Posterized forte. Posterisan forte: instructions for use Posterisan forte

Drywall 04.01.2021

Anti-hemorrhoidal drug.

Pricefrom 627 rub.

Anti-hemorrhoidal drug.

Application - hemorrhoids, anal itching and fissures.

Analogs - Proctosedil, Relief, Procto-Glivenol. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we will talk about Posterisan Forte ointment. What is the remedy, how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of ointment

Among the remedies for hemorrhoids is Posterisan forte (ointment). The instructions for use explain the features of use, describe the effect on the body, warn of possible side effects.

The ointment is intended for rectal and external use. The color ranges from yellow to brown, has a phenol odor.

Active ingredient and composition

The Posterisan Forte includes:

  • the active ingredients are E. coli bacteria preserved in hydroxybenzene (phenol) and the hormone hydrocortisone;
  • minor ingredients: hydroxybenzene, petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin.

Pharmacological properties

The tool has an effective effect on the body.

Medicinal properties:

  • reparative - restore natural blood circulation in the body, stimulate granulation and epithelization of wounds, normalize metabolic processes in tissues;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • preventive - counteracts the development of a secondary infection;
  • antipruritic;
  • forms the acquired immunity and strengthens the innate one.


Has not been studied.


The composition contains inactivated bacteria. Lipopolysaccharides of their cell walls and the results of metabolic processes cause resistance to pathogens at the site of application.

Active substances form the T-system of immunity, increasing the ability of leukocytes to absorb and recycle foreign cells.

Hydrocortisone is contained in a small amount of drugs and acts in combination with bacteria.

It has a positive effect: relieves inflammation and edema, improves the tone of blood vessels and capillaries, normalizes their permeability, soothes itching and burning, and helps to restore damaged tissues.

Hydrocortisone is absorbed from the surface of the whole skin worse, from mucous membranes and areas with open lesions - better.

Indications for use

Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the perianal region:

  • itching in the anus;
  • in the anus;
  • papillitis of the anal region and anus;
  • external and internal (in this case, Posterisan forte candles are preferable);
  • cracks in the anus;
  • postoperative period (rectal or perianal zone).


The ointment is prohibited if the patient is allergic to phenol. Do not use a remedy if there are lesions of the skin and mucous membranes in the area of \u200b\u200buse.

In some cases, the remedy is contraindicated regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bskin lesions - mycoses, dermatomycosis, inflammatory processes on the face (including dermatitis, rosacea).

Damage to the skin and mucous membranes can be of a different nature:

  • viral - chickenpox;
  • bacterial - gonorrhea;
  • fungal -, multi-colored, other mycoses;
  • physical and mechanical - wounds, abrasions, scratches.
The post-vaccination period is also an indication for the prohibition of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage

If the doctor has not prescribed the dosage, then the treatment is carried out according to the generally accepted scheme. Treatment in this case should not last longer than a week, regardless of the form of release. If after 3 days of treatment there are no results, you should contact the proctologist for a new appointment.

Standard scheme


At the beginning of treatment, it is used in the morning and in the evening, as well as after each bowel movement. A prerequisite is preliminary hygiene procedures. Liniment is applied to a clean, dry surface. In some cases, rectal application of the ointment is indicated. For this, a special applicator is included in the package.

After the symptoms disappear, the remedy is used for another 2-3 days, applying it once a day. Then it is recommended to switch to a medicinal product in the form of liniment without hormone content for another two weeks (especially when it comes to chronic dermatitis).


After the necessary toilet, a candle is inserted into the anus. The procedure is carried out three times a day - in the morning, in the evening and after bowel movement. The candle is inserted as deep as possible, it is advisable to spend some time lying down.

In childhood, pregnancy and hepatitis B

There is no unequivocal prohibition on use. However, the composition of the drug includes a glucocorticosteroid, which is capable of having a teratogenic effect on a developing child, delaying the growth and development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, Posterisan forte is usually prescribed in the form of an ointment, which does not have a pronounced systemic effect on the body. In any case, the appointment is made by the attending physician.

During breastfeeding, use should be abandoned or temporarily interrupted.

Posterisan forte is prescribed to children from birth, both in the form of an ointment and as candles. The main thing is to make sure that you are not allergic to phenol.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions are possible - itching, rash, redness.

