Aloe extract liquid for children. Aloe injections. Aloe injections in gynecology: indications, reviews

Ceramics, fireclay 04.01.2021
Ceramics, fireclay

Our mothers and grandmothers grew aloe bushes in pots at home. They only called him an agave and periodically dripped our noses from a runny nose with the juice of this plant. At this time, it is not necessary to groom and nurture a beneficial potted plant. Pharmacies sell the ready-made drug "Aloe" in ampoules.

Useful properties of aloe tree

The plant contains a large number of chemicals that have a beneficial effect on human health:

How does aloe juice affect a person:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • improves the body's immune defenses;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens hair, nails;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves the regenerative functions of the skin;
  • used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Aloe ampoules - physical and chemical properties

In appearance, it is a transparent liquid of various shades of yellow - from straw to yellowish brown. Occasionally, a reddish-brown composition is found, but this is not a contraindication to the use of the drug. The presence of suspension in the ampoule is allowed, therefore, it must be shaken before the injection.

Composition: 1 ampoule contains dry extract of aloe tree and saline. Available only as a preparation for injection. The package contains 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

Indications for the use of the drug:

  • in ophthalmology - various conjunctivitis, lens opacity, keratitis, and so on;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • various skin lesions;
  • inflammation of the peripheral nerves, strokes;
  • for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Aloe injections in gynecology are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • infertility of various origins as part of complex therapy;
  • adnexitis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • other bacterial infections;
  • ovarian cysts of various origins;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • erosion.

Injections of the drug are also prescribed in the postoperative period. This allows the body to recover faster from surgery.

Contraindications to the appointment of aloe extract

Any, even the safest and most useful drug has a number of contraindications.

Aloe injections are not prescribed for the following conditions:

Dosage and route of administration

Aloe injections are made intramuscularly - in the buttock or thigh, or subcutaneously - in the arm, abdomen. It is advisable not to go to the site of the previous injection. The injections are quite painful, so you need to alternate the injection sites, if hardening is found at the injection site, it is recommended to apply an iodine mesh.

The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician and depends on the patient's diagnosis:

Side effects of aloe extract

What you may encounter when taking the drug:

  • decreased intestinal motility and, as a result, diarrhea followed by constipation;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure. Hypertension occurs more often;
  • increased body temperature.
  • If you experience any unpleasant symptoms during treatment with aloe extract, be sure to inform your doctor.

Last updated description by manufacturer 31.07.1998

Filtered list

Active substance:

Pharmacological groups

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and form of release

1 ampoule contains 1 ml of an aqueous extract from fresh or dried aloe leaves kept at a low temperature in the dark; in the package 10 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect - adaptogenic.

Improves cellular metabolism, trophism and tissue regeneration.

Indications of the drug Aloe extract liquid for injection in ampoules of 1 ml

Diseases of the eyes: progressive myopia, myopic chorioretinitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, vitreous opacity; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; bronchial asthma; gynecological diseases.


Severe cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, acute gastrointestinal disorders, severe renal dysfunction, pregnancy.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Method of administration and dosage

PC. 1 ml daily (for children under 5 years old - 0.2-0.3 ml, over 5 years old - 0.5 ml) for 1-2 months, the course can be repeated after 2-3 months; with bronchial asthma - 30-35 injections, 1-1.5 ml for 10-15 days, then every other day. The maximum daily dose is 4 ml.

Storage conditions of the drug Aloe extract liquid for injection in ampoules of 1 ml

In a dark place at a temperature of 18-20 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Aloe extract liquid for injection in ampoules of 1 ml

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Synonyms for nosological groups

