Antiemetic drugs for adults. Antiemetic. When to use antiemetics

Mechanized tools 04.01.2021
Mechanized tools

Updated: 29.10.2018 15:50:58

Expert: Boris Kaganovich

* Review of the best according to the editorial site. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Although nausea and vomiting are very distressing and unpleasant symptoms, the ranking of antiemetic drugs will be surprisingly poor. If we consider remedies for headaches, for arterial hypertension or for the treatment of pneumonia, then we can not only pick up two to three dozen drugs, but combine them into different groups. It is difficult to combine antiemetics into groups, and there are probably not a dozen original drugs.

Although the cause of nausea and vomiting can be manifold, this symptom requires the use of few drugs. Vomiting can occur with dizziness, neurosis or stress, with motion sickness, when flying on airplanes, and as a side effect of drugs, for example, in cancer patients during a course of chemotherapy.

The reason is that nausea and vomiting, or just vomiting without nausea, when antiemetics are prescribed, is almost never seen as a symptom of intoxication and inflammation. But it is on this occasion that these symptoms most often occur!

If vomiting accompanies acute poisoning, intestinal infection, then this symptom disappears when the underlying disease is treated, antiemetics are not needed. With meningitis, due to irritation of the meninges and the vomiting center of the brain, there is the so-called cerebral vomiting, without nausea. At the same time, the unsuspecting patient suddenly erupts a powerful fountain of vomit without any warning to the body, without the slightest feeling of nausea. With meningitis, antiemetics are also not prescribed, since after the inflammation on the meninges is stopped, vomiting disappears by itself. Therefore, antiemetics fight against the gag reflex, and the point of their application is almost always different links of the arc of this reflex.

Attention! Antiemetics are strictly prohibited for use in acute poisoning, intestinal infections, alcohol intoxication and similar conditions, when vomiting cleanses the body and removes alcohol and microbial toxins from the stomach. The only exceptions would be acute radiation injury and radiation sickness.

Rating of the best remedies for vomiting

Motilium, Motilak, Domstal, Motiject, Passages (domperidone)

The active ingredient is domperidone, it blocks dopamine receptors that exist in different parts of the central nervous system. Motilium is indicated for the treatment of chronic diseases of the esophagus, intestines and stomach, accompanied by belching, heartburn, a variety of symptoms of gastric dyspepsia - nausea, vomiting and a feeling of fullness in the gastric region.

It is necessary to take Motilium one tablet half an hour before meals and, if necessary, before bedtime. Each tablet contains 10 mg of domperidone, the maximum daily dose is 8 tablets for adults. Motilium is produced by the pharmaceutical company Janssen Silag, and the cost of one package of 30 tablets averages 670 rubles. The cheapest analogue of Motilium is considered to be the domestic domperidone, which is produced by the Ozone company. The average cost for such a package is about 80 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Motilium is its rather high efficiency, with a small urge to vomit, and with mild nausea, sometimes 1 or 2 tablets a day are enough. On the other hand, there are also contraindications. These include gastrointestinal bleeding, severe liver dysfunction, a prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor, and phenylketonuria. But in the event that all indications and contraindications are taken into account, then this remedy will be indispensable in the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting.

Cerucal, Perinorm (Metoclopramide)

The active substance of cerucal is metoclopramide. It acts on the same dopamine receptors as domperidone and is also their central blocker. Cerucal is indicated for use in diseases such as acute gastritis with a feeling of nausea, pylorospasm, when food is retained in the stomach, and its atony. Cerucal is used injectable for intestinal obstruction after surgery, for heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux, for nausea and vomiting in patients in the acute period of stroke, as well as for successful diagnostic techniques, for example, before esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

You need to take Cerucal one tablet half an hour before meals, the average dose for adults is one tablet three or four times a day, but no more than 6 tablets a day. Cerucal is produced by the Croatian pharmaceutical company Pliva, and the cost of 1 package of 50 tablets of 10 mg each averages 120 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big plus of Cerucal is the ability to carry out long-term therapy, which can be two, three or more months, but not more than six months. Also, Cerucal can be used as a means of additional therapy in the treatment of cytostatics, for example, Azathioprine, Cyclophosphamide and other means to level their side effects. The advantage of Cerucal will be the presence of an injectable form, which quickly helps either to eliminate nausea, or to prevent it, for example, when conducting invasive studies.