Long-term use can cause side effects of hydrocortisone:

  • acne;
  • impairment of wound healing;
  • dermatoses;
  • suppression of adrenal function;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • the appearance of a secondary infection.

special instructions

Since the remedy exists in two variations, patients are interested in which is better - Posterisan or Posterisan forte.

Posterisan forte is an enhanced analogue of the classic drug. It contains more active bacteria and the hormone hydrocortisone. However, the best is the ointment prescribed by the doctor individually.

According to the results of the research, the doctor prescribes a remedy based on the benefit-harm ratio.

You cannot extend the course of treatment yourself.

Vaseline, which is the base of the ointment, reduces the elasticity of condoms.

Allergy symptoms cancel the use of drugs.


Exceeding the dose is unlikely. A glucocorticosteroid with prolonged use can lead to disruption of the adrenal glands.

In this regard, headache, increased intracranial pressure, changes in heart rate and increased blood pressure are likely.

There is no antidote, the drug is discontinued.

Drug interactions

Do not use concurrently with other drugs containing glucocorticosteroids, so as not to increase their effect on the body.

The analogs of Posterisan Forte include, first of all, Posterisan.

Similar hormonal agents:

  • Proctosedil;
  • Hepatothrombin G.
  • Katranol;
  • Shark oil;
  • Vitol;
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Procto-Glivenol;
  • Nigepan;
  • Anestezol.

All analogues of the drug are cheaper than Posterisan Forte.

The latter is distinguished by the almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. The effectiveness of the action is ensured by the small presence of hydrocortisone. A small amount of the hormone does not allow the negative properties of the glucocorticosteroid to manifest.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images

Composition and form of release

in aluminum tubes (with an applicator) of 25 g, complete with an applicator; in a box 1 tube.

in a blister 5 pcs .; 2 blisters in a box.

pharmachologic effect

Forms specific and stimulates non-specific immunity.


Combined preparation, which contains two active components - a bacterial culture suspension containing inactivated bacteria and their metabolic products, and hydrocortisone. Stimulates the T-system of immunity, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and cells of the reticuloendothelial system, increases the role of a number of humoral factors of nonspecific immunity (induces the formation of cytokines), enhances the formation of antibodies at the site of exposure. Concentrated lipopolysaccharides of cell walls and metabolites of Escherichia coli of various strains, incl. resistant to antibiotics and other antibacterial agents, lead to an increase in local tissue resistance to pathogenic microflora. Hydrocortisone (contained in a small dose) complements the effect of a bacterial culture suspension due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antipruritic action, which is manifested in a decrease in exudation, normalization of permeability and tone of blood vessels, reduction of edema, hyperemia, itching, stimulation of regeneration of damaged tissues.

Indications for Posterisan® forte

Hemorrhoids (mainly suppositories); dermatitis and eczema in the anal area (ointment); anal and genital itching; allergic skin lesions (ointment); anopapillitis, anal fissures, incl. painful (ointment), conditions after operations on the anorectal region (to stimulate wound healing). Recommended mainly in acute cases.


Hypersensitivity to phenol, specific lesions of the anogenital region (including tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoses, viral diseases).

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Use with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

Rarely - allergic reactions (associated with the use of phenol as a preservative). With long-term use in high doses, the development of systemic effects characteristic of GCS cannot be excluded.

Method of administration and dosage

Outwardly, rectally. Apply in a thin layer to the affected area in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement. A screw-on applicator can be used to inject the ointment deeper into the anal canal. Rectal suppositories in the acute period of the disease are used in 2-3 pieces. per day. After the elimination of the subjective symptoms of the disease, the affected area is continued to be lubricated once a day or 1 supp is injected. Once a day for several days. If the drug is used for the treatment of chronic dermatitis, then after the disappearance of skin manifestations, it is recommended to extend the therapy for another 1–2 weeks. The combined use of ointments and suppositories is possible. After the completion of the course of treatment, to consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to use the drug (ointment or suppositories), which does not contain hydrocortisone, for another 2-3 weeks.

Posterisan Forte is a drug that is widely used in proctology. It is used as an effective anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating agent. Provides local action for the treatment of various diseases of the rectum.


The composition of Posterisan Forte includes the following components:

  • The main ones are inactivated suspension of E. Coli microbial clients. Each gram of ointment contains 500 million cells. Among the main components is also hydrocortisone;
  • Additional - petroleum jelly, lanolin, phenol. The last component is used as a safe preservative for health, which can significantly extend the life of the composition.