ICD-10 headingSynonyms for ICD-10 diseases
H01.0 BlepharitisBlepharitis
Inflammation of the eyelids
Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids
Demodectic blepharitis
Superficial bacterial eye infection
Superficial eye infection
Scaly blepharitis
H10 ConjunctivitisBacterial conjunctivitis
Infectious-inflammatory conjunctivitis
Superficial eye infection
Red eye syndrome
Chronic non-infectious conjunctivitis
H16 KeratitisAdenoviral keratitis
Bacterial keratitis
Spring keratitis
Deep keratitis without epithelial damage
Deep keratitis without epithelial damage
Disciform keratitis
Arboreal keratitis
Keratitis rosacea
Keratitis with destruction of the cornea
Superficial keratitis
Superficial punctate keratitis
Punctate keratitis
Traumatic keratitis
H20 IridocyclitisIndolent posterior uveitis
Indolent posterior uveitis
Posterior uveitis
Iridocyclitis of the posterior segment of the eye
Iridocyclitis and other uveitis
Acute iridocyclitis
Acute iritis
Acute non-infectious uveitis
Recurrent iritis
Sympathetic iridocyclitis
H30 Chorioretinal inflammationRetinitis
Central and peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy
H52.1 MyopiaMyopia
Myopic chorioretinitis
Complicated myopia
Complicated high myopia
Progressive myopia
J45 AsthmaExercise asthma
Asthmatic conditions
Bronchial asthma
Mild bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge
Severe bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma of physical effort
Hypersecretory asthma
Hormone-dependent form of bronchial asthma
Cough with bronchial asthma
Relief of asthma attacks in bronchial asthma
Non-allergic bronchial asthma
Nocturnal asthma
Asthma attacks at night
Exacerbation of bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma attack
Endogenous forms of asthma
K25 gastric ulcerHelicobacter pylori
Pain syndrome with gastric ulcer
Inflammation of the stomach lining
Inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa
Benign stomach ulcer
Exacerbation of gastroduodenitis against the background of peptic ulcer
Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
Exacerbation of gastric ulcer
Organic gastrointestinal disease
Postoperative gastric ulcer
Recurrence of ulcers
Symptomatic stomach ulcers
Chronic inflammatory disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract associated with Helicobacter pylori
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach
Erosive lesions of the stomach
Erosion of the gastric mucosa
Peptic ulcer
Stomach ulcer
Ulcerative lesion of the stomach
Ulcerative lesions of the stomach
K26 Duodenal ulcerPain syndrome in duodenal ulcer
Pain syndrome in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
Disease of the stomach and duodenum associated with Helicobacter pylori
Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
Exacerbation of duodenal ulcer
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Recurrent duodenal ulcer
Symptomatic gastric and duodenal ulcers
Helicobacter pylori eradication
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the duodenum
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the duodenum associated with Helicobacter pylori
Erosive lesions of the duodenum
Duodenal ulcer
Ulcerative lesions of the duodenum


Aloe is a medicinal plant known to many, which has gained great popularity not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. You can find this remedy in a wide variety of medicinal preparations, from laxatives to medicinal ointments, necessary for a number of skin diseases.

Today you can find aloe extract in ampoules, which has the same medicinal properties as a natural product. The instructions below will allow you to determine when you need to give an injection, application, properties, indications, contraindications and much more.

Method of application and indications

Having decided to take injections of the drug, you need to know that one ampoule contains one milliliter of aloe extract that does not contain any impurities. The medicinal properties of such a remedy are no worse than freshly squeezed juice. It should be noted that injections can only be prescribed by a doctor; an injection is given intramuscularly only in a medical institution. It is not recommended to give injections on your own, as the drug has contraindications that your doctor should take into account.

Before giving an injection, the instruction should be studied, since its use for some diseases is unacceptable. Indications for the use of aloe in ampoules can be very different, not only diseases in the field of gynecology, but also:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer;
  • indications may be associated with diseases of the ophthalmic area: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iritis, myopia (including the progressive form), corneal inflammation, keratitis, vitreous opacity;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • some diseases from the field of gynecology.

The injections have a fairly long course, which is designed for the daily introduction of one milliliter of the drug into the body (the maximum dose per day of the drug, including in the treatment of diseases in the field of gynecology, is four milliliters) for one to two months.

In order for the healing properties to be noticeable, it is recommended to make a total of thirty to fifty injections in ampoules.