Zofran, Latran, Emetron (ondansentron)

It is a modern antiemetic drug produced by the renowned company Novartis, Switzerland. The active substance is ondansetron, an antagonist of xerotonin receptors. It is known that drugs for the treatment of cancer and cytostatics cause an increase in the concentration of serotonin in the central nervous system, and it is able to stimulate the vomiting center through the parasympathetic system. Ondansentron, by blocking receptors, inhibits the vomiting reflex arc.

Zofran is shown mainly as a concomitant therapy in patients taking cytostatics and chemotherapeutic drugs, as well as those on radiation therapy. Other indications will be various postoperative conditions when the patient is worried about nausea and vomiting, and this often occurs not only after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, but also with a gradual decrease in the effect of general anesthesia. This product is available in a wide variety of forms: parenteral, lozenge, and strawberry-flavored syrup. Each tablet contains 4 mg or 8 mg of the active agent, and a maximum of 4 8 mg tablets can be taken per day. The first pill is taken one hour before the chemotherapy session.

Absorbable tablets are quite expensive. A package of just 10 8 mg Zofran tablets costs, on average, 2,100 rubles. But there are also more affordable analogues. So, ondansetron, produced by the Israeli company Teva, costs only 306 rubles for the same package.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since this drug is serious, it should not be used in pregnant women, during lactation, and also in children under the age of two. Side effects include a wide variety of allergic reactions, dry mouth, chest pains, headaches and fever. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this agent is so high that even with high-dose chemotherapy, in which a side effect such as nausea occurs in almost 100% of cases, ondansetron can significantly improve the patient's quality of life during this difficult type of treatment.

Note: There is an even more specific antiemetic from this group, this is granisetron, the original drug is Kitril. It produces an even stronger antiemetic effect, and only affects those serotonin receptors that are responsible for the gag reflex. This drug has much higher efficacy and safety, but at the same time its cost is even higher. One pack of domestic granisetron, which is obviously cheaper than all foreign drugs, and even more so the original one, is 5,000 rubles per pack of only 10 tablets. The cost of the original Kitril drug can only be guessed at.

Dramina, Aviamarin, Ciel (dimensionhydrinat)

At the end of this small rating of antiemetics, it is necessary to say a few comforting words to those completely healthy people who may experience unpleasant symptoms of seasickness and air sickness, which are car sickness. Antiemetics are also needed for patients with various forms of dizziness, vestibular neuronitis and Meniere's disease, which are often treated by ENT doctors.

For such patients, there is the drug Dramina and its analogues, in which the active ingredient is 50mg of dimensionhydrinate in each tablet. This agent belongs to the group of blockers of histamine receptors and cholinergic receptors in the central nervous system. Dramina acts on the structures of the vestibular apparatus, on its semicircular canals and special stones, or otoliths. In addition to reducing nausea and vomiting, this agent significantly reduces appetite, has a sedative effect, slightly reduces allergy symptoms, and helps to reduce dizziness.

It is necessary to use the drug Dramina before meals. With motion sickness, adults are shown taking no more than 6 tablets per day, divided into 3 doses, and with systemic dizziness, Meniere's disease and labyrinthitis, the dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the ENT doctor. The Croatian company Jadran produces Dramina, and a pack of 10 tablets costs 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unfortunately, this drug, despite its pronounced antiemetic effect, has all the disadvantages of the group of histamine receptor blockers. Often there is anxiety, drowsiness, stuffy nose, constipation and dry mouth, urinary retention, and other unpleasant effects. In case of an overdose, all these symptoms increase significantly, so do not exceed the required dosage.

To top it off, taking the drug Dramina slows down the driver's reaction speed, so you should not drive after taking this drug, and also work with various machines and mechanisms. This drug and its analogs are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding, epilepsy and glaucoma.

Of course, the list of contraindications and side effects is quite impressive, and some would agree to endure the unpleasant symptoms of motion sickness rather than take a rather rude drug. But with vestibular neuronitis and attacks of dizziness can be so strong that the patient lies, clinging to the bed, it seems to him that the room revolves around him in one direction, like on a carousel, and at the same time he experiences debilitating bouts of repeated vomiting. It is in such cases that Dramina will relieve the patient's condition, while the positive effect will far exceed the above side effects.

Vomiting and nausea are not independent diseases, but symptoms of a developing disorder. It may be associated with poisoning of the body with toxic substances, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other reasons. With a single appearance of such symptoms and the possibility of its rapid elimination, the passage of a medical examination is optional. If the patient's condition does not worsen, he may not turn to specialists, but simply maintain a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet. But with constant nausea and developing vomiting, we can talk about pathological and dangerous processes for the patient. In this case, self-medication is undesirable and it is better to consult a doctor who can prescribe medications against vomiting, taking into account the patient's condition.