The structure is uniform, the color is slightly yellowish or light brown.

Release form

Candles and Posterisan Forte ointment are presented in pharmacies. The ointment is presented in tubes, volume - 25 g. For deeper administration of the composition for external use, a special nozzle-applicator is proposed.

We offer Posterisan Forte candles in blisters of 5 pieces each.

The cost

The price of Posterisan Forte varies between 180-200 rubles. for a unit.


Instructions for use Posterisan Forte is required to study. She recommends using the drug to treat:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anopapillite,
  • Anal itching
  • Perianal dermatitis
  • Cracks in the mucous membrane, etc.

The possibility of use should be determined not only by the instructions for Posterisan Forte, but also by the attending doctor. He assesses all the risks and contraindications, as well as the patient's condition, the severity of the disease, only after that makes a decision on the appointment.


Among the contraindications to Posterisan Forte are several cases:

  1. Fungal infection that has spread to the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus;
  2. Bacterial infections;
  3. Personal intolerance to basic or auxiliary substances.


The affordable price for Pasteurisan Forte allows it to be included in the number of drugs used for therapy. You can use both candles and ointment (after removing the protective shell). With direct contact of the main active substance and the intestinal walls, a nonspecific reaction will be caused - a nonspecific immune response.

The instruction for the Posterisan Forte candles, as well as for the ointment, allows you to get acquainted with the indications and contraindications. The therapeutic effect is explained by such properties:

  • Increasing the ability to detect and inhibit the growth, development of pathogenic organisms;
  • Stimulation of the corresponding immune response by the inactivated bacteria included in the composition;
  • Normalization of cell permeability;
  • Stimulation of the production of antibodies and cytokines that can destroy disease-causing organisms;
  • Stimulating the process of repairing damaged cells, etc.

Hydrocortisone, the second most important element of the drug, is used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.


Numerous reviews of Posterisan Forte confirm the beneficial effect of the drug on the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to use the product only after visiting a doctor. The doctor adheres to the instructions for Posterisan Form (candles and ointments) when prescribing treatment, recommending:

  1. Carry out a course of treatment - up to three weeks;
  2. Use the drug 2 times a day;
  3. Apply the product after each bowel movement, after cleaning the application site;
  4. Use the product in combination with other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

For the introduction of the ointment, special applicators are proposed, which can be simply screwed onto the tube.

Instructions for use

Description of the drug

Posterisan Forte is an effective drug intended for local use in proctology. The main reason for the appearance of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood from the rectum. Diarrhea, constipation or pregnancy can provoke swelling and stretching of the vascular walls. Hemorrhoids form outside or inside the rectum. The disease can be determined by symptoms such as burning, itching, painful sensations. Fecal matter also often contains mucus or blood. The average price for Posterisan Forte in the form of suppositories is 383 rubles. Reviews for Posterisan Forte indicate a quick treatment result. To determine the violation, several methods are used - full-time examination, study of the patient's history, palpation. By the decision of a specialist, a study of the lower ampullar part of the rectum and anal canal using an anoscope or a visual examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum and distal parts of the sigmoid colon with a sigmoidoscope may be prescribed. Treatment tactics depend on the patient's condition, as well as the stage of the disease. At an early stage, patients are usually prescribed drugs that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic effects, including suppositories or Posterisan Forte ointment. There are also other equally effective treatment tactics aimed at normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing venous tone, and relieving pain. In the acute phase, doctors recommend using a complex therapy that has a thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Before using any type of drug, you must consult a proctologist. As a preventive measure, experts recommend adhering to simple rules of healthy eating, excluding alcoholic beverages from the diet, increasing physical activity, and being examined by a proctologist in a timely manner.