Like any other drugs, aloe injections have their own contraindications for use. The injection is not recommended for small children, as well as for pregnant women. Such a drug can lose all medicinal properties and harm people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. People suffering from various forms of diabetes need to give an injection with extreme caution - aloe extract has the properties of having a negative effect on blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Home use

Although the injection is recommended in healthcare settings, there are numerous indications for treating many other, specific health problems. Free of any impurities, purified, without preservatives, Aloe Vera Ampoule is the perfect ingredient for most homemade hair and skin care products.

Indications can be very different, such an extract can be added to body and face creams, hair and skin masks, cleansing lotions - such a tool can be useful in any case, suitable for any type of skin. It is able to simultaneously soothe irritated skin, moisturize dry skin, relieve inflammation, and, thanks to the antiseptic properties of aloe, effectively fight various infections.

In order to appreciate all the advantages of aloe extract, it is not necessary to use complex recipes, for this it is enough to apply a few drops of the contents of the ampoule on cleansed, slightly damp skin with circular, gentle movements. You will immediately notice that even flaky, dry skin is instantly refreshed and soft.

Aloe extract in ampoules can be used as a useful replacement for a simple oil for facial massage - during a warming massage of the skin, aloe extract is quickly absorbed, moisturizing and nourishing even the deepest layers of the skin.

Homemade cosmetics recipes from aloe extract

There are several simple recipes for preparing a remedy for skin and hair based on aloe extract. Let's look at the most effective and simple ones:

  1. Revitalizing hair max: take one part of aloe extract (obsessed with one ampoule) and one part of almond oil. The components are thoroughly mixed together, applied to the roots of wet, clean hair for thirty to forty minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water. Hair is washed with shampoo to eliminate the oily effect.
  2. Soft face scrub: mix the contents of one ampoule with aloe extract with one teaspoon of milk and a tablespoon of fine sugar. Apply the resulting composition with gentle massaging movements on the skin of the face, and then rinse with warm water.
  3. Mask, moisturizing for facial skin: take two parts of honey and one part of aloe extract in ampoules. Apply in circular soft movements to the skin of the face, leaving for about 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can also add one spoonful of oatmeal to the mixture.

Reminder for treatment

Injections can only be given when prescribed by a doctor. Often, the manifestation of self-activity in such a case can become a lasting occurrence of negative results. Each person has an individual organism, so identical medicines can have completely different effects. In addition to consulting a doctor, you should also carefully read the instructions for this drug.

It is likely that an allergic reaction to certain substances that make up its composition will occur. In addition, you can purchase pain relievers, since the injection can bring quite severe discomfort. Please note that the drug is not allowed to be taken internally during pregnancy, as well as in the case of severe diseases of internal organs.

How to prepare your own medicine

In some cases, it can be very difficult to find aloe extract in ampoules. One such example would be a pharmacy located in a small village. There are no specific drugs of this kind on sale. The only option in this case is to get your own aloe juice. To do this, we take a sharpened knife, and with its help we cut off an aloe leaf near the root. Next, it should be rinsed in boiled water to remove all possible harmful microorganisms and dirt. We squeeze juice from the leaf and can be used in various cosmetic procedures.

For maximum effectiveness, aloe must be kept in a cool, dark place for a certain amount of time. In this case, the refrigerator can be an ideal place.

Scientists were able to prove that at temperatures close to zero, biogenic stimulants are produced in the stems of this plant. They are aimed at rejuvenating the tissues of the body and providing prevention of various inflammations.

Aloe in ampoules in cosmetology was able to find incredibly widespread use in a variety of recipes. Those who have at least once experienced such "miracle ampoules" with magic juice, were extremely pleased with the result. If used correctly and regularly, you will soon be able to get the desired result, restoring the natural beauty of your hair and skin, keeping your youth for a long time. We would like to wish you health and good results from the use of aloe juice.

