are somehow related to the sphere of love relationships.

Miller's dream book.
The most popular and voluminous dream book of all. The variety of concepts allows you to analyze each dream in the most detail, predict the future and understand aspects of the present.

Muslim dream book.
For the most part, it is focused on Muslims, reflects the values \u200b\u200bof their teachings and inner world, but at the same time contains a number of universal definitions that are also suitable for the European consciousness.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamus.
It was compiled about 500 years ago on the basis of the prophecies of the great seer of the 20th century Michel Nostradamus, contains a wide range of definitions, affects many areas of public and private life.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit.
The dream book is based on the ancient Greek "Book of Dreams", which is said to have been used by the apostle Simon to interpret dreams.

Modern dream book.
A universal dream book, which, in addition to traditional definitions, contains modern concepts that cannot be found in the works of authors of the past.

Ukrainian dream book.
The author of the dream book is Nikolai Konstantinovich Dmitrenko, who argued that there is a linguistic relationship between images of dreams and real circumstances. For example, having seen a castle in a dream, prepare for restrictions or even imprisonment (castle).

Freud's dream book.
Based on the book The Interpretation of Dreams by the famous founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. The author argued that our dreams are a manifestation of secret desires of a sexual nature, therefore, the vast majority of dreams are interpreted by Freud's Dream Interpretation from an intimate position.

Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse.
The dream book, compiled by the psychic Miss Hasse, in which the probability that a dream will come true is calculated based on calendar numbers.

Esoteric dream book.
A dream book for those who, through the interpretation of dreams, strive to find their truly true spiritual path, to slightly open the veil of mystical secrets of reality, to see the future, to come one step closer to understanding the interaction of high matters and the physical world.

I propose not to explain, in the traditional sense, not to analyze dreams, but to interpret
them, as people have done and have done for thousands of years around the world. The interpretation of dreams has always and everywhere been considered art, in other words - creativity that is inexplicable. By the way,
"To interpret" according to the dictionary of V. Dahl means "to derive guesses and conclusions".

Of course, dreams are different. There are those over whom there is nothing to ponder. Others, rare, however, are engraved in memory for life. And here I want to express simple signs by which we can sort our dreams, separating the wheat from the chaff. And to highlight within the dream itself, what to pay attention to, which particular feature should be considered and deciphered. For twenty years I have been busy with my own and others' dreams.
Not psychology, not an analysis of sleepy dreams, but meditating over them, as one thinks over a picture of a great master, a parable of a sage or a passage from the Holy Book. And I am deeply convinced that dreams should be interpreted.

There are dreams that literally come true. These are prophetic dreams. Both prophetic and prophetic dreams are rarely seen. Most often, nothing is dreamed at all, as many people believe, because they do not remember their dreams. In fact, everyone dreams of dreams every night. And when we wake up, we simply do not remember these dreams. An amazing thing, you just have to start interpreting dreams as
there are more of them, their content changes. Visions bloom with colors and sounds, smells and even taste, although the sensation of taste in dreams is very rare, since this
means the threshold of a very large, vital resolution.

After the dream is isolated from other dreams for interpretation, it is necessary to substitute the corresponding signs from the dream book under all the main features of the dream, and start writing by meditation. There are no rules here, as in any creative business. There is only technique, reception
and experience. For example, it is advisable to avoid common sense in thinking about a dream, because a dream has a different logic, artistic, the logic of the truth of art, which is very different from the logic of the truth of life. To win in a dream, you have to give in.

According to all dream books, dreams can also be interpreted depending on what day of the week they dreamed of, what day, month or what day of the lunar calendar. So, dreams come true on Sunday before lunchtime. And dreams on Friday are most of all endowed with a prophetic meaning. Dreams on Saturday are very serious. And on Thursday - more related to business and relationship with the authorities.

It is clear that the same dream content can apply to family life, and
to relations with friends, and to business. Dreams can come true soon or after a while. If our physiology is somehow connected with the phases of the moon, perhaps dreams, to some extent, can be in tune with terrestrial and extraterrestrial rhythms.

Action in a dream and its meaning in the Dream Interpretation is the most important description of the structure of the sleepy kingdom directly, often bypassing the deep layers of the metaphor of language, the magic of culture. In action, the signs are much more direct, more literal in a dream. Actions are our aspirations, reality vain. So, up is always good, and down is always bad. The right side is better than the left when turning. Better yet, go straight or drive. And as in reality, it is better to measure seven times before cutting, so in a dream it must be understood and realized. It is always better to be present than to participate. Another thing is that the dream enchantor uses a lot of shape-shifters, or the meaning of an action in a dream is often the opposite of the meaning of this action in reality. There is - often to trouble. Is it not from here that the expression in reality, they say, "ate crap" - is about bad deeds or company; or - thanks, I'm already fed up with this business. Crying is
to joy. And if you rejoice strongly - to tears, especially if you want to laugh. It is not without reason that there is a saying that laughter leads to tears. Kisses - to betrayal, enmity. And if you kill someone - this is the end of the case ...