Release form, composition and packaging

There are two forms of Posterisan Forte release. The ointment contains Escherichia coli cells killed by hydroxybenzene. Also, a biologically active glucocorticoid hormone of steroid nature is used as an active component. The list of additional ingredients included animal wax (lanolin), yellow petrolatum or paraffin, and an organic compound called phenol. The drug is placed in convenient tubes with an applicator made of aluminum. Rectal suppositories contain similar active ingredients - microbial cells of gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria, hydrocortisonum. As part of Posterisan Forte, the following auxiliary substances are present - solid fat, Cremophor EL, acetylcysteinum, preservative. The package includes two blisters of five suppositories each.

pharmachologic effect

Posterisan Forte has a complex effect - it eliminates itching, relieves allergic reactions, inflammation, restores damaged areas, stimulates the body's nonspecific resistance and immunity. The two active components in the preparation have the following effect: stimulate the protective function; promote the formation of cytokines; enhance the formation of antibodies directly at the site of exposure. The resistance of Escherichia coli metabolites to the action of antibacterial agents increases the local resistance of tissues to pathogenic microorganisms. A small amount of hydrocortisone enhances the effectiveness of treatment with its combined action aimed at eliminating an allergic reaction, inflammation, itching, which leads to a decrease in the amount of fluid released in the tissue or body cavity from small blood vessels during inflammation. Clinical experiments have also confirmed the concomitant elimination of puffiness, redness, itching. The hormonal component stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues. You can buy Posterisan Forte ointment without a prescription. The availability of the drug is indicated on the website of the representative offices; the corresponding information is also provided by the pharmacy staff.


Posterisan Forte in the form of an ointment is prescribed to patients who have reached the age of majority, according to the following indications: stage of hemorrhoids with persistent bleeding; inflammation of the skin around the anus, manifested by redness, swelling, soreness; itching of the anus, in the absence of a reaction to the action of other medications; papillitis of the anus; fissure of the rectum. Suppositories are used to treat patients with similar conditions except for perianal dermatitis.


Like its analogues, Posterisan Forte ointment is intended for local and rectal use. The manufacturer recommends that you wash your hands before the procedure and thoroughly clean the area for subsequent processing. For best results, apply the ointment after natural bowel cleansing. A thin layer of medication must be rubbed into the affected area - the skin or mucous membrane. For rectal use, Posterisan Forte ointment is more convenient to apply with an applicator. The duration of the course of treatment, as well as the optimal scheme, is determined by the doctor in each case individually. In acute form, patients are usually recommended to apply medications in the morning and evening. The maximum period for using the medication is one week. If there is no response to treatment within the first five days, a second diagnosis should be carried out and changes should be made to the previously prescribed scheme. Suppositories must be inserted into the rectum after completing all the cleansing procedures listed in the previous method. For acute disorders, patients are advised to use the drug twice a day. The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, can be adjusted by a specialist depending on the current state of the body and the phase of the disease.

Side effects

The results of clinical studies and reviews of Posterisan Forte ointment, as well as suppositories, indicate the easy tolerance of the drug by patients. With hypersensitivity to one of the active ingredients, eczema, hives or itching may occur. There are known cases of the development of local irritation and redness of the skin as a result of exposure to the preservative that is part of the medication. Prolonged use of suppositories and Posterisan Forte ointment can cause the following reactions: secondary infection; dermatitis; chronic recurrent inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin; delayed healing of wounds and cracks; atrophic changes in the mucous membrane. The instructions for use for Posterisan Forte indicate that the hormonal component, with prolonged local exposure, also often causes: adreno-cortical suppression; the formation of stretch marks or acne; expansion of small vessels of the skin.


Application for children

Posterisan forte is not used in pediatrics.

special instructions

As in the case of analogues, Posterisan Forte is used until the pronounced signs of the disease disappear, but no more than five to seven days. With a fungal infection in the complex, it is necessary to use a drug with a local antifungal property. Posterisan forte in the form of an ointment can reduce the strength of condoms. Solid fat of animal origin often provokes the development of a local skin reaction. You can buy Posterisan Forte in a network of pharmacies or at the official website.


There is no officially registered information about the excessive use of the drug. Prolonged uncontrolled use of Posterisan forte can reduce the activity of the adrenal glands, followed by a malfunction of the water-salt balance, disruption of normal heart rate and blood pressure indicators, increased intracranial pressure, and the development of hypercorticism syndrome. Since there is no specific antidote, if one of the above reactions occurs, patients are advised to stop treatment. If the medication is swallowed in the form of an ointment or suppository, disturbances in the normal functioning of the digestive tract may occur, including diarrhea, urge to vomit, epigastric pain. In Moscow, Posterisan Forte can be purchased with home delivery.