Today, the market for pharmacological agents is filled with all kinds of medicines, due to which various therapeutic tasks can be realized. At the same time, it should be noted that recently, the priority among consumers is medicines based on natural ingredients. For example, aloe extract is very popular, which is sold as an injection solution. The product is a medium viscosity liquid with a slight specific odor and a yellowish color.

What are the benefits of injections of liquid aloe extract?

The presented drug is one of the most popular biological stimulants that have tremendous benefits for the human body. It is used as an auxiliary component in complex therapy or as a drug to stimulate individual organs, systems and biological processes. The high efficiency and popularity of the drug is based on its healing properties.

The described agent has a tonic, tonic, choleretic, adaptogenic, antiseptic and laxative effect. Aloe liquid extract relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces the risk of developing and infectious ailments and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It should be noted that the composition of the drug helps to improve metabolism at the cellular level, to start the processes of tissue regeneration, thereby speeding up the recovery process in case of ulcerative lesions, or the healing of violations of the integrity of the integument.

One should not forget about the aspect that aloe extract, realized in the form of intramuscular injections, qualitatively increases the barrier properties of the body. Studies have shown that a particular drug affects the formation of white blood cells, as well as their function, strengthening the immune system. Due to this, the presented ampoule medication actively fights against pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, realizing the prevention of streptococcus, staphylococcus, typhoid fever, etc.

Strengthens aloe extract and the human nervous system, bringing the processes of excitation and inhibition into balance, normalizing nervous activity by increasing the production of dopamine and improving its functions as a neurotransmitter regulating the nervous activity. It has a specific benefit for men as well, since it is prescribed for prostatitis and other uro-genital diseases.

The components that make up the aloe extract have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. The main thing that should be noted here is an increase in the hemoglobin protein in the blood, which improves the transfer of oxygen throughout the body. In addition, the drug affects the process of hematopoiesis, improving its functions and implementing systemic prevention and therapy of heart ailments.

Composition of ampoules "Aloe" for injection

The component composition of the described drug, sold in the form of ampoules for injection, includes dry aloe extract as the main active ingredient, as well as sodium chloride and an aqueous base, which are auxiliary substances. When describing the composition of a drug such as aloe extract, it is important to characterize the chemical composition of the active ingredient itself, which is obtained as a result of industrial processing of the leaves of a plant that has undergone freezing and hydrolysis.

Active ingredient the medicinal solution contains oxymethylanthraquinone in the form of aloe-emodin and other derivatives, including nataloin, homonathaloin and the main component characterizing aloe extract - aloin. Also, among the components included in the extract include glycosides, plant acids, micro- and macroelements and vitamins of different groups, including B, C and E.

What injections help from: indications for use

As described in the paragraph on the benefits of the medication in question, aloe extract can be used for a number of diseases of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, urogenital, immune systems. The main task of the product is to strengthen the body, prevent the development of acute diseases and reduce the severity of chronic sluggish diseases.

The liquid extract is quite popular in ophthalmology, especially in those diseases that are characterized by a sharp decrease in visual acuity, for example, progressive myopia or clouding of the lens. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines also acts as an indication for the appointment of a medicinal solution.

Apply fortifying injections for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of an infectious type with a sluggish course. A particular medication can cure some dermatological problems, so it is used for acne. A liquid extract can be used for diseases of the gynecological type, as well as to increase the chances of conceiving a baby. It is important to note that the stimulant is recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Application in gynecology for the treatment of female diseases

One of the main areas of application of liquid aloe extract is gynecology, in which the drug is used as a remedy for infertility and ensuring the normal course of pregnancy. Since the drug strengthens the body and stimulates the work of biological processes, normalizing the hormonal background of the girl, we can talk about the help of the drug in conception and creating a favorable environment in the woman's body.

Many doctors advise to pierce injections with a course during menstruation, during which the girl experiences severe discomfort and premenstrual pain. As a rule, such phenomena are characterized by a violation of the hormonal background and act as a signal that a woman's reproductive function may be impaired.

Instructions for the use of injections and dosage

It is necessary to start with the fact that the aloe extract, presented in ampoule form, can be used as intramuscular injection or orally in its pure form. Ways of external use are also possible for some dermatological problems. It is worth noting that the medication can be prescribed starting from the age of three.