It is another matter that the shape-shifter is so hidden that sometimes, instead of the opposite meaning of the action in a dream, the dream uses the direct one. How to tell? It's hard to give a recipe. If the reader decides to interpret dreams, he himself will soon feel where the opposite is, and where the direct meaning. For example, dancing in a dream is a disease. They say - you will dance with me, or - you will sing with me! However, if you dance alone, there is no one around and the music is very good - this can mean the dance of fate, the future course of the most important things.

In the development of its action, the dream follows a very strict logic, which is closest to the so-called logic of art, the motivation of a plot twist, development in a novel or story, play, but not life. The logic of common sense, which is based on our usual formal logic of reasoning, is rarely used in dreams. Sleep is a paradoxist and loves unusual twists and turns based on the literality of metaphors ... Let's say, "incinerated with a glance," we say in life; in a dream we will see a coal or a pile of ash. Or - he “blazed with anger”, and in a dream we see flames. One of the reasons for this "literalism" is
in the equality of sign and object in dreams, equal to the weight of the Name and the Thing. Therefore, our words in a dream become a spell. Each of us is an omnipotent magician in a dream, and as soon as a desire is uttered, it will immediately come true, literally ... Another thing is that in a dream we do not remember ourselves and therefore it is not easy for us to express a desire. That is why they sometimes say - as in a dream, they say, everything happened, because we cannot so simply get rid of the mechanical nature of the doll
in a dream. But if this suddenly succeeds, if a person remembers that he is sleeping and having a dream, he will easily check the magical power of any word that he can pronounce loudly
in the kingdom of Hypnos.

The sense organs make up the general atmosphere of sleep and color dreams in one or another emotional shade. This "sensory" tone usually reflects the quality of relationships in reality with people, deeds, fate; incarnations in smells and sounds; real events of the day. So, about the bad situation they say that "the smell of fried" ... Or they will say about a seductive woman, she is a "tidbit". All of these daytime metaphors in a dream become literal. Fortunately, in a dream, they usually “feast on the glance” ... Is it not from there that the expression “he devoured her with his eyes”; meaning a woman or some favorite thing. In dreams, there can be direct, our usual sensations from everything that happens, without any encryption. Our literal sensations in a dream must also be believed literally. This means that, despite the troubles or dangers in a dream and in interpretation, his vision does not threaten the sleeping person. And no trouble is foreseen. The sense organs are surprisingly unequally represented in dreams. Of course, we see most of all with our eyes. We hear less. We very rarely smell. We also seldom feel it. And very rarely - we feel and remember the taste. It is curious that in all the books in which one way or another the description of the afterlife is given, the astral one - the spirits taste only with a glance or inhaling the aroma. There is no taste. Also rarely touch. Probably, taste is most strongly associated with our bodily essence, that is, with events in this world. No wonder a clear, distinct sense of taste in a dream portends a very serious crisis and its resolution in the near future. They say about life or the circumstances of life that a "bad taste" appeared in them ... Smells in a dream are more of a relational nature: quarrel, friendship, love, good or bad in the sense of passions associated with some business or situation. After all, it is not for nothing that in reality we say about an unreliable business that it "smells bad", using a direct metaphor from dreams. And also we are all attracted by the "smell of distant wanderings."

It is best if the sun is shining in a dream and the sky is clear. The more light, the better: even if the lighting is frightening with its brilliance, you should not be scared. It is very good when, in such an incredible dream, there will be a thunderbolt out of the blue. The view must extend where
nor look the eye - beautiful. Beauty in a dream is the key to good luck in reality. Whoever has beautiful dreams cannot suffer during the day. If a light breeze blows in a dream, then let it be weak, and the air itself - transparent. Let the sea or ocean stretch before your eyes, calm, with transparent, clear water. Let beautiful palaces or castles and gardens be located in the distance. It's good if a clean spring is flowing in the green grass, or a trickle is running. Let the fountain beat in the garden, the paths will be sandy. Let the sun shine in one direction
and on the other side bright stars are burning. The clouds should be very light. It's good when there is a beautiful church or monastery nearby. All colors in a dream should be bright
let the rays of light shine in the sky.