Drug interactions

Experts do not recommend using Posterisan forte in combination with other medicines, which include GCS. This combination often increases systemic adverse reactions. When used simultaneously with other rectal agents, it should be kept for at least an hour.

Storage conditions and periods

Posterisan forte retains its pharmacological properties at air temperatures ranging from five to twenty-five degrees. Keep the medicine in its original packaging. The shelf life of rectal suppositories and ointments is 36 months. The price of Posterisan Forte ointment is about 508 rubles.

Posterisan Forte is a drug that is widely used in proctology. It is used as an effective anti-inflammatory, regenerating and immunostimulating agent. Provides local action for the treatment of various diseases of the rectum.

The composition of Posterisan Forte includes the following components:

  • The main ones are inactivated suspension of E. Coli microbial clients. Each gram of ointment contains 500 million cells. Among the main components is also hydrocortisone;
  • Additional - petroleum jelly, lanolin, phenol. The last component is used as a safe preservative for health, which can significantly extend the life of the composition.

The structure is uniform, the color is slightly yellowish or light brown.

Release form

Candles and Posterisan Forte ointment are presented in pharmacies. The ointment is presented in tubes, volume - 25 g. For deeper administration of the composition for external use, a special nozzle-applicator is proposed.

Candles are offered in the form of an elongated drop, it is quite easy to insert, since they have a small size, a white smooth surface. In addition to the main components, suppositories also contain auxiliary ones (alpha-tocopherol and phenol, disodium edetate and solid fat, microglycerol hydroxystearate).

We offer Posterisan Forte candles in blisters of 5 pieces each.

The cost

The price of Posterisan Forte varies between 180-200 rubles. for a unit.


Instructions for use Posterisan Forte is required to study. She recommends using the drug to treat:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anopapillite,
  • Anal itching
  • Perianal dermatitis
  • Cracks in the mucous membrane, etc.

The possibility of use should be determined not only by the instructions for Posterisan Forte, but also by the attending doctor. He assesses all the risks and contraindications, as well as the patient's condition, the severity of the disease, only after that makes a decision on the appointment.


Among the contraindications to Posterisan Forte are several cases:

  1. Fungal infection that has spread to the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus;
  2. Bacterial infections;
  3. Personal intolerance to basic or auxiliary substances.

Instructions for the use of Posterisan Forte ointment invites you to familiarize yourself with contraindications, side effects. Use the tool only after reading the annotation.


The affordable price for Pasteurisan Forte allows it to be included in the number of drugs used for therapy. You can use both candles and ointment (after removing the protective shell). With direct contact of the main active substance and the intestinal walls, a nonspecific reaction will be caused - a nonspecific immune response.

This is what provides the best protection of the body from the negative effects of pathogenic flora. The body receives natural protection and the ability to fight against pathogenic bacteria, fungus, viruses.

The instruction for the Posterisan Forte candles, as well as for the ointment, allows you to get acquainted with the indications and contraindications. The therapeutic effect is explained by such properties:

  • Increasing the ability to detect and inhibit the growth, development of pathogenic organisms;
  • Stimulation of the corresponding immune response by the inactivated bacteria included in the composition;
  • Normalization of cell permeability;
  • Stimulation of the production of antibodies and cytokines that can destroy disease-causing organisms;
  • Stimulating the process of repairing damaged cells, etc.

Hydrocortisone, the second most important element of the drug, is used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

After using suppositories and ointments in the affected area, pain and itching are reduced.


Numerous reviews of Posterisan Forte confirm the beneficial effect of the drug on the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to use the product only after visiting a doctor. The doctor adheres to the instructions for Posterisan Form (candles and ointments) when prescribing treatment, recommending:

  1. Carry out a course of treatment - up to three weeks;
  2. Use the drug 2 times a day;
  3. Apply the product after each bowel movement, after cleaning the application site;
  4. Use the product in combination with other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

For the introduction of the ointment, special applicators are proposed, which can be simply screwed onto the tube.

The active component of the drug is the corpuscular components and metabolic products of Escherichia coli and hydrocortisone.

1 g of ointment contains 166.7 mg of an aqueous suspension of 500 million E. coli (corpuscular components and metabolic products) and 3.3 mg of liquid phenol (corresponding to 3.0 mg of pure phenol) as a preservative and 2.5 mg hydrocortisone.

Excipients: lanolin, petroleum jelly.


Homogeneous ointment from yellowish to slightly beige color with a characteristic smell of phenol.