Inside, adults need to take a teaspoon three times a day for one month. For children under the age of five, the maximum dose is 10 drops, for adolescents - half a teaspoon, while the medication regimen does not change. There should be a break of three to four months between treatment courses.

As for injections, the maximum dosage for an adult is 1 milliliter three times a day. For children under five years old - 0.3 ml, and for babies over five, injections are injected into 0.5 milliliters intramuscularly. The injection course consists of 30-50 injections. For some diseases, such as tuberculosis or asthma, the dosage can be dynamic, ranging from 0.2 milliliters to 4 milliliters per day.

Video: how to correctly put an injection intramuscularly

This video is an excerpt from a popular medical TV show that shows the injection process. The type of injections described is intramuscular in nature. Having familiarized yourself with the material offered for viewing, you can learn how to make intramuscular injections yourself without harming the patient.

How to use the solution externally for the face

The use of aloe extract in cosmetology is widespread, where the described product is introduced into the composition of masks and nutrient media used as anti-aging and tonic preparations. So, for example, to prepare a moisturizing mask, which is able to smooth out fine mimicry and deep age wrinkles, you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of liquid aloe extract;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of castor oil;
  • honey in the amount of a teaspoon.

All ingredients need to be mixed and distributed evenly over the skin for 20 minutes, after which wash with warm water. In case of serious dermatological ailments, for example, a trophic ulcer or a burn, the drug is applied to a cotton pad, and then the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is treated.

Video recipes for masks with aloe extract

This video is about the cosmetic use of liquid aloe extract. The author of the video describes the composition and useful properties of a specific product, as well as shares his own observations and experiences regarding the use of aloe as an enhancer for masks, balms and shampoos for hair care.

Contraindications to the use of injections

Despite a number of positive effects, an injection with the described drug may be prohibited in some cases. So, for example, injections should be abandoned for people with serious cardiovascular pathologies, high blood pressure, acute intestinal infections, renal failure, etc. Cancer is also a contraindication to the use of aloe extract, since the drug promotes an increase in tumors.

Harm and side effects

For the most part, no side effects from the use of the drug arise, but it should be noted that. If you take the drug for a long time, then this may be accompanied by a decrease in the level of potassium in the liquid tissue, an increase in blood pressure and general body temperature.


As analogues can be noted concentrated aloe juice, as well as plant extract in tablet form. Among the drugs with a similar spectrum of action are:

  • Bittner's balm;
  • Gilium-hell;
  • Dialipon, etc.

Latin name: Aloes extract fluid
ATX code: A13A
Active substance: Aloe
Manufacturer: CJSC "VIFITECH", RF
Pharmacy dispensing condition: Without recipe

In medicine, aloe juice is used from the crushed leaves of aloe tree plants. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, is able to stimulate metabolic processes and the restoration of cells and tissues of the body. Due to the naturalness of the drug and its multifunctionality, it is used in modern pharmacology and traditional medicine.

Indications for use

The healing properties of aloe allow it to be used in different areas.

Indications for use in ophthalmology:

  • Inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis)
  • Vitreous opacity
  • Violation of the trophism of the optic nerve
  • Developing myopia.

It is recommended to use the medicine in gastroenterology when:

  • Gastritis
  • Gastroduodenitis
  • Enterocolitis
  • Cholecystitis.

For diseases of the respiratory system, the drug is prescribed in parallel with other therapy in the case of:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma.

Application in neurology in the case of:

  • Radiculoneuritis
  • Neuritis
  • Complications after a stroke.

Treatment with aloe juice is relevant for injuries and skin diseases:

  • Dermatitis
  • For the healing of wounds and trophic ulcers, burns
  • Radiation skin lesions.

The drug is used in gynecology, and can also be used in combination for the treatment of male infertility.

Composition of the preparation

The medicine is made from the crushed leaves of the aloe tree plant.