Among the main reasons for the violation are the following:

Attention! With food poisoning, the patient rarely has a large number of disorders other than nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. With other reasons for the development of discomfort, as a rule, a whole bunch of disorders appears that affect the entire body. But if the symptom manifests itself for more than a day, even in the absence of dysfunction of other organs, it is required to seek specialized help.

Anti-vomiting and nausea drugs for children


A drug based on domperidone that rapidly blocks dopamine receptors. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to quickly suppress the gag reflex, get rid of such disorders as heartburn, nausea, hiccups and increased gas formation. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each child and can be 0.25-0.5 ml per kilogram of weight. In childhood, it is recommended to take only the liquid form of Motilium, as it is quickly absorbed and acts within the first few minutes. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


An excellent antiemetic agent that can quickly relieve symptoms and prevent further deterioration of the patient's condition. In childhood, the medication can be taken in the form of tablets and injections for intramuscular administration. The tablet form of Cerucal can be used only from the age of six. In this case, the dose of the active substance is 0.5-1 tablets three times a day 30 minutes before the main meal. When using injections, a specialist inject 1-2 ml of the active substance, the number of daily doses depends on the severity of the patient. The duration of treatment is determined by individual indications.

Hydrovit and Regidron

The action of these drugs is aimed at stopping vomiting and restoring water balance. Hydrovit and Regidron are pre-diluted with a glucose solution, usually a liquid at a concentration of 5% of the active substance is used. Medicines with glucose are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. To restore the mineral balance, the drug is given to the baby every five minutes, a teaspoon. At this rate, treatment continues for several hours until the patient drinks the medication at a dose of 100 ml / kg of body. This usually takes 3-6 hours. Then the same solution, also at a dose of 100 ml / kg, is taken for the remaining hours of the day. The need for repeated administration of Rehydron and Hydrovit is determined by the attending physician.

Attention! Self-treatment of children with vomiting and prolonged nausea is prohibited. If the baby's condition does not improve within 2-3 hours, an emergency call is required.

Buscopan against vomiting and nausea

Video: What to give a child with vomiting, nausea

This drug can be taken from the age of six, but most often it is prescribed for adult patients. Buscopan copes well with vomiting, which was triggered by gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as problems with the kidneys and gallbladder. Available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Suppositories for the described syndrome are used only if it is impossible to use the drug orally.

Taking into account the severity of the disease, patients are recommended to take 10-20 mg of the active ingredient 20 minutes before the main meal. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disorder; it is fully determined by the attending physician. When using Buscopan, it is imperative to maintain a drinking regimen and prevent dehydration.

Attention! In some cases, when treating vomiting and nausea with Buscopan, patients complained of side effects such as allergic reactions, dryness of the oral mucosa and tachycardia.

Dimenhydrinate against vomiting and nausea

This medication is used to suppress gagging and nausea when traveling and traveling. But he also copes well with unpleasant symptoms if they are provoked by other disorders when it is impossible to use a more suitable medication. Also Dimenhydrinat copes with dizziness and mild headache.

Taking the drug and its dosage depends on the age of the patient and the intensity of the manifestation of discomfort.

The drug is usually taken once, but it can also be used repeatedly, but no more than three doses of the active substance. At the same time, you cannot drink Dimenhydrinate for a long time to suppress discomfort that is not associated with travel and travel.

In some cases, the medication has provoked side effects such as urinary problems, so men with prostatitis and other problems in the genitourinary system of this type should take the drug with great care. There are also side effects such as extreme weakness and drowsiness. Rash and swelling are extremely rare.

Attention! Despite its real effectiveness, even when suppressing unpleasant symptoms caused by pathological processes, Dimenhydrinate should not be taken by cancer patients. Vomiting and nausea of \u200b\u200bthis nature must be suppressed with more highly specialized means.

Bonin against vomiting and nausea

This drug can be used to relieve an unpleasant symptom without taking into account its etymology, the only exception is cancer patients. At the same time, Bonin perfectly suppresses the toxicosis of pregnant women and prevents further deterioration of the patient's condition and removes the threat of miscarriage and exhaustion.