Pharmaco-therapy group

Antihemorrhoidal drugs for topical use, combination

ATX code С05АХ03.

Pharmacological properties

The drug stimulates the processes of local immunity due to antigenic action, causing both nonspecific and specific immune responses. It accelerates and improves wound healing, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents reinfection and superinfection.

Indications for use

Topical treatment of symptoms of hemorrhoids, eczema and anal fissures.

Method of applicationdosing and dosing

Before use, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures in the anal area.

For adults, the ointment is applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the morning and evening, preferably after a bowel movement, rubbing gently with a finger. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease.

Usually, the use period is 5-7 days

Side effect

In some cases, patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the "Posterisan Forte" ointment may experience allergic skin reactions.

Phenol, used as a preservative, can cause local skin irritation.

With prolonged use of the drug in high doses, the following dermatological reactions are possible: dermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis, delayed healing of wounds and cracks, the development of secondary infection, mucosal atrophy, adrenocortical suppression. May cause skin atrophy, steroid acne, dilated capillaries (telangiectasia), and stretch marks on the skin.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any component of the drug.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Glucocorticosteroids cross the placenta. Until now, there are no clear data on the development of teratogenic effects in humans, similar to those observed in experiments on animals. With the systemic use of large doses of corticosteroids, the effect on the fetus or newborn (growth retardation in the uterus, adrenocortical suppression) has been reported.

Although there is little information regarding the use of corticosteroids as an ointment during pregnancy, given their limited systemic absorption, it is possible to use mild to moderate corticosteroids (Class 1 and Class 2), such as hydrocortisone, for short periods of time and on limited skin ... The above effects cannot be excluded with prolonged use or application to large areas of the skin. This can only be done with special indications.

During breastfeeding, it can be used only with short-term treatment and application to small areas. For long-term treatment or application to large areas of affected skin, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Interaction with other medicinal products

With the simultaneous use of "Posterisan Forte" ointment with other drugs containing corticosteroids (in the form of tablets, drops or solutions for injection), it is possible to increase the therapeutic and side effects of glucocorticosteroids.


No cases of overdose or intoxication have been reported. Overdose causes suppression of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.

In case of accidental oral use of the ointment (for example, by children), this can lead to upset of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea).

Hemorrhoids are treated with conservative methods; only in the advanced stage of pathology, patients are offered surgical assistance. One of the prescribed drugs is Posterisan. Before using the suppositories, you should read the manual attached to the medication. The tool is available in two forms: Posterisan candles instructions for use describe in detail all the advantages and positive aspects of using a suppository for hemorrhoids.

Posterizan candle ointment instructions for use describe the composition, contraindications, features of the use of drugs, the recommended dosage, the use of the medicine for patients when carrying a child, breastfeeding and other useful information.


Composition and release form of the drug

About the drug

The drug Posterisan, produced in the form of suppositories and ointments, has different constituent components, or rather their quantity. For example, the Candle-shaped Posterisan Forte contains 660,000,000 E.coli cell compounds along with phenol, solid amulsifying fat, hydrosteorate, glycerin. The drug compound in the candles does not have the exact number of inactivated microbial cells, the data are given in an approximate ratio (the difference ranges from 25 percent).

Posterisan forte is an ointment that also contains inactivated microbial cells. One gram of ointment contains 330,000,000 E.coli cell compounds with phenol and auxiliary components in the form of petroleum jelly, lanolin and paraffin.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Doctor proctologist

The constituent components in ointment and suppository form in the form of inactivated microbes in suspension with metabolic products have a positive effect on the immune system. Active substances of the drug Posterisan for hemorrhoids increase the activity of leukocytes and reticuloendothelial cells (RES).

The drug has a distinctive ability to stimulate nonspecific immunity using humoral factors. The drug is prescribed by proctologists for the treatment of pathological processes in the anorectal zone. After the interaction of the rectum with the metabolites of Escherichia coli and antigens of the mucous tissues, the resistance of the local mucosa increases in relation to the unfavorable conditions of the pathogenic flora.

After using the drug, patients note a decrease in inflammation processes with vascular exudation, an increase in tone with restoration of permeability. Posterisan also improves regenerative properties in the mucous tissues of the rectal organ injured by anorectal pathology.