1 ml of solution contains 1.5 mg of active ingredient and auxiliary components - water, sodium chloride.

Healing properties

The drug belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. It has an effect on various organs and systems of the body:

  • Aloe Vera juice strengthens the glands in the digestive tract, so it can be used to increase appetite
  • Useful properties are expressed in the ability to have a laxative effect (anthraglycoside aloin, free anthraquinones emodin and chrysophanol, resinous substances irritate the receptors of the large intestine, improving peristalsis)
  • Alcoholic solution of aloe exhibits bactericidal properties, inhibiting pathogens of intestinal infections and diphtheria, as well as other pathogenic bacteria
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of aloe vera juice allows it to be used to stimulate regenerative processes in the membranes of the mucous membranes, skin, blood vessels of the eye
  • Emodin, included in aloe juice, inhibits Helicobacter pylori, which is very useful for gastritis
  • Complex carbohydrates, microelements (zinc, copper) strengthen the immune system
  • Aloe juice increases energy reserves in male reproductive cells and increases their mobility.

Drug release form

Price about 200 rubles

The drug is a liquid, the color of which ranges from yellow to red. Precipitation is possible.

The extract for injection has a liquid consistency and is poured into 1 ml ampoules. One box contains 10 pieces.

Aloe liquid extract can be purchased in 200 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml packages. The solution tastes bitter.

The duration of the course and the dosage must be agreed with the doctor, but there are average values \u200b\u200bfor the use of the medication.

Subcutaneous injections

The daily allowance for adults and children over 12 years old should not exceed 1 ml. In exceptional cases, according to the doctor's prescription, you can enter up to 4 ml. (it is allowed to use such a dosage once on an urgent basis).

Children under 5 years old are injected with 0.2 ml, over - 0.5 ml per day.

The course of therapy is 30-50 injections. Reuse is allowed after three months.

In the case of bronchial asthma, 1 ml, 1.5 ml, 2 ml are prescribed in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening for two weeks. After that, injections are administered every 24 hours, repeating every other day (course 35 pieces).

Oral intake

Adults are prescribed to drink a teaspoon three times a day. Children under five years old - 10 drops, older - half a teaspoon.

The course lasts 30-45 days. Taking aloe vera juice is recommended once a quarter.

In gynecology, similar doses are prescribed for the treatment of infertility, the duration of the course is one and a half months.

With gastritis, anorexia, it is necessary to take 10 ml of juice half an hour before meals, three times a day.

External use

For the healing of wounds, trophic ulcers, cotton-gauze bandages soaked in solution are applied. In case of burns, the damaged surface is not covered, but irrigated several times a day.

Effectively use iontophoresis to treat:

  • Burns of various nature
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin inflammation.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

"Due to the fact that the biostimulating effect of aloe is not fully understood, it is not recommended to inject and drink it during pregnancy and lactation."

Traditional medicine recipes

At home, the juice of the plant is widely used to improve the condition of the skin of the face, reduce the manifestations of cellulite. On its basis, anti-dandruff shampoo, hair and face masks are prepared, added to the cream.

Aloe based hair recipes:

  • Aloe hair juice is used to make a shampoo that moisturizes the hair as well as the scalp, eliminating dandruff. Juice, glycerin, soap chips, jojoba oil and water are mixed in equal proportions. The shampoo is ready, you need to store it in a cool dark place (you can in the refrigerator)
  • Aloe vera juice for hair can be used to make a rinse conditioner. The recipe is simple - mix 50 gr. juice, squeeze out half a lemon and add oil. Three to four drops are enough. Burdock oil is often used, it helps to strengthen the roots
  • An anti-hair loss mask is prepared from chopped onion and egg yolk. Then burdock oil and juice are added to the mixture (one teaspoon each). The action of the mask is at least an hour. Apply to clean hair.