The therapeutic effect begins to unfold after the application of Bonin within an hour. And the achieved effect lasts for a day. Doses and the number of daily intake can only be determined by the attending physician. Usually the dosage of the active substance is 25-50 mg once. In rare cases, the drug provoked such undesirable effects as increased dryness of the mouth, drowsiness and apathy against the background of increased fatigue.

Attention! During pregnancy, any antiemetic drugs are prescribed only if vomiting is registered more than 10 times a day and there is an increased tone of the uterus, as well as weight loss.

Furazolidone against vomiting and nausea

The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. In addition to vomiting and nausea, Furazolidone also relieves unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, gas and flatulence. It is used most often to relieve discomfort that is provoked by poisoning, infections and problems in the functioning of the digestive tract.

To relieve an unpleasant symptom, you need to take 2 tablets of the active substance 30 minutes before meals or when an attack occurs, if it is of a primary nature. During the day, you should drink 6 doses of the active substance, divided into three uses. The duration of therapy cannot last more than 10 days, but doctors recommend that you end the appointment for 5-7 days. In diseases of the pancreas, the drug is not recommended to be taken or a serious adjustment of the dose that is safe for the patient is required.

Attention! In childhood, you can use a drug similar to Furazolidone called Nifuroxazide... It comes in suspension form and has minimal effects on the pancreas.

Video: Furazolidone tablets

Navoban against vomiting and nausea

This medication is one of the most powerful and fast-acting in its class. It is used to stop an attack during the treatment of oncological processes and in the recovery period after any surgical intervention. Taking into account the complication of the condition, it is possible to adjust the single doses and the number of daily uses.

Usually, adult patients are prescribed 5 mg of the active ingredient in the first day of therapy, once. In this case, Navoban is administered intravenously. From the second day, the intake is carried out in the form of capsules, they should be taken one hour before meals. The patient takes one dose of the active substance once a day. Instead of capsules, you can also use a solution, but for this it is initially diluted in an equal amount with any fruit juice. The dose is also 5 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of therapy is six days.

Latran against nausea and vomiting

The medicinal product is available in several forms: syrup, tablets, rectal suppositories and solutions for injections. The release form of Latran depends on the etymology of nausea and vomiting. During chemotherapy and during the recovery period after surgery, the solution should be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. With a moderate syndrome, as well as in the treatment of vomiting due to the use of a large amount of any medications, syrup or tablets are used. Rectal suppositories are used only if oral treatment is impossible.

The dosage of the active ingredient for an adult patient also varies and can be 8-32 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of therapy is usually five days, regardless of the reason for taking Latran, with the exception of patients with vomiting and nausea after an overdose of medications. Their treatment may be one-time or shorter.

Anti-nausea drugs without gag reflex

A drugPictureDosePrice in RF in rubles
1-2 tablets (no more than 11 per day)150-400
1-2 sachets (no more than 6 per day)350-500
1 tablet four times a day1000
20-40 mg80-200
1-2 pills (no more than 6 per day)130
1-2 tablets (no more than 8 per day)100-300

Attention! The medicines described are also excellent for heartburn. Some medicines are able to remove the symptoms of disorder and indigestion. With the gag reflex, they can only have an auxiliary role to facilitate the general condition.

If problems arise in the form of nausea and vomiting, taking into account the general condition and response to treatment, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination if possible. It will allow you to identify the exact cause of the violation and predict the further development of the situation. In addition, the doctor will be able to correctly select the dose of the active substance and the most suitable medication. With proper treatment, relief of the condition comes already on the first day, regardless of the main factor provoking the violation.

Nausea and vomiting are extremely unpleasant manifestations of food poisoning, intestinal infections and many other diseases. As a rule, they appear together: first, a dreary wave rolls up to the throat, and then vomiting begins. In this situation, you need to know how to stop vomiting by choosing effective pills.


Injections, suspensions and tablets for nausea and vomiting of this group activate the motility of the digestive tract. The tablets increase the tone of smooth muscles, which is the reason for the disappearance of discomfort.


The antiemetic effect of the drug is explained by the effect on dopamine and serotonin receptors, decreased sensitivity of visceral cells and improved motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Application pills for vomiting leads to the restoration of the normal amount of secreted bile, a decrease in the time of evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum.

Cerucal is available in the form of powder tablets for the preparation of an injection solution. It is shown under such conditions:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • functional pyloric stenosis;
  • paresis of the stomach caused by the consequences of diabetes mellitus;
  • nausea and vomiting of various origins.