Indications for use

Hemorrhoid ointment is Posterisan. The medication is recommended for use in patients with the following pathological courses:

Discomfort in the anus
  1. Prolonged disease with the formation of internal and external cones that are difficult to treat with other medications.
  2. With perianal dermatitis - inflammation of the skin, which has arisen under the influence of various factors.
  3. To eliminate anal itching that does not go away after using other medicinal formulations.
  4. In inflammatory hypertrophy (anopapillitis) - papillary growth on the mucous tissues of the rectal organ.
  5. To eliminate cracks and wounds on the tissues of the rectum.

Contraindications for use

be careful

Ointment candles Posterisan forte, in addition to indications, have a number of contraindications. For example, from the contraindications, an allergic reaction of the body to phenol was noted, and the prohibition also applies to patients with skin lesions in the place where it is necessary to use the ointment.

Contraindications also include allergic reactions that do not extend to the anorectal region. For example, mycosis, dermatomycosis, inflammation of the epidermis of the face, dermatitis, rosacea.

Skin and mucous membranes can be damaged of various nature:

  • viral - the effects of herpes, chickenpox;
  • bacterial - manifestations of syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea;
  • fungal - against the background of candidiasis, multi-colored lichen, various mycoses;
  • physical and mechanical - due to wounds, abrasions, scratches.

In the period after the vaccination injection, it is also forbidden to use the Pasteurisan Forte candle ointment.

Dosage and method of administration

When there was no individual medical prescription, candles from the formed hemorrhoids Posterisan are used according to the standard scheme. The duration of therapy is calculated for 7 days, despite the form of release of the drug. In the absence of a positive therapeutic result after three days of using the drug, the patient should consult with the attending proctologist. It may be necessary to adjust the treatment regimen.

According to the standard scheme, the ointment composition is applied in the morning and evening and after each emptying. Before applying the medicinal composition, mandatory hygienic measures are recommended. Liniment is applied to the cleansed and dry surface of the skin of the anal canal. In some embodiments, rectal ointment is administered. The ointment is injected through a special applicator.

When disturbing symptoms disappear, the composition is applied for another 3 days in a single application per day. After a seven-day course, the proctologist prescribes another medicinal composition without a hormonal component for use over the next 14 days. Basically, such a course of therapy is designed for diagnosing chronic dermatitis pathology.

Suppositories Posterisan are intended for rectal administration with three use in 24 hours, one suppository each. Suppositories are kept on the empty intestines after a hygienic procedure. Suppositories are administered in a supine position; after the session, the patient must lie on his side for 40 minutes.

For pediatric patients, women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, the use of Posterisan is not prohibited, but its use is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. This is due to the glucocorticosteroid composition, which has a teratogenic effect on children and the formation of the fetus. When breastfeeding, doctors do not advise using the composition in the form of suppositories or ointments, if there is still a need to use Posterisan in the treatment of hemorrhoids, feeding is interrupted for a while. For children, the drug is often allowed to be prescribed from the first day of life, if the baby, of course, does not have an allergic manifestation to phenol.

During pregnancy

Posterisan during pregnancy is prescribed according to medical indications. There are no confirmed data on the penetration of hydrocortisone through the placenta or breast milk. However, the medicine is used under strict medical supervision, taking into account the condition of the mother and the course of pregnancy. Self-sustaining therapy is prohibited.

Side effects

Say no to hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoidal disease, Posterisan Forte suppositories are often prescribed, the attached instructions for use indicate the undesirable manifestations after using the drug.

Based on patient reviews, the remedy is well tolerated even for a long time using the drug for medicinal purposes. However, the drug contains phenol in its composition, and if the patient has a negative reaction to this component associated with personal intolerance, then the manifestation of undesirable phenomena in the form of:

  • burning sensation;
  • itchy symptoms;
  • hyperemia of the mucous tissue of the anus.

In practice, adverse events are not dangerous and do not require additional treatment (they disappear on their own).

special instructions

Doctor's recommendations

In order for therapeutic therapy to give positive results, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination, diagnosis and consultation before selecting the dosage form of Posterisan. Based on the degree of hemorrhoidal pathology, personal characteristics of the body, gender and age of the patient, the doctor selects an effective treatment regimen.

When prescribing the medicinal composition Posterisan forte in the form of an ointment / suppository, the agent should be used based on the recommendations specified in the manual attached to the drug.