Recipes for face and body skin:

  • Acne face mask helps to get rid of skin inflammation and rashes, promotes healing of small wounds. To do this, fresh juice is mixed with a spoonful of blue or white clay. Apply for 15 minutes, avoiding the eye area. Wash off and apply a moisturizer
  • To get rid of acne, you can use pure aloe. You need to cut off a piece of the leaf, expose the pulp and wipe the inflamed areas
  • An anti-wrinkle mask that contains aloe vera juice with honey helps to saturate the deep layers of the skin and make it glowing and healthy. To do this, mix both ingredients in equal proportions and apply on the face (except for the area around the eyes). The mask lasts no more than an hour
  • Aloe can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. To do this, you need to prepare a bath with the addition of a decoction from the leaves of the plant. Decoction recipe: chop two large leaves and pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes.

In folk medicine, the healing properties of aloe tree are used:

  • From the leaves of the plant, you can make an ointment to heal wounds and bedsores. Vegetable oil (500 ml) and alcohol (250 ml) are added to a glass of crushed leaves. Insist 72 hours, after which the alcohol is evaporated
  • Aloe juice from the common cold is used for both adults and children. In the first case, 3-4 drops are instilled into the nose three times a day. The child is not advised to drip pure juice; it is diluted with water in equal proportions. It is not recommended to use drops for children under one year old without the consent of a pediatrician
  • The juice is useful for strengthening the immune system. Having added it to the compote, you need to give the child a drink to prevent colds.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is treated with an aqueous solution of juice. To do this, rub the eyes at least three times a day with a moistened cotton swab. Also use drops based on juice and honey
  • At home, you can prepare a tincture to treat impotence. Cahors (500 gr), honey (400 gr), aloe extract (250 ml) are mixed and rose hips (130 gr) and parsley seeds (400 gr) are added. Insist and store the mixture in the refrigerator, stirring regularly for two weeks. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach for 14 days.

Despite the beneficial properties of aloe vera, it should be used to treat diseases only after a doctor's recommendation.


Despite the beneficial properties, the medication is not taken when:

  • Hypersensitivity to drug components
  • Serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Acute phases of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Jade
  • Liver dysfunctions.

Children need to drink aloe extract and inject subcutaneous injections under the supervision of a pediatrician!

There are no contraindications for external use of the drug, except for individual intolerance.

Interaction with other medicinal products

There is insufficient information on interactions with other medicines. It is known that the drug enhances the properties of laxatives and anticoagulants.

Side effects

Most often, taking the drug causes such manifestations of allergies as rashes, redness, itching.

If you drink aloe extract in liquid form, then the following body reactions are possible:

  • Dispersion
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Discomfort and pain in the abdomen
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy
  • Increased blood pressure.

When the drug is injected under the skin, pain is observed in the injection zone.

Take aloe with caution, because it reduces the concentration of potassium in the cells of the body. The effect appears in the case of prolonged therapy.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the medication in a dark place at a temperature of 10-25C.

The shelf life of the liquid extract is 12 months. Solution for injection can be stored for 3 years.


The analogs of the drug include its different forms. They are united by the active ingredient - aloe. Manufacturer: CJSC "VIFITECH", RF.

about 100 rubles

Used for external use. In addition to the main component, it contains castor oil and sea buckthorn. The combined action of the three substances can effectively heal wounds, abrasions, burns and other skin injuries. In gynecology, it is prescribed for kraurosis of the vulva.


  • Low price
  • Thanks to the additional components in the composition, the effect of the drug is enhanced
  • Can be bought without a prescription
  • The minimum number of contraindications.


  • Apply externally only
  • Cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.

Aloe Pills

Price:RUB 300

Film-coated tablets. Prescribed for the treatment of myopia, chorioretinitis and strengthening the protective functions of the body.


  • Low price
  • Ease of use.


  • A large list of contraindications
  • Bitter taste.

Aloe syrup with iron

Price: 80 rbl

Thanks to the iron ions, which are part of the drug, they are prescribed for anemia, increased demand for iron, unbalanced nutrition.


  • Low price
  • Additional action - increasing the level of hemoglobin
  • Ease of use.


  • Many contraindications and side effects
  • Complex interactions with other drugs
  • When applying, you must follow a diet.

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