Pills for vomiting and nauseaprescribed for adult patients, children over three years old. Adults and adolescents can drink 10 g three times a day. Child under 12 years old vomiting pills give at the rate of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Cerucal is not prescribed during pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, bronchial asthma and intestinal perforation. Contraindications also include epilepsy and individual intolerance.


If you are thinking about how to get rid of vomiting and nausea caused by overeating, stress or indigestion, use Motilium. The tablets are sold over the counter without a prescription. Means restores normal gastric motility, suppresses the activity of nerve receptors, eliminating dyspeptic manifestations:

  • hiccups;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • heaviness and a sense of entanglement.

Vomiting pills can be used during pregnancy and lactation, if the possible risks to the mother exceed the effects of the drug on the child. It is forbidden to use the medication for gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation, hyperprolactinemia.

Motilium is prescribed for children over 5 years old and for adults. To eliminate dyspeptic symptoms, a dosage of 10 mg is used 3 times a day. In case of severe nausea and vomiting, you can drink a double dose of tablets.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

Medicines of this group have an effect on the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. They reduce the secretion of the digestive glands, and also weaken the tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.


This remedy for nausea and vomiting reduces the secretion of the glands of the digestive tract, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and the genitourinary system. It is shown when:

  • spasms of the digestive tract and genitourinary tract, including biliary and intestinal colic, pylorospasm;
  • exacerbation of duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract of a spastic nature.

An inexpensive medication for vomiting is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. It can be used to treat children over 6 years old, women during pregnancy and lactation, but in the early stages of gestation, a doctor's consultation is needed. The standard dosage is 1-2 tablets / suppositories per day.

The remedy is not prescribed for glaucoma, myasthenia gravis and megacolon. It is better to replace it with an analogue.

The therapeutic effect of the medication includes:

  • elimination and prevention of spasm of smooth muscles of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • weakening of peristalsis;
  • decreased activity of secretion of the pancreas, hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Riabal is prescribed for nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramping and bloating. The list of contraindications includes prostate adenoma, glaucoma, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease and a number of other diseases. It is used to treat newborns (as a syrup), children over 6 years of age (tablets) and adults. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are not included in the list of contraindications.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are prescribed 30-60 mg of the drug for vomiting three times a day. For children under this age, the dosage is calculated taking into account weight, age and the dosage form used.

Nitrofuran group preparations

These drugs are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal and toxic infections. They suppress the growth of pathogens, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, bind and remove toxic products of their vital activity.


Medication for nausea and vomiting is an antimicrobial drug, but not an antibiotic. It suppresses the activity of most types of pathogens of intestinal infections, therefore it is recommended in the presence of symptoms of acute intestinal infections - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness and weakness. The product is used after consultation with the doctor as a preventive measure against dehydration.

Children from one to seven years old are recommended to give the drug for vomiting in the form of a suspension, 100-200 mg three times a day. The dosage is calculated based on the age of the child. Adults and children over 7 years old are prescribed 200 mg of the drug in capsules, 4 times a day.

The list of contraindications includes children under one month old and individual intolerance to the components. It can be used during pregnancy with the permission of a doctor.


Antimicrobial agent based on nifuroxazide. It is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other specific symptoms.

Stopdiar in tablets is contraindicated for the treatment of children under seven years of age, as well as for individual intolerance to nifuroxazide. During the period of gestation and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible by the decision of the doctor.

The drug is taken 2 tablets 4 times a day with a small amount of liquid. At least 6 hours should elapse between receptions.

Serotonin receptor antagonists

They block the transmission of nerve impulses in the parts of the brain responsible for the gag reflex. Medication is used for severe nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or other powerful factors.


The drug blocks the gag reflex caused by taking chemotherapeutic anticancer drugs for 24 hours. Unlike analogs, it does not lead to kinetic disorders - hand tremors, impaired coordination. Due to the high activity of the anti-vomiting agent, it can be taken only once a day.

The drug is available in the form of capsules and solution for injection in ampoules. It is used in courses of 6 days. On the first day of the course, Tropisetron is administered using a dropper intravenously, the next 5 days, capsules are prescribed.

The daily dose is 5 mg. Contraindications include pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

Combined funds

Medications in this group are appropriate when the cause of nausea or vomiting is not established. They have several properties - antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial. Sometimes a single use of such a drug is sufficient to completely eliminate nausea and vomiting.


Eliminates spastic pain, nausea and vomiting, relaxes smooth muscles, suppresses inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. They consist of paracetamol, NSAIDs and an anticholinergic. It is prescribed for renal, intestinal, stomach colic of moderate intensity, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is not used in pediatrics, it is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Contraindications also include internal bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, glaucoma, chronic alcohol dependence.