Living beings in dreams represent our sensual, emotional part of life. So, wild beasts are enemies and a sign of enmity. The animals in the zoo are excitement. A rat is a danger, to hunt - anxiety. Thieves are disappointments. In a word, living beings, especially the animal world, mean different states of our soul and attitude to reality,
as well as to other people, when all this is colored by feeling, emotion. Living creatures in a dream
- this is our path, events, the course of affairs in reality. So, if in reality, say, things have come to a standstill, then in a dream we will be met by a figure hindering us. This figure embodies the sign of events.
And if this sign is solved, the door opens, a way out of the stupid situation in reality is revealed: the creature serves as the gatekeeper of the fate of the door, or a sign of the way, or - by the way itself, an opportunity. So, a butterfly, for example, is a date, and a grazing flock is wealth. It is not for nothing that they are guessing by the birds in reality, and a black cat that crossed the road - unfortunately. As we do with this figure we met in a dream, we will be able to unravel its meaning - this is how it will turn out in reality. And biting thoughts-flies, and an evil swarm of worries - everything will disappear. It is not for nothing that in reality we "drive" worries away from ourselves, sometimes we "trample" our feelings, and our hopes "melt". In the realm of dreams, all this happens literally. There are also direct meanings: a dog is a friend, a cat is an enemy or a secret foe (depending on the suit). Of course, some creatures in a dream can literally appear to us, for example, a fairy or a devil in their own guise. The power of these images, generated by the collective consciousness, can be so great that they can heal the patient. They can bestow something. So, having met them in a dream, try
ask them for a gift. If you are asked what kind of gift you want, do not hesitate: "Which one you will give" - \u200b\u200byou must answer. Because we ourselves rarely know what we want,
and even less often we know what we really need. So it's easier to trust.

Compiled by Svetlana Kuzina, who made a lot of effort to penetrate the secret of dreams. When interpreting images, she used psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud), analytical psychology (Carl Gustav Jung and Robert Johnson), ontopsychology (Antonio Meneghetti) and Gestalt psychology. According to the compiler, "only those interpretations are collected here that have already been repeatedly checked, and in fact the fact that they work has been confirmed." And one more thing: "Sleep is the work of your subconscious mind on your current problems. In fact, you yourself order a dream for yourself to suggest the right solution to you. But since our brain can only talk to us in images, we have to solve them."

Gustavus Hindman Miller (1857 - 1929) compiled this dream book at the end of the 19th century. In many comments it is written that "most of the interpretations of this dream book are still relevant for a wide range of ordinary people." Perhaps, for more than 100 years we, in fact, have not gone so far: "vodka", "drugs", "envy", "slander" mentioned in the dream book accompany us now.

Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova, 1911-1996) - a blind Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant. Many famous people turned to her for predictions: poet Sergei Mikhalkov, writers Leonid Leonov and Yuri Semyonov, artist Sergei Roerich, poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov ...
Wanga believed that dreams are related to real life. But I didn't compose dream books. This collection of dream interpretations was compiled according to her individual phrases and sayings.

Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) - the famous Austrian psychologist, was one of the most zealous researchers of the world of sleep. His work "Interpretation of Dreams" reveals many of the most interesting mechanisms of dream activity, contains a lot of examples and analyzes of his dreams and the dreams of patients. This dream book has nothing to do with this psychologist. Perhaps it was drafted to compromise this scientist and create a stereotype "yes he was obsessed with genitals." Judge for yourself, a third of the interpretations in this dream book, without further ado, begins with the phrase "is a symbol of the genitals."

Evgeny Tsvetkov professionally researches dreams and dreams for 25 years. His dream book of dreams is based on Slavic associativity, and therefore it seems to be the most suitable for a Russian person.

Michelle Nostradamus (16th century) - French physician, astrologer and fortuneteller. The interpreter argued that each image seen in a dream reflects not only a person's experiences, but also the future of the world as a whole. There are very few interpretations in it, but ... they may be really interesting to someone.

Yuri Longo (Golovko Yuri Andreevich, 1950-2006) - known as an astrologer, folk healer, master of practical white magic, member of the Australian Association of Magicians and Wizards, founder of the school of magicians and sorcerers.

Schiller-Shkolnik H.M. - Polish scientist, physiognomist and phreno-graphologist. Despite the fact that he compiled his dream book at the beginning of the twentieth century, the interpretations presented in it are still relevant. Each person, thinking about the meaning of his dreams, can find all the answers in his book. Simplicity and conciseness are what the readers of this dream book appreciate today.

Compiled by Elena Iosifovna Anopova, the author of the Teaching of the Third Ray, an adept of the Magic of Ophiuchus and a famous soothsayer. It is intended to help you sort out your inner, subconscious experiences, find inner harmony and understanding of what is happening around us, and lift the veil over the secrets of the future.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a popular dream book was the Scientifically Based Interpretation of Dreams, Compiled by the Famous Medium Miss Hasse. Lived and predicted Miss Hasse in the 19th century. She worked not only on compiling a dream book, but also performed a lot on stage throughout Europe, earning big money. This allowed her to create her own publishing house and publish books on esoteric topics.

The main feature of the dream book David Loff is that it is based not on a symbolic, but on an individual interpretation of dreams. According to the theory of David Loff, each person is characterized by their own dream scenario, conditioned by life experience, the characteristics of the sleeping person, his way of life, the events taking place and how he relates to others. That is why one and the same dream seen by two different people can be interpreted in different ways. And it is completely unclear how, in this case, he offers thousands of people the same interpretations of images.

Each dream book interpretation of dreams offers on a common base of images - completely free. That is, on one page you can watch excerpts from different dream books dedicated to the same image. It is this feature that distinguishes our resource from others. dream books online... Do not forget to read the opinions of our guests who share their dreams and impressions of their interpretations.

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