Especially doctors insist to take into account the special instructions for the use of the product, namely:

Profile specialist
  • if the drug is used in combination with other medicinal formulations that contain a glucocorticoseroid component, an increase in the effectiveness of the active substance may occur, which negatively affects the body;
  • an auxiliary component of Posterisan is phenol, which can provoke skin irritation or cause an allergic reaction on the mucous tissues of the rectum at the site of application of the ointment;
  • there are no confirmed data of Posterizan forte on intrauterine development of the fetus during the period of gestation, only non-affirmative information is available. Doctors are also not sure about the negative effect of the medication on the baby if a nursing woman uses an ointment composition for treatment. There is no data on the penetration of active ingredients into breast milk;

Suppositories and Pasteurisan Forte ointment are sold without a prescription in the network of pharmacies, but this does not mean that the medicine can be used by everyone without the permission of the doctor. Any treatment regimen must be approved by the attending proctologist, especially if a pregnant or lactating woman needs treatment. Each organism has its own characteristics, all the more so for the perception of drug formulations, even if they are not considered dangerous. Anything that will benefit one person's treatment may negatively affect the health of another patient.


Based on patient reviews, no cases of drug overdose have been identified, so an overdose is unlikely. However, when using Posterisan forte in a long-term treatment regimen for hemorrhoids, the adrenal glands may malfunction, this is explained by the glucocorticosteroid component that is part of the medication.

Headaches with increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and increased intracranial pressure may occur. If such negative changes in the general condition of a person take place, the drug Posterisan forte is discontinued.

Candle analogs Posterizan

Active agent

Similar drugs Posterisan Forte include drugs with a similar effect, since no drug has an identical structure of the drug, therefore, doctors note one analogue of the drug Posterisan forte - this is Posterisan, other drugs are close in therapeutic effect.

An analogue of antihemorrhoidal ointment Posterisan forte Posterisan differs in its chemical components. The additional word forte to the name of the drug means that this medicine contains more active substances than just Posterisan. Another difference is that Posterisan Fort contains hydrocortisone.

Posterisan forte other analogues with hormonal components:

  1. Proctosed.
  2. Aurobin.
  3. Hepatrombin g.

Similar medications with shark liver oil in the composition:

  1. Hemorrhoids.
  2. Shark liver oil.
  3. Relief.
  4. Vitol.
  5. Katranol.

Other effective drugs with antihemorrhoidal efficacy:

  1. Nigepan.
  2. Proctoglivenol.
  3. Anestezol.
  4. Proctosan.
  5. Proctosed.

The main difference between Posterisan forte and its counterparts is the price. Similar drugs with similar effects are more affordable (cheaper). However, the overestimated cost of Posterisan forte is justified by the absence of undesirable phenomena and contraindications. This is due to the fact that a small amount of such an active substance as hydrocortisone is noted in Posterisan Forte. Due to the moderate amount of the hormone, patients have no negative consequences against the background of glucocorticosteroid activity.

Proctologists warn that with the use of a long-term treatment regimen, the body develops addiction, which reduces the effect of Posterisan Forte. If any adverse reactions or lack of a therapeutic effect appear, it is necessary to stop using the drug and seek medical advice. It may be necessary to adjust the treatment regimen for hemorrhoids.

Posterisan is forbidden to be used for oncological processes on the skin. All appointments, dosage, regimen and duration of therapy are recommended by a narrow-profile specialist (proctologist). The doctor prescribes therapy based on the patient's condition, disturbing symptoms, the severity of the pathology and the personal characteristics of the patient's body.

Storage conditions and periods

Correct storage

Before using the antihemorrhoidal composition Posterisan forte or Posterisan in any form of release, you should make sure that the medicine is expiration date, its storage conditions, and the integrity of the package.

The medication should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees, in a place protected from children, without the penetration of light. The ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three years. Suppositories have a shorter shelf life - 2 years. The products are not allowed to be put in the freezer. Before using for medicinal purposes, it is required to verify the release date with the final sale date, an expired drug is prohibited to use.

Any hormonal agent can not be used on its own, appointments should be made by the attending proctologist after examination and diagnostic measures of the patient. During the course of medical manipulations, it is recommended to regularly see a doctor in order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment regimen. If necessary, the doctor can change or adjust the dosage and the therapy regimen itself.

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