Remedies for non-vomiting nausea

Sometimes nausea does not turn into gagging, but it causes a lot of trouble. This symptom is typical for the so-called. motion sickness, alcohol intoxication or banal motion sickness caused by weakness of the vestibular apparatus. It is enough to know what to drink for nausea. There is no need for potent antiemetics.


A medicine for nausea and vomiting, which is used for air and motion sickness, to reduce salivation and mucus flow before plastic surgery. It is a combination of hyoscyamine and scopolamine.

The medication is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. The dosage is calculated taking into account the severity of the disease:

  • for prevention - 1–2 tablets half an hour before the departure of the transport;
  • in case of deterioration of health (nausea, headache, weakness) - repeated administration after 6 hours.

It is allowed to drink no more than 2 tablets at a time. The maximum daily dosage is 0.002 g (4 tablets).

For intense, unbridled nausea, suppositories should be used. The dosage is calculated in the same way.

The product should not be taken with increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma). There are no other contraindications.

Dimenhydrinate for nausea

Hi-receptor blocker, used to relieve nausea of \u200b\u200bvarious etiologies. It differs from analogues in a relatively low price. It is produced in the form of tablets, which are prescribed based on the patient's condition.

For mild nausea, adults are advised to take 1-2 tablets at a time, a total of 4 to 6 doses per day. You can drink the same dosage as a prophylaxis against nausea 0.5-1 hours before the intended trip.

Babies from nausea to 6 years old are given 0.25 or 0.5 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children from 7 to 12 years old - half or a whole tablet, with the same frequency. The medication is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its components. Most reviews about the tool positive for nausea.

Antiemetics (antiemetics) - These are drugs that suppress attacks of nausea and vomiting. Depending on the type, they block different pathogenetic links of the vomiting reflex.

2 areas in the brain are responsible for the appearance of vomiting. The first is the vomiting center, which is activated by impulses coming from peripheral nerve cells. The second is the chemoreceptor trigger zone. It reacts to changes in blood composition, then sends signals to the vomiting center. Antiemetics suppress the activity of the receptors in this area and block the work of the emetic center.

Serotonin receptor antagonists

Serotonin is one of the biologically active substances responsible for the transmission of electrochemical nerve impulses. Plays the role of a cellular mediator of inflammation. An increase in its concentration leads to vomiting. The considered group of drugs blocks serotonin receptors. Because of this, the release of serotonin is not suppressed, but there is no reaction in the form of vomiting to it. The main “point of application” are 5-HT 3 receptors located in the gastrointestinal tract and chemoreceptor trigger zone. Representatives:

Histamine H 1 receptor blockers

Histamine is an inflammatory mediator. are mostly known as anti-allergic drugs, but can suppress vomiting. They block the H 1 receptors of the chemoreceptor trigger zone and the vestibular analyzer, which is responsible for assessing the position of the body in space. Only 1st generation antihistamines are suitable as antiemetics because they penetrate the central nervous system. Representatives:


The main task of these drugs in vomiting is to prevent or suppress the interaction of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter) and M receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone. Anticholinergics have not only antiemetic, but also antispasmodic, sedative effects. Examples of drugs:

Dopamine antagonists

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that induces vomiting when triggered zone chemoreceptors are stimulated. Due to the activation of peripheral receptors, it enhances the reflux of the food bolus (reverse reflux) from the duodenum 12 into the stomach and from the stomach into the esophagus. There are several subgroups of drugs that block dopamine receptors. Representatives:

There are drugs that immediately block histamine, dopamine, cholinergic receptors. One of these is Amitriptyline. It is most often used as an antidepressant.

Features of the use of antiemetic drugs

Antiemetics are selected in accordance with. There is no universal drug. Antiemetics can suppress discomfort, but do not affect the true cause of vomiting. You can take them only after consulting your doctor.

With rotavirus in children

Dopamine receptor blockers are used. Domperidone (Motilium) is approved for babies. It normalizes gastrointestinal motility and eliminates vomiting.

With chemotherapy

The effects of chemotherapy drugs are accompanied by a powerful release of serotonin. Therefore, preference is given to antagonists of serotonin receptors: Ondansetron, Tropisetron, Granisetron. If necessary, their effect is enhanced by combination with dexamethasone.

The second-line drug is metoclopramide. In high doses, it is able to block not only dopamine receptors, 5-HT 4, but 5-HT 3 receptors, which play a major role in the genesis of vomiting during chemotherapy.

In case of poisoning

As with rotavirus, dopamine receptor blockers are indicated. Metoclopramide and Domperidone have worked well.

During pregnancy

Pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) and mints are considered safe. They are used for mild nausea. If these drugs do not help, they resort to using stronger antiemetics.

Dopamine receptor blockers are used with caution. In the early stages, metoclopramide is allowed. It cannot be used in the third trimester of gestation.

The second line drugs are antihistamines. Pregnant women may be prescribed Bonin (Meklozin).

With intoxication

When intoxication with alcohol, cardiac glycosides, dopamine receptor blockers are used: Metoclopramide, Domperidone.

In case of intoxication with synthetic narcotic drugs, dopamine receptor blockers (phenothiazines and butyrophenones) are also used: Chlorpromazine, Haloperidol.

With vomiting of vestibular genesis

To stop vomiting during motion sickness, antihistamines are used. Use Meklozin (Bonin).

Effective. The drug of choice is Aeron (based on scopolamine).

Dopamine receptor blockers (metoclopramide) are ineffective for vestibular vomiting.


A common contraindication for all antiemetic drugs is hypersensitivity to any of its components. Do not use 5-HT 3 receptor blockers for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or children under 2 years of age.

The exact restrictions on drugs depend on the type of drug. For this reason, you should always read the annotation for each of them.

For histamine receptor blockers

For anticholinergics

For dopamine antagonists

Are there any side effects?

Antiemetic type Side effects
Serotonin receptor blockers
  • headache;
  • stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea);
  • dizziness.
1st generation anticholinergics and antihistamines
  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth;
  • retention of urine;
  • temporary visual impairment and coordination.
Dopamine antagonists
  • hyperprolactinemia (when taking benzamides);
  • violation of motor functions;
  • hypotension;
  • drowsiness.

The last three side effects are related to butyrophenones and phenothiazines.

Analgesics and anesthetics used by patients for pain relief are difficult to tolerate. Often lead to side effects: nausea and vomiting. Doctors recommend taking antiemetic drugs, especially in the postoperative period or after a course of chemotherapy.

What are the types of drugs, and what pharmaceuticals from the new 3rd generation offer, we will consider in more detail.

Types of anti-vomiting drugs

The gag reflex often occurs in people when impulses are sent to the motor section of the vomiting center. A certain antiperistalsis or peristaltic wave is formed in smooth muscles, leading to spasms and toxicosis of the body as a whole. To block and minimize the strength of this wave, antagonists will help, which are prescribed to patients after surgery or chemotherapy when vomiting occurs against the background of a strong toxic effect of prescribed drugs.

  1. 5-NTZ antagonists (Ondansetron, Granisetron, Olanzapine, Prochlorperazine, Droperidol, Aminazine, Motilium, Metoclopramide, Cerucal), help block serotonin receptors in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, acting on the brain, eliminate the approaches of vomiting with tumors after protherapy.
  2. NK-1 antagonists (Doxylamine, Promethazine, Hydroxyzine, Cannab, Doxylamine, Diphenhydramine) for acting on brain receptors due to motion sickness or the appearance of opioid nausea in the morning, which often occurs in pregnant women.
  3. Benzodiazepines, intended at the beginning of a course of chemotherapy, anesthesia or emergency treatment for attacks of nausea (Muscimol, Razgon, Propofol, Metrogalanalactone, Benzamide).

Children and the elderly are often prescribed safer preparations based on ginger, which act on the trigger and receptor zones, as well as the coordination center of the reticular function of the cerebral cortex.

New generation drugs for vomiting

  • tachycardia;
  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth may well be.

Overdose is fraught with liver dysfunctions, extrapyramidal disorders, glaucoma attacks, patients falling into a coma. The best new generation antiemetics:

  1. Torecan is a fairly strong anti-vomiting drug. Not applicable in conjunction with sleeping pills and drugs, analgesics, alcohol and tranquilizers, which can lead to a malfunction of the nervous system.
  2. Motorix is \u200b\u200ban excellent antiemetic agent, but there are contraindications. Consult a doctor before use
  3. Motinorm helps to provide antiemetic effects, eliminate the feeling of heaviness and nausea in the stomach, blocking central dopamine receptors. Should be taken as directed
  4. Kinedryl is prescribed for children and adults with motion sickness on trips, on carousels (swings) and approaches of nausea, vomiting. Side effects can be in any part of the vestibular apparatus.
  5. Navoban is an excellent tranquilizer with anxiolytic, antiemetic effects. Leads to a blockage of the gag reflex caused by taking chemotherapy. The duration of action is 24 hours and does not lead to extrapyramidal disorders.
  6. Torecan with sedation without penetrating the placental barrier. Applicable for pregnant women and children over 15 years of age with episodic nausea and vomiting. Also for the purpose of prophylaxis after taking sedatives and tranquilizers, for the relief of sedative antipsychotics.
  7. Aminazine is prescribed for babies from 1 to 2 months with regurgitation after feeding, for pregnant women after surgery (cesarean) or radiation, chemotherapy.
  8. Haloperidol as an active antipsychotic with sedative effects. Quickly eliminates not only vomiting, but also high fever, convulsions, pyramidal disorders in diseases of the central nervous system.
  9. Eteperazine is useful for uncontrollable vomiting to relax muscles. Suitable for pregnant women, after surgery on the peritoneal cavity, chemoradiation therapy. Side effects are possible: lethargy, drowsiness.

Antiemetic gastrokinetics

Gastrokinetics are usually used for nausea and vomiting associated with impaired intestinal motility, increased tone of the esophageal sphincter, reflux of acidic gastric contents back into the esophagus, heartburn approaches.

  1. Analytical dopamine is not a receptor in the brain. It is used in combination with glycosides for toxicosis in pregnant women, frequent regurgitation in infants.
  2. Metoclopramide is prescribed after radiation therapy, with gastroesophageal reflux, repeated vomiting due to myocardial infarction, heart failure, gastric ulcer.
  3. Bromopride with an active substance in the composition has an antipyretic effect, eliminates hiccups and nausea. Well tolerated by children. Rarely, drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness may appear. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy. The drug for vomiting is sold in capsules, rectal suppositories.
  4. Perinorm is applicable in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders against the background of delayed gastric lesions. There may be side effects: heaviness in the abdomen, belching, heartburn, burning behind the breastbone.
  5. Motilium helps to normalize the muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate peristalsis, and quickly affects the structures of the central nervous system in the periphery. It is prescribed for children and pregnant women. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, prolonged fasting. Release form: tablets, ampoules, injection solutions.
  6. Raglan with the active substance metoclopramide reduces the onset of nausea by acting on oesophageal reflux. Available in tablets and ampoules for injection.
  7. Riabal with anticholinergic effects. It is indicated for children during lactation, gastroenteritis, fever or intracranial hypertension after radiation therapy. Side effects in the form of drowsiness, accommodation disturbances are possible.

Often, cytostatics are prescribed for intramuscular and intravenous administration for attacks of nausea against a background of migraine, liver and kidney diseases, traumatic brain injury, and also after chemoradiation therapy.

Side effects are common:

  • fatigue;
  • feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache.

Attention! Do not take antiemetics together with other antipsychotics and sedatives. This can, on the contrary, increase vomiting, enhance the work of the psychomotor function. Before using, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

What will help with vomiting after chemotherapy?

Usually doctors prescribe iron preparations (Tropisetron, Latran) with an effect on the serotonin receptors in the brain. This helps to eliminate the negative effects of radiation or chemotherapy.

The most effective antiemetic tablets for uncontrollable vomiting after chemotherapy are:

  1. Zofran as an additional treatment and elimination of side effects after a chemotherapy course.
  2. Granisetron for acting on serotonin receptors after taking cytostatics. Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance. Side effects in case of overdose are possible: dermatological rash on the body, headache, constipation.
  3. Ondansetron after a course of chemotherapy, but is contraindicated for use in dyskinesia of the abdominal muscles and internal bleeding, also after taking antipsychotics. Side effects such as depression, headache, dizziness, fatigue and drowsiness are possible.

Cancer treatment is not complete without the appearance of side effects in patients: nausea and vomiting. These are the very first and most common symptoms. An effective antiemetic agent will come to the rescue to maintain vitality and general well-being in patients during difficult treatment periods with chemotherapy. Often, doctors prescribe remedies for vomiting in the post-rehabilitation period in order to maintain a normal standard of living.

Often, the approaches of vomiting suffer from pregnant women in the 1st trimester, adolescents at the age of 13-1 5 years, the elderly with disorders in the vestibular apparatus. To avoid side effects, treatment with antiemetic drugs, as well as with basic medications, should